#OC: Lucinda Walrez
rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi
Darth Viridana; Viri. Canon Sith Warrior; Commander of the Eternal Alliance; Empire's Wrath (former)
Age: 40 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Heavily favors women; demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries
Viri has her own page because it’s all about her here. Major supporting team: 
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Suvia Kallig
Canon Sith Inquisitor. Darth Nox. Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore and Archives Director, Eternal Alliance
Age: 34 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Jaesa Willsaam Western Zodiac would be: Leo
During the Eternal Empire’s assault on Darth Marr’s coalition, Darth Nox was captured and thrown into carbonite. She was found and thawed seven years later by Viri and her Alliance. She now works for the Eternal Alliance as the Director of Force Lore and Artifacts.
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Taran Walrez
Canon bounty hunter. Great Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians)
Age: 44 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries
After her work with Darth Tormen, Taran continued working as a bounty hunter, renowned for her talent and skill. While mentoring a contestant in the Great Hunt, she and her wife, Lucinda, rescued Lana Beniko and HK-55 from an untimely demise on Altair 3. After repairing Lana’s hand, they directed her to the shadow port of Asylum. Taran has continued to be a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance. She recently retired from hunting and now lives on Odessen with her wife, who is a surgeon in the Alliance hospital. Supporting: 
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Jenari Ashaa
Canon Jedi Consular. Former Barsen'thor; ex-Jedi; member of the Eternal Alliance; First Assistant, Department of Force Lore and Artifacts
Age: 37 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Nadia Grell (after Ossus) Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius
Jenari’s parents gave her a name that meant “Sith Victory” in Sith because they were very upset about having to turn her over to the Jedi. Jenari left the Jedi Order after the class story. She eventually ended up in Somminick Timmns’ sanctuary for Force users on  Nar Shaddaa and then in the Eternal Alliance, where she works with Force artifacts and lore, expanding her knowledge and working tirelessly for peace and common ground.
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Ikina Marks-Zavros
Expert slicer Height: 5'9" Age: 35 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Ashara Zavros Daughter: Tomi Western Zodiac would be: Virgo
Ikina is not in the class stories. She left her home planet when the Eternal Empire attacked, eventually finding sanctuary on Nar Shaddaa. Her talents as a slicer and information broker brought her to the attention of Ashara Zavros, who hired her to help search for the missing Darth Nox. Though their search was unsuccessful, Ikina and Ashara fell in love and married. They settled on Voss, where they run a tea house in the alien enclave of Voss-Ka.
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Keilla Gray
Canon Trooper. Former CO of Havoc Squad; Director, Tion Security Force
Height: 6'0" Age: 45 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aries
After coordinating the evacuation of Makeb and encountering Eclipse Squad, Keilla left Havoc Squad and defected to the Tion Hegemony. She never returns to fight for the Republic, Empire or Alliance. Keilla is dedicated to keeping people safe in her new role in the Tion Security Force, but she is determined never to return to combat. Her main focus on Tion is coordinating T.H.O.R.N. and Alliance volunteers to counter the outbreaks of rakghoul plague still occurring throughout the Hegemony. 
Lucinda Walrez
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Chief Surgeon, Alliance Medcenter
Age: 46 as of 3629 BBY
Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Taran Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Taurus
Lucinda is a gifted microsurgeon trained on Corellia. Her sister, Judah, works as an accountant in the Hutt Nem’ro’s palace on Hutta. Lucinda, however, avoided any contact with the underworld until Judah introduced her to a champion bounty hunter, Taran. Lucinda and Taran hit it off, and Lucinda eventually began traveling with Taran as part of her bounty  hunting crew, tending to her team’s injuries. Taran and Lucinda later married. During the Eternal Empire’s reign over the galaxy, Lucinda was responsible for treating a badly injured Lana Beniko and saving her hand in microsurgery. She and Taran continued to work with the Alliance from a distance for years, until Taran was hired for a bounty hunting contract by the Alliance Commander. Lucinda and Taran decided to join the Alliance full-time when Taran retired from bounty hunting. They now live on Odessen, where Lucinda is the chief surgeon in the Alliance’s Medcenter. 
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Rorjhana (Ror)
Canon Jedi Knight. Hero of Tython; ex-Jedi Knight; member of the Eternal Alliance Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'8" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: @vespertine-legacy​ ’s Zuvi Western Zodiac would be: Leo
Disillusioned, angry and disgusted with the Republic and Jedi Order, Ror unsteadily tried to fulfill her role as the "Hero of Tython" while steadily slipping away from the Order. It was only through the efforts of Satele Shan and the Barsen'thor that Ror was kept out of a prison cell on Belsavis for her proclivity for the Dark Side. Ror disappeared into Wild Space after her victory against Vitiate, and only surfaced years later, when Somminick Timmns recruited her into his Force enclave. She joined the Eternal Alliance along with Timmns and his other students, and finally feels at home. She has no plans to leave.
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia)
Darth Imperius. Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance
Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
Jia was working as a lightsaber trainer on Korriban when the Eternal Empire attacked. She and Darth Hexid helped each other survive the assault. She went on to join the Eternal Alliance, where she and Hexid work as saber and combat instructors. Jia’s entire large family was wiped out by the Eternal Empire, which has led to her having a deep hatred for Zakuul. She is an excellent teacher and also is very persuasive when negotiating.
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Shatsokun Ashaa (Shasi)
Sith Inquisitor, Darth Occlus, member, Eternal Alliance Age: 33 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Virgo
Shasi is the younger sister of Jenari Ashaa. After Jenari’s parents were forced to give her to the Jedi, they were upset enough to leave Republic space. They settled on Nar Shaddaa, and when Shasi was born, they gave her a Sith name that meant “Passion Victory” (they didn’t speak Sith!). When she was found to be Force sensitive they ensured she went to Sith training and not the Jedi. Shasi did not meet her sister until she joined the Eternal Alliance after Nathema. Other Fun Characters Out in the Galaxy
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Amedria Bjornus
Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance
Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius
Amedria is a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance’s underworld network.
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Canon smuggler. Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Age: 41 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: Risha Drayen Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
Marlena is a valued ally in the Eternal Alliance’s underworld network.
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Auyrini  Mercenary and smuggler Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6′1″  Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius Auyrini is a smuggler and mercenary working in Wild Space. She is a valued ally in the Eternal Alliance’s network. 
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Brynn (alias)
Canon Imperial Agent; Cipher Nine
Little is known about the agent known as Cipher Nine. Her existence is an urban legend; there are no records about her in either Sith Intelligence or the SIS’s files. If her name is typed into any computer database, it instantly disappears. Those who worked at Imperial Intelligence insist that Cipher Nine was a real person who vanished without a trace after defeating the Star Cabal, but there is no way to know for certain.
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
In the name of complete boredom I decided to see how some of my characters would look with dark side corruption enabled. Most of them are Dark V. That is overall NOT because of the decisions they make but because you have to choose one side of the toggle or the other, and if you're doing content outside the story it slides to the extreme eventually. When I had to keep Shasi in neutral territory for the Darth Occlus title it took conscious effort on my part. I do have some that are Light V, but for the most part I choose the DS toggle with them. The clothes you can buy from the LS/DS vendor are better, like the Dark Disciple robe. Anyway the DS corruption in the game is creepy as fuck and I don't understand what they were doing with the mouth. I suppose for Halloween you could have them run around like this and pretend they are all coplaying vampires and zombies, but otherwise yeeeaaaaah not so much.
Viri. Yeah, no. SO no.
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Lucinda. She looks...kind of like I caught her in the middle of a vampire cosplay. Maybe that's her thing. I don't know. Definitely not what I think of for Dr. Lucinda, though.
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Ror. Not the best look for her.
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Jenari. Sure, she's the Barsen'thor, why?
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Auyrini actually looks mostly all right. I think the tattoos cover most of it.
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Keilla. Holy shit what. I don't know how this possibly looks so much worse on her than any of the others, but...
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
SWTOR- Bounty Hunter party
So I couldn’t stand the idea of having another Hunter get yelled at by Mako at the Nar Shaddaa “party” (you know the one...:/) so I brought Blizz along.  This was a much more encouraging conversation. 
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Captions 1. Blizz: Party all ruined, boss’s friends all dead...what boss want to do now?  2. Lucinda: We find out who that Jedi us, and we make him very sorry.  (Blizz approves) 3. Blizz: Boss and Blizz beat up stupid Jedi real good!
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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One of the nicest traditions my bounty hunters have: after Hoth, they stop by Belsavis to see the Companion Customizations vendor and get Blizz a nice new robe so he’s not walking around in that old frayed thing with patches. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
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Mako, Buddy. The Imprisoned One has turned an entire base of Czerka workers, Imperial Reclamation Service employees and some of the Sons of Palawa into frightening zombies. He just tried to recruit us to lead the "skin vessel” army that he wants to use to “remake the galaxy.”  And you’re a cinnamon roll, but you do approve of the BH’s kills sometimes. Can you please tell me why you wanted to actually save the Horrible Zombie Making Ten Thousand Year Old Rakata Dude? Did they accidentally program you with Kaliyo’s response?!
Cpations: The Imprisoned One: You will lead our army out of the sands. This world’s settlements will fall, and my skin-vessels will proceed to the stars.  Lucinda: You’ve lived too long already (choice to kill Imprisoned One) (Mako Disapproves)
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
OC Stats Meme
Thank you so much for the tag @crqstalite​! Tagging @mimabeann​ @metriorhynchus​ @outcastcommander​ @dreamy04​ @itstheelvenjedi​ NO PRESSURE!
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Name: Viridana Revarre Dragoi (Viri)  Face Claim: Her face in game is her face, but the body claim is Sky from American Gladiators. That's exactly how I imagine Viri's physique.  Age: 40 in 3629 BBY  Height: 6'2 1/2" or  1.89m.  Species: Human  Gender: Female  Birthday: 3669. I have not worked out the Galactic months yet, but she would be an Aries, so born in April. April 16 is what is popping up in my head for her. No idea what that would translate to.    Residence: Odessen, with a getaway in Rishi.  Marital status/Love interest: Married and Force bonded to Lana Beniko. It's very public knowledge and they had a wedding ceremony shown on the Holonet (their "real" wedding was a private one with just the two of them, though)  Good Drink: Sweet or fizzy, or both. She loves a drink called Sugar Rush that is, as the name suggests, pure sugary sweetness. Viri doesn't typically drink alcohol because she is a lightweight.  Food/snacks: Cookies, especially ones cooked from traditional Corellian or Naboo recipes. Naboo cuisine, which I imagine to have a lot of similarities to Italian food. Sweet fruits and breads. Viri is a vegetarian.    Day or Night: Late night.  Pet: Two sleen, a miniature Nexu and four exoboars.  Colour: Blue  Flower: Lillies  Sexuality: Demisexual and heavily attracted to women.  Body Type: Very tall and muscular.  Eye Colour: Gold; previously blue  Hair Colour: Blonde  
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Name: Suvia Kallig Face Claim: None - her face in the game is her face. Age: 34 as of 3629 BBY. Height:  5'1" or 1.54 m. Species: Twi'lek Gender: Female Birthday: 3663 BBY. She'd be a Leo. Residence: Odessen.  Marital status/Love interest: Previously involved with Ashara Zavros. Now involved with Jaesa Wilsaam. Good Drink: Give her a fine red wine or a really good whiskey and she's happy. Food/snacks: Really finely cooked bantha steak. Suvia is a foodie and if she had the time, she'd happily tour the best restaurants in the galaxy. Day or Night: Night. Pet: None. Suvia has never been able to really bond with pets because she is so scared of losing them. Colour: Red Flower: A blue flower found on Ryloth. Sexuality: Lesbian Body Type: Short, very curvy and muscular. Eye Colour: Green Hair Colour: None. 
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Name: Taran Walrez Face Claim: None - her face in the game is her face.  Age: 44 as of 3629 BBY. Height:  5'11" or 1.80 m. Species: Rattataki Gender: Female Birthday: 3673 BBY. She would be an Aries too. Residence: Rishi/Odessen.  Marital status/Love interest: Married to Lucinda Walrez, a microsurgeon who now works in the Alliance hospital. Good Drink: Ale, fine white wine, vodka, creative mixed drinks. Food/snacks: Chips, fresh vegetables. Day or Night: Night. Pet: A few Kowakian monkey lizards. Colour: Red. Taran loves red so much that her blaster and ship are red.   Flower: She likes beautiful, fragrant flowers but she doesn't have any special favorite. Unless it's her wife giving her red roses by candlelight. Sexuality: Lesbian Body Type: Tall, slim and muscular. Eye Colour: Dark blue/grey.  Hair Colour: None. 
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rainofaugustsith · 4 years
Soft OC Asks!
Thank you @wolf-of-the-glade​ for the tag! This is a long one, and was a lot of fun to do! 
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🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them?   For Viri, that's Odessen, Naboo and to a smaller extent, Rishi.   Viri was born on Corellia and does have a special affection for the planet but it's gone through so many changes that it does not feel like home to her anymore. She associates 'home' with Naboo because the years she spent there as a child were safe and happy, because she was raised with a lot of Naboo cultural observances, and she was loved tremendously by her grandmother. She wears modified Naboo makeup every day (the red streaks by her eyes). She also associates 'home' with Odessen because it is the place she and Lana found respite and safety as adults. And she loves the Rishii section of Rishi and the beaches because they feel calm and welcoming to her.   Home to Viri is where she is safe and happy, with an energy she connects with. The Force is part of that. Odessen's balance in the Force is very significant for Viri, and she loves the Force attunement of Naboo as well.   🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?   Viri loves sugar. She is a huge sugar junkie. She especially loves cookies baked with Corellian recipes, candy, sweet breads and fruits. 
 As for cooking and baking, however, you do not want Viridana in your kitchen. She'll burn it down. She can't cook at all. When she was a kid her parents and the house droid cooked; in the Academy she ate in the dining halls and since she's been on her own she's had her own house droids and the Alliance chefs. During her years as the Wrath, Vette would sometimes cook Ryloth cuisine for her.   Vette tried to teach Viri a few things about cooking during her time as the Wrath and they both ended up agreeing that it was just a lost cause.   🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?   When Viri needs to be alone she will typically go for a walk in the Odessen wilderness, go to her private sparring room and dance, or go into the fields and play with her pets/rescued animals, like her sleen. She and Lana do each have their own rooms in their suite, as well. Viri has a private altar there, as well as books and her personal treasures, and she will sometimes go there to be alone too. Outside, Viri favors an area close to the base with a waterfall, and she's been known to spend hours there reading or meditating.   🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with recieving affection from others?   Yes, if your name is Lana Beniko. Viri is extremely huggy with Lana. She has also reached the point where she feels relatively safe getting hugs from people she knows well and trusts, like Vette and Jaesa. As a kid, her parents and grandparents hugged her all the time. If you're not someone Viri knows well and implicitly trusts, though, her immediate reaction to being touched will be to block your hands and reach for her lightsaber. Just don't.
Viri also is very suspicious if someone she doesn't know is overly affectionate or offers a lot of flattery, and will assume there's an ulterior motive. Someone like Darth Rivix would have zero effect on her.   Viri is very generous with her friends and family. She often tries to help her loved ones with their needs anonymously (for example, if she found out her friend had a speeder repair bill, she'd silently pay it and not say a word about it). She will also really pay attention to people's likes and dislikes and try to get them things that she knows they will love. She also offers any means of political or physical protection she can - when she was the Wrath she bought Imperial citizenship for Vette, for example; and she put all of her friends under protection with notice to the Dark Council. Viri's incredibly loyal.   As for strangers, Viri is obsessive about health and the rakghoul plague so she does quietly send a lot of supplies, help and credits to T.H.O.R.N. and other humanitarian projects that provide vaccines and medicines. She also helps with projects for former slaves and Twi'lek cultural restoration that Vette has told her about.   🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?   Viri's very attuned to the scents around her - ocean air, ozone, fragrances. She loves it when she comes across something that feels like home to her, like the scent of the ocean.   🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them   That would be Lana. She would describe Viri as a fierce, sometimes kind force of nature that she is absolutely smitten with, with blazing eyes. Lana happens to be especially fond of Viri's curly hair and hands, as well as how gracefully she moves while dancing or fighting.     💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?   From the time she was an acolyte Viri became very adept at hiding any sort of pain or illness, both with physical camouflage and emotional shielding. It was for her own protection, of course. She has walked around with broken bones, fevers, massive bruises, you name it, without looking sick at all. After she was in carbonite and her skin was grey for a while during recovery, she wore makeup to hide that. All of the other post-carbonite side effects she had were concealed from the Alliance as much as possible. After defeating Valkorion she wore makeup to hide the shadows under her eyes from the damage. Her usual MO is to conceal everything and then quietly take care of it on her own time. She knows how to do her own sutures and basic first aid and infection control, and has several medical droids and trusted doctors.   With people she trusts like Lana and Vette, as well as carefully selected doctors and medical droids, Viri will allow herself to show pain and sickness. She can't hide it from Lana, since it's obvious through their bond. She will allow Lana to Force heal her, and she trusts both Lana and Vette to care for her. She also trusts Lucinda Walrez, the Alliance's surgeon.   Viri's a better Force healer than she gives herself credit for, and her immediate course of action with allies is to storm in, throw Force healing at them and immediately start patching them up. She has zero bedside manner, however, unless it's Lana or Vette. It's usually more "Shut up and stand still so I can fix you, you're not going to die damn it!"   🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?   If Lana's working long hours and Viri gets home first, she will lay out Lana's pajamas and warm them, for instance. She'll sit next to Lana, Vette and Jaesa and help them take off or put on their armor. She can't cook but she will get food for people. If she sees someone's armor is scuffed up, she will get it cleaned or repaired or replaced. If she sees someone has a bruise on their cheek, she will throw Force healing at it without thinking twice. Those sorts of things.   🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?   Viri loves to read. She loves memoirs; accounts of adventures; books on nature and wildlife; scientific journals, comics, you name it. She often unwinds by reading on the couch. She also spends a lot of time meditating and sitting with her pets to unwind. And she and Lana usually have a few hours of *ahem* fun before turning in.   🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for?   Viri feels so deeply that her emotions can overwhelm her if she's not careful. She can be so happy that she cries. She can be so angry that she physically feels it. Being very Force sensitive she does have a lot of ability as an empath and can feel others' emotions quite often, especially if they are projecting strongly and don't realize it.
If Viri is offering support or comfort she will usually try to puzzle out what that means for the individual. When Vette was mourning her mother, the best way to help her was to bring her tea and then leave her alone. With Lana, the best way to help her was to be right there 24/7 for her and directly know how much she was loved. She does realize that sometimes the best way to help is to say "I see you and I'm here" and just be present.   🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?   If it's a garden-variety nightmare, Viri usually centers herself by reciting a Sith blessing or protection spell under her breath. If it's a flashback sort of nightmare, Lana is the only one who can help her through it. Lana usually sits next to her, speaks to her in Sith and reaches out to her in the Force through their bond. When Viri wakes up she will ground Viri by telling her where she is and that she is safe. If she's dealing with a flashback alone, Lana will still feel it and reach out to her telepathically.   🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!   Viri has long been divorced from the idea of having a lot of tangible things, because she has had to move around so much and has lost so much. Having said that:   - Her lightsaber. Viri designed and made her own saber and it really is extremely important to her. Her lightsaber feels like a friend, not just a weapon, and she works with it seamlessly. And it's so attuned to her, specifically, that even Lana had trouble using it when she had to in an emergency. - Her ship, the Tyuk. Viri loves and adores her ship and has done everything she can to upgrade and maintain it. - The necklace and pendant that Lana made for her, for their wedding. - The affection token from Ryloth that Vette gave her, also for her wedding to Lana. - Lana's belt. Technically, it's Viri's belt, since the original from Lana was worn until it literally fell apart. Lana just keeps making new belts for her with the same design, and Viri loves them because Lana made them and they always remind them of her. She stubbornly wears this belt no matter what else she's wearing and no matter how poorly it matches the rest of her outfit. - Naboo food. I've pattered Naboo food to essentially be a lot like Italian cuisine, and Viri is very enthusiastic about it. - Corellian cookies. See "Naboo food." - Dance clubs. When it's safe - and it takes a lot of precautions now - Viri loves to be in the middle of a crowded, sweaty dance floor all night long. - Music. - Silly but smart cartoons. Viri tends to favor really silly, lighthearted but clever entertainment fare, because she gets enough gloom and doom IRL. In our world she'd adore things like the Addams Family, Bob's Burgers, Animaniacs, etc. - The beach. Being in open bodies of water - the ocean or sea- feels like home for Viri. She is an excellent swimmer and a strong surfer, and even the sound of waves will make her heart jump a little. - The night sky. Viri loves looking up at the stars and planets. - Waterfalls. - Holo portraits and photos of her friends and family.   🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?   Viri would not be the sort to keep a journal because she would worry about it being stolen, compromised or used against her. She did make a holocron, however, like the Jedi Consular.   If she did keep a journal, she'd have a thousand abstract doodles all over it, in as many bright and metallic gel pens as she could find, and her entries would probably be written in three different directions across the page, with little cartoons, random song lyrics and poems, and a lot of snark, written in several colors of ink/marker per entry.   🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?   Viri does have casual friends and acquaintances, but her circle of true trusted friends is small. In terms of romantic partners, Viri has never looked for one - she is strongly demisexual and demiromantic, and until she met Lana and was attracted to her, she had no idea that was even a thing she wanted. And she wouldn't want it with anyone but Lana.   In terms of friends, Viri looks for people who are loyal, trustworthy, kind to animals and civilians, and somehow appeal to her senses of fun and connection. That may seem a contradiction but Viri actually has a very strong code she follows for herself. If someone kills a Jedi who is attacking them, she gets it. If someone kills a Republic civilian in a hospital, she's not cool with that and will be angry and upset about it.   She has friends from a variety of worlds with different Force creeds and beliefs, but she would not be friends with someone who was downright cruel, someone who was anti-alien or otherwise racist, someone who was homophobic or transphobic, or someone who approved of slavery.   The people she would trust implicitly with her life:   Lana: Force bonded partners for life, and there's nothing that could separate them or make them turn on each other. As of 3629 they have been together and friends for 10 years. Vette: Viri's adopted sister. They both take that 'sister' designation very seriously. As of 3629 they have been friends for 14 years.   Other very very close people: Suvia Kallig (Darth Nox): Suvia spent 7 years in carbonite, but she met Viri and befriended her when she was newly the Wrath. Suvia was new to the Dark Council. They bonded over their shared "outsider" status, because they were both bright, cynical young women, and because they shared views on issues like slavery (anti anti anti) and aliens (pro pro pro).  Suvia went missing after Marr’s coalition was attacked and searches for her were fruitless. Viri found her in carbonite, hanging on a wall in the Zakuulan royal palace, seven years later. The Alliance unfroze Suvia, gave her medical support and named her the director of the Alliance’s Force lore and artifacts. Suvia now runs those archives, studying ancient Force rituals.    Talos Drellik:  Viri met Talos through Suvia during her Wrath days, and he was present in the Yavin 4 coalition. However, she did not really get to know Talos and consider him a friend until he joined the Alliance after her time in carbonite. She loves chatting with Talos, appreciates his enthusiasm, and is grateful that he was able to discern that she was suffering Force Walking sickness after her battle with Valkorion and the other ghosts.     Jaesa Willsaam: Jaesa in Viri's world is neither the extreme DS nor the LS version found in the game. She's an amalgam, and in my mind she's patterned a bit after Jena Malone's portrayal of Johanna Mason in the Hunger Games films. She's loyal to the end to her allies and friends, but if you cross her you will regret it.   Viri met Jaesa as described in the class story. She killed the Jedi on Tatooine because they hurt Vette. She let Jaesa's parents live and told Baras to let them live in luxury on Dromund Kaas. When she had more clout, she quietly staged a 'death' for Jaesa's parents so they would be out of Baras's crosshairs, and gave them new identities so they could live safely and anonymously. Ironically, this is the same thing Viri's own grandmother did on Naboo - staging her death to live anonymously so she would not be targeted by Baras. Viri appealed to Jaesa by telling her that nothing is black and white, but that she should explore everything and decide for herself. So Jaesa did, and she decided on the Sith. She went to Korriban to study - not in an acolyte's trial of course - around the time Viri was working with Lana Beniko on Manaan.   Jaesa vanished after Viri disappeared, and Viri and her team found her seven years later, frozen in a trap on Yavin 4. She has now rejoined the team, works extensively in both Force lore and as Viri's second in battle, and is romantically linked to Suvia Kallig.   Somminick Timmns: Viri and Somminick met as described in the class story on Belsavis. Given that they were on opposite sides, their contact was limited until they both fought in the coalition against Revan on Yavin 4. After Viri disappeared, Somminick - and his enclave of not-quite-Jedi-but-not-sure-students  were sent to fight against Zakuul. After it became obvious that it was not a winnable battle and his students would just die, Somminick walked all his survivors off the battlefield and returned to Nar Shaddaa. Satele Shan was forced to allow him to go. Somminick became an ally of Lana Beniko's, and after the Alliance was formed, he remained a valuable contact on Nar Shaddaa and communicated with both Lana and Viri via holo. When they came to NS to destroy the Star Fortress, he joined their battle. He finally came to Odessen with his students after the fall of Zakuul.   Viri and Somminick realize they have very different beliefs in the Force, but they still find common ground. Their favorite thing to do is snipe at each other, playfully - Viri will tell Somminick that she knows he's joined the Dark Council, and Somminick will tell Viri that he's so happy she's on the Jedi Council. All fake of course.
HK-51 HK-55 T7-O1
Questions for You!   💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?   I'm not sure, to be honest. I adore Viri because she is Viri. In many ways she's an alter ego, although in many ways she's not.   ☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!   I really try to temper how much Viri suffers. I feel that even though I do deviate from the game's plot after KOTET, I can't deviate entirely. Thus, she unfortunately has to go through the traitor arc. She has to deal with Iokath. I can't logically leave all those things out and say “whoops! Never happened.” 
I also have to look at what the effects would truly be for things she encounters in the story. For example she's frozen in carbonite for five years. Considering that carbonite can kill someone in a matter of hours and can cause huge amounts of damage, she could not just skip away from it. She had Valkorion in her head for five years with no way to escape. Given how evil and sadistic he was, and the small fragment of carbonite consciousness we saw in chapter 2 of KOTFE, I surmise that it would have been a terrible trauma. Valkorion would have tried to drive her mad, hollow her out on the spot or break her so she would be pliable to his suggestions. I can't sugarcoat that, so Viri has PTSD and flashbacks.   Having said that I try to give her far more agency than she has in the game and have her deal with things more effectively. And when things are not described fully or are omitted, I’ll try to run with them. For instance with the Vette vs. Torian choice, she ordered one of her top military teams to go for Torian. They didn't make it, but they still tried. With the carbonite, Lana helped with her rehabilitation and recovery and it was not overnight. With the Machone Gods, since there was no solo way to clear them in the game or see those cut scenes, I felt free to create my own path for them.  I also try to steer her toward as much happiness and love as I can. She and Lana WILL have a happy ending, both in their galaxy and the afterlife.   🌠 On a scale of 1 - 10 how Baby is your OC? BONUS when asking this question rate the OC yourself as see if the reply matches up!!   10 of course. Viri is baby. Baby who could literally melt you with the power of her mind, decapitate you in a nanosecond and scare people just by walking into a room, but I don't think she'd accept any answer other than 10.   💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?   I would erase the assaults she suffered at Academy. And I would give Viri her parents back. That's actually what I was aiming for when I had Viri's grandmother show up on Naboo. Her parents are very much dead, but I saw an opening to make her grandmother appear, and I took it.   But in terms of the writing that is from other people, ie the game plot, unless there's some great plot twist up ahead, I would erase the current trajectory that seems to suggest that the Alliance is just going to fall under faction control entirely and the Commander is going to go back to serving their faction. In fact I don't plan on letting that happen to Viri's Alliance, even if it means I need to move the whole damned planet to another dimension a la She-Ra.
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rainofaugustsith · 5 years
Updated OC Sheet
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi Darth Viridana; Viri Canon Sith Warrior; Commander of the Eternal Alliance Sith Juggernaut; Empire’s Wrath, Sith Empire; Commander and Galactic Peacekeeper, Eternal Alliance; Ceremonial Empress, Zakuul Weapon: Single lightsaber; Force adept; precognitive  Age: 40 as of 3629 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Bisexual (very heavily sapphic); demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries Viri has her own page because it's all about her here.
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Suvia Kallig Canon Sith Inquisitor Darth Nox Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore Advisor, Eternal Alliance Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 34 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Jaesa Willsaam Western Zodiac would be: Leo During the Eternal Empire's assault on Darth Marr's coalition, Darth Nox was captured and thrown into carbonite. She was found and thawed seven years later by Viri and her Alliance. She now works for the Eternal Alliance as the Director of Force Lore and Artifacts.
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Taran Walrez Canon bounty hunter Great Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians) Weapons: Blasters; grenades; poison Age: 44 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries After her work with Darth Tormen, Taran continued working as a bounty hunter, renown for her talent and skill. While mentoring a contestant in the Great Hunt, she and her wife, Lucinda, rescued Lana Beniko and HK-55 from an untimely demise on Altair 3. After repairing Lana's hand, they directed her to the shadow port of Asylum. Taran has continued to be a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance. She recently retired from hunting and now lives on Odessen with her wife, who is a surgeon in the Alliance hospital.
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia) Darth Imperius Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio Jia was working as a lightsaber trainer on Korriban when the Eternal Empire attacked. She and Darth Hexid helped each other survive the assault. She went on to join the Eternal Alliance, where she and Hexid work as saber and combat instructors. Jia's entire large family was wiped out by the Eternal Empire, which has led to her having a deep hatred for Zakuul. She is an excellent teacher and also is very persuasive when negotiating. 
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Jenari Ashaa Canon Jedi Consular Former Barsen'thor; ex-Jedi; member of the Eternal Alliance; First Assistant, Department of Force Lore and Artifacts Weapon: Polesaber; healing; Force adept Age: 37 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Nadia Grell Western Zodiac would be: Aquarius Jenari left the Jedi Order after the class story. She eventually ended up in Somminick Timmns' sanctuary for Force users on  Nar Shaddaa and then in the Eternal Alliance, where she works with Force artifacts and lore. Jenari’s parents gave her a name that meant “Sith Victory” in Sith because they were very upset about having to turn her over to the Jedi. After that, they left Republic space. When their second daughter was found to be Force sensitive, they ensured that she ended up Sith. 
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Ikina Marks-Zavros Expert slicer Weapon: Sniper rifle Height: 5'9" Age: 35 as of 3629 BBY Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Ashara Zavros Daughter: Tomi Western Zodiac would be: Virgo Ikina is not in the class stories. She left her home planet when the Eternal Empire attacked, eventually finding sanctuary on Nar Shaddaa. Her talents as a slicer and information broker brought her to the attention of Ashara Zavros, who hired her to help search for the missing Darth Nox. Though their search was unsuccessful, Ikina and Ashara fell in love and married. They settled on Voss, where they run a tea house in the alien enclave of Voss-Ka.
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Keilla Canon Trooper Former CO of Havoc Squad; Director, Tion Security Force Weapon: Sniper rifle; grenades Height: 6'0" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Aries After the class story, Keilla left Havoc Squad and defected to the Tion Hegemony. She never returns to fight for the Republic, Empire or Alliance.
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Rorjhana Canon Jedi Knight Hero of Tython; ex-Jedi Knight; member of the Eternal Alliance Weapon: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 38 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'8" Sexuality: Lesbian Western Zodiac would be: Leo Ror disappeared into Wild Space after helping evacuate Makeb and only surfaced years later, when Somminick Timmns recruited her into his Force enclave. She is a member of the Eternal Alliance with no plans to leave. 
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Amedria Bjornus Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blaster; shotgun; grenades Age: 42 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius Amedria is a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance's underworld network.
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Marlena Canon smuggler Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blasters; grenades Age: 41 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'6" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: Risha Drayen Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio Marlena is a valued ally of the Eternal Alliance's underworld network.
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Shatsokun Ashaa (Shasi) Sith Inquisitor, Darth Occulus, member, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Polesaber Age: 33 as of 3629 BBY Height: 5'10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Virgo Shasi is the younger sister of Jenari Ashaa. After Jenari’s parents were forced to give her to the Jedi, they were upset enough to leave Republic space. They settled on Nar Shaddaa, and when Shasi was born, they gave her a Sith name that meant “Passion Victory” (they didn’t speak Sith!). When she was found to be Force sensitive they ensured she went to Sith training and not the Jedi. Shasi did not meet her sister until she joined the Eternal Alliance after Nathema. 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
It's amazing just how far my OCs in SWTOR are from their game counterparts sometimes. The two characters who have (or will be) skipping KOTFE do so because I can't avoid romancing Lana. It's not possible.
Viri (game): Romanced Lana during both SoR and KOTFE/KOTET. Proposed after Nathema. Still happy as can be. Lana is essentially Viri's first and only.
Viri (head canon): Romanced Lana during both SoR and KOTFE/KOTET. Had a secret Sith wedding shortly after KOTET and a large public one before Umbara. Lana is essentially Viri's first and only. 
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  Suvia (game): Had a fling with Urtel on Alderaan. Romanced Lana during SoR and had a fairly bitter breakup. Skipped KOTFE; romanced no one in KOTET. Will hopefully be hooking her up with Major Anri, provided that is an option and 6.0 isn't a shitstorm. Suvia (head canon): Was in a serious relationship with Ashara until she was thrown into carbonite during the battle between Marr's coalition and the Eternal Empire. Ashara looked for her for years, but finally moved on and found a new love. Currently single and still grieving that breakup. I am thinking of Anri for her, provided 6.0 turns out all right. 
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Taran (game): Got looped into the romance with Torian involuntarily (I didn't see the flirt as being a romance lock and it was...). Romanced Lana in SoR. Broke up with Torian in KOTFE and continued romancing Lana. Proposed after Nathema. 
Taran (head canon): Stayed platonic friends with Judah, the accountant at Nem'ro's palace. Judah introduced Taran to her sister, Lucinda Walrez, a brilliant surgeon. Lucinda and Taran married and Taran took her surname. They now travel together on Taran's vast ship, the Devastator, and maintain a home on Rishi.
* Jia (game): Had a fling with Urtel, the Sith on Alderaan. Romanced and married Andronikos. Romanced Lana during SoR. Will be breaking up with Andronikos to romance and marry Lana in KOTFE - Nathema. Jia (head canon): Has various relationships with women and men during her time as a Sith lord, but she's nowhere near the Sith Inquisitor story. Finally becomes a polesaber trainer on Korriban. Is there when the Eternal Empire attacks. She and Darth Hexid run into each other and bond as they help each other escape. Now they're life partners. *      Lira (game): Romanced Lana in SoR and KOTFE/KOTET; Proposed after Nathema. Lira (head canon): I've pretty much ignored Lira outside of the game, I've got nothing. * 
Jenari (game): Was in a serious relationship with Felix. Will be romancing Lana in SoR. Will be skipping KOTFE, going straight to KOTET, and romancing Nadia after Ossus. Jenari (head canon): See Lira. *      Amedria (game): Romanced Lana in SoR. Will be romancing and proposing to Lana in KOTFE-onward. Amedria (head canon): She's out in the universe somewhere and she's asexual and aromantic so she's not proposing or hooking up with anyone.
*  Brynn (game): Romanced Vector. Romanced Lana in SoR. Deleted.    Brynn (head canon): Romanced Vector, and she and he are ghosts together somewhere out in the galaxy.
*  Ikina (game): Can you guess who she will be romancing and marrying?   Ikina (head canon): Is a slicer who isn't even in SWTOR anywhere. She meets and marries Ashara during the Eternal Empire's reign over the galaxy.
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
Updated OC sheet
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi (Viri) Darth Viridana Sith Juggernaut; Empire's Wrath, Sith Empire; Commander and Galactic Peacekeeper, Eternal Alliance; Ceremonial Empress, Zakuul Weapon: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 39 as of 3630 BBY Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Bisexual (very heavily sapphic); demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries  Colors: Blue, purple, red
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Suvia Kallig  Darth Nox Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore Advisor, Eternal Alliance Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 32 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Ashara (former); currently single Western Zodiac would be: Leo Colors: Red, black
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Brynn Sullyh (alias) Cipher Nine Operative, Sith Empire; informant network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Sniper rifle; poison Age: 36 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'4" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Vector Hyllus (husband) Western Zodiac would be: Libra Colors: Blue, silver
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Taran Walrez
Bounty Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians) Weapons: Blasters; grenades; poison Age: 43 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries Colors: Black, white, red
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Amedria Bjornus Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blaster; shotgun; grenades Age: 41 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'9" Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius Colors: Green, silver
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia)
Darth Imperius Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 37 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5'10" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio Colors: Blue, black, red
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Liara Rux (Lira) Jedi Knight Jedi Sentinel; Sith apprentice, Timmns' enclave Weapons: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 34 as of 3630 BBY Height: 6'0" Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Cancer Colors: Red, yellow
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Jenari Ashaa Former Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order; member of Somminick Timmns’ Force enclave Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 36 as of 3630 BBY Height: 5′10″ Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Eventually Nadia Grell Western Zodiac would be: Libra Colors: Light blue; light purple 
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
OC Masterpost
(who are we kidding; everything is all about Viri. But this is the full cast of characters in her world) Ages are current as of 3630 BBY (Nathema flashpoint)
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Viridana Revarre Dragoi (Viri) Darth Viridana Sith Juggernaut; Empire's Wrath, Sith Empire; Commander and Galactic Peacekeeper, Eternal Alliance; Ceremonial Empress, Zakuul Weapon: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 39 Height: 6'2" Sexuality: Bisexual (very heavily sapphic); demisexual Partner: Lana Beniko (Force bonded; wife) Western Zodiac would be: Aries 
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Suvia Kallig Darth Nox Sith Assassin; Dark Council member; Force Lore Advisor, Eternal Alliance Weapon: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 32 Height: 5'1" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Ashara Zavros (former); currently single Western Zodiac would be: Leo
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Brynn Sullyh (alias) Cipher Nine Operative, Imperial Intelligence; Operative, Sith Intelligence;; informant network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Sniper rifle; poison Age: 36 Height: 5'4" Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Vector Hyllus (husband) Western Zodiac would be: Libra
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Taran Walrez Bounty Hunter (unaffiliated; refused to join Mandalorians) Weapons: Blasters; grenades; poison Age: 43 Height: 5'11" Sexuality: Lesbian Partner: Lucinda Walrez (wife) Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
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Amedria Bjornus Smuggler; Republic privateer (coerced); pirate; smuggler network, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Blaster; shotgun; grenades Age: 41 Height: 5′9″ Sexuality: Asexual; Aromantic Partner: None Western Zodiac would be: Sagittarius
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Jiani Jiaasjen (Jia) Darth Imperius Sith Assassin; Security team, Eternal Alliance Weapons: Polesaber; Force adept Age: 37 Height: 6′0″ Sexuality: Bisexual Partner: Darth Hexid Western Zodiac would be: Scorpio
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Liara Rux Jedi Sentinel (left order); Sith apprentice, Timmns' enclave Weapons: Single lightsaber; Force adept Age: 34 Height: 5′10″ Sexuality: Pansexual Partner: Currently single Western Zodiac would be: Cancer
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rainofaugustsith · 6 years
OC Names
Viridana Revarre Dragoi (Sith Warrior)   Viri's name, Viridana, basically means 'green' in Latin. It is used in species designation for a number of animals that are green, such as the Peucetia viridana (a green spider) and Tortix viridana (a green moth). There's also a name in Spanish and Portuguese derived from it, Viridiana, as well as some different Italian and French spellings, and a Catholic saint. The nickname 'Viri' is often used with this name. You will find people named Viridana without the I, but it's not as common.        There's a line in "An Open Affinity" where Viri mentions that she's lucky she      didn't end up being named 'Sleen' or 'Oxygen' because her parents were so enthusiastic about science. She's actually not kidding. They would have done it. Viri's parents were both scientists for the Imperial Science Service, and her mother was the veterinarian at the Coronet Zoo for years. Viridana was chosen because it was pretty but it fits within Viri's story that her parents would have totally named her after a species descriptor.      
Viri was NOT named with any thought of Lana; the character is an OC I've developed myself since I started playing (long before I ever got to the expansions with Lana). But when that romance did arise and green seemed to be a significant color for Lana (like a lot of people, I've head canoned that green is Lana's favorite color), it was definitely an OMG SYNCHRONICITY OTP!!!!! moment.
Viri also has her mother's name (Dragoi) as her surname. Her father's name is Revarre, which is her middle name. Both of Viri's parents kept their own names when they married.
Viri and Lana both keep their own last names when they marry, too, so there's always one Beniko and one Dragoi there. They're childfree, so there's never any issue with last names for anyone else.   Suvia Kallig (Sith Inquisitor)   Suvia means summer in Finnish (the word is suvi, and suvia is the plural). Her surname, Kallig, is her ancestor's surname.
Suvia spent her entire life in slavery, and as such, she had neither a relationship with her own parents nor her own name. She chose her first name when she was on the way to Korriban because she liked it, and because she wanted to establish an identity for herself that was hers, and not something from her time in slavery.  As soon as she got off the shuttle in Korriban the first thing she did was register with her new name.   She adopted Kallig as her surname because she likes Lord Kallig. When Lord Kallig took the time to talk to her, warn her and help her protect herself from Thanaton, it was the first time anyone had ever extended themselves that way for her, with nothing at all sought for their own gain. Lord Kallig helped her simply because he accepted her as family and wanted to, and that blew Suvia's mind. He made her feel that she truly could be Sith. Because of that acceptance and caring, she proudly carries his name.   However, Suvia understandably kept her relationship close to the chest when she was dealing with Darth Zash and Darth Thanaton, so she did not add 'Kallig' to her registration until she was appointed as Darth Nox. The scene you don't see in the Sith Inquisitor story is the one where, seated on the Dark Council, she casually brandishes Kallig's lightsaber and says, "this is fitting for the child of Lord Kallig" and just sits back to watch every jaw in the room hit the floor.     Taran Walrez (Bounty Hunter)   Taran is from Tara - which has a lot of different meanings in a lot of different languages and cultures. There are Green Tara and White Tara in Buddhism, for instance, and the name means 'star' in Sanskrit. . But my Tara is just the Irish version, which comes from "Hill of Tara" in Ireland. I knew a lot of Taras growing up, and the name stuck with me. But my Bounty Hunter didn't seem like she was entirely a Tara, so she was named Taran instead.
Taran's last name is that of her wife, Lucinda. Lucinda is a doctor. She's also Judah's sister. You meet Judah early in the Bounty Hunter's story, she is the female accountant at Nemro's palace who has a nice rapport with the BH. I've head canoned it that Judah introduced Taran to Lucinda, and they hit it off and eventually got married. Taran took Lucinda's name because she wanted to, and because it was safer than Lucinda having her original last name (which would of course be identified with her bounty hunting career).
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