#OK im going to sleep now
ghosteii · 9 months
sun doodle ! :D
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lewis-winters · 1 month
listen, dick winters may go down in history as peepaw petty when it comes to herbert sobel; and george luz may have successfully bamboozled him with his major horton impression during maneuvers in aldbourne
but NOBODY comes fucking close to ralph spina, easy medic of all time, and ssg al mampre (senior medic) putting herbert sobel under REAL anesthesia during a routine manuever (where he was simulated casualty) and performing a fake appendectomy on him just to throughly fuck him up in the head when he woke up
iconic and unhinged behavior. 1000/10 no notes. never get on a medic's bad side.
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dangerpronebuddie · 5 months
Buck has an idea.
Eddie's been avoiding him for a week.
And Buck is sick of it.
He's tired, and angry, and more than a little hurt, and he's sick of his best friend walking away from him at every moment.
And he's not stupid, he knows he was an idiot, but he's determined to fix it even if he has to kidnap the man and duct tape him to a chair.
But his idea is a lot more civilized. Kinda devious, but he doesn't care. They're worth the fight... So he thinks.
He's only known he's been in love with Eddie since he almost drowned. What a time for a realization like that?
But then again, nothing about their friendship has ever been perfectly timed.
So Buck's willing to fight for them. Even if Eddie ends up telling him he never wants to see him again. Though, it wouldn't make much difference from now.
Eddie only lets him past the door of the Diaz house to see Chris. He asks to be partnered up with Chim on every call. He sits beside Hen at dinner. He won't answer his phone.
There's only one thing to do.
Ambush him.
Buck marches determinedly into the station one afternoon when he's off shift, just when he knows they're scheduled for some downtime. (If he got a heads up from Chim, that's no one's business.)
He finds Eddie in the gym, sitting on a bench with some dumbbells. Buck strides in and stands in front of Eddie.
Eddie makes a move to leave, but Buck stills him with a hand on his shoulder.
"I just want to talk," Buck says.
"I don't want to talk to you," Eddie snips, looking up at Buck with something not quite angry in his eyes.
"Tough," Buck bites back.
"Buck, I-"
"We're going to talk about this, Eddie," Buck says firmly.
Eddie sits down hard on the bench with a put upon sigh.
"Thank you." Buck lets go of his shoulder and backs away a few paces. "Tell me why you're avoiding me."
He's not going to plead, and beg, and end up with some botched forgiveness like the lawsuit. He wants the truth. Even if it breaks them.
"You know why," Eddie says flatly, looking somewhere over Buck's left shoulder.
"Tell me anyway," Buck says.
Eddie presses his fingers to his eyes. "You almost died, Buck. Again."
"And that's why you're treating me like I've committed murder?" Buck asks.
"That might have something to do with it," Eddie snarks.
"Okay. Tell me how." Buck sits down on the bench opposite Eddie and leans his elbows on his knees.
Eddie rolls his lips and looks towards the locker room. Buck's fully prepared to follow him if he decides to walk away.
"You were reckless," Eddie finally says. "You didn't care what happened to you when you dove back in that water." He finally looks at Buck, his wide eyes shining.
Buck may be a lot of things, but he's not reckless. "I knew the risks."
"I know you know the risks, Buck," Eddie huffs. "The fact is you disregarded them."
"To save Bobby," Buck states, "just like you would've done."
"This isn't a contest," Eddie sighs. "What I would've done and what I did do are completely different."
"And I would've waited for Chim to get the oxygen, had we had the time," Buck reasons. "I wouldn't have been reckless if there wasn't a need for it, and I know you know that."
Eddie looks at his hands in his lap.
"So why are you shutting me out because I almost died?" Buck asks again. He knows there's something else.
Eddie folds his hands in his lap and looks over Buck's shoulder again. Buck's seen the stance before. When he first met Eddie, when they were fighting in a grocery store, when he left the 118. He's closing himself off.
Buck should've expected it. He just doesn't know how to break past it. What he's done in the past, cornering Eddie on Halloween after the lawsuit, or trying to drag Eddie out of the depths of his own mind, haven't worked. He chooses the more direct approach.
"Eddie, I had to corner you while I wasn't on shift just to talk to you," Buck says. "This is serious, okay? Don't close me off and push me away. Not again. I..."
I need you. I just want you to talk to me. I love you.
He can't bring himself to say any of it.
"Why do you want to know so bad?" Eddie snips.
"Because I miss you," Buck blurts out. It's the truth. It means just the same as the words he wants to say.
Eddie looks at him, wide eyed, his mouth open in shock.
Buck doesn't backtrack, or fill the silence.
Eddie unclasps his hands and rests them on the bench instead. "Just over a year ago, you did die."
Buck nods as Eddie takes a shuddering breath.
"The thought of going through that again..." Eddie shakes his head.
"Eddie, that's always going to be a possibility," Buck says gently. He doesn't like it any more than Eddie does. He still flinches when a car backfires. He doesn't like walking in open spaces with Eddie either.
"It's easy to say that when you haven't faced the certainty," Eddie says. His voice shakes and he swallows.
"Who says I haven't?" Buck asks, trying to keep the edge from his voice. He shouldn't be angry. Eddie's finally talking to him. "You were bleeding out in front of me. I had no idea if you were alive or dead before I got to you."
"I didn't know you were dead until we got you down," Eddie says. "I had no way of knowing if I could get you back this time."
"You were buried under thirty feet of mud," Buck says. "I thought I'd never see you again. Alive or dead."
Eddie ducks his head. He takes a deep breath and looks into Buck's eyes. "I'm sorry."
"For what?" Buck asks with a frown. Eddie couldn't have known what Buck went through then.
"I didn't want to shut you out," Eddie says in a shaky voice. "I just... got scared. I already lost you once, and I can't handle doing it again."
"I'm scared too," Buck admits. "But it's a fear I'm willing to live with. Because it's you."
Eddie blinks at him, tears shining in his eyes. "Yeah?"
"Yes," Buck says reverently, almost like a vow.
For the first time in over a week, Eddie smiles at him, soft and sweet. "Then I'm willing to be scared with you."
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surreal-duck · 2 years
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Give in this spring, we shall repeat this love again With a kiss that will inspire your heart in this eternity
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robyntherav3n · 8 months
i haven’t finished psychonauts but i am very normal about sasha nein (i am attracted to him in ways i cannot describe which baffles me bc i am a lesbian)
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kasumikoujou · 5 months
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mysticvalue · 1 year
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Doodles during a thunderstorm :)
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 months
the standard new york accent will never not shock me when it hits my ears
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charliesinfern0 · 1 year
I made a Charlie x 2D playlist!! :3
(song explanations under the cut hehe)
Blue Hair- I feel like this song has them sort of taking turns singing, because its from their different perspectives at different times. Like,”There's really no way of winning / If in their eyes you'll always be a dumb blonde” is about 2D because he’s seen as the sort of brainless pretty boy front man of the band, and “And she cried over nothing, so there was nothing I could do to stop / Her from cutting her beautiful blue hair off” is about Charlie, and I mainly imagine this to take place during Phase 3, so at the end with the lyrics “Last I heard she was living with a boy who acts his age / And I guess I'll just miss her even though she isn't even really gone / But things are just different ever since she cut her blue hair off” is about both of them after leaving Plastic Beach and finding each other and the rest of the band and living together in the house on Wobble Street in DoYaThing (i explained this a lot better in this post :P also special thanks to the anon that introduced me to this song :D)
How Long?- This is from the perspective of 2D, and its mainly the chorus I attribute to their relationship, again on Plastic Beach (”How long 'til we sink to the bottom of the sea? How long, how long? / How long 'til we sink and it's only you and me? How long, how long?”)
On Melancholy Hill- OF COURSE im going to be putting Plastic Beach songs in the playlist!!! This song is one of my absolute favorites, and it’s perfect for encapsulating 2D’s feelings for Charlie, especially during Phase 3. Also i kind of think of the manatee in both the song and the music video being representative of Charlie’s happiness (in the events of Plastic Beach Charlie basically adopts it and its sort of the opposite of the 2D’s whale, in which it brings her happiness while the whale scares 2D), and it being stolen by the Boogieman in the music video is representative of how Murdoc put her in a bad place along with the rest of the band because of everything on Plastic Beach.
To Binge- A beautiful duet between 2D and Charlie, with Charlie dealing with all of these feelings (being kidnapped and stuck on and island made of plastic and trash, having been held captive prior and living in a submarine with the only sustenance being superfast jellyfish, missing Noodle and Russel and missing the friendship she had with Murdoc, and feeling that 2D is her only source of comfort and wondering what they really are relationship-wise), and 2D feeling miserable as well in these circumstances, and trying his best to help Charlie like shes helped him, and he confesses to her that he loves her so much!!!
A Thousand Miles- This song gives me so much nostalgia for when i first got into Gorillaz, and it makes me think about 2D and Charlie after the events of Plastic Beach when the whole band moves back in together in the 212 Wobble Street house. I feel like it’s the song that they would say is their song (bc it came out in 2010 and so its a couple years afterward in DoYaThing)
Flower Moon- Then this song is sort of describes whats happening during Phase 7, with Moon Flower and the Forever Cult, but its also Charlie and 2D. I honestly dont have that much of a reasoning for this song, it just makes me think of them.
Tarantula- This is my second fav song from Cracker Island, and its a love song!! It’s just a real sweet song that 2D sings about Charlie and theyre just so in love <333 I sort of think of this as 2D’s thoughts running through his head as hes being saved by the band from the Forever Cult and Charlie carries him out and they escape the hollywood sign, in a sort of alternate ending to the Silent Running music video. 2D is still drowsy from the drink that Moon Flower gave him and he’s just spilling his heart out to Charlie while theyre sitting in the hospital/police station.
(Bonus Track: Five Whales in a Dream)
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bombuni · 2 months
It’s 3 AM. I stayed up to write a lot of stuff. I’m seeing Enhypen on Wednesday. Life doesn’t feel real rn tbh
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luxielovesparkles · 11 months
Me: i wil go to sleep earlier
-this person lie, she never get to sleep earlier, she stay up too late and will cry tomorrow because she didn't know why she is always so tired-
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mango-fizz · 4 months
deep cunt is this anything
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crowcryptid · 5 months
I should be working on the cunty gabe model (aka 3d model that I can put silly outfits on) but sitting down right now can only be described as having a tight rubber band tied where your leg connects to your body
That going numb, but never 100% numb, burning feeling. It’s so fun.
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wakanai · 8 months
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taffairy · 2 years
Brain dump real quick before the rise movie drops but I dont think Raph is mad that he isn't the leader anymore. I think he's mad because he doesnt believe that Leo is ready to lead. He see's potential in him, but Raph think's he hasn't reached it yet.
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l393ndjean · 1 year
Fanart Please???
Can someone who's good at fanart please draw Tori and Becky dressed up for Halloween as Wednesday and Enid? I will literally squeal aloud if someone does. Also Michael as the Hyde...
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