#OG william james moriarty
toastsrambles · 11 days
okay no i’m not done.
because the parallels between louis and og william drive me fucking FERAL???
the fact that og william was the epitome of everything they were fighting against, the fact that he was shown all of life’s favor and turned rotten as a result.
the fact that louis was made into the innocent lamb they were fighting for, the fact that he was shown all of life’s cruelty and decided to fight for love, for his brothers, instead.
but both of them are violent. og william is thoughtless and cruel and louis is pragmatic and ruthless. how neither of them flinched from violence and from hurting people. how og william hurt people because he was a product of the old world that called him worthy and how louis hurt people because he saw his brother’s new world and decided it was worth it.
how albert never saw beyond his brothers violence and william never could bear to look at louis’.
was og william ever jealous of what louis and william had? louis was william’s world and did that ever make og william wonder why he wasn’t albert’s?
its all about how both of them were sacrifices to the ideal. how neither of them were people to their brothers. its all about how og william was albert’s demon and louis was william’s angel.
or maybe i’m just tired
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yukitomybeloved · 1 year
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“nii…sa…” I’m not okay
The way Albert is looking at him while the child is crying and bleeding is making wanna break down in tears
Ew why tf do I feel bad for him he literally abuses people
But also he’s a child who was constantly influenced by his parents and barely interacted with anyone other than his family which meant he was probably never taught right from wrong
How much y’all wanna bet him and Albert never once got a hug from their parents
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livviem-009 · 10 months
Help, I don't have ideas for the next chapter of Regaining My Innocence
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m0dernv4mpire · 21 days
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my vision...ummm it sure is a special one
template here
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k0ushii · 1 year
he was just in a silly goofy mood
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sleepinghellokitty · 4 months
(the bad)William: Our fireplace doesn't even have a secret passage. I hate this stupid, good for nothing, family.
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OG William: *Breaths* Albert: I hope you trip on a rock and stub your toe then fall face flat into a whole load of spikes then be burned to a crisp
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memento-yuumori · 9 months
RealLiam Names Touriarny Round 2 Match 2:
Adam Worth (1844 – 8 January 1902) was a crime boss and fraudster. He was also nicknamed as the "Napoleon of Crime." Also an inspiration for Professor James Moriarty. Also the biblical symbolism for Adam.
From Adam Worth, the OG LoC (?) and the inspiration for Doyle’s Moriarty. Albert, when thinking about William in Chapter 63, also made references to the Garden of Eden and the forbidden fruit.
Adam Woth was criminal nicknamed "the Napoleon of the criminal world".He is widely considered the inspiration for criminal mastermind James Moriarty.
Predestined Sherliam
At only their second meeting, Sherlock, being the great detective that he is, manages to "deduce" William's real name (as true lovers do) ((starts with an L just like Louis's name))
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femboykyo · 8 months
I don't know if it's just me but I've noticed that a lot of people seem to forget just how complex Liam's character is. They forget just how he developed his switch energy. Ever since he was a little kid he's had to play as someone else, because he had to. By the time he's in NYC with Sherlock, the only things he knows about himself is that he likes math, he wants to be with Sherlock and he still wants to help people. That is William's core is that he wants to do good and he's learning that he can do good by doing good. He didn't like to be the Lord of Crime but if he didn't become that version then nothing would change, that's what he thought. So up until current time he's just been doing what he needed to so he could survive. Which is where that “dominating” or “switch” energy comes in. I'm not saying he wouldn't like to but he's doing it because the person he was helped him survive. During his time in NYC he's literally trying to figure out who HE is, who is WILLIAM JAMES MORIARTY. He's more vulnerable(earning the nickname crybaby William), he's starting back at square one, and he's in a completely different place. Sherlock is quite literally his place of comfort, NYC gives him a chance to be away from everything and not have to be in that survival mode. It's like when someone grew up in a household where they had to recognize everyone's footsteps and then when they are finally safe from that place they still have that habit of knowing footsteps, Liam is learning how to be his own person rather than his Lord Of Crime persona (or pretend he is OG William that society thinks he is). So I don't think at first he would be very dominant or switch with Sherlock, and Sherlock wouldn't push that. It wouldn't be until he asks Sherlock to let him continue to live with him and be by his side that he would develop that switch energy because at that point he knows something/someone he wants.
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In line with this thought, the same could be said about his secondary gender(omegaverse). A lot of people think he could be an Alpha or an Omega with Sherlock but to me it's deeper than that. Because he had to be the way he was to survive, he would've been an Omega presenting as an Alpha. Because of the time they're in, being an Omega male(rare) was shameful. Due to this William had to hide the fact he was an Omega. This also aligns with his personality. Of course Sherlock first meeting William knows he's not an Alpha but doesn't say anything(nor care). When they live together in NYC William doesn't have suppressants or blockers and experiences his first heat without his medicine. Because of having to use blockers and suppressants his heat hits hard. Sherlock helps him(and almost dies lol)
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hellsmouthhq · 4 months
faceclaims for caroline and the phoebe/cole kid, pls n thnks ?
for caroline ; candice king ( the og queen ) , but also natasha liu bordizzo , milly alcock , courtney eaton , savannah lee smith , rachel zegler , ellie bamber , sabrina carpenter , sofia carson , madelyn cline , alexa demie , willa fitzgerald , erin moriarty , ashley park , lili reinhart , sydney sweeney , & jaz sinclair !!
for phoebe & cole's son ; penn badgley , ben barnes , jamie campbell bower , matt daddario , robbie amell , sam claflin , kit harington , richard madden , sebastian stan , william moseley , theo james , chase stokes , jack falahee , luke mitchell , & oliver jackson-cohen !!
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toastsrambles · 24 days
how much do you think albert thought about og william in his isolation?
because og william was obviously cruel. like im not saying he wasn’t. but he was still a child. a child raised by unloving, elitist parents who internalized the idea he was better than others because he had nobody tell him not to. a kid who was murdered by his big brother, who was told he was nothing to him.
did og william haunt albert, do you think? did albert ever wonder about what william could have been? if his little brother could have changed?
because when they were little, were they ever real brothers? did albert help william with his homework, and did william ever give albert a drawing of the two of them? before albert realized what the world really was, did he love william?
og william was not a good person. maybe he couldn’t change, but albert will never know. william might have been capable of good, but albert killed him before he got the chance to try.
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yukitomybeloved · 1 year
I know I’ve never talked about Moriarty The Patriot on here before but I need to talk about the original William James Moriarty before I lose my mind
Bro was a CHILD, like don’t get me wrong he pissed me off so much and I will never feel as bad for him as I do for Liam and Louis but Jesus Christ bro was a CHILD, maybe I just have a huge soft spot for all children but like, imagine getting murdered by your own big brother, like og Will didn’t treat Albert right either but still that was so fucked up😭
Can’t I just feel bad for all four of them
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livviem-009 · 11 months
What will OG William go through this chapter base on my Google History
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ren-deru-16 · 2 years
OG William plus OC butler
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Frith (OG William)
- originally a cannon fodder
- a highschool male was isekaid in Yuukoku no Moriarty manga as OG William. Knowing the character's supposed death, he began thinking of ways to avoid his death flag without changing the plot.
- Externally calm, internally panicking.
- his treatment was cold to the servants but he didn't abuse them like the original did. Albert noticed but didn't say anything.
- wanted to live a relaxed and peaceful life in the countryside.
- met Leon when they were kids at the streets. Decided to take him and make him his butler.
- he asked Albert to let him leave in exchange that his identity as William will be given to current William. On the day of the fire, he ran away with Leon and left London.
- for thirteen years the two lived in the countryside, far from Durham. He lived in a new identity as Frith, where it was Leon who named him. Lived in a small home where they have a small farmland left by an uncle who took them in.
- so far everything is chill and no yuumori plots involving him happening.
- was confessed by his butler. It took a while before he managed to reciprocate his feelings.
- is the one receiving. Is very embarrassed when it comes to being forward when they are doing it. Especially when he's being teased by Leon.
- a good cook. Wife material as said by the uncle when he was alive. Mostly in charge of domestic chores and a bit of gardening.
- is liked by the elders and locals for his kind gestures.
- a bit of a tsun when with Leon.
- tsundere bottom that prefers to be a pillow princess than attempt ride him (pays a heavy price of sore waist and shaky legs every morning)
- used to be a nameless kid living homelessly in the streets of London.
- knows current William and Louis and actually friends with them. Sometimes goes to the orphanage to eat and in return, he does some chores or gets asked by Liam.
- ruthless and quick to pick on a fight and wins them mostly. Said to have intelligent eyes.
- meets OG William on the streets one day and crashes to him. Used to think that he is weird since he didn't hit him or gets disgusted when he crashed to him. His interest grew and he liked talking to him. OG William gave him a bag of bread for him to eat before he left. He at that time clutched the bag of bread in his chest and grinned, feeling warm inside. The two met again when other kids tried to get his bread and he beat them but was injured. OG William saw him in that state and tried to take him to his carriage but he declined, saying he's fine since it were only scratches. Immediately said yes when he was invited to be the young noble's butler. In order to grow closer and stay by this boy he considered his only master.
- OG William also gave him his name: Leon. He treasured it. When with OG William he is the perfect butler and respectful to him, but with other maids and nobles, he doesn't give a crap and even riles them up. He knew they were envious of his current position.
- quick to pick up mannerism of a butler and is basically on everything. Said to be the perfect butler by OG William.
- calls his master "Bocchan". No honorifics to others. Even while living in the countryside he still insisted calling him bocchan.
- he gave him OG William's new name: Frith.
- thinks his master is a cute person and likes him a lot. Actually loves him since he became his butler.
- loyal and possessive to his master. Two faced as said by those who met him since he is sweet to his bocchan but an asshole to others. Doesn't really like others looking at his Bocchan.
- is actually good in close combats and using if weapons.
- Frith calls him libido beast because of his stamina and raging libido. The seme, and he loves his bocchan when he is undone below him. Likes to tease him a lot and make him flustered. Pampers him a lot afterwards and does aftercare really well. He knows what his bocchan really wants even without being told to. Knows his body to a science.
- would even do it anywhere inside the house or even outside if his bocchan wants to. Hence he gets slapped a lot for being too *ahem* horny. (Blames his bocchan for being too sexy and endearing)
- his confession was a bit... Messed up since he blurted everything. His sincere feelings to his master, his love for him, his desire to lock him and never let him out since he wanted gim to his self and he didn't want anyone to look at him (this slightly scared Frith)
- teasing top with a monster stamina and biting kink (secretly a sadist that enjoys to see his bocchan flushed)
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Og William when William came to save Louis from carpet licking: I did not know low-class creatures like you can also experience such familial love.
Albert who literally hates him: 👁️👄👁️
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Here we go again! Favourite Moriarty the Patriot characters! :)
diuhfialeflajd, yes I shall gladly share my opinions on my favourite characters!
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James Bond
Look at him... JUST LOOK AT HIM! HE IS JUST SO ADORABLE!! The moment I saw him I fell inlove! HOW COULD YOU NOT??!! I literally can not put it into words but I love Bond so much and I could just sit here and talk about him for hours but I am going to stop myself before I get too carried away..
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2. Sherlock Holmes
Do I even have to explain? Sherlock had the most funniest personality ever. I love his character so much! His motives and goals always get my head spinning! He gives off energetic puppy vibes and it's adorable! I love his relationship with John and Miss Hudson! Along with big bro Mycroft! And how could I forget Liam. They are canon, tell me otherwise.
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3. Sebastian Moran
Honestly I don't know how I grew a random liking to this guys. He i super cool though. Honestly at first I just thought he was going to be another Yuno but turns out not really. He is very loyal and it is a crime to hate him <3
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4. Albert James Moriarty
Him really? Yes, now hear me out. Okay, he is kinda dry but hey, In my opinion he is the best Moriarty with Louis in Second, William third (I love you william but yeah). You can never tell what Albert is thinking and I love it so much. I feel like he is so done with life though-
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5. Mycroft Holmes
Best big brother. I know I have said this for everyone but I love him so much. His 'brotherly' relationship with Sherlock is amazing and the fact that he calls him 'sherly' makes me laugh every time it's such a cute nickname. Adorable.
And that is it for this anime!
There are other characters like Louis, Billy and so on and on. But then again, I love all characters except OG William and those other bastard nobles that ended up getting killed my William.
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