#Oddities;; Canon
obscenicon · 5 days
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void-f3lt · 3 months
1st🐍Chap: A New Roommate            Snake in a Panther’s Cage Now
Six months.
Six Fucking Months.
It has been six months—probably—since he’d last been back on Earth. 
Him and Loki, his younger brother, were on a plane together to go see their Father and then the plane got intercepted/fucking abducted??? by actual fucking aliens, people knew that aliens existed but they usually didn’t fuck with humans, something happened during WW3 or some shit and a very thin peace treaty was passed around, and some new laws got added to the Geneva Convention along the line of just because they ain’t human doesn’t mean they have to be experimented on.
After failing to escape stupid space jail, yes he knew it is a trafficking ship but he didn’t care. Alistair had just waited for something. Anything other than a trip to The Gladiator Ring. Though after a while he waited for that too, even got excited when it was time. Yes he is a sadist, why do you ask? It’s fucking revenge. (he knows it’s not the bastards he’s fighting fault but it’s still therapeutic) He memorized how often the guards walked by. He painstakingly counted the seconds when he realized there was an actual schedule. 
Two and a half hours of the Light Cycle and around every five hours of dark because they don’t have nocturnal Fuckers or timetable’s apparently, resulting in only two switch overs. Assuming he didn’t screw up his counting at any point. The alien wardens brought food and water. Their food smelled like this one time that he lost a muffin under his bed for about a year and it grew black mold, mixed with rat poison. So yeah, he obviously refused to eat it. 
Normally he just takes out one of his granola bars and eats half of that. He’s down to twenty-four so far and he eats one every three Day cycles so he’ll last about (*Math Later*).
There was that one time when an alarm had gone off for some reason. That had been somewhat interesting and fucking hurt. His dragon roommate didn’t seem as bothered, behaving how Alistair probably would at a fire alarm back home. But to him? It was unbearable. It drove him to tears and he ultimately passed out. It hadn’t happened again, yet. He guessed it was either a false alarm or a breach somewhere else on the ship. That would also confirm that there were other floors with prisoners. 
He tried to find a way out, looking for loose bars and checking out the locks but he genuinely couldn’t figure those the fuck out(he really should have been taking notes whenever Father went on one of his engineering rant) and when he first tried to he could barely get a grip on the bars due to the stupid electric force field science fiction bullshit. Yes earth, and human settlements almost everywhere, has similar tech but he’s still gonna call sci-fi bullshit ‘cause it is.
Eventually, his captors figured out he wouldn’t eat the rat poison, and they brought something else. A lot of something else, actually. He avoided what didn’t smell or taste right, hoping for the best of the things he did eat. Raw, yellow meat? Questionable. Some kind of pink and orange slugs? Absolutely not. The plant lookin’ things that were probably fruit were fine. He liked the almost carrot. And they had jerky. The rest he gave to his dragon roommate as a peace offering. 
At one point, some of the wardens came in, like they usually do, only this time they tried to take the alien dragon. When the dragon started struggling, Ailstair decided that helping them might earn him some kind of favor with it. (Definitely not because he grew attached to them and feared for their safety) So he attacked the guard that had tried to keep him back. 
And bit the Bastard arm off. 
Aliens are… really fucking squishy. Their taser baton things didn’t really phase him, but it killed a Guard whenever he snatched it and used it against them. As it fell, its arm tore off. Inside of his mouth. It was disgusting. It tasted disgusting. He knew the fuckers were fragile, he once just lightly stepped on one that he knocked to the floor—didn’t even jump on the fucker— and snapped its rips but still, That was a lot.
They didn’t open the cell door anymore after that. Food and water were delivered through the little slit under the door, pushed by sticks. He tried to grab the sticks but they pulled back as soon as he started to approach. It was starting to piss him off. Maybe next time he’ll take more than an arm. 
Currently he’s just sitting in said cage with his dragonborn frien-Roommate staring at the ceiling after his newest escape attempt. Seriously, these fucker’s are so dumb. Thinking that watching him from all angles will make it any harder for him to escape. News flash, it won't stop him from trying as he’s tried four times by now, and almost succeeded 2 & 1/2 of those times(the half is cause he killed a fucker then took a hit to the bottom of his spine which kinda scared him and his dragon). 
He trying his very best to ignore all the chatter around him. Just because he can technically make them shut up doesn't mean he wants to let them know he can understand them. He normally takes the thin but still metal food trays, that they give him everyday, bend and snap and sharpen into shanks during when he’s bored but he ran out. He’s pretty sure they either can’t figure out what he’s doing or know what he’s doing and are to surprised to realize it’s a threat and try and take them away. And if they try and do that they’d have to pry them out of his cold, dead hands.
Alistair is getting real off track with his thought process tonight but what else is he supposed to do? It’s in the middle of the Night and nothing ever hap- oh wait, never mind something’s happening maybe they’re probably just gonna take him to The Gladiator Ring I swear to god if I have to fight another IRL nomu from MHA, I will go for the crowd next time. But he can hear a Fucker carrying something… no someone? large?? alien, with the way they're yelling at another Fucker. 
“You are such a hujari axten! Just lift the hujari thing for once you DRIDE!!!” Fucker One said. “Look, I told you with the other one. I. Can’t. Touch. It.” Fucker Two responded with exasperation. “The dride is three times lighter than you would think, but still hujari huge and heavy and one the most violent and capable of this species we’ve taken alive!!” Fucker One yelled.
“Oh well I’m oh so sorry, that only me and you are walking around doing quiores right now. If only we could take one of the other guards that are on patrol just to lift this thing to a cell, when it is obviously easy for you to lift… you are just krefftin lazy and want to go back to sleep, well guess what ya’ blasted axten SO DO I BUT SOMEONE HAS TO BE WITH YOU JUST IN CASE SOMETHING KREFFTIN HAPPENS YOU AXTEN’VERN!!”
Alistair was kinda shocked that they were just casually arguing while dragging someone to a cell where they will either be killed, experimented on, or put into The Gladiator Ring, or even just to sell the poor souls to the highest bidder. He wouldn’t be surprised if it wasn’t uncommon to see other aliens that just sell others cause, y’know, Money. Alistair is preeetty sure Father is either a cannibal or just sells human organs.. or both.
As he glares at the cage door with a new found hate. He doesn't mind the others in the cell block because they're in their own cages but he absolutely hates sharing his personal space. (Loki and his dragon are entirely different stories thank you very fucking much) While most of the other poor souls are asleep or close to, he must stay awake, his paranoia demands it what if they put.. whatever/whoever the hell, in his cage. 
He waits as the arguing gets closer and closer, louder and louder, more annoying by the second because the other Fucker should just help the other other Fucker because it will get the work done faster. 
He’s very glad that he is already used to very low light levels he and Loki both hate having the light on in their rooms, everyone (including themselves) are very confused by how well Loki’s eyesight actually is. His eyesight is also a whole ‘nother miracle and a half ‘cause both his mother and Father have reading glasses. After what felt like way too long they finally make it in the cell block. And stop right in front of his cell, Lovely. Alistair glares at them, bringing in another poor soul into this shit-hole, how many have they done this too. 
(Oh my gawd, why do I caaarreeerrhhr) 
Alistair just watches as they open his cage, if this was a good time he would use his new knifes to stab these dumbasses in their dick-equivalent so he could escape. IF it was a good time but Alistair still doesn't know where Loki is being held and his dragon roommate is both seven fuckin’ feet tall and asleep curled into a ball a couple feet away from the wall in front of him, doing something like that now would also be a death sentence cause off how many Fuckers he maimed. 
It seemed they finally stopped yelling at each other, probably trying to restrict the information they might let slip in front of him. Both of them looked at each other for a second, having some seyelent conversation.
And then in quick succession, Fucker one turns off the electricity, opens the cage, as Fucker two throws the body bag as hard as they can, and when he says as hard as they can, this is a being getting tossed so hard they hit the back of the cell. 
He hopes that didn't electrify whatever or whoever was in the bag. Then as soon as whatever is in the bag left the guards arms, the cage closes and the electricity gets turned back on. Poor bastard might be dead with a hit against the bars like that. The back bars were still electrified so that just added moredamage. Alistair wanted to keep glaring at the guards as they walked away but he couldn’t, this Stupidly lowng bitch in a bag(might be a snake or ferret.. why was That the second option)may not be dead. He flicks his glare back and forth between the Fucks and bag but ultimately picks the bag. 
Alistair slowly makes his way over to the bag and hears some chuckling from the Fuckers at the door. He doesn't care about them right now, he needs to make sure what ever is in the bag is 1) dead or not 2) if it’s sentient, prey or predator so he can either make it afraid of him or take his chances with the bars 3) if sentient and not hurt to bad, can they be useful.
He’s getting closer to the bag when he finally notices it’s moving a little bit. He tries to get a little closer again but stops at the sound it made. It sounded like a growl from a demonic lion that is half reformed from being blended in a blender about to claw its way out of hell, might be from the pain, might be because it’s stuck in a bag, or it’s sensing him and telling him to back up. 
Whatever it is (probably) can’t see him so, it shouldn’t end up as badly, he’ll just be even more careful. Dragon(who woke up when they heard the loud crash and clang, apparently) whispered at him to “Do not go and open that fucking bag.” He’s so glad he actually know common so he doesn’t have to guess what the curse words are. Ignoring his concerned frRoommate and moving as slowly as he can, Alistair gets right beside the cursed creature in the bag. It’s moving a bit more and making more, demonic clearing throat noises, but he has deducted that it must just be waking up, surprised that it’s hurt, and/or pissed. 
He stares at whatever this thing is, pocketknife in hand ‘cause those shanks are not thick nor sharp enough(yet) to cut through the bag. He runs different ways he could get killed doing this in his head and decides that whatever it is, it would be more upset if it was still stuck in a bag, better to make sure he’s the one to get it out. Alistair was about to raise his pocketknife to cut through the bag but jumped back as the bag started thrashing back. 
Absolutely not, safety first! He thought as he backtracked to his claimed corner, Dragon looking him like ‘I told you so’ and looking at the bag like it was going to eat them, the thing would probably kill him the moment it saw him going by the fact that it sounds like The Horrors and is like fifteen feet longso. Alistair eyes zero in on the bag and is amazed by how much it’s thrashing around in that thing. But it stopped thrashing almost as fast as started and he thinks he can see little impression of cat/maybe dog ears.
It’s quite around them besides the huffing breaths, growls and the untranslated probable curse words he can hear from the bag. Everyone is just staring at them now.
Alistair watches to see what it might do, does it have claws or something to cut the ba- Why is it gripping where the knot is? They usually don’t do that! Others in the past, either claw their way out or someone else cuts through the bag, either way no one goes for the knot.
He watches as the top of the bag that is tied off gets pulled into itself a bit. It’s confusing trying to figure out what this thing is doing. Does it think it can somehow bring the knot into the inside of the bag and untie it or? If it somehow, by a sheer miracle, gets it fully through the bag…. What will it do now? 
Alistair watched in silence, honesty amazed, horror as the now untied knot got tossed out and then the bag opened up. “Finally,” was said followed by more probable very creative insults directed at the Fuckers given their faces. He waits slowly breathing in the forgotten breaths for when it will leave the bag, he hasn’t known any sentient race that can do that. 
His eyes track the…. 
I mean it’s furry and has built in claws, but still, HAND???
Slowly exiting the bag first, It has long almost metallic black claws and the hand looks to be short charcoal black but dense fur, from wrist to a little below the elbow the fur seams to be compacted down. (And a little glittery as he reflects on later) The other hand reaches around a little as the opening of the bag opens to let themself through better. The guards at the door froze in fear as the creature’s eyes stared down into their souls, then it pounced.
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arrows-craft-corner · 2 months
Free twimblo crochet pattern
I’ve been a huge fan of Welcome to Dreamworld since last summer and since the only merch is keychains that I can never get my hands on because they’re always sold out by the time I get to them I’d thought I’d make some fanmade merch. What better thing to do than to make plushies of twimblos as a kind of meta piece of merchandise. As always, please link me to your finished twimblos because I’d love to see them!
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Thank fuck they’re gone. I feel like I’ve been watched ever since I got my Twimblo. I feel more tired and I’m always drained. It’s so bad that my friends are even commenting on it. They say I’ve been losing my sparkle, which is weird because it only started happening since I got my twimblo. Maybe something is wrong with it or maybe I’m just going insane. I swear it disappears off somewhere and I find it days later. Something is definitely off.
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dethbug · 5 months
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so...........i made a venture bros insert
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bizarrescribblez · 5 months
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whoopsie daisy ! *drops this intentionally*
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sallymew4 · 1 year
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i want them to be happy
not a SINGLE canonical timeline do they get a happy ending
passes out
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bepenikki · 8 days
list of things i have to do:
chemistry homework for tomorrow (very long)
literature homework (read a shitty book i hate)
art homework
history homework
list of things im doing:
watching miencraftt five nights at freeddys roleplay frommm 7 years ago made for childrenn
making a spreadsheet forr the minecraft five nights at freddys roleplay
writing fanfics about the minecraft five nights at freddys roleplay
making a playlist for the minecraft five nights at freddys roleplay because i saw someone say the other playlists were incomplete (not very well made, missing a handful of episodes i realized a couple hundred episodes later i probs should have added)
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yuriidoctor · 8 months
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randommessibe · 14 days
Since it's day 4 of Pride Month and I just remembered I have a tumblr, here are some of my Undertale ocs canon identities, pronouns, and sexualities!
The Fates:
Pendulum - Non-binary (he/him), no label
Sastro - Non-binary (he/him), bisexual
Calame - Non-binary (they/he), panromantic-asexual
Clover - Non-binary (he/they/xem), bisexual
Cryptid Oddities:
Hedone - Genderfluid (any pronouns, most of the time she/they), pansexual (maybe cupioromantic???)
Luno - Demi-boy (he/they), bisexual
Quetzi - Transgender ftm (he/him), bisexual
Leon - Non-binary (he/they), pansexual
Hoshi - Non-binary (any pronouns, mainly he/him), demisexual
Garrick - Cisgender (he/him), straight ally
Clementine - Intersex (she/her), lesbian
Rosa - Demi-girl (she/they), lesbian
Espy - Cisgender (he/him), straight ally
Frisk - Non-binary (they/them), questioning
Toriel - Cisgender (she/her), straight ally
Asgore - Cisgender (he/him), questioning
Graves (Sans) - No labels (he/him), asexual
Scratch (Papyrus) - No labels (he/him), no labels
Ghostie (Sans 2.0???) - Bigender (she/he), bisexual
Undyne - Demi-girl (she/they), sapphic
Alphys - Demi-girl (she/they), bisexual
Mettaton - Transgender ftm (he/him), no labels
Napstablook- No labels (he/they), asexual
Armani - Cisgender (she/her), questioning
Flowey - No labels (he/him), (unexpected) ally
Surfi - Cisgender (he/him), Cinthean/gay
(More characters may be potentially added)
Music box:
Frisk - Non-binary (they/them)
Tinker (Sans) - no labels (any pronouns), no labels
(More characters may be potentially added)
LemonGrass (Sans variant???) - No labels (any pronouns)
Kondi - No labels (any pronouns), demisexual
Alvah - Non-binary (he/him), demisexual
(More characters may potentially be added)
More characters may be added and/or updated as I go down my lists again of which characters I've made as well as my aus! But for now, I hope that y'all like this! Happy pride month again! (Also, before anyone asks about GhostTwist Frisk, they are canonically in their 20's in my au.)
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discipleofplague · 18 days
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i love amdusias
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frosty-tian · 1 year
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My end of the art/fic trade with @weonbullshit!
Thank you so much for doing it with me, it was very fun!
Their part can be found here.:
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peefartress2 · 7 months
part 1: lorena
an au where the pastel children's oddities are a bit more... extreme.
The thing is, Lorena knew that her friendship with Suzie wasn’t all like she made it out to be. There was a point in time where she really, really did believe that they were good friends. She looked past all rhyme or reason that would ever make her think they weren’t, and now she didn’t know why she ever thought Suzanna Winchester was on her side.
One question lingered in her mind: did she regret it, that half-baked excuse of a friendship? Every match that she cheered for her in? Their friendly battles? Her one-sided longing (?) for a friend like Suzie?
It sucked, thought Lorena as she rammed her fist into a punching bag, sweat beading at her forehead. (The gym was her private playground, the go-to place to work out in. No one thought to interrupt her training here.) It sucked because she wanted to hate Suzie so bad, for seeing her as a way to get to Lance, and she wanted to hate Lance for using her for power- because yeah, she understood the marriages in the first place were for their Kingdoms. But this felt different, it hurt, and it was why it hurt that she couldn’t understand. Maybe it was because of how genuine Lance was- or seemed. How much of that was real and how much of that was fake? And that just made her sad, which made her more angry, which made her so much more confused.
Tantrums from Lorena were common when she was a little princess. There would be no dessert left for 4 year old Lorena and she would get angry and violent, then thorns would form on her skin and Molly had to take care of all of it. Dear Molly, she was so steadfast and patient for dealing with all four Pastel Children as the King went on his missions. As well as Miss Agatha, who had helped nurture Lorena’s education, and was very familiar with young Lorena’s tear-stained face, red with frustration with a sheet of numbers that could only stare back at her. Miss Agatha decided she wouldn’t give Lorena worksheets anymore- it just didn’t work. And when things wouldn’t work, Lorena grew more rotten flowers that wouldn’t go away for days. A lot more made sense when Lorena was diagnosed with ADHD at 14 and she learned how to manage better. No one forget those legendary tantrums, however…
With Lorena’s ability to grow plants and flowers around her, it was sometimes that the flowers would grow inside her if her emotions went out of check. So the tantrums and the fits has to happen less. By the time she was age 15 Lorena was confident it wouldn’t happen again. But things growing on the surface of her body never happened before again… until now. 
That morning after the Gala. Lorena remembered getting home in a silent fury, a disbelief and a great, blazing white anger. How could it be that someone who you swore to protect would be the one who would end up hurting you? Lance. Prince Lance of the Plaid Kingdom. He’d told her the most he’d ever wanted was to see his loved ones succeed. Flash forward one proposal later. She and Maria held a shaking Gwendolyn in their arms, who shrunk into herself as she weeped. They all cried and were left wondering if their father had been right in his caution- for when one of them ached, they all ached together.
Some stupid part of her still saw Suzie as a friend. She wanted to trust her so bad, cause what other friends did she have after that whole thing with Lance? Maybe Suzie was right to point out the conflicts in their goals, because now the gravity of marriage really started to settle in for her. She was so close with going through with it too… she hadn’t even had her own 18th birthday party. Birthdays for the Pastel Kids weren’t big parties or anything, but they felt real special, even compared to the splendor of a Plaid Social Event that was Lance’s birthday party… the very party she met Suzie.
“GAHHHH!” She’d hit a fierce jab after jaw-busting uppercut after killer right hook. The punching bag she practiced on seemed more exhausted than she was.
Lorena looked down at her hands and noticed they seemed to be rough and course. Her hands felt… angry, like they wanted to strangle and choke someone- and for a second, she was scared of herself. She needed to tell Molly or Miss Agatha or anyone, in fear that it may happen again. The moment she felt the fear of losing control, the quicker the thorns began to grow, and the rougher her skin became as they clumped up in different areas like tree bark.
Get out, get out, get out!!
The hallway doors burst open as Lorena dashed down the hall.
I want to run, she thought, and she commanded her feet to take her as far away as they could. She had no need for shoes, for the soles of her feet has become rough and coarse and green; like the tough material of tree bark.
Her feelings only grew.
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orcelito · 1 year
Surprisingly not that into the "uncanny Vash" trend. Bc like while I am an unrepentant monsterfucker & I LOVE when he gets super inhuman in appearance. A lot of these "uncanny vash" things just... don't feel like him. It feels like knock-off horror portrayals slapped onto his face.
For the ones that actually work with what he is, I LOVE it. But the ones that r just trying to make him some unrelated horror caricature... I'm just not into it.
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vaugarde · 1 year
alsooooo btwwwww ive been thinking of timeline stuff for my kirbyverse and i think like, for the most part all the main series games are in chronological order except for kirby super star (ultra), which chronologically happens first. super star is basically kirby’s origin story and how he became the hero of dreamland and popstar 
(i also like it bc super star ultra was kumazaki’s first real kirby game as director and thats the start of his modern kirby content so its like a new beginning for that era as well as being the start of kirby’s journey)
#i like to think he meets all the helpers in this game spread out across the subgames too#with knuckle joe being his first ally (and marx is like his proto helper hes the first friend kirby ever made but he doesnt do shit LOL)#(is totally not biased towards knuckle joe)#i actually used to have like this small story arc with kirby and joe where joe believed he was going to be the one to save dreamland#from dedede in spring breeze and he views kirby as his sidekick bc at that point kirby was rather unassuming and no one knew abt his powers#not even kirby himself (reflecting how kirby couldnt use copy abilities in the original dreamland)#baby puffballs are generally supposed to be very fragile and weak but kirby is an oddity in that hes actually fairly durable#and copy abilities are exclusive to him actually. (and ig keeby and the other kirbies but ngl. i dont count them as canon SDKLFJSDLF)#so meta knight never had copy abilities at any point in his life. neither did galacta. they both had to learn to use weapons#anyways though kirby would defeat the bosses in spring breeze in ways that sorta looked like accidents at first glance so joe shrugged em of#off#but when they fought dedede knuckle joe got defeated and seeing him knocked out spurred kirby to fight#and in the process he gets the hammer ability... the rest is history#but joe would struggle with his pride for a while feeling insignificant compared to kirby and he struggles to defeat a lot of bosses#bc his insecurities keep getting in the way and he gets like resentful of kirby... but then kirby reveals that joe is the one who inspires h#him to be strong and that he wants to be just like him and that he misses how much joe cared about him...#and after this conversation kirby would use the fighter ability for the first time (with a matching headband w joe)#damn typing that out makes me want to keep this actually it kinda fucks)#echoed voice
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beevean · 11 months
Your recent asks about autism have reminded me that, apparently, many NGE fans seem to think that Rei is Autistic, to the point that I've seen some pass it off as canon.
Y'know, disregarding the fact that the source of Rei's socialization issues is rooted in her extremely sheltered and abusive upbringing, and the fact that she was made in a lab....
This is why I can't stand the "coded" mentality.
"I am autistic, and I relate to Rei. I, too, am isolated by my peers, struggle to understand them, doesn't understand the logic of social norms, and am seen as cold and unfeeling when I'm really not." <- perfectly fine and understandable! Yes, Rei's personality traits can overlap with autism or other conditions, so nothing wrong in empathizing with her.
"I am autistic, and I relate to Rei... therefore, she is autistic like me" <- not really how it works, and please think through your implications, since we know that Rei's differences are not due to a different neurotype, but to her being an artificial human/angel hybrid groomed to see herself as a disposable tool.
It's all about the presumption and the flattening of characters IMO
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sallymew4 · 2 years
is it just me or does TOR Puppet have the most fluctuating personality out of all the characters
like with the others its not too hard to analyze their character traits n such but with Puppet it's different
yes they have the blaringly obvious traits and behaviors but on a deeper level, or maybe even surface level, they're somewhat fluid in little ways
like theyre lawful neutral and follow (and often attempt to force others to adhere to) their own set of rules, but the rules keep changing. her personal code does not stay the same
now that i think about it, what if this is done on purpose for the show ? the reason its so hard to pin him down is because thats how they want us to see him.
his constant changing of personal guidelines rules and code would cause those around him to have a difficult time to keep up with him, due to his demands that others must ALSO follow these personal guidelines etc etc. this could make for interesting interactions or episodes, which we have seen examples of previously in episodes
in some scenes they might claim to be an outcast or a wallflower (refusing to accept a letterman jacket from Freddy because "Puppet does not conform", and staying off of a dance floor and away from the people he knows and talks to frequently as if they dont know the others at all), while in others theyre seen to be quite outgoing and bold, maybe even openly craving (and lowkey begging for) attention
but then again, this could just be me misinterpreting her character and being unable to truly understand the shows intentions (which i hope to unbelievable lengths im not given shes one of my favorite characters and one i relate to in certain aspects (fake Puppet kinnie real !?!?!?!/j))
in conclusion, the gist of this mess of a character rant is that despite their cover, Puppet is wobbly. unable to stick to their own code of conduct, tweaking it along the way so they do. possibly. i could be completely wrong who knows
anyways that should be the end of an out of the blue rant post, unless i think up some more junk later ahaha
i usually just think these up in my head and totally forget them in an instant but i decided to get it all down in this post cuz im actually quite curious on what others say. i would love to see others interpretation of Puppet. and if you totally disagree with my ranting, please engage ! i would love to discuss it further and have my eyes opened to other views on her and her character
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