#Obstetrics & gynaecology
health997 · 2 years
Best Gynecologist in Raj Nagar Extension
 Dr Anuradha Tyagi is the  Best Gynecologist in Raj Nagar Extension  with specialises in Obstetrics Gynaecology She has special expertise in manging High Risk Obstetrics, Gynae Endoscopic Surgeries, Female Laparoscopic Surgeon in Ghaziabad and working in Lotus Gynae Centre, Ghaziabad. . For Opinion or consultation @ +91-9582500830
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trauma-and-preg · 6 months
Who got space for one or two parient during the holiday we need full intake exam check evrything off before being treated for supposed trauma for the vacation neck brace frequent code and diagnostic exam and procedure to do on us most probably high level of care if not full life support in icu and how know maybe we will find out that we are pregnant whit the blood test or more pregnant then we though like almost to term maybe only sky is me and sab limit for the 27 to the 2. We are curently 23 and 22 both female. If any medical team have question orwish us to fill paper work a head contact us in dm
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no-passaran · 7 months
November 25th is the international day for the elimination of violence against women. One of the cases where certain kinds of violence (sometimes very extreme, even having been considered torture by UN standards) against women and people perceived as women is normalized is obstetric violence, so I wanted to share this short clip about how healthcare professionals can begin to address it by incorporating respect.
Clip from the documentary “Dona, vostè no té res!” by TV3 about obstetric violence.
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yowlthinks · 10 months
The icon gynaecology and obstetrics needs
I mean...
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coochiequeens · 1 month
If someone wants a baby so badly they are willing to commit fraudulent acts that could follow the kid for life, they shouldn't have a kid in the first place.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - China's National Health Commission said it was investigating a hospital in the southwest megacity of Chongqing for its alleged involvement in surrogacy, which is illegal in China, after wide circulation of the issue on social media.
The incident comes after a series of official investigations last year related to the issuance of fake birth certificates at a time when China is trying to boost its birth rate.
Chongqing Angel Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital has been cooperating with illegal surrogacy agencies, a post on Chinese social media platform Weibo said on Sunday.
Surrogate mothers would use forged ID cards to give birth in the hospital and forged birth certificates would be made after the babies were born, according to the post, made by a user called Shangguan Zhengyi, who describes himself as a volunteer fighting child trafficking.
A team had been set up to investigate and verify the situation, the local Chongqing health committee said in a statement on its website on Sunday in response to the post.
"Once verified, it (the hospital) will be dealt with seriously in accordance with laws and regulations."
Chongqing Angel Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment.
The Weibo post on the hospital was one of the top trending items on Monday, drawing hundreds of comments.
"This industry always seems to have existed," said one comment by a user called Wensheng. Another user called XJ said: "This is an industrial chain, not something that can be accomplished by one person."
China said last year it would "severely crack down" on illegal activities related to the use of assisted reproductive technologies such as the buying or selling of sperm or eggs and surrogacy.
It suspended a hospital and judicial institute in Wuhan in November after they were accused of surrogacy and issuing fake paternity results.
Birth certificates are required in China for obtaining household registration and are necessary for vaccinations, medical insurance enrolment and application for a social security card.
(Reporting by Farah Master and the Beijing newsroom; editing by Lincoln Feast.)
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mysteriouspuccy · 9 months
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. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* my uninterrupted episiotomy sutures! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧.
I'm so tired and don't feel like doing my work. I literally had to force myself to do the least bit of work so I don't go to sleep feeling like a failure.
Today I:
♡ attended my episiotomy repairing tutorial on campus
♡ looked over the last chunk of the work I have to know for Friday
I was speaking to my classmate about how anxious we are about studying for our neuroscience exams in 4 weeks. I'm still super overwhelmed lol I literally don't know what to do. I hope to figure my plan out tomorrow and just... start. ♡
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hjellacott · 11 months
Why sometimes it is important to have FEMALE gynaecologists
When we talk about wanting female gynaecologists or obstetricians, we often talk about hypothetic things, so I thought I'd share my real, recent experience. I'm a grown up adult and yet I'd never gone to the gynaecologist before until recently. It all started last year, when my periods got odd. I won't go into details, but you know when your instinct urges you to get checked because you know in your gut that something is off? And you know it sounds insane if you say it out loud, and people don't believe you, but you know. So I contacted a GP, managed to convince him to take me seriously, and I got a referral for a gynaecologist. A year later, I was finally called for my appointment.
When I got my paper with my appointment, I was surprised to learn that the examination I was booked for was far more and more invasive / intense than I had thought it would be, so I got very anxious, because I've heard from friends who had terrible experiences at the gyn and I was worried sick. Will it hurt? Will they be too harsh? Will I bleed? Will I be really uncomfortable? Then I had worse concerns: will I have a dishonourable doctor/nurse who takes advantage of me? So I decided the best way to ease my concerns was to ensure that no males were in the room. A woman wouldn't rape me, a woman wouldn't touch me without knowledge of what it feels like, a woman would be able to be empathetic with me, put herself in my shoes, and try and help me. A woman wouldn't get turned on. A woman will also have had, at some point, her first intense examination and will understand my worries and anxiety. Men? They'll lack empathy, they'll be too brusque, they might sexually abuse me, they might hurt me simply because they don't know how delicate you need to be, or mansplain, or discard my concerns, or all of the above.
It was important for my doctor to be a woman.
Unfortunately, we live in the day and age where if you call your doctor, hospital or surgery in the NHS to try and ensure your doctor is a woman, sometimes you'll be met with the wrong person who will think you're transphobic and be really rude and disrespectful and refuse to help. It took me 2 days on the phone, calling a variety of hospitals, hospital departments and NHS numbers, until I was able to find a sweet lady who was happy to ensure my doctor was female and to my surprise, she didn't even ask me to explain why it was important to me.
In the end, my appointment went just fine. I had a young, understanding, caring, gentle and lovely female doctor who was also POC, so she actually gave me a lot of insight. I arrived saying "I'm so sorry but I've never done this before and i'm so anxious" and the whole time she was listening to me, comforting me, calming me, explaining me exactly what she was doing bit by bit, being patient, empathetic... She actually told me I'd done well coming and gotten checked and explained how important it was, even if it didn't seem like a big deal or even if I wasn't sexually active at the time. Unfortunately I was right and the doctor found evidence of a more serious health problem, so I'll be getting more tests and things, but I was so happy with the doctor I got. When she told me what I might have, which is something that runs in my family, I told her I didn't know anything about that problem, so she sat and patiently and kindly told me all she knew about it, explained it's a problem many women live with and that in ethnicities such as hers or mine, it could be even more common, but she gave me the magical line "us women have had to deal with things like this since always and we always pull through, so don't worry, there's a lot we can do" and I left not feeling worried at all, rather, empowered, calmer and confident.
So don't fucking undermine the importance of being able to choose exactly the doctor you want.
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shubhragoyal · 2 years
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Did you know that 15 percent of pregnancies result in miscarriage? Recurrent miscarriages are defined as the loss of two or more consecutive pregnancies before 20 weeks. In over half of RPL cases, doctors cannot find the cause for loss, still, there is no reason to lose hope. Some medical and surgical treatment from an expert can lower women's risk for future miscarriage Even a woman who has been through 3 miscarriages has a 60 to 80 percent chance of carrying a full-term pregnancy.
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prodermapoly · 4 days
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theoreticaldoctor · 13 days
My Support System During My Second Posting in The Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department - Housemanship Diaries
A blog regarding my main support system in my second posting, Obstetrics and Gynaecology. - #housemanship #writing #doctor #medical #obstetrics #gynaecology #O&G #malaysia
Related Posts: Reflection of The Obstetric and Gynaecology Posting My First Ever Explanation Letter My Last Day In The Department of Obstetrics And Gynaecology Surviving On-Night In The Gynaecology Ward As A House Officer In Sarawak General Hospital – Housemanship Diaries Surviving On-Night In The Postnatal Ward (Maternity 1 & 3) As A House Officer In Sarawak General Hospital – Housemanship…
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universalsatan · 13 days
me, insane: omg my project is so hilson coded
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genesisoxysleep · 16 days
Gynaecology & Obstetrics Centre in East Delhi
Looking for a place for women's health in East Delhi ? Check out Genesis Neurogen! We offer care for women's needs, like pregnancy and routine check-ups. Our team is kind and will make a plan just for you. We have good tools and people who know what they're doing. Your health is important to us. Call us today to make an appointment.
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Click here for more info- Gynaecology & Obstetrics Centre in East Delhi
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american-hospital22 · 1 month
🩸 Struggling with painful periods? 🩺 Get a FREE Gynaecology Consultation today! 📅 Book now and take the first step towards relief!
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mysteriouspuccy · 9 months
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. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* puppet show by xg has been on repeat omw *:・゚✧*:・゚✧.
1 month until my exams begin! (not an exclamation of excitement)
I'm actually panicking quite a bit because I have so much to study for, my exams + the block I'm currently busy with(obstetrics & gynaecology). My plan is to literally tackle them all at once lmao I don't know what else to tell you.
Today I:
♡ attended a skills tutorial where we learnt to insert a female catheter
♡ crammed some obs&gynae questions I have to know for this Friday (100 questions for 5% can you just imagine)
♡ did anaemia and cytopaenia anki cards for the 1 haematology exam I have in November
♡ looked at a bit of neurophysiology for the 2 neuroscience exams I have in November
♡ watched an episiotomy lecture/tut in preparation for a skills tutorial tomorrow on campus
More than anything, I'm hoping to stay consistent over the next few weeks instead of mass studying because of procrastination. ♡
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kmnuhospitals · 1 month
Gynaecology & Obstetrics Care | KM NU Hospitals, Ambur
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General obstetrics provides comprehensive prenatal services and delivery for mothers and babies as well as routine and special gynecology care.
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