#OC: Yvie
ambersrequel · 2 months
having oc x canon brainrot when the only person who Truly knows my fandom oc lore is bestie mine be so insane sometimes bc how the fuck am i even meant to explain ts to literally anyone else.
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ghostedhouse · 1 year
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happy pride here's a bunch of oc horseplay from the past month
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byshilane · 8 months
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I really should have made Yvie an eldritch knight, but alas, I wanted her to balance the party a little and fill gaps with the players. But I do like her as an Aasimar, fits well.
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angelsarthaven · 1 year
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Cheers for the first complete sketch of 2023!!
Yvie is my friend's sith OC, an alien girl completely devoted to her sith lord and incredibly toxic love interest
Hot and crazy, which seems to be most of my friend's taste in characters pfft
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sakurapiss · 2 years
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fuck it oc art dump because i never post my shit 🤙
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pingponkan · 1 year
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My first drawing for this year, after nearly 6 months of not doing so haha smh
Say hello to Yves Derosiers
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
-Masters' Team-
(Group Theme Song)
Welp- after falling into four different fandoms, I ended up making them- four in total XD. School is now distracting me especially my studies but I'll be doing this post alongside the appearances of the incoming BIOs that will be posted soon.
(-Photo Down Below-)
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Ft. OCs-
-Yvette. C. Allen (Food Fantasy)
-Madeleine Carmichael (Fate Grand Order)
-Wisteria Locklyn (Senjyushi R)
-Fuyuko Kamiyama (Touken Ranbu)
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pentuppen · 23 days
Fics Master List
Figured I might as well put these together all in one post, I didn't realise I'd written so much till I looked back on it But here goes!
Go leave the lovely @adevilyoudo some love for the wonderful dividers (I'm old that may not be the term) they created for the community!
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Completed & One Shots
Loose The Arrow - Complete - 50 Chapters - EXPLICIT
Astarion / OC Tav
Astarion has everything they could possibly want, power, prestige and nobody to answer to, but he doesn't have her, the one taken from him by a deadly deal.
An alternate look at a relationship with Ascended Astarion and the Druid Verlaine. Focus' mainly on the relationship after the Elder Brain with flashbacks into moments during their journey.
(Artwork by @raavila)
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Mid Winter In Moonrise - One Shot - EXPLICIT
Astarion / Halsin / OC Tav
An off shoot from Loose The Arrow. Astarion is comfortable enough with his and Verlaine's relationship that he broaches the subject of allowing a play partner.
Bitter Suns - One Shot - EXPLICIT
Durge / Gortash
Helika looks upon the new Archduke and wonders why the mangled meat of her mind reaches for memories she cannot grasp. In all the confusion and hidden truths about who she is, why is this man compelling, who is he to her, and why do her knees desire to bend in his presence?
A one shot that was inspired by a piece of art by @feyspeaker. I won't post it here as it was a commission and I don't have permission to post it, but that's just a great excuse to go check out her work to find it. Trust me, you'll know which one it is!!
Whiskey Red - Complete - 2 Chapters - EXPLICIT
Rugan / OC
Rugan finds himself in somewhat dire straits and only one option. Ask an old friend for help! That is if she is still a friend after the last time they spoke three years ago.
Shameless smut that started the famous 'Its just a one shot' whine from me....yeah that didn't work as planned.....
Lilac & Sandalwood - Complete - 2 chapters - EXPLICIT
Astarion / OC Tav
A sweet story concerning Astarion and the statuesque Cerese!
This doesn't have much in the way of plot but plenty of smut. Part of an art exchange with the lovely @alcidence, Cerese is her baby <3
A Snake In The Garden - One shot - EXPLICIT
Rugan / OC
What is a man to do when he lucks into a pass to see one of the most expensive and exotic ladies in Baldurs Gate? Well he damn well goes to see her of course!
Part of an art Exchange with the ever talented @littleplasticrat I think I wrote this while still in denial about writing a long Rugan fic.
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Long Fics Still In Progress
Unleashed - 46/50 chapters in - EXPLICIT
Astarion / OC
For the past two years, Astarion has found himself mostly alone after the events of the Elderbrain. Still bound by the sun and dealing with feral spawn, he gets a chance to end the suns tyranny over his life. The only problem is, he has to deal with a Druid.
Nothing I write here will accurately explain this high adventure / angst /smut story. It is Part two of The Game series, (part one Loose The Arrow) and I don't want to give it away by over explaining!
The Devil You Don't - 29/? chapters in - EXPLICIT!
Raphael / Astarion / OC's
After avoiding the devils many attractive traps during her fight against the Absolute, Ren finally succumbs to falling into his clutches in the name of helping a friend. Now she is caught in a maelstrom of toxic relationships, power struggles and finding out just who in the hells she actually is.
A long running fic full of plot as well as some of my more adventurous porn, and somehow I managed to make people fall in love with one of my OC's!
Artworks by @alcidence (left) and @littleplasticrat
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The Red Right Hand - 12 / ? Chapters in - EXPLICIT
Rugan / OC
A simple grab gone wrong and a simple life ruined in a single day, leaves Rugan feeling guilty enough to take on a new recruit. Yvie isn't the usual fare to be found in the Zhentarim, but she's got more than enough fire for the older Zhent to want to risk getting burnt!
This is what happens when you keep telling yourself you ARENT going to do a Rugan long fic. Fucking old man is going to kill me!
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Please do go check out the artists listed here, their work is impressive and being inspired or seeing other people bring my work to life is just the BEST experience, so go shower them with love and mutuals <3
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hidden2night · 7 months
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ocs Yvette and Vincent are doing a show together!
Long story short, Yvie convinced her skeleton buddy not to perform on a graveyard for once and try playing for the living. Vincent thought for a second, scratched his skull and agreed. Having their club located near the city cemetery, the Deadly blues owner has seen some bizarre things, and a skeleton playing drums on skulls is anything but surprising to them.
Fingers crossed, people (dead or alive) will come see the show!
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jurygarroth · 1 year
do you have any other possible fankid OCs you haven't drawn? also love all of their designs, especially Yvie and Juno :D
thank you sm!!!! admittedly my creativity juice ran out as soon as i decided to make it an AU and focused on the characters i think would actually have kids but here’s a travcinda fankid who legally can’t exist because they’d be too powerful and my evil woman yuri ivyllian daughter who will never beat the school bully allegations
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mayahawkins · 1 year
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no one asked me to list my fav blogs but i’m just gonna make my own end of year follow forever bc i wanna rant abt my talented friends, beloved mutuals, and just people i follow that i have never spoken to but who are such a joy to see on my dash. so, without further ado, maddy’s 2022 follow forever:
@strangeswift abby strangeswift, my beloved. you were the first person i talked to in this fandom and i’m so glad u were bc u are the sweetest most kind person ever. you are so supportive of all your friends and mutuals and u make me wanna be a more outwardly loving and supportive person fr. i remember when u wrote that lil ficlet based on my text post and i’m p sure i almost cried bc i felt so special that someone had been inspired by something i had said to write smth so wonderful. you’re an incredible writer and i am always so excited anytime you post any of your writing. i can’t wait to read more of your fics and am so patiently waiting for MilevenVision (as much as i may bug u for crumbs). i’m so glad to call you a friend <3
@elekinetic ella ella, bonded in shared discord trauma so ur never getting rid of me. i feel so honoured to call you a friend bc you are one of the best people i know. you are so smart and level-headed and loyal as hell to your friends. you are also so kind and you're so deliberate with what you say and how you say it. you defs intimidated me the first few times we talked but now im like oh ya ella, my amazing talented friend ella. your scripts give me so much life. and not just your st ones but your original ones as well. can't wait to one day see "ella elekinetic hexagirl" in movie credits (bc obviously ur last name is ur url). and your OCs?? i have never once become obsessed with someone's OCs the way i can't stop thinking abt yours. that's what you've done to me. you are so incredibly talented and ily <3
@andiwriteordie ANNDDIIIIII ILY FR <3 u are so insanely talented and kind and wonderful. i’m so happy we started talking recently bc u have truly brightened the last few weeks of the year. u got me back into watching merlin so thank u for the pain u will surely cause me as i rewatch this show i haven’t seen in almost a decade. ur fics were some of the first that i read in the byler fandom and that means u will always hold a special place in my heart. i remember the first time i read your let's hear it for the boys series and i was just like omg i'm obsessed with this. i have absolutely adored every single one i’ve read (even though i’m a lil behind on them rn oops but i will catch up) and can’t wait to see what else you write. your atla!au (and the newly brainstormed merlin!au) live in my head rent free and i can’t wait to read them if you write them.
@nnilkyway my fellow emo will truther <3 yvie i love you dearly. you are so incredibly talented i could scream abt ur artwork literally for days. your fanworks and your original art and your doodles are all beautiful and stunning. the day we started talking and you sent me the lil doodle you did of emo will byers i think i actually cried at how much i loved it and that it had come from our conversation about it. i saved it onto my camera roll so i can come back to it easier that's how much i love it. you are also one of the funniest people on here, your tags almost always have me rolling. i can't wait to see what beautiful art you draw in the new year.
@finalgirlbyers sierra lovqbrl madcleradin finalgirlbyers!!!! i know we haven’t talked much but i love seeing u on my dash and u always have the best takes and theories and just posts in general. i know i've said that literally multiple times to you but it cannot be overstated how correct you always are. one of my fav people to follow on here.
people i don't talk to but whose presence is a joy to have on my dash:
@astrobei an absolutely incredible writer that wrote some of my fav fics. one of the best will fics, not all the prayers, that truly is just so unbelievably amazing. like the care that you can just tell went into that fic is just incredible. Some absolutely incredible lines that will punch you right in the gut in the best way possible.
@blueeandyellowmakesgreen jade! one of the coolest people, has some of the most amazing art over on @azuries, like it's actually so amazing and people need to go look at it and reblog it now immediately
@mlchaelwheeler an absolute joy to follow. so many good posts and im fr rooting for mike with a sword in s5 just for her
@elmaxed their fics were some of the first i read in the byler fandom and i absolutely fell in love with them. they hold such a dear place in my heart. also one of the sweetest people fr, one of the first to compliment my gifs and so they are forever in my mind for that <3
@smoosnoom omg their fics!!! are!!!! incredible!!!! so many wonderful fics, i was just looking through my bookmarks and i swear half of them are theirs. the one about mike's will voice has my whole heart.
@wiseatom another lovely fic writer, and one who titles her fics with taylor swift lyrics bc she Gets It!!! also one of the sweetest people in the fandom, always seems to be supporting other people.
@kidovna one of the most talented artists in this fandom oh my GOD. i cannot praise her and her art enough idk how what else to even say besides amazing incredible talented showstopping
@byeler wrote one of my all time fav fics, Heavy Hopes, with my beloved trope, oblivious jealous mike, which is truly *chef's kiss*. such a good writer like it cannot be overstated
@ice-sculptures a truly amazing gifmaker. gifs so many little byler moments that are so precious that i've definitely missed when watching the show.
@william-byers an absolutely incredible gif maker. taylor swift and stranger things together on one blog, what more could you want?
@padme-amidala makes some of the most beautiful gifs ever oh my goodness, her gifs are part of what inspired me to start making gifs and to challenge my gifmaking. i hope to one day be as good as she is.
@robiinbuckley also makes some of the most beautiful gifs, literally in awe of her gifs. also inspired my gifmaking journey and has inspired me to challenge myself when it comes to gifmaking.
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ghostedhouse · 1 year
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you see kodachrome, you see pink and gold 💫
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byshilane · 8 months
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On one hand, I think it's inevitable that I would ship Yvie with Felix. On the other hand, I really should try not to be so obviously into tsuderes. Anyway, I don't look at me.
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angelsarthaven · 1 year
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You ever spend 20mins of an hour sitting trying to draw the perfect butt line as to make it not big, but also not small?
of course not you're not insane
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sakurapiss · 2 years
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something something weed joke 
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
OCs Birthdays on May!
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OCs By Order:
-Yaeko Akamine (HSA OC)-(Destopia-@hourglassstationacademy/@terrovaniadorm) May 9
-Hibiki Nakamura (HSA OC)-(Talerenea-@hourglassstationacademy) May 29
-Whitney Elsher (HSA OC)-(Tetravania-@hourglassstationacademy) May 23
-Yvette Caitlin Allen (FF MC) May 17
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