#OC: Tarin
krokaxe · 2 months
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What if I told you that this is only one branch of a much larger tree?
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ezraholic · 1 year
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Decided I want to do daily doodles regularly, at least for a year, besides normal drawing whenever I feel like it so here is the first one. Executioner Tarin of OMEN assassin order going reaper form. Inspired by Demon Mode from Stileto
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ezraholic-art · 2 years
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Some sketches of Tarin because he was on my mind some time ago. He's an executioner of an assassin order called OMEN, collecting debts when clients don't follow the agreement or pursing betrayers of the order. Since the last one some years ago, he didn't have much to do in the latter field. No sane person would try after seeing him toss the head of his best friend (ex-, due to their betrayal) at the desk of the head of the order and the squad stayed pretty much the same since. Some think him heartless and even his twin suspects Tarin is not exactly okay up there which is very much true in the second part. But then, you can't tell the guy has no heart whatsoever, he just takes his work very seriously.
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omgtheywereroomates · 3 months
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Yes I know what day it is, no this isn’t a joke. Just showing off my silly au I made! Deltarune stuff!!
Basically, it’s delatrune but city and we ain’t following the main heros. Instead we follow a spamton variant and his business partner he took under his wing to help them start a shop. Also the mafia exists and it’s constantly chaos. It’s a comic series eventually.
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Details later but if you want to ask stuff go ahead! Have the spade king design-
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Bunky has friends now
Also the origin story of his stickers-
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apomaro-mellow · 2 years
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He’s the cutest pumpkin in the patch.
Costume meme here!
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lemongingerart · 1 year
Chapter 2 - Shooting lessons (II)
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Fic summary: The second arc of my Armitage Hux x OC fanfic, “chocolate cookies and tarine tea”, in which both need to deal with the mess they got into (and with each other, eh eh eh). Involves cookies that won't be eaten and tea that will get spilled. Same goes for certain feelings... they are going to be hungry ant thirsty 😏
You can find the link to AO3 and other chapters on Tumblr in the pinned message on my dash, both for the first and second arc 😊
Rating: Explicit. This is going to be very NSFW. So, Minors, do NOT read or interact. 18+. Family, friends and colleagues, please don’t read this. :’-)
Tags & warnings: TRoS fix-it (kind of), Hux!lives, Hux doesn’t like Kylo, Not a Redemption Arc, maybe a little bit, shameless fem!OC insert (there are cliches but entertaining ones imo), slow emotional burn, medium sexual burn, Enemies to Enemies With Benefits to Lovers, Hux is still a villain don't forget, Virgin Characters, masturbation against the door, pinv, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Awkward Sexual Situations, Past Child Abuse, dubious first kiss, Dom/sub Undertones, Mental Breakdown, Unprotected Sex, wet Hux, that deserves a tag/warning on its own, Minor Character Death
I will add tags as we proceed in the story, please let me know if I forgot one!
Taglist: @mylifeisactuallyamess, @morby and anyone who’d like to join 🥰
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A/N:    Yessss it’s Hux turn now to be embarrassed 😈 by the stars I hope I did him justice. And this is not even the real deal. How do people even write this stuff?
Oh wait, I just did… somewhere in the next chapters 😬🙋
(Don't get any wrong ideas, me publishing 2 chapters in 2 days is a unique thing 😂 Let me know if some parts are inconsistent - I reviewed this so many times and I am literally falling asleep on my desk. But publishing the previous chapter got me enthusiastic and now I'm doing things I might regret yolooooooooo)
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This was different. 
Once, when he was still a Lieutenant and reluctantly assigned to drill newcomers by Brendol, he instructed cadets on their first shooting lessons. He took the job seriously, but the mandatory physical contact was something he had liked to avoid as much as possible. Having his father oversee his progress didn’t really help. The latter thought he could never do any good and ever since Sloane had bestowed the group of commandants' cadets from Arkanis on him, and made it clear the commandant had to convey his teaching techniques to him, tensions were… high.
Nonetheless, he made sure the new cadets were on the top rankings within the then already distributed First Order training curriculum, and tutoring these classes became a routine job.
This time, however, he felt that every little contact filled him with static electricity, although he was absolutely certain that was scientifically impossible. It made him lighter in his touch, doubtful, but also slightly longing to explore the strange responses their physical connection was making. He was slowly becoming aware that he was lingering just a bit too long on her hands, her arm, her shoulder, but he could not let go just yet. Seeing goosebumps form on her lower arm and the fact that he knew he was causing them, made him want to see which other effects he could have on her.
He gulped, all of a sudden conscious that the mysterious effect was starting to become bidirectional. His head felt light,  caused by little sparks popping up in his brain, and his face felt like it was burning. Contradictory, goosebumps formed underneath his clothes. He became aware of how the fabric was rubbing his skin and he couldn't stop thinking about how it would be if it were her warm hands instead.
Hux took a sharp breath and tried to concentrate on the task at hand, forcing his eyebrows into a harsh furrow as much as possible in an effort to hide any other evidence apparent on his features. 
“Remember this position. The stance of your arm will catch up the recoil. Now, try to aim and shoot,” he said sternly, hoping she didn’t hear the slight raspiness of his voice.
The blush on his cheeks refused to subside though, as did the thoughts of exploring her exposed skin some more. So he hastily decided to create some distance between them, before he would do something he might regret. 
Once he regained his wits somewhat, he slowly went to stand behind Miko, trying to march with a steady thread. He hoped she wouldn’t turn around to check on him, because he suspected she could easily notice the result of his state of mind now. 
Stars , this wasn’t the first time she made him lose his cool like this. He hated it, how she threw him off balance, made him feel out of control. 
Miko positioned the blaster as instructed and took a shot. The result wasn’t good, but definitely better than the previous feeble attempt. 
Looking at her stance, there was still some work to do. "Spread your legs a bit more" he added, very much aware that the instruction could be misinterpreted, given the light tremor intruding his spoken words. To his relief, she didn’t say anything about it. Now that he thought about it,  she hadn't looked his way nor spoken for a while now. He wasn’t going to complain about that, thank the stars , but it was curious in comparison to her usual manners. 
“Again, watch your left arm. Compensate.” he instructed, still aware that his voice didn't sound as determined as it usually did. The distance he created slowly made him able to focus again, though. At least enough, so he wouldn't blurt out ridiculous things. Or worse, do something he might regret. 
Again, again, again, he had to repeat for another 10 minutes, and she still wasn’t able to hit the target - and he still wasn’t able to let the unprofessional thoughts dissipate. The only thing he could do for now, was keep them at bay. 
He sighed, thinking about her lack of precision. When a recruit performed this badly, he usually sent them away for maintenance personnel training or something similar. Sanitising duty if he was extra annoyed.
But now, he had to persevere, if only for his own good. On top of that, his mind was still betraying him. It was as if it was sending him little doses of impure ideas, while having to watch her bring up her arms to aim the blaster, the pose exposing her curves more than usual. He repeatedly dictated her to correct her stance, resulting in her pivoting her feet with her usual energetic attitude. The accompanying harsh movements made her butt move in ways he couldn’t divert his gaze from, once he caught sight of it. Every little thing he noticed about her was making the shooting lessons even more of a challenge. But at least, the distance made it possible to subdue those thoughts enough to proceed with the exercise.
After another round of disheartening attempts, Miko hung down her shoulders and let out a frustrated moan, the raw noise bringing Armitage right back to his problematic thoughtlines, but this time much worse. He couldn’t stop the rather lewd visualisation that the sound forcibly pushed into his head. He could feel his blood boiling, his cheeks furiously glowing, fingers tingling as if they've been deprived of blood circulation all the while and oh by the galaxy his pants were becoming tighter…
Of all times, she turned around to face him now, as if she knew what he was going through after that groan of hers. In a haze of panic, Hux swiftly turned on his heels, towards the door, trying to hide the blush and other evidence in the less well lighted area of the loading bridge. 
‘Short break’, he almost whispered, before he left the small hangar space.
Armitage fled to his quarters, for the second time locking the door, leaning onto it. He was acutely aware of the déjà vu, and he knew back then the urge, the want, only increased after he had opened the door. Whenever she got close to him, it was as if his body had a mind on its own. Before, he was able to control himself, but what happened in the hangar was absolutely ludicrous. He needed to get her out of his system, so he could actually instruct her without thinking about trailing his hands over not only her hands and arms, but also her back, trace the muscles there that pull her shoulders back as a response to his fingers, map the bones of her clavicle, watch her throat gulp when he passes there with his thumb, then dipping down slowly, cupping and squeezing her breasts, seeing her shudder under his touch running downwards, working his fingers under the hem of her pants, pulling her closer by her belt and…
Fuck. It was no use.
He was again standing there, up against the door, like a stupid horny lowlife, with a rock hard boner he could hang his greatcoat on. He felt foolish and worthless, not being able to keep his subconscious needs where they should remain: subconscious. He’s a frigging officer of the First Order, he was able to withstand much more triggers than this, mentally taking note that he was taking over her horrible swearing habits as well. Seeing someone act so freely, without any emotional boundaries, was stirring up things deep inside him he couldn't bring to words yet. It was tearing down his carefully built up walls and he wasn’t sure what to think about it. 
But the dick was a serious issue. He still had to finish the training, to give their mission any chance of succeeding.
He snapped open the neck clasp of his uniform and pulled the clothing open with a speed which could damage the material, but right now he couldn’t care less. He clipped open his belt, making sure the thing didn’t clatter on the floor and alarm her. For all he knew, she was standing right behind the door he was leaning onto. Oh by the maker … he shouldn’t have thought about that, an almost painful throb shooting through his cock, which made him lower his pants with a bit more care than the uncharacteristically frenzy he performed on his vest. 
He took himself in his hand, shut his eyelids and debated whether or not he should do this. It’s been a while, he usually pulls so many all-nighters, making him pass out on his blue sofa or in best case in his bed with the datapad on his lap. 
But, by closing his eyes, his wretched imagination took over, taking him back to the hangar and the sounds she let out, suddenly turning into something much more explicit in his imaginary ears. Stars, he hated the fact that he couldn’t control his thoughts from flowing freely, but it was no use - he couldn’t stop the images from popping up. 
A fraction of a second later, he heard the same indecent noise but the scenery was replaced with the one in which she was only in one of his towels. When she was looking for something to wear, a few days ago, bowing down. His towels, his shirt, his… he wanted her to be his to claim… 
He suddenly was standing mere inches from her flushed face, their breath’s mangling when she righted herselves and slowly leaned into him. He started peeling off the plush piece of fabric in his fabricated dream while he automatically started pumping himself, not aware of his ridiculous stance and the cold durasteel on his back. He was so far gone he wouldn’t notice a star exploding. 
Hux didn’t think he still had a few brain cells left for producing imaginary scenarios like this, since he had tried to ignore them for so long. 
But by taking the plunge, they made him dive so deep into his subconsciousness he wasn’t even aware of what was up or down and by the gods of the galaxy he was yearning, yearning for a soft touch, to make her feel good and just feel something in return, feel worthy and content, for once in his life. To be in control of her pleasure, to make her whimper under his touch when he slowly traced her arms and shoulder, like he did in the hangar, her plump breasts, her buttcheeks, every detail of her skin. Just take in the effects he could have on her and feed on them. Greedily take the nape of her neck in his hands and pull her closer to taste her, pulling her legs up and press-
He shuddered, quickly imagining being buried deep down in her, the pressing of his hands on her hips and her neck leaving bruises, and pulling her impossibly closer on his spilling cock.
He opened his eyelids, the light of the room playing tricks on his retina because he squeezed his eyes close too hard. He only then realised his hands were sticky from his cum, coming down from a height he hadn’t been on for a very long time. 
Actually, if he thought about it, he couldn’t have imagined it was ever like this. This…intense… real. Soft? His usual sexual fantasies were definitely not this emotionally loaded and soft. And took a while longer to reach its climax. This was ridiculously improvised.
Now that he was more or less thinking clearly, it made him feel sick.
He was still trying to catch his breath, pondering on why she was doing this to him. How was he going to be able to withstand these urges he never had to keep under control before?
Hux heard some rambling in the wardroom, snapping him out the leftovers of his trance. How long was he standing here against the door? She might start asking questions if I don't get my act together now . He stumbled to the sink, washed up quickly, hastily put on his clothes - hissing when he raked the bacta patch while pulling his pants up - and combed his hair. Then, he double checked his appearance in the mirror, wanting to make sure there was no evidence left of his previous state of distress. 
He took a deep breath, put his head up high and took long strikes to the door. This time, he wouldn’t allow himself to get distracted.
He just entered the wardroom and noticed Miko walking towards the cockpit, datapad and some rubbish in both hands. 
What is she up to? Again?  
Armitage followed her wake, both annoyed by her sudden and unauthorised action and curious what got into her head this time. When he arrived, that droid and she were doing something at the comm unit and didn't look at him entering. 
"All set and done. You should be able to connect to my commlink now!” She exclaimed with a smile, signalling him that she did notice his arrival.
"The new identification code they provided us with is also installed. Your ship should be listed as a cargo vessel right now." She happily mentioned, after she placed her hands on her hips.
Hux sighed, glad a practical conversation might make him forget about what he just wanted to do to her, and replied: "Let's hope no one wants to actually check it out, because one glance from an enthusiastic republican will get us into trouble." Miko quickly turned her head towards him. “We should’ve painted the ship in a happy colour, you’re right. Like, bright orange.” she whispered in a secretive way. 
He cocked his eyebrow, not sure what to do with her comment. 
”Kidding Hux, I don’t have a death wish. Although I don’t know if death at your hands would be worse than whatever we’re facing next.” she said smilingly, turning back to the controls. 
Hux gulped and decided not to react to that comment. He was content to hear she didn’t underestimate him, but he did just think about fucking her with his hands on her neck and now… he decided the weapons controls needed to be checked. 
Any distraction would do.
After a short pause, she righted her back and said to him: “I'm done here. Up for round 2?” 
He harshly turned his attention to her, slightly confused and already sweating under his collar, the sentence having a completely different meaning in his ears. Before he could actually register what she was really talking about, she exclaimed “I’ll be in the hangar” and turned around with a slightly bubbly attitude. 
He sighed again and followed her wake, keeping enough distance. He wasn’t going to get tricked by his hormones twice.
The training session went on for another 30 standard minutes. Hux kept his distance and was able to find back his instructor mode, and even keep any unwanted distractions to a minimum. They kept going, until she was able to automatically pull, aim and shoot. Actually hitting a target was beneath any standards, but for the approaching rendezvous, just having the movement in her physical memory would have to suffice. 
The proximity alarm went off, signalling their arrival. The duo stopped their activities. Miko holstered the blaster, put PC on her back, and followed in Hux’ shadow towards the cockpit.
A/N: Shields breaking, walls cracking… next time, maybe teeth colliding? Who knows…
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
Your OCs are getting a drink at a cafe, what's their usual order?
oooh very interesting question!! Thank you so much!
For reference, my go-to order is usually an iced caramel macchiato or vanilla cream cold brew when it's warm out and a hot peppermint mocha or dirty chai latte when it's cold, and I admittedly don't do much branching out from there, so we'll see what I can come up with.
Robin: I feel like she'd enjoy hazelnut coffee. Maybe a hazelnut and vanilla latte? Something a little sweet, but not too much, and still has that depth and richness.
Rae: She doesn't really go to cafes often - usually she'll just have coffee at home, if she even has time for that. So probably just something simple, a latte with milks and a little sugar. Maybe a chai if she wants to switch it up.
Jasper: Cafe au lait wasn't their go-to before, but it is now. No matter how many times they order it, it always reminds them of that first date with Kyle, and that makes it special.
Ophelia: Whatever's got the most caffeine, since she's perpetually overworked and sleep deprived. Cold brew for sure, maybe with chocolate cream on top (though she probably cuts the cold brew as little as she can without giving herself a heart attack)
Kestrel: Doesn't really drink coffee. If they're going to cafe, they're probably getting a hot chocolate or a frappe or some other novelty drink.
Madison: I feel like she'd be a matcha girl and wouldn't realize it. Like she'd stick to more typical coffee things for a while (she's used to black coffee after living in the woods, though she likes it with a little cream and sugar when she can get it), then the triplets suggest matcha one time so she tries it, and then it becomes her go-to.
Indigo (let's just say there's coffee in Star Wars): Probably just regular coffee, since most of the time she needs to get straight to work. Sometimes she drinks tarin tea since it reminds her of Hux. After she gets to her more settled-in life, maybe she branches out a little more, but she's still comfortable with simpler brews.
Prometheus: A mocha for sure :)
Quinn: Oh, anything. They've been all over the world with their thieving gigs, so they've tried all sorts of coffee... good and bad. As long as it's decent-quality coffee, they don't really have a go-to drink.
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flanaganhq · 6 months
I want to apply very badly but none of the characters are jumping out at me. Do you have any current WCs, maybe OCs or something building on/outside of the established canon? Thanks!!
Hi anon! First off, we have a few more skeleton bios we plan on releasing! We wanted to release them in waves, to give members and potential members options later down the line. We have skeletons planned for characters from each of our accepted shows, like Juno Usher, Ed Flynn, Leigh Crain, and Trish Park, to name but a few! If there's a minor canon character you might be interested in, let us know and we can chat about that. If you're more interested in OCs, I can certainly help there too. I'm not sure which show you'd prefer to have immediate connections with, so I'll just list all the possibilities I have in mind right now: MIDNIGHT MASS: I would love for older members of the congregation of St Patrick's — perhaps a character who's been on Crockett for decades, and is very suspicious of the new priest who looks familiar. Maybe they were a friend of Mildred Gunning's, back in the day. If you'd like to play a younger character, how about the child of a devout parishioner who wants to leave the island for bigger and better things? BLY MANOR: If you'd like to play a younger character with ties to Bly, I'm sure Tarin would love for a younger character to befriend Flora, perhaps someone she's met through her job as a waitress, someone new to the island? There's also scope for older OC members of staff who work at Bly Manor — it's a big place, likely with more staff than what we saw in the show. TFOTHOU: Or how about a staff member who works for Roderick and Madeline at their new home on Crockett? Maybe they even have their own deal with Verna, and they're spying on Roderick and Madeline for some reason. Maybe they're a local who got a job working with Victorine or Camille, and it's causing tension as the different personalities clash. HILL HOUSE: Similarly, maybe an local to Crockett has got a job helping to restore Hill House now the Crain family are back on the island again. Or perhaps a local reporter is looking to cover the story of their return after so long, and uncover the truth of what happened to Olivia Crain all those years ago. These are just the ideas I have off the top of my head! If members have anyone they would like to see, either canon or OC, chime off in the comments! Whoever you choose to apply for, we'd love to have you.
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fattybattysblog · 1 year
All of my OCs
I just wanna share my OCs today :) You can find them and their artwork on my refsheet (NSFW warning there) but here's the basics and some images.
I try to use only my own art for all of these but I HAD to share the Amea x Zant commission because it is one of my absolute faves. I scoured my entire back log of bought commissions because they didn't put their name on the art but I think it was this person?? If not them then... they may have deleted their account from where I bought it.
Saphira Nightingale, my main tippy top OC
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A shapeshifter and the last of her kind. I use her for lots of original stories as well as series where I don't have a dedicated character. The rule of thumb is "if she has clothes, it's an AU".
Mako Bianchi, Saphira's ex
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A reaper that I used to pair with Saphira. She is now with other people and he is back to being the guy I draw sexy because I crave men. It's a toss up whether he's a skeleton or an elven winged man at any given moment.
Valus Nesrine
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An incubus I used for my original novel. You can read about him there and in a short story, but they're both pretty naughty hahaha. He's charming and sweet. I love writing him.
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A mothman and the focus of some more stories. He's a bastard. But a sexy bastard. Honestly, that's all he has going for him.
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A bio android OC for Dragon Ball. She's mostly just there for pairing with Piccolo, lmao. But she did have some cool fights in the server where she was made.
Majin Mani
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Same boat as Tarine, but for more of a "I like messing with these guys" vibe than the former. Mani was made for Dragon Ball Xenoverse so she is a time cop (ranger? whatever they were called)
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A mercenary in Twilight Princess. I have her for an AU specifically but she is my Zant lover OC. She is half Twili and half Hylian. Does that work? Not really, but I really loved the idea.
Arin Ferris (and all of her Pokemon)
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Arin is an Ex Rocket (which placed her at around 30 at the time so that's just her age now) and now owns a daycare off the coast of Hoenn. I like giving her the poison aesthetic but she doesn't use too many poison types.
Lia (Alix) Bech
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A keyblade wielder who kinda sucks at fighting. She far prefers staying out of fights. Yeah she's just here to bang the organization. But she also has identity issues :D
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More of an "everyday" OC for Zelda. I use her in all other Zelda games while Amea is for Twilight Princess only. She is a tech whiz and she makes mechs, hahah. And this was before TOTK was even announced!
Celeste Wade
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An OC for Final Fantasy 9. She's a noble in Treno and she captures monsters to sell as pets and manor security. So she packs quite a punch without lookin like she can! I haven't designed her monster hunting get up yet.
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You know Lawachurls from Genshin Impact? Well I didn't like the game, but I loved these guys <3 So I made one for myself. He's the only remnant of my Genshin knowledge.
Velka, the Arcta Knight
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My Kirby OC. She is a bad guy and I use her to antagonize everyone in the game. She has a vendetta against Meta Knight. And she got her powers illegitimately from Nightmare.
Thalia Vanfin, another favorite
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A fishwoman bar owner/bounty hunter. Yep! Another one for shipping. But I love writing her encounters and drawing her being cute with people. Not always romantically but mostly romantically.
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Monster man with mask face and tentacles~ He's got a human form since he was turned into a beast like everyone else. But I usually only draw his monster form.
Dia "Dragoon" Chambers
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A depressed college student who uses the Dark World as escapism from her life. Anything that makes her feel like she doesn't have to go back home. She comes with some friends! Laguna the Rogue and Phish!
Laguna the Rogue
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Phish does not have any character traits beyond "is an Addison", but here's Laguna! She was originally made for an Undertale AU but now she's just a crazy ass monster and the only one looking out for Dia.
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twixxsted · 2 years
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Twst oc blog and art•Inconsistent updates so beware
✿ Fav characters ✿
➵ Ruggie
➵ Deuce
➵ Sebek
➵ Kalim
➵ Jamil
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➵ About me:
My name is Tarin, I’m an 18 years old femMuslim and I sometimes make OCs and fanart for the fandoms I’m in. Like a certain hyena boy (and apparently a blue haired card and croc fae) English is not my first language so please excuse my spelling and bad English!
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➵ Tags
[#My art] for fanart and oc works
[#Muna works] main oc tag
[#twst template] fan made templates of cards/ref sheets for oc usage
[#For Muna] others art works of Muna.
[#ships] like it reads this is for canon x oc ship works.
➵ Other interests:
Anime- Naruto, jjk, Jojo’s, Bnha, Kny, Dororo, Pokemon
games- Genshin impact, Obey me, Stray, Poppy playtime, Fnaf, Hollow Knight
other- Monkie Kid, 2003/2012/Rise TMNT, Samurai Rabbit TCOU, Monster high, Maomao, TAWOG, Owl house, Amphibia, miraculous ladybug
➵ Blocked?
Reason 1: harassment towards me or others will result in this
Reason 2: reposting my works without permission
If you don’t like me or the stuff I make please just block and ignore. Don’t ruin the fun.
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krokaxe · 24 days
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Starry & the Coyotes first Voltage feature and No Maps But Constellations album art
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askstrayocblog · 1 year
So I don't do roleplay but I will answer asks how how I think that oc/character will respond nsfw,proship,homophobia,transphobia, racism, general bigotry etc is banished from this blog
Send as many asks as you want but I can't garentee they will all be done same day if I have to draw a scene or character.you can interact with the characters w your own ocs,self insert,or just other canon or not characters
Bunky- goofy lil fella with animal stickers and a bucket hat. a nuisance to Jed.wears cargo shorts out of spite
Buzzkii/Bee- very close with Bunky since before,broke his screen in the same incident with Bunky. Essentially anxious big sibling for all their friends
Jed- tiny lil cassette player brick who is in evil goblin mode 99% of the time.supposedly hates bunky but can't seem to part with him
Emirel- really chill guy, besties with cowboy Tarin. Keeps the gang out of trouble for the most part (bribery) playfully despises cargo shorts
Tarin- they like depictions of cowboys bcs she thought the fit slayed [it does on them anyways] older than Buzzkii by a month and makes sure everyone knows abt it
Tunk0- looks like a sentient microwave. Is very sweet but isn't all that close to the gang
Traveller- their cat, fluffy guy, brings Emirel dead animals on occasion to freak them out.
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roseyrays · 2 years
# OC’S
Snow White/Enchanted
rin narra (twisted from the hunted forest & a tiny bit of queen narisa)
^ they’re personality isn’t like queen narisa tho, they’re more of a lively fella they just got queen narisa’s powers
ren narra (twisted from the hunted forest)
ryu narra (twisted from the hunted forest)
aldric luiff (twisted on snow white’s glass coffin)
volture twins (twisted on the voltures in snow white)
no name yet (twisted from prince edward)
no name yet(twisted from giselle)
Emmy Garcia
Ji Raun
Sofia Cruz
Marie Louiz
Taki Tarin
Alice In Wonderland
mae hart (based on the mad hatter)
alastor (based on the march hare)
aster aelia (based on rapunzel)
ernaline (based on eugene/flynn rider)
leveret coello (based on judy hopps)
nicolas rena (based on nick wilde)
gael gazelle (based on gazelle)
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waddlesworth · 4 months
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Tarin and Paige art! They’re two of my sci-fi OCs whom I’m currently shipping together with a writing project I’m working on! :3
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codariidoescrimes · 5 years
On Chiss emoting and conversational layers
I love Chiss in case y’all couldn’t tell. But I’m not a super duper fan of the whole “chiss don’t emote” either canon or popular headcanon. So basically I was chatting with @femmehawke and came up with a headcanon of my own that I liked enough to post. Most applicable to the old republic era because that has the most interaction between Chiss and non Chiss, but w/e.
Basically my idea is that Chiss DO emote, just in a way that other species don’t have so much access to. I’m gonna say chiss emoting for that, and traditional body language to refer to, well, traditional body language. So to me, Chiss emoting is very based around complex eye flashes, where different intensities and colours signal different emotions. I like this concept coz I really love when star wars species have languages built up around stuff like that, such as Twi’leks communicating with lekku. Also ppl really like to hc Chiss society as being quite complex and I think this meshes well with that.
I think it also adds an additional layer of insults and snubs to conversation. Like if a Chiss is communicating with a non Chiss and using purely Chiss emotes, they’re excluding that person from the conversation. Whereas if two Chiss are conversing with no non Chiss involved and one Chiss chooses to use traditional body language they’re basically saying the other person is an idiot.
Do I think other species can learn this? Yes and no. I think anyone who spends a lot of time around Chiss (soldiers on Hoth, traders who largely trade with Chiss, Raina freaking Temple) would develop various levels of ‘being able to read’ Chiss emotes. Stuff like “amused” or “angry” or “sad”. However I think it would also require a range of vision that a lot of other species (especially humans) don’t possess to get the full complexity/fluency. I also don’t think most non Chiss species would be able to USE Chiss body language, due to not having the right eyes. Potentially via cybernetics you would be able to program the eye flashes and get the vision required to learn more complex emotions, however that might require more information than the Chiss are willing to provide so. Something for me to think about I guess.
Anyways, that’s just my personal headcanon coz I think it’s neat and fun. Ardently out!
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