#OC: Shasi
rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi
Darth Viridana; Viri. Canon Sith Warrior; Commander of the Eternal Alliance; Empire's Wrath (former)
Age: 40 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Heavily favors women; demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries
Viri has her own page because it’s all about her here. Major supporting team: 
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Suvia Kallig
Canon Sith Inquisitor. Darth Nox. Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore and Archives Director, Eternal Alliance
Age: 34 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Jaesa Willsaam Western Zodiac would be: Leo
During the Eternal Empire’s assault on Darth Marr’s coalition, Darth Nox was captured and thrown into carbonite. She was found and thawed seven years later by Viri and her Alliance. She now works for the Eternal Alliance as the Director of Force Lore and Artifacts.
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Taran Walrez
Canon bounty hunter. Great Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians)
Age: 44 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries
After her work with Darth Tormen, Taran continued working as a bounty hunter, renowned for her talent and skill. While mentoring a contestant in the Great Hunt, she and her wife, Lucinda, rescued Lana Beniko and HK-55 from an untimely demise on Altair 3. After repairing Lana’s hand, they directed her to the shadow port of Asylum. Taran has continued to be a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance. She recently retired from hunting and now lives on Odessen with her wife, who is a surgeon in the Alliance hospital. Supporting: 
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Jenari Ashaa
Canon Jedi Consular. Former Barsen'thor; ex-Jedi; member of the Eternal Alliance; First Assistant, Department of Force Lore and Artifacts
Age: 37 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Nadia Grell (after Ossus) Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius
Jenari’s parents gave her a name that meant “Sith Victory” in Sith because they were very upset about having to turn her over to the Jedi. Jenari left the Jedi Order after the class story. She eventually ended up in Somminick Timmns’ sanctuary for Force users on  Nar Shaddaa and then in the Eternal Alliance, where she works with Force artifacts and lore, expanding her knowledge and working tirelessly for peace and common ground.
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Ikina Marks-Zavros
Expert slicer Height: 5'9" Age: 35 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Ashara Zavros Daughter: Tomi Western Zodiac would be: Virgo
Ikina is not in the class stories. She left her home planet when the Eternal Empire attacked, eventually finding sanctuary on Nar Shaddaa. Her talents as a slicer and information broker brought her to the attention of Ashara Zavros, who hired her to help search for the missing Darth Nox. Though their search was unsuccessful, Ikina and Ashara fell in love and married. They settled on Voss, where they run a tea house in the alien enclave of Voss-Ka.
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Keilla Gray
Canon Trooper. Former CO of Havoc Squad; Director, Tion Security Force
Height: 6'0" Age: 45 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aries
After coordinating the evacuation of Makeb and encountering Eclipse Squad, Keilla left Havoc Squad and defected to the Tion Hegemony. She never returns to fight for the Republic, Empire or Alliance. Keilla is dedicated to keeping people safe in her new role in the Tion Security Force, but she is determined never to return to combat. Her main focus on Tion is coordinating T.H.O.R.N. and Alliance volunteers to counter the outbreaks of rakghoul plague still occurring throughout the Hegemony. 
Lucinda Walrez
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Chief Surgeon, Alliance Medcenter
Age: 46 as of 3629 BBY
Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Taran Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Taurus
Lucinda is a gifted microsurgeon trained on Corellia. Her sister, Judah, works as an accountant in the Hutt Nem’ro’s palace on Hutta. Lucinda, however, avoided any contact with the underworld until Judah introduced her to a champion bounty hunter, Taran. Lucinda and Taran hit it off, and Lucinda eventually began traveling with Taran as part of her bounty  hunting crew, tending to her team’s injuries. Taran and Lucinda later married. During the Eternal Empire’s reign over the galaxy, Lucinda was responsible for treating a badly injured Lana Beniko and saving her hand in microsurgery. She and Taran continued to work with the Alliance from a distance for years, until Taran was hired for a bounty hunting contract by the Alliance Commander. Lucinda and Taran decided to join the Alliance full-time when Taran retired from bounty hunting. They now live on Odessen, where Lucinda is the chief surgeon in the Alliance’s Medcenter. 
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Rorjhana (Ror)
Canon Jedi Knight. Hero of Tython; ex-Jedi Knight; member of the Eternal Alliance Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'8" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: @vespertine-legacy​ ’s Zuvi Western Zodiac would be: Leo
Disillusioned, angry and disgusted with the Republic and Jedi Order, Ror unsteadily tried to fulfill her role as the "Hero of Tython" while steadily slipping away from the Order. It was only through the efforts of Satele Shan and the Barsen'thor that Ror was kept out of a prison cell on Belsavis for her proclivity for the Dark Side. Ror disappeared into Wild Space after her victory against Vitiate, and only surfaced years later, when Somminick Timmns recruited her into his Force enclave. She joined the Eternal Alliance along with Timmns and his other students, and finally feels at home. She has no plans to leave.
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia)
Darth Imperius. Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance
Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
Jia was working as a lightsaber trainer on Korriban when the Eternal Empire attacked. She and Darth Hexid helped each other survive the assault. She went on to join the Eternal Alliance, where she and Hexid work as saber and combat instructors. Jia’s entire large family was wiped out by the Eternal Empire, which has led to her having a deep hatred for Zakuul. She is an excellent teacher and also is very persuasive when negotiating.
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Shatsokun Ashaa (Shasi)
Sith Inquisitor, Darth Occlus, member, Eternal Alliance Age: 33 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Virgo
Shasi is the younger sister of Jenari Ashaa. After Jenari’s parents were forced to give her to the Jedi, they were upset enough to leave Republic space. They settled on Nar Shaddaa, and when Shasi was born, they gave her a Sith name that meant “Passion Victory” (they didn’t speak Sith!). When she was found to be Force sensitive they ensured she went to Sith training and not the Jedi. Shasi did not meet her sister until she joined the Eternal Alliance after Nathema. Other Fun Characters Out in the Galaxy
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Amedria Bjornus
Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance
Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius
Amedria is a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance’s underworld network.
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Canon smuggler. Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Age: 41 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: Risha Drayen Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
Marlena is a valued ally in the Eternal Alliance’s underworld network.
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Auyrini  Mercenary and smuggler Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6′1″  Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius Auyrini is a smuggler and mercenary working in Wild Space. She is a valued ally in the Eternal Alliance’s network. 
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Brynn (alias)
Canon Imperial Agent; Cipher Nine
Little is known about the agent known as Cipher Nine. Her existence is an urban legend; there are no records about her in either Sith Intelligence or the SIS’s files. If her name is typed into any computer database, it instantly disappears. Those who worked at Imperial Intelligence insist that Cipher Nine was a real person who vanished without a trace after defeating the Star Cabal, but there is no way to know for certain.
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vespertine-legacy · 4 years
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Tonight’s swtor adventures:
Zuvi and Ror had some fun Uprising dates. @rainofaugustsith and I did five uprisings (Done & Dusted, Inferno, Trench Runner, Divided We Fall, and Firefrost), and we died zero times! I’m so proud of us! Zuvi and Ror did both walk into the lava in Firefrost... more than once...  but that’s beside the point. Now Trial & Error is the only uprising I haven’t done.
Mahzarin got to meet up with Rain’s Shasi to run heroics on Korriban and start some adventures on Balmorra. I really need to play Mahzarin more, because she is still a squishy weak baby, and I also need to figure out how I’m going to handle the mechanics of her, since I’m not going to use any of her Force powers (at least not in solo play; if I ever group up with people who aren’t Rain and willing to suffer for the realism of my character, people will get very mad at me if I’m like, “yeaaaaah, about that, I can’t push or interrupt or do any attacks that couldn’t be explained by cybernetics or other feats of engineering :D” so I may have to use her full range of abilities in those circumstances). I was worried that Mahzarin would die during Balmorra heroics because she was hilariously under-leveled, and her influence with Vette is still ridiculously low, but even with me limiting her to physical moves, she held her own (and didn’t die!). We started the planetary quests together, which will be a fun way to get Mahzarin leveled up a bit (even though I haven’t even done any of Dromund Kaas on her yet), and Vette disapproves of these two edgelords, but I think that Khem is a fan of Mahzarin.
And Ember is starting through Shadow of Revan. The Rishi side quest for the Jedi Knight had no business hurting my heart like that. It wasn’t anywhere near as painful for me as the Imperial Agent, but it still hurt me. I backed out of the final conversation so many times trying to decide which choice was more natural, and I still don’t know if I made the right one.
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starcunning · 6 years
things i want roleplay partners to know // starcunning
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I like to be called: Star.
My favorite colors are: Blue and violet.
Gender: [this space intentionally left blank.]
Things you should know about me:
I am in my thirties and have been roleplaying for almost twenty years.
That statement is not to intimidate, just to give context when I say: I have seen some shit.
I generally do not have the time or energy to do extended, open-ended roleplaying sessions. For this and many other reasons, I prefer Discord/gdocs/another time-agnostic format for roleplay.
I make a lot of alts. Or I should say I devise a lot of alts. Very few of them get rolled. For some reason this puts some people off, but I also have many characters that I’ve been playing for a decade!
For long-term RP, I require open OOC communication. We need to be on the same page about where the story is going. I don’t believe in withholding OOC information about shocking twists in order to engender a “more genuine reaction.” Feel free to pitch that stuff to me OOC! I’ll probably show you where to stick the knife in! But do not drop it on me IC, because my genuine reaction will be to drop you.
Things you should know about my muse: 
X’shasi Kilntreader is the Warrior of Light (non-legacy). Most content is canon to her storyline (except job quests; IC she holds both a RDM and DRK job stone).
She is not the only Warrior of Light in her continuity. Several of my friends play her Echo-blessed companions and combat partners!
Since 4.3 she is in a pretty bad state.
I can’t wait for 5.0 to heap more over her head.
In 2018 I wrote (the first drafts of) two separate novellas about her. You can read them, if you want. Don’t feel obligated.
I have just like so many alts, dude. I don’t have a character page right now, but trust me.
First language: English
Second language: really rusty French. Please do not speak French to me and expect a timely response. (I definitely cannot roleplay in French.)
HIGHLIGHT: Active RP Blogs
More to come. (Fray and Maxima are pretty much ready for primetime; Urianger and Ri’vhekna ... are not.)
Age range: under 13  |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ |  70+
Am I okay with NSFW?: yes | no | some nsfw
My favorite/most common thing to rp is: angst | fluff | smut (Within a plot or reason) | crack | action | plots | darker themes 
OC friendly?: yes | no | depends
RP blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc | aesthetic
tagged by: nobody; I stole this bad boy like a rebel.
tagging: @azshara​ (i’m gonna make you make good on that resolution, friendo); @twelveswood
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hobbitofgallifrey · 6 years
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An OC orc warrior. She’s called Shasi and she lost her eye and nose in battle, and gained a scar across her other eye in another. She also likes to dye colourful streaks in her hair because it makes her look even more badass.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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This is the Sith Inquisitor quest on Hoth where it’s discovered that the artifacts are from Yavin 4 and the ghosts/Force energy were so livid that they brought the ship down. There was also that quest on Yavin 4 in SoR where, if you’re a Republic character, someone from the Reclamation Service tells you “I’m glad not everyone from the Republic wants to see our history purged.”  Presented without further comment. Except that I am wondering how a starship can crash over a planet.  Caption:  Ashara Zavros: A Republic transport crashed over Hoth about a year ago. It was carrying artifacts from a Sith tomb that the Jedi had confiscated. Choices:  - Artifacts and a ghost? - You mean robbed. (selected choice) - Why did the Jedi take them? Caption II:   Ashara Zavros: A Republic transport crashed over Hoth about a year ago. It was carrying artifacts from a Sith tomb that the Jedi had confiscated. Shasi: Confiscated is the perfect euphemism, isn’t it? Ashara Zavros: A Sith is in no place to judge. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Shasi at work
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
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Shasi Sunday
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
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Shatsokun Ashaa
"Shasi" - Darth Occlus
"Go ahead, laugh at my name...if you dare. I guarantee you, I'll have the last laugh."
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Shasi charged into the Tomb to confront the Esh-Kha and free the Dread Masters and there to greet her was...this wee baby gizka. Left from another instance, I guess? Whatever the case IT WAS SO CUTE and so completely out of place.  Whoever forgot their gizka, he’s a bit scared by this whole Dread Masters/Esh-Kha thing. Please come take him home. Or Shasi’s going to smuggle him back onto her ship. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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And this is why Talos was Shasi’s traveling companion through most of Belsavis. Going through all those functional ancient buildings and exploring so many Rakata sites must have been like Disneyland for him.  Caption Talos Drellik: Is this truly Rakata built? I can’t believe it. I can’t - I’m sorry. I need a moment. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Shasi earned her Darth Occlus title. *wipes away tear* I’m just so proud of her.  This completes the trio, as well - Suvia, my canon Inquisitor, is Darth Nox; Jia is Darth Imperius and now Shasi has the Darth Occlus title.  Caption:  Darth Marr: By order of the Dark Council and in light of your inscrutable reputation, you are now Darth Occlus. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
I’m too shy and anxious this year to ask to be part of any OC Kiss stuff but if anyone needs another OC to draw, Shasi (Sith Inquisitor) and Keilla (Trooper) are unattached and available for kisses. Both are lesbians.  Keilla Gray Canon Trooper. Former CO of Havoc Squad; Director, Tion Security Force Height: 6'0" Age: 45 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aries After the class story, Keilla left Havoc Squad and defected to the Tion Hegemony. She never returns to fight for the Republic, Empire or Alliance.
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Shatsokun Ashaa (Shasi) Sith Inquisitor, Darth Occlus, member, Eternal Alliance Age: 33 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Virgo Shasi is the younger sister of Jenari Ashaa. After Jenari’s parents were forced to give her to the Jedi, they were upset enough to leave Republic space. They settled on Nar Shaddaa, and when Shasi was born, they gave her a Sith name that meant “Passion Victory” (they didn’t speak Sith!). When she was found to be Force sensitive they ensured she went to Sith training and not the Jedi. Shasi did not meet her sister until she joined the Eternal Alliance after Nathema. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Halloween OCs!
Thank you so much @chaoticspacelesbians​ and @chokit-pyrus​ for the tag! This is a really fun one.  Tagging um @tishinada​, @vespertine-legacy​ @dreamy04​
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Dresses Up: Jia (Sith Inquisitor): I could see her finding the grandest, most elegant costume she could find. She’s the sort of person who would show up in a full Renaissance gown or something.  Viri (Sith Warrior): I can envision Viri getting really excited about Halloween and going out of her way to dress up, decorate her home and surroundings, do a yard haunt, etc.  Keilla (Trooper): Keilla has a pretty dark, irreverent sense of humor and I think she’d enjoy dressing up.  Goes to the Halloween Party: Viri, Auyrini (Bounty Hunter), Ikina (Slicer), Jenari (Jedi Consular). I don’t think Auyrini or Jenari would ever plan a party but they would attend, Ikina I think would be all about making Halloween fun for her daughter, Tomi.  Eats Candy Until They Pass Out: This would be Viri; she comes close anyway; and Shasi (Sith Inquisitor) because she would.  Goes Trick or Treating No Matter How Old They Are: Ikina and Shasi. Really I think Ikina would only go with her daughter, not on her own as an adult. Shasi I could see hiding in a costume and going out for free candy indefinitely.  Binge Watches Horror Movies: Auyrini, Marlena (Smuggler); Suvia (Sith Inquisitor); Taran (Bounty Hunter). I could see Marlena snuggling on the couch with Risha to watch the campiest, silliest monster movies they could find and laughing and offering snarky commentary the whole way through.  Suvia would find the most chilling psychological and supernatural thrillers she could find; not blood and guts but just as frightening in their way.  Auyrini, Taran and Lucinda would probably marathon whatever the latest horror movies of the year were, since they didn’t see them when they were released.  Scares the Shit Out of Children: Ror (Jedi Knight): She might do this deliberately. It might just be because she’s Ror. I don’t want to ask, and neither do you.  Summons a Demon: Ror, Shasi, Suvia.  Ror would summon a demon because it’s a shocking thing to do, and because she’s a dumbass.  Shasi would summon a demon because she’s a dumbass, and what could go wrong? Suvia would actually have a deep curiosity and perform some specific Sith ritual to converse with the demon in a controlled setting with no consequence to her or others. And she would not allow Shasi or Ror to be present for said demon summoning because OMG they are dumbasses. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Shasi looking especially Sithy
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Best line of the day: Shasi.  Shasi: You believe I have a fiendish plot to walk the streets and mislead any Sith I come across? (Talos approves)
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
OCs: The Ashaa sisters
As I try to figure out what to do with The Eternal Wrath down the road (ie, to make an official sequel or just keep writing the same story), some of my other OCs have been tugging at my sleeve to participate. Along with my ex-Jedi Ror, my Jedi Consular and third Sith Inquisitor have been taking a prominent place. 
Jenari Ashaa
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Canon Jedi Consular
Former Barsen'thor; ex-Jedi; member of the Eternal Alliance; First Assistant, Department of Force Lore and Artifacts
Weapon: Polesaber; healing; Force adept
Age: 37 as of 3629 BBY
Height: 5'10"
Sexuality: Lesbian
Partner: Nadia Grell (after Ossus only)
Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius
Jenari originally had another name. When she was two, she was found to be Force sensitive and thus legally was allowed to be taken by the Jedi. Her parents were extremely upset, but on Coruscant there was no way they could evade the Jedi and Republic military. So their last act toward their daughter was to rename her, knowing that the one thing the Jedi would not strip from her would be her name. She became ‘Jenari Ashaa,’ which means “Sith Victory” in Sith. It’s not grammatically correct, but Jenari’s parents were not Sith themselves and were using the equivalent of Google Translate. 
The Jedi Council was horrified by the name, but since they did not allow padawans to learn Sith, nobody but the Council - and the occasional errant ex-Sith - knew what it meant. All the same, they made a point of referring to her as “Jen” and not “Jenari.” Jenari is the perfect cinnamon roll - sweet, considerate and deeply horrified by war. When she’s assigned the task of shielding the Jedi under the influence of Vivicar, she takes it very seriously. And then she learns the truth of that original mission. And realizes the Jedi Council really doesn’t care if she dies from shielding everyone. And that it would actually be in the Rift Alliance’s best interests to part from the Republic. And that considering that the Voss Mystics know how to heal people, it’s something other Force users should learn. By the end of the class story she is completely disenchanted with both the Council and the Republic as a whole. Instead of flying off the handle like Ror, Jenari takes a more measured approach. She simply begins absorbing every bit of information she can - from the Voss, the Esh-Kha, the Rakata, even the Children of the Emperor who will engage her in conversation. If the Revanites had not gone off the rails, she would have been a perfect candidate for them because she likes to consider all sides. Jenari is given a seat on the Jedi Council simply because so many of the others have been killed off, but Satele Shan and Kaedan are very wary about her participation because of her embrace of all perspectives. When Zakuul invades the Republic she and her crew are sent to war and are separated. In Viri’s World: When Somminick Timmns decides to remove his own Jedi team from battle, whether the Council likes it or not, Jenari goes with him. She becomes a student at his sanctuary for Force Users on Nar Shaddaa. She stays with Timmns until he brings his students to Odessen, and joins him there. Jenari ends up hitting it off amazingly well with Suvia and to a lesser extent, Jaes and Talos, because of her deep love of knowledge and Force lore. She works in Suvia’s department on Odessen. Jenari no longer considers herself a Jedi, and would never return to them or to the Republic. However, she’s not a Sith, either. The eclectic style of the Force enclave is good for her. She would be perfectly happy sitting in a library for the rest of her life, happily chatting about Force lore with her friends. Shatsokun Ashaa (Shasi)
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Sith Inquisitor, Darth Occulus, member, Eternal Alliance
Weapons: Polesaber
Age: 33 as of 3629 BBY
Height: 5'10″
Sexuality: Lesbian
Partner: None
Western Zodiac would be: Virgo Shasi is the younger sister Jenari has never met. After losing Jenari to the Jedi, Shasi’s parents left Republic space. They settled on Cademimu, where Shasi was born. They (again using the Holonet’s version of Google Translate) gave her a name that means “Passion Victory,” again, not grammatically correct.
When Shasi was also found to be Force sensitive at the relatively late age of 12, they made sure she was sent to the Sith and not the Jedi. By the time she got to Upper Academy there were many other aliens in the ranks. Her name was a source of amusement to some but was met with approval by others, who appreciated that her family had made such an effort to embrace Sith words. Shasi had just finished her time at the Academy when Zakuul attacked, and she found herself thrust into war. She survived and thrived in the Sith ranks, defending the Empire and earning the titles of Sith Lord and Darth. In Viri’s World: Shasi has deep hatred for the Jedi. She was raised knowing that the Jedi took her sister. Whenever she fights Jedi she is vicious - unless they are Mirialan. In that case, she has been known to either ask their names or try to rip the information from their minds, searching for her sister. Shasi volunteers to go to Ossus - again, secretly hoping that one of the Jedi at the enclave is her missing sister. She has a dream of reuniting Jenari with their parents before they die. She does not find Jenari, but she does interact with Viri, who immediately picks up on her unusual Sith name. When Viri tells her that Jenari might be on Odessen, Shasi becomes an immediately ally and joins the Alliance.
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