#Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute
life-on-our-planet · 1 year
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At 2994 meters on a never-before-surveyed seamount north of Johnston Atoll, the team made a thrilling discovery — the chance to examine an animal spotted for the very first time in the Pacific Ocean! The sea pen, a colonial cnidarian, had a single large feeding polyp with pinnate (barbed) tentacles stretching over 40 cm from its 2-meter-long stalk.
Solumbellula monocephalus is the only described species in the genus and until this sighting was only known to live in the North and South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Before this discovery of the colony, the animal had never been seen in the Pacific Ocean. Further review of the footage and this sample will help experts determine if this is the first Pacific S.monocephalus or potentially a new species in this ocean basin.
Enjoy some beautiful close-ups of this coral relative that astounded our team with a detailed view of its stinging feeding tentacles that capture marine snow and food particles drifting by its home on an underwater mountain sedimented saddle. Two individuals were spotted on this dive, confirming a population within the protection of the Johnston Unit of Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. This huge range expansion of Solumbellula in the Pacific Ocean reminds us how important ocean exploration efforts are to understanding this diversity of our planet!
Learn more about this expedition funded by NOAA Ocean Exploration via the Ocean Exploration Cooperative Institute
🎥video here🎥
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Mimas moon holds young ocean beneath icy shell
Hidden beneath the heavily cratered surface of Mimas, one of Saturn's smallest moons, lies a secret: a global ocean of liquid water. This astonishing discovery, led by Dr. Valéry Lainey of the Observatoire de Paris-PSL and published in the journal Nature, reveals a "young" ocean formed just 5 to 15 million years ago, making Mimas a prime target for studying the origins of life in our Solar System. 
“Mimas is a small moon, only about 400 kilometers in diameter, and its heavily cratered surface gave no hint of the hidden ocean beneath," says Dr Nick Cooper, a co-author of the study and Honorary Research Fellow in the Astronomy Unit of the School of Physical and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London. "This discovery adds Mimas to an exclusive club of moons with internal oceans, including Enceladus and Europa, but with a unique difference: its ocean is remarkably young, estimated to be only 5 to 15 million years old." 
This young age, determined through detailed analysis of Mimas's tidal interactions with Saturn, suggests the ocean formed recently, based on the discovery of an unexpected irregularity in its orbit. As a result, Mimas provides a unique window into the early stages of ocean formation and the potential for life to emerge. 
“The existence of a recently formed liquid water ocean makes Mimas a prime candidate for study, for researchers investigating the origin of life,” explains Dr Cooper. The discovery was made possible by analysing data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which meticulously studied Saturn and its moons for over a decade. By closely examining the subtle changes in Mimas's orbit, the researchers were able to infer the presence of a hidden ocean and estimate its size and depth. 
Dr Cooper continues: “This has been a great team effort, with colleagues from five different institutions and three different countries coming together under the leadership of Dr Valéry Lainey to unlock another fascinating and unexpected feature of the Saturn system, using data from the Cassini mission.” 
The discovery of Mimas's young ocean has significant implications for our understanding of the potential for life beyond Earth. It suggests that even small, seemingly inactive moons can harbor hidden oceans capable of supporting life-essential conditions. This opens up exciting new avenues for future exploration, potentially leading us closer to answering the age-old question: are we alone in the universe? 
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365-silo · 1 month
Latest Updates on Climate Change
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Recent scientific findings underscore the urgent need for action. From the retreating ice caps to extreme weather events, the indicators of a warming world are becoming increasingly hard to ignore. This urgency has catalyzed a global conversation that continues to evolve, spurred by breakthroughs in green technology, international policy debates, and a groundswell of public awareness. Drawing insights from key organizations such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this article explores the most current information on the climate crisis.
Key Takeaways
Global warming is an urgent problem, with recent data showing an acceleration in the rate at which our planet is heating up.
Major drivers of climate change include CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation.
International policies and advancements in sustainable technologies are significant in mitigating the environmental impact of climate change.
Data from the IPCC and NOAA are essential for tracking changes in global climate patterns and informing policy decisions.
Increased public awareness is essential for driving the collective action needed to address the climate crisis.
Understanding the Current State of Global Warming
As the world grapples with the escalating signs of climate change, it's vital to note the temperature rise that underscores the severity of the situation. A substantial increase in global average temperatures is driving a cascade of extreme weather events with profound implications for the planet.
The Rising Global Temperature Trends
Data from NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies presents an alarming upward trajectory in global temperatures, leading to enhanced occurrences of heatwaves and droughts. This evidence of temperature rise demonstrates the direct implications of elevated greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.
Recent Anomalies in Weather Patterns
The carbon footprint of human activity is not only heating up the planet but also contributing to erratic weather phenomena. The National Weather Service, among others, observes how hurricanes and wildfires are juxtaposed against the backdrop of a destabilizing climate, indicating a new normal in extreme weather incidents.
Long-Term Climate Predictions and Models
Climate modeling remains at the pinnacle of understanding future impacts, with projections unambiguously showing continued temperature escalation if current emission rates persist. The World Meteorological Organization, together with a network of global scientists, endeavors to sharpen these models to aid policy makers in addressing the urgent need for change.YearGlobal Average Temperature Increase (°C)Notable Weather Event20211.2Heatwave in North America20221.3Severe Flooding in South Asia20231.4Intense Cyclone Season in the Pacific
International Efforts to Combat Climate Change
The conversation around climate change is increasingly dominated by concrete actions taken on the global stage. International agreements and engagements such as the Paris Agreement and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) are not just formalities—they represent a collective commitment by nations to tackle the climate crisis head-on. These frameworks set ambitious targets for reducing global emissions with an eye towards achieving carbon neutrality.
Each year, the UN Climate Change Conference acts as a crucible for these commitments, where countries convene to negotiate, deliberate, and ultimately strengthen the resolve for collective action. Here, progress is meticulously assessed against sustainable development goals, which serve as a blueprint for a greener, more sustainable future. Underscoring this international endeavor is the spirit of global cooperation, critical for ensuring equitable climate action across various economic landscapes.
Financial backing, termed as climate finance, also plays a pivotal role, bridging the gap between developed and developing nations. This facilitation ensures that global economic disparities do not become a barrier to environmental stewardship. Moreover, a significant trend in harmonizing international trade and investment with climate goals heralds an era of innovation in renewable energy—an endeavour supported by data and reports from reputable entities like the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). These institutions offer invaluable insights into the challenges and advancements inherent in the global fight against the climate crisis.
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himtsite · 4 months
The Future of Marine Institutes: Anticipating Challenges and Opportunities in a Changing Ocean
Marine institutes play a pivotal role in understanding, conserving, and harnessing the vast potential of our oceans. As the world grapples with an evolving environmental landscape, these institutes face an array of challenges while simultaneously encountering new opportunities. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the present and future scenarios, addressing the critical aspects shaping the trajectory of marine institutes and their invaluable contributions.
Introduction: Evolution of Marine Institutes
Marine institutes have undergone a significant transformation since their inception. Initially established with a primary focus on exploring and comprehending marine ecosystems, these institutes have evolved into dynamic entities that confront multifaceted challenges impacting oceans worldwide. The evolution encompasses an expanded scope, encompassing a wider spectrum of research, conservation, and advocacy.
Current Challenges Faced by Marine Institutes
The contemporary challenges confronting marine institutes are multifaceted and complex. Climate change stands as a central concern, manifesting in altered oceanic conditions, rising sea levels, and disrupted marine habitats. Pollution stemming from diverse sources, including plastic debris, industrial runoff, and oil spills, poses severe threats to marine biodiversity. Overfishing and the consequent depletion of resources compound these challenges, demanding immediate and innovative solutions.
Technological Advancements in Marine Research
Despite the daunting challenges, technological advancements offer a ray of hope for marine research and conservation. Innovations such as remote sensing, autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs), and advanced data analytics revolutionize the study and monitoring of oceans. These cutting-edge technologies empower scientists to gain unprecedented insights into marine ecosystems, aiding in early detection of environmental changes and facilitating more efficient conservation strategies.
Opportunities for Future Marine Institutes
Amidst the challenges, numerous opportunities await marine institutes. Embracing sustainable practices, including responsible fishing methods and ecosystem-based management, stands as a viable pathway towards mitigating environmental impact. Engaging in global collaborations, sharing expertise, and fostering educational outreach initiatives can significantly contribute to addressing challenges on a larger scale. These opportunities represent potential avenues for progress and positive change in ocean conservation.
Adapting to Changing Ocean Dynamics
Adaptation to evolving ocean dynamics remains imperative for the resilience of marine institutes. Predictive modeling, coupled with advanced technologies, enables proactive measures to safeguard marine ecosystems. These strategies involve forecasting changes, identifying vulnerable areas, and implementing adaptive measures to protect and restore ocean health in the face of rapid environmental shifts.
Importance of Research and Development
Research and development (R&D) serve as cornerstones for marine institutes in their quest for sustainable solutions. Encouraging innovation, fostering interdisciplinary research, and exploring novel technologies are pivotal in addressing emerging challenges while preserving the delicate balance of sustainable utilization and conservation of marine resources.
Fostering International Partnerships
Global cooperation stands as a linchpin in addressing oceanic challenges. Collaborative efforts among countries, institutions, and organizations amplify the impact of research and conservation initiatives. Through shared resources, knowledge exchange, and joint strategies, marine institutes can magnify their contributions towards preserving and revitalizing our oceans.
Balancing Conservation and Economic Development
Striking a delicate balance between conservation efforts and economic development in marine industries is critical. Implementing sustainable practices ensures economic growth without compromising the integrity of marine ecosystems. This equilibrium can be achieved through innovative approaches, stringent regulations, and responsible business practices that prioritize environmental sustainability.
Education and Awareness Initiatives
Educating and engaging the public is fundamental in fostering a sense of responsibility towards ocean conservation. Initiatives aimed at increasing awareness, disseminating knowledge, and nurturing a sense of stewardship among individuals significantly contribute to fostering a sustainable future for our oceans.
Policy Frameworks and Governance
Governments and regulatory bodies wield significant influence in supporting marine institutes through robust policies and effective governance. Legislative frameworks that promote sustainable practices, regulate industries, and protect marine environments are vital for fostering an environment conducive to effective ocean conservation.
The Role of Public Engagement
Engaging communities in marine conservation efforts is pivotal. Empowering local communities to actively participate in conservation initiatives ensures that efforts are community-driven, sustainable, and impactful in preserving marine ecosystems for future generations.
Innovative Solutions for Marine Preservation
Embracing cutting-edge technologies and innovative methodologies is pivotal in preserving marine ecosystems. Emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), biotechnology, and renewable energy applications, hold immense promise in offering groundbreaking solutions to pressing conservation challenges.
The Future Landscape of Marine Institutes
The future of marine institutes hinges on embracing technological advancements, fostering global collaborations, and implementing sustainable practices. Envisioning the future involves anticipating advancements and breakthroughs that will shape the trajectory of oceanic research, conservation, and sustainable utilization.
Conclusion: Navigating Future Challenges
In conclusion, the future of marine institutes is intricately linked to collaborative efforts and visionary strategies. Embracing technological innovations, fostering global collaborations, and striking a balance between conservation and economic development are essential to navigate the myriad challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
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iilssnet · 7 months
Law of the Seas and Security in the Republic of Congo
The Republic of Congo is a sovereign state located in Central Africa. It is bordered by both the Atlantic Ocean and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Republic of Congo's extensive coastline is subject to a complex legal framework, including both state and international laws. In recent years, the country has experienced a number of security issues related to the seas, prompting increased international cooperation. In this article, we will explore the legal framework of the Republic of Congo's law of the seas, recent security events, and the challenges the country faces in order to ensure maritime safety and security.
Legal Framework
The Republic of Congo's law of the sea, which is established in the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), grants the country exclusive rights to its territorial waters, including the right to explore, exploit, and manage resources within its own Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The country also benefits from the EEZ's maximized width of 200 nautical miles, allowing it to use the waters for economic activities such as fishing, mineral extraction, and maritime transportation. Additionally, the Republic of Congo has the right to suspend foreign activities within its EEZ, including those of foreign vessels, if the activities are deemed to be a threat to the country's security or interests. Furthermore, the country is the beneficiary of the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), which requires all vessels to adhere to certain safety standards. This includes the installation of safety equipment, crew competency and training, and vessel maintenance. Moreover, the Republic of Congo is a signatory to the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code), which requires all vessels and ports to implement security measures to protect against potential threats.
Recent Events
In recent years, the Republic of Congo has experienced a number of security incidents related to its oceanic waters. In 2018, there was an increase in illegal fishing activity in the country's EEZ, as well as a spike in maritime piracy and armed robbery. Additionally, the country has experienced a number of maritime accidents in its waters, resulting in loss of life and damage to property. This has led to a decrease in security and safety, as well as a decrease in economic activity in the country's seas. Furthermore, the Republic of Congo has also experienced a number of environmental disasters in its territorial waters. In 2017, a major oil spill occurred in the country's EEZ, resulting in significant damage to the environment and wildlife. Additionally, illegal disposal of waste and pollution has been a major problem, leading to the destruction of marine habitats and species.
Challenges Facing Congo
The Republic of Congo is faced with a number of challenges in its efforts to ensure maritime safety and security. The first challenge is the lack of resources and infrastructure to adequately monitor and patrol its territorial waters. This has resulted in ineffective enforcement of the country's laws, which has allowed for illegal activities to go unchecked. Additionally, the country lacks the necessary personnel and expertise to adequately assess and respond to maritime security threats. Furthermore, the country lacks the legal and institutional frameworks to effectively manage and regulate maritime activities. This has resulted in a lack of enforcement of safety and security protocols, leading to an increase in maritime accidents and incidents. Additionally, the country lacks the capacity to adequately assess and respond to environmental disasters.
International Cooperation
In order to address the challenges facing the Republic of Congo, the country has sought international assistance and cooperation. The country has signed a number of agreements with neighboring countries in order to promote maritime safety and security, including the Central African Coastal Maritime Security Initiative and the Joint Maritime Program. Additionally, the country has signed a number of bilateral agreements with countries such as France and the United States in order to increase technical assistance and training in the areas of maritime safety and security. Furthermore, the Republic of Congo has also received assistance from international organizations such as the IMO and the United Nations (UN). The IMO has provided the country with financial and technical assistance in the areas of maritime safety and security, while the UN has provided assistance in the areas of environmental protection and disaster management.
In conclusion, the Republic of Congo is subject to a complex legal framework and is faced with a number of challenges in ensuring maritime safety and security. The country has sought international assistance and cooperation in order to address these challenges and promote maritime security. With the proper enforcement of laws and regulations, as well as increased international cooperation, the Republic of Congo can ensure a safe and secure future for its seas. The Republic of Congo is a sovereign state with an extensive coastline that is subject to a complex legal framework. In recent years, the country has experienced a number of security incidents related to its seas, prompting increased international cooperation. Through the proper enforcement of laws and regulations, as well as increased international cooperation, the Republic of Congo can ensure a safe and secure future for its seas. Read the full article
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thxnews · 10 months
U.S. and Thailand Strengthen Scientific Collaboration: Third Joint Committee Meeting on Science and Technology
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  In an effort to further strengthen collaboration between their scientific communities, the United States and the Kingdom of Thailand convened in Bangkok for the third Joint Committee Meeting (JCM) on science and technology. The meeting, held on June 22, 2023, aimed to foster a robust partnership in scientific research and innovation.  
Prominent Figures Leading the Discussion
Acting Assistant Secretary Jennifer R. Littlejohn and Deputy Permanent Secretary Pasit Lorterapong co-chaired the meeting. Acting Assistant Secretary Jennifer R. Littlejohn from the Bureau of Oceans, and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) led the U.S. delegation, while Associate Professor Pasit Lorterapong, Ph.D., Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Thailand Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation (MHESI), represented Thailand. Applauding the longstanding diplomatic engagement of 190 years between the two countries, Acting Assistant Secretary Littlejohn highlighted the mutual benefits of U.S.-Thailand collaboration in the field of science and technology.  
Exploring Key Priorities: A Focus on Science and Technology Policy
Discussion centered around crucial science and technology policy areas for both nations. The JCM delved into various science and technology policy and research priorities, including energy and climate change mitigation, infectious and non-infectious diseases, biodiversity, agriculture, water, climate change adaptation, STEM education and entrepreneurship, the innovation pipeline, and environmental conservation. These key areas of focus aim to benefit people and economies in both the United States and Thailand.  
A Strong Coalition of Experts
Diverse representation from esteemed organizations formed the U.S. and Thai delegations. U.S. Delegation: - Department of Energy (DOE) - National Science Foundation (NSF) - U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - Smithsonian Institution - Center for Disease Control (CDC) - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) - U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) - U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) - U.S. Department of State Thai Delegation: - National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) - Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR) - National Innovation Agency (NIA) - National Science Museum Thailand (NSM) - Thailand Center of Excellence for Life Sciences (TCELS) - Ministry of Energy - Ministry of Education - Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment - Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives - Ministry of Public Health - Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation This clear list format allows for easier readability and understanding of the organizations involved in the delegations.  
Building on Bilateral Agreements
The JCM takes place under the framework of a longstanding scientific cooperation agreement. The Joint Committee Meeting was conducted in accordance with the bilateral Agreement Relating to Scientific and Technical Cooperation between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand. Initially signed in 2013 and extended in 2018, this agreement sets the foundation for scientific and technical collaboration between the two nations.  
Shared Commitment to Resilient Democracies
Strengthening collaboration to build inclusive, resilient societies. Secretary of State Blinken and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Don reaffirmed their commitment to mutual trust, respect, and shared interests through the 2022 U.S.-Thailand Communique on Strategic Alliance and Partnership. The United States and Thailand, bound by common values and a shared history, strive to build resilient and inclusive democracies while advancing human rights. The third U.S.-Thailand JCM symbolizes a reinvigoration of bilateral dialogues on science and technology cooperation, signifying a broader and stronger collaboration. Continued scientific engagement and people-to-people ties between the United States and Thailand will not only drive both economies forward but also contribute to a more resilient future for all citizens.  
Foundational Scientific Values and Principles
Prioritizing research and development rooted in scientific integrity and democratic values. Both the United States and Thailand prioritize research and development that serves their citizens and upholds fundamental scientific values. These values include openness, transparency, honesty, equity, fair competition, objectivity, and democratic principles. Both nations aim to foster inclusive scientific research communities that uphold the principles of scientific cooperation, promoting the integrity and security of the international scientific enterprise. Furthermore, they encourage participation in cooperative activities by researchers and organizations from all sectors.  
Continuing Commitment to Collaboration
Reaffirmation of both nations' dedication to ongoing partnership in science and technology. The JCM reinforced the commitment of both countries to maintain a close partnership and coordination in science and technology cooperation. The collaborative efforts between the United States and Thailand in this domain will continue to foster mutual progress and drive innovation.   Sources: THX News and US Department of State.  Read the full article
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createsea · 11 months
Discovering User Value, Creating an Infinite Potential NFT Trading Platform
In the wave of the digital economy era, Createsea Inc is leading the new trend of NFT trading platforms with its outstanding innovation and forward-looking development strategies. As a leading company dedicated to discovering user value and creating infinite possibilities, Createsea Inc's mission is to build a unique experience and expand a global user network, aiming to become a leader in the global NFT trading platform.
Discovering User Value, Embarking on a New Chapter of Digital Art
Createsea Inc understands the importance of user value, and through in-depth insights into user needs, it uncovers numerous hidden digital art treasures. The platform provides artists and creators with a platform to showcase, trade, and promote their artwork, enabling them to discover and realize their artistic value. Simultaneously, the platform offers users a unique digital art experience, allowing them to explore, collect, and communicate within the ocean of creativity. Createsea Inc is embarking on a new chapter of digital art, enabling every user to participate and share the joy and value of creation.
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Creating Infinite Potential, Connecting the Global NFT Ecosystem
NFTs allow Web3.0 users to engage in cross-chain transactions, serving as a key to enter the Web3.0 gateway. With the combined momentum of the metaverse and Web3.0 development trends, the global NFT industry is flourishing, experiencing rapid growth in scale. Createsea Inc is not just an NFT trading platform; it is also a link connecting the global NFT ecosystem. The platform collaborates closely with art institutions, brands, and the entertainment industry, jointly creating diverse NFT application scenarios. Through open collaborations and ecosystem partnerships, the platform continuously expands the application areas of NFT, providing users with broader opportunities for creation and investment. Createsea Inc is committed to creating infinite potential, allowing every user to realize their dreams in the NFT world.
User Experience First, Driven by Innovative Technology
As the discoverer and creator of user value, Createsea Inc always prioritizes user experience. The platform offers secure, efficient, and convenient trading and usage experiences through innovative technology and excellent platform functionalities. Adhering to the principles of fairness and transparency, the platform ensures that every user enjoys fairness and rights protection during the trading process. Additionally, the platform constantly innovates, leveraging emerging technologies such as AIGC and smart contracts to create a more diversified NFT experience and service for users. Createsea Inc is committed to driving the discovery and creation of user value through innovative technology, providing users with a fresh digital art experience.
 will continue to discover user value and create an NFT trading platform with infinite potential. The platform will maintain close cooperation with global users, embark on a new chapter of digital art, connect the global NFT ecosystem, and provide users with an excellent experience. Together, let us explore the future of the digital economy and witness the limitless possibilities created by Createsea Inc in the field of NFT trading platforms. 
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bleezebrew-writes · 1 year
Current WIPs
Immortal Leverage, Season 1
In which the Leverage team is (mostly) immortal. Season 1 has eight stories, named after lyrics from the Queen song "It's a Kind of Magic."
Main Writing Projects:
Secret Project 1 & 2 (Nimona 2023)
"Love Like" Series (Nimona 2023)
A series exploring the character relationships and some of the ramifications of the movie. Expected to span pre- and post-movie.
Nimona Vigilante AU (Nimona 2023)
Ambrosius has been a knight for three years and hasn't once gotten close to catching the villain Blackheart. He goes down to the Danks looking for a release and instead finds Bal. What was intended as a one night stand becomes much more complicated than that, irretrievably mixing up desire--to be normal, to feel loved, to be with Bal--with his mission to defeat the evil Blackheart.
For Ballister, the man he knows only as "Love" seems like another lost cause, but that can't keep him from caring. It's why he became Blackheart in the first place, to steal medicine for those in the Danks. But the Institute is losing patience with his ability to undercut them, cracking down harder on them all as a result. If they catch him, he'll be executed. Even if it is dangerous, he isn't about to stop. He has people counting on him.
Nimona was expecting to find a villain who would help her destroy the Institute for good. She couldn't call the guy she found a "villain," exactly, but maybe she could get something better from him. Outcasts had to stick together.
Immortal Leverage Series
In which the Leverage team is (mostly) immortal. Expected to span seasons 1 - 5 of the original series only. Season 1 is complete. Season 2 is being written.
Sky Landing (Original Work)
It had taken enormous effort to construct—an entire self-sustaining, floating city. Airships were one thing. This was anchored by the same ley lines that kept it aloft above a deep ocean, right at the change between north and south poles. Right where the same airships needed to reach it began to fall out of the sky.
For all that had gone into it, the trading post had a simple name: Sky Landing.
Piece by piece, it was built. Built of blood and hope, ingenuity and pure stubbornness, Sky Landing was a monument to what people could create through cooperation—but monuments erode over time. (Outlined)
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unitednationsday · 2 years
Intergovernmental Organizations having received a standing invitation to participate as Observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly and not maintaining Permanent Offices at Headquarters
European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
European Public Law Organization 
Fund for the Development of the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean
Global Dryland Alliance 
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Global Green Growth Institute
Group of Seven Plus
Hague Conference on Private International Law
Ibero-American Conference 
Indian Ocean Commission
Indian Ocean Rim Association
Inter-American Development Bank
Intergovernmental Authority on Development
International Anti-Corruption Academy
International Centre for Migration Policy Development
International Chamber of Commerce
International Civil Defence Organization (ICDO)
International Conference on the Great Lakes Region of Africa
International Council for the Exploration of the Sea 
International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea
International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission
International Hydrographic Organization
International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT)
International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (International Bamboo and Rattan Organization) 
International Solar Alliance
International Think Tank for Landlocked Developing Countries 
International Youth Organization for Ibero-America
Islamic Development Bank Group
Italian-Latin American Institute 
Latin American and Caribbean Economic System
Latin American Integration Association 
Latin American Parliament
New Development Bank
OPEC Fund for International Development
Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
Organization for Democracy and Economic Development – GUAM 
Pacific Community
Pacific Islands Development Forum
Pacific Islands Forum
Pan African Intergovernmental Agency for Water and Sanitation for Africa
Permanent Court of Arbitration
Regional Centre on Small Arms and Light Weapons in the Great Lakes Region, the Horn of Africa and Bordering States
Shanghai Cooperation Organization
Small Island Development States Dock (SIDS DOCK)
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
South Centre
Southern African Development Community
Union for the Mediterranean
Union of South American Nations
West African Economic and Monetary Union
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activists-hope · 3 years
“Success in treating stony coral tissue loss disease with antibiotics may benefit from using approaches typically successful against bacterial infections in humans—for example using a strong initial dose of antibiotics followed by a regimen of smaller supplementary doses over time,” said Joshua Voss, Ph.D., senior author, an associate research professor at FAU Harbor Branch and executive director of the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology.
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jcoleepics · 3 years
Libs market analysis & industry research reports 2020-2027
The Libs market is right now going through fast changes because of the present status of the economy. It's undeniably true that ladies and men both have fluctuated levels of "forcefully" mentalities according to cash and funds. Albeit the two gatherings might communicate comparative feelings in regards to monetary issues, there are additionally generous contrasts between the genders that impact how they see moxie.
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For instance, men might put more accentuation on bringing in cash, rather than spending it, and they may not be sincerely worried about their charisma. Then again, ladies place more noteworthy accentuation on connections and are incredibly sincerely joined. Subsequently, drive improvement for ladies is more muddled. The two gatherings are searching for approaches to upgrade their drive, yet ladies place more noteworthy significance on moxie than men do.
Get Libs market analysis & industry research reports
There are many like market research instruments that are accessible to assist you with getting charisma. In any case, before you start your exploration, you ought to know that libs change starting with one individual then onto the next. This implies that your connection market investigation should consider this. A portion of the libs market research devices that you may decide to utilize incorporate charisma scales, moxie shading diagrams, drive test questions, drive journal surveys, and charisma tests.
To get the most reliable is market examination, you should accumulate data about your own life. Ponder how you feel during sex, and how these sentiments identify with your libs. Additionally ponder how your life act when you are physically invigorated or physically stimulated. Knowing your libs well will permit you to respond to inquiries regarding libs market research precisely. On the off chance that you have never investigated is, this examination will make it simpler for you to comprehend them all alone.
There are moxie tests that you can take free of charge at nearby wellbeing food stores or even pharmacies. There are likewise charisma tests that you can take online for nothing. Yet, on the off chance that you might want to set aside cash, you can purchase charisma items in mass from various wellbeing food stores, drug stores, and drive item producers. A large portion of these moxie items are topically applied to the skin, which is the reason they can be bought free of charge, or for a minimal expense.
The moxie test you take should quantify your sex drive and want. A charisma test will likewise quantify the reaction of the body's sexual chemicals, testosterone and estrogen. These two chemicals are the ones that decide moxie. Knowing the degree of chemicals in your body is significant for your libs market research.
Before you take any drive test, you should counsel your doctor. Your doctor can furnish you with drive medicines you can take to measure your moxie. At the point when you do the drive market research, make certain to get some information about your moxie solution. There are moxie sedates that you need to take, and charisma supplements that you need to take. Getting what every one of these charisma drugs do will assist you with understanding your life issue better.
Your libs issues will in all probability start with the charisma in your sexual coexistence. When you sort out your life condition, you can sort out some way to fix it. In any case, in case you are having genuine life issues, kindly visit a charisma facility for libs treatment and help. A libs facility will actually want to give you the drive treatment you need to fix your life.
In case you're physically dynamic and libs aren't at ideal levels, you should consider a charisma test. Charisma tests are presented by a few drive centers. These charisma tests will assist you with knowing which drive drugs are best for you, and which moxie supplements are best for treating your life issues. After drive test, you can continue on to conversing with your PCP about your libs solution. Most specialists have a smart thought of which drive medication or moxie supplement will work for you, yet it's as yet a smart thought to examine your libs solution with them.
A few falsehoods are simpler to treat than others, and its market examination ought to incorporate a portrayal of connections to effortlessly comprehend his remedy. Most is recommended by specialists require a day by day moxie remedy. In any case, similar to that are treated with charisma supplements are significantly more adaptable with their moxie solution necessities. You might have to check with your charisma professionally prescribed medication organization to discover what sort of drive supplements you should treat your libs.
Since its medicines can be so different, moxie solution can be hard to figure out. To make things simpler, charisma market examination ought to remember a whole area for libs that gives data about its solution and incidental effects. Drive market exploration ought to likewise clarify the contrasts between charisma pills and moxie drugs. libs market examination ought to likewise contrast charisma doctor prescribed medications and other drive physician endorsed drugs like antidepressants and talk about potential moxie drug cooperations. When you comprehend charisma remedy in layman's terms, you'll be better ready to get what your libs solution truly involves.
Synopsis: The exploration group projects that the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) market size will develop from XXX in 2020 to XXX by 2027, at an expected CAGR of XX. The base year considered for the review is 2020, and the market size is projected from 2020 to 2027.
The excellent target of this report is to assist the client with understanding the market as far as its definition, division, market potential, persuasive patterns, and the difficulties that the market is looking with 10 significant districts and 50 significant nations. Profound explores and investigation were finished during the arrangement of the report. The perusers will discover this report exceptionally supportive in understanding the market top to bottom. The information and the data in regards to the market are taken from dependable sources like sites, yearly reports of the organizations, diaries, and others and were checked and approved by the business specialists. Current realities and information are addressed in the report utilizing outlines, diagrams, pie graphs, and other pictorial portrayals. This upgrades the visual portrayal and furthermore helps in understanding the realities much better.
By Market Players:
Laval Lab
TSI Incorporated
P&P Optica
Princeton Instruments‎
B&W Tek
Ocean Optics
By Type
By Application
Research Institutions
By Regions/Countries:
North America
United States
East Asia
South Korea
United Kingdom
South Asia
Southeast Asia
Middle East
Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
South Africa
New Zealand
South America
Puerto Rico
Rest of the World
Points Covered in The Report
The points that are discussed within the report are the major market players that are involved in the market such as market players, raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, end users, traders, distributors and etc.
The complete profile of the companies is mentioned. And the capacity, production, price, revenue, cost, gross, gross margin, sales volume, sales revenue, consumption, growth rate, import, export, supply, future strategies, and the technological developments that they are making are also included within the report. This report analyzed 12 years data history and forecast.
The growth factors of the market is discussed in detail wherein the different end users of the market are explained in detail.
Data and information by market player, by region, by type, by application and etc, and custom research can be added according to specific requirements.
The report contains the SWOT analysis of the market. Finally, the report contains the conclusion part where the opinions of the industrial experts are included.
Key Reasons to Purchase
To gain insightful analyses of the market and have comprehensive understanding of the global market and its commercial landscape.
Assess the production processes, major issues, and solutions to mitigate the development risk.
To understand the most affecting driving and restraining forces in the market and its impact in the global market.
Learn about the market strategies that are being adopted by leading respective organizations.
To understand the future outlook and prospects for the market.
Besides the standard structure reports, we also provide custom research according to specific requirements.
The report focuses on Global, Top 10 Regions and Top 50 Countries Market Size of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) 2016-2021, and development forecast 2022-2027 including industries, major players/suppliers worldwide and market share by regions, with company and product introduction, position in the market including their market status and development trend by types and applications which will provide its price and profit status, and marketing status & market growth drivers and challenges, with base year as 2020.
Key Indicators Analysed
Market Players & Competitor Analysis: The report covers the key players of the industry including Company Profile, Product Specifications, Production Capacity/Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin 2016-2021 & Sales by Product Types.
Global and Regional Market Analysis: The report includes Global & Regional market status and outlook 2022-2027. Further the report provides break down details about each region & countries covered in the report. Identifying its production, consumption, import & export, sales volume & revenue forecast.
Market Analysis by Product Type: The report covers majority Product Types in the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Industry, including its product specifcations by each key player, volume, sales by Volume and Value (M USD).
Markat Analysis by Application Type: Based on the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Industry and its applications, the market is further sub-segmented into several major Application of its industry. It provides you with the market size, CAGR & forecast by each industry applications.
Market Trends: Market key trends which include Increased Competition and Continuous Innovations.
Opportunities and Drivers: Identifying the Growing Demands and New Technology
Porters Five Force Analysis: The report will provide with the state of competition in industry depending on five basic forces: threat of new entrants, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of buyers, threat of substitute products or services, and existing industry rivalry.
COVID-19 Impact
Report covers Impact of Coronavirus COVID-19: Since the COVID-19 virus outbreak in December 2019, the disease has spread to almost every country around the globe with the World Health Organization declaring it a public health emergency. The global impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are already starting to be felt, and will significantly affect the Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) market in 2021. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought effects on many aspects, like flight cancellations; travel bans and quarantines; restaurants closed; all indoor/outdoor events restricted; over forty countries state of emergency declared; massive slowing of the supply chain; stock market volatility; falling business confidence, growing panic among the population, and uncertainty about future.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is the USP of the report?
Global Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Market Research Report 2021 Professional Edition Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 3 years
MerMay 2021 Day Sixteen Probation
Jackie swam around and around, making circles to burn off nervous energy. He still wasn’t sure if this was a good idea. Granted, if there really were strange humans looking into Jack, they had to do something about that. But...was this the right thing? It wasn’t that he didn’t believe the danger, it was that he wasn’t sure if he could handle the responsibility. What if he messed it up? What if—
“Hey shark boy.”
He stopped swimming, turning around to face the approaching merms. “Hi, Margaret.”
Margaret nodded. She swam up closer to Jackie, a few strands of glowing seaweed wrapped around her upper arms. “Alright, you’re all clear. I overestimated the amount of time you’ll need, just in case, and put it down as a month. Make sure to keep the belt on. Here, you’ll need these keys.” She passed him a metal ring with a few large stone keys on it.
“Thanks,” Jackie accepted the ring, putting it in the bag he’d brought with him. “All set, then?”
“Yep.” Margaret glanced behind her at the other merms of the group, then leaned even closer. “Listen, Jackie,” she said quietly. “Are you sure about this?”
“No,” Jackie admitted. “But I need him.”
“Alright then.” Margaret reluctantly backed up. She turned back to the other merms and gave a thumbs up.
Down this deep, the light was scarce, and it was hard to make out the details of three of the other merms who’d come with Margaret, even though they all had similar glowing seaweed around their arms and tails. The last merm was missing these glowing details, but that was fine. His eyes provided light on their own, two green specks in the twilight of the water. Those green spots were currently locked onto Jackie.
“We’re all good here, Margaret,” one of the other merms said. “Guardian transfer underway.”
“Then get over here,” Margaret said, gesturing for them to come closer.
“...right.” The merms swam a bit closer. Not too much, though.
Margaret rolled her eyes. She went up to the rest of the group, took something from one of the merms, then turned around and swam back to Jackie. She handed him the end of a rope, a stone lock woven into the fibers of the end. He hesitated, then took it. “Thanks.”
“No problem.” Margaret again gestured to her group, and they all turned around, back towards where they came from. “Send a message if you ever need any help!” She called as they left.
“I will!” Jackie promised. He watched until they disappeared over a ridge of stone, then breathed in, and turned to face the one remaining merm. “Hello, Anti.”
Anti didn’t answer him. He just kept staring at him. After a few awkward seconds, Anti tried to fold his arms, but was prevented because his wrists were tied together with the other end of the rope Jackie was holding. So he scowled. “What’s this for, then?”
“Well, you said you were willing to try and wake Jack up, right?” Jackie asked. “We’ve decided to take you up on that.”
“Oh.” For a moment, Anti looked surprised. But he quickly covered it up.
“Unless you changed your mind?” Jackie prompted.
“No! No, I’m still—yes, I-I can help.” Anti nodded, perhaps a bit too eagerly. “So we’re doing that now?”
“No, not now. We need to get everything ready.” Jackie started swimming upwards, Anti following shortly behind him. “We’ll be trying in a couple days. Soooo...you’re gonna have to stay with me for a bit.”
“Can you turn the light down?”
“Huh?” Jackie looked down to see Anti squinting a bit. “Oh, sorry, does it hurt your eyes? Um...sorry. I don’t think it can turn down. It’s kind of just an on/off situation.”
“Where’d you get that lamp thing, anyway? I’ve never seen anything like it.”
“It’s Jack’s, actually.” Jackie adjusted the lamp’s chain, hanging off his shoulder, trying to direct it away from Anti...who was being oddly cooperative. Should he be worried about that? “I think he uses it for exploring down farther.”
“Oh, he’s one of those types,” Anti muttered. “Which is! That’s fine, that’s totally fine.”
Jackie suddenly paused, staring at Anti. Was he...nervous? He’d seen this a few times, but usually the eel became hostile again shortly afterwards.
“What?” Anti asked, glancing around. “Is there something behind us? I can’t see.”
“No, it’s nothing,” Jackie said slowly, swimming again. “What do you mean you can’t see? You lived in a trench, why would you stay there if you can’t see in the dark?”
“Well my eyes can’t see in the dark,” Anti said, as if it was obvious. “But if I pulse a bit, I can tell what my surroundings are. Except there’s this stupid ass belt in the way.” He pushed at the belt in question, moving it a bit but not much. “And it’s somehow stopping all that.”
“Magic, I guess,” Jackie said vaguely.
They swam in silence for a while. Jackie kept glancing back, just to make sure Anti was still there. This was...weird. Every single encounter he’d had with Anti before, he’d been verbally hostile, if not outright attacking him or his friends. Now, he was just...quiet. Following him. It felt wrong. By the time they’d reached a sunnier part of the open ocean, he decided to start talking again, to see what would happen. “We’re not staying at my place, by the way,” he said. “I found somewhere else, closer to where we need to be.”
“Oh. Right, of course.” Anti nodded. “That would be stupid, showing me your house.”
“Uh...it’s more convenience than anything else.”Jackie’s place was pretty far from the Institute where Jack was staying, and it wasn’t very secure. He didn’t want to risk Anti running away. Though...maybe he wouldn’t have to worry about that?
The conversation swiftly died. Jackie gave up on trying to initiate one, and they swam quietly across the ocean floor, until they reached the place they’d be staying for now. “Here we are,” Jackie said, stopping outside a small cave in a hill of rock. “It’s not the nicest, but it’ll do. C’mon.”
“It’s fine,” Anti muttered as they swam inside. He glanced around, noting the size of the cave and the fish swimming by outside.
“Yeah, for now.” Jackie looped the end of the rope around a rock outcropping, using the lock to secure it. Just in case. “It is in the ocean, sorry about that.”
“You’re freshwater, right?” Jackie asked. “I didn’t know, but Jameson said you were, and he’s also a freshie, so I think he’d know. I mean, we’ve pretty much always met in saltwater, so I think you’re fine with it, but still.”
Anti stared at him. “H-how’d you figure that out?”
“I just told you, Jameson told me,” Jackie repeated. “Anyway, do you need anythi—”
“No.” Anti turned away. He settled down on the floor of the cave, near the back, his tail curled in on itself. His eyes were fixed on the cave entrance, like he was keeping watch.
“Ooookay. I just wondered if you were hungry or something.” Jackie turned around. “Well, I am. So I’m gonna go catch something, I’ll be right—”
“Don’t leave me here like this!”
Jackie whirled back around, just in time to see Anti turning away. Like nothing had happened. Like he hadn’t just screamed with the sound of absolute panic in his voice. “Alright, fine, I’ll just see if I can catch anything that swims by,” Jackie said.
Anti nodded, not looking back at him.
After a moment, Jackie settled down on the floor near the cave entrance. This...wasn’t at all what he thought it would be like. Was...was everything alright? Should he ask? Would Anti even answer? He thought it over, then decided against it. This would only be for a couple days, anyway. Things would be fine. Probably.
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sciencespies · 3 years
Low-cost 3D method rapidly measures disease impacts on Florida’s coral reefs
Low-cost 3D method rapidly measures disease impacts on Florida’s coral reefs
Stony coral tissue loss disease manifests as lesions of necrotic tissue that spread across coral colonies, leaving behind dead coral skeletons. Since 2014, this highly virulent disease has contributed to substantial declines of reef-building coral in Florida, impacting more than 20 coral species. The need for widespread reef monitoring and novel surveys are imperative for disease mitigation strategies. However, the various techniques currently used all require individual evaluation and often rely on visual estimates by divers in the field.
A low-cost and rapid 3D technique is helping scientists to gain insight into the colony- and community-level dynamics of the poorly understood stony coral tissue loss disease. Researchers from Florida Atlantic University’s Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute adapted Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry to generate 3D models for tracking lesion progression and impacts on diseased coral colonies. By combining traditional diver surveys and with 3D colony fate-tracking, the team determined the impacts of disease on coral colonies at study sites throughout Southeast Florida in St. Lucie Reef, Jupiter, Palm Beach and Lauderdale-by-the-Sea.
Results of the study, published in PLOS One, demonstrated that the prevalence of stony coral tissue loss disease varied significantly across location, but not through time. St. Lucie Reef and Lauderdale-by-the-Sea sites were highly impacted by coral disease, while study sites in Jupiter and Palm Beach had lower disease prevalence. The highest disease values observed in this study were between 21 to 43 percent at St. Lucie Reef. However, no site reached the highest reported disease prevalence values of 60 percent observed near Miami in 2014.
“We observed an increase in disease prevalence during the spring of 2018, which was honestly unexpected. Prevalence values for other described coral diseases such as white syndrome, white band, black band, and white pox often increase during the summer months as water temperatures increase,” said Joshua D. Voss, Ph.D., senior author, an associate research professor at FAU Harbor Branch and executive director of the NOAA Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology. “Stony coral tissue loss disease prevalence does not appear to have a strong positive correlation with temperature as has been observed for other coral diseases, but potential environmental cofactors that may drive disease prevalence need to be examined further.”
Findings from the study also indicated that total colony area and healthy tissue area on fate-tracked colonies decreased significantly over time, capturing the amount of coral tissue lost to disease. However, disease lesions themselves did not change in size over time and were not correlated with total colony area. These results suggest that targeting intervention efforts on larger colonies may maximize preservation of coral cover.
“Since stony coral tissue loss disease is a progressive and necrotic infection, the area of tissue loss, or proportion of tissue loss, may represent more impactful metrics for quantifying the severity of infection as opposed to disease lesion area or percent affected tissue,” said Ian Combs, the study’s lead author and recent M.S. graduate from Voss’ lab at FAU Harbor Branch. “Traditional coral surveys combined with 3D photogrammetry can provide greater insights into the spatiotemporal dynamics and impacts of coral diseases on individual colonies and coral communities than surveys or visual estimates of disease progression alone.”
Since 2014, Florida’s Coral Reef has experienced an ongoing outbreak of the newly-described coral disease responsible for widespread coral death throughout the Tropical Western Atlantic. The disease first appeared in the summer of 2014 following the dredging of Government Cut in Miami-Dade County. In subsequent years, reports of stony coral tissue loss disease infections have increased and spread from Miami-Dade County along the Florida Reef Tract and into the wider Tropical Western Atlantic. To date, the disease has spread north to the northern terminus of the Florida’s Coral Reef in Martin County and south to the Dry Tortugas in Monroe County, with additional outbreaks observed in at least twelve territories throughout the Tropical Western Atlantic.
The ultimate goal of this work is to increase widespread application of this and similar techniques to improve the design, implementation, and success of coral disease intervention, mitigation, and management strategies.
“Quantitative 3D approaches such as the method we used can improve our understanding of the ecology and impacts of coral diseases on coral reef ecosystems, and may guide colony selection in future disease intervention strategies,” said Voss. “We’ll use this information to optimize our efforts to slow disease outbreaks in Southeast Florida and the Dry Tortugas.”
Combs is now a coral reef ecosystem biologist at Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium. Additional co-authors on the study include Michael Studivan, Ph.D., a graduate of FAU’s integrative biology doctoral program and an assistant scientist at the University of Miami CIMAS/NOAA AOML; and Ryan Eckert, an FAU integrative biology Ph.D. student in the Voss Lab.
This research was supported by awards to Voss from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (B430E1 and B55008), the Environmental Protection Agency (South Florida Geographic Initiative award X7 00D667-17), and the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (award NA16NOS4820052). Additional funding was awarded to Combs by the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute Foundation through the Indian River Lagoon Graduate Research Fellowship.
Story Source:
Materials provided by Florida Atlantic University. Original written by Gisele Galoustian. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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iilssnet · 7 months
Navigating Nicaragua's Maritime Issues Under International Law
Nicaragua is a country with a diverse variety of maritime issues that must be addressed in accordance with international law. Nicaragua has had to navigate a number of maritime boundaries, disputes, and rights in order to ensure that its maritime interests are properly protected and respected. This article looks at how Nicaragua has navigated these issues under international law, and how international solutions can help to resolve the country's maritime issues.
Nicaraguan Maritime Boundaries
Nicaragua has a number of maritime boundaries that must be recognized and respected in accordance with international law. These include the maritime boundary between Nicaragua and Costa Rica in the Caribbean Sea, as well as boundaries with Honduras, El Salvador, and Colombia in the Pacific Ocean. The Nicaraguan government must ensure that these boundaries are properly respected and enforced in order to prevent maritime conflicts between Nicaragua and its neighboring countries. In addition, Nicaragua has a number of exclusive economic zones (EEZs) that must be respected in order to guarantee its right to explore, exploit, conserve, and manage the marine resources in these areas. Nicaragua's EEZs are located off the coast of Nicaragua and in the Caribbean Sea, as well as in the Pacific Ocean. Nicaragua must also comply with international treaties, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which sets out the rights and responsibilities of states in relation to the use of the oceans. The UNCLOS stipulates that states must take steps to protect and conserve marine resources within their EEZs and must also cooperate with other states to ensure the sustainable use of the oceans.
International Maritime Law
International maritime law is a set of principles and regulations that are designed to protect the rights of states in relation to the use of the oceans. It includes the UNCLOS, which sets out the rights of states to explore, exploit, conserve, and manage the marine resources within their EEZs. It also includes other treaties and conventions, such as the 1982 Convention on the Continental Shelf, which sets out the rights of states to claim exclusive economic rights to certain areas of the continental shelf. International maritime law also includes customary international law, which consists of legal principles that have become customary among states over time. This includes principles such as the freedom of the high seas, which guarantees the right of navigation for all states in international waters. International maritime law is enforced by international tribunals such as the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). These institutions are responsible for resolving disputes between states in relation to the use of the oceans.
Nicaragua's Maritime Disputes
Nicaragua has been involved in a number of maritime disputes in recent years. In 2016, Nicaragua and Colombia had a dispute over the maritime boundary between the two countries, which was eventually resolved by the International Court of Justice (ICJ). In 2018, Nicaragua and Honduras had a dispute over the maritime boundary between the two countries, which was also resolved by the ICJ. Nicaragua has also been involved in a number of other disputes, such as a dispute with Costa Rica over the maritime boundary in the Caribbean Sea, which is currently being heard by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). In addition, Nicaragua has had a number of disputes with other countries over fishing rights in its EEZs.
Nicaragua's Maritime Rights
Nicaragua has a number of maritime rights that must be respected in accordance with international law. These include the right to explore, exploit, conserve, and manage the marine resources within its EEZs. Nicaragua must also ensure that its EEZs are properly demarcated and respected by other countries. Nicaragua also has the right to regulate the activities of foreign vessels in its EEZs in order to protect its marine environment and resources. In addition, Nicaragua has the right to receive compensation for the exploitation of its marine resources by foreign vessels. Nicaragua has the right to regulate and control foreign vessels entering its EEZs and to impose taxes and other fees on their operations. Finally, Nicaragua has the right to regulate the activities of its own vessels in order to protect its marine environment and resources.
International Solutions
International solutions can help to resolve the maritime issues facing Nicaragua. For example, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) can be used to resolve disputes between Nicaragua and its neighboring countries over maritime boundaries. The ITLOS has the power to make binding decisions that must be respected by both parties. In addition, Nicaragua can seek assistance from international organizations such as the United Nations (UN) and the Organization of American States (OAS). These organizations have the power to provide technical and financial assistance to Nicaragua in order to help it manage its maritime issues. Finally, Nicaragua can use diplomatic channels to resolve its maritime disputes with its neighbors. Diplomatic channels can be used to negotiate the resolution of disputes and can also help to prevent disputes from escalating into conflicts. Nicaragua has a number of maritime issues that must be addressed in accordance with international law. Nicaragua must respect its maritime boundaries, EEZs, and rights, as well as comply with international treaties and customary international law. International solutions such as tribunals, international organizations, and diplomacy can all help to resolve Nicaragua's maritime issues and ensure that its maritime interests are properly protected and respected. Read the full article
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
Felipe & Letizia’s decade: Trips Abroad
F&L Decade 34/??
Don Felipe traveled to Panama between October 17 and 20, 2013. He was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel García-Margallo, was received upon arrival at the "Panamá Pacífico" International Airport by the Spanish Ambassador to the Republic of Panama, Jesús Silva Fernández, and by the vice minister in charge of Foreign Relations of the Republic of Panama, Mayra Arosemena.
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He began his activities on October 17, with the opening of the Ibero-American Business Meeting. Don Felipe stressed the role of Spain as a "vertex" of relations between Spain and Europe. "both to channel European investments in Ibero-America, and to be the bridge for the growing investments and position of Latin America in Europe. An opportunity increasingly used by Multilatinas Companies that are increasingly competitive and bet more on technological sectors Today, 23 of them are among the 100 largest global firms in emerging markets. Spain is the gateway to Europe and, in fact, some of those companies are already taking advantage of our country as a platform. "
Subsequently, Don Felipe attended the panels of the Ibero-American Business Meeting, in which prominent Spanish personalities from the economic and business world participated, such as Antonio Brufau, Juan Manuel Villar Mir and Juan Luis Cebrián, among others.
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In the afternoon he presided over the delivery of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Awards, which in this edition corresponded to:
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Later, the Prince of Asturias attended a panel in the Ibero-American Business Forum, entitled "Paraguay: the best kept secret in Latin America", where he coincided with the President of the Republic of Paraguay, Horacio Cartes. Don Felipe then moved to the Miraflores Locks Miraflores of the Panama Canal, where, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel García-Margallo, attended the delivery of Awards for Latin American Integration and Business Awards. At the event, the Minister of Panama Canal Affairs, Roberto Roy, spoke a few words about "The impact of the expansion of the Panama Canal".
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On the 18th, Felipe presided over the inauguration of the Spanish Cultural Center, located in the old town of Panama City. He was accompanied by the Secretary of State for International Cooperation and for Latin America, Jesús Gracia, received upon arrival the greeting of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Panama, Lucy Molinar, and the director of the National Institute of Culture, María Eugenia Herrera, with whom he toured the facilities and visited the exhibitions "La palabra y las letras", by Antón Lamazares, and "Ibero-American Biennial of Culture", of the Ministry of Public Works.
He also attended the closing lunch of the Business Meeting, at the Megápolis Convention Center, where the recognition of the Ibero-American Secretary General, Enrique Iglesias, took place. Later, Don Felipe and the President of the Portuguese Republic, Cavaco Silva, had a conversation walking through the gardens of the hotel complex, the Prince also held informal meetings with other Ibero-American leaders. In the afternoon the Prince of Asturias attended the inauguration of the new headquarters of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino), accompanied by the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy. Upon arrival, he was greeted by the institution's president, Elías Castillo, and the Board of Directors. During the act, the President of Parlatino and the President of the Republic of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, intervened.
Next, Don Felipe traveled to the Figali Convention Center, where he attended the opening ceremony of the 23rd Ibero-American Summit of Heads of State and Government. At the end of the opening ceremony, he attended the official dinner was offered by the President of Panama to the leaders attending the Summit, held at the Biodiversity Museum of the Panamanian capital.
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On the 20th, Felipe was present at the commemorative event of the 5th Centennial of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean in Cinta Costera, which was attended by the President of the Republic of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, the First Lady of the Republic of Panama and President of the Organizing Committee of the 5th Centenary of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean, Marta Linares de Martinelli, the President of the Republic of Peru, Ollanta Humala and the President of the Republic of Honduras, Porfirio Lobo.
Don Felipe, addressed a few words to the attendees in which he wanted to highlight the figure of the discoverer Vasco Núñez, “Five hundred years ago, a Spanish-Panamanian company to which Spanish and Panamanians like Vasco Núñez de Balboa and Panquiaco contributed, promoted the first globalization. In the years, decades and centuries that followed, other Hispanic explorers and navigators, starting from the American viceroyalties, crossed and renamed the South Sea, which they called the Pacific; they went around the world for the first time in history; they sighted the Australian and Antarctic continents; They discovered the voyage from the Philippines to Mexico establishing the largest transoceanic route in the world - the Manila Galleon - that would last for three centuries and, finally, they traveled all the confines of the planet's largest ocean, from Alaska to the frozen Antarctic waters, and from China to these beloved Ibero-American lands ”.
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Next, he attended, accompanied by the President of the Republic of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, the opening of the 6th International Congress of the Spanish Language at the Atlapa Convention Center, which was attended by the director of the Cervantes Institute , Víctor García de la Concha, the director of the Royal Spanish Academy, José Manuel Blecua, the Minister of Education of the Republic of Panama, Lucy Molinar, the Nobel Prize for Literature, Mario Vargas Llosa, the Nicaraguan writer, Sergio Ramírez Mercado and the Panamanian writer, Juan David Morgan.
Don Felipe dedicated a few words to the attendees, in which he stressed the importance of this Congress, "Today we meet in this city of Panama, which day by day, full of vigor, widens its channels, to reflect and debate on the book: about the history that the coming and going of books wove uniting two worlds, about its complex current reality, and about its future. "
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Subsequently, an official lunch was held on the occasion of the V Centenary of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean and the VI International Congress of the Spanish Language, before starting their trip back to Spain.
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mattginnow · 4 years
Matt Ginnow Matthew Ginnow
President Pitzer, Mr. Vice President, Governor, Congressman Thomas, Senator Wiley, and Congressman Miller, Mr. Webb, Mr. Bell, scientists, distinguished guests, and ladies and gentlemen:
I appreciate your president having made me an honorary visiting professor, and I will assure you that my first lecture will be very brief.
I am delighted to be here, and I’m particularly delighted to be here on this occasion.
We meet at a college noted for knowledge, in a city noted for progress, in a State noted for strength, and we stand in need of all three, for we meet in an hour of change and challenge, in a decade of hope and fear, in an age of both knowledge and ignorance. The greater our knowledge increases, the greater our ignorance unfolds.
Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation¹s own scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years in a rate of growth more than three times that of our population as a whole, despite that, the vast stretches of the unknown and the unanswered and the unfinished still far outstrip our collective comprehension.
No man can fully grasp how far and how fast we have come, but condense, if you will, the 50,000 years of man¹s recorded history in a time span of but a half-century. Stated in these terms, we know very little about the first 40 years, except at the end of them advanced man had learned to use the skins of animals to cover them. Then about 10 years ago, under this standard, man emerged from his caves to construct other kinds of shelter. Only five years ago man learned to write and use a cart with wheels. Christianity began less than two years ago. The printing press came this year, and then less than two months ago, during this whole 50-year span of human history, the steam engine provided a new source of power.
Newton explored the meaning of gravity. Last month electric lights and telephones and automobiles and airplanes became available. Only last week did we develop penicillin and television and nuclear power, and now if America’s new spacecraft succeeds in reaching Venus, we will have literally reached the stars before midnight tonight.
This is a breathtaking pace, and such a pace cannot help but create new ills as it dispels old, new ignorance, new problems, new dangers. Surely the opening vistas of space promise high costs and hardships, as well as high reward.
So it is not surprising that some would have us stay where we are a little longer to rest, to wait. But this city of Houston, this State of Texas, this country of the United States was not built by those who waited and rested and wished to look behind them. This country was conquered by those who moved forward–and so will space.
William Bradford, speaking in 1630 of the founding of the Plymouth Bay Colony, said that all great and honorable actions are accompanied with great difficulties, and both must be enterprised and overcome with answerable courage.
If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.
Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolutions, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it–we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond, and we have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.
Yet the vows of this Nation can only be fulfilled if we in this Nation are first, and, therefore, we intend to be first. In short, our leadership in science and in industry, our hopes for peace and security, our obligations to ourselves as well as others, all require us to make this effort, to solve these mysteries, to solve them for the good of all men, and to become the world’s leading space-faring nation.
We set sail on this new sea because there is new knowledge to be gained, and new rights to be won, and they must be won and used for the progress of all people. For space science, like nuclear science and all technology, has no conscience of its own. Whether it will become a force for good or ill depends on man, and only if the United States occupies a position of pre-eminence can we help decide whether this new ocean will be a sea of peace or a new terrifying theater of war. I do not say the we should or will go unprotected against the hostile misuse of space any more than we go unprotected against the hostile use of land or sea, but I do say that space can be explored and mastered without feeding the fires of war, without repeating the mistakes that man has made in extending his writ around this globe of ours.
There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space as yet. Its hazards are hostile to us all. Its conquest deserves the best of all mankind, and its opportunity for peaceful cooperation many never come again. But why, some say, the moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? Why does Rice play Texas?
We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.
It is for these reasons that I regard the decision last year to shift our efforts in space from low to high gear as among the most important decisions that will be made during my incumbency in the office of the Presidency.
In the last 24 hours we have seen facilities now being created for the greatest and most complex exploration in man’s history. We have felt the ground shake and the air shattered by the testing of a Saturn C-1 booster rocket, many times as powerful as the Atlas which launched John Glenn, generating power equivalent to 10,000 automobiles with their accelerators on the floor. We have seen the site where the F-1 rocket engines, each one as powerful as all eight engines of the Saturn combined, will be clustered together to make the advanced Saturn missile, assembled in a new building to be built at Cape Canaveral as tall as a 48 story structure, as wide as a city block, and as long as two lengths of this field.
Within these last 19 months at least 45 satellites have circled the earth. Some 40 of them were “made in the United States of America” and they were far more sophisticated and supplied far more knowledge to the people of the world than those of the Soviet Union.
The Mariner spacecraft now on its way to Venus is the most intricate instrument in the history of space science. The accuracy of that shot is comparable to firing a missile from Cape Canaveral and dropping it in this stadium between the the 40-yard lines.
Transit satellites are helping our ships at sea to steer a safer course. Tiros satellites have given us unprecedented warnings of hurricanes and storms, and will do the same for forest fires and icebergs.
We have had our failures, but so have others, even if they do not admit them. And they may be less public.
To be sure, we are behind, and will be behind for some time in manned flight. But we do not intend to stay behind, and in this decade, we shall make up and move ahead.
The growth of our science and education will be enriched by new knowledge of our universe and environment, by new techniques of learning and mapping and observation, by new tools and computers for industry, medicine, the home as well as the school. Technical institutions, such as Rice, will reap the harvest of these gains.
And finally, the space effort itself, while still in its infancy, has already created a great number of new companies, and tens of thousands of new jobs. Space and related industries are generating new demands in investment and skilled personnel, and this city and this State, and this region, will share greatly in this growth. What was once the furthest outpost on the old frontier of the West will be the furthest outpost on the new frontier of science and space. Houston, your City of Houston, with its Manned Spacecraft Center, will become the heart of a large scientific and engineering community. During the next 5 years the National Aeronautics and Space Administration expects to double the number of scientists and engineers in this area, to increase its outlays for salaries and expenses to $60 million a year; to invest some $200 million in plant and laboratory facilities; and to direct or contract for new space efforts over $1 billion from this Center in this City.
To be sure, all this costs us all a good deal of money. This year¹s space budget is three times what it was in January 1961, and it is greater than the space budget of the previous eight years combined. That budget now stands at $5,400 million a year–a staggering sum, though somewhat less than we pay for cigarettes and cigars every year. Space expenditures will soon rise some more, from 40 cents per person per week to more than 50 cents a week for every man, woman and child in the United Stated, for we have given this program a high national priority–even though I realize that this is in some measure an act of faith and vision, for we do not now know what benefits await us.
But if I were to say, my fellow citizens, that we shall send to the moon, 240,000 miles away from the control station in Houston, a giant rocket more than 300 feet tall, the length of this football field, made of new metal alloys, some of which have not yet been invented, capable of standing heat and stresses several times more than have ever been experienced, fitted together with a precision better than the finest watch, carrying all the equipment needed for propulsion, guidance, control, communications, food and survival, on an untried mission, to an unknown celestial body, and then return it safely to earth, re-entering the atmosphere at speeds of over 25,000 miles per hour, causing heat about half that of the temperature of the sun–almost as hot as it is here today–and do all this, and do it right, and do it first before this decade is out–then we must be bold.
I’m the one who is doing all the work, so we just want you to stay cool for a minute. [laughter]
However, I think we’re going to do it, and I think that we must pay what needs to be paid. I don’t think we ought to waste any money, but I think we ought to do the job. And this will be done in the decade of the sixties. It may be done while some of you are still here at school at this college and university. It will be done during the term of office of some of the people who sit here on this platform. But it will be done. And it will be done before the end of this decade.
I am delighted that this university is playing a part in putting a man on the moon as part of a great national effort of the United States of America.
Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory, who was to die on Mount Everest, was asked why did he want to climb it. He said, “Because it is there.”
Well, space is there, and we’re going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God’s blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked.
Thank you.
Matt Ginnow, Matthew Ginnow
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