oc-tober2023 · 2 years
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Couldn't find a prompt I personally liked so I made my own!!
Use #OC-tober #OC-tober2022 or tag me so I can see and reblog your art/writing/crafts!
Don't feel pressured to do all the days and remember the most important thing is to have fun!!
Background is by pikisuperstar on Freepik
Day1: Childhood
Day2: Impossible
Day3: Control
Day4: Hidden
Day5: Failure
Day6: Reflection
Day7: Routine
Day8: Graceful
Day9: Role reversal
Day10: Dream
Day11: Fight
Day12: Beginning
Day13: Fear
Day14: Legend
Day15: Reality
Day16: Victory
Day17: Lie
Day18: Obstacle
Day19: Facade
Day20: Death
Day21: Different era
Day22: Memory
Day23: Bound
Day24: Forgotten
Day25: Weakness
Day26: Temptation
Day27: Strange
Day28: Disease
Day29: Change
Day30: Free choice
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lonely-dog-draws · 2 years
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image description: a warm-toned traditional drawing with touches of color in it. It has two characters- one is an anthro lynx of thick build, with pale fur & large grey spots on his face, & green eyes. He's wearing a fancy suit including a blue jacket with a floral design. The other character is a small anthro wolf with brown fur, wearing an elaborate Victorian-styled dress. The wolf is leaning towards the lynx with a hand closing around his neck. The lynx is crouching on the ground, looking up at the wolf with a shocked expression. The view of this scene is cut off at their lower legs. End ID.
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mothmandibles · 2 years
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@oc-tober2022 day 12: Beginning
the start of an adventure that’ll take at least seven years to tell...
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sunhowler-art · 2 years
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decided to make my own OC-tober prompt list because i couldn’t quite find one i liked. feel free to use this with or without credit! if you really wanna use a specific tag for this then use #xenoctober2022. ok bye!
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uncannycookie · 2 years
OC-tober 20: Death
OC: Emri
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this was supposed to be a death tarot card, I just can’t be bothered to design the rest of it right now 🙃
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sylibane · 2 years
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OC-Tober Day 27: Strange
(prompt from @oc-tober2022)
Ed and Zan here after a trip to the thrift store for strange finds. Ed likes to try to figure out what the people were like by the stuff left behind, while Zan focuses on finding things that fit their aesthetic of ‘90s arcade carpet’.
The shirts were seen on @shiftythrifting here and here
[ID: a digital drawing of two teens from the knees up. The boy on the left has light skin, short straight black hair that sticks up in the back, and brown eyes, and is standing with his arms folded and one leg popped up. He’s wearing a white collared short-sleeved shirt with yellow, pink, and blue polka dots and brown pants. The kid on the right has light skin, straight brown hair with green tips up in a loose ponytail, green eyes, and small green earrings. They has one hand on their hip. They’re wearing a blue sweater with a teal sleeve, yellow and teal squares, and abstract smaller rectangles and triangles in yellow, teal, black, and pink, and blue pants. Both are looking at each other with small smiles. The background is white with a pink smear across it. End ID]
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doodlebun · 2 years
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OC-tober Day 10: Dream
i wonder what she's doing, right now...
(prompt from @oc-tober2022 !!)
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Day 6: Reflection ft. Marcel Noir... I'm trying to catch up I swear but I think I'll finish this in like October 2023 XD
When Marcel almost lost the love of his life because of his own actions he realized that it was time to reflect. What he wanted was to relive his childhood memories with his lover, but Rouge grew up and changed, became a different person, maybe even a better person. He himself changed too, and he knows now, that if he were to meet their childhood selves, Rouge would be protecting little Marcel from the monster he became. Does he deserve redemption after all that he'd done? All the pain he'd caused? Does he deserve forgiveness? He doesn't have the answers, but he knows who does.
The original before cutting it ;3
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vero-vetka13 · 2 years
Moony's OC-tober | day 4
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Tali's natural hair color is pretty much hidden from everyone, but most importantly me✌
This drawing is not lore, just a fun thing that I don't have my OC's hair c. figured out :D Also, Tali's alternative hairstyle!!
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 years
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OC-Tober Day 1: Childhood (@oc-tober2022) Sweet summer child Dism don't u know that not following the latest artificial children's toy trends doesn't make you any less valid, nor do you need to be exceedingly helpful or skilled.... no don't develop a white-knight complex ahaha you're so cute </3
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ruvikdraws · 2 years
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Oc-tober day 8- Graceful  Idk if she's graceful??? But she's supposed to be lol
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lonely-dog-draws · 1 year
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OCs for OC-tober- the prompts were "dream," "disease," and "forgotten."
image descriptions: 3 drawings in pencil, with colors added digitally. The first drawing is of an abstract creature with a purple bird-like head, wearing a maroon poncho that obscures his body, & purple boots. He has a little plant sprout on his head, a rat's tail, & thin noodley arms emerging from the poncho. He's running down a white set of stairs on all fours & looking to the side. An unseen light source is casting his shadow on the wall beside him & washing out his colors. Part of the staircase is fragmenting into puzzle pieces, some of which are falling apart. The word "dream" is written at the top. The second drawing is of a thin black person with short, curly, dark hair. He wears a long-sleeved button up shirt and pants. The skin around his eyes is dark and puffy. He has a bandage wrapped around one of his upper arms and a dark substance splattered on his sleeve. He's sitting on the ground with his elbows on his knees, reaching to accept a tissue from someone out of view. The third and final drawing is of two creatures sitting outside on a low stone wall. The wall has grass growing along the top and bottom of it, and is decorated with blue diamond shapes. The character on the left is a sort of pale humanoid bug with digitigrade legs and a triangular face with its only features being eyes and antennae. He has a bag slung over his shoulder, & is looking over at the other character. The other character to the right is pale purple, of a similar humanoid shape, but tree branches from plants out of view obscure most of her. The sky behind them fades to pale blue. End descriptions.
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mothmandibles · 2 years
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@oc-tober2022 day 10: Dream
The Face Stealer is a known nuisance in dreams who, as the name implies, will steal your face. Luckily, they always end up getting caught in the end and your face returned... provided nothing else interrupt the dream, like, i don’t know, god coming in and taking it away before you get your face back.
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qwerty-the-duck · 2 years
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Last set for for OC-tober 2022! Thanks to @oc-tober2022​ for the prompt list! Under the cut is a brief explanation of each picture and how they related to the prompts.  (Just like week one, which can be found here!)
Day 22: Grace (Minimal) for Memory. Grace is a rare Witch in her story that has the skills to manipulate and store memories. She often does this to patients in her care she feels may need to be stripped of their traumas until they are rehabilitated enough to be able to handle them. She never peeks on the patients memories, but sometimes take a moment to look back at her own.
Day 23: Vessithyr (DND NPC) for Bound. A dnd NPC and Coven Master for one sect of Vampires in my DND setting. Being the creator of several different vampires, they are bound to her and her will whether through devotion, debt, or sheer controlling power.
Day 24: Kori no Yousei [”The Ice Fairy”] Aka Kory (Fireball and Chain) for Victory and Forgotten. In Fireball and Chain, when a Legend is removed from the care of their Anchor, their Ego is destroyed, causing all memories of that time to be either sealed or destroyed (depending on circumstance). Kory, wanting to learn to grow on her own, chooses to leave her Anchor.
Day 25: Vada (DND Character) for Weakness. This character’s biggest weakness, at least when I was making him, is like his “dissociation” from circumstance and feeling, almost like “If Ignore the problem, its not there” to an extreme degree. This includes both his emotions and feelings, as well as his physical relationship with pain and spatial coordination.
Day 26: Buckets (DnD Character) for Temptation. Though I didn’t play him long, Buckets quickly developed a soft spot for sweets and I was a little burnt out from life and stuff as I was doing this one in the last so I just went pretty straight forward from there haha.
Day 27: Fencer (Fireball and Change) for Strange. Fencer has a fondness for fashion and in particular loves food inspired or food themed clothes, and his entire wardrobe is handmade. So got a random food generator and designed and outfit based off the food rolled (egg). His outfits, combined with his more aloof yet cowardly attitude get him labeled as “quite strange” around school. Day 28: Ric (Long Story Short) for Disease.
Ric was born without a mutation Gene, and, In LSS, those without a mutation Gene are bound to waste away into what we would considered Pop Culture zombies, basically. In an attempt to prevent that, his father did many different types of experiments to keep him from “dying” from “Hyper-radiation Poisoning,” but that doesn’t mean Ric avoided the symptoms of it, which persents itself as a progressive deteriorative disease.
Day 29: Bee (Long Story Short) for Change.
Bee has quite a “happening” backstory to say the least, and though he attempt to remain as bright and hopeful as he was as a child, both his appearance and his personality have been twisted and hammered into almost an entirely different person. Day 30: Prince Amarai (DnD NPC) for FREE CHOICE! I chose to challenge myself for day 20 and made myself draw a fursona for a character of mine. I’m not practices, at all, in drawing furry-anything so not only figuring out the proportions and anatomy, and then also the designs and the colors was fun but a bit frustrated. I ultimately don’t hate the end result haha.
Day 31 FINALE!: Fireball and Change Miscellaneous Characters. I know there wasn’t a prompt for the last day but I decided to just draw over some fun memes/images I had been kinda saving for just an occasion. I loved recoloring the maid outfits and censoring the cigarettes as candy for the kiddos. This month flew by and I loved this challenge so much! 
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uncannycookie · 2 years
OC-tober 14: Legend
OC: Gilfaeth
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Thief King Gilfaeth of Nara-En:
Gilfaeth is the founder of the Gilfaen School of Logic, which was implemented as the basis of all academic curricula in his home country shortly after his death. It still continues to be used as such two centuries later.
He is credited with the invention of the first fully automated irrigation and plumbing system in the world, the first functional, non-magical prostheses, a number of revolutionary medical techniques and the world-wide popular strategy game Zuga.
While Gilfaeth’s academic achievements remain relevant to this day, the more personal aspects of his biography are still based largely on speculation. The at the time illegal nature of his research and social activism would have forced him to lead a secretive, isolated life. It is widely assumed that he operated alone, kept few if any personal connections and dedicated himself entirely to his cause.
Meanwhile, actual historical Gil: Happily married, surrounded by found-family-trope, social and outgoing
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OC-tober Day 1: Childhood (promptlist by @oc-tober2022)
After spending 8 years on the run with his abusive, drunk father, Nicodéme was shocked and surprised when a noble man spoke to him while he was working in the stables of an inn - even more so, when he offered to adopt him, speaking up for him in front of his birth father. The man seemed kinder and more loving than his birth father ever was and so Nico didn't think twice, taking the hand he was offered.
Tw child sexual abuse/pedophilia below the cut!
DISCLAIMER: I do not support pedophilia or child abuse/sexual abuse in any way!
His new "father" turned out to be more than Nico could take though, "loving" him in all the wrong ways, forcing him to grow his hair out and making him look more and more like a girl against his will.
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The young boy didn't understand what it was the other was doing to him - nor why he stopped caring about him completely once he turned 15. Faced with negligence once again, Nico made the decision to attend the officers academy at Garreg Mach as long as he still had the benefits of nobility, fearing his new father would throw him away as well eventually.
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