#Octavia Ars Goetia
vollcorte · 4 months
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Can you do Octavia/Loona/Veroskia x male reader who is a living human that met the denizen of hell when both were small kids somehow and figured out a way to keep in touch with said friendship evolving into romance as the two got older? Thoughts on how others might react to learning of this?
"Childhood Friends" ; Loona, Octavia Ars Goetia, Verosika Mayday
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You met through one of her old owners. And "owners" is the correct statement here, because Loona was nothing more than a pet to them.
Of course, they didn't introduce her like that. But since her previous owners were a pair of succubi, they were able to go to earth. They brought her on their honeymoon, where Loona was able to meet you. Her owners introduced themselves to your family as her mothers in the hopes of not drawing suspicion of abuse (because it's pretty frowned upon to treat your "child" like an animal, after all).
Loona was really aggressive and hostile at first, not allowing you to get close to her, touch her, or even look at her for too long. But you were little, and were easy to distract from her blatant rejection of your friendship.
She slowly began coming around more, though, over the week that her owners remained on their vacation. She started confiding in you. And since she was just a kid, she had no concept of keeping secrets. So she basically spilled her guts, about being a Hellhound from Hell, considered her "mothers'" pet, the fact that she never had a real family, and everything.
And when you hugged her, she was... heartbreakingly confused?
"S-S/O... What's this? This... thing you're doing."
After that, you lost contact. But she never forgot you. Her first friend.
A few years later, she was adopted by Blitzø, who loved her like a father rather than a pet. She was finally valued as a person, and not someone's possession.
But she had one request.
"There's this... human that I knew. He was my first friend. You can come or not, but I have to go see him. At least once."
And so she does. Loona comes to see you, using her adept sniffer to find you in the madness that is Earth. She of course takes on her human disguise for the first time since her previous owners, and she was amazed you even recognized her.
"Loona?! Is that you? What... What are you doing here?"
"Long story short, a lot has happened and sorry I didn't visit sooner. I'll explain everything, I promise. God, S/O, I missed you so fucking much."
And so she did. She explained everything that happened, and later on, she introduced you to Blitzø. It was odd, she introduced you as though you were her boyfriend...
Blitzø could see the feelings brewing in Loona, but you seemed like a stand-up guy and you made and excellent first impression on him, so he didn't mind that much. Even though he was still a tad overprotective of her.
It didn't even take long for you to start dating. You saw her for Vortex, she... isn't the most subtle.
The only difference is she's more protective and aggressive over you. You're a human after all, you could get hurt!
She loves you so much, and she's so grateful that her boyfriend was her very first friend. :)
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Same with Loona, you probably met Octavia during some kind of vacation that her family went on, where she was stuck on her father's side like glue.
She seemed really timid around you at first, this being her first experience in the human world and the first time she's stuck around humans who don't understand her.
But you were just so friendly, and so persistent. She couldn't resist getting close to you, and even looking up to you at some points.
And honestly? It was a welcome distraction from her parents when her mom clearly hated her dad. You wouldn't believe how beyond grateful both Stolas and Stella were for your involvement in Octavia's life to distract her.
And throughout the years, because of her parents' appreciation of you for distracting their daughter during their fights, they'd help her keep in contact with you.
You two essentially grow up together. Sleepovers, playdates, the works. And eventually, that turns into casual hangouts, discovering hobbies together, and eventually, even mutual crushing.
Now, obviously, she's an angsty emo teenager, and doesn't know how to sort out these feelings. So who does she go to? Honestly, probably the worst person for that: you.
"S/O? What does love feel like?"
Cue a very awkward explanation trying to explain to your crush what a crush feels like... thinking she's referring to another guy, no less! So the heartbreak was also present.
Fortunately for you, it was very momentary and fleeting.
"I see... And what if I had... a crush... on you?"
"Via? Are you saying what I think you're saying?"
She's as shy as they come, and very nervously nods, fearing the harsh rejection and the end of your friendship that seemed inevitable. She couldn't have been more shocked than when you said those words she wanted to hear...
"I feel the same, Via."
"Really? Then... would you... maybe... want to... try going steady?"
You snorted out a little laugh, tilting your head.
"'Going steady'? What are you, ninety?"
Of course, you were only teasing, and she momentarily pouted at you before you finally gave in, taking both of her hands in yours.
"I'd love to go out with you. Just convince your mom not to kill me when she finds out you're dating me."
She let out a hoot-like laugh and nodded.
"I promise I will."
You were her absolute everything, and she was so happy she finally got to be with you. :)
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Okay, so headcanon that Verosika's childhood wasn't the nicest. Not necessarily awful, but she never really felt wanted by anyone.
That all changed when she met you, though! As little three-year-olds, and her parents living on earth for a few months out of the year, she became immediately attached to you, clinging to your affection like she thought it'd leave if she ever let go of you.
She's clingy to a fault, always wanting to hug you and hold your hand and play those "physical" games (tag, leap frog, etc.). Sometimes, though, she'd sucker you into playing dolls with her. But hey, at least she (usually) let you be Ken. And have a personality.
"Hey! S/O! Let's play! I wanna be Nicky, but you can be Ken! :D"
She was so adorable and sweet, how could you possibly resist?
She maintained close contact with you, and her parents really didn't mind that she sometimes went off on her own to spend time with you.
You were there when her career began taking off and when she began getting famous, even to the extent of tabloids discussing rumors that you were an item. You weren't, though, although you started crushing on her near the beginning of her idol career.
So the tabloids made you uncomfortable in a... strange way. You didn't want her knowing how much you loved her, especially considering she was already with some imp guy...
...and then he broke her heart.
You consoled her, held her, reminded her how perfect and amazing she was, and how she didn't need someone who never saw her value the way it should be.
In this moment, she realized how amazing you were to her. You were always there when she needed you, you were never mocking or cruel with her, you never made her feel unwelcome or unloved... You were an amazing guy.
But you didn't think of it the same way. You didn't want to confess under the precipice of her possibly thinking you were glad to see her get her heart broken just so you could virtue signal about how much you loved her.
It wasn't instant, but that night, she began to develop her own feelings for you.
A few months later, she was head over heels, the same way you were. She was mean and catty with a lot of people, but oh, not with you. She adored you.
You'd already be close with her posse, but they set you two up, convincing Verosika to tell you the way she feels.
"Heya. So, like... I kind of like you, and all, but if you don't feel the same, totally fine. I don't mind."
A lot more chill when she isn't actively plotting against someone, actually. And of course, you accepted her confession that you thought would never happen.
And so, in the end, the tabloids were proven right... eventually. :)
Until then... she's content to keep your relationship a secret for now. ;)
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bubblegumb1tch111 · 3 months
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Yeiiii, we finally have the characters sexualities confirmed!!!!!!!
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thecrazygamingzombie · 4 months
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these give me life
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blitzosicedcoffee · 2 months
I would love for the next short to be just throwing us for a fucking loop and that the reason Loona has been missing from IMP and Via is missing from the palace is because they're moving in together.
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mimblizzy · 4 months
I haven't seen anybody talk about this so i'm gonna say it: Can we talk about how Stella ordered the assassination of her husband? In front of their daughter.
I mean we haven't seen any indicatinons wether their mother-daughter relationship is good or bad but. Like. The fact that Stella ordered the death of Stolas at the breakfast table. Without any thought about how that would affect Octavia, it paints a pretty clear picture to me.
No, Octavia can't hear her but that's not the point.
We know that Via and Stolas have a very close relationship even though Via is going through a rather difficult phase of puberty.
The fact that Stolas and Stella had her so young, Stolas' lullaby scene and Stella's balant disinterest in wether Via hears their fighting or not makes me suspect that Stolas was Via's main caregiver. And Stella has to be aware of it. She either just doesn't think or care about how the death of Stolas would affect her daughter and this shows us that she doesn't care all to much about her.
Also, Stella has moved out. And there is never any discussion about where Via is going to stay, it's clear she'll stay with her father who teaches her magic. As far as i remeber Stella and her brother never even talk about about Via besides the fact that she'll inherit everything.
(Also that accusation that Stolas makes Stella look bad to Via and Stella's and Anrealphus' plan to bide their time to take control makes me believe that they (and withe they i mean Andrealphus bc Stella is a little stupid) will later try to force a wedge between father and daughter to manipulate Via but that's all just speculation on my side)
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helluva-family · 23 days
blitzo notice anything different?????????????????????
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Blitzø: Huh? *looks at himself, still seeing himself pregnant* Uh…no? I mean I do feel so much better, like before I was hurt! So that’s great.
Octavia: *pulls her dad aside* Are you sure we should keep the ‘you-know-what’ from him?
Stolas: I mean…for now. He’s just waking up and I don’t want to upset him. At least for now. He doesn’t need to know.
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bluedancer9000 · 1 year
Octavia: Wait, you’re friends with Beelzebub!?
Loona: Well yeah, she’s my girlfriend-in-law.
Octavia: …what.
Loona: She’s dating Vortex, I’m dating Vortex.
Vortex: It isn’t super complicated.
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hear-my-circles-sing · 4 months
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I've not really seen this mentioned yet but Stolas has been covering so much of his past (the chandelier too) but he's been keeping the bits with Octavia out 😭
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goldsnek · 2 months
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In need of comfort...
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nifftyisgonnakillu · 4 months
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How about this? Headcanons for Loona and Octavia (separate) with a nerdy!male!reader??
Idk, but when I was thinking of this I thought of him just being Milo thatch from Atlantis: The Lost Empire if he was an imp (and maybe looking like him with a human disguise).
"My Geek" ; Loona, Octavia Ars Goetia
AN: I have never seen ATLA, so I hope I did this okay for you!!
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Loona would tease you. Brutally, in fact. But she does it all out of love. She just doesn't really know how to show people that she cares about them, so she resorts to teasing to hide the fact that she does. She doesn't want to seem vulnerable, after all. Look where that's gotten her in the past.
With that said, that doesn't mean she lets anybody else makes fun of you. No, only SHE'S allowed to do that. Girlfriend privileges, she calls them. Even before you're actually dating.
But the second someone else tries? Ohhhh dear, be prepared for tears. And not hers (or yours).
"Don't be such a prick when he manages to pull hot bitches with his nerdiness, and you're going to die a loser virgin."
She'd of course comfort you afterwards, in her own Loona way. Telling you how that person was a loser, anyway. How they didn't understand your "weird, shitty hobbies", but that that only made them a little bitch.
Loona will act like she doesn't care about what you're suggesting to her, but in reality... well, her Mammazon cart is full of her gift ideas for you for special occasions. Comic books, manga, movies, costumes, you name it.
And y'know what? She'll never tell you that she actually paid attention to what you told her.
"Here. A random shut-up gift."
That's code for "I've been listening a lot, actually, and I know these are things you like, so I wanted to get you something that lets you know I paid attention", by the way.
Honestly, I feel like she'd prefer a nerdy S/O for a guy, though?? Someone she can be playful and fun with without having to maintain her stone-cold persona.
Now your human disguise... oh boy.
You saw how she was with Vortex? Yeah, well, with you, you can basically amplify that by ten.
Basically heart eyes lmao.
Don't worry, she eventually starts acting more normal around you in that form once she begins associating it back to you, her loving boyfriend.
She'd still have those momentary slip-ups where she says something she normally wouldn't, though, although they're much more welcome when you're actually her boyfriend.
"Uh... Loona? You okay?"
"You're hot... I mean, uh- Y'know, literally. Cuz it's... a hot day out."
Girl is down bad.
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Honestly? Octavia seems pretty nerdy, too. Probably has a secret comic book hobby. So she doesn't see anything wrong with your hobbies. She even finds them endearing.
Likes to hear your little hot takes, whether or not she really agrees with them. It opens the floor for some productive discussion and banter.
"Oh yeah? And what happens if I do something like this?"
And she proceeds to either do it, if it's a physical thing she can do, or explain the idea, eager to hear your take on it or if it's something you'd suggest in that scenario.
Due to that, she really isn't hard to make conversation with at all, since she can relate pretty well to your more geeky interests, and even be persuaded to get into the same fandoms. Or have fandom battles, like Marvel vs. D.C..
She'll always side with D.C., though.
And of course, she'll happily come with you to those types of movies, since she usually really enjoys them, herself.
She's more of a music nerd, though, and she'll definitely try to get you to listen to some of her favorite artists. The music is pretty angsty, but it's not bad, either. And you love her, so you bear with it for her.
Definitely the type to take you to one of those geek stores for your birthday and just let you pick whatever you want.
Girl comes from money, and she knows how to spend it. :)
"S/O? What about this one? It's got that thing you like on it."
As she's proudly showing you a T-shirt of a character you mentioned liking, excitedly looking around for her own things, as well.
Always a fun couple experience.
Oh, also, Stella HATES you, but that's probably to be expected. Not that Octavia really cares for her absentee mother's approval.
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bubblegumb1tch111 · 3 months
Guys,guys,guys,Before we get excited or anything,I want us to remember the painful situation in which we ended the last time,i think we should all keep a cool head and be a little real regarding our expectations.
Here are mine..........
These are for the next chapter.
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And these for the rest of the season ................
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So, how about the latest helluva boss episode huh?
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autistic-stolas · 2 months
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bonding with your stepdaughter!
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n3felibata · 2 months
Incredibly powerful demon prince, practically immortal, capable of turning people to stone, commander of 26 legions... playing dress up with his daughter
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