#OMG WAIT what was the audition process like!!!!!!
sanstropfremir · 2 years
i actually knew that 5050 was going to happen because i auditioned for them,,,, their company had auditions earlier this year actually, i DIDNT know theyd debut this year though, they were supposed to debut n e x t year
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multifandom-world8 · 4 years
Everyone thinks that being famous is easy, well it's not. Fans can be awesome but let's not forget the haters. Don't get me wrong I love being an actress, I get to do what I love every day, but I'm a sensitive person. I was currently filming an episode of criminal minds, when I saw the familiar face of my agent with the more familiar face of Henry Cavill."Umm y/n what's Henry Cavill doing on set?" Matthew asked me "I'm as clueless as you are buddy”
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told him, as I watched my agent lead him to my trailer for some reason. My last shot for today was a pool scene with Matthew, I'm going to kiss him which I know he's nervous about because it's his first kiss scene, but eventually everything went smoothly, he was a good kisser. When the director dismissed us, I went back to my trailer with my stylist but when she opened the door for me I saw that my agent and Henry were there."Ah y/n you're finally here" my agent, Sam, said as I walked in "Yeah we got delayed cause Matthew had some cold feet before the last scene" I told him, as I sat in my makeup seat and let my stylist take my makeup off while trying to avoid the elephant in the room."Well I have some amazing news, Henry came here to tell us you got the role you auditioned for in the justice league"
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Sam said and I stopped my stylist for a second and turned to face both men "you're kidding right?" I asked but it was directed more to Henry "No, the director really liked your acting and casted you as Mera" Henry told me and I tried my best to not jump in excitement and make myself look like a fool in front of him and instead hugged Sam "that's awesome!" I told him
"right? All the hours you've spent in front of the mirror are finally worth it" Sam chuckled causing me to blush in embarrassment because in this case Sam forgot, Henry is still here..."There's nothing to be embarrassed about I do it all the time" Henry tried to reassure me but that ship sailed away dude "no need to say that to make me feel better cause that's not going to happen" I chuckled nervously "well aside from the good news that Sam gave you,I came to invite you to a meeting the whole cast is having at my house" Henry said as he got up from the couch and handed me a small paper with his address and phone number "thank you, Henry, that's so nice of you" I gave him a soft smile "nonsense, you're a part of the dc family now" he chuckled and I thanked him again before he left.
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“Pam slap me" I told my stylist "what? I'm not doing that" she gasped in shock from my request "I need you to slap me so I'll know that what happened, really happened" I told her and she rolled her eyes and punched my hand "ow! I said slap for a reason!" I friend in pain and rubbed the part she hit "well at least now you know it's real" she grinned.I sat in front of my closet for three hours and still couldn't decide what I want to wear. I was being ridiculous, I know, but it's not every day I get cast in such a big movie with such an amazing cast. I ended up settling for a black dress I wore for the 'drive angry' premiere.I drove to Henry's place instead of taking the limo cause I felt it wasn't just another business meeting, it was a social meeting
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Okay, his house is huge. And I mean HUGE and Elegant, but huge.I knocked on his door softly and he opened almost immediately "ah y/n! We've been waiting for you, come in!" He grinned and I blushed as I walked in.In his living room sat the whole cast but they all hit up when I entered the room."Everyone meet y/n, she's going to play Mera" Henry introduced me "hey guys" I smiled nervously "finally another woman other than me" Gal chuckled as she hugged, and while I was processing the fact that I'm hugging Wonder Woman. "Welcome to the family" Jason said and I shook his hand with a smile "thanks" "You're the girl that played with Nicolas cage in that 'drive angry' movie right?" Ray asked excitedly and I chuckled as I nodded "dude you have a mean kick" he said "thanks, though Nicolas wasn't as excited about it as you were" I told him "I'm sure" he chuckled "Welcome aboard y/n" Ben shook my hand and I smiled softly in return.
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Henry and Ben took care of the barbecue while Gal and I cut the salads and Ray and Jason organized the table."So where are you from originally y/n?" Gal asked me "I'm from Israel, more specifically a small city near Jerusalem" I told her "omg I would never guess! You don't look Israeli at all" she chuckled "yeah so I've been told" I giggled. We continued to talk about some events that occurred recently until the boys called us to the table to eat."So, as a part of the tradition we have...everyone needs to tell an embarrassing moment he had onset" Henry said as he sat the food on the table "okay I'll start. When I filmed Wonder Woman last week it was a kiss scene with Chris and I accidentally kneed him" she said and I chuckled "almost as bad as what happened to me" I told her and then all eyes were on me "so tell" Jason smirked as he crossed his arms "well...I had a kiss scene with Matthew from criminal minds in a pool and he nearly drowned me twice cause he was nervous"
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I admitted and they all chuckled "Henry your turn" I smirked "well when I dressed up for a scene at 'Batman vs Superman' my makeup artist walked in while I was changing" he said and we all laughed "I think Henry won fair and square guys" I smiled.We continued the round until everyone was done eating and then retired to the living room.These guys were awesome, they really accepted me and helped my anxiety fade away. When the evening was over I bid them all goodbye and walked to my car."Y/n wait!" I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around to face Henry who ran up to me "did I forget something?" I frowned "no-no, I just wanted to give you that" he said as he handed me a bag with leftovers "oh thank you" I smiled "no problem, I'll see you on set on Monday?"
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"You bet" I smiled before I got into my car and drove away.
When I got back home I changed into my PJs and went straight to bed...But the second I pulled the blanket on me my phone alerted me that I had a new message. I opened it and it said-I had a real good time tonight, goodnight, 😇Henry-I smiled at the adorable message and sent him goodnight before I fell asleep.
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Author Spotlight : Honeysucklepink Day 2
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Author : @honeysucklepink​ 
Share one of your strengths.
I'm surprisingly good at smut, happy endings (like actual happy ending chapters, get your mind out of the gutter), and incorporating music into my stories.
Share one of your weaknesses.
I'm a big time procrastinator, and sometimes my brain just gets exhausted and wants to go "and then a miracle occurs" and get to the end already. It's like I look at the map, see point A and point B, and struggle to get there.
Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Reaching Out to Touch a Stranger, which I am STILL writing, and I think it's because I'm such a Klaine writer that it's hard to fully write about another ship. I love Sam and Mercedes, but writing for them is a whole thing for me, and I'm not as confident in my writing for them. 
A Place That's Safe And Warm, just because of the length, and I had a tough-as-nails beta that had me kill a whole-ass darling...I gotta admit I resented her a bit for that but it worked out.
Also, quite frankly many of the advent fics or any fics where there is a prompt that I have to work around.
Which fic has been the easiest to write?
It's usually easier to write what you know, so there are two: "I'll Make It Like Your Birthday Everyday" because if there is one thing I KNOW it's tailgating in the Grove at a University of Mississippi football game. And "Meet Me in My Boudoir," because I'll be blunt, but vague...I don't have a rooster that someone can make crow, but my kitty cat has purred plenty.
Is writing your passion or just a fun hobby?
Funny, I wish it was my passion, but for now, it's a hobby. Maybe one day when I'm no longer under pressure to write and publish academically, the passion for writing fiction will come.
Is there an episode or character or arc above all others that inspires you just a little bit more?
You know, I think the whole later Klaine arc, with the first break up all the way up to the wedding, just because there were so many unanswered questions, but also possibilities? "What if they never got back together after the first break up? What if they'd had a healthy, realistic break up with a more mature reunion later, or just decided to have an open relationship? What if Blaine had transferred back to Dalton after all? What happened between Christmas and Valentine's? What if Blaine had dated Seb in Season Six instead? What if Kurt stayed in NY?" SO MANY OPTIONS.
What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
I know "write what you know" is described as bad advice, but trust me, the more research you have to put into writing what you DON'T know, the more you appreciate just saying fuck it, I know what I know, and it flows out better.
What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever come across?
Honestly, I get the "write it down even if you think it sucks" advice, but for someone with crippling self-doubt it doesn't help...
If you could choose one of your fics to be filmed, which would you choose?
Hmm, depends on what we are filming. A feature film? Then definitely A Place That's Safe and Warm. I'd need to revive my darling for a good childhood Blaine opening scene to set the story up, but that one would be best suited for a full-length movie. I even envision the end-credits.
If we go back in time and do a Glee scene? Two-Hundred Degrees. I want to see Blaine take a drunken header off the stage right before we go to commercial.
If it's for Pornhub? Pulse, my Beyonce fic.
What’s your process? Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order? Do you use any tools, like worksheets or outlines? What are the perfect writing conditions for you?
Wait. Am I supposed to have a process? Do other people do that?
Huh. Go figure.
Yeah, I sort of just go all over the place and hope I can fill in the blanks later. Perfect writing conditions are late at night, under deadline, when the inspiration fairy is doing whirly-gigs in my brain. When she stops so do I.
Check out Honeysucklepink’s fics
My Angel Is the Centerfold -  An old flame re-enters Kurt's fantasies in a most unexpected way. AU after "Glease."
Steal Some Covers -  Written for this prompt: "Blaine preparing to audition for The Voice and fanboying (or trying not to) over Adam Levine. ("Kurt, what if he turns his chair for me...OMG why did I think this was a good idea??" But of course in the moment Blaine knows how to be charming and professional on stage and is adorable and in awe... Whether Blaine gets on the show or Adam's team or how far he makes it if he does is your call. I just have always pictured Blaine auditioning and I'd love to see it happen."
Side Effects May Include -  Five times Kurt took Ambien (and the resulting stories his friends tell), and one time he didn't need to. A Klaine Advent 2018 adventure!
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issaxcharlie · 4 years
Story: Messing with the stars
Chapter 1
I always end up here. It is as if her voice drags me back. It’s a miracle that no one has noticed how often I sit here to see her.
She finishes rehearsing, I grab my backpack and race to the parking lot to catch up with my friends.
Lottie, Gary, Lucas and Hope are waiting for me in front of Lottie's car.
"Bobbycakes, where were you?" Lottie looks annoyed, the others just get in the car.
“Sorry, Lottie. Mr. Hughes wanted to talk to me about my homework.”
My eyes move like magnets to her, like every single day. She has her dark brown hair tied up in a beautiful braid. Her green crop top matches her beautiful eyes perfectly. She laughs as she walks home with her best friend, Kassam. The two quickly bonded over their love for music and had being inseparable ever since.
“Bobby, are you listening?” Lottie brings me back to the real world, she looks angry. But decides to just get on the wheel. I walk into the passenger seat and turn to see her beautiful face one more time.
“Did you hear that this time it will be obligatory for us to participate in the school play this semester? It will directly impact our Drama class. ”
Everyone sighs in frustration.
“Why are we taking Drama again?” Asked Gary, clearly annoyed.
"Is mandatory this semester, an attempt by the school to make us more creative and versatile, or something like that." Says Hope, somewhat disinterested. After all, she is known for being good at whatever she does. She doesn't mind leaving her advanced math class for a semester in order to recite some lines.
"It wouldn't be a bad thing if I had to kiss that beautiful theater freak." Gary is smiling, definitely imagining himself in that situation. Gross.
“Alison Light?” Wow, Lucas seems to have been paying attention to her too.
"Hell yeah mate, she’s gorgeous." Lottie rolls her eyes, and Hope dramatically changes the conversation.
Alison Light, aka Sunny or Sunlight. (Or at least that's how I would call her if I had the guts to speak to her.) Everyone else calls her Ally, and I'm embarrassed to say that my friends call her theater freak.
There is a rumor, that Sunny's dad passed away 5 years ago. Her mom found a job in London, so they had to move from Scotland. Alison took refuge in music, which has always been what she loved the most, entered the choir, the school band, each play, whatever was involved with music, she did it. That's how she earned the ‘theater freak’ nickname from everyone else, especially, Lottie and Gary. Unfortunately, everyone listens to Lottie and Gary.
I came to school a year later. Lottie immediately thought I had the potential to belong to her group, to this day I have no idea why. She told me that if I wanted to belong, I had to be around people with potential, and when Sunny approached with vibrant eyes and a huge smile to introduce herself, Lottie pushed her to the side, and made fun of her for having a 'crush' on the new kid and behaving ‘desperate’.
I didn’t defend her. I followed Lottie down the hall, and didn't turn to see her even once.
Every day when I see her in the hallway I wonder why I chose a scary stranger instead of the girl with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen, and the conclusion makes me quite embarrassed.
I chose Lottie because I was tired of being the kid everyone made fun of regardless of the consequences, the one who was just a joke. The boy Caitlin Evans cheated on by pretending she wanted me to be her boyfriend just to humiliate me in front of the whole school. I saw the opportunity to be someone different, and I took it. Letting go not only poor and humiliated Bobby, but also the opportunity to meet Alison in the process.
The next day I walk with the boys to the auditorium. Most of the students are already there. The music is quite loud, and her perfect voice immediately reaches my ears. As we get closer I can finally see what's going on. Kassam and Alison are doing a duet of the song "Into the Unknown" which in my opinion is not easy to sing. I’m annoyed to admit that they sound perfect together. Their harmonies are beautiful and their notes are totally clean and well placed. All of us who do not normally belong to this class, have our mouths open.
“As you could hear, this class has talent to spare. I will not accept less than what I know you can give. Everyone will sing a part of the song you wrote me yesterday on the list.” Mr. Hudson loves music as much as Alison, and has been an important person in her life for the past few years. He has always been kind to me, and has invited me multiple times to participate in his plays due to my and i quote ‘charming personality ’.
Auditions started. Surprisingly my friends did a pretty decent job. I would not choose them as the protagonists but they were not bad.
I always wanted to try theater. I've been watching it for years, since I've never missed a play by Alison, no matter how delusional it sounds. And I always liked singing, but believe me or not, I have stage fright. Also, even if I sang, the chances of me beating Kassam in the lead are microscopic.
"McKenzie, let's go. I have a feeling you will do a good job, I am excited to hear you.” Mr. Hudson, I honestly hope I don't fall off the stage while I go up, for me that will already be a victory.
The music starts playing, but I am unable to open my mouth. I turn to meet her green eyes, which for the first time in years seem to speak to me. She tries to tell me to focus on her, and I do. The song starts again, and this time I manage to start singing the words, which sound more whispered than anything else.
"Of your kiss, your touch, your love" Sunny starts singing with me, everyone turns to see her, but she seems determined to help me sing this song. I remain somewhat fearful during the chorus, and she takes the second verse like a queen. Focusing on making me feel comfortable, still staring at my eyes and taking my hand.
Suddenly, she is the only thing I can see.
The connection I felt the first time I saw her feels stronger than ever as we dance together across the stage, our voices sounding perfect next to each other, like they're meant to fit together.
I'm definitely not half as good as Kassam is, but without a doubt my connection and chemistry with Sunny is much stronger, or at least that's what I want to believe. A man has to have hope. It was a magical moment, like when Troy and Gabriella meet and sing 'Start Of Something New' together. Don't judge me, I saw her with my sister Gemma.
The song ends and everyone is shocked. Lottie seems about to pass out, and Lucas looks at me in disbelief.
"I've found my stars." Mr. Hudson whispers, his eyes lit up.
"What? No way! They were supposed to be solos, not duets ” Lottie yells, clearly about to lose her patience.
"My decision is final. I've never seen so much chemistry, it's like they were meant to be together. ” Seems like I'm not the only one who thinks so. I knew Mr. Hudson was a smart guy.
"This work is going to be the best we have ever done, I assure you." Sunny blushes slightly, we are still holding hands, and I honestly don't feel like letting her go, but she starts to pull apart gently.
"Thank you, Sunny." I whisper, she looks at me with mischief in her green eyes. That's when I realize what I said. WE ARE NOT NEAR THE STAGE OF NICKNAMES, GOOD ONE IDIOT.
"Omg, I'm so sorry, Alison. I, You probably don’t even know my name and I’m calling you by a nickname, this is so embarrasing.” I start to mumble things that I don't understand myself.
She smiles at me, trying to calm me down. "It's okay, Bobby McKenzie. Professional joker, awesome baker, beautiful eyes. From Scotland, just like me.” She emphasizes my name, so I have no doubts that she knows who I am. And I almost passed out with the beautiful eyes thing. Fuck, she's so sweet.
“Sunny sounds adorable, I was getting tired of theater freak anyway. And like Mr. Hudson, I could see your full potential. You just needed a hand.”
I blush, hard. She likes it. Both the nickname and the fact that she made me blush. I can see it on her face.
Lottie grabs my arm and starts dragging me toward Hope to leave.
This time I don't let history repeat itself.
"I'll see you tomorrow... Sunny." I wink at her, trying to sound and look as cool as possible.
She smiles. "See you tomorrow, partner."
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svtmatokis · 5 years
Miracle P3
Plot: What if it was love at first sight? Jihoons lost all passion for music after being wronged two years ago and right as he was about to quit, someone unexpectedly enters his life and changes it for the better
Pairing: Reader x Jihoon  
Words: 3856
Warnings: A lot of chapters have a bit of swearing 
Words: 3927
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[11:00pm] Unknown - OMG I AM SO SORRY JI! (This Jihoon right?) I totally didn’t mean to not text you but I came home, had a small talk with Yoongi and literally passed out :(((( I am sooooo sorry!!! 
[11:01pm] Woozi - Oh thank god...I almost called Yoongi and yea haha..I put my producer alias in your phone cause I already saw another Jihoon in there
[11:01pm] Woozi - Its okay...you were tired right? Why aren’t you sleeping?
[11:03pm] Y/N - You’re THE Woozi!? And why aren’t you? 
[11:04pm] Woozi - I’m THE Woozi and I asked first ;)
[11:04pm] Y/N - I can’t believe it! Also I have some stuff to do~ Yoongi must’ve set an alarm for me or smth. 
[11:04pm] Woozi - So late?!
[11:05pm] Y/N - Work never stops :)) Plus I have this tune in my head I need to get out or else I’ll hate myself if I forget it ><
[11:06pm] Woozi - I know that feel...listen, there was something I actually wanted to ask you…better yet..can I just call you?
[11:06pm] Y/N - Sure?
It was literally a few seconds later before your phone rang and you saw Jihoon’s number pop up and you quickly answered it.
“Hey Y/N...sorry, I know it’s late…but” 
“No...its okay whats up?” you asked as you heard the hesitation in Jihoons voice.
You could hear him let out a nervous breath and you patiently waited for him to continue.
“Do you...want to hang out next week? Like...just the two of us?” he asked quickly and you had to confirm that you actually heard right.
“Hang out…?” you asked and saw Yoongi standing by your bedroom door. 
“No way” you mouthed as Yoongi’s eyebrow rose and he came to sit on your desk chair to listen to your conversation.
“I mean if you don’t want to it’s fine. I just thought..” Jihoon started as thoughts of taking back what he said started popping into his head.
“Oh no” you said cutting him off, “It’s not that. I’d love to...it’s just like, I dont know...Unexpected.” 
“And fast.” you whispered away from your phone and Yoongi became more intrigued so he came to sit next to you on the bed so he could really listen to what Jihoon was saying.a
“I know...it’s just yea...It’s weird okay? I’m not really good at talking to girls but with you its just so natural and yea... Wait did you say you’d love to?” Jihoon asked sitting up straight in his bed and his eyes wide with surprise.
“Yes?” you answered and looked at Yoongi weirdly, as he started making kissy faces at you. “We’ll be starting the dance season soon so just let me know a time and place.” you smiled. You couldn’t believe the guys were right of all things. 
“I will.” Jihoon said as an awkward silence engulfed you two. “I should get going...I can hear a rat on the other side of my bedroom door…” 
“Oh really? Maybe I should send the cat that’s currently in mine to take care of the rat.” you said making Jihoon laugh as he imagined Yoongi showing up this late just to kick Soonyoung. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Jihoon said as you heard shuffling, “Oh, there’s two rats here that I’m going to have to squish.” 
“See you tomorrow...and go easy on them. Rats are just rodents after all.” you said with a giggle.
“Oh and Y/N?” Jihoon called out before you hung up and you put the phone back to your ear.
“Good night and sweet dreams.” he whispered and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks.
“You too…” you said and quickly hung up just as Yoongi burst out laughing.
“Please tell me I am the best matchmaker in all of this country. I literally got two people together within a two day period.” he said holding his stomach as tears started streaming out of his eyes. “I knew talking about the other person would work but I really didn’t expect Jihoon to make the first move. I am the happiest brother alive right now.” 
“Yea well you’re about to be a dead brother soon if you don’t get out of my room.”  you said grabbing a pillow and smacking Yoongi with it as he continued laughing. “Seriously? The Woozi you would always talk about when you came to visit was Jihoon this whole time?” 
“Of course. You know I never praise anyone unless they deserve it. Heck, you two are the only ones I’ve been mentoring.” Yoongi said, “And plus, you won’t have to worry about me or Jin approving since we already do.” 
“Yes, cause you guys approving my relationships totally matter to me.” you said with a roll of your eyes and Yoongi scoffed.
“You know I can scare off any guy that hits on you within seconds flat. There’s no one good enough-”
“Except for Jihoon apparently.”  you added.
“To date my little sister.” he finished and he pulled you into his arms, “Because you are our baby and if anyone fucks with you, they fuck with all of us.” 
“Like those idiots who spread the rumors?” you asked and Yoongi nodded.
“The idiots who are currently attending the worst performing arts college in the country. Yes them.” he responded patting your hair, “You only deserve the best.”
Yoongi then flipped into mentor mode, you could tell just by the way he was looking at your studio set up, “Now let me see the piece that you had to lose so much sleep over last night to finish.” 
Over the next few days, you had suddenly become extremely busy. Apart from working on the project with Jihoon, dance auditions took place and you were happy to see that Jihoon had auditioned and made the team along with three other people. You and Hoseok were also in the process of preparing the after school dance classes for people who weren’t in the dance program but still wanted to do it for fun and on top of that, you and Jihoon had your date coming up.
That didn’t mean that the two of you didn’t talk at all, in fact your friends had a feeling that the two of you talked too much. Even when working in your respective studios, the two of you had time to call one another to share a piece and give advice or even to go as far as to say hi and good night at times.
The guys of the house teased you endlessly about it and at the same time, the guys from the SVT frat house teased you about it too since they were too afraid to tease Jihoon after what he had done to Seungcheol and Soonyoung after your first phone call. Lets just say the two boys were bruised for days after he was done with them.
The date that Jihoon had set up was as simple as he was and you wouldn’t have had it any other way honestly. He took you out for dinner after dance practice one day and the two of you spent the rest of the time hanging out in your studio/bedroom talking and listening to a few pieces you had created till the early hours of the morning. Jihoon by far was impressed with the work you did but then again, you were Yoongi’s younger sister so the talent had to be passed down from somewhere. The night ended with Jihoon leaving around six in the morning to go back to his house and thankfully he had no classes that day and he was able to crash till about three in the afternoon while unfortunately you had to get ready for your usual dance meeting with the captains of the Senior and Junior team which consisted of Hoeseok, Soonyoung and Chan.
“Oh I really like this one.” Jihoon said as he clicked a piece you had worked on while in London, “I get travel vibes with this. Like road trip vibes.” 
The two of you were back in your bedroom/studio a few weeks after your first date and it was safe to say that things were going steady. You never really talked about your feelings after the first date but it was obvious that actions showed how you felt for one another. 
During classes, Jihoon would more often than not have his hand resting on the back side of your chair while the instructor would explain things or when it was lab time, he would have his hand wrapped around yours subconsciously as you worked on the various projects you were given. Even if it wasn’t a partner project, the two of you spent a lot of time working together, be it asking for input or just advice on the music in general.
He literally felt like he was on cloud nine when it came to spending time with you. Things were obviously going slow since you two hadn’t kissed yet (there were various times where Jihoon had to resist the urge) but it was also because things were new between the two of you and he didn’t want to push for anything and naturally, things just fell into place.
“It’s one of my favorites. I was going to submit it for a project but Yoongi wants me to work on something new for my final so I’m starting fresh.” you said talking about the final composition project, “What about you? Do you have anything yet?” 
“I’m working on something.” Jihoon answered vaguely, “Yoongi’s actually giving me some advice on it.” 
“Really?” you asked excitedly, “If Yoongi’s helping you with it then it has to be good...When can I listen to it?” 
Jihoon gave you a smirk as he rolled over to the couch you were on from your desk. “At the end of year show case.” 
“What?!” you said in complete shock, “B-But, that’s like months away! I should be able to listen to it before anyone else though...I am your girl-” you stopped yourself immediately as the words almost left your mouth and Jihoon only stared at you in shock at your almost slip. Had you really? 
“What was that?” he asked rolling close to you as you hit your head with one of the pillows on the couch.
“Nothing, nothing at all.” you muttered as you felt him take the pillow away from you and felt lips press against your forehead instead. 
Suddenly butterflies invaded your stomach and you felt your face turn extremely red. This was the first time Jihoon had ever initiated intimate contact between you two ever. Sure, he held your hand secretly under the tables here and there and he would play with your hair during class as his arm rested on the back of your hair but other than that, you two never really hugged or kissed or anything of that nature. You figured it was because of Jihoon’s past relationship that he was so careful but in reality, it was because he didn’t want to scare you off by being too straightforward. 
“You can listen to the piece at the showcase and I promise that you will be front and center for it.” he whispered as he pulled you into his arms for an awkward sitting hug. All you could do was nod slowly as your arms wrapped around his waist.
“Okay.” you said as your head rested on his chest and the two of you stayed like that for who knew how long before Jin walked in with “snacks” he prepared. Aka low key checking on the two of you to see if you were doing anything “nasty”.
(A month and a half later)
[12:00am] Cheol - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HOPE YOU AND JIHOON FINALLY KISS ON YOUR SPECIAL DAY!
[12:00am] Josh - Happy birthday Y/N! See you in class later!
[12:00am] Dino - Happy Birthday captain :) Does this mean that you’re going to skip our captains meeting for your party later?
[12:00am] Gyu - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N! 
[12:01am] Woozi - Happy Birthday ♥ I hope you’re getting some rest and that the guys aren’t blowing up your phone….if they are, I’ll kick their asses in the morning 
At the same time as the texts were coming in, Kimi, Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok and the rest of the BTS Frat house came barging into your room singing happy birthday as you were actually trying to sleep for once since you had a jam packed day planned for your birthday which included going to the dance captains weekly meeting and submitting two projects for different classes.
After blowing out the candle on the cake Jin had made, you were forced to stay awake till three in the morning since the guys wanted to celebrate a bit with you before the big party that night where they were sure Jihoon would take most of your attention. Kimi stayed the night in your room and the two of you ended up talking about Soonyoung and Jihoon for another hour before either of you fell asleep. To top it all off, Jihoon was going to be busy with Yoongi until your party so you wouldn’t see him for most of the day until after you were done your captains meeting that evening.
Jihoon sat on a bench outside the dance building playing games on his phone as he waited for you. He had the whole evening planned out from the moment you stepped out of the building and was ensured by Soonyoung and Yoongi that it was full proof. He quickly checked the time and saw that it was around the time your meeting would finish so he decided to get up and make his way over when a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.
He turned to the source of the voice and his breath caught in his throat as the girl who had once invaded his mind stood in front of him. The girl who he hadn’t thought of for close to three months now...not since meeting you. 
“Hana…” he whispered as the girl smiled with a nod and started walking towards him but she stopped when she saw someone approach Jihoon from behind.
You were finally free from your captains meeting and had sent a text to Jihoon letting him know that you were leaving the building. When you saw his blonde head a few feet away from the entrance, you couldn’t help the grin that made its way to your face and you quickly made your way to him intent on surprising him but you paused for a moment when you noticed her. The girl that had broken Jihoon’s heart, the one who had broken his trust.
You remembered when Jihoon had opened up about his past relationship with Hana a few weeks after you met. He told you one day while the two of you were working in your studio about everything. From how she made the school accuse Jihoon of plagiarism so he wouldn’t get accepted into an advanced program when in reality, it was her who had stolen his music during their relationship and selling it to outside artist behind his back. The only way he found out was through a friend who was part of the music scene saying that he was offered a piece that sounded familiar to something he had worked on with Jihoon before. He had let everything out and it eventually lead him to his biggest confession of the night.
“Did you confront her about it?” you asked as the two of you sat on the couch facing each other and Jihoon nodded his head.
“She denied everything...she said that I had taken the pieces she worked on and sold it and completely flipped the story. It blew me away, it broke all my trust. I literally felt like I had nothing left…I left my friends behind to go to a different college for her...” he said looking down at your intertwined hands and felt comfort as you ran your thumbs across his palm repeatedly. “I called Soon and Cheol and they convinced me to transfer...apparently they had shown Yoongi some of my work that I kept under wraps and only shared with them.” 
“Let me guess, Yoongi was impressed and wanted to work with you right away.” you said and Jihoon nodded his head, “Yoongi knows talent when he sees it Ji. But that’s such a shitty thing that happened to you...It would be like me sharing Yoongi’s works behind his back and making a profit from it. It’s just not right and I’m so sorry you had to go through bull shit like that.” 
“I just...I can’t let it happen again Y/N...I need you to understand that I really do like you and aftering hearing so much about you from Yoongi and finally being able to meet you...two years doesn’t really do what he’s told me justice. You’re more amazing than I could have ever imagined and you’re so caring towards all your friends…Everything with you from music, to common interests is just so natural...I’ve never felt this way with anyone before...until you.” he let out a breath and squeezed your hand when he saw you open your mouth to speak and you took it as a sign that he wanted to continue.
“The reason I’m telling you this is because I want you to know that if we...continue whatever we’re doing that you’re dealing with someone whos damaged. Someone who may not love or trust so easily but if you give me the chance will give you the whole world but if at any point you need an out or if somethings bothering you, you need to let me know Y/N...don’t hide things from me...I can’t...no matter what it is. Even if its stupid, I can’t let it go. She’s done so much damage to me that before I met you, I really felt like I had no purpose in life anymore…” 
“And now?” your asked softly as Jihoon squeezed your hands and brought them up to his lips to place a gentle kiss on them making you blush intensely.
“I want to work harder on my music more than ever...working with Yoongi is one thing, but getting encouragement from you is another. You make me feel like a better person.” he said looking you in the eyes, “To see that smile on your face... I want to become a better person. Just...don’t do what she did to me...don’t break my trust Y/N..please.” Jihoons voice broke as you leaned over to hug him tightly and you felt his arms wrap around your waist bringing you closer to him and you felt the tears seep through your shirt.  He didn’t want to admit to you that he had fallen fast and hard for you from day one. He wasn’t ready for that nor was he ready for your potential rejection.
At some point during that time, Jihoon had fallen asleep after crying and it was around midnight when Yoongi poked his head in to see you on your phone while lying on the couch while Jihoon slept in your bed, the tear stains evident from before.
You gave your brother a reassuring smile and told him that you’d be okay since you were currently working on a piece at that moment and had no intentions on sleeping soon. You had too much on your mind and had sudden urges to rip one Kim Hana into shreds for hurting someone like Jihoon like that.
(End Flashback)
There was no way you were letting a girl like her enter his life again, he did not deserve the pain she put him through and that was a straight fact. 
“Ji!” you called out jogging over to him.
Jihoon turned around just in time to see your smiling face coming towards him and suddenly all thoughts he previously had disappeared until he saw the bags under your eyes and he suddenly became concerned.
“Hey Birthday Girl.” he said and poked your eye bags, “Did the guys keep you up with the messages last night?” he asked with a frown and you automatically shook your head. 
“The boys from the house and Kimi knocked my door down at midnight because they wanted to be the first ones to celebrate with me till about three am...then Kimi and I talked for another hour after that....” you said and gave him the smile that always warmed  his heart, “But your birthday message meant the most to me...more so than the cake Jin had spent the day slaving over.”
“I wouldn’t let him hear you say that…Or else you won’t eat for another week like last time” Jihoon muttered as he interlaced his hand with yours, “We should get going though, there’s something I wanted to do before your party.”
“What’s that?” you asked as he started leading you somewhere, passing Hana in the process. 
You were surprised to see Jihoon completely ignore her as the two of you walked by and when you turned around, you saw her staring at the two of you and once your eyes made contact, you finally recognized her as someone who had attended the same program in London that you had but had gotten kicked out for unknown reasons after her first year.
“No freaking way…” you whispered catching Jihoons attention.
“What was that?” he asked and you looked up at him with big eyes.
“Is Hana Seungcheol’s cousin?” you asked out of the blue but Jihoon nodded anyways.
“That’s how we met.” Jihoon said, “How did you know?” 
“I’ll tell you later…” you said biting your lip, “Where are we going?” 
“Stopping by my place for a quick bit before we go to the party.” he answered as you turned a corner.
“Why?” you asked.
“Forgot your birthday present. Let’s go.” he said walking faster after he looked at his watch. He had quite a bit to do but he also promised Jin he wouldn’t be late for the party either.
Meanwhile, Hana was stuck to the spot she had been in when she first saw Jihoon till someone tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see an acquaintance she had met through a friend at school.
“Hey, you’re Hana right? I’m Lina, we met a few months back at the concert.” the girl said introducing herself.
“I remember you.” Hana said with a smile, “Thanks for showing me around for the week.”
“It’s no problem. You’re actually in luck too. One of the biggest Frat houses here is having a birthday bash for one of their friends and I was lucky enough to get an invite. Want to be my plus one?” Lina asked and Hana nodded her head.
“I’m always up for a party. Let’s go.” she said as the two linked arms.
Little did Hana know, she was about to have the shock of her life once she walked through the doors. 
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wayward-pendragon · 6 years
Klance Rec Part 2
Hello and welcome back to another Klance rec! Since the last rec was a success I have decided to make another one. I just wanna say a huge thank you to everyone, you were all super sweet and enthusiastic about the last list :)))). For any newcomers, I will link the first rec list here. Without further adieu, lets begin!
Roommates by manamune 
Summary: (13:24) Lance: Thank you!! Love you, Keith!!!
(13:55) Keith: I’m screenshotting that for the next time you deny it.
One of very first Klance fics!! Klance become roommates and they’re hella cute. Idk what else to say that’s really it. 
Would You Like Fries With That? by DeerstalkerDeathFrisbee
Summary: “Hello, welcome to Burger King, can I take your order?” And that’s about when it all comes crashing down on him, and like a tidal wave of terrible, Lance realizes, on an emotional level, how truly awful his day was. For no good reason at all other than here’s a human voice – steeped in apathy perhaps, but not overtly antagonistic – and literally all he wants is a little human comfort… he starts sobbing in the Burger King drive-thru.
Keith is a junior in high school just trying to get through working the midnight shift at Burger King when Lance staggers into his life. The course of true love is a freaking disaster.
I laughed my ass off holy. I can picture this happening so vividly it was such a fun read. Plus, high school klance is fricken cute as hell so squishy and fluffy. 
it had to be you by Redburn
Summary: Keith and Lance are both professors at Garrison University.
“... I remember Lisa saying it was when you ship two people together, romantically, for your own enjoyment. I’m sure…” Shiro trails off when he sees Keith’s eyes start to grow impossibly wide. “Uh, Keith?”“What the fuck?” Keith manages, his heart suddenly beating faster, his face warming up despite himself. “They ship Lance and me romantically?”
YOO. Basically all of Keith and Lance’s kids ship them and its a good time. I love oblivious Keith honestly, oblivious Keith is the best Keith. 
Dorks by GriffinRose
Summary: Inspired by a post on Tumblr!
Lance is the only one listening to the current presentation, and oh boy is it something to listen to. The kid has been rambling on about aliens for ten minutes and he is trying so hard not to laugh. So hard. Turns out the kid didn't even think Lance was paying attention, so when he finds out Lance was he books it. Like, as fast it takes Lance to turn his head, that kid was gone.Keith wants to die. The Hot Guy in his bio class was actually listening to him talk about aliens. That's it. He's done. Kill him now. Poor Shiro is just trying to keep his little brother sane.
AGAIN YO. You know how I said oblivious Keith is the best? Whelp embarrassed Keith is also fuckin great. Honestly now that I’m in Uni I relate to this so hard, its really a fun read. 
Hearts Don’t Break Around Here by klancekorner
Summary: Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
So this is a longer one, its over 130K but don’t let that deter you please. This fic is so good and everything a friends to lovers klance AU should be. I cannot scream about this fic enough its like a young adult romance novel, honestly I’m shitting its so good.  
Better than coffee by Anonymous 
Summary: Lance can’t help but linger around a perpetually grumpy-looking employee who works at the nearby teahouse. Keith, despite all the Yelp reviews, turns out to be surprisingly kind. Lance starts coming every day—although he insists it’s only for the boba.And to complain about the customer service, of course.
Hehehehehe grumpy and soft Keith mixed with Lance being Lance. A shorter fic to last one on this list its really sweet and fluffy please enjoy. 
Shut Up and Dance With Me by wittyy_name
Summary: Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith. Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo. With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.
This fic is the real deal holy crap. wittyy_name my god istg one of the best klance writers out there. The relationship built up from enemies to lovers and the sexual tension omg this fic is a masterpiece js. I cannot stress enough read anything klance by wittyy_name and you will be happy. This fic also has art!!!
All the Way Down by speaks
Summary: “You make it sound like we’re going into battle,” Hunk laughed worriedly on Lance’s other side. “I thought this was like, some kind of carnival.”A chortle bubbled of out Coran’s throat as he slapped his side in amusement. “Some kind of carnival, he says! What an understatement! Allura, I think it’s high time to show the paladins precisely how and where we’re going to be spending the next three days. After you, Princess.”A happy, childlike grin rapidly overtook Allura’s regal professionalism, and then a brilliant chink of light shone into the castle hall as she opened the front doors to the mountain they’d landed on twenty minutes ago.Lance went slack-jawed as his eyes adjusted to the white-blue light of Krossin’s distant neutron star, and he almost stumbled as he and the other paladins followed Allura and Coran out onto the grass to take in the view laid out before them. This place was a utopia.
This is a more recently written klance fic in comparison to some others on this list but oh man. Basically klance being all cute out on a date on an alien planet. The build up omg and fluffffff I was squealing. 
Red is the Coldest Color by EnglishCivilWar
Summary: Keith’s startled look had quickly turned to one of annoyance. “You’re in my way,” he stated. Lance blinked uncomprehendingly. Keith let out a groan. “Lance, MOVE.”(In which Lance is an epic fail at flirting, Keith is an oblivious walnut, and the rest of the team collectively groans and sighs.)
Oblivious Keith is back kids!! 
Love Bug by Cour104
Summary: While exploring an alien planet, Lance get's bit by a strange bug whose venom causes him to fall in love with the first person he sees. Of course that person had to be Keith. I've seen a lot of fics based the Love Bug AU where Keith is bitten by the bug and I thought: What if Lance is bitten?
Literally out of all of the fics I’ve read about klance and the lovebug AU this one wins. It’s almost always Keith that gets bitten but I really loved reading the story from a POV of Lance being bitten it was great.
Make Me Your Home by Reader115
Summary: “Oh my god, Keeeith,” Lance wheezed. “Keith you’re the best drunk space cadet I’ve ever seen.”“Space cadet,” Keith mumbled. He repeated the words again although his eyes had zeroed in on Lance’s hands and Lance offered no resistance when Keith picked one of them up and pulled it possessively towards his lap. He began to gently trace over Lance’s fingers, sending shivers up Lance’s arm and down his spine. “You have looong fingers,” Keith murmured after a few moments.Keith’s face perked up then, as if he’d just had a brilliant idea, and Lance could almost not wait to hear what new obscure thought had entered Keith’s pretty head. He was prepared to laugh, and instead found himself shivering again as Keith leaned far into his personal bubble, lips practically touching Lance’s ear when he spoke next.“I bet you could reach all kinds of things, Lance.”
Set in season 2. These boys crushin hard even if they don’t realize my god. 
Your Love Has Shown Me Proof by freshia
Summary: “This situation is a bit more complicated than we initially realized.”Lance raises an eyebrow, but Pidge is the one to question that. “Define complicated.”Allura takes no more time beating around the bush, “Well, I received a transmission. Keith and Lance--from the future, that is--would like to have their daughter back."or: Lance and Keith deal with a walking spoiler, in the form of a little girl who just wants to get back to her own home.
Klance and a kid oh my god. Watching the teenage versions of klance deal with a child was so pure and their reaction to them being married in the future, priceless. 
time out of mind by aknightley
Summary: Keith and Lance wake up married. In the future. He lays there a moment, processing the faint throbbing in his head, a strange bitter taste like lemons in his mouth. When he opens his eyes, the room spins wildly into a kaleidoscope of colors, so he closes them again, breathing in and out until he feels less like he might throw up. He suddenly registers a warm weight over his waist, and lifts his head to see a brown arm thrown over him. It looks startlingly familiar, but different, bigger than he remembers, more toned. Keith turns all the way around and comes face to face with Lance sleepily blinking his own eyes open.
Another future marriage fic. These awkward little beans omg its really cute. 
Cheeky by rideahorse 
Summary: Keith pinches his eyes shut, slamming the book down again and swiveling to face Lance. “Oh my god,” he groans, standing up and crossing the two feet between them before Lance can get out a word. He grabs Lance’s face between his hands (perhaps a bit rougher than needed, but hey, he’s always wanted to slap Lance’s stupid face) and the last thing he sees is an expression of pure surprise before he leans down and presses his lips against Lance's.It’s a peck, and it lasts a second, and then it’s over. Keith leans back, releasing Lance’s face, and hisses, “There.”
Cute and short fic basically just klance kissing with some feelings involved. The summary really says it all. 
Well, we’ve made it to the end of this rec list. As always, please rec me fics I love getting recommendations. I loved reading all of your comments from the last list so please keep them coming, I love to hear from all of you, so feel free to message or ask a question. Hope you’re all doing well, until next time :)
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notsoberrysims4 · 2 years
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The Roswells rehearse in the house's small music room, but they're still choosing their song. Ted: Everyone loves a classic, and there ain't a person alive who don't love 'I Walk The Line'. Meredith: Awww, I do love that song, but we need something for the young folks who'll be voting. What was that one the kids were playing? 'I Don't Want This Night To End'? Or that Carrie Underwood one about 'The Fighter'? Izzy: Why don't you try all three, and we'll see which we're most comfortable with? 
Dark Devotion are one of the more unusual acts we've had on the show. Caleb: We've been making music a long time. Like, fifty year- Lilith: FIVE years. We've been making THIS type of music for five years, but we have been interested in music all our lives. Caleb: And even more so since I've been dead- Lilith: TIRED. Since you've been dead tired, you've found it useful to listen to music to help you relax and sleep at night. Caleb: ... Yes. Yes, that's it. So our music is gentle and relaxing Lilith: Gothic darkwave synthpop. Practically ambient ... 
Let's get to know Some Precinct better. So, Kim and Corin are siblings, and the rest of you met at high school summer camp? Kim: Yes, that's right. We just got along really well, and now we're all at college together, we want to play some tunes, have some fun ... Skye: Set the world alight and be FABULOUS! Maia: Well, not literally alight! It's all about the music, really. I'm going to be doing some vocals, too, which I'm looking forward to. Kim: She's amazing! I can't wait for people to hear you, Maia! Maia: Awww, thanks, hon. I am a little worried about switching vocalists after the audition. Kim: But you have the better voice, at least for this type of song. I get it, though, I'm really nervous, too, about changing things up at this stage of the process. I hope we don't get penalized for trying something new.
*The camera cuts to footage of the band rehearsing a cover of Skunk Anansie's 'Weak'. Maia's voice is impressive! It's all very stirring* Kieran: We're so lucky to have Maia in the band. And Kim, too, of course. We're all just really excited to be here. It's a great opportunity. Corin: We're here to have fun, but we're also in it to win it! 
Dark Water also met at camp - the same camp that Some Precinct and Iron Crown attended! How does it feel to be competing against your friends? Kaley: Well, a lot of us went to high school together, so we've known each other a long time. Valeria: Yeah, and I think Calvin has dated ... uh ... everyone ... Calvin: I don't really define my sexuality or who I'm dating or whatever. Valeria:He's just a delicious slut! *Lucas blushes* Valeria: OMG, even you! Lucas: We just ... it was just youth-ful ex-plor-ation, just messing around. *He giggles again, shyly* But I'm all Peyton's now. Peyton: Yeah, we hooked up in the first semester at college. I answered an ad for a roommate and when I got there, it was Lucas! Lucas: We knew each other before, but we never- Peyton: We had different friends- Lucas: Mixed in different circles, and I didn't even know she was into music! Peyton: Your FACE when I started practising guitar! Lucas: I was like, where have you BEEN all my life! Heheheh. We started dating within a month.
Valeria: I'm still thinking about you and Calvin. Gawd, that's so hot! Mmmm ... *Lucas covers his hands with his face, giggling and blushing* *Calvin winks flirtatiously at Valeria* We had better move on to the next contestant before we have to postpone the contest to take cold showers!
Unaware that the cameras are rolling, Malcolm Landgraab grabs Tyler and asks for a chat ... in private. He has something urgent and important to tell him. I wonder what that is about ...? 
Let's catch up with Iron Crown. So, you went to school with members of Dark Water and Some Precinct, right? JJ: Yes, some of us did, and the rest of us met at camp. Within the band, though, Carla and Jack and I have been hanging out since we were kids, and then we poached Calvin's cousin Patrick from their old band. Patrick: They were like, 'Come play with us! We have cookies!' 
Now to catch up with our solo acts. Rose and Tyler are both 18 years old, both about to start a Communications degree, and they're competing against each other. So how's that working for you? Rose: Oh, we both saw the poster at the same time, so we made the decision together to enter. The mayor, Ted Roswell, has offered me an internship during the holidays, but he's in the competition, too, so we're going to defer that until next summer. He's offered a place to Tyler, too. Tyler: Yes, it would be great if we could all win, but only one of us can win, so if I win, great, but if Rose wins, I'm still happy. Rose: We're just happy to be taking part. 
*The interviewer leaves, but doesn't realise the camera is still rolling* Tyler: You CHEATED on me with my COUSIN?! Rose: I didn't think we were exclusive! Anyway, who even told you? Tyler: M- Hey, that's not important. I just can't believe that you did this to me! Rose: I didn't think you'd react this way! You were the one wanting to try new things! Tyler: You are UNBELIEVABLE! We are OVER! 
Oh dear. This is going to make it hard for either of them to focus on the competition, and they are due on stage in just a few hours ...
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Robyn Banks
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A drag performer, recording artist and truly independent spirit, New York-born Robyn Banks is a queen who plays by her own rules. A lover of performing, she’s someone we’re going to be seeing--and hearing--for some time to come!
Thotyssey: Robyn, hello! Thanks for talking to us! So, DragCon has come and gone... did you partake?
Robyn Banks: Yasss! I went for Day Two as well as Day Three. Day Two was AMAZING! I also was there with Drag Queen Story Hour, so that made it even more special.
You’re a Story Hour queen?
Yes. I just actually had my one year anniversary with them.
Congratulations! They've done great work with exposing kids to both gender fluidity and literacy. Isn't it great to do important things as a queen besides just entertaining folks in bars all the time?
I really enjoy it. It’s one of those things where you really get to see how smart children are. Every time I do a reading, I am just either amazed or super emotional. I actually enjoy when I have a reading, and then a bar gig in the same day.
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We have some bar gigs to talk about! But first, let's get the background on you! Where are you from, and what were you like as a kid?
I was born and raised in Harlem, New York. As a child, I was always very outgoing. I wanted to be on TV so bad, so I would do and say things from shows such a Buffy, Saved by the Bell, Charmed, etc. 
I had a really good childhood. I hated being active, though... the thought of hurting myself was the scariest thing ever. So I never rough-played with the boys--always played Double Dutch or hopscotch with the girls. 
My teenage years, I went to Harvey Milk High School, which at the time was an all-gay high school (now it’s an alternative school). I discovered drag there, and was always in the halls filming things with my flip cam. I graduated school president. Then I went to college for early childhood education. So, working with children is something I’ve always wanted to do!
Were you always musical?
Yes. So my mom plays a ton of instruments, and my dad is still a DJ. My mom taught me the beauty of hearing music, and taking a song apart and just hearing everything about a song individually. I was obsessed with Mad TV, and I loved when they did music video parodies. And I wanted to do just that. I was always funny. And I was always able to make up a random song on the spot!
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How exactly did drag come into your life?
When I was in high school, I was asked by a dance teacher to fill in for a Tina Turner number... and I was handed a wig and a black dress! After the show, I was told how I had really nice legs (something i had been told my whole life). I was then told that I should do drag, but I had no idea what it really was yet. 
The school was having its first “Miss Stars Pageant,” and my friends all said I should do it. I figured, hey, I love to dance and act a fool, but over all just entertain, so why not? I did a number. My friends backup danced for me. We had to incorporate a safer sex message into it, so I made a evening gown out of condoms and I won!
I saw you also recently wore a gown adorned with MetroCards... do you often use found or used objects to make your looks?
Actually, no. I just try to go big for big events. The MetroCard gown was something I wanted for the first DragCon, but I knew the cards wouldn’t fly well since DragCon was in LA. I saved all those MetroCards for three years. I try to think outside the box and use interesting things to make a big statements. I have no idea what I’m doing next year!
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I’m sure it’ll be extraordinary! So, there are a few other Robyn Bankses out there...  have you had to duke it out with any of them yet?
No, they don’t want it! Just kidding. No, I’ve never met one. But I was recently at a bar and met a queen, and she’s like “Damn, you came all the way out here from Colorado?” And I’m like, “No, I live in Harlem.” I then looked up that Robyn Banks, and it was an older white woman! And I was asked by a person if I used to be a stripper. Googled her, and it was a big booty African American woman named Robyn Banks that was a stripper! God I wish I had her body!
It only takes a few pillows! Were you / are you a regular of the weekly competitions like Star Search, Drag Wars and Look Queen?
I was introduced by Vitani to Drag Wars about two years ago, and that year I was there faithfully. And then I was there about two weeks ago, and it has changed a lot. And I love that there’s just so many new faces! I’ve never done Star Search, and I did Look Queen back in June and won. So that was fun.
I love those compilations, but I don’t know... I realize I just enjoy performing, acting a fool, just being me. There’s so much pressure when it comes competitions. But there are a few thoughts in my head about possibly doing a few next year!
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So you are actually part of NYC drag history... you were the last queen hired to host a weekly show at Boots & Saddle Drag Lounge! 
OMG, yes! I was.
You had a weekend happy hour show for the last few months of that bar’s existence. What was that whole experience like for you?
It was amazing. Honestly, it was also a lot of work. I give it to the girls who have more then one weekly show. That was my very first one. The first month, I was so confident... like,”I got this, I can do it.” But to entertain for two hours... it was a lot. I was used to just doing a 3-5 minute song. I learned a lot from doing that, and I’m forever grateful to Robert for giving me that chance, and to DJ T-Boy  for really guiding me through the first month.
You’ve said that doing that show helped you fund the making of your album Jawbreaker. When did you start writing those songs?
I started writing for the album mid-2016. I went to film a show which was then canceled, and then I went through a breakup after being in my first adult relationship. So then I took a break, and in 2017 started writing. But it was super depressing, and my producer was like, “Nah you can have one song on there like that, but you gotta use that fuel to write bangers.” So we scrapped all 7 songs and started over. Doing the show and starting to be In the drag world helped me see what people were dancing to and enjoying. Originally, I wanted to call Jawbreaker “La Discotek,” but there wasn’t enough dancie songs on it.
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What was this canceled show you were involved in?
It was a reality show for MTV called Last Square Standing we made back in March of 2016. And then when we got back a week later they canceled it, only to revise it. It had one season, and then it was canceled officially. That was, like, the third show I had that was canceled!
Wait, third!?
Yeah, I did a MTV show in high school called Dissed. They showed the first three episodes, and then it was canceled! But they sent it to me on DVD.
Wow, MTV sucks!
Yeah, lol! I really want Big Brother. I auditioned for it three times--once in drag, before Courtney did for Big Brother UK. So, we’ll see!
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Do you have a favorite track from Jawbreaker?
Oh, God! Well, I honestly love “Karma,” cuz it was something I wrote about my ex. I had told my producer the story [behind the song]. and he said it needed to be a trap song. I had never done trap music, so “Karma” is also the song that I struggled with the most out of my whole discography. But I love it even more that Lola Michele-Kiki is on the remix!
That’s going to be available soon... the remix track with Lola and its video.
Yes, we shot the video along with a ton of other NYC drags back in August and September. I’m just waiting for iTunes and a few other [downloading platforms] to approve the single (or maxi-single) to finally give it a release day! Meanwhile, I’m hoping for a GLAM this year for my single “Back It Up,” and then go for another with the "Karma” video!
What was the most surprising thing for you about the recording process?
How good I sound. Let tell you something: producers are the way of the world. When I recorded this album, I didn’t want it to seem like I was another drag doing music. I did music as a boy under “Manny Montag,” so I was excited when I record my first album Robyn cuz I got to do music, parodies and drag. If I played you the demo I got for “Karma,”you would be like, whoah! That why I’m also a fan of a capella, cuz it’s just amazing what a producer can do with your vocals. Just ask Lola, lol!
Werk! Any ideas for future recordings?
I originally wanted to extend Jawbreaker into a deluxe, but I’m just now really getting into dance music. Plus, I enjoyed working with all the NYC girls during the video shoot, that it’s given me an idea. I stared working on new stuff. I felt like Jawbreaker was an intro into who Robyn Banks is. But the next album...  she did not come to play! I will tell you that the name of the next project is Drag Mafia.
So, onto a serious topic for a moment... we’re in the middle of a shitstorm right now with The Manhattan Monster Bar dealing with outraged pushback from the nightlife community after some racist policies of management have been exposed (specifically, the general manager made a comment in a text about how the black dancers featured in an event poster should be replaced with “beautiful” ones in order to minimize black patrons). What are your thoughts about all of this? How should the Monster make this right, if that is even possible at this point?
Well, I pride myself in belong a black drag queen. And I am always excited to see my black sisters of color doing the damn thing. So first, shout out to Honey for exposing them. But also, shout out to Zarria for getting that spot at the new Boxers. I feel like this: there aren’t enough black drags out here that are really booming, and really making that stand. 
Don’t get me wrong... I’m in love with all different types of people--age, skin color, types of drag. However, there needs to be more of us having a shit ton of shows per week. I’ve been begging a certain bar owner for two years for my own one night, and all I get is “we’re booked...” But there’s a ton of new girls who ask, and BOOM they get it. And I have yet to see a black girl have there with her own show at this venue. It just sucks, cuz at the end of the day we all just wanna entertain people, but also have our craft be taken seriously. 
So for the issue at the Monster, I feel that the black community wasn’t taken seriously. Now, the owner said sorry and the general manager has been removed. But where’s the apology to Honey? To the black dancers? To the BLACK community? I’m sure The Monster isn’t going anywhere. But my mom used to go, and she said at one point about 70 percent of it was filled with ethnic people. Like, even RuPaul pops in there randomly!
Yes! They definitely don’t seem to understand who their patrons actually are. Disgraceful!  We can only wait and see if they will be able to recover from this.
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In the meantime... you have some gigs coming up at Stonewall, starting with... Sucia’s birthday show this coming Sunday! 
Yes, I’m super excited about it! She is a good Judy. We often get ready together, and kiki... it’s fun. She helped with the "Karma” video. She shot and directed my music video for “Back It Up,” and she has a movie, Neon Boys, coming out next month. 
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Then I’m [back at Stonewall on Saturday, October 13th] with Ari Kiki for Riot...
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[... and back to Stonewall on Sunday] with Catrina Lovelace for her first Invasion...
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I also have a few Drag Queen Story Hour readings this month, as well as our second annual fundraiser event. So, October is busy! And here I thought I’d be able to grow my beard out!  Also,the "Karma” song will drop this month, the remix will follow it next month, and the dance remix video will drop on New Years!
Congratulations and have fun with it all! What are you gonna be for Halloween?
Aye, I don’t know yet. I feel like with drag, it’s always Halloween. But I just got my own apartment last month, so I think I’ll take this year to just stay home with my dog, watch some movies, and just have some Me Time. I know I do have a DQSH reading that morning, so maybe I’ll be a cute bumblebee or something kid friendly. 
When I was a kid, we weren’t allowed to celebrate Halloween. I didn’t really celebrate 'til 2016 after my breakup, when my friends dragged (haha, drag) me out to have fun. I don’t know, maybe my mind will change.
Werk! Anything else? 
My favorite Halloween song is "The Monster Mash,” and my favorite Christmas song is "Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” so I’m trying to get the rights to re-record those, lol!
A busy musical bumblebee indeed! Thank you, Ms. Banks!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Robyn Banks’ upcoming appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. Also, purchase her music on iTunes. On Point Archives
3 notes · View notes
kpopfanfictrash · 7 years
Cordially, Jimin
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: You / Jimin
Rating: R (mentions of sex)
Word Count: 6,175
Summary: When you start work in your new office, the last thing you expect is a distraction. Especially not one as cute, witty and impossible to handle as Park Jimin. A story told through correspondence.  (fluff + humor)
From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: Process Documentation
Tuesday, October 10th [10:23 AM]
Nonconfidential, Internal Use Only
Hey, Joon! I was thinking about the spreadsheet you sent over this morning. Do you think we should add some sort of documentation to it regarding the employee’s training status? Just in case there’s overlap between the sessions. Let me know what you think but otherwise, I agree with your changes. 
PS, are we still on for lunch?
All the best,
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: Kim, Namjoon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: Process Documentation
Tuesday, October 10th [10:45 AM]
Nonconfidential, Internal Use Only
‘Sup, Park.
Yeah, throw the training into the excel spreadsheet. The executives will likely want to know.
Lunch is good, but I can only do a half hour. I’m leaving early to take the girlfriend out to dinner. 
Senior Analyst, Communications
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: Re: Re: Process Documentation
Tuesday, October 10th [10:59 AM]
Nonconfidential, Internal Use Only
“’Sup, Park”? Dude, at least try to keep things professional. Who knows what HR monitors in our email. 
... and is tonight the night you and Fal finally... you know? 
Sincerest wishes,
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: Kim, Namjoon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Process Documentation
Tuesday, October 10th [11:15 AM] 
Nonconfidential, Internal Use Only
I just leaned over to ask HR and Kim’s response was: “f*** no, I don’t monitor your email. What do you think I’m made out of, free time?” Then she threw up the middle finger. 
Also, shut your pie hole about me and Fal. Talk about inappropriate work conversation.
Warmest thoughts,
Senior Analyst, Communications
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Process Documentation
Tuesday, October 10th [11:21 AM]
Nonconfidential, Internal Use Only
Why’d you use asterisks if they’re not monitoring our emails?
Hugs and kisses,
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: Kim, Namjoon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Process Documentation
Tuesday, October 10th [11:29 AM]
Nonconfidential, Internal Use Only
Oh, right. Swearing is monitored. It sends a warning to IT, which sends an email to your manager. This is also triggered by writing s*x, pen15, or the jolly, green giant’s name. 
Steer clear of those, Jiminie and you’ll be fine.
Ardently yours,
Senior Analyst, Communications
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Process Documentation
Tuesday, October 10th [11:34 AM]
Nonconfidential, Internal Use Only
I thought you were the jolly, green giant? Tall, relatively new to the office (green). It fits. Ha!
Anyways, for lunch I thought we could meet – oh, sweet lord. Who is that? 
F***. Got to go.
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: Kim, Namjoon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Process Documentation
Tuesday, October 10th [11:37 AM]
Nonconfidential, Internal Use Only
What? What?? JIMIN. You can’t just leave me hanging. Who did you see? What did you see? Was it something outside of your office window? Is the Avengers finally happening? Is the city under attack?
... I’m going to k*ll you at lunch. 
Impatiently yours,
Senior Analyst, Communications
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Tuesday, October 10th [11:45 AM]
Jimin: sorry, man. I just saw the most beautiful girl in the world. You know how my office overlooks the street and sees into the building next door?
Namjoon: you little sack of fungus. How dare you leave me hanging like that
Namjoon: … but yes, I do know. Go on.
Jimin: cool. So, there I was sitting in my office. Contemplating world peace, the usual.
Namjoon: translation – thinking about jacking off when you get home
Jimin: sometimes your words hurt, you know
Namjoon: apologies, jimini muffin
Jimin: I swear to god.
Namjoon: ok, ok – sorry. Tell me about this girl
Jimin: you mean tell you about my future wife?
Namjoon: you use that phrase too liberally, Jimin. Your dog walker is not your future wife. Your florist is not your future wife. This random chick across the street is not your future wife.
Jimin: no, Peaches’ dog walker is not my future wife; no, Fran is not my future wife. But this random girl is – LISTEN. She’s exactly my type, Joon. She looks smart. You think that she’s smart?
Namjoon: Is she wearing glasses?
Jimin: no
Namjoon: Then, no.
Jimin: she could be wearing contacts
Namjoon: Then, yes.
Jimin: okay, I’ll cave. Why are you basing her intelligence off whether or not she wears glasses?
Namjoon: wearing glasses implies she stayed up late reading in her youth, subsequently ruining her vision
Jimin: or… she didn’t eat enough carrots
Namjoon: or that
Jimin: I think that she’s new there – she must be; she looks really worried. It’s adorable, she keeps on biting her bottom lip. I think the Angry, Red-Haired Woman Who Yells a Lot is her boss because she keeps stopping by her cubicle to talk.
Namjoon: Big Red is her boss? Damn. Good luck to your future wife
Jimin: omg she has Gudetama pencils. Namjoon
Namjoon: Marry her, Jimin. Okay, enough creeping – let’s go and get lunch. I’m starving.
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Tuesday, October 10th
Hello. I am typing. Typing, typing, typing.
Just typing on my brand-new LAPTOP the company PROVIDED for me! Granted, it’s to do my work, I know but it’s just so SHINY and NEW. Catherine even gave me a welcome package of office supplies when I got here. It has paper, pens (not as good as my Gudetama ones), a notepad, post-it notes. It’s adorable. Everyone has been so welcoming today – though the guy in the mail room did warn me that Catherine spits when she yells.
I’m not sure what to do with that information.
How do I shield myself from spit-yelling? Gah, I feel stupid for writing this note diary-format. I’m trying to pretend like I’m busy, since I haven’t been given any official work yet. Oh, wait! Catherine just sent over training for this afternoon. Perfect.
Hm. What now. What now, what now, what – OH.
Oh, god. Oh, yikes. HELP.
I am… looking at my laptop. I am looking at my laptop and concentrating on writing. I am not making eye contact with the very handsome man across the street.
Listen. You don’t know me, Laptop but I swear I’m usually a very level headed individual. It’s one of my best qualities – Y/N, the stable, the realistic. I don’t typically subscribe to the notion that looks make a person. But Laptop, wow. This guy. He’s – how do I describe? He’s got blondish hair. On the shorter side. I didn’t get a great look at his face, but from what I did see, he looked – kind? Is that a weird thing to say? His face looked kind.
I don’t know how else to describe him. He was stretching, arms overhead and I swear, Laptop, I don’t normally say things like this but – WHAT. AN. ASS. ON. THAT. MAN.
WOW. You could bounce a quarter off that thing.
Oh my god. What am I doing??
Okay. Okay. Catherine is here, we’re going to lunch. I –
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Thursday, October 12th  [3:45 PM]
Office Instant Message [3:47 PM]
Min, Yoongi: hey
Office Instant Message [3:48 PM]
Park, Jimin: hello, sunshine
Office Instant Message [3:49 PM]
Min, Yoongi: gag me. Listen, you want to shoot hoops after work?
Office Instant Message [3:51 PM]
Park, Jimin: yeah! Where?
Office Instant Message [3:52 PM]
Min, Yoongi: Bryant Park. I’ll drop a pin to your cell. John Cook is coming, so bring your A-game
Office Instant Message [3:53 PM]
Park, Jimin: … who?
Office Instant Message [3:53 PM]
Park, Jimin: wtf? Do you mean Jungkook?
Office Instant Message [3:54 PM]
Min, Yoongi: yeah, that’s what I said
Office Instant Message [3:55 PM]
Park, Jimin: you’re one weird dude, Yoongi. But sure, see you then
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“Hey, sis, it’s me. Sorry, I’m leaving you a voice note – I know you hate those – but I’m currently walking with both hands full, so it couldn’t be helped. Now you can’t say I never call you back! Because here I am, calling you back! Anyways, the third day went well. A lot of training, some overly wordy manuals – you know, the fun stuff. I have my own cubicle though, which is exciting and I have a window. It overlooks – well, the street and an office building. Actually… there’s this really cute guy in that building, Megan. I know – it’s totally creepy to spy on him, but I can’t help it! He’s right there! And he has the most amazing smile, I – wait, oh my god. It’s him. It’s him, Megan, the guy from the window! He’s playing basketball in Bryant Park, along with a bunch of other guys and I, OOF –"
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Thursday, October 12th [8:35 PM]
Namjoon: how’s that egg on your face?
Jimin: how’s that who on my what now
Namjoon: Egg on your face. It’s what you say when someone looks foolish or embarrassed. You, I imagine, look both right now
Jimin: choke on a dick
Namjoon: is that what you say to your friend who loves you
Jimin: to my friend who loves torturing me, yeah
Namjoon: I just keep on seeing your FACE, man. You just whammed that poor girl smack in the stomach hahaha
Jimin: fuck
Jimin: I didn’t mean to :(
Jimin: I was trying to throw the ball to Yoongi… and she was so pretty… and my hand slipped. THE BALL WAS POSSESSED
Namjoon: … you done?
Jimin: with living? Yes. With this conversation? Also yes.
Namjoon: cheer up, man. She seemed fine after
Jimin: god
Namjoon: Jungkook helped her off the court, it’s all good
Jimin: fucking John Cook
Namjoon: what
Jimin: nothing
Jimin: … do you think she was into him?
Namjoon: oh my god. Are you serious?
Jimin: no
Jimin: maybe
Jimin: fuck, what am I doing?
Namjoon: idk man, go to sleep
Jimin: it’s not even nine 
Namjoon: shhhhh
Jimin: … ok, fine I’ll go to sleep
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Saturday, October 14th [11:10 AM]
Jungkook: hey, Jimin
Jimin: hey, what’s up Jeon
Jungkook: not much
Jungkook: listen, you know that girl you hit with the ball on Thursday?
Jimin: … yeah
Jungkook: lol that was embarrassing
Jimin: do you have a point
Jungkook: she was pretty cute, right?
Jimin: yeah, pretty cute
Jimin: why are you telling me this, anyways? Is it sharing hour?
Jungkook: damn, man. Can’t I let my feelings out? Anyways – we’ve been texting and I was thinking about asking her out. Her name is Y/N, she works in the building across the street from yours!
Jimin: ok
Jimin: ... again, why are you telling me this?
Jungkook. Getting to that. When I told Namjoon, he said you have dibs
Jimin: what?? On Y/N?
Jungkook: did the two of you like, hook up or something
*Jimin has added Namjoon to the chat*
Jimin: Joon, wtf are you telling Jungkook about me
Namjoon: ‘sup, peons
Namjoon: nothing
Namjoon: just that you’re in love with a girl you’ve never met
Jungkook: wait, they’ve never met? Idk if that constitutes dibs, man
Namjoon: yes, it does. Dibs is granted unto whichever gentleman doth see the lady first
Jungkook: whoa, sees? That’s implied dibs! That goes against the whole spirit of the idea! You must call dibs, in order to have it
Jimin: this is the stupidest argument we’ve ever had
Jungkook: Agreed. No dibs
Namjoon: Jimin, what do you think?
Jungkook: Jimin, just let me bang her. Once. You can have her after that
*Jimin has left the chat*
Namjoon: don’t do it, bro. He really likes her
Jungkook: he’s never even TALKED to her!
Namjoon: respect the code, bro. Respect the code.
Namjoon: besides don’t you have like, a list of girls you can call
Jungkook: 😉
Namjoon: gross
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Monday, October 16th
Week two at the office.
Everything is going well. No major screw-ups, which is good and I completed my first Excel assignment, so basically... I’m on the road to success. Who knew there were so many ways you can add? It’s hard to type though, since I screwed up my pinky finger. Well – I didn’t screw up my finger. I was walking home from work and this guy pummeled me with a basketball.
Okay, but get this – the guy who hit me? THE SAME ONE FROM THE WINDOW, LAPTOP. The guy I wrote you about on my first day! He’s even cuter in person but... ah, I don’t think he likes me. After the whole Basketball Incident, he barely even looked my way. It was his friend who helped me off the court – Jungkook is his name – he even gave me a band-aid and apologized for his friend.
Jungkook’s cute. He’s nice, I gave him my number and we talked a bit. But Window guy, Laptop. Window guy’s cheeks turned bright red haha it was adorable, I – oh, shit.
Don’t look now, Laptop (I SAID, DON’T LOOK!) but it’s him. Window guy is back. He’s standing in the middle of his office and stretching his arms. He’s lowering himself to the desk and holy shit.................. he’s doing push-ups. PUSH-UPS.
What did I do to deserve this?!
I – I’ll be back, Laptop.
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: Important!
Tuesday, October 17th [2:11 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
She has peonies on her desk. They’re pink.
Kind regards,
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: Kim, Namjoon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: Important!
Tuesday, October 17th [2:24 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
… are you kidding me? You can’t title the email important and then say that.
Your ex-friend,
Senior Analyst, Communications
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: Re: Re: Important!
Tuesday, October 17th [2:28 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
That was important.
Thank you,
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: Kim, Namjoon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Important!
Tuesday, October 17th [2:32 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
Remind me to get you a dictionary for your birthday. That’s not what the word important means. So, does this mean you’re back to liking her? I thought you told Jungkook to have at her.
Senior Analyst, Communications
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Important!
Tuesday, October 17th [2:40 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
Listen. I have no claim upon this woman. I do not own the beautiful, wonderful Window girl. She is a person unto herself, master of her own fate! If she wants to date Jeon Jungkook, so be it.
She should know though, that his feet smell.
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: Kim, Namjoon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Important!
Tuesday, October 17th [2:46 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
Ah, the high road. What’s it like up there? Lofty? Breezy?
As a gift, I found something for you: www.instagram.com/peoniesandparkas
Senior Analyst, Communications
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Important!
Tuesday, October 17th [2:50 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
What. Namjoon, how did you find this?
Where did you – oh, god. She’s adorable. She has a puppy, she likes chocolate. I like chocolate. Namjoon, its fate, its kismet, its meant to be. Our children would be so chubby.
Why did you send me this??
Pissed off and in love,
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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Wednesday, October 18th [10:42 AM]
Megan: how’s the finger?
Y/N: not broken! 100% doctor confirmed, it’s just a mild sprain. Should be okay in a few weeks.
Megan: did the delinquent ever apologize?
Y/N: Megan!
Y/N: I told you yesterday, he did apologize. He just, you know… ran away after
Megan: like I said – idiot
Y/N: I doubt he’s an idiot, Megan. I can see into his office and he wears suits to work. That’s the indicator of a very important person.
Megan: wow.
Megan: I can’t believe you’re crushing on the guy who sprained your finger
Megan: I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of your love
Y/N: fight me 
Y/N: I’m sorry, that was uncalled for
Megan: lolol
Megan: so, he works in the office next door?
Y/N: yeah
Y/N: sorry, was multitasking.
Megan: No problem. Have you ever thought about looking the guy up?
Y/N: what? Look him up where?
Megan: On LinkedIn. You already know his company, his face. Just… browse their list of current employees
Y/N: omg what!! That’s so fucking creepy
Megan: You’re right. Much less creepy to watch him do push-ups in his office
Y/N: … I told you that in confidence
Y/N: so much for sisterly love
Megan: dooooooo it
Y/N: … already am
Megan: YSE!
Megan: *YES!
Y/N: *drumroll please*
Y/N: Park Jimin, 24 years old. Senior Analyst of Internal Audit, joined the company two years ago. Is proficient in English, Korean and Microsoft Office 2013. Hobbies include: cooking, chasing his dog in the park for exercise and anime.
Megan: wow, what a dork
Y/N: You wouldn’t think that if you saw his ass.
Megan: omg
Megan: you love him so much
Y/N: asldfkajskldfa
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Thursday, October 19th [1:00 PM]
Office Instant Message [1:01 PM]
Park, Jimin: well, Namjoon. It finally happened.
Office Instant Message [1:03 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: You finally got that growth spurt you’ve been hoping for?
Office Instant Message [1:04 PM]
Park, Jimin: I’m small but I’m feisty. I’d kick your a$$ in a fight
Office Instant Message [1:05 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: lol, no need for that. What happened?
Office Instant Message [1:06 PM]
Park, Jimin: I talked to her.
Office Instant Message [1:07 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: holy f*** WHAT?! When?
Office Instant Message [1:07 PM]
Park, Jimin: just now, over lunch. I went to that deli, you know the one?
Office Instant Message [1:08 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: the one with the cashier, Taehyung, who sings?
Office Instant Message [1:09 PM]
Park, Jimin: that’s the one. So, I walk in and she’s standing by the door. Confused as hell by Taehyung’s rendition of Take Me to Lunch (a poignant rendition of Hozier’s Take Me to Church)
Office Instant Message [1:10 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: well, sure. Who isn’t confused by that. Anyways, what did you say??
Office Instant Message [1:11 PM]
Park, Jimin: I apologized for hitting her, like twelve times. She sprained her pinky finger – can you believe that? I felt like complete shit when she told me
Office Instant Message [1:12 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: Wow. You are an idiot. What did you do next? What did you say?
Office Instant Message [1:14 PM]
Park, Jimin: God, I don’t even remember. It happened so fast. I just – she’s so pretty, Namjoon. Not in a cheesy, movie-star way but in an everything-she-does-is-real way. You know? God, I don’t even know. I just keep picturing her in my room… my car… my jacket
Office Instant Message [1:15 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: I thought you said not cheesy
Office Instant Message [1:16 PM]
Park, Jimin: shut up
Office Instant Message [1:17 PM]
Park, Jimin: I can’t stop smiling
Office Instant Message [1:25 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: Sorry, the boss stopped by my desk. Did you ask her out?
Office Instant Message [1:26 PM]
Park, Jimin: no
Office Instant Message [1:27 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: you’re the worst
Office Instant Message [1:28 PM]
Park, Jimin: I know this
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From: Jordan, Elizabeth
To: Y/L/N, Y/N
Subject: Apologies
Monday, October 23rd [4:06 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
Hi Y/N,
I’m the one who messed up that PO form. It was my fault, but when Catherine asked who did it, I just froze. I couldn’t think, let alone speak and I know she blamed you for the mistake; I heard her yelling over in your cubicle. If you’d like, I can set things straight with her. 
I’ll fix it; I promise to tell Catherine it was my fault.
I am so unbelievably sorry.
Thank you,
Analyst, Purchasing
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From: Y/L/N, Y/N
To: Jordan, Elizabeth
Subject: Re: Apologies
Monday, October 23rd [4:35 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
Hi Liz,
I appreciate the apology. I know last week was stressful and busy for everyone – a lot of things slipped through the cracks. I’d like to just let this go, but if something like it happens again – I’d appreciate the clarification. Here’s hoping for a better week, huh?
Analyst, Training
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From: Park, Jimin
To: 9th Street Florist
Subject: Urgent Order
Monday, October 23rd [5:30 PM]
Non-Confidential, External
Hello Fran,
I’d like to place an order: one (1) bouquet of blush pink peonies, please.
Recipient name: Y/N
Address: 1010 LaSalle Street, Floor 16
Timing: Lunchtime, around noon if possible
You can just add this to my account. Thank you!
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: 9th Street Florist
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: Urgent Order
Monday, October 23rd [6:30 PM]
You adorable angel, of course! What would you like the card to say, dear? Oh, you know what – I’ll just give you a ring on your mobile.
Co-Owner of 9th Street Florist
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Tuesday, October 24th [5:42 PM]
Y/N: Megan, you’re not going to believe what happened today
Megan: What?
Y/N: Someone sent me flowers
Megan: Flowers??
Megan: But who??
Y/N: Idk. There’s no card.
Y/N: Wait, there is a card!
Megan: What does it say??
Y/N: It reads, “Here’s hoping your week gets better.”
Megan: … that’s all?
Y/N: It’s a very short card.
Megan: No name?
Y/N: No name. I have no idea who sent them?
Megan: Hm
Megan: Maybe from that Jungkook guy? You two were texting, right?
Y/N: yeah, but then he just stopped 
Y/N: Asshole. I doubt it was him lol
Megan: What about hot window guy? Did you guys ever talk after that one day at the deli?
Y/N: No :( Idk, I thought our conversation was nice… but maybe I was boring.
Megan: Shut up. I hate it when you repeat anything that stupid, nincompoop ex-boyfriend of yours used to say. He’s a fucking turd. You’re amazing.
Y/N: Gah. Thanks, sis
Y/N: Either way, I doubt it was him
Megan: Maybe they’re from Mom. Did you tell her about your shit day yesterday?
Y/N: oh.
Y/N: you’re right. They’re probably from Mom
Megan: You sound disappointed. Who did you think they were from?
Y/N: nothing
Y/N: no one
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Wednesday, October 25th [8:35 AM]
Office Instant Message [8:35 AM]
Park, Jimin: oh my god, I’m so stupid
Office Instant Message [8:40 AM]
Kim, Namjoon: sure
Office Instant Message [8:40 AM]
Kim, Namjoon: but why this time?
Office Instant Message [8:41 AM]
Park, Jimin: I forgot to put my name on the card
Office Instant Message [8:43 AM]
Kim, Namjoon: Wow.
Office Instant Message [8:44 AM]
Kim, Namjoon: You are stupid. How do you get out of bed in the morning without a map?
Office Instant Message [8:45 AM]
Park, Jimin: shut up
Office Instant Message [8:45 AM]
Park, Jimin: … very carefully
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From: Wine, Fallon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Life Advice
Thursday, October 26th [11:40 AM]
I’ve been thinking about what Joonie said to me last night.
He explained about your Window girl and Jiminie, you just need to talk to her! I know you did that one time in the deli – or was it two times? – but listen to me! 
You! Are! Cute! As! A! Button! Any girl would be lucky to have you. I mean, half of my friends do want you, but that’s beside the point. You need to get over whatever this insecure nonsense is and just ask her out.
That’s all.
PS, has she worn that coat from Instagram into the office yet? Is it really that bright shade of red?
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: What is wrong with you
Thursday, October 26th [1:15 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
You told Fal?? You showed her Y/N’s INSTAGRAM??
Whatever happened to boundaries
The opposite-of-warm wishes,
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: Kim, Namjoon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: What is wrong with you
Thursday, October 26th [1:31 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
Boundaries? Oh, the irony. Have you peeped through any good windows lately?
Senior Analyst, Communications
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Kim, Namjoon
Subject: Re: Re: What is wrong with you
Thursday, October 26th [1:40 PM]
Non-Confidential, Internal Use Only
… I hate when my past wrongs come back to haunt me.
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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Thursday, October 26th [5:10 PM]
“Hey, Megan! It’s me, Y/N. Sorry to leave you another voice note, but I’m carrying home these peonies and my hands are full. Anyways, I was just – oh, hey!’
‘Uh, what are you doing here? It’s Jimin, right?’
‘Yeah, Jimin. Y/N, right?’
‘I, uh – I’m here because I’m waiting for a friend who works in this building. His name is Hoseok, do you know him?’
‘Can’t say that I do, but then again – I’m new. He could just work on a different floor.’
‘Ah, right. What floor are you on?’
‘Gotcha. Hoseok is on ten – but that’s funny.’
‘What is?’
‘Well, I work over in that building.’
‘That one on the corner?’
‘That’s it! I also work on the sixteenth floor. What are the odds? What side do you face?’
‘Right over… there.’
‘No way. Haha, my office is right … there.’
‘So close! I bet that if you looked, you could see me.’
‘I bet that I could. Maybe I’ll look for you tomorrow.’
‘That would be nice. I – uh, is your friend coming down, or…?’
‘Ah, right. Yeah, Hoseok shouldn’t be more than a few minutes. There’s this dog store by his place I’ve been meaning to go to.’
‘Dog store? You have a dog?’
‘Yeah, her name is – ah, this is embarrassing. Her name is Peaches.’
‘Don’t laugh! Haha but yeah, Peaches. My friend’s girlfriend kept on calling her that as a joke and it kind of stuck.’
‘Ah... your friend’s girlfriend? Not yours?’
‘Nope. Me, I’m hopelessly single.’
‘Except for Peaches.’
‘Well, sure. Except for Peaches.’
‘Yeah… those flowers are pretty. Peonies, right?’
‘Right… yes. Peonies. Thank you – they were a gift.’
‘Really? From your boyfriend?’
‘Nope. I think from my Mom.’
‘You think? Haha, isn’t that something you should know?’
‘Well, she keeps saying she didn’t send them – but come on. Who else would send me flowers?’
‘Well, I – ’
‘Hey… Hoseok.’
‘Oh, shit! I’m still recording, how embar – ’
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Friday, October 27th [9:37 AM]
Jimin: Namjoon. She left me a post-it note message.
Namjoon: a… what?
Jimin: A post-it note message. A message written entirely in post-it notes on her window.
Namjoon: what
Namjoon: what does the message say?
Jimin: “can you see this?”
Jimin: I can
Jimin: I can see it, Namjoon
Namjoon: oh my god, she’s just as dorky as you are
Namjoon: also, did I miss something? Since when do you two converse?
Jimin: since I took Fal’s advice and went to see her
Namjoon: you WHAT?
Namjoon: … there’ll be no living with her after this.
Jimin: Yeah, I went. I told her about Peaches and then chickened out before I could tell her about the flowers
Namjoon: wow
Namjoon: you’re still an idiot. But maybe only half of one
Jimin: thx man, I’m gonna cry
Jimin: … she left me a message
Jimin: 😊😊
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Monday, October 30th [10:37 AM]
Office Instant Message [10:37 AM]
Jordan, Elizabeth: hey, Y/N! Coffee last week was fun. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to make it a daily thing?
Office Instant Message [10:39 AM]
Y//L/N, Y/N: yes, of course! Sounds perfect :)
Office Instant Message [10:40 AM]
Jordan, Elizabeth: amazing.
Office Instant Message [10:40 AM]
Jordan, Elizabeth: on a side note, have you looked out the window today?
Office Instant Message [10:41 AM]
Y//L/N, Y/N: not today, no – why?
Office Instant Message [10:43 AM]
Jordan, Elizabeth: ohh haha okay, long story. So, there’s this super-hot guy in the building next door that we all creep on. Today he’s wearing some sort of fuzzy yellow blanket and put this message in post-it notes on the window?? It’s the oddest thing
Office Instant Message [10:44 AM]
Y//L/N, Y/N: omg. Gudetama!! It’s a Gudetama blanket!
Office Instant Message [10:45 AM]
Jordan, Elizabeth: Gude-what now?
Office Instant Message [10:46 AM]
Y//L/N, Y/N: it’s hard to explain lol
Office Instant Message [10:47 AM]
Y//L/N, Y/N: it’s this beloved, depressed, Japanese egg
Office Instant Message [10:48 AM]
Jordan, Elizabeth: uh haha okay
Office Instant Message [10:49 AM]
Jordan, Elizabeth: what about his message? What do you think it means?
Office Instant Message [10:49 AM]
Jordan, Elizabeth: “I like your pens.”
Office Instant Message [10:51 AM]
Y//L/N, Y/N: asldkfjalskdjaf
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“Hello, this is Kim Seokjin. You have reached the front desk of Bangtan Incorporated. For quality assurance purposes, the following phone call will be recorded and monitored. How may I help you today?”
“Hi, there! I need to speak to Park Jimin. He’s the Senior Analyst of Internal Audit for Bangtan Incorporated.”
“Absolutely, ma’am. To what should I say this is referring?”
“Like – the egg?”
“Yes, Seokjin. Like the egg. Tell him that it’s very important.”
“I – uh, sure. I mean, wonderful – your happiness is our top priority. Connecting you to Mr. Park now.”
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Monday, November 6th [9:30 AM]
Office Instant Message [9:30 AM]
Kim, Namjoon: why did you text Fal, asking her what kind of coffee girls drink
Office Instant Message [9:32 AM]
Park, Jimin: why do you and Fal tell each other EVERYTHING
Office Instant Message [9:33 AM]
Kim, Namjoon: get your own damn girlfriend if you want to keep secrets
Office Instant Message [9:34 AM]
Park, Jimin: I just wanted to know for science
Office Instant Message [9:35 AM]
Kim, Namjoon: I know you’re not seeing anyone right now, Jimin but you have met a girl, right? Get her normal coffee.
Office Instant Message [9:37 AM]
Park, Jimin: just… have Fal answer me, okay?
Office Instant Message [9:39 AM]
Kim, Namjoon: she says get her plain coffee but buy different creamers/sugar so she can make her own
Office Instant Message [9:40 AM]
Park, Jimin: brilliant. Give Fal the good lovin’ tonight, Joon
Office Instant Message [9:42 AM]
Kim, Namjoon: I’m going to kill you
Office Instant Message [9:43 AM]
Park, Jimin: Got to catch me first. I’m quick
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From: Park, Jimin
To: Jung, Hoseok
Subject: Question
Monday, November 6th [6:50 PM]
Non-Confidential, External
Hey, Hoseok!
I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I need to drop something off at a friend’s desk in your building. Could you let me in tomorrow morning?
Senior Analyst, Internal Audit
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From: Jung, Hoseok
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Re: Question
Monday, November 6th [7:05 PM]
Non-Confidential, External
Sure thing! Just let me know the time.
Side note – Yoongi keeps asking when we’re playing ball again. Are you and Jungkook over your little spat yet?
Lead, IT Security
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Tuesday, November 7th
Laptop – he left me coffee.
He keeps on denying it. I called him earlier (that Kim Seokjin at reception is such a sweetheart) and he said it wasn’t him – but Laptop, I could see him laughing through the window! He was grinning that stupid handsome smile, so I know it was him. I mentioned to him last week that my building was cold and what was his response? Drink more coffee.
I know it was Jimin – that’s his name, Laptop, Jimin – I just know it.
Laptop. I think I might be falling for him.
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 Wednesday, November 8th [3:01 PM]
Office Instant Message [3:01 PM]
Park, Jimin: I can’t stop thinking about her. I’m going crazy
Office Instant Message [3:02 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: then ask her the f*** out and stop bothering me
Office Instant Message [3:03 PM]
Park, Jimin: what if she doesn’t like me though
Office Instant Message [3:05 PM]
Park, Jimin: what if she just puts up with me because the flirting is funny, but when I ask her out – it becomes too real and she bails
Office Instant Message [3:06 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: Jimin
Office Instant Message [3:07 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: I am only going to say this once, so listen
Office Instant Message [3:08 PM]
Park, Jimin: okay, listening
Office Instant Message [3:10 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: You’re an amazing guy. This girl has been flirting with you for weeks. You like her, right? Even if she doesn’t like you – which is dumb, because she does – do you really want to live the rest of your life watching her from behind glass?
Office Instant Message [3:12 PM]
Park, Jimin: huh
Office Instant Message [3:14 PM]
Park, Jimin: for being such a dick, you’re surprisingly insightful
Office Instant Message [3:15 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: annnd the moment’s over
Office Instant Message [3:15 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: go get laid
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From: Min, Yoongi
To: Y/L/N, Y/N
Subject: Idk what to title this
Thursday, November 9th [4:00 PM]
Non-Confidential, External
Hi Y/N,
Listen. This is probably weird, since we’ve barely spoken. I got your email address from Namjoon, who got it from Hoseok – and now I’m realizing you might not know who either of those people are. Well. I’m sending this as a formal request to please ask out Park Jimin. He’s madly in love with you, and the stress is really throwing off his basketball game.
I need to win these games, Y/N. If we lose, the youth win.
Don’t let the youth win.
In summary: ask out Jimin, save my game. Oh, yeah – and have a good day
Manager, HR
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From: Y/L/N, Y/N
To: 9th Street Florist
Subject: Order
Thursday, November 9th [5:40 PM]
Non-Confidential, External
Hi there!
I’d like to place an order for one (1) bouquet of peach-colored daisies. I would like this order sent to Park Jimin, Bangtan Incorporated at 1011 LaSalle Street, Floor 16. I’ll stop by after work to pay. If the card could read, “I really loved the peonies,” that would be great.
Thank you!
Analyst, Training
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Friday, November 10th [5:20 PM]
“Hi, you’ve reached Jimin. Leave a message after the beep. BEEEE – hahaha just kidding – ”  
“Hey, it’s Namjoon. If you don’t change that annoying-ass voicemail of yours, I’m going to throttle you. I’m calling because we were supposed to leave for Seokjin’s happy hour together. Well, I’m in your office now – and surprise, surprise, you’re not here. Damn, your laptop and bag are gone, too! Did you just leave without me – oh! Shit! I just looked out your window. Oh my god, is that you? Is this it? Are you finally doing it? I see you – listen, Jimin, you should really trim your hair – but oh my god, you’re running. YOU’RE RUNNING – that’s her! That’s Y/N! You’re … tapping her on the shoulder! Oh crap, you scared her. You’re – YES, JIMIN! YES! FUCK, YES! Wow, man. That is some kiss. That’s Notebook-level shit, right there. Okay. You can stop. Fuck, man – are you scared she’s going off to war? I – oh. Alright. I see how it is. Nice, man. Ve-ry nice. I’m going to hang up now, because I feel super creepy watching this. Bye.”
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Monday, November 13th
Hey, Laptop.
He got the flowers I sent him.
We kissed.
I – we’re dating.
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From: Wine, Fallon
To: Park, Jimin
Subject: Life Advice 2
Friday, December 15th [4:16 PM]
Jimin, dear. What kind of wine does Y/N drink? I’m going to the store after work and need your input. Red would probably go better with the pasta, but what kind of red?
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Friday, December 15th [4:34 PM]
Office Instant Message [4:34 PM]
Park, Jimin: tell your fiancée to stop emailing my work email
Office Instant Message [4:36 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: oh, please
Office Instant Message [4:37 PM]
Kim, Namjoon: I’ve seen the stuff you and Y/N send. You two think you’re sooo clever.
Office Instant Message [4:38 PM]
Park, Jimin: point taken
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Friday, December 15th [4:42 PM]
Jimin: hey babe, what kind of wine do you want? Xx
Y/N: dry, sarcastic, red as blood
Jimin: cool. Totally normal, not at all scary
Y/N: lol tell Fal whatever wine she has is perfect
Jimin: that’s what I said! I told her you’re a lush and will drink anything in front of you
Y/N: yes, I will 😉
Jimin: holy fuck, I choked
Y/N:  😉
Jimin: babe! You can’t be dirtier than me, it’s not allowed
Jimin: god, when will today be over
Jimin: can you leave early?
Jimin: please. I need to be inside you at least once before tonight
Y/N: jimin!!
Y/N: … twice, if you’re lucky
Y/N: leaving work now
Jimin: good. I missed you
Y/N: haha I just saw you at lunch
Jimin: I’m not a logical man
Y/N: I accept all your shortcomings and love you despite them 😊
Jimin: I love you too, babe
Jimin: a lot 😊
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Author’s Note: Hi. I hope you enjoyed :)) HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JIMIN! 
© kpopfanfictrash, 2017. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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woozi · 3 years
yza :3 💌,
g7 have taught me well after all 😌 now i know i gotta call ppl by their name ( djjdjdkdksks waiting for the day my silly jokes start annoying you jejsjekeekekke im so sorry 😭😭😭😭 lmao)
that's good to know 🥺 sending best vibes always, i'm on autopilot too, we've got to find pilots for us </3 I'm doing well!! thank you for asking. except for not wanting to do anything but still pushing through jsjskssj my family and i are in middle of moving houses so all of that is stressful :3
hsjsksksk trust me i have more brain farts than anyone else, it's not embarassing hdjdkd <3 speaking of embarassing did you see bambam receiving his aaa awards jddjdkdk
are you not going to get winter break? i hope whenever that is, it comes soon and you get watch everything with calm mind <3
s in svt is literally for sexy <3 they'll keep being sexy, i say make them perfom fast pace concert version at awards shows. and yes cheol did audition as singer 🥺
also speaking of jihoon im so so proud of him 🥺 goddd when i first saw the update, the way it boosted my carat ego how. is. he. so. humble???? i'd be anytime but! guess that's also why we love him and them in first place 🥺 also so happy to see they got daesang again with cheol present this time <3
okay okay wait the seating arrangements ndjdkeke i too would volunteer to sit beside cheol or behind jeonghan (would come in handy during tests why? bc he always wins at life no matter what 😭) but me being my infj ass would choose wonu and silently judge, watch & gossip about others from last djjdkdkd i actually used to be back-bencher in school what about you??
noo that's so actually nicee i'm very picky eater, i used to eat everything as kid but then i stopped once i hit teens and now i'm back to trying to eat everything again jsjskskd i'd share my indian version of ramen with you <3
ikr stuff just never seems to end really sucks tbh :/ the bear thing 😭😭😭 jsjsksksks sometimes i just be talking literally anything without filter, the way you keep hyping up my nonsense 😭😭😭 i have no other option but to love you
before i used to teach eng at my coaching class, atm i'm job searching tbh djjdkdks it's hell but once we complete the moving process i'll be able to fully focus on that. thank you yza 🥺 love you, me tooo <3
AND OH MY GOD FINALLY YAYYYY I'M 10X EXCITED THAN WHATEVER PERCENT YOU ARE djdjkdkdkd i'd love to know your thoughts on the eps and everything <3 i hope you're enjoying it as much as i hyped abt it jsjddjjd hye jin is such a mood tbh i love herr
also got to know svteenies aren't attending mama? good for them, they didn't even attend mma i never keep tracks etc so i am not aware what beef they have with mma but still good for them <3 i hope they still attend gayo festival tho i've been looking forward to their bigger stage performances ( but honestly that's okay too since we got so many performances with better camera quality at concerts already )
ALSO OMG I FORGOT bambam and svteenies being in one event ( aaa ) made me so !!!!! 😭 alexa play air by bambam i miss got7 sm :/// awards just aren't the same without them
i've been wanting to send this in since days jddkkddk finally i'm sending now, missed you 🥺, take care yza, as svteenies say : wear warm clothes <3 - 🪂
NOT THE G7 SONG 😭😭😭😭😭😭 ok but it is arguably their best title track so <3 keep the squeaky squeaky puns coming 😋
LITERALLY!!!!!!!!!! am i expected to steer my whole life like this until i am aged?????/ oh my god PLEASE😭😭 ok but u know what i have a v specific pilot in mind teehee <3
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ai call dibs on this one!!!!!!!! FKJDJKFFDJKDFJKD ALSO IM V V PROUD OF U FOR PUSHING THROUGH!!!!!!! U GOT THIS <3 <3 <3 moving houses is indEED so stressful but it all pays off very well in the end <3 i hope u adjust quickly to ur new home as well
also no i have not </3 i only heard the SKRRT SKRRT DKJGJGKJKFG DID ANYTHING INCH RESTING HAPPEN 👀
last day of classes is on the 22nd </3 that is still so far away i need a break oh my god uni pls LET US LIVE 😭😭
LICHRALLY!!!!!!!!! also omg who do u think the sexiest svteenie is 👀
I KNOW OH MY GOD </3 this has been a long time coming, and i'm so so so so glad a lot more people are recognizing his hard work now 🥺 also the way he never forgot abt bumzu </3 screaming crying THROWING UP!!!!!!!!!
i heard jeonghan was known for being smart in uni and that he graduated at rank 3 in his high school so yes YOU ARE SO RIGHT <3 ALSO OMG DKJFDJKDFJK THAT'S SO FUNNY I CAN PICTURE U AND WONU TBH 😭😭😭 wonu likes the deadpan kinda talking shit im kind of obsessed w it ngl <3 i don't really have a preference tbh!! but ever since uni i sit either in the very front/near the front bc my sight has gotten v bad lmao. actually even almost went blind once JFDDJKDFKJFDJK
INDIAN VERSION OF RAMEN????????????????????????// idk why it never occurred to me that there is an indian ver of ramen my ears are TINGLING oh my god im so inch rested i wanna try it so bad
OHHHHHHH THAT IS SO SEXIE OF U OMG <3 what made u want to go into teaching? <3
I'M AT EP 14 RN JFKDFDKJFKJDDF I WAS SO BUSY SO IM GETTING TO IT SLOW BUT THIS IS LITERALLY MY CUP OF TEA </3 i used to be into intense shit, but now i love genres like this!! this feel good show made me feel so </3 also love how they didn't just focus on the main leads </3 the little town IS the heart of the story and they highlighted that SUPER well </3 </3 also ngl this kind of made me feel lovesick for a week straight KJFKJDFKJFDJKFD WHEN AM I GONNA GET A BEE EFF AGAIN OH MY GOD
YEAH OH MY GOD GTHEY ARENT FDJKDFJKFDJKJDF FUCK MAMA TBH ALL THE HOMIES HATE MAMA!!!!!!! i'm v v glad they're not attending mnet always fucks things up. also have u seen the slight diss cheol said abt mama lmfaooo (maybe im just reading into things too much too but u know lol) 😭😭 MAMA AINT SHIT WBK!!! AND I TRUST CHEOL'S WORDS <3 THE ONLY MAN I TRUST!!!!!!!! i haven't heard anything abt gayo daejeon but they are confirmed for gayo daechukje!! AND UR SO RIGHT 😭😭😭 we did have SOO many concerts and performances!! love the camerawork on a few of them too <3 also idk but i'm not really a fan of music show camerawork in general so maybe thats why i prefer their footages from other performances dkjfjdkfjkdf
AND YES I HAVE SEEN BAMBAM!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven't watched his cuts tho </3 i was v v v busy that day 😭 and i know </3 i miss the boys sm. i think they're also hinting at a cb????????? or are the birdies just going insane and reading too much into it bc a lot of the boys changed their bios to g7 😭😭
also why are u so cute and so sweet every time 🥺🥺🥺🥺 ily im genuinely so grateful u even spare me the time of the day, especially now knowing that youre so busy 🥺 I MISSED U V MUCH TOOO <3 <3 i hope the move goes well and that u also get to rest!! and you wear warm clothes <3 i'll be half naked here in this tropical ass country FDJKDFJDFJDFJK LOVE U CHERIE <3 U ALWAYS MAKE MY DAYS A LOT BETTER!!
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starrywinters · 7 years
missing — an ong seongwoo fic
requested by @sweetpoisonousmilkshake 
genre: slight horror??? idk, mystery? thrill? yo holY this is just a mess & a flop
based off of this post by @tokyo-coffee 
a/n: happy 300 to me :0 honestly, thanks guys!😫🎉💕 i don’t think i deserve these 300 followers but ((((’: and MERRY EARLY CHRISTMAS!🎄
also, legit hope you guys enjoy???? because i don’t like this,,,, no matter how many times i’ve edited this to make it sound better, it just doesnt????
“where are you guys?”
“i’m so lost
what is happening”
saturday - december 23rd
“breaking news, following after the missing cases of 9 other boys, 22 year old kang daniel has been reported missing after a 24 hour waiting period of no response.”
-zip- closing the tv, seongwoo cannot believe it.
what is happening, the missing 10 people are all his friends
who is behind this and what is their purpose.
for the past two weeks, one of his friends would be reported missing every day of the week, weekends aren’t touched,
guess every criminal needs their breaks too.
day 1 - ha sungwoon
december 11th
a group of 11 boys met up at the center of a mall. the best of friends, enjoying themselves around the mall, until…
“hey, guys, i’m going to the restroom, i’ll meet up with you guys in a bit”
“meet up at the food court when you’re done, sungwoon hyung”
“don’t clog the toilet in there HAHAH”
the day goes by and the clock hits 6pm, sungwoon still a no-show
he doesn’t pick up his phone, the boys split up to look in every restroom in the mall
still no sign of sungwoon,
-ding- seongwoo looks at his phone, it’s a message from sungwoon
“1 down, 10 more to go.”
frantically, he dials sungwoon’s number, the person on the other end picks up
and the person hangs up.
day 2 - bae jinyoung
december 12th
“okay everyone, you guys need to stay safe. be on the lookout for anything suspicious,” mother yoon jisung orders
“especially you maknaes, don’t go anywhere without an adult. or walk in crowded places.”
bae jinyoung, a child of mischief, does not listen. he feels like he can protect himself as he’s taking boxing lessons from jihoon,
he leaves his house at the usual time of 4AM, an early head start to school, his only source of light are the street lamps
a white van driving at, probably, 5mph was following him closely from behind,
creeped out he starts walking faster, the van starts driving faster, at this point he’s sprinting to school,
the van zooms by and stops a yard in front of jinyoung. the door slides open and three people steps out, taking bae jinyoung with them.
-ding- “9 more”
day 3 - hwang minhyun
december 13th
“ultra fast delivery? hm” the thing that has caught hwang minhyun’s eyes is an iRobot Roomba 880. issa a vacuum cleaner
the option of it being delivered right away caught his attention as well, placing his order, he expects the vacuum to arrive in 30 mins max, but
a minute later his doorbell rings, “wow i didn’t expect ultra fast delivery to be this quick,”
opening the door, he comes face to face with a masked man, his eyes look somewhat familiar, or am i picturing things
minhyun didn’t even get a word out before the guy places a cloth over his mouth, gasping which is not a good idea minhyun pls, chloroform.
day 4 - yoon jisung
december 14th
walking home from work, enjoying the fresh air of the night, he doesn’t notice someone suspicious following him.
even though he was the one who told his friends to stay cautious
going on his phone to check up on the news of his missing friends, no luck
no one can find them, the criminals didn’t leave any clues, what smart people.
“i just want my friends back, i want life to be normal again.”
the suspicious person took this opportunity to strike and attacks jisung,
hitting him at the back of his neck i’m sorry jisung ;-; he drops to the ground, unconscious.
dragging jisung away, all that’s left is his phone with a message sent to seongwoo
“7 more”
day 5 - lai guanlin
december 15th
the stress of not being able to communicate well with others as he’s a foreigner has finally hit him.
he feels left out and wants to collect his cool before he bursts out at his friends, thinking going to the beach will satisfy him, he did just that
spending an hour max at the beach swimming and screaming to his heart’s content, has allowed him to calm down
he feels more motivated to learn korean better, to be able to have fun with his friends too.
swimming back to shore, he didn’t notice how far he swam out, stranded in the middle of the ocean he didn’t know where to go
an incoming big wave crashes into him and he drowns, but a boat passes by and saves him
he never makes it home.
day 6 - park woojin
december 18th
he went to the park where he heard there was a hurdle tournament going on,
saw some online ad and wanted to participate.
he didn’t bother considering it to be a scam since all that was in his head was winning the grand prize of $1000
the event takes place at the time of 6PM and ends at 8
woojin ends up going and upon his arrival, doesn’t see anything set up for a hurdle race
“scam? i was really looking forward to this too,” kicking some nearby rocks, he pouted.
he saw an ice cream truck parked by the park and thinks why not treat himself and make his day better with ice cream?
after getting his ice cream, he turns around, takes a few steps and bumps into someone, “ah sorry”
his ice cream fell in the process, “hey it’s ok why don’t i get you another ice cream?” dragging him to some place unknown, woojin is confused as he’s walking in the opposite direction of the ice cream truck
“i know a really good ice cream place, let’s go”
woojin never gets back home and worries his dorm mates
“5, halfway there.”
day 7 - kim jaehwan
december 19th
jaehwan started out busking as his hobby which soon became his way of living.
the many years of his field of work has never had anything serious happen, sure some delinquents would try to steal his money but he’d find a way to get it back
never in his life has he ever dealt with what’s about to happen to him
a person who self-claims as a manager from a big music entertainment walks up to jaehwan, hands him a card and tells him to go audition,
looking at the information presented on the card, “YMC huh, this sounds a bit sketchy sir,” when he looks up the man had already left
“guess i’ll give it a shot” and shrugs.
after busking, he makes it a mission to go home and rest early to go audition tomorrow, but as he walks home, some guy walks up to him and knocks him out
his guitar falls to the ground and he is taken away to someplace where his other friends are presumably taken to as well.
day 8 - lee daehwi
december 20th
worried about woojin’s disappearance he went to look for him at the same park that woojin went to,
he unknowingly meets the same guy who took woojin and asks if he’s seen a boy about “yay tall and sounds like a dolphin when he screams”
the guy doesn’t respond and keeps staring at him, wth this guy is so creepy????
“ah i’m guessing you haven’t i’ll take my leave now, thank you for your time.” turning around to leave, he feels a hand take hold of his wrist
“i know where he is,”
the guy smiles mysteriously, leads daehwi to where woojin is supposedly at and daehwi never ever came back either
day 9 - park jihoon
december 21st
tired after his boxing competition in london, he packs his bags and waits for his manager to finish whatever he’s doing.
knowing how long this manager usually takes, he finds a place to sit in the lobby of the hotel he resided in, and closes his eyes for a small little nap
a black figure slowly creeps up to him and is about two seats away, reaching out
“hey jihoon-ssi, hey, wake up.” waking up to someone tapping his shoulders, he sees his manager in front of him, “let’s go we’re almost late for our flight”
the black figure has hid behind a newspaper so he wouldn’t get caught,
heading out and arriving at the airport, the manager leaves to go check in for them first, letting jihoon take his time walking
lost in the crowd of people, the same black figure was following jihoon, feeling something was suspicious he walks faster and looks for a restroom to wash his face and clear his mind, thinking he was imagining the feeling
walking into the restroom he unexpectedly gets jumped and gets knocked out by a chloroform cloth, the same black figure getting up and cleaning the ‘dust’ off his hands and pants,
day 10 - kang daniel
december 24th
coming back from his b-boy practices, he feels a little hungry, going to the convenience store down the street from his house, he buys a few snacks and drinks
walking out of the store with his phone in hand dialing seongwoo’s number, to check in on him and to just chat, he almost crashes into a guy
taking the faster way home, he walks by an alleyway right as seongwoo picks up, and gets dragged inside,
struggling to be set free, he turns and sees the face of his kidnapper,
and finds out who it is as his eyes widens, dropping his phone and his bag of snacks,  
“You- mmph”
“hello? daniel? are you there?”
and he hears a muffled voice speak into the phone,
seongwoo feels frantic, all his friends have gone missing
what will he do now, what if something happens to them, is this all a dream?
is this a christmas prank? this is a cruel prank then
seongwoo, not knowing what to do, wants to cry. not being able to sleep two nights in a row in worry of his friends’ safety.
day 11 - ong seongwoo
december 25th, christmas day
getting up out of his bed, he heads to his living room,
his house looking like a caveman ransacked his place in search for food, he grieves over his friends’ disappearance,
he receives a letter from an unknown person; inside it, in cutout letters from magazines, was spelled out
“0, you are next.”
thanks for reading!♡ omg plus, winter break is almost here, bless. im ready to watch the downfall of my grades throughout this week, ugh finals week im ready to fail every test given to me ((’:
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tinnyhi · 7 years
The Hip Hop and Classic: Chapter 1, Biana
(Info) ( Next Chapter)
Biana Vacker is one of the many skilled dancers at Foxfire. Being skilled at ballet, but she’s moderate at others. Considering it’s recommended that the students at the academy should try all other dance forms. 
Plus she was on the Black Swan, but didn’t like sworn an oath or anything. She just goes to the meetings that were held every other week. The other weeks for the Neverseen meetings. It’s after the mandatory Company class that everyone takes. How to get into the Company? 
Well the Company has places only for the elite of the elite. People can audition all they want, but may not get picked. Luckily when Biana auditioned, most of the Company graduated. So there were a lot of open spots. 
Back to the Black Swan thing, it’s one of the three sides that you have to choose when you apply for Foxfire. The other two were Neverseen and Neutral. 
Her friends and family were all in Black Swan with her. Plus it was time for the annual competition to start between the Neverseen and Black Swan. 
The competition is a one dance only from both groups. That includes the dance types they provided at Foxfire. The Black Swan and Neverseen were always go off and on with wining. Recently though, Neverseen has been wining the competition. The winner is decided through the Council, or the judges. There were 12 judges. It would be always be hard to choose the winner, but the vote is tied. There would be another dance from both groups, and the biggest applause from the audience. That would be the winner. 
She’s currently waiting at the lobby, alone. Where all the public announcements are made. Everyone is crowding around one single flyer. 
“How do I get to see the announcement for competition, if I even can’t see it.” Biana huffed, her brown hair was in a bun that runs along her cheekbones. Wearing a zipped blue jacket and black leggings with comfy sandals. Shouldering her pink dance bag. 
“It’s okay, Biana. I already saw it. So don’t worry,” Her friend Sophie said next to her. Her blonde hair is in a ponytail, wearing a tank top and basketball shorts, also wearing sandals. She had her blue dance bag on her shoulder. 
Sophie Foster was a transfer. She has attended Foxfire for almost a year now. Becoming friends with her was a hard process, but they now had a good relationship. Plus she had a photographic memory, giving her an advantage when doing performances. Sophie wasn’t in ballet because she would always fall, even doing a simple pirouette. So she’s just doing the other three. Which were jazz, modern and contemporary.
“Thank goodness, I thought I push everyone away. To catch a glimpse at it,” Putting her hands together, and did a slight bow but face Sophie at eye level again. “So what did it say?”
“Well, since this was my first competition in general. I will just give you a run down.” Sophie tugged on a loose eyelash. “Basically it says the competition rules. Like ‘no spying on the other team’ etc etc. Also there was this peculiar thing at the bottom.” 
“What did it say then?” Biana’s voice has gotten softer. That what usually happens when she gets nervous. Clasping her hands. 
“It says ‘Both teams in their dance, must include the main four dance types. Dancers from Exillium are allowed, but only include at least 2 dancers.’” Sophie rubbing her arms. “Is it something new or is it always like that?” 
“That has never happened, including Exillium dancers and have all four.” Biana biting her lip.
 OMG! Did I just wrote that??? Anyways, this is just the first draft, or not. I have no idea. Anyways I hope you enjoy this first chapter, there are more to come. Plus I wanted to do Sophie to be the first chapter, but I decided to do Biana instead. Constrictive Criticism is always welcome. 
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noscorpsaladerive · 7 years
Flo in Bordeaux!!!!
I wrote up mine and Emily’s experiences seeing Flo yesterday but the verb tenses are all over the place and this is REALLY LONG so it’s going under the cut I hope y’all enjoy :)
So Emily and I got to Bordeaux around noon but we couldn’t check in until 14h so we were walking around trying to find food that didn’t cost 20€ per person and we accidentally came across the theatre!!!  They had a couple posters with Flo’s face on them and I nearly died omg.  We saw a couple of vans outside and I’m guessing it was all of their equipment.
Skip forward a few hours and one mild freak out session that resulted in breathing exercises later, and Emily and I FINALLY head over to the theatre about an hour before showtime.  There are already quite a few people outside, which surprised me a little bit, but the age demographic was very strange.  Like there were a lot of women who were at least in their 40s and 50s and even a gaggle of preteen girls not that enjoying Flo’s music is limited to a certain age group but it was just an unexpected demographic (as Erin said it’s the same one as 50 Shades of Grey lol).  But anyway while we were standing outside I heard some music playing AND IT WAS FLO’S SOUNDCHECK.  I think he was playing J’attends encore but they just played part of it but it was still enough to cause a heart attack dear goodness
So we finally get into the theatre (and there was this whole drama about the staff holding onto my fancy camera during the concert because apparently photos weren’t allowed ugh but ANYWAY) and it like still hasn’t quite hit that I’m actually seeing Flo again??? I think part of it might’ve been the fact that we had to get up at like 4:45 in the morning to go to the train station but I was like scarily calm considering this is Flo we’re talking about.
The opening act was a band from Bordeaux called MO and they were actually really good!! I’d looked them up beforehand and their music seemed like French country and considering that I don’t like American country I wasn’t too excited but it was a little bit more soft pop than country and it almost reminded me of Diane’s music??  It was a very similar genre regardless.  They got the audience to do this like percussive song thing with them and it was really fun I’d definitely be happy to see them perform again.
Then after a good while where the crew moved instruments around and they adjusted the lighting one last time the band walked on stage and started playing some music then FLO WALKED ON STAGE AND I COULDN’T STOP GRINNING LIKE AN IDIOT and they keep playing then he gets interrupted by his mom calling and he finally turns around and I see his stupid face and I’m gonna die just writing about this omg and he’s so damn cute and he’s now wearing a hoop earring (we were on Flo’s left so we had great views of the earring haha) and omg I’m still dying
Anyways after the fake phone call with his mom they start playing Se serrer la main which is one of my fave songs on that album but like i wanted to like stand up and jam along but no one else was standing??? Concerts that take place in real theatres stress me out idk if we’re supposed to stand or sit or what but ANYWAY
after that song ended he asked « Y’a des drôles de filles ici ce soir?? »/« Are there any drôles de filles here tonight? » (sorry I can’t think of how to translate drôles de filles rn) but I FLIPPED MY SHIT QUELLE DRÔLE DE FILLE IS SUCH A JAM (plus it’s my blog title lol) uhhhh idk which songs were next and I’m too lazy to pull up my recording rn to check but he sang a new song and damn it was such a jam and he was like noodling and dancing across the stage and i was struck by two things:  1) he seemed SO COMFORTABLE in his own skin and in his own body and i know he’s struggled with body issues before so it warmed my heart to see him so comfortable with himself and 2) he leaned backwards at one point (a mini-Rosenberggggg lean if you will) and I noticed his abs through his shirt???  And I was like wtf????  Are his abs just THAT well defined or is his shirt kinda see through??? Later on after I saw his nipples I was like YEP that shirt’s see through oops.  I knew his outfit seemed too normal I was getting suspicious. He also dabbed at the end of that song and you could feel half the audience groaning hahaha.
Uh I’m forgetting the song order but for Les Blessures qui ne se voient pas he started out a cappella and people were kinda singing along at first but everyone stopped and it was literally a silent theatre full of people listening to nothing but Flo’s voice and it was so beautiful and powerful I almost cried.  Oh I also almost cried when he did Te Ressembler because I wasn’t expecting him to do that song and it reminds me so much of the relationship I have with my mother and it just gets to me man.
After maybe like half an hour he started the whole bit where he tells us his life story starting with Canada which is a shame that he doesn’t start earlier because I would literally die to hear him perform some Lost Smile.  So he starts out the bit at a bar and he orders a rum and coke from the bartender (aka the guitarist who was wiping down his guitar with a towel as if it was a bar countertop lol) so the guitarist pours him a glass of wine and calls it rum and coke and Flo says « What kind of rum is this? » and the bartender/guitarist says « It’s Bordeaux rum! » and everyone screams since we��re in Bordeaux and Flo says that the best rum is from Bordeaux and everyone screams some more.
He talked about the friend he wrote « Alone » for then he performed said song and I nearly died I never in a million years thought I would ever hear him perform Canada songs live but also I feel like Emily and I were the only ones who knew the song???  The general feeling I got from the audience was confusion while I was jamming along having the time of my life.  The only other Canada song he performed was Mrs Mary which I don’t know as well as Alone but oh well.  
Next he did the getting a call to come audition for MOR and the fake audition and he was acting all cute and when the casting director aka the keyboardist asked how old he was he said 27 and like half of the audience squealed he was acting so cute then this motherfucker went and sang Bohemian Rhapsody which is ANOTHER song I thought I’d never hear him perform live and I just about died and cried I was a roller coaster of emotions last night okay?
Then he sang « L’Assasymphonie » and we all stood up and jammed and I’m pretty sure there was eye contact happening between us and I was living for it seeing Flo perform that song gives me life I have a video too but I’ll be uploading all my videos, pics, and recordings later.
Then he got a fake call from Dove (and I squealed really loudly when Flo mentioned Dove) and Dove said he’d had a dream about Flo with a big sword (ahem) and that’s how he introduced Quelque chose de magique and I died all over again it was like this really awesome rock arrangement and I was living for it @Dove why don’t you get Flo to do the arrangements for your musicals from now on at least that way you can’t tell him to chop all his hair off but I digress.  Tbh I’m really glad Flo did Quelque chose de magique because Mon combat is awkwardly just out of his lower range and Auprès d’un autre is just...yeah.  But it was so great to hear him sing LRA live again I was so pumped.
At some point during the musicals or just after Flo took another sip of the wine (which the guitarist had been drinking lol) and he said « Fuck that’s good I’m gonna need three or four more glasses » and tbh same but after the musicals they brought out a drum and let Flo drum for a bit and they did Sur mon nuage then he did Arrête somewhere in there???  Oh and the slow version of Je ne sais pas (which is the better version imo) which he apparently wrote about the girl who dumped him in Canada which I totally didn’t realize.
Then he was winding down the show and did that sped up version of Quoi de neuf which stresses me out because it’s so damn fast and he also kept switching up the lyrics in the chorus???? Like dude wtf I can’t sing along if you keep changing it!!!!
He left the stage afterwards but came back to do another new song whose name I forgot and he tried to teach us the chorus and was like « it’s really easy!! » but I couldn’t understand the words he was singing???? Oh well maybe he’ll release it on his next album whenever that’s happening (which he hasn’t even mentioned another album so I’m not holding my breath lol) then he ended with Qu’est-ce qu’un homme which is such a good song y’all it’s SO GOOD. But y’all when he had his arms around his band members to bow the Floobs were out they were really out there and idk how to process this information.
We headed outside to see about stagedooring and there ended up being two groups of fans at two different exits and we were kind of eying each other trying to figure out who was going to be right and if we needed to rush to the other side but all of the sudden everyone rushed to one of the theatre’s main doors??? So Emily and I rushed along and we were all penguin huddled together and no one really knew what was happening but we were all just waiting while the theatre staff opened the door and let a few fans in at a time.  We finally figured out that we were meeting Flo inside which I thought was nice since that way he wasn’t being crowded by a bunch of fans at the same time.
So Emily and I finally get inside except I’m getting loopy because of lack of sleep and we really hadn’t eaten that much that day either and I was SO CLOSE to deciding I was going to tell Flo I was disappointed he didn’t do any Lost Smile lol.  So the line of fans goes around a corner so we can’t really see what’s happening until we get up close and we can see the dudes that opened the show and we thought Flo would be after them but no you greet Flo first and that’s when my heart started beating real fast I wasn’t fucking ready y’all but we were doing it.
So I finally get up to Flo and he and a staff member are talking about how many people are still waiting and he didn’t quite see me at first when I handed him my ticket to sign and when they’re done talking I quietly say « hi » and Flo finally sees me and y’all he got so fucking excited I was so worried he wouldn’t recognize us but he did!!!!!!!! Even though it’s been almost two years!!!!! He asks us how we’ve been and he seemed so sincere and genuine and so interested like he really did want to know how we had been doing and as he’s signing Emily’s ticket I asked what his cat’s name was and he said he wasn’t saying right now but that he was going to announce it later.  But he did tell us his cat was super sweet and that he didn’t make too much noise in the morning and that he will play fetch like a dog and I was like omg my cat too!!! I’m also 95% sure at some point during this convo I straight up told Flo I love his cat but idk if he heard but he didn’t seem weirded out lol so that was good.  Flo took selfies with me then while he was taking selfies with Emily I said, « The concert was better than Harry Potter » (a reference to the classic « Song For A Lunatic ») and he was trying so hard not to lose it mid-selfie and I’m pretty sure it was the cause of the blep in Emily’s selfies it was so fucking great hahaha then the theatre staff fussed at all of us because we were taking so long but it was so worth it. He thanked us for coming and seemed really sincere about it like it wasn’t in just a « I need something to close this convo with fans » way it was like really genuine and this man and his sincerity will be the death of me.
Emily and I stayed calm until we got outside the theatre then we fucking lost it and screamed at Emily’s mom on the phone while she was at work because FLORENT MOTHE RECOGNIZED US and he had like a substantial conversation with us and he didn’t with the people ahead of us and he smiled SO MUCH in our selfies it was so amazing I feel so validated as a fan like one of my all time fave singers actually knows who I am and I’m dying.
I recorded most of the concert so I’ll post that recording and some pictures and videos later on!!  Damn this turned out wayyy longer than expected lol.
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Emma Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles - 15+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/emma-williss-short-haircuts-and-hairstyles/ - Emma Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, is low maintenance and you have a chíc hairstyle to yourself without too much fuss. So whether you prefer world oysters to sleek shiny style with textured tresses or Matt Willis's wife's hair. Only some of us are lucky enough to try this jazzy hairstyle, so if you have a face, here's how to get Emma Willis's 2020 - 2021 haircut. Both the cut and colour of Emma Willis's trendy children's cut hairstyle play out the rare and unexpected grey blue colour of her almond-shaped eyes. Emma Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles Emma Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, The darkness of the jet black strands throws back flashes of the cameras and contrasts with the steel grey of their gaze. She is free to exhibit the metal stud that pierced the cartilage of her upper ear by parting her hair to the side and leaving her ears bare. Not everyone is brave enough to wear a children's cut or pierce their ears for that matter. But then not everyone is fearless beauty Emma Willis. Presenter Emma Willis impressed fans on social media with an entirely new hairstyle for tonight's episode of the Voice. Emma Willis's Haircuts and Hairstyles Emma Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Taking to Instagram Saturday 2020, the star shared a series of behind-the-scenes shots, including two photos showing the Natural Silver of her short hair glowing. Regis creative director Guy Cammarano and Katy Banks are a member of the Regis artistic team, guiding you on how to create Emma's famous pixie crop. Emma Willis has had a few hairstyles in recent years. Emma Willis Emma Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, He gained a reputation as a distinguished television presenter. But the British television presenter and model is privately known for her unique appearance and charming character. Rumours and rumours about the 44-year-old's haircut are constantly attracting the attention of celebrity magazines and tabloids. Look at Emma Willis ' old hair in the picture gallery. Likes suits and hair. another said. The star hairdresser, who regularly works with Vicky McClure, has previously said Hello. Emma Willis's Short Haircuts Emma Louise Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Emma's decision to go blonde was not a whim. He said it's something we've been working on for a long time. I developed a hair technique called Spotlight color, which is really about personalizing the hair color you have. We are doing a kind of gradual process from dark to light, he added. We performed on stage last year. Emma Willis's Short Hairstyles Emma Louise Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, Sometimes pulling dark hair into a blonde can be quite damaging, so the spotlight protects the technique against it. Emma's signature style is so in demand now Louis is often asked how to recreate it. I said If you're going to go for it you really have to make the decision that you really want to do it. The delivery babies presenter is currently wearing her short hair in a gorgeous platinum blonde shade, though of course she also loves experimenting with her colour. Emma Willis's Haircuts Emma Louise Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, She's been slowly getting blonde and blonde over the past year, and Emma Willis has revealed an entirely new look in the opening episode of Circle 2022. Emma Willis new hairstyle Emma, who was known for her brief dark fairy crop when she stepped out sporting a swishy blonde ponytail, eagerly wowed waiting viewers on series two of the Channel Four reality show filmed in Salford. Emma Willis's Hairstyles Emma Louise Willis's Short Haircuts and Hairstyles, The presenter's ice blonde locks were pulled back into a pony for the return of the apartment as she rocked a stunning ' Kill Bill-style yellow suit. Emma Willis hair style Emma shared several snaps of herself on Instagram and her followers loved the new colour and style. Celebrity Big Brother is on. And we're all excited. Here's the Hair Boutique we're not just loving celeb drama we're loving hair. Emma Willis's Short Hair Not only does she have great character, but she also has great hair. Most people are afraid of chops and Pixie is afraid of the brave. Others saw it as limiting and boring. But more people want Willis. His cut is versatile and he pulls off numerous looks. Emma Willis haircuts From rock chicks to sophisticated chic to glam. This short hair is great fun and proof. The rankings of coaches at The Voice UK suffered a shake-up after it was announced that Meghan Trainor had replaced Jennifer Hudson. Emma Willis's Hair And returning star Olly Murs, 35, showed things are changing on the coiffure front on Monday night as she stepped out with a new bleach blonde hairdo as she attended the show's first blind audition at Manchester's MediaCityUK. Emma Willis hair blonde The Troublemaker singer known for having dark locks since rising to fame bore a resemblance to the show's host Emma Willis whose hair has been worn in a cropped platinum style since late last year. Emma Willis short hair back view Olly stepped out in stylish style for the big event wearing a black tuxedo which he teamed with a white shirt with an embellished collar. He struck a series of playful poses as he greeted throngs of fans. Emma Willis bob haircut Lined up outside the venue encouraging them to cheer loudly as he frustrated them. Also flaunting her blonde hairdo host Emma Willis was typically eye-catching in a mixed-texture velvet dress that featured a 43 patent corset. Emma Willis new hair Emma Willis isn't shy about getting a cool girl haircut, which is for sure, and her latest appearance is more expressive than ever. The star's go hairdresser Louis Byrne posted a new snap of Emma on Thursday evening and we love her new updo. Emma Willis haircut Showing off the presenter's shaven bottom cut, Louis pulled Emma's hair back into a tiny ponytail with plenty of texture, of course. Pony and undercut @ emmawillisofficial captioned the. How do I style my short hair like Emma Willis? Photo which appears to have been taken behind the scenes in her latest shoot with fashion brand next. We're not sure if we'll see the style in Emma's next clothing campaign, but we think she looks gorgeous in the same way. Emma Willis haircut 2020 - 2021 Many fans agreed with one post. I want this. Very cool and another addition. Omg I love it. Louis ' next Instagram shot showed him wearing a more typical style, complete with Emma's signature. Emma Willis hair colour It showcases how women can wriggle out of a short nap that is slowly returning to fashion. Look at Emma, let's go over some of the things we think she's going to do to get to her. Emma Willis short haircut Just oblivious told me one stunned follower about the look this hair did not drop the look. Appearance is related to volume and texture. Emma Willis hair how to style To start, we use Volume Shampoo and conditioner to create this structure. We would then go with some wax and texture spray to help hold but finish with some firm hold hairspray to handle the hair and keep. What products does Emma Willis use on her hair? It looking crispy throughout the day. We all know that celebrities can have a huge impact on their styles. Whether we see the latest videos of our favorite singer or a picture of someone we admire papped coming out of. Emma Willis new haircut A restaurant, we'll pull out our scissors and cut out the photo and bring it to the lounge. We've seen a lot of coverage recently for the face of Regis Emma Willis, who was accompanied by Phillip Schofield on this morning. Emma Willis long hair A large number of customers came to our salons asking for an Emma Willis pixie cut, and in the video below you can see how our team at Regis created the emma willis style with short bob hairstyles. She said that. Emma Willis hairdresser There's no point going between half or half of the measures you have to wear with confidence and pride. Go to someone who knows what they're doing and make sure it suits your hair texture. How does Emma Willis style her hair? Tuesday September 24 Tuesday when Season Two debuted on Tuesday Emma Willis stunned hoop viewers as she stepped out to host the show in a vibrant blonde long ponytail. After rocking the short dark ' make for years Emma's new look divided some viewers but her sleek long hair looked incredible. Emma Willis hairstyles 2020 - 2021 Since the launch show Emma has continued to rock her blonde hair in a range of styles, often opting for a chic messy bun or low pony. The Channel 4 presenter has pulled out a number of hair colours over the. Emma Willis hair products Years but it is by far the most drastic change of her recent shade. We took a look at Emma's iconic hairstyles. Emma's latest style is an ice blonde tied up in a neat long ponytail for the spin of the circle. How do you style a pixie haircut? Before returning to the Reality show Emma shared several snaps of herself on Instagram revealing her new look and loved the new colour to her followers. If there's one style can be recognised for, it's her edgy cropped hair. How to get Emma Willis hair Another full-length photo showed off her outfit for the latest installment of the hit ITV singing competition. He is known for his short crop as well as presenting all sorts of reality shows over the years such as the voice and Big Brother. So fans were distracted by long blonde locks on the first episode of the second series of the Circle last night. How can a girl get a quiff? The contestants lived in the same building but were only sporting shock to see that blonde hair into high ponytail extensions Willis adapted to social media-based game show viewers to communicate via an online platform. Serves hair blonde ambition Madonna told Twitter user Darren Haywood was soon back. Emma Willis hair 2020 - 2021 The Big Brother presenter, 40, had been growing out of her pixie crop for the past few months but it seems she has decided life with long hair isn't just for her. She took to Instagram last night to reveal she was visiting the hairdresser for a good ol’ chop. And ah mazing looks. How long is Emma Willis hair? Made another strong look on tonight's episode of Channel 4's The Circle Live. The presenter, 43, wore a chic black trouser suit on the show, with a silky trim on the collar. She paired it with gold jewelry and minimal make-up with her hair scraped back into a messy bun.
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lordsicheng · 7 years
Looking forward to Autumn breeze pt 3!!!! Hehehe can i request a scenario with park woojin where he has a big crush on you, a noona (96 liner) but is hesitant since you treat him super special and u take extra care of him and ur like that only to him but he thinks u only treat him like an lil brother??? hehe thank u pls make it angsty?? love u
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ficdirectory · 7 years
The Fosters: Our Thoughts on Episode 5x02 “Exterminate Her”
We’re back for more of our thoughts on this week’s Fosters.  As usual, check out @tarajean621‘s thoughts on Jesus and brain injury representation in italics below:
You Know What Could Have Happened, Callie?/Honey, She Was Terrified:  I can totally understand Callie wanting to focus on the good side of things.  I’m sure she is keenly aware of just how badly things could have gone.  And Stef being short with her and Lena taking the time to explain how scared Stef was rings so true to Real Stuff Parents Do.
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This Is Nothing to Celebrate!/Surprise!  And, naturally, all the charges are dropped.  But how awkward is this surprise party led by Robert?  Especially Mariana leading her brothers in a rousing chant of “hip hip hooray” because “our sister’s a hero!”  So cute, though.
How Long Are You Gonna Stop Speaking to Your Brother?/How Long Are You Gonna Stop Speaking to Mariana?  I missed this part somehow when it first aired.  
How’s The Treehouse Going?  Has She Taken Over Yet?/No, She Just Found Us a Tree:  Wow, everyone’s crabby today, aren’t they?  Settle down, Emma.  Only a few more days and you can be really far away from Mariana.  (And Jesus.  I wonder how that will go?)
Hey, Can I Talk to You for a Second?/Uh, Yeah, Sure:  I hate that everyone is now actively fearing Jesus.  It’s especially disheartening seeing Mariana react out of fear here.  And the camera stays with Brandon as he jumps and then leaves the table. I’d love for the assumption that Jesus now resides at Intimidation Station to not be a thing.
I have been looking for statistics on how likely it is that people with TBIs assault their caregivers, since this seems to be the slant the writers are taking with 5A.  I could not come up with one link.  
I did, however, find pages of links (over 3 million results) about disabled abuse and victimization.  
One source says that disabled people are 4-10 times more likely to be victims of violence, abuse or neglect than nondisabled people.  It goes on to share why people living with TBIs are likely to encounter victimization - the list includes the use of undue force (which I covered last week when Gabe restrained Jesus), caregivers misperceptions about TBI leading to abuse or not believing us when we report abuse, or having to endure abuse “in return for” help with tasks of daily living.
Definitely.  In just existing as a disabled person and talking to others who are, I can say that everybody I know who is disabled, has, at some point, been abused.  (Usually, this is by a caregiver.)  Another source I found on the maltreatment of children with disabilities states that:
“Children with disabilities may have increased vulnerability to abuse because...[they] may be perceived as less valuable than other children. Their reports may not be considered trustworthy. Discipline may be more punitive and accompanied by a lack of respect.”
So, I’ve Been Thinking and I Wanna Do My Senior Project By Myself/Well, You Can’t:  Um.  Wow, Mariana.  Maybe you should have been honest with Jesus from the start about this.
Yes, this might have been a more timely conversation weeks ago.  Although, it was really up to Moms and Drew to deliver this news to Jesus, so Mariana is not the only one to blame here.
I’m Gonna Talk to Drew Myself and See What He Says:  You pretty much have to, Jesus.  It’s the only way you’re guaranteed the truth.  
But wait, if Jesus speaks to Drew all on his own, who will Drew look to if there is not a suitable nondisabled person present? <-- Sarcasm
Was This Emma’s Idea?/No.  I Just Need to Prove That I Can Do Something on My Own:  Of course, Jesus would feel strongly about this.  His family doesn’t respect him as he is.  It makes sense for him to feel like he has to prove his capability to get them to take him seriously.  Nothing else is working.
Our society views productivity as the be-all and end-all.  You go to school to produce meaningful work so that you can graduate and get a job, thus becoming a contributing member of society.  You are useful and worthy then.  Jesus feels like he needs to produce a meaningful senior project without help to be seen as useful and worthy again.  And it doesn’t hurt that it might earn him points with Emma to distance himself from Mariana.
I Just Wanna Help/I Don’t Need Your Help/Well, We Do/So You Want Me To Go Live with Robert?  Honestly, though, what else is Callie supposed to think?  Moms are pretty much saying she is too much for them and they need backup to handle her.  
Callie, We Love You But There is Only So Much That We Can Do For You:   I guarantee you the only part of Lena’s sentence that Callie heard was “We love you, but...” which feels exactly like, “We don’t love you,” or “We used to love you, but don’t anymore.”  (Please think about what you’re saying Moms, these words will stick.)  
You Need to Decide Who You Want to Be Going Forward, Because This Girl is Not Acceptable:  OMG talk about a back-to-back gut-punch!  Jeez...  What is Callie supposed to do with a statement like this?  She is who she is.  She can’t change who she is.  She has had a ton of stuff happen to her before she ever came to Stef and Lena.  That all impacts who she is and her decision making process.   
This morning I read an article called 3 Reasons Traditional Parenting Doesn’t Work With Kids From Trauma.  Callie has lived months as an adopted child, as opposed to 7 years in foster care.  She is in survival mode all the time, and completely shut down during Moms’ and Robert’s lecture.
I’ve heard similar remarks as an adoptee myself and that is exactly how they resonate.  Moms’ words must feel like such a rejection.
After This Last Thing With Callie, I Just Don’t Know What To Do/I Know That Was So Awful For You.  I’m So Sorry.  How Can I Help?  What Can I Do?  This is probably a bit of a raw wound for me personally, because Stef absolutely needs and deserves comfort.  But it feels so jarring to see this scene after the previous two with Moms and Callie.
Lena excused Stef’s anger at Callie in the car when Stef talked about how Callie could have been beaten or raped (she has experienced both in foster care, Stef.)  Then the lecture.  But we just don’t see that level of love and support for Callie herself.  Nobody is asking Callie “How can I help?”  or “What can I do?”
I Need You to Say You Can’t Help Unless It’s Both Our Projects, Because You Can’t Choose Sides: Mariana, I get that you are always at least 25 billion steps ahead, seeing every possible bad eventuality but you need to try to reign in this impulse to manipulate the adults in your world.  Maybe talk about that in therapy?  (But speaking of Kids Who Came From Trauma...pretty textbook behavior.)
(On the positive side, give Brandon Quinn all the points for the physical comedy of trying to put those jeans on!  So funny!)
He’s Lucky I Didn’t Suspend Him/And You’re Lucky I Don’t Sue You.  And The School:  Yes, Lena!  (Also how gross is that pro-privatization piece in the ABCC school paper?)
Portfolio?/Your Body of Work:  I find it hard to believe that Callie would have zero idea of what a portfolio is, but maybe she doesn’t hang around a lot of art students?
Mariana Just Told Me That This Treehouse Project is Approved for Her and Not Jesus Because He Might Not Be a Senior Next Year?  It was news to me, too, Gabe!  I’ve literally been thinking (for months) that Mariana went in to support Jesus for his senior project.  That it was his meeting.  And that when it was not approved for him that was the end of it, but Mariana couldn’t let it go, so she lied and said it had to be both of their projects.
But Jesus Has No Idea, Right?/We Don’t Want to Frighten Him with All the What-Ifs/Keeping Things From Him Blew Up in a Pretty Big Way:  I mean, Gabe’s not wrong...
Dean Bayfield:  Well, hello, new neighbor.  Looks like Stef’s a little tongue-tied around you...
When Do They Send the Paper to the Printer?/They Already Did/What If It Caught an Error and Sent a New File?  Mariana Adams Foster...put that big, beautiful brain of yours to good use and be careful.  (I’m so proud!  But I’m so conflicted about being proud!)
Pick Up Your Senior Project/Toss It:  This Girl Is Not Acceptable.
The Art Professor...is Gonna Let Me Audit Her Class and Help Me Put Together My Portfolio/That’s Amazing:  This Mama Sandwich for Callie is so bittersweet because she looks so relieved that they still love her.  
Do Think I’d Be Better at Scooping Ice Cream or Flipping Burgers?/That Depends.  You’d Be So Bad at Both:  OMG Callie!  Hahahaha!
Maybe This Could Be My Still Life.  I’m Salty, Right?  Why would she want to find an object that defines her if the girl she is is not acceptable?  No wonder she is struggling so hard with this.
I Used to Blow Dry My Hair Straight, Too, Mariana.  It’s Called Time-Management:  These are the moments that I love.  Because Mariana’s hair is not a lost issue, and Lena remains supportive about it, giving Mariana advice from her own experience.
We Have 5 Teenagers/Oh God Bless You!  We Just Have the One:  Hahaha!  I love Theresa!
A Good Basic Case With All the Essentials:  Can’t go to art school without supplies!  
The Article Doesn’t Appear to Quote You or Anyone on the Administration.  It’s Just One Kid’s Opinion, Right?  OMG Lena, I love you!  Also, check out the screencap Tara got of the article in the Sea Breeze!  Love that it cites IDEA and points out what this article says, in part, which is “ If the private...school does not accept any federal funding, then the school is not required to provide accommodations” to students with disabilities.
What Did You Bring to Sketch?/I Think I’m Just Gonna Sketch My New Art Set:  Because nothing says Callie like an art set you got 10 minutes ago... :(
Grace!  Are You Okay?  Are You Hurt?  Why Are You Handcuffed to the Bed?!  Brandon, your reaction to Grace here was, hands down, my favorite part of the episode.  You give me hope for humanity in this moment.
Otherwise, Why Would You Be Here?  I also love Ximena!  There is such a shortage of positive female friendships depicted on TV that I would love to see Callie and Ximena develop one.  But it looks like Ximena’s complimentary question to Callie isn’t sitting quite right...
It’s For This Foster Family That Has, Like 12 Kids.  Some of Them Are Special Needs:  First of all, it seems illegal that one family would have 12 foster kids at once?  And secondly?  Pretty much no one in the disability community likes the term ‘special needs.’  
Since I Got This TBI, People Treat Me Like I’M Special Needs:  So revealing there, Jesus.  I always say, the hardest part about being disabled isn’t the disability, it’s the way we’re treated as inferior.  I imagine that dealing with a sudden disability as Jesus is, that feeling is even stronger.  (And I can’t shake the feeling that the ‘people’ Jesus is referring to is his family.  And honestly, nobody should be treated like they’re less when they’re disabled, especially by family.  It’s bad enough to experience it in general society.)
Having a brain injury is not a bad thing, but it does take some adjustment.  The way Jesus says, “People treat me like I am special needs” is revealing, as Tonia pointed out.  People treat him like a pile of unreasonable demands - like a list of symptoms - instead of as a human being who has a brain injury.
Talk to Your Moms/All They Do is Lie to Me and Keep Secrets.  They Aren’t Going to Tell Me.  So, What Is It? I can’t say I wouldn’t be making the same call Gabe ends up making here...and so far, Gabe is one person whose ableism is at a minimum, and Jesus feels that.  He feels respected by Gabe.  His experience with Moms post-TBI has been that they treat him as less now.  They have lied to him and he doesn’t need anymore of that.  He’s out of the woods, healthwise, he doesn’t need to be ‘protected’ in this manner.
No Longer Funding Any Junior Student’s Senior Projects: Of course you aren’t, Drew...
Did You Talk to My Father?  Robert Quinn?  Oh Lordy, this isn’t gonna end well, is it?  How humiliating for Callie.  Like she needs Robert calling in favors for her to get to audit art school class...
I’m Not Gonna Be a Senior Next Year?/We Don’t Know That, Jesus:  Now Jesus knows, and Stef still won’t give him a straight answer?  Really?  At least tell him what you DO know...
Also, inquiring minds would like to know what IS happening with regard to Jesus and school?  Stef and Lena are both back at work and Jesus is home all day, talking to Gabe as he builds the treehouse.  Lena’s an educator.  School is always on this family’s radar.  Even if Jesus isn’t ready for full days, I’d think a teacher coming to the house for a bit wouldn’t be out of the question.  But school hasn’t even been mentioned by Moms except to say that Jesus is missing a lot, and taking Drew of all people as the expert on post-brain-injury reentry to school.
Jesus, I Need You To Calm Down/No, I Am Not Going To Calm Down/Then You Can Go To Your Room Until You Are Willing To Listen To Me. Now:  
In my opinion, Jesus is not out of bounds or out of control here.  He has a right to be upset, but Stef sends him away.  (Instead of sending Gabe and/or Mariana away so she can have a private conversation with Jesus.)  She tells him to leave until he is willing to listen to her - but Stef is in no way willing to be around his feelings in this moment.
Too often, disabled people are expected to “be nice” in the face of ableism.  And let’s be clear, not telling Jesus about what is going on with his schooling is ableism.  Dismissing Jesus’s current upset?  Also ableism.  
If any of the other kids found out Moms withheld information for weeks about them possibly not being promoted a grade, upset would be an expected reaction.  In Jesus’s case, it is not justified in Mom’s eyes.
I’m Not Going Up There With Him!  Did You See What He Did to Brandon’s Room?  What If He Takes a Baseball Bat to My Head?  Kids learn ableism from their parents...and Stef doesn’t refute Mariana here...  So harmful.  (And also - if Mariana isn’t comfortable going upstairs, the least Stef could do is tell her to go to the living room or something.  Anything so she is not right there when Stef tells Gabe that if he can’t respect Stef and Lena’s authority as the twins’ parents, he’ll have to leave.  Awkward.  And not a conversation for one of the kids to overhear.)
Is This a Bad Time?/Jesus is Up in His Room and I’m Sure He Would Love to See You Right About Now:  Um...  If Jesus is supposed to be being punished or taking a break or whatever, why would you send Emma up there?  (But I have a pretty good idea why.  Disability as a Plot Device, anyone?  Because up until now, Emma was the only person who wasn’t fearful of Jesus.  The choice to send her up there just to witness Jesus throwing things is a conscious choice to continue his ostracization and isolation.  To make sure he has no one to turn to or lean on.  
Notice how this “outburst” comes immediately after being dismissed.  
Also, here is another example of how traditional parenting does not work on kids with traumatic backgrounds.  And a Traumatic Brain Injury is yet another trauma for Jesus to juggle, in addition to his unstable infancy and childhood (until age 8).  Sending Jesus to his room just drives home the fact that he, like Callie, is seen as unacceptable now.   
I Wish I Had Somewhere to Unleash My Beast/You Do.  Your Art:  Jesus, do you hear this?  You and Callie could totally channel all your feelings into art.  That’s what it’s there for, and you’re both good at it.  (I’d actually really like to see this!)
How Did Your Job Interview Go?/I Was Late So I Probably Didn’t Make a Great First Impression:  Yeah, like when your girlfriend calls you with fake emergencies when she KNOWS you have a job interview soon...
Pretty Sure She Was Trying to Have Sex With You/Oh, My God:  I loved this!  Rang so true to me that the adopted kid would totally get what Grace was trying to do with Brandon while Brandon remained innocently oblivious...
I Wanna Try to Be a Senior Next Year, Even If That Means I Have to Go to Summer School/Honey, That’s Really Great to Hear, But Your Senior Project Will Have to Wait Until Then:  Okay but Jesus literally did not say anything about his senior project.  He’s talking about his education right now.  Why does no one take him seriously?  (Oh wait, I know...)
“That’s really great to hear.” What does that even mean?  “That’s really great to hear that you still desire and value an education even though you have a brain injury?” 
It sounds as if that was Lena’s way of possibly skirting the education conversation.   
Because I Got Mad?  Are You Punishing Me?  Of course, it feels like a punishment.
Drew’s Not Funding Any Senior Projects by Juniors/You’re Lying:  Moms, remember Stef’s brilliant take on ‘trust has to be earned?’  I feel like it’s time to work on starting to earn Jesus’s.  Because right now, he can’t trust anything you say, and why should he? 
Also, I’m pretty sure Monte said last episode that Drew isn’t the principal because she hasn’t yet resigned.  So...why is the vote invalid but his word about Jesus’s senior project like signed, sealed and notarized by a judge?)
I Could Probably Get Jesus’s Uncle to Donate/Birth Uncle: This is interesting, because we watched this episode with a friend who adopted her daughter.  And she specifically commented on this scene.  Said she never corrects her daughter when she wonders about her birth mother.  And she felt it was out of place for Moms to correct Gabe here.
I Do Wanna Keep My Senior Project/We Took It to the Dumpster Already:  Ouch, Callie :(
I Didn’t Give Her Any Money, I Just Asked Her to Give You a Chance, But Only If She Believes in You, Which, Obviously, She Does/You Don’t:  Bam.  It’s truth time, by Callie.  And that really is what Robert’s actions communicated.  Instead of helping with her or giving her advice on what to do next, he went behind her back and appealed to the teacher’s pity, and that never feels good.
I Know You All Think That I’m Unacceptable/That’s Not What We Meant/It’s What You Said:  Right, Callie?  And no matter how many other times she is affirmed, those words will be inside her, challenging the love she’s shown.  It’s this thing: anger resonates as the “truest” feeling, while love feels forced.  It’s hard to explain...
When You First Met Me You Told Me I Wasn’t Disposable and I’m Really Trying to Believe That:  We keep track of every single word.
We Don’t Want You to Throw Away Your Past, We Just Want You to Stop Repeating It:  But that might not be entirely in Callie’s control.  How often do we rehash or recreate an aspect of our past in an effort to work through it, or because it feels familiar and that feels safe?  Moms want Callie to feel safe, but safe is new.  And it’s going to take some getting used to.  (Also I’m really glad Lena rescued Callie’s senior project from gettting thrown away.)
So, I’m Not Going to See You Before You Go?/I’m Sorry/I Love--:  Emma’s pulling away so hard and fast.  This sucks.
I really hope that this whole Aggression Is A Symptom storyline does not end up Teaching Jesus A Lesson.
Did Mamas Talk to You About The Treehouse?/I’m Gonna Ask Emma to Do It With Me...If That’s Okay:  Ugh, and the twins aren’t getting along still.  And at this point it seems like working with Emma on the treehouse this year or next is gonna be a bust...
Not being able to connect after an injury is a thing, and I appreciate that it is being depicted.  To add to Tonia’s comment about Emma, we don’t know what is going to happen with them.  He is trying to make things work with his girlfriend while putting Mariana in her place.  We will have to see what happens...
I Guess I Shouldn’t Have Read Fifty Shades of Grey:  Oh, Grace, what a terrible book!
I Don’t Know Where The Keys Are.  I Think They’re Over Here/Okay, I’m Coming:  Hahaha!  Don’t play with handcuffs, Brandon and Grace...or Stef will have to come unlock you...and wouldn’t that be embarrassing?
Fearless:  I love Callie showing Ximena her necklace from her mom as her object for her Still Life and I love Ximena’s reaction to it!
Tess/Oh, My God!  Stef!  So, I was in the shower, the morning after this aired, and it occurred to me.  The thing that everybody already knows about who Tess is.  But in case someone hasn’t made the connection.  I realized Tess was Stef’s high school friend who she was cuddling and got caught by Stef’s dad.  Also the reason Stef was sent by her dad to see a priest, who told her being gay was a sin (episode 1x06, I believe.)
For more: Fosters Recaps
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