unteriors · 9 months
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Pleasant Street, Oakfield, Maine.
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heroine-of-albion · 1 year
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Fable II Location Aesthetics - Wellspring Cave
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hongchicken · 2 years
"The Strange Case of the Haunted Mansion"
It's a fairly dark, foggy night in the small town of Oakfield, located in the rural countryside of the United Kingdom. Little did anyone know that a strange occurrence was about to take place, one that would leave the townspeople scratching their heads and asking questions.
The Mansion
The small town was home to a large, abandoned, and dilapidated mansion, a relic of the past that had been abandoned for years and was believed to be haunted by some kind of spirit. Rumors had been swirling in the town for months, but nobody had dared to venture into the mansion to investigate what was really going on.
The Incident
One night, however, something strange happened. The townspeople heard a loud crash and saw a strange light coming from the mansion. Some brave souls decided to investigate, and they were greeted by an eerie sight. The mansion's windows were all smashed, and the walls were covered in strange symbols and writing. It was as if something had been trying to get in, or something had been trying to get out.
The Investigation
The townspeople immediately contacted the police, who sent a team to investigate the incident. After a thorough search of the mansion, the police were unable to find any evidence of what had happened. The symbols and writing on the walls were equally mysterious and could not be deciphered.
Speculation began to rise in the town, and soon theories began to circulate about the incident. Some believed it was the work of ghosts, while others thought it was a sign of some kind of ritualistic activity. The most popular theory, however, was that the mansion was haunted by an evil spirit that had been trying to break out of the mansion.
The Aftermath
The police decided to leave the mansion as it was and keep an eye on it. The townspeople, however, were still wary of the mansion and its strange happenings. The incident was never solved and the mansion was eventually forgotten.
To this day, the strange incident of the haunted mansion remains a mystery. The townspeople still whisper about the incident when they pass by the mansion, and nobody knows what really happened that night.
The strange case of the haunted mansion is a mystery that has never been solved. Nobody knows what really happened that night, and the strange symbols and writing remain a mystery to this day. It's a chilling reminder of the mysterious and sometimes dangerous forces that inhabit our world.
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Fable screenshots pt 5
Oakfield and Hannah
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helmar-weiss · 5 months
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#FeiertagMusik #FeiertagFunk #TagDesFunk #TagDerMusik
Heute ist der Tag, auf den wir alle gewartet haben: Die Veröffentlichung des brandneuen Funk-Songs "The Shake Up Party" von Benjamin's Garden!
🌟 Dieser mitreißende Track, der in Zusammenarbeit mit Galaxy Walker und Daniel Maier entstanden ist, ist jetzt auf allen Streaming-Plattformen verfügbar! 🔥🎸
#funk #theshakeupparty #benjaminsgarden #newrelease #funky #funkvibes #streaming
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pouchedmilk · 8 months
@ fable 4 devs
Please let me go back to Oakfield I miss it
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dollartreelobotomy · 21 days
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F5 Tornado, Oakfield, WI 1996
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thisisntreaver · 3 months
Crying because I can't stop thinking about how Rose deserved to grow up. Would she have been an adventurer like Sparrow, potentially starting to try and keep them fed and safe but finding a love for it?? Becoming Sparrows role model as opposed to their main drive?
Her diary shows she like to write and draw, would she be writing stories? Taking the ones she made for Sparrow and putting them into the world,potentially illustrating them?? Maybe painting the people and places of Albion? Would she make a name for herself not through violence, but through her art??
Does Rose save up to move Sparrow and herself to Oakfield for work and to get away from the likes of Arfur? Returning to her parents (potential) roots as a farmer, finding comfort in the familiar and the nostalgia of it all?
Theres so many options, so many things she could have been or done, yet doesn't get to do. Shes gone, shes the thing that drives Sparrow to keep fighting.
And no one even seems to know, its really just our heros and the banshees.
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pixelated-sim · 10 months
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i'm thinking about some 'hood names too! what do you think and would choose for it? i'm accepting some suggestions... i really like oakfield shore, birchfield lake, mapleford hills and oaknut field D: ps: if you guys want some them for your 'hood or use for some inspiration... feel free! :)
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heroine-of-albion · 1 year
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Fable II Location Aesthetics - Temple of Light
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arbolxn · 1 year
Okey so Fable fans, the seven of us that we are I think we all agree that maybe it’s not the same style BUT HELL AT LEAST WE ARE GETTING SOMETHING.
So my takes of what is going to be are here:
-I think it might be made between the end of the hero’s guild and fable 2, why? Because of the clothes styling AND that the voice actor of Reaver it’s in the games PLAYING REAVER, so of course it’s going to be or in that middle or staring Fable 2
-No dog, and if there’s dogs, I think you’ll have to buy one
-if we see reaver, I think Hammer will be there too BUT not Garth (since canonically he’s in his native home)
-another trailer that it’s going to show EVEN MORE I KNOW
-Jack of blades but not in a big quest, maybe mentioned or even encounter at some point
-Oakfield getting fucking destroyed (thanks to reaver)
-dumb options again
-ROMANCES I know that it’s going to be way better AND WITH EXCLUSIVE CHARACTERS (idk why I just think it’s like “a thing” now in videogames)
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dogpapersnippets · 1 month
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Oakfield Eclipse (collie) 1903
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🍁🍂🎃Pinned Post🦇🍂🍁
Please read this post and follow the rules~
This is a seasonal side blog (and last one I can make) so let's be civil here. There are rules and guidelines to follow below the cut 👇
This blog will be open for three months; from September to November. After November the blogs ask and submit box will be closed till next year... maybe I will open the blog if something happens but that is the time frame of this side blog. [Main is orchid-151]
No XXX content. Blog is 16+ for blood and gore, as it is a Halloween side blog... if you have triggers, please PM this blog with what triggers you, and I will do my best to tag said triggers for you...
There will be updates for the next three months and things might be slow... so be patient please...
We are here to have fun~
No harassing role-players, askers, or anonymous people... again, we are here to have fun.
If there is someone you don't get along with, ignore them, you are here on this side blog to ask/rp with the characters...
Asks will be a little slow at times (I'm a mother with 2 girls) so don't expect a fast response right away... unless I don't want to do an art piece for the response...
Please PM this side blog if you have triggers or want to plan ahead for asks or rps... I'm not a mind reader, yet 🤭
If you do not respond to an rp after 4 days AND not message me to let me know, I will send one message to check on you... I don't like to spam people so expect at least one response in this case...
If I do not respond to an rp or ask in 4 days, please message me. I might not have seen the response or ask... I do not mind at all...
Village Info:
Village name: Oakfields
Current Population: 15 native villagers
12 native illagers
7 native witches
5 were-ravager villagers
Oakfields is a village whose head witch created a protective barrier, separating the village from the rest of time. For them, the portal opens every few seconds, but to us, it opens once a year...
Current askable characters🍁🍂
[Limit of 5 askable characters per category]
♂️Lycaon............ Ask box open
♀️Astrid.............. Ask box open
♂️Stew................ Ask box open
♂️Drew................ Ask box open
♂️Lew.................. Ask box open
Native Villagers;
♀️Jean............ Ask box open
♂️Socrates..... Ask box open
♀️Lulu............. Ask box open
♂️Lucian......... Ask box open
♂️Azriel........... Ask box open
Native Illagers;
♀️Gene........... Ask box open
♀️Anastasia... Ask box open
♂️Wyatt.......... Ask box open
♂️Harvey........ Ask box open
♂️Zuko............ Ask box open
Native Witches;
♀️Eloise........... Ask box open
♂️Atlas............ Ask box open
♀️Elio............... Ask box open
♀️Matilda........ Ask box open
♂️Orion............ Ask box open
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the-sparrow-sings · 1 year
So I'm playing Fable 2 again and I'm making my new Sparrow everyone's porblem.
(Under cut so I don't clog everyone's dash)
She's essentially the same as my Classic Sparrow (murder girl raised as a living weapon, generally a Hero but becoming corrupted by the choices she feels forced to make and the weight of her responsibility), BUT with two differences.
New Sparrow was a born Villain. I've decided to headcanon that in THIS version of the Fable Universe, Archon Blooded Siblings are always a Hero and a Villain; the level of Hero/Villain each of them are varies, but that's what I decided to go with.
Now, Rose in this AU would have been a Heroic Hero, but Sparrow was a born villain - she has a darkness inside of her (inspired by the Baldur's Gate 3 Dark Urge) that gives her a proclivity for darker things, which is why she engages with The Temple of Shadows, but she isn't willing to go as far as to annihilate Oakfield - at least not that early in her journey. She learns after going back to Bowerstone for the first time in a decade that she has a hefty desire for praise, thus she indulges in all the pageantry of heroism, while feeding her darkest desires as privately as she can.
She met her husband in Westcliff; initially she planned to just use Lez to open the Oakfield Demon Door and then Sacrifice him to the Shadows, but he grew on her during the journey from Westcliff to Oakfield (the male Thug voice model says "Woof Woof" if you praise the dog in front of him, and for that reason he lives lol) and she decided to keep him around. They have a daughter together, Libby, who inherited Sparrow's evil and her father's aggression. She visits them often, and was a doting mother while Libby was a baby. She loved that she could come home covered in blood and he would not only not run in fear, but be incredibly attracted to her. (One of his sex lines is "Big and strong, just how I like 'em!" which is great, because I had Accuracy and Physique almost maxed out before she even went to the spire. Lez knows what he's ABOUT.)
It's actually her family that inspires Sparrow to start buying up properties and businesses to build an empire; she wants her family to want for nothing. (1000 gold upkeep!)
In The Spire, she discovers that she can indulge her sadomasochistic tendencies and be rewarded for it. Were it not for her intense drive to destroy Lucien, she may have turned on Garth to remain there - she had genuinely bonded with The Commandant (having been raised by Theresa essentially as a vengeance fueled living weapon, this Sparrow was well suited to Spire life).
After the Spire, the first thing she does is reunite with her family; obviously Libby has grown. She remains a doting mother right up until Lucien murders her family.
After defeating Lucien, Sparrow chooses to wish her family back, mostly because she cannot live without her dog...but she never visits her husband and daughter again.
She hopes the world will forget that they exist. If her enemies believe she doesn't care about them, maybe this time they will be safe. (She maintains their upkeep in secret).
This Sparrow turns to Reaver for solace and companionship in much the same way my OG Sparrow does, with the added caveat of him being one of the few people aware that her original husband and daughter are still alive. This extends to Sparrow taking up Reaver's offer to help her become immortal, like him (which "sadly", due to Theresa's interference, does not stick).
For Libby's role in the extended Lore, she grows up jaded and angry - she learns that her mother isn't dead like her father claimed; in fact, she's the queen of fucking Albion. Libby eventually becomes a Bandit Queen in her own right, a fully Villainous Hero.
Now, canonically, since Fable 3 takes place 50 years after Fable 2, Sparrow has to be between 50 and 60 years old when Logan and the HoBW are born (which is part of why I headcanon that she extended her life like Reaver did), while she was 18 when Libby was born. As such, Libby is considerably older than Logan. If Logan was 25 during the events of Fable 3, Libby is 35 years older than him, and is 60 during that timeline.
I like the idea of Logan meeting Libby shortly after Sparrow's death, fighting her as the new King of Albion VS The Bandit Queen, and not realizing that she's his sister until she's forced to use her will abilities to fight him, and she volunteers the information by way of telling him that he "is the spitting image of Mother." Covertly, Libby assists Logan in his eradication of the Trolls.
In this, Logan is actually the one of the siblings born to be a Heroic Hero, meanwhile his sisters, Libby and Olivia (my HoBW) are Villainous Heroes like their mother. (Libby also clocks immediately that Olivia is Reaver's daughter - Libby does not meet Olivia, but bullies Logan relentlessly about their father being fucking Reaver)
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dollartreelobotomy · 1 month
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F5 Tornado, Oakfield, WI, 1996
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swan-codes · 1 year
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28.09.23 🍒
How was everyone's day? I went to The Oakfield at Chester Zoo with my family to celebrate my fiancé's father's 60th birthday! I'll continue my coding studies tomorrow ~
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