sanchoyo · 2 years
ygo sidereal is funny bc half of it is like a dumb office drama w 20 smths instead of the usual highschooler plots or whatever but the office is a shady time travel company. and the other half is like, time travel shenanigans/historical dramedy.
the main character has stage fright when it comes to dueling and is in denial about being the main character bc she sees herself as a side character. shes a history otaku. her rival is a hyper competent halloween themed spooky CEO who lives in a haunted mansion and has a mandatory goth dress code for her company. and she will throw stupid fake spiders at people and thinks its the funniest thing in the world. the main villain loses duels on purpose bc he Feels Bad if he wins and makes his opponent Sad. and you can easily disarm him by taking his glasses, he'll turn into velma scoobydoo in 5 seconds flat. hes so soggy pathetic he gets possessed by his own future self. the deuteragonist is a Morally Bankrupt woman who got trapped in the Timeless Void and is technically incredibly Right about Everything and I forgive her for everything shes done bc I support womens Wrongs. its a gay love story. its about the concept of feeling like you have no time to do anything and yet how much you really have. and how its somehow not enough too even with Time Travel Powers. its about how it feels to be in your mid 20s. the futility of fighting the flow of time. its a card game series. theres vampires.
I wish I could tell ppl to watch it but its not REAL its my ygo fan series😔 but trust me its really Good
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thedorkmagiciangirl · 2 years
What Your Favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Ship Says About You
Okay so I was listening to Doubleca5t’s videos-check him out if you haven’t done so, and then my mind went to:okay but ygo.
So here it is.  What your favorite yugioh ship says about you.  Warning:  You may find yourself feeling absolutely called out and attacked by the following statements.  I will not apologize.
All the Yami/Hikari Pairings (Yugi/Yami Yugi, Malik/Yami Malik, Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura):You’re just here for some yaoi.
Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba/Jonouchi):You like belligerent sexual tension.  You just do.
Seto Kaiba/Anzu Mazaki:Your ideal relationship dynamic is Beauty and the Beast. 
Jonouchi Katsuya/Anzu Mazaki:Your ideal relationship dynamic is sitcom wife sitcom husband. 
Jonouchi/Honda:Your ideal relationship dynamic is two bros chilling in a hot tub.
Mai/Vivian Wong:You want a girl who not only can kick your ass but will do so upon request. 
Jonouchi/Otogi:You are a firm believer in the inherent eroticism of dog-related nicknames.  In hindsight, this also applies to puppyshipping, but that’d be too obvious a joke.
Kisara/Seto Kaiba:You are a firm believer that this is the natural conclusion of Kaiba’s dragon fetish.
Sennenshipping (The Seven Sennen Items.  Yes.): You are way too deep into crack.
Dragonshipping (Jonouchi/Yami no Yuugi) :In a world where everyone runs from a challenge, you are the rare person who runs towards it.   When everyone else has finished their fight, you press onward, never stopping.  For you, no mountain is too high, no river is too deep, you have made a commitment to your community and done what so many others could only dream of; you are the few, the proud THE MANGA READERS
BBQshipping (Yami no Yugi x fire, yes fire):You just like watching Yami set people on fire.  Which he does in the manga. A lot.
Tendershipping (Ryou Bakura/Yami Bakura):You have not read the manga.
Protectshipping (Honda/Ryou) :You just wanted good things for Ryou, and really, who wouldn’t?
Peachshipping (Anzu/Yugi):You’re a sucker for cinnamon rolls, too good for this world, too pure.
Sealshipping (Atem/Mahaad): You’re a sucker for servant/royalty relationships.
Shrimpshipping (Weevil/Rex Raptor) :You’re a sucker for comedic side characters.
Rebecca/Mokuba:You are a sucker for cute sweet nerd kid crushes.  Fluffy and wholesome.
Darkshipping (Yami Bakura/Yami Yugi):You’re a sucker for enemies to lovers.
Heartshipping (Yugi/Ryou): okay this is just the same joke for peachshipping, but like even more so. Alternatively:Your ideal relationship dynamic is two gamer nerds nerding out together.
Chaseshipping (Honda/Otogi):You believe love triangles are best resolved by ignoring the axis. 
Toonshipping (Seto Kaiba/Pegasus) :You like mind game ships.
Prideshipping:Looking back at your childhood, you can pinpoint Seto Kaiba as the beginning of your crippling addiction to edgy boys who have trouble talking about their feelings, or he may not have started your addiction, but he did not help.
Roseshipping (Cecelia/Pegasus) : You are Pegasus.
Puzzleshipping (Yugi/Yami Yugi):You could recite every line of dialogue from the “I want to be with you forever” scene from memory.  Also, you were either traumatized by the ending of the show and are now in heavy denial, or you’re too afraid to watch it and still haven’t seen it, cowards.
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himebushou · 1 year
In terms of how things went down with the Organisation, I was super, super satisfied.
First of all, talk about ACTION-PACKED? I'm so glad that we got to see Kazuki shooting and actually hitting targets! As he said, he can show up sometimes, lol
Ogino's death being the product of TEAMWORK was very satisfying. Personally, I would say that Kazuki dealt the final blow — but yeah, Rei's kick definitely sealed the deal
The stupid book burning up? Perfection. Ogino appears to be a literary man; he talks about the immortality of words and as @lilyginnyblackv2 mentioned in a post, his gun was inscribed with Jane Austen's last words. I feel that he's a reader. And yet, his sick little collection was not afforded immortality. It's perfect
@bbfeelings said that Rei wouldn't be ready to finish his father, which turned out to be the case — but I think the way it did go down was very, very fitting. We saw that Suwa Shigeki was ensconced in a much smaller and barer office, one that lacked the grandeur of the room where he'd had his last two conversations with Rei. This symbolised how he, and the Organisation, was losing power. It was SO good
Rei finally had the power to retaliate — and he shot Shigeki, thereby taking out Shigeki's 'killing arm' (assuming that Shigeki is right-handed; EDIT: I just realised that Shigeki was holding the gun in his left hand). Rei then proceeded to injure himself. In effect, Rei symbolically ended the Suwa family's ability to kill (I say symbolically because, in my opinion, Rei will always be deadly). Also, his father gets to go on in misery, knowing that he was rejected — the ideal world he presented Rei — was rejected. Having seen the ep, I think it's more satisfying than if he got KO'd
And... yeah. Just the amount of blood was fitting? The AIBOU mention had me super emotional (thanks YGO, lol!)
Rei patching up Kazuki? The lighter serving a purpose? Kazuki freaking out over Rei's arm and then instantly accepting it when Rei got in the car? REI BEING A LIVING WEAPON?
I am sad that Kazuki's yellow car is gone... I hope he gets a new one
But yeah. The mansion bit? PERFECT.
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rainstormcolors · 1 year
For the ask meme!
Ygo: 3, 6, 8
Prideshipping: 9, 15
Seto Kaiba: 2, 6, 7
Hello! Thank you for the ask.
3) …which scene I would like to erase from the universe and why.
People are pretty fair in disliking uncomfortable fanservicey scenes in the early manga and those could be nixed without being missed.
6) …which is my favorite platonic or familial relationship in this world.
Seto and Mokuba Kaiba are important to me and I feel they have a complex and nuanced relationship, and it’s kept them both alive and has given them hope but it has its tensions as well. The love in an imperfect family struggling and surviving, and understanding each other and not understanding each other and being there for each other or not knowing how to be there for each other, and reaching for each other, failing at times, and trying.
8) …a quote from it that means a lot to me
Oh whoops... I forgot to include this one initially.
"For him." -- Seto Kaiba
9) …what my ideal endgame for them is.
I toy with how their relationship may play out in a few ways. Sometimes Seto and Atem meet that final time in the Netherworld, and they see and understand how much they mean to each other and can say goodbye, and Seto returns home alone. Sometimes Seto and Atem return home together. There was a period after DSoD first came out where Japanese fan stories would feature Seto traveling back and forth between the mortal world and the Netherworld and I don’t mind toying with that concept either. It probably depends on my mood. I like the two holding onto that bond. Knowing they meant something to each other. And/or continuing to be part of each other’s lives.
I do think both Seto and Atem have growing to do as people, and should learn about themselves and the world more, but I also don’t feel the two need to be glued at the hip in the case of Atem returning home with Seto. I do think it would take time for them to be stably together. I kind of characterize them as starting out as “exclusive-friends-with-benefits,” and it takes time for them to move into labeling their relationship a romance.
15) …how I wish their story would go/would have gone.
I feel this fictional relationship might be too close to my heart for me to want to change it exactly. Which is a non-answer so I apologize. I kind of see the characters as themselves in canon and can’t ask for them to change exactly.
Seto Kaiba
2) …how I would have chosen to change their story from canon.
This is again a taste/preference thing of course. I certainly have added more details to the early portion of Seto’s canon in my mind, and it’d be nice if some of those details were canon. More details of the mentally breaking away from everything and everyone. Maybe more foreshadowing of Gozaburo haunting him.
6) …the scene that I think shows just how awesome they really are.
You know, lately I’ve been thinking of Seto’s tired and regret-filled and mournful expression as he internally apologizes for failing Mokuba just before Pegasus seals away Seto’s soul. “Awesome” isn’t really the correct word. But for some reason I’ve been thinking of those panels.
Perhaps related, and maybe more in the category of “awesome” is Seto trusting in his deck and cards during that duel as he blindly pulls the Blue Eyes White Dragon to play from his deck. A gesture of faith and hope and heart.
I answered 7 previously.
Thank you again for the ask. I hope tomorrow is kind to you.
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offlineblues · 1 year
just thinking (art related growth)
looking at these two works, i think i may have improved a lot this year with drawing. the first one is from December (i drew it for Revolver release in Duel Links) and the second one is from August (today)
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i struggled a lot this year with style and doodling and stuff because i continued to draw a lot of things outside of my comfort zone. it took me a long time to learn how to draw YGO hair and the sharpness of the characters. i ended up changing how i draw characters like Yusaku and Ai at least 4 times before i got it how i want it to look...! i was having a crisis for real
i knew i needed to work on how i wanted to draw more masculine type faces instead of soft ones, so i tried and tried. in private, i've drawn a lot of poses and interactions and studied how my style (or how i would ideal my style to be) would look.
i learned a lot about characters interacting and poses. i learned a lot about lighting against clothes and skin and hair, adding a vibrance i was missing before. i learned a lot about using a variety of colors to show a richness and more contrast between light and shadow. i got more comfortable drawing in general how i ideal it to be.
i'm pretty happy to have made more progress again... it's very apparent in this comparison...
and even one of my first aiyusa, i've definitely grown a lot since then too. i feel embarrassed to show my first Yusakus XD the first one is last October and the second is December. and then the one from last month or so. see, i ended up changing the eyes to be larger and more bright because that's how they are in canon... also Ai's hair being longer and more accurate (?) (it's still YGO hair so i wing it in certain aspects)
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anyway i just wanted to say i'm happy in this aspect with myself for my own improvement, which i struggle to feel is real sometimes... phew
i wonder if i get a real tablet and stop drawing on my phone with my fingers that i'll grow more with better tools? i like the convenience of drawing anywhere a LOT but also i know it's limiting me... aaaa
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kaiowut99 · 2 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 89 and 90 Subbed (Finalized)
(Previously: Episodes 87 and 88 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-89: The Hell Kaiser vs Darkness Fubuki
Ryou, now the Hell Kaiser, has returned to the Academia to take part in GeneX.  His best friend Fubuki, scoping out the situation, decides to confront the Hell Kaiser, hoping to return the favor after he had helped save him from his fall to the dark side before.  At last, Fubuki and Hell Kaiser begin their duel, and Fubuki intentionally uses the power of Darkness, summoning Red-Eyes Black Dragon.  Meanwhile, the Hell Kaiser uses...
TURN-90: The Academia’s Pride
Chronos and Vice-Principal Napoleon, anxious about the Academia’s reputation worsening as their students lose to Pro Duelists, get certain characters to take part in GeneX--as their secret weapons.  Meanwhile, Junko and Momoe were dueling the Pro Duelist Sommelier Parker, and just as they were about to surrender their tough bout, Asuka, thought to have entered the Society of Light, appears.  Asuka then takes over Junko and Momoe’s duel and takes on the Sommelier.
Next duo of episodes is finalized~
Episodes 89 and 90 are a good time; 89 explores more of Ryou’s personality shift (and how sinking so low fighting with his ideals and then discarding them to actually think of winning now has him obsessed with the feeling that comes with it) and the new Cyberdark deck he took from Samejima, along with showing that Darkness is still very much around despite his defeat to Judai in S1 (mainly because for some reason Fubuki kept the card he was trapped in around, though I suppose logically to avoid Darkness potentially getting to someone else lol) which’ll come into play again in Season 4 (better than never, really).  90′s a fun time with more of the tournament currently going on playing out, we get to see Taizan and Motegi again which is nice, and Asuka shows some of her pre-SoL personality is still in there, like with Manjoume.  Also nice to hear Camula’s Theme again as she takes out Sommelier Parker.  The flashback scene with Ryou and Fubuki is also nice (”Just as this lighthouse guides ships at night, everyone’s feelings were the glow that brought me back”) and it would’ve been nice to get that properly after Fubuki recovered, but it works well here.
Editing-wise, there wasn’t too much to fix in 89, though there was a unique one that I wanted to do my best to fix; 90 saw a bunch of card fixes along with one or two quality-of-watching fixes, plus a big translation edit revamping one of the first on-screen ones I’d done when I first subbed episode 90 back around 2012 that looks pretty good now, if I may say so myself, lol.  Details below the cut, as usual, for the interested!
(As a side-note, Sangre Guerrero in 90 is... interesting; the credits list his name as “サンブレ・ゲレロ”/“sanbure guerrero”/”Sombre Guerrero,” which is what I’d originally used, but then I saw Crunchyroll go with “Sangre,” which isn’t what the katakana would back up [”sangure”]--but the more I listened to Manjoume saying his name, the more it did in fact sound like “Sangre.” It wouldn’t be the first time I’d run into a typo in the ending credits--a lot of the animation staff tend to have typos on their names every so often, so it takes me a fair bit of looking into which spellings end up sticking later in the series to decide on consistency--but it was a potential first for a character name, and Japanese Wikipedia and most sites, along with Yugipedia, had spelled it as “sanbure” pulling from the credits.  Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a profile on the official YGO site, and I don’t think he’d had one on any official Japanese one to verify, being such a minor character.  But “sangre” would make sense given his “hot Latino blood” line [”sangre” being Spanish for “blood”], so, given all that, I went with “Sangre” as well. 
Also, I did end up finally catching that the name for Junko’s VA is Tomomi Yachi and not Tomomi Taniuchi as I’d been using per AnimeNewsNetwork; I was hoping that “Yachi” could’ve been a more recent change, but I clicked into her JP Wikipedia page and saw her blogs going back to the time GX was airing in the mid-00s referencing “Yachi,” and Yugipedia does have “Yachi” too, so... going with that now.  I might decide to revise her other episodes, but having lost my OP/EN credit sub files for S1 and early S2, and given she only finally spoke again in 90 after not doing so for... over 30 episodes, I might just end up leaving it.)
Anywho, enjoy, folks--91 and 92 are on tap for next time, ft. our Grim Reaper one-hit card-slinging-slasher one-off, and Pegasus actually dueling as Chronos and Napoleon duel him for a job worrying they might be fired; should be fun to revisit!
Fixes/Edits! (89)
As Fubuki and Ryou are about to begin dueling, they jump together on a split-screen to turn on their Disks and shout, “Duel!”--but just before Fubuki’s starts to turn on, there’s one frame (held still for a few frames) where it’s not fully drawn in its off state; fixed by painting in the rest in Photoshop, then throwing the fixed frame into the footage in Sony Vegas.
Later, once Fubuki lets Darkness consume him thinking it’s the only way to help Ryou now, Ryou brings back Cyberdark Edge using Call of the Living Dead; Darkness!Fubuki notes the futility of it when facing his Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, and Ryou clicks into a split-screen to surprise him by summoning another new Monster in Cyberdark Keel, but a few things happen here--mainly, once Ryou clicks into his split-screen with Fubuki, the entire shot keeps panning to the right towards Fubuki.  Then, a few frames before Fubuki reacts to Keel, it shifts downward and to the right, and as Fubuki’s saying, “Another new Monster?”, the shot keeps panning towards him, before the split-screen then splits apart, but not before we get a quick frame of them splitting into green before the right whooshing background’s in there in the next frame to lead into Keel being summoned.  As I hadn’t worked on a fix to a split-screen error like this yet and thinking I might not be able to do too much, I initially mitigated it by using Vegas to fix it such that the shot stopped moving once Fubuki started reacting, repositioning three frames of his face and lip-flaps (closed, semi-open, and open) and masking them onto a still, recycling as needed to match his original flaps before letting the split-screen split out--but I was inspired on Friday to give it more of a try, and I think it came out nicely after 3-4 total hours late Friday night and early yesterday, lol. 
In addition to what I first did there, I went and first took the starting pan of Fubuki as he notes the futility of the move and moved it slightly so that Fubuki’s final position in the pan, before Ryou clicks into the split-screen, matches the position I had him in just before he reacts which I’d kept him still at--but doing this left a bit of the shot, along the top and right, unaccounted for with missing pixels; to deal with that, I used the aforementioned frame of Fubuki’s final position and redid that initial panning with it by keyframing it for most of its 105 frames, then put that in a layer under the repositioned pan--this allowed it to fill in the rest of the shot seamlessly, so Fubuki and the background were fully moved.  Then, after Ryou clicks in, I masked in a still of him prior to holding up Keel over Fubuki, then masked in and repositioned his rising hand with the card, along with his face and lip-flaps which I recycled as needed; this made it so Ryou held up Keel and said his line while everything else in the shot stays still.  I applied some additional masking over these layers during the split-screen to keep their hair and the backgrounds behind them consistent, too.  There’s still a slight amount of movement for the 5-10 frames of Fubuki reacting that I couldn’t edit out, but all the previous editing combined with what I’d done before made this shot much more consistently still overall. (Hopefully that makes sense, lol.) Also fixed the quick green-bg frame error.
Fixes/Edits! (90)
For the hardsub, as I detailed here, I took the computer screen Samejima’s scrolling through as he laments how only some of the students are winning their GeneX duels, showing how Judai and the others are doing on that front, and freshly translated it; as mentioned up top, this is a revamp of one of my earliest on-screen translation edits, necessarily redone because, for some reason, I thought it smart to save the original edit with Samejima’s line hardsubbed onto it... but also given the difference in video quality with the DVDRip I used here, lol.  Where initially I mainly used Sony Vegas to manipulate the existing footage to get things blanked, borrowing from how the dub wiped the text in spots, to then add the translated text in Aegisub, this time I used Photoshop exclusively to blank the Japanese text and then add the new English text, after first stitching together the entire screen with everyone’s profiles, using Sony Vegas to redo the scrolling or touch up for consistency a little as needed.
Also for the hardsub, for the scene just after the title card as Samejima scrolls from Misawa’s profile to Saiou’s, I was able to get that freshly translated as well, as detailed in the update to the post I linked in #1 above. (I also created this video to showcase both edits, as well as mockups I did of what the English dub could’ve done if they wanted to translate it vs what they actually did [blank all the text but mysteriously leave empty name boxes intact] and comparing them to my initial edits from 2012.)
As Chronos and Napoleon run to see Taizan duel with Mathematica, we see the current status of their duel with their LP counts, but while Taizan has Big Shield Guardna out in Defense Mode on his field, his card under it is facing Mathematica as if in Attack Mode; fixed by first making a proxy, then using AfterEffects to put it in place in Defense Mode on one frame during the panning shot, with the effect box facing us the viewer, and then masking Big Shield Guardna on top of it--once done, I took that frame into Sony Vegas and redid the panning shot with it, masking in the LP counter on top as needed.
After activating Illegal Summon and summoning Middle Shield Guardna to Taizan’s field, Mathematica has Taizan summon a Monster to his field for its second effect, and he goes for Drone; as it gets summoned, its card is missing on Mathematica’s Disk.  Fixed by using AfterEffects to first put a proxy I made for it in place on his second Monster Zone before the DEF counter covers it, brightening it as the light from Drone’s summoning reaches it, and exporting that; I then exported a single frame of it in that position, which I threw into Vegas, where I redid the slow zoom that happens here as he activates Death Calculator with it, and combined it all.
Some seconds later, as Mathematica activates Transistor the Survey Warrior’s effect (tributing Drone to attack Taizan directly), a few things happen: 1) a repeat of #3 happens with Defense-Mode Drone, whose card under it is facing Taizan as if in Attack Mode, and 2) Taizan has the just-summoned-to-his-field Middle Shield Guardna where Big Shield Guardna should be on his Disk, in Monster Zone 4.  Fixed in two parts: 1) I used AfterEffects to apply a proxy for Drone under it in Defense Mode (name box facing our left) for a frame and masked Drone on top of it, then taking that frame into Vegas to redo the panning shot here with it, masking Big Shield Guardna and his shield over it and fading it out as Drone gets tributed and disappears; 2) luckily, as this shot gets recycled a bit later, and it correctly has Middle Shield Guardna and Big Shield Guardna in Zones 2 and 4, respectively, on his Disk there, I was able to use that and use Vegas to reposition it and then redo the panning here with it before just masking them out--though the repositioning meant that Big Shield Guardna wasn’t fully on Taizan’s Disk (as I had to move it a bit upward, leaving empty pixels under), but I used AE to slap a proxy on in one frame, then redoing the pan again using that frame to handle that.  Combined both parts in Vegas, and voila. (Quite a bit of fun keyframing involved here as a result, but the result looks good)
After summoning Drawler, Taizan uses its effect to add his hand back to his deck, but two quick things happen: 1) there’s a few frames of his Disk showing where Big Shield Guardna is missing from his Disk (Fixed in AfterEffects by just slapping a Defense-Mode proxy in Monster Zone 4), and 2) for a quick frame as he lifts his head, the pupils of Taizan’s eyes are black and not white (fixed by just recoloring them in Photoshop, then mixing the fixed frame into the footage in Vegas)
Later, during Motegi’s duel with Sangre Guerrero, the Latino Pro Duelist [what Elvis impersonation] tries to get Motegi to feel worried, but notes how he’s taking the fun out of it for him by being so chill; as the split-screen between them while this happens starts to split, there’s a quick frame where the border is missing from Guerrero’s side.  Fixed in Vegas by masking in his side of the split in the next frame with the border and repositioning it into place.  I also re-slid his side to fix some coloring issues I noticed with him.
Later, once Asuka and Sommelier Parker are dueling, after Asuka summons Benten, Parker notes that she would be “medium-bodied” as a wine compared to his “full-bodied” Bacchus, before the Parker/Bacchus split-screen splits to show Judai, Shou, and Manjoume, as Shou turns to Manjoume wondering what the “bodied” talk is about--but two little things happen here: 1) a frame before the split starts to split, there’s a little flicker along the border (fixed just by holding the previous frame over this one), and 2) after Shou turns to Manjoume, after he says his line, he jitters and turns slightly from Manjoume, where he stays until after Manjoume’s line, when he and Judai turn back to the duel, but this jitter desyncs Shou’s movement from Judai’s there (fixed by first masking Shou so that he stays in his pre-jitter position, then using that jitter position to make it so he and Judai start turning back to the duel at the same time).
9-11 here happen in the same scene, but I can’t do sub-bullets on Tumblr here, so I’ll split it into a few points for readability.  As Asuka tells Parker that Cyber Tutu’s about to end the duel, he slides in on a split-screen to question that, causing Asuka to react in surprise before the split splits out to show a drunk dizzy Cyber Tutu--except Asuka’s side of the split takes a frame longer to leave the screen, as they started splitting a bit unevenly.  Fixed by using Vegas to mask and redo the split-out slightly so that the two start splitting more evenly, letting Asuka’s split leave the screen with Parker’s.
After we see drunk Cyber Tutu, the two’s split-screens start sliding back in, but Parker’s is uneven with Asuka’s; fixed in Vegas by masking his full split and repositioning it to redo it slightly.
Once back on their split-screen, after Parker comments that Cyber Tutu has had a bit too much of his Bacchus Banquet’s sake, they start to split out to show the Bacchus Banquet card behind them on Parker’s field, but the border that should be on Asuka’s side is disconnected from her.  Fixed in Vegas by masking out the border and attaching it to Asuka, masking in the new scene behind them to wipe it away from the middle.
A bit later, Parker has Magna Mutton attack Cyber Tutu, but Asuka has her Holy Life Barrier Trap to avoid damage; as she gets ready to activate it amidst Magna Mutton’s attack, she’s missing Cyber Tutu in Monster Zone 4 on her Disk. Fixed in AfterEffects by just slapping a proxy on.
During her last turn, after Asuka uses Fulfillment of the Contract to bring back Idaten, as she explains that her effect lets her re-use a Magic Card in her Cemetery (going for Pot of Greed), along with missing Cyber Tutu in Zone 4 of her Disk again, a bit of an oddity happens here in how her Idaten card starts to... slide off her Disk, lol.  There’s also a quick frame where the Pot of Greed she’s grabbing from her Cemetery disappears in the slot before it reappears there as she moves her Disk.  Fixed by first using AfterEffects to put Cyber Tutu in place, which I then repositioned during the light zoom-out in AE, then in Vegas holding Idaten in place by masking its Monster Zone into another layer on top for the rest of the shot, and then holding Pot of Greed in place for that one frame.
During the preview for episode 91, an error happens as the Blue student Tachibana is dueling gets impacted by an attack he made in which he has a Magic Card in his Disk’s Monster Zone 4.  This was fixed in 91 proper, as it’s Armed Samurai -- Ben Kei there, so I fixed this by using that footage in Vegas and masking in the Japanese “Preview” text over it, using a fair amount of feathering so it blended in.
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josukkes · 2 years
hello hello once again !! (・∀・)ノ ooo, placements whoa !! is this for school, and i'm assuming they've wrapped up by now then?? and don't worry, the answers are more than good !! omg yess i was so happy they finally confessed in kaguya sama, and yess mp100 is such a good show, i also love reigen and mob's dynamic!! he's such a good mentor to him! ;v; for this week's question, who are some of your favorite characters and why?? ( ´ ▿ ` ) ~ your animanga secret santa 🎅
Hi there! Hope you've had a good day, cause I STILL HAVE A WEEK AND A HALF OF PLACEMENTS (ಥ﹏ಥ)
Oh, alright this will be a doozy. Here's a list of favorite characters
jotaro and josuke from jjba
1. he's so cool (autistic swag) and that's all I can tell you. He scratches the brain just right. He's most likely TRAUMATIZED from Egypt and he's an EPIC DIVORCE MAN. He is So. That's it 2. I adore characters with a heart of gold that are just a little bit bastards, just a tad. He's just a silly little guy. This part is most like slice of life and I LOVE slice of life and also mundane power usage! tldr I like him in an auntie type way that makes me want to give him 20 euro while nobody's looking. I hope that makes sense
kunikida from bsd
I can relate to his ideals of "the world fucking SUCKS yet I'll still fight for my ideals". Basically my favorite trope is optimistic yet not naive. It's why I like characters like Tanjiro and Yuuji a lot as well, fighting despite adversity is so big brained. Also Hot, something is wrong with my brain and blond meganes make me froth.
Arataki itto from genshin impact
HIMBO KING! DUMBASS KING! He plays ygo and loses 500 times in a row! Sometimes you just want a pathetic goof
Reigen from mp100
Speaking of pathetic, just look at him. Milf dilf twink babygirl hottest anime woman and tumblr sexyman runnerup. I love the juxtaposition between the fandom making him hot and him being, like, Canonically bitchless. Jokes aside, I also like how despite being a fraud essentially, he cares for mob so much
Nanami and Yuuji from jjk
1. Same reasons as kunikida, guy who knows the world sucks yet is still fighting on, and also Blond Meganes make me froth. Actually any megane in a suit makes me froth, but my point still stands 2. He's a little Blorbo! Also read the optimism part from above
Noe from vnc
BLORBO. He's so, I want to hold him gently like hamburger
Yato and bishamon from noragami
1. He's pathetic in a hot kinda way :). His character design is so cool, black hair with light eyes ALSO gets me. Also something something his story of being an abuse survivor is touching 2. HOT. Also cool
I hope those have been good answers and not at all devolved into BLORBO and Horny grip. TL;DR if a character's an optimist, I like them :)
Have a good evening ( ̄▽ ̄)!
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gettothestabbing · 2 years
Back from the real world!
And I got some venting to do!
SO. I didn’t have Internet except at work (where I’m not supposed to be on it when not on break, a rule I broke a lot and feel only slightly bad about) for about 3 weeks. And this happened about the same time as the death of Kazuki Takahashi. Who created my favorite manga, and the first anime/show I loved as a child that wasn’t something my parents picked out for me.
I know my blog is a heady mix of politics and fanart and real art and a bunch of things now. But when I started out, and I was afraid to post anything political, I was following mostly Yu-Gi-Oh! fanblogs. (And Communismkills. Love her.) I’ve posted a lot less about YGO over time. This is partly because of the Obsession Cycle (see below) and partly because I am influenced by the content that people I like post. Hence why I got more political from following CK, more artistic from following art blogs, etc.
The Obsession Cycle is a cycle of hyperfixations on certain stories that I love more than any others. Although new stories are often added to the cycle, making it longer or shorter, it always includes Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Gravity Falls, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Hey Arnold!, Disney in some form, and Ghibli in some form. The cycle is complete either when I drop all hyperfixations for a period of time, or when I return to the fixation I started with in the most recent iteration. My sister, explaining this concept to her husband, pointed out that I used to cycle through this entirely within 8 months. Then, adding new media in and having more to do in college and law school, the cycle widened dramatically to 3 years. Right now, she estimates that my cycle is about 2 years long. The implication of course is that there has been a regression.
I would agree with that. To be completely honest, I was about to reread the manga when I heard Takahashi had died, and that news hit me very hard. While I am not interested in large swathes of the franchise that Yu-Gi-Oh! spawned, and therefore do not see Takahashi as an ideal, I have always respected and admired his work. It is also easy to sympathize with him losing some creative control over time due to the insane popularity of Duel Monsters, but he found a way to end his story satisfactorily (twice, if we include the Dark Side of Dimensions movie) despite one game taking massive precedence.
So without Internet, having just moved into a new apartment, with a lot of frustration at work, and feeling very isolated and upset, I restarted my cycle and started shoving Yu-Gi-Oh! into my brain as fast and as hard as possible. I have been very very annoying to talk to lately, even to myself. My sister has been delicately asking me “when I’m going to be done” with this phase for at least a week. I don’t really see an end in sight, and I can never predict when the feverish fascination will fade.
Honestly, this is a period of mourning. Even though the story concluded long ago, Yu-Gi-Oh! has always had a special place in my heart. It helped me make friends (through playing the card game w/boys at school) and learn new ways to express myself artistically. (Yes, I wrote fic, no, you can’t read it.) It was something I enjoyed that no one else in my family liked.
It was also my safe place. I was nine when I got into the show. You know what else happened when I was nine? I started puberty ahead of everyone else in my class and I was subsequently molested. I took real comfort and strength from how characters stood up for themselves and made themselves comfortable in their own bodies (or others’ bodies, as the case may be). I liked that they could make stupid mistakes but still have their friends’ support.
I only ever got to see the first two seasons because for some reason the TV station would never air anything past the first half of the Battle City finals. I also owned the first volume of the manga, which is extremely different from the dub I knew and hinted at a wealth of interpretation and content that was beyond my reach. Then my card-playing friend moved away and my mom died. Real life stuff like that got in the way of my exploring the story further until I was in high school and found the abridged series.
I never let myself finish the manga before, because I didn’t have all the volumes. Now I’m waiting on the last one to come in the mail. Because I always expect the cycle to come back again, I try never to fully exhaust any of these media properties. If it appears I will run out of the finite content for any of them, I try to start distracting myself with lesser media, chores, anything else to draw it out. I have to assume other people do this but I’ve never met anyone IRL who does (that would admit it anyway).
Despite all of this, I’m still an adult with a job. I’m trying to manage and balance my hyperfixation with all the other things I need to do. Like if I can’t have any free time, I’ll play instrumental music from the show as I work. I guess I expected to outgrow the Obsession Cycle without having to expend noticeable effort in doing so. Like my dad has told me many times, “it’s a phase.” Sometimes you don’t return to things you used to like, sure. But I resent them applying that label to Yu-Gi-Oh!. It’s really not a phase. It was a part of my childhood (then rapidly vanishing) that helped me learn the person I wanted to be as an adult. It still inspires me so much.
And aside from all that, I think having that break from regular Internet time helped me refine what I want out of that time now that I have it back. I enjoyed how much reading and organizing I was able to get done. I felt less distracted, even as I chafed at my difficulties in listening to music or communicating with friends. I may post less for awhile, maybe permanently. I don’t think I’ll ever really leave Tumblr or the Internet. And I didn’t enjoy being forcibly without it. But I feel like my relationship with the Internet will be healthier going forward.
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cdkwrites · 3 years
fall from grace (5)
Two households, both alike in dignity
An uneasy truce between Heaven and Hell was struck eons ago. Tensions still simmer underneath the surface between the two warring factions. Dartz has agreed to keep his angels in line and Pegasus has agreed to keep his demons in line. Their grudges run deep, a danger to those that they command.
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean
When Atem from one of the high houses of Hell is discovered dying in the streets of 1920s Paris by a mysteriously kind angel, tensions of this old war spark when she elects to save his life. The devastating fall out of one simple act of kindness is more than enough to shatter the truce. Soon, it maybe be impossible to avoid the resulting war for all species on Earth.
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend
cw: mentions of blood, self harm (kind of? there’s no scarring involved, it’s more like Allowing Oneself To Starve To Death), suicide idealization (nothing worse than you’d read in canon ygo), some artistic license re: european history espeically re: the french, violence
chapter one. chapter two. chapter three. chapter four.
you can read it on ao3 here!
if you enjoy my work, considering supporting me through ko-fi!
From the journal of Kazuko Kubota: November 15, 1922. Paris Sumiko continues to refuse to leave Paris. Even more irksome, the demon has taken her side…
Kazuko frowned at the mirror, trying to decide the best approach to the ongoing problem of Sumiko's refusal to leave Paris. There was no good answer, really. It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy her sister was close by. It was that she didn’t trust Duke. Kazuko liked him even less after Duke suggested that Sumiko was right - her learning self defense would be a valuable skill. You can’t protect her forever, hunter.
Duke was standing in the kitchen with a rather smarmy grin that Kazuko had longed to punch off his face. However, she didn’t know if it would even actually hurt him. The more she interacted with Duke, the less she understood about him. Duke had a very annoying habit of acting like nothing mattered in the long run. He kept insisting that mortals had a short life span and that nothing mattered in the end for people like her. It was very insulting.
“Well, it seems important to me,” Kazuko finally snapped at him one day, turning to glare at him. “What’s your problem, anyway?”
“I don’t have a problem, hunter,” Duke said with a flash of his sharp teeth. Again, Kazuko couldn’t help but notice that unlike vampires, every single one of Duke’s teeth were razor sharp. She badly wanted to ask what Duke ate but was scared of the answer. “I’m merely pointing out that mortals have a tendency to overthink the future.”
“And what would you know about mortals as a whole?” Kazuko crossed her arms, glaring at him. “What type of mortals do you usually meet, anyway?”
“You meet all sorts when you work in this type of shop,” Duke said as he tossed up a vial in the air. Kazuko still was not sure why he felt the need to show off when mixing up the potions for display, even when no one was around to watch him. “They all have ideas of the future. Rigid plans for love, success, and happiness that is fleeting. Some of them are desperate enough that they sell what they can’t get back.”
Kazuko did not bother asking what he took as payment. She didn’t think she could stomach it if she knew. She tried her best to keep Sumiko away from Duke but unfortunately, Sumiko found Duke fascinating. “Right,” Kazuko said with a wary look on her face. “You always say shit like that and get shocked when I don’t want you around my sister.”
“But your sister likes being around me,” Duke said with a smug grin as he splashed a vivid blue liquid into the cauldron. The liquid inside turned a violent shade of green. “You can’t dictate your sister’s life choices, hunter.”
She yanked her knife out, flipping it easily in hand as she slammed Duke into the wall. “Don’t think that just because I don’t know what kills you doesn’t mean I won’t have fun trying to figure it out,” Kazuko threatened, annoyed that Duke didn’t even seem scared. “I imagine that I can at least still make you hurt.”
“You probably could,” Duke said, an arched brow. “Gonna kiss me?” Kazuko made a disgusted sound before releasing him. Duke smoothed out his shirt and winked at her. “You could always just ask me further questions about what type of demon I am. Certainly one of the books around here would tell you everything you need to know about me.”
He had a point. Kazuko still wasn’t sure why she didn’t bother. Duke, at this point, had been a willing open book now that he was certain that Kazuko couldn’t kill him. “Like you’d tell me how to kill you.”
“No, I wouldn’t,” Duke said with a smile that Kazuko still had yet to decipher. It was different from his smug, self assured smile in a way she couldn’t quite pin down yet. “But it’s very obvious that you’re an intelligent woman, hunter. I’m certain that all you’d need to find out how to kill me is merely me telling you the wrong thing at the wrong time.”
Her eyes narrowed at him as she wondered what that could possibly mean. Duke, at no point, had ever come across as particularly careless. He smirked as he threw some powder in the cauldron and put a lid over it. She wanted to ask what the potion he was brewing was for. Instead, she rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said. “Let’s start simple then. What kind of demon are you?”
“Power in names,” he reminded her as he stroked the flames under the pot. “You already knew I wasn’t going to tell you that, though. Why don’t you ask something you really want to ask, hunter?” A flash of teeth and Kazuko took a step back. His smile was smug again. “Ask me what I eat.”
Kazuko’s eyebrows shot up. “How did you -“
“I know mortals, hunter,” Duke said with a shrug. “And you’ve been curious since you saw my teeth. I also know that you want to know what I’m making but haven’t asked. And now you want to know how I know that.” Kazuko glared at him, refusing to answer him. “I see. Alright, fine. This power was granted to me by Master Pegasus. I can glean information directly from mortal’s minds, as if they’d spoken it out loud to me.”
“You can read minds?” Kazuko was well aware it was a silly question and yet she couldn’t help herself. She felt anger surge through her. “And you’ve just been listening in on my thoughts without my consent? Without telling me that my thoughts aren’t safe?”
Duke shrugged. This clearly did matter to him the way it did to her. "You never asked,” he said with a sly grin. “Are you worried I heard something you didn’t want me to hear?”
Kazuko frowned as she mulled this new information over. Something was not sitting right and she didn't know what it was. Her eyes narrowed at him as it hit her. “You said you only hear mortals but when we met, you thought I might be an angel,” she remarked, her eyes narrowing further still. “So spill."
Duke seemed surprised by this call-out. “You’re smarter than most mortals." He seemed annoyed despite this sounding like it would be praise from anyone else. “You’re right. It’s also not perfect - I can’t distinguish the mind I’m reading. Nor do I have any particular control over when I read a mind.” His hands rested on the island, leaning forward. Kazuko leaned back in her chair, feeling uneasy by his sudden closeness. “Well, Kazuko Kubota… It’s been fun talking but I believe you want to convince your sister to leave. You should go try again.”
Kazuko took the excuse to leave, trying her best to keep her mind free from thoughts.
From the logs of Keket, Soldier of Chaos, Keeper of Fate: 1900s Spoke with Rafael. Rafael seems to agree that the best course of action is to eliminate the vampire. While I still have reservations, it seems the vampire's is inevitable.
The map that the vampire had made for her stared up at Keket judgmentally. It seemed wrong to use his gift in this manner. He had, after all, made this map for her in good faith. “I find it hard to believe a vampire just handed you this map,” Rafael remarked, pointing to the same house Jonouchi had pointed out. “I don’t understand what this one is.”
Keket thought about telling him the truth. She knew that he might be able to help her. He was strong and was not suffering from a warning mark killing him slowly. Rafael would be more than willing to help her fight a demon. And yet she could not bring herself to ask for his help. This was her fight and she would not drag Rafael down with her. "I'm not sure what it is,” she lied, shrugging. “He did not explain what it was.”
Rafael examined her critically, as if he did not believe her. Keket could not blame him for not believing her. She tilted her head up to him, daring him to call her out. He shrugged and gave her a small smile. “Shame he didn't tell you more,” Rafael said as he glanced over at her. “It would aid you in the mission Dartz gave you.”
She gasped, glancing up into Rafael's piercing blue eyes. All she could think was how did he know . The only answer was Dartz must have told him. She smirked, ignoring the stabbing pain rolling up along her arm. The sharp reminder that she was weakened and that proceeding forward with Dartz’s mission could kill her. “You always were Dartz’s favorite,” she said with a wink. “Only you would get to know what missions other angels have.”
He didn't even bother looking embarrassed by this. Instead he looked a little smug. "You could also have been favored by Dartz too at one point, " he said. “Instead you started getting chummy with a vampire.”
Keket rolled her eyes. “Dartz has been annoyed with me even before I saved that vampire,” she countered, trying her best to suppress the grimace that came with the pain running down her back. “I ask too many questions, remember?”
Rafael laughed at this. “You do ask too many questions,” Rafael conceded as he looked back at the map. “This is, however, an accurate map. I would proceed with extreme caution, Ket.” He looked at her and Keket got the sense that if she simply asked, he’d go with her. Rafael would be willing to protect her if she only could open her mouth and say the words. “It could be a trap.”
For a second, Keket wanted more than anything to ask Rafael to come with her when she went to check out the house. She thought about how easily that vampire could get the jump on her. Every part of her was aching. She was grateful that she and Rafael were alone. Rafael wouldn’t question her choosing to keep her wings unconcealed. It was too much energy to conceal them. “It could be,” Keket admitted, hedging her answer. “But I can handle it. After all, Dartz told me to take care of this vampire.”
From the journal of Prince Atem, domain of vampires: London, November 1922 Pegasus seems to think that I have a thing for this angel. I don’t know who’s spreading this rumor but it’s truly audacious to assume that I want to date an angel of all things.
“I heard quite the tale about you, Atem-boy,” Pegasus said before Atem even had a chance to settle in. Atem eyed the full goblet in Pegasus’s hand. “Don’t worry, no one died for this. Come, sit down. Shall I get you some blood? The most beautiful girl has been donating to me as of late - I should introduce you two. Oh, wait. You seem to prefer celestial beings now, don’t you?”
Atem blinked and titled his head as he tried to process everything that Pegasus had just said. Pegasus sat a crystal goblet in front of Atem, the dark red liquid calling to Atem. He was ashamed when he picked it up, taking a deep swig of the liquid as he focused every thought on the taste of blood on his tongue. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, dear uncle.”
“Of course you do,” Pegasus said with a wave of his hand as he settled into his ornate chair, crossing on leg. His good eye was focused on Atem, a sinister smirk on his face. “I can still see her face in your mind. You told her where you live…and where other demons in Paris rest, naughty boy. What if her friends show up to kill yours?”
Atem focused intently on the blood in the glass. He thought instead of Anzu and her soft, very human features. “Then I would have been wrong about her,” Atem said quietly, focusing on how pretty Anzu had looked when she moaned and how Bakura had urged him on. He could only hope that this line of thought would keep Pegasus out of his head. “She does not seem like she’d be capable of harm, though.”
“A lot of angels seem that way at first glance, Atem-boy,” Pegasus said, a look of disgust appearing on his face. “Do you mind thinking about something other than your sexual exploits?”
“Stay out of my head, then.” Atem glared at Pegasus. “Don’t you have other things to focus on other than my romantic life?”
“You have a point,” Pegasus said with a sour look on his face. “As much as I would like to interrogate you more about the choice to let an angel this deep into your life, I have more important matters to attend to. Do you remember Duke?”
Instantly, the image of the demon flooded right to Atem’s head and the last time he saw Duke. “Perhaps.”
“You should tell that angel of yours how much you get around,” Pegasus remarked with a roll of his eyes. “I need you to find out why Duke has yet to get me another soul. And don’t try to fuck him.”
“Technically, I never -“
“Yes, yes, I know, spare me the details, Atem-boy,” Pegasus said as he downed the rest of his goblet with a grimace. Atem smirked as he specifically thought about the more intimate details. “You are a menace. Fine, I’ll stop reading your mind for the rest of the day.”
“That’s what I was aiming for,” Atem remarked with a quirk of his eyebrow. “Is there another reason besides asking me to check on Duke that you called me here?”
“Ah, yes,” Pegasus said as he poured out more blood for himself from a decanter. Atem suspected that it was mixed with a fine red wine, based on the scent alone. “Rabiah called me today. She wanted me to tell you that she wants you to come home as soon as possible. Akhenamkhanen seems to be annoyed that you haven’t visited in a while.”
“Tell Mother that I am deeply sorry for the delay in visits,” Atem said, measuring his words carefully. “However, I simply cannot go back home as long as my father remains angry over the death of Akhandin.”
“Ah, I knew I was missing part of the message,” Pegasus said as Atem took a swing from his glass. “Akhenamkhanen isn’t angry anymore over you killing his brother,” he said as he made a dismissive wave of his hand. “All water under the bridge, Atem-boy. Rabiah seems to have finally gotten through to him about how Akhandin maybe wasn’t the best influence to have kept around.”
For a minute, Atem said nothing. If this was true, this meant his self imposed exile could be over. He could return home as if nothing had happened. It was a tempting offer. And yet… “Right,” Atem said as he downed the last of the blood Pegasus had offered. “In that case, I’ll arrange travel plans within the next year. Tell Mother that I’ll head home as soon as I can.”
From the journal of Kazuko Kubota: November 21, 1922, Paris The elusive Yugi has come back to the shop…
As much as Kazuko would like to leave the shop, Sumiko had decided that they were staying here. Kazuko had suggested a proper hotel with the suggestion that perhaps Ryo and Duke would like their shop back. Ryo, the sweet little witch, had insisted it was no trouble that the sisters stay as long as they wanted. This left Kazuko with no option but to politely thank Ryo for the offer.
Some days Kazuko considered simply grabbing Sumiko and dragging her out of the shop. Yet for as much as she didn’t care what Duke thought about her, she didn’t want Ryo to be upset. Ryo seemed rather happy about housing two complete strangers. They had constantly made three large meals for everyone every day and Kazuko had been touched when Ryo insisted on making traditional Japanese food for their guests. Over lunch today, Ryo had informed Kazuko that Yugi should be returning from Japan soon. They seemed delighted in stating that hopefully, Yugi will bring spices to really up the food.
Kazuko had no care for any of this and instead, had taken to hiding and sulking. The wooden rafters in the shop were a decent place to hide away from everyone else. Plus it allowed her to get a better view of the kind of people who entered the shop. Ryo seemed to know the name of every single one, treating them all like family.
A blonde woman had caught Kazuko’s attention at one point. She’d overheard some of the conversation with Ryo - apparently the woman was the elusive Yugi’s cousin. She mentioned wanting to buy something for a girlfriend. Kazuko raised a brow at the conversation, making a note to ask Ryo more about this Mai later.
She’d made the choice to get out of the rafters when the shop door opened again. This startled her and she lost her balance, crash landing instead onto someone. “Oh, I am so sorry,” Kazuko groaned as she sat upright, rubbing her head as she assessed the damage. “I didn’t mean to land on you.”
“Do you always attract danger?”
He sounded amused and Kazuko finally got a look at him as he sat up. She’d recognize that strange, tri-colored hair anywhere. “You’re the guy who helped me when I first got here,” Kazuko said, furrowing her brow as she tried to remember his name. “Yugi, right?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” he said as he got up, dusting himself off with a grin. He held his hand out to her and she took it. Kazuko was surprised to note that despite Yugi’s lithe frame, he was strong. He yanked her to her feet, and reached a hand out before pulling back. “Sorry, may I examine your head? I’m worried you may have hit it pretty hard.”
“I’m fine,” she said automatically, heat rising to her cheeks. She knew it was probably pointless to pretend that she didn’t help around the guy who had saved her life when she’d been bleeding out on the shop floor. However, she couldn’t bring herself to admit she actually needed help. “Sorry I bled out all over your shop.”
“I’m glad to see that you healed up alright,” Yugi said and for the first time, she saw that his eyes were a brilliant shade of violet. An impossible shade that made her instantly think not human . “It’s nice to properly meet you. Did your sister ever make it here okay? She looks so much like you, you know.”
“She’s prettier than me,” Kazuko said with a shrug. “But yes, Miko made it here safely. She seems to adore living here and decided this is our new home. Sorry about that.”
“The more, the merrier,” Yugi said as he reached down to pick up his bags and threw them back over his shoulder. “I guess I’ll see you around if you’re staying here for longer. I do have to ask: did you tell Duke your real name?”
Kazuko froze and nodded, figuring there was no point in lying. “Did he tell you my name already?”
Yugi grinned. “Of course he did,” Yugi said, nodding at her before starting to walk off. “I’ll see you later, Kazuko Kubota.”
From the journal of Prince Atem, domain of vampires: early winter, 1920s, Paris Yes, I’m bleeding. Yes, I’m fine. Stop reading this, Bakura.
The house was unsuspecting. If someone had told Keket a vampire lived here, she wasn’t sure she’d believe them. It looked just like any other house on the street. She could easily see a family of four that was struggling to get by living inside or maybe a couple who bought their first home with the intention of making a life here. She tried to imagine what could have brought the vampire here. Stay alert, she reminded herself. She was weakened and heading in blind.
It’s the only way to regain her pride. Keket wanted her strength back and the only answer lay in this house. She considered just barging in before deciding that the least she could offer him before his death was some level of kindness. Thus she knocked on the door. Keket half hoped he wouldn’t answer. Unfortunately, hope never worked out in her favor and the door swung open to reveal him. Atem stood in front of her, a look of surprise crossing his face that twisted into a smirk. “I see you decided to drop by,” he said, resting a hand on the door frame and leaning against it. “Did you want to come in?”
No. If she stepped across the threshold, she had no choice but to try to end his life or die trying. “Sure.”
He stepped aside and she hesitated. Could she really do this? She assessed the situation and he raised a brow at her. Atem could tell something was wrong now. “You know, most people enter the building when invited in.”
Keket did not respond and instead stepped inside the house. She examined the entryway and noted how unassuming everything was. Once again, she was reminded of humans and their need to fill the home with trinkets. In another life, she’d ask him about the portrait that hung over an ornate wooden table that had golden objects and thick unopened letters. She’d want to know who sent the letters. Perhaps if he wasn’t a vampire, this would end some other way. She steeled herself, preparing for an ambush that never came.
He closed the door and the lock clicked into place. She expected him to hit her, to get the jump on her. “What do angels eat?” He was grinning and only his teeth reminded her that he was supposed to be her enemy. Did he have to make this so difficult? Surely he had to know… “I don’t have much in the way of human food, but I do have eggs.”
She turned to stare at him. For a second, Keket thought it must be a trick to distract her. When nothing came, the realization sunk in. Atem honestly did not think of this as anything more than a social call. There was no intention of getting one up over her. This put her in the advantageous position. She steeled herself, pushing away all of her concerns about how unfair this was as she launched herself at him. Keket expected him to fight back when she pinned his hands above his head, her knee firmly pressed against his chest. Her wings had spread out, using them to hover at least two feet off the ground. Her heart stuttered in its attempt to keep with her movements.
Instead of fighting back, he raised a brow. “If you wanted a rough night, you could have just asked.”
Keket noted that his voice had gone…husky. His voice was already a deep baritone, but there was something in the way he made his statement that made her hesitate again. Instead, she slapped him across the face. The warning mark stung from the direct contact with his face. “Shut up,” she said. She was fully aware that the warning marks were merely inflaming her anger, making it feel amplified and yet… It was impossible to ignore. “Just shut up!”
Atem was now smirking up at her, a strange gleam in his eyes. She expected him to talk back again and instead, he complied. To her great surprise, his hips jutted up to her. Before she knew it, his legs twisted around hers, yanking her to him. They tumbled around, knocking over the table and shattering something made of glass to the ground. His hips pinned her down, arching a brow at her. “Are you going to tell me why you’re doing this?”
She reached for a glass shard and slashed it across his chest. The shock this gave him was enough to give her an advantage and she slipped out from under him and slammed him into yet another wall. It shattered the mirror she’d slammed him into, shards falling to the ground. “I have to,” she said, steeling herself as she held the makeshift knife to his throat. It wouldn’t kill him - they both knew that. It was the wrong material to kill him. And yet she still slashed across, splitting down until she reached his trachea. It’d shut him up, at least. “I.. Forget it.”
She came dangerously to explaining herself to him as he gaped, struggling to intake air. As far as she was aware, vampires did not need oxygen the same way humans did. This should not kill him, but simply subdue him until she could regain the upper hand. Keket reached up to strike him again and this time, his teeth sank into her palm and wrist before she could actually hit him. She hoped that this would mean that her blood would do him in. As far as she was aware, her blood would basically be poison to him and rot him from the inside out. At least then her task would be complete. Despite this, she thought it was a shame.
Instead, he grabbed her wrist and groaned in what almost sounded like pleasure. Suddenly she was flat on her back and his legs were pinning her down. She flushed as she noted his hips were pressed into hers. His eyes had slid closed and he was drinking from her like a man fresh from the desert, quenching his thirst. Keket had seen vampires frenzy before when dangerously close to death. It had been part of the reason she’d been so unsure about helping him when she’d met him in that dark alley. The reminder that she could’ve gotten that mortal killed had she miscalculated how hungry he was.
Her will to fight was shattered now as she watched the damage she did to him be instantly undone. His blood still ran down his shirt despite the healing, which was in tatters. She could see his toned chest and his dark skin’s strong contrast against the white shirt. She supposed if this had to be the end, then at least it would be quick with a reminder of just how pretty the devil could be. “Please,” she said softly, unsure what she was asking for. All she knew is she desired some sort of release. “Please.”
Atem suddenly ceased drinking from her, looking stunned himself. “I,” he started, looking mollified. “I’m sorry. I only meant to subdue you.” He then reached out, his hand gently resting upon her cheek. The worst part is that she was certain he was being honest. “Strange… Touching you used to burn me…”
Keket stared at him. She wondered why she hadn’t been informed that vampires not only could drink the blood of angels, but that it seemed to be better for them than standard mortal blood. She would think that this would be crucial information Dartz would have told her before she rushed into battle with him. “You can drink my blood,” she said. “Did you know this?”
He shook his head. “I just…acted on instinct,” he said, sounding almost rueful. “Why did you try to kill me? Have I done something to offend you?”
“I… I have to go,” she said, shoving him off her and rushing out the door. She didn’t care that there were possibly mortals around when her wings burst out behind her and pushed off the ground. She needed to ask Dartz if he’d known that vampires could drink angel blood.
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shidoukanae · 4 years
YGO! Questionnaire
Tagged by @cipher-wise​
Favorite series:
My favorite series based on what I watched and enjoyed would have to be Arc-V!!! It's honestly the series that got me to adore YGO when previously I'd seen YGO as, and I chilidishly quote, "uncool". Everything about Arc-V is pretty much wonderful: Yuya's presence as a "everyone MUST be happy" kind of character in a plot that discusses themes of war, revenge, and despair is absolutely refreshing (especially when Yuya's ideals of happiness are stripped from him and made a mockery of by, *coughs* one of my favorite characters in the franchise *coughs*). 
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I love how the four Yuu boys are a wonderful combination of "protagonists" (/anatagonists) and how they each play off of each other's weaknesses and strengths, often acting as mirrors to each other in their individual dimensions while having amazing interactions (Yugo and Yuri, anyone? Yuri and Yuya?).
I admire how the endgame plot is a perversion of Yuya's ideals: he gets what he wants, showering happiness upon all, but that "happiness" is corrupted into the notion of entertainment. While Yuya seeks to provide people with smiles and laughter, to give them hope to work together through tough times and to stay strong in the face of adversity, his "counterparts" in the endgame are really good at acting as Yuya's mirror: showing that his style of performing can also be used to appease the bloodthirst of one's own self and that happiness can be corrupted into self-deserving power.
...Hard to put that into exact words without spoiling a lot of things but, gosh, let's just say that Yuri and ____ are the perfect mirrors to Yuya in terms of what his entertainment dueling style is meant to be.
The plot over all is pretty good! I won't lie and say it stands strong all the way throughout the story but the first half is amazing and there are some pretty strong episodes in the second half (Yugo and Rin, the parasite episodes in general, Yuri Yuri YURI). I can definitely say that the humor is there, the characters are amazing (if nothing else, watch for the Yuu Boys, the Bracelet Gals, and Shun versus Sora!!) and having come into the show around episode 104, I was pleasantly surprised by the trip Arc-V brought me and how it played with its protagonist, giving him hope, kicking him down, and toying with his mind - just like the way a warzone might to any idealistic individual.
In terms of other series, I like VRAINS but only up to like episode 19 (or the end of the Data Bank arc). It had potential and I kept hoping it would get better but the plot was constantly floundering, there are plot holes abundant (sewer monsters, ugh), character development is inconsistent not to mention very shallow, VRAINS has some of the best side characters but they're kicked to the curb by a bland protagonist and a villain that could've been so much cooler but they made him a sympathetic mess.
...I have a lot of gripes with VRAINS but, if it were to ever be rewritten with clear goalposts and plot twists in mind (not to mention development on ideas like Charisma Duelists because at the end of the show I still have not a fucking clue what a Charisma Duelists is or was) I would say it has potential to become my favorite series but Arc-V clearly beats it for me in every category lmao.
Zexal’s also really good too!!! I don’t get all the hate behind it because it’s actually really interesting and engaging (also IV’s definition of fanservice is literally the only type of fanservice I will ever accept) and I think I’ve even cried a couple of times during the course of the plot which is like,,, shocking considering it’s not a show I thought I’d cry over (I cried in Arc-V too but goddamn does tiny Yuya just want to make you tear up lmao). This show is really good emotionally and it’s literally so stupid how Kaito carries a lot of the early and middle game of the show yet most of the meat of the plot doesn’t begin to unravel until the second season.
Also, if you ever want to watch a show of 100+ episodes that is so masterfully written that there is foreshadowing for stuff in like episode 130+ on EPISODE ONE, please watch this. Literally there are so many hints of what is going to happen in the future in the early episodes and you won’t really be able to tell what those hints are until you’ve finished the show but goddamn when you go back and rewatch things it does indeed feel amazing how much foreshadowing they threaded into the show without you ever knowing...(please don’t search for spoilers if you intend to watch this. I went into the show knowing some spoilers tho not all and, while I was still pleased by what I watched, I honestly can agree the show is A Lot Better without knowing ANYTHING)
Favorite Protagonist: Yuya. For sure, out of all the series, Yuya. 
He’s a refreshing protagonist, especially considering he shines in a world of war and despair. He’s also someone who you empathize with right at the start and want to hope in, especially since he is the “happiness” in a word of “madness” and “sorrow”. He’s not someone out to save the world (not really, anyways), but his actions touch on the lives of others anyways, giving people in a hope in a world that is otherwise cruel and heartless. Also, it really helps that he’s able to pull you into his world of “egaos”, making you believe in him and root for him despite how cheesy his ideals may or may not sound.
Also love how, despite being the centerpiece of “happiness”, Yuya isn’t allowed to always be happy :> Not spoiling plot related things but if you like protagonists going off the rails insane at times, Yuya’s definitely a fun protagonist for that!!!
Favorite Rival:
Kaito Tenjou!!! Literally the best rival in the series that I’ve seen. Everything about him is literally perfect ngl. From the way he’s chillingly introduced, with the spine-tingling whistles and cruel, almost merciless nature, to the way he slowly becomes sympathetic while also remaining a terrifying presence whenever he appears...I love him????
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Favorite BFF:
Does Shoichi count? Because like...he’s Yusaku’s closest friend and ally in the series and I generally don’t pay attention to the other BFF’s in the other series (or at least, the ones I can recall bc I know in Zexal that Yuma has a whole group of friends lmao).
But I like Shoichi!! He cares about Yusaku a lot, is pretty damn cool as a sidekick hacker, his sideplot with his brother was actually honestly endearing and I loved the mystery about him. His early-game jokes w/ Ai to tease Yusaku were also a good laugh.
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Favorite GFF: 
Not a girl friend forever for the main protagonist (although she like...lowkey confessed to him...though that plot really never went anywhere so I still don’t know what the fuck THAT was about) but,,, Ema Bessho,,
If y’all knew me back in my peak YGO days when VRAINS was airing,,, this gal was and STILL is my favorite girl of the YGO series. Even though she was pretty much done dirty imo I still love her (even despite considering she’s been made a damsel-in-distress at least three times, she’s only ever won one duel on-screen despite being supposedly good at dueling, ngl they could’ve done so much more with her but tbh she’s mostly just an asset to solve problems at whim and barely gets character development/does nothing but watch and spectate stuff late-game).
Even though she’s like...the unfortunate side character who’s probably meant to be more fanservice than interesting, in the first 19 episodes (and even the Revolver vs. her fight as well as the one time she meets Aoi IRL early-game) made her out to be a lot cooler and complex than she ended up being. I mean,,, a hacker gal who’s self-serving, cynical, and cold-hearted taking on the tasks of her (potentially ex) boyfriend while being really nice to his sister to the point she baffles even herself,,, we could’ve had a really unique and cool character to play around with here but instead we got...cool-ass character with potential to be something more reduced to a spectator with nothing better to do than idolize the main protagonist and have a plot with her brother that honestly detracted from her character more than it added to it imo.
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Also Ema could’ve been a female Yuri but,,, nope,,, they decided she was better as a background piece instead TwT
Favorite Villain: Yuri.
Literally Yuri.
I could choose the leather jacket w/ fluff boi in a certain series because hot damn was that guy convincing AF that he wasn’t an evil psychopath (and even while knowing that he was, I still got fooled into thinking he was a good guy somehow omg) however,,, I’ve always held a love for Yuri and the way he’s been portrayed.
Despite ALWAYS being the bad guy, the show has always made this purple fucker into the most entertaining character on-screen. He even beats Yuya sometimes in terms of how entertaining he is - that’s literally how good he is,,
Also his facial expressions are amazing, he’s a VERY VALID threat to the main cast (and his creeper levels are not only off the charts but literally called out by the main female protagonist herself lmao), and he acts as the perfect foil to Yuya, battling not to entertain others but to entertain himself.
Also, he likes killing people.
No this is not a joke.
He literally likes killing people. And is pretty sadistic about it, too.
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(^^^^ for those who don’t get the joke, “Fusion” is pronounced “Yuugo” which sounds similar to “Yugo” which is what,,, Yuri is making fun of,,, more context is needed of course but this is a Great Running Gag)
Favorite card:
I don’t know if it actually exists as an actual card but...that crystal dragon from the YGO movie with the glass pyramid. Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon...it’s really pretty...I love it...
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Favorite Episode:
I’m...too lazy to search for names of these episodes but I can give brief summaries of them,,, because I can’t choose,,,
Arc-V: Shun vs. Sora (ALL episodes). Hot damn if you have never watched YGO but want to try and see for yourself why people like it: WATCH THESE EPISODES. I can’t explain how amazing these episodes are and, while I admit jumping straight into them might have you missing out on some important context (such as who Shun is or why Sora’s battle tactics lead to revelation) it’s honestly an amazing fight regardless. The battle starts off plain enough - there’s obvious tension, it seems like a typical fight of a battle royale, etc. - my god does the battle ramp up in emotional tension and promptly kick you in the gut with not only how blindsided you’ve been, but it also showcases just how cruel these “entertainment duels” can really get.
Any episode with Yuri. Literally any episode he’s in. 
I think this is like...episode 8 of VRAINS...but whenever it is that Akira hires Ema to find the reason why Aoi just...straight up got knocked into a coma. Literally this is my favorite episode when it comes to Ema. The way she makes fun of Akira even while aware of his situation,,, her cruel selfishness and desire for money bubbling to the surface, the way she confesses how she can’t be trusted willingly and still asks Akira why he’s hiring her,,, god I love this episode in terms of what Ema could’ve always been.
Episode 13 (/14?) of Zexal!!! This is the episode Kaito appears and when the show REALLY picks up. Kaito is a fun bastard of a rival and tbh I don’t think I’ll ever stop getting chills of him walking in, debris frozen in time all around him, as he approaches his victim, whistling an eerie children’s tune as he gets ready to close in for the kill,,,,
Favorite Deck to Use:
I don’t...really play the game itself but...I have used a couple of decks and I guess you can say I really love Raid Raptors??? First of all, those warbirds make really fun sounds I love ‘em in the anime but they’re also just fun to use in general (even tho I used a,,, very basic deck for them,,, I love them still).
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Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum or Link:
XYZ bc it’s really the only summoning method I’m used to lol :P. Also XYZ loyalist I guess???? 
Years in fandom: roughly five to six years iirc? I mean, I was a fan of the early day YGO and watched it as a kid but not active enough to be in the fandom for it lmao. Also not in the fandom atm because Sevens lost my attention (it’s a good show!!! I’m just unfortunately more a fan of things with serious plots and darker themes and it’s hard for me to stomach slice-of-life shows that don’t focus on a mature and engaging plot). However, Arc-V and Zexal holds a special place in my heart (as does VRAINS, begrudgingly) and so I occasionally find myself wandering back to these shows like right now,,, 
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I passed 100 followers (after having to delete my old account due to the infamous tumblr purge aka the cone of shame), completed my oldest series Bloody Cards, finished up a fic that was waiting to be completed for the last 4+ years (Senebty), added 7 completed works of substantial word count, participated in Yugioh! Big Bang 2020, created a space with my very good friend @life-0r-death for writers and artists in the YGO fandom to gush about ships and have a place to not feel like we’re screaming to the void, and I did all of that THIS YEAR! 2020 has been a wild ride but I’m still trucking through it! 
I want to show my appreciation for all the love and support I’ve gotten over the course of this year and all of my fanfiction writing career. Look up at all those accomplishments! There’s someone behind all of them pushing me forward and I want to thank them!
This is my special thank you edition post to all of the amazing people who motivate me.
I’ve worked on Bloody Cards for YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS AND YEARS and all that work was motivated by the incredible readers I had that commented and especially @creativehearty who loved it so much she drew almost all of the characters for me. The feeling of seeing the thing in your imagination come to life before your eyes is something I can’t even put into words. Hearty gave me the will to rewrite it when my writing skills improved to make it better and better. Thank you <3 I still hold those pieces of art dear and look at them all the time to motivate me to keep going even when it feels like I’m writing to the void.
A few years of beating my head against a wall and losing motivation to finish Bloody Cards @cieryuu popped into my inbox with ‘turn you to a puddle of smiling blushing teary eyed goop’ comments and art of the Bloody Cards characters relighting my love of my baby. Bloody Cards will always be my baby and I can’t thank you enough Aya for giving me my love of it back so I could finish it. You’re an angel!
I took a chance and decided to participate in YGO Big Bang this year. I had no idea what to expect but Artsysyd123 and Untimelyrose made it enchanting. Their art for Take My Soul ( cover art and scene capture from chapter 9) was so much more than I could’ve ever hoped for. I met so many talented and inspiring writers and artists. Everyone was so kind and fun and helpful and just GREAT! I WILL be back next year to do it all over again and I hope to see all of them again. Their creative ideas and inspiration when someone was down/needed help motivated me everyday. Thank you! 
I had the dumb luck and absolute honor of meeting @life-0r-death after talking with them over comments to my Vampire series Don’t Do This All The Time Huh?. I was FLOORED when I received my first every fanfic of my fic One Embarrassed Seto Kaiba as Requested, from Life and I’m still a puddle of goop over it! Because of Life’s absolute amazingness, I not only created and finished my first horror fic Take My Soul, but started on another series that will take me a bit to complete in honor of our love of horror and classic gothic. (Keep your eyes peeled for that in the next... year lol. It’s gonna be a monster T.T)  Life is a TREASURE and has inspired and motivated so many with their intricate and heart wrenching fics as well as their kind words. Life you motivate me every second of every day with your support and with your writing. I aspire to write like you. 
Life motivated me to get out of my comfort zone and together we created @ygocollablove, a server on discord for Yugioh fanfiction writers and content creators to join together and write, collaborate, create art, and gush about our love of the absolute mess that is YGO. We had no idea it would become what it is now, the ideal place we wanted, filled with so much talent, inspiration, motivation and love it’s UNREAL! Being a part of that server I’ve had the privilege of meeting some of my favorite writers, discovering new favorite writers, and got to meet incredibly talented artists within the fandom. I’m still in awe of them everyday. They inspire me, motivate me, support me and I can’t thank them enough for everything they do for me and everything they do for each other. You guys are the real MVPs. Creating doesn't have to be a lonely venture. And I’m never alone because of them. 
An incredible and gracious artist and writer who read a few of my fics love them so much they created BEAUTIFUL artwork for them!!! I’m blown away, they’re so beautiful! Five_seas made art inspired by Take My Soul, Love at First Slip Stitch, and Embrace Me Love which can be found here.  I’M STILL REELING ABOUT IT! Please check it out and give them all the love because they DESERVE IT!!! It’s the ultimate compliment, the ultimate honor to have something created from something you’ve written and their art motivates me to keep on writing, keep on creating. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Every comment and like I’ve ever gotten on any and all of my fics motivates me so much it’s crazy! Thank ALL OF YOU! 
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(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕦𝕡♥
InuYasha, Full Metal Alchemist, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Match-Up Request
May I please have a match-up for these fandoms? :) Thank you very much :D
Name: Corethra (or Corey for short)
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Hand Packer at an ice cream factory. I work 12 hours (5:30pm to 6am) 2-2-3.
Birthplace: Memphis, TN, USA. I was raised in the neighborhood called Frayser which is the most impoverished area in Memphis and has a high crime rate as expected.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces (born March 2)
Chinese Zodiac: Year Of The Pig
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Love Language: Acts Of Service
Race/Ethnicity: African-American
Height: 4'11 (Call me short and I’ll kick your butt!)
Body Type/Shape: Average but well developed figure at best. I weigh about 158 lbs and am pretty insecure about my body.
Hair Color/Style: Black and naturally curly but I keep it flat-ironed so it’s straight. It’s long and goes down to just below my shoulder blades. There are times when I will have braids put in of various lengths.
Glasses or No?: Yes I wear glasses
Eye Color: Brown
Dress Style: I usually dress up in a casual way, just throwing on whatever looks good at the time but I will sometimes put in the effort when the time calls for it or when I’m in a good mood. I have an affinity for the punk, emo, and goth styles and I rarely wear feminine clothes but I will wear something risky every once in a while.
Hobbies/Interests: Video games, reading, writing, anime, internet surfing, listening to music, politics (sometimes), watching movies/TV shows, basically being an overall nerd. I’m usually either on my laptop or one of my many video game consoles if I’m not on my phone or reading one of my books.
Dislikes: Ignorance, stupidity, restriction, manipulation/gas-lighting, bullying, humanity, not being understood, corruption/injustice, close-mindedness
Personality: At first glance, I seem quiet and keep to myself, only speaking when I need to or when I’m spoken to. I’m an anti-social introvert to the fullest and don’t care much for small talk or going out. I prefer to have deeper conversations. When I get comfortable enough in whatever environment I’m in, I start to open up bit by bit. I’m a tomboy and pretty rough-minded as well as stubborn. I’m very sassy, have a smart, sarcastic, and witty mouth if not humorous and outrageous at times, can be borderline rude, and I’m more sensitive than I care to be. I can literally cry at someone’s suffering especially if it’s someone I’m close to or even a total stranger. I’m very empathetic and my heart is bigger than what most people would expect. Most people describe me as quiet, intelligent, creative, dorky, a smartass, and really sweet. I love a good laugh and have an open sense of humor to boot.
Many of my friends say that I’m very sweet and kind which I usually am if I’m in a good mood as well as affectionate as hell. Hugs and pet names galore with me! However only my friends and family see that side of me. My language is often unfiltered, harsh, foul, and blunt which shocks people because they think I’m a pure angel. I say what I want when I want and no one tells me otherwise. If they do, they can expect a mouthful from me. I’m an escapist and very imaginative, can be a bit scatterbrained at times, and I’m methodical and detailed to the point of perfectionism. I’m usually a walking contradiction in terms of personality in so many ways to the point where the real me is almost impossible to decipher. To make matters more complicated, I’m not very good at expressing myself verbally and prefer to let my actions do the talking. I also express myself better through written form.
I have many pet peeves and I get annoyed easily in general. I’m also slowly embracing misanthropy and nihilism but I can be pretty idealistic so it balances out. I’m practically zero tolerance when it comes to bullshit. I hate confrontation and conflict but I’m starting to work on it so I can be less passive-aggressive and more assertive. I also wish to stand up for myself more often than I should so people won’t think that I’m weak and an easy target. I’m pretty cynical which is to be expected and usually expect the worst from people. When someone angers me, I will either just withdraw altogether and completely cut them off (slam the door basically) or get in their face and go off before doing the former. I’m the “hold my anger in and release it all at once” type but I hope to change that one day and stop letting things fester before they get out of hand. I can be quite petty and even cold as well and if someone wrongs me, they will have to make the first move to mend fences. I refuse to apologize if I’m not in the wrong and I will not accept gaslighting/guilt tripping. I also refuse to change for others and will admit to having quite a lot of pride but that’s mostly due to me not wanting to be hurt and manipulated, mistreated, or used.
I have issues with trust and a wild imagination to boot. I usually trust my instincts and can see right through bullshit. I don’t like taking risks and I have to know all the details when I do something so I don’t mess up and look like an idiot. I am indeed a perfectionist and introverted to a fault which often prevents me from trying new things and going outside my comfort zone. I haven’t been in a relationship yet and am still a virgin due to my issues with trust and not wanting to be hurt or humiliated as well as being quite picky/perfectionistic with the people I allow in my life. I have high standards for both people and myself although I’m pretty laid-back and my dislike of conflict allows me to also take a lot of shit from people too before I eventually say “fuck it” and slam the door or go off on them. I don’t think very highly of myself and can sometimes fall into a period of self-hatred and self-pity.
Many people praise me for my intelligence which is fitting since I’m an intellectual. My ideals and beliefs are rather odd to say the least (I’m a classical liberal/independent and despise most ideologies/ideas. This includes religion, feminism, social justice, traditionalism, statism, big government, nationalism, socialism/communism, etc.) and I feel misunderstood because of it (mostly because of the black community ostracizing me). I am indeed a rebel, open-minded, and a free thinker. No one tells me how to think or feel or else they face my wrath. I highly value power over myself and I think it’s the most important thing that a person needs in order to survive. I am definitely an outcast at heart and I often distance myself from others and don’t like talking about my feelings or beliefs because I think most people lack the ability/capacity to understand me. Before I give my opinion on something, I like to do as much research as possible as well as look at things from all perspectives before coming to my own conclusion. I don’t mind discussing things but I prefer logic over emotion when doing so which makes it damn near impossible these days for me to have an real conversation without insults and threats being thrown (usually towards me). Chances are I’m gonna find something wrong with damn near anything someone believes in or says and I’m not afraid to call it out when I see it. Once I do open up and express how I feel, the gates of passion will open up and never close. I also have high morals and values and stick to my guns no matter what which can make me pretty stubborn at times.
I’m currently battling depression and often experience many symptoms of it including suicidal thoughts and depression spells. I also suffer from iron-deficiency anemia as well. These things are pretty annoying for me to deal with whenever they flare up.
Overall, I’m pretty crazy and a handful to deal with. Good luck matching me up with someone :P
Hello @sacredwarrior88​ and thank you for submitting with us! I hope you like the boys we matched you up with!
>Admin 𝕋
Hello hello~! Thank you so much for submitting your request with us! We apologize that it took so long to get out, but here it is! I handled the YGO portion of your match-up. Again, like Admin T said, we hope you enjoy who we’ve matched you up with!
» » Admin Ko
𝐼 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽...
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Out of all the charactsers in fullmetal alchemist I can definitely see Scar as being someone that would truly appreciate you! If we just skip by the homicidal tendencies, he would be such a gentle lover! I feel we would really appreciate your body and your appearances to the absolute maximum, I can definitely see Scar as someone who would constantly compliment you, especially if you are feeling pretty insecure one day! He was also love the you wear glasses; not because he likes people that where glasses, but only because you just look too damn cute in them!
He also hates people who are arrogant and mean manipulative to get what they want, so I feel you two could really bond on that! As for personality, I feel that Scar would compliment your stubbornness and cockiness. He will also the love the fact that you say what is on your mind, and can be a little sarcastic when you want to be! He thinks it is a little sexy to him, how you stand up for yourself and don’t take shit from nobody, even from him sometimes. He will see that you strong and independent when you need, but can also become very empathetic and cry tears of sadness for anything and anybody that has experienced anything bad in their life. 
Scar is the same way when it comes to being verbally affectionate; he is really not good with words, but he is great with actions. So seeing as you are the same way as him, he will really appreciate and love the fact that you wouldn’t judge him for it! He will feel accepted around you, you will make him feel safe to be himself and show you his vulnerable side, so that he isn’t alone anymore, you will be there for him. When he needs to cry, you will be there to be his shoulder to cry on, you will be his crutch when he needs help standing up. He will love the fact that you give hugs and petnames; every time you call him something different in an affectionate way, it will go straight to his heart, and make him feel like he is walking on water or flying high up in the clouds.
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This stoic demon will be the one for you! He will love how you look, though he hates human, he will make an exception for you! The most enthralling part he will find about you, is your hair and how curly it is. He will love how it looks if a breeze comes by and rustles it, making it move beautifully. As for physicals, he wouldn’t care much for it, all that matters is that you are strong and can take care of yourself without needing someone else’s help, for the most part! He will see that you are independent and can take no shit from anybody, and he will find that very admirable, and something he would definitely cherish in a lover.
He will love how sarcastic you are, and how on the other side of it you can be the nicest person, when they deserve it. He will see how emotional you can be, and how you can cry for anything and think it is very cute; charming in a way, since it is something that he can’t really understand. He will understand that you aren’t affectionate in the verbal sense, but more in the written and body language sense, and honestly, he would like that better then you constantly telling him how you feel about him. He would find that quite annoying.
He will see that sometimes you can be down on yourself, and he will try to make sure that you are okay, or will try to sheer you up. Key word, try, here. Most of the time he fails, but the efforts wouldn’t go unnoticed. It’s the effort that would help the most, because it shows that he cares and that he wants you happy and not so self loathing. He will try to tell you that you are much more than your insecurities and then list all the great things about you. And then once he was done, he will just walk away because, wow, that was embarrassing even more for him. He doesn’t usually go on rants like that. Especially to help someone.
But all in all, I feel Sesshomaru would be the perfect man, for you, since he has the same ideal as you, would love how you keep more to yourself in an introvert way, but at the same time can be super affectionate when you want to be. Someone who can teach him what it means to feel and have emotions. To cry when you feel sad and laugh when something is amusing to him. You are the one for him!
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ᴊᴏᴇʏ ᴡʜᴇᴇʟᴇʀ
It’s to the absolute surprise of no one that initially meeting, you both don’t start off on the right foot. With how energetic and confrontational he can be, Joey isn’t necessarily the best when it comes to making friends quickly. Thus, the relationship you both have in the beginning starts off rocky. 
With time though, and a lot of assurance from your friends and his friends, you both interact with one another properly in neutral terrain where you can both get to know one another without jumping the gun too quickly. It’s through this that Joey begins to slowly garner a crush for you. He loves your stubborn and rough minded self as it not only correlates well with his, but serves as a sort of reminder / signal to him that not only should he try to tone it down, but try to keep you from blowing up unnecessarily. Though this doesn’t work often as you both don’t hesitate to double team on someone with wit and sarcastic comebacks.
He loves your snark and your blunt way of speaking. As someone who never enjoyed it when people blatantly lied or beat around the bush with him, he appreciates the sharp honesty you provide for him. Though of course this won’t be one sided as he’ll be sure to give you his own thoughts and opinions. 
Overall, Joey may be rough around the edges, but he’s loyal to a fault and won’t hesitate to help you overcome any obstacle. No matter how big or small. He’s adamant in becoming your boulder in those bouts of spells and will always remind you that no matter what he’ll be there for you.
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duelrushed · 4 years
orange and white! for yr ygo muses and hamuko :}
Orange - Do you see any similarities between you and your muse?
White - What drew you so much to your muse?
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orange - kinda a bit! i think we’re both willing to put ourselves out there for friends a lot & often take on more than what we can handle!! we are also both klutzes and not the best academically lmao!
white - honestly i’m not really sure i can put it into words!! i just got drawn to hamuko in general when i was first getting into persona, but i think finally seeing her come to life in q2 made me really wanna sit down and flesh her out so that i could rp her on tumblr! i’ve done small joke rps w/ her in groups but q2 just. motivated me bc there was so much good characterization in there ashdfjkd
orange - sort of? i kinda just wanna have fun and make people smile like yuuga :D! that’s really it tho!! yuuga’s a lot smarter than me (see: in terms of his inventions. i don’t think he’s the best academically, but that’s mostly bc he puts more attention and focus on his inventions and struggles to focus on school. this is all hc stuff tho since sevens is still in the early stages!)
white - i love yugioh! it’s my main interest, and i just felt like it’d be wrong to start up a muse hub and not have a yugioh muse on here! i really wanted to stray away from what i usually do, writing yuuya from arc v bc i struggle a lot w/ how i want to portray him. 
i’m not suuper big into the other ygo series. i know them and i’ve seen them but i don’t know as much about them like i do with arc v, and i’ve never had the motivation to re-watch them for characterization stuff. but i’ve been really, REALLY into sevens and following every bit of info we’ve gotten so far and i thought it’d be fun to try picking up a character from the show. i guess i chose yuuga since he seemed fun and up my alley!! yuuga’s a very fun character to write in general. i love happy/fun-going characters that just bring smiles to people around them, and i got those vibes with yuuga when we were first getting summaries! i’m really glad canon delivered on him having those ideals!
orange - aside from not being super interested in dueling i don’t really have anything else in common with romin! i think her ace is neat and it’s nice seeing another ygo character be into music!
white - similar to the reason i picked up yuuga, i love ygo and really wanted a ygo muse in my hub! romin caught my eye bc she just!! seemed really interesting. she’s not exactly my ‘type’ of character to write, but i like her a lot so far and i thought it’d be a fun challenge! i gotta actually write stuff on her blog though ashfdkj
orange - i don’t think we have anything in common bc i just. miyu really does not have a personality in canon and anything i’ve given to her in regards to personality and backstory is like. partially me projecting, partially me pulling from character tropes i like so!! i feel like i really can’t answer this for miyu
white - honestly i am. very surprised i’ve wanted to write miyu! i had her on my old multi muse, that i lost the password to :(. i don’t really like vr and i have a LOT of gripes with it but i just. idk out of all the characters in the show i was really drawn to miyu the most. i think part of that is spite, seeing how bad things were handled regarding her in canon and going. ‘hm. i will do better things with this character i think.’ and then just. going ham from there.
i technically stopped watching vr after ep 36. i watched bits and pieces of it (i watched starting w/ season 2 up to takeru vs blood shepherd, and then watched the miyu eps) so again my brain going… hey u should write miyu… is surprising but!! i think it will be fun! like hamuko, miyu’s kinda a blank book and i can really have fun with her and craft lots of meta/headcanons/etc for her!! 
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Reblog this with your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters male and female characters
You can also explain why if you want!  These are my favorite YGO DM characters:
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Favorite male character: Yami Bakura 
Bakura is my favorite DM male character because he makes a great villain imo: insane, creepy deck, beyond evil... he has many characteristics that make him the ideal villain. Too bad he only completely came out as a character near the end of the show, but despite that he’s still my fave ♡
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Favorite female character: Mai Kujaku
Despite having been completely shit on by the writers, she’s still my favorite DM girl. She is a strong woman and duelist, she’s smart and knows how to get what she wants. Her Harpy Lady deck is really cool and suitable for her, too bad she didn’t win any major duel.. I think she could’ve if the writers cared more for her character.
IMPORTANT: this is my opinion, you’re totally free to disagree and ask me more info as to why they’re my faves, but please don’t disrespect my opinions :) That goes for anyone who reblogs this post as well, don’t disrespect anyone’s opinion, thank you!
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entamewitchlulu · 5 years
Arc V Month Day 12: Favorite Ships
ohohohoho, did you mean my favorite day??  I love talking about ships, I love exploring possible character dynamics whether those are romantic, platonic, sexual, antagonistic, or whatever, and Arc V is FULL of great character dynamics as well as great potential ones that while they never interacted much or at all in canon, I still think would be really fun to play with
I could talk for hours about ships, and I have a LOT of faves within Arc V (arc v was actually the beginning of my multishipping tendencies, before this I was a strict single-ship-per-character type), but for the purposes of time and space I will talk only about my “starter pack” as I like to call it lol.  Tho, if you would like to hear my thoughts on any other Arc V ship, please don’t hesitate to drop into my askbox!  I love to talk about this >w<
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Escapeshipping (Asuka/Osiris Red Girl)
One half of the ship may not even have an actual name, but that doesn’t stop me from being in love with this little rarepair.  I’ve always liked the idea of bi Asuka, but before Arc V, there really wasn’t a female character I really enjoyed shipping her with.  Arc V came to the rescue by giving her a gf (it also gave Crow a bf...Arc V said gay rights).  Even though all we get of them is one flashback, it’s pretty clear that the two of them were close, close enough for the Osiris girl to confide in Asuka her treasonous thoughts and to want to save Asuka by bringing her along in her escape rather than simply escaping on her own.  And it’s the Osiris girl’s sacrifice that drives Asuka to be as much of a rebel against Academia that she is.  That’s the set up for a powerful tragic love story right there, and we only had half an episode -- that’s pretty epic imo.
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Chaperoneshipping (Gongenzaka/Sawatari)
I named this rarepair, so it has a special place in my heart lol.  I just think it’s probably one of the funniest, and yet sweetest ships I’ve got for Arc V.  The two of them are pretty much diametric opposites -- Sawatari never stops moving or talking and is super full of himself, while Gongenzaka is based on standing completely still and has a pretty healthy understanding of himself and his limits.  Every single interaction they had was gold, as the two of them have such different ideals and beliefs, but they play off of each other so well.  They’re literally the tol gay + smol gay and I love them and their banter a lot -- plus, I legitimately think that the two of them are pretty good for each other.  Gongenzaka can help ground Sawatari but also take care of him when his inevitable loss of confidence spirals back again, and Sawatari can put an exasperated smile on Gongenzaka’s face and help him loosen up here and there.
rest are under the cut so this doesn’t get TOO long lol
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Darkrebelshipping (Shun/Yuto)
This is one I haven’t actually paid as much attention to lately, but I still do really enjoy it!  It’s a little cliche, but I just find their relationship pretty interesting.  It’s clear that they’re close friends who trust each other, but there’s also a lot of friction between them because they have such fundamentally different value systems.  They both want the same things, but what they’re willing to do to achieve those things is very different, and seeing how that effects the two of them in different situations is very interesting to me.  Plus, I just kind of love how they both look like they would go to Hot Topic together lol.
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Moonblossomshipping (Ruri/Selena)
Am I using my own screenshot edit for these two?  Yes, yes I am, because despite my deep and abiding love for this ship, they never officially got to interact while not possessed lol.
As the above mentioned lack of interaction notes, this ship is mostly in my head, but I think it has a lot of interesting potential as a dynamic.  Ruri and Selena may be parts of the same person, but they have some unique differences that make their potential relationship intriguing.  Selena is a very headstrong person who rarely thinks before she acts, acting on an innate sense of justice that may be skewed because she rarely takes the time to closely examine where that image of justice is coming from.  She’s an angry and impulsive person determined to prove herself, and yet she’s also very disciplined in other places.  Ruri, on the other hand, comes from a much softer world, and from what we’ve seen of her, she also has a strong sense of justice -- though her views on it come from a place of sympathy/empathy and a desire for compassion towards others, rather than Selena’s warrior-like take on making justice happen.  That softness + Selena’s sharpness makes for a great contrast, and the fact that their two worlds are pretty much perfectly opposed in the struggle in canon also sets up for some great star-crossed lovers shit which I’m ALWAYS into.
And outside of that?  They just are....so pretty.  They have the best aesthetic together.  I was shipping them somehow before Ruri was even revealed, I am here for the long haul.
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Duskshipping (Dennis/Yuuri)
Here’s another ship that gave me less than half an episode of content and made me go absolutely wild over it.  Yuuri and Dennis may have only interacted for a few moments and only twice overall, but there’s something about those moments that still captivates me.  The whole concept of Yuuri being this terrifying force that people run to the side of the hall to avoid, even as a child, but then being met by a laid-back, cheerful greeting from Dennis, fascinates me.  Dennis isn’t scared of Yuuri at all, in fact, he seems to find Yuuri amusing to some degree.  He’s the only character in the entire show who hasn’t immediately viewed Yuuri as some terrifying monster.  Part of that may be simply due to Dennis’s cheerful + semi suicidal personality, but I think there might be a little more to it than that, especially since Yuuri doesn’t seem at all annoyed at Dennis’s lack of respect.  There’s this sense of relaxation to their interactions, as though they’re used to hanging out, as though they’re comfortable with each other.  For people like the two of them -- Dennis, with his self-loathing covered up by a mask of cheer, and Yuuri, with his monstrous, malicious glee towards destruction, that unspoken comfort with anyone, much less people so different from each other, feels very important.
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Stealthshipping (Sora/Tsukikage)
This one hit me like a frieght train all at once.  For most of my favorite Arc V ships, I got the sense that I would like them early on into their character introductions.  Basically from the moment I saw most of them, their first interaction or even their first introduction alone, I had the feeling I was going to love them as a ship.  These two?  I had no idea I was going to make THIS my favorite ship for the two of them...and honestly, my only romantic ship for either of them.  And like, why would I have?  Their first interaction is where Sora kills Tsukikage’s brother.  Angsty, to be sure, but I barely thought they’d even meet again.
When they did, however, and how it all played out after that, I was smitten.  Two soldiers who met on opposite sides of the conflict, who had every reason to hate each other, and every reason to destroy each other, who found themselves slowly, slowly putting that unease aside for the common goal ahead of them, until they became a team to be reckoned with.  Sora apologizing for what he did to Tsukikage’s brother and even offering to atone any way Tsukikage wanted as long as he could save Yuzu and Yuya first, Tsukikage putting down his grudge “just for now,” slowly becoming the two of them coming to each other’s aid and fighting like a team?  It was so powerful.  I definitely need to create more content for the two of them.
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Genesishipping (Ray/Zarc)
Let’s be honest, we all ship this one a little bit.  They’re the penultimate tragic, antagonistic couple, even if they probably never actually met in the past.  They’re perfectly opposed forces, creation and destruction, and Ray is more than willing to come back over and over again to fight Zarc, while Zarc builds pretty much his entire self around being able to defeat Ray again.  Plus, considering all of the bonds between their counterparts? It’s obvious that in another life, these two would have been friends, or even lovers, which just makes their actual first meeting all the more tragic.  They have a wealth of possibilities to explore, and it’s one of the most popular ships in the fandom for a reason.
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Appleshipping (Rin/Yugo)
otherwise known as THE CUTEST OTP....I don’t know what to say about Apple that I or others haven’t said before.  They are such a power couple.  They’re so sweet and wholesome, but they’re also inherently kind of tragic.  They grew up in a world that didn’t want them to survive, but they did.  Yugo’s pure love for Rin, and Rin’s motherly nagging, probably out of fear that Yugo’s happy nature might end up with him getting hurt in this awful world they live in, hiding her own deep love for him back, is just such a sweet, beautiful combination.  The way they constantly work together and constantly think of each other is just so sweet and lovely, and I love them a lot.
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Lustershipping (Yuzu/Masumi)
The ORIGINAL Arc V gays, the one I shipped before I even started watching the damn show.  Shallow bit out of the way first, but they’re a pink/blue ship, and their color schemes together are GORGEOUS, which is my weakness.
Past that, though, this is the first pair of significant f/f rivals we’ve gotten in YGO to my knowledge, and I’ve found lately that I’ve become something of a sucker for some brands of rival pairs.  They’re antagonistic, but it drives them both to be better, and they shit-talk each other, which is great to see with an f/f rival pair, but they end up being super respectful and even grateful to each other for pushing them to get better and better.  And if you don’t think Masumi’s got a crush on Yuzu at the very least, I don’t know what to tell you lol.  She gave the girl a ROSE.
I’d love to play with their continuing relationship more with the pair of them as rivals who eventually become friends before they know it, and then perhaps something more :)
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Pendulumshipping (Yuya/Reiji)
And here we are.  You all knew it was coming if you’ve been here for longer than 10 minutes, lol.  Yuya/Reiji was my fave from the beginning, and it only grew and grew and grew until it became my most important and favorite OTP of everything I’ve ever shipped.
I’ve told the story a million times, but I first began shipping them when Reiji imagined he was dueling Yuya while testing his pendulum cards.  What kind of a person do you have to be to move someone as immovable as Reiji, who’s spent his entire life making himself strong and unaffected for the task ahead?  What kind of person do you have to be to stick in Reiji’s mind like that?  And for a while, it felt very one-sided to me, though I played around with the idea of Yuya eventually returning those feelings -- still, back then, I felt almost guilty about the ship because more than one person called it potentially abusive, and I could see where they were coming from -- canon at that point had shown them as antagonists towards each other after all.  And then canon kept trucking along and showed me that it wasn’t just that at all -- a seed of trust was starting to blossom between the two of them.  The moment that Yuya called out Reiji’s name by his first name out of concern to see him trapped with the Council, that’s when I realized they absolutely did both have some level of trust in and care for each other.  And when Yuya shouted out his trust in Reiji despite Roget’s revelation about Reiji’s father, proving that he did trust Reiji and his judgement after all, and when their tag duel arrived, and Reiji decided he would throw in with Yuya all the way, that he would stand behind him and believe in him til the end and the two of them fought together, that was it.  It’s place as my favorite OTP was sealed.
There’s just something so soft and gentle about them, despite their beginnings.  They don’t have the same antagonistic air to them that most main ygo protag/rival pairs have to time.  Despite their beginnings, they were always on the same side, and it was never about trying to one up the other, even at their last battle -- it was always about working together for a common goal, and making the other better.  And I just really, really love that.
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blueeyeswhitegarden said: Honestly, being too focused on their own ideas and being upset with the show going in its own direction covers at least a good portion of the complaints for Arc V, so I'm not too surprised that covers some of their issues with the pairings. Misreading characters and events also play a role in this strange complaint.
I mean the Shun X Yuto fans were crying queerbaiting when FallenAngel was not only proven to be canon but Shun introduced them. Shipping is always one of the more controversial factors of fandoms but my god it’s so fucking ridiciously in the YGO fandom as a whole. 
I can understand not being happy a ship you dislike becomes canon BUT you have to be willing to accept the signs of it happening. I admit not every ship is well written and plenty of canon ships are rushed or lacking in development. BUT that’s not the case for ALL canon ships and even if that is true if your ship has NO focus or development, I don’t think you get to bitch about it when the “evidence” is all in your head like with the Shun X Yuto fans.
Just let me say this. 
1. Shun always put Ruri above Yuto in terms of priority.
2. Shun and Yuto themselves don’t directly interact that much in show. At best 4 times if we don’t count flashbacks so I don’t get why that’s a better ship compare to FallenAngel. 
3. Ruri has always been shown to be good for Yuto. Him throwing away her ideals aka becoming like Shun was presented as BAD in episode 104 when he was forcibly taking over Yuya’s body which was causing Yuya PAIN.
4. Whenever there was a situation where Yuto could focus on Ruri, HE WOULD. He thought he found Ruri, he followed Yuzu thinking it was her. He asks Sora especially where Ruri is.      
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