#OR we've cut it before but something happened or we got sick and had to knot it back together
justabunchofdragons · 2 years
ough. soulmate aus
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agender-witchery · 11 months
On Project Moon
Hey, this is gonna be long, I'm putting most of it under the cut. This post is about the recent firing of VellMori from Project Moon, I know that it warrants some tags for triggers, but I have no idea what's commonly used, so if I miss something, please tell me.
Additionally, I have written this up in a way that if it escapes the target audience of Project Moon fans, it can still be understood, so with that in mind, there will be Library of Ruina spoilers.
The tl;dr for those who don't wanna read the full thing is that Project Moon was put in a very bad position with some violent extremists targeting them and that I'm not happy about any of what happened.
So, for those unaware, Project Moon has fired VellMori, the CG artist for Limbus Company. Now, a not inaccurate statement that can be made from this is "Project Moon fired a woman for being a feminist" but this is... somewhat reductive. Let's immediately get out of the way that VellMori did absolutely nothing wrong. Some people have said she is a TERF. I've seen no evidence of this. Some people have said she wished death on all men. I've seen no evidence of this.
What I HAVE seen is that VellMori thinks sexual abuse is bad. Now, why would this lead to a firing? The short answer is that a bunch of violent incels, one of which was literally dressed as a clown, came knocking at their office doors.
See, Limbus Company has a "beach" event coming up. In this event, we are getting a water themed outfit for two of the characters, one male and one female. For Sinclair, the guy, he has been given an EXTREMELY slutty mechanic's outfit. For Ishmael, the woman, she has been given a very skintight wet suit outfit. Now, I wanna take care to note that VellMori is the CG artist - she had no hand in these designs, a man made them. I would also like to mention that both outfit designs are amazing, and I will be including them at the end of this post for reference.
Now, upon revealing the wet suit design for Ishmael, a bunch of whiny incels on what is basically Korean 4chan got upset that Ishmael, instead of being in a bikini as is usual for gacha games, was wearing a wet suit. Nevermind that the designs in Limbus Company have always been conservative and that the Sinclair design is the most skin we've ever seen and it's just an open shirt. Again, the wet suit is still super revealing, it's skin tight and this is literally the first design of her that doesn't make her look flat chested. They're not rioting over the lack of sex appeal, they're specifically mad that it's not a bikini.
The incels come to the conclusion that the lack of any skin being shown on Ishmael's outfit is a result of evil feminism. No, I'm not exaggerating. They initially begin harassing the artist who is actually responsible for drawing the outfits, but upon learning that he is a man, set their sights on VellMori because she's a woman, and being an artist is good enough I guess. What they do from here is they start digging and digging and digging on VellMori's twitter, making use of archived pages because many of the "offensive" tweets had been deleted.
I'd like to take a moment to point out that VellMori never actually tweeted anything out here - it was all retweets from a 4-6 year old archive, and retweets that have been long deleted. These retweets contain such transgressive statements as "I'm sick of misogyny" and "If being against patriarchy makes me antisocial, then so be it" and just... mirroring back to men what those men were saying to women. Some people would like to have you think she was calling for death to all men. She wasn't. She ALSO retweeted all this stuff while she was a teenager and well before she worked for Project Moon.
Nonetheless, the incels had decided that feminism was the reason Ishmael had a wet suit and not a bikini and they had found a feminist working for Project Moon. It is at this point that we must take a brief detour and talk about Library of Ruina, Project Moon's previous game.
See, in Library of Ruina, one of the protagonists, Angela, has this whole arc about escaping her abuser and becoming a human. Yes, she is literally a robot, but Project Moon isn't exactly a stranger to symbolism in their stories and a feminist reading of Angela is ridiculously easy. The main antagonist in Library of Ruina is Argalia, the Blue Reverberation, and his crew is called the Reverberation Ensemble. Every member of the Reverberation Ensemble is a violent lunatic who each want to reinforce the status quo in their own unique shitty way. In addition to this, typically in order to reach the titular Library, you would need to be invited. The Reverb Ensemble are the "uninvited guests", the ones who managed to reach the Library and knock down the door without an invite.
Why am I talking about this? Well, the incels decided to start calling themselves the Reverb Ensemble, and referring to each other using names of the Reverb Ensemble members such as Pluto, Elena, and Oswald. Having taken on the moniker of the uninvited guests, they then showed up to Project Moon's office to protest. Over the lack of a bikini. Now, remember how I mentioned someone was dressed up as a clown? One of the Reverb Ensemble members, Oswald, is a clown with an extremely tenuous grip on reality. So much so, that his ideal world is one in which there is no meaning whatsoever. That is the character they chose to dress up as. This is either a case of extreme self awareness or extreme self unawareness.
Eventually, the incels were let into the office possibly as a form of damage mitigation to prevent the crowd of protestors from getting any bigger. This was a questionable decision, but they had a group of violent incels at their doorstep either way, and I don't exactly have full details on this. Regardless, Project Moon had on their hands a group of violent protesting incels, who they felt compelled to let into the building, and who had demands including the firing of their feminist employee. (7/28 update: a translation of the transcript posted to DCInside has surfaced. Please check the reblogs for it. Project Moon was verifiably threatened.)
So while "Project Moon fired a woman for being a feminist" isn't inaccurate it also isn't the full picture. More appropriately, it'd be "Project Moon fired a woman because a group of violent incels who weren't satisfied with a form fitting wet suit instead of a bikini showed up to their office demanding that an artist who did not make the wet suit design be fired because she retweeted some feminist stuff 5 years ago while she was a teenager".
I'm not happy with this. None of this is good. People are allowed to be feminists, and Project Moon stories have always presented progressive ideas to anyone with half a brain to do some basic literary analysis. I can understand why they would cave to the demands of people who were threatening them and showed up to their actual place of work, but at the same time, that's someone's livelihood gone and proof that in the future, the same sorts of people can use the same sorts of tactics to bully Project Moon into doing whatever they want. All of this sucks.
For those who would like to see the retweets in question alongside translations: https://twitter.com/danghwangs/status/1683884236888223744
And for people who would like reference as to what the artworks these incels were up in arms about, Ishmael in the wet suit and Sinclair in the mechanic's outfit.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
Multiverse Monday with Aaron hotchner comforting you on the jet because you hate flying?
I love your writing! 🤍
thanks so much! 💗
Your motion sickness bracelets are not doing their job. Or, maybe they are, maybe you're not nauseous because you're flying, maybe you're nauseous from nerves. It's not the motion of the plane that has your stomach churning, it's the thought of being on it.
Your grip on the seat is close to cracking the cushion open and letting stuffing spill from its confines. It looks like you're just sitting with your arms at your sides, but when Hotch stands up to get himself a refill on coffee, he notices your hand curled into the seat.
He makes his way to the kitchen, intent on not causing a scene. He snags a packet of crackers out of the small snack stash they've got on board, bland so that it wouldn't aggravate your stomach but substantial enough to give you something to do. He's never fixed his coffee faster, and he sets it on the table just before the plane hits mild turbulence. A drop or two sloshes over the rim of his mug, but that's the least of his concerns. Your face goes tight with fear, eyes squeezing shut as your chest puffs with a breath. He crouches by the side of your seat, balancing on his calves with the toes of his shoes planted on the floor of the plane.
"Ease up," He murmurs, and you only notice he's there when he speaks. He takes your hand into his own, squeezing it gently to let you know it's okay to use him as your replacement stress toy. Your fingers are clammy and shaky, but you try to keep them loose so that you don't cut off his circulation.
"Rossi doesn't like flying either," Hotch informs you, and the man turns around to glare at him ferociously from behind, "This doesn't happen often, though. It'll be okay, it's just a little turbulence."
"Turbulence is mostly harmless," Reid revs into action, "That's actually the least of our problems. We should be worried about-"
"Spencer." Hotch snaps, eyes blazing, "Not now."
"Oh." Spencer's face pales, and he eyes your rapidly rising and falling chest, "Uh, right. Sorry Y/L/N."
"He's just rambling." Aaron assures you, "There's no danger, okay? We're fine, we've never had issues with the jet before, and this isn't anything bad. If you want, I'll go ask the pilot when he thinks we'll be out of the clear?"
"No!" You speak without thinking, slightly embarrassed for your outburst, "Uh, I just- can you... stay?"
"Scoot," He nods quickly, keeping your hand in his as he stands. You scramble to the other end of the bench of seats and he slides in next to you, shutting the window that's now directly to your left.
"Thank you," Your voice is thin, trembling with fear, "Uh, I'm really sorry about this, Hotch. I know this probably isn't the most professional thing in the world. But I-!" You let out a squeak at a particularly large jolt of the plane, "I just get nervous."
"It's okay. Everyone's afraid of something, that's human nature. Reid," Hotch calls back to the poor doctor, still probably caught off guard from the way he'd snapped earlier, "Would you go and ask about the turbulence? Just see if he's got an estimate."
"Will do," The lanky man is off towards the cockpit without a second thought.
With an estimate of two minutes of mild turbulence left, all you can do is wait. Hotch keeps you grounded, hand tight around yours and thigh pressed to your own.
"I said everyone was afraid of something," He repeats, keeping conversation to distract you, "Do you want to know what I'm afraid of?"
A few ears perk around the jet; no one wants to miss this. Fortunately, Hotch notices, and leans in to whisper in your ear when you nod, "Weasels."
You frown, "What?"
"They were always so scary on cartoons," Hotch laughs, a breathy sound that hits your neck in a puff of air, "Always stealing people's stuff and running in packs. I was convinced I was going to see some if I ventured to the empty side of the schoolyard. There was a storage shed back there and I knew there was a group of them living inside."
"Weasels," You giggle, albeit weakly. Hotch is glad for any improvement at all, though, and doesn't mind the childish embarrassment, "That's a fair point, they were scary."
"They always smoked those fat cigars," Hotch muses, a smile quirking up his lips, "I thought I was gonna pass out when Rossi first did it in front of me."
That gets you laughing, really laughing. You don't even notice as the plane stabilizes, time slipping away through an hourglass you're not worried enough to search for anymore.
"Derek's claustrophobic, though." Hotch teases, louder this time.
The aforementioned agent looks up; scandalized, "Hey!"
"It's true!" Spencer nods, swatting away a slap that Derek tries aiming for his arm. You're settled back into your seat now, no longer tense and panicked, but Hotch's hand stays firm in your own as Spencer gushes, "There was this one time when we got stuck in an elevator together, and-"
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"Not so common cold"
Hey yall!! Its finally out!! The ending was a little rushed because I wanted to get it over with, but i hope you still enjoy it! This one is a little longer than the others, which I'm really proud of cuz i usually lose motivation very quickly on writing projects. Also sorry for any bad grammar or non capitalized i's. Its my adhd. Happy reading!!
It was a cold, rainy day in Soho. You lay restless on the bookshop floor, the cold wood being the only thing keeping you from melting. You basically lived here at this point, but when you woke up with your blistering fever, Aziraphale was no where to be found. He left a note saying he was out for business with Crowley, but he wouldn't answer any calls. After about 2 hours, you decide to call them one more time. You reach for your pocket before realizing you left it on the couch. You pull yourself up by holding on a table, and trudge over to the couch. You grab your phone and speak into the phone.
"Call Aziraphale." You strain.
"Calling Azraphale." The cheery british bot says. It said his name wrong and that makes you chuckle, which then makes you start coughing up a storm.
"Damnittttt. Pick upppppp!!" You whine. "C'mon! You can't be this busy." You're on the verge of tears when Aziraphale picks up.
"Sorry y/n, I seemed to have accidentally set my phone to silent before Crowley told me to check it, because there's no way you haven't checked in. I saw that I had nine missed calls, is everything alright?" He sounds really worried.
"I'm sick out of my mind. I'm dyinggg." You whine again. Aziraphale starts audibly freaking out over the phone.
"Oh heavens!!! Crowley we've got to go home right now!" You hear him yelling in the background.
"Sorry dear, we'll be right over, don't even worry about it." He says hastily.
"Wasn't. See u soon Pa." You reply. Your fever has been steadily going down, but you're still a little delirious, as you called Aziraphale dad on accident. Aziraphale and Crowley have asked you about your parents before, but you always refuse to talk about them for some reason. The truth is, you don't even remember your parents, but whenever you try and think about them you get a weird pit in your stomach, filled with fear, sadness, and a little anger, so they decided to stop pushing.
"Y/n wh-" Aziraphale starts, but the line cuts, and you assume that his phone died or something. You go lay back on the floor, awaiting their arrival.
About half an hour later, Crowley and Aziraphale arrive. They both have a bag of something. You try to peel yourself off the floor, but it makes you dizzy and you give up.
"You look like death." Crowley says.
"I feel like death." You reply, barely moving. He almost rolls his eyes, but he hesitates, and for a second you can see his gaze soften, before he decides to roll his eyes anyway.
"Okay kid, this isn't Romeo and Juliet, you'll be fine." He says, walking off somewhere. Aziraphale walks in and kneels beside you.
"Okay y/n, roll over so I can feel your forehead." Aziraphale says. You groan and protest, but do it anyway. His hand is warm, and while that would usually be nice, its terrible right now.
"Your hands are too warmmm." You say, trying to wriggle away.
"Jeez, y/n, you're burning up! Come on, up we go. Lets lay on the couch, okay?" He states, lifting you up by your arms and basically dragging you over to the couch. You lay down flat and get hit by a wave of nausea and groan.
"This really sucks." You sniffle, your voice wavering as you feel like crying.
"I know, I know, its okay." Aziraphale responds, rubbing your back. He waves his hand and suddenly the room is very cold. He shivers slightly, but you sigh in relief, as you felt like you would shrivel up and die any second from heat stroke. Crowley walks in and almost recoils in shock from the temperature.
"It's like a freezer in here! What happened?" He yelps. Aziraphale gives a sympathetic nod in your direction and Crowley calms down almost immediately. Crowley hesitates for a second, but reaches down to feel your forehead. His hand is surprisingly cold and you lean into it.
"Jeez, you really are burning up." He whispers. Aziraphale makes a comment about how Crowley really is nice, which makes him rip his hand off of your forehead and down into his pocket, which makes you whine.
"Noo your hands are cold and nice." You pout. You typically wouldn't be acting like this, but your fever has you delirious. Crowley gives you a funny look, and almost reached back down before seeing Aziraphales smile and deciding against it.
"Too bad. I'm not gonna pamper you just cuz you're sick, you know." He says and you whine again. He leaves the room to do hell knows what and you talk to Aziraphale.
It had been an hour and a half since they returned and you had thrown up once and then fallen asleep. The bags that they walked in with were now stuffed in the back office. One filled with medican from a local pharmacy and the other filled with your favorite take out. Crowley was the one who suggested the takeout, but when they got home they saw that you were in no state to eat and so Crowley put it in the small fridge they bought for you in back.
After a few minutes, you woke up, but kept your eyes closed to conserve energy. While you were lying there, Crowley walked over to you and sat on the couch beside you. He gingerly reached over and brushed some hair out of your eyes. You hold back a smile to see what he would do next.
"You poor creature. I had forgotten how fragile you are." He states. This catches you off guard, as this is totally out of character for Crowley. Crowley notices you twitch, and you pretend to wake up. He quickly pulls his hand away and goes to stand up.
"Where are you going?" You say, faking a yawn and rubbing your eye. His gaze softens slightly as he sits back down next to you.
"Nowhere. Don't worry about it." He says and smiles, obviously being nicer because you're ill.
"Good." You say, and grab his hand. You guys sit in silence for a while before Aziraphale comes and takes your temperature again.
"101.." He sighs. "But at least its going down. You were 109 an hour ago." He smiles.
"109?????" You exclaim. "Aren't I supposed to go to the hospital at that point??" Aziraphale looks a little stunned, but Crowley makes a noise and sprawls out on the couch.
"Too late now. You're fever has gone down to a normal-ish level." He states. You guys all move to a table in the back room, and Crowley grabs the previous take out from the fridge and places the bag on the table.
"Ya still nauseous or do you think you can eat?" You look inside the bag and your face lights up.
"From (fav restaurant)????!!! I'm starved!!" You exclaim, and immediately start pulling the containers out from the bag. Aziraphale is typically the one who eats with you, as Crowley doesn't enjoy it as much as he does, but he decides to eat with you guys today just to make you happy.
"Damn Y/n, if I knew any better, I'd say you hate this restaurant." Crowley says and chuckles as you pull containers out at the speed of light. Aziraphale gives him a look.
"Well obviously not, look at the speed they're-"
"Sarcasm, Angel." Crowley interrupts.
"Ah, well. Of course." Aziraphale says.
"Its okay dad. Pa was just teasing. He meant no harm." You say, while opening a container and digging some food out of it. They decide mutually not to pay attention to the fact that you called them dad, and to just enjoy the moment. They didn't mind the term. Quite the opposite in fact, (though Crowley would never admit that) but they often didn't know how to react. They just smiled and chatted while you ate. Crowley ruffled your hair and Aziraphale made you some hot chocolate. Suddenly your terrible sick day wasn't so terrible after all.
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zjpg · 10 months
just a girl
'christmas in monaco'
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"why did you post my cake?" the girl pouted, nearly shouting over the facetime call as lando laughed in response. "it was gonna be a surprise!"
"you made cake?" arthur walked into the kitchen, smiling at the sprinkles covered cake and then addi. "who are you talking to?"
"I did, you want some?" she smiled and started looking for a knife after the taller nods, "i'm talking to lando,"
"bonjour!" lando speaks loudly, greeting the youngest leclerc brother. arthur's smile fades a little bit, but he puts it back on as he walked next to the girl and greets the driver on the other side of the call. addi starts cutting the cake, squealing as sprinkles start falling out of the middle.
"hold on lando, i'm gonna take a picture." she clappings before grabbing her phone from the counter and going on instagram to post her masterpiece on her story. "here, artie!" the taller boy smiles and takes the cake, "will i die from this?" he asks, hearing the brit laugh from the phone speakers.
addi rolls her eyes and sets her phone back up to face arthur, "eat it." lando and her watch as arthur takes a bite before he makes a questionable face. "interesting."
lando bursts out into laughter once more, nearly wheezing as addi sits there with a frown. "it's not bad, it's just too much sugar, amor." he clarifies.
after the cake is put away in plastic wrap and lando hangs up the facetime call to go stream on twitch, arthur and addi sit at the island and talk about nonsense for a while. part of arthur wants to scream out everything he feels. and part of addi wants to ask him everything he feels.
ever since the whole pierre situation, things just haven't been the same. arthur's clueless as to why, he wasn't sure what could be going on between his best friend and pierre to make her act this way. he tried asking the older frenchman about it, but he was shut down, he even tried asking his own brother about it, but he got the same result. he's asked just about everyone that could have a clue as to what happened that afternoon, except addi herself.
it took some courage in him to finally come out with it, "so, what happened that day with you and pierre? you never told me?" she froze. her eyes glued to her shoes as she tried to come up with an excuse as to why she couldn't tell him. but she couldn't. "addi?"
"pierre and i kissed, like... over a year ago now." she blurted out seeing his face change into an expression that she could only describe as confused with a hint shocked. she felt like throwing up right there. "we never talked about it, but i grew feeling for him, until i saw him kissing another girl. it's really no big deal now, we've clearly gotten over each other, and he didn't really know i had any actual feeling for him back then."
arthur was confused, why would this change how she acts around him? why would they need to talk about it over a year later? how can they still be so comfortable around each other after that?
"so... when he was explaining why he did it... he told me something..." she looked up at him, meeting his eyes for the first time in weeks, he was waiting for her to continue, he needed to know. "he said that you had feelings for me."
arthur couldn't say anything, or at least he felt like he couldn't. he felt sick, as if he would vomit if he were to open his mouth to speak. pierre told her that? he said he wouldn't tell a soul. "i'm sorry."
"why are you sorry?" she whispered, they're in the house alone with charles, everyone else was out doing some shopping or winter activities, and charles is going to know the details in a couple hours anyway. so whispering is useless. but it seemed like it was more out of comfort from the girl.
"i didn't want you to find out."
the worry of losing a friend is one thing, but the worry of losing a friend that is considered family, that's another story. there's so many things arthur did in order to avoid his feelings, he even tried dating. nothing worked. addilyn was still... perfect. he could point out every little feature, every little habit she had, and no matter how weird or ugly she thought they were, he loves them.
the silence leaves ringing in their ears, what are they supposed to say now? "i..." addi starts off, trying to find words to comprehend the mess that's going on in her brain, "i don't know what to say, honestly."
the taller nodded, understanding that the situation is bigger than any other normal circumstance. "i love you, arthur, but..." god not the 'but.' "i'm not sure how i feel about you... like that."
he looks at her confused, not sure? what does she mean not sure? "i don't understand?"
she breathes out a sigh, taking his hand in hers. "i have a lot going on right now-"
"i know."
"-and i'm not sure if focusing on anything but racing is what i need right now." she has a lot of feelings going on, she's not sure what they mean or even if they're real or some type of illusion. she's not about to risk anything on illusions. "i don't expect you to." he shook his head.
"i know, and i appreciate that." she cradled his hand in both of her palms, rubbing her thumb against his skin. "it's not that there aren't any feelings there, there's... something. i'm just... i'm not sure what they are yet. and i'm worried if i spend too much time thinking about it then everything will get screwed up."
"it's okay," he pulled his hand away, making her heart drop, "i understand." he stand up from the barstool, kisses her head, and then leaves the kitchen without another word.
addi stays seated, her elbow on the counter while her hands support her head. 'idiot, idiot, idiot' she repeated in her head. "well, that was interesting." the girl was started by the sudden voice next to her, charles.
"the fuck, when did you get here?"
"eh, little while ago, i saw... that." charles raise his eyebrows at the girl before sitting where his younger brother was only a few seconds prior. "don't blame yourself."
"how could i not?" she scoffed, laying her head down on the marble counter, "i feel like i just ruined everything."
the monegasque sighed and rubbed the girl head, "no, you didn't. it'll take time but things will go back to how they were. you did the right thing, you were honest."
"not completely honest." she mumbled, watching his face turn into confusion. she sits up, sighs, and looks him in the eye, "i think i like lando."
a/n: i heart love triangles.
taglist: @love4lando @fairiepoems @leilanixx @ietss @charli123456789 @ayoanna @enhacolor
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leupagus · 9 months
Would Hardy say "breasts" or "tits" in his narrative voice, I can't decide
His mobile goes off at half-four on a Sunday; the whole drive up to Kingsgrove Wood he has his mum's voice echoing in his ears that it's God's day, for rest and prayer and not mucking about in the woods. The voice gets louder as he's lead further in by a pair of constables, their torches flailing through the darkness for nearly twenty minutes before they arrive at the scene. 
Miller's there already in a full noddy suit, talking in low tones with Brian as she juggles her phone, her notebook and a thermos just outside the forensics tent. "Go away," she says cheerfully as Hardy finally stumbles into the clearing.
Brian glances over his shoulder, makes a face, and disappears back into the tent. Hardy's about to follow him inside when Miller gets in his way. "Miller," he warns.
"Listen, we're all overjoyed at the prospect of seeing your smiling face at… five oh seven in the morning," she says, glancing at her phone, "But this is why you've got a DS. I can brief you later."
"Brief me now," he says. She sighs and thrusts the thermos into his hands. "This for me?"
"No, lesson learned there, you'll just leave it on your desk until it gets mouldy." She waves her hands a bit — noddy suits don't have pockets — before unzipping just enough to slip her phone into her bra. She then flips her notebook open and peers at her handwriting, nudging him out of the floodlight positioned above the tent. "All right, a pair of adventurous young people were out here 'for a walk' at just past eleven, saw 'something weird' sticking out of the ground, poked around and found a jawbone, which I'm fairly sure wasn't how they wanted their evening to go. They've been statemented and released; Katie's running them home under protest."
"Under protest? Why?" Harford's got better in the past six months or so — Miller's oddly fond of her now, Hardy will never understand people — but if she's whinging again about basic aspects of the job, he's not above giving her a bollocking. He's cut back on caffeine, but shouting makes for a passable substitute.
"The lad was sick all over his own trousers." Miller grins. "And he had vindaloo last night."
Hardy uncaps the thermos and takes a whiff — burnt coffee, which seems to be the only kind Miller drinks. "What about the jawbone?"
"'Human' is about as far as they've got; they're digging up the rest now. We did take pictures of what the area looked like before they got their trowels in — looked completely undisturbed. This area doesn't have much in the way of footpaths; it's part of one of those preserves that's been popping up all over this area the past twenty-odd years. Makes me wonder a bit about how our outdoorsy friends just happened to trip over it, to be honest."
"Seems a bit out of the way, aye." He wouldn't be surprised if this was the most people who'd stood on this ground in the past few centuries.
"Mm. Something else odd. From what SOCO's got so far, the body was definitely buried — about three feet deep — but with the angle of the hill here and all the rain we've been getting—" She makes a complicated gesture; her phone lights up her breasts in a very distracting way. He frowns down at the thermos. "And there's another thing," she adds. "We haven't found the actual… head part. Yet."
Hardy forgets about her bioluminescent chest for long enough to glare at her. "You lost the skull?"
She glares right back. "It's probably rolled down the hill! It's pitch dark! We'll find it, it's just—"
"For God's sake—"
"Oh, don't 'for God's sake' me at this hour, we're doing the best we can!"
"Minus the skull!"
"Which might not have even been buried with the rest of the body!"
He hands her back the thermos, keeping his eyes off her glowing tits. "Find it, all right?"
"Dawn's still an hour off," she shouts after him. "We don't even know how old the body is! It could be from the bloody Bronze Age for all we know!"
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atlasscrumpit · 1 year
Bucky x reader
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Play nicely
(tw it's kinda creepy. Evil Steve. Your hydra name is Dove)
"Ow! That fucking hurts!" you shouted as the winter soldier looked at you angrily while he was stitching up a cut on your hand.
"Well, maybe if you stop fucking moving it won't hurt." He growled as you kept your mouth shut.
"Maybe if you hadn't fucked up the mission I wouldn't have got hurt." You growled as he pressed his thumb into the wound making you scream.
"Stop!" You screamed before he went back to stitching it up.
"That's what I thought." He growled in response as I turned away from him and kept quiet.
"I would hope you two weren't fighting again." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Captain Hydra, aka Steve Rogers.
"No, sir." You and Bucky both said as he chuckle softly.
"Good, because you two are my best soldiers. I don't need you trying to kill each other. Now what do we do when we've had a fight?" Steve said as you glared at Bucky.
"We weren't even fighting." You grumbled as Steve looked at you.
"Now, my sweet girl. You know I don't like when you tell fibs." He said as you looked at Bucky.
"Let's just get this over and done with." You grumbled to Bucky who sighed.
This was the routine, Steve was sick and twisted in so many ways.
You leaned froward and quickly pecked Bucky on the lips, before backing away.
"Good girl, good boy always being so good." Steve said as you kept your eyes away from him.
Steve liked to treat you and Bucky like you were his kids in a very twisted way.
"Head back to your room and rest, sweethearts." Steve said as you stood up and walked out with Bucky.
Steve walked behind you both as you kept your eyes down.
Once you finally reached your cell you stepped inside and crawled into your bed.
Steve smiled and kissed your forehead before doing the same to Bucky and leaving.
"Do you think this is better?" You whispered as Bucky looked at you in confusion.
"What do you mean?" He asked as you cuddled the blanket close to your chest.
"Him treating us like this, is it better than how the other agents get treated? Or would you rather just get beaten." You whispered as Bucky looked at you sadly.
"Don't think about those things, Dove." He replied softly as you nodded a little.
"I'm sorry." You whispered as Bucky continued to stare at you.
He always knew exactly what you were feeling, and right now he knew you wouldn't stop thinking things over in your mind.
"Come here." He whispered, lifting his blanket up.
You quickly got up and shuffled over to Bucky and cuddled into his arms.
"Don't think, doll. Just focus on me." Bucky whispered as you nodded and closed your eyes.
Bucky was good at naming sure you didn't think, something about him made you fall asleep instantly.
You woke up about an hour later feeling cold metal around your wrists.
"Soldier?" You called out weakly.
You looked up to see Steve above you.
"Sir? What's happening?" You asked in fear as you tried to move.
"Shh, it's going to be alright, my sweet Dove. You're such a skilled little solider for me, but I know you can be more powerful. I want to make you just as perfect as the winter soldier, make you a super soldier." He said as he brought out a needle, you looked at him in fear and shook your head.
"No! No please please! Sit, please I don't want to." You begged in tears as he smiled.
You'd seen what it had done to Bucky, you didn't want to be next.
You hated it, but you knew what you need to do.
"Daddy, please. Please, it'll hurt." You whispered as Steve looked down at you and ran his finger over your cheek.
“My sweet little girl, it’s going to be okay. Daddy will be right here beside you.” He said as you thrashed in the restraints and screamed as loud as you could.
You felt a sharp prick in your shoulder as you began to feel drowsy.
“No…” You whispered as you slowly fell unconscious.
Back in your shared cell Bucky kept throwing himself against the bars, he could hear your screams of agony and it was driving him mad.
He screamed and used his metal arm to rip the hinges right off the door, he ran as fast as he could to the lab.
He saw Steve and two doctors around you, injecting you with things.
He grabbed a knife and slit the doctors throats before he punched Steve.
“Get off her!” He screamed as he pointed his knife at Steve.
“Look at you Soldier, so powerful when she’s in danger.” Steve said in amazement as he felt his face.
Bucky heard you sobbing as you tried to break free.
“Please, soldier.” You cried out as Bucky slowly stepped back and looked at you.
You had dark circles under your eyes and your skin was awful dull.
Suddenly Bucky was knocked out by Steve and you cried even more.
“Well, my darling girl. Looks like the serum didn’t work, but that’s alright. Just means you can be something even more important now.” He said as you looked up at him with tears in your eyes, you knew what he meant.
After everything he’d injected into you, you would be weak now and not being able to fight.
You’d go from Soldier to whore in just a day.
Steve undid your restraints from you, he thought you would be completely weak, but knowing what he was going to do to you you felt even stronger.
You grabbed an empty needle and stuck it into Steve’s neck, making him drop you.
You stood on your unsteady feet and grabbed one of the needles that still had some serum inside.
You were hoping it was a sedative.
You plunged it into his neck and injected it as he slowly fell to the floor.
You fell to your knees beside Bucky and rested your head on his chest as you cried.
“Wake up, Soldier.” You cried out, you heard him groan and his hand reached up to your back.
"Dove?" He whispered as you pulled away and looked at him.
"We have to get out of here." You replied as he nodded, you helped him to sit up as he looked at Steve.
"Look away." He growled as he grabbed a knife.
You looked away and blocked your ears, you knew you couldn't leave Steve alive.
But a twisted part of you would miss him.
Bucky tapped you on the shoulder and you turned around and quickly got up.
He gave you a gun and he kept a knife in his hand.
He grabbed two lab coats from a closet and you both dressed in them.
"Stay close to me, and don't say anything." He said, grabbing the two key cards from the dead doctors.
You secured the coat around you and kept the gun in your pants before you headed out.
You kept your head down as you past other agents and doctors.
You made it to the hanger doors and saw two guards waiting, the doctors cards wouldn't have access.
Bucky looked at you as you nodded a little.
You both ran up and chose one each, taking them down as quietly as possible.
You swiped their cards and got into the hanger, looking at all the jets.
"So, which one?"
(part 2 here)
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ghostaholics · 1 year
ᴇɴᴅ ᴛɪᴍᴇs
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Reader Warning(s): age-gap (reader probably in mid 20s or so); angst A/N: Because I'm too lazy to write a full fic so here's literally a short piece of what I'm sure would've been something if I had the motivation
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JOEL ALWAYS SAID THIS ABOUT YOU – born young enough to grow up in a world that had nothing to offer; you didn’t watch it decay like he did where it used to be half-decent and you could find your place in life before everything went to shit – had grown into something inhospitable and terrible and bitter to the core. No, to you, it was just rotten from the very beginning: broken dreams and scattered ashes littering the filthy ground, a bunch of "what-ifs" and "maybes" and no room for shades of gray when it came to seeing things in black and white because the darkness won out and snuffed out the rest of all that was light and good as the sickness descended like the goddamn Rapture; it wasn’t just the infected that remained – the only people left navigating the wreckage were those with cruel hearts and nasty intentions.
"Well, it's not all that awful," you say, murmuring into the opening of your thermos as you stare fixedly at the last the last few remnants of stew at the bottom. "You're here. I guess that sorta makes up for it."
His figure is hunched over the fire he recently smothered. Even though his back is facing you, the tension in his body is apparent. Rigid – the same way he stiffens up when danger's nearby. "Don't say that kinda stuff." (And it sounds just as serious as “Stay behind me,” or “Run,” whenever hell’s at your both of your guys' heels.)
But you keep on rambling anyways – Pandora's box cracked wide open like a gaping maw that spills secrets, ones that should have never been let out – won’t fucking shut up about it even if you can help it now. And maybe it's not fair to put this kind of burden on him; maybe it's selfish of you to tell him, no matter how wrong it is, but each day could be your last and getting this off your chest might mean one less stupid problem to worry about. It's not like he doesn't know. Not after what happened back in Colorado, anyways. That had made it clear as day if it wasn't already obvious before. "After everything we've been through, I bet you still think of me as that same kid that got under your skin when we first met," you say absentmindedly. It doesn't come out in an accusatory tone, just an observation.
The stress leaches into his voice, washing over every word. Joel's on guard. Walls up. He shakes his head slowly, like a warning. "You've got no idea what you're talking about."
You lean back, transferring your weight into your wrists. "So I'm not right, then?" you ask it innocently enough.
He's moving around, double-checking that all the gear's in place. Of course, he's avoiding any eye contact. "We've got to head out in ten. Now's not the time for this kind of conversation."
"Almost a thousand miles left. All we really have is time. Look, Joel whatever you've got to say, I can handle it. You don't need to spare my feelings.”
He’s fidgeting with his watch as if the strap’s suddenly too tight – a habit he doesn't indulge in often, but one that you've noticed once in a blue moon. Maybe he developed it because of you. Always so sure of himself, but you're the one person who's managed to upend everything. "Get your —"
" —guns are in my pack," you finish for him. It's routine at this point. He's predictable. You know what to expect. "Is it because—"
He cuts you off too. "It's a bad idea." There's a finality to his voice.
So he's thought about this before.
"We've had worse ones."
“People like you don’t end up with people like me,” he says. "Shouldn't."
And you’re taken aback because out of everything that you expected it most certainly wasn’t that.
The ticking of a secondhand, booming – can’t be his watch because that’s been shattered for years – off-rhythm, way too fast; it’s your heart thrashing violently behind the cage of your chest. You reach for him, fingers curling around his wrist. Your thumb meets his pulse point and you feel the constellation of tiny scars across the expanse of his weathered skin. He’s warm. Alive. “That’s not — Joel, c’mon, you don’t seriously believe that—”
His eyes flickers down to where the two of you are joined before dragging back up to meet your gaze. "I’m not infected like the rest of ‘em, but this disease turns men into monsters, corrupts them until they're the most twisted versions of themselves. I've done things that I'll never be able to come back from, and when we’re done here, you’re better off finding something else.”
As if you could ever. That's next to impossible. "I've seen all of the ugliest and messiest parts of you and it doesn't change a single thing. I still want you just as bad."
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spr-ingo · 5 months
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The prompts are in and our list has been finalized! As per our guidelines, any participants are free to interpret the prompts as they see fit, but if anything is unclear or you'd like a little more direction, we've got a handy guide below the cut!
February: Duty/Work. This week is themed around the job-- as Subway Boss, Warden, or anything that suits your vision!
(On the) Job Training: What did it take for Ingo to get where he is? Was it fun? Difficult? Is he trying to learn the ropes for a second time?
Team Track: It's very interesting to see a person coordinate and work so closely with their sibling well into adulthood. How do the twins work together? What's their favorite part? Does it ever get annoying-- on purpose, or just by way of how tight knit they are?
Accommodation: Are there any daily challenges that Ingo needs help with? What does it take to communicate with lips that won't emote? Does he have any injuries or conditions that he needs to keep on top of to stay in working order?
Foreign Travel: The Subway Boss has been all over Unova, and the Warden knows his way around the Hisui, but where else has he been? Did he see anything interesting, or meet new people and Pokemon?
Workplace Injury: Even the best safety measures can't prevent every injury. Has Ingo ever been injured on the job? Had to tend to someone else?
Station Master: What's a trainer without their team? Whether or not it's a Pokemon he trains or handles, show us a Pokemon you associate with Ingo!
Emergency Exit: It's important to know where your entry and exit points are; be it a mechanical failure, cave in, or routine evacuation drill, show or tell us about a time escape was the only option.
March: Off-Duty/Home. This week, it's time for a break! Whether home is Unova or Hisui, it's time to settle in and rest.
RXR: Not a railroad crossing, but rest and relaxation! What's the best way to make use of time off the clock? IS there time off the clock, or is work never ending?
Maintenance: It's best to leave work at work, but sometimes it comes home with you. What needs to happen to keep this a well oiled machine? Alternately, what might a sick day look like?
Diversion: Some people breed Pokemon and some attend musicals. What kind of hobbies does Ingo keep? Any particularly notable interests (apart from the obvious)?
No Legendaries on the Train: This couldn't go any earlier, or we'd be breaking the rules. Does Ingo have any ties to or friendships with a legendary or mythical Pokemon? Maybe you associate him with one? What's the story there?
:3 : Everybody smile!
Dining Car: Whether it's unique preferences, sensitivities or preparation, everybody has opinions where food is concerned. What are some of Ingo's?
Familiar Tracks: Unova is a region with a deep history and culture, and Hisui is set in its own ways. Does Ingo observe any traditions? Hold any cultural beliefs?
April: Truth & Ideals. This week is about history and aspiration!
Admission: How, exactly, did Ingo end up in Hisui? Whether you ascribe to his version of events or what the art book seems to imply, there's a story there, so what is it?
Rookie: What was life like before assuming his job? Was his role something he strove toward, or fortunate happenstance?
Branching Line: We have a very good idea what one member of Ingo's family is like, but apart from Emmet, who else is there? Familiar faces? Someone we've never seen? Is there anything interesting in the twins' family tree?
Pearl Clan: The Pearl Clan took Ingo in, but then what? Under what circumstances? Are they happy to have an outside perspective, or are those rough tracks to travel?
Ghost Train: There are ghosts in Ingo's past, both literal and figurative. Does anything continue to haunt him?
Historical Accuracy: We've seen traces of Hisui in modern day Sinnoh, so let's crack open a history book. How, if at all, is Warden Ingo remembered?
Everything Changes: Things won't be the same when (or if) Ingo finally gets home, but that's not always a bad thing. Show us that different doesn't mean worse.
May: Dream World. This week is about what we won't see on screen, so make sure your imagination is in high gear!
Off-Script: We've gotten a peek into a world where Ingo didn't wind up in Hisui, so let's explore that idea. Whether he disappeared and wound up somewhere else, or stayed safely in Unova, what else do you suppose could have happened?
Fresh Coat of Paint: It's well established how attached Ingo is to his coat, but let's give it a break of its own. Whether it's for fashion, fun or function, it's time to play dress up!
Alternator/X-ing: Do you have an AU or crossover you'd like to tell us about? A favorite you want to dip into? Now's the time!
Mirror Image: Maybe things got a little too intense yesterday-- now we're looking at two of the same person! Is Ingo interacting with a past or future version of himself? An alternate universe counterpart? Give us a peek into how it goes!
Train of Thought: Do you have any headcanons you want to share? If there's nothing in particular, then tell us a little bit about how you view Ingo. No two individuals-- or their thoughts-- are exactly identical, after all!
Union Station: It's a big world out there, with an impossible amount of interesting people! Who's someone you'd like to introduce Ingo to? Maybe it's an unlikely friendship or rivalry?
A Higher State: Where do we go from here? Whether it's what you think is most realistic, compelling, or what you personally want to see, give us an ending!
Thank you to everybody who submitted prompt suggestions! While they might not appear verbatim, we've tried to carry the spirit in the list above!
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cottondo · 1 year
  When you first started working at Punch Out Pizzeria, you felt energized, excitement, as you'd greet new faces that would walk in to catch a quick slice to eat. But after learning the ropes, getting to know the faces that slowly grew more and more familiar over time, things start to get . . well, boring.
You'd been sick of the tourists, thankfully not many of them come around inside, but when they do, you'd often give a sour face and a little attitude. They were just here to listen to your New York accents half the time, anyway.
Coming home and smelling like an oven full of pizza dough every night wasn't exactly "living the dream", but not every job was perfect, you supposed.
At least you were treated with some respect. You had to admit, you did have it pretty good. No other workers stuck around long enough to bother getting used to liking, and the boss always comped your meals. So honestly, how much could you really complain?
And, you supposed it was a plus to see Mario and Luigi every week. Their new plumbing service ad just started running about every Friday afternoon. It left you with a smile on your face anytime you got to see it play. It may have only been once every two weeks, but it was there.
"Hey, Y/N. Didn't you see the good news?" Luigi bumps your elbow as you flick your eyes over to see him.
You'd been dazing out the window, onto the busy streets of Brooklyn for a moment now, without much realization. The streets were full of construction and speeding cars. Nothing interesting happening, but more interesting than what goes on inside here.
It'd be nice to get the hell out of the pizzeria for a day.
You lift your cheek out of your hand, and raise a tired eyebrow to the younger brother. "Hm?"
Mario gives you a little frown and looks you over once. "You alright?"
You nod, waving them off. "Yeah, sorry, got crappy sleep last night. And I guess I'm just tired of being in here." A little sigh hangs low as you push yourself away from leaning against the counter.
"I can see that." Mario nods along. He understood that feeling more than you knew.
"You're tired of the Pizzeria?" Luigi asks you, a curiosity smitten on his face.
You nod. "Wouldn't you be?"
He shrugs. "Eh, I don't see it."
"Oh, so the failure brothers are back in town."
The three of you turn to see Spike, a tall, average New Yorker. Rivals to the two brothers, you've picked up over a short period of time.
He was sitting in his regular booth, picking apart a pizza. Ordered from you just about every week at the counter.
Honestly, it wasn't surprising, but he tried to hit on you each time he came in. You've been told before you were 'as pretty as a princess'; so why wouldn't this asshole try to make a move?
"Oh great. Spike's here." Luigi drowns out, a little shrug to his shoulders as he turns towards his brother. Mario glares forward at the counter and lets out a hefty huff from his chest. "Yeah. Hey, Spike." You watch as he cringed at the name coming from his mouth.
"Can't believe you let these guys hang out with you. They've done enough to embarrass themselves by leaving me." Spike turns to you with a light laugh.
You raise a brow, adjusting a pout to fit on your face better. "We don't need a reminder. They're actually doing pretty good." You bark up. The male lifts a brow and shoots you a cocky smile.
It was actually something you had very little knowledge about, if you were being completely honest. You really didn't know if they'd been making any good progress with the business yet, but even so, you were gonna stand up for them regardless of anything.
Luigi smiles, digging a hand in his pocket, and holding up his phone in a quick response. "Yeah! We've already gotten a call since we've left you!"
Mario looks to his brother curiously, and you do the same. "We did?"
Spike almost looked impressed, but it was cut short once Luigi spoke up again. "Yeah! From our mother."
Your eyelids dull at the taller brother, and turn to look at Mario who shared the same expression with you.
"Dumbass." Spike scoffs. "Good luck running a business with him." He balled up a used napkin from his booth, and flung it at the taller brother. Mario caught it before it could hit his brother.
"Hey!" With one swift movement, Mario tossed the napkin right back into Spike's face. You watch with little caution from behind the counter. Before things start to escalate, you decide to take a couple steps around to the side of the counter, in case you were needed to break up a fight. You didn't know much you'd do, but your spunky Brooklyn attitude would be enough to get them to stop.
"Say one more thing about my brother, and you'll regret it." Mario glares up in the man's face. Spike obviously took that as some sort of threat - - though, still comical to him, which resulted in him standing up to his full height from the booth.
He was very much taller than Mario, and of course, Luigi, but from what you were seeing, Mario didn't seem to care all that much.
"Oh yeah?" Spike made one movement and reached his hands out to grab the overalls Mario was accompanying. He lifted the short male up to his face, heated.
"Hey! Stop," you step fully around the counter, a tired tone to your voice. It had already been a long day, and the last thing that you wanted to do, was to break up two boys in a scrap.
"C'mon guys, calm down." You step beside Luigi, off on the sidelines of the argument taking place, who eyed you briefly, before turning his wary expression to his older brother.
"Let's get one thing straight, Mario. You're a joke." Spike hisses out, his grip tightening around Mario's straps, which resulted in pulling him closer. "And you always will be."
And with that, he drops the male straight to the floor, who landed with a bit of a thud.
"Yo! What the hell." You glare up at him.
Spike only laughs to himself under his breath before getting a chance to look at you. "You can keep the change, babe." He winks at you, before walking his way out of the pizza shop.
Luigi meets his brother on the ground, giving him a little pat to stand back up again.
"You good?" You ask him, turning your attention back down to the male. Mario wiped his cheek, putting back on the bit of ego he had partially lost, and straightened himself up. "Just fine."
"Are you insane!?" Luigi frowns at his brother, and you do the same. "He's like three times bigger than you!"
"I don't think he really cares," you turn to Luigi and heavily sigh out your frustrations with the roll of your eyes to exaggerate the mood you were now in. "Mario, you don't always have to try and be some hero. At least, not in our restaurant."
He shook his head as if disagreeing with you, and continued to dust himself off. "C'mon, I can't be scared of everything all the time. I had to do something. I'm tired of him."
"Ok— regardless, I don't want you guys getting hurt." You cross your arms over the waist of where your apron was tied. Mario waves you off, taking a seat up at the counter where they once had been enjoying themselves for the evening.
Luigi didn't seem all that convinced, but he sat down again anyway.
"Thanks for the concern, but we'll be just fine." Mario offered a light smile instead of his determination of the hour.
"Yeah, speak for yourself." Luigi added onto that statement.
You walk behind the counter again, shaking your head to rid the thoughts and conversation. One of these days, you could just see something horrible happening. Spike wasn't a bad person, just an asshole. And you didn't really take too kindly to a guy like him treating the people you were close with, like the way he did.
"Hey, so uh, I gotta favor to ask." You lean over the counter and decide to change the subject over to something they'd both be more interested in. The two brothers look at you with curious eyes. "Yeah?"
"I've got a leak in the kitchen sink. Think you guys can come over and fix it for me?" Your gaze shifted between the two of them, but internally, your hope was riding more on Luigi to take the chance to speak up.
You did have a little bit of a thing for the taller brother, and you could sense he liked you, too. He was just too nervous to say anything, and you weren't one to push something if it didn't need to be, so as of right now, things were pretty quiet and subtle between you both.
Mario nods, looking over to his brother. There's a subtle sense of confusion, but he obliged anyway. "Yeah, we can do that for you. Anything for our favorite pizza maker," Mario chuckles, again, catching the look of Luigi, who then smiles back.
"We'll take a look once you get out of work! Sound good to you?" Luigi tilts his head curiously.
You smile and nod. "Yes, thank God." Tossing your head back dramatically catches their attention again, "It's been driving me crazy for weeks." Since you were still on the clock, you take their empty pizza plates and toss them into the bussing pan that was situated behind you at your counter station.
  "Well don't worry, we'll fix it right up for ya!" Luigi smiles, it's cheeky, and bright. You always liked that about him.
"Cool, I really appreciate it. I've been too tired to do anything about it." You brush off your hands on the apron around your waist, and lean against the counter once again. It was slow in the restaurant, but not slow enough to lose money. You sort of wished something exciting could happen, just for today.
"No problem," Mario waves.
A ring breaks up the conversation, and you all look to Luigi and his phone. As he picks it up from the counter, you notice his eyes widening a bit at the foreign number that was calling. He answers it, and you watch curiously. "Mario brothers plumbing!"
His expression changes, eyes bright and a smile growing. "Oh yeah! I'm glad you called us! We can be right over there, ma'am!" Once he hangs up the phone in a rush, you got the impression that they had gotten their . . first? gig.
"We got one! Mario," Luigi puts both his hands on the elders shoulders and shakes him around a bit. "We got a call! They need us right now!"
"Really?" His brother laughs a little, astonishment soon taking over the situation at hand. "Well then, we gotta go!"
You laugh, watching as they shuffle to their feet. "Good luck, boys!"
Watching as Luigi stumbles to take out his wallet, you smirk a little as he smack some bills onto the counter. He gives you a soft smile once you notice the money was well over the amount on the bill. "I-I'll see ya later,"
Mario gives his brother a quick nudge with a knowing smile, before jotting a thumb to the exit. "I'll meet you in the car, Lou."
"Good luck." You smile at him. One hand pockets the money into the apron you wore, and you laugh a little. "And, thanks." When your shoulder shrugged, you watched him as he slowly but surely made his way to the door. "Hey, no problem! I gotta go- - just call me— uh, us! I mean us! Just call us when you're ready for us to be there," he shoots you a little finger gun, and you inwardly laugh at his nervousness. Seeing him like this wasn't foreign at all, in fact, it was quite often. But there was still something about him that made it so cute.
"Yeah, yeah, get goin'!"
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pharawee · 1 year
Star Hunter's line-up for 2023 (and 2024) was exactly what they'd previously announced and tbh that made sitting through the whole thing actually quite enjoyable and to the point - even if I had to watch the livestream on facebook (apparently it's on youtube too but it's on madan.fun's channel so I didn't know until later).
Now Star Hunter is slowly uploading the pilots for the 5 new series and 2 movies they announced and I've had some time to make up my mind about them.
TRUE MOON | เดือนหลงเดือน 
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Star Hunter wouldn't be Star Hunter without their uni BL and campus moons, so this is probably as straightforward as it gets: Poor boy hates rich boy but then they fall in love and have to overcome many obstacles. Personally, I'll never get tired of uni BL so I'm ok with this.
CITY OF STARS | เฟื่องนคร 
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Star Hunter has unlocked a new trope: actor/manager BL - but this one comes with a twist: While one of them is an actor, the other guy has been tasked to... tbh I'm not even sure because the subs on the livestream were wonky and they're missing in the yt vid. The other one's a programmer for an app and apparently the actor's so famous that he breaks the app so the programmer gets sent to Thailand for few months (he's the only Thai dude in the whole company, you see) to somehow fix the problem. Oh, but also the actor is his neighbour? And then his manager gets sick so the programmer has to step in. Love ensues. Sounds good, I'm in.
SUNSET VIBES | เพียงชลาลัย
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This is the new mosbank series we've been waiting for, and from the whole presentation it's clear that mosbank is now Star Hunter's new main attraction. The series itself is really intriguing. For one, it's beautifully filmed, with beautiful and almost traditional-sounding background music. It starts with a one-night-stand that quickly turns into "oops I got railed by my new boss the night before I started my internship" - but there's a mystery twist right at the end. According to what Mos said during the short presentation it's got something to do with Isan (Northeast Thailand) folklore and possibly past lives so this is going to be really good (I am completely unbiased of course).
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I'm still not sure if this is replacing season 2 or a movie cut of the first season with extra scenes. My Thai is limited and all I know is that season 2 was mentioned (and Tao's actor was there). But anyway, the movie seems to expand on what happens in season 1, with a couple of extra scenes set in the past and the future, so even if we don't get a season 2 this is still going to be a treat.
FLIRT MILK | รักรสนมจืด
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Ok so this one could be Star Hunter's wild card. It's a cute and chaotic BL set at (where else) university. Awkward boy meets another awkward boy and they're super different but obviously attracted to each other. But because they're so different they individually decide to change for their crush. Well, personally I hope they change back because they're really cute the way they are and also there's a severe lack of glasses in Thai BL.
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This is not a BL but it might have BL elements, I guess? Idk, the trailer didn't come with subs. From what I could gather the genre is young adult set in some kind of magical school with different houses and some sort of competition. ISBANKY is in this and tbh he's the main reason why I'm even interested in this.
LOVE SENIOR | พี่ว้ากคะ รักหนูได้มั้ย 
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I was right! This is the GL version of GEN Y that you've been waiting for. It has cute engineering students! It has freshie contests! It has freshie week hazing rituals! It has cute girls in red engineering shirts that kiss! It has strict seniors falling in love with extremely cute freshies. And it probably has lots of unnecessary drama too, just for good measure.
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Sitting On The Shelf - Marcus White x Reader
Part 40 - Christmas Eve
SOTS Masterlist
"Wait, so, tell me it again." Jonah pleaded, his arms folded and pressed against the side of the customer service counter, doing his best to stare you down where you sat on the countertop next to Garrett. "Please. It's the least you could do."
"Dude, come on, don't you think you've heard it enough yet?" Garrett asked, turning to face Jonah with a frown deeply settled on his face, almost as sick of hearing the story as you were of telling it. "Cut my poor doll face some slack."
"Come on, J." You pleaded in return, turning to him with clasped hands and a pout on your lips.
"No." Jonah walked around the counter top, coming to your side and knocking into your shoulder with his own. "Your eternal apology is to tell me the story whenever I want to hear it."
Letting out a loud groan, you threw your head back exasperatedly. Of course Jonah would somehow find a way to try and forever punish you for your lack of communication one time.
"Like I said the last 12 times, i pushed you into the bathroom and I went into the other one. Marcus came in and offered to help me clean up, and one thing led to another." Jonah urged you to go on, not taking your short lived explanation as a fulfilling enough story. "He told me he was really scared when he thought Kelly 'stabbed' me, and that it made him think about all the things he didn't get to say to me. And then we kissed."
"And they all lived happily ever after." Garrett concluded, rolling his eyes at Jonah who seemed completely enamoured in the re-kindling of your love life. "Can we be done now?"
"No. I need more." Jonah teased, nudging your shoulder with his own yet again as he pushed and prodded for more details about what happened that night and how you and Marcus got together again.
"That's the whole story." You hummed, jumping off the counter and moving to stand opposite your two boys. "Besides, I called him my boyfriend in our fake murder skit. I guess neither of you noticed."
"Wait what?" Garrett tuned back into the conversation with renewed intrigue, his mouth agape. "You called him your boyfriend before you ever went to the bathroom?"
"Well, yeah. We've been dancing around it since Emma's first-"
"-and last-"
"-day here. You were literally there Jonah!"
"Oh. I didn't like that." Jonah frowned, wincing away from you as his arms folded across his chest. "I don't remember the last time you called me anything but J."
"Well, J, my point stands." Jonah's frown quirked up into a smile as you corrected yourself, his entire demeanour softening. "You've been there for practically every time we've interacted in the store over the past few weeks. Anything you missed, you missed on your own accord."
Jonah's eyes left yours, his gaze moving intently to the floor as he recounted every interaction he'd seen between the two of you over the last few weeks, and damn it you'd been right - he'd been there for a lot of what happened. He even gone as far as to - several times - tell you he was sure Marcus still liked you. How could he have forgot?
"Lets just hope he doesn't start asking about trivia night." Garrett joked, however your face paled as you realised that was one event he hadn't been there for that had happened.
"When did I even fill you in on that?" You turned to Garrett with a harsh whisper, unnerved by his knowledge and they way he'd brought up yet another story you'd have to tell Jonah 10 million times.
"I have eyes everywhere."
"Trivia night?"
"Oh no! Look at the time!" You cried, nervous laughter bubbling past you lips in a mannerism you'd sworn you'd stolen from Cheyenne after so many years spent together. "Things aren't going to stock themselves!"
Running out from behind the counter, you headed straight for the stock room in hopes you'd find something to hide behind or busy yourself with enough that Jonah would leave you alone.
"What happened at trivia night?" Jonah asked, following you out of the customer service desk as soon as he'd noticed you were trying to run away from his line of questioning. "What happened? You have to tell me! It's all I want for Christmas! Peach!"
"Come on, I don't know if it's a bulb or a stripped wire." Glenn whined, passing out heat another set of Christmas lights for the group of you to untangle.
Glenn had gathered as many of you as he could find to help him in his efforts to sort through the stores collection of Christmas lights, even though it was Christmas Eve and he'd never be able to do anything worthwhile with them now. So far this morning, you'd worked through 2 sets yourself and 3 more between you and Jonah, so you'd call it a pretty successful day.
"Glenn, you've been trying for two months to solve this problem." Amy sighed, placing down the string of lights she'd been working her way through for the past 20 minutes. "I really don't think you're gonna crack it on Christmas Eve."
General hums of agreement came from the crowd that had formed to aid Glenn's effort. Mateo folded his arms across his chest, avoiding taking on another set of lights to untangle. "My grandmother would kill me for saying this, but I just don't get why people make such a big deal out of Christmas."
Loud gasps of hurt and betrayal could be heard from all around, your own particularly loud and hurt, the string of lights you'd been feeding through to Jonah coming to a halt as your glared down Mateo. "What? How can you not love Christmas?"
"Yeah, Mateo." Jonah confirmed, looking up at you with a soft smile on his lips as he reminisced on his last Christmas here in St Louis. "Christmas is the best."
"I mean real talk, Christmas is pretty disappointing and over-hyped. It's kind of like "Star Wars."" Yet another controversial opinion had just slipped past Mateo's lips and it wasn't even 8am yet - today was going to be a long day.
Even Dina seemed hurt by Mateo's generally wrong opinions, a gasp elicited from her mouth and a frown settling on her lips. "You don't like "Star Wars"?"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Can we just one-at-a-time this? It's not about a day. It's about looking back on the year we shared and celebrating it." Glenn whined, a deep frown settling on his face as he looked over the group for support in his claim.
"Yeah, let's celebrate the year a tornado hit the store." Dina scoffed, also halting in her efforts to untangle the lights though you were fairy surprised she'd offered to help in the first place.
"My entire apartment got destroyed and I lived with y/n for like half the year." Smacking the back of your hand into Jonah's chest, you turned to him with a glare. "Only the destroyed apartment was bad, though."
"I got a really annoying roommate, and he won't leave." Garrett said next, contradicting Jonah's previous claim of having a good time living with you. You couldn't imagine Garrett's experience living with Jonah was as bad as he was making it seem, not when you'd had such a good time living with him earlier in the year.
"I got a divorce."
"I lost my boyfriend for half the year." Boyfriend. It had a nice ring to it when you said it about Marcus. And though you'd not really discussed whether he was officially your boyfriend or you guys were just 'together' again, it didn't really matter to you, you were just happy to have him back.
"My boyfriend wound up in a coma."
It seemed like a generally bad year for relationships in the store, now that you thought about it.
"I am looking for a place." Jonah threw his arms out, letting the string of fairy lights fall into his lap as he spoke to Garrett, his voice filled with exasperation.
Garrett scoffed, looking away from the brunette with a quite mutter. "Not looking hard enough."
"It's just a sucky year."
"The doctors aren't sure if he'll ever even..."
Glenn quickly moved on from the topic, reaching his hand out towards Cheyenne softly and moving his fingers in a grabbing motion. "Cheyenne, can I have the voltage tester, please?"
Amy was the next to set her lights down as she spoke, no one being able to do both tasks at the same time apparently. Feeding another untangled line of lights to Jonah, you listened mindlessly to the conversation before you. "But I do have to say I'm looking forward to next year. I really feel like it's time to just start living life. You know? Like, I don't know. I feel like I can get wilder."
"Oh, God. You're not gonna cut your hair again, are you?" Mateo cringed, thinking back to the in store haircut Amy had received from Cheyenne just before the tornado. You much preferred the short hair, finding it framed Amy's face nicely, and you'd never be opposed to helping her cut it again.
"No. I mean, maybe. I don't know. I just mean, like finally taking those motorcycle lessons, or skydiving, or like, maybe I'll get a tattoo." Amy wooed, picking up the chain of lights again and going back to untangle them.
Cheyenne let out a low chuckle. "There's just no way you're doing any of that."
Amy responded with her own chuckle, denying any doubt the rest of you seemed to have in her belief that this would be her year to be crazy. "I'm serious. I, I'm going to unleash crazy Amy. You guys can call me "Craymie.""
Letting your head fall into your hands, you ran a hand across your face. As much as you loved Amy, 'craymie' was already too much for you. "Uh, no thanks."
As Amy began to start a chant of her newfound name, no one else joined in, leaving her arms to fall back to her side in defeat. "Amy, Craymie. All right, well that was just a idea."
"Feels forced."
"And then another time, I thought Jerry came out of his coma and winked at me, but turns out, it was just a muscle spasm from low folic acid."
A few of you had gathered around the stand of hot cocoa Glenn had set up in the middle of the store, the unusually quiet Christmas Eve shift giving you the opportunity to catch up with your coworkers and get a glimpse into their Christmas plans.
Dina scoffed at Sandra's recap of her most recent hospital visit, clearly finding something wrong with whatever she'd said. "Did you check the twitch for Morse Code? He could have been telling you to stop talking, or it's possible he's in so much pain, he's just begging anyone to pull the plug." After another moment deep in thought she seemed to come to a solid conclusion. "I think that's what it was."
Before you could comfort Sandra with a reminder that it was very unlikely to be that and was probably a sign he was getting better and closer to waking up, Amy came running over - Marcus and Corey in tow with a bottle of whiskey in her hands. "Yo, yo, yo. Cheer up, losers! It's Christmas!"
Everyone moved closer to her as she pulled the lid off of the thermos and opened the bottle of whiskey, pouring it into the hot chocolate Glenn had made. "What are you doing?"
"Turning this into a par-tay." Amy whooped, continuing to pour the warm, brown liquid into the cocoa until only a 1/3 remained in the bottle.
"I have ecstasy in my car." Cheyenne excitedly added, already reaching into her Jean pocket in search of her car keys.
Amy paused, shocked by the sudden offering of ecstasy but quickly regained her composure, shaking her head gently at Cheyenne. "We'll start here and then see where the day takes us. Spread the word, bitches. Craymie in the house!"
Linking your non hot cocoa holding arm through Cheyenne's you pulled her close enough that you could whisper in her ear. "We'll see where the night goes, chey." The blonde looked at you with a bright smile, knocking her forehead against yours. "And if it goes nowhere, me and you can always slip out and have some fun.
The pair of you burst into laughter, approaching Amy with your cups of hot cocoa outstretched so she could pour some of the whiskey that remained in the bottle into your already filled cups.
"Yeah, go, Craymie! Go, Craymie! Craymie is here!" Marcus chanted, Corey quickly joining in before they paused, a looked of confusion crossing their face.
"Who's Craymie?"
Marcus then paused his own chant, lowering his fist as confusion took over his features. "I don't, uh...I don't know."
"Hey, you." Slipping out of Cheyenne's hold, you made your way over to Marcus, grabbing one of his hands in you own and allowing him to pull you into his chest. "How's you're shift going?"
"Better now you're here." He hummed, a smirk curling on his lips as he leaned down and connected them with your own in a quick peck. The speed of the action hadn't been enough to stop Mateo shouting at the two of you to 'get a room,' however.
"How about some hot cocoa, hmm."
You were tucked under Marcus's arm, one of his hands wrapped around your waist while the other poured beer into each one of the cups before him. Letting your head fall against his chest, you watched as Justine did the same at the other end of the table.
"So what you're going to want to do." Marcus whispered into your ear, making sure you heard him over the general chatter of everyone who had gathered around the hot cocoa stall. "Is throw the ball gently, overarm, and aim it directly for one of the cups. In the middle is better, cause if you kiss it'll fall into one of the nearby ones."
Marcus placed the little, orange ping-pong ball in the palm of your hand, cupping your hand in his and guiding it gently into the air. He pulled your hand back slightly, then as he moved it forward, commanded you to let it go - the ball flying forward and straight into justices central cup.
"There we go!" Marcus cheered, wrapping both his arms around you from behind and squeezing you against him. "Easy peasy, right?"
"Right." You whispered, looking up at Marcus, your face flushed. Standing on the tips of your toes, you pressed a kiss to his jaw, not caring that you'd missed his lips, making it his turn to turn pink in the face.
"No, you guys, I'm serious." Amy demanded, her words attracting the attention of anyone who hadn't previously been listening in to what she was saying. "I used to, like, shoplift bulk candy and, like run, and one time I stole a car."
General disbelief ran through the group, mumblings of how out of character that was for Amy travelling the group but not quiet reaching your ears. If your brain wasn't so clouded with alcohol and the feeling of Marcus's arms around you, maybe you would've remeber we when Adam had told you the story when you first moved in.
"No you guys, I did." Amy insisted, standing from her seat with a smile on her face, thinking back on her high school days with a fondness you'd not seen in her in a while. "It was 10th grade. I took my math teacher's Kia, drove it to the Burger King, got some French toast sticks, and then I just left it there like, bounced."
Mateo scoffed at her explanation, rolling his eyes as he shuffled in his camping chair. "The French toast sticks were a little too specific. But nice try."
Cheyenne was next to agree, still in disbelief that Amy would do something of the sort. "Yeah, you would never do that."
"No, I did do that. You know what? I could call Adam." Amy insisted, determined to prove that she had been the so called 'craymie' in her high school days that she was trying to be again now. "He'll tell you the whole story."
"All right. Call him." Marcus countered, his words vibrating through his chest and into your back, your fingers moving to intertwine with his as you continued to stand by the ping-pong table.
"Okay. I will. And then we'll see who's crazy."
The call was answered on the third ring, Amy barely getting passed a 'hello' before she could here shuffling on the other side of the phone - Adam shushing someone before returning to Amy's question.
"Who was that?" Amy asked, words quieter then they had been in a minute, her gaze intent upon her phone screen.
"Uh, that's, uh, that's Bridgett. Emma's friend Crystal's Mom." Though you weren't mad at Adam for moving on, you found it insufferable that this was how he was letting Amy find out. He could've at least sent a text out of politeness so that this wouldn't happen.
"Wait, Crystal's over? I thought Emma was away."
"No, I'm at her place. Um, what did you want?"
Amy was stunned into silence, her mouth hung agape as she bore her eyes into the phone screen. "Nothing." She rushed out, moving to hang up the call despite the fact she'd not got what she'd asked for. "Merry Christmas."
"Ha ha. Chickened out. Couldn't even ask about the car." Marcus laughed, completely having missed what just happened despite the fact that everyone else was staring at her in stunned silence. He raised his arm, having gently pulled the ping pong ball from your hands, and thrown it directly into one of Justine's back row cups. "Boom!"
You congratulated him on his win with a pat to his chest, slipping out from his hold and making your way over to Amy with open arms that she easily fell into.
You, Amy and Cheyenne had crammed yourselves around one of the computers in electronics, all staring intently at the computer screen with Bridgette's Facebook page loaded on it.
Dina appeared beside you, a notepad in one hand and her drink in the other. "Well, I've come up with my New Year's resolutions. More birds, more sex, more judo." All Dina appropriate resolutions, you thought. You hadn't even started to think about what yours were going to be - but if you had to guess a large amount of them would include spending more time with Marcus. "And I'm gonna try to pepper, "Yas, queen," into conversation more I think it's time."
"We're checking out that skank that Amy's ex-husband is sleeping with." Cheyenne explained the situation to Dina, her eyes unmoving from the screen as she did.
Dina moved to stand beside you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder so that she could squeeze in close and get the best possible view of the screen.
"No, uh-uh. We don't know that they're sleeping together. There's a lot of reasons he could be at that skank's house." Amy stopped scrolling when she landed on a particular picture of the girl Adam was seeing, the three of you bitterly ogling the photo. "Oh, there she is. Always, like, lurking around, waiting for a dad to come on the market."
"Yeah, she's so...basic." You'd wanted to say hot, unable to tear your eyes away from the stunning bikini photo, but for Amy, you'd lie. Hearing you thought she was good looking wasn't exactly what she needed to hear right now.
"Adam got with that? Guy's fighting above his weight class." Dina scoffed, taking another sip of you drink, nodding sincerely. "Good for him."
"I mean, it's just It's messed up." You scoffed, taking hold of the mouse and scrolling through more of the photos. Amy offered you a fill up from the bottle of alcohol she was still caring around and you took it gratefully.
"It is so messed up." Cheyenne agreed, the two of you having linked arms as the alcohol began to set in, standing becoming harder and harder.
"You know what? I'm just gonna say it. Men are from Mars. I just came up with that." The four of your cheered over Dina's new saying, finding truth in it especially when Adam was acting so skanky. You knew your dislike for him was rooted in solid foundations.
"Do you know what I feel like I should do?" Amy slurred, swaying gently from side to side as she continued to take sips of her spiked hot cocoa. "I feel like it's a good idea to, like, go down there. Go to her place."
"To Bridgett's house?" Cheyenne rasped, entire body leaning forward as she tried to listen in to the conversation.
"Yeah. That's exactly what I was thinking."
"No. No, no, no, no, no, no. You should not go over there." Dina commanded with a fast shake of her head. However, a mischievous smile was quick to curl on her face. "We should all go over there."
You tilted your head in confusion, your brain completely fogged up from the mix of alcohol and rapid back and forth conversation. "To Bridgett's house?"
"Just always assume we're talking about Bridgett's house." Dina waved her hands at you and Cheyenne, the two of you nodding at her when you finally understood what was going on.
"Yes, let's do it." Amy gasped, a wide smile on her face.
"Okay. Oh, but how are we gonna get there? Because I try not to drive if I've had more than six."
"Yeah, I don't have a car." You added - you'd drank the least out of all four of you, but you still in no state to drive, however, in the moment that thought didn't cross your mind, the only one being that lack of car to get you there
"Oh, yeah, I should not be getting behind the wheel of a car right now."
The four of you were quick to get into your outdoor coats, hats, gloves and scarfs, riding the mobility scooters out of the store on the beginning on what would surely be a long journey to Bridgett's house.
"And we're sure this is faster than walking?" Asked as you finally pulled out into the main road, immediately blocking a car from going past as the four of you went roughly 2 miles and hour.
As you turned a corner, following Amy and Dina who seemed to know where they were going, your phone buzzed. Pulling it out, you opened the notification, finding a message from Jonah.
The Three Musketeers
J <3 | would you say your life was significantly improved by fajita Thursdays?
y/n | yeah, always. I miss it. move back in pls
Gare-bear <3 | 1 you're a liar and 2 you can have him I want him out
J <3 | oh that is so rich that you would say that
You were glad that you were missing whatever fight those two were having, muting your phone and tucking it back inside the safety of your coat pocket as you carried on with your journey to Bridgette'a house.
It was a surprisingly quick journey to Bridgett's house  - even given the fact you were travelling there on the cloud 9 mobility scooters - but the cold, night air that was beginning to seep through your clothes was making it feel long.
"This is it. The vulture's nest." The three of you parked up behind Amy's first scooter, each dismounting their respective scooter and standing at the end of the path to Bridgett's house.
"Whoa." Cheyenne and you were dazed by the lights and ornaments that she had on display in her front yard. "Look at all this stuff."
Dina scoffed, hands on her hips as she stared at the yard display in disgust. "Four owls? News flash, owls are notoriously solitary."
"Four-owl bitch."
"All right. I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna go knock on the door." Amy psyched herself up, walking right up to Bridgett's door and raising her hand to knock.
"Great, and then what?"
"And then Adam opens the door, and then I get to see the look on his face!"
"I bet it's gonna be all like, "Whoa, you're a crazy stalker. I'm scared.""
Amy froze in her spot, a terrible, sinking feeling settling in the pit of her stomach as what the four of you were doing really realised itself in her brain. "Oh, my God. This is a mistake."
Dina laughed at the realisation, nodding as though she'd known from the very beginning this would happen. "Uh, a mistake that we're gonna laugh about one day."
"But not today." You gasped, your grip on Cheyenne tightening at the horrific thought of that very door opening and Adam coming out from the other side.
"Oh, no, no, no. Today's gonna be a mess." Dina confirmed.
"We got to go. We got to go. Go, go, go, go, go!" The four of you ran back to your scooters, attempting to make an escape before you'd achieved your plan of confronting them now that you realised how dumb it was. "Get out of here. Oh, my God. My battery's dead."
You and Cheyenne concurred, all three of you heading towards Dina's scooter in an effort to still escape while you could. You could come back for the other scooters later. As Amy tried to climb in the basket, you and Cheyenne balanced on the back, Dina smacked her away. "The max capacity for the basket is a buck-fifty."
"What, are you kidding me?" Amy shrieked, desperate to just get in the basket and get going before anyone noticed you were there. "I don't weigh 150 pounds."
"If you say so, but I'm weighing you when we get back." Dina allowed Amy into the basket, pressing down on the go pedal and moving about a foot away from where she'd parked when the door to Bridgett's house opened.
"Amy? Is that you?"
"Adam? Dubanowski? You guys, you remember Adam." Everyone eyed up the brunette, making noises for way too joyful agreement in an effort to hide the malicious intent you'd arrived with.
As Adam and Bridgette invited everyone in to get warm and talk while the scooters recharged, you opted to sit on her porch step with your coffee, forgetting that coming to confer on Adam actually pertained confronting Adam. You'd much rather sit out on the cold porch, attempting to sober up with your coffee then be in the same room as him.
Fortunately, it wasn't long before everyone came back out of the house. Placing down your half drank cup if coffee onto Bridgett's decking, you joined them as they walked back to the scooters, linking arms with Cheyenne as you went.
Just as you were about to get into your scooter, Amy ran back towards the lawn ornaments, grabbing a snowman and turning to face the three of you with a wicked grin. "I told you. I'm Craymie. Year of Craymie! Quick, take something! Hurry, come on! Go, go! Go, go, go, go!"
As you each grabbed and ornament to put in your basket, Bridgett and Adam came to the door, watching as you made your slow get away with her lawn ornaments in som act of twisted revenge. Finally you pulled out of view, will fill charged scooters, new Christmas decorations and a cry from Dina of 'yas queen!'
Maybe today had been alright.
"I told you guys. I am a psycho." Amy had a wide smile on her face, her coworkers believing her high school wildness giving her the satisfaction she'd wanted.
"Oh, yeah, you got to let Craymie out more often. But call her something else, 'cause that name sucks." Cheyenne stroked the head of the owl ornament she's stolen, your identical one sat next to Marcus on the floor while you were sat in his lap.
"What's wrong with Craymie?"
Amy's question went unanswered as Glenn appeared with a plug and an extension lead in hand. "Well, I think I finally figured out these Christmas lights. See if you can still call this "fine.""
"Wow. Christmas lights. I've never experienced the miracle of little light bulbs on a string before." Mateo sassed fed up of Glenn trying to convince him Christmas was cool when that's all he'd been doing since this morning.
As Glenn turned on the light display he'd spent all month working on in for the first time, it elicited gasps fro everyone gathered around the Christmas display. The fairy lights covered the whole store head to toe and gave off a warm glow that had your absolutely captivated. Marcus wasn't looking at the lights, however, his head titled up to look at you through hooded eyes.
"Where's Jonah? He would love this."
With a gasp, you stumbled from Marcus's lap, his hand coming to rest against the small of your back as you attempted to stand straight. "That reminds me." Pushing away from the group, you did your best to run for the stores entrance, your bag loosely in your grip as you picked it up from where it had been on the floor. "I'll be right back."
You stumbled into several end caps as you tried to weave your way throughout the store in search of a certain brown-haired boy before it was too late. As you neared the front of the store, you called out in way too over the top whispers, through the alcohol in your system had you thinking you were yelling with all your might. "Jonah!"
Jonah and Kelly froze in the store entrance, both wrapped up to protect them from the winter weather and far too close together for friends to be. Even though you had enough alcohol in your system that you couldn't see entirely straight, you could see that.
Running up to the brunette as the pair turned to face you, you threw your arms around his shoulders, pressing a wet, sloppy kiss to his cheek. As you pulled away your cheeks filled with warmth, a wide smile forming on your face. "I nearly forgot."
Reaching for your bag, you opened it up, pulling out a neatly wrapped silver box and pressing it a little too hard against Jonah's chest. A laugh slipped past his lips at your over the top gestures, him quickly realising that you'd probably consumed more alcohol tonight then you should've. While you had gotten him a physical gift, you weren't going to let him miss out of what he'd claimed he'd wanted earlier that day.
"At trivia night, he waited for me to drop Sandra at the bus stop, and then was going to walk me home. But I got in his car and we went to trivia night. Together." You whispered, pressing another chaste kiss to his cheek then leaning up to his ear. "Merry Christmas."
Jonah pressed a quick kiss your cheek in return this time, the smile unwavering from his face. "I actually ordered your gift to be shipped to your place, it should be there when you get back."
"You got me something?" You awed, pulling him into a hug, your arms hanging loosely around his waist. "That's sweet."
"And so are you, peach."
"And Kelly." As quickly and intently as your attention had been on him, it had now turned to Kelly, your eyes unwavering from the shorter blonde as the smile on your face only widened. "Kelly." You cooed once more, grabbing the girl by her shoulders and pulling her into a tight hug, pressing a long, hard kiss to her cheek just like you had Jonah's. "You're so nice. And pretty. And cool."
You hiccuped in between your words, your posture was becoming less and less straight and if it weren't for the fact you had such a firm grip on the blondes shoulders, you'd have definitely fallen over by now. "If I wasn't dating Marcus, I'd totally hit you up, doll face."
Jonah nearly choked at your use of the words 'doll face,' years in Garretts presence clearly having rubbed off on you.
"I'm going to leave you lovebirds to it." You whispered, pulling them both into one last, group hug. "Have a very, Merry Christmas!"
As you walked away from the two, you blew them a kiss, waving goodbye for a final time before running back in the direction of the lights and the people you loved so much. When you finally made it back to the winter garden display that everyone had gathered around, Marcus's eyes were quick to meet yours, you quickly staggering over to him and plopping yourself down on his lap with a hard drop.
"Where'd you go there, angel?" Marcus whispered in your ear, the glow of the Christmas lights illuminating his face in the darkness of the store. "I missed you."
"I needed to give Jonah his Christmas present." You murmured back, wiggling the metal flask from between his fingers and taking another swig from it. "Speaking of Christmas presents, yours is back at my place."
"Is it now?" Marcus asked, a teasing lilt to his words, a quick kiss being pressed to your forehead as you let it fall back and rest against his shoulder. "Does that mean I get to come over tomorrow?"
"I was thinking you could come over tonight, when everyone heads out of here."
"Back to your place?" He asked, one hand coming up to play with your hair, twirling them it around his fingers then letting it go, and repeating the action once more.
"Back to my place, and in the morning I can open your gift and you can open my gift, and then to my moms for breakfast and more gifts and eventually Christmas dinner which'll probably be more Chinese food." You mused, sitting up enough in Marcus's lap that you could look in his eyes. Both your arms came up to wrap around his neck, hands meeting at its nape and running through the hair there. As you seemed to think on your next words, you started giggling, a blush rising to your cheeks. "And then afterwards, Amy does this thing - every year - where she goes back and forth between two Christmas movies and she always ends up picking the polar express. It's the best thing ever."
Marcus looked down at you with the softest smile, his eyes filled with adoration that shone under the gentle glow of the Christmas lights that Glenn had coated the store in. Of course when you'd said mom, you'd meant Amy, the way it had so naturally rolled of your tongue warmed his heart - and he was sure it'd have warmed Amy's too if she'd heard.
"Your sure I'm welcome?" He asked, nudging his nose against yours, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips that had you chasing after his when he pulled away in search of another. "I wouldn't want to intrude."
Another kiss was pressed to your lips before you responded, dazed and dreamily staring up at the brunette. "Of course you're welcome to come baby, you don't have to if you don't want to."
Marcus was thankful that everyone else was too wrapped up in their own conversations to notice the way his cheeks flushed a deep red when you'd called him baby. The slightly drunken drawl to your words had only made the butterflies it gave him worse, the fact it was the first time you'd called him any kind of pet name would've been enough to have his cheeks burning alone.
"Of course i want to come, Angel. It's a good thing I have your gift in the trunk of my car then, huh."
"You got me a gift?" You gasped, turning so that you were straddling one of his legs instead, his hands coming to hold your hips so that you were kept steady. "You didn't have to, that's so sweet."
"Of course I had to." Marcus replied knocking his forehead against yours gently. "You got me one last year, and now this year, and I-"
Though Marcus did love you he didn't want to say it again now. He didn't want now - while you were half drunk and looking at him like that - to be the first time he said it again since the two of you got back together. Not when he was still a little bit scared of you not saying it back.
"I care about you. Why wouldn't I get you a gift?"
"What did I do to deserve you?" You hummed, allowing your head to fall into the crook of his neck, Marcus's hands that had been on your hips moved to wrap around your waist, holding you against him in a hug. Nuzzling yourself into the warmth of Marcus, you words came out muffled and quieter then intended. "Merry Christmas to me, huh."
"Merry Christmas to you indeed, angel."
☆: .。. Tag List .。.:☆ @write-from-the-heart @despicablylara @whatafreakingloser @flowercrowns-goodvibes @millieb-3199 @lolawassad @catarina-trouxa @falsegodofmischief @thepurplebutterflythings @littleboysmile @sibsteria @quinn-7007 @aashy723 @maeisonline @lizziel1410 @tamberjo @texaschainslvt @mariizai
Want to be added to the taglist? send an ask to let me know <3
I hope you guys enjoyed this weeks part because it had all my fave things!!!! Mom!Amy, Fluffy!Marcus and Adam hate 🔪🔪🔪🔪
New update next week or potentially the first sub part Sunday in forever!!! (Depending on the word count god knows I'll end up writing 10,000,000 words about Christmas Day) we'll see what happens then....
As always!!! Have a lovely week <333
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scottsummersevents · 9 months
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Today's spotlight pairing is another a fun rare one that's got a lot of potential!
Below under the cut you can take a look at this pairing and see what fun it could prove to be!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
If this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold by StormXPadme  (Rated E) In which Kurt comes back to the X-Men just in time to stop Scott from going to Alkali Lake and the two of them discover, they have a lot more to in common than a shitty family background.
Pit•y by Skelskeleton (Rated G) He assumes Scott is just taking pity on him when he makes the first move, but is it really that?
With you, without you by Skelskeleton (Rated T) Scott had tried to make an effort to not stare whenever he passed him, he tried to never speak to him. He tried everything his parents had told him to do, but he couldn’t stop himself from wanting to see, wanting to talk. AKA: Scott joins the circus
Narthex by orphan_account (Rated T) But none of them are as awe struck as Scott when Kurt takes the stand. He watches the blue man as he steps onto the podium preparing the sermon on the sheets of paper in front of him. And the only thought that Scott has is that ‘he is so beautiful’
Reflections and Resolution by fanboi214 (Rated E) Kurt Wagner wakes up naked and alone in a bizarre wintery candy shop. It soon becomes apparent the sweet treats have the ability to alter his mind and body because unbeknownst to the fuzzy blue mutant he's nabbed the staring role in Mojoverse's new exhibitionist ratings bonanza
Where is it? by Neorulez (Rated M) Scott hasn't been the happiest person around so Kurt decides to mess with him but when Scott car goes missing he immediately assumes Kurt. Requested by: Vampygurl402
Missing You by actualkoschei (Rated G) Kurt travels with Mystique, and writes letters home.
Smile, The Worst Is Yet To Come (Rated E) Once upon a time, a nineteen year old kid traveled from the cold shoulder of Germany to the baking heart of America to find his love. His name was Kurt - and his name was Scott.
Christmas Party Blues by BotchedExperiment (Rated T) Kurt regretted letting Scott drag him downstairs for the party.
You Hold Moonlight in Your Hands by orphan_account (Rated T) Scott asks Kurt to the school dance, or at least he tries... it's a little more complicated than intended.
Colours by h311agay (Rated G) This story is based off of Halsey's song, Colors.
Gifts and Mementos by xenosaurus (Rated G) There's a lot of love in every physical thing Kurt owns.
Cream Soda by xenosaurus (Rated G) Scott worries, even when he doesn't have to.
first (and last) time for everything by Enterprising (Rated G) Kurt's never been on a Ferris wheel before, and as it turns out, there's a good reason why he shouldn't.
A Brittle Light, but A Light Nonetheless by fandomtothethirteenthpower (Rated M) Kurt and Scott's adventure out to the festival turn horrible, and it takes Scott's tender loving to help Kurt through it.
A Drive Home by BotchedExperiment (Rated G) Kurt starts feeling sick at school so Scott brings him home.
contrition by orphan_account (Rated M) and what is your sin, kurt wagner?
Different, But Beautiful by DaveCumstaine (Rated E) Kurt's not the most confident person when it comes to appearance, so when Scott shows him the smallest bit of interest, Kurt thinks its a joke. Scott, however, proves him wrong.
Clothes Make the Man by froggidy (Rated G) ScottKurt fic about Kurt wearing Scott's jacket. It's a start to a beautiful thing.
Boys of Summer by ekgc (Rated E) "Let me just start by saying that i, Scott Summers, had never been naked in front of anybody before. Well, besides in the showers at my old school, but that's different. I mean like, i never had been the naked center of attention of somebody else, and it was a lot stranger than i could have imagined. I also couldn't have imagined that the first person ever to see me naked would have been a boy, even less that it would have been a blue boy. But the strangest part of it all is that i was kind of enjoying it, and it was starting to show."
filled my heart with a kiss by Enterprising (Rated T) It had been Kurt's first kiss, Scott realises with growing horror. He'd stolen Kurt's first kiss during spin the bottle, of all things.
Take the Long Way Home by orphan_account (Rated T) Kurt's feeling lonely and ugly, and other bad things, so Scott decides to take him on a nice long drive, to show him how special he is. There's nothing Scott loves more than Kurt laughing as he speeds down the highway, nothing he loves more than seeing Kurt's eyes reflect the moonlight, as they stare at constellations, and Kurt teaches him the German words for them :)
German Rain by vintagealaska (Rated G) "Scott manages to study him but not make him feel like a lab rat or a freak show and yet Kurt still can’t just let go. Let himself be in love with Scott. Kurt looks like a demon - tail and all. His skin is strange. His hands are stranger. Even after all these years, he catches himself feeling as though his skin is glued to him and all he wants to do is rip out of himself and look like a normal person. Like Scott. Like Scott Summers who looks like a normal teenage boy, who can simply put on glasses and no one is none the wiser to his mutant nature. Kurt could never do that, all the disguises in the world can’t help him. People will always stare. They will always pull faces or whisper disparaging comments as they pass him in the street. He doesn’t want that for Scott."
Brownies by Wolfsheart for scottxlogan (Rated T) One of the teens going on a field trip to the city with all the other teachers and students accidentally leaves behind her pot brownies meant for later that night at the hotel. Scott finds them instead and not having Logan's or Hank's extraordinary sense of smell, just thinks they're really tasty.
And others up at AO3 here.
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whiskeysmulti · 5 months
Gokudera's Aversion To Sweets And How It's Bianchi's Fault (Meta)
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Eating disorder triggering content under the cut. Proceed with caution. .Whiskey. Brought on by a discussion with @queenharumiura last night.
One of the things that irked me a lot in KHR was how it was just a running gag that Gokudera faints around his sister. While I understand Bianchi's poison cooking skills were not her fault, it did leave a lifelong impression on her little brother. We know Hayato's dad couldn't have given a fuck less about him, lbr. Bianchi was allowed to pretty much treat him however she wanted and what's laughed off as funny little sibling gag reels actually caused a life long strain on the siblings relationship. Hayato can't even look Bianchi in the eyes now without fainting and it's actually darker than you would think when you take away the bubbly little background music and the comedic notion to it in the series. Gokudera most likely checks his food now before he even touches it and will probably ask if his sister cooked it or not and if she did, he won't go near it. When you take away the jokes and light nature, it actually paints a picture of a young man so traumatized by his sister's bullying he has a phobia of specific foods and can't even look her in the eyes now without getting sick or fainting. I know I also headcanoned he's a chronic meal skipper because he's a workaholic, but the more that I look into it, he seems to have an aversion to anything his sister made. Which is proven because he will eat what Nana prepared when he was staying at Tsuna's and we've seen him with sandwiches and such from the convenience store he works for and he's fine. It's desserts and sweets he seems to have an issue with and it's mainly because of these.
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The cookies Bianchi would make for him before his piano recitals.
While I blame her for making them, I also heavily blame their father for allowing it to happen when they had to have seen how sick Gokudera got after practice every time. Which led to another dark realization about his past: his family didn't even care. Bianchi was allowed to bully Hayato because of the fact in their father's eyes, he was a mistake. He was nothing more than a dirty little secret they had to hide to protect their dad's status as a Mafia Boss. To their dad Hayato was nothing but a reminder of the affair he had and something he had to hide because he couldn't kill him. While I do know Lavina's death was proven accidental and Bianchi did have the letters as proof that their dad did love her, I actually don't believe he really did love Hayato.
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mikrokoskooks · 10 months
Hey could you please do something with joon and appendicitis!! i love your works so much! <3
Of course and Ty xx I really love yours too you are so good at writing!!! :)
Tw:Emeto, hospitals mentions of vom!t
Around 2000 and something words might be my longest fic ever haha.
Namjoon's POV
"Hey, Hyung are you alright back there, you've been quiet today," Jungkook says from his seat next to me in the car.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired" Of course, I'm not actually tired I just don't want to worry Jungkook or the others.
I've been feeling a bit odd lately, and little things keep happening that are making me worry about my health.
Like the last couple of days, I have completely lost my appetite and had these weird cramps in my tummy that come and go. Usually, I'd be stubborn and not tell the others how I feel but something deep down's telling me to say something.
"Actually,  I-" Is all I manage to say before being cut off by Jimin,
"Guys. I don't feel very well"
Oh no.
"Why what's wrong?" Hoseok asks from the steering wheel
"I think I'm car sick" He moans placing a hand on his tummy.
I look over at Jimin and he truly looks awful he's gone all pale and his bangs are stuck to his forehead by sweat. I don't know what's up with him but it doesn't look good. "Here take this," Yoongi says passing him an emesis bag. Jimin and some of the other members get motion sick so we always have some on hand.
While Jimin is breathing heavily into the bag the pain and burning in my stomach grows quickly and I start to feel a bit queasy myself. Jimin lets out a few fairly quiet hiccups but a particularly loud one causes him to throw up quite aggressively into the blue bag.
Taehyung rubs his aching stomach while Jin and Yoongi pat his back, Soon enough Jungkook's unbuckled his seat belt and went to Jimin as well. I don't blame them cause Jimin is clearly unwell I just wish I had said I felt ill earlier so someone could look after me like that.
You know what, I don't even think Jimin's motion sick he's never gotten it this bad before it has to be something else. Like food poisoning?
When we get back to the dorm Jimin could barely stand up straight from all the vomiting he'd done. All of the others minus me had to hold him up so he didn't fall flat on his (cute) face.
I go into the kitchen and return to the living room with an empty yogurt pot. "Minnie you were eating this earlier right?"
Jimin slowly nods his head, "It's gone off I think it's given you food poisoning," Namjoon says
"It did taste kinda funny.."
"Then why'd you eat it silly, Jin asks half-jokingly before sweetly saying, it's okay anyways we'll help you get better yeah"
See, food poisoning. No motion sickness.
It's a week later and Jimin is better after he got sick the first time it took him until yesterday to get better. He really had it bad. I, surprisingly feel completely better too. I've managed to get my appetite back and my stomach cramp still come and go but less often than before.
I haven't bothered to tell the others how I felt before because it was never truly the right time with Jimin being sick and all. I was sure it would go on its own and it did so I've nothing to worry about. Plus, we've got a performance on the tonight show with Jimmy Fallon, and I'ts not like my stomach gonna randomly flare up again, is it?
I've jinxed it
As soon as we pull up at the venue I feel my stomach cramp aggressively and gurgle just like it normally does. Unfortunately, it's so much shaper and louder than usual it causes me to groan suddenly, earning me six pairs of concerned eyes staring at me. This time it radiates to his side.
"Namjoon are you okay, Was that your stomach?"
" Yeah, I don't.. feel that well" I blurt out
"Why, what's wrong namjoon-ah?" Seokjin asks me.
"My stomach.. hurts" I whine weakly leaning my head onto the window.
Since the van is now parked Seokjin unbuckles his seatbelt and rests a hand on my forehead "There's no temperature. Have you eaten anything that might be causing this?"
I shake my head, "It's alright though, I can manage" I try to say it as confidently as possible, but there's still a clear whine in my voice.
The car is silent for a minute before Hoseok speaks up, "Okay, If you're sure Joon but if it starts to hurt more tell us ok?"
As we enter the building the show's staff greet us with warm smiles and waves before leading us off to Jimmy Fallon. We don't have to walk too far as he's at the end of the corridor, but the journey still gets me out of breath. My stomach's probably to blame for that.
When we make it to the end of the not-so-far corridor I feel exhausted, My stomach ache has gotten ten times worse and I could feel my lunch trying to make a reappearance. I'm starting to rethink the performance tonight.
We'd been on the show before so when Jimmy turns around he's thrilled to see us again. He smiles and welcomes us back and then starts to pull everyone into a hug. That's one thing I've always liked about Jimmy he treats us like family. He doesn't just ignore us until we perform he cares about our feelings.
Speaking of feelings, before my hug, Jimmy looks at me worriedly and asks me something. "Hey are you okay buddy, you don't look so good."
"Ah yeah, I've  just got a stomach ache."
I can hear the genuine concern In Jimmy's voice.
"Oh, are you alright to perform? You can rest if you need to."
"I'll be fine I have a very strong immune system you know," Namjoon says making a muscle gesture trying to lighten the mood.
Jimmy chuckles before going over to me a pulling me into another warm gentle hug as he lets go he whispers, "I hope you feel better soon" to me. I say thank you and then we get led to our dressing room.
The first thing others do when they get in is eat some of the food the show had provided. Now despite how good all the food looked, I decide not to eat any. Instead I go to get my makeup and hair done and then go on my phone.
Now, of all the brilliant things I could look up on the internet, I'm stuck looking up pressure points for nausea. Yes, I could just a someone for an anti-nausea pill but then they'd worry and stop me from performing.
Just as I'm about to try the point Jimin comes to check up on me, "Hi hyung, how are you feeling?"
I contemplate telling him the truth but I opt not to instead "I'm fine Jimin"
"Are you sure? You really don't look well"
I tell him I'm fine again and this time he doesn't pry anymore. I glance over at the fast food the others are eating, maybe eating would make my stomach feel less like it's... slowly curdling.
As I walk over to the table a plethora of scents waft up my nose. Now on any other day, I would have loved the smell of McDonald's and KFC frolicking in my nostrils but today my body was just not having it.
Taehyung's POV
I look up to see Namjoon walking to our table, I guess he's feeling slightly better. Before I can open my mouth to ask he makes a 180-degree turn and grabbed a plastic bag from one of the chairs. At first, I thought he was going to use it as a rubbish bag or something but then I heard him gag and my mind was changed.
Normal POV
Namjoon suddenly gags into the plastic bag, his stomach is in knots and he can feel acid moving up his throat. He gags again bringing up a large wave of sick, he barely gets a break before more vomit hits the bag.
Yoongi, Jungkook, and Taehyung all make their way over to Namjoon, they pat his back and mumble sweet nothings into his ear. The vomiting continues for another 5 minutes before the vocalist's stomach lets up. The other Jin and Hoseok watch from afar while Jimin goes to get the staff.
"You okay?" Jungkook asks "Well obviously you're not but..." he trails off. Namjoon shakes his head, "I feel sick. My tummy hurts" he moans grabbing his side. You know stuff is serious when Namjoon says tummy instead of stomach. He drops down to his knees starting to puke into the bag again.
"How long has it been hurting you?" Taehyung asks patting his back. "Two days before Jimin got sick but it wasn't this bad just on and off," Namjoon says through gritted teeth. Taehyung and Jungkook look shocked "Hyung!?" They say in unison "Why didn't u say anything?"
"Didn't... feel, that bad then" he mutters. Jimin soon comes back in with the staff and the company doctor is shocked to see how namjoon looks and it's certainly not good. The doctor checks over the youngest rapper checking his breathing and his temperature.
"39 degrees" the doctor starts tutting "that's not good where abouts does it hurt?" He asks staring at namjoon with urgency.
"It was the middles but but now it's my right side" He says keeping one hand on his abdomen and the other to point. "From what I've seen and what you've told me, it looks like Appendicitis."
The members gasp and one of the staff members whispers an 'Oh my God'. Namjoon just sits there in shock and disbelief. He opens his mouth to speak but all that comes out is a pained groan.
The doctor speaks up,"I think it would be best if you go to the hospital for surgery instantly, you can't preform tonight."
The others seem a bit sad about the news but the understand that it's definitely better for Namjoon to get surgery than to suffer. "B-but I have to perform... I" Namjoon tries to argue but stops half way swallowing thickly.
"No Namjoon." Hoseok says sternly, Jin nods and says "Your health is way more important go get your appendix out."
"Oh um okay" Namjoon says grimacing as the doctor helps him up. "What about the show" "Joon we'll be fine, we're just dancing you know, go." Yoongi comforts he himself knows the severity of appendicitis.
In the end Namjoon stops trying to find reasons to stay and gives into missing the show. He sits in the back of the doctors car and closes his eyes briefly. His stomach is really aching now and he's starting to worry.
"I won't die... will I?" The rapper mumbles. "Of course not Namjoon, don't be silly. You'll be just fine I promise" he says smiling sympatheticly. "Okay" he whispers feeling a bit more safe.
The doctor helps Joon out of the car and leads him into the ER. He explains to another doctor what's going on with Namjoon and he prepares him for surgery.
The last thing Namjoon remebes is being pushed on a gurney and then his vision goes black.
When he wakes up he's in a bright room that smells like roses and cleaning products. He tries to sit up but moans slightly at the soreness he does feels better though.
"Hi Namjoon, How u feeling?" The company doctor asks seeing he's awake "Better but also kinda sore" Namjoon replies. "That's normal to happen" Namjoon looks up at the clock the boys performance time.
"Can I go back now, I think I could make the performance" The doctor chuckles and shakes his head "No Namjoon you can't u need to rest, you can watch the show though."
The rapper nods and they turn on the room's TV. The show goes well and Namjoon smiles proudly those are his boys. Even if he can't be there with then on stage he still feels as though they're there with him in the hospital and later on they do.
Giving him hugs and hair ruffles and a Get well soon message from Jimmy Fallon. He really has the best members namjoon thinks to himself.
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Sorry if the endings a bit bad my brain kinda gave up.
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labradork · 1 year
I'm so frustrated. Rant under the cut.
So I guess I'd say Milo is dog selective. He went through a phase of barking and lunging at bigger dogs, and especially GSDs, which we worked through. But when he meets dogs, it's like a 50/50 chance that he'll get along with them or suddenly tense up and snap. And I think that's because of experiences he's had in the past: twice now we've had off-lead dogs run up to us, get right in Milo's face and then attack him completely unprovoked. On his first birthday three mastiff-looking dogs started fighting him at my feet, and I had to drop his lead and watch them chase him. Luckily he wasn't physically hurt but it was fucking traumatic, for both of us. Even after that he was okay until something similar happened in the woods near our house. After that he developed reactivity to bigger dogs, which we spent a lot of time and effort working through, and now he can comfortably pass dogs as long as they aren't right in his face.
So while I'd love for him to meet and befriend every dog we see, I made the decision to not let him meet strange dogs on walks because I don't think it's worth the risk of him snapping. I mostly take him to on-lead parks or walk him along busy roads to avoid meeting off-lead dogs for this reason.
So today at the on-lead park (on-lead because it's a habitat for several native birds, and this is clearly signposted around the park) probably 90% of the dogs we saw were off-lead. And some of them were calmly walking alongside their owner and left us alone. Fine.
We got to one of the car parks and someone opened a car door and a cocker spaniel started running at us. She was small and wasn't the type of dog Milo usually has a problem with but like I said, I don't like to take the risk. I called over to be careful because he isn't friendly and they tried and failed to recall her while I moved away.
We take opposite directions around the loop and eventually meet again, and again their dog runs up to Milo and ignores their recall. The dog is right beside us before I can move away and I don't have a lot of choice this time - and they greeted each other and were fine, which I had kinda suspected would be the case, and the other owners said he seemed fine and I explained that having been attacked in the past he can get scared when dogs run at him and he's on the lead, and that I just avoid meeting all dogs to avoid the risk. I say it's frustrating because sometimes he is friendly but I don't want to put other dogs at risk.
The guy nods and seems sympathetic but the lady starts telling me about the wonders of Cesar Milan and how she's trained her dog perfectly by hitting her when she misbehaves. She tries to demonstrate her perfectly trained dog by pointing down at her side and telling the dog to sit. Her dog ignores her. Milo moves to her side and sits. She continues explaining how her dog is perfectly trained and I need to "be tough" and "show him I'm the boss" and beat him. I suck at conflict so I just keep nodding til she runs out of things to say, then say it was nice to meet them and leave.
I constantly feel guilty that Milo isn't like "normal" dogs. I worry that I'm just too anxious, that I did something wrong or am doing something wrong. I wish I cared less so I could let my dog run around the woods and get in fights and act like it's not my fault like people have done to us. Part of me feels ridiculous and overdramatic, but another part of me has seen Milo be attacked and seen him snap at other dogs and I just don't want to break up another fucking dog fight on a quiet walk on my day off. I'm running out of places where I can safely walk my dog without constantly worrying about other people's dogs.
Mostly I'm angry. MY dog is on a lead. I'm FOLLOWING THE RULES. And other people treat me like an idiot because they aren't. It feels unfair. And I feel stupid for expecting fairness. And I'm sick of people who don't know what they're talking about telling me to hit my dog because that was NOT the first time I've been given that advice by someone with no control over their own dog and it makes me fucking sick.
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