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Prue (SHANNEN DOHERTY) and Piper (HOLLY MARIE COMBS) are both killed after The Source resets time by The Source's assassin Shax (MICHAEL BAILEY SMITH) meanwhile Phoebe agreed to stay in the underworld in order to save Piper.
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When Season 4 premiered Shannen had been fired and Rose McGowan hired to replace her. Rose took on the role of long lost sister Paige Matthews.
And Prue and Dr Griffiths were killed but Leo was somehow able to heal Piper. So the CHARMED ONES were reconstituted with PIPER, PHOEBE & PAIGE.
Shannen and Prue never appeared on CHARMED again. A true lost.
I respect Paige and her portrayer Rose McGowan. She quickly gained a following making some forget Prue and embrace the new CHARMED ONES.
But me and many liked me moved on, but we never forgot SHANNEN DOHERTY or her iconic character of Prue Halliwell.
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paigemathews · 1 year
I’m sick and it sucks, so have some headcanons about how Charmed characters react when they’re sick!
Prue Halliwell - will not quit working unless she is actively dying, and even then. She’ll take meds and soup when Piper shoves it at her, but will not actually rest. When someone else is sick though, she is hardcore bossing them to go back to bed and quit getting up. She’s an absolute hypocrite.
Piper Halliwell - initially, she’ll try to ignore it and keep going until someone tells her to rest. As soon as someone else has it under control, she will be happily retire to her bed and be a (mostly) model patient. The key is someone else actually has to have it under control because otherwise Mom Mode activates and she has to do something (as Phoebe and Paige discovered when they burnt dinner and had Piper cooking while she coughed every other breath). When anyone else is sick, however, she is The nurse. Soups, popsicles, hair pets, the whole nine yards.
Phoebe Halliwell - look, Pheebs was the youngest for a long time. She is absolutely whining the entire time and making it known that everything about being sick sucks. She is not trying to be annoying, but like. It sucks and it has to be known. When other people are sick, she like. tries? But Piper made homemade chicken noodle soup and Phoebe dumped some Campbell’s in a bowl, so. She’s great at the entertaining you while sick though, she has all of the movies to watch and gossip to catch you up on.
Paige Matthews - at first glance, you’d think she’s like Phoebe with the being terrible at being sick thing. And she is! But she tends to isolate herself more and hole up in a corner of her bed because it’s been a while since there’s been someone who could take care of her. Eventually, she starts learning how to let other people take care of her but it Is a Journey. On the flip side, she kinda just. left others alone when they were sick, but after having Piper take care of her when she was sick, she left meals on Piper’s nightstand with things like orange juice. She’s still not great at being comforting with the person though.
Leo Wyatt - in theory, a perfect patient. In practice, “I’m a doctor, I know what I’m doing.” Which? For other people? Sure, Leo’s a great caretaker. When it’s himself though? Baby, lie down please. The only one who can really wrangle him is Piper, mostly bc she doesn’t feel bad yelling at him to go back to bed. He isn’t trying to be a bad patient, but he spent like sixty years never getting sick and now he’s been brought down by the cold four-year-old Melinda’s class spread. (Piper teases him one time “Betcha regret becoming mortal now, huh?” And Leo, with a fever and has already thrown up once today, looks at her with adoring eyes and says, “To be with you? Never.”)
Andy Trudeau - a lot like Prue in that he hates resting. He’ll be working on a case while Darryl makes pointed comments about rest and sick days and not getting your partner sick. Eventually, however, he’ll actually take the sick day and rest (always in-between cases or when it’s time to go into field though). He’s a great caretaker though, not the superhuman type like Piper but just. good.
Darryl Morris - finally, someone who is a good patient! He’ll take the sick day and go home to his family. If it’s more than a few days though, he starts getting bored and will start going over case files. He always sheepishly puts them back once Sheila catches him and just gives him a deadpan look. He just hates the boredom part of being sick where you can’t really do anything. He’s a good caretaker though, but you will be getting your soup and gatorade at random times due to whenever he comes in.
Cole Turner - this man’s first cold was when he was over a century and he made it v clear that he thought he was cursed. Once they figured out that he just had a cold, Piper nearly did curse him. The mighty Belthazor brought down low by a couple of germs. It’d almost be funny if he didn’t nearly exhaust even Leo’s near limitless patience. On the flipside, he.... also has no idea how to caretake but he does try! He goes a little overboard tho and just provides unnecessarily dramatic solutions. (If things had went differently, he probably would have kidnapped a nurse to wait on Phoebe hand and foot during Queen of the Underworld arc while Phoebe went, what? no, I don’t need- COLE!)
Henry Mitchell - he denies that he’s sick and basically powers through it. Like Paige, he didn’t have anyone to care for him when he was sick but I also headcanon that he was. a bit worse off than Paige (who had Glen and his family and the mentioned exactly once Aunt Julie and Uncle Dave to turn to if she needed it, even if she wouldn’t choose to) so he didn’t really have much of a choice. He gets even grumpier when he’s sick though. Eventually, he also learns how to take it easy and let others care for him but he. struggles with it a lot. On the flipside, he’s a surprisingly good caretaker. It’s because he just does what he wishes he had someone there to do for him, which leads him pretty well. (I am also now imaging Henry with a sick teenage parolee and like. It’s cute. I can’t provide specifics but it’s really cute.)
Coop Halliwell - okay, based on how I indicated that Whitelighters and demons can’t get sick, I don’t think that I can make an argument for Cupids getting sick. So he doesn’t get sick, I guess. (Lucky him! Can’t relate.) He’s a really good caretaker though, especially with the comforting side. He’ll sing the girls to sleep and make toast and be really freaking sweet that no one can even be snarky about how he doesn’t get sick. (Piper tries once when she and the kids are sick while Leo is at some Magic School thing but then Coop and Phoebe come by and Phoebe is entertaining the kids while Coop makes lunch and cleans up the house so that Piper doesn’t have to worry about it and like. this is really good chicken noodle soup so she can’t say much.)
Chris Halliwell - literally, no one finds out that he’s sick unless he fucking passes out because he’s a dumbass who lived in a world where sickness was weakness and weakness meant dying so he just hides it until he physically can’t anymore. No one has a good time when this happens. It takes... awhile. for them to get through to him that he can tell them when he’s sick and they’ll help. He still doesn’t really like it and still struggles to share that info, but. it starts getting a little better and then he dies and it doesn’t matter anymore. Similarly, his response to others being sick is rooted in his time. He doesn’t particularly know how to handle it in the past, so he just. lets the others take over while he keeps a watch over the Manor, in case anyone tries anything while someone is down sick.
Billie Jenkins - she’s the type of person to insist that she won’t get sick and is brought down in the next chapter. She hates it and she grumbles but besides the whining, she’s actually a decent patient. She’ll take her meds and eat the soup and lie in bed, but just. lots of complaining. On the flip side, she’s. not exactly a stellar caretaker. She’s like twenty years old; they’re not exactly known for their caretaking ability and Billie is a lot of things, but a Mom Friend™ she is not.
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charmedbuffy · 2 years
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charmed meme: favorite looks/costumes
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rubyrubyrubytuesday · 7 months
The Halliwells are sort of 'what if Sam and Dean were more normal about each other because they aren't doomed by the narrative to be in a horror show, stuck in a cycle of endless hopeless paranoid tragedy'.
They're the model for The Most Normal I Think They Are Ever Capable Of Being (living in a house together where their SOs get disrespected because only Siblings Get Votes)
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Right down to 'younger sibling gets demon bf/gf, older sibling gets angel bf'
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astral-prue · 1 year
Hiiiiii :)
Hi everyone! I started this Charmed blog because Charmed is my absolute most favorite show and has had such an impact on my life the more I think about it.
I am not new to Tumblr but it's been a few years since I've actually been on it. I'm hoping to start making gifs again and maybe writing some fanfic?? ;)
Anyway! I hope you will all welcome me into the community and feel free to chat with me - anon or not - or make requests.
Have a wonderful day/night and take care!
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
One thing abt charmed that I can’t buy is the way they portrayed prue vs piper and phoebe. Like they were acting like she was Nani like she was 12+ years older then her sisters. Like she’s 3 years older then piper and 5 older then phoebe they were acting like she was there mother and never showed us just told us. Like I can not believe that penny would just push piper and phoebe onto prue like that at her age. I can get that if grams got sick before the six months and was really sick and prue had to step up but that didn’t happened. It implies that penny never took care of them and wanted prue to raise them like I get holding her to a higher standard so her sister would follow in her path but no just no and if they want to express her mommy issues they could’ve expended upon her literally trauma that she could not say I love you to anyone because it was the last thing she said to her mom before she died. That would’ve ruined so many of relationships not only her romantic relationship but all of them. Prue works so much better as a sister to Patty then a sister to the girls because they were really out here making prue out to be Fiona Gallagher.
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shanastoryteller · 10 months
🌈 Happy Pride! I would love to see more of Charmed The Once and Future King, Chris.
Part 1 2 3
"You lied," Piper says, the derision in her voice something that he should be used to hearing but he still has to force himself not to flinch.
"I didn't," he says, trying not to come off as defensive because that will give them something to rail against. "I am a whitelighter and I never said I wasn't a witch."
Paige raises an eyebrow but he doesn't give in. He is lying to them, about lots of things, but he's going to cling to his moral high ground where he can.
"Do some magic," Phoebe demands.
He stares. "I'm not a magician at a child's birthday party. Besides, most witches only have ambient magic."
"I think I'm getting the hang of your whole lying thing," Paige says. "I'm assuming your mother was a witch and your father was her whitelighter, which means she has a hell of a lot more of ambient magic, and you probably do too. Besides, you're King Arthur. You must have enough magic to pack a decent punch."
Telekinesis isn't an uncommon witch power. But it was Prue's. They're going to make a connection between them.
"I've frozen you before," Piper says. "You can't be a witch."
He shrugs. "Are you sure about that?"
Her eyes narrow and he's expecting it when her hands splay out. He feels her magic brush against his skin but this time he just shrugs it off, which is actually far easier than going against his instincts and letting it work.
He spreads out his arms in demonstration. "That enough proof for you?"
"No," Leo answers, eyes narrowed. "Use your power."
Some powers specific to evil. He's clearly expecting Chris to throw fire, and Chris can't help the irritation in his voice when he says, "If I was evil, I'd be a darklighter, and it would be really obvious."
"Maybe," he replies. "The only half whitelighter, half witches are Paige and Wyatt. Maybe it works differently."
He narrows his eyes and jerks his head up. Leo shouts as he's ryised several feet into the air. The sisters are staring at him, just like he was afraid they would. He pretends he doesn't notice. "Sorry, Leo. Telekinesis is a neutral power. If I start throwing fireballs, that will be a surprise to the both of us."
Piper's frown deepens. "When - is that why you're so worried about Wyatt?"
For a moment, Chris doesn't breathe. Has she finally figured it out?
Phoebe snaps her fingers. "They did describe him as the second coming of Merlin - I didn't think they were being literal."
They've skipped over the most obvious truth and hit on a much deeper one.
"Yeah," he says, mouth twisting. "Wyatt is Merlin the same way I'm Arthur. But something went wrong. There is an evil so great that I can't defeat it on my own and it's the reason that in the future Wyatt isn't by my side. Saving Wyatt puts both our destinies back on track."
He was supposed to be the king. Wyatt was supposed to be his friend and his guide and his knight and, most importantly, his brother.
The Wyatt of his future is right about one thing.
They were always meant to rule together.
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What are five unpopular opinions you have about Charmed?
This is the first ask I've ever gotten! I'm very excited but a little nervous that my UOs will annoy the few mutuals I'm lucky enough to have :) Here we go...
While I love aspects of every season (yes, even S8!), season one is my favorite of the series. It suffers from some inevitable rookie season clunkiness, but I love the overall tone and feel of it. Getting to watch the sisters first discovering their powers and reconnecting with one another is such a joy. As a mystery junkie, I also really like how Andy's presence as Prue's significant other and a detective gave the season a few minor crime/mystery elements. S1 is second only to S2 as the season when I love Phoebe most, and S1 Piper is my very favorite Piper of the series. Oh, and S1 Leo is utterly adorable :)
I don't really like P3, the so-called 'hottest club in town' lol. I could never envision Piper as someone who'd even enjoy going to loud and crowded nightclubs, let alone owning one and having to spend nearly every single evening there. I know the show wanted an excuse to showcase music, but most of it happens to be music I don't particularly like. And it's not like Piper seemed to really enjoy owning and running P3 - her passion was always cooking, and more often than not the club just became another item on the long list of stuff she was perpetually stressed about. I don't know, for some weird reason I just preferred seeing the sisters hanging out at home or at a place like Quake.
I completely understand why Phoebe/Cole is an OTP for so many, but they just never really resonated with me, and I personally dislike the impact that Cole's presence had on Phoebe's character arc and the show's overall tone. But obviously shipping is very subjective. I hope my Phole-loving mutuals aren't rushing to hit the unfollow button!
I know we talk a lot about how Piper changed throughout the series, but my UO is that Phoebe changed far more drastically. The Phoebe we got for the first 2.5ish seasons is literally among my very favorite television characters ever, but in mid to late seasons she was almost unrecognizable to me. It's not as if I ever dislike her, but so much of what made Phoebe's personality and outlook on being a witch unique to me was either stripped away or given to Paige (because the show apparently believes that sibling age order determines 95% of someone's personality- even when some of those siblings first meet as fully developed adults lol). I could never dislike Phoebe and she's still very important to me, but her core personality traits, values and even day-to-day mannerisms just seemed entirely different to me in mid to late seasons as compared to her early season self.
I love Paige's S7/S8 brown hair much more than I liked her blonde or red hair. This is a highly controversial opinion among my few real life friends who also watched the show :)
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canenotabeltofunction · 8 months
My Charmed (1998) Hot Takes
*Spoilers* (Even Though It’s Been 25 Years- Just Saying)
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1. Prue was overpowered
I know that Prue is the oldest and the oldest sister is supposed to be the most powerful, but the development of their powers was just very all over the place with how fast they learned to use them. Prue seemed to master her powers exponentially faster than the other sisters.
For example in the very first episode Prue moves cream from a cup into her coffee. This is moments after she finds out about her powers- yet it takes Paige an extended amount of time before she is able to orb liquids even though she and Prue have basically the same power (and due to the yelling and orbing aspect of Paige’s power it seems like it should have been easier).
There’s also the episode of ‘Secrets and Guys’ in the FIRST SEASON where we see Prue cleaning with her powers and controlling multiple different tools at one time without difficulty- she is literally talking to Phoebe and Piper and is preoccupied and is still able to do this.
Before we even reach the end of the first season Prue has already discovered her ability to control her powers through her hands as well as her eyes. And by the 9th episode of the second season she discovers she can astral project. Which she is already capable of doing intentionally within a few episodes- even though she can’t do it while awake (until episode 5 of season 3).
While the sisters did all develop their powers well I feel like in terms of weaknesses they did not really give Prue that many. There was the whole thing with her being prideful but as a whole her powers didn’t seem to have any bounds after a certain point.
The only time we really see her powers not working well is when there is something blocking their powers all together. Vs with Piper things don’t stay frozen forever, she can only freeze inside a certain range, her freezes can be fought through, etc.
And obviously Phoebe didn’t have an active power until she developed the ability to levitate.
Idk feel free to disagree but I feel that Prue was a little overpowered
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2. Cole Deserved a Redemption Arc
Don’t get me wrong I’m not excusing Cole’s behavior in the later seasons. However I do wish that the Cole storyline had gone slightly different and that Phoebe and Cole ended up together.
I personally never was able to get into the Coop storyline- it felt very unemotional to me. And it may have been because Cole was around much longer.
“But Cole was evil! He never changed!”
I beg to differ, up until around the last season he was on the show almost everything that kept Cole evil was out of his control.
He tried to give up his powers originally but was tricked into killing a witch (or he was possessed, I don’t remember). He never wanted to become the source, he was manipulated by The Seer. And even after the source took over we still see Cole inside fighting to be good like when he saves Paige.
And he even tried AGAIN to give up the powers of The Source but Phoebe was manipulated into stopping him.
He genuinely was trying to be good so often and I feel like a lot of it was just that he was dealt a shitty hand.
I think that up until the point where he clearly stopped caring about Phoebe’s wellbeing (like when he is willing to let Paige die and keep Phoebe mummified) he deserved a redemption arc and I wish he had gotten one,
However I think the storyline was ended due to Julian wanting to leave the show and not because of the writers.
(Also I just loved Cole as a character and I cry every time they vanquish him in the apartment)
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3. I Didn’t Like Dan
This one is short and sweet
I didn’t like Dan
He’s not an asshole, He was super good to Piper
I just didn’t like him 🤷🏻‍♀️
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4. Leo and Piper Shouldn’t Have Gotten Back Together
This one is going to sound kind of hypocritical after the Cole take but I feel like after Leo left to become an elder he and Piper shouldn’t have gotten back together.
Like you’re telling me after all the shit you two went through to be together you’re going to just fuck off to become an elder????
And this is never fully explained honestly; it’s just that “oh it’s not that simple it’s not my choice.” But they never really explained WHY it just seemed like a stupid excuse.
And honestly after all of that shit I know they wouldn’t have had time to give Piper another love interest (which she deserved) and I loved Chris but idk I feel like Piper and Leo shouldn’t have gotten back together-
They can keep Leo around but I don’t think after all of that shit that they should have ended up together
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5. Billie and Christy Should Have Had a Different Ending
This is a one or the other kind of thing.
I think Christy should have gotten a redemption arc OR they should have given Billie a bigger corruption arc and killed them both.
I don’t think the ending was BAD I think it was tragic that Billie lost her sister after trying so hard to find her and finding out that she wasn’t who she used to be which made for a good plot point-
But I feel like if they had had more time and things were written a little differently I would have liked to see Christy eventually get redeemed (I mean the girl was brainwashed by the Triad from the time she was a kid cut her some slack). But I know there wasn’t really enough time for that.
However the other option is I think to stick with the strong sisterly love thing that Billie should have had a bigger corruption arc and went down with her sister- or at the very least accidentally died with her or refused to leave her or something.
I will definitely be posting more Charmed content
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witchnottowear · 1 month
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Paige + green = heaven.
You can double check my math, but I'm pretty confident about it.
(one of the sisters must be the green sister, and with Prue out of the picture (RIP) it falls to Paige.)
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chubb-e-cheese · 3 months
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terapsina · 8 months
Who was your favorite late 90's/early 2000's Witch Character?
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phoebehalliwell · 2 months
one big difference though, between Prue marrying a warlock and Phoebe marrying Cole was the presence of Paige. What if Paige's whitelighter half was the force keeping evil from influencing the rest of the po3 more than it already was?
Piper didn't just go into despair and self-hatred - she jumped straight into self-destruction. without Paige's intervention, she likely would have kept drinking herself into a stupor or going into a suicide run like she tried after losing Prue. and even after Paige got her back on track, she was still colder and more vengeful than her usual self (flesh-scalding potion, anyone?), willing to hurt Phoebe to keep her from hurting them first.
I think Paige's whitelighter half was keeping Piper tipped toward the good side as much as possible, until they managed to get Phoebe back.
ooh that's really interesting and i will actually add prue wedding did Very Specifically predate piper and leo's wedding. so like. by the time phoebes has been wed in a dark wedding not only does Paige have the added tether of Being a Whitelighter piper has the additional tether of being Bound in Holy Matrimony to a Whitelighter protecting both of them maybe o.o
and then the second half of that is less bride and gloom and more power outage if the girls are willing to kill each other or at the very least greatly harm / use magic against it is less evil power of three (where in bride & gloom evil!piper and evil!phoebe are so amped to create the evil po3 with prue) and more power outage. i think this should have knocked out their active powers, or at the very least put them on the fritz (phoebe keeps the demon powers, paige keeps orbing as established throughout the show).
and then third part yeah <3 it's really just like so yeah that it's basically canon without paige piper would not have made it. like there are several times paige saves her from self destructing in the absence of prue and it's just. it's really.  she is the reason i am still standing here, she brought this family back together.
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paigemathews · 1 year
Thinking about a power swap au for the sisters and this is what I’ve got:
Prue - premonitions. Admittedly, this one has the least justification just because I came up with Piper and Phoebe’s first and this was what was left for Prue. However, I think it could still work very well! Instead of Phoebe, it’s Prue who has the most passive power. She’d have to learn to let go and trust her sisters’ abilities because she doesn’t have the power capable to win the fight by herself. In comparison to Piper and Phoebe, she doesn’t have nearly as much control over the situation and would have learn to deal with it. 
Piper - telekinesis. Meek little Piper gets the most destructive power. She’d have to learn to accept and channel her anger instead of denying it. She’s already able to temper herself, but she’d have to learn to express herself. There’s also the element of having to take charge and stand out, because her power would be one of the strongest in a fight. She can’t just hide behind Prue, she has to step up as a fighter instead of the typical motherly role she takes. 
Phoebe - molecular immobilization. Phoebe, the girl who never thinks things through and never considers the consequences, gets the ability to actually stop everything and think. Accidentally freezing time and then having to actually consider before she acts, forcing her to be more level-headed. In contrast to premonitions, she doesn’t get to see a glimpse of the future so the element of still making so many mistakes when she should theoretically have all the time in the world to think about it.
For overall storyline adaptations, I’d say there should be a definite increase with Prue’s powers and her job at Bucklands. We already see those intersect several times during the first two seasons (including, but not limited to, Feats of Clay, The Painted World, and That Old Black Magic) but imagine Prue being able to see the past in an auction house. I’m also always a sucker for magical artifacts so I’d love to get more.
Finally, I think that it’d impact the sisterly relationship. I feel like there could be an element of tension in Prue and Piper’s relationship because Prue is so used to being the one in control, the one calling the shots, but now Piper has to take charge more because she’s the one with the strongest power. Piper finally being able to stand out from Prue and Phoebe instead of letting her anxiety and shyness control her and stay in the shadows and they butt heads a little more. Phoebe, forcibly learning patience to be able to unfreeze things, having to play mediator and get in between them. Basically a lot of role swaps going on here for all of them.
+BONUS: Paige - also premonitions! Someone who is trying so hard to outrun her past and what she used to be being forced to confront it head-on. Someone who struggled to find a future for herself seeing a new one unfold in front of her very eyes. Someone who is so new to this game seeing everything in front of her, all of the horrors that they have to face, all of the tragedies that they can’t stop, all of the pain involved, and deciding if she’s willing to join as its newest player. And then someone who is so unused to being vulnerable and opening up discovering that she can use her powers to share her premonitions for others and learning to let them help her shoulder the burden.
++BONUS: also ft. a species swap for the love interests: Andy as half-Whitelighter who still dies saving them, Leo as a Cupid whose powers are originally bound, Coop as half-demon who just wants to help people and love, Cole as a Cupid that falls down a dark path and uses his powers to manipulate Phoebe, and Henry as a Whitelighter who is a bit overly cynical to be a literal guardian angel man.
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One thing I dislike about each Charmed One
PRUE: her martial arts prowess in s3; not saying she should've been incapable of fighting, but I liked how the combat stuff was Phoebe's thing which she developed and trained to make up for her lack of an active power.
PIPER: her occasional sass turned constant sassy one liners in the later seasons; what was funny at first turned hurtful and unrealistic really fast, and it didn't help that nobody ever called her out on it
PHOEBE: her inability to keep a secret no matter whose life depends on it (it was endearing at first, but was kinda off putting later on...)
PAIGE: her cavalier attitude towards the Power of Three (it's true that they always risk the Po3 when fighting demons and whatnot, but it's different when they do it together or when one, most often Paige, insists on doing everything on her own and being mad at the involvement of her sisters when she's relying on/benefitting from the Po3)
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brianaltemus · 6 months
i wish paige’s power would have progressed in the later seasons of Charmed to where she could use her telekinetic orbing without calling out the object she was focusing on — kind of like prue’s telekinesis but still with orbs.
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