#love and appreciation to the 3d era
laismoura-art · 1 year
My little brother saw Ashrah for the first time yesterday, and he was absolutely delighted by her!
And gently nicknamed her "Cherubim" (Cherub), and I think that was lovely, and now we all refer to her as the Cherubim!🤍💛
I remember @gophergal being upset some of the newcomers in the fandom were talking trash about the 3D era characters, I'll let you know in my household the youth loves the 3D era characters! They are loved and appreciated, specially the Cherubim🫡🤍💛
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bitchy-ermac · 1 year
Casually wanted to talk about my OT3 KenErmance a bit because I can and because I'm bored.
So, to explain a bit, when I said KenErmance I am referring to these ships:
▪︎ KenMac (Kenshi/Ermac)
▪︎ Ermance (Erron Black/Ermac)
▪︎ KenErmance (all three of them in a relationship together or love triangle situations)
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Well you can see that it's MK11 Erron with MKX KenMac in the illustration above. (The artist have hard time drawing Ermac so I told her to do her own twist on them.)
To clarify a bit, I have my own headcanon that kinda a mixed up between MKX-MK11 and a little bit of the 3D Eras in there, so this OT3 worked out either way doesn't matter what the setup is. Also because I lived in my delulu on my own so why not
I enjoyed all three ships and appreciated them all equally but most the time in my HC it's always KenErmance, and it always started out with KenMac first and Erron join them a little later on. Though, I do like the AU where they all met each other at the same time under some circumstances then Kenshi and Erron are in some sort of rivalry to battle for Ermac's heart ( this one however, never really end hahaha, so all three still ended up sticking together )
In the most recent headcanon, all three are living together in an apartment complex that Kenshi rented. For the most part, Kenshi and Erron do try to keep their rivalry at base level to maintain a peaceful life but they will step on each other toes at every given moment :^ Ermac just remained very relax until those two start a fight
That's all for now//
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toyota-supra · 9 months
My Top 10 Favorite Games I Played In 2023
In chronological order. It's a long one.
Titanfall 2
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I've been told to play this for years now, though for most of those I did not really know why, as it never seemed like my kind of game. But, ever since I started really getting into mecha sometime in 2022, I decided to finally give it a try. I'm very glad I did. Titanfall 2 is a criminally short First Person Shooter with a very fun mech/pilot dynamic, really good mechanics of movement and combat for both, and some of my favorite level design of any game I've played in a long while. The platforming is crazy good! The mechanics are tight as hell! The mech is awesome! I recommend Titanfall 2 for literally anyone reading this.
Mega Man Zero
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The Zero series is the one that most called to me in the Mega Man franchise every time I looked these games over, and I was right in that judgement. While I couldn't say if I was going to appreciate most of the GBA era action platformer difficulty or not, it was clear from Zero's more agile movement and bite-sized missions with very memorization-heavy bosses that I would enjoy it. And I did enjoy it a lot! Most of the bosses kicked my ass but it was an absolute blast to finally learn their patterns enough to defeat them. The problem is, I went out of my way to not get any of the game's health upgrades or energy tanks, making the final boss so hard for me that after days and days of attempts I gave up. Not beating Mega Man Zero is probably my biggest regret of the year lmao
Fate/Stay Night
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Honestly, what do I even say? You can see my Saber icon, right? Fate is a franchise I never bothered to get close to, knowing of its name only through vague images and names of more popular characters (not even from FGO, just in general), and from later on getting to know that Fate/Grand Order was the game it is I felt like it wasn't for me at all and who cares. So when I learned what the original VN was actually about I felt stupid. How could something so fitting to my tastes have gone under my radar for so long...? Despite not being much of a reader in general, F/SN is a very long game that feels like it's just as short as you need it to be. The prose flows so well, every single character is lovable in many ways, and there's so much passion written into them and the situations they're in that it's one of the most smooth-flowing VNs I've read (which granted are not many) even though it's around the high 6 digit wordcounts. I love this game dearly.
Stranger of Paradise - Final Fantasy Origin
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I wanted to play this game since the first few trailers! How cruel was it that, not only did I not have a powerful enough machine at the time, but the game wasn't even on Steam until the year after release? Final Fantasy Origin is the game it presents itself to be. There's something about it that's so special to a certain kind of person (which I happen to be one of) and that falls flat for everyone else. The combat and its many Weapons, Jobs and Skills to use are just fantastic in how nice they feel, and I really do like the type of story Stranger tells. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm close to it. I like to describe Stranger of Paradise as everything good about PS2 and PS3 games in a modern title.
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An old feeling from a new friend. Pseudoregalia is everything I like in 3D Platforming, and a little bit of what I don't. If you've ever looked at a single gif or video of Super Mario 64 and thought, "this looks pretty fun to play," you should be playing Pseudoregalia. If you like goat ladies with big butts, I can't say I understand if that would sell you on a game or not, but it is a feature everyone mentions. I wrote on this game already, so please do check that out and get it. It's one of the three titles of this list that came out this year, and I have not heard enough people talk about it.
Armored Core VI - Fires of Rubicon
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My favorite in this list, which is funny because I don't know what to say about it at all. Armored Core is a series I've been studying up on from the outside for a while, and the announcement for this title was my reason to finally dive in. Unfortunately, I did not get past playing the first mission of AC1 a few times and booting up AC3 once. But I will get to it eventually! Fires of Rubicon is one hell of an action game, that I adored for every single one of my (currently) 67 hours of play. Going through the campaign with builds a little too busted for the AI most of the time was my dishonorable focus of the experience, but there's a lot else to do for every kind of person. The amount of freedom you have for messing with your builds for either single or multiplayer is not to be underestimated. Though it could be better. Here's hoping there will be a game that is.
Midnight Club 3 DUB Edition Remix
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I played this game as a kid so much that the main menu and its theme are scarred into my mind, yet this whole time I had no idea what the game was actually like due to the fact that most of my playtime was doing a few races and just cruising around. Once you dive into trying to finish the story, MC3 is a much different experience. One that frustrated me so much, I got actually ill from the stress. Please take breaks, gamers! Your health is more important than finishing an 18 year old game! Still, I did eventually do it. Midnight Club 3's handling model and gameplay structure are really impressive in comparison to the much more popular Need for Speed series, and I have to admit I did enjoy the game a lot. It's just a lot harder than it ever needed to be. I'll probably never forget this game, and that's not really a good or bad thing. Just, advice from me, if it gets too hard, maybe switch to sports bikes. Buy that Ducati.
Test Drive Unlimited
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Another car game, but this one I have the least to say about of any on this list. I had played TDU on PS2 multiple times before and thought it was awesome. The atmosphere and immersion of this game are unrivaled by any racing game to this day. But playing the PC version with a steering wheel and pedals made everything so much more incredible. I played the Platinum mod, which adds hundreds more cars and fixes a lot of issues with the original game (but not all of them; the game was still really rough and I hate how much the resolution is a pain to change). Overall, one of my favorite experiences with a steering wheel controller so far. Otherwise, a pretty good game if you like driving.
Super Mario Sunshine
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An old friend, and a new feeling. I don't play 3D platformers as much as I wish I did, because they're really not part of my main priorities looking for games lately, but every time I play a Mario game, it's like I found love again. It was not the first time I played Super Mario Sunshine, as I had collected a dozen or so Sprites years before, but playing the whole game in I think two weeks during the latter half of the year was such an incredible experience. Unless for some reason you play it on the Switch, Sunshine is a game that loves you as much as you love it. And you do love it, right? I know I do. I'd love to play this game many other times in the future. Granted, that applies to every game here, I just wanted to say it out loud for this one.
Lethal Company
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A fairly recent release! Having played it with many groups of people by now, both modded and vanilla, I think Lethal Company is probably one of my favorite multiplayer experiences ever. It is scary and hilarious, but also just really really good, to a level that surprised me for my quality standards of co-op (horror) games. Lethal Company turns friends into improvised horror movie actors and it's incredible. I'm almost at 30 hours played and will likely get to 40 at minimum. It's also pretty cheap and likely runs well on all sorts of machines, so consider checking this one out too.
Honorable Mentions
Witch on the Holy Night and Story of Seasons - Friends of Mineral Town are games I am adoring and could definitely go on this list, hadn't I started them both quite late into December. Maybe next year I'll give them a shoutout!
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beevean · 4 months
🔥 for... Sonic music. :]
It's good.
Well, what other opinion could you have? :P
Alright, let's see...
I think SA2 unfairly overshadows the OSTs of the entire Adventure era. While SA1 still gets a lot of love, it pains me that Heroes is rarely considered - I think it has an unique soundtrack that takes a lot from SA1 but puts its own spin on it, a vibe that IMO only Colors matches.
ShTH's music is better than most give it credit for. Yes, a good chunk of it is generic butt metal. But then you have beautiful tracks such as The Doom, Sky Troops, Digital Circuit, The ARK, Lost Impact, GUN Fortress... The latter two are, no joke, some of my favorites in the whole series.
3D Blast has my favorite soundtrack among all Genesis games. You can feel that the composers know the console chip from the inside out by now, and those compositions hit the nail with the melody, the soundfont and the complexity.
Spinball has my second favorite soundtrack among all Genesis games. No I'm not trolling :P yes it uses the dreaded GEMS sound, but I think it fits the grittier vibe of that game. Lava Powerhouse, The Machine, the boss theme and the option themes are especially bangers to me. (yes again I'm not trolling)
I think people are too mean with the "alternative" soundtracks. I still play CD with the American soundtrack, both out of habit (I first played the game on Gems Collection) and because I think it fits the surreal, alien style of the game more. And I appreciate a lot how the Saturn soundtrack of 3D Blast incorporates the game's leitmotif, and sounds as deliciously '90s as Sonic R :P (plus You're My Hero is one of my favorite songs in the series)
Mortar Canyon is one of the best tracks Ohtani has composed in his career and y'all sleep on it because you got convinced that Forces' OST is made of nothing but Faded Hills >:( in fact, I feel about Forces' soundtrack the same way I feel about ShTH's. Yes, it has some stinkers, but a good chunk of it is great.
Actually, you know what: this is the reason I don't hate Superstars' music as much as most do. It's perfectly in line with the series. It has some duds but it has many more bangers (Lagoon City <3 Pinball Carnival <3 Press Factory <3 Special Stage <3), and I hope that Rintaro Soma has joined the fray in the same way Tee Lopes did.
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maka22alburn33 · 23 days
Hello... pardon me. Excuse my interruption. Can I ask you something? Are you familiar with the virtual boy group, PLAVE?
Hello and I am! Thank you for asking! I've been a PLLI (The name for PLAVE fans) since their pre-debut era. There are many things that made me fall in love with them, but their personalities and charms are the biggest ones.
If you (this anonymous reader) doesn't know who PLAVE is, that's ok!
PLAVE is a South Korean Virtual idol boy group, who work under the South Korean company VLAST. They stream content by using 3D models based off of a Manhwa (Korean comic) style while wearing motion capture suits.
While this could be taken the wrong way to some people, most of PLAVE's fans appreciate that these artists keep their identity hidden from the public as there are some EXTREME cases of stalking in most Idol culture (that I've seen anyway)
Sometimes I talk and yap about them alot, but I usually keep it for my mutual since there are always malwares (anti-fans) to try and fight against them.
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elendsessor · 4 months
hey update on the nocturne no fusion run: it’s gonna be on hiatus.
ik this is sudden especially since it’s lucifer time but i got insanely burnt out. the last few weeks haven’t been great (seasonal depression especially sucks ass) and though i’m finally climbing out of that slump, whenever something like this happens, i need to take a step back from whatever i’ve been playing so it doesn’t cause some sort of relapse. this goes for a couple other games i’ve been working on and have live-blogged about. this doesn’t mean i’m abandoning anything!!! i just likely won’t get around to it until much later.
i still have a lot of grinding and skill resetting to do and tbh it hasn’t helped much because it kinda just. made my brain more mushy than it already is. i’m all over the place in general so sorry.
since i’m not sure when i’ll finally finish what i started, i did want to share some thoughts because i’ve gained a bigger appreciation for nocturne all by running through it again.
first off i forgot how fun team building can be. maybe it’s because without fusion i can’t do much with the demons i can get, but dammit it highlights a problem with a lot of turn based rpgs being the very little breathing room with how you can set up your team.
look, i adore monster collecting games but god there tends to be a definitive “don’t use this unless it’s in a specific way” tier that applies to nearly every one of them. pokemon kinda avoids this problem because of hms/tms and the breeding mechanic but that takes significantly more time and a vast majority of the games are kinda fucking easy. challenging for a kid especially when you get to the stuff like the battle tower, but there’s no incentive to build a good moveset outside of competitive play, and trust me—as an ex-competitive player—it does ruin the non-multiplayer combat in a ton of ways.
but ps2 era onwards megaten somehow gets around this still via mechanics like skill mutation. it’s random and hard to trigger but there’s still freedom, plus the way the games have always encouraged team building and learning how mechanics work is so rewarding. rpgs (action or otherwise) are my bread and butter but so many of them do fail to understand the importance.
nocturne’s combat flavor is so weird. it’s broken. really broken. somehow that’s the fun in it? when people talk about bullcrap smt moments there’s a reason nocturne comes up because it’s designed to be bullcrap. it fits the whole “the vortex world is harsh and unforgiving” angle.
the story structure is something i appreciate a lot more despite how flawed it is. talked about it a ton in a previous post analyzing how it handles characters like chiaki.
there’s so many fun and unique shots and angles and general framework that tbh isn’t something any other megaten has captured since, assuming they try. for all the ones that do post-nocturne, dds is the one that got the most cinematic but it doesn’t play with colors nearly as much. i love the raidou games (especially 2) but 2 got rid of most of the cgs and you could tell both games had much less of a budget than other atlus projects during that era. 4 and 4a have beautiful art and do fun camera movements but the hardware limitations make it so there wasn’t a ton of actual proper cutscenes. 5 is also beautiful and is aesthetic af but camera angles aren’t played with during conversation scenes.
the actual general issue is that talking stuff. nocturne doesn’t have a lot of strictly talking scenes, and the ones that are there are so spread out that you kinda forget they’re there. plus, some of it comes from pov shots like when talking with hijiri which does help with perspective. not many games period actually take the time to play around like that, making a lot of scene set ups feel samey. megaten is no exception especially in the ds/3ds era, and it kinda got abandoned tbh. the portraits and art are good yeah but they can only carry scenes so far.
also gained a bit of appreciation for tde. no it’s not the best written ending—the “bad”/demon ending and freedom ending are definitely the winners here mainly due to thematic importance. yes, it’s really shitty that going for other routes gives you half the content. you can do the amala labyrinth and then back out after beating metatron (as long as you don’t get to the bottom afterwards you can go for any of the other endings), but that’s still tde adjacent. however… i love how morally ambiguous tde is.
it is promising in several aspects but the consequences of said actions are huge. there’s still manikins in the vortex world, an entire society being built from what remains of tokyo even after the whole fight for the right to creation stuff happens, but siding with luci means destroying everything they’ve worked towards. the demifiend can liberate his and other universes from the cycle of death and rebirth, but that’s only if yhvh is defeated and, by extension, the great will. the great will has appeared before in megaten and isn’t actually a being, more a concept, only able to be fought in a comprehensible state. it’s literally existence itself. who knows what’ll happen if someone kills off existence?
gonna be completely honest, this is probably my new favorite mainline game. there’s a lot to it that i keep discovering and loving. (also on like a fandom standpoint i haven’t had a bad experience with the nocturne side yet/haven’t seen much of the toxicity so i’m biased lol). actually fucking slaps. it’s not perfect and some of it is more learning to love than love at first sight, but dammit it’s good.
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kookiecrush · 1 year
I'm happy Jk's got a new single coming out, but damn, Layover promo has barely ended. Can we get some more time to appreciate Tae before Jk takes over again? Ngl, it kind of comes off as selfish on Jk's part he could have waited a little longer.
Do you really think Jungkook decided now was the perfect time to release his next single, anon? They've all had to rush to make sure they get everything out before they enlist. They're not releasing all their music pretty much back to back for the fun of it, I'm sure Yoongi didn't want to bring his album out so soon after Jimin's, and I'm sure Jungkook didn't want to release "3D" so soon after Layover but they really don't have much choice. The timing obviously hasn't been ideal, but they're working with what they've got.
I also would have loved more time to focus on Tae and enjoy the Layover era before anything else came out but it's not Jungkook's fault that all their releases are so close together and I don't think it's fair to call him or any of the other members selfish because of it.
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mkmkk2 · 13 days
Just wanted to say that I love your art! I love the way you draw and I admire that you would draw mk characters from different eras as well, it's refreshing to see 3d era and classic arts :D
Awww thank you lovely ❤️ I love MK so much I appreciate every character and game and I think we should expand that love outside of modern games
I know I love kitana the most but when I see people treat their own character fav how I treat Kitana I get really happy. It’s so cute to me(#^.^#)
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kaylin-lmfao · 1 year
characters i write for right now: jerome valeska, tate langdon, any jenna ortega character (including herself), void stiles, dean winchester, sam winchester, wanda maximoff (my beloved), rafe cameron, jj maybank, tom hanniger (my bloody valentine 3D), jo harvelle, any madeline cline character (including herself), suzie toller (wild things), padme amidala, ANAKIN SKYWALKER/HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN, mattheo riddle (maybe marcus lopez after i get around to actually watching deadly class), any marauders era character, sidney prescott, sam carpenter, jensen ackles, and last but very not least ANY AND EVERY SINGLE ELIZABETH OLSEN (MOMMY) CHARACTER! thank you for your time. feel free to request other characters. if its not on this list, request anyway and i will either look them up or something or watch the show/movie they're in.
what i will write: yandere, dark content, non con, dub con, smut, nsfw, kidnapping, smut, pretty much anything
what i won't write: bodily fluid kinks (some piss is fine but nothing extreme), pedophilia/underage on either part, male reader, g!p reader (i will write g!p character), incest (stepcest is ok), sub character
i only write sub!reader and dom!character. gender neutral!reader and fem!reader are ok. i will only write AFAB reader. no male!reader
if i see any bullying, transphobia, racism, homophobia, or anything of that sort on my blog, the people participating will be blocked. no tolerance, no second chances.
requests are: open
reblogs and feedback is much appreciated. just, be kind. i'm sensitive. follows are also much appreciated. i love requests and little blurbs you guys want me to see! request any thoughts in your pretty little heads. feel free to message me with any concerns or if you just wanna talk, go ahead! now, enjoy your time here on my blog. love you, my little lovelies!
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local-lamppost · 1 year
Feel free to ignore this, its just me gushing about how important Code Lyoko is to me.
I'm not one of those people who gets nostalgic and for multiple reasons, A) I'm very rarely emotionally sentimental towards media, B) I am a bit stunted emotionally, and C) due to a childhood/teenage years of a number of head injuries my memory is absolutely shot.
But through it all, Code Lyoko-the weird show from France with its stilted animation and repetitive plot-is what gets me. Not my favorite movies, games, or even other tv shows will do this to me.
Now, I started watching Code Lyoko when I was pretty young. I'm more or less a year older than it. So, when it was dubbed into english for the states, I was just old enough to catch onto the plot and some time later be enthralled with the later seasons/reruns. I have two older brothers and we all have vastly different taste in media, but for a solid part of my childhood we all agreed on a shared love for this show. We would meet in the den to watch the episodes every day and get along as only kids watching cartoons can.
When we moved states the subject I was most upset over was that CN for some reason didn't have Code Lyoko in this new area. Which, considering the move took probably about a day or two, really confused me. But for years this show lived only in my memory, not even my friends at school-in grades above or below-knew what I was talking about.
Some years pass, Code Lyoko is this shiny little memory that sits in the back of my brain, and I'm given a gen 1 iPad. It's slow, it dies quickly, I didn't even have my own headphones, but I didn't have to share with my brothers and had Youtube.
Now, for any young folk reading this for some reason (first off, good on you for getting into Code Lyoko) Youtube had been around for a few years at this point and had only really started getting traction circa 2008-09. The fun thing about early Youtube was that you could watch anything. Very few restrictions, no concept of enforcing copyright, it just had to be ten minutes or less and even that was beginning to change(I think). This was the era of watching a lagging anime in 3-4 parts an episode, and this is where I was able to finally watch Code Lyoko again.
I remember very specifically marathoning the show in the kitchen, sitting oddly in an arm chair, utterly engrossed in this show. It had action, it was 3D animated, the characters were cool and funny, and I would've done anything to have a hangout like the factory. Not to mention the intro was the best thing I'd ever heard and still is to this day one of my favorites.
But why do I love this show? Well a couple reasons...
Thing 1: Animation
Now I know the jokes and the jabs and the fact that its old and dated are what anyone unfamiliar with the show is quick to point out. If anyone has even passing knowledge of Code Lyoko its usually the weird character designs. If you watch the show you get used to it and sorta come to notice that it fits the characters much better in the 3D world more than the 2D and Lyoko is where all the cool action scenes are so.
And, I don't know if this is a hot take, but I like the 3D animation a lot. It looks like the ps2/3 games we would play as kids, and the premise is basically kids fighting monsters in a video game in 2003. It's an aesthetic that I appreciate for better or worse.
Thing 2: Stakes/Story
Code Lyoko is one of the few shows (cartoons especially) with the unique ability to be episodic in a serialized way. Things build up, connect, and whatever big changes happen in the past seasons continue on in the following. This was kinda insane to young me, shows were episodic or serialized, not both. Not to say there was nothing else (Teen Titans, Generator Rex, X-Men Evolution, Avatar, etc.) nor to say that Code Lyoko was the best at doing this, but no matter how repetitive the usual episodes are it more than makes up for with the stakes of those epidoes.
I don't think many cartoons put the kids in as imiment danger as Code Lyoko. Military satellites, Nuclear collisions, plagues of rats and hoards of wasps, using nano tech to give people amnesia that spread like the flu, being drowned or boiled alive, molested by plants, haunted by internet ghosts, Jeremy messing up a code so badly the antagonist needs to help the heroes out, feeling what it is like to be killed every time they are devertualized, having gravity turned off, having to deal with the fact that they are all months to potentially years older than their peers due to time travel, stressing over keeping everyone alive because time travel doesn't fix that, and so much more. Keep in mind they are all 13-15 years old and also in boarding school, on their own those are experiences that will deeply scar and change you without the cyber terrorism.
Thing Last: Characters
This is the real kicker and probably something I'll dedicate an entire series of things to talking about in depth, but for now.
Code Lyoko was the first show with characters I truly cared about. My young brain would be so absorbed in those stakes that I could forget that a cartoon for children would not kill any of its main characters(at least back then).
Individually, each character had something going for them. Jeremy was smart, witty, and made me feel better about being a nerd; Aelita was all that and more, being one of the kindest characters in media but still managing to hold her own both verbally and physically (no sequence was cooler to me than in season 1 when Aelita had to avoid monsters without aid and managed to kill a bunch using only the terrain); Yumi was the groups strength in the real world, a bit older and down to earth, it's weird she had no friends prior to the series; Odd, what to say about Odd? He is the only emotionally intelligent person in this whole cast with only Aelita coming close. He is happy, funny, proud, and kinda carried the team in the early episodes when Ulrich wouldn't go to Lyoko for whatever reason; Ulrich, my boy, the best fighter in Lyoko and a contender for best Lyoko design, my relating to him as a child was probably the earliest indicator I had mental health problems, but I will always remember him taking down Kolossus. Lastly, XANA. For a villain with maybe a line of dialog, XANA had a strange sense of character to him. He was a malicious, ruthless, powerful entity that wanted freedom for itself and the destruction of those who imprisoned him. XANA was meant to be a helpful AI, but it got out of hand and was persecuted by the men in black due to its capabilities, even scaring Hopper, his creator. XANA's death in the second to last episode is shown as a smoke being of him contorts in agony and dissipates; so close to being free.
More than anything, the Lyoko Warriors are friends. They goof around, get a virtual Aelita a birthday cake, know when to tease and when to just listen, they will do anything for each other through thick and thin, but they can also just hang out. A lot of stories have groups that feel like they only spend time together to achieve something, for a purpose, the Lyoko Warriors are friends who like being together.
To wrap this up.
Code Lyoko has numerous problems, most of which can be seen in Miraculous Ladybug the current popular French cartoon created by a former Code Lyoko storyboard artist, but it had heart. It showed me how far animation could go, how a world could be created. It motivated me to improve my writing and taught me that no story-no matter how good the visuals or plot-is anything without lovable characters.
More than anything serious, Code Lyoko was fun. It gave me time to spend with my brothers, an introduction into internet media/culture, and the first ending that I ever found satisfying as a child. I love this show, if someone came up to me and said 'if you quit your job and studies that your actually happy with and come make a Code Lyoko reboot/sequal' I wouldn't hesitate.
I love you Code Lyoko and here's to another 20! Let's live in a world without danger.
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xxlethal-lunaxx · 11 months
Hai! I'm luna lavinchi! This account will be used for posting/reblogging random asthetic stuff, and the occasional rants and talks about my feelings/childhood nostalgia! ^_^
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I love late 90s to early 00's technology and media, the nostalgia and feelings of that era is something dear to my heart. This page will contain alot of me reblogging late 90s to mid 10s type of vibes.
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I love:
♡ Scene and emo fashion + vibes.
♡ Mcbling/00's fashion + asthetic.
♡ Older technology (Dvds, mp3 players, flip phones, ps2/3DS/wii, just most tech from that era in general).
♡ Classic infomercials/comerciales (including) "as seen on tv" god i binge watch those for hours sometimes.
♡ Cozy, warm nostalgic childhood feelings.
♡ Childhood toys (dolls like Barbie, Bratz, monster high, and ever after high count in this ^_^).
♡Screamo/pop punk/crunkcore music.
♡00's german music (big win if its emo).
♡Singers and celebrities from that era. Like paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Anna Feris, Avril Lavinge, Amy Lee, and Hayley Williams (plz no hate, I love them for the energy and vibe they put out. This isn't a debate on what things they did or did not do).
If you wanna see my art and main fandom reblogs then here is my main account:
I'm autistic with adhd (+ ocd and c-ptsd), please be respectful towards me....if you don't like the interests i share then just ignore or block my account. This is meant to be a safe place for me to enjoy my interests and heal trauma. I will appreciate it if its kept that way. Thank you! ~(^_<)/
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I was waiting for your review 😅 i def prefer the alternate version. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I hybe would realize not every song needs a rap verse. The was the song ended in the jack harlow ver just felt incomplete compared to the alternate vers.
As for the mv, I'm a little disappointed. I honestly loved the seven mv so much, so I had huge expectations for 3d, but I was let down. I prefer a story rather than them just singing lol but that's probably just me
Both Seven and 3D have plain instrumentals and don't even have a bridge, so I imagine that the rap sections was their way to make the song trendier and less monotonous, as well as "edgier" and more explicit without having Jungkook straight up talk about hitting pussy lmao. Also, apparently "champagne, confetti" does not actually mean champagne and confetti... Does Jungkook even know that? Not unless someone told him? Imagine that conversation.
Yeah, why let Jack Harlow end the song and not Jungkook? I at least expected Jungkook to repeat "in 3D" at the end. The alternate version is so much better. Honestly, I did like the guy's rap but the lyrics are too awful. Had he rapped anything else... Also, the alternate version has Jungkook's run and adlibs which are the most Jungkook-like parts of the song, and when he actually shows off his vocals.
The L&R MV is so much cuter and it includes actual product placement lmao! This sexy bad boy image is so limiting. Jungkook is boxing himself in instead of branching out like he thought. He wants to change his image, but going from sexualized yet babied baby boy, to even more sexualized yet still babied bad boy who apparently can only do sexy concepts, is not really the freedom he desires imo.
I don't care for story in MVs, and I hated the story Seven told - though the idea behind it was far sweeter than the execution, but that's 2/2 of me accusing solo era Jungkook of sexism, yikes - but I thought 3D would be worse than it was. All the truly bad bits belonged to Jack Harlow - god... don't even want to think about it. I should've expected Jungkook dancing in the rain lmao. It was definitely cliché. Seven was more natural in that regard (with the storm scenes).
Seven really is a whole ass masterpiece compared to 3D, I can't believe it. I'm really starting to appreciate Seven now haha. Even the 3D choreo seems like a Seven rip off. And now 3D will block the queen from becoming the fastest song to reach 1B streams on Spotify lmao.
I've come to the conclusion that David Stewart should stay away from BTS. He wrote 3D and Dynamite and the lyrics to both are too try hard. I noticed how Jungkook's accent in Seven is much more subtle and his pronunciation is cleaner and more natural, because the lyrics flow better and are easier for him. Whoever wrote 3D (David Stewart, presumably) didn't consider that words like "girl" are actually hard to pronounce and that the lyrics don't flow very well making it harder for Jungkook to sound natural. It's already so lame when men call grown ass women girls in that whiny tone, but Jungkook's accent makes it sound worse. It's not his fault, I don't mind that his English is flawed but the lyrics should've been adjusted so a non-native speaker could sing them more easily. His accent actually takes away from the song at times, which doesn't happen in Seven, or even in the English trilogy. And, yeah, just, overall, the lyrics are bad and try to be clever but aren't. Dynamite was accused of the same thing.
Thank you for awaiting my review! I just gave you a second one lmao. Thank you for sharing your thoughts too! I look forward to hearing them more if you want to share :)
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pikatrainer99 · 7 months
Happy Pokémon Day! (My history with the franchise and how it changed my life)
So, I always post Pokémon stuff here on this blog, but I haven't posted anything about HOW I fell in love with this franchise...so what better time to do that than on Pokémon Day!
I got into Pokémon during the Gen 4 era, when I was about nine years old. I was on vacation with my family and having my quiet day at my grandparents' vacation rental while my parents stayed at ours with my younger brothers (two of them were just tiny little babies, so that's a lot of noise). I was just left to my own devices since I was having quiet time (as an autistic person, quiet time with no sensory overwhelm is a necessity), and I was flipping channels on the TV when I came across an episode of the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl anime on Cartoon Network. I found myself completely sucked in and fully immersed in the battle Ash and Pikachu were in, and from then on, I was hooked! There was just one problem... Pokémon was still seen as a little kid's thing by everyone around me, and there weren't any kids at school or anything that liked it, so I decided to keep this newfound special interest a secret from everyone, including my own family...actually, ESPECIALLY my family, as I already liked too many little kid's things for my parents' liking (read: my dad's liking).
So how did I keep it a secret? Well, I kept everything I consumed limited to the anime, and I always watched it in my own room with the door locked and the key with me inside my room so no one could get in and see what I was doing. Everyday after the living nightmare that was school, I came home, took the family laptop up to my room to do research on the franchise on Serebii.net and Bulbapedia. I looked up all the Pokémon, all the characters, and found older episodes of the anime from the 4kids era to watch, which I enjoyed immensely, especially Ash's voice (yep, I started with Sarah Natochenny's Ash but I still like Veronica Taylor's Ash better...no hate to Natochenny though, she really improved over time and really made Ash her own, so I appreciate the life she brought to the character, I just prefer the sound of Veronica's Ash voice a little more). And at the end of each Pokémon knowledge-seeking/anime-binging session I would always delete ALL the search history on Google AND the watch history on YouTube (I didn't have my own YouTube account at the time), so no one would ever suspect a thing. I did this for YEARS...in fact I did this well into HIGH SCHOOL!
It wasn't until 2015 that I discovered PokéTubers...and from there my world opened up more, as I had finally learned that there were plenty of older teens and adults who loved Pokémon, I just had to find them (which, the whole social thing is really hard when you're autistic like me). MandJTV was the first PokéTuber I watched, and it only expanded from there, to the point where I now watch almost exclusively PokéTubers. Watching PokéTubers made my love of Pokémon feel valid, that I wasn't the only one, and that there's probably more adult fans than kid ones at this point. And when I entered my final year of high school, I met someone new to the school who liked Pokémon! But I had to act like a complete newcomer to the series since I had never outwardly shown interest before. It made me inwardly cringe every time I purposely butchered a Pokémon's name pronunciation, or said my favorite Pokémon was Pikachu when it's really Infernape and always has been, or pretended I didn't know type matchups, etc, etc. But the best part about finding someone in my actual life who liked Pokémon meant I could finally tell my family about it!
When I told them, they were surprised as they never thought I would be into something like Pokémon, but I was finally FINALLY allowed to embrace my love for it, and get merchandise and play my first Pokémon game! I got Pokémon Art Academy for my 3DS that year for my birthday since I was always drawing Pokémon characters on any paper I could find, and this was actually what got me to start taking my art seriously and gave me the drive to improve! Pokémon also gave me the inspiration to start creating my own original characters for original works, and now I basically live in my own creative universe! For Christmas that year, I got my first Pokémon games, Y and Alpha Sapphire, also for my 3DS, and I played Y all day and hyperfocused so hard that before I knew it my dad was yelling at me to "put the pokey-man down and come eat supper" or else they'd take my 3DS away for a little while...oops. 😅
The best part about all this is, this was all just in time for Pokémon's 20th anniversary celebration! I had an amazing time getting exclusive merch from Toys R Us (RIP TRU, I still miss that store...) and starting my Pikachu collection (it's my number one comfort Pokémon, so of course I collect Pika merch) that is steadily growing to this day. I also got almost every Mythical Pokémon from the big giveaway events each month in my game! And then came the cards...oh Arceus, the cards...this is what got two of my three younger brothers into the franchise, and now opening packs is like a huge event in my house. My mom and dad just roll their eyes when we do it but they are happy for us whenever we pull something good from a pack. After the cards came the PokéSpe manga, which I most constantly post about my precious little autistic bean of an OC Orange on this blog (thank you so much for all the support on those posts btw), so obviously I love PokéSpe with all my heart just like I do the rest of this franchise...especially the Sinnoh Trio!
Ever since 2016 I've been living my best life as a Pokémon fan! I made my first true friends through Pokémon, I've learned many valuable lessons through Pokémon, my special interest in Pokémon helps me process the world around me (trust me on this, I know it sounds weird but I don't know exactly how to explain even though I usually can explain things better through writing). I still play the games, watch the anime, read the manga, etc. I've found so many relatable characters as well! And I somehow also can't stop seeing autistic or neurodivergent coded characters in any form of Pokémon media I consume...it's like I have a radar in my head because I'm autistic myself with three neurodivergent brothers as well so it automatically makes spotting the signs easier for me I guess. At the end of the day, it's all headcanons anyway, but it still feels validating to see so many characters in the franchise that is my main special interest possess many of the same traits and deal with many of the same struggles that I do in my day to day life. I will most likely continue to make character analyses on those characters here as well since I've become more confident in my ability to do that ever since my Crispin analysis became my most popular post BY FAR (thank you all for the support on that one btw)!
All in all, Pokémon has really changed my life for the better and helped me through so many hard times in my life. I honestly don't know where I'd be right now if Pokémon didn't exist, but let's not think about that too much, eh...? I'm just happy living life as a Pokémon fan, and I will continue to be a massive fan forever.
Happy Pokémon Day everyone! Thank you for reading this huge post, sorry about the length. 😅 And happy 28th Pokémon, here's to many many more years to come!
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the-larxist-manifesto · 4 months
GameGirl28 ~ Conquering the NSO GameBoy library
Okay... so... Hello! This is my cool and awesome gaming blog where I'm gonna write my thoughts on my current gaming excursions, because I type really fast and I have a lot to say and I love video games!!
Here marks the inaugural post in a series I like to call:
~The premise~
I grew up playing and loving Nintendo games. However, there lies a blind spot in my history with them right about where the GameBoy existed. I was too young when it was still getting games to appreciate or be any good at beating them, but only grew into gaming as a hobby when the GameBoy was considered extremely uncool. By the time I was going to the shop to pick out my own games for getting good grades in school, it was all about GBA and DS games for me. The GameBoy, as I famously say, lies slouched in the corner as the poopy predecessor to a golden era of portable gaming. I've never taken the thing seriously, and I think it's about time that I change that.
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~Why now?~
When the Nintendo Switch Online service added GameBoy (GB) to the growing list of retro games, I thought for the first time that the subscription was worthwhile. It's one of the most accessible ways Nintendo has ever allowed fans to play a sampling of games fundamental to their success as a company today. Seriously, there's never been a good way to play GB before. No one's paying $5 a pop for an old game on 3DS that doesn't even have color. But now, anyone can play 21 of the GB's games whenever they want, on-the-go as originally intended, for a measly $20 a year. Since I was already paying for the service to smash noobs in Mario Kart and play SNES Yoshi's Island, I figured now was the time for the little gray box to shine.
You're probably wondering why the name of this project sounds like a username you might see in the YouTube comments 10 years ago under an AMV of Pikachu dancing to Butterfly.
Well, the name has a pretty simple meaning. I'm playing the GameBoy. But I'm a girl, so I gotta yassify the name. And, as of right now, I will be playing 28 total GB games. That number comes from the 21 offered by NSO, in addition to 7 other GB games I happen to own after years of collecting video games. Yeah. Seven. You can probably tell how much I cared about this console until now. I own almost 500 video games total btw the GB doesn't even make up 2% of that
Here's a little visual guide to which games I'll be playing, in order!
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As for this particular order, I grouped them up loosely according to theme as well as pacing out the kinds of games I'd be playing. Since the challenge is to beat an entire library of games, there will be games that I hate, or even objectively horrible games, sprinkled in there. So, generally speaking, each row contains a little mix of every type of game. For example, "Precursor to greatness..." includes an adventure game somewhat familiar to me (Zelda), a fun, breezy, and familiar romp (Kirby), an adventure game completely new to me (Castlevania), and another easy one that I have a history with (Wario Land). The goal is to keep the challenge fresh by flowing between the new and the familiar, spacing out the stinkers with the classics, and escalating the excitement as I progress further!
This blog, my larxist manifesto, will be for more than just posting about GB games. Posts about this challenge in particular will be titled as such, and I'll probably make more cute accompanying graphics to illustrate how far along I am as well. Actually, as of right now, I'm almost all the way through "Welcome to GameBoy!" I'll make some recap posts very soon about that. So yeah, if you are also curious about a console essential to video game history that has been kinda swept under the rug (or you just wanna see me go off on fiery rants and post funny screenshots), look out for future updates!
And if you wanna see what other manner of silly things I can yap about forever, stay tuned! My next post will be sort of an overview about why I'm even blogging in the first place. ^^
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bihansthot · 1 year
*clutches pearls* What do you mean Taven doesn’t horn it up for you?! Haha To be fair Rain annoys me, but that picture you posted had my mind wandering. Taven is my true love. I’ve loved his character ever since I played Armageddon. He deserves more time!
I’m notoriously against facial hair 🤣 Ditch the goatee and we can talk. Rain I can see not being everyone’s cup of tea but my problem is that I love arrogant douchebags *stares lovingly at Bi-Han* so Rain kind of fits the bill for me but I did not like what they did to him in MK11. Bald guys don’t do it for me either, I’m very particular I suppose, which is largely why I don’t like MK11 Rain, he’s too close to bald. Granted I don’t like long hair either but I threw that out the window for Bi-Han…hmm maybe what I’m getting at is I don’t like men unless they’re Bi-Han?? 🤔 I’m not this picky with women lol 😂 I’m not opposed to giving Taven more time if they make it interesting but if it’s just more him and Daegon drama I’m out. Like give me him and Rain squabbling instead! You’re going to make me watch a play through of Armageddon so I can try and sound competent aren’t you? Side tangent since we’re talking about under appreciated 3D era kharacters, where’s Reiko? That’s who I want to see. Like I got who I wanted most, now I wanna be greedy and have my cake and eat it too! Reiko! Reiko! Reiko! 🥳🥳🥳 Why have I never written for Reiko? Why don’t I have a crack threesome with him and Bi-Han? I need to do some serious self reflection.
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kop-mischief · 1 year
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The Spider-Verse animated films are so fricken gorgeous it reminds my cold dead heart that media is still capable of making me feel pure fucking joy. I mean the visuals are an artistic and technological feat on their own. Then add writing with the balance of heart, humor, pain along with a soundtrack lining up with shots that completely emerse and wrap the film around your entire being. Even the most ridiculous of characters (looking at you Peter Porker) are are given the respectful amount of depth for their role in the film. I'll never say a movie is "perfect" but shit... Into the Spider-Verse was the closest to perfection I thought you could possibly get. Then Across the Spider-Verse 1 up'd it.
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I love how nerd culture has reached to point where it's given the financial resources like never before but unfortunately we've also seen it broken down into megacorp studio formulated soulless cash grabs. I just want to feel man. Look what Disney did to Star Wars. Lucas may have made it...not great but Disney made it boring. Which might be worse. BORING! (cept you Andor. You keep doing you).
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It was my birthday and I picked seeing Across the Spider-Verse as the birthday meet up. A few weren't thrilled with my pick but they tagged along to hang. One of those peeps told me after the movie - "I didn't know half these characters since I only ever seen 1 Spider-Man movie years go cuz I'm not a nerd like you guys (Just a different kinda of nerd who's gears more towards Star Trek lol) but that was a fantastic fucking movie." Not seeing the previous Into the Spider-Verse she really appreciated that this one made the Spider-Man mythos easily translatable for those who are unfamiliar. It's a testament to everyone who made these movies possible to how much love and thought went into these.
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I switched majors to animation in 2005 focusing on experimental 3D. Much if what I tried to do was bringing my 2D illustrations and incorporating them in a stylized fashion. Shortly after and doing a small stint in post production I watched the craft partially devolve into low risk cookie cutter digital noise as 3D got cheaper and easier to utilize. (Video games fortunately still inspired me) Considering my job and my team relied on digital VFX its kinda bad when digital artists are wishing for the return of more practical effects. Hit us especially hard after Mad Max Fury Road came out.
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So yeah. Not kidding when I say I nearly cried in the theater with both movies. I'm almost wanting to open AE and play around with animation again. Pixar can pump out beauty and pluck heart strings like no one else but the Spider-Verses are like walking through a museum of different art installations depicting eras across media history, culture and artists. This is the potential for 3D I've been dreaming of since 2005.
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