#OC: Villy
elowmojo · 15 days
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Double trouble.
[ Villy & Billy ]
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dyspraxicenby · 11 months
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Playing Alan Wake II
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saikkunen · 10 months
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The Diver was a beloved character I played in one of my films.
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slutforsnow · 8 months
Reliving Hell
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Chapter 6 :3
Summary: Someone's getting suspicious of "Easton's" identity and decides to see who he really is by seeing if he can scream
CW/TW: SA/groping, trauma response, violence, hungover
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The next morning, Violent was stretching as she walked down the stairs. She had been too drunk to find Alias, so Courtney had brought her home, so nothing bad happened to her. She yawned as she pulled her hair up into some kind of style to make sure no one figured out she was a she.
"Ah, morning Vi," Courtney greeted as Violet threw on a coat just to be safe. She could never be to safe.
"Morning, Courtney," She greeted, looking around the kitchen for her boots.
"So, what you got plans for?" Court asked, setting a plate of breakfast on the table. She knew Vi had a tendency to skip breakfast when she was on a mission, but she at least wanted her best friend to eat something.
"Goin' to that ranchers place—Harry Hooker. He hired Billy, Alias, and I. Well, technically, he hired William H. Bonney, Alias, and Easton Vargough," She answered, correcting herself. Vi leaned against the tablet, using a fork to eat some of the egg and bacon on her plate. She grabbed her boots from the threshold leading into the living room, slipping them on and fixing her trousers to be over her boots.
"I should get goin'—should find Billy and group up with Alias," Vi added, grabbing her bandanna from her back pocket. She tied it around her face, securing it tightly.
"Alright, be safe Vi!!" Courtney told her as Violet left.
When Vi finally found Billy, he looked rough—like a kind of 'I'm so tired cause I had intense sex' rough.
"Hell happened to you?" Vi asked, laughing softly, grabbing his hat and fixing his hair somewhat.
"A girl; real pretty girl too from the saloon last night. Her name's Alice," Billy replied, grinning a bit before Violet put his hat back on his head.
Violet fought back the urge to scream; Alice slept with Billy!? Of all the people he could've slept with, he slept with her?! She shook it off, not wanting to keep the conversation on Alice going; the cunt was an all-too horrible memory for Vi to handle—especially with a hangover.
Violet fought back the urge to scream; Alice slept with Billy!? Of all the people he could've slept with, he slept with her?! She shook it off, not wanting to keep the conversation on Alice going; the cunt was an all-too horrible memory for Vi to handle—especially with a hangover.
"You ready to head to the ranch?" She asked, diffusing any questions Billy was starting to ask about why Violent had an angry look in her eyes.
"Yeah, and are you okay? You've got this... firey look in your eyes, and it's kinda scary," Billy questioned. Vi simply laughed it off, dismissing his question.
"I'm fine, knucklehead," She reassured, punching him in the arm. "Now let's go."
When the duo found Alias, the three of them made way for Harry Hooker's ranch.
Later, around maybe 3 hours after regrouping with Alias and making their way to the ranch, Violet was beginning to regret wearing 2 shirts. Did they conceal her female anatomy? Yes. Were they killing her and making her sweat to death? Yes. Was she going to suffer anyway to make sure no one found out "he" was actually a she? Very much so.
But to help her not focus on the sweltering heat, she was silently cursing out Alice. Alice was known for stealing boys back in her boarding school days—specifically boys Violet showed interest in. She never knew why Alice did it; if Violet had ever so much as said hi to another boy that wasn't Jesse, Alice or some other girl would yank them far from her. She hated it—all boys would eventually drop her as a friend and avoid her like the plague.
Eventually, it made her snap, and she started to act out, doing whatever she could to raise hell for everyone, and she thrived in it. She loved the attention and fear her other classmates had, seeing Vi cause destruction until she was expelled.
Shakin' her head, Violet squeezed her eyes shut and disrupted any memories of her boarding school days. Her chaos had been short-lived and not enough to undo the hell hole before she snapped. Sighing, she stretched, deciding to take a mild break from workin'. Sliding her smaller frame off of North, she made her way to grab some water.
She hummed to herself, grabbing a mug and lightly dunking it into the tub of water before beginning to down it after pulling her bandanna down enough to let her drink the heavenly liquid that trickled its way down her throat.
Meanwhile, Billy was helpin', the other cowboys bring the cattle back and lock them in their pen. He was thinkin' back to last night about Alice and how nice she felt against him. He was hopin' to see her again, wanting to introduce her to Violet. Then he heard it.
The blood-curtling horrified womanly scream that no pre-pubescent boy could ever imitate. He snapped his head towards the direction he heard it and snapped the reigns, urging his horse to the origin of Violet's scream of absolute terror.
When he came back to her, he practically jumped off his horse and kneeled down to her. She was hyperventilating with tears rolling down her cheeks and crying, holding onto Billy, feeling his calming and reassuring grip.
"Vi, it's okay, it's okay, it's just me, it's just me," He told her, pulling her into his arms and his hand on the back of her head. "Shh, shh, it's okay I've got you."
The other cowboys were talking amongst themselves about how "Easton" wasn't a he and instead was a girl. Billy took notice that one of the other cowboys had Violets hat in his hand and frowned, putting the pieces together and realizing what must've happened.
He stood up, holding Violet close in bridal style, and set her on his horse. He put his hat on her head, which ensured that no one else would touch her as Alias joined the two.
"Vi, I'm gonna go get your hat, OK? Alias is gonna stay with you," He told her, holding her free hand. Her other hand was holding the buttons of her shirt together, so they didn't expose her chest more.
She simply nodded, not meeting his gaze. Billy squeezed her hand before going off, grabbing her hat and cursing out the other cowboys for what they did to her.
After the three got to a quieter place, Violet finally took Billy's hat off and dropped it onto his head and putting hers back onto her head.
"Hey," Billy greeted, looking up at her with a reassuring smile as he led his and her horses in tow to Alias and his horse.
"Hi," She replied, her voice thick from crying.
"I took care of 'em," He told her, averting his gaze as she fixed her shirts. "Mr. Hooker's gonna fire 'em hopefully and you'll get to keep your job."
"I don't wanna," She mumbled, taking the reigns of Billy's horse weaving the leathers through her fingers. "Wanna find a different job."
"Are you sure? Alias got us this job-" Billy asked, confused but understanding. After what happened, he didn't blame her one bit, and if he was in her shoes, he'd do the exact same.
"I'm sure." Billy nodded, leaving it at that. He wasn't one to judge and wasn't going to start now.
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Tags: @etfrin @hearts4court @snows-wife @delusionalbunni @kiraflowersworld @victory-scream0462 @curled-hair-red-lips @morallygrayboys @phoward89 @xoxo-eyeballs @thereeallink @graciouslyc @acidaciruela @wanda-maximoff-enthusiast @firstworldproblemthings @nowitsmissing
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phantomwritezstuff077 · 3 months
Sneak peak into my side series for “The Runt”: Family Line
i’ve decided to gift to you guys this little drabble sneak peak of Family Line, my side series for The Runt 🥹
Artax whinnied as he galloped around the small arena, bucking wildly as he tossed his head and reared, once again throwing Jesse off of his back and into a nearby thorn bush. The yearling snorted as he cantered around in circles, trying to find an escape around the fence but there was none, he charged towards the wood but then skidded to a stop at the last minute — he wanted to jump but he didn’t know how to.
“Stupid fucking horse!,” Jesse cursed, standing up in the thorn bush as he threw a stick covered in barbed wire at Artax, hitting the poor horse in the withers and causing a nasty laceration running from his withers to his mid-shoulder.
The yearling screeched, spooking again as he galloped to the far corner of the arena, rearing and tossing his head again, blood spilling from the fresh wound.
Artax could feel the metallic taste of blood in his mouth as he tried to spit out the harsh bit that had been jammed into his mouth, spooking at the sight of Jesse hopping the fence and trying to grab his reins, the yearling whinnied again, kicking at Jesse as his ears pinned backwards. He was clearly terrified and he didn’t want this man anywhere near him.
“Jesse what the fuck is wrong with you!,” a younger voice echoed throughout the ranch
The bay mustang’s ears pricked up, his nostrils flaring as he heard the sounds of Vi struggling, yelling about something but he couldn’t quite make it out, but all he knew was that she was angry, more than likely angry at Jesse, she was being held back by an older man, a man who was much older than both her and Jesse.
Artax remembered how a few nights ago she took care of him, how she helped him calm down and settle into this funny thing that these people called a stall, it had comfy bedding in it but there wasn’t in food or water in his stall unlike the other horses stalls who had plenty of food and water in them. He also remembered how she tended to the nasty grazes in his knees from the day he was rounded up, and that she’d given him the name “Artax”, and that somewhere out there there is a little girl who will love him.
He wondered where that little girl was if what she said was true, where was his little girl?
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littlesilentrebel · 9 months
what if i made a lord in black oc
what if, huh?
their name is villy
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qualxon · 1 year
Family Ties
Arc 1 - Royal Blood
Part 1 | Previous | Masterlist
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grasshopperqueen · 1 year
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My Villys dress!
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sylverwaree · 1 year
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i redrew old art from mid 2021 !!! :3 her name is moss and she is very silly
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trashartgalleries · 5 months
Last art piece of the daaaaaay!
My Helluva OCs in their Human Forms!
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The siblings started to put their hands on their hips like Villi, lolz
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elowmojo · 2 months
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lazarusart · 1 year
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Villie, my rogue tiefling ♥
My bby oc tiefling, I love them so much >w<
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amber-gimlet · 7 months
Sparkle HSR, Moirai LibraryRuina, and Villi from my ocs are all examples of crab evolution.
this post prompted by the fact that I wanna do one of those inspiration boards for Villi but I don't actually remember what all inspired her, and a lot of the characters I could put on there that would immediately convey her vibes, she actually predates*.
*either predates my first encounter with those characters or predates the character outright.
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slutforsnow · 3 months
Vi’s reaction to Jesse telling Laurie “You’re damn lucky i didn’t shoot and kill you on the spot when i caught you stealing and scavenging through my barn, i was kind enough to keep you alive and put a roof over your head and make sure you’re fed.”
Bc i just KNOW she’s gonna be PISSED
"And ya know what else she got from you, Jesse? No education. Verbal and physical harm. Fear of abandonment, fear of being struck, no childhood. No parental figure til Billy & I came along," Vi sneered tiltin' her hat down as she walked over to her so-called brother. She took her hat off and placed it on the counter by Laurie's sketchbook and handed it to the 13 year old before quietly usherin' her to go check on Artax.
Once the screen door shut, Vi turned to her blonde-bafoon of a brother. "The hell is wrong with you?"
"Don't you fuckin' Violet me!! I know the shit you and Barbara have done- or should I say haven't done for that little angel? You strike her for one little thing and you wonder why she prefers to be alone!! You're shovin' her away, dipshit!! And calling her a runt ain't no way to treat a little girl; you SHOULD remember that! Daddy ain't ever done that to me no matter how small I was. Laurie may be little but she's a good kid and you treatin' her the way you do ain't no way to raise a child. You care for them, you reassure them, you protect them, YOU TEACH THEM FOR FUCKS SAKE. You aint done shit for Laurie and Barbaras done even less!! When Billy and I go, we're takin' lil Laurie from ya and I don't qanna hear you whine, moan, and complain, ya hear? You ain't treat her like family, so I will." Grabbin' her hat off the counter, Vi left the room and headed outside to go talk with Billy leavin an angry Jesse in the kitchen alone.
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phantomwritezstuff077 · 3 months
Family Line
Chapter Sneak Peak
Sneak Peak 1
Vi finding out Laurie can’t read
Vi seeing Laurie being forced to do manual labour
Billy and Vi standing up for Laurie
Laurie’s first period
Vi helping Artax
Vi seeing Jesse hit Laurie
Vi seeing Artax being dragged into the ranch
Vi standing up for Laurie
Artax and Laurie stuff
How Artax got to the ranch
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Last night, I had this weird dream where I started a tumblr blog called “The Gender Logs” where I just made a bunch of genderqueer OCs, and described their character and gender through a one-shot, but instead of it actually making sense, it just raised more questions, and by the time you reached the end of each post, you felt like everything made less sense than when you started the post.
I remember only one of these characters from “The Gender Logs”, and their (I don’t actually remember if my dream supplied pronouns for this character) was named Villie Vi, and the only physical characteristic that this character had was light blue hair. Like, I remember seeing the character in my dream multiple times, but as soon as I stopped looking at them, I forgot everything about their appearance except for their hair color.
It was like an SCP log but for genderqueer people, and honestly, as a genderqueer person myself, whose goal is to become confusing and upsetting to the cis-hetero eye, it was pretty kick ass.
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