#Oc: beepie
ella-the-fella · 4 months
more trylax stuff
Warning: some characters may be spoopy.
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There will be more infecteds and scientists heheh.
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aibouart · 3 months
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doodle of my oc beepy from a while back
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lobotomize-d · 5 months
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Hello everypony I have been very very tired today *takes a step and falls flat on my face*
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This is Proncess Beepis, my durge character that’s truly fucked up. They’re non-binary, and neutrally evil. She’s a monk and likes to throw Intellect Devourer corpses at his enemies.
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Hidden Mentality
"Hiya, Pomni!"
Pomni was startled by this sudden voice before realizing it's Jax. She groaned loudly.
"What do you want, Jax?"
Jax closed his eyes and had a smug expression on his face.
"I just put a centipede in Dollface's room."
"Jax! That's literally her only fear!" Pomni said.
Jax laughed.
"Yeah, that's the point. I predict she'll be screaming in three, two, one."
As Jax predicted, Ragatha screamed and sprinted out of her room. Jax laughed.
"Oh, what's the matter, Dollface? Scared of centipedes?"
"Shut up, Jax!" Ragatha hissed.
Pomni felt something was off. Jax never, ever looked anyone in the eye, and when he did, he still never noticed them until they said something.
That's odd. I'll have to ask him about that once Ragatha isn't trying to rip his stomach open.
She felt a sensation in her body. She really couldn't sit still or keep quiet any longer. Damn ADHD!
"I'm gonna go to my room!"
Before Jax or Ragatha could reply, Pomni was already gone. She locked her door behind her and she grabbed a fidget toy off the floor to stimulate herself.
Oh, it's getting so much harder to hide this! I don't know how much longer I can!
She heard a knock on her door.
"Kid, you good?"
It was Jax. He must've been questioning why she ran off. She got her s#&% together and opened the door. As always, he didn't look her in the eye. She always hated it when he called her kid, as she's older than he is.
"Why'd you run off like that? You've been doing that ever since you came here."
Pomni shrugged. She really didn't have an excuse for that. Jax sighed.
"The silent treatment, I see. Whatever, I'll leave you alone, kid."
He walked away, closing the door behind him. Pomni could see that he definitely had a look of suspicion on his face.
Oh, damn it! He's getting suspicious!
Pomni laid down on her bed, and she sighed.
How much longer can I even hide this? I don't think I can. No, I have to. I can't let anyone find out.
Her disorder made her completely restless. She absolutely couldn't sit still.
Well, I'm not getting any sleep tonight...
Sorry it's so short, I lost motivation. I DID post this on Wattpad, but I'll post it on Tumblr too.
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beepyscircus · 4 months
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Cultist oc for a friend’s server, had fun making him, he’s silly
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drawingshipchildren · 2 months
Here's a new idea that came out of thin air
Beepie x Doodle?
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I have no clue where that ship came from, but here is the wholesome boi!
He has removable parts like Beepie, but he isn't as matchy as she is.
He doesn't like painting portraits at all, only abstract art, landscapes, or really anything but portraits.
His tongue doesn't actually have paint on it, that's just how he was born.
The paintbrush tip on his tail is removable.
The butterfly on his nose is his imaginary friend.
He can't decide which parent he loves more. Beepie is sweet and gentle with an anger issue, while DoOdLe loves painting. He loves them equally!
He can only say names, 'paint,' numbers, and 'butterfly,' the rest is just beep noises. However, both Beepie and DoOdLe can understand him.
I will allow @spookykittyzzz to name him because my mind is blank rn. (Spookz, don't worry about DoOdLe going insane, Beepie will too. She already has Cadence and Kara- 💀)
Also, where tf did that ship even come from? Beepie and DoOdLe don't exist in the same universe and they have their own families. (Their age gap is also a bit weird since DoOdLe is 23 (I think) and Beepie is 29, but I'll allow it as long as Spooky allows it since they're consenting adults)
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linzobean · 11 months
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hehehehe my lil boy beepy :3
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lunathegalacticwolf · 2 months
Here's some more goofy ahh incorrect quotes (contains RedPaint and KittyClown)
Bro, DoOdLe is so DONE with those two- ⬇
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And that's how they killed Kaufmo. He died that day. ⬇
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This is canon. You can't convince me otherwise. ⬇
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Dammit, Kaufmo! ⬇
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This is exactly why you can't let KittyClown or RedPaint play monopoly. ⬇
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Cathin and DoOdLe belong to their perspective owners
Kaufmo belongs to Gooseworx
Beepie belongs to me
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abstracttwinsau · 3 months
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Here we have some KittyClown angst because I said so. Also, they have another ship name suggested by @spookykittyzzz. It's SqueakyJokes.
Sorry that Abstracted Kaufmo looks like shit, I suck at drawing abstractions
Yes, Beepie's puzzle pieces, paw, elbow pieces, shoulder piece, mouth, whiskers, nose, and eyes are removable and her tears are pink and yes, Kaufmo DOES cry when he's abstracted and his tears are glitchy.
And yes, I did write an entire poem. If it's hard to read, I'll recite it here.
Oh Kaufmo, you're my love
Why must we be apart?
I know you lost it and abstracted
But you still have a heart
For now, I'll keep the girls with me
I wish you could be here too
I promise we'll be together again
And I will always love you
I wish Caine could understand
That you're not the monster you seem to be
All you did was lose your mind
The circus killed your sanity
All I can do is promise you
That someday, we'll escape this hell
With you, me, our friends, the abstractions
And our two little girls as well
Cadence and Kara are much too young
To understand the dangers of Caine
If either of them get locked with you
My sanity could never remain
They'll be locked in my room in secret
I'll have to keep them hidden away
Until the day I can finally say
From the circus, we'll be able to escape
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HEY YALL! i redid my commission sheet!
Example work is all over my blog or I'd be happy to send some in dms
In the future I'm planning to open custom character commissions (as well as NSFW comms... Eventually 🫣)
if you've commissioned me feel free to leave a review of my work in the inbox and I'll post it on my pinned!
pay is through cashapp or chime!
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eepiebeepy · 8 months
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bnnuy page (with close ups :))
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blu in the lps style because silly
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this one is my fave i think :) does this at u
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a few expressions and beanless behaviour (bunnies do not have beans!)
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what if alien
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halloween costume (imagine them smeared with blue hair chalk)
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iaminsideyourwalls · 11 months
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Lilly Pilly, created by @beepiesheepie and I, has officially been entered into @tf2shipswag's OC Tourney.
species: long haired grey tabby cat sex: female age: ? it has 4 digits full name: Lilly Pilly Bo Billy Banana Fanna Fo Filly Fee Fi Mo Milly
Sniper TF2's ancient fucking childhood cat. She's filled with hatred, on the cusp of death, blind, deaf, half paralyzed, and still kicking. Said to be owned by a young merasmus back in the day, she resists the call of the grave until she can witness Sniper fucking die.
Why vote for her? Because it would be the funniest thing in the world if a cat won the tourney. Also, Beepie will eat a raw egg live on air.
This propaganda art is inked by me and colored by Beepie. @beepartcollection
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A Near Disaster
Pomni barely got any sleep the previous night.
Ugh, I shouldn't have played with that fidget toy.
She rolled out of bed and picked up a fidget toy off the floor. She always hated organizing her stuff, so she'd just leave it on the floor. Her hair was a mess. She put the fidget toy in her pocket and staggered down the hallway.
"Hey, kid. Didn't get much sleep, did you?"
It was Jax in his usual mocking tone. Pomni facepalms.
"What do you want, Jax?"
Jax had a smug expression on his face.
"Kinda rude, Pomni. I was just saying hi."
"Hello, residents of the digital circus!"
Pomni winced. Caine was always really obnoxious. She was tired and she didn't feel like putting up with anything today.
"Caine, can you... tone it down? You're a bit loud."
"Nonsense! I'm not loud!" Caine exclaimed.
Jax groaned, annoyed. Pomni could've sworn she heard him say something under his breath.
"I'm blind, hut I wish I was deaf right now."
No, she must be hearing things. Jax isn't blind. He can see... right?
"Well, come on now, you're just in time for our digital adventure!"
Doof, who had heard everything, came out of her room.
"Shut up, Caine!"
Her tone came off sharp, surprising both Pomni and Caine. Even Jax was a bit surprised. Doof was kind of grumpy, but she was never usually the type to get angry enough to yell.
"Woah, a bit aggressive there, huh, sis?"
"Shut up, Jax."
"Whatever, Doofy."
"I told you to stop calling me that!"
"I don't care."
Doof looked like she was ready to tear Jax apart.
Pomni was watching Jax. Once again, his pupils didn't seem to focus on what he was 'looking' at.
"Jax, can I speak to you?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, whatever."
He put his hand underneath Doof's chin.
"See ya later, sis."
"Don't put your hand there. It makes us look like a couple."
"Yeah, so?"
"We're siblings!"
"So? It's not like we're actually dating or anything. Not to be dramatic, but I'd literally rather die than date my sister."
He finally left Doof alone and followed Pomni.
"So, what'd you want to talk about?"
Pomni sighed. How should she go about this? Should she just be blunt about it?
"Jax, this might sound a little bit random, but your pupils never focus on whatever you're looking at."
"Yeah, because I can't look at anything."
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm blind. I can't see anything. That's why my pupils don't focus."
Pomni was completely taken off-guard. If Jax was blind, how come she's the only one he told? Why was he acting so casually about it? That's impossible, isn't it? Wait, now that she looked closer at Jax's eyes, she noticed his pupils were kind of foggy, almost gray instead of black. As if reading her mind, Jax answered those questions.
"I know you have ADHD. I may not be able to see, but I can still hear. I keep hearing you either talking about it or playing with fidget toys. I mean, I know I'm not really a rabbit, just a human inside of a video game, but rabbit ears are pretty sensitive."
Pomni's heart sank. Jax is the type of person to tell everyone someone else's secrets.
"I won't say anything about it, kid. I hide my blindness from everyone, so I can see why you hide your ADHD, no pun intended. It'll be our little secret."
Pomni was taken aback. Of all people, Jax was the one she could trust?
"What do you say, kid?"
"Alright, it's our little secret. Thanks, Jax."
"Well, we better get back before everyone gets suspicious."
"Good idea."
As they headed back, Doof glared at them.
"Where were you? You missed most of the digital adventure."
"Eh, not my fault, sis."
Doof groaned, annoyed.
The entire adventure was disorienting for Pomni. She was absolutely exhausted, but oddly enough, still restless. This caused a spark of suspicion from Zooble, who was next to her at the moment.
"Pomni, what's with the restlessness? You're always like this."
Pomni couldn't think of what to say. Out of panic, she took out her phone and flashed the light at Zooble, which made her really twitchy.
"Hey, don't do that! What the hell's wrong with you?!"
Gangle was quick to step in front of Zooble to prevent the lights from flashing in her eyes. This was really unusual. Gangle usually had some loud outbursts, but she was never the type to yell.
"You almost gave her a seizure!"
"Hold on, she gets seizures?"
"Yeah, she's epileptic! Only I know about it!"
Pomni froze with shock. She had no idea Zooble was epileptic. Were flashing lights that big of a threat to her?
"Zooble, Gangle, I'm so sorry."
"I'm sorry too," Gangle said. "I should've never shouted at you like that. I don't know what I was thinking."
Zooble sighed.
"No, no, it's okay. You couldn't hear your own voice."
Pomni was a bit confused. What did Zooble mean by that? Why wouldn't Gangle be able to hear her own voice?
Any guesses as to why Gangle can't hear her own voice? I also posted THIS on Wattpad, but I decided to put it on Tumblr too.
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beepyscircus · 8 months
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Little guy for a species my friends made bc they wanted an objecthead variant
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Also extra doodle of a character I got through them hanging out with mine for sillies
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happy pride :)
below the line is an introduction to everyone in this !!
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@queensqueercourt's intern (they/them) and cyberspace's lee (she/her) and L (she/her)!
intern is lesbian and agender! the agender flag does not show up at all but the intent was in the jacket and ascot :) they are just totally unpaid but at least they got a cool taser out of it!
lee and L are zurks from the game stray! lee is the one on top, L is the one on bottom. they are both lesbians (lesbeans), and L is trans! mind your fingers (and your cats) around them :)
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@beepartcollection's janitor (he/they) and @sicc-nasti's courier (he/him)!
janitor is trans and bi! just the janitor, he is not tied to one team or another, but rather jumps between teams depending on who needs his services most. his name is jay :)
courier is a bi disaster (and if there is a designated flag out there let me know! for science.) hes the red courier and commits federal crimes (reads your mail)! his name is brodie :)
jay and brodie are dating! their creators would never be mean to them ever. they would never.
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@blu-cheavy (he/it/mer/merc), @inputs-chaos's target (he/they), and @sickknifetrick's butcher (he/him)!
cheavy's trans and also not a tf2 oc! literally just the guy himself. mers shirt slogan (live, laugh, lie to cops) is from beepie actually, people seem to really like it, i am so sorry that i cannot make it real.
target is aromantic, asexual, and trans! his name is actually short for target practice, where he gets killed a whole bunch by the team for sport but he comes back :) and then he dies again :( but he
butcher is gay! he handles food preparation in the team and he has never eaten or served human flesh in his life. he is the red butcher and a certified dad of his team!
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