#OTT Special
dude i swear no doctor who fandom "thing" annoys me more than the whole "five was like the exasperated dad to tegan/nyssa/adric" jokes. it's such a widespread meme and it goes diametrically opposed to my reading of how five actually is in his stories with his companions. how dare people have fun in ways that don't fit my narrative interpretations honestly.
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formulerstore · 4 months
Family day sale
Title :
Happy Family Day !!! Formuler's Unbelievable Offers
Celebrate Family Day with Unforgettable Moments, Make every moment special with the gift of quality time and entertainment. Visit formuler.com to get your family day offers.
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techqanswerdotin · 2 years
OTT Release This Week: List of movies released online this week, your weekend will be special
OTT Release This Week: List of movies released online this week, your weekend will be special
As always, this weekend is going to be special for OTT viewers, as the digital platform has released live movies along with web series this time. On this Friday, Govinda Naam Mera, Half Pants Full Pants Show and Business Baazi Show have been released. If you also want to facilitate your entertainment, then in this article we are going to provide you with information about OTT movies and series…
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chotanews1 · 2 years
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grimrester · 2 months
sometime yesterday people on reddit figured out that the new watcher entertainment platform is not a website they have full creative control over (as implied in their video) but instead is from Vimeo OTT. this is why their new platform looks identical to dropout's. vimeo very likely just has a couple templates you pick from and they picked the same one.
this is FASCINATING to me for a few reasons:
it's not unusual for a company to obfuscate how their new web product is built out. "we're using vimeo's content paywall platform" is not nearly as impressive of a statement as "we're launching our own subscription service." this decision sometimes blows up in a company's face though. in this instance, being more candid about the process probably would have helped to mitigate the blowback, because vimeo could have been pinned by the audience as the evil scapegoat company and people wouldn't be feeling stupid when they create accounts and realize all the videos are hosted on vimeo. it also explains why they encouraged password sharing but their subs limit playing videos on more than three devices. it's just a function of the platform they don't control and didn't think about it when they said that.
i really wonder if they made this decision entirely on their own, or if vimeo has recruiters out there trying to make their platform bigger. obviously the watcher guys are responsible for this decision either way, but it sure would explain a lot about why they jumped to this solution to make more money if they had someone at vimeo pitching it to them.
how fucking funny is it that they posted a dramatic "goodbye youtube" video talking about wanting more control and wanting their own special platform just to go to youtube's direct competitor. lol
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timkontheunsure · 1 month
Some of the reasons I think Stolas is on the spectrum
(finally getting around to popping this on up too).
He has special interests & misses social cues while being happy in them.
It not really normal to be happy reading legal documents when someone's life is on the line. But Stolas is just vibing that he gets to help with his love of words. Yay him!
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He stims when both happy & sad to help regulate his emotions.
His happy stims are:
*clapping when he gets to take Via to the circus, because he thinks they can enjoy it together.
He also does this with contract reading.
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*He hopps up and down when his dad gives him a new books. Also when getting ready for his date with Blitz. He's just so happy he needs to hop.
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His sad stims:
*are bang his head again and again about the engagement.
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*He self sooves with chest strokes when Blitz says his outfit is too much.
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*He hand rubs and wringing his hat when worrying about Via in LA.
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Special interests
The there's that Stolas info dumps on the playdate with Blitz all about his books and about plants.
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Stolas also feels he has to explain why Blitz horse joke was soo funny. And why's it so funny?
Because it's accurate. I love his little cutie.
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But he's also kept up his love of plants as a major hobby now he's an adult. When most people tend to swap interests as they age.
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Side bar
His comfy resting hand position is t rex hands. This tends to be an autistic thing. Also works well as an owl.
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Sensory issues
Stolas appears to also have some sensory issues too. When his a child he appears to be struggling when Mr Butler touches his hair out of nowhere.
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But he's fine with Blitz doing it when they're kissing. This shows a lot of trust between them.
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I think it's likely sensory issues are the reason why he swaps into his comfy, very old robe, as often as he can too.
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Specific communication issues
While Stolas is very good at some communication styles, he's pretty bad at others.
When the audience think it's another joke about wanting to keep a puppy; he immediately knows Blitz's is panicking the studio. And tries to get to him.
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However he doesn't get that his dirty talk is way OTT, because he's mostly likely coping it from the erotica. Not lived experience.
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Speaking of erotica.
There's obviously a rule that reading is allowed at the diner table. But Stolas doesn't get This book isn't appropriate to read there.
Another rule he appears to follow more rigidly than most probably would; is that when you get an appointment you wait till you're seen.
Ozzie's ment to met Stolas at noon, but doesn't make it till 4 pm because of problems with work.
Stolas is only a couple of days out of the hospital and is probably feeling horrible.
But he sticks around a minimum of 4 hours to be seen, because he feels he has to.
(I'm assuming he also got taught you turn up earlier rule, but this just a guess).
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Stolas genuinely wants to do something Via will enjoy, and he's fine taking Via to stylish occult when she asks.
But didn't get it till she's crying and sad that she wasn't enjoying Loo Loo Land.
"I take it you are.. not having fun." She needs to spell it out. Sarcasm isn't easy for him to interrupt.
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His was obviously thought taking his daughter and his lover out to a theme park would be a good way to introduce them.
It's the sort of plot that only works on a novellas. And that's probably when he got it from. (Probably worked great for Gabrielle and Alejandro).
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These are examples of him Masking, and not understanding why it didn't work.
Stella's being dangerous to be around = take Via out somewhere for her to have fun to blow off steam.
Wanting your lover and daughter to like eachother = ask IMP to tag along as the completely unnecessary bodyguards.
He doesn't really get that flirty with his affair partner, in front of his kid while going through a divorce isn't a good idea...
He also struggles to understand when his flirting comes off as condescending too. With "ittybity imps like you" or calling him Blitzy in public. He's most likely him coping language from other goeita.
But Stolas is very good at knowing when knowing when Blitz is fine being picked up, when to reassure him with face stokes, or how to calm Blitz down from a panic attack in just a few seconds.
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So it's not that he's just never learnt these skills. It's just that some communication skills are harder for him than others.
But if you disagree that fine. 🙂 I just wanted to put down some of my thoughts why I think he could be.
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hellodarling1357 · 3 months
Tiny Toes: Part 6.4 - Cassian x Reader
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This went in a completely different direction to what I had planned and basically wrote itself so buckle up for a whole heap of tooth-rotting fluff 🥰
Summary: Birthday Parties + Forgotten Conversations + Family Time
Word Count: 2.6k
You can read the previous part here
It was the day after Ottie’s 3rd birthday party and the three of you were currently sprawled across the living room floor eating left over birthday cake as Ottie lined up all of her presents and did a show-and-tell for you and Cassian.
“This one is from Auntie Elain,” she picked up the beginners gardening set, making sure you both got a good look before putting it down and turning to the next present. “And this is from Uncle Az,” next was a tiny set of Illyrian leathers and a wooden toy sword that was almost an exact replica of Truth Teller, it had left Ottie squealing in excitement upon opening it.
“You are one spoiled little girl, Otts.” Cassian says as he takes in the massive pile of gifts beside her once she had finished going through all of them for the second time that morning, “where are we even going to put all of this?” Ottie just grins at him and nods, yes, she definitely knows how loved she is; Hells, you had even woken up the morning of her birthday to a small bundle of gifts by the front gate that citizens of Velaris had left out for her.
With a sigh you sat up, placing a hand on Cassian’s stretched out leg as you took in the pile of presents and plates littered with cake crumbs.
“How about some actual food?”
Ottie let out a groan, “but there’s still cake that needs to be eaten, it’ll get sad if it’s not in our tummies.”
With a deep chuckle, Cassian pulled himself up to sit beside you, absentmindedly wrapping an arm around your waist as he nudged your foot with his own. “How about we make something really yummy while you play with your new toys, then once we’ve finished eating, we can have more cake?”
With a sceptical look between the two of you, Ottie agreed and was then preoccupied once more as she made her way over to her new paint set that Feyre had gifted her. After a loud groan followed by a stretch as he got to his feet, Cassian stuck out a hand to help pull you off the ground and was then coming up behind you, arms wrapping around your front as you walked into the kitchen together.
“Hi,” he murmured against your ear, keeping his body pressed against your back as you looked around the pantry in search of some food that consisted of some form of nutrients. You hummed in response, turning around and leaning up on your toes to pull him in closer for a kiss.
“Hi,” you repeated against his lips, smiling as his arms wrapped tightly around you.
“I’ve missed you…” he whispered, leaning down to trail kisses along your jaw then down your neck.
“I’ve missed you too, which is crazy because we’ve been together constantly the past few days.”
“Not quite the same though, is it? Not with the house being overrun by overbearing family members and small children everywhere. This is the first we’ve been alone since before Ottie’s birthday, seeing that she managed to convince us into letting her sleep in our bed to make her birthday even more special.” Cassian said with a roll of his eyes, fully aware of the manipulation tactics his daughter was prepared to use against him in order to get her way.
“Not really,” you mused purely to tease him, “we were alone last night.”
A nip to your ear told you he wasn’t impressed. “Doesn’t count. We both passed out straight away, didn’t even have the energy to get a cuddle in before we fell asleep.”
“What a travesty.” You said distractedly as you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck and pulled his lips back down to slant over yours, letting out a small moan as Cassian backed you into the counter.
“You know,” he whispered against your lips, breath fanning out across your skin, “she’s currently distracted by her ridiculous mountain of presents, we could sneak upstairs for a few moments…”
You grinned in response, letting out a small shriek when he lifted you up, tapping your thighs to prompt you into wrapping your legs around his waist as he reattached his lips to your neck. With near-silent giggles, you clung to Cassian as he quietly made his way towards the stairs, getting three steps up before…
“Daddy?” Ottie’s voice called out from the living room, causing Cassian to let out a frustrated sigh as you dropped your head to his shoulder. “What’s your favourite colour?”
You stifled a laugh as Cassian looked at you, eyes laced with longing despite the perplexed expression on his face. “Umm, green?” he answered, not quite processing his words as the touch of your lips traced along his jaw and your fingers tugged through the hair at the back of his neck.
“Thank you.” Cassian waited a few seconds to see if Ottie would say anything else before raising his eyebrows at you and continuing up the flight of stairs. You managed to get up all of four steps when her voice rang out again.
You felt your eyes widen as you let out a shocked splutter, looking to Cassian who seemed to be holding in a laugh at your reaction.
“Mummy?” Ottie called out again, this time in a more demanding tone.
At Cassian’s shrug of indifference, you took in a deep breath before calling back down the stairs to her, patting Cassian’s arm for him to put you back down on the ground.
“Yes, Ottie?” you hesitantly replied, eyes not leaving Cassian’s as he stared back at you, a soft expression crossing his features.
“What’s your favourite colour?”
“Thank you. Don’t come back until I say you can, it’s a surprise.” She demanded, followed by the sound of the living room door slamming shut.
“What…?” You quietly ask Cassian as he took your hand and led you up the stairs and into your bedroom. After shutting the door behind him, Cassian joined you on the bed and leant against the headboard, the comforting and familiar weight of his arm wrapping around your shoulders had you snuggling in closer to his side. “Mummy? She called my mummy.”
“She did.”
“You don’t seem surprised by it.”
“I was going to mention something the other day but…” he trailed off, glancing at you with a guilt-ridden expression.
“But what?” you deadpanned, sitting up and eyeing Cassian as he averted his gaze.
“I forgot?”
“You forgot? How did you forget? This is huge. Okay, what happened?” you asked excitedly. The two of you had discussed Ottie calling you mum a couple of months ago after an elderly couple had stopped you in the street to talk about what a good parent you were to the little Illyrian. Ultimately, you had both decided to let Ottie steer the situation; when she decided to start calling you mum, if she even wanted to, would be entirely up to her.
“She mentioned something about it the other night when I was putting her to bed,” was the vague answer Cassian gave you, seemingly deciding it wasn’t important enough as taking advantage of a distracted child and an empty bedroom.
“Cassian!” You exclaimed, pulling his head up and away from your neck as you shrugged out of his embrace and fixed him with a look that said nothing would be happening until he talked.
“Ugh, alright. The other night – look, do you really want to talk about this now when she’s distracted, and we’ve got–”
“Cassian…” you repeated, holding back a smile as he threw his head back with a groan.
“Okay, okay. The other night I was tucking her in, and she was all quiet so I asked if something was wrong and she said she wasn’t sure, so I asked again and she said she had been thinking a lot lately but got all hesitant,” Cassian looked at you, a soft smile on his face, “then she asked if it really mattered that you didn’t have her in your tummy before she was born.”
“Oh,” was all you could bring yourself to say, mind going blank as you processed what Cassian had told you and what had been running through Ottie’s mind.
Cassian pressed a kiss to your temple as he took both of your hands in his. “And then,” he continued, giving your hands a squeeze, “when I asked her if it mattered to her, she said, and I quote, no I don’t think it does because I want her to be my mummy and I love her and I know she loves me, or something like that anyway. We chatted a bit more then when I was about to leave she asked me if I thought you would mind if she started calling you mummy.”
You looked at Cassian through tears. “And?” you promoted when he remained silent.
“And,” he gave you a nudge at your impatience, “I told her that you would love it if she started calling you mummy. Y/N, you should have seen the way her face lit up…”
“Yeah. She was even more ecstatic to hear that than when she unwrapped Az’s birthday present.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me any of this when it happened?”
“Like I said, I forgot.”
“You’re hopeless, you’re also a terrible storyteller…”
“Yeah, yeah. Can we get back to us now? Please?”
With a content sigh you wrap your arms back around Cassian’s neck and climb into his lap, slanting your lips over his as you try to fight back your tears. He pulls you down with him as he leans back against the pillows, arms coming up to wrap around your waist.
“You alright?” he breaks the kiss, letting out a laugh when you nod your response with a small sniff. “You sure? Because you’re currently crying while I kiss you and that’s not the greatest thing for my confidence…”
You laugh as you softly whack him, face lighting up when you see the look in his eyes and the love-filled smile on his face as he watched you from against the pillow. The emotion in that look sent you even further over the edge, a fresh wave of tears welling in your eyes that had Cassian sitting back up with you in concern.
“No, I’m fine,” you laugh despite the tears running down your face. “Really, I am. I promise. It’s just Ottie and you and… oh gods.”
Cassian lifts up a hand to wipe away your tears, fixing you with a look of concerned bemusement as you laugh and cry. “Sorry,” you sniff, taking in a deep breath and smiling when Cassian shakes his head to dismiss your pointless apology. “Sorry. Okay, I’m good. It’s just the two of you make me so happy and, you know, a few years ago I never thought I would have something like this and now… Did I ever tell you I almost said no when Elain asked if I would babysit her niece? I don’t even want to think where I would be right now if I hadn’t agreed to.”
Cassian remained silent as he gently cupped your face, thumbs swiping across your cheeks to wipe away the last of your tears before he pulled you into a soft kiss that had you melting against him.
“We would have found each other.”
“Hmm?” You murmured, pouting when Cassian pulled away from you.
With a smile he let his thumb trace over your lips. “We would have found each other,” he repeated, kissing you once more. “If you had told Elain no, I truly believe that eventually our paths would have crossed. Either way we were going to end up here one day.”
You blinked at him, letting the words sink in as your heart filled with such an overwhelming feeling of love. If you let yourself speak, to reply to his words with your own, you knew you would turn into a blubbering mess again. So, instead you pressed your lips to his once more, hoping to convey everything you were currently feeling as you let Cassian lay you down against the mattress, limbs intertwining as he crawled over you, not once removing his lips from yours.
You and Cassian managed to steal an entire hour for yourselves, filling it with soft moans and breathless whispers against sweaty skin as you allowed the overwhelming emotions surging through you to be expressed in the most physical and intimate of ways.
A comfortable silence settled throughout your bedroom as you slowly got dressed, no words were needed in the wake of what you had just shared. Still, the need to be close, to be touching in some way, persevered through the silence as Cassian laced his fingers through yours, bringing your hand up to his lips as you made your way back downstairs. The living room door was still closed, the sound of Ottie contentedly humming to herself had you both leaving her to her own devices.
“We should probably put something together for dinner.” you said, voice barely above a whisper as though not wanting to break the trance you still found yourself in.
“Probably,” was all Cassian said in response as he leant down to kiss you again before leading you into the kitchen.
You sat at the kitchen bench, watching as Cassian looked through the pantry and cupboards, pulling out ingredients as he quietly hummed to himself; you noted, with a smile, that it was the same tune Ottie had been humming.
Pulling yourself out of the seat, you walked around the bench and picked out a bottle of wine, pressing a kiss to Cassian’s cheek as you stood next to him and poured out two glasses while he chopped up the vegetables, bumping his hip into yours as he worked.
“What do you need me to do?”
Cassian looked at you then leant down to steal a quick kiss before saying with a wink, “just sit there and look pretty for me, sweetheart.” You rolled your eyes but sat back in your seat, content in watching him cook as he told you about his and Azriel’s plans for the new intake of Valkyries.
The shuffle of small footsteps across the floorboards had you both looking up to find Ottie walking through the doorway, a piece of paper clasped tightly in her hands.
“Hi, daddy.”
“Hi, princess,” Cassian greeted. Ottie smiled at him then turned to you, lifting her arms for you to pick her up and place her on your lap.
“Hi…” she trailed off, her expression momentarily turning into one of uncertainty as she intensely studied your face. Offering her a smile, you watched as Ottie visibly relaxed against you before saying, almost shyly, “hi, mummy.”
“Hi, sweetheart,” your heart was pounding in your chest as you kissed her cheek, watching with utter delight as her face lit up at your response. “What have you got there?” you asked with a nod towards the piece of paper she was holding.
“Oh!” she exclaims as she shifts in your lap, “I’ve been painting.”
You glance up to where Cassian is standing, only to find him already watching the two of you with a look of complete adoration.
“I love you,” he silently mouths the words to you with a wink when he catches you watching him.
“I love you too” you mouth back before shifting your attention to Ottie and the painting she set atop the kitchen bench of three figures labelled ‘mummy, daddy and Ottie’.
Tag List: @mis-lil-red @sarawritestories @beardburnsupersoldiers @eve175 @blushingfawnsposts @turtleshavesoulmates @slytherinindisguise @sleepylunarwolf @starryhiraeth @tele86 @azrielsmate3 @anuttellaa @purple-haired-faerie @lilac-witch @cassianstannn32 @littlelunatica @nighttimemoonlover @azrielsmate3 @fxckmiup @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @talesofadragon @natashachelsea
Let me know if you want to be added! 🥰
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starsandhughes · 7 months
Penalty Box Series— Quinn Hughes Edition (nine)
ft. Wyatt Johnston
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: eight
next: ten
NOVEMBER 4, 2023
if you're not a stars fan, it's best to convert quickly
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liked by _quinnhughes, t.harley48, and 17,436 others
yourusername welcome back to my postgame penalty box update show: i finally saw a mason marchment fight live and quinn was also there edition!
after quinn's personal record of three trips to the penalty box night, he decided to be good! this was probably due to the fact that i will fight him over any penalty against the stars (hey, remember when you committed interference against robo on february 27th last season? because i sure do), but we'll pretend it was because he's trying to redeem himself since my baby daddy trevy-z is at zero. the war is strong with these two!
you know who did get a penalty? one of my new besties wyatt "johnny" johnston! his penalty was for holding mikheyev in the second period! (holding penalties aren't ones i hold grudges against, so you're in the clear! but also you do nothing wrong ever, so i wouldn't hold it against you anyways) (p.s. i wouldn't have been mad if you fought garly... i was kinda rooting for it)
other penalties include: (in time order) digi for holding against another new bestie harls, mr. captain jamie benn for hooking soucy which created 39 seconds of 4 on 4, craig smith for hooking friedman, and laffy taffy for hooking wyatt's dad joe pavelski all in the first, esa lindell for cross checking garly, hronek for high sticking my blonde prince roope hintz (he got reprimanded for this), and our two fighting majors between the blue eyed menace mason marchment and ian! (mason got an extra minor for unsportsmanlike behavior) (ian was reprimanded for his hit against matt "dutchy" duchene that started the fight)
my best friend, quintin, pulled a jacky boy and fell over nothing! the conversation between the stars broadcasters went like this:
razor: "he was having a moment back there!"
bogo: "he was playing billiards off the bottom of the net to himself!"
razor: "well, he wiped out first!"
needless to say, i was laughing my ass off when i rewatched this game!
special shoutout to demmer for continuing his perfect win streak against the stars and getting his second shut out of the season! i’m so proud of you @/tdemko35 ! (for those who don't know, he has a 7-0-0 record and just gave otter his first regulation loss of the season :))
quinny, i’m going to publicly say i’m sorry that otter caught every one of your shots on goal <3 and i’m proud of your 25 minutes and 23 seconds of hard work tonight! i love you way past infinity💙 keep it up, buttercup!
p.s. dear wy, harls, and delly, thanks for the great time before the game tonight! i hope you loved your postgame goodie bags! i’ll see you boys december 21st! peace and love, new besties <3 @/t.harley48 @/wyattjohnston_ @/tydellandrea53
tagged _quinnhughes and wyattjohnston_
view all 218 comments
_quinnhughes i have so many grievances about this post... but i still love you way past beyond
yourusername i didn't say one bad thing about you!! just one little tease that i teased jack at the same!!
_quinnhughes i'm sharing my post!
yourusername neither broadcast gave me much to work with, quintin! just be glad you're in it
_quinnhughes get out of my house
yourusername fine! i’ll go to petey's!
_eliaspettersson @/yourusername let yourself in and i’ll be back soon
_quinnhughes @_eliaspettersson i was teasing! she's good! she's staying with me!
colecaufield @_quinnhughes quinn, your possessiveness is showing
_quinnhughes @/colecaufield i don't know what you're talking about
yourusername @_quinnhughes awww, you miss me! sap
_quinnhughes i can't win
user14 god DAMN that fifth pic of quinn has me acting up🥵🧎‍♀️
trevorzegras your stars obsession is so cute when you aren't rooting against me❤️ i love you, forever, my precious weirdo (what are you private thoughts on quinn not scoring on otter?) (come home, i miss you)
yourusername i love you, always, my lovingly crazy boy❤️ (i plead the fifth) (i’ll be there before the game!)
_quinnhughes (we all know she's secretly happy i didn't score against her actual favorite team)
yourusername @_quinnhughes (you can't prove shit)
t.harley48 @/yourusername (what is up with the parentheses?)
yourusername @/t.harley48 (it's for private conversations!)
t.harley48 @/yourusername (everyone can read them?)
trevorzegras @/t.harley48 (she's quirky and we love her)
t.harley48 @/trevorzegras (i’m a big fan of quirky)
yourusername @/t.harley48 (then you're welcome that i exist!)
trevorzegras @/t.harley48 (i repeat: she's quirky and we love her)
t.harley48 @/yourusername (thank you)
_quinnhughes @/t.harley48 (you caught on quick, good job)
tdemko35 thank you, y/n/n! my two shutout trophies will be displayed in my living room. i love you, too!
yourusername you are every so welcome, king! keep gobbling up those pucks like they're fruit snacks🫶
tdemko35 yes, ma'am🫡
_quinnhughes @/yourusername why
yourusername @_quinnhughes "why don't you just be yourself?... no one can help but admire your spirit" (collins 121).
_quinnhughes @/yourusername YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE THE HUNGER GAMES BOOK ON YOU
yourusername @_quinnhughes i had to phone a friend
trevorzegras @/yourusername i think i’m more than just a friend
yourusername @_quinnhughes i had to phone a friend with benefits
trevorzegras @/yourusername WE ARE ENGAGED
yourusername @_quinnhughes i had to phone a friend with a future tax deduction
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras looks like you can't win either
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes i blame the stars
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras me too
yourusername @/trevorzegras @_quinnhughes LEAVE THEM ALONE! THEY DIDN'T DO SHIT!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername you're right, they couldn't even score a goal
yourusername @_quinnhughes too soon, quintin. too. fucking. soon.
user21 wyatt's kinda...👀
user16 "and quinn was also there" sissy's keeping it real as always
wyattjohnston_ i’m honored to be a part of this, your majesty
yourusername i’m always happy to support my people! you deserve it!
wyattjohnston_ you're too kind!
tydellandrea53 @/yourusername and you're such a giver, princess! the guys all loved your postgame goodie bags
t.harley48 all hail the princess!
wyattjohnston_ all hail!
tydellandrea53 all hail!
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes what the fuck happened when these four met up before the game????
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras i don't know i wasn't invited and i’m really glad about that right now
trevorzegras @/wyattjohnston_ @/t.harley48 @.tydellandrea53 send a disco ball emoji you need help
wyattjohnston_ @/trevorzegras we're good😂
tydellandrea53 @/trevorzegras we formed a gang
t.harley48 @/trevorzegras y/n's the princess, johnny is the duke, i'm the viscount, and delly asked to be a jester for some reason
tydellandrea53 damn right
trevorzegras @/yourusername you leave me for two days and decided to start a gang?! without me?!
yourusername @/trevorzegras no! delly started the gang! and just be happy you knew where i was this time!
wyattjohnston_ @/trevorzegras @/yourusername this time?
trevorzegras @/wyattjohnston_ she has a tendency to hop on a plane and not tell anyone where she's going
_quinnhughes @/wyattjohnston_ @/t.harley48 @.tydellandrea if she ever randomly shows up, do us a favor and tell one of us because there'll be a strong chance we didn't know she left
t.harley48 @_quinnhughes got it🫡
wyattjohnston_ @_quinnhughes will do
tydellandrea53 @_quinnhughes no promises
user27 sissy: ceo of "never let them know your next move"
_alexturcotte one fight wasn't enough for you? do you know how to be content?
yourusername nope
_alexturcotte at least you're honest
yourusername liars get their pants set on fire! the babies could get hurt!
_alexturcotte you make a great point, girly hughes!
jackhughes @_alexturcotte does she though?
_alexturcotte @/jackhughes she's carrying my future god child and their sibling. she could tell me that there's a new state and i’d tell her she's right
jackhughes @_alexturcotte sissy and z haven't officially named you as a god parent!
_alexturcotte @/jackhughes that's why i'm kissing ass!
yourusername @_alexturcotte the ass kissing is duly noted🤍
user91 i have been waiting for this post since the nhl dropped the game schedules
jackhughes @_quinnhughes do you want to ship sissy back to trevor yet?
_quinnhughes no i’m trying to keep her for the roadie
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes not happening
jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes i'm already having withdrawal symptoms
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale you two get her every day! i miss my sister
jackhughes @/trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes lukey and i never get to see her! we want a turn!
lhughes_06 yeah! our turn!
colecaufield @/trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes @/jackhughes @/lhughes_06 I DESERVE A TURN
_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras @/jamie.drysdale @_quinnhughes @/jackhughes @/lhughes_06 @.colecaufield ME FIRST! i’m pulling the ahl card! i get to see girly hughes less than any of you!
yourusername you're all a bunch of SAPS
201 notes · View notes
coconutcordiale · 2 years
“If I could stop loving you, I would.” With any of the pilots
love that's a real long shot
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pairing- hangman x pilot!reader (callsign violet)
synopsis- you and jake keep running into each other over the years and jake just can’t seem to let you go
warnings- fwb! happy ending!!! angst! 18+ for slight smuttiness (if you read my normal stuff this is extremely tame comparatively - just want to manage expectations 😉) light enemies to it’s just sex to pining to lovers. naval inaccuracies but it's my pretend world y'all just live in it, sad jake's pov but he's pretty he'll be fine
length- 7.7k
an- companion piece to this 0.6k drabble one time thing but that is not required reading - pretty much all of ott is revisited in this fic
i really, really don’t know how I feel about this one but i've been tinkering and agonizing over it forever and i have to be done so LOL here ya go
credit for the cs violet goes to my soulmate @justfandomwritings thank you for loving angst as much as i do, thank you for being brilliant
title courtesy of it ain't over - the black keys
tagging those that were upset with me for the ending of one time thing - @unstablecaffeinatedmind / @ahopelessromanticwritersworld / @gigisimsonmars / @flashyourgreeneyesatme / @forever-sleepy-sloth / @gingerbreadandpaper / @lovingjakeseresin
also - @mandylove1000 ily
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Virginia Beach, 2019
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Jake’s glad the packed bar gives him enough cover to stay hidden when he overhears Bradshaw asking his new roommate if she’s interested in him.
He bites back a huff of annoyance, not wanting to draw attention to himself. He talked to her for all of five seconds before mustache boy strutted up to make it very clear his friend was off-limits, was barely even flirting with her. Charming smiles are basically a reflex of his at this point.
“That man has never given a girl an orgasm.”
Jake rolls his eyes but keeps his mouth shut. It’s categorically untrue, but who cares what Bradshaw’s roommate thinks?
Your back is to him too, but he hears you hum in agreement, stifling a laugh. Jake’s hackles suddenly raise, and he briefly wonders why it irritates him so much that you seem to agree with that statement.
Rooster chokes on his beer. “Excuse me?”
She shrugs, fidgeting with her drink. “You were asking if I was into your friend – Hangman, was it? That should be enough of an answer.”
“I don’t really want to think about Seresin’s like in bed.”
“You’re breaking my heart, little bird,” Jake drawls from behind Rooster, figuring he should let you guys know of his presence before you get any further. “And here I thought we had something special.”
You roll your eyes before pushing your stool back. “Well, that’s my cue to leave.”
Jake immediately wonders what the appropriate amount of time is before he can excuse himself too.
“If you wanted to know what I’m like behind closed doors, you could’ve just asked, darlin’,” Jake murmurs from behind you, having found the corner of the bar you disappeared to. “I’d be happy to give you a lesson. I’m very hands-on.”
“Hard pass, Hangman.”
He smiles lazily, turning the charm up to full wattage and leaning on the bar next to you. Not close enough to make you uncomfortable, but enough to make you avert your eyes from his bicep and shift a little in your seat.
“I have a pretty good idea already.”
His smirk goes a little sharp around the edges, a predator locking in his prey. “That so? And what idea might that be?”
You raise an eyebrow. The derision you manage to convey in one unimpressed glance goes straight to his cock.
His eyes flash, fingers clenching around his beer, but he makes sure the infamous smirk stays put. “Think you’ve got me figured out?”
You shrug. “Guys that look like you are rarely anything more than a disappointment in bed.”
He smiles at that, leaning towards playful instead of goading, wondering if you’ve realized what you just admitted. “I think you’re pretty too, sweetheart.”
“You’re intelligent enough to know what you look like. It’d be stupid to pretend otherwise.”
He rolls his beer between his palms, gaze far away and calculating.
“Stop that.”
“Stop what?” He asks, feigned innocence taking over as he brings his eyes back to you.
“Stop thinking about how you’re gonna get me to sleep with you.”
The problem for you is, Jake sees the way you look at him. And it’s nothing like the polite boredom he’s witnessed you grace guys with when they truly don’t have a chance with you.
“Tell me one thing, Violet,” he says, your callsign rolling off his tongue like honey. “Why is it that you’re so nice to everyone else, but so mean to me?”
“Maybe I just don’t like you that much,” you answer, but the barbs in your words are undermined by the way your eyes dart to his chest. He wants to pat himself on the back for going home to change out of his flight suit and into a threadbare grey t-shirt before coming out tonight.
Jake purses his lips, nodding like he’s seriously considering your words, leaning in, and lowering his voice. “Or maybe, you like me a little more than you’d care to admit.”
You shoot him a dirty look for invading your space. “You’d like to think that, wouldn’t you?”
Your thighs press together, almost imperceptibly. If he wasn’t completely attuned to you, he probably would’ve missed it.
“Tell me to fuck off and I will,” Jake rumbles, mouth ghosting over your ear now, too close to be played off as a joke. “Or let me prove you wrong.”
When you lift your eyes to meet his, refusing to shy away from him towering over you in your seat, there’s something dark, something glazed taking them over.
“A one-time thing and I’ll never bring it up again,” Jake promises. “I have new orders for Lemoore anyways; I leave in two days.”
“Fuck,” you whisper. “Take me home before I change my mind, Seresin.”
You’ve been gripping his hair for what seems like hours, thighs still shaking where they’re bracketed around Jake’s head.
“What was it – I’ve never given a girl an orgasm?” He asks smugly. “I must be some kind of prodigy, then.”
“Don’t ruin my afterglow,” you manage, voice hoarse. You’re still far too coherent for his liking, and Jake ducks his head back down, savoring the broken moan that rips from your throat.
He doesn’t stop until the only word you can form is his name.
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North Island, 2020
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“Look who showed up,” Jake calls from across the Hard Deck, eyes running down your body. He shifts, adjusting himself as subtly as he can. “If it ain’t Violet.”
As generic as your uniform is, all he can picture now is the body he knows lies beneath it.
“Hangman,” you say, not quite able to hide the smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
“Glad to see we have a runner-up for the TOPGUN trophy.”
You look almost, dare he say, fond? “Your ego hasn’t dimmed a bit, has it Hang?”
Jake gives you another obvious once-over, smirking to balance out the warmth he can’t keep out of his voice. “Good to see you, sweetheart.”
Jake’s skin has been buzzing all night, high off his win, drunk off being within inches of you outside the Hard Deck after thirteen weeks of having you just out of arm’s reach.
“Congratulations,” you say, and you don’t even seem that sore about it. Your eyes linger on where his shirt has slowly been coming unbuttoned as the night wears on when you add, “Can’t believe you beat me for first place.”
“An inevitability, darlin’.” Jake leans in, pleased to see your mouth part in his proximity. “Don’t tell anyone, but I might’ve worried you were gonna give me a run for my money for a second there.”
You scoff, but don’t move away, if anything you sway closer. His fingers twitch at his sides, fighting to pull you against him, aching to run his hands up your bare legs and under your flimsy sundress, to see if you’re as wet as the heat in your eyes suggests.
You turn to face the ocean, which just pushes your hips in closer to him and makes Jake’s mouth water. “Obviously. You barely won.”
He winks, knowing you’re keeping tabs on him from your periphery even as you pretend to study the crashing waves in front of you. “That’ll be our secret. Care to congratulate me in private?”
“Thought you said that was a one-time thing, Seresin.” There’s a teasing lilt to your voice and in that moment, Jake knows he’s won for the second time today.
“Shut up and meet me at my truck.”
You smirk, turning on your heel without another word.
Jake doesn’t take his time with you this time. Only immense self restraint and the threat of being slapped with a public indecency charge keeps him from bending you over in the parking lot of the Hard Deck.
It doesn’t help that you seem less than willing to wait too, running delicate fingers along the inseam of his jeans, letting your skirt ride higher and higher as you shift in the passenger seat, giggling as he swerves when he catches a glimpse of red lace between your thighs.
By the time you reach his house you’re practically dragging him up the stairs by his belt loops, looking like you’re heading for the bedroom before he pushes you back up against the front door and takes you right there.
The second round you only make it as far as the couch, but he at least manages to get your clothes all the way off.
When you finally end up in his bed you’re both still panting and spent, Jake curling around you even though he’s tacky with sweat.
“I’ll be in Lemoore, now that I’m done with TOPGUN,” you whisper when you’re forming coherent sentences again, so quiet he can hardly hear you over the wind whipping against his bedroom window. “I think it’s short term, but we’ll see.”
Something warm lights up in Jake that he doesn’t want to examine very closely. “Good, everyone there is shit at pool. I’m in need of some actual competition.”
You smile against his skin and he drops a kiss to the top of your head, wondering if you can feel his heart speeding up.
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Lemoore, 2021
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You’re tracing mindless shapes across Jake’s chest, playing with his chest hair when you rip the rug out from underneath him.
“Got my new orders.”
It’s always amused him how fond you are of his chest hair, so it takes a few seconds for your words to sink in. When he does, his entire body flashes hot, then cold. He hopes you don’t notice the rigidity suddenly running through him. “When do you leave?”
Your face is blank, frustratingly neutral. “Tomorrow.”
Jake takes as deep of a breath as he can manage without being noticeable. Which given your proximity to his chest, is not very. He wants to be mad you didn’t tell him sooner, but the rational part of his brain reminds him he has no right to be.
“Where to?” He asks after a few beats of silence when he’s pretty sure it’ll come out even.
The scoff he lets out is genuine, at least. “Gross.”
Your indifference breaks as you giggle against his skin at his derision and he forgets that this is the last time he’ll get to have you like this. For now, at least.
“Are you spending the night?”
Jake doesn’t know why you ask anymore, in the last year he’s said no to sleeping in your bed zero times. He's turned down the opportunity to save you from sleazy guys hitting on you in dive bars even less than that - which is to say he does it without being asked and without even checking if you want his help anymore. Tact really is his middle name.
But like always, you ask and like always, he fights to keep the eagerness out of his voice. He’s fortunate to have decades of practice of keeping his tone level under his belt. “If you want me to.”
“I do,” you whisper, face still tucked into him, but he manages to see your lips purse, looking like you want to say more.
You don’t, though, and Jake hides his smile in your hair rather than commenting.
“Good. Wanna wake you up with my mouth on you,” he murmurs, trailing said mouth against your soft skin. He wills himself to say something else, to tell you he’ll miss you, that he doesn’t want whatever this is to end.
But his tongue stays stuck, arms tightening as his body says what his lips can’t.
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North Island, 2022
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Jake’s fists are clenched by his side, nails digging into his palms, pinpricks of pain the only thing keeping him from seeing red.
“I’m sorry?” You look confused. Scarlet edges into the corners of his vision. “That I didn’t tell you they sent me back to TOPGUN too? I haven’t seen you in almost a year, Jake.”
“Don’t act like we haven’t talked since then.” Jake doesn’t want to know what his face looks like, his normally careful façade shattered in favor of quiet outrage. “I think you know you were supposed to mention it.”
You had talked. Mostly sporadic, surface-level texts. Memes of an exasperated Chris Pine on his press tour he knew you would get a kick out of. In return, he received a graph detailing Leonardo DiCaprio’s age versus his girlfriends’, noting a clear age limit. You kept your jokes about him being a future Leo to a minimum, at least.
And on one memorable occasion, you called him drunk, and he got to talk to you for an hour after you snarkily admitted to missing him.
Neither of you mentioned it the next day.
You deflate. “Maybe. I don’t know what you want from me. We were always playing by your rules here.”
Jake’s mouth forms a tight line. “Right. My rules.”
Some bullshit he said, before Lemoore, way back in Oceana. Before you’d slept together, before TOPGUN, before he’d gotten to know the real you, before you’d gotten under his skin.
“Let’s just get through this mission, it’ll be easier if we’re not fighting. You do enough goading with Rooster.”
Jake’s so caught up in his own head that he doesn’t even bother to protest about Rooster. He’s grinding his teeth, jaw clenched so the rest of his body can remain still. He knows, on some level, that he’s probably overreacting. But he mentioned this return to TOPGUN to you last week and he can’t help but feel like he’s playing catch up when suddenly you’re here too.
If there’s one thing Hangman doesn’t allow, it’s being left behind.  
He doesn’t know why this is on the laundry list of things you refuse to talk about. That’s probably the most frustrating of it all. You’ve always been the puzzle he can’t quite figure out.
“We’ll stay out of each other’s way,” he finds himself saying, mask slipping back into place. “Focus on the mission.”
“Yeah, focus on the mission,” you echo, and Jake wonders if it feels hollow to you too.
Your head is on Jake’s chest again, bare legs tangled with his and the tension is finally bleeding from his body.
“Don’t like fighting with you,” you mumble, muffled by his arms wrapped around you.
“Ended well,” he jokes, magnanimously gesturing to your naked state just barely covered by the thin sheet. “Gave us a vigor we haven’t had in a while.”
He feels your cheeks grow warm where they’re pressed against his skin, clearly thinking back to the adrenaline laden, ‘thank God we’re alive sex’ that lead to the casualty of at least one lamp.
Jake silently thanks Maverick for being such a hot mess that the Navy is unlikely to worry about a few broken items in his bunk.  
He smirks at your embarrassment, as if falling into bed together is anything new. It’s the post-orgasm glow, he knows it is, but Jake feels the truth bubbling to the surface. Wouldn’t it be so easy not to let this end?
“Yeah.” You sigh, not meeting his eyes. “I don’t know. All the arguing, then making up so we can fool around. It’s time for us to grow up, don’t you think?”
Jake lets the words die on the tip of his tongue.
“Probably,” he manages.
He kisses you deeply, saying what his lips won’t. He doesn’t mean for it to turn heated; he just can’t bear to let you go yet.
Making love is the only way to describe what comes next. You’ve been at this for a long time, going on three years, and you’ve fucked; hard and fast and fiery. You’ve slept together; gentle and languid and easy.
It’s never felt quite like this.
When he slides into you for what he knows will be the last time, he tries to memorize every line of your face, every gasp from your parted lips, every flutter of your lashes. It’ll be months before he forgets the soft, unguarded shine of your eyes, the way your fingers feel tangled on the nape of his neck.
It feels like goodbye.
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North Island, 2023
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Your name is out of Jake’s mouth before he can stop himself, longing bowling over his reasoning abilities. Every urge to text you that he stomped out over the last year shows itself as a waste since any sense of self-preservation goes out the window once he lays his eyes on you.
It doesn’t hurt any less to see you without warning in Coronado, but at least this time he holds onto the reigns tightly enough to keep his tone level.
Your voice is happy when you turn towards him, and Jake tries not to outwardly react. “Hangman, hi.”
He wants to rush over, grab onto you, and never let go. Wants to tuck his nose into your hair, smell warm citrus, and have that niggle in the back of his brain soothed.
He waves as you stride towards him instead, boots cemented to the floor. “Back in California already?”
You chuckle, the adorable, lyrical sound raising goosebumps on his arms beneath his flight suit. “Thank God. Fallon’s a shithole.”
Jake’s mouth is open to respond when he clocks someone with curly dark hair behind you, moving forward decisively to your side.
“Babe,” the guy says, and Jake’s spine stiffens, noting the inch or two he has over this mystery guy out of reflex. “Hope you weren’t waiting long.”
There’s a split second where your expression shutters, where Jake thinks the fight or flight thrumming through him might not be necessary.
But as quickly as it shows up it’s gone, and he finds himself hoping the boom of jets taking off covers up the sound of his chest cracking open.
“Brandon, this is Hangman. We were in the same class at TOPGUN.”
Jake’s mouth is dry, tongue glued to the roof of his mouth as he internally winces at the obvious reduction of your history.  
“Riot,” Brandon says, sticking his hand out to shake. Jake tries not to crush the bones in his fingers.
Riot and Violet, he thinks sarcastically. How cute.
“You’re with the Eightballers.” Jake glances at his patches, making sure to keep his tone neutral.
Helicopters. He wants to roll his eyes.
Riot nods and you grin, letting it light up your whole face. “His friends can’t believe he ended up with a jet bro. Can you imagine the shit I have to endure, hanging out with these helo knuckleheads?”
You're unmistakably fond, and Jake feels bile rising in his throat. Mercifully, he’s saved from having to answer by a group of pilots trying to get your attention.
“It was good to see you." Your smile softens as you turn to leave, the sun shining around your head, painting you in gold.
He nods. “I’m sure I’ll see you guys around.”
Jake doesn’t sprint to get away from you, he’s too calculated for that, but it’s a near thing. If his strides are just a touch longer than normal, no one has to know.
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North Island, 2024
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“It’s nice, what you guys have,” Jake's mouth is saying outside the Hard Deck, celebrating your fucking engagement, of all things. The words taste like acid on his tongue.
“Don’t tell me, eternal bachelor, Jake Seresin is thinking about settling down. The women of California will be knocking down your front door.”
Jake wants to laugh, that that’s still what you think of him. But knowing it’ll just come out thick and wet, he keeps the noises to himself. He hasn’t done much in the last year to combat that reputation – Coronado’s smaller than he’d like and you’ve never seen him with the same girl twice because he hasn’t been with the same girl twice.
What’s that they say about old habits?
He takes another sip of his beer instead. “No.”
The teasing is still lighting up your features, barely visible in the moonlight. “Just an introspective mood then, huh? Don’t hurt yourself.”
“Thinking about what it might’ve been like.”
“To be with you.”
You blink.
“You never gave me a shot,” Jake continues. He can’t help himself. “You were always convinced I wouldn’t pull the trigger.”
“I don’t think you would have.”
“I think you’re wrong. Doesn’t matter now though, does it?”
Jake tries to smile, but it comes out more like a grimace. He can’t help but reach out for you, squeezing your wrist one last time, studiously avoiding looking at the diamond on your other hand. “I’m happy for you, sweetheart.”
It’s only partially a lie.
Jake wishes he could say the noise wakes him up, but he’s already busy staring at his ceiling fan and its endless circles when he hears the pounding on his front door.
He knows it’ll be you before he finishes rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes.
“What the hell is your problem?”
Jake scrubs his hand over his chin, nose scrunching. “Sweetheart, it’s the middle of the night.”
You glower at him in response.
Whether it’s for the term of endearment or the fact that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut in the face of your blinding diamond ring or some combination of the two, he doesn’t know. What he does know is that you have every right to be mad at him, after spilling secrets he’s held close to his chest for years.
He sighs, wishing he could say the timing was an accident, but he can’t lie to himself quite that well. “Come inside at least, so the neighbors don’t call the cops.”
Apparently, your earlier question was rhetorical because the moment the door is closed, you’re rambling, talking at him, really. After a couple of minutes of watching you spew a bunch of nonsense to skirt around the issue at hand, with no end in sight, Jake sighs again and moves into the kitchen to pour himself a drink.
The wooden chair creaks as he settles his weight into it, sliding a glass over to you wordlessly. He’s not even sure you’ll notice it’s there, but you pick it up and gesticulate wildly with it before taking a sip. He’s somewhat impressed you don’t spill a drop.
You haven’t sat down, can’t seem to stop moving and Jake wishes he had a toothpick.
“We were so chaotic, Jake. We wouldn’t have worked.”
You finally look at him, taking a deep breath. Jake wonders about your lung capacity since you clearly haven’t breathed since barging into his off-base housing.
“I’m not arguing.”
You’re pacing back and forth, frustration bleeding from every pore. “What do you want me to say?”
Despite everything, Jake manages a smirk at that, albeit dimmer than normal. “I haven’t said anything for, like, ten entire minutes.”
The scowl he gets for that little comment is unbearably cute. He tries to ignore the tightening in his chest, stay in reality. “Is that what you stormed over to my house in the middle of the night to tell me, that we shouldn’t be together?”
You visibly deflate. “I don’t know why I’m here.”
There’s an inkling in the back of Jake’s brain that says he does, but he tells it to shut up.
You do not have a history of sticking around when it comes to verbal confrontation, and he’s painstakingly aware that one misstep could have you sprinting out the door.
It was something that worked well with you two, at the beginning, when everything was easy and fun. Blowing off steam with the competition, neither of you had ever been any good at talking so you figured why bother?
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“Why now? Don’t you think your timing sucks a little bit?”
“I don’t know.”
It’s a lie.
He knows. As much as he’d like to tell himself he was overwhelmed, seeing the ring on your finger, watching everyone congratulate you and your fiancé, deep down he knows that’s not true.
Like everything he does, it was deliberate. There was something telling him this was his last chance. Is his last chance.
“If I could stop loving you, I would.”
You drop down into the chair across from him, stalling as your brain clearly restarts.
“Loving, present tense?”
There’s a weariness to your voice that he doesn’t like one bit, which makes his heart drop into his stomach as he’s reminded of the risk in telling you this. A calculated risk, but still a risk. One where he’s already bet big, his chips all in, but the river is flipping over, and his gut tells him before he sees it that it’s not the card he needs.
He takes a sip of his Balcones, hoping the burn scorches the rampage building beneath his ribs.
You purse your lips, waiting for a response.
Jake shrugs, but he’s aware it doesn’t have the effect he’s going for when the tension refuses to bleed from his shoulders.
You look like you’ve forgotten how to breathe and will pass out any minute now. Jake debates the merits of passing out to get out of the hell that is this confession.
He avoids your eyes instead. Coward, his brain screams at him, willing him to look up at meet your gaze. “I’ve tried to stop.”
Hangman makes strategic withdrawals. When someone can’t be needled into responding, he pulls back. This is different. He’s never backed down from confrontation out of fear and he hates it, like he’s just discovered his skin doesn’t quite fit him.
Your mouth opens and closes several times without a noise leaving and it frustrates him to no end. When he grits his teeth, he doesn’t know if it’s to hold back the pleading and desperation or frustration at having flayed himself open only to receive silence. “Say something.”
“I’m shipping out,” you tell him as if that’s any sort of answer. “On Monday.”
Jake blinks. That's only three days from now, he wants to say. Opens his mouth and closes it, once, twice. Doesn’t bother with a third time. It won't change anything.
Maybe that is his answer. Let this go, this hope he’s carried onto multiple aircraft carriers, through several states, across endless miles of sky.
This is you telling him to let you go. To start over.
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Hawaii, 2025
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Some things have changed in 2025. Jake’s ability to control his mouth at the sight of you is not one of them.
“Where’s our helo hero?”
He feels pretty good about that one. As hard as it is to see you, as much as his entire being aches to touch you, he’s going to be normal with you and your fiancé. He owes you that at least.
Unfortunately, for him or for you – he doesn’t know who suffers more at this point – normal includes the patented Hangman barbs he just can’t seem to let go of.
“Seresin,” Phoenix whispers harshly.
Jake immediately thinks he’s missing a puzzle piece, that he’s flying blind, making a drop decision without a laser. Unwilling to admit anything he does what he always does; he rolls his shoulders back and smirks.
You shift from on your feet, clearly uncomfortable. “He’s not coming.”
He can’t resist the jab, but it feels sticky in his mouth. “Aw, come on, the rest of us managed to sync up our leaves, but helos are just too important?”
Phoenix pinches the bridge of her nose, scowling at him, murder in her eyes. “Hangman, shut up.”
He tries to pretend that look doesn’t send chills down his spine, but he’s man enough to admit that Natasha Trace could put the fear of God into just about anyone.
You cough, shifting uncomfortably on your feet. “Uh, we broke up.”
Jake looks around, sure the world is suddenly tilting the wrong way on its axis. Fortunately, the rest of the group seems to be trickling in, so you and Phoenix don’t detect his crisis.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” he murmurs quietly while Phoenix is distracted by Bradshaw strutting towards them. “I didn’t know.”
You give him a tight-lipped smile, a mask so familiar he feels like he’s staring into a mirror. Jake’s seen this cover before, it’s fight or flight. In the next few seconds, you’ll either be pretending he doesn’t exist, or you’ll be cutting through his armor with a few well-placed, very specific remarks.
You angle away from him, surveying Fanboy and Payback to your left. “All good, Hang.”
Guess it's flight.
Several bars and a few too many shots later, Coyote elbows Jake in the side. “What’s up with you tonight?”
“Just bored of beating y’all in darts,” Jake insists with a cocky grin he knows doesn’t reach his eyes. He just hopes no one notices.
Luckily for him, the only person that always sees straight through his bullshit smirks is you. And you’re at the bar, waiting patiently for the bartender, politely making conversation with some cheesy tourist.
A guy in an atrocious Hawaiian shirt (that he probably bought yesterday at the nearest ABC store, his internal monologue snidely adds) is clearly hitting on you and Jake forgot what it’s like to watch this. Because it’s been years since you were single, he forgot how it feels with sharks circling in the water around you, seeing you make small talk with strangers who have no reason to stop because you’re so goddamn kind and there’s no boyfriend for you to mention that will abruptly end their interest.
There’s a chance you actually want to talk to this chump, but Jake promptly tells that line of thought to kick rocks.
He kind of wants to throw himself into the ocean and drift away from this stupid vacation he should’ve never agreed to. Mrs. Lee will be fine watering his plants if he never comes back, right?
Because once upon a time, in a shitty bar in Lemoore, he’d save you so you wouldn’t have to turn anyone down and he’d tease you, that no one that’s seen you in the air, so quick and decisive and cunning, would ever believe you’d need a knight in shining armor to keep the creeps at bay. You’d tell him to shut up before dragging him out of there by his belt.
He shakes his head, trying to rid himself of the memory. As it stands, the ocean is probably his best bet.
“Pool?” You ask when you return with a fresh mojito, sans cheesy Hawaiian shirt, and everyone rolls their eyes.
“Miss the Hard Deck already, Vi?” Fanboy teases.
Even though the ice between you hasn’t completely thawed yet, Jake ignores him in favor of getting up, making his way toward the table in silent agreement. He figures it’ll give him something to do besides staring at the side of your head.
If his mid-game trash talk is a little pointed, a little too on the nose; well, that’ll stay between the two of you.
Jake tenses as he hears the back door of the bar swing open behind him, footsteps heavy and likely belonging to a number of people he doesn’t want to explain his sour mood to right now.
“Surprised you and Vi aren’t still going at it at the pool table, thought it was about to be a rematch of TOPGUN in there,” Rooster says.
“Couldn’t beat me then, can’t beat me now." He chuckles out of reflex more than anything, but it feels hollow and forced. "Sometimes I just like to rile her up, get her out of that shell she always wears on the ground.”
Rooster hums in agreement. “Better than the last time I saw you two together. You barely looked at each other then.”
During the Maverick mission, Jake hears lingering in the silence in the humid Hawaii air.
“Sure,” the blond says, willing to agree to anything that stops this train in its tracks.  
“There a story there?” Rooster asks slowly, careful as ever.
“No,” he answers, but it’s rote, automatic. Even Bradshaw isn’t dense enough to miss the friction between you two, Jake knows that.
Rooster raises an eyebrow and Jake pointedly ignores him in favor of pulling a toothpick out of his pocket.
“How’s your girl, Bradshaw? Are you guys ever going to stop living in sin and tie the knot?”
He doesn’t comment on the abrupt change of subject, shrugging. “We’re happy. She’s pretty focused on her career right now. But when she’s ready.”
“I guess when you start fucking your roommate it’s nothing but sin from there on out, anyways, huh?”
The other man grins. “Jealous?’
Jake can’t help the way the corners of his mouth twitch upwards, an admission in its own right. Just not for what Rooster's implying. “Maybe.”
“Planning on coming after my girlfriend? Gotta tell you, Hangman, back in Virginia she was never very impressed by you.”
“She’s not my type. Any girl that’s into that atrocious caterpillar above your lip clearly has impaired vision.”
The other man brushes aside the dig easily. “That’s right. You only had eyes for Vi back then.”
Jake fights a full-body cringe, blaming the fact that he just walked straight into Rooster’s trap on the shots he took with Javy earlier. “What do you know? You hated me in Oceana.”
“Who says I don’t hate you now?”
Rooster sighs, long-suffering like he can’t believe he’s the one that got saddled with the job of making sure Jake isn’t gonna lose it and ruin their vacation. “Seresin, you’re not the only one who notices things.”
Jake doesn’t need to dignify that with an answer. He’ll turn in his wings the day Rooster is more observant than him.
“Seems like forever ago, now, but I always thought she had a thing for you too.”
“I don’t know where you got that from, she was always arguing with me.”
Rooster waves it off. “Pulling your pigtails. Sound familiar?” He shoots him a knowing look that Jake pretends he doesn’t see, which unfortunately just gives mustache boy the idea he should continue.
“Yeah, sure,” Jake agrees, not without an air of sarcasm. Rooster may be right but it’s not like he’s going to genuinely admit that.
“D’you ever play Sudoku? My mom always loved it.”
Jake tries not to get whiplash, schooling his face into something neutral. He doesn’t know the ins and outs of Bradshaw’s childhood, but enough to know the other man’s putting a lot of faith in him by bringing his mom up at all.
“Did she?” he echoes, for lack of anything better to say.
Rooster nods, eyes far away, unfocused. “The thing about Sudoku is, you have to think about where you’re placing the numbers, so they don’t interfere with numbers in other boxes and lines.”
Jake barely bites back the word obviously, accompanied by a roll of his eyes.
“When we started dating, things weren’t always easy. We went from zero to sixty at the beginning, already living together.”
“But your mom loved sudoku,” Jake says, albeit dryly. “So, you knew to look at the puzzle as a whole.”
Rooster knocks their shoulders together in agreement, now you’re getting it.
“We had to slow down, take a look at what we were doing, where we were going, talk so that we didn’t fuck it up before it could even start.”
The blonde sighs. Leave it to Rooster to use some convoluted metaphor for Jake to parse out when his brain already feels like it’s been muddled alongside the mint in your mojitos.
“M’not the guy you should go to for relationship advice, normally.”
Jake snorts. “No shit.”
Rooster shoots him a bit of side-eye for that but nonetheless barrels on. “But I’ve known you and Vi a long time. For the better part of a decade.”
And isn’t that a thought, that Bradshaw of all people would be the one to know you and Jake better than anyone else?
“Is this your long-winded way of saying Vi and I need to slow down?”
He shrugs. “Maybe. Maybe not. Just gotta figure out the key. Whatever that looks like for you guys.”
Jake turns it over in his head a few times, pushing down his every instinct to blow this off, to make a joke that breaks the intensity that’s thicker than the Hawaii humidity.
“Patience,” he mutters, because of course it would be that for Bradshaw. “Trusting you’ll get there when you get there, not letting the pressure get to you guys.”
“That’s your key.”
“Yeah,” Rooster nods, before taking a pull of his drink. “But maybe our puzzles are different.”
Jake scrunches his nose, so unused to metaphors and convoluted thinking. His head is still a jumbled mess, unpacking everything he’s learned in the last twelve hours.
“Sometimes you have to drop down and take the shot. Don’t pretend like that’s not in your wheelhouse, Seresin. You’ve always held back with her. Too scared she’s the only one that can keep up with you, maybe. That she's the only one you won’t shake off your tail.”
Rooster is frighteningly insightful tonight. Jake resolves to switch to whatever he’s drinking the moment he goes back inside.
“What would you have me do?” He asks, maybe a little more abrupt than Rooster deserves.
“Basic, normal, human communication would be a start.”
Jake flips him off.
“Not letting her go again, would be the next.”
It only takes Jake one Dark ‘n’ Stormy (of course, Rooster's drinking something that Jake feels like an idiot ordering) to build up the courage to follow you outside.
“You called it off.”
It’s not what he planned to say when he saw you sneaking out the back door of the bar. He was going to let you bring it up, maybe goad you into telling him what happened.
But he’s starting to realize his puzzle is less of a Sudoku and more of a jigsaw. He doesn’t know all the steps to complete the goal and won’t know until he’s in the middle of it. Each step comes up when it needs to, and he’ll have to figure it out then.
At least, he thinks that’s the point Bradshaw was trying to make. You two have to talk about something real, at some point, but patience hasn’t gotten him anywhere with you in the last six years.
You nod, staring into the distance, eyes focused on the water ahead.
“Right before I deployed.”
Jake balks. He’s not sure what he expected your answer to be, but it wasn’t that. “And you didn’t think that was something you should tell me?”
You look down at your hands. Jake suddenly feels like an idiot, for not thinking anything of your bare ring finger. He should’ve known. He just assumed you’d become one of the many pilots that’s allergic to wedding rings.
“I wasn’t—I didn’t know what to say.”
There’s something working its way into the edges of his earshot, a timer dinging, the buzz of the right answer chiming. He laughs but there’s no humor in it. It’s only because otherwise, he’ll scream, as the puzzle pieces finally fit together.
“That was almost a year ago,” he mutters because he’s a glutton for punishment.
You continue staring at the water, still refusing to meet his gaze.
And he remembers, you’ve never been good at saying the hard things. As fierce as you are in the air, you temper your words on the ground, too wary to cut someone to the bone.
Shrinking violet, he thinks, wondering who was even well-read enough in your first squadron to know that reference.
He takes your silence for the answer that it is, nodding curtly and squeezing your wrist before turning to go back inside, a mirror of the last time his chest felt like candy glass, just waiting for the director to start the next take so it could have its turn to be shattered.
You finally turn to him, eyes glassy with tears. “Jake, I…”
He can’t wait for you to finish, doesn’t want to hear an excuse. Patience has never been his strong suit.
Jake shakes his head, biting his cheek to keep the tears at bay. You’ve never seen him cry and he’ll die before he lets that change on the back patio of this kitschy tiki bar. “Message received, Vi.”
Fucking Rooster. This is why he put this off for so long. It’s excruciating.
“No, Jake—that’s not what I—”
“Loud and clear, Violet.”
“I didn’t know if you’d feel the same way once I was single,” you say suddenly, and it stops him in his tracks. “You seem to forget you never said anything until I was supposed to marry someone else.”
“Then why?”
“Why what?”
Jake wants to pull his hair out. “Why did you call off the fucking wedding? Because it sure as shit wasn’t for me or you would’ve mentioned it sometime in the last ten months.”
“I was with him for two years, Jake. That doesn’t just go away. I didn’t want to tell you before I knew where my own head was at.”
“That’s not an answer.”
He turns to leave again, knowing the panic is showing itself in his shaky hands and uneven voice. Desperately, he wishes he had a toothpick or a beer label, something to tear at so his expression could remain carefully blank, tone collected.
When you finally speak again, your voice is thick and heavy with emotion, muffled by unshed tears. “Because.”
Jake raises an eyebrow, not bothering to figure out what expression is playing itself out on his face.
You clear your throat. You play with the hem of your dress. You look anywhere except his eyes.
Fight or flight, he says silently. What’s it gonna be, Vi?
He hopes to God it’s fight.
“Because you don’t marry someone when you’re in love with someone else.”
It takes a few seconds for the meaning of your words to register. He feels like he’s underwater, slow and sluggish, when he finally asks, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Takes more than love to make a relationship work, Jake.”
It’s funny, how you choose the words Jake has repeated to himself in his weaker moments. When he wondered if loving you was enough, if it could overcome that you two are so much more similar than anyone would guess. You might have a reputation for mincing your words, but he’s the only one that takes that for what it is – a mask. He’s spent enough time underneath one to recognize it when he sees it. It’s your way of keeping people at bay, staying in control, not letting anyone climb those walls you’ve spent so long carefully building.
Someone would have to take their hands off the controls, even for a second. Neither of you knows what it’s like to rely on someone else. To not take the lead. To let someone else have your back.
“You have to be able to give me a chance sometime,” he counters, as gently as he can manage. “Let go of the reigns enough to let me try. Trust me to take the shot.”
“I’ve never been very good at that, especially with you,” you say, nodding and Jake’s chest is getting lighter by the second, that you've thought about this. “But I also knew it was going to take me time, to work through ending things with him. I couldn’t ask you to wait.”
“I did anyways.”
You raise your eyes to him at that. “You did?”
“I told you if I could stop loving you, I would have already.”
You exhale shakily, fingers twitching like you want to touch him, but just falling short in the air between you. “I didn’t – By now I thought you would’ve – fuck, Jake. I didn’t think you meant that. Thought you just needed time to get over me.”
He wants to laugh, feels it twitching at the corners of his mouth. “In less than a year? Have you met you?”
You grin at that, rich and bright and open like he hasn’t seen in far too long, and there’s something loosening in your defensive posture. “A lot of people would say ten months is a long time.”
Jake feels fuzzy, from his chest to his fingers as he reaches to pull you into him. You fold back against him, and he ducks his face into your hair, nudging around to get his lips on your jaw, letting his words get muffled by your skin. “Ten months is a blip on the radar.”
He feels you melt into him and finds the courage to lay the rest of it on the line.
“Doesn’t matter anyways because it hasn’t been ten months. It’s been six years. I was just waiting for you to catch up.”
“Sorry, I’m so slow. Hard to keep up with the infamous Hangman. I hear he flies like his ass depends on it.” The teasing is back in your tone, and it spreads warmth all over him.
You reach up to where his forearm rests on your collarbones, where he can’t bear to loosen his hold on you, his fingers twisting in the strap of your tank top.
The entire line of your back is touching him, his nose tucked into the crook of your neck smelling citrus and vanilla and home, but it’s still not enough, as far as Jake is concerned. Too many years spent apart, too many moments with you just out of reach have him itching for more.
“It’s okay,” he breathes against your neck. “As long as we get here in the end.”
“I trust you,” you whisper. “You know that right?”
He nods, fighting a shiver as your hand drifts across from his elbow to his hand. You run your thumb across his pulse point, fingers encircling his wrist. You squeeze, and he feels your promise.
This time he gets to start over with you.
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"because you don't marry someone when you're in love with someone else" was stolen from michael westen in burn notice, episode 2.15 sins of omission (fantastic show!) although i changed the wording a little bit
thanks for reading!
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ineffable-opinions · 14 days
BL “Censorship” & Commercialization
Content: 1. ubiquitous censorship - special focus on Japanese BL 2. commercial viability of live action BL & generalizations 3. solutions - special focus on state support of Thai BL
Censorship is a sensitive topic. I have tried my best. Please feel free to comment and critique.
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History of Korean BL is one of censorship and commercialization and Korean fu-people has struggled against both. There have been different victors at different points in time. Aljosa Puzar’s "BL"(Boy Love), "GL"(Girl Love) and Female Communities of Practice and Affect in South Korea chronicles that struggle. (Highly recommended.)
I have tried to problematize BL commercialization before. But that was in the context of fu-culture and the commodity fetishism associated with the consumption of BL, particularly in live action form which is probably its most capitalist rendition for many many reasons.
Here I would like to look at it from another angle: censorship. This is a continuation of my earlier post (Why so many shonen ai live-action?) motivated by the live action adaptation of ‘조폭인 내가 고등학생이 되었습니다’ (I, A Gangster, Became a High School Student) by 호롤 (Ho Rol).
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The live action has jumped genres switching from BL to 판타스틱 휴먼 드라마 (lit. fantasy human drama). This switch got it tagged as ‘Censored Adaptation of Same-sex Original Work’ on My Drama List. I personally don’t like that tag. Almost all BL adaptation is a censored adaptation, with notable exceptions like Sei no Gekiyaku. But no one uses that tag for, say, 25 Ji, Akasaka de (2024) which censored all sexual content, especially from the volume 1 of the manga which was critical to the story and the couple’s development in the original manga series’ and its multiple adaptations’ popularity. Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (2024) went as far as removing the more sexual second couple from the live action adaptation all together, yet it does not get a "censored" tag.
An interesting question that the controversy surrounding High School Return of a Gangster (2024) has sparked is that of BL media’s commercial viability, especially in live action form. Here’s what producers told the Korean newspaper, Hankook Ilbo, about the genre-jumping:
"BL 장르는 제작비 투자나 리쿱(제작비 회수)에 한계가 있는 게 사실이다. 그러다 보니 처음부터 이 작품은 브로맨스로 해보고 싶었다"
“The BL genre is limited in terms of investment in production costs and recoup (recovery of production costs). So, from the beginning, we planned it as a bromance (beulomaenseu).”
The author of this article cites examples of works that enjoyed success on OTT platforms, namely Watcha’s Semantic Error and TVing's Unintentional Love Story (2023). However, the article also highlights the fact that BL continues to be a niche genre and live action adaptations don’t guarantee success.
이성택 (Lee Seong Taek), the director of High School Return of a Gangster, previously directed the BL Love Class (2022). The producer 넘버쓰리픽쳐스 (Number Three Pictures Co., Ltd.) have BL works like Unintentional Love Story under its belt.
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'Unintentional Love Story' Director Jang Eui-soon (장의순) | source
If the producer of one of the two most popular live action BL is admitting to it, then it is not easy to dismiss the issue of commercial viability of live action BL.
Very famous BL publishing houses (starting with JUNE) and hosting platforms with relatively lower expenses have struggled. Some of them are no more. It is also difficult for authors to survive merely on earnings from publishing houses and hosting platforms, especially when those platforms are not very rich. So, it is not difficult to imagine that live action production houses also struggle to survive.
Take GMMTV for example. They are probably one of the most successful BL producers. According to their managing director, BL content (series) is not a profitable business in itself. They rely on khujin (branded pairs) of actors to bring in advertisement revenue, merchandize sales, and pull crowds to concerts and fan-meets. It is not enough for actors to just act. They are expected to sing, dance and perform. Meanwhile, GMMTV is forced to keep working with these actor pairs and stick to templates that suit them. While it works for now, it remains to be seen how long the business model can last.
Now there is also investment from Mainland China that has migrated to other BL producers following dangai ban. But those who invest already burned themselves pretty bad with all the money they poured in during the short-lived but explosive dangai boom. It is sunk cost at this point. Another crack down could be the death knell for Chinese investments in BL. 
More generally, it is likely that commercial viability of a live action BL project hinges on the following:
#1 Target demographic
Like all other BL content, live action too is primarily targeted at fu-people (BL audience) – both queer and non-queer. The target demography is further sub-divided based on the type of BL and purchasing power.
Sweeter ones are supposed to appeal to all ages and that’s the area Thailand and GMMTV in particular are focused on. Most of Japanese BL series are sweet. Korea too produces sweet BL. However, they are unlikely to bring in explosive success the way odo BL (those following royal road narrative progression – wherein characters face significant challenges, interpersonal or otherwise, to reach happy ending).
Older and, perhaps more hard-core fans, are likely to support jado works (BL that follow the evil path where neither happy ending nor resolution to challenges are guaranteed) with surprising frequency. This might be partly due to the erotic content in jado works.
Purchasing power of BL fans vary widely. There are those who are
“sending gifts to their actors in Thailand, sending food trucks to their shooting locations, putting up billboard advertisements and doing charity events [as well as] ordering merchandise in bulk.”
They also travel to BL producing nations [on fan pilgrimages] and attend fan meetings, concerts and other events regularly.
(Source: The Print)
The other group of BL fans who are probably younger and/or can’t afford to show support in the above-mentioned ways. BL commercially benefits from being appealing to those with higher purchasing power.
#2 Popularity of original work in case of adaptation  
Popular BL novels, manhwa, etc. bring in a set of fans who are interested in the live action. Longer and more-acclaimed works are likely to ensure success of the live action given decent making and reasonable changes during adaptation. Semantic Error is a case in point. However, missteps during adaptation can have the opposite effect.
#3 Cost of production
It is difficult to get investment in the first place, especially with how niche the genre is. Moreover, higher cost of production sets the bar for success higher too.
On the other hand, high production quality and better cast and crew (likely more expensive too) makes the viewing more pleasurable and increases the likelihood of success.
There are other factors which influence the success of BL producers. The most popular BL live action from China, Addicted, was produced by the author, Chai JiDan, with a tiny budget. Its dangai family drama remake, Stay with Me, also has an interesting producer.
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Source | Mame with her Japanese fans
Orawan Vichayawannakul’s MeMindY is another BL author led production company that has enjoyed considerable success.
OP Pictures’ entry into BL genre has also been successful.
#1 Let’s start with the worst
BL as money laundering vehicle. It is probably the most obvious, sort of win-win until it isn’t. Sustainability depends how much skin the ruling class have in the game.
#2 State sponsorship
(or better yet, tax payer supported BL production)
State sponsorship is what Thailand has perfected.
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source | 2023 seminar on "Beyond Borders: Exploring the Global Appeal and Diversity of Thailand's Boys' Love Contents" by 9 companies from Thailand organized by Department of International Trade Promotion under Thailand’s Ministry of Trade.
The eleven speakers, including an official from the Office of Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Embassy in Japan, vigorously pitched partnerships with Japanese content companies [at the above-mentioned seminar.]
Also, several of the companies pitching at the seminar, such as Star Hunter Entertainment […] were plumping for BL not as a niche product but rather a core element of their corporate strategy.
Halo Productions representative Tewarat Supunnium [trumpeted] the vertical integration of his company, from talent representation to contents distribution.
Thai BL has been big hits in China, South Korea, Japan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and beyond, which has motivated Thailand’s government to ‘deploy Boys Love as its latest soft power weapon to promote the country on the global stage’. In an article published in The Nation, BL director, Bundit Sintanaparadee, explains how that affects production.
He pointed out that the international popularity of Thai shows can boost tourism and generate interest in the featured locations – a vital aspect of soft power. The government can facilitate this process by providing support and streamlining the bureaucratic obstacles to filming in attractive locations like Bangkok’s Chinatown district of Yaowarat.
Filming in iconic places such as Yaowarat can be costly and complicated due to the need to coordinate with multiple government agencies and pay location fees. Bundit said the government could simplify the process to benefit not just filmmakers but also tourist revenue in the locations.
Bundit also cautioned against a top-down approach to soft power, where the government dictates what represents Thailand on the world stage. He emphasises the need for industry professionals to have their say.
In a 2022 article, Bangkok Post explores the impact of BL on Thailand’s economy ‘as export products that can draw lucrative revenue streams and foster business opportunities in other areas, including tourism.’
[According to government estimates from 2021,] Thailand's Y content market was worth more than 1 billion baht... In June that year, the Department of International Trade Promotion held an online Y content business matching event to boost the industry, with the participation of 10 Thai content creators. More than 360 million baht was generated from the purchase of the Thai content, with the top three buyers coming from Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam.
Noppharnach Chaiyahwimhon, GMMTV's senior director of content production, said [that the] business ecosystem linked to Y Series in Thailand shows a growth of 30-40% per year. [He also said that] Y Series can also be a boon for other businesses, such as films, artist management and merchandise. [He mentioned] Y Series from Thailand [getting] translated into several languages [and one of their Y Series having received theatrical adaptation in South Korea.]
[According to] Kanokporn Prachayaset, chief commercial officer and country manager of WeTV Thailand, … Y Series from Thailand is one of the most popular content genres on its platform. [Half of all the BL content on the platform was Thai.] WeTV [was] sourcing Y Series from Asia as well as having its own WeTV original shows by working with various local production houses, such as GMMTV, TV Thunder, Dee Hup House, M Choice Studio and All This Entertainment. [She also highlighted the contribution of the fan base, which is] active in organising activities and campaigns for their idols.
Seksan Sripraiwan, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand's (TAT) Tokyo office, said the TAT and the Royal Thai Embassy have actively promoted the country by using Thai entertainment [and that] Thai BL content is considered one of the most popular recent cultural exports to Japan. Japan's market for Thai BL is around 1 million viewers, of which 20,000-30,000 are heavily active on social media sites for renowned BL actors, led by Bright-Win and Krist-Singto. He said Japanese tour operators already offered tailor-made tour packages which contain elements related to BL TV series, such as shooting locations like universities, cafes, Wat Arun or the Amphawa floating market.
Kanokkittika Kritwutikon, director of the TAT Chengdu office, said Thai BL TV shows have gained popularity in China, such as the coming-of-age series "I Told Sunset About You", which helped drive tourists to Phuket, the main location of the story.
"Most Chinese BL fans are millennial females who can offer long-term support for their favourite actors," Mrs Kanokkittika said. [Recognizing the 3 million strong queer population of Chongqing,] she said the LGBT segment could be categorised as luxury travellers as they are high-income earners, live in key cities, and want to spend more for travel experiences.
Earlier this year Ministry of Commerce have partnered with Be On Cloud and Idol Factory to promote ‘Thai products, services, tourism, and culture by incorporating them seamlessly into’ their new series “Shine” and “Pin Phak” aka “The Loyal Pin” respectively.
“This will help create around 2 billion in value for Thailand’s economy,” said Commerce Minister Phumtham.
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Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai and two actresses, Becky and Freen, witness the signing ceremony between the Ministry of Commerce and Idol Factory Co., Ltd. on February 28, 2024....
According to the Department of International Trade Promotion, the Thai movie and series sector and related industries will generate 8,000 million baht in exports by 2023. In 2024, it will likely reach 10,000 million baht, particularly in the Y-movie and Y-series, which are expected to expand in value from 1,000 million baht to 2,000 million baht as a result of the Ministry of Commerce’s proactive cooperation with the private sector.
The Thai government’s efforts are paying off.
Oramon Sapthaweetham, director-general of the Department of Business Development, revealed that the Boys’ Love series had helped revitalise the film production industry, generating substantial profits and extending economic benefits to allied sectors, such as advertising, leveraging actors as influencers, event organisation, and tourism. 
"Over the past 10 years, Thailand has produced over 177 Boys’ Love [series], continuously gaining popularity and expanding its customer base, eventually leading to exports to international markets," Oramon added.
The film production industry in Thailand is witnessing substantial growth. In the first four months of 2024, 56 new businesses were registered, marking a 12% increase from 2023. The total registered capital also saw a significant rise of 146.44% to 195.18 million baht. In 2023, the industry grew by 20% with 137 businesses and a capital of 258 million baht. The total revenue in 2022 was 12.895 billion baht, indicating a continuous growth trend.
#3 Diversification
Ok, so this is based on my limited knowledge and imagination. Feel free to skip.
There are two production companies that I have ever been interested in - Bhavana Studios and Mammootty Kampany. Both of them have produced experimental Malayalam movies while managing to remain commercially successful. While is partially attributable to these companies being brands, I think their overall strategy of diversification have worked in their favour.
Mammootty Kampany could produce art-house movie Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam for award circuits and with no expectation of commercial performance by banking on their other production Kannur Squad which was action entertainer sure to bring in the big bucks. Their queer family drama Kaathal – The Core and neo-noir psychological thriller Rorschach did exceptionally well in the box office as well as garnered critical acclaim. Bhavana Studios has similar track record of their commercially successful projects kind of cross subsidizing their experimental and unique projects and lifting the heat off in case of flops.
Having production companies which are aspirational in their approach to BL while having the economics sorted out help where government support is not forth coming.
Censorship as No-thing
When sometime is truly censored, we wouldn’t know. Unless we ask. Here’s what Jooyin Saejang learned from asking.
I have a strong preference for live action adaptations that are willing to go the last mile in terms of sexual content, social critiques and addressing real-life issues. That’s the reason why the header image for this BL side blog is from Moothon (2019).
But realistically this isn’t always possible. And I prefer having more production companies offering variety. I don’t want them to sink under the weight of BL that didn’t do well commercially and me being left at the mercy of media conglomerates with seemingly bottomless funds and monopsony over BL authors, original works and the culture that creates them.
Also, there is queer content from Korean that is neither mainstream nor from fu-culture. Support those.
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bcacstuff · 7 months
But how many posts is he going to make about The Couple Next Door? It's insane, he posted three times today! So ridiculous. 🤦
I feel genuinely a bit of TCND-tired to be honest...
As always he's OTT posting about it, does he remember he has also a book to sell? Oh wait, yes thats gonna be Sunday... hmmm
And the 'fans', I feel so annoyed by all this posting him shirtless, that ‘full granny activation’ is cringe and offending at the same time. And I saw someone posting this 'Take a good look' scene. I'm not sure what is the most cringe one of these two.
Maybe a bit of opposing voice is needed, like this podcast I found:
The part about TCND starts at minute 91.44
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
Put of the trio who is the biggest daddy?
Meet Your Trio of Daddies!
Warning: the below descriptions contain references to smut, spanking, edging, and more. Minors DNI
P.S. If you love Dominant Daddies and OTT Alphaholes, then please check out my Trio Series Masterlist!
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Ari: It's no secret that he loves to baby you. He believes in keeping a watchful eye over his little one, making sure you're eating and getting enough rest. He does not tolerate you skipping meals. That's the easiest way to earn a punishment from him.
Ari also loves to cook for you, and believes dinner is best enjoyed with you in his lap. He's also the type of Daddy who insists upon cutting up your food so that he can feed you every bite. When you're through, he'll take you upstairs and give you a bath. And if you've been good, bathtime quickly becomes playtime.
His favorite way to punish you? Cock Warming, preferably with a freshly spanked bottom. And no, naughty girls like you are not allowed to wear clothes.
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Curtis: He is a sweet and stern kind of Daddy who just wants you to be the best version yourself. He is quite possibly the sternest of the three and will not hesitate to discipline you when he feels you need it. Curtis is well aware that his baby struggles with being on time and staying organized, so he knows that you need a firm hand.
And like Ari, he's also big on you taking care of yourself. The easiest way to earn a punishment is for him to find out that you purposely skipped something like a doctor's appointment. And please don't try to lie to him about it. He hates that. And all that will earn you is a date with his belt.
His favorite way to punish you? Edging you while you're blindfolded and bound to the bed. You always look so pitiful like that. Poor baby.
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Andy: He treats you like you're his little doll. He loves to spoil you with expensive things and fancy clothes. This man lives for dressing you up and showing you off. But he won't ever let you forget that you're his. Oh, no. Andy also possesses a bit of a housewife kink. Now, he will let you brat, but only to a point. Mostly because he enjoys taming you.
He also believes in keeping you close at all times, even while he works. So when he's using his home office, he sometimes has you sitting on the floor next to him, resting your head on his thigh. Occasionally he'll pause to caress your cheek or play with your hair. And if you start getting antsy, he'll make you sit in his lap while he finishes whatever he's doing.
His favorite way to punish you? With a paddle he had specially made for you. When he's through, you can either expect to spend the rest of the day walking around with a plug in your ass. Or, worse yet, your brand new chastity belt.
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taylorswiftstyle · 1 year
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70s Influence: I definitely expect references to the 70s Midnights aesthetic throughout her costuming. The question is how does one make corduroy stage-appropriate? Psychedelic prints and patterns, saturated tones, exaggerated crochet, fringe, and Gucci-esque disco influences all seem like fun costume possibilities.
Stars/Night: It’s a bit on the nose/literal, but I’d be surprised if we didn’t see some kind of reference to constellations, stars, and planetary movements that give reference to the haunted, evening aspect of Midnights.
Bejeweled, Natch: It isn’t a Taylor Swift concert without a requisite sparkly mini moment. I definitely expect at least one fringey sparkle dress somewhere and, of course, a very OTT production that references the corsetry and camp of the “Bejeweled” music video a la a leotard/bodysuit/burlesque moment.
Suiting/Jumpsuits: I demand a jumpsuit on tour. I simply need it. There are also just many opportunities to make this 70s-esque and I also feel like Taylor has really been leaning into tailoring, suits, and blazers the last few years. Plus with that recent gold jumpsuit from The Blonds a custom sparkly jumpsuit for tour doesn’t seem so far-fetched.
Cottagecore Goddess: While for the most part I expect the costuming to center on themes most relevant to Midnights, I also suspect special attention may be made to make sure there are costumed references to the album’s Taylor has yet to tour. Something in the nature of the beautiful Etro gown she wore for the 2021 Grammys performance that was shimmery enough for stage but had just enough flow and billowing sleeves to reference the wood nymph cottagecore energy of folkmore struck the exact right balance.
What are you hoping to see Taylor wear on stage and, equally important, what song are you most looking forward to hearing live?
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ashourii-a · 2 years
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Last but not least, Chibiusa in OTT Sweet because of course. I based the print on one of my all time favorite Angelic Pretty prints Milky Planet. Thank you guys for all the support this series has gotten! I plan to make prints of all of them and some special big prints later this year so stay tuned! 
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black-arcana · 1 year
A beginner’s guide to symphonic metal in 5 albums
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Few genres do grandiose like symphonic metal. As the name suggests, it marries the scope and ambition of classical music to the power of metal. The result is orchestral, opulent and sometimes OTT, but it’s a hard heart that is completely resistant to it.
The seeds of the sound were sown in the 80s, when diverse trailblazers such as Celtic Frost and Savatage began incorporating orchestral instruments into their music. But it began to accelerate in the late 1990s, with bands such as Therion, Nightwish, Within Temptation and cult favourites Haggard began to properly fuse the two genres.
Today, symphonic metal has become an unlikely commercial force. Nightwish and Within Temptation are festival headliners, while a constant stream of newer bands have emerged in their wake. For anyone who is new to this grandest of genres, these are the five albums to start with.   
Therion – Secret Of The Runes (2001)
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Therion remain the original and – the purists would have you believe – the best of all the symphonic metal acts. Named in honour of Celtic Frost’s second album To Mega Therion, the Swedes have been led by multi-instrumentalist Christofer Johnsson since 1987. While others have prospered by ‘sexing-up’ the genre’s principles, the Therion experience remains a pure one – sackcloth and ashes, almost. Take our word, it’s a beautiful thing.
After Forever �� Decipher (2001)
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The second album from this pioneering and much-missed Dutch outfit, who ran from 1995 to 2009, Decipher employed live classical instruments and a full choir to complement the stirring soprano delivery of Floor Jansen (now, of course, with Nightwish). Soon afterwards Mark Jansen quit, taking his growled co-vocals along to the guitarist’s next band of note, Epica. The album’s grandiose arrangements still sound masterful today.
Within Temptation – The Silent Force (2004)
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Although you’re likely to be distracted by the captivating strength of Sharon den Adel’s upfront vocal dynamism, Within Temptation’s symphonic aspirations reached their most querulously romantic apex on this goosebump-inducing masterwork of the form. Although the guitars were louder and crunchier than on 2000’s Mother Earth, and the open- hearted pop savvy was at full widescreen pelt, this 2004 follow-up confirmed the band’s special affinity for wizardly orchestral bombast, here performed by the Ego Works Session Orchestra, under the noted Russian conductor Felix Korobov.
Epica – The Quantum Enigma (2014)
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Formed by former After Forever guitarist Mark Jansen, Epica played a crucial part in the development of symphonic metal via a string of consistently impressive releases, but with The Quantum Enigma – their sixth studio record – the Dutch band raised the bar to a whole different level, hiring a live chamber choir and a string orchestra to enhance a collection of tunes that is uniformly strong. Throw in the soaring vocals of flame-haired mezzo-soprano  Simone Simons and the results are seismic.
Nightwish – Endless Forms Most Beautiful (2015)
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You could pick anything from 2000’s Wishmaster onwards, but the Finns’ first album with Floor Jansen represents Peak Nightwish in terms of a grandiosity. A high-concept exploration of evolutionary science, featuring narration from scientist Richard Dawkins, it’s an absolute triumph. From the full-pelt throttle of Shudder Before The Beautiful and cinematic bombast of Weak Fantasy to the  life affirming anthemia of Alpenglow, it’s a constant stream of brilliance. Then there’s The Greatest Show On Earth, a 25-minute show-stopper most bands could only dream of writing. It’s no surprise this was the record that turned Nightwish into festival and arena headliners.
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celestesinsight · 4 months
Truer words have never been spoken!
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I kind of inherited my love for SRK from my sister. She is a huge SRK fan and would always watch his movies, making me fall in love with SRK eventually. Few days back, we were discussing 'Dunki' OTT release and our eagerness to watch it. I asked her why she likes SRK. She told me that no hero has ever made her want to replace the heroine with herself other than SRK. That SRK has always made her feel special and worthy of being loved.
And I can't agree more. Be it Simran of DDLJ or Naina of Kal Ho Naa Ho or Shantipriya of Om Shanti Om or Gita of Swades, you can't help but want to be them and watch this man move heaven and earth for you.
Eternal Valentine indeed!
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