#OF COURSE HE WILL- he always does-- that's h i s rascal--
lizzheartss · 2 years
L I Z ‘S B I R T H
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lets start with saying that Liz was supposed to be a boy. Of course those victorian heir standards pushed in, but Liz had already an Older Brother and Sister, so they didn’t complain that much, but there was just something different during her pregnancy, from the moment that little plastic strip signed pregnant 2-3 weeks her mother knew that it was going to be a girl, those toxic jokes that people make have gotten in her head, “boys give beauty to their mothers, girls take it away” those fucking gossip ladys at brunches.
after 2 months of pregnancy her mother saw how different that pregnancy was, unlike the other two Liz made her mad, crazy, sad, disgusting and with the hunger of a homeless, words from her very self, her mother’s skin started to become dry, her hair slowly collected more in her bed, and make up didn’t work anymore, their Father loved all three of their children equally, but maybe its the luck of the youngest, everybody in the world loved Liz.
every single being that entered that nursery room in their mansion asked about Liz and Liz only, ‘she’s going to be the prettiest female the viboras have ever known’ ‘her name should recall a godness’s name’, every day. Nobody asked how her mother was, nobody complimented her mother.
people from all clans bought the prettiest and most expensive dresses, shoes and accessories for Liz, no present for Mother, Karlheinz him self, went all the way to Egypt for requesting a dress, it was request it had the best fabric and it was sent to the Mansion the name day he visited.
her mother snapped.
“She’s already going to be showered with the appreciations of all! What does she need all those dresses for?! We aren’t even aware if she shall inherit the damn crown!” her mother said, that baby shower was a disaster, her husband already began to despise her, and the King of all demons, Adlers and wolfs were there, prime ministers and such.
“I can’t believe the King himself disturbed his duties and went himself to tailor such an expensive gown! What about me? Where are my Russian Couture Gowns? My hand-made expensive shoes? Why did everyone forget that i can kick this child out of the world with just a sore glass of wine?!” Her mother said before storming out with her maids following her. (if you want to hear more about Karl’s and Liz’s mother affair click here)
That event was successfully hidden, but the day of birth was another disaster.
her mother started to love herself more in the last two months, since she thought that the torture was going to end soon, for motivation she used the ‘lets embarrass my called-daughter and make her jealous of her mother, as she should!’, they were at a Yale Dance, and for the first time in forever, she was again the prettiest woman there, all eyes were on her, a heaven of attentions only to her and not to her child, until she heard the sound of splashing water under her gown.
her eyes melted in horror as she realized Liz was ready. Ready to ruin her perfect day.
she couldn’t tell what was going on since she fainted. When she woke up, she saw the blue-ish walls of her hospital room, the white duvets around her, tables with flowers with Liz’s name in them, nurses cleaning around, and then, she saw the man she married holding a creature, she was pretty.
her mother cried, she cried in jealousy, how can a being be this pretty? Then she found out the name that rascal was going to have as the head nurse gave her the birth certificate to sign.
“L-LizBeth Ann..?” her mother’s voice came out trembling
“Yes your grace” the nurse responded
“S-She has a middle name..” Her mother said, that name, Ann, she always loved that name.
her head turned trembling at her husband’s direction.
“You gave her, a-a middle name? And it is Ann? You know i’ve always wanted to be called Ann” She asked hoping that it was for another reason
“Now she’s going to be called Ann, isn’t that wonderful?” Liz’s father said as he handed Liz to the nurse.
he stormed out without even asking his wife of her condition, cruel of him.
“You… you monster.” her mother said at the creature the nurse was holding.
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ticklygiggles · 3 years
Violet grass predicament | Aether, Diluc, Childe & Zhongli
Collab with @otomiya-tickles
A/N: *maniac laughter in the distance* beautiful Ginny and I are still on hiatus, lololol, but I showed her this wonderful art I saw on Twitter and we just exchanged ideas and we found ourselves writing this out, huhu~ we hope you enjoy it! Also this is my first time writing for Genshin and it was a pleasure to share this moment with my beautiful girl 💕
Summary: Diluc is pleased to welcome Aether with his Liyue friends Childe and Zhongli at the Angel's Share, and even offers his help in the thing they are investigating. Hunting violet grass is serious business after all. Or is it?
Words: 2,751 (under the cut)
"Heeeh? Violet grass? Again?"
Diluc had to fight back a smirk when he heard Aether gasping, even over the loud sounds of the tavern.
"What do you mean again?" The traveler asked, disbelief dripping from his voice. "Do you know how hard it is to get?!"
Aether sounded extremely offended by the words of his Liyue friend, and this time he really cracked a little smile that was easily mistaken as a polite one as he grabbed a pair of dirty plates from the table where a young couple were dining.
It was not the first time he's brought them around. A few months ago, Aether came into Angel's Share, telling Diluc that he had brought someone from Liyue that really wanted to try Mondstadt's best wine.
Of course Diluc had felt proud and he eagerly introduced himself to the visitors. He liked them, one more than the other, though. Zhongli was a nice visitor, he always knew what to say and was enchanted by the delicious wine, claiming that it was, in fact, one of the best of Teyvat.
Childe, on the other hand, was loud and a tease and Diluc couldn't help but have his defenses up when he was around him, but as much as Childe was a little childish, he was also fun and Diluc had teeth marks on the inside of his cheeks from holding back his laughter every time he heard Childe talk.
Now it was a common thing to have this trio over at the tavern talking about food, commissions and some other matters around Teyvat. Diluc frequently found himself sitting with them, enjoying a nice talk and drink as he took orders from the other clients and cleaned up tables as the good owner he was.
Tonight was no different and, as he walked around with a tray with some empty glasses, he couldn't help himself and quickly stopped by the table where Childe, Aether and Zhongli were dining.
"There are quite a few around here," Diluc said, his fingertip touching a spot in the map between Aether's hands. "Around the Archon's statue in Mingyun Village."
"Ah, certainly," Zhongli declared with that deep voice of his as he looked over the area in the map. "Diluc is right. I remember seeing a path of violet grass during a walk on my own. Unfortunately it does grow in cliffs and is hard to get if you don't have a good condition," he said and both Aether and Diluc nodded, but the traveler also let out a soft whine that made Childe giggle.
"Oh, but how is it that Diluc knows this? Isn't he always in Mondstadt?" Childe asked with a playful smile as he rested his chin upon the palm of his hand, looking at Diluc with curious eyes.
Diluc shrugged. "I've been trying to make a drink with violet grass, so I often come and get fresh flowers there. There's a whole path as Zhongli says, you see," he said, glading his finger over the map. "Here, here and here. Can you mark it?"
"Ah, yes! Diluc is the best!" Aether said excitedly, quickly marking all the spots on his map as both Diluc and Zhongli mentioned them.
“Don’t exaggerate. I was just -- AHh!” Diluc spazzed suddenly, almost dropping the glasses as he felt a finger poke his side. He looked where the random tickle came from and saw Childe smirking at him.
“Don’t be modest when our Traveler compliments you,” he teased. The young Harbinger then casually held up a finger, “Ah by the way Diluc. Please pour one more glass of your finest wine to Mr. Zhongli here. And some Wolfhook juice for our traveler here,” Childe ordered, and he held up his own glass which was still full and winked. “I’m still good.”
“I could order myself,” Zhongli said calmly, and Aether stuttered, “J-Juice?” but did not seem to object, so Diluc rolled his eyes fondly at the trio and went to fetch them their drinks. Behind him he heard the three express their admiration of Diluc’s knowledge and Aether was eagerly noting the route for his violet grass hunt.
Heading back to them with the drinks, Diluc first handed Zhongli his drink and then stood by Aether to put down the juice. Right at that moment, there was that sudden ticklish touch again. This time on his back. A single finger traced a quick path down his back, and he arched up so suddenly he dropped the Wolfhook Juice all over Aether’s lap.
“AH!” Aether twitched in surprise, and Zhongli looked up with mild concern, letting out a simple “oh” in realization that Aether was covered in juice. Meanwhile Childe… did not stop tickling Diluc.
“Look at what you did Diluc~” Childe mocked, his hand lowering to Diluc’s side and squeezing him there a couple of times, making him bark out some involuntary strange ugly laughs, in his opinion.
“GAahaha! H-hey q-quit that!” He made odd dancing moves to squirm his way out of there, but the grip and strength in the innocent touch of Childe’s hand was quite strong.
“Please go get us something to help him clean,” Childe said, his hand continuing to assault Diluc’s side.
Diluc tried to bite his tongue to prevent making a fool of himself in front of everyone inside the Angel's Share but, thankfully, the tavern was rather empty and most of the people around were beyond past their drinking limit, so he was not too worried when he felt Childe's fingers giving his lower ribs a firm squeeze that had him letting out a bright cackle before he pushed Childe's hand away from his body.
"Ouch!" Childe whined, rubbing the spot where Diluc had slapped him.
"I said stop," Diluc said, narrowing his eyes just as Zhongli said: "You deserve it. Now look at what happened to Aether."
He gently pointed at the poor traveler that was trying to save his precious map from the juice that had splashed on the table, not caring about the liquid covering his lap and even some parts of his bare middle.
Diluc winced a little. "I apologize, Aether. Give me one second, I'll bring a towel."
Aether hurriedly shook his head, holding his map up, "please don't worry! I know this was not your fault," he said, sending a glare to a certain Harbinger who only giggled, lifting his hands and showing his palms.
"What~? I was just wondering if Diluc was ticklish!" He said, smirking playfully as Diluc rolled his eyes and made his way to bring a towel for the traveler. "He was looking so serious, the idea suddenly popped into my head and I just couldn't help but do it!"
"You're going to pay extra for it," Zhongli said, drinking some wine as he took the map from Aether's hands and carefully settled it on the other side of the table where it could be safe from the purple-ish liquid.
"Heh? But I always pay, Mr. Zhongli!"
"Here's the towel. If you feel too sticky you can take another one and go wash a little in the bathroom," Diluc said gently, placing a refill of juice on the table. "This one's on me."
“Thank you Diluc! I’m sorry tha-- EEhp!” Diluc looked down in surprise when Aether yelped; Childe had taken the towel and started rubbing it against Aether’s middle.
“Hm? So noisy, right Diluc?” Childe said, but Diluc could see he was resuming his tickle antics on purpose as he moved it all over Aether’s bare midriff to rub off the sticky juice.
“Seriously?” Diluc muttered, but what followed after was Aether’s loud bubbly laughter. He squirmed, trying to fight off Childe with cute flailing movements.
“C-Chihihilde! N-not like thahahat! G-give me t-the tohohowel! S-stop!” Aether jumped and squirmed. Diluc could even see Childe use his other hand sneakily to ‘keep Aether in place’ but it just pinched and squeezed a little to add to the traveler’s predicament.
“This won’t do. Diluc, Mr. Zhongli, help a hand?” Childe whined, but Zhongli ignored the request and Diluc, blushing a little, turned around quickly to tend to some other guests with Aether’s sweet laughter in the background.
“Stahaahap~!” Aether giggled and Diluc saw from the corner of his eye that he tried to get up, but Childe's hand squeezing and pinching his side, really held him in place.
He felt his cheeks getting warmer and warmer then more he heard Aether's laughter growing louder and hysterical.
"Ahahaha! Not thehehere!" Aether cackled, kicking his legs when Childe helped him 'clean' his thighs by squeezing them with the towel.
"Stop moving so much," Childe said and Diluc could hear the smirk in his voice. "I can't help you if you're squirming like this!"
"I dihihihidn't ahahask for your hehehelp!" Aether said and Diluc nodded as he walked to get the freshly poured jugs of liquor.
"Mr. Diluc, what is all this ruckus about?" Charles asked, lending him a couple of drinks. "Is that the traveler laughing?"
Diluc blushed even more and he swore under his breath. "Don't mind it. I'll go take care of it."
"Oh, okay. It's not a big deal, though. I was just curious. Sounds like they're having fun."
Thankfully, they hadn't noticed that the reason for that laugh was because Aether was being tickled to death.
Diluc placed the orders with a gentle smile on one of the tables before rushing to where the trio was causing a scene.
"You, rascal," Diluc said, shivering when he saw Childe full on tickling Aether. "Could you quit your stupid game? You're disturbing everyone."
Childe clicked his tongue before looking up at Diluc as his fingers purposely moved to squeeze at Aether's ribs. Diluc felt the faint tingles wrapping around his own ribcage, but he stood there, trying to seem intimidating.
"Now, Diluc. I don't think that's true. I bet everyone is enjoying hearing the traveler's laughter, don't you think?"
"I certainly don't," Diluc said and he waited a few seconds for Childe to stop, but when he didn't, he sent a pleading look to Zhongli. "Zhongli, please? Could you do something?"
Zhongli let out a long sigh, raising a hand toward Diluc. "Rest assured. I've got this."
Diluc thanked him silently before leaving again, keeping an ear perked up to hear the man put some order.
To Diluc's surprise, Aether's laughter slowed down to soft giggling right away, and sending a quick glance to their table, he saw Childe pouting as Zhongli held the towel in his own hands.
"You're disturbing the diners," he said, carefully patting Aether's arms and stomach to properly dry him up. "You're going to make Diluc kick us out of here and we haven't had the chance to chat yet."
Hmh. Good. Diluc nodded in satisfaction, impressed how Zhongli put an end to the tickly chaos right away, and he turned back and continued to work.
“All good,” he told Charles. Then… They both looked up when suddenly a remarkable sound was heard, and Diluc turned around. His eyes widened when they confirmed what he was hearing. Zhongli was laughing.
“Q-quihihit that, C-Childe!” Diluc watched the scene with raised eyebrows. Childe had found his next victim, and oh how he was going at him with full strength. Diluc was shocked to see Childe had his hands on both sides of Zhongli’s waist, fingers digging in playfully as he made the radiant man stumble and let out some huffy laughs.
“Childe stop!” Aether hissed, still blushing as he tried to pry his hands off Zhongli, but the Harbinger had a mission and knowing how this went with Aether and himself, Diluc was afraid this was going to take a while.
“Aw what’s wrong, Mr. Zhongli~? So serious,” Childe whined with pouty lips, his fingers digging into Zhongli’s slender waist before pinching and squeezing their way upwards.
Diluc could see that Zhongli was doing his best to keep himself from laughing, he even covered his mouth with one of his hands as the other desperately tried to push Childe away from him, but goodness, that kid was strong and persistent and Diluc knew, deep inside him, that Zhongli would eventually lose his fight.
Surprisingly, it took less than he thought. Zhongli was suddenly throwing his head back as deep, rumbly cackles poured out of his mouth as soon as Childe's fingers found their way right under the man's arms.
"I s-sahahahaid quihihihit it!" Zhongli laughed, now using both hands to try and push Childe.
"Childe!" Aether squeaked. "Diluc is going to get mad! Quit it!"
"Diluc should lighten up a bit," Childe said, chuckling to himself as he slowly tickled Zhongli apart. "Mr. Zhongli was being too serious, I just wanted him to lighten up too."
Diluc sighed, massaging his temple as he heard Childe's words. Charles cleared his throat and Diluc tensed up.
"Ah, so it's that," he said, chuckling softly and Diluc couldn't feel more mortified. "It's no big deal, Mr. Diluc. I'm sure a few customers seem happy to hear Mr. Zhongli laughing," he chuckled, pointing at a table with a movement of his chin and Diluc saw how a few ladies were blushing as they looked over at Zhongli.
He sighed. Walking to the trio one more time. "Last chance before I throw the three of you out."
"Eh?! But why me?!" Aether whined, pulling at Childe's arms, trying to save Zhongli from the armpit tickles that had him all uncoordinated. "Childe!"
“Hm~?” Childe hummed, even increasing his tickle attack.
“AHaha- s-stop! N-not there, Childe!”
“Last chance!” Diluc huffed, very aware and embarrassed that everyone was watching them now. Oh… Everyone was watching? Diluc clenched his fist. So be it then. He stood behind Childe who continued to playfully cackle along with Zhongli, and he grazed both sides of his ribcage slightly in hesitation before digging in fully, tickling him hard.
“HEYAh!” Childe didn’t let go of Zhongli yet but even clenched onto him, his fingers continuing to dig into Zhongli’s sensitive torso. Childe’s laughter was instantly louder than Zhongli’s, though.
“Are you going to quit now, huh?” Diluc asked, his fingers digging furiously into Childe’s sides by now. Childe flailed and threw his head back.
“Ahahalright! H-hahang on- hehehey!” No one, not even Childe had obviously expected Diluc to resort to the ways he did. Not even Diluc himself, actually. But it seemed to work. With Childe’s grip weakened, Zhongli could finally pull himself free, and he stood on Aether’s other side to catch his breath while Diluc continued to punish Childe.
Agh, honestly. Doing something like this in front of everyone! Mondstadt was a tiny town, he knew the rumors about him tickling someone from Liyue would quickly reach everyone's ears and what would he say when people ask him about it?
"S-Stahahahap!" Childe laughed, shrieking when Diluc's fingers grazed that path of uncovered skin on his side. "I'll behahahahave, I'm sohohohorry!"
Well, of course he'd say he did it because Childe deserved a taste of his own medicine, and he should be thankful Diluc didn't actually kick him out and exile him from the Angel's Share!
Besides… this was kind of fun, but he still had work to do. "You'll behave? Is that a promise?" Childe nodded, his face going a bit pink with all that laughter blooming past his lips. "Very well," Diluc said and he stopped, leaning back up as he fixed his clothes. "Now excuse me."
He left without a word and heard Childe getting the giggles as he sat back on his chair, Zhongli also taking his seat back after catching his breath and relaxing with a sip of his wine.
"Childe, you're insane," Aether sighed, throwing the towel at Childe.
Childe laughed, "maybe a little but hey, you guys had fun!"
Diluc turned a little to look over at the trio and found that they were smiling softly, cheeks flushed as they started to talk again about the violet grass locations.
Only after a few minutes, Diluc noticed that he had also been smiling softly the whole time and even though that made him feel a little flustered, he couldn't help but think that he, in fact, had lots of fun when these three came to visit the tavern.
"There are a few in Stone Forest too," Diluc said, placing a plate of snacks on their table.
"Aaah, Diluc really is the best!"
Diluc wondered if he should visit Liyue from time to time as well.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Something a little bit random and silly for my 1111th, just because.
survey by joybucket
List three things you love that start with each letter.
A: Art and most forms of it; anchovies, in most cases; and Angela.
B: Burgers, Beyoncé, and buffets.
E: Escargot, the name Eloise, and elephants.
F: FISH, Friends, and some folk indie.
S: Sleeping, signing off work at the end of my shift, and all kinds of seafood.
T: I’m obsessed with tteokbokki; trying out new food; and table tennis.
Q: I like the quiet time I occasionally give myself; quail eggs, especially in the form of kwek-kwek; and quattro formaggi pizza.
R: Rainbows, the rain, and riding planes.
O: Old movies, the ocean, and Okinawa milk tea.
List a phrase including an adjective, noun, and verb for each letter. Examples: "angry artist anticipating", "rude rascals running", "dirty dogs dancing", or "empty elephants eloping." Have fun!
A: Adorable animals appearing.
F: Fabulous fingers frolicking.
C; Chummy classmates cooking.
S: Suspicious self salivating.
R: Rambunctious raccoon running.
T: Tired turnip tumbling.
Q; Questioning quail quipping.
J: Joyful joggers jamming.
I: Inquisitive igloos imagining.
L: Luxurious lemonade luminescing.
Z: Zesty zebras zoning out.
E: Ethereal eagles embracing.
List three different occupations starting with each letter.
O: Orthodontist, oceanographer, opthalmologist.
E: Engineer, equestrienne, elementary school teacher.
F: Firefighter, flight attendant, farmer.
S: Scientist, singer, seamstress.
T: Talent agent, tricycle driver, tennis player.
I: Illustrator, inspector, IT technician.
E: Economist, editor, electrician.
L: Lawyer, librarian, lifeguard.
A: Accountant, actor, architect.
Y: Yoga instructor, youth pastor, yogurt maker?? if that counts, lol. Otherwise I got nothing else.
List three adjectives that begin with each letter.
A: Affable, abrupt, adequate.
B: Broken, blunt, bleary.
C: Crazy, clear, clingy.
D: Daunting, delirious, dark.
E: Existential, enraged, exemplary.
F: Fantastic, far-flung, flavorful.
G: Ghastly, gentle, gigantic.
H: Harrowing, healthy, hopeful.
I: Intelligent, identical, impervious.
J: Jovial, jaded, joyous.
List three nouns that being with each letter.
K: Kangaroo, keychain, kiwi.
L: Lemonade the album, lemon the fruit, and Liz Lemon.
M: Mall, maple syrup, and mop.
N: Nightingale, nest, napkin.
O: Ogre, olive, orange.
P: Piano, panini, and pizza.
Q: Queen, quill, quilt.
List three verbs that begin with each letter.
R: Running, raking, reliving.
S: Singing, sailing, surfing.
T: Tricking, tossing, teeming.
U: Understanding, urging, unwrapping.
V: Villifying, venerating, vaccinating - get vaccinated, folks.
W: Wandering, washing, wriggling.
X: I don’t know if there are any and I can’t bother to look it up.
Y: Yawning, yelling, yearning.
Z: Zipping, ziplining, zapping.
List three...
girl's names you love: Olivia, Mia, Emma.
boy’s names you love: Mason, Jacob, Lucas.
girl’s names you dislike: Karen, and our local versions of Karen, Marites and Marivic.
boy’s names you dislike: Chad, times three.
things you hate about summer things you hate about winter things you hate about spring things you hate about fall things you love about spring things you love about winter things you love about fall things you love about summer Crossing these out because my Southeast Asian ass can’t relate, but if you do decide to take this survey feel free to un-strikethrough them!
things you miss from your past: Having more freedom to make mistakes; not having to worry about the future; and friends I’ve since lost.
people who have really hurt you in the past: Gabie, my mom, Marielle.
names of people you have had crushes on: Gabie, Andi from 5th grade...and that’s it, really.
names of people you have gone on a date with: Only Gabie. And I guess maybe Mike? Since he asked me to go with him to his ball as his date.
places you've been and would love to go again: Sagada, Jeju, Bali.
places you want to visit before you die: Morocco, Spain, Thailand.
items on your bucket list: See Times Square, live in a condo, plan a solo trip.
health conditions you have: Scoliosis, lactose intolerance, and very possible depression.
health conditions you've had in the past but don't anymore: Dehydration, UTI, and some kind of weird low-platelet-count thing that was just that, and never diagnosed as anything.
things you are allergic to: Possibly some types of grass, and maybe face masks. Idk how to confirm it really; I just know my skin gets irritated around them sometimes.
youtube channels you love to watch: Good Mythical Morning; the KBS YouTube channel mainly for clips of Return of Superman and 2 Days 1 Night; and Binging With Babish.
favorite drinks: Water, coffee, Long Island Iced Tea.
favorite foods: Sushi, chicken wings, pizza.
favorite desserts: Cheesecake, MACARONS, cupcakes.
favorite holidays: The only one I care for and get super excited about is my birthday, if that counts. Christmas is fine, but I only get the excitement for it on the actual day itself.
favorite colors: Pastel pink, white, maroon.
people you would like to meet: Ysa and Bea, my teammates at work. I’ve met them only once before, and I wish we can be allowed to report to the workplace physically soon so that I get to see them more often and strengthen my relationship (both working and personal) with them. I’d also love to be able to chat and chill with Hayley Williams even for just 30 seconds.
people you want to meet in Heaven: I don’t believe in that, but I’d love to have met my great-grandfather on my maternal grandfather’s side. Also, Audrey Hepburn and Princess Diana.
good names for a dog or cat: Depends on their personality.
reasons why you get up each morning and keep on living: Because I’ve been able to see myself get better, and why stop all the progress?; because I’d want to be able see if the future will get better; and because I’m afraid of what will happen to/who will look out for my dogs if I’m suddenly gone.
For each name, think of three people you know with that name, and list their occupations.
Amanda: I only know one Amanda, and she’s a friend of my ex’s younger sister. She’s only in senior year of high school. I know an Amandine which is close enough I suppose?? and she’s a dentistry student.
Sarah: She’s a media contact and I’m constantly in touch with; she’s the editor-in-chief of a local magazine. I think she’s the only Sarah I know.
Ashley: Also a media contact. I’m not sure about her title, though.
Beth: @bionic-beth is a teacher! :) But I don’t know any Beths in real life, I think.
Katie: Well I know Kate, and I’ll sometimes playfully call her Katie. She works in a government agency and she’s one of their PR people. The HR person who recruited me to come work at my current employer is a Kate, but I have never and have no plans to call her Katie.
Matt: That’s too foreign-sounding a name where I live.
Emily: Don’t know any Emilys, either.
Chris: Media contacts. They run blogs or news sites of their own.
Mike/Michael: The one Mike I know is currently a med student. Not sure if he’s working on the side - I think he is, since I saw him post about a job update on his Facebook a few months ago; but I can no longer remember what he does, or if he’s still doing it.
Jessica: I went to high school with a girl named Jessica but I don’t follow her on social media, so I have no clue what she’s up to now.
Becca/Bekah: Rita’s sister is a Becca. I think she is currently a grad student.
For each name, think of three people you know, and list one adjective to describe each person. (Skip if you don't know anyone with that name.)
Michelle: Hilarious.
Victoria: Strong.
Tessa: Friendly.
Claire: Influential; motherly.
Briana/Brianna: Bitch.
Brittany/Britney, etc.
Allison/Allie/Ally, etc: Kind. 
Jo/Joe: Ambitious; pretty.
Sophie: Sweet; quiet.
Mitch/Mitchell: Tall.
Out of all the people you know or have met, list three...
redheads: Yeah, you’re not going to find them in most of Asia. West Asia and some parts of East Asia, probably, but definitely not for the rest.
tall people: Jo, Chesca, and Shaun.
people with really curly hair: I know Kleo has naturally curly hair from her Aeta roots, but it’s been straightened for a very long time now. I think Chesca also has curly hair, albeit slightly. There is also Liana.
sets of twins: My sister had two sets of twins in her high school batch, but I can no longer remember their names. I also had an English class with a pair of twins named Ardy and Thirdy.
of the cutest babies you've seen on social media: My workmate’s baby. My friend Jar has a super squishy niece/nephew pair of twins as well.
people you miss: Angela, Kate, my grandpa.
people with beautiful eyes: I can only think of my ex.
people with nice hair: God I have not been around people for so long, I can barely think of anyone for this.
people who are the same height as you: Aya, Hannah, Tina.
own one of the same clothing items as you: Angela since we went to the same high school and have several of the same school shirts; Laurice since we share a college org and we have our own trademark polo shirt; and my brother and I have our own pairs of Nike Cortez shoes.
make you laugh: Andi, Hans, and this girl I had a couple of history classes with, Rose.
List three celebrities who...
are the same height as you: Lady Gaga and AJ Lee are the only ones who are coming to mind. I wouldn’t call AJ a celebrity though.
have the same hair color as you: Mila Kunis, Kelly Rowland, Dita Von Teese.
look like you: Only based on comments I’ve gotten in the past and not because I necessarily claim these for myself, Lucy Hale, Anna Akana, and Kakie.
List three....
adjectives to describe you: Timid, stubborn, sensitive.
academic courses you enjoyed: Philippine social history, international relations, anthropology.
words you always forget how to spell: Rhythm, committee, accommodate.
things you wish you were better at: Singing, dancing, drawing.
things you are really good at: Writing, reading people, and knowing the best things to order at most restaurants hahahah.
jobs you'd like to have: Ideally, a lawyer or doctor. But realistically, I’d love to have a leadership position in the PR sphere.
jobs you've considered having: ^ Again, lawyer and doctor. Also a journalist or news anchor, back when I still thought I was passionate about journalism.
jobs you'd hate: Journalist, an LTO clerk, an assistant to an asshole celebrity.
things you miss: Being a student, many parts of the past, and deceased family members.
names your mom considered when naming you: Ariel, Kathleen, Katrina.
things people call you: Robyn, Byn, Bynbyn.
*Bonus*: what is your name? (first and middle)? I always feel like just sharing Robyn.
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vegetarian-macan · 4 years
Desert Journey~We’ll Meet Again In The West
A fun trip to a new amusement park with the Shinjuku Summoners turns into a journey to the west with new and old acquaintances after an Overworld Shift.
Adaptations of the classic Chinese tale The Journey to The West are bountiful across literature, with Tokyo Afterschool Summoners adding to that pile with this rerun of the Desert Journey event. With the new character of Seth, the god of sands and storms from the world of Aaru, Hanuman from the Summoners guild, Ganglie from Embark! Summer Adventure and the protagonist, these four reenact the famous myth, joined with Gyumao, Hakumen, Amatsumara, and Thunderbird, and the mysterious Christine. However, things are not as they seem, and the passage of time may be merely a lie.
The lines are below; enjoy!
Greeting: What looks near is far...that’s what the desert’s like. Hey, make sure you don’t forget anything, yeah?
Conversation: What’s with that look? Are you doubting my power? Well, I’ll show you how strong I really...! Huh, g-guess I’m not really feeling it today.
Touched: Hyaaah! What the heck?! Don’t touch me! You’re gonna make me...hah...ah! S-Stop it!
Concerned: It pisses me off when you...h-hey! Don’t start cryin’ on me! I’m sorry...um...there, there....
About Event: The desert is like my backyard. I know this place like the back of my paw. Huh, the oasis? Now where was it again...?
About Hanuman: He’s just a little brat. No way he can really use ninja arts...w-whoa! Did he just blow fire?! That’s crazy!
About Thunderbird: Dammit, that Thunderbird’s so annoying, always stickin’ his beak where it doesn’t belong. Pretty sure he reminds me of someone from back home, too.
Greeting: We had a great time in this adventure, huh? If I get to be Wukong again, you gotta promise to be my Sanzang!
Conversation: What’s up? Are you hot? Hehehe, I guess that happens to some folk! Dont’cha worry, I’ve ninja’d some ice cream for you! Ready? Open wide and say ahh!
Conversation 2: I was so looking forward to having a grand adventure just like this! Hey you! Let us through! Make way for Tang Sanzang!
Touched: Yoooo! You’re curious about my tail? You can touch, but you can’t yank it! Nope, no way, José! Easy does it, easy!
About Sun Wukong: Sure, I know tons about Sun Wukong! He pops up in lots of games and anime! But I guess I’m getting a crash course in the real thing now....
About Gyumao: Big body, big brain, he’s too intense! And on top of that, he’s fluent in that business mumbo jumbo! Only Gyumao could be such a powerful enemy....
About Event: Whoo! The desert’s as hot as I expected! I just wish I had some ice...popsicles...watermelon...wah! I think I dozed off!
Greeting:  Surfers get all the babes, huh? My butt they do! Bah, another total bust...Anyways, if you buy any new swimsuits, be sure to let me know!
Conversation: What’s this, you ask! Well, what does it look like? A surfboard! I’ve heard how those surfers get around, y’know? This summer, I’m hitting the beach, tall, dark, and Pigsy!
Conversation 2: Gyaheheheheh! Whaddaya think about my surfing? Didn’t see that comin’, huh? I’m sure to bad the cuties with these skills! Now, where’s my next squeeze?
Touched: Say, why don’t you come surfing with me? What, you’ve never surfed before? Don’t worry, I’ll teach you everything I know! So just take my hand...and I’ll hold you tight, gehehe.
Concerned: Why the long face? Got shot down, eh? Hey, you know what they say about trying again and again. Anyways, you can do whatever you want...maybe I’ll do the same!
Concerned 2:  You’re looking a little down there, Sanzang. How about we go pick ourselves up some hotties? That’ll lift your spirits for sure! Nothing’s better than an oasis date! Geheheheh!
About Seth: Just my luck, getting stuck with a snotty brat! And his rascally charm’s puttin’ me in the shade to boot! I envy that kid....
About Hanuman: He’s a pretty good kid. Plenty of spunk, but a little too noisy for my taste. Hmm, seems like the pure types are pretty popular....
Greeting: Incentives! Commitment! WE’ll keep them coming@ However, even for a true businessperson such as me, office hours end at five! No overtime!
Conversation: Every businessperson needs three things: a silver tongue, brains, and brawn! All of these things that take time to home. A tip from me to you!
Conversation 2: Good morning, my esteemed business partner! Have you reviewed today’s the agenda? Excellent! Let us commit ourselves to the successful completion of this project.
Touched: Oh, it seems like you truly understand the beauty of my muscular form! Go ahead, you’re free to touch! Maybe it will grant you fortune! Ahahaha!
Concerned:  Today’s failures are tomorrow’s knowledge. It takes a little know-how to reap profits from your losses. Now, let’s get this meeting started!
About Himself: Ah, leave the negotiation to me! The gift of my gab has defeated many. Let me treat you to one such demonstration!
About Tokyo: My vision of a Dark Lord is something, aggressive, innovative, cutting-edge! And so it has to be! With so many Dark Lords in Tokyo, the market is quite saturated.
Greeting: No matter how dazzling the theater might be, the lights must go out sooner or later. Stay with me and take a little rest. The next scene will soon commence.
Conversation: There is nothing more disappointing than a show that betrays your expectations. With my songs, I will elevate our productions to new heights. If that brings joy to our audience, it’ll all be worth it.
Touched: You wish to see what lies under the mask, do you? You’re just like the innocent Pandora. That curiosity of yours will curse you until the curtains fall.
Concerned: Everyone is taken aback when they learn your truth. Hence, I shall become your mask, and I’ll sing the song of grief and pain you keep inside for everyone to hear.
About Her Guild (The Entertainers): We Entertainers have no influence on what happens upon this stage. All we do is simply decorate the stories, embellish them. Yes, we’ve no need to do anything else, hehe.
About Herself: Actors are those who disguise themselves and follow the path of a transient life. To viewers, it is fleeting, like a mirror reflecting light. This means, perhaps, that the woman who calls herself Christine has never existed.
To Nyarlathotep: Good and evil, friend and foe, joy and sorrow. How can you live with an actor without being able to portray such contradictions? I hope to hear the answer to that question one day, Nyarlathotep.
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supervillain-smut · 5 years
Edward Nygma Fluff Alphabet
Anonymous requested I do a Fluff Alphabet for Edward Nygma, so these are a thing you can request now! Here you go, Anon! This one’s pretty long. - Mod Babydoll
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?) He's a huge fan of people's eyes. He always makes a point to look everyone in the eyes and yours completely floored him.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?) He likes being a rogue too much, and already has a daughter whom you take care of to the best of your abilities. She's 15 now and completely accepts you.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?) Whenever you cuddle with Eddie, it's usually all arms and legs tangled up with you lying on his chest or him spooning you once he's finally come to bed.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?) Extravagant, pricey, more often than you'd think. He'll only take you to the Iceberg Lounge if you're comfortable with Oswald.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)) Greatest Riddle. He can never fully figure you out, and once he thinks he has it you change it up again. He loves it, keeps him always guessing and on his toes.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?) First, it was your eyes. Sure, they were stunning but that's not all it takes to swoon the Riddler. No, it was the way you carried yourself, the way you barely payed him any mind and loved to attempt any Riddles he had for you. Even if you got some wrong, you laughed it off, admitted defeat and asked him what the answer was. It was like the game he had always intended his riddles to be. That's when he was in love.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?) Eddie never shelters you, but he always touches you as if you were made of glass. The mosaic kind. Something to be admired and coveted.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?) Not so much in front of other rogues, considering he's mostly concentrated on the task at hand or what someone else is saying. In private, however when all his attention is on you, even if you're just watching a movie he'll intertwine your fingers and pull you into his lap.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?) He thought you'd never want anything to do with him same as everyone else, or you'd just want him for his scores like a couple before you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?) Oh yeah he does. He will literally stand in between you and Dent, and glare daggers at Jonathan when he kisses the back of your hand after you finished a very in-depth conversation with him. Of course Jonathan does it to mess with him and he would never dare chase you, in fact he's among the few rogues you actually get along with and Eddie trusts enough to leave you alone together. Besides, he's Asexual. Eddie gets jealous but he's not possessive, he knows that's wrong of him.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?) The brave Edward Nygma did in a moment of pure anxiety and trust. He kisses deeply and with a lot of passion every time. A little liquid courage didn't hurt either even though he hates drinking, he needed it.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?) Edward, right after he first kissed you. He looked like he was ready to cry and his voice cracked mid-sentence, he's never looked so terrified and unsure. He immediately sighed when you kissed him back and said that you loved him too.
M = Memory (What’s their favorite memory together?) After you found out he was the Riddler. You didn't get mad, you weren't afraid of him and recoil from his touch like he thought you would after he came in all tattered, distressed and bruised after the Batman had found his hideout. You just slowly nodded your head at the sight of him. 
Question mark tie all askew, domino mask half broken with a bruised cheek and a split lip, clutching his rib cage breathing hard yet shallow. He had tears in his eyes as he begged you for forgiveness and a place to stay, and was confused as you took excruciatingly slow steps towards him and breathed a shuddered sigh as you took his face in your hands and removed what was left of his mask off his face and kissed his bruised cheek as gently as possible.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?) Oh, absolutely! He doesn't do it to show off, either he just loves when your face lights up. Depending on whether you're a jewelry person, or just simply nostalgic he will do everything in his power and maybe a little more to make you happy. At the end of the day though, he only wants you from you. He feels unworthy of any expensive things you get him, he's supposed to spoil you, dammit.
O = Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?) Whatever your favorite color or shade is, whenever he sees it when out on a job or on his own or hell even in Arkham he can't help but smile to himself. Once, a doctor in Arkham had a clipboard the same color/shade and he was grinning like an idiot. Considering he's always miserable when under analysis, they inquired why he was suddenly so happy and he confessed that he had someone special in his life that he loved very much and would do anything for, including staying in Arkham to get better (which would probably never happen, you asking that of him I mean.)
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?) He doesn't really... Use pet names. It just never really was a thing, he's passionate about loving you but he's not all lovey-dovey.
Q = Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?) Unsolved mysteries, reasons behind cryptids, debunking photo-shopped images, images too old to be photo-shopped and theories.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?) Sit inside, preferably with a little fireplace and a book or classic movie. He doesn't like the horror ones too much, especially the more modern ones.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?) He delves into his work, refuses food and anything else to distract him from whatever’s hurting him. If he doesn't mention it, he doesn't want to talk about it. In those times it's best to just hug him while he works and eventually he'll snap out of it and go cuddle with you, and maybe tell you what's bothering him.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?) Anything deep. What is the meaning of life? Is religion real or just a hoax meant to keep everyone in line? Give him tongue twisters for some fun, or do a puzzle with him for quality time.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?) Massages from you are his favorite, but a blanket burrito will do the trick as well as your company.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?) He's proud of his ability to keep up with you, what you like and what you like to do. He shows off in many ways, whether it's just you on his arm or what exciting thing is coming up next for the two of you.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?) The rogues have to help him out on this one, and he sends you on a scavenger hunt throughout their 'trials'. Answering questions about him or things the two of you did, in each rogues fashion. Such as what significant things happened in the winter as you walk through Victor Fries' winter world, or what was the best time you had while out for some fun as Jervis guides you through wonderland. Crane would ask what was the hardest thing you've had to go through together, etc. Finally it all leads up to Eddie and he asks you to marry him in the dorkiest riddle ever, so easy even Batman could answer it! 
You tie the knot at the Iceberg lounge, where Oswald decided to cover the whole thing because it's Oswald and this is his best friend we're talking about. Batman is invited, and shows up in a tux and cowl along with Selina on his arm. Crane and Harley are also there as Best Man and Bridesmaid respectively. Oswald turned down best man and Eddie handed it to Crane because Crane never shows up to any rogues events and everyone was surprised he agreed. This all comes after many hardships and years together as a couple.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?) Edward gave you 'Do I Wanna Know' by the Arctic Monkeys, and you gave him 'Everything At Once' by Lenka.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?) In your first two years, no. He was terrified of the commitment and the fear of betrayal was all too much, that and he figured no woman except for Harleen would want to marry a Gotham Rogue. About four years in, however he considered it almost every week and once he confided in Oswald and Jonathan they would help him figure out when was right and how.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?) He always enjoyed the loyalty and smarts of dogs, but also the cunning and adaptability of cats. Probably one of both, for a dog he would bring home a puppy easy to start training like a Chocolate Lab or a German Shepherd. Maybe even a mix if he could find one. For a cat, classic tabby is just fine. 
Selina fosters cats, and one day as Eddie was stopping by she was finishing up on a stray kitten with one green eye one blue eye and it warmed up to him immediately. As soon as he heard Selina was looking for a home for the little curious rascal, he swooped in and claimed she wasn't getting it back. She was fine with it, of course.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
S c h o o l Did you/do you like school? Looking back after a few years, I think I did overall. I wouldn’t have said that in the moment, though. I got very easily overwhelmed, stressed, and burnt out. Many tears were shed. A lot of anxiety was induced. I hated the presentations and taking exams. There were parts I did like, though. There were assignments, books, courses, teachers, and activities that I liked. The learning aspect of stuff that was of real interest to me was enjoyable.  What was/is the best thing about going to school? The worst? I listed the good and bad in my previous answer. All that being said, I do believe education is good and important.  What was/is your favourite subject? Least favourite? My favorite was always english and then psychology, obviously. That was my major. My least was always math. That was the absolute worst.  Who was/is your favourite teacher? Least favourite? My favorite in elementary and middle school (my school was a K-8th grade) was Mr. McGill. He was my 4th grade teacher, but he ended up being an 8th grade teacher later on and I was able to have him again. He was very funny and cool and made learning fun. He genuinely cared about his students. Everyone loved him. In high school it was my sophomore history teacher, Mr. Coffey. He reminded me so much of Rob Dyrdek from how he looked to how he acted. He was cool. He always jammed out to Red Hot Chili Peppers before class. In college I had a few awesome professors. College professors are usually pretty rad.
What did/do you do for break/recess? Recess I just hung out with my friends. I forget what we did, exactly. I couldn’t go on the playground (I’m in a wheelchair). I probably just watched them for awhile or something. I remember playing 4-square. Probably stuff like tag as well. I honestly don’t really remember what I did for recess in elementary school. In middle school we just hung out. *shrug* Oh, and had snacks cause most of us always brought chips or whatever to munch on before lunch. People were suddenly your best friend if you had Hot Cheetos haha. In school break was lunch and I just ate and hung out with friends mostly. In college if I was campus for a long time I usually ate between classes, studied, did some reading, got coffee, messed around on my phone and watched YouTube or Netflix or something.  Did you/do you do any after school activities? What? In 5th and 6th grade I was a Girl Scout. In middle school we had electives, but that was during school so I guess that doesn’t count. I think it was like toward the end of the school day, though. Oh, also my local community college offered some fun classes for kids during the summer and I did some of those. In high school I was in a couple clubs. I was VP for one of them. When I was at community college I was an active club and then board member of the psychology club. In university I didn’t do anything, ha. I went to my classes and went home.  Did you/do you take part in a club or sport at school? What? No sports, but yeah the club stuff I just listed. ^^^  What age did you start school? Like 3 in preschool. If you've left school do you wish you were still there? Nope! haha. I served my time as I say. I’m doneeee. S l a n d e r Do you take things people say at face value? Not always. Depends what they’re telling me, obviously. If someone was like, “there’s a huge meteor crashing to earth tomorrow” I’m gonna look into that lol. What is the worst rumour that has been spread about you? There weren’t any. Not that I ever knew of, anyway. I wasn’t relevant. Can you honestly say you never act two faced? No. I think we’ve all been fake in some way or another at some time or another. Some people are just fake people, though. Like that’s just who they are as a person, ya know? I’m not one of those people, but I can’t say that I’ve never been before.  Do you get talked about behind your back often [someone tells you]? I’m sure my former friends have talked a lot of shit about me over the past few years and rightfully so. I wouldn’t blame them at all. Now I’m probably not even on their radar anymore and they probably just don’t give a shit, which I also wouldn’t blame them for. Apart from that, I mean I’m sure people have said stuff about me behind my back and I’ve been told things before. For the most part; though, I really feel like I was always pretty insignificant and not even on most people’s radar. Do you believe everyone is somewhat of a gossip? Yeah, pretty much. Some are just make it their life; though, and live for the gossip and drama. Don't you think those who insult others and their lives just seriously need to get a life of their own? I don’t understand the obsession some people have for people they claim to dislike or hate. Like, why are they so invested and give any of their time to someone they don’t like? It makes NO sense. I see that so much on the internet. I watch YouTubers and there will be so many haters who just have to get their fix and watch the video and talk shit about the person. They just have to leave that comment and make it known. I’m just like, WHY. I don’t waste my time watching or following up on someone I don’t like. I don’t feel the need to leave a rude comment. It’s real easy to just X out the video and find something else. Why waste your time??? I’ve just really been seeing that a lot lately especially on YouTube. Same with celebrities. There’s some I’m not a fan of or don’t particularly care for, but I have the need to go tweet and tell them that I don’t like them or talk shit in their comments. Make comments to yourself or to someone privately, but you don’t need to make it known to the person. I just move along with your life. That goes for anyone. We all talk shit sometimes, don’t act like you never do, but you don’t need to insult people to their face. S p o r t s Do you like sports in general? Nope. Do you prefer field sports, team sports or other? I prefer no sports. Do you run/jog regularly? Nope. Do you like/enjoy swimming? What's your usual stroke? Nope. What sport do you like to watch but not to play? None. What sport do you like to play but not to watch? None. Who is your favourite sportsman/woman? What sport do they play? I don't have one. Are you sporty, average or hate sports? Sports are just not my thing, man.  R a p Do you like rap music? Yeah. Whose your favourite rap artist? Why? I have several. I’m probably most into Post Malone these days. I like Drake, too. There’s also the newer genre, emo rap, that I’m into as well. That includes like Juice WRLD and Travis Scott. Thennn there’s like rap rock. Linkin Park, one of my top favorite bands, fall under that category. Whose your least favourite rap artist? Why? Hmm. Name me a few rap songs that you like? I don’t wanna.  Name me a few rap songs you dislike? I don’t wanna. Is rap one of your top 3 genres of music? I don’t know, man. I just like variety. Eminen or Dr. Dre? Eminem.  Dizzy Rascal or Will.i.am? I don’t think I’ve heard of Dizzy Rascal.  D12 or Bone Thugs n Harmony? I liked a couple songs by D12. Haven’t listened to them in a long time, though. R e a d i n g Do you like reading? I love to read. What's your favourite book? Whose your favourite author? I can’t choose a favorite. I just can’t. I’ve been reading a longgggg time and have read a lottttttt of books. I have too many favorites. Fiction or Non Fiction? I like fiction better.  Sci-Fi or Historical Novel? Hm. Probably sci-fi out of the two. Fantasy or Horror? Horror. Romance or War Novel? Romance. Do you prefer films or books? I enjoy both. How many books do you think you own? Quite a lot, but not as much as I used to. I’ve been reading a lot of ebooks for the past several years, so I have a lot of those. I have a lot saved in my Kindle app. What books have you read that made you sad? I’ve read countless number of sad books. What books have you read that frightened you? I read a lot of mystery and psychological thriller, so. What books have you read that were terrible? The only ones I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve read are the Fifty Shades of Gray series. :X What books have you read that left you wanting more? So many. I get really into a book and the characters. I love a series.  R e l i g i o n Do you believe in God? Yes. Do you believe in multiple Gods/Goddesses? No. What is your religion called? Christian. Do you believe in Angels and Demons? Yes. Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? Yes. Do you believe in The Devil? Yes. Not like how he’s portrayed in movies and such, like the red dude with a pitchfork, but yes.  What rule/ideal in your religion do you think is the most important? The 10 Commandments.  What, to you, is the difference between spirituality and religion? Religion consists of practices, beliefs, and a relationship with God. Spirituality is more within yourself.  Q u e s t i o n s O f O d d n e s s Do you like tandoori chicken? Never had it. I don’t even know what that is. Can you hear a man's voice right now? On the TV. What nations tea is the best? I don't know. Can you remember what you were doing at 12.30pm yesterday? Sleeping. Does the colour purple make you feel a particular emotion? No. What age are you going to be in 2020? I’m turning 31 this year. D: What colour are your siblings eyes? Brown. Do you more often get a sore throat, cough or sneeze? Sore throat or cough. Do you get more headaches, earaches, toothaches or sore eyes? Headaches and sore eyes. Do you usually wear plain coloured clothes or dual/multi coloured? I wear a lot of black, but it has stuff on it it’s not just a plain black shirt. How far away is the nearest take away place from your house? Like a 2 minute drive. Do you think sarcasm is a good tool or just annoying? It can be annoying when done excessively. It can just be rude sometimes. I have my sarcastic moments, though.  What photos do you have on your phone? Saved photos of stuff I found online, my doggo, some of me, just various things. What's the model of your phone? iPhone XR. Do you drink hot honey and lemon when ill? Nope. My younger brother swears by that kind of stuff when he’s sick. What word would sum up today? It’s only 6 in the morning. I need to go to bed omg. This week? Uh, itt’s just starting. This month? Meh. This year? Way too soon to say. Favourite type of muffin? Banana without the nut and blueberry. Streusel on top makes them even better.
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kcmorcbi-blog · 5 years
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tom holland + cismale + he/him + reactive evolution.┊ ❛ ━ hey, is it just me or do you hear old town road by lil nas x playing in the distance ? oh, that’s just ridley vidraru, a twenty-one year old busboy. according to my sources, i heard he can be neutral good and is adaptable, but also reserved. that’s probably why they remind everyone of the smell of leather, large barn doors, and roosters crowing so much ! anyway, whether or not they’re in favor of the supers, crystalline city is keeping a close eye on them ! (lucy, seventeen, hast, they/them )
hello hello !! iʻm just gonna preface by saying that you should probably read kacchanʻs intro for luca first for a little more context because these two are related !! they actually cover the whole event over there but........
to sum up, ridley grew up on a big ʻole farm with a big ʻole family. he had a twin sister with whom he was always very close with. together, they learned magic from their father and wizard that was a family friend. when he was thirteen, shit hit the fan. in order to protect him and his sister, his father sent them through a portal with an endpoint that wasnʻt known to anyone and………..
p o s t - Y E E T ( a. k. a  c o u n t r y  b o y  i n  t h e  b i g  c i t y !! )
he ended up on the outskirts of the city. not exactly the best place for an unaccompanied thirteen year old whoʻd never been too far from the countryside before.
through the jump, he somehow got separated from his sister. he doesnʻt know if that was a condition that his father put into the portal or if something happened mid-trip, but suddenly he was alone for the first time in his life.
 he was never really good with the transporting aspect of magic like his pops was, and there was a sinking feeling in his stomach telling him that there was no way he was getting back home anytime soon unless his father found him.
he waited for weeks -- months, really, but who was counting ?? he was. -- for his pops to figure something. or for his sister to find him. then he tried to figure something out himself. see, the main problem was that he was thousands of miles from being anywhere close to back home and he had zero ways of getting there. this was DEVASTATING to him.
so, he gave up. not really. he always carried a determination to search for them. but for the time being, he wasnʻt really focusing on getting home. he just...adapted. that was always what he did best with the magic that he got from his dad and then wizard: changing to fit the environment best.
he took up odd jobs around downtown. mostly house maintenance and chores that people didnʻt want to call professionals for. he eventually tried his best to bounce around, taking jobs at places that lasted a little longer and, since he was essentially homeless, whose owners let him stay there through the entirety. he took up as many as he could so he would never have time to himself to think about things.
eventually, he made his way to some of the nicer parts of town and stumbled upon a horse stable. it was one of those nice ones where rich people kept their horses for jumping or for races. they just so happened to need an experienced stable-hand.
ridley got the job and having grown up around horses, managed to prove himself enough that they kept him long-term. they set him up with a little trailer near the stables so he could be close enough the horses when they needed him.
eventually, he got a himself a part-time job also working as a busboy ( because i forgot i put busboy on the app before i thought of this stablehand thing ) and earned enough money to buy himself a shitty little laptop so he could finish his schooling.
now, heʻs doing college online and gonna try and become a vet !! he might focus primarily on the equine but for now, itʻs just a general course.
power-wise, he !! is a magic cowboy !! he was getting lessons in magic from both his father and the wizard that lived with them, which were obviously cut short when they got separated. before that, however, he became very adept in defensive magic. this is what he honed throughout the years and is his main specialty.
he calls it reactive evolution because thatʻs essentially all he does. he gets placed in a situation and changes himself in order to survive best. for example, if you were to throw him underwater, heʻd grow gills and webbing between his fingers and toes. if you were to shoot at him, suddenly heʻd be made of steel.
living on his own in the city helped hone that skill more than anything. he made out very well on the streets specifically because of his skill set. anything that happened to him, he was able to keep himself long enough to safely get away.
so !! that’s it !! he’s a poor cowboy with a GED trying to work through online college and working as much as he can with his very limited resources to find his missing family.
t h e  m a n ,  t h e  m y t h ,  t h e  c o w b o y  ( p e r s o n a l i t y )
the’s a bit of a rascal at heart who doesn’t let himself cut loose too much. kind of what happens when you grow up having to take care of yourself.
HOWEVER !! if you get to know him,,,,,,,,gain his trust,,,,,,maybe heʻll open up and be the goof he is at heart hmm who knows anything can happen
pls break his walls down i double dog dare you
heʻs very hard working. heʻs the type of person that enjoys doing manual labor. like, he genuinely likes lifting hay bales and doing maintenance so heʻs always looking for anything he can get his hands on and fix. he tends to get a little stir crazy if heʻs not doing something productive.
he fucking loves animals. this mans adores any and all animals. heʻs partial to horses but he will fall in love with any type of non-human creature. if you want to be his friend, just say you have a pet cat or something.
heʻs literally the loneliest little bean. this is a mans who was part of a matching set for most of his formative years and then had that ripped away from him very abruptly. he misses his family so much but after nearly a decade, heʻs gotten better at hiding it. this is probably why he imprints on animals so much
he seriously is a weird little hermit who doesnʻt do anything for fun so pls !! take this mans out !! heʻs dork but heʻll probably be fun for something i guess !! heʻs got an accent and some sturdy boots !! idek what else pls just throw yourself at him cause heʻs shy. but still a dork. who knows whatʻll happen ?? not me !!
T L ; D R
yello !! iʻm your local gayby, lucy !! and here is my son, ridley. he is also lucaʻs son. that would make him kacchanʻs grandson. lmao oldie. anywho, basically,,,,,,,heʻs got the horses in the back. horse tack is attached. hat is matte black. got the boots thatʻs black to match.
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morbid-n-macabre · 6 years
Robert Blake. This case is not as cut and dry as i originally thought.
Robert "Bobby" Blake was a child actor who played one of the little rascals. He has talked a lot about his father, apparently young Bobby was the one supporting his whole family and though that was his father's doing, dad greatly resented him for it. There was physical abuse aplenty in that home. He moved out at the age of 16 and supported himself from then on. As an adult he did something very difficult- he successfully transitioned from child to adult star. Robert starred in several movies and won an Emmy for his role on the 70's hit tv show Beretta- during this role he also gained the reputation of a hot head. I'm not much of a fan but I gotta admit he's an amazing actor- the problem is you never know when he's acting and when he's not.
Robert was first married to Sondra Kerr in 1961. The couple had 2 children, a son and a daughter named Noah and Delinah Blake. Sondra has reported that Robert was very abusive towards her. They divorced in 1983.
It wasn't until the late 90's when Robert met a younger woman by the name of Bonnie (or Bonny) Lee Bakley. I never speak ill of the dead in my posts, but in this case it's important to tell what kind of person Bonnie really was- it's very relevant that the woman had quite a few enemies. Bonnie's "business" was scamming people. She would place personal ads or respond to ads she read, sweet talk the men she was writing to, and send them Pornography. Bonnie would write a single letter, copy it by hand, and send it to many different men. She'd pretend to be someone other than herself, she kept different mailboxes all over the country. She gave these men sob stories, told them how badly she needed money for this or that tragedy. She made promises to these men, told them she'd come to see them if they'd help her through her problem, financially. Maybe she'd say her car was broke down; or that her kid was sick- she always needed money. Then she'd turn around and blackmail these men with anything she could use against them. If she believed a man was wealthy enough, she actually did meet him- hell some she married. One woman who came forward says Bonnie married her grandfather and took him for 80K. Then she stole the grand daughter's identity and began scamming men using her name- on top of that she absolutely destroyed this woman's credit. Bonnie did this to several women, she kept several different drivers licenses on her. Some men made her beneficiary of their life insurance, others cut their families out of their will and added Bonnie. This is how she supported herself, in the pre internet era she made 300K a year doing this! Bonnie had been in serious legal trouble for her scams, arrested multiple times for drugs, writing checks, and fraud. But her real ambitions went much further than scamming lonely men through the mail. She wanted to be rich and she thought the way to do this was to trap a celebrity. She was known to stalk older celebs, targeted big names such as Frankie Valli, Dean Martin, Gary Busey, among others. She badly wanted to be a part of Hollywood; her close friends say that her goal was to get knocked up by a celeb, and she did just that. More than once, she claimed. The first time was the infamous Jerry Lee. She said he fathered her 3rd child- Jerry's sister says she believes her brother paid Bonnie a settlement. It was determined through a DNA test that this girl did not even belong to Jerry. Later, when she was sleeping with Robert, she was also with Marlon Brando's son, Christian.
Bonnie met Christian Brando while he was in prison for manslaughter- he shot and killed his sister's boyfriend. Bonnie began writing him, chatting him up, sending him porn. When Christian was released, the two dated. Christian thought he and Bonnie were in an exclusive relationship. He was wrong- Bonnie was also sleeping with Robert Blake.
Bonnie told Robert she was on birth control, she could not get pregnant. This was a blatant lie- a friend would later admit she was actually undergoing fertility treatment. When Bonnie became pregnant she told both men that the baby was theirs. Robert did not want another child at all, especially with a woman who had purposely tried to trap him- he knew what she'd done to Jerry Lee. He was pissed, he wanted her to abort the baby. Bonnie originally agreed, but then refused. All along she allowed Christian to believed the child was his, and when the little girl was born Bonnie named her Christian Shannon Brando. Christian bonded with the baby he believed was his. A DNA test was not given until later when Robert saw a picture of the child and he realized she looked just like him. DNA proved that Robert was the father, and baby Christian Shannon Brando was renamed Rose Lenore Sophia Blake- Rosie for short. Christian Brando was understandably pissed, he Is quoted for telling Bonnie, "You're lucky somebody ain't out there to put a bullet in your head".
Once Robert knew Rosie was his, he would've done any and every thing in his power to keep her near. Though it doesn't appear he even liked the woman, Robert married Bonnie- obviously a marriage of convenience. There was an air tight prenup in which Bonnie agreed to give up her "business" of scamming men.
Just a few months after they wed, Bonnie was dead.
May 4th of 2001. On this night, Robert took Bonnie to dinner at his favorite fancy Italian restaurant, Vitello's. After they had eaten, the couple walked out to the car. Robert claims he left Bonnie sitting in the passenger seat of his car after he realized he'd forgotten his gun inside the restaurant. When he returned to the car, Bonnie was bleeding profusely. Though Robert said he thought she'd been beaten up, she'd been shot. She was gurgling when Robert found her; by the time the ambulance reached her she was dead. Bonnie was 44 years old.
By all accounts Robert ran around like a chicken with his head cut off- he went to a nearby residence to ask for help, he then ran back to the restaurant for help. He was screaming, crying, even vomiting- just hysterical. Some say this was his best acting yet.
During a search of Robert's home, Police found 12K cash inside one of his dressers. There was also a box of bullets just like the ones that killed Bonnie- in the 100 count box exactly 3 were missing. That's exactly the amount of bullets that was used in the murder.
Robert did have motive, all the motive in the world. The star had found that Bonnie was still scamming people, which he absolutely despised. Friends say he was very afraid that Rosie was destined to have a horrible life if Bonnie raised her, that she'd become a scam artist like her mother- he expressed concern that Rosie would become a prostitute. But there really wasn't any concrete evidence against the star. It was all circumstantial- like why did he take the woman he hated out to dinner? Why not park closer to the restaurant? His leaving a gun in the restaurant while his wife was shot made him look so guilty. He told police that he was packing heat because there had been threats against Bonnie's life, that there had been attempts to kill her. There was some gunshot residue on him when police tested him that night, and a friend of Bonnie's said that right before her death Bonnie confided she was afraid Robert was going to kill her. Still, he may never have been charged with the murder at all had a couple of stuntmen named Robert Hambleton and Gary McLarty not told police that Robert had tried to hire them to kill Bonnie- and there was proof that Robert had called them. The year after Bonnie's death, Robert was arrested for her premeditated murder.
Of course Robert was wealthy, he could afford the best defense money could buy. We all know that goes a long way in a murder trial. The defense team managed to discredit the stuntmen. About that gunshot residue- I'm not a forensics kind of girl, I enjoy the psychology of murder. But this is how i heard this explained: There was very little gunshot residue on Robert that night- just 5 gunshot particles. But the gun that was used to kill Bonnie, a German WW2 handgun found in a dumpster near the scene, was old and left a lot more residue than usual. The weapon was tested and found to leave 2,440 residue particles when fired twice. So while there was a bit of residue, it wasn't a red herring. The defense claimed that the residue found on Robert that night could've been from handling a different gun, he was a gun enthusiast who had a license to carry. Prosecution claimed he must've gotten rid of it somehow, wiped it off or something.
It's more than likely that some of the jurors thought he probably did it, there just wasn't enough evidence to find him guilty of capital murder- especially in a death penalty case. In March of 2005, Robert was found not guilty of Bonnie's murder.
Just months after the murder trial was over, not unlike OJ, Robert was promptly taken to civil court where it is much easier to be found guilty. In November of '05, Robert was found liable for his wife's wrongful death, he was ordered to pay Bonnie's children 30 Mil- an appeal knocked that figure down to 15 million. After all the lawyer fees and paying Bonnie's family, he was bankrupt. Robert was poor for the first time in his life, depressed, cooped up in his small dwelling where he became a hermit- he spoke to no one. Rosie, who is 18 today, was reportedly raised by Delinah Blake, Robert's adult daughter. They have had zero contact with their father. The latest news on Robert Blake was last year when he filed for a marriage license to marry a long time friend, 55 y/o Pamela Hudak. There's no news on whether the two actually did wed.
Whatever Bonnie did in life does not make her deserving of this ending. Very few people deserve that. I do apologize for trashing her, but it's important to realize how many enemies she had. While Robert had plenty of motive, he wasn't the only one- she had quite a few victims herself. My opinion on this case has changed considerably since i began researching this. If you asked me last week what i thought of Robert Blake, I'd have said guilty. I'm not so sure now. If he did do it, which is very possible, I believe he paid someone. I don't believe he physically pulled the trigger. I do not blame the jury- I doubt I'd have convicted him with the death penalty on the table, either. If they'd have tried him without the death penalty option, he may have been convicted. Maybe he'll make a death bed confession some day. Though that's unlikely- he's too narcissistic. If Christian Brando had a part in this, It's unlikely we will ever know. He's already deceased- as are both stuntmen.
What do you think?
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enstaries · 7 years
Can I request Tsukasa being a huge fanboy of Izuleo? I thought it'll be kinda funny and interesting to see--
i like my izuleo with a side of angst, so this was definitely something unusual for me but still fun to write - hope you like it!
 Tsukasa glances over at the clock, and sighs. Loudly.
  "Both Leader and Sena-senpai are more than thirty minutes late to practice already!" he exclaims. Whipping around to his other seniors, he demands, "Aren't the two of you going to do something about it?"
  Ritsu scrunches his face a little, annoyed by the sudden outburst. He turns in his sleep a little, and tells Tsukasa, "Does it really matter? I'm glad they're not here, it's so much noisier when they are..."
  "Eh, what are you saying, Ritsu-senpai? Leader and Sena-senpai have very important roles in the next song, of course it m-"
  "Tsukasa-chan," Arashi says, snapping their pocket vanity mirror shut, "I totally get your point and all, but I think it's best if we just let this be for today, okay?"
  Tsukasa turns to Arashi, his expression turning forlorn too quickly. "You too, Narukami-senpai? I thought you were with me that if we let these wayward rascals do as they will, they will continue with their bad behaviour!"
  "I get it, I get it," Arashi says, waving Tsukasa away. "But you know? Our darling Izumi-chan finally found it in himself to confess to Ou-sama last night! And the fact that he and Ou-sama just started dating also means Ou-sama would be clinging onto him like a koala to its favourite tree."
  "Oh, I see. That's a valid reason then."
  The three agree with each other for a second, before it clicks, and Tsukasa is up on his feet.
  "W-w-wait, what did you just say? L-Leader and Sena-senpai are dating?"
  "Pipe down, would you Suu-chan," Ritsu groans, reaching up to cover his ears. "They've been so gross and lovey-dovey to each other for so long, why are you acting so surprised all of a sudden?"
  Tsukasa doesn't know whether he's embarrassed about this relationship, or that he's obviously the only one who had no clue. "My apologies, this is too sudden for me, and I don't know what to feel. For Leader and Sena-senpai to be dating... do they really make a good match? Sena-senpai seems as though he wishes to strangle Leader whenever he sees him."
  "How innocent of you, Tsukasa-chan," teases Arashi, reaching over to tug at Tsukasa's cheek. "That's how Izumi-chan expresses himself! Besides, it seems that we might have a lot of explaining to do. Ritsu-chan, care to lend me a hand in digging up some history for our little junior?"
  Ritsu opens one eye, and studies the two.  "Eh, alright. Listen up, Suu-chan..."
 It is but silence when Arashi and Ritsu finish their story; for Tsukasa is silent in awe.
  "S-so," he begins, his voice funny, "that's what happened. I heard some rumours about the era before me, but to think that they... that Sena-senpai..."
  Arashi nods emphatically. "On hindsight, everything must have hurt Izumi-chan so much - even to this day. But now I think the biggest burden is now off his shoulders, and he can finally find the happiness he's always craved for. That's why Ritsu-chan and I are being lenient that they're thirty minutes - no, it's already an hour and a half - late for practice. Because next time, they'll-"
  "No, it is of no issue at all!" Tsukasa declares, cutting off Arashi mid-sentence. "After all, I am sure both Leader and Sena-senpai would wish to spend as much time as possible together as a couple! And I whole-heartedly support them! I do not see any issue with them being late for practice henceforth - let them be as late as they wish to!"
  "Eh, wait Tsukasa-chan?"
  "Really? Then you'll have no problem with me being late too right, Suu-chan?" Ritsu says, a devious smile crawling up his face. "I really need a nice, long date with my pillow..."
  "Ritsu-senpai, I did not say that at all! Now, it is time for the three of us to practice twice as hard on behalf of Leader and-"
  "Oh, oh, what's all this ruckus? You all having a party without me?"
  The door swings open, and Leo and Izumi walk in, one as merry as can be, and the other looking as if they would like to strangle their partner. Tsukasa's eyes shine.
  "Leader! Sena-senpai!"
  He rushes over to them, admiring the two with starry eyes and a bright beam. "Leader, Sena-senpai!" he greets again, and then bows. "Congratulations on your relationship! I wish you both good luck and happiness on the road ahead! Please note that I will be supporting you 100%!"
  Leo laughs. "Wahaha, you're saying some funny things again, Suou, but thank you, thank you! I appreciate it!"
  Izumi, on the other hand, is not as pleased. He snatches his hand away from his boyfriend, face bright red.
  "Where did you h... no, stop spluttering nonsense, Kasa-kun. C'mon, Ou-sama you big idiot, we're super late for practice so you better put in effort or I'm kicking you out of knights!"
  "What are you saying, Sena? You can't kick me out - I'm your leader!" Leo complains, stomping his foot like a toddler. Then he pauses, and grins. "Sena, Sena, why are you calling me 'Ou-sama' again, huh? Just now you were all like 'Leo-kun, oh Leo-kun, I love you so much, Leo-kun', weren't you?"
  Izumi flushes red.  "What the hell are you saying, you piece of shit? I never said that at all!"
  "You did, you did! Hahaha!"
  "I didn't!"
  The two bicker back and forth, relentless, while Tsukasa watches along, content. There's so much he wants to say to his seniors, so much he wants to apologise to them for, and so much to thank them for; but for now, this is enough - more than enough.
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The Partner Revealed - Part 6
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Pairing: Jughead Jones x Reader 
Description: After the Drive-In’s incident, will things between them return to normal? Jason’s memorial reveals more than they expected about the case.  
Warnings: Cheryl’s bullying; other than that, I think you’re good. 
Word count: 3964  
A/N: Took me long enough to get it done. This is the slowest of burns… I wanted their relationship to build in the fic, not just explain it and move on. I promise you’ll get some ‘action’ next part! Also, there’s a reference to one of @jugheadxreaderinyourhead‘s stories.
Y/N’s point of view  
Y/N squints her eyes when sunlight invades her room, hitting her mirror and eventually her face. She’s been up all night after the Drive-In, with everything about it still clear in her memory. First, the long wait for Jughead, then the way his arm rested on the back of her seat, his breathing close to her skin... She imagines what his lips would’ve felt like, had he not backed away. Anyway, it’s no good wasting time on what ifs, so she gets up to take a shower and change the clothes that still smell like buttered popcorn and men’s cologne. The warm water falls down her body, soaking her hair and slowing her thoughts, finally getting her mind out of that.
She leaves water droplets and wet footprints on the floor heading to her room. Y/N didn’t take a towel, knowing she was still alone, something more often than not. She loves it, actually, for a few phone calls a week are all this independent girl can handle from her parent’s loud personality. Y/N remembers about Betty’s offer while getting dressed and reflects if she should accept it. Maybe spending more time with Jughead is not such a good idea, giving the previous night’s events – and the way she’s been drifting from her goals. Looking at her writing desk, she sees that old homework still lying there, unfinished. She writes its last paragraph with ease, and carefully places it in a folder, inside her Y/F/C backpack. It feels good to be a multitasker, after all.
Without realizing, she’s standing in front of the Blue and Gold’s office door. Apparently, her desire to be with Jug is stronger than her mind. Y/N doesn’t even have to knock for Betty to open the door, and she does it with a smile. “I knew you’d say yes.”, the blonde cheerleader says grabbing Y/N’s hand and pulling her in. “It will look good on my college applications.”, she claims, not wanting to reveal the unconscious reason she’s there: the magnetic quintessence of Jones III. “Where’s Jug?”, she asks looking around. “He went to get Kevin. You know Kev’s dad is the Sh…” “Sheriff, yes.”, she completes Betty’s sentence. “Right. Last night someone broke into their home and destroyed his murder board.”, the blonde discloses, fixing a styrofoam board and some thumbtacks. “Damn. Things are getting serious.”, Y/N quivers. “Thankfully Kevin had a good look of how it was before it got smashed.”, Betty says with a rascal look. “So we’re making our very own murder board, Miss Drew?”, Y/N infers excitedly.
The door opens and both Kevin and Jughead walk in. Jughead looks flabbergasted at the sight of Y/N. It’s understandable, after his lack of action at the Drive-In, but she can’t help wondering that he’s distraught like that because he doesn’t want to see her anymore. Betty notices the weird vibe coming from them and goes help Kevin pinning pictures with names and newspaper cut-outs at the board, giving them space to talk. “I… I don’t… Don’t…”, Jughead stutters. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s pretend it never happened.” She knows it won’t be forgotten, but she’s committed not to bring it up again so that awkwardness between them can disappear once and for all. Jughead simply smiles and nods. She can almost feel the weight being pulled from his shoulders. They both join the others on the murder board.
The group not only enjoy the new set of eyes they have on the case but brainstorm about who could’ve broken in the Sheriff’s house. Kevin shares with them a list of things that were stolen: files, background checks, audio and videotapes of the interviews. Whoever did it was smart enough not to leave fingerprints behind, and Jughead adds the fact they chose that specific night to do so, with everyone at the Twilight, including Sheriff Keller himself, patrolling. Y/N suggests it may not even be the killer who stole the stuff, but she doesn’t have time to explain her point of view as Trev walks in. He asks if his date with Betty is still up. Y/N thinks that’s odd, for it seemed the blonde was recently desperately in love with Archie Andrews, but believes it’s probably for the best she’s moving on. As soon as the ex-football player leaves, Kevin bombards Betty with questions about her date. She claims it’s just an intelligence gathering, but everyone heard her call it a date with an ear-to-ear smile. Bets tries to justify herself saying they have the upper hand, not the Sheriff, being able to access the kids at Riverdale High in a way he never will, and that she’s just taking advantage of that. They can’t go against it, but it’s highly unlikely that Kevin will let that go any time soon.
Jughead’s point of view
Jughead is finding it hard to keep his focus on Jason’s case with Y/N standing next to him, with the scent of white chocolate and ginger taking over his nostrils, in addition to the sound of her voice muffling everyone else’s. He catches himself staring at her lips more often than ever, furious at himself for not taking action when he had the chance, pondering if he’ll even get a second one. “Y/N/N, come have lunch with us. We’re meeting Archie at the football field.”, Betty says locking arms with the Y/H/C girl, not giving her much room to deny it and snapping Jughead out of his daydream. “Eating is always the solution to my troubles.”. At least he hopes so, as this is a completely new dilemma.
They meet up with Veronica in the cafeteria line and each one of them just grabs a pack of fries to go. Jughead finishes his before they even arrive at the bleachers to join Archie, not only because he eats fast but the unstimulating conversation made him want to be deaf. Betty’s still dragging Y/N around like a handbag, so he couldn’t even try to engage on interesting conversation.
As soon as they sit, the subject changes from Betty’s love life to Archie’s. Thankfully, Y/N is released from Betty’s arms and sits down next to him. She extends her fries to him. He smiles and grabs a few, a small act assuring him they can get back to normal. He has to focus on chewing, otherwise his lips would be busy doing something else, and the school bleachers with all his friends around isn’t exactly how he pictures his first kiss to go down.
“Sorry to interrupt, Sad Breakfast Club.” Jug and Y/N look at each other and roll eyes, already used to those not quite insults. “But I’m here to formally invite you to Jason’s memorial at Thornhill this weekend.”, Cheryl interjects, handing out black envelopes to everyone. It’s very surprising that Jughead is on the guest list, giving all the years of bullying coming from both Blossom twins, but what really makes them all dumbfounded is that Y/N gets one. “Yes. Morticia, you are invited. Personally, I wouldn’t have, but mother says everyone who had a connection with Jason is welcome.”, the red-haired refers to Y/N derisively, making Jughead clench his fists inside his jacket’s pocket, so hard it whitens his knuckles and pop his veins. Cheryl’s gone just as she appeared, quickly and quietly, off to deliver more envelopes.   
Y/N’s point of view  
Y/N holds her black invitation with hesitation. Her father is a doctor, so evidently she has seen him dealing with the loss of a patient and grief is not a new feeling for her. Actually, what’s making her uncomfortable about the situation is having been invited altogether. It’s not like Jason and her were friends. They barely knew each other, and whenever the football team was around, he made sure to torment Y/N just enough to make it seem like he despised her for not conforming to the tycoon pattern. Ultimately, she doesn’t mind it all that much, the bullying and the mainstream. The charming girl tries to brush those worries away as she notices Jughead’s concerned look towards her reaction.
Jug is waiting outside her classroom after the last period. “How come you don’t drive the Impala to school everyday?”, he asks inquisitively. “If I did, you wouldn’t walk me home.”, she answers playfully, bumping his shoulder with hers. “Should I also walk you to Thornhill this weekend?”, Jughead asks and she can almost sense a nervous tone but his confident face hides it well. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.” She’s not sure if it’s appropriate to be this happy about going to a memorial. However, the girl can’t help herself. As they head to Y/N’s house, she notices Jug is walking closer and closer to her each time. This happier young lady tried her best to act normal all day, attempting not to lose his friendship, even if it meant he would lose what seemed to be a passionate interest in her. However, analyzing the way things unfolded, she believes they could hold hands, sharing some warmth, and nothing would break them apart ever again, quite the opposite: it is as if a stronger bondage between those misfit teenagers is being welded just because they made a conjoint effort to remain in partnership. She can finally let loose.
Y/N makes out someone whisper-shouting her name at the classroom’s backdoor, but ignores it, heavily considering she’s going mad. When she hears it for the third time, much closer to her, the confused girl turns around to discover Jughead, squatted behind her chair with a cheeky look. “What are you doing here?”, she whispers, making sure the teacher is still writing on the board, unable to see him there. “Came to rescue you, of course.”, he replies, grabbing her book from the desk and placing it on her backpack, slowly leaving, still unnoticed by the others. “Ask to be excused.”, he instructs her. The teacher is just as astound as Y/N that she raised her hand in class. “May I go to the bathroom?” As each word leaves her lips, she knows how much being with that boy means to her, for she’ll leave class just because he asked, and without explanation. The retired physicist agrees at once and the half oblivious, half ecstatic girl walks out.
They end up at the student lounge. Jughead leads the way, still carrying her backpack. “Care to enlighten me why you ‘rescued’ me from a pre-test class?”, she asks pretending to be angry, not very convincingly, and Jug can tell. “You know, usually shining knights are thanked with a kiss, not questions.” He playfully points at his cheek and the girl’s heart almost beats out her chest. “I’m not a knight, though.” Jughead doesn’t give her time to process it or even make a move but a smirk doesn’t leave his face. “Why then?” She sits on the couch and he joins her. “You looked bored. Clearly I’m better company than Mr. Tedious Teacher.” He points at his chest. Y/N just chuckles.
Betty enters the student lounge looking dismal. Y/N notices her quick change to a resentful expression at the sight of Jughead sitting next to her, laughing. Both pause their conversation to shift their attention to the information the blonde got from her ‘date’ with Trev, but not only that, also what she managed to get out of her father in relation to Polly. Y/N changes sits to comfort Bets after finding out her sister tried to kill herself, even though it didn’t make sense for her. “Why does a rich kid sell drugs?”, Jughead asks rhetorically and stands up. Y/N/N almost forgets what they’re talking about at the sight of Jug’s brows frown in concentration. “He was running away from his parents.”, Betty says. “But why would he have to run away from mommy and daddy dearest?”, Y/N inquires. “Because they’re monsters.”, the blonde expresses. “Yeah, but why, specifically.” Jughead’s tone gets more serious. “Well, we can’t exactly just ask them.”, Y/N points out sadly. “So we have to ask Jason.” Both girls look at him puzzled. “Are you suggesting Ouija board? Because that’s not a reliable source of information.”, the Y/H/C girl states skeptically. “No. Dead men tell no tales. But their bedrooms, their houses…”, Jug explains, implyingly. Y/N is reluctant to accept the idea of snooping around the dead kid’s room. If she wants to get into an Ivy League college, breaking and entering is not something very good to have on her record. Betty, on the other hand, jumps on Jug’s plan without a second thought, which made Y/N suspicious, weakening her already faint will to take part in that plan. It’s only after Juggie promises Y/N will be the first to read his manuscript that she accepts to be their look-out. Bets doesn’t look pleased with the negotiation, constantly suggesting they don’t need a guard.
Jughead’s point of view
Jug is getting ready to leave for the ghostly mansion, slowly recollecting that week’s events. As he leads up to the memorial, he gets slightly confused because he finally realizes the extra attention and weird looks he’s been getting from Betty. Even more so with her proposing to go with him to Jason’s memorial. The beanie-clad boy politely declined, explaining that since he was going from Y/N’s place, it would be better if they just met there. Actually, he had to emphasize Beth’s house was linearly opposite from where they were going to leave.
He tries to convince himself it’s just to get close to Archie’s best friend, even if that sounds ridiculous, because so is she. Besides, Jug can’t afford thinking it’s more than that since his mind is already having a hard time figuring out why Y/N won’t leave his thoughts. He decides to target his energy into Jason’s case, managing to make the right knot for his tie after a few attempts and covering his curly dark hair with his beanie.
He fails at his mission to concentrate on the novel the second Y/N opens her front door. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of the girl wearing a knee-length black dress, topped with a loose dark grey knitted cardigan. Nothing fancy, but he wouldn’t be able to tell even if it was. “Looking good, Jones.”, she breaks the silence, running her hands down his blue tie. Jughead remains speechless, with irregular heartbeats, simply noticing her cheeks gaining a rosy tint. “You look… stunning.”, Jug finally finds the combination of words he was looking for. He can see the smile she’s trying to hide, which jump-starts his heart. “Shall we?” She entwines fingers with him, closing the door behind her. It’s only then he observes Y/N is a few inches taller, coming to the conclusion that she really doesn’t need heels to be phenomenal.
He lets go of her hand, against his personal wishes, as they arrive at the poignant gates of Thornhill. Given their mission there, it’s advisable to keep a low profile, and the town’s weirdo walking in hand in hand with the town’s loner isn’t exactly discreet. Much to his dismay, Mrs. Blossom calls out for Y/N. “Where are your parents, dear?”, the woman questions. “Australia. But they send their condolences.”, Y/N answers with empathy for the grieving mother. “Oh, yes. Dr. Y/F/L/N and Mrs. Y/M/L/N, always away.” Rancor is filling her voice. “Were they abroad during the July 4th weekend?” Jughead resents her for asking that and he’s just about to stand up for Y/N when Archie saves them both from the scandal. The confusion caused by the ginger’s resemblance to Jason shows on the woman’s face with intensity, which grows when he hands her a folded varsity shirt with a visible number. It’s 9, her son’s. A sweet unintentional act that distracts her from accusing Y/N of killing Jason.
Freed from Penelope’s nonsense, she pulls Jughead inside to sit on the far corner, where it was less likely to have people eavesdropping. “Of course. It all makes sense now.”, she whispers. “What does?”, he asks bewildered. “Cheryl said everyone who had a connection with Jason was welcome. I think it’s so they gather all their suspects in one room. Including us…”, Y/N explains and Jug is just about to agree with her when Betty sits next to him. “You look nice, Juggie.”, Betty says. “Thanks, Bets. You too.”, he replies blatantly. Everyone’s heads turn back at the sight of Cheryl Blossom walking towards the lectern, wearing the same outfit she was found in at Sweet Water River, leaving everyone dumbfounded. The girl stood out in white in a room full of black. Craziness aside, Jug believes she’s the only one in that family who’s actually dealing with grief. Mrs. Blossom looks thirsty for justice and her husband seems cold and distant.
Y/N’s point of view  
They listen to Cheryl’s melancholic story. Y/N can see, out of the corner of his eye, Penelope’s wrath being choked to keep up appearances, and that makes her understand why Jason’s sister is so mean, almost feeling sorry for the spoiled girl. As Cheryl finishes her speech, everyone is directed to the Winter Salon. Betty seizes this opportunity to sleuth, making sure the three of them are out of eyesight. Jughead places his hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?”, he asks, practically begging. “You know what? To hell with it. Let’s go.”, she answers. After the way she was greeted, Y/N doesn’t have anything keeping her on track anymore.
Thornhill is such a dreadful maze that a couple wrong turns are enough to get them lost. It takes Jughead to close his eyes, retrace their steps and remember Veronica’s directions to eventually make it to Jason’s room. They go in with all the caution possible, bewildered by the extensive amount of football gear and trophies everywhere. “Is is just me or does it feel like we’re being watched?” She gets goosebumps. “That’s just the icy chill stare of the dead.”, Jughead answers in a very spine-chilling way that visibly  frightens even himself, so everybody look at him stopping for a second to recompose, probably trying to be rational again. He finally instructs them to look under the mattress, inside the drawers, behind the headboard and in the closet as those are the most likely places for a teenage boy to hide things. Their snooping is cut short as an old lady in a wheelchair calls out for them, scaring the life out of their bodies.
“Turns out I was right about being watched.”, Y/N whispers in Jug’s ear, as she holds tightly onto his tense arm. The lady comes to light and they recognize Jason’s practically blind grandmother, who confuses Betty with her sister, Polly. They silently instruct the terrified blonde to go along with the lady’s mistake. “Such a shame. Your wedding was the last thing I was living for. I lost a grandson, but you, you’ve lost the love of your young life.”, grandma Blossom confesses with sadness. Y/N and Jughead quietly watch as Betty’s heart breaks and she runs away. They hurry after her. She’s spotted by the gate and Y/N simply signals Jug she’ll handle it.
Y/N is sure Betty would rather have one of her friends to console her. Be that as it may, this needs immediate attention. The white chocolate and ginger smelling girl isn’t sure if she should hug her, deciding it’s safer to just place a hand on her back. “They lied. Jason didn’t break up with Polly. He’s not the reason she left.”, the blonde speaks through sobs. “That’s horrible. I know it hurts, but you’re closer to the truth now. We’ll figure it out, together.” Y/N tries to comfort the distressed girl. “You’re right. I’m gonna confront my parents. I won’t rest until I know what happened to my sister. Thank you, Y/N/N.” Betty takes Y/N by surprise embracing her. The blonde girl wipes the tears away and leaves Thornhill to get some urgently needed answers. “That was really nice of you.”, Jughead says behind Y/N. “I just hope I didn’t add more wood to the fire…” Y/N wants the girl to find what she’s looking for, even if that’s NOT what she wants to find. “So, you’re parents are in Australia, huh?”, he asks raising his eyebrows. “Yep. Wanna have a movie marathon to forget this hellish day?”, she asks hopefully. “Only if we get Pop’s take out first.”, he adds with a smile. “Took the words right out of my mouth, Jones.”, she replies as they walk automatically to their favorite dinner.
Jughead’s point of view  
Jughead is once more in the cushiness of Y/N’s couch. First thing he does before they start their marathon is remove his jacket and tie, unbuttoning his shirt’s collar so he can breath. They’re much more comfortable around each other than the first time, therefore sitting closer. Her hand weightlessly lies on his arm. He lightly brushes his fingertips on her skin, which is way more interesting to look at than the TV both of them neglected after the third movie. Jug’s watching the colorful luminosity from the television on her body, but the worn-out boy can barely keep his eyes open,  so he’s about to stand up and leave when he notices Y/N is napping on his arm. Not wanting to disrupt her looking so peaceful, Jug just grabs some pillows and rests there. That couch is undoubtedly a huge improvement from a mattress on the floor of Riverdale High’s storage closet, not to mention the fabulous girl next to him. He falls asleep quicker than ever before.
A/N: Should’ve ended here but I had to set the bar for the next part.
The Blue and Gold’s room is packed with tenseness with the revelation about Polly’s actual condition. “Betty… if your parents lied about Jason and Polly, there’s probably more that they lied about.”, Jughead suggests, not actually accusing anyone. “What do you mean?”, the blonde looks clueless. “Your dad said he would do anything to protect Polly. So the next logical question is… How far would he go to protect her?”, Y/N implyingly accuses him of more than taking Betty’s sister away. Jughead figures Bets will be mad at it. “Guys, whoever broke into Sheriff Keller’s house and stole all his evidence wasn’t at the drive-in. My Dad wasn’t at the drive-in.”, Cooper discloses with little hesitation. Probably since Y/N was there for her on a moment of need she’s been taking the smart girl’s suggestions into consideration. “I’m sorry, Betty, but we have to add them in.” A sympathetic Y/N pins ‘Coopers’ on the murder board. “We need to talk to Polly.” Jughead looks at her with a hint of demand and the blonde just silently agrees.
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maizeofloverp · 7 years
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Full name: Melody Davenport
Age: 27
Birth date: October 2, 1990
Gender & pronouns: Cis female, she/her
Affiliation: Northside Rascals
Occupation: Drug dealer
Faceclaim: Stella Maeve
B i o g r a p h y »
‘Life is what you make it’ never really applied for Melody Davenport. To say Melody was an unexpected child would be a hefty understatement. Her mother was 15 when she was born, and the paternity of her father was a tightly-guarded secret. The closest thing Annie Davenport ever provided as an answer was ‘some guy from another school.’ That news wasn’t taken lightly by the girl’s family. The decision to have Melody resulted in her being disowned and kicked out of their home. The Davenports had been a fairly well-off family, stacked with some of the finest doctors and lawyers Chicago had to offer. Annie dropped out of high school on her the day of her sixteenth birthday, unable to keep up with her classes, a job, and Melody – even with the help of whatever family allowed her to crash on their couch.
Annie managed, though. With a lot of help and a lot of hope, she managed. At least, she did until Mel’s paternity became less of a secret. She was five when it all fell apart. An allegation against Annie’s high school principal from a girl, fifteen at the time. And then another. And another. By the time of his trial, six girls had stepped forward, not including Annie Davenport. All six girls claiming he’d said the same words. He loved them, and he’d be leaving his wife as soon as they were of age, then they could really be together.
Annie Davenport changed then. She lost her optimism that they would get out of the one-bedroom trailer they called home. Loving glances toward her daughter shifted into looks of disdain and resentment. Comments about how much she looked like her father increased while the woman’s affection waned. That became her childhood, from her mother and beyond. Although her mother never came forward, it didn’t take long for those close to them to put together the pieces. After all, what are the odds that Melody Avery Davenport was named for former Vice Principal William Avery?
She couldn’t escape that legacy. After all, it had been a big scandal in a small school, even among the administration. Melody was treated as someone to be cast aside and out of sight, no matter how much she poured herself into her education and tried to build friendships. It was hard to be friends with ‘that girl.’ So in high school, she fell in with the other kids who were best dealt with by not dealing with them at all.
She found trouble as often as she could. Melody started dealing, finally finding something she was good at. Better yet, it was easy. She was no longer working against the grain, trying to swim upstream. She was doing what was expected as the daughter of that woman with a drinking problem and a former school administrator that had a taste for younger girls. The system worked against her at every turn, so she would gladly return the favor.
Melody managed to graduate on time, against the odds. It wasn’t long after, though, that the universe caught up with her. She was taken down in a drug sting in the greater Chicago area. She was given a chance to flip, to give up her supplier and everyone up the chain she could. But the girl remained quiet, accepting her four year sentence with the possibility of parole in two. She served her time, keeping her head down and staying out of trouble. Melody was released, as promised, in two years. She made her plans to get out of Chicago. To work out her time at a local joint with a 'second chance’ program for people with less than squeaky clean records until the end of her probation.
When her probation did end, though, Melody quickly found that her minuscule savings weren’t enough to go far. So she slipped back into dealing. This time, though, she kept a small market of people she trusted, or could check into easily. She’d given enough of her time to the Illinois prison system for one lifetime. When she finally saved enough, Melody decided to go somewhere small. Somewhere that felt a lot more like nowhere. That’s how she wound up in Muddy Waters, Illinois. A place that, for all it’s promises of being temporary, started to feel like home a long time ago. It didn’t take long for her to fall in with the Rascals.
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She’s an outgoing girl, but she’s never felt the need to fill a silence. She’s been described as 'all edges.’ Someone sharp and abrasive and demanding. After spending most of her life silent, being buffeted around by the choices of others, she decided to find her own footing and take a stand. At her core, she believes herself to be someone who does what it takes to survive. She learned most of her lessons the hard way, and found that the past of least resistance is always her best course. She’s fairly secretive, keeping details about her life to herself and always playing close to the chest. She’s fairly cold and detached, constantly combatting the fear of letting someone in only to have them turn on her in one way or another.
Played by Shay
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idolizerp · 6 years
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perhaps out of force of habit, sihwan comes off as a troublemaker. he isn’t, really - midas won’t let him be - but they use that to their advantage by portraying him as a kind of playful rascal, someone who’ll play pranks on other members and find loopholes to missions on variety games. it has been a bit of a hit or miss in terms of success - he’s good at bringing fun and interest for viewers and he’s good at lifting the mood, but it has been interpreted as malicious or cheating equally as often. this is made worse from the fact that sihwan debuted with a lower level of skill than the rest of the group, giving him a cheater image from the get-go. midas keeps an eye on what posts and comments are saying about him and try to get him to amp it up or tone it down depending on what the situation asks for, but unfortunately it’s close enough to his actual personality that on occasion he’ll slip up when he’s not supposed to.
his success really stems from his charisma and stage presence. sihwan is good at covering up his mistakes with an absurd amount of confidence, which has also been helpful with his budding modelling career. olympus’ image is so carefully tailored and some of the fashions he showcases are vastly outside of it, but because of his ability to pull off almost anything he has the opportunity to further both his own career and his group’s as a whole. of course, confidence is often interpreted as arrogance, and working in high fashion definitely doesn’t help, but midas is fine with sihwan appearing arrogant as long as he maintains the interest of the public. his reputation is a mixed bag as a result, but generally it is relatively good - he gets both criticized and praised for different aspects of his idol work, and gets similarly positive and negative attention for visiting the hospital relatively often and getting photo ops with patients and medical staff.
( O N E . )
on the surface, their life is ideal. he’s the youngest of three. a father who worked as a bank teller, a mother who had been an elementary school teacher until she became pregnant with her first and decided to become a stay-at-home mom. they saved up until they could buy a modest home in the suburbs and settled down there to raise their family.
of course, things are never as easy as they seem. the family’s eldest child, a daughter, was pretty and healthy from day one, picking up sports soon after she had learned to run, eventually leading her school teams to victory time and time again. the second, a son, was healthy for the first few years, but as he grew older concerning symptoms showed up, and by the time sihwan was born, the family had grown used to frequent trips to the hospital, check-ups and tests and weeks spent monitoring over a young boy with a frail immune system. when sihwan came out healthy and stayed that way, the attention was immediately brought back to his brother - and he didn’t mind. he spent his days in his mom’s arms by his brother’s bedside, in meetings with nurses and doctors, and once he’d started going to school, he was enrolled in a school close to the hospital in order to walk over at the end of the day to meet his family for dinner. that was their normal - the routine, familial habit.
( T W O . )
his teachers complained that he was a troublemaker. the truth is he’s really just full of pent up energy that is never quite spent and he has a natural curiosity that has him asking incessant tangential questions, both of which become annoying traits to anyone who has to watch over him. but teachers don’t scold or complain, and his parents don’t notice or try to stop him, because he’s pitied - he’s the kid whose family is always dragging to the hospital, who is left aside while another child needs more fussing over.
as a result, sihwan grows up more or less without limits. suffering few consequences for any of his actions and given little guidance as he matures, he becomes lazy and aimless. he can’t imagine a future for himself, and more than that, he doesn’t bother to. there’s no reason to since no one is making sure he does, no one is forcing him to practice or cultivate any interests or talents he might have. he lives firmly in the present, taking every day at a time.
( T H R E E . )
sihwan is at a ddeokbokki stand with friends on his fourteenth birthday when a tall woman in a pantsuit approaches him and hands him a business card. “midas media”, it reads, and although he isn’t particularly invested in kpop it’s a notorious enough name that he decides on a whim to go for it. he has nothing to lose - scouting him means the company is already interested in him, right? parents aren’t a problem either, his will probably just be glad he’s finally working towards something.
by a miracle, or maybe just a lot of good luck, he passes the audition. but it soon becomes obvious that he’s not quite on the same level as the other trainees. midas is no joke, and everyone there knows it - some have been taking dance and vocal classes for years with the express purpose of debuting someday, others have an innate talent that no amount of hard work could imitate. most importantly, for the first time in his life, sihwan is challenged. there were very real consequences if he slacked off, and the company ensures that that is made clear. and, truth be told, he found his old life of slacking off at school and reading manhwas in the hospital boring. this one, with the potential of fame and glory, was much more enticing.
( F O U R . )
he was put into a group to prepare for debut about a year after being scouted. it was obvious to everyone that he had been selected as a pretty face to add to the lineup - still lacking in terms of skill, he was given the position of lead rap and sub vocal, guaranteeing him some lines but not enough that fans would get too critical.
what he lacked in rap and vocals he made up for in charisma. his dance was not particularly strong when compared with the other members, but his onstage attitude was strong, compelling, impossible to ignore. even offstage he grabbed attention with his bright smile and dimples, a combination midas had him master early on. in front of the cameras and the smiling faces of the public, sihwan had the attention he had never realized he needed so badly.
( F I V E . )
in the early days after olympus’ debut, he could cover up some of his shortcomings with his confidence. by the time this was becoming less effective, the group had amassed a rabid following that would jump to his defence if anyone showed the slightest amount of doubt.
in the meantime, sihwan had become driven. he was not used to having a goal, and every fibre of his being became intensely focused on pushing olympus forward and keeping them ahead of other groups. he did anything and everything the company told him to on the chance that it would bring them more fame and success. he was greedy and ambitious; he had become addicted to the life he now lived. the future was all he obsessed over.
he practiced his rap and his vocals and reached a point where he better deserved his assigned spot. but it was clear that he wouldn’t improve much further. midas began sending him on photoshoots and getting him to talk with designers, trying to get olympus into the more exclusive fashion community through sihwan’s height and high cheekbones. and it worked - he took to modelling like a duck to water. it’s his non-musical contribution to the group, by maintaining an artistic side to their enterprise.
( S I X . )
olympus is on top. threatened every so often, but still standing on their own two feet on top of the kpop food chain. sihwan has barely any time to visit his brother anymore, but every once in a while he makes a point to go home or to the hospital with a copy of their latest release on cd to play in his brother’s walkman. the media paints him as a caring younger brother, a filial son, and midas makes sure that each time he sets foot in a hospital thousands of photos are taken of him shaking hands with patients, but none of that is really the truth. he cares about his brother, but he had never known him any other way but sick - visiting him is like visiting any relative. his relationship with his parents is as strange and distant as ever, and while he continues to send a portion of his pay home and pays for his brother’s hospital bills and bought his parents a car it isn’t out of a filial love, it’s just what’s done.
sihwan had never spent time predicting how his life would turn out, but even if he had this would not have been entertained as a possibility. but his ambition still burns, and he won’t stop until olympus reaches heights that no one else could dream of reaching. he won’t stop until all eyes are on him.
0 notes
maizeofloverp · 7 years
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Full name: Nadia Vincent
Age: 36
Birth date: November 1, 1980
Gender & pronouns: Female, she/her
Affiliation: Northside Rascals
Occupation: Head Security Guard at Saint Sabrina’s
Faceclaim: Sarah Shahi
B i o g r a p h y »
Born and raised in Muddy Waters, Nadia Vincent had always been a force to be reckoned with. Ever since her mother got sick and passed away, when Nadia was at a young age of six, the dark haired girl’s light personality darkened. Pink walls and frilly dresses were abandoned for scrappy jeans and dark walls that matched those of her two older brothers. Her father, who had always wanted a daughter to call his little princess, eventually learned to accept that his youngest child would never be what he had once hoped. Instead, he raised her the same as he raised his sons. Nadia grew up to be just like her brothers, finding her place among their rough housing and wrestling matches. By the time she was fourteen she could shoot a gun just as well as both of her brothers, impressing not only her father but his hunting friends as well. ‘She’s a special one, she is’ they would always say in regards to Nadia’s talents. Her father would always just grin, his eyes shining with pride, and agree. But there was more to it than just hunting, and when she was seventeen, Nadia found out the truth.
Her father was the current leader of the Northside Rascals, the gang that was notorious around Muddy Waters. He’d done everything in his power to hide it from Nadia, but by the time she was seventeen and both of her brothers had moved out of state to pursue lives and careers of their own, the leader of the gang realized that he needed to have someone to hand his position down to, should anything happen to him. So it was then, at age seventeen, that Nadia began shadowing her father’s footsteps. As a teenager, of course the gang members were skeptical at first. But when they took notice of Nadia’s dedication in the syndicate, noticing how she devoted her blood and sweat (no tears, because she never cried) to her position in the gang, they gradually began to see what her father saw in her: potential. She’d advanced quickly in the gang, and as soon as she graduated high school she took it upon herself to make sure nobody who threatened her gang, her knew family, got away with it. Taking up part time jobs, she remained somewhat dependent on her father until her twenty seventh birthday. Or, rather, the day her father died.
All it took was one bullet, and the man who had raised her to be the strong young woman she now was, was… gone. Just like that. It was a Halloween prank gone wrong, of sorts. It had been meant as a joke, to shoot the man with a fake bullet. Apparently he’d been in on it, using Halloween as an opportunity to scare some of the gang members, to remind them that bad things could happen when least expected, and that it was important to keep your eyes out. Nobody had expected things to go so horribly wrong. Whoever switched out the fake bullet for a real one was not caught, not even after Nadia herself had done all the investigating she could to find out the truth. But by the time she’d given up on her hunt for answers, it had come to her attention that the Northside Rascals were severely in need of a new leader. And since Nadia herself hadn’t spent her time mourning the loss of her father, she was entirely emotionally prepared to take over her father’s footsteps. Deep down, maybe she held a deep longing for the man who had raised her. But for the past ten years, all of her focus has been spent on her new family… the Rascals.
Living on her own with a German Shepherd who owns her heart, Nadia is the real queen of Muddy Waters, though she would never view it that way. She’s been tasked with the job of making sure violence was kept at a minimum, picking up a job as the Head Security guard at Saint Sabrina’s, the local strip club. She’s been in charge of the Rascals for nearly ten years, keeping in close contact with the Sheriffs Department at an attempt to maintain some level of peace.
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Nadia has never been a ‘people person’, finding herself more attached to her dog than to actual human beings. However, that isn’t to say that she doesn’t know how to be sociable and charismatic when need be. She is very capable of smiling and batting her eyelashes if that’s what it takes to get the job done, but she’s never been a fan of emotions. She has a very no-bullshit personality, and is incredibly loyal to the Rascals. She is tough as nails and wouldn’t lie to her gang, and in return she knows she has their utmost trust and respect. But with the Whitewater Syndicate making themselves known in her town, she isn’t sure she appreciates that one bit. While she’s always done her best to seem friendly in the eyes of the public, Nadia’s nature is cold and borderline sociopathic, and she doesn’t hide that when she’s faced with the leaders of the new gang in town. She couldn’t care less that their leader was missing, though she would admit that it is a shame, having met Caruso at least once. But it still isn’t her problem and while $500,000 does look appealing, she’d rather waste her time and effort on other matters–more specifically, matters within her gang.
Played by Bria
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maizeofloverp · 7 years
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Full name: Wallace Bowen
Age: 40
Birth date: May 25, 1977
Gender & pronouns: Male, he/him
Affiliation: Northside Rascals
Occupation: Mortician
Faceclaim: Jon Bernthal
B i o g r a p h y »
The way society stereotyped him was all hereditary. The only reason why he uses that as a fact is because being a mortician had been everyone’s occupation for generations. It was the family business and Wallace had been raised to follow his father and mother’s footsteps, so that when they were the ones on the morgue table, Wallace was able to take over without an issue. He was an obedient son that was born with thicker skin than most kids. His appearances had already been more unique than his peers, and it was without a doubt that he had been bullied because of it. None of that bothered him though. Wallace matured quicker than most and he knew what his purpose was in his family and in life.
Most people say that the craziest thing about him is how comfortable he was with his occupation. He just saw it as a message that he had chosen the right path in his life so far. That doesn’t mean that he’s void of emotion and morals though. Wallace can feel just like anyone else. It’s just that he’s a bit more stoic than the average person. What the citizens of Muddy Water say about him don’t get under his skin. It’s actually a bit entertaining to hear what rumors are created since the majority of his time is spent with the eternally silent.
Wallace has made himself a niche in the community, not that it was hard to when residing a city like Muddy Waters, and he continues to work as a mortician even after his parents passed away. Working alongside the Northside Rascals had always been a consistent factor for him. He’d consider himself loyal to them, and that meant that he wasn’t cemented in most high morals. There have been times where he would sly his way around a direct answer when the cops would come, and there will definitely be more in the future as well.
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Wallace comes off as cold and distant most of the time. Most people don’t even think it’s possible for him to show emotions, much less move the muscles in his face unless it’s to speak without any feeling. He, of course, does experience emotions but they aren’t very strong most of the time. It might be due to the nature of his job or maybe the lack of expression truly was hereditary. Either way, he’s as stoic as anyone can be and he’s very well aware of it. Still, Wallace doesn’t go out of his way to try and appease the vast majority. It takes too much effort and he’s found that being true to himself is more beneficial in the long run, because the people that actually want to befriend him, or have any sort of relation with him, are genuine with their choice.
Played by Jo
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