sweetshire · 3 months
Friend, mutual, beloved.
I am having Feelings about Eowyn of Rohan and the "what do you fear" exchange and I have no place to put them to avoid becoming a puddle of overwhelm on the floor of a storage closet in Retail Hell.
*ugly cries all over your dash*
*vibrating with excitement* hi, my friend!! You have come to the right place. I am literally always having feelings about eowyn. God, where do i even begin abt that exchange?? Honestly, i LOVE this convo sm bc i relate to it. I know that feeling of desperation and of anger all too well. I’ve stood in her place & i’ve felt it in my bones. It has me in such a chokehold even now. Top three eowyn moments for sure. Perfectly encapsulates what i love abt her. Not to mention miranda otto’s excellent acting in this scene. Her eyes express her feelings sooo well. The resentment. The bitterness. The anger. The despair. You can feel everything she’s felt, she feels about her life and the ‘duty’ that has been imposed on her in your veins.
Here, look at a couple of lines of hers, what a badass:
“All your words are but to say: you are a woman, and your part is in the house. But when the men have died in battle and honour, you have leave to be burned in the house, for the men will need it no more.”
“But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.” Look at that quiet determination! How can u not be in love w her?!
Don’t even get me started abt her character arc, it’s my fav in all of lotr and we’ll be here all day if i start talking lol. Anyway, i’m SO glad u sent this message <3. Hmu if u wanna chat abt her, i’m always up for it. Also, thank u for giving me this chance to ramble on lolll i’m sure you didn’t ask for this.
*rushes to look up some posts to share with you* keep an eye on your dash, snazz, imma reblog a bunch of posts abt her
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kits-ships · 1 year
💕 with ur spiderman si ?? 😏
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by GOD did i infodump. thank u sm for the ask!!
holly is my s/i that has gone thru the most atrocious experiences. not that the other's haven't experienced anything awful, but with holly they dont stop coming and they dont stop coming and they-
she has three major au's; one for the raimiverse, one for the mcu, and one for the spiderverse. you can typically tell the difference by their hair colors if i don't mention which one i've drawn! spv holly has a short, brown bob, rv holly has longer, dyed hair, and mcu holly is bleach blonde.
for all three versions, her "great responsibility" moment took place in psych ward and was originally in reference to her art, but it took a new meaning when holly failed to protect the nurse that she'd grown attached to. it felt like she'd lost so much at this point, so she was determined to change her destiny from that point on. that's what drove to become the night-web!
she managed to find herself living in nyc (greenwich) after her mentor passed and left her home to holly. the woman's son had already passed away prematurely and didn't have many other people to put in her will, so she decided to hand it off to the closest thing to a child she had left. of course holly graciously accepts the property- even if she hates the city environment- because who can afford a home in this economy??
however, it branches off a lot!!
before graduating, raimiverse holly finds herself working in the shadow of spider-man. she's not too much of a fan of this dork, but her college internship gives her an excuse to go to the city and fight crime, so she does her best to deal with him. of course peter is excited by the presence of someone just like him, so he's a little upset when she goes out of her way to avoid him.
she can't even escape him as she works under otto octavius, because he shows up anyways! holly is just trying to work on designing the man's arms and fusion reactor- not talk to some random guy that harry brought in. but, in the end, they grow a bit closer after otto passes away. after all, watching ur man boil in the manhattan river is a great bonding exercise. unfortunately for them, tho, this friendship is kind of shattered during spider-man 3. holly will NOT allow some nerd to bully her- especially with some emo bangs.
after college, mcu holly finds herself working alongside matt murdock to take down fisk. she learns of his identity one night after he was especially roughed up- doing her best to take care of him with the help of claire. she doesn't quite know how the woman knows him, but it's nothing, right? from then on, holly often finds herself taking heavier blows for matt as she knows her healing factor and resilience make her a tougher target to beat down.
unfortunately for her, though, things change when elektra enters the picture. suddenly, matt is avoiding her, he kissed his coworker, and he's hanging out with some murderous gal?? it breaks her heart knowing that she was putting so much effort into their relationship, so she has a bit of a meltdown once frank castle catches the two of them and gives them his little speech from the rooftop. holly decides frank has a point, matt is a prick, and so she swings off to do some thinking. but, in holly's saddened state, she bonds with a symbiote named malice and ends up doing a little bit of murder to try and grab matts attention. she ends up needing dr strange to exorcise it from her body and, after a bit of research, becomes penpals with eddie brock <3
i don't have much about spiderverse holly, but i love her. she's the most optimistic of the three and is also absolutely enamored by the younger spiders. like, she would probably break someones legs to protect them.
much like the others, holly ended up in miles' timeline and was found by peni. it was all very confusing to her- everyone was named peter or something parker- but she felt better when gwen stacy showed up. there isn't a peter parker in her universe, but she quickly begins to wish did after meeting spider-noir. i mean, the man likes to punch fascists?? sign her UP. but, besides that, i don't know much about her story. i do know that she confesses to noir right before returning to her universe and is thoroughly embarrassed by the others' reactions, but she's still happy she got a lil kiss <3
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wqnwoos · 1 month
I watched a man called Otto a while ago (it's the film which is based on a man called Ove) and I was near TEARS it was so heartbreaking and I was watching it on a flight and I was about to cry that movie changed me like no other🥲
ALSO HELLO HANA HOW ARE YOU ITS BEEN A WHILE (!!) I hope you're all good and doing well <3
(yes, I am alive 🫡)
OMG HI ❣️ i am so sorry i thought i replied to this but somehow it ended up in my drafts!!! anyway
omg. i did not know there was a movie?? adding that to my watch list right now thank u sm!! watching movies on flights can either go horribly rifht or horribly wrong i remember watching the death cure (the maze runner #3) on a flight around when it came out for the first time and i just started CRYINGG. i used to be such a maze runner fan 😭 there was this sweet old lady across the aisle who gave me tissues too LMFAO
AND YES OMG ITS BEEN A MINUTE!! 🫂💌💐 i was thinking about u literally the other day too. i’m doing okay!! unfortunately real life is occupying so much of my time these days i have no time for delusions </3 how are YOU tho i hope you’re doing well too 💗💗💗
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denerims-archive · 4 years
DARYL/TESS 1-10 Gogogogogogogo
Who is the most affectionate? Tess, definitely! She’s more used to it and isn’t ashamed/embarrassed about asking for it. Daryl definitely wants and needs it but he’s weird about asking for and seeking it out. Usually, it’s only when they’re both really relaxed and alone he’ll actively cuddle and hug and nuzzle Tess. Also her on the back of his bike with her arms around his waist makes his brain go brrrrrrrrrr. Big spoon/Little spoon? Tess is the big spoon, Daryl is the little spoon. Obviously. Most common argument? Stop telling me what to do/mind your own business/be honest with yourself/do you have a death wish well maybe I do but so do you. Daryl’s also a little uhhh blunt and Tess is sensitive. He just wants to be honest with her which Tess likes but sometimes he says something and she’s like *sniff* and Daryl’s like......you okay?
Favorite non-sexual activity? Horseback rides/motorcycle rides! Daryl loves helping her with any vet care she’s doing at whatever settlement they’re at. Sometimes they just like to lay together and chill in quiet, maybe read or do something else while they’re with each other. Just existing. Daryl also has developed an intense fondness for cooking with Tess. Who is most likely to carry the other? Daryl is definitely more likely to carry her. Tess is tall but she’s whimpy and definitely would not be able to fully carry him. Maybe support him with his arm around her shoulders if she needed to but he’s bulkier than her. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s? Ohhhh my god is Daryl soft for her smile. Talks more and tells stories more just to make her smile. Her genuine ones though, not her putting on a front for his sake or anyone else’s. For Tess, arms. And not just in a brbrbrbrbr muscles way but she loves to be held by him. He gives tight hugs and it makes her feel safe.
What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other? Daryl gets awkward around her. Not just ‘I don’t want to talk to you because you are so fucking nosey or we aren’t really from the same kind of place/we grew up differently so sometimes one of us says something and the other is like huh?’ that sometimes plagued their friendship before but just......goofy. Just really doesn’t know how to interact with her anymore because any time he’s around her his brain goes to mush and then he spirals into self-hatred and insecurity while Tess is standing there like....you okay dude?
For Tess, she also gets a little weird and nervous around him but at the same time VERY hovery and overprotective and always checking up on him. Far more than normal. She also seeks out more physical and emotional intimacy from him and kinda pokes and prods to see what he’ll let her get away with. Sometimes she does it subconsciously too, like reach up to brush his hair out of his face or rub her finger over a cut. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate? Tess calls him pumpkin jokingly. Daryl doesn’t really have nicknames for her but he loves to pull the “my wife” card sometimes. When he’s drunk he calls her Esther and also miiiight slip a ‘baby’ in there and that makes Tess 🥴. Who worries the most? Okay, very close but Tess is more of an outward worrier. Daryl is quiet and anxious and fidgety about it while Tess runs around like a chicken with her head cut off and would do some very scary things to assuage what she’s worried about.  Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? They both are two very observant people so I would say both but what usually happens is Tess is running late in a No Outbreak situation and so Daryl is usually the one who orders for her. And that...so matters to Tess. She’s...never really had someone take care of her before and notice those little things.
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purplesmmr · 7 years
yo i'd love some sa headcanon spewing
thank u,,??? sm?? i lov
ohh my g osh which ones to do,,, i’m jus gonna do a couple for each of my Kids so hang in there lol (also thanks to @wordofyourbodyreprise aka em for helping me out with a go o d dea l of these)
he vapes,, like all the time
he hates children but loves babies for some reason??
he has te r r ibl e facial recognition 
his full name is melchior alwin gabor
is a miracle baby bc his mom had a l o t of complications during the pregnancy
a few of her bad habits include chewing the skin off of her lip and biting her nails
she is Killer at makeup and will give eve r yon e makeovers at sleepovers
she smells like the japanese cherry blossom lotion from bath and body works???
full name is wendla rose aurelia bergmann, with aurelia being her confirmation name
she’s got a liiil bit of bpd
angel bb who’s too good for the cruel world
she and max von trenk are actually p good friends bc he works at a bookstore by her house
he’s v depressed and is schizophrenic
he has a hearing brother named alex (lol original rite) who acts as a translator for him
he & martha dated for like a wh i le back in like middle/early hs but they broke up but he still lovs her (n now they’re in a happy poly relationship w otto)
full name is moritz daniel stiefel (ag ain w the originality lmaooo)
she’s the friend who straight up buys sex toys for her friends as Gifts
raging lesbian
she collects the most insane prom dresses you could ever imagine
full name: ilse felicity neumann
calls melchior daddy to make him uncomfortable
used to have a fwb relationship w my girl martha
she steals her boyfriends’ food all th e ti me 
she hasn’t been to her parents’ house in like three years bc of Canon Reasons
full name is martha amara bessell
smokes w moritz n has a Special tattoo otto designed
despite having marks on her body that she’s p ashamed of, she’s still not afraid to show some skin bc she’s fl aw l e s s
BI!!!!!! AS!!!!!! HECK!!!!!!!!!
and he’s in Lov with ernst ofc
he’s an emotional and verbal abuse victim (from his biological dad) and that’s why he overcompensates w his ego and attitude
his bio dad left him n his mom early on but then his mom got remarried & had thea n melitta so they’re only hans’ half sisters
he’s the “we get it, you vape” friend to melchior
naturally amBIdextrous
full name: hans peter rilow
if he ever has an office job, he def saves porn to his computer
gave max von trenk a bj in the middle of class once
he’s the clingy drunk
he’s gay, karen
he has like,, seven siblings
fluent in german
wendla’s bff
he totally lost his virginity at one of melchior’s sleepovers (thnx hanschen)
he has severe dissociation as well as ptsd, and ocd. he’s one outcome of what can happen with cherrypicking in the churches poor bb :(((
ernst zachary raphael jonathan robel; jonathan being his confirmation name
total bottom ex ce p t fo r so me tim e s
he rly likes flowers/botany and biology
he plays like,, mcfuckin nine instruments,,,
likes dogs
he’s the kid that everyone thinks is gay but turns out to be unfortunately straight
he’s dating melitta???
lactose intolerant
full name: georg milo zirschnitz
is prbly going to julliard 
everyone thinks he n otto r Gay
he’s an art hoe and the stoner friend
knows how to drive boats
wants to do smth artsy for a job but actually ends up as a pediatric nurse my boy
full name: otto henry lammermeier
in the poly relationship it’s rly him and moritz dating martha but honestly?? they’re p much all dating each other???
likes to Yell
she & melitta r twins
she n moritz came up with everyone’s sign names
likes to roast her brother
know s e v er y thin g
full name: thea marie rilow
uses text talk Too Much
vegan & ace
she’s the broadway bb of the family
triple threat whom??? more like infi n it y thr ea t
she’s classically trained in ballet, swing, ballroom, and tap
musical theatre h oe
full name: melitta barbara rilow
ik a lot of ppl are like “o yeah she’s marianna wheelan” and i see that now lol,, i didn’t realize this when i first got into the fandom so i went to em and was like ”yo. anna’s bobby’s sister” and thus anna marie mahler was born
she Hates being known as bobby’s sister so she tells everyone that her last name is pronounced like mah-ler instead of may-ler
does wheelchair roller derby
scares ernst
oka y that’s it (for now) lol i hope y’all enjoy it
send me more musicals to do headcanons for!!
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