#Oc mij
keldabekush · 4 months
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Mij and some assorted Rodians…. I know they’re reptilian but what if they were like seahorses
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amariaamaris · 2 months
It's been a hot minute, but let's get straight into it!
On the same vein as my original post about how I feel if Jedi were more unhinged the Clone Wars never would have happened...
Mace Windu doesn't know what he did to deserve being saddled with the worst possible mission in the galaxy... but this... he didn't deserve this. Yes, Master, I am being incredibly overdramatic (childish), no I don't care and I'm not going to 'meditate on it,' thank you very much! However, Mace is freshly knighted and he's been trained well enough to not show any of his pouting out in the open. From the outside perspective he looks like the perfect picture of a Jedi Knight.
He is very carefully hiding his boredom and complete disinterest with the topic of conversation. While also, deftly rebuffing the verbal advances the governor of the planet has been trying to use on him. When a slight pulse in the force pulls Mace's attention away from the governor.
Mace jumps at the opportunity the force has given him, "My apologies Governor Mendoza," completely uncaring of how rude it is to interrupt the middle of what the Governor was saying. Mace does not understand why the council keeps sending him on diplomatic missions! Mace makes sure to put the appropriate gravity into his tone. Why can't they treat him like he's Rael? "The force is bringing my attention to a disturbance. I ask that you get yourself someplace safe with your guards while I investigate."
take the bait, please take the bait!
Governor Mendoza startles, "Of course Master Jedi!" before Mace can waste his breath correcting this fool for the fiftieth time. The Governor gets quickly ushered away. Mace allows himself a heavy eyeroll as he pulls his hood over his head and melds into the crowd.
He silently and swiftly follows the forces tugging through the city square. He comes to a stop, hidden in the shadows, watching as a large group of mandalorians move around their ships. He blinks twice, how exactly did he miss this large of a presence? Reaching out into the force towards the group he gets pinged off of their presence. With a furrowed brow he considers their armor, oh beskar. That would explain the pinging off in the force, or perhaps redirection would be a better word for it.
Mace continues watching as the fully armored mandalorians move around one another. While one in a red - is that a cape?? - yes it is. A red cape - and no, the theater nerd inside Mace isn't jealous that he gets a red cape - stands off to the side of the movement as he speaks with three others. While Mace can't read them within the force, he can see the tension lining their bodies. They aren't happy about something.
Mace willingly follows the force, slipping closer in, while staying higher up within the long shadows of the hanger. As Mace settles himself in for what's bound to be a long time - maybe he should have become a shadow - the mandalorian with the red cape takes off his helmet(?). Mace really should do more research into Mandalorians.
And- oh, well hello. Mace can feel his eyes widen as he takes in the mandalorians features. A strong jaw with stubble, a nose that's been broken many times, light brown eyes with hints of glowing yellow heralding to a not so human ancestry.
Mace doesn't bother hiding the quiet "smash" that he practically breaths out. Talk about finding someone to fix your bad attitude. Mace would gladly allow this mandalorian to holdhimdownanddominatehim. Or maybe holdthemandaloriandownandbitehim.
A slight shudder runs through Mace's body and he forces himself to get out his datapad. Swiftly taking a good quality picture of the Mandalorian in the red cape. Then he moves higher up into the rafters and deeper into the shadows there. Mace quickly post the picture onto the jedi private server with SMASH as the caption and two voting buttons. Within seconds, multiple jedi start to vote, the majority of them voting smash. The comments flooding in soon after.
TheSenateKeepsKarkingUs: HOT! SenateWho?: He could hunt me any day! IveLostmyMind: DILF WhatisDiplomacy?: Is he a brat tamer? I would totally let him tame me! DeathismyBitch: I would let him step on me. KarktheSenate: Daddy! ShirtsAreOverRated: I would leave the order for him Itriedtobehappy&gotTraumatized: @ TheatreNerdMace can I tap that if you don't? UnhingedTM: I would like for him to obliterate me, please and thank you. ArmorKink: I would gladly ride that armor. SadBoiHours: Why do you always find the hot ones?
Mace slips his datapad away with laughter on his lips before someone happens to look up and see light. He slinks back down to where he was before and catches one of the other mandalorians speaking.
"--we were hired by that hut'uun Governor and now he's called a Jetii here!" Mace's eyes narrow, well then, the Governor made it quite clear that he had no hired help. This is an issue, especially since - while Mace and many other jedi would gladly get their guts rearranged by a mandalorian - there is a history of slaughtering each other. It's a big enough concern that the Jedi Council has made it very clear that no jedi is allowed in Mandalorian territory. Also, there is not a single jedi that is suicidal enough to try to have their guts rearranged in a pleasurable way by a mandalorian when there is no promise that they won't torture and outright kill them. Some of them are certainly crazy enough to toy with the idea.
"--kark are we supposed to do what we were hired for when the Governor is breaching the contract? He's already threatened to tell the jedi that we're a threat to him and his people if we try to leave!" With a strong nudge from the force Mace is moving from the shadows to the light.
He makes sure to have his hands up and fingers spread out as a peace offering. "If you have the contract that you and the Governor signed then that threat holds no water." All the mandalorians jerk in suprise and point their blasters at Mace. eh, blasters. Mace rolls his eyes from under his hood, he really needs to meditate, Val would be cackling. He makes sure not to move as he allows them to get over the fact that he startled them.
"Apologies, I am the jedi that was assigned to this particular mess." All the mandalorians stare at Mace or at least, Mace assumes they're staring at him. The only mandalorian that he can see face-to-face is the male with the red cape.
The red caped mandalorian does a hand signal Mace doesn't recognize and everyone slowly drops the blasters. They noticeably don't put them away, but they are pointing at the ground so Mace will take that as a win.
"What is your name Jetii?" Mace feels his skin tingle from how rich sounding with the slightest hint of rumble the red caped mandalorian’s voice is. Yet, he finds his attention being pulled to the emitter-sized shatterpoint that is floating just to the left of the mandalorian.
Mace suppresses a grimace as he pulls down his hood, "I am Jedi Knight Mace Windu. Governor Mendoza had sworn that he did not have any mercenaries hired." he pauses for a moment as his focus is once more pulled to the shatterpoint that seems to have grown into the size of four datapads put side-by-side. Mace mentally shakes himself and turns his attention back to the very smashable mandalorian, who now has a small frown on his face. "If you show me the contract, I can look over it and send it to the Jedi Council. There is a high likelihood they'll order me to leave and allow the governor to deal with his own foully."
Please get me off this planet, I'm missing so much of my favorite holodrama.
"You seem very willing to wash your hands of this situation jetii." The mandalorian tilts his head very slightly as he says it and Mace does not have to stop himself from cooing at how adorable it looks, he does not! Mace does put his hands into his deep sleeves as he gives the mandalorian a flat smile.
While Mace and his fellow jedi are unfortunately bound to the senate that doesn't change the fact that they will maliciously comply with their assignments. "Do you think that any jedi enjoys being forced to go to different planets to corral adults with the maturity of spoilt younglings purely to get them to be diplomatic and come to an agreement? I would have gladly never have come to this planet if it had been my choice. Yes, I am incredibly willing to leave and let this continue to be your problem. You are at least getting paid for it."
Mace hears a fair amount of the helmeted mandalorians snort loudly even as his attention is pulled back to the shatterpoint. The shatterpoint that is now three times the size it was earlier. He barely covers a grimace as he turns his attention back to the present situation.
The mandalorian's eyes narrow slightly at him as he crosses his arms. This man is definitely aware enough to notice Mace's distraction. "Lets talk jetii, I am Mand'alor Jaster Mereel, he/him and these are my verde." Mace barely has a split second to process the name and the title given when the shatterpoint bursts. It flairs bright gold as the leftovers of it slowly float away on an unfelt wind looking very similar to the glitter the younglings at the temple love to use.
The pain slams into his head at the same time, bright-hot and splintering. Mace's heartbeat is loud in his ears as a pained grunt leaves him and his legs give out. Luckily he lands on his knees as he clutches tightly at his temples. Mace barely stops himself from making a face at the feel of blood flowing from his nose. Disgusting.
Mace startles slightly when warmstrongsteadykind hands get him to his feet and usher him over to some crates. He squints, trying to tell for sure what's going on, but his eyes are incredibly blurry and his ears are ringing so loud that he can't make out anything that is being said.
He blinks in slight confusion as a different blurry face comes into his view with a scowl and a distinct medic marking on their shoulder armor. Mace grimaces as the medic shines a light into his eyes and he tries to bat the light way from his eyes. It isn't karking helping his pain. Unfortunately his hand barely makes it halfway before falling back down to his lap.
Slowly blinking as he watches the medic slightly back up and turn to speak with someone that Mace can't see because of the blurriness, he dimly remembers that he has the force-sensitive safe pain medication for this exact purpose. So, Mace, as the medic is distracted, starts to fumble at his belt line for one of the pouches where he knows the medicine is.
The medic turns back and immediately, with what Mace thinks is a curse, stops Mace's struggling. Which is rude, he's trying to do something here. The medic talks to him, but Mace just blinks at him with furrowed brows. He receives a heavy frown in return, yet the medic catches onto what he was trying to do quickly.
With efficient moves, the medic opens the pouch and pulls out his medicine. Mace's whole body feels numb. It seems like from one moment to the next the medic has somehow gotten the medicine into Mace's mouth and is coaxing him into swallowing it down. His lips are numb. The medic also swiftly cleans the blood from his face and puts some weird tool up Mace's nose to stop the bleeding.
Mace stays put and blurrily watches as the medic once again turns his head and speaks to someone else. "-give the jetii a minute. I don't understand this force osik, but the jetii should come around." Mace allows his burning blurry eyes to close and tentatively reaches out into the force. Everything is still so glittery and golden, Mace has never experienced a shatterpoint like this before. Yet, something tells him that it is an extremely positive change.
His head throbs as he continues to focus on the force, allowing for any speaking to become background noise. He feels his body still even as tingles break out everywhere. Allowing himself to float on the currents of the force and slowly release his pain into it as the medication starts working only slightly helps with the pain. He feels himself grimace as a sharp pain lances through his head. Force, he wishes Val was here.
Mace pulls the force around himself and uses it to help dull the pain quicker than the medicine is and opens his eyes. He doesn't bother hiding the wryly amused twitch of lips when he sees that multiple mandalorians have their helmets off and they're all staring at him with poorly concealed concern. How interesting, mandalorians genuinely worried for a jedi.
"Apologies, that was unpleasant." Just because they are concerned that doesn't mean Mace is inclined to give them any extra information. He almost starts laughing at the baffled anger he feels coming from them.
A deep sigh leaves Mand'alor Meerel, "Jetii, you just collapsed out of nowhere for no clear reason and your apologizing for it?" Mace folds his hands together and gives a bland smile, even as he very much so wants to jump the Mand'alor's bones.
The medic step forward, "I'm Mij, he/him. Can you explain what just happened so I can treat you instead of giving you pills that only have the dosage as instructions?" Mace pulls in a slow breath as he studies Mij, this medic reminds him of the healers back at the temple. Unfortunate.
Right as Mace opens his mouth to answer, his com starts ringing. Mace jolts slightly and gets the com out with deft fingers and answers it. The person that shows up as a blue holo is none other that Mace's fellow knight and insane friend, Val. No last name, just Val. Of which she totally doesn’t use that to her advantage.
"I knew I should have fought the council harder about you going alone! Why the hell didn't you immediately take that medication when you saw the shatterpoint?" There's an added growl to her words as her fangs flash. Mace's lips twitch as he watches Val's hologram slightly pace and her front lekku writhe in irritation.
"Peace, Val. As much as I would have liked to have had you here, you are a crechemaster. You cannot leave your charges, besides I've taken the medication and I'm using the force to supplement." A low snarling hiss leaves Val as she bares her teeth for a split second.
Val closes her eyes and brings in a slow, deep breath. "You're right." There's a slight pause as Val points her finger at him. "It doesn't mean I have to like it! I have to go, my cublings are bound to cause unmitigated chaos if they're left alone to long." She gives a mischievous grin, "I do so enjoy helping them direct their chaos at fellow jedi that need to loosen up!" with a quick wink and a waggle of Val's fingers, she hangs up the call. An amused huff leaves Mace as his lips twitch. They grew up together, so Mace isn't nearly dumb enough to believe that she's truly dropped it.
Val will without a doubt pounce him when he arrives at the temple and drag him to the healing ward.
"Shatterpoints?" Mace's hand pauses in returning his com to his belt and locks eyes with Mand'alor Mereel.
Mace can feel his shoulders slightly slump, "Yes, It is not an easy thing to explain to nonforce-sensitives. There are moments where a certain decision or action can and will rapidly change the future. Those are shatterpoints and when a decision ends that potentional future by breaking the shatterpoint... it," Mace's lips twist slightly as he tries to find the right words. "in a sense, explodes. All of this happens within the force and the echo of energy tends to give me extreme migraines."
Mij looks particularly incensed, "So, there is nothing that can be done. This is just force osik?" Mace gives Mij a bland smile and clasps his hands together.
"The medicine that you helped to give me is the only medicine that works without blocking me from the force." Medicine that barely works for the pain, but it is what it is. "If Val is with me, she can help to siphon the pain away and help my body to adjust to the change within the force quicker with less pain." Force, he wishes Val was here, at least her feral ass would get this situation taken care of quickly.
Mand'alor Mereel has an intrigued look in his eyes, "The Jetii that called you, Val. What does crechemaster mean and how is she able to help you?" Mace pulls in a deep breath, trying to decide how much he wants to say.
A near silent sigh leaves him, "Crechemasters take care of our younglings, each crechemaster has at least ten younglings to take care of. Val and two other crechemasters each have fifteen younglings under their care. Val is a natural healer, through her padawanship, she dual studied as a healer and as a crechemaster. Which is partly why she is allowed to have fifteen younglings under her care while being a newer crechemaster." Mace shifts himself slightly on the boxes, debating standing up. One look from Mij immediately makes Mace decide that he'll stay where he is for now. That is a medic that looks like he's used to having to drug people to keep them put.
Mace has been drugged enough times that he's not inclined to have this particular medic do that. The majority of those times has been Val doing it.
Mand'alor Mereel crosses his arms, "I didn't know that your order raised children communally." Mace shrugs his shoulders as he stifles a bolt of annoyance. Aggravated sex sounds amazing right about now. A slight huff escapes Mereel at Mace's non-answer, "Fine Jetii, you wanted to see the contract lek?” Mereel pulls out a data pad and starts tapping on it.
“Yes, I’ll read the contract, take a copy of it if you’ll allow me to and report to the Jedi council. They will make a decision based off of the information within the contract. There will be no need to any sort of fight to break out between myself and you and your people.” Mereel grunts in acknowledgment and hands Mace the data pad with the contract pulled up.
Mace starts skimming through the contract, seeing Mereel cross his arms in his perrifial vision. “You can take a copy jetii, in fact take a copy of both contracts,” Mace’s eyes shoot up to meet Mereel’s with a raised brow, a slight smirk comes onto Mereel’s face. “We only take a contract if it is in mando’a and basic.” Mace gives a hum in acknowledgement and goes back to skimming it. Smart, beings are less likely to kark others over if it’s in two different languages. Or more likely depending on who it is.
Mand’alor Mereel slightly flinches in shock when Mace hands the data pad back to him within five minutes. “I‘ll go contact the council and let you know what their decision is.” Mace shows the small data stick that he used to download the contract and slips it into one of his pouches. Mereel opens his mouth to say something as Mace pushes himself off of the crate and moves to leave.
“Absolutely not,” Mij is next to Mace in a second and pushing him back onto the crate. “Jetii, you just collapsed due to force osik. You’re not moving from that crate until I tell say that you can.” Mij is glaring at Mace with his arms crossed and Mace has to pull on the force more to stop the head rush from the abrupt movement.
Mace gives Mij his bitchface - as Val called it - and clasps his hands together. “With all due respect, there is nothing more you can do. The effects of the shatterpoint need to run their course. There are things that I need to take care of, things that need to be done in a different environment.” Let me leave so that I can talk osik about the governor to the council in peace.
Mace ignores the shifting of the mandalorians as he blandly watches absolute fury cross over Mij’s face. Mace can feel the fury-protection-whywon’tthisjetiilisten-i’mgoingtodrughim radiating off of Mij. Mace barely stifles a sigh, now he’s just tired. Kark this osik.
“I would appreciate if you didn’t drug me and just let me leave.” To maliciously comply or not… Mace barely stops the wicked smirk that wants to cross his face as he hears Val’s voice in his head, giving him a tip of how to really set off a medic. Perhaps, if he causes enough chaos he can just slip away like Val does. “I’m a Jedi, my health and wellbeing certainly is not your concern.” He can already hear her laughter. The barely leashed fury on Mij’s face shatters into full blown readytokill rage. You better run brother dearest, Mace can almost hear Val whisper to him. Right as Mij lunges. Exclamations escape the mandalorians nearby as Mace uses the force to augment his speed. Leaping out of the way right before Mij is on top of him. The other Mandalorians rush to grab Mij to stop him from full body tackling the already force-injured jetii.
Mace uses that distraction to his advantage and slips out of the hanger and into the crowded city square, leaving behind the shouting mandalorians. Well, this will certainly be interesting to inform the council about. Mace flips up his hood and allows himself to meld into the movement of the crowd with a wide, hidden grin on his face unable to stop the amusement bubbling up in him.
Val was right, sometimes causing unmitigated, unneeded chaos for the sake of chaos is fun.
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crispyjenkins · 8 months
dha kar'ta "crispy has lost control of their life again" celebration sneak peek
am planning on starting up a wip wednesday sort of thing (maybe next week?), which will definitely be more than star wars related stuff, but i've also just exceeded a thousand hours on skyrim in less than a year and wanted to celebrate(?) (i actually hit a thousand a few days ago, but in true fixation fashion, kept playing instead of posting anything over here lmao) so here's a dha kar'ta wip 'cause jango is fighting me a little bit but new chapter soon!! i promise!!
 “As soon as Satine is unseated, the Mandalore System’s full neutrality nullifies, unless Jango chooses to reinstate it.”
  “And he’d rather die than do that,” Bosoloc pipes up helpfully.
  “Yes, and at that point, Mandalore can choose to pursue rejoining the Republic for the first time since the Kyr’am Turr’e, because New Mandalore never officially seceded to the Senate.”
  “Which Jang’alor would also rather die than do.”
  Obi-Wan acknowledges Ezovac with a nod. “The politics of sovereign states that exist within sectors technically under control of the Republic are a disaster at best, and almost no one in the Senate is willing to deal with it long enough for a planet to get the flimsiwork through.” Melidaan is a Republic planet now, but the Young didn’t always intend it to be, and Nield couldn’t read, so Obi-Wan had done a lot of that research between battles; and being on the run from Death Watch actually afforded a considerable amount of downtime during his year on Mandalore, and, well. A big part of that Obi-Wan had thought it was all information he’d need to know if Satine asked him to stay, and Obi-Wan still hasn’t quite learned how to let someone love him unless he can be useful to them.
  Actually, it’s rather convenient that he had done all this research for Mandalore specifically, if thirteen years too early — perhaps the Force was simply preparing him for this Mandalore, not Satine’s. 
  Across the mess table, Kal groans loudly and slumps his head down. “Fine, I’ll bite, kih’Alor: what’s any of that got to do with Duchess Demagolka?”
  “Theoretically,” Obi-Wan sighs again, pushing a grumbling Dha further into his mind so he can concentrate, “Mandalore does not actually have to declare itself as anything; there are plenty of planets in the outer rim that have sovereignty without officialising it with the Republic.”
  “But, thanks to Satine, Mandalore is embroiled in Senate politics nine ways to Corellian Hells, and it’ll be even worse if she makes any headway with the beskar mines while we’re off fighting Vizsla. We simply can’t withdraw from those politics, not when Mandalore’s history is so entwined with the Republic’s, not unless we want to go full isolationist from the rest of the galaxy.” He glances at his other table-/councilmates, and is relieved to see they seem to be keeping up, if looking a bit exhausted by it; Obi-Wan shares the sentiment.
  Luckily, the mess is empty now with everyone returning to their increased post-battle duties, or Obi-Wan is sure they’d have had quite a few more complaints about the impromptu government lesson happening in the middle of the tent.
  Kal rubs his eyes, shaking himself before turning back to Obi-Wan, his frown as deep as ever, but at least he still seems willing to listen.
  “So, we can’t just go after the Senate’s pet Mandalorian without burning those bridges, unless we have proof she’s in league with a terrorist?”
  “Precisely. And technically, with Mandalore as a sovereign state, the Senate can’t do anything about the change in power, unless they plan to go to war with every Mandalorian in the galaxy, but proving she made the first move will give us significantly more support for instating Jango instead.”
  “I feel like my brains are coming out my ears,” Bosoloc whispers woodenly, staring down at the remains of the protein gruel on her tray. 
  “You don’t have ears,” Myles reminds her, chin in his hand, and she kicks him under the table. 
  “What I want to know,” Mij speaks for the first time, easily dodging one of Myles’ flailing arms, “is how you even know about the Kyr’am Turr’e, Obi-Wan.”
  Bosoloc turns away from tormenting Myles to add, “Yes, I was going to ask about that, because I have no idea what the Death Days are.”
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happy evil author day!
here are my three contributions to evil this year
[Working Title] Quinlan Wakes Up in the Past With Two Vod’e Within Reach
complete, but ends with only some questions answered
Commander Thorn/Quinlan Vos/Commander Fox
3,259 words, rated M for post Order 66 everything, and also adult themes, in that Quinlan uses his dick to save the galaxy…just not the way you think
[working title] Goran Takes Korkie to Obi
incomplete, unresolved
past satine kryze/obi-wan kenobi, pre quinlan vos/obi-wan kenobi. this snippet is gen
3, 284 words, rated G
[Working Title] jon is one of the cuy'val dar
incomplete, unresolved
Jon Antilles/Mij Gilamar. this snippet is pretty much gen
2,363 words, rated G for gay space dads haven’t gotten around to anything higher rated yet
and that’s all the evilness I’m capable of this year, I and my endless pile of wips will see you next february 15!
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figgiforever · 1 year
My first story set in Figgiverse is ready! 🎉🎉🎉
I decided to post it here because it wouldn't exist without Tumblr and my dear mutual @mandalorian-general <3 but I will upload it to my new account on Ao3 too.
This short (3 916 words) story is a sneak peek into my my AU called Figgiverse which focuses on my OC Tiggnella and her husband clone commando Fi. It's also my first try to write in English so I hope you'll like it :)
The title: Double date
Contains: some fluff, some angst, no gore or blood
It was another warm summer day in Kyrimorut. Tiggi was working in the garden. It was so hot and dry that they had to water the plants to get any vegetables and fruit this year. Their independence from outside sources of food improved since moving in here. The fields were full of golden wheat – almost ready to harvest. They had now plenty of nunas, marlello ducks and robas. The garden was full of vegetables and few kinds of berries brought here from other planets. After a few years of hard work and many mistakes they have learnt a lot and could be proud of setting up their own family farm. Somehow clones managed to become great farmers. But other residents were of great help, too. Right now Makke and Aku were assisting Tiggi in watering the garden. While her older daughter was using a watering can with a gentle manner, her youngest son was roughly splashing water from the bucket. Tiggi didn’t tell him anything because she was glad that he was helping her at all. He would rather be with his buir but Fi was helping Darman prepare roba before it will go to those chosen for the kitchen duty this week. He didn’t want his young son to accompany him during such a dirty job.
Tiggi put down a watering can and stretched her back. She missed using garden hose. The last one got broken in mysterious circumstances that involved Burk’yc and a sharp knife (rumors says Sh’ehn freaked out that it was a snake about to attack Makke). He was now with Mij on the barn’s roof. They were repairing it after the last thunderstorm. Briikase and Shukur were collecting vegetables for today’s dinner. The first one apparently enjoyed being on the kitchen duty while the other was just happy he didn’t have to do his chores with Sh’ehn and Kot. Those two were helping Levet with the animals. Tiggi looked around trying to find the last of her clone children when a piece of mud landed on her face. Aku was playing in the pool of muddy water he made between the loth carrots and marble-berries. She sighed.
“Could you stop wasting water, please?’’ she said in the nicest tone she could manage. “The plants need it to grow.”
Aku just ignored her.
“Maybe you would like to help ba’vodu Mij with the marlello ducks? I heard that one of them decided to have ducklings later than others and now ….”
“No.” he said and continued to play in the mud.
Tiggi just added two bars of soap to the already long shopping list. Their children were better in making clothes dirty than she had ever been. Without Fi she wouldn’t be able to take care of them. He seemed to find himself well in the role of the father. He was caring and helpful. Changing diapers and doing the laundry wasn’t a problem for him. It was making her happy that everything seemed to go well in their new life. Together they were able to face all the challenges. Tiggi just wished that she could spend more time just with Fi. Taking care of nine children was really time consuming and they barely had an occasion to be just with each other.
The movement at the edge of the garden caught her eye. It was Etain going somewhere with her younger child, Werda, in a baby carrier. Tiggi called her to come.
“Have you seen Baatir?” she asked when Etain managed to find the path between the carrots.
“He’s with Niner. They are hunting in the woods.” the younger woman replied. She looked much healthier than during the war. She finally gained some weight and didn’t look like a skeleton. Her skin got tanned from working in the fresh air.
“Oh, right. I’ve forgotten. Thanks.”
“Remember he’s not a child anymore, right?”
“He may be biologically twenty but for me he is still that seven-year-old-looking-fourteen frightened ad’ika I adopted…”
Etain smiled softly. “I guess it’s going to happen with all of us eventually, eh? You’ve just happened to experience it earlier… Anyway it’s easy to lose track with so many children. Maybe you need a break? One free day or at least an evening? I know you’re trying to do your best as a mother… but it’s not going to hurt to think about yourself sometimes. Soon you’re gonna develop bags under your eyes so big that they’ll fit Kandosii! Wait… Where is she?”
“With Lenne.” Tiggi’s voice tensed slightly.
“… I still can’t believe you let her take care of your baby.”
“She’s my mother. She can teach her things I can’t. Not since I’ve lost my wings…”
Two women were standing there in awkward silence for a moment.
“So… How do you sleep recently?” Etain asked to change the topic.
“The right question is: DID I sleep recently…”
“You really need to take a break.”
“And leave Fi with all our kids? I couldn’t do that.”
“Maybe you and he could take a break together?”
“And leave NINE kids with someone else?”
“Asking wouldn’t hurt. Someone might agree. You know, it’s not a bad thing to ask for help. We’re all family now. It’s been a hard time for all of us trying to find ourselves in this new reality. We all get tired. You don’t know how many times I think about how I used to spend time just with Darman… Our little dates on Coruscant… Or when you, me, Dar and Fi were just sitting and chatting like average young people who are in love... Of course, Qibbu’s Hut wasn’t the most romantic place. And the food wasn’t the best. But these memories are priceless. I wish I could relieve them... Being a parent demands to do some sacrifices but I wouldn’t change it for anything else.”
Etain affectionately kissed the top of Werda’s head. The toddler replied with a joyful giggle.
Tiggi smiled softly at them. She wished she could find herself in the role of the mother as easily as Etain did. It made her more mature and wiser compared to the young girl they met on Qiilura.
“If you’re so eager to help… Do you have any idea what to do with him?” she pointed her head at Aku playing in the mud.
Etain looked at the boy then she came closer and crouched next to him.
“What a nice paddle of mud you have here.”
Aku looked at her suspiciously.
“Can I join you?” she asked with a friendly smile.
The boy stared at her for a moment as if he was wondering if he could trust her. Eventually he accepted her and moved aside to make some space in the mud for her.
“I made it myself!” Aku said proudly.
“Wow! That’s amazing! Good job!”
Tiggi just stared at them in confusion while Etain started to play in the mud with Aku. Werda was wiggling in the carrier. She wanted to join them. One of the balls of mud that Aku had made earlier started to shake and then move slowly towards her.
“Hey! It’s mine!” Aku yelled and stopped the ball. Werda stared at him angrily.
“Why don’t you share some mud with her too?” Etain asked politely.
“Because then you will tell me to bath her!”
The young woman almost chuckled. “How about sharing the mud with the plants instead? And make them some nice fortresses to protect them from ants!”
She put some mud around the stem of a berry bush and shaped it into a little fortress. Then she added a leaf as a flag. Aku liked the idea and soon all mud was put under the nearby bushes.
“Good Job! They look amazing! And now the plants are safe.” Etain praised the boy. “Now, after you clean yourself, would you like to join Kad and ba’vode Vau? They are making wooden ships to launch on the lake later this afternoon.”
Tiggi watched in shock as Aku happily agreed and ran to the bathroom in the main building.
“How’s that possible that everyone has better relation with my own son then me?”
“Be patient and understanding. I believe you’ll find a common ground with him in the right time.”
“Yeah… Anyway. Remember what you said about relieving those romantic moments on Triple Zero? How about doing that again?”
Etain blinked in surprise. “You mean… You want the four of us…”
“…to go back to Triple Zero…?”
“No, no ,no, no, no! I meant setting up an event here on Mandalore.”
“You mean… a date? For the four of us?”
“Regular folks call it a double-date. So what do you think?”
“I would love to but… how? Where? I don’t remember any romantic places in Enceri. Unless you want to go all the way to Keldabe…”
“Not necessary. How about preparing a romantic dinner nearby home, at the lake? Let’s say tomorrow evening? You and I could do the shopping in Enceri in the morning – I have a long list of things to buy anyway – and get something special for our boys, eh?”
“Uh-huh. You’re really into this idea, I see. Okay but who will take care of the children?”
“We’ll find someone.” Tiggi said with confidence. She was already setting up everything in her head.
Next morning Tiggi and Etain took the speeder and travelled to Enceri. Nobody got suspicious because it wasn’t uncommon for the two women to go shopping together. Few people even asked to buy something for them. In the city they split to find everything faster. Few hours later they were coming back home with all stuff from the list and more…
“Woo-hoo! You’re back! Did you buy extra spicy warra nuts I asked for?” Fi was already searching through the bags.
“Hey! Maybe help us bring everything inside first!” Tiggi said with a chuckle.
“Alright, alright!” he picked up few bags.
“Wait! Not this one!” she took one package from him.
“Oh? What’s inside?” Fi got intrigued.
“It’s a surprise.”
“A surprise? I love surprises! Is it something to eat?”
Tiggi chuckled. “You’ll see later! I hope you don’t have any plans for the evening…”
“No, I don’t. Why?”
“You’ll see~”
“Tell me!”
“No! It’s a surprise!”
“I don’t want to wait!”
Darman watched them argue playfully while bringing bags inside the house. He said to his wife:
“I wonder what they are up to.”
“I have no idea.” she replied in innocent voice. “But I hope you too have a free evening.”
“Huh? Yeah, I do.”
“Great.” she stated and left him even more confused to bring her secret package to the kitchen.
Much later that day Darman found Fi walking impatiently near the closed door to the kitchen.
“Hey, have you seen Kad’ika and Wer’ika? I can’t find them.”
“Nope. Sorry, vod.” Fi tried to look through the keyhole.
Darman stared at him in curiosity.
“What’s going on, vod?”
“They locked themselves in the kitchen!”
“Our wives! They are preparing a surprise for us.”
“Oh? I’m curious what it will be…”
“Me too! Do you still have the hydraulic ram? We could use it to open the door slightly and try to sneak in…”
The door suddenly opened and Tiggi came out of the kitchen. “No need to do that. It’s ready.”
“Yay! Where is it? Can I see it now?” Fi couldn’t constrain himself. His wife chuckled.
“It’s in the basket. And no, you can’t see it until we reach our destination.”
“Which is?” he followed her closely in excitement trying to take a peek into the basket.
“The lake.” Etain explained. She was holding another basket. “We’re going to spend this evening nicely… Just the four of us.”
“Yay!” Fi yelled happily and rushed to help his wife with carrying everything.
“But what about our children? I can’t find them anywhere!” Darman worried.
Fi froze in the middle of opening the basket. Tiggi used this moment to take it back from his hands.
“Don’t worry. We’ve found babysitters.”
“For all of them? For... ELEVEN children in total??” Darman was in a shock.
“Yes, darling. No worries.” His wife assured him. “This evening we can rest, relax and spend some time only with each other.”
“Perfect!” Fi grinned and picked up Tiggi with the basket. Darman and Etain just giggled, grabbed each other hands and followed the other couple to the lake. It was going to be a pleasant evening.
After a few minutes of walking they reached the lake. No one wanted to go all the way around it to reach their spot so they took the wooden boat. It wasn’t very impressive (the clones built it themselves) but big enough to fit the four of them and two baskets. The men persisted to paddle instead of using engine attached to the backside of their vehicle. In the meantime their wives were supposed to sit on the bench and enjoy the view.
The surface of the water was shining in the rays of the setting sun. Insects with glittering wings were flying right above the lake all around them. It reminded Etain of Qiilura and how she met Darman. It still wasn’t a fully pleasant memory – she had a very tough time there. But it made her stronger and gave her the most loving and loyal husband she could ask for.
Darman was staring at his wife with adoration while paddling. For him she looked beautiful everyday, even early in the morning, but in this moment she was even more stunning. Her gaze focused far away while she watched the nature around them, apparently lost in her thoughts. Her ginger hair seemed to burn in the last rays of the sun. He felt so happy at this moment.
In the meantime Tiggi was half-heartedly arguing with Fi.
“I can’t let you do all the work while I’m just sitting here and resting.” she stated.
“You and Etain have prepared everything for this date so it’s fair enough if we pay off by taking us all to the destination.” Fi replied while admiring how pretty his wife was while trying to be frustrated at him. Her eyes were betraying her. Whenever she looked at him they were always full of love and it was making him feel like the luckiest man alive.
“Besides, I thought you like to stare at me…” He winked.
Tiggi chuckled. “Oh, I absolutely love to admire your body~” she wiggled her eyebrows. “So… I suppose I can’t make you change your mind, huh?”
“No. Unless you swap me and I’ll be able to take a peek inside the basket...”
“Absolutely not!” Tiggi pulled the basket closer to herself and they both burst out with laugher.
Soon they reached their destination and pulled the boat onto the shore. There was a small beach with soft, golden sand. Close enough to see the bastion between the trees but far enough not to be bothered by anyone.
Together they spread out the a picnic blanket. Fi gazed at Tiggi pleadingly.
“Okay, okay!” she chuckled. “You can unpack the basket now.”
Fi grinned cheerfully and attacked the basket with the shout of victory. Darman followed him closely. They laid out on the blanket all the goods they had found. Smoked roba strips, roasted nuna wings, baked sweet potatoes, four types of warra nuts, some fruit from their garden plus some exotic ones from the market. And a bottle of wine.
Their eyes were sparkling in excitement as they started eating without hesitation. Etain and Tiggi giggled. The feast begun. The men let their wives take as much food as they wanted then consumed the rest with a great delight.
When their stomachs were full the couples snuggled together and enjoyed the wine. Fortunately Etain remembered to pack the glasses.
“Mmm… This tastes much different than ne’tra gal… Where did you get it from? Keldabe?” Darman asked.
“From Xi’leen.” Tiggi replied.
The rest stared at her in a shock.
“What? I’ve got it as a present from senator Mevena, my dear friend. He said to use it for a special occasion. I managed to take it from the Jedi Temple before… you know…”
“So is this occasion special enough?” Fi tried to steer the chat away from painful memories and nuzzled his head against her.
“Surely.” she kissed his temple with affection.
“You know, I like it now. We should do it more often.” Darman stated while rubbing Etain’s arm. “I mean, I love our children but… it’s nice to have some time just for ourselves.”
Etain rested her head on his shoulder. “I absolutely agree.”
They all sat in silence. Two couples in their loving embraces enjoying the peacefulness, their company, the last rays of the sun above the trees, the beautiful nature around them, just their special moment…
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“I’m going to ask one last time… Where is Aku?” Mij had been staring with a deep frown at the group of young clones. All of them had perfectly neutral faces. One of them stepped out to the front.
“I’ll talk with them and find out… but please leave us alone for a moment.”
Mij sighed.
“Fine, Baatir. You have three minutes.”
He went to the other room where Tallisibeth was showing something on the microscope to Makke. The little girl seemed fascinated. Not too far behind them, Uthan was watching the children with a proud smirk.
“How are the ladies doing?” Mij asked his wife and stood next to her.
“Very well, my dear. Tall’ika is showing Mak’ika what’s hidden in the water from the lake. The young one is curious about everything yet very careful for her age. She is skilled to be a scientist one day.”
“I’m glad to hear that. We’re going to have another apprentice soon.” he said with a proud smile while he watched their daughter patiently teaching Makke how the microscope works.
“How about the boy?”
Mij sighed heavily.
“That bad?”
“They locked him somewhere and don’t want to tell me where.”
“Heh. I’m glad I’m taking care of the girl then.” She smirked.
“You’re not helping…”
Baatir’s head popped through the door.
“Sir, I know where he is.”
Uthan patted her husband’s shoulder. “Good luck, dear.”
Mij walked towards the door.
“It seemed easier back then on Kamino… Maybe I’m just getting too old for that.” He mumbled to himself and entered the other room. The clones stood in a perfect line. Baatir spoke for them.
“Sir, I’ll tell you where Aku is and I’ll take the blame on me...”
“No way! You can’t do that!” one of the clones opposed.
“We’ll take the blame on us as a team!” the third one said and the rest agreed.
Mij had to stop himself from sighing again.
“Fine, just please tell me where he is.”
All of them pointed at the bulletproof chest in the corner of the room. Gilamar walked over there, unlocked it and slowly opened. Aku burst out immediately, punched him in the face and sprinted towards the door. He tried slaloming between his brothers but Burk’yc managed to catch him. The boy started screaming and wiggling in his arms.
“Let him go…” Mij groaned while holding a hand to his bleeding nose. Burk’yc let his younger brother go and they all watched him storming out of the room in silence. Baatir just gave Mij a tissue.
Aku ran at full speed through the corridor, dodged Laseema and Jilka chatting and slipped into a random room. He closed the door, turned around and realized where he got himself locked. Next to now empty fireplace in an old armchair Walon Vau was sitting and knitting. Nearby Kad was playing with his toys on the floor. Werda was laying in her carrier and being closely watched by Mird. The old man didn’t even look up.
“Greetings, young one. You seem lost. Come, sit down. I bet Kad will gladly share his toys with you.”
The boys stared at each other in silence. Eventually the older one extended his hand holding one of his toy speeders.  Aku came closer, took it and started quietly playing with him. Suddenly something hit him in the back. He turned around and realized it was Werda’s teether. The little girl was grinning at him cheerfully. Mird made disappointed growl and took the teether back to her only for it to be thrown at Aku again. Mird whined in frustration and stared at its owner.
“Mird’ika, the young ones have to train their aim somehow. Besides I would be grateful if you could keep your own offspring in line…” Vau raised a thread of wool from which the tiny strill hung.
“Lord Carud, please, let it go.” he gently unattached it and put it back on the ground. The puppy whined in protest.
“Go play with your siblings.”
It looked at the other two puppies playfully fighting nearby. The last thing it wanted was to get another beating from its siblings. It walked over to Werda and curled up on her belly. She began gently petting it and soon both of them fell asleep.
Walon smirked slightly. He enjoyed the peaceful moment and continued knitting another blanket for Werda.
The sun was almost fully set. In the last of rays of the sun on the rooftop a winged woman was crouching. First wrinkles were decorating her face. The evening breeze was blowing her loose hair gently. A sharp gaze of her blue eyes was wandering across the lake to the opposite shore. She smiled softly at the view of two couples relaxing and enjoying each other company on the blanket. Some voices reached her ears and she looked down at the front yard beneath her bare feet.
It was already covered in shadow so the residents of Kyrimorut started bringing the tables and benches out to eat dinner there. She closed her eyes and breathed in a cooling evening breeze. The infant in her arms cooed.
“Shh…” she rocked it and wrapped her wings tighter around them both.
Below some children were laughing and running around. The older ones were helping adults bring the food and plates to the tables. Briikase and Shukur were arguing on which side of the plates forks should be placed.
The baby cooed again.
“Shush… Don’t worry little one, I’m here…” She smiled softly and gently stroked baby’s pouting face. “Your mamawill be back soon. Don’t worry, she didn’t abandon you. She wouldn’t…” the woman’s voice cracked. “She’s not like me…”
She gazed down again. The view of the family full of life, with lots of joyful children running around, with everyone helping each other, with their laughs and little talks… It all reminded her of her own home. The one she lost long time ago.
“Hey, Lenne!” Ruusan shouted from the ground. She was holding her little daughter in her arms. “Come down! The dinner is ready!”
Lenne smiled at the two. Not everybody in Skirata clan accepted her presence (Fi hardly ever gave her more than a disgusted look) but Ruu was always nice to her. The woman waved at the young girl in her friend’s arms. She smiled and waved back.
“I’m coming. Hold on, Kandosii.”
The moment she spread her wings the baby giggled happily. Lenne couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You surely have an allasian soul… Off we go!”
She floated down to join her… companions. She wouldn’t dare to call them family. Not yet… Maybe never.
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elendiliel · 2 years
Oya Manda
This follows on from this fic, but hopefully it can stand alone. It's also the longest piece in this AU to date (one reason it's taken so long for me to finish it), so be warned.
There are also more references to @itsstrangelypermanent's OC Nuts and @imrowanartist's Yara, made with their authors' kind permission. I recommend reading more about them (medical logs and Deference for Darkness, respectively, are good starting points).
“And you can confirm that Maul is currently in Sundari?”
“It’s not something about which one can be mistaken, if one has a shred of Force-sensitivity.” Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi conceded Jedi Knight Helli Abbasa’s point. He had a long history with the ex-Sith. “He’s holed up in the Mand’alor’s residence. My guess would be that he comes and goes via the sewer network. It’s extensive enough, and nobody in their right mind would go down there unnecessarily.” Maul was not in his right mind, if Helli were any judge. She had only sensed him from several rooms and an outer wall away, relying on passive scans so as to conceal her own presence, but was pretty sure he wasn’t playing with a full deck.
“A reasonable deduction. We’ll have to find some way to seal them off if we do stage an attack. Which, thanks to you four, is looking quite likely. Between the evidence you gathered,” meaning Helli and her new riduur Torrent, aided and abetted by Doctor Mij Gilamar, “Bo-Katan addressing the Senate as both her sister’s heir and the spokesperson for multiple factions, and Senator Amidala and her allies doing what they do best,” appealing as much to emotion as to logic, “I’d say the odds are in our favour.” (Helli wondered briefly how Padmé was still in the Senate after her Jedi husband’s dramatic announcement of their marriage – at her wedding breakfast. Maybe the news hadn’t got out yet. Helli hadn’t exactly been able to pay much attention.)
“That was a good idea of yours, allying with the other factions.” Lady Bo-Katan Kryze spoke casually, but Helli knew that was high praise, coming from the Mandalorian woman.
“Just rational.” Unity and diversity equalled the good kind of strength; every youngling knew that. It may have helped that Helli also came from a clan-based society, and a species with a long race-memory. The last rising of the clans on Alba had nearly defeated the occupying Sassenachs – could have done so, given better leadership and thus better tactics.
The three-way holographic conference soon became a logistical one, working through the details of the planned joint Mandalorian-Republic assault, especially those pertaining to the alliance’s men and woman on the inside. There was a lot to discuss. Maul was too slippery a customer for anyone to want to leave anything to chance.
It would take a little while for the Senate, Jedi and Mandalorians to get all their waterfowl in a row. Helli, Torrent and Mij made the most of that time, exploring Sundari, seeing the sights, investigating the restaurants and bars – and scouting out the territory in which they would soon be fighting. (The newlyweds also found themselves enjoying the kind of long, lazy lie-ins neither of them had ever really experienced before, counterbalanced by late but active nights.)
But it couldn’t last, of course. Five days after the conference, just as the party returned to their hotel after latemeal, a prearranged coded signal informed them that the invasion fleet was well on its way, and they had just enough time to start running the program they had been sent, which would slowly and insidiously take down Sundari’s outer defences and lock off Maul’s most likely escape route. It should by rights have been installed in the city’s security centre, but any incident there would alert Maul’s forces, and the team was already walking on eggshells after a dust-up with a few “Mauldalorians” (as Torrent’s shieldmate Spark, one of the program’s architects, called them). Helli had blurred their memories as best she could, but still didn’t want to take any chances. Instead, a variant on standard remote-desktop and virtual private network protocols fooled the relevant terminals into thinking the program had originated there – and concealed its real origin.
While it ran, the party used the time to dress for the occasion. Mij, a relatively traditional Mandalorian despite being cin vhetin, routinely wore his armour, but augmented it with his helmet, blasters and jetpack, which had been smuggled in to him by the same contact of Bo-Katan’s who had delivered Torrent’s new armour. Real beskar’gam, painted just like his plastoid suit. Every clone who fought to liberate Mandalore would be offered a place in a Mandalorian clan, and the armour to go with that status; Torrent happened to be the first to receive it.
Mij having tactfully made himself scarce, Helli helped her cyare don the more complicated beskar gear over the armourweave full-body kute and boots that went with it, as best she could while he insisted on helping her with the outer layers of her Jedi robes (the inner tunic, trousers and boots constituting her civilian attire). As ever, it didn’t take long for them to find the right rhythm. Upper body armour; outer tunic; shoulder bells, rerebraces, vambraces and gloves; tabard; cuisses and greaves; obi; jetpack, belt and holsters; tool belt, headset, vambrace and lightsabres; helmet. It was only when her beloved’s face was hidden that Hel fully realised that they were about to take part in a full-scale battle, not a skirmish, for the first time since she had admitted that she loved him. One or both of them might not come back, and the idea hurt.
Picking up on her almost-concealed disquiet (and somewhat disquieted himself), Torrent held her close, resting his forehead against hers as he had at their wedding. “Mhi solus tome,” the riduure said together, quoting the Mandalorian marriage vow, “mhi solus dar’tome, mhi me’dinui an. Ib’tuur mhi verde.” We are one together, we are one apart, we share all. Today, we are warriors.
She clung to him for just a moment longer, before they both found the strength to draw apart, just as the second signal arrived. The invasion fleet had engaged the enemy. That was the cue for Mij to run another program, hijacking the public address system to broadcast a single message on repeat, in both Basic and Mando’a. There is no cause for alarm. Please remain in your homes. You will be safe there. Normal service will be resumed shortly. Oya manda.
“I think our work here is done,” the doctor remarked. “Shall we see what’s going on outside?”
“Let’s.” Hel led the way out onto the balcony attached to Tor’s and her room. The view was spectacular – if one liked battles. Bo-Katan’s Mandalorians and jetpack-wearing clones – a mix of 104th, 212th and 501st, Hel thought, though it was hard to tell the last apart from Clan Kryze while they were all moving so fast – were fighting Maul’s loyalists in the skies above Sundari, and blaster fire lit up the streets below. Hel’s attention, though, was drawn to a knot of blue lightsabre blades a few blocks away. The two orbiting each other like stars in the most complicated system ever modelled had to be Master Kenobi’s and Anakin Skywalker’s; the pair moving in perfect unison, clearly wielded by the same person, looked to be Ahsoka Tano’s. Someone, probably Anakin, had changed their colour while she was away. And the darker blue one was Fives’, of course. Hel couldn’t see Master Koon’s single blade anywhere, but where the Wolfpack were, their alpha wouldn’t be far ahead.
Hel activated the comm in her vambrace, tuning it to Master Kenobi’s channel. (She’d use her headset once she joined the battle, but the others couldn't hear it.) “Recon team awaiting orders.”
“I’m very glad to hear it.” As expected, there was plenty of blaster fire in the background, some deflected by sabres, and the occasional explosion. “We’d like you three to join us as soon as possible. Can you see where we are from there?”
“Perfectly. ETA ten minutes.” Hel signed off and looked at Torrent and Mij. “You two take the high road; I’ll take the slightly lower road.”
“And you’ll probably be at the RV before us.” Torrent knew the song she was misquoting. “Ready when you are, general.”
Once Mij had concurred, there was no point wasting any more time. Nor did Hel give herself time to think before stepping up onto the top of the balcony railing and jumping to the roof of the building across the street, a leap that would have been impossible without the Force. She just let herself enjoy the race, sprinting, sliding, clambering across the trickier obstacles – and occasionally dodging blaster fire, which wasn’t usually a hazard back on Coruscant. The others kept up with her pretty well, despite Torrent’s being a little rusty with respect to the use of a jetpack and the odd airborne skirmish that crossed their path, but she was still the first one to reach the ground at the rendezvous point – the Peace Park, of all places.
Close to, she could see that the combatants were more spread out than she had initially thought, a mixture of Bo-Katan’s loyalists and 212th and 501st clones holding off Maul’s forces at multiple entrances to the (mercifully seemingly unharmed) park. Quite a mixture. Hel had read up on the various Mandalorian factions beforehand; she spotted Bo-Katan’s Nite Owls, Clan Kryze and Clan Wren prominent among them, the Protectors of Concord Dawn and a fair few others – Ka’ra, were those Children of the Watch? How in blazes had Bo-Katan managed that? They made Death Watch look positively liberal. Mij greeted some of the apparently independent fighters by name, including Skirata and Vau, whom Hel knew to be members of the Cuy’val Dar and trainers of the first generations of clones. Among the decent or somewhat decent ones. All of them were fighting side by side with volunteers from two of the best battalions in the Grand Army of the Republic.
(All the vode there were volunteers, Hel knew; things had changed since the last Chancellor’s fall from grace. While major military operations still needed Senate approval, the fine details were left officially to the Jedi, and unofficially to a committee composed of equal numbers of Jedi and clones, mostly but not entirely Council members and CCs. Everyone had an equal voice and an equal vote, except for Commander Cody, who had eventually been prevailed upon to accept the casting vote as well. The result was a far more democratic army, less efficient perhaps, but soon to be phased out in any case.)
“Me’vaar ti gar?,” Hel asked Kenobi without thinking, her lightsabres already arcs of turquoise and blue in the darkness, batting away incoming fire. (Not all of it from the enemy; a few allies didn’t react to her arrival in time to avoid her.) He, Anakin and their respective seconds-in-command, Cody and Captain Rex, were, predictably, in the thick of the fiercest battle along with Bo-Katan and a number of other Mandalorians and clones. On her way there, Hel had seen her own unit, Lightning Squadron, now reunited with Torrent, embedded with the Mando’ade and other vode guarding another potential entry point, and Ahsoka and Lieutenant Jesse helping to protect a third; all three groups were holding their own, and slowly gaining ground, especially with the three new additions to their number. (Mij had chosen to reinforce Ahsoka’s group.)
“The program worked perfectly, but Maul’s forces mobilised a little more quickly than we anticipated. The 104th and some of Bo-Katan’s fighters are creating a perimeter around the city centre and clearing out any opposition soldiers in the suburbs, while we make for the Mand’alor’s residence and capture Maul. And by the way, I know undercover work can be difficult, but please try not to go completely native.” Master Kenobi knew what he was talking about, Hel was well aware. He’d faked his own death for an undercover assignment, which hadn’t gone down well with Anakin.
“There are worse fates,” she shot back. “The drink here isn’t bad, and I’m getting used to the food.” Mandalorian black ale was good, in moderation, but she was finding the cuisine an acquired taste. It tended to bite back. “What’s so funny?” That was to Anakin, now smiling as at something amusing.
“Just thinking of the little mouse I used to spar with, who wouldn’t say two words she didn’t have to.” He was describing her twelve-year-old self, who would never have been so forward to a Council member. “You’ve really grown up.”
“Happens to us all.” Hel used the Force to send a grenade sailing away, imagining that she was just punching a thrown rubber ball (a standard accuracy drill for Alban children). “Well, most of us.”
“Fair point. Anyway, a few commando squads are here as well, tasked with taking down major military assets – the armoury, the security centre and so on. Delta, Omega and the Bad Batch.”
“Stars! Scorch, Darman and Wrecker on one mission? Stand by for fireworks!” Hel had worked with all three units before, and had a healthy respect for them – especially the demo men.
There wasn’t time for much more discussion. The opposition line had started to buckle under the increased pressure, and the alliance had to drive its advantage home. Which it duly did, until all the Mauldalorians were unconscious, too badly wounded to pose a threat or gone.
The other groups had met with similar success by that point and were ready to press on, but Bo-Katan wanted to be sure they wouldn’t be ambushed on the way to their goal. Hel had thought of that over the previous few days, and reeled off the details of a couple of likely opposition staging posts and the best places to set up defensive lines between them and the alliance’s quickest and safest route to their destination. She’d noted them down while pretending to be a normal tourist, without even thinking about it. She was becoming a soldier in truth as well as in name, and the thought alarmed her.
Bo-Katan didn’t argue with Hel’s advice (presumably she wasn’t as familiar with Sundari, or at least with Sundari under Maul’s rule), but designated two squads from her own men and women to do as she said. Each would be reinforced by a clone detachment, one led by Anakin and Rex, the other by Ahsoka and Jesse. Precautions taken, the motley army set off, alert for any and all surprises. It wasn’t even the right time to catch up properly with the rest of Lightning Squadron, though Hel did manage to comment on Echo’s new armour – designed to account for the injuries he had sustained at the Citadel and the legacy of his subsequent captivity, but still recognisably a 501st shell – before Bo-Katan glared at her for getting distracted. Hel gave almost as good as she got.
“I didn’t know jetiise could have mandokar,” one of Bo-Katan’s lieutenants commented in Hel’s ear. Her armour and Nite Owl helmet were painted grey and yellow, Clan Wren’s colours, and the way the woman carried herself – and fought – suggested high rank. Almost certainly the clan leader, Countess Ursa Wren. Hel remembered her from her Mandalorian intel file – a long-term ally of Bo-Katan, and a staunch supporter of Death Watch until Maul’s takeover, but married to a New Mandalorian artist named Alrich, who had taken his wife’s clan name (as Torrent had). They had a two-year-old daughter, Sabine, safe at the clan holdings on Krownest. No wonder Ursa had fought so fiercely earlier. She had a great deal to lose if the invasion failed.
“Your sample size isn’t big enough, then.” Hel acknowledged the compliment with a smile. “Given the variation within the Order, that’s not surprising.” It didn’t help that Hel was at least two standard deviations from the mean in many respects. When most people thought of Jedi, they imagined a calm, tranquil, inhumanly graceful being, remote, emotionless, a wielder of awesome powers, an artist with a laser sword. Not a creature made of fire and steel, as gifted with her fists and boots as with her sabre, who loved fiercely and recklessly but would break her own heart to do her duty, who struggled to lift a stone but could sense the cosmos around her in remarkable detail. Who climbed almost as well as a Suli high-wire walker, schemed like a Ketterdam gang leader and could probably beat a Ravkan Grisha, a Fjerdan drüskelle or a Shu khergud in single combat. Not that Hel ever wanted to test that.
That conversation, too, had to be cut short. Maul’s ground forces had apparently fallen back, but his snipers hadn’t. At least two of them opened fire on the advancing invaders; most of their shots missed completely, but Hel saw a vod from the 212th – she made a mental note to learn his name as soon as possible – fall back, clutching his wounded arm and probably cursing, blood already seeping between his fingers. Another round barrelled towards Hel’s head; recognising the sound of the snipers’ guns, she deflected it with her vambrace, not a sabre. Which was just as well. What had just ruined the paintwork on the piece of Torrent’s old armour clearly wasn’t a laser, but a lead bullet.
“Slugthrowers!,” she called out, cursing herself for not foreseeing that move. “Get to cover!”
The men and women around and behind her scattered, diving for whatever shelter they could find. Most of them made it unscathed, and most of the rest could be fixed up on the spot. Hel couldn’t let herself think about the others yet. As Master Kenobi warned the other units about the new threat (Maul would surely have other snipers around the city), she did her best to trace the incoming fire back to its origin, looking for the gunners. She wasn’t the only one – Fives and Echo were doing the same thing either side of her, as were some of the Mandalorians – but the snipers were well hidden. Getting past them was going to be tricky.
“Are you all right?” Torrent, having finished tending to the more seriously wounded, had joined the rest of the squad. Hel could picture his concerned expression behind his helmet. They had encountered slugthrowers before; she still had the scar.
“A bit bruised, but otherwise fine. The vambrace held.” The skin below it already ached, but was intact. That had only been a glancing blow, though. While the other clones’ plastoid armour might stand up to a direct hit, and the Mandalorians’ and Torrent’s beskar definitely would, the impact trauma underneath would not be pretty. And lightsabres were no use against slugthrowers. In the best-case scenario, they might slow and deflect the bullets; in the worst-case one, they would fill the air with vaporised lead. Not something anyone should be breathing.
“Thank you for the warning.” Master Koon sounded as calm as ever over the comms, despite the rifle fire in the background. More slugthrowers. “I believe we have encountered similar opposition here.”
Hel had also heard a very familiar, though faint, voice behind the Jedi Master. On a hunch, she tuned her headset to one of the Wolfpack’s internal frequencies. Sure enough, Captain Keeli was shouting at his medic partner Nuts, telling him to come down from there, di’kut, you’re crazy, all right, crazier, it’s not worth the risk… Hel smiled to herself. Nuts was almost as good a sniper as he was a medic, and had access to commando-level gear, but his real talent was for causing chaos. His name – bestowed by Keeli – didn’t just refer to his liking for warru nuts. And he usually got away with his antics, on the battlefield or off. Hel heard a single blaster-rifle stun-shot, and one of the slugthrowers fell silent.
She retuned her headset to the general channel just as Commander Wolffe reported that, “We’ve taken out one of their snipers, but don’t have a line of sight on any of the others.”
“It’s progress,” Hel reassured him. “Tell Nuts to get his shebs back down to safety sharpish. Just because you can’t see a sniper, it doesn’t mean they can’t see you.”
“Oh, Keeli’s ahead of you there.” The commander was almost laughing. “How did you know it was Nuts?”
“Who else would it be?” Without waiting for Wolffe to answer her mostly rhetorical question, Hel asked, “Crosshair, any luck your end?”
“Working on it.” The Bad Batch’s sniper sounded as calm as ever. Somehow.
“I’ll take that as a no. Sev?”
“Likewise,” was all Delta’s long gunner had to say. Neither Bo-Katan’s snipers nor Cody’s had had any luck, either. Master Kenobi was still studying the situation. “Helli, how easy is it to deflect bullets with the Force?”
“Doable, but far from trivial.” As Kenobi knew, Hel had done it herself, on an unofficial mission to Arkanis; it had taken all her focus and so much effort that she’d fallen asleep straight afterwards. “It looks like our best option, though.”
“No, it isn’t,” Spark countered. He activated his own comm. “Tech, is everything ready?”
“Technically, but I would prefer to have more time to test-”
“I know, vod, but there isn’t time. This’ll have to be the test. Switch on as soon as you can.” Time was running out, Hel knew all too well; every minute they wasted, Maul’s army could be regrouping, and Maul himself could be getting away. She realised that as far as he was concerned, locking down the sewers had been pointless. He could just cut his way in. They were gambling on his obsession with Kenobi keeping him in the city. She decided she liked those odds, but had seen better.
“Affirmative. Switching on.” Hel heard an electrical hum (as well as a worried-sounding GNK), increasing in volume, in the background of Tech’s transmission. As it stabilised, the slugthrowers stopped firing – not just the ones pinning their group in place, but others all around the city.
“It seems we have a clear run, at least to the next nasty surprise,” Bo-Katan said. “On to the palace, then. Ib’tuur jatne tuur ash’ad kyr’amur.”
“Ib’tuur jatne tuur naasade kyr’amur,” Hel almost agreed. Today is a good day for nobody to die.
“Okeyday, what have you and Tech been up to?,” she added to Spark as they moved on, blessedly and no doubt temporarily unhindered. (Crosshair, Sev and maybe Nuts had probably had something to do with that.)
“Believe it or not, you’re not the only one around here who does their homework. I read up on the last war between the Jedi and the Mandalorians, trying to figure out what sort of weapons we’d be up against. Slugthrowers were pretty popular, for obvious reasons. I know lightsabres are useless against them, but I remembered the Doctor jamming the ones on Arkanis, and I… might have overheard her telling you how to contact her. I gave her a call – she and Yaz send their congratulations, by the way – she explained the basic principles of a cordolaine signal, and from there it was just a question of roping in a few friends – Tech, Atin, Fixer, Yara from Halo, Crys from the 212th, a couple of others – and turning theory into reality. I’m afraid I had to use your clearance to requisition the parts we needed, but it’s all on Palpatine’s account – Yara managed to unfreeze enough of it. He’s a good kid, but his curiosity knows no bounds.”
“As that’s just saved I don’t know how many lives, I’m hardly about to complain. By the way, just how many all-nighters did you lot have to pull to get your contraption ready in time?”
Spark probably looked sheepish under his helmet. “One or two.” The sheepishness was short-lived. “While you’re a model of good practice.” His words dripped sarcasm.
“Fair point.” She really wasn’t, though proper all-nighters were rare for her. Her vode saw to that.
They lapsed into companionable silence, everyone alert for surprise attacks. Of which there were none, right up until their goal was in sight. One minute, all seemed clear; the next, there were Mauldalorians everywhere. If the Force hadn’t shouted a warning in Hel’s ear, and she hadn’t passed the message on, just in time, things would have been even worse. As it was, an ordered advance had suddenly become a complete and utter mêlée.
In the confined space of a city street, the fighting was not just fierce but concentrated. Hel didn’t have room to use her sabres a lot of the time, falling back on her fists, boots and knife, finding nerve clusters, major blood vessels to compress, tendons she could cut without doing any other damage (she’d learned well from Mij). Her vod’ikase flanked her in their usual formation (with Echo in his old position for the first time in months), moving as one as they cut a swathe through the press of bodies, stunning anyone in the wrong armour. (The rest of the alliance was also using stun-bolts where practical; minimal casualties had been one of the Jedi’s conditions when they agreed to help Bo-Katan.) The would-be Mand’alor and Ursa, fighting side by side, kept pace with them, as did Kenobi and Cody, complementing one another perfectly. Kar’ta’vode, Hel thought, finally able to categorise their relationship. Heart-brothers.
“We have to keep going,” Kenobi said as they reached the other side of the battle. His tone was Jedi-neutral, but Hel could sense how much it pained him to have to leave his and Anakin’s men behind. It hurt her almost as much, but she knew why even before he put the reason into words. “The sooner we capture Maul, the sooner this is all over.”
Nobody argued with that. Partly because they had to save their breath for the guards at each door that lay between them and the former Sith. Hel, as ever, tried diplomacy first when they reached the outer entrance. Her own brand, tailored to the situation. “I suppose you two would rather die than betray your Mand’alor?”
“Of course.” The guards spoke almost as one.
Hel looked briefly at Bo-Katan, who seemed to have cottoned on, and had drawn herself up to her full height, glaring regally at the guards through her visor. “Then let her in.”
“Lord Maul is our ruler,” one of the guards shot back. “And you’re all traitors.” He and his colleague drew their blasters.
“Well, it was worth a try,” Kenobi remarked when the men lay unconscious, having neither died for their false Mand’alor nor betrayed him. “But we can’t waste any more time trying that again.”
With Cody and Ursa left behind on guard, the rest of the party carried on. The Mand’alor’s residence was designed to channel any attacker making for the throne room through three sets of doors (not counting the outer pair), each of which was barred by two sentries. The first such pair put up a pretty decent fight – good enough that one of them had time to send an alert to his comrades before being stunned.
“You two had better stay here,” Hel told Torrent and Spark. “And I expect to find you in one living piece each when we’re done. Especially you.” She gave her riduur a somewhat inappropriate smile. “Preferably a good-looking piece.”
“You will, and I expect the same of you.” Torrent, ignoring protocol and an exasperated Bo-Katan, pulled her in for the quickest of hugs and keldabes. “K’oyacyi, cyar’ika.”
“K’oyacyi, ner cyare.” Aware that they were on the clock, Hel broke away and turned back to the others. The next set of guards went down about as easily as their comrades, and were replaced by Fives and Echo. And not even the ones on duty right outside the Mand’alor’s throne room could stand against two talented Jedi and a high-ranking Mandalorian. Kenobi insisted on facing his old adversary alone, at least at first, leaving the women to hold the door against any reinforcements while he confronted the young spider lounging at the centre of a web partly of another’s weaving.
It was the right call. The door had hardly shut on Maul’s whispered greeting – if one could call “Kenobi” a greeting – when Hel heard running footsteps and the clank of beskar’gam. “Incoming.”
“You block, I’ll shoot.” Bo-Katan had barely holstered her pistols since the invasion had begun.
“Fair enough.” The Mandalorian and the Jedi soon proved to be a near-deadly combination even by themselves. Nobody even got within two metres of them without being stunned or hit by a deflected laser from a comrade’s blaster, and subsequently sedated. But there had been enough counter-attackers for Hel to have grown uneasy about Master Kenobi in the time it took to subdue them.
With Bo-Katan keeping watch, she eased open the door to the throne room. As expected, the long-term opponents were duelling once again. It was an unnervingly evenly matched fight. Kenobi was more skilled, and far more focused, despite the memories that room surely held for him. (Hel was certain that Duchess Satine, the love of Kenobi’s life, had been murdered there in front of her cyare. The fierce, kind, clever, passionate woman’s presence lingered in that place even more strongly than it did around her beloved Jedi.) But Maul hadn’t just been through at least two battles and a few skirmishes, and he was fuelled by rage and the desire for revenge. It could go either way.
And neither is right, Hel realised. If Maul won, that would severely damage the invasion’s prospects of success, and rob the galaxy of a brilliant Jedi and a good man. But if Kenobi won – Hel knew enough about Mandalorian law and customs to work out how that would end. Not well. Why had nobody seen that before?
As she racked her brains for a third way, her eye fell on an object in a glass case beside the throne. Interesting… Almost as soon as she reached out to it through the Force, she knew what she had to do.
She sheathed her own sabre and held it out to Bo-Katan. “You have to be the one to defeat Maul. This is your fight; you have to finish it.”
Bo-Katan’s body language indicated utter bemusement. Hel sighed, and bit back a rather colourful Gungan curse-word. (Another unusual thing about her; she could, if she so chose, swear in more languages and dialects than most Jedi spoke.) “Look. To many Mandalorians, the one who wields the Darksabre is the Mand’alor, right? And it can only be won in combat. Whoever next defeats Maul will, to a lot of people, take his place. That should be you, as the legal ruler, and it can’t be a Jedi. That really would cause problems, and make this whole mess even worse.”
Bo-Katan still wasn’t convinced, so Hel pressed on. “Besides, Maul isn’t using the Darksabre, even though it would give him a significant advantage. He’s skilled enough to use it alongside his own blades, but he isn’t. I don’t think he can. I don’t think it’s chosen him.”
“Chosen him?” The concept didn’t make sense to the Mando’ad, but to the jetii it was suddenly obvious.
“Our sabres aren’t just weapons. In a sense, they’re alive. And the Darksabre is no different. In all the centuries people have been fighting over it, do you think anyone’s stopped to ask it what it wants?”
“And what do you think it wants?”
“I don’t have to think. It just told me. It wants an end. It was a Jedi’s weapon originally, remember, forged to protect and bring peace. It wants the killing to stop, and it wants to rest. I doubt it chose Vizla; it may have chosen Satine, but she can’t wield it now. I believe it’s chosen you – a warrior open to the idea of change.” Hel offered her own lightsabre again. “So win the blade properly, and end this.”
Bo-Katan took the weapon, slowly and carefully, weighing it in her hand, familiarising herself with the controls. “Will you be all right, if more reinforcements arrive?”
“I’ll be fine. I’m never really unarmed.” Hel drew Nahdar’s sabre and her knife. Bo-Katan was probably smiling. “You’d make a good Mandalorian.”
“That I doubt, but thank you. I can’t honestly say you’d make a good Jedi, but I think you’ll be a good Mand’alor – if you get on with what you have to do.”
Bo-Katan took the hint, darting through the still-open doors to the throne room, where the two combatants had reached a stalemate, blades locked together. Hel watched, senses alert for any ambushes from behind, as the other woman challenged the pretender to her throne, and as Maul accepted the challenge, using the Force to throw Kenobi across the room. The Jedi’s head hit the wall with a nasty-sounding thud (though, mercifully, not a crack), and he fell to the floor, totally still.
Maul was too focused on his new opponent (who, Hel absently noted, had adopted not the Soresu opening stance Kenobi favoured, but her own favourite, a textbook Niman one, which she hadn’t used that day; her sabre must be teaching its new wielder) to notice the young woman climbing along the walls to reach her ori’vod. Her medical scanner informed her that the head injury was serious, but no permanent damage had yet been done; she used the last of her bacta spray to maintain that state of affairs. There were several other wounds all over his body, but nothing that needed urgent treatment – thank goodness. She just had to wait for him to wake up.
Which he did less than a minute later, his eyes focusing first on her, then on the battle in the centre of the room. Against all odds, Bo-Katan was winning, using the weapons hidden in her armour as well as Hel’s sabre, but Maul was fighting back well. “Helli, what have you done now?”
“What I had to do. If you’d claimed the Darksabre, even unintentionally, Bo-Katan’s support would have splintered, and who knows what the Mauldalorians would do. This was the best way around that. How do you feel, by the way?”
“Like a military academy.” Hel’s heart rate spiked; was he more badly hurt than she’d thought? “Bits of me keep passing out.”
She managed to laugh at the weak joke. He was going to be all right – probably. “Well, do you think you can stop everything graduating at once? I need to monitor your condition.”
“I’ll do my best.” He contrived to sit up, leaning against the wall, to watch the duel. Bo-Katan really was doing well, using the rage Hel could sense rolling off her – she was fighting her sister’s killer, after all – without letting it control her. It must have helped that Maul was tired and injured from his fight with Kenobi, his legs sparking, a burn mark on one arm, his movements slower and jerkier than before, while Bo-Katan had had just enough time to rest and treat her wounds since the previous battle. And she had tricks up her sleeve – literally. As the Jedi watched, a grappling line from Bo-Katan’s vambrace wrapped around Maul, pinning his arms to his sides and pulling him to his metal knees. His vanquisher raised Hel’s sabre to end the fight – and his life.
“Don’t!” Hel was on her feet in a heartbeat. “Stun him with my blessing, but don’t kill him.”
“Why not?” Bo-Katan didn’t lower the blade, but she didn’t strike, either. “Because there’s still hope for him?”
“That, and my lightsabre will probably shock you if you try. It is mine, after all. And you’re wearing an awful lot of metal.” Bo-Katan accepted that, handed the weapon back to its owner and gave the grappling line a vicious tug. “Get up.”
Whatever Maul intended to say to that was cut off when Hel tied a bandage from her med-kit around his mouth. As Kenobi cuffed him, just to be on the safe side, she headed over to the Darksabre and examined its case. The locking mechanism looked pretty complicated, but there was a slight crack between the lid and one side. She inserted her sgian dubh into the crack and twisted it, popping the lid right off.
“That’s one way to do it,” Kenobi remarked. He reached into the case and withdrew the beskar lightsabre hilt, holding it out to Bo-Katan. “Yours, I believe.”
Hel wished she could see Bo-Katan’s face as she took the ancient weapon. She could guess the expression on it, though – triumph, shot through with sorrow. Her sister had died by that blade. But Bo-Katan was one large step closer to giving Satine and many others the justice they deserved.
The new Mand’alor led the way out of the palace, her captive in tow, her allies trailing behind, the soldiers they had left on guard falling into step with them along the route. When the procession emerged into the grey light before dawn and Bo-Katan ignited the Darksabre, holding it aloft for all to see, the still-ongoing battle stopped as though a spell had been cast. Every Mandalorian fell to his or her knees, followed by the clones; Anakin and Ahsoka, whose units had reinforced the main contingent, bowed low.
“Oya manda!,” Bo-Katan called. There is no direct translation of that phrase into Basic, but it expresses Mandalorian solidarity and endurance. A fitting cry for the end of a civil war.
“Oya manda!,” a host of voices, Mandalorian, clone, even Jedi, called back. Hel’s hand automatically found Torrent’s, her sunburst of a smile echoing his armour paint. They had done it. Yes, there was still a lot of work to do, but for one shining moment, they could enjoy the fact that Mandalore was truly at peace.
Mando'a glossary:
Riduur(e): spouse(s).
Cin vhetin: literally, white field; colloquially refers to adoption into a Mandalorian clan (regarded as a fresh start, a clean slate).
Beskar'gam: armour, especially Mandalorian steel armour.
Kute: undergarments of any kind (including the body glove under armour).
Ka'ra: stars; mythical council of fallen rulers.
Vod(e): brother(s), sister(s), sibling(s); often refers to clones (and honorary clones). 'Ika is an affectionate diminutive.
Me'vaar ti gar?: what's new with you? What's the situation?
Mando'ad(e): Mandalorian(s).
Jetii(se): Jedi (singular/plural).
Mandokar: "the *right stuff*, the epitome of Mando virtue - a blend of aggression, tenacity, loyalty and a lust for life" (from mandoa.org).
Di'kut: idiot (lit. without underclothes).
Shebs: rear (in any sense).
Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur: today is a good day for someone else to die. (To quote mandoa.org again, "Mando saying (because they're not daft...)"; here on Terra, this was originally a Sioux/Lacotah war cry. Not Klingon.)
K'oyacyi: literally, "stay alive"; colloquial meanings include "cheers", "hang in there" and, as here, "come back safely".
Cyar'ika: darling, sweetheart.
Ner cyare: my love. (Cyare means beloved.)
More Grishaverse references worked their way in; in the books, Grisha are people who can manipulate certain types of matter (their equivalents here are probably some sort of Force-sensitive or magick user), and druskelle and khergud are Grisha hunters - the former are "just" highly trained humans, while the latter have been artificially altered, cyborg-style.
Any and all comments are always welcome.
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Chapter Four: Toxins Pt. 1 Rating: M (death of character, trauma, mentions of gore, canon-typical violence) Word Count: 1251 Master List Here
A/N: Another small warning. This chapter and most especially chapter five are going to dive deeper into the warnings given with the rating. Please keep this in mind if you decide to read these chapters.
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“Would it be too much to ask you not to come back covered in bruises, Faovi. They are 12 year olds, yet you always come into my medical bay looking like you battled a mudhorn.” Mij Gilamar sighed as he pressed a bacta patch against Faovi’s large cut across her shoulder. “Ouch.” Faovi hissed in pain as the bacta patch was placed against her, eyebrows furrowing together. “Is it my fault? I keep telling you, those battle circles aren’t normal. I went to go find out what was wrong, but buir thinks that I’m simply being too cocky and I’m not handling myself well in battle. You and I both know the rules are supposed to be no death blows. How many clones have we lost from those two?” She hissed quietly, the 19 year old’s eyebrows furrowed together as she spoke. “You have to believe me because the statistics are there. This is proof. And what kriffed up battle circle would have one unarmed person against multiple armored opponents, Mij? Yes, it’s experience, but there is a difference between training, and slaughtering. Look at how many cadets I had to drag up here half dead.” Mij sighed, knowing she wasn’t exactly wrong. The bodies were piling up and fast. “Fine. I will speak to your buir about this. But can you please stop sticking your nose into things that are not your business, Faovi? He will have my head if you end up with another scar.” He cleaned his hands and helped to shift her armor back into place before running a hand down his face. “You’re the best, Mij. My favorite doctor. Thank you.” Faovi let out a sigh of relief and stood up, towering over the others in the room since there were no Kaminoans currently present. “You know, your father might listen to you more often if you didn’t make it a point to remind him that you consider these clones your brothers and allow them to give you the nickname of “Nightshade”, Faovi. You know how he feels about that.” Mij crossed his arms, looking up at her as he spoke
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Faovi let out a soft sigh and sealed on her helmet, the lights glinting off of her deep orange painted beskar armor. “It is something I stand firmly on. I do not agree with his views on them, but my respect, love, and trust for my father remains fully intact. I’ll see you later, Mij.” Faovi waved goodbye, exiting the medbay without the knowledge this would be the last time she would speak to him for quite some time. Months had passed, and war was on the horizon now. Faovi sat in the room, muttering curses beneath her breath as she was forced to scrub her armor clean of its paint. “If you didn’t want to have to do this, you shouldn’t have agreed to being a part of the army, Fao’ika.” Jango crossed his arms as he looked down at Faovi scrubbing the paint away. “Besides, it is only temporary. I would be a fool to think you haven’t hidden paint somewhere in here.” Faovi rolled her eyes, but smirked a bit knowing that he spoke the truth that she had hidden a few things inside of the room. “I’m only going to paint it a brighter orange. It’ll blend in with the sand.” “And stick out in the forests.” Jango shook his head, a smirk on his face as he shot his response back to his daughter. “Faovi. Set down the helmet. Come and stand in front of me.” Faovi was caught off guard and stood up, shuffling over to stand in front of Jango. She slightly tensed as he settled a hand on her injured shoulder, having knocked it a bit during target training with some of the cadets.
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Faovi was caught off guard and stood up, shuffling over to stand in front of Jango. She slightly tensed as he settled a hand on her injured shoulder, having knocked it a bit during target training with some of the cadets. “Faovi. I want you to know what I do is because I believe it to be within your best interests and the best interests of your vod’ika. Boba is younger than you, you have to set a good example for him. He looks up to you, you’ve always watched over him and protected him when I could not. You can always trust in your family, Faovi. Do not forget that. Even when you go and make your own family. I know I taught you to always expect betrayal, and I apologize for that. I see what that has done to you. I know it will be a long process, but there are some people you can trust in the galaxy, and that includes me and your younger brother. Just… be mindful of that, Faovi.” Jango sadly squeezed her shoulder, knowing his words would probably do very little to console her when he went through with his plan. He had to remind himself that this was for the survival of both of his children. “So trust me when I say, orange does not suit you. I know you are painting it orange for a specific reason, but you look like a Coruscant neon sign when you drench your armor in that color.” Faovi laughed, her chest shaking as she did so, shaking her head. “All that emotional build up just to tell me orange isn’t my color, buir. You had me scared like you were marching to your own death. Fine, I promise I won’t soak my armor in the brightest orange paint I have. I’ll do it in the brightest pink.” She chided back sarcastically.
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“That is worse and you know it. Next thing I know, you’re going to tell me you’re going to dye your hair toxic purple. Don’t think I haven’t seen the hair kit you allegedly confiscated from some of the cadets.” Jango shook his head, crossing his arms. Faovi scoffed and placed a hand against her chest. “Buir, please. I would never. My hair is similar to yours. Getting rid of my hair would basically be erasing one of the most prevalent traits I have from you.” Jango laughed a bit and waved his hand. “Go off and do whatever you were planning on doing, Faovi. I do not know why you always insist on being the first to hold the clones when they’re being pulled out of the tubes. They’re cannon-fodder, Fao’ika.” Faovi rolled her eyes and grabbed her freshly cleaned helmet. “They’re people, buir. And as far as I am aware, my vode. I’ll be fighting alongside them, it is quite literally the least I can do for them on the field. Don’t let Boba see me in my armor without my colors. He will throw a fit.” She scoffed, but her words held no venom as she walked off before Boba returned to the room. Before she could fully leave, Jango called back out. “Faovi. I care for you. Always. You are my daughter. I know I cannot sway your mind on this war. So please do not forget that you are loved, Faovi.” He said with a completely serious tone, sealing on his helmet. The world around Faovi shifted as time caught back up to the moment she happened to find herself in, Jango’s helmet rolling through the sands of Geonosis as his body slumped down, buckling at the knees. And she could do nothing as she stood there, frozen as a statue with the sun glinting off of her barren armor. Time and war refused to stop as she stood there, unable to open her mouth to return the sentiment back to her father.
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vodika-vibes · 1 year
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Welcome to my Masterlist version 3.0~
Well, actually, it’s a masterlist of my masterlists! I apparently had too many links for one masterlist and Tumblr said “lol, no.”
Anyway! Thank you for your patience while I sorted this whole mess out, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Also! You can now give me a tip if that’s what makes you happy! But I certainly don’t expect you to do so! 
❤️❤️❤️ - Vod’ika
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Writing Prompts
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OC x Canon Characters Masterlist
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Captain Keeli x Reader Masterlist
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Other x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist currently consists of: Droidbait, Hevy, Sinker, Hound, Gregor and two of my own clone OCs
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Clan Skirata x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist is currently made of up Darman, Mereel, Ordo, Atin, Prudii, A’den, Niner, Kom’rk, and Corr Skirata
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Delta Squad x Reader Masterlist - Sev, Boss, Scorch, and Fixer
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Mandalorian x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel, and Mij Gilamar
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Alpha-17 x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Alpha-17, poly Alpha x Reader x Fordo, Maze (Alpha-26)
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501st x Reader Masterlist - currently consists of Echo, Fives, Rex, Tup, Dogma, Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase
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TBB Masterlist - consists of Hunter, Crosshair, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Howzer, and CX-2
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Commanders x Reader Masterlist - currently comprised of: Wolffe, Neyo, Thire, Fox, Thorn, Monnk, Bacara, Cody, Bly, Doom, Colt, Mayday, and Gree
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Multi-Character List
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Magic and Knights AU Masterlist - Consisting of: Wolffe, Jesse, Fox, Fives, Cody, Gregor, Hound, Tup, Boba, Howzer, Rex, Kix, Echo, Hunter, Dogma, Alpha-17, Fordo, Keeli, Bly, Neyo, and Crosshair
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Ahsoka Travels to the past AU - Part 1, Part 2
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Follower Celebration Jan-Feb 2024 - Consisting of Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Dogma, Jesse, Wolffe, Alpha-17, Tech, Wrecker, Hound, Crosshair, Sev, and Fixer
500 Followers Event: March-April 2024 - Consisting of Fives, Kix, Rex, Clone Assassin, Hunter, Crosshair, Howzer, Tech, Keeli, Ezra Bridger, Fox, Tup, Dogma, Sev, Jesse, Echo, Wrecker, Jango, Cody, Boss, Alpha-17, Fordo, Darman Skirata, Scorch, Fixer, Colt, Wilco, Atin,
650 Followers Event: May - June 2024 - Consisting of Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Fox, Tup, Wrecker, Rex, Wolffe, Sev, Jesse, Cody, Mereel Skirata, Clone OC: Misfit, Fives, Hunter, Ordo Skirata, Dogma, Prudii Skirata, Crosshair, Alpha-17, Tech
800 Followers Event: September - October 2024 - Consisting of Commander Bacara, Commander Fox
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Chapter 1 - Modern Star Wars AU - Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, and Captain Gregor are trapped on an island where the rules are a little different than what they're used to.
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bojangos · 2 years
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star wars / mandalorians / ‘the righteous’ doodle dump lmao i have been Busy but smushing bits of time to doodle here and there; description of what each image is below the cut! (and also briefly in captions of each image if you click through!)
1: Ursa Wren (doing the weird stripeys on her armor was fun, actually. also realized she doesn’t have a bes’karta???
2: Tani Gilamar for the Righteous - Mij Gilamar’s (repcomm) wife but she is very plot relevant in the fic (no spoilers)
3: Adonai Kryze in Mourning Gray (winks)
4: trying to figure out what formal wear would look like for more traditional mandos, and the solution was “something that can easily be pulled on or off of armor” hence.  big long cloak situation.  The one jaster’s wearing is inherited from like his ba’ba’buire and is like three inches too short for him (meanwhile jango’s is intentionally short so he can move around and not be ‘bogged down’, what a grumpy teenager.  custom made with fett marks though)
5: me singing “jaster’s mom has got it going on”-- anyway that’s what she looked like, featuring baby jaster and the thigh high wellies she wears for working around the farm
6: Young Bee and Baby jaster (bee ALSO had it going on as a young man apparently)
7: a kal skirata design I am not entirely happy with yet partially because he looks exactly like some of my OCs lmao.  i knew i wanted him very tanned though with a lot of sun damage (living on mandalore unshielded will do that to you)
8: Vhonte Tervho v2 complete with better, more dramatic montrals and markings
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keldabekush · 5 months
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I’m too tired to finish her here’s Mij for casual cowboy Friday
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imrowanartist · 2 years
TRTC Master Overview
The Road to Concordia is an alternate universe shared by myself, @anstarwar, @itsstrangelypermanent and @r2wedoomed, that roughly follows canon with the exception that a lot of characters who die, actually survive (because they deserved better, damn it). After Order 66 is where we diverge a bit more from canon, by having a lot of the freed clones settle on Concordia. For a rundown of events, we have made a timeline, which you can check out here!
Below is a cheat sheet for the most prominent of our OCs, with links to the ones who already have a character sheet.
Imrowanartist’s OCs:
Nova - CT-5928
Bio: Captain of Halo Company, CT bumped up to officer, part of the first ‘mutie’ batch. Batchmates with Purrgil. 
Personality: Friendly, open, but can be strict when necessary. Double dose of Dad Gene.
Partner: None. Identifies as Aroace
Kids: Tani Gilamar II, a little Pantoran girl he adopted at 1yr old. Kio, Halo’s padawan, is a pseudo son.
Keerahn ‘Kio’ Januro (Togruta)
Bio: Halo’s padawan Commander. Became a padawan two years before the war, but has a flaky master. He has a twin sister.
Personality: Needs time to warm up to people. Both overconfident and insecure. Likes pranks.
Partner: None
Kids: None
Purrgil - CT-5929
Bio: CMO of Halo Company, spent some time training under Mij Gilamar. Has formed a Medic-Trooper pair with Yara.
Personality: Grumpy, kind of a jerk really, though cares deeply. Terrible bedside manner. Gets jealous easily, often out of protectiveness. 
Partner: Nash
Kids: Jillian Gilamar Teren, his biological daughter from a fling during the war.
Yara - CT-8997
Bio: Hacked his own files so he could be assigned to Halo when he was 8yrs old. Loses his hearing at the end of the war. Medic-Trooper pair with Purrgil.
Personality: Shy at first, and quiet, but actually has a pretty sharp sense of humor. Too smart for his own good. Very geeky.
Partner: Cal Kestis
Kids: none
Omen - CT-4726 (all pronouns)
Bio: A Coruscant Guard Medic. No one really knows how he managed to pass his training and get off Kamino…
Personality: Cheerful, and just plain weird. Doesn’t know he’s Force sensitive and gets impressions of the future sometimes. Medic-Trooper pair with Moxie.
Partner: None. Identifies as Aromantic
Kids: Frog, the Tooka
Silence - (A)RC-7737
Bio: Originally trained as a commando, later re-trained as an ARC Trooper. Part of Halo Company. He is Force Sensitive but keeps that quiet.
Personality: Soft spoken, quiet, pretty serious. He often exudes a calm presence.
Partner: Hoagie
Kids: Kai, a Force sensitive twi’lek orphan they adopt at 4yrs old. Senna, a ‘failed’ Boba prototype who was kept in cryo. He is 2yrs old when they rescue him.
Karsha Januro (Togruta)
Bio: Jedi Padawan who trained as a Healer under Vokara Che. Sometimes accompanies younglings to Ilum. Twin sister of Kio.
Personality: Gentle, though strong-willed. Classy, likes things to be done well.
Partner: Fritz
Kids: Izka ‘Izzy’ Januro
Fixit - ARC-1257
Bio: Originally an ARC for Halo Company, but got transferred to the Coruscant Guard. Works mostly spec ops under Thire.
Personality: Kind, funny and a bit nerdy. Can have razor focus on a task, but also likes to joke around and flirt with people.
Partner: Renay Eli
Kids: Saradii Eli, his daughter with Renay
Other OCs:
Jinn, a Halo Lieutenant
Storm, a Halo lieutenant
Gunner, a Halo lieutenant
Ryo, a 212th medic
Renay Eli, a human woman from Coruscant
Tordann Woves, Nova’s climbing buddy
Jill Gilamar, Purrgil’s daughter
Tani Gilamar, Nova’s daughter
Kai Vennex (shared with Anstarwar), Hoagie and Si’s child (nonbinary)
Senna Vennex (Shared with Anstarwar) Hoagie and Si’s son.
Saradii Eli, Fixit and Renay’s daughter
Grisly, Yara’s batchmate
Anstarwar’s OCs:
Poke - CT-8585 (they/them)
Bio: A Coruscant Guard Medic and Geonosis veteran, who often travels along with Thorn on diplomatic missions. 
Personality: Friendly, outgoing and a bleeding heart. Bit of a ho after they first arrive at the CG. Medic-Trooper pair with Arrow.
Partner: Carrion
Kids: Twins Leo and Stone (jr.), adopted around 10 BBY
Hoagie - CT-2455
Bio: 501st Medic, part of Griffin squad and best friend of Twitch. 
Personality: Grumpy, doesn’t get along well with most. He cares deeply for his patients and close friends however. Medic-Trooper pair with Twitch
Partner: Silence
Kids: Kai, a Force sensitive twi’lek orphan they adopt at 4yrs old. Senna, a ‘failed’ Boba prototype who was kept in cryo.
Twitch - CT-5445
Bio: 501st trooper part of Griffin squad who later becomes an ARC. Best friends with Shay and Hoagie. Medic-Trooper pair with Hoagie.
Personality: Exuberant, generally happy and positive. Definitely has ADHD.
Partner: Shay Vennex
Kids: Quills Vennex, their adopted human/Mikkian daughter
Shay Vennex (Zabrak)
Bio: Born a nightsister, but sold to a pirate clan at a young age. Becomes a bounty hunter after her escape. Force sensitive.
Personality: Kind, suffers no fools. Wary of unknown people, but friendly and outgoing with those she does know.
Partner: Twitch
Kids: Quills Vennex, their adopted human/Mikkian daughter
Moxie - CT-5678
Bio: A Coruscant Guard ARF trooper, who is part of Hound’s squad. Medic-Trooper pair with Omen. 
Personality: Cheery to a fault, very laidback and friendly.
Partner: Scorch
Kids: Waffles the Massiff
Reaper - (CT-22-666)
Bio: Part of the 41st Elite battalion and Bantha squad. Prefers to use a vibro-pickaxe and has the nickname ‘Reaper the Lunatic’
Personality: Acts first, thinks later, though he has a squishy heart
Partner: Gears
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Del and Bitsy
Gears - RC-2025, demoted to CT-2025
Bio: A deck tech mechanic for the 41st elite. Was supposed to be a Commando, but got demoted to CT because he was too soft. Force Sensitive.
Personality: Quiet and observant, sensitive to sound. Initially has severe self esteem issues.
Partner: Reaper
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Del and Bitsy
Other OCs:
Nyx, part of Howzer’s battalion
Sergeant Fallon, Griffin Squad’s Sergeant 
Rev, Griffin Squad’s sniper
Arrow, Coruscant Guard Shock Trooper, promoted to 41st Elite’s ARC
Chell, nickname ‘Doc,’ a Miralian Jedi Padawan
Chi Tanne, a togruta Jedi
Kai Vennex (shared with Imrowanartist), Hoagie and Si’s child
Senna Vennex (Shared with Imrowanartist) Hoagie and Si’s son.
Leo Jr. and Stone (shared with Itsstrangelypermanent), Poke and Car’s adopted twins 
Waffles the Massiff
Quills Vennex, adopted daughter of Twitch and Shay
Ari and Ori, twins part of Bantha squad
Jynx, part of Bantha Squad
Master Rin, Cathar Jedi Master, padawans include Chi Tanne and later Chell
Hobbs, Weequay bounty hunter, mentor to Shay
Itsstrangelypermanent’s OCs:
Nuts - CT-42-3942
Bio: A medic pulled from Kamino too early due to a shortage. Bounced around several battalions until ending up with the 104th. Medic-Trooper pair with Keeli
Personality: Initially quiet and withdrawn due to trauma, he’s actually a pretty excitable and happy person. 
Partner: Keeli
Kids: Pseudo adopts Wedge Antilles after the war
Carrion - CC-1397
Bio: CMO of the Coruscant Guard.. Geonosis veteran, who badly injured his knee which never healed right. Trained under Mij Gilamar. Medic-Trooper pair with Stone
Personality: Gruff and no-nonsense, though he has a soft spot for his junior medics. Terrible at self-care.
Partner: Poke
Kids:Twins Leo and Stone (jr.), adopted around 10 BBY
Nash - Alpha-23
Bio: Originally deployed with the 649th which was destroyed. Sent back to Kamino afterward, to help train new troops.
Personality: Infinite patience and is immune to bullshit. Sharp sense of humor, often in a gruff way.
Partner: Purrgil
Kids: Has adopted Jill as his own daughter
Fritz - CT-4641
Bio: A young trooper, deployed with the 212th only towards the end of the war. He accompanies Karsha on a mission to Ilum when O66 hits. Goes blind later on.
Personality: Calm, collected. Sometimes comes across as shy. 
Partner: Karsha Januro
Kids: Izka ‘Izzy’ Januro
Del - CT-0213
Bio: 41st battalion medic and Geonosis veteran. Reconditioned multiple times because he was too soft. Medic-Trooper pair with Bitsy
Personality: Quiet, shy and generally a bit nervous. Has severe anxiety due to his reconditionings
Partner: Bitsy
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Gears and Reaper
Bitsy - CT-8293
Bio: Geonosis veteran and part of the 41st and Bantha squad. Big guy.
Personality: Straight forward and no-nonsense. Has an innate sense to protect.
Partner: Del
Kids: Axe Woves is their semi adopted son, shared with Gears and Reaper
Other OCs:
Grim, CMO of the 104th
Happ, 501st, medic-trooper pair with Coric
Pait, Coruscant Guard Medic
Inky, Coruscant Guard trooper
Sticks, Coruscant Guard Medic
Ludo, Coruscant Guard medic
Leo Jr. and Stone (shared with Anstarwar), Poke and Car’s adopted twins
r2wedoomed’s OCs:
Sill - CT-9878
Bio: Captain in the 188th battalion of Kit Fisto, promoted by Monnk in the beginning of the war, Quip is his batchmate.
Personality: Determined to do what is best for his men, protective but capable of letting go if needed. Can 100% solve a strategic problem, but will also hit himself in the face while opening a jar
Partner: Aurey
Kids: Mouse, semi adopted during the war, officially adopter after
Aurey - CT-8489
Bio: ARC trooper in the 188th, had one disastrous mission where he lost his ARC partner Ghost. After that he got paired with Vaughn and was assigned to Sill’s company.
Personality: generous and practical, laughs easily, thinks before acting and is not prone to anger except in the mornings.
Partner: Sill
Kids: Mouse, semi adopted during the war, officially adopter after
Quip - CT-9880
Bio: CMO of the 188th, followed the medic track on Kamino together with Lilo, but did everything in his power to get assigned to Sill’s battalion. Medic-Trooper pair with Paulie.
Personality: methodical; shows his affection by taking care of you (aggressively), he loves fiercely, but struggles to tell people so.
Partner: Marku Matrhy
Kids: None
Ty - CT-0990
Bio: Lieutenant in the Coruscant Guard. Often works with Fixit. Bounced around a lot of battalions but lost all his friends and close brothers on Geonosis
Personality: a kind soul, but subconsciously reluctant to make deep connections with people as he fears to lose them; great actor, loves to tell stories, great with kids, loathes silence, listens to funky music
Partner: Lilo
Kids: None
Lilo - CT-2345 (they/them)
Bio: Coruscant Guard Medic, assigned to CG immediately after Geonosis, lost their batchmate Leaf on Geonosis and therefore has a leaf tattooed on their cheek.
Personality: down to earth, emotionally stable, loves their job, level-headed; not an unreasonable medic, willing to engage in a discussion, but will need a convincing reason to change their mind about letting you leave the medbay or not
Partner: Ty
Kids: None
Marku Matrhy (Pantoran)
Bio: Used to be a history teacher on a Pantoran colony until the Empire decided that his teachings were too critical. He fled before they could arrest him, forcing him to leave his ancestral home behind. He drifted around the galaxy for a bit until he met Quip four years after O66.
Personality: incredibly warm person, very patient, great storyteller; will absolutely call you out on your bullshit. Loves baking, long walks in the snow and those kind of old history books that make you afraid you break the page when you turn it.
Partner: Quip
Kids: None
Other OCs:
Mouse, Sill and Aurey’s foundling
Gus, 188th Lieutenant
Pepper, 188th sergeant
Day, 188th Captain
Pip, 188th trooper
Gwyn, 188th trooper
Paulie, 188th sergeant
Spectre, ARC trooper in 188th
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amariaamaris · 4 months
Of Spite and Planned Assassinations (Ch. 2)
Here is a teaser of Chapter 2: Of Weighty Decisions and Identical, Unexpected Visitors. The full chapter is up on AO3, I'm going to try and get the link to work, but so far it has been a pain in my ass.
He takes a deep breath and opens his eyes, “Mij,” his voice is low, soft, and slightly brittle, “I’m well aware that we all owe him a debt we could never hope to repay. Can’t you tell that he’s given in? He’s done Mij, you and I have both seen what it’s like when a warrior gives into death. The Jetii has stopped fighting, you know that I would give you the go ahead to do whatever you need to do to save his life… but he’s done. Would it not be a mercy to let him slip away?” Mij is still, but his lips twist even as regret and understanding enters his eyes and his shoulders slump ever so slightly.
“Mand‘alor! K’olar!” Jaster pauses for a split second and his eyes flit from Mij to the jetii, then he turns and slips on his buy’ce as he leaves. Jaster very nearly trips on his own feet in shock when he sees eight verde - one has a kama - in what looks like eyayah beskar’gam painted purple. No, not purple, a deep vibrant violet like be’jetii jetii’kad.
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thesmollestnerd · 1 year
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Star Wars Clone OC || Alpha-69 “Feral” [They/He]
Legion: N/A 327th Star Corps (General Aayla Secura) Rank: Commander Position: Director of Clone Combat Personnel Station: GAR HQ, Coruscant
"Alpha-69″ was one of the original 100 of Alpha ARC trooper class. His specialization came early on in his training when his interests pulled towards medical specialty, with focus on field-triage. The began to study medicine extensively under Mij Gilamar. Towards the end of their training they received the name “Feral” but neither Feral nor any others present will comment on the origin of the name.
Feral was assigned to the 327th Star Corps under Aayla Secura. They Flourished as the CMO until the unfortunate fall of *The Liberty*, permanently injuring them. 
Additional Notes:
Polite Twunk
Always Tired™
Shockingly good Karaoke voice despite most of the vode being unable to carry a tune.
Don’t touch the Med-Kit.
Cleanest armor in the corps. Not shiney just...practical regarding bloodborne pathogen transfer.
Similar vein: [Medical] Gloves on [Uniform] Gloves in the field.
Has been working on an add-on to his gauntlets that will live-print fresh medical gloves instantly. 
Tinted HUD glasses with medical display. (yellow for normal use, dark grey for high-light situations).
All of their innovations come from wanting to save himself extra work.
Regular holo-meetings with the entire medical designation for support-group and innovation nerd time. 
High-performing stoner marcan aficionado
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orangefemke · 2 years
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Finished the lineart for mij oc of twisted wonderland, Yuuka
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czigonas · 2 years
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In anticipation of finally posting This Abjured Land of Bliss, I finished the rough colours for another of my mandalorian OCs. (Zabrak tattoos are hard...)
This is Kuuran Dyre, Clan Dyre, House Ordo. Her given name means "Silent Guard". I'll put the lines and her appearances to date under a cut.
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I think she's so far my favourite of the three OCs I made for TALoB, though Cazne is a pretty close second.
In This Abjured Land of Bliss, she serves as Jaster's second post-Korda VI (post-Montross, really). In It's Coming Home she is a Haat'ade survivor who, along with Mij, found Jango post-Kohlma and helped get him back on his feet. In There Are Frontiers, They Are Endless (whose first chapter will go up tomorrow, though Kuuran won't be there until chapter 2), she's the head of Clan Dyre, accepting a gift from and giving advice to an Obi-wan who might be getting in a little over his head.
Someday I'll sit down and make a Dyre Aliik, but today was not that day, so she gets bare spaulders.
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postsofbabel · 4 months
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