karvviie · 1 year
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yandereaffections · 1 year
Javier Adolfo (YA’s Oc) Masterlist
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The Man Himself
Character Description
S/o being bullied at work
Charming his Darling
Confident S/o
S/o who loves Skirts
Cute S/o who sucks at their Job
Avoiding him to make a gift
Home cooked meals for a Date
S/o who is pressured to do their best 24/7
Affectionate S/o
Exhausted Doctor S/o
S/o Binding her Chest cause of office harassment
S/o being black mailed for sex
House wife S/o
S/o who has Insomnia
S/o trying to fight a Racist
S/o confessing they want a big family
S/o who lives a double life
Spoiling Javier
Another yandere kidnapping S/o
Naga S/o that knows nothing of Human Culture
Not a morning person S/o
Sitting on Javiers lap
S/o who is apart of a huge Crime Organization
Nuclear Apocalypse
Naga Javier
Vampire S/o cautious of taking Javiers blood
S/o whose both cutesy and extreme
Filthy rich S/o
Jokingly calling Javier “Sugar Daddy”
Poor Underweight S/o refusing to bother for help
CEO Crush already married
Comforting Chubby S/o after being sexually Harassed TW
S/o who runs up to hug Javier everytime she sees him
Going to Disney
S/o getting hit on by their boss
“Have my babies”
Drunk S/o unknowingly confessing they love javier
Babysitting with S/o
Punk Rocker Darling
Making S/o wait for marriage as tease play
S/o constantly buying make up palettes
Hitman S/o warning for him not to go to work
S/o who cuddles him during work
Surprising javier with your intelligence
S/o Introducing ‘javey wavey’ to their friends
Trying to cook for his s/o
Accident prone s/o
S/o whose constantly wondering
COVID quarantine comfort
Cosplayer S/o
Homeless S/o asking him for cash
Figuring out S/o is pregnant
Yandere s/o
Making him cry HC
S/o whos only seen eating when they steal his meal
Shy S/o who loves affection
holding and playing with his S/os hair
S/os family fat shames them when they eat
Darling packs him lunch everyday
S/o whos easily scared
Stealing your clothes
S/o who slams their foot against the wall anytime it falls asleep
S/o who cant cook
Manipulation HC
S/o who refuses to go to stop smoking TW
Arguing HC
Incubus Javier w/ a s/o who looks down on themselves
Vampire Javier/ Halloween date
Decorating the office building for halloween
Bratty S/o
Halloween Date
S/o who cries during the emotional parts of movies
Motivating S/o to study
Javier Fluff
Top energy S/o 
Meeting Javiers Grandmother
Sub energy S/o
S/o who wants to travel alot
Comforting a stressed S/o
S/o who doesnt want kids
Depressed Darling
More Fluff
Seeing S/o without makeup for the first time
Darling playing with his hair
Taking stressed S/o away from their struggles
Sugar Daddy HC
Boba tea date
Diabetic S/o
Making him a Surprise Valentines homemade gifts
Finally meeting his online lover
S/o trying to treat their own stab wound
Javier vs Aiden
Coming over to S/os apartment for a dinner date
Autistic S/o who struggles to get a job
Finding out crush is dating his brother
Only dating him for money
S/o going on a vacation to gain Javiers attention
Foreign S/o having to suddenly return home
Darling having shit friends who use them for work
S/o whos terrified of horror movies and clings to him
Darling w/ Social anxiety 
Crybaby reader
How good he is with responsible adult stuff
Corrupt official male S/o
Darlings something like robin hood
Robin hood like S/o trying to steal from him
S/o who likes to cook for him
Darling has commitment issues
Very short S/o
S/o who age regresses 
Adoring darling when they Hyperfixate
Depressed S/o that has a hard time taking care of themselves
Author S/o
S/o who is constantly sewing
Leaning against him saying “love me” when Javiers busy
S/o has odd vocal tics
Comforting S/o w/ night terrors
S/o falls asleep on his lap during a meeting
Co-worker beating him to asking S/o out
s/o recently finding out they have adhd
Falling for the elder care worker taking care of his grandma
“It’s okay, I know you’re just not used to being cared for so much.”
S/O showing him matching outfits that they sewed themselves
Werecat S/o
Cuddlebug S/o
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pressing their boobs against his back slightly 
Pegging Javier 
Chubby S/o sitting on his face 
S/o with a high sex drive 
squeezing him inbetween your thighs 
Cockwarm HC 
Kinky shit 
Praise Kink 
Catching him jerking to a picture of you 
Poltergeist cockwarming 
Mirror Kink & Sugar Daddy
Someone walking in on you / Public Sex w/ Dom male S/o 
Kinks Headcannons 
Foreplay Headcannons 
Male S/o railing Javier over his desk 
Sex Toys Javier loves the most 
Sucking him off underneath his office desk
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am-i-interrupting · 3 months
Hey!! I wanted to request a match up for my oc/self insert Jamie, I’d like nsfw (if you want) I don’t want Vaggie, Charlie, and Niffty if possible. He’s extremely friendly and bubbly, but still very protective and willing to put up a fight if he needs to, he’s a sinner with bunny characteristics (tail and ears) and small retractable white wings. Pronouns are he/him, hes transmasc but regarding sexuality he’s unlabelled (due to them being from the 80s and not having it really figured it out to avoid homophobia.) He has adhd, depression, and anxiety. His fashion taste tends to be more formal like buttons ups with vests but still being a bit colourful in a mad hatter from the Tim Burton film sort of way. He was a figure skater when alive and reads a lot. He shows affection by (love language) physical touch and words of affirmation. Listens to a lot of classical music but some rock music as well. He has a surreal sense of humour and tends to make jokes at his own expense.
Your Match Up Is. . .
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You met Velvette not long after she began working with the Vs.
She was scouring the streets, looking for models on Vox’s security cameras when she saw you.
You were brought to the Vs tower and instead of being met with Vox or Valentino like you feared, you entered a meeting room and saw Velvette.
She was standing in front of a board covered in sketches of suits and hats. You inspired her.
It wasn’t long after that you were walking runways for her and being put front and center on her social media.
Remember when texting your crush song lyrics first became a thing (just spit balling here but if I remember correctly it was like 2016/2017, right?) that’s how Velvette announced to you and the world that you were dating.
If you were confused, she absolutely recorded her going up to you in person and pulling you in for a kiss.
You spend a lot of time doing parallel work. Where Velvette will be working on something and you get to read.
Of if you continue figure skating, she will come and half watch, half work while you practice.
She does stream every single event you do and is cheering you on from the sidelines.
There is a lot of cuddling though. She loves to run her hands up your ears.
She has pulled at your tail (because fun fact, rabbit tails are longer than just puff balls) and smirked when you looked at her scandalized.
“What are you gonna do about it, bunny?” she asked before she kissed you very roughly.
Sex between you two can be very sweet and intimate or it’s a soft BDSM scene (at least according to Valentino who has walked in on you two having sex and had conversations with Velvette like nothing was happening. Has asked you multiple time to do a porno)
Expect to be marked and claimed. You do not get to put makeup on those hickies. Hickies are great! She worked hard on those.
If you’d let her she will use a strap on you. If not, you’ll at least let her tie up your wrists, right? They look so pretty bound.
Teasing your ears and tail. She loves when she gets to see your wings.
She is an avid cuddler after.
You are not getting away from koala hugs.
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bandtrees · 4 months
🛒 tell me about ur themes ollie
I WOULD LOVE TO DO NOTHING MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fanfic writer emoji ask!
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. - im going to speak these words and you're going to think "HIGURASHI FAN", and you will be correct. generally speaking, a theme i am obsessed with, is perception vs reality. being neurodivergent, in my experience, is like being your own unreliable narrator, not even knowing you're unreliable - so it's a topic that's very near and dear to my heart.
in particular, i love getting into the nitty gritty of it: in particular, outside forces shaping how a person thinks, but they're not aware of it. tttaac mob and crowfic ritsu are biggest examples of this, so is tmtrainer eden, you feel protected isaac, and reanimation technician itadori - the feeling of when you're angry and don't know it's because you're hungry, or depressed but don't know it's because of stress you've been carrying for a long time? that there is my bread and butter.
(^it's also the reason i'm so into um... brain damage? just conceptually? i find it fascinating as someone who, albeit in a neurodivergent sense, has a lot of their perception of the world changed by physical nonsense in their noggin (like autism, adhd, anxiety). it's a specific thing to keep returning to, from my transformers fics to tttaac and beyond, but what can i say. i love the intrigue that comes with someone's entire being being shaped by a physical organ and what happens if you poke at that.)
i also, PREDICTABLY, love gory imagery, i think gore is a constant in my writing, whether it's actually happening or is just used as extended metaphor - cuz, and i tell this story often, i got my start with fanfiction (and writing in general) through grimfics and creepypastas, and one of my biggest fandoms ever, the one i have to thank for a lot both creatively and for the reason i even know my qpp and why i'm on this site at all, was warrior cats - where, to a kid, feeling cool and mature reading about death scenes and gore is awesome. so i'll always gravitate towards some manner of blood and guts, its my favorite
speaking of warriors, in my oc fic, spottedfur's pride... i need to learn to use nature imagery other than going off of what season it is, lol, but for characters living in a forest, it checks out. there's so much season imagery in spottedfur's pride. i put maybe a bit too much emphasis in the first arc on half-melted snow and muddy slush at the tail end of winter, but in my defense, i think it makes for cool visuals, and i'm still kind of struggling to write for characters i cant fall back on human traits, concepts, etc, to describe. so for now, have sooo much season imagery lol.
also i've been told my writing style is very "psychological/out of body introspection -> physical sensation -> psychological/out of body introspection -> so on and so forth" - not as a criticism, just something my friend cyn pointed out to me once, and.. i always notice that lol. it's because i think i'm very good at writing overarching thoughts and broad-strokes feelings and how they change over time (i'm a huge character study guy) but i struggle with scene-by-scene action-by-action Plot Progression(tm), so i cheat my way out of it by using paragraphs of internal monologuing as free timeskips. and granted i think i'm good enough at it lol
tysm!!! i love getting to ramble about my process... if you couldnt tell lolol.
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cherrybombfangirl · 1 year
Hey you, yeah you! Interested in my in progress Ninjago fic that I'm fucking obsessed with and want you guys to become obsessed with as well?
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Ao3 Link: Battle Cry (8840 words) by cherrybombfangirl
Wanna read a Ninjago fanfic that spans everything from the pilots to Crystalized? It includes me fixing everything that needs fixing in my humble opinion as a writer myself (love triangles be gone), and my ninjago OC and the small OCs that come with her. 
Yeah you wanna read it!
This fic includes:
My Original Character Amy. She’s a human clone and a former assassin/child soldier, the Master of Space (forcefields and portals), falls in love with Lloyd and is very protective of him plus they have a cute aspec romance, and her arc is all about learning that her emotions aren’t a weakness to let people love her and that’s she’s not a broken monster.
The rainbow colored ninja being very queer as the universe intended: Gay Ace Cole, Trans and Pansexual Kai (plus Lavashipping galore!), Trans and Bisexual Nya (she and Kai swapped genders and names), Trans and Bisexual Jay, Genderfluid and Pan Zane, Asexual Demiromantic and Genderqueer He/They Lloyd, Genderqueer and PanAce Pixal and other characters are obviously queer as well.
Mental health issues galore that you can’t convince me these ninja don’t have at this point: everyone has PTSD, depression, anxiety, and lots of trauma!
Also autistic and adhd ninja because i said so: Autistic and ADHD Lloyd (he gets the autism from Garm and the ADHD from Misako), ADHD Kai (gets it from his mom), ADHD Jay (also from his mom), and Autistic Zane (his father built him that way because he is also autistic).
Addressing the Garmadon family’s generational trauma BECAUSE THE UNTAPPED POTENTIAL-
Lloyd’s relationship with his mom is complicated BUT after Lloyd has an understandable anger outburst Misako realizes “Fuck I messed up and hurt my kid” and spends a very long time trying to be better and fixing her and Lloyd’s relationship- and they do have a good relationship by the end! (because fuck doing nothing over actually working on fixing their mistakes and actually making up for it and people being complicated and imperfect people)
Love triangles are OUT, trauma triangles are IN
Jay actually gets character development in Skybound AND KEEPS SAID DEVELOPMENT, including Jay having to learn how to have a healthy relationship with Nya and stop bulldozing over people’s boundaries/having unhealthy obsessions with people (which is actually a result of trauma)
^^^ also actually exploring Jay’s birthmom in Prime Empire instead of introducing her then only mentioning her once several seasons later (and not even by name)
Also more sibling stuff in general over the romance because Jay and Nya’s relationship over Kai and Nya’s WHY?!?! (also Smith sibs adopting Lloyd, and all the ninja being even closer as a family obviously)
Consider the stupid love triangle with Wu Garm and Misako GONE. Don’t worry though, I give the brothers a much more believable and angsty reason to start fighting in Season 4 :))) (hint, it has to do with their repressed trauma from their dad’s not so great parenting)
Kai gets his own season with plenty of angst and character development as he deserves. The Green Ninja thing and Chen’s staff thing and being abandoned with a baby sister to take care of and putting all his worth on protecting others will ABSOLUTELY BE DISCUSSED
^^^ also Lavashipping will be included with Kai and Cole finally confronting their feelings for each other and going from on and off friends with benefits to the cutest boyfriends/husbands ever
Exploring the Dragon vs Oni and Creation vs Destruction concept more and using Lloyd and his family to illustrate that what the world really needs is a balance of both (also Lloyd and his dad keeping some Dragon/Oni features at the end!!!)
The ninja actually having to recover from when they very severely injured, or say, fucking possessed (why didn’t they even mention how Lloyd would’ve had to recover from that, the fuck)
Also Wu being confronted multiple times for his bullshit (which, suprise suprise, is a result of trauma), and he actually has to fix his mistakes and try to be better
Fixing everything wrong with Rebooted, Skybound, March of the Oni, Fire Chapter, Prime Empire, and Crystalized (I’m a writer myself, there are some things that drive me crazy and I NEED TO FIX THEM-)
More family time and mundane domestic stuff in between the ninja-ing- just the ninja spending time together and acting more like family/roommates in general
Prime Empire actually makes sense, Jay gets actual character development AND we actually explore his birthmom
Morro and Harumi are deeply traumatized BUT they let said trauma make them assholes and use it as an excuse to hurt people and they become even worse (Morro and Harumi stans BEGONE THIS IS NOT FOR YOU)
^^^ this will include Harumi developing an unhealthy obsession with Lloyd and it turning into creepy/predatory behavior, and there will be off screen sexual assault at some point, be wary of that
Exploring what life with Lloyd and his parents pre-banishement was like, complete with angsty-fluffy feels
Actually talking about addressing everyone’s trauma in general (and giving them more trauma because I’m that bitch :DDD )
There’s probably more I’m forgetting but that’s the gist of it for now
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fairymint · 2 years
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it’s hard for me to make a solid comment on activity things because I’ve been tired and depressed- i don’t wanna put people through some of the shit on my mental when it’s clearly me feeling unloved Everywhere. so i blame exhaustion and not being online.
but i do have a lot of unsaid rp anxieties about what i put on the dash, making sure it’s balanced and liked and etc. i try to work through shallow worries all by myself. and i keep an iron grip on the whole ‘canon vs oc’ thing so y’know, i don’t post abt my canons when i don’t feel like it, and they do not have a separate blog to log into and be resentful about. i also have basic rules about respecting my portrayals. the rift exists and i accept it but i refuse to rush myself just cause my canon musings are considered more appealing. ( to some. technically speaking Felix himself is a popular demand kind of oc lmfao so he does draw in engagement, it’s on brand.) i think my activity falters when it comes to getting asks, engagement w/ my headcanons, and chances to build relationships.  most of my opens and ic posts fall flat historically and get nothing tho so i’m used to that regardless of RPC. no idea why my promos don’t get around tho.
....that said, i probably need to be less shy about posting atm. thanks to adhd forgetfulness and some anxiety, a lot of content doesn’t make it to my blog, lol.
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emo-metalhead-punki · 2 years
Hello internet
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💀🖤•About Me•🖤💀
Autistic n ADHD
October/21st/2004 - 19 yrs old - Adult
Trans Non-Binary Demiboy
They/Them & He/Him
Mexican American
Cat person
Social Anxiety
Wii Deleted You
Doki Doki Literature Club
Five Nights At Freddy's (im on five nights at tubbyland side)
Friday Night Funkin
Angry Birds
Pizza Tower
Im a selfshipper so
❤🖤💀•Meet my Romantic F/O's•💀🖤❤
Eteled - Wii Deleted You
Henry Morris - Wii Deleted You [MAIN <3]
Austin Sanders - Wii Deleted You [2nd MAIN]
Corrupted Mii - Wii Deleted You
Minus Eteled - FNF vs Minus Eteled
Minus Austin/C.M - FNF vs Minus Eteled
Minus BF - FNF Minus
Minus GF - FNF Minus
Dave - FNF vs Dave and Bambi
Bandu - FNF vs Dave and Bambi
Monika - Doki Doki Literature Club
Sayori - Doki Doki Literature Club
Yuri - Doki Doki Literature Club
Boom! Knuckles - Sonic Boom
Marvin - SML
Bob Velseb - Spooky Month
Peppino - Pizza Tower
Stephen Hills - Scott Pilgrim
Gunter - Broken Colors
Don Williams - Your Boyfriend Game [I don't support the creators] (3rd MAIN)
Braeburn - MLP;FIM
🎶•Favorite Music Genres•🎶
Heavy Metal/Groove Metal/Nu Metal/Death Metal/Metalcore/J-Metal/Alternative Metal/Rock n Roll/Deathcore/Punk Rock/Pop Rock/Screamo/Emo/Electric Rock/Hard Rock/J-Rock/Early 2000s pop
🎸•Favorite Bands•🎸
Slipknot/KoRn/Disturbed/Senses Fail/Sleeping With Sirens/Pierce The Veil/My Chemical Romance/Linkin Park/Five Finger Death Punch/Pop Evil/Green Day/Suicide Silence/Bullet For My Valentine/The Used/Panic! At The Disco/System Of A Down/Breaking Benjamin/Limp Bizkit/Three Days Grace/A Day To Remember/Nirvana/You Me At Six/Avenged Seven Fold/Shinedown/Starset/Skillet/Set It Off/Fall Out Boy/Blink-182/Foo Fighters/Falling In Reverse/Of Mice & Men/My Darkest Days/August Burn Red/Bowling For Soup/Beartooth/Twenty One Pilots/Thy Art Is Murder/Get Scared/Deftones/Puddle Of Mudd/Cute Is What We Aim For/Sum 41/Simple Plan/Taking Back Sunday
This blog may contain
Self Shipping/Gore/Suggestive Post
If you don't like it just leave
I have bad english grammar so please don't make fun of it cuz it might triggered me due to my ex friends and i can't speak spainsh fluently
Also if your request are taking a long time, i probably be busy or got upset due to my mental health issues
So please be patient
👉🏼 ⚰️•Other Accounts•⚰️ 👈🏼
I made few accounts but I will tagged the account that I wanna be active on
🖤❤️•My self ship Account•🖤❤️
⚰️✏️•My Ocs Account•✏️⚰️
DNI if you are Homophobic/Transphobic/Racist/Proshipper/Rapist/Pedo/Bully/Tracers/S3x Bots/Comship
And huge DNI for austled (I guess that shitty ship name) I get highly uncomfortable for seeing people who shipped Austin and Henry so please, go away
🚫 I will block you, your not welcome here 🚫
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magicresteda · 3 years
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#MAGICRESTED   ;   independent  roleplay  account  for   𝚆𝚈𝙰𝚃𝚃  𝙷𝙰𝙻𝙻𝙸𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙻   of   𝒸𝒷𝓈’  𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓇𝓂𝑒𝒹﹙₁₉₉₈﹚  mutuals  only,  alt.  faceclaim,  selective,  low - medium  activity  and  massively  canon  /  fanon  divergent.  reboot,  oc  &  crossover  friendly. 
explores themes of ;   corruption,  freedom,  trust,  good  vs.  evil,  shades  of  grey,  the  impact  of  trauma,  “  your  son  doesn’t  belong  in  this  world  ”,  loss  of  self  &  displacement. 
a  few  important ooc notes:
Hi! Welcome to this chaotic mess of a rp account. My name is Maddi or Mads and my pronouns are she/they/he. I’m 26 years old, demi/asexual and from good ol’ down under, Australia. 
First, as I am struggling a lot with this lately. It’s important to know that this account will have very inconsistent activity. I have a myriad of mental health issues ( ADHD, C-PTSD, depression & anxiety ) which are only just being treated for. I get extremely exhausted easy and sometimes will only be able to write in my ‘ manic ’ adhd episodes. 
Because of this, I may struggle to reply to ooc messages and replies. Sometimes I lose interest in certain threads and I won’t be able to reply to them until my brain decides its interesting/fun again. So it may take a while and some things may get lost. Please never take this personally. I love every single interaction I get. It’s just the annoying pain of having a brain that is full of bees. 
I know people can be very uncomfortable with Wyatt as a character considering his creation/introduction to the show was not handled well at all and has misoginistic undertones. So if I follow you and you’d prefer not to write with Wyatt lmk! because I’ll totally understand. I also am willing to work with alternate universes and such if your muse is canon divergent. I will not force the immediate motherly or familial role on ur muse if you’ve made it clear that wyatt (or any of the next gen) are not included in your portrayal.
about my portrayal: 
Wyatt is half angel, half witch and a reincarnated ancient demon ( however this is unknown to almost everything except demons on the same level as the old ones & the order ). HE IS EXTREMELY POWERFUL AND VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT. 
I am very anti canon and big time anti fanon. There is and will be heavy emphasis on the dark aspects of his character because I believe it’s a very important and interesting aspect to him. He was never supposed to exist and because of that, he sets off the balance of everything good and evil and natural.
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discord  ;  carl that kills people#9814   /   carrd  links  ;  home  rules  dossier  verses  more
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teacupfullofstars · 5 years
This is my about me:
My Name: Sarah
Nicknames: Kitty, Hextira (Hex), Sammy.
Birthday: November, 17. Age: 24
Signs: Scorpio, Rabbit (Earth Rabbit), 
Sexuality (Gender/Relationship preference): Pansexual, Poly, Demisexual, Cis Girl She/Her.
Spirituality: Mixed Pagan/Wiccan 
Disorders/Illnesses/Disabilities (What ever you want to call them):
HoH (Mostly deaf in left ear)
Favorite Shows:
Steven Universe
Expedition Unknown
Ghost Adventures 
The Walking Dead
Bob's Burgers
The Great North
Dr. Who
Disney+ MCU shows
Stranger Things
The Mandalorian
The Witcher
Game of Thrones & House of the Dragon
Hazbin Hotel
Favorite Movies: (This is going to be a long one lol)
Any MCU films
Beauty and the Beast (1991)
Studio Ghibli films
FNAF 2023
Sucker Punch
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Shape of Water
Fright Night (2011)
The Star Wars Films
Most Disney movies
Guardians of Ga'Hoole
Grave Encounters 1&2
VHS 1&2
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Godzilla (and Kong) films
Phantom of the Opera 
LOTR and Hobbit Movies
Nerdy Prudes Must Die
Favorite Video Games:
Sims 4
Cloud Meadow
Outlast 1, 2, and Whistle Blower
Objects Games
Slime Rancher
Portal 1&2 (And Mods)
Sun Haven
RE8 Village
Stardew Valley
Plants vs Zombies
Lego Star Wars, Indian Johns, Marvel, and Pirates of the Caribbean
Call of Duty Zombies 
Crush Crush and Blush Blush
Among Us
Favorite Books:
Hunger Games
LOTR and The Hobbit Books
A Song of Ice and Fire Books
Most anything by Stephen King
Books on Ghosts, Cryptids, Vampires, Occult, Magic, ect.
Goosebumps Books
Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark series
Cirque Du Freak Books
Guardians of Ga'Hoole Books
FNAF novels
Favorite Music: 
Owl City/Adam Young
Marianas Trench
Twenty One Pilots 
Fall Out Boy
Carly Rae Jepsen
Lady Gaga
Florence + the Machine
Taylor Swift
Special Interests and Hobbies:
Japanese Culture 
Beauty and The Beast
Ancient Egypt 
Toy Collecting
Disney History
Vampires/Werewolves/Monsters/Mythical Creatures/Cryptozoology/Aliens
Greek and other “Mythology” 
Video Games
Movies (Horror/Sy-Fy/Fantasy)
Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals
Art/Painting/Drawing/Sculpting/Jewelry Making/Interior Design/Photography/Digital Art/Crafting
Travel and Camping
Cooking and Baking
Rock and other collecting hobbies
Cosplay/Dress Up
Various Aesthetics and "cores"
Currently working on an early draft fanfic. Hands of God. An AU FNAF Fic about William Afton and A self-insert!OC. Base plot after William makes the odd decision to say a woman's life the two of them find each other strangely drawn to each other. They find themselves living a strange double life together. Living a sweet domestic lifestyle but buried beneath two messed up individuals share many horrible secrets.
This fics development is tagged as Hands of God.
AO3 Profile
Dirty stuff is tagged as Smut.
Non sexual nudity is tagged as Nude
Sex Ed is tagged as Educational Smut
Original stuff will be tagged as OG.
I tag Flashing Gifs & Videos also certain Eye Strain
Political Matters are tagged as Political
Open to tagging things for mutuals.
I tag episodes of shows (TV and Podcasts) as spoilers for 1 week after airing. I tag movies as spoilers for 1 month after releasing.
Not welcome if you are racist, sexist, LBGTQ+ including ace/aro phobic, MAP/Pedo, Trump supporter or “far-right”, pro-eating disorder/pro-ana, anti MOGAI, Transmed, TERF/SWERF, Anti-self diagnosis, albeist (towards mentally and physically disabled people including invisible illness) antisemitic, pro zionist, pro war. Or if you are a generally hateful, toxic, judgy person.
NO MINORS I post adult content here.
I'm a self ship/self insert, OC x Canon blog and near all my fanfics are that.
I'm going to lay this out here and say I'm basically pro ship. That doesn't mean I support all ships there are tons out there that disgust me and I'll block on site but with that said I don't believe anyone has the right to censor people's work because you hate a ship. So if you aren't okay with that take, I guess it's see yah!
Honestly I'm not going to fight with trolls over the things I like and reblog. I've been here since 2014 I've had death threats and stalkers over stupid Fandom shit and I don't care if you don't like me or my content.
A collection of user tags I've found.
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lyrring · 4 years
content warning: suicidal ideation I wasn't originally going to write a reflective entry about 2019, but then I figured I might as well, if only so that I can look back on it in one year's time.
The first 9 months of the year I spent at home instead of at school. While I had a lot more time to do art and also work a long-term job, it wasn't great for my mental health. I can really only stand my family in small doses.
Artistically, 2019 was a year of (what I would call) exponential improvement for me. Technically and otherwise. I did get better at drawing, yeah, but I also learned a lot about what I like to draw, how to improve, and what an artistic industry looks like and prefers.
Starting at the end of 2018 and well into the middle of 2019, I thought it would be a good idea to contribute to a ton of zines. I'm talking literally a few dozens at this point. This was an interesting learning experience for me, because while most of my pieces were decent, and a few are some of my personal favorites now, a good portion of them are not pieces I'm proud of and have not really posted anywhere else lol. This period was a great lesson in time management and learning when to take on commitments, vs when to pass. I still do zines on occasion, but only after triple-checking with myself that I absolutely want to do them, and will have time to do them. I'm still learning how to do this correctly!
I also worked my first "real" job in the art industry-- in games! I worked for a small, relatively new studio on the demo of their first in-house project. The experience was great, and it taught me what I do and do not appreciate in a workplace. Now, I value direct communication more than ever. I'm really glad I got the opportunity to learn more about the industry firsthand. Having people tell me what to draw all the time also made me value personal art more, so that's something I also plan on doing more of in the future!
I learned that I still have a lot (like, a lot) of insecurities surrounding my art, which I'm still trying to conquer. I'm trying to open up to the idea of sharing my art with IRLs more, when the idea used to terrify me. It still makes me nervous sometimes, for lots of reasons I don't feel like elaborating on here, but I'm workin on it! These internal issues with my art were part of a larger ongoing mental health crisis for me. I was constantly bombarded with thoughts like-- Your friends don't actually like your art, they're just pretending; Your bf thinks your art is weird; No one in your life values you and you will eventually be replaced by everyone you care about; You're stupid and your friends hate you and make fun of you when you're not around; You'll never amount to anything, at best you'll just be a financial burden on your family; Everyone who claims they like your art just does so out of pity.
One of my New Year's Resolutions is to stop caring so much about follower counts and engagement. Though they are nice, they are no indicator of skill or passion for art. And before writing that sentence, I thought-- damn, I have so few followers in the grand scheme of things, it sounds like I'm saying that just because I'm small and unpopular, to make myself feel better. But on the other hand, I thought, if a really big artist were to say something similar, that followers do not exactly correlate with skill or passion, the response would just be "ur just saying that cause you have tens of thousands of followers lol". It is nice when people engage with my art-- I really appreciate it! But I truly strive to get back to the kind of mental space I was at when I started drawing seriously, at age 11 or so. That is, making art simply because it made me happy, not because I wanted to go with the current 24-hour tags or trends, or because I thought it would gain me followers. Some artists often say that drawing what you love will eventually find you the right audience. Even if it's not a huge audience, I think that's alright. I would rather have a smaller amount of people following me who are affected and inspired by my work than a larger one that does not.
Thus far, that attitude has been working! It's helped me care less about churning out relevant trendy art, and more about taking my time and creating pieces that I personally love to look at. Expect a lot more oc stuff from me in the future lol!
As far as my current mental health, I've returned to school (senior year baby!!) and I'm doing a lot better than I was earlier in 2019. I haven't seriously considered killing myself in a good few months, where before the urges would usually strike every week-and-a-half or so, and last for days on end.
I also found that RP stuff was also a major factor in my mental health, in 2019 and even before. I love rping and I love my OCs! But there are certain things about rping-- both in groups and with individuals 1-on-1-- that can be very draining. I suffer from rejection sensitive dysphoria, as a symptom of my ADHD. Essentially, I perceive very minor or non-issues to be a demonstration of how much my friends hate me and hate talking to me, and I experience very extreme and visceral reactions to that "rejection". So, in addition to IRL relationships, online and rp relationships can cause me great distress very easily, and trigger anxiety or depressive episodes. For the sake of my mental health and happiness, my second big New Year's Resolution is not necessarily to care less about my rp friends, but more to focus on myself, and what I can create and enjoy on my own.
To that end-- I want to try and at least finish crafting the plots of my comic(s) in 2020. I have a few planned, but obviously comic-making is a very time-consuming process, and I want to be fully prepared before I jump in. So, I probably won't even get to publishing any in 2020. If I do, I'll be surprised. But! Like I said before, expect much more OC art out of me in the coming year. I feel inspired by my OCs all the time, and I hope you enjoy seeing them lol!
2020 will be a year of transitions for me. I will be graduating college in June, and I will be attending graduate school the following fall, starting my master's degree in the field of counselling, or marriage and family therapy. I am also applying to art school, which I plan to complete online. Hopefully that all works out! : D
I also kind of want to start writing more personal posts here on tumblr and DA as well. I want you guys to get to know me better! That's always one of my favorite parts about following artists-- getting to know their personality, etc.
Anyways, if you've read this whole thing, cool! I hope you know at least a little more about me as a person.
I hope you have a 2020 full of discoveries, excitement, and comfort. At the very least, I hope you pledge to truly strive to take care of yourself in 2020, even more than in 2019. I will do the same.
lurr / niisanberg
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