#OH and there's a Bonus video on Patreon too
elbdot · 11 months
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I have only 4 panels left to finish, then you guys finally get a new El's Alolan Adventures update 👀 Patrons will of course be able to read it a week in advance, as always!! OH and you can already read a Badurs Gate 3 comic on Patreon (Yes I started playing the game and IT RULES HOLY CRAP, I'll probably do some more mini comics inspired by my playthrough)
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acaplaya-musings · 2 months
Voiceplay Visuals - Time Warp
When I was considering the concept of doing a few "bonus posts" during my 12 Days Of Christmas In July miniseries, I was like "oh I am absolutely doing a post for Time Warp!" and so here we are!
Time Warp was released on the 14th of October, 2023 (last year), and is what the group has referred to as a "Biggie" video. What this means it's that it's mostly like a VoicePlay Mini, but it's longer than a minute, and uploaded as a proper video on the channel (other "Biggies" include Wellerman and Peaches). So yeah, it's not a full-length cover of Time Warp (one can only dream!), but it's still more than we would've gotten from just a standard Mini! The arrangement was a collaboration between Rob Dietz, Geoff, and Eli, and the video and creative direction were both just left to Eli. And this cover/video features the awesome Ashley Diane! Anyway, idk how long or short this post might be, but there's definitely fun things to show and talk about, so let's get into this!
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Alright we're starting off the video strong, with Geoff wearing glasses and practically smouldering down the camera, SIR-!
(Seriously he already looks so lovely and handsome most of the time anyway - the fact that glasses make him look even better is frankly just unfair)
Oh and you might notice a sign in the far background (the blue-green thing) that says "Oviedo Mall". That's where VoicePlay films most of their Minis (and "Biggies"), and it's also where Pattycake Studios is located!
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Sir you stop that right now! 😂😅
(Never ask me for screenshots from the Peaches video - I love it a lot but I am too damng weak to those eyes looking right at me!)
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("Hey that's not a YouTube screenshot!" Nope, it's from the Patreon Early Access video. Don't @ me, it's the exact same video, but it just gives me a better/"cleaner-looking" screenshot in this case)
Alright, outfit talk time!
Geoff I suppose could low-key be dressing up as Brad Majors with the glasses? (Yes I have seen Rocky Horror Picture Show - only once a few years back, but I of course know the songs, and really know Time Warp).
Layne is definitely repping Columbia with that shiny gold jacket, and also hey it's a rare case of seeing (what I'm assuming is) his natural hairstyle! (Layne had curly hair in Jingle Bell Rock as well but I completely forgot to mention it).
Cesar is wearing a Rocky Horror Picture Show shirt, nice (I am fully unsurprised that he's a fan of it, lol), and Eli's wearing the same jacket that he did in the video for Good 4 U a couple years ago!
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"It's just a jump to the left..."
Love the old-timey effect they put on the visuals for this bit, and the monocle!
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(I can't do frame-by-frame scrubbing on Patreon videos, but there's a lot less User Interface stuff getting in the way when I wanna take full-length screenshots, so if the source of the images keeps changing during this post, that's why)
The main reason I wanted to do a VoicePlay Visuals post for this one: the dancing! (And I was totally dancing along with the first chorus here, couldn't help myself!)
Oh and speaking of the dancing, I gotta show my appreciation for the fact that Cesar and Ashley are doing the choreography properly (well, mostly - the "step to the right" bit should include matching hand motions!). E.g. having the right timing on "bring your knees in tight" (you don't do it immediately!)
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I wanted to get a clear shot of Ashley before I gave proper appreciation for her sparkly sequined top! Very cute!
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"...when a snake of a guy gave me an evil wink!"
(Both Eli and Cesar are winking!)
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Zoom in on Geoff, Layne, and Eli down in the mini "cutaway box" at the bottom! First of all, Geoff has the biggest happy grin on his face and I love it, and second of all, Layne jumped into shot and almost immediately lost composure and almost cracked up laughing 😂
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Layne kept going though, good for him! (And honestly leaving that part in instead of reshooting just makes it more entertaining for us imo 😁)
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Cesar is iconic, that is all
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I love how Layne appears to be trying The Least with the dance moves. 🤣 (Meanwhile Geoff and Eli appear to be having an absolute blast!)
Not gonna bother trying to get a decent screenshot of the "pelvic thrusts" bit, but it's still very amusing. Layne again going for Bare Minimum, Geoff is trying but his expression indicates he's close to pulling something or throwing his back out (rip), while Eli is absolutely going for it, and even does a little spin! 😁
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Just Random Chaos Time. VoicePlay Brand Of Dumb! 😂😂
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And of course there is only one proper way to end a performance of Time Warp, and this is basically how you do it!
Say VoicePlay, any of you know how to Madison? 🤔😜🤣
So that's Time Warp! I don't watch this one a great deal, so it was fun to have a reason to revisit it. This was an additional little "Halloween season upload" from VoicePlay last year, and I am so hyped for whatever they might come up with this year, but for now, I've got one more bonus post coming your way, and then we'll finish off with more Christmas stuff! See you soon!
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celtfather · 3 months
Princess Bride's Big Adventure #288
True love lost at sea. I share the story behind “Buttercup’s Lament” inspired by Princess Bride.
You'll learn why you should watch out for wild boar in Italy, see what happens when a juggler's props don't arrive, and learn about the most-beautiful place in Europe. Hear a story about biking across Italy. I interviewed jugglers Paolo Garbanzo and Carl Asch about their Ren Adventures.
Plus, enjoy music from Scottish folk singer Ed Miller and Irish songwriter Enda Reilly.
This is Pub Songs & Stories #288
0:32 - Marc Gunn “Lanigan’s Ball” from Soul of Harper
I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Sci F’ Irish musician and podcaster living in Atlanta, Georgia.
If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that PubSong.com or Just send me an email to follow@celtfather.
Listen: Soul of a Harper
Poll: What’s your favorite song on Soul of a Harper?
Merch: Buy Soul of a Harper on Patreon
Plastic Free July. Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends. At the end of September, we’re invading Scotland’s Whisky distilleries in between hiking throughout the country. It’s gonna be epic.
You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
Every week, the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast asks fans of the show to vote for your favorite songs in the podcast. Those votes are compiled at the end of the year to create the Celtic Top 20, your pick of the best music of the year.
I don’t just make the podcast. I’m a fan of it too. So here is another favorite from recent episodes.
6:36 - Ed Miller “More Than Just a Dram” from Lolander
From Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #660: Drowsy Dancing Bear
I wrote this song in December 2000. It began with the idea of a woman who's True Love was lost at sea. But as the story developed, it reminded me of Buttercup's "True Love"--Wesley--in the cult classic, "The Princess Bride"a, so I named it after her. It's a sad, but beautiful song, sung great a cappella or as I play it, with a solo autoharp.
15:24 - Marc Gunn “Buttercup’s Lament” from Soul of Harper
Buttercup’s Lament
lyrics and music by Marc Gunn
There's a leaf on a tree and it's swaying And a girl 'neath the tree tears in her eyes. There's a wolf on the run saying 'Where have ye gone?' 'Oh where have ye gone sweet love of mine.'
Oh wind, cruel wind, bring and end, an end To the storm that took me love afore his time Oh wind, cruel wind, bring and end, an end I long for him. Will ye bring my true love back to me side
There's a puddle on the ground and it's growing And a girl above the pond tears in her eyes There's a fox on the run saying 'Where have ye gone?' 'Oh where have ye gone sweet love of mine.'
There's a woman on the run saying, 'Where have ye gone? Oh where have ye gone sweet love of mine? Oh where have ye gone sweet love of mine? Oh where oh where? I long for ye here. Oh where have ye gone sweet love of mine?
The show is brought to you by my supporters on Patreon. If you enjoy this podcast or my music, please join the Club. You get something new every week. It could be bonus podcasts, downloadable songs, printed sheet music, blogs, or stories from the road. Plus, you’ll get access to videos like my Coffee with The Celtfather video concerts. You get it all ad-free when you listen and on Patreon. Email follow@celtfather !
If you can’t support me financially, just sign up on Patreon for free. Special thanks to our Superhero Patrons: Janice G, Cecilia F, Not Higgins, C.J.T. M, Sarah C, William M, Carol B, Eric R, James R, Troy R
You'll learn why you should watch out for wild boar in Italy, see what happens when a juggler's props don't arrive, and learn about the most-beautiful place in Europe. I interviewed juggler Paolo Garbanzo.
Links for Today's Show:
Paolo Garbanzo
Ren Adventures
43:22 - Enda Reilly “Off the Grid For a While” from Single
Travel is a grand adventure to me. So I love talking with other adventurers. One such person is Carl Asch. He's a musician and juggler named Giacomo the Juggler. He sings with the band Empty Hats. He is also the co-founder with Paolo Garbanzo of Ren Adventurers, a tour company that takes you on small European trips much like my Celtic Invasion Vacations. But today, I wanted to talk to Carl about a bicycle trip he did across Italy.
In this episode we'll explore:
The origins of Giacomo the Jester
How juggling, magic, and street performing can take you around the globe
Double Indemnity and Empty Hats
How to write a compelling show for Renaissance festivals
Bicycling from Sicily to Venice following places mentioned in Shakespeare's plays
Shakespeare's Guide to Italy
Some of the trips on the Ren Adventures
Find out more about Carl Asch
1:10:32 - Empty Hats “The Hat Came Back” from The Hat Came Back
1:12:48 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Pub Songs & Stories. This episode was edited by Mitchell Petersen.
You can follow and listen to the show on my Patreon or wherever you find podcasts. Sign up to my mailing list to learn more about songs featured in this podcast and discover where I’m performing.
Remember. Refuse, Reduce, reuse, recycle, and think about how you can make a positive impact on your environment.
Have fun and sing along at www.pubsong.com!
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Check out this episode!
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joshslater · 2 years
Golden Years
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
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I can feel my powers trickle away faster and faster each decade. I can maintain myself and my lifestyle, but not much more. Oh, how I miss my mischievous youth, perhaps even more than me in my prime. I still make the odd prank when I'm well rested, though it's longer and longer in between, just to make sure I'm still not human.
Just the other day I felt exceptionally great. The stars were just in the right position and someone had died in the building across the street during the night. I was sipping on a morning coffee at my regular place when I saw a particularly sorry sight walking by. A pallid boy in his late teen dragging a wreck of an aura behind him. He probably had been up all night playing games, watching videos, or chatting with classmates he'd barely remember in a decade's time. I didn't bother to take a closer look inside, but it's remarkably boringly similar concerns all adolescents have. He'd be my next victim.
Toying with a single person isn't that much of an effort yet, thank goddesses, not even when you bring the whole world along. I bet few people would pay enough attention to register that the boy was slowly growing as he walked towards the intersection, but I don't want to get sloppy at old age. To anyone who watched him the world they lived in would be a world where he always looked like he looked in that instance. The very next moment when he was ever so slightly taller and just a tad buffer they would live in a world where he had always looked like that.
I even made him unaware of the changes that were happening to him, at least then and there. The baggy T-shirt was beginning to strain over his chest and shoulders, the shorts no longer reached to his knees and started hugging his growing butt. He took a few awkward steps to remedy chafing and he tried his best to reposition his dick and balls as they became quite eye-catching straining against the fabric.
In a final mustering of effort I warped the world ever so slightly to make his name Thad. Every document and ID-card, every computer database, every signature, name sign, vacation souvenir, all now said Thad. Everyone who knew him, his friends, his teachers, his relatives, his father, his mother, they all knew him as Thad, remembered him as Thad. The only one who didn’t was he, whatever his name was. It was only when he discovered everyone had a different name for him he realized his body was radically different from what it ought to be. That he had six pack and pecs. That if he flexes his arm there is a sizable bulge of muscle. That no one else could remember him any different, at least not recently, must be maddening to him. Even more so when all the rest of the clothes in his wardrobe match his new size.
A fucked mind for a fuckable body is a fair and equal exchange I would think, and I'm too old for unbalanced magic anyway.
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transgenderer · 3 years
i know on an abstract level the point of omelas is 2-fold. the surface reading i reached the first time is it's fucked up that a child is suffering and its admirable that people leave to build something better. now i read it and think "oh cool i'd appreciate a society where its just that child suffering rather than whatever the fuck this is. sign me up". and i think the more interesting take-away is "what's your threshold where the few suffering for the many becomes too costly?", and i think the take-away most people have is "let's build a utopia. this is definitely possible :D". not sure which one le guin had but i hope it's not the utopian one, even though i know in my heart she probably did
i wont link it because its a patreon bonus and idk, i feel guilty about doing that, esp cuz his patreon is pretty cheap, but there was a big joel video about omelas (which got me thinking abt it) where he argues the point is basically like...the story *specifically* tells you the child is there to make the utopia more believable, and thats stupid, pointless suffering does not make a utopia more believable, and yet the child is *still* the part that sticks with people, the part they talk about. they got us! they tricked us!
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gigglinggoblin · 4 years
Getting a Little Familiar
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Image used with permission from the amazingly talented Deepdiscourse, whose breathtaking hypnotic audio files and gorgeous photos (and video clips) are equally worth your attention and money! Go check out their work!
[pov: any, nsfw, 2nd person, reverse corruption, (initially) evil POV, hypnosis, magical mind control, mutual nonconsent (heavy), dolly, gender-neutral forcefem, pet play, breast fixation, kitten play, dressup, witch, femdom, praise, syrup mention, intelligence reduction]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oh, you poor, hopeless little thing. This didn’t go quite how you’d planned, did it?
Don’t feel bad. It was a really very lovely plan to try and hypnotize me! And really, even if it’s not working out quite as you’d hoped, I think you’ll be much happier this way, don’t you?
Aww. Look at you. Trying to put words together when all you really wanna do is stare at my lovely breasts like a helpless, needy little toy.
So cute.
So helpless.
And so adorable, thinking you’ll be able to put any words together at all that aren’t “yes, Mistress” and “yes, please, Mistress” when I’m through with you. Maybe some soft mewing. Mm, yes, that sounds just lovely, doesn’t it, sweetie?
I can already see all those silly thoughts glimmering in your eyes, rising to the forefront, rising to the top of the waves like soft, pretty pink jellyfish. All those plans for posing as a sweet, obedient little apprentice, pretending to be all silly and dumb and pliant, all eager to please while you worked your little schemes.
Now, now! No need to speak, kitten. Those pretty lips of yours look so much cuter half-parted like that, breathing in nice and slow. Nice and slow. Matching my breathing. In and out. In… and out.
Watch... my breasts… rise… and fall~
Good pet!
And doesn’t that feel nice? That’s right. Just keep watching my tits and listening to my words. They look so soft, don’t they? So smooth. So easy to get lost in.
And it feels so good to listen to Mistress and let her words fill your pretty empty head, trickling in heavier and heavier by the second, like sweet syrup, just... drowning all those thoughts in pleasure.
Isn’t that right? Hush-hush, kitten. Of course it is.
Good pets love to listen to Mistress. Mistress has such a pretty voice, doesn’t she? So nice to listen to and sink down-down-down-down-down, so deep, all those thoughts tugging you deeper, and deeper, and deeper, so heavy and cumbersome, getting heavier with every deeeep breath you take in, and out, and in, and out, and...
*giggle* That’s right! You’re doing so well! Goodness, you’re so adorably suggestible. So pliable. I’ve barely had to work any magic; I just suggested you’d like to look at my tits and let my sweet voice do the rest... and down-down-down you went. I just told you to listen like a good pet, and you nodded along with every single word…
… and happily allowed aaaaall that sweet, slow, heavy syrup to flow into your silly open mind.
Isn’t that right, pet?
Aw, hush, kitten. Of course it is~
[Thanks for reading! There’s more after the break, but if you enjoyed this story and want to read more like it, there’s tons more content on my Patreon. For just a few dollars a month, you gain access to alternate Bad Ends, bonus stories, polls on future content, early updates, erotic text-based roleplay/D&D games, and much, much more! If you can afford to, consider pledging, so I can keep posting Tumblr fics like this one on the regular! Thank you! <3]
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“Salamander folk” are a curiosity largely unique to witchcraft, homunculi created when a willing (or “willing enough”) mortal entices a witch into transmuting their being into something else. In this way, a witch can make a human something like a fey, and can change just about anything else she likes about the human in the process. Many witches favor catfolk and other beast-like features, but the witches have many options. Many, many options.
They just... they just really like catgirls, okay?
And in fairness, so do a lot of the girls who go to witches seeking transmutation. The transformation does not change gender, obviously, but it can be used to change certain physical aspects to be more within a person’s preferences, or, say, to make a cisgender boy look more feminine for the witch’s amusement.
(When a demon does this to a mortal, they are usually called cambions—true cambions, not the mock cambions arising from demon-mortal partnerings. It’s a much more... consuming process.)
Why are they called “salamander folk”? Not all labels make perfect sense. In this case, a “salamander” is old-fashioned magic slang for a partially-finished spell, implying a malleable sort of magic that has yet to be fully shaped. It’s almost never used in that sense anymore, though. It might be distantly related to the famous total immunity newts have to magic.
Many mortals deliberately seek witches out for this reason, desiring some manner of change to their form beyond mortal means, or else to become apprentices. Or, often, both. Many witches charge apprenticeship for a certain number of years in exchange, which isn’t always as mercenary as it seems. Apprenticeship allows a witch to guide and protect the salamander person through their transition, as well as to make sure that the transformation really is what they want. It can also make the transformation itself easier to effect—it’s not easy to change someone’s true form, and it often takes time and a mutual familiarity.
Notably, the reverse dynamic is quite common as well: Many would-be apprentices are expected to allow the witch to transmute them into different forms as a condition of being taught. This is ostensibly because the process of being transmuted involves tying spirits to the subject’s soul, and tends to make their overall form and connection with magic very malleable and easy to work with. These kinds of apprentices are called familiars.
Of course, some witches just want cute catboys and ravenpeople and dollygirls to toy with as they please.
Katrina of the Thousand Names is a particularly skilled witch, known less so for her raw power so much as her cunning, vast arrays of knowledge, and general good-naturedness. She knows hundreds and hundreds of spirits well, and is one of the most famously easy-going when it comes to transformations. If you know what you want, she’ll see it done for as small a price as cooking her meals for a few nights while she works the spell.
Of course, many seek to be her apprentices even if they aren’t looking for transformation, and she’s quite reasonable about this—as long as the apprentice acts in good faith. Many seek to steal her repository of powers to use for wickedness, even trying to hypnotize the witch into yielding them. These ill-behaved apprentices tend to find themselves serving a very different role indeed.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My, my. Such an adorable, hopelessly malleable plaything you turned out to be!
I think this is all for the best, don’t you? You’re much better at being my pliant little doll than you ever were at being my apprentice. You’ll be so much cuter as my obedient, mewling, empty-headed kitten. And so much happier, too!
Oh, come now, kitten, none of that fussing. Kittens don’t need words, and neither do helplessly adoring little dolls. Doesn’t it feel so good to be nice and sweet and good for me?
No more schemes. No more plotting to steal all my secrets. Those all required thinking, and thinking is hard, and listening like a good pet is easy.
So... so... sooooo easy~
And listening feels so, so lovely, doesn’t it? Just letting my words take over. Breathing in and out so steadily, so hopelessly enthralled by the soft, gentle motion of my soft breasts rising… and falling...
All those plans required so many confusing thoughts, all swirling around in that silly head of yours. But all those wicked thoughts are being drowned in the sweet, wonderful syrup of my words now, aren’t they?
Can’t you just feel all that syrup flooding your mind, submerging every thought in a heavy, heavy sugary brainless docile trance?
All those thoughts about betraying me? All submerged, and so, so hard to pull up to the surface now, so deep, deep down as my breasts bounce slowly, softly, so, so softly...
All those thoughts about using my powers to make trouble? All drowned in warm, gentle waves of delicious syrup, caught like butterflies in amber, deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper as my voice goes on, and on, filling you with sweet, sugary obedient pleasure the longer it goes on, getting so, so hard to even remember anything else...
And oh... doesn’t it feel so much better to be sweet, kitten?
So much easier to be sweet.
So much easier to be a nice, happy, obedient bubbly helpful kitten for me.
And it feels so good to please me, doesn’t it, sweet thing?
So good to nod passively. So good to take my hand, so deeply hypnotized now, so deep-deep-deep under the honeyed waves and not even trying to resist anymore. So happy and dumb and heavy-headed now, just staring at my tits like a mewling, helpless kitten.
Aww, look at you squirming. So cute! Such a sweet little plaything I’ve found. Would you like to be a good pet for me?
Good pet!
Such a good, happy, obedient, needy, sweet little pliant kitten.
Aww, and don’t worry, sweetie.
I know how excited you were to use all my magic, to dress yourself up in my glamors, to bewitch and ensnare whoever gazed upon you. Of course I’ll be happy to let you! Oh, hush-hush, I insist!
Let me lead you into the dressing room, now, pet. There’s a good plaything.
I’m going to dress you up to look so pretty. I’m going to make you so gorgeous and adorable and eager to please. You’ll just be my cute, obedient, sweet dolled-up kitten. Just a happy little maid for me, isn’t that right? Hopelessly eager to help anyone who comes by. Helping others is going to feel so good for my good, obedient kitty.
I promise you’ll be every bit as spellbinding as you planned, sweetie. A pretty spellbound doll for everyone’s amusement. Everyone’s going to love you, and that’s going to feel soooo good.
Let’s go get you all dressed up and pretty, sweetie. There’s a good pet.
And maybe, once you’ve learned your lesson in a year or so…
… I’ll let you decide whether or not you want to stay that way forever~
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davidsvlogs · 3 years
so far zane and heath have only posted 4 vlogs. one was them going to starbucks and doing a coffee talk in heaths truck, the next was they went to some place that i don’t know what it’s called but it’s where you go in something and can fly and then heath had to fix big red and they drove around in it and then a bonus video from zane’s birthday in 2020 that they were too cringed to post and it was basically them doing some game with glasses that make everything upside down and then their latest one was them at universals for zane’s bday this year. they don’t post vlogs that often the first two was posted the same day they started the patreon. and as for bonus podcast episodes that they get they only posted one which is a high episode and that was also posted the day they started the patreon. and for their discord there’s almost 1,200 people on it and zane and heath barely go on there but zane’s more active than heath i think heath only talked there like 3 times but zane pops in more they made accounts for matt and mariah so they can join but haven’t told them yet. i think todd also is in the discord but he hasn’t spoken at all in it. oh btw i’m not paying for it but i know someone who is and i’m use their account so they are not getting any of my money
thanks for snooping for us! so to me it sounds like they should be utilizing the patreon and discord more than they are….which isn’t surprising lol
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Headcanon on their online platforms but mainly on Twitch, onlyfans stuff, patreon, tumblr
Includes: Demon bros + undateablesss
Genre: Crack, Fluff and slight smut
Warnings: NSFW mentions
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-He didn’t have a big online presence because he was active, no no
-He had an online presence cause everyone always sees him on Diavolo s pictures and such so for a time they shared an audience
-One time Diavolo and Barbatos were doing a thing where they read a book aloud for some sort of game
-Diavolo kind of recorded that for a little bit
-People liked it so much they suggested for “the one with the deep cold voice”, luci, to do asmr on youtube or something
-He doesn’t know what an Onlyfans is however he does have a patreon.
-Diavolo was interested in the idea and discussed it with him
-His fandom consists of either people who are interested in what he reads or...Horny people who get off at how proper and low his voice is
-His profile picture is a picture of him with his head cropped out where he’s fixing his gloves
-Luci isnt like super famous but he has a loyal fanbase that appreciates him a lot also lots of simps with daddy issues
-He was confused as to why someone would ask him to be their father
-He gets the daddy kink but why???
-Last post: A picture MC took where he’s holding a whip cause mammon fucked something up 🙂
-Bold of us to assume he didn’t already have one
-You already know why he’s on here.
-He has random content but he mainly got his audience since he kind of tried modeling thing for a while. It was for a big brand on their new jock type jackets
-Mammon really wanted cash at that time and he got the thing over and done with making him a couple more grims richer
-The photographers told him they could transfer the pictures though! So he just saved his pictures because “Who wouldn’t want a picture of THE mammon?”
-That gave him the idea
-His audience? Whoreknee
-They even accept the fact that his captions for some pictures are “You should be honored you get pictures of me”
-He posts that with a blushing face half of the time HAHAHAHA
-Levi found it and just laughed at the pictures
-Surprisingly enough the pictures were actually well taken because MC was forced into em
-His most popular picture was the one with him was actually a picture that the brothers took of him tucking in what appeared to be goldie on a seperate MINI BED WITH A SMALL TOY LAMP BESIDE IT
-He did a QnA for his followers to celebrate on his instagram
-PFFTT He got so many questions about Goldie
-Was dubbed “Goldie’s Daddy” after that
-Last post: A picture of him wearing the new Luxury brand jacket he got and his keys in front of his car with the caption “Daddy’s going for a ride”
-I’ve always head canon that Levi knows how to draw digital emotes. Like he just picked it up cause he wanted to make fanart of him in henry together 😔
-Also has a red bubble or an etsy where he sells some prints and stickers of fanart 👀
-He went on twitch since there were so many TSL streamers there who just played games while they discussed theories as well
-Levi is an emote artist and while he draws he sometimes just discusses the theories with his fellow Yucky Otakus
-He’s the type to really interact with everyone even though he barely does that in real life
-Sometimes though when he gets packages that fans sent or ones that he ordered he’d stream unboxing them.
-He hates showing his face? Oh dont worry He’s wearing a facemask and all that
-His fandom is genuinely into him. Like they actually like him as a person but kinda once got into a scandal on gatekeeping
-He took a break for a bit but he kind of said sorry and everyone just forgave him because he isn’t really the type to do drama and it was just that one instance-
-Overall loved by the community due to how chill he is and how invested he is on fan theories
-He has a twitter btw and lemme tell you it’s just threads and threads of discussions
-Whenever he does stream unboxing videos though and he shows his shelves everyone freaks out how he has EVERY FUCKING VOLUME OF EVERY ANIME AND GAME
-People sometimes ask him personal questions and he tries his best to try to answer them but he shows a face where he looks uncomfy
-Everyone just bullies anyone who makes him uncomfy giving his fanbase a very protective reputation
-Last post: “Unboxing fanmail L8er @ 10pm LOL CYA GUYS XD”
-He has a tumblr. You cant tell me he doesn’t have one.
-He had tumblr like back in the old day though like when porn was still available here.
-Get this...He’s known all through out the academia blogs. He INVENTED Academia
-Satan has 1 blog and that’s it. It’s his main blog and he just posts pictures of the book cover and does essays, reviews or sometimes he writes the ending he wanted to happen.
-Dont get me wrong he has a patreon but only because people loved getting more exclusive takes of stuff like his book notes on certain pages or sometimes his notes and thoughts on Artistic Erotica
-Probably has a Ko-Fi because he though he needed it after most of the blogs he followed had it
-He thinks it should be “Table of Content” and not “Masterlist” so he uses just that
-Profile picture is him wearing his signature washed out green grandma sweater while he has a book in hand and a cup of earl grey on his table
-People go to him falling in love with his aesthetic and Book reviews but they stay in love with him because he is big on one on one discussions actually
-He goes for one on one voice calls where he just...He talks to you about any book of your choosing
-Fans send him tea but he knows better than to eat something a stranger gives so he makes beel take a taste first sometimes but ultimately scolds the boy when he takes too much
-He wasn’t supposed to have merch but everyone liked the idea of small packages (More like letters) that really do look old and vintage
-He usually only give those to the people who pay for the top tier stuff
-It usually contains 1 type of tea, a letter he wrote for them himself and a bookmark with his name stamped on it
-He got the stamp custom made ❤️
-Last post: (Insert 5k word essay)
This is what I thought of Edgar Allan Poe’s “A cask of Amatillado”
Playlist: (Insert soft classic Music playlist on Spotify)
Tea: Black Currant
-Is a brand influencer as well
-The brand ambassador of this pretty well known semi-luxury skin care brand
-His devilgram? Perfectly made by his PR team which is just him and solomon
-Before I move onto the NSFW stuff I want to emphasize how Beautiful his instagram is and his aesthetic
-His aesthetic is romantic/sexual tension/Unparalleled beauty
-Also a make up brand influencer and has his own make up line
-something along the lines of “The Devil’s box of charms 🖤”
-The type to DG live whenever he’s just showing off the make up look he did or the outfit he got
-The house of lamentation may have PR packages stacking up due to how most of them have an online influence but out of 10 boxes 7 of them would be for Asmo
-Lemme tell you this...He has a specific drawer and space in his closet just for the sexy outfits he has.
-The demon’s onlyfans has pictures of him just teasing his audience where he’s wearing a black skintight get up and his bulge is showing
-Nudes are for mid and top tiers
-His fandom loves seeing in stocking and chokers
-“The choker is from etsy and here’s the link to their shop~”
-He doesnt completely show his body but...Him in suggestive clothing gets everyone pre cumming
-His fandom is just filled with simps 😔
-He loves them and blows a kiss towards the camera everytime he ends a live
-Probably has had a scandal or 4
-Posted an Ahegao once and everyone lost it
-Has been the face for Ahegaos ever since
-Belle delphine who?
-Definitely tik tok famous too 😎
-Has memorized all of Doja Cat’s songs
-Last post: “Hope you guys are ready for tonight’s session~ 😈” With a picture of him in an Fuchsia and black themed lingerie set. A collar with a bell on it.
-Bonus: One time Solomon summoned him while he was taking pictures and he was still in his lingerie set. 😛
-Was originally inspired by Mukbangs Channels so he did them on youtube too
-You get his Mukbangs on your recommended, You subscribe because of his cute and funny reactions whenever someone in the backgrounds is astounded to how much he’s eating
-Everyone knew beel as a cute guy who just does Mukbangs and loves to eat
-He once did a fridge raid and ended up eating everything in the fridge
-That was THE MOST CHAOTIC VIDEO on his channel cause you can just see luci and MC trying to make him stop
-He eventually got a patreon because mammon told him people will give him more money for food like that and to be honest he made a patreon but mammon takes care of it from time to time
-Oh you knew him as this sweet beautiful boy who just likes eating? hERe HavE sOmE WorKOUt pICs
-His body got everyone thirsty or may I say Starving
-S I M P S everywhere
-His patreon content is just him making small videos eating or pictures of him being all sweaty from the gym 😛💦
-“Eh? You should feed me instead” *opens his mouth*
-Fans send him lots of boxes of weird food to see his reaction sometimes
-Did the fire noodle challenge a bit late but everyone is surprised to how he isn’t giving the reaction like they expected him
-Spice tolerance? Unmatched
-His fandom is either “UwU Beel please eat try this!” Or “Daddy Please FEED US WITH YOUR DELICIOUS THIGHS! 😩🥵💦💦💦”
-He does the service where he sends you his body building pictures except he isn’t sending them, Mammon is.
-Manager Mammon 😎 Gets a half of the profit
-Can I just...BeelProbablyHasnevergottenintoanyscandalbuthasalotofhaterssayingthefansonlylikehimforhishandsomefaceandgreatbodyandnicevoicebutlikewhatiswrongwithlikinghimbecauseofthosethings?Itisntbadtolikethatstuffatall
-Last post: “🍙 Thank you to @(Your Username) for the Onigiri! I finished the whole batch! Please send more food”
-Sleep Guru
-Im sorry but I cant see him having any other social media aside from tumblr, twitter and Devilgram
-Belphie barely checks his phone but he has tumblr because apparently there’s a thing called the SandMan’s Box Community
-It’s like LootCrate, a subscription service that gives you stuff like Comfy Pillow sheets and tea for better sleeping
-This even gives you something like sleeping masks or ear muffs.
-The community is well...nocturnal
-His ask box is always full of his 100+ mutuals who just discuss stuff with him
-Whenever he actually does try to type online he makes articles about the best sleep positions or stuff like that
-His fandom is just loving mutuals who sleep and take care of each other
-They have a discord server where it just plays soft music to help everyone sleep
-Last post: “Humans aren’t so bad when they’re asleep”
||Luke and Simeon
-He has a big following on twitch where he just bakes sweets in his cute little hat and-
-Clearly you can tell I follow him on twitch
-The type of twitch streamer that no one hates on because why would you? He is literally just baking and cute comments
-Sometimes he streams with Simeon and everyone loves both of them
-When people give money they dont give “money” no no...they call donating headpats
-Luke is just so adorable that everyone just...
-“Angel Lulu’s Protection Squad⭐️”
-He got famous when he...He doesnt want to call it a collab but He made a lot of sweets and gave them to beel so everyone freaked out and thought
-He is now pissed that everyone thinks they’re friends 😠
-Basically his fans started making dishes and candy inspired by him
-Sometimes they send it in and Simeon has to confiscate some because
-“Im sorry, guys. You are all really sweet and I know that you mean well but Luke isn’t allowed much sweets yet”
-No one ever EVER lewds luke
-Fortunately Luke’s fandom has the least amount of pedophiles because everyone drives them away the moment they try something
-Whenever luke does fan mail/unboxing videos people just adore how Simeon places a glass of water at the table below the camera and the scissors or cutter he uses is child proof
-Even though Luke is the main person on his account everyone also notices Simeon.
-How couldn’t they? He looked like he wanted to make everyone in the audience live a better life
-Add that with luke’s wholesome baking and BOOM! You are now ready for a better life🌟
-Last post: It’s a picture of Luke shyly showing of his new batch of sun and moon shaped sugar cookies. “Sun and Moon. Tune in later at 3 pm to see how we made these!”
-He barely posts but he helps asmodeus with his stuff
-Too busy with anything else but helps out when things get interesting
-Proposes Ideas for Asmo sometimes when the demon doesn’t know what to wear for a live or a story
-Laughs at Asmo sometimes when he gets into scandals and drama
-Happy cameraman ❤️
-People follow him because 1.) He’s hot 2.) The fans ship him with Asmodeus
-Last Post: “When will you learn 🙂”
-He is a vlogger~ Not a very active vlogger but a vlogger nonetheless
-He films anything he can but he’s more known on tik tok and devilgram rather than twitch or youtube
-People have been thirsting for him ever since and no one can convince me that they dont just shamelessly call him daddy whenever he goes on live
-Barbatos makes sure however that whenever it isnt appropriate anymore that he would tell diavolo to turn the camera off
-Wranggled Luci into his mess and now everyone knows the face of that one dude who just reads documents
-Everyone lowkey ships them
-Diavolo is the type to take a picture of a big meeting or a retreat out of instinct to just document his life
-He actually didnt know about vloggers before but he just liked the thought of documenting it
-Everyone picks up “Master” vibes as they say from him hehehe
-He doesnt have an Onlyfans or patreon 😔😔😔
-I honestly would have subscribed to his services
-Last post: “Barbatos made a delicious meal for us at the retreat today” Along with a picture of the Beautiful Demon Delicacy Spread in the table.
Tumblr media
Taglist: No one yet (Please be part of the taglist for more content like this ☹️ It’s getting really discouraging)
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Yuugiroku Drama - Thumb-Sized Samurai Tracks 1-4 (of 7)
This is my last post of the month, so I’ll end by asking you to please support me if you can through my ko-fi, and paypal or patreon which provides access to my hakuoki blog translations and early access to my postings. Also, please let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my Lookout List since i either do not have audio for those cds or do not have audio that I can share.... and if you are able to remove watermarks from a video, please contact me.  
Well... I’m finally done with all that i can translate for this drama. posting these tracks all together since im unable to continue translating the rest of this by myself... which is something i wouldn’t normally do because i prefer splitting tracks up for more items on my queue, tho that’s also a side-effect of me usually not being able to stay focused on one drama... not sure when i’ll get to the subtitle videos for these since im still pretty busy (while i have the first 3 tracks of this drama subtitled [unedited], at this rate, i might just wait for when finals are done and just focus on all my videos in bulk then... plus ive yet to receive the tl for track 6 and 7 [and need someone else to go over where the voices overlap in track 5], so that will likely cause further delays to the videos for this drama).
also i totally caved in and exchanged points for the yuukoku no moriarty stage play file with chinese subs that someone finished translating recently and bought the blu-ray for the 2nd musical. havent craved more content from a fandom this badly since about a few months before i decided that i would start translating hakuoki stuff lol. 
Hakuoki Yuugiroku 2 Limited Edition Bonus Drama CD “Thumb-sized Samurai”
Translation by KumoriYami
Track 1
Kazama: hehehe~ Sure enough/As expected, this medicine's blend of Forsythia grass and boiled eel, along with my yearning and passion....
Heh.....hehehahaha~!!! Success at last! This forbidden drug, it shall be named ——the New Ishida Sanyaku · Changed/Improved!!
Hm~. as long as this strange drug  "the New Ishida Sanyaku" is improved, it will become a panacea that will make people fall deeply in love.......
She obviously loves me, [however] my wife is is unable to honestly admit to her feelings [and] is tormented by the pain of love-sickness/My wife, tortured by love sickness, has refused to admit her feelings, isn't this medicine suitable for her?
Alright/Well, now that this medicine has been completed, this must be quickly brought to my wife to drink.
No, wait, just in case, the effects of this must be tested first. (Kazama begins walking off somewhere—)
Track 2
Harada: So that's it/all, Hijikata-san, that's all I can report on. Sure enough/As expected, the team members' most pressing concern is the security of headquarters.
Saito: My opinions/suggestions are almost the same/similar/the same as Sano's. I believe that we need to improve our defences against intruders.
Hijikata: Is that so. I understand what you guys are saying. Harada and Saito, you've worked hard....... That being said, it's difficult to completely prevent intruders from coming in. This place is a temple, not a fortress. Even if we installed a fence now, that isn't really a good plan.
Saito:.....So what you're saying is......
Harada: But, shouldn't the area around Chizuru's room at least be fortified? It is true that someone is after her.
Saito: Kazama Chikage, Amagri and Shiranui [check audio], the self-proclaimed group of oni......
Hijikata:......Indeed. In short I need to consult with Kondou-san about this....... Then, that'll be it for today's report.
Saito: Then I'll go make some tea. You should rest first. Sano, you should also drink some.
Harada: Oh, thanks a lot. Then I won't be impolite [rephrase later].
(Saito leaves then returns shortly after)
Saito: I've brought the tea. This is fresh[ly brewed] and hot, so please be careful.
Harada: Thank you. I didn't expect this so quickly.
Hijikata: (sips tea)......Oh, what's this, Saito? Did you use some other tea leaves today?
Saito: Nn?......No, I haven't done that.
Hijikata: Really? Then why do I feel that this tastes different from usual?
Harada: You didn't put poison in did you?
Saito:......!! Don't say such frightening words, Sano. The idea of me poisoning the Vice-Commander is complete nonsense. [i prefer the word 'utter']
Harada: Don't get angry, I was just kidding. (sips tea).......but, like Hijikata-san said, the taste of this tea really is odd/strange [tl says 'subtle']......
Saito: Strange? How could that be...... (sips tea)....!!
Harada: What's wrong? You've suddenly become quiet.
Saito: This taste is of...... Ishida Sanyaku !?
Hijikata: Ahaha, I was thinking that this tasted a bit familiar, so that's what it was........ wa, wait! Why was that put into the tea!?
Harada: Saito..... you bastard, did you actually put Ishida Sanyaku into tea/you didn't actually put Ishida Sanyaku into tea did you? Even if you love that stuff, you should know when to stop before going too far [idiom. rephrase later]!
Saito: No......I would remember doing something like that. I only saw that the teapot lid was open, that there were tea leaves already inside, and that I was thinking how it could easily be brought over to be used......
Hijikata:......There was already tea inside? Did you notice if there was something strange/weird in the surroundings?
Saito: Speaking of which........ I saw something, I thought it was garbage so I ignored it, I think I remember how a note there was a written note saying "dedicated/specially for my wife. Dogs are strictly prohibited to touch this" or something like that.......
Hijikata: What, those words. From where do they....seem... familiar.......
(Hijikata collapses)
Saito: Vice-Commander!!
Harada: oi~ oi!! What's wrong, Hijikata-san! Why are you/why did you suddenly....... falling/collapsing/fall/collapse......!!
(Harada collapses)
Saito: Sano!! Why are you also......!!.......Why am I/How can I.......also....... be fainting........!
(Saito collapses)
Track 3
Souji: Ha...... good grief, this is a real problem. I've long wanted to say this, but why is it necessary for us to submit a report about our patrols when nothing unusual happened?
Heisuke: I actually think that way too. But nothing can be done about this because of the rules~
Souji: Anyway, if nothing unusual happens, isn't it enough for Heisuke to make the report/that you make the report, Heisuke? I don't think I should be involved in giving it~
Heisuke: You just don't want to go to Hijikata-san's room. If you were giving a report to Kondou-san, you'd obviously be very happy.
Souji: That's because Hijikata-san sees me he won't stop talking as soon as he sees me. Before this, all I did was secretly prepared some ink and smeared a stone into it so that it turned black. He surprisingly became furious at me.
Heisuke:......Anyone who experienced this kind of thing would get really angry.......  Hijikata-san, we're coming in. (they stop walking and open a door) Hey~ Hijikata-san~! Eh? Ah? It seems that he isn't here?
Souji:......But, doesn't it look like he was was recently in the room? Look, something spilled on to the floor.
Heisuke: What~? Is it possible that he wasn't careful and spilled his teacup, then panicked as he left to go and get a towel to dry this?
Souji: Maybe. Anyhow/Speaking of which...... besides the tea, there seems to be some other strange thing on the floor...... What is this?
Heisuke:......Hijikata-san, Sano-san, and Hajime-kun? What are these, these puppets/figurines [or dolls] look very well made. These might be Hijikata-san's things, so it'd be better not to touch them.
Souji: Anyway it seems like he's not in his room right now. Nothing to be done about it then~ [we'll] hand in our report later.
Heisuke: Yeah. Really, just where did he go......
(they open the door and leave the room)
Track 4
Harada: Saito...... Oi, Saito...! Wake up, I'm telling you to wake up!
Saito:.......Mm...mrgh... S-Sano?
Harada: Yeah.... oh, wait a sec! It's good that you're awake, but you can't open your eyes yet!...... Well, how should I put this...... you need to be mentally prepared......
Saito:.....? What are you saying? What mental preparations......?
~music tune~
Saito:.......!! Sano!?………………Sano?
Harada: Why is that a question? Without a doubt, it's me, Harada Sanosuke.
Saito: No....... But, the Sano I know, doesn't have that height......
Harada: Don't worry, you've become just like me. Just look down at your own body.
Saito:.....!!  Even my sword is unsteady in these smaller hands, and if I step forward, there's the risk of falling over because this extremely big head..... What the hell happened to my body...!
Harada: I'll say it first, but this isn't a dream. Because I've already my face quite a few times.
Saito:......This lowly/humble body...... let alone moving, won't I be useless to the vice-commander and be unable to contribute to the Shinsengumi!?
Harada: In a sense, I don't think you'll need to worry about that? Take a look/Look, Hijikata-san has also become like/also looks like this.
~music tune~
Hijikata: Ah...... damn it......! My hands and feet [arms and legs] have gotten shorter, and everything else [tl is surroundings/everything in the surrounding] has become incredibly large......!
Saito: E-Even the Vice-Commander.....!? Why do you [also] have this awkward appearance......!!
Hijikata: Saito, you're awake. I just woke up...... Oi, Harada, why on earth have we become/do we look like this!
Harada: Even if you ask me that, I have no idea/I don't know. I was like this when I woke up.
Hijikata: Yeah....... well, since the three of us have all become like this, it's obvious/goes without saying that the pot of tea was strange.
Harada: Yeah. To begin with, it's strange to have tasted Ishida Sanyaku in tea.
Saito:......I see. That is to say that this is all due to Ishida Sanyaku......
Hijikata: No, that's impossible......
Saito: Ishida Sanyaku is a medicine that is meant to be taken with sake, because it was deviously put into tea, this sort of of trouble happened.......
???: Che~ how stupid [tl is more "stupid beyond the point of help/redemption but i can't figure out how to word that]! Devious? It's shameless to even guess/speculate about this [reword later].
Harada:......! That arrogant voice......! Kazama!!?!?
Hiijikata: You bastard! Are you actually here to harass Chizuru again[??? there's an idiom used in this sentence that I don't really get so i omitted it]!? Where the hell are you hiding!?
Kazama: HAH~! Are your eyes just decorations?  I don't run or hide, so are you not able to see who is before your eyes?
~music tune~
Saito: Ha....... so you've also become like this...
Harada: I couldn't help but look up just now ['doubt my eyes'ish or 'look away'.... or something?] . (whispers) Ha.... It turned out be some random passerby.
Kazama: You bastard, sighing after looking at someone else's face, you really know nothing about etiquette!
Hijikata:: After breaking into someone's home, it goes without saying that etiquette will go to the dogs [reword later]! Alright, Saito, Harada! Let's drive this guy out of headquarters!
Saito: Understood (draws sword)
Kazama: Ah~ do you plan on fighting me with that poor body of yours?
Hijikata: Look at yourself, aren't you also the same!?
Harada: Speaking of that guy, why are you even here?.... Don't tell me that it was your plan to make our bodies smaller!?
Kazama: Ha, have you finally noticed it. You idiots/fools with no brains.
Saito: In other words, this is all that guy's fault?! Making all of our bodies smaller, what do you intend on doing?!
Kazama: It has nothing to do with you. I was only looking for my wife.... Yes, only just my wife.... That damn vile medicine!! To actually make turn me into this inferior article!!
Hijikata: Although I don't get why you're so upset, quit rambling, and hurry up and tell us the way to get us back to normal!
Saito: You still won't talk. Then violence can be the only answer [reword later. don't like how it reads]...!
Harada: Hold it, Saito!
Saito: Why are you stopping me, Sano! If we don't get the answer out of that guy's mouth, we won't be able to get our bodies back to normal!
Harada: Don't you think it's a bit strange? Kazama was originally the culprit with that medicine, but why is that guy so small now? If he was able to get back to normal, he already would have done that!
Hijikata: Co-Could it be.... you're not going to say that you don't know how to get us back to normal, right!
Kazama:  Did you finally realize it? You idiots with no intelligence!
Harada: Uwah....... I really want to beat him up......
Saito: Vice-Commander, please give me the order to cut that guy down!
Kazama: Che, listen to me! It's not that I don't know how to restore us to our original states. It's just that this method will be extremely difficult to accomplish.
Hijikata:……Difficult [Difficult how]……?
Kazama: It's simple to get back to our original states. The teapot with the medicine in it is still in the kitchen. We just need to drink more of that medicine, the "New and Improved Ishida Sanyaku."
Harada: I feel that I want to complain about the name of that medicine since it's a bit too subtle.... But will that really work?!
Kazama: Of course. As I possess the noble bloodline of the oni, it's impossible for me to lie.
Hijikata: For the time being, we'll believe what you say. For the time being, we'll believe what you say. You said it'd be difficult, but shouldn't being able to get into the kitchen smoothly, be the only problem? 
Saito: Indeed. Just from the drop to the ground, which looks as high a wall, you can definitely infer how difficult it will be to get to the kitchen...
Kazama: That's right. As a dog who can only wag his head and wag his tail, that ability to understand is really good.
Harada: How is it that I feel angry whenever I hear you say something nasty [reword later].... Well, since we're like this, if we have more people, we'll be able to solve this problem sooner.
Hijikata: Speaking of which...... if someone would pass by/if someone just passed by......
(voices heard in distance)
Souji: Eh~ really, I don't always want to be doing this every time~
Heisuke: Don't say that. Hijikata-san should be back at his room now, right?
Hijikata: Those voices just now...... are Souji and Heisuke's?
Saito: Souji! Heisuke! Come here......! Mmph......! (mouth gets covered by Harada)
Harada: Don't be impulsive, Saito!!
Saito (weakly) What are you doing......!
Harada: I'm telling you/Listen [to me], just think about it! Even if Heisuke helps, the other person there is Souji!
Hijikata: If that guy finds out that we're tiny/this small, who knows how he would react!
Saito: (gasps and moves Harada's hand away) Ha...... Indeed, he'd treat us like toys and handle us as if we were straw...... just imagining that gives me the chills [reword later]......
Kazama: Che, as expected of a pack of dogs made up of rogues and villains. It's amazing that how you don't even have confidence/trust in your own companions.
Hijikata: Shut up! Under these circumstances...! Perhaps Souji is the only exception!
Harada: In the first place, what should we be doing, Hijikata-san? We have to do something, so should we just tell Heisuke about what happened?
Hijikata: Uh………… No, let's pretend to be dolls for a while. After, we can wait for Yamazaki or maybe Gen-san....... ah, there's still Chizuru, [but] we should wait for someone reasonable to pass by.
Kazama: What are you saying? You're actually telling me to pretend to be a doll [reword later]!?
Hijikata; Shut up and just do as I say! Even if it's you, if you can't get back to normal, won't you have a lot of problems!
Kazama: Che. There's nothing to be done/that can be done about it then.
Harada: Heisuke's coming! Everyone stop talking!
(door slides open)
Heisuke: Hijikata-san~!  Hah!? Still not here......
Okita: That's strange. I just heard a very quiet voice just now, so I thought Hajime-kun was here. (looks around) Anyhow, why have these dolls that were placed here, so scattered around [reword later/thesaurus]? Furthermore, this/And this strange doll with blond hair, I don't remember seeing it earlier.  
Toudou: What is this, a doll of Kazama? There's even one of one of Sano-san, but why isn't there one of these odd dolls of you or me, Souji?
(Heisuke pokes Kazama's head)
Kazama: You bastard......! The only one in the world who is allowed to touch me, is my wife...!
Harada: Come on, don't talk, just be patient!
Souji: These two figures look very much like Hijikata-san and Hajime-kun... Come look at them, they look pretty funny/interesting~
(Souji pokes Hijikata's head)
Okita: Nn? I seemed to have heard something strange?
Harada: Well since these are Hijikata-san's things, if you play around too much with them, he'll get super angry~
Souji: That's right. But, if we just leave them here like this, isn't it likely for that cat to play around with them [reword later]?
Heisuke: It's as you say though since they were already left in a mess, maybe that cat messed them up [reword later].
Souji: In that case, why don't we just put them all into a box? They can be also put into a closet where the cat won't be able to reach them.
Saito: ………………What!?
Harada: If that happens, won't we be unable to move!?
Hijikata: This bastard/guy, he just had to come up with such a rotten idea right now!
Heisuke: Let's hold onto them for the time being then. Anyway, we still need to come back later and give give the report for our patrol. At the time, we can return these to Hijikata-san.
Souji: You're not thinking about taking these back to your room to prank them because you're upset about the faces of these dolls, right [i think? reword later]?
Heisuke: This idea of yours won't be any good/You're the only one who would come up with such a bad idea... well, then I'll take the Sano-san and Kazama dolls for to hold onto for safekeeping.
Kazama: Kuh......! Things are getting more and more complicated...
--To be continued...?---
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i’ve been aching to commentate spirit phone’s commentary for ages. glad i finally got around to it, this was an ejoyable experience. liveblog below the cut
-i'm like half certain i've heard this commentary before. maybe not the whole way through & it was probably actual years ago
-nice hearing stuff like this. in-depth personal view of the album-making process. makes it seem like more of a real thing i could do myself someday
-neil cicierega real person momence
-i could probably go real in depth about neil cicierega/tally hall parallels specifically concerning like. the arc of their musical careers. but i won't, here
-wild how i legitimately don't care much about micheal jackson
-didnt we get a bunch of spirit phone stems from the needlejuice release/his patreon? we could probably hear the funny track he speaks of here in that
-i love hearing musical artists, especially neil cicierega, talking about the meanings of their songs. like, not only has this song been claimed to hell & back by the tumblr gays, but with later ones i just can't see where he gets these ideas from. also, claiming there's any one meaning or plot to a song just seems silly to me
-shoutout to neil reusing a midi from like, 1998, that he made at 12 years old, whose entire melody was reused for the main verses of everybody loves raymond. loved finding that out on my own 2 years ago. now it's common trivia in this fandom. not bad times
-it'd be neat if neil did individual trans tracks here like he did with view monstel, those things are half of why i consider it my favorite album
-it's a lot easier to ignore the creator's intended meaning behind a song when he can't even remember it. thanks neil
-seesaw effect
-and there's my joke all but 1 of my followers wont get. moving on
-what kinds of movie theater lobbies has neil been to where there are arcade machines. i mean im not one to talk but that does sound rather strange
-why do songs' titles even need to be taken from the lyrics. ive never seen that as any sort of requisite. it's like titling any form of prose you can just give it whatever name ya like
-"this part sounds pretty cool right"
-is neil's vocal range only mildly better than mine? with training i could change that
-oh i haven't processed any of the last 25 seconds hold on
-god. a shit ton of vocal modification in this song. it's like neil returned to his roots but with quality this time
-i, as an ace/aro, have never related more to an allohet guy in my life. what is the point of eyes!
-professional humming/whistling takes skill. it's different from the recreational or casual stuff. i'd know
-there's a name for the way sound (especially music) gets distorted when moving past you and i can't remember it but it's probably what neil's referring to here in the way he recorded the intro
(- update: it's the doppler effect no need to tell me cas already did)
-as someone who hasnt seen the rugrats or take me there by blackstreet i'll just say it sounded like a bouncy music box melody. nice to hear a song that messes with the typical scales though. lydian & diatonic.
-that's a rather specific thing to be glad about, but given what he talked about in his last full audio commentary about the jew harp i suppose i'm not surprised
-i know that tmbg song now. listened to it & saw the music video too. yep they're different alright
-where the hell does neil get all these instrumence from anyway
-huh. hadnt heard this part of the commentary before making my oc concerning this song but i like to hear neil's approval concerning part of my interpretation
-i love how ive heard a billion different tellings of this mellified man story from lem dem fans talking about this song and neil's is by far the wildest
-good god that does only make it worse neil
-i love making liveblogs of lemon demon albums. with the fullerenes or tally hall i cant name a specific dude to take out my woes on generally but with lemon demon i can just say neil all the time. i like being on a casual first name basis with this dude ive never interacted with once ever
-is sweet bod the one other than cabinet man with a demo in the bonus tracks? i forget
-holy shit the boston molasses disaster someone call up soapy if it doesnt already know, it'd love this
-two thousand nine. god i miss the fiddle solo. the ver with it is truly the best one
-he pronounces it jeff? i've always read it as gef with a hard g. that's what i get for knowing words that are never spoken aloud
-that's a fun meta interpretation of this ghost story that's over a century old. i like that
-i've noticed neil generally does the same synths across a whole album. it's especially more clear in the earlier ones, and does mean i occasionally mix up songs between clown circus & live from the haunted candle shop
-ah! ancient aliens! my least favorite track on this album. i cant even claim to have the least interest in a popular one i've just generally not liked this one much from the beginning. so im curious to see what neil's got to say, i think ive been in ~new commentary zone for a while now
-anyway. newest update on the loolin not realizing a song's funky time signature front: i think this one's in 6/4. or at least switches a lot between time signatures. granted i dont listen to it very often for the reasons stated above
-see the way neil describes it. eldritch horror upon being visited by the unknown at a time when humanity'd hadn't even yet had a chance to imagine such a thing occurring. should be right up my alley. but the sound itself & many of the lyrics simply turn me away.
-must i specify i don't dislike it? spirit phone is neil's best album it not being my favorite doesn't mean i think it's bad yadda yadda nobody should be surprised by this it's not like anyone in these fandoms reads my liveblogs <3
-granted i think this is. the first bit of spirit phone content i've made on my blog ever. so who knows things can change <3
-the transitions in spirit phone are much less view-monster transition tracks & more extended outros. view-monster's were a bit more intro than outro sure but they also seemed directed upon making a 2-way rather than 1-way bridge between tracks. or something like that
-.............soft fuzzy man is an incredible nickname for a cat. i'd steal that if i werent afraid of introducing my relatives to lemon demon
-an underlying metaphor is good enough. the literal side of the lyrics are fun. nothing but agreement here neil my good man
-the transition into as your father i expressly forbid it from soft fuzzy man is the best one in this album
-buddy you ask if a musical idea has been used before odds are the answer is yes in this day & age the question is has it been used in the way you're using it. like sure this soul jazz record from the 60s that was sold out in kansas stores for a week used this bassline that youve found yourself copying. but seeing as youre using it in some angsty garage rock ballad type tune does anybody actually care
-doesn't everybody like to say things in an unhinged manner from time to time
-imagine having a guitar dad, i say, with my dad being a folk accordion/fiddle dad, which is infinitely worse in every way
-i think he was in an actual folk band at some point. idk the 90s were weird
-iron my life?
-m-more intimate? there are a lot of ways i'd describe this song but intimate isn't one of them. granted as your father is negatively intimate so from there i guess you've got nowhere to go but up
-...still glad to see his interpretation kinda supports my oc at least
-the way he says characters in songs shouldn't worry about death really strongly makes me think this is some sort of. thematic continuation of stuck from dinosaurchestra, even if there's no real death in there. interesting. would also mean that the dad from these past 2 songs is named carlos betty (no last name)
-i literally never assumed this was a flute solo. piccolo at best. it's pretty clearly a recorder
-my mom plays the recorder. i wonder if she can play recorder better than neil cicierega
-we can throw a party in honor of the crushing weight of responsibility! i simply won't be the one throwing it because i have enough on my plate already <3
-what the hell does "a sense of intent" mean
-i've never heard rush before however i disagree with neil's understanding of 6/4. 6/4 is meant to have emphasis (onbeat or another term i can't remember) on the 1st & 4th beat of every measure, which is greatly different from a measure of 4/4 then a measure of 2/4. it's why his 5/4 always sounds weird, because while it's recognizable in sequences of 10/4, it's more 2 measures of 4/4 with one of 2/4 tacked on the end. that's also how it's different from 3/4. i don't know much music theory but what i do understand i will fight to the death about
-"canonized" that's. a very interesting term to use when referring to a former president
-from now on i will interpret every love song directed at some unseen "you" to be inviting me to marry them for tax purposes. thanks neil for being an aromantic icon
-ah hell yes hell yes man-made object is my favorite goddam song on this album
-short & sweet & good damn vibes. neil's thoughts on it all are only making it better
-wild how he uses very few vocal effects for a song that he clearly is straining his vocal range for. go off neil
-the qualifier of man-made is a wonderful thing. oldest or biggest thing? oldest or biggest man-made thing? what a incredibly important specification. a world of possibilities lie between the two. oh i love it
-just gets me thinking yknow! what we consider weird/impressive in another species, in our own species- what kind of equivalent to that would there be from an outsider looking in? are there alien versions of the significances we place upon things, that we could never imagine? the limits of the human imagination mean we could never conceive of something else in the world that isn't, in some way great or small, just like us- and are we wrong for thinking that? such a juicy topic i wish there were a name for it because it's kinda hard to explain concisely
-spiral of ants. my second favorite song from this album, in fact. a good one to experience
-the vocals are just another instrument. they really truly are. i wasn't going into this commentary expecting to feel solidarity for neil cicierega in this chili's tonight on more than one occasion but here i am.
-like, his whole stance on interpreting songs is something i agree with almost entirely. you can take it at face value, you can dig to their very depths, you can listen to songs without caring what the lyrics mean whatsoever, and those are all fun. & yeah while any of these people can be annoying as one of the types who enjoys gliding on the surface more than anything i find those who dedicate themselves to figuring out the whole meaning of a song over anything else to be both slightly scary & slightly annoying <3 keep up the good work
-i want to make songs for my siblings the way neil makes songs for his sibling(s)
-neil really shouldn't be allowed to be this funny like this whole album youre thinking golly! he's just a normal man this neil cicierega! and then he starts listing the cat hacks jokes & you remember he's had ridiculously consistent viral success with all his humorous endeavors and holy shit it's neil cicierega in action talking about his music. god bless you neil
-you're welcome, no problem, my pleasure. good eveternoon, radio audience!
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k-llama-llama · 4 years
The Right Choice
Stray Kids AU: 9th member
Tori x Stray Kids
Tori makes a decision.
A/N:  Please check out my PATREON (patreon.com/kllamallama) for exclusive posts you can’t get anywhere else, as well as lots of other cool benefits!
Requests are OPEN and your feedback is still greatly appreciated!
Masterlist and other Follow Me links in bio!
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“I’m going out, do you need anything from the store?” Tori called out as she pulled her shoes on.
Chan came out of the kitchen. “You’re going out?”
“Yeah.” She grabbed her mask out of her pocket. “Is there something you need?”
“Just this.” He glanced quickly to make sure they were alone and then leaned in to press a quick kiss to her lips.
Tori frowned. “I meant things from the store, you loser.”
“Nah, I’m good.” He grinned. “But you’re going to the store?”
“Yes!” Tori laughed. “What’s so confusing?”
“You’re bringing your laptop.” Chan noted. “You don’t usually do that.”
“I’m going to do some work at a coffee shop.” Tori lied. “Why, do you need me back for something?”
He shook his head. “Just for practice later. We’re going to start recording soon so you have to get familiar with the new songs.”
“I’ll be back.” Tori promised. “See you later?”
“See you.” He kissed her on the cheek. “Be safe.”
Tori made her way down to the street, hailing a cab and getting in. Truth be told, she actually had a meeting with JYP, but she didn’t think now was the time to broach the subject with Chan. She’d tell him tonight, after she talked it over with JYP and decided what she wanted to do.
Too quickly, the cab pulled up at the JYP building. Tori hurried in, straight to the elevator and up to the administration floors. She knew JYP was expecting her, but she still knocked timidly on the door frame.
“Come in!”
Tori snuck in, giving a bow and a polite smile to the man as she took a seat at the couch in his office.
“Tori, glad you could make it?” He closed his own laptop and walked over to sit across from her. “Any progress?”
Tori nodded, opening her bag and setting up her computer. “I looked at the notes you sent me and tried to work them into the song. I finished it last night.”
“Well, let me hear it!” He exclaimed.
Tori hit play, leaning back into the chair to watch as he took in the music. If she’d been proud of the song when she first showed it to him weeks ago, that was nothing on how she felt about it now. She’d poured everything into the song, and now felt that it was the perfect song for her.
“It’s really good.” JYP nodded. “You’ve really cleaned it up, but your style still rings through.”
“You think?” Tori grinned. “I’m pretty happy with it.”
“So am I.” JYP agreed. “So we need to talk about your next steps.”
“Right.” Tori bit her lip. “I was thinking about that, and maybe I could just release it as a bonus video. You know like the one Jisung is working on.”
JYP sighed. “Is that really what you want?”
“Well, it wouldn’t be too much of a hassle and I think it would be a good idea.” She said, settling her hands in her lap.
“Can I ask you a something? And will you answer honestly.”
“Of course, sir.” Tori nodded.
“You love this song?”
“A lot.” She confirmed.
“So why not try to release it as a Stray Kids song?”
Tori tilted her head. “It’s not really....I don’t think the style would suit Stray Kids.”
“But it would suit you?”
“I think so.”
“What do you think the other members would say, if you were to go solo?”
“I....” Tori thought for a moment. “I think they would support me no matter what I did. But I love Stray Kids.”
“So if you love the song, and you know it suits you, and you know they’d support you, why not let this be your solo debut?” JYP asked, a smile on his face.
Tori swallowed. “I don’t want to take away from the group. It shouldn’t be all about me.”
“The group wouldn’t be all about you.” JYP reminded her. “But this is a chance for you to take some time and advance your career.”
Tori looked down at the screen, where the muted song was still rotating through. She’d worked so hard on it, and she knew that in another world, it was exactly the type of song she would want to release.
So why not in this world?
“I don’t want to leave Stray Kids.” Tori said finally. “But I want to release the song.”
JYP grinned. “Good. That’s what I was hoping you’d say.”
“So...” Tori managed a smile. “What happens next?”
“We refine the song a bit, schedule a shoot and figure out when we’re releasing it.” JYP told her. “And then we find a promotion schedule that works and it’s good to go.”
“I have....” Tori coughed. “I have ideas for concept and stuff.”
JYP studied her for a moment. “You’re just full of surprises.”
“What do you mean?” Tori tilted her head. 
“Well, I know you’ve had lyric credits before, and you’ve done choreography, but I think this is the first time you’ve worked on something that is your own style.”
“I think so too.” Tori admitted. “But I’m happy about it.”
“That’s the most important thing.” JYP smiled. “I have another meeting, but if you can send me the final version of the song, we’ll arrange a meeting where you can present all of your ideas.”
“Sounds perfect.” Tori grinned, closing her laptop and standing. “Thank you sir.”
JYP held out a hand. “Excited to work with you, Tori Park.”
Tori shook his hand with a smile. “Excited to work with you too, sir.”
The second she was out of the office, she was dialling Felix’s number.
“How did it go?” Felix asked as soon as he picked up the phone.
“I’m doing it!” Tori exclaimed. “I’m doing it, Lix and I’m so excited.”
“It’s going to be awesome!” She could hear him cheering on the other side. “You telling everyone tonight?”
“Chan first, and then yeah.” She confirmed. “But, oh my god, this is insane.”
“You’re going to be a solo artist, Heechul-ah.” Felix told her through the phone. “You’re going to be like the next IU.”
“You haven’t even heard the song yet, how do you know it’s any good?”
“Easy, because you wrote it.” Felix laughed. “Hurry up and get home to tell everyone. Oh, and can you-”
“I’m stopping to get snacks.”
“You’re the best.” He told her. “I’m your number one fan.”
278 notes · View notes
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Another day, another 80s musical reviewed for Wes. This time it’s Xanadu, and I confess I am excited. I know less than nothing about this film, only that it’s 1) bad and 2) beloved by the gays. Sign me up, y’all. So did this inspire me to strap on some roller skates and Farrah Fawcett my hair to the beat of some groovin’ tunes? Well...
Not...exactly. It’s an entry in the list of films that I’m glad I’ve seen for their historical impact but probably never need to see again. Like Birth of a Nation but with less virulent racism. The basic plot is this: Sonny (Michael Beck) is an artist painting album covers when he meets a girl one day named Kira (Olivia Newton-John) who turns his world upside down. He also befriends, and eventually goes into business with, a man named Danny McGuire (Gene Kelly) and together they start a club called Xanadu. 
Some thoughts:
There’s an old man with a scarf sitting on a rocky beach playing his clarinet as the sun rises in the sky. What a way to greet the day. Holy shit that old man is Gene Kelly!! How did I not know he was in this? How is Xanadu’s legacy not “Yeah it’s this trippy rollerskating musical that GENE FREAKING KELLY was in”? So I guess the old clarinet man is actually important to the story, because I thought he was just like, a muse alerting us to the tale we were about to watch unfold. 
Ohhh Kenny Ortega is the choreographer, interesting. I’m so ready to see his early artistic vision and how it developed into the level of genius it was at for High School Musical. 
Ok, the first number is this kind of electric neon ballet set to ELO singing “I’m Alive” and it mostly consists of incredibly beautiful women with Farrah hair dancing and twirling in fantastic skirts while Olivia Newton-John is going :O the whole time. It’s no chandelier dropping from the ceiling, but it’s not a bad way to start a musical. 
Hm, well now the women are turning into lasers and running, kind of like The Flash. Maybe I spoke too soon.
These transitions between scenes are absolutely godawful Powerpoint transitions and I’m obsessed with them. It’s like eating a couple buffalo wings in between your entree and dessert. By itself, not bad, but why would you use that as a way to get from one experience to another?
I am really enjoying this kind of ghost number between Gene Kelly and Olivia Newton-John as he’s remembering his heyday. It’s sweet, and it’s not hard to see that Kelly is drawing on his own experiences and memories of his career in the 40s as he’s imagining this dance with his long lost love.
I don’t think anything is less romantic than roller skating in front of an industrial wind tunnel fan, however, so this part with ONJ and Michael Beck (who plays our main character, Sonny) is a big ol snoozefest. You’ll notice I have not mentioned Sonny yet and there’s a reason for that. He’s the movie’s equivalent of a black hole. I’m so uninterested when he’s on screen. He’s beige shag carpeting. He’s a baloney and mayo sandwich. He’s motel art. Every moment he’s onscreen and ONJ or Gene Kelly aren’t is a moment wasted.  
Every scene feels like a new vignette that is only loosely connected to the previous scenes. This showdown between the old jazz big band number and the 80s rock number feels like two extended music videos, one after the other or a dreadful mashup from Glee (and I don’t mean barely passable Glee, I mean the later seasons). 
Dammmmn have you ever had such a good kiss with someone that you turned animated? Me neither. I’m gonna work on that with Wife.
Oh and the animation sequence was produced by Don Bluth. Of course it fucking was. 
Sonny. My man. How can you love Kira when you don’t know anything about her at all? Have you guys even had one conversation? Or is it all rollerskating lasers and wind tunnel fans. I know you can’t hear a word she says over the sound of that fan, my dude.. 
Ah, so she’s one of the nine muses! This scene where she’s trying to convince Sonny is pretty funny actually. ONJ is hands down the most magnetic and interesting part of this movie.
Wait so...Sonny’s big plan is to run at a wall that’s got a painting on it, and he just assumes he can enter that painting like it’s a portal to another dimension? You’re just gonna Wile E. Coyote this motherfucker and hope for the best? This is probably the only interesting thing I can say about Sonny is that he’s dumb as a bag of hammers. 
Ugghhh this song about staying suspended in time is the “Cheer Up Charlie” of this movie, meaning it goes on way too long, grinds the action to a halt, and makes me irrationally furious just thinking about it.
But then here is Gene Kelly, roller skating through a parade of mimes juggling bowling pins, and it makes everything worth the price of admission again. 
“Xanadu” is the most confusing musical number I’ve ever seen. At one point everyone is tigers, then they’re cowboys. There’s a woman spinning in some kind of acrobatic harness by the back of her neck so she’s just spinning in tight circles. I think someone might have been on fire. I’m thinking John Mulaney watched this many times as inspiration for Stefon-endorsed clubs on SNL. 
Did I Cry? Not even close. 
This is a WEIRD one, which I knew going in, but you just don’t really know how weird until it’s happening to you. And this is definitely a movie that happens to you. Performances? Eh, ONJ and Gene Kelly are mainly skating by on pure charisma. But all the rollerskates and lasers in the world won’t make this script make a lick of sense. See it for the novelty, but it’s the movie equivalent of a Twinkie - confusing and not exactly filling, but enjoyable just the same. 
If you liked this review, please consider reblogging or subscribing to my Patreon! For as low as $1, you can access bonus content and movie reviews, or even request that I review any movie of your choice.
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acaplaya-musings · 3 months
VoicePlay Visuals - Classical Chaos (part 2/2)
(The video itself obviously isn't a two-parter, but this post is! You can go to part 1 here!)
Fun fact: I'm actually typing both parts of this post less than 24 hours after the video's public release! Getting early access on Patreon means I've had ample time to process the video, and by the time it released on YouTube I simply could not wait to begin analysing it!
Okay so I ended part 1 at about 2 minutes and 17 seconds into the video (not quite halfway but close enough), and that is where we shall continue from!
Rachel has just pulled the spellbook back from Layne, and things are getting just a little bit more chaotic now!
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Lol rip @ Eli trying to intercept the book-grab but stumbling/toppling forwards instead 😂
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"Can I-" "Nope"
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"Can I-" "NOPE"
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(Also not a visual thing but I really must give credit and kudos for the inclusion of the Wilhelm Scream here - classic, iconic, we stan 👌)
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Uh, Rachel, Ms White Witch...
(Also highlight and contour ON POINT btw)
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Geoff is just Vibing, we love to see it
(Okay but seriously this version of Fur Elise kinda slaps ngl)
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Geoff: "Wait what are you doing?"
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Pfft, remember how I mentioned the connections to the Little Mermaid Medley video in my first part? Now Geoff is the one having his voice stolen instead of the one doing the voice-stealing! 😆
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Cesar @ Rachel: "Actually I'll take your voice too now!"
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Pfft, Cesar really said "I might not have a huge role in this, but I'm still gonna do the absolute MOST" (seriously he's so hilarious in this video and I love him 😂)
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Oh boy the book is gone again!
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In most cases I'd say that the use of a horn is "pushing it" when it comes to acapella, but this is VoicePlay, and Violayne is a thing, so yeah this is mild in comparison 😝😁
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Cesar is like "OMG HOW COULD YOU? HOW DARE YOU??" while Geoff is just like "dude, really?"
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The whole Can-Can bit is utterly hysterical and I love it so much every time I watch this video - Layne bouncing and clapping along, fireworks suddenly appearing, Cesar actually doing the can-can, it's just absolutely VoicePlay Brand Of Dumb and I'm so here for it 😄
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Eli's cast a love spell between Layne and Rachel!
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Geoff's reaction is 10/10, I love it 😂
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Uh oh, the spell broke!
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And oh she is MAD
(Also love how Geoff appears to be the least scared of The White Witch)
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Seriously the special effects/post-production stuff/CGI was freaking insane in this video! So good! That was all Layne too I guess?
Too hard to get a good picture of it (and I'm nearing the screenshot limit once again anyway) but I love how the fire starts shifting through the whole spectrum of colours during the In The Hall Of The Mountain King bit!
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"The LAST PAGE. Very Important! DO NOT LOOSE!! Bad Things Will Happen!!!"
(It's meant to say "do not lose" but it still kinda works, as it can also meant "do not set loose"/"do not make loose"!)
Also the other page appears to be from an old dictionary (what the spellbook was actually made from I guess?), specifically a page of words starting with O!
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Surprise! Rachel/the White Witch had the last page tucked away the whole time!
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Cesar, Eli, and Layne: *Panik* Geoff: "*sigh* Yep here we go again..."
(My god everyone was killing it with the facial expressions in this video! So many good ones!)
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And it's bye bye Grundels once again!
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What a queen, iconic, love her, we stan👑💜
(And make sure to stick around for the credits!)
Yeah, this video DEFINITELY needed/deserved to be split into two Tumblr posts, and honestly I wasn't sure if I was gonna hit image limit too soon and have to start cutting images from one or both parts, but thankfully I managed to cover just about everything I wanted to.
Hope you enjoyed these posts as well, and if you wanna know what posts I'll be doing next, click the link here if you haven't seen the post already! (I'm currently open to suggestions for "bonus" VoicePlay Visuals posts!) But until next time!
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celtfather · 3 months
The Leprechaun, Building Sherwood Forest Faire Castle #286
The modern image of the leprechaun is very different from the leprechaun of Irish legends. But times change and not everyone adapts as easily. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate both the new and the old as we explore the origins of my song “The Leprechaun.”
Ever dream of building your own castle and starting your own Renaissance festival? Dreams can come true. They did for George Appling of Sherwood Forest Faire.
This is Pub Songs & Stories #286
0:24 - Marc Gunn “Parting Glass” from Soul of Harper
I am Marc Gunn. I’m a Sci F’ Irish musician and podcaster living in Atlanta, Georgia.
If you’re new to the show, please subscribe. You can do that PubSong.com or Just send me an email to follow@celtfather.
Poll: What’s your favorite song on Soul of a Harper?
Merch: Buy Soul of a Harper on Patreon
Nerdy Wonderland. Nerdy Wonderland is a unique and free shopping event that celebrates the geek in all of us. It offers a wide range of nerdy and geek-inspired holiday gifts. This event is designed to bring experts and enthusiasts together to explore and discover extraordinary holiday presents.
Every year, I take a small group of Celtic music fans on the relaxing adventure of a lifetime. We don't see everything. Instead, we stay in one area. We get to know the region through its culture, history, and legends.
That is usually how it rolls. But at the end of September, we’re invading Scotland’s Whisky distilleries in between hiking throughout the country. It’s gonna be epic.
You can join us with an auditory and visual adventure through podcasts and videos. Learn more about the invasion at http://celticinvasion.com/
Every week, the Irish & Celtic Music Podcast asks fans of the show to vote for your favorite songs in the podcast. Those votes are compiled at the end of the year to create the Celtic Top 20, your pick of the best music of the year.
I don’t just make the podcast, I’m a fan of it too. So here is another favorite from recent episodes.
7:04 - The Dustbunnies "Gillingham Ramshire" from What Goes Around
From Irish & Celtic Music Podcast #655: The Cat’s Meow
“La Ta Tee Da” by Brendan O’Loughlin
Driving to Dallas for gig with Bards
Rewriting the song with Inara
Lucky Charms breakfast cereal
The Leprechaun
lyrics and music by Marc Gunn
There's a Leprechaun in me head, and I wish that I were dead For I don't think he'll e'er let me be. Oh, he tempts me with his gold, and if I were e'er so bold, I'd strangle him and leave him in the street.
* Well, he says to me, "Ah, you're no Irish Laddie! And ye call that thing a harp?" But each time I share the lore that I am learning. He hides in shame while my friends they chant.
* La ta tee, da diddley dee, la ta tee ta tee da La ta tee, da diddley diddley dai La ta tee, da diddley dee, la ta tee ta tee da La ta tee, da diddley diddley dai
There's a leprechaun in my room. He swats me with a broom. That's the reason I forget the words of this song. Well, he shows me a four-leaf clover, and before me song is over, It's buried in a bowl of Lucky Charms.
There's a leprechaun on the floor, and he says that I'm a bore. He yawns aloud as I sing my song. He feigns one last breathe stolen, but I see his eyes are open. And he's watching me with envy deep inside.
There's a leprechaun on a hill, and his gold is buried there. So I grab him by the neck 'fore he gets away. The pot's too heavy, he giggles, so I pinch me just a little, And he thinks he's fooled me as I run away.
21:29 - Marc Gunn “The Leprechaun” from Soul of Harper
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Ever since I started performing at Renaissance festivals in 1999, I've dreamed about starting my own faire. I think most Rennies have. How exciting that would be! George Appling, or King George as he's known at the Sherwood Forest Faire, not only dreamed of it, he made his dream a reality.
How did it happen? Where did this inspiration come from? Where has he seen his greatest successes and challenges over the years?
56:33 - Patsy O'Brien "Jack 'Brien" from Onward
1:01:32 - CREDITS
Thanks for listening to Pub Songs & Stories. This episode was edited by Mitchell Petersen.
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joshslater · 4 years
Pink Drink Twink
Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
“Compliments from the gentleman in the corner” said the bartender as he placed the girliest of cocktails in front of me. A martini glass with a pinkish liquid, and a bright neon pink cherry on a stem in the middle. I looked up at Matt, who faced the right direction and saw his quizzical look turn into disgust. “Oh, for fuck’s sake. It’s that fucking leather fag again. He’s still trying to score, even after what you told him” To say I rejected him was an understatement. Luckily freedom of speech trumps hate crime laws. Matt was just about to pour out the drink on the floor, when I stopped him.
“Hey, he’s not the one who has to clean it up.” Matt held the glass still for a few moments before setting it down next to our beers. “It’s harassment, that’s what it fucking is.” “Good luck convincing someone that handing out cocktails is harassing someone. In fact...” I said, picking out the cherry, dumping it in one empty beer glass, then pouring the liquid into another “...it is now acceptable free booze.” “Well, I’m not touching it.” “You are not pretty enough to have burly men buying you drinks.” “Thank fuck for that.”
It didn’t taste that special. Sweet raspberry with too low ABV to be interesting. But easily flushed down with another beer before we split. Matt had work in the morning, the plight of manual labor, but I had all weekend off. Despite our different trajectories after we graduated, we still enjoyed each other’s company. He was a dumbass, but made friends instantly with everyone, and I made heavy use of his truck.
It was such a surprise to wake up early Saturday morning. Sure, we didn’t drink heavily, but I was normally tapping my way through snoozes in my phone’s alarm. Now I woke up earlier than that, without even setting one. I could only pretend to be annoyed though, because I felt better than in weeks. Fully rested and full of energy. I knew I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, so I got up and got dressed. I made a mental note to be more consistent with my gym times. I looked much leaner than I recalled, but then those things hava a tendency to sneak up on you until you realize something needs to be done. Then I went to the mirror.
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The pink hair is the most striking, of course, but to me the eyes are what makes the most impact. I have trouble comprehending what I see. Reflected back I see a version of myself that has been altered in far too many ways to count. It isn’t the brown-eyed, black-haired, chiseled ex-lacrosse player I was used to see, but someone with much more boyish features. My jawline is still pretty much there, but my nose is very different from what it used to be, and my eyes are greyish-blue with a sort of surprised or naive expression. What the fuck happened?
I let my fingers run through my pink tinged hair. It felt silky smooth, like I was an obsessive user of conditioner. It must be the pink cocktail. That’s the only thing out of the ordinary I could think of. What about Matt? I rushed to the phone and picked him from the phone history. It felt like an eternity as signal after signal went by.
“It’s Matt” “Thank fuck Matt, have you...” I stopped myself. I didn’t sound anything like I would usually sound like. I sounded like a teenager again. “Jeremy, is that you?” “Yeah. Is everything... normal?” “I would say so, yes. You sound really weird.” “I think I got something. Talk to you later.”
So some disgusting leather homo tries to pick me up at a bar. I turn him down. He hands me a potion or something that turns me into what exactly? What is his end game? It’s not like I would have sex with him, or any guy, just because I look like I’m in a boy band.
I’m confident I’m not just suddenly realizing I’m slimmer, but that too is due to the potion. I decide to not just chill all day as planned, but to go to the gym and see what the damage is. I figure I can wear a beanie to avoid looking like a weirdo.
Cardio is going great. I feel the positive energy from waking up pulsing through the body, and I’m going faster and for longer than I normally do on the treadmill. It’s like I woke up fully charged for the first time in months. As I move over to weights it turns sour quickly. I’m so much lower in weight than I normally do that it isn’t funny. I can barely do a few reps on what I would typically do 10-15 reps on. I drop to a lower weight, but now I’m tired instead and can barely do a few on the lower weight. I move between exercises, and it’s the same again and again. What’s worse is I’m getting an erection, perhaps from all the straining. It has never happened before. I give up on the set and head towards the locker room. I decided against taking a shower, not only because of my boner, but I realize I would have to take off my beanie. Instead I jog back home, which is feeling surprisingly good, all things considered.
Once back home go straight to the shower, rip off my gym clothes and throw them in a heap. I step into the shower and almost turn on the water before remembering to take off the beanie. I throw it on top of the pile, and let the water start running on my damp skin. Damn it feels good. It’s like everything is more sensitive today. My hard-on, that never really went away during the jog, perks up. I take plenty of soap and spend a good thirty minutes having the best wank in weeks, and end up pumping out liquid as if I was a soap dispenser myself. I’m so deep in trouble.
I’m struck by post wank clarity. All of this, even though parts of it is really fucking good, is because of that frilly drink. I must find that creep and confront him as soon as possible. Unfortunately it’s not even lunch yet, and there isn’t even a guarantee he would be at the bar tonight, or ever again. My plan of chilling and doing nothing for the day turns into anxiously doing nothing. I waste some time on unfocused gaming with terrible results. I’m not hungry, but eat a bowl of yogurt while browsing stuff I can’t remember 30 seconds later. Everything is just unbearable, so I put on my damp gym clothes again and leave for a run.
I’ve never been a big fan of running before. If this is another change forced upon me I’m actually kind of OK with it. It feels amazing to just ignore everything that is happening and just run at random. I don’t know for how long, but as I’m getting close to home again I start to sprint. I run as hard as I can, really giving it my all. It’s amazing. I’m soaked in sweat, panting deeply, and again have a throbbing erection. I don’t bother to reflect on any of it. I just pretend that everything is amazing, have an amazing shower with amazing soap and an amazing wank.
As I dry off myself my phone begins to ring. I know right away from the bathroom that it is Matt calling. Long ago I gave him the Nokia ringtone on my iPhone, which at some point was hilarious.
“Hi Matt” I shock myself with my voice. It has shifted even more since this morning, and now sounds like an obnoxious brat. “Hey, I just came off. Are you OK? You still sound different.” “I’m not really feeling like myself. It’s probably best if I stay in tonight.” “OK. I have some Netflix to catch up on. Get well. Target at ten tomorrow?” “Yeah, sure. Bye.”
I walk over to a mirror. I don’t look that different from this morning, do I? What if this wasn’t a change, but a process that has just begun? That I am slowly turning into someone else. Or something else. I look at the time on the phone. Still hours until the bar opened, so plenty of time to go crazy while thinking of this.
We had been at the bar much later yesterday, but I can’t risk missing him if he is early today, and I can’t stand sitting at home anyways. I dress simply, a white T-shirt and skinny jeans, and head over to the bar only half an hour after they opened. The bouncer takes forever to check my ID before letting me in. He is not here, but then so is no one else. Besides me and the staff there are only a handful of people. I tell the bartender that I’m looking for someone and might be here a while, order a diet coke, and grab a table by the wall from which I can see the entrance.
Three hours, two daiquiris and three diet cokes later I’m utterly bored. It’s only a quarter past eight, and so much more evening left, but I feel restless and tired at the same time. We didn’t arrive until well past nine, and the place doesn’t close until two. At what point do I give up?
Just as I’m thinking that I see him. The balding man in his forties, in black leather boots, black jeans and black leather jacket. I don’t like him. It looks so fake, the leather outfit he wears. Like he is pretending to be a gay tough guy from 1980. I quickly empty the last of my drink and start approaching him before he orders anything or grabs a seat. When his gaze catches me moving his way, his face turns smug and confident.
“Hi there, puppy. Looking for daddy” “Make it go back!” “Make what now?” “You did this to me, now undo it.” “I have no idea what you are talking about, puppy, or who you are” “You were hitting on me yesterday” “I hit on a lot of puppies, but I sure would have remembered you.” “You bought me a pink drink.” “You? YOU?! Well, I knew there was something to you. Have you changed your mind?” “What did you put in the drink?” His expression change completely. “I don’t know what you’re raving about. I never touched it. Is this a date rape accusation, because if it is you’ll have to talk to my lawyer. There is video recording in here after all.” “It’s... No, it’s not.” “If you excuse me, I think I’ve had enough of you.”
What did I expect? That he kicked his boot heels together and transformed me back? Did I really not have a better plan? If this really was his doing, he probably would have been prepared for this confrontation. Ready to take advantage of me. But he looked as surprised with my transformation as I was.
I walk back home, feeling dejected, disappointed and lost. What would I do next? Is there anything I can do? Another wank for sure, because I start to get that feeling and my skinny jeans aren’t doing me any favors. With some difficulty I do my best to get out of them as quickly as possible once inside the door. I go straight to my bed, lie down and start jacking off. I’m not even thinking about something in particular. Despite only having had two drinks I’m feeling a bit tipsy, in a good way. Like my body is glowing, and lying on my bed, wearing only a T-shirt and socks, jacking off, is the most amazing thing I could do with my life. It takes like forever until I shoot my load all over the front of my T-shirt, and once I’ve done that I continue to stroke myself until I drift off into sleep.
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The Nokia ring tone coming from my front door wakes me up. I’m not tired, but somewhat confused as you are when woken in the wrong part of the sleep cycle, so I’m jumping out of bed almost involuntary. There is an uncomfortable tug as my body shifts and pulls the T-shirt glued by dried cum away from my torso. In the hallway lies a pair of skinny jeans playing the Nokia ringtone. In a pocket somewhere Matt is calling. I feel my way to the phone and answer.
“Hi Matt” My voice hasn’t changed much. I still sound like an arrogant teenager on an online game voice chat. “Hey dude. I’ll be perhaps ten minutes late. See you in half an hour.” “Yeah. No, wait!”
He has already hanged up. As I turn and look into the hallway mirror I’m stunned. The change from yesterday is even greater than from the day before. My hair has turned cotton candy pink and all my facial features have softened even more. I look at least five years younger, and my eyes have turned into proper blue. No one who knew me would recognize me anymore. I wouldn’t. My ID is worthless, and no fake ID would ever get me into a bar. What the fuck is going on. Am I shorter? I think I might actually be shorter than yesterday.
Normally on Sundays Matt and I go grocery shopping at Target in his pickup. I don’t want him to see me like this, but I need someone to help me figure out what is going on. I look at the phone again. I’ve already wasted four minutes. I need to shower and get dressed before he arrives. I rush into the bathroom, undress and get into the shower.
It’s like time stops when I turn on the water. The warm water makes my entire body tingle. My skin looks perfect and glistens wet in the bathroom light. I can’t see a single spot or blemish, though I know I had plenty. Not a single hair, though I most definitely had that before, except for the small, tight bush of cotton candy pink pubes. The sensation is so fucking incredibly amazingly sensual I start rubbing my dick. Not a proper jerk off, just small circles of my palm against my dick. I know I’ve lost even more mass since yesterday, but it looks like I’ve lost body fat too, because you can see a faint washboard. At least there is still some muscle left. As amazing as this feels, I can’t really be upset about any of the changes. Not here and now. I’m aware I’m moaning. I sound like Cindy in pol.sci. first time I fucked her.
The doorbell brings clarity. Matt is here already? I turn off the water and jump out of the shower. While I’m frantically drying myself I look for something to wear. Strewn on the floor are funky gym clothes and a cum-stiff T-shirt. I grab the beach bag from under the sink and put on my swim trunks. The bell again. I rush over to the door and open it.
At the moment I see Matt on the other side I realize it could have been someone else. What a shock that would have been for of us. Now it was just a shock for Matt.
“Holy Shit!” “Yeah. I know...”
The contrast is extra painful seeing Matt in his chill Sunday outfit. Relaxed jeans, navy sweatshirt on his wide upper body, hiding his muscles, but at the same time signaling that they are definitely there. He’s a head taller than me. We used to be the same height, the same build, the same outfit. Holy shit indeed. I stand there with ruffled pink hair, naked except for swim trunks that barely hides a raging hard-on. He looks bewildered.
“Matt, you must help me.”
He doesn’t answer, but I can see his bulge grow in his jeans. For the first time since I can’t remember how long I feel vulnerable. I’m literally exposed, one piece of clothing away from naked. He is standing in front of the closed door, the only way out. If he chooses to do something, there is nothing I can do to stop him. He is so much taller than me now, stronger, wider. I know the muscles below that sweatshirt of his. We’ve worked out together, so I’ve seen his chest both doing exercises and later naked in the shower. My arm is moving up his abs to his pecs, under the T-shirt, below his sweatshirt. He is frozen in place as I rub myself against his groin.
“Dude, are you alright?” Matt asks me, and I realize what I’m doing. I take a step back. “I can’t help it. Ever since that fucking pink cocktail I’ve been...” I don’t know what to say. What isn’t obvious about my situation is unexplainable. I see Matt struggle with something, before blurting out. “Would you mind continue what you were doing?”
Tentatively I stick my hand under his shirt again and rub against his body. “But... Do you mind doing it?” he asks. I don’t, I realize. But do I mind that I don’t mind? This must be part of the transformation that is happening. But Matt isn’t any random person. “Not with you, I don’t.” “Thank fuck for that.” He says and looks relieved. “Why?” “I... Sooo last Friday I might have put something in your beer that might have something to do with this...” “YOU FUCKING WHAT?” I don’t know what shocks me most, Matt’s betrayal or that he was able to pull off something like this at all. “It sounded like a good prank. A few drops and you would act all... different.” “Why the fuck would you want that?” His eyes starts tearing up and his voice is almost a whisper. “Because I like you. A lot.”
I’m still standing with my hand against his chest and have no clue what to do next. Fucking dumbass Matt admitted to ruin my life, outed himself as gay and professed his love for me in like 5 seconds. At least I think that’s what just happened. I slowly shift into a hug, and he hugs me back. I’m angry, I feel pity, but most of all I’m still horny. Damn all this.
Suddenly Matt breaks free. “I’ll drink it too!” “What? No! Look at me.” “It’s only fair.”
I’m quickly weighing my options, and come to a decision.
“No. You did this, so I decide what is fair. You do whatever I tell you to do. You show up when I tell you to. And we’ll have sex in whatever way I tell you to.” “Wah... We’ll...” “You heard me. I’ve been so fucking horny all weekend from those ‘few drops’ I don’t care what I fuck anymore. I want you naked in my bed within 30 seconds” “It was more of a dash than drops.” “25 seconds”
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valdotpng · 4 years
Question. Do you have any specific resources you used to learn art and painting, etc?? Your style and skill is so so good and I'd love to see how you Do It
oh, gosh. i dont think i could ever answer this question in a truly satisfying manner, but i’ll try my best to do it!
learning art in general has just been a road of trial and error for me! looots of trial and error. im a ‘self-taught’ artist & i’ve been drawing since i was a toddler, so i’ve accumulated certain skills just bc i’ve been doing it for so dang long
that being said, i’ll share some links in a moment! but first, some advice from me to you, anon. just.. go wild. try new things and dont set too many rules for yourself, yknow what i mean? nowadays i tend to use lots of weird textured brushes + work on only one layer (which i hear is quite bad for when youre working on commissions, but i paint for myself so i dont gotta worry about correcting things all the time), and as a person struggling w/ a pretty severe case of OCD, i find it so liberating to be Forced to not give a shit through that painting method. just have fun! allow yourself to be messy, to make mistakes, and remember that you can just paint over them later. some of your ‘mistakes’ might even end up being the things that make your drawing look more interesting/organic, in the end! the ‘happy little accidents’ mindset just makes the whole process much more enjoyable imo :]
ALSO, an important thing to me was finding the right brushes for painting. just dl a shit ton of the ones that look fun to you (or make your own if your drawing program allows it!) and make an effort to try out each and every one of them at least once!! the brushes certainly arent that important-- you could paint a masterpiece with a simple square brush-- but more often than not i find my style being subtly influenced by the brushes that i use at the moment. its a thing worth considering!
another thing i should note is that, while im mostly happy with my art nowadays, i AM still learning, and i dont think i’ll ever stop learning, so, like, check in in a couple of years for some better tips i guess asuhdfuashfusdf
anyways, here are some resources that are/were very helpful to me:
when i need to browse for general art tips/tutorials/cheat sheets/etc, i usually go here: [link 1], [link 2], [link 3], [link 4], [link 5], 
now, here are some specific posts ive collected over the years that really made me rethink how i approach composition and the like in my, uh, more ‘serious’ paintings: [link 1], [link 2], [link 3], [link 4], [link 5]
this [link] video series is a Godsend, its got some very good advice AND its got nice editing too, my hellbrain was actually able to focus and learn smth from a video tutorial for once
heres a nice post about practice and improvement that you should deffo read before using all of these resources
i also find it very helpful to just.. look at art that inspires you/ that you find appealing Right before painting? that way all of the techniques you might pick up while staring at other peoples art will stay fresh in your mind, so you’ll be more likely to try em out. (setting a drawing that you really like as a phone/desktop bg works well too since youll inevitably stare at it quite often)
i also really like seeing other peoples process, so i tend to watch speedpaints/analyse process gifs & photosets a lot! seeing how messy and abstract most drawings are in the early stages of painting is really comforting/reassuring to me :] heres a couple for u: [link 1], [link 2], [link 3], [link 4], [link 5], [link 6], [link 7], [link 8], and finally, [link 9] and [link 10] (3, 9 and 10 are the ones that inspire me the most atm)
as a bonus, heres one from me as well! (usually i only post these on my patreon, but ik times are tough rn and any of your spare money could (and should) go to a far better cause) im putting it under a read more bc it contains blood and self-impalement, so beware! (bloodborne bosses, man) i might make a speedpaint in the future, too, so watch out for that!
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