#Og havik
biiguru · 7 months
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This comic made me think of them💕 (Also this is my first OG/Midway Havik! xD )
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hankhill420 · 10 months
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I’m back on my bullshit
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seidanguard · 5 months
[[do i hate him more or]]
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harbingersecho · 1 year
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you will accept chaos, by choice or by force!
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laismoura-art · 1 year
My little brother saw Ashrah for the first time yesterday, and he was absolutely delighted by her!
And gently nicknamed her "Cherubim" (Cherub), and I think that was lovely, and now we all refer to her as the Cherubim!🤍💛
I remember @gophergal being upset some of the newcomers in the fandom were talking trash about the 3D era characters, I'll let you know in my household the youth loves the 3D era characters! They are loved and appreciated, specially the Cherubim🫡🤍💛
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ntaras · 1 year
dairou is havik’s real name
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slavicstar · 11 months
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OG Havik appreciation post
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mediocreshake08 · 2 months
Incorrect Mortal Kombat quotes part 6: I can't think of a funny or dumb title
HAVIK and HOTARU: *are fighting behind the counter*
TAVEN: Can I get a waffle? May I please get a waffle?
SKARLET: *dressed as Aladdin* What do you think?
KITANA: I think Disney's going to sue somebody.
KIRA in front of a camera: I'm here with Tremor and... What's your name again?
KOBRA: Hey pass.
KIRA: Heap Ass?
*Kobra laughs his nuts off and Tremor chuckles under his breath*
JOHNNY: I've connected the two dots.
SONYA: You didn't connect shit.
JOHNNY: I've connected them.
JAQUI: I punch the shit out of people and shoot plasma from my gauntlets.
CASSIE: I got my dad's magic, I shoot my opponents and have a fatality where I kick someone in the nuts so hard, their skull and spine flies out.
KUNG JIN: I throw chakrams and suplex people with arrows.
TAKEDA: Haha, whips and lightsabers go brrr
DAEGON: Hey, Taven?
TAVEN: Yes, brother?
DAEGON: *pulls up the @//taven-from-edenia blog and shows the peanits post*
NRS!NITARA: Face it, we look good in this new design--
Midway!NITARA: We? What do you mean we? Nintendo Wii?
NRS!NITARA: No, fool, we as in US!
Midway!NITARA: Us? Awe you talking about who?
NRS!NITARA: No, Shit-ass, us.
Midway!NITARA: Bitch please, your dress looks like flem on toast compared to mine. Your head looks like an onion and your voice sounds like someone shitting down a chimney.
*NRS!Nitara would then cry out a river after being roasted tf out of*
CYRAX: Sektor, you're an asshole, man.
SEKTOR: You are what you eat, Cyrax.
*Cyrax would break character and start laughing*
Mk9!SMOKE: I'm sorry about your sister and mother. But don't worry, at least you're still alive.
MK1!SMOKE: ... Aren't you supposed to be helping me cope with my trauma?
HAVIK: Once again, I am a main antagonist in a Mortal Kombat story.
SHANG TSUNG: You've been a main villain before?
HAVIK: Yeah, I was in the prequel comic books. Look!
*Pulls up a page of himself from the MKX prequel comic*
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SHANG TSUNG: Huh. How about that.
HAVIK: Yeah, AND they gave me my cool og design.
SHANG TSUNG: Also wasn't Skarlet killed here or..?
HAVIK: Doesn't matter, it was retconned.
SHANG TSUNG: Fair point.
*Red Robin kicks Muchacha's door down*
MUCHACHA: Please leave.
ROBIN: Have you ever heard, of a mountain chicken?
ROBIN: what do you think it looks like?
MUCHACHA: Like a really big chicken?
ROBIN: That's what I thought, BUT NO, ITS THIS MOTHERFU--
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biiguru · 1 month
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A gift for my friend, seidanguard I hope you like it!💕
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hankhill420 · 7 months
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seidanguard · 10 months
[[I call this piece "spooky beefcake with some other stuff that doesn't matter"]]
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[[It's a scene from my story called "two beefcakes wandering platonically in a spooky place together," chapter 3]]
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Okay, this is VERY cracky but hear me out-
It's my personal headcanon that Bi Han had a fling with Havik during his time as Noob (based on the MK9 ending where they team up). And to not make this the most horrid thing, I'm basing Havik on his OG timeline characterization, where he was strictly chaotic neutral and sided with whoever created the most chaos, which happened to be the bad guys the majority of the time. (I'm convinced NRS saw yet another character with moral greyness and decided to put them in a box)
Like I imagine that the whole "regaining humanity" thing caused Bi Han's memories to get a bit fried, eventually becoming clearer with time. One minute he's sleeping in bed and the next he sits up at break neck speeds. Sareena, who was lying next to him, thinks he's having a nightmare and tries to comfort him. Only for him to look her dead in the and speak in a horrified whisper: "I forgot I was dating Havik..." before immediately falling back asleep.
Meanwhile, Havik is patiently waiting for his long distance bf to return. Maybe he catches wind that he was seen with the Lin Kuei and thinks he's been kidnapped?
Dude, that would be hilarious
like, Havik attacks the Lin Kuei and he and Kuai Liang are trying to kill each other when Bi-Han runs between them
Bi-Han: Woah, woah! No, Stop!
Bi-Han, turning to Havik: No murdering my brother
Bi-Han, turning to Kuai Liang: No murdering my boyfriend
Kuai Liang: You have Another one?!
and then Havik just gets yoinked into the polycule
(this only works if Havik didn't pull the blood ties comics shit bc that is essential to how I characterize Kuai Liang)
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laismoura-art · 3 months
Hey!! First of all, thanks for the tag in your latest Suchin post, I really do appreciate it. ☺️
I gotta say, I'm really interested in your Seidan!Suchin headcanon! It certainly is a super unique take. I found myself having some observations and questions about her, which I would like to inflict upon you >:D (that is, if you don't mind lmao)
Keep in mind that I'm a lore nerd so I might go a little too in depth. 😭
Okay so I know your AU follows MK1 so Outworld/Edenia is pretty much the same thing. What makes me curious is how you chose to have Seido be a city inside Outworld rather than its own realm (I don't think Seido is part of Outworld in MK1 but I tend to forget a lot about the lore of this new era so you'll have to forgive me about this lmao).
Going from Seido in the OG Timeline, we know there are different types of seidan people: those who simply go by the rules, those who think the rules are too harsh but keep quiet about it and the rebels who join the Seidan Resistance. From what I get, Suchin's family would be the quiet dissatisfied people and I get their wish to run away. However, I would like to offer a slight twist.
See, we don't know if the Seidan government would go after average people who simply left Seido. They could, but it's never implied. However, they would definitely go after active resistants, because THOSE are seen as criminals. As such, families of said resistants might also be targeted, even if they are innocents. Therefore, I wonder about the possibility of a part of the Bunnag family being members of the Resistance. The Seidan Guardsmen thus deemed the entire Bunnag family as a threat and go after them, forcing the family to flee.
I also think it's neat that the Bunnags didn't seek help from Sindel given that, in the OG Timeline, Seido and Edenia have an okay but tense relationship since Seido still tries to force its order ideology upon Edenia. Sindel welcoming the Bunnag, then seen as criminals, would definitely give an excuse for Seido to attack.
As for Kenshi and Suchin, they would both be even more connected through their respective connection to criminal organizations they ultimately despise and disavow. Because, yes, the Seidan Resistance is on the surface a good idea, but they harm a lot of innocent people when trying to "free" their city/realm. It also makes me wonder about how Suchin would view Havik and Darrius in your AU and how the flooding of Seido could affect her.
Okay, it's a long ask but I'm genuinely interested. Seido is an intriguing place and the idea of including more seidan people, especially Suchin, really makes me curious. Ramble as much as you'd like lmao!!
Sure! I thought you'd like more Suchin content (especially cause you helped inspire that)!❤️
Really? Aww, thank you! I'm so happy this headcanon has been well received so far (I was afraid I had gone too wild with that one, lol)!
Please, do ask! I take any chance to talk about my girls! Plus, more specific questions like this really help polishing my ideas! So, thanks in advance for this ask!❤️
About Seido being in Outworld:
I totally made that up! We can tell by Havik's bio that Seido is its own realm:
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The only thing is that I expressed myself wrong, I called it a city, but what I was actually going for is kingdom!
I dunno if that's exactly what MK1 had in mind, but in my interpretation, Outworld is a realm, and Edenia is a kingdom within it (if that's not what they meant it's how I interpreted and therefore how it works in my AU :P) with that in mind, my idea is that Edenia and Seido are neighbour kingdoms with an okay-ish relationship!
And the reason is just for simplicity sake!
See, I wanted Suchin to have a connection with Outworld and Edenia for my Umgadi Girls AU, and having Seido being in Outworld and next to Edenia and Delia made everything easier and saved me the trouble to add interdimensional trips and all that stuff!
I wish I had a deeper and more interesting reason for that, but I genuinely just took the easier route. And I'm really not that ashamed cause NRS did the exact same by having Edenia and Outworld as one place :P
About the Bunnags being part of the Seidan Resistance:
I LOVED the idea! Consider it included!👏🏾❤️
AND I'd love to elaborate on that!
So, imagine if the Bunnags were just as extreme as Havik! And if back in the day they had the same sort of power he does now, they would be just as much of a threat!
But as time went by and new generations started to come, the family realised they were turning out just as ruthless as the government they sworn to topple and were causing more harm than good to the people they were trying to protect.
So, the new members started to take on different tactics that would cause less harm to the general population and eventually shifted their focus on actively defending the population from the government.
Unfortunately, the other members of the Resistance started to grow unsatisfied, they felt they weren't doing as much damage to the government anymore and started to think the Bunnags had gone soft and were now disqualified to keep leading their movement.
Without the resistance's support, the Bunnags were left much more exposed and became an easier target to the government.
Ultimately, the family realised they could not keep fighting under "the end justifies the means" rule because that belief didn't make them any better than their enemies.
Fearing for themselves and the families they actively protected (and also feeling their aid to the resistance was no longer welcomed), the family finally decided to leave!
They didn't try to hide the ugly part of their story. Rather, they accepted it and vowed they would never allow themselves to fall back into that dark path again. They would atone for their ancestors' sins and be better. Seek redemption.
Which then leads us back to Kenshi!
Who is struggling, thinking his family has gone too far into the darkness, and there's no way of finding redemption.
But now he knows that's not true! Thanks to Suchin, who decided to trust him and share her family's history. Her family, who once found themselves in the same crossroad he's now stuck in. Her family, who's all about redemption, who's living proof that redemption, though hard to achieve, is totally possible!
So basically, the Bunnags were a big deal within the resistance! Legends even! So you bet Havik heard of them, maybe was even a fan, and aspired to be as much of a threat to the government as they once were!
And since we are here, let's talk about Havik!
But there's the catch! He grew up listening to stories about the great Bunnag family and their feats! But he also heard of their change of heart and of their decision to flee.
And that would be a MAJOR let down for him! They would go from heroes to disgrace in a second! He would DESPISE them!
Which means he naturally hates Suchin!
And Havik being the embodiment of everything her family sworn never be anymore, Suchin hates him just as much! She sees him as the person she could've become had her family not found their way back towards the light. Look at him is like looking at a twisted mirror for her.
And this led me to a scenario I SO want to brainstorm right now!
Please, walk with me!
A while ago, my friend @meme099 requested my take on Harumi as a playable character, and I made this post:
In it, I included a Tower Ending for Harumi that was basically that, as her clan serves Cetrion (Mother Nature herself), it is their duty to handle natural disasters, and as a former Umgadi, she was requested to aid Outworld with their two latest (not so) natural disasters: the death of the Living Forest and the flood in Seido.
Harumi went with her clan and Cetrion herself, and for old times' sake, she was also accompanied by Li Mei and her former classmates, which, of course, include our dear Suchin!
Now, keep in mind that even though the Bunnags recognise their ancestors' actions were bad, they still hate Seido and think the government sucks!
Which is why when Suchin went to Outworld to reconnect with her roots, she did not attempt to reconnect with Seido.
She became a Umgadi because she wanted to learn more about the Goddess who helped her family escape that hellish place! For her, having a place in Edenia is more than enough of a reconnection!
And she did learn more about Seido. They are the neighbour kingdom, after all. But what she learned didn't really improve her view on the place, if anything only worsened, and gave her certainty that even if she was welcomed back there (she wasn't) she wouldn't want to go!
Imagine if the Order of Cetrion were just called to help with the Living Forest.
With that in mind, here's a slight change to Harumi's ending:
Havik would still be their main target, as he helped cause that too.
So Suchin would be here not only as a former Umgadi but also because she her knowledge on the Seidan Resistance (though outdated) might come in hand!
Unfortunately, not in her wild dreams, she expected the Seidan Resistance to flood Seido's capital and EVERYONE within!
Cetrion and her warriors reacted quickly. Suchin requested them to start their rescuing efforts on the lower parts of the city (ahem, the poor part), where the people would be more endangered.
Suchin was disgusted by the situation. It was exactly what her ancestors tried to avoid by changing their ways.
She ended up meeting Havik, and like I said: they both HATED each other!
Havik kept on repeating how disappointed he was and how low the Bunnag house had fallen. While Suchin prided herself for not being anything like him!
I'll leave the confrontation with Havik with an open ending, but in the end, Cetrion and her warriors managed to stop the flood and evacuate as many people as they could from the capital.
Almost every member of the government was killed in the flood, and others perished by Havik's hands. But the two or three members who survived made sure to intensify their war against the Resistance and their allies and, of course, as soon as they learned of Suchin, they had her banished, her return would be punished with death💀
They also sent the Umgadi and the Order of Cetrion away rather quickly. When the warriors tried to warn them of the possible dangers they would be facing, the remaining leaders only told them to mind their own kingdoms and realms.
The warriors were certain the remaining government wouldn't last a day on their own, but there was only so much they could do.
They all left the kingdom...
OKAY! this turned out HUGE, but you did request for a ramble so HERE WE ARE!! :D
I hope this answers all your questions! And please, do ask more!! I love to come up with scenarios like this!!
I loved to talk more about Seidan!Suchin (and consequently about my Umgadi Girls AU) and would definitely be up to talk some more!!❤️❤️❤️
@mikka-minns @thedragonholder @moody-bloos @orbitinytheworld Girls? May I offer more Suchin content in these trying times?👀❤️
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anonymousgayrobot · 14 days
(under the cut)
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moronkombat · 11 months
The og Lin Kuei brothers having an older sister thing
( the one that made Havik go bananas to them due to being blessed with the chaos god)
- what have I done, I just wanted some outworld people Yan to their sister due to have having that powers and secretly wanted to breed said sister to create strong offsprings
you haven't done anything wrong. i'm just not motivated to write said content
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oneokkombat · 11 months
My live reaction to this mk1 story expansion leak ignore I’m one month late my dumb ass didn’t think there was a reddit for leaks
Disclaimer: potential spoilers ofc, I’m aware this might be not completely accurate to the future story expansion this is just for funnsies don’t take me too seriously also I’m new here pls have mercy
while reading this whole thing I felt like the “we are so back, it’s so over” meme it was a roller coaster my god
Midway reading this I felt a headache coming idk why I thought the reboot meant the story line would get less crazy I clearly misjudged by A LOT
But don’t get me wrong I was loving it lowkey
We are getting the lin kuei bots I think and I’m kinda excited for that
Anyways, I’m so excited about getting to see kuai and harumi’s wedding omg <3 and apparently everyone from the crew is going (or almost everyone)
I hope we get to see Hanzo
Harumi is going to appear in the story line and we might see her kick some ass hell yeah
Whoever is the person who betrayed the Shirai Ryu I’m coming for your ass
Anyways, wedding is ruined 💔 it became a war zone 💔
I wonder who the other Lin kuei is (cyrax?)
Mileena immediately wanting to kill them😭 isn’t that why people where against her being empress girl pls
Also kuai immediately also wanting to kill the traitor 😭
So what what I’m understanding, titan havik is not mk11’s havik (leak said liu mentions he’s different from the one he knew)
We are seeing khamelion omgg
Geras getting kidnapped it’s so funny to me like 😭 I get havik is a titan and they are powerful and shit but isn’t geras like more powerful for being the time keeper?!?/! (I could be 100% wrong tho)
WW2 JONATHAN GAGE (AND HIS SUPERIOR MIGHT BE SONYA) as a COD girlie this was one of my highlights because all I was thinking it’s who funny would it be a crossover between these versions of them and the COD modern warfare crew
I do wonder if he’s completely different than our Johnny in the sense he’s more serious or if he still a little bit goofy, personally I think it would be cool if he was still a bit goofy, maybe like mk11 future Johnny 🤔
EMPRESS TANYA!! But she’s married to rain..
EMPRESS LIN MEI!! but she’s with reiko..
I don’t hate reiko or rain..I just don’t like the pairings
Also I think this lin mei is evil 💔 BUT APPARENTLY TANYA ISNT!!
During this whole thing I forgot to say we are getting to see an evil kenshi 👁️👁️
After seen mk1 story I did wonder if there’s a timeline where there are like colosseums where many characters from different timelines fight, and apparently there is!
We are seen a version of ashra, maybe nitara, and mk11 sindel(? Or just an evil one, which I’m excited for because I kinda like evil sindel
Very romantic rain sacrifices himself for Tanya..I still don’t like the pairing
The fact that WW2 Johnny apparently plays an important role in the story expansion it still so funny to me because it’s just so random
What’s also so random is his team up with scorpion I wonder how is their dynamic
I’m going on a tangent for WW2 Johnny but the potential for angst of him it’s so big like what if he wanted to be an actor but was forced into the military to help with the war, him feeling jealousy of his counterpart who did get to be an actor..
No comment for the next section sorry
Anarchist liu kang slay !
Remember when I mention that meme? Well it was also how I felt reading about bi-han like HE JUTS KEEPS FUCKING IT UP to all the bi han enthusiasts im so sorry omg
Someone whether it is his brother or literally anyone else need to smack some sense into him please
He gets corrupted 💔 but then him (and geras !) get saved
Poor geras fr
I do feel bad for bi Han because it is implied he felt ashame of being corrupted so easily, I was like “oh we are so back this is the redemption” and them he disobeys liu kang and I was like “nvm it’s so over”
Evil scorpion and sub zero and I think it’s the og ones
They get killed HSJSJ
Bi Han get his grandmaster title revoked rip bozo I do wonder if we are going to meet the new grandmaster of its it’s just a random lin kuei
This might set his redemption or make him worse idk but it’s funny how he just gets thrown to the temple rip bozo
Kuai forgives the traitor so easily I could never, but he empathizes that he also believe his brother’s lies and I like that, so funny he invites them to his wedding again
ALSO WEDDING NOT RUINED CUZ THEY ARE GETTING ANOTHER ONE !! they better just not mention it but also show it I need a cute wedding montage Ed boon pls
Final thoughts: that’s crazy. If they change everything I would be ok as long as we still get wedding and ww2 Johnny (IM HOPING FOR THAT MONTAGE) anyways spare the awful grammar it’s 2am.
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