#Oh and also bc it's been a while since I watched any marvel project with Fury in it so I don't remember some storylines with him
futuregws · 1 year
After the most recent episode of secret invasion I'm not gonna lie I would totally watch a show of just Nick Fury and Talos interacting, their dynamic is gold
29 notes · View notes
kissinginkitchens · 3 years
You Bring Me Home—Chapter Nine: Friday
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a/n: happy friday lovies!! I am soooo excited for y’all to read this one bc it was my favvv chapter to write and I still get emo over it :’) also I think I should maybe let you all know that we only have two more chapters left in this series, and I can not thank you enough for all of the love and support you have shown it. It has been such a blast hearing your thoughts and sharing Halani with all of you lovely people, and I can’t believe the fun is almost over :( BUT we still have some time before we have to think about that soooo without further ado here is the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it :) Much love, Mel <3
Pairing: Hawai’i!Harry x Original Character (Halani <3)
Warnings: swearing, some suggestive humor
Word Count: 9.5k
catch up on parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, and eight
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Harry takes a deep breath and raises his arms above his head, feeling every vertebrae stretch as he lies flat against the surfboard. The beaming sunlight warms him down to the bone and it threatens to lull him to sleep, but his attention is too occupied with the various sounds coming from each direction. Out of his right ear, he hears the waves lapping against the shore and the faint sound of children’s laughter. From his left, Mitch and Tom engage in a serious conversation about sharks. He lets one foot slide off the edge of the board and wade into the water below, all the while resisting the paranoia that he will be the next victim of Jaws thanks to his friends’ discussion. 
“I’m gonna go switch out the camera.” Paul says beside him, already swimming back to the shore. 
Harry gives a thumbs up in acknowledgement and lets the back of his hand rest against his forehead. He floats for a moment longer before swinging his other leg into the water and sitting up. His feet gently tread below the surface and he studies the area for any fish sightings, but his shoulders slump in disappointment when he doesn’t find any. 
“I just think,” Mitch defends, legs crossed on his own surfboard. “That I would survive way longer than you,”
“It’s not a fuckin’ zombie apocalypse, survival rate depends on how severe the attack is,” Tom shoots back. 
“Not if you’re smart,”
“Right, good thinking, mate. Just yell the Pythagorean theorem and swim away while the bloody thing tries to solve it,”
“You just don’t get it.”
“Stop bein’ a coward, then, and put your feet in the water.”
Harry shakes his head in amusement and continues scanning the scene for something else to occupy his attention. His eyes momentarily land on a couple in the distance, the pair facing each other on their shared surfboard and laughing. He smiles softly and glances back to the shore where his group has set up camp for the afternoon. Squinting, he tries to determine the time of day using the sun’s position overhead, but quickly gives up and swims back to the beach. The sand clings to his wet toes as he jogs over to his bag and digs inside for his phone. The time reads 2:37–Alani’s shift will be over soon. 
She stifles another yawn and punches in her customer’s order, re-typing it when she realizes that it’s littered with errors. Her mind had been in a permanent fog since she woke up at 6:45 this morning. Harry had already slipped out by the time she reached over for him, but he left a note on his pillow this time. 
 H ☼
As if on cue, Alani’s phone vibrates in her back pocket and she slips it out to read the new text. 
Harry: Meet me at Honoli’i after your shift? 
She really wants to, but she’s also in desperate need of sleep. 
Alani: Gonna take a power nap first, but I’ll be there 
Harry: Can’t wait xx
In the distance, Harry hears The Cure blasting from a car in the parking lot. He hums along and picks at his bowl of fruit, saving the kiwis for Alani who once said they were her favorite. Jeff and Paul laugh about something between the two of them before the director catches Harry’s attention. 
“How long you planning on staying here?” he asks. 
Harry checks his phone again and the time reads 4:35. He wasn’t entirely sure how long Alani’s nap was supposed to last, but just as he’s about to answer, a text comes through. 
Alani: Heading over. See you soon, sunshine💗
He smiles softly and shuts his phone off. “I actually have a surfing lesson at five. But I’ll meet you guys at the house after.”
Paul, the two Jeffs, Mitch, and Tom bid Harry farewell and decide to take a drive along the coast before heading to dinner. They mention the name of the restaurant they plan to go to, but Harry knows he’ll probably skip it and take Alani somewhere else. He sits back on his elbows, watching the palm trees sway in the breeze, when suddenly his vision goes dark when he feels hands over his eyes. 
“Guess who,”
“The Queen of England?”
“Yes and I’m here to colonize your land and steal your jewels,” Alani jokes in a posh British accent.  She leans over his head so they partake in an upside down kiss before settling into the sand beside him. 
“You’ve already had my family jewels,” he teases with a suggestive wiggle of his brows. 
Alani scoffs, rolling her eyes. “You are so insufferable sometimes, I swear to God,”
Harry lies back and rests his head in her lap with a shit-eating-grin plastered to his face. The damp locks along his hairline are curled and Alani twirls the pieces between her fingers. 
“Saved y’some kiwis,” he informs her, nodding in the direction of his tote bag. 
“Aw thanks, baby,” 
“How was your day?” 
Alani removes the lid and pops a slice of kiwi into her mouth. “Long, boring, tiring. A lot better now,”
“Feel the same way,”
“How’s your project going?” she questions, curious about his recent, mysterious whereabouts. 
He shrugs. “S’fine, yeah,”
“What exactly is it, again?”
“It’s a,” Harry starts slowly. “Video thing… kind of,”
Alani narrows her eyes and lifts another piece of fruit to her lips. “Meaning?”
“It’s like—following uh.. the album ‘n stuff,”
“Ah the elusive album,” Alani nods. “Will I ever get to hear any of it?”
“Dunno,” he blinks. “When’re you gonna let me read that article of yours?”
She smirks and taps her fork against her lower lip. “When it’s ready,”
“Then I’m withholding my thing ‘til it’s ready too,”
“That’s not fair,” she objects. “My article is contingent on your music,”
“One song,” Harry bargains, holding up his index finger. “In exchange for one paragraph. Seems fair to me,”
He sits up suddenly and opens his mouth as an unspoken request for a kiwi. Alani tosses it in his direction and to her surprise, he catches it effortlessly. 
“You really are a freak of nature,” she marvels. “What can’t you do?”
“Stay away from you, apparently,” 
“D’you wanna head to the water for a bit?” Harry asks, his eyes landing on the board cast to the side.
Alani nods. “Sure thing,”
She strips down to the pink two piece underneath her clothes and accepts his outstretched hand. They shuffle through the sand, joint hands swinging, but Harry stops and scans her face when they reach the edge. 
“What?” Alani asks, already dipping her toes in the water. 
He runs his thumb over hers and starts hesitantly. “I know the water is kind of…”
“Oh,” she finishes when he trails off. “Yeah. I mean, for the most part I’m okay with it. Last time was just—I wasn’t expecting it,”
“I’m really sorry for that.” Harry apologizes with a somber look in his eye. 
Alani reaches her free hand out to his cheek and offers a comforting smile. “No, it’s okay. I actually used to be pretty good at surfing,”
“Haven’t really done it in years, though. I’m probably really rusty now,”
“Well maybe it’s time to get back on the horse,” Harry urges, pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of her palm before leading them further into the waves. Alani gets up on the board first and it's clear that she’s a natural despite the lack of practice. Her muscles fall into a mesmerizing rhythm as they repeat the very motions she had done thousands of times before her accident. Harry’s eyes carefully study the precision of her determined arms slicing through the water and the way her feet gracefully meet the board once she’s found a strong enough wave. She glides back to the beach and revels in the familiar feeling of the ocean breeze against her skin. Harry whistles from the distance as she reaches the shore, turning back to him with a wide grin and two thumbs up. 
“Your turn,” she calls, paddling towards him on her stomach. 
Harry replaces her on the board and winces. “Maybe I should’ve gone first,”
“You’re gonna do great,” Alani insists. “Tighten your core muscles. Oh! And bend your knees, not your back. Just trust your instincts and follow through,”
He follows her advice and to his surprise, does well, though not nearly as graceful as she had. Despite this, Alani cheers from the side as he glides back to the beach. Harry takes a bow once his feet have safely met the sand below. 
“I knew you could do it,” she beams when he swims back to her. 
“Couldn’t have done it without my amazing coach,” he shoots back, leaning down to press a salty kiss to her lips. 
With Harry’s help, she swings her leg over the board and sits so that they face each other. Their legs paddle gently below the surface and his hand finds the top of her knee, giving it an affectionate squeeze. 
“You were incredible out there,” he muses. “Can’t even tell that you’re out of practice,”
She wrings her hair out and fastens it into a low bun at the base of her neck. “Guess it’s like riding a bike—the muscle memory and all that,”
“You’re a great coach, you know. Cause I usually just wipe out,”
“That’s normal,” Alani nods. “You have to get used to falling. And wait for the right wave,”
Harry admires the way the afternoon sun sets her aglow, skin shimmering and golden under the rays. “How d’you know when it’s the right one?”
“You just feel it I guess. It’s like a gut instinct that you have to follow. And no second guessing yourself, either, cause that’s when you mess up,”
“What if you do go for it and you still wipe out?” He questions, something besides surfing in the back of his mind. 
Alani sighs. “Then you wipe out,”
“You just have to trust?”
“You just have to trust,”
Harry hums as he considers this. Three burning syllables bounce around in his skull, but he suppresses them for the time being. Carefully, he lifts himself to his feet and motions for Alani to do the same. It takes them a second to find their balance on the board, but eventually they do and Harry brings her closer with a protective hand on the middle of her back. 
“D’you trust me?” he murmurs. 
Alani studies the different shades of green in his irises and feels a flutter deep in the pit of her belly, so she decides to take her own advice and presses a soft kiss to his warm lips before responding. 
Carefully, Harry takes a step back and twirls Alani before pulling her flush to his chest and swaying to the music stuck in his brain. As best they can, the pair dances on the surface of the board but Harry’s foot gets caught in a slick spot and he tumbles backwards, bringing Alani with him. When they emerge, his heart races in worry, but the knot in his chest eases when he hears her laughter.  
“Y’okay?” he checks. 
“Yeah,” she assures him, her legs snaking around his torso under the water. “I’m alright.”
The sky turns pink as they continue to wade peacefully in the water, and the entire time Harry finds himself fixated on the weight of the three little words nagging at the back of his brain. 
“Say it again,”
Harry shoots Alani an unamused look through the corner of his eye. “Dunno what’s so funny about it,”
“Just say it one more time,” she pleads with a mischievous glint in her eye. 
“Chews day,” Alani mimics and Harry rolls his eyes. 
“You’re so clever,” he huffs. “Really, a true comedian,”
She giggles and leans over in her seat to press a kiss to his cheek. “It’s cute!”
“Yeah, whatever,”
“Okay, just one more—”
“Alani,” Harry chuckles, more endeared than irritated. “Don’t make me turn this car around,”
She pouts playfully and returns to watching the trees and passing cars. “At least I’m not asking you where we’re going,”
“You are so stubborn,” he shakes his head. “I told you we’re almost there,”
“I just don’t understand what it is with you and keeping secrets,”
“It’s about the mystery, darlin’, it’s romantic! Just trust me, okay? Have I ever steered you wrong?”
Alani nibbles at the skin on her lower lip and folds her arms. “No,”
“Okay, then,” Harry says finally. “Now change the song. I let you have fun with one Taylor, but it’s getting old,”
“Hater,” she grumbles, shuffling through the rest of her playlists before settling on Madonna. 
Harry’s finger taps along to the beat against her thigh and his lips turn up when he hears Alani singing along. Her eyes are focused on the road ahead of them as she pretends to be in a music video of her own, creating hand gestures and choreography to accompany the lyrics. The chorus builds and she belts out the words as if her life depends on it. 
“I’m crazy for you!”  She performs, squishing Harry’s cheeks between her hands. “Touch me once and you’ll know it’s true. I never wanted anyone like this, it’s all brand new. You’ll feel it in my kiss,”
Alani presses a slobbery smooch to the side of his face and he groans, laughing when she continues melodramatically. The song goes on for another minute and Alani sings passionately out of tune, but it makes Harry’s heart swell. He briefly considers joining her, but decides to let her have her moment, too amused by the way she’s caught up in the emotion. When it’s finally over, she slumps down in her seat with a dazed look in her eye. 
“Gotta love the 80s,”
“Maybe I should let you join the band,” Harry suggests. 
Alani gasps in mock offense, her eyes wide. “Hey!”
“Yeah,” he smirks. “Doesn’t feel so good, does it?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she dismisses offhandedly. “I’m a sweetie,”
“A sweet pain in my arse,”
“Arse? Did you really just say arse?”
“I take it back, you’re just a regular pain.”
The two of them drive for another forty-five minutes taking playful jabs at each other and watching the lush greenery whizz by. Harry had been characteristically cryptic in his instructions the night before, an idea suddenly popping into his mind when Alani reminded him of her day off. He had told her to wear something comfortable and practical, nothing that could flow easily in the wind. Furthermore, he revealed that he would pick her up at exactly 7:00 a.m. which made her eyebrows shoot up. 
“It’ll be worth it, promise,”
“Can we at least get McDonald’s hash browns for the road?” Alani had bargained. 
Harry chuckled to himself, too excited to deny her. “Sure thing, sweets.”
Welcome to Waikōloa Beach, the sign read and Alani wondered what could possibly have possessed Harry to drag her out of bed and across the island at the crack of dawn. Her question was quickly answered when they turned onto Keana Place where a lot full of helicopters were lined up and waiting. 
“‘Big Island Tours’,” she reads aloud. “Wait a minute, we’re not—”
“Surprise!” Harry beams, reaching behind her seat for a bag. 
Alani scoffs, her mind still trying to process. “Are you trying to kill me?���
“Come on,” he pleads. “Been dying to do it since I got here,”
“So bring Mitch! Or Jeff, or Tom or literally anyone else,”
Harry gives her a pout and bats his lashes. “But I’d rather be with you. Please?”
“Harry,” she sighs, taking another glance at the helicopters before her. They did seem secure enough, enclosed on all sides, and he had driven an hour and a half just to surprise her with something fun and totally outside of her comfort zone. 
“Trust me?” he asks after a minute, kissing her knuckles gently. 
Alani takes a deep breath and nods. “Fine.”
They exit the SUV and Harry takes her hand, slinging his bag over his shoulder. There’s a short, stocky man with dark sunglasses standing in front of one of the helicopters with a clipboard. He checks his watch when he sees the two of them approaching and reaches out a hand. 
“Mr. Styles?”
“Nice to meet you Harry, I’m Matt,” the pilot says with a firm handshake. “Is this your guest?”
“Alani,” she greets. “Is this…”
“It’s very safe,” Matt assures her with a warm smile. 
Harry squeezes her hand gently and looks over their mode of transportation. “How long’ve you been doin’ this?”
“Almost ten years,” the pilot explains. “I was a commercial pilot for twenty-five and then started this when I retired,”
“I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of nervous fliers, then,” Alani speaks up, attempting humor to mask her jitters. 
Matt nods with a knowing smile. “Oh yeah. Plenty of anxious girlfriends who kick their boyfriends for dragging them into it, but they always enjoy themselves in the end,”
Alani’s cheeks warm at his assumption of their relationship status, but neither her nor Harry address it. Instead, Harry clears his throat and asks his next question. 
“So when can we go up?”
“Whenever you’re ready,” Matt offers. 
Once the three of them have settled into the aircraft, he hands Harry and Alani each a headset and goes over the basic safety rules. Her heart races and stomach turns, but she takes a deep breath and wills herself to give it a chance. Beside her, Harry is enthusiastically chatting up Matt and being his usual charming self; his confidence is reassuring and she finds herself sinking deeper into his side for comfort. He drapes an arm over her shoulders protectively, sensing her nerves, and presses a firm kiss to her temple. After a few minutes of discussion with the air base over the radio, Matt gives them a thumbs up and signals that they’re ready to go. Another deep breath and they’re off, the ground growing smaller and smaller below. They skim over Waikōloa Village and head west to Waiulua Bay where the water is so clear and blue, Harry has a hard time believing it’s real. Alani peers down at the tiny people all along the coast and in the water and her throat goes dry. She feels Harry nudge her shoulder lightly and looks over to where his finger is pointed. 
“Down there you can swim with dolphins,” he says. “Looked it up last night,”
“And we’re not doing that because...?”
Harry flashes a dimpled grin and laughs softly to himself. “How are you not enjoying this?”
“I am,” Alani insists, which is steadily becoming true. She watches in amazement as they hover over the expanse of the lush, green landscape along the coast. 
Over the headset, Matt points out some key landmarks and answers more of Harry’s questions. They pass over an active volcano and Alani momentarily feels a rush of terror, but her curiosity takes over as she snaps a photo of the molten lava below. She captures another one of Harry looking out his window before flipping the camera to selfie mode and making a peace sign. He turns to tell her something, but flashes a cheesy grin and presses a kiss to her cheek when he notices the camera. Alani writes a mental note to make it her lock screen later. 
After half an hour in the air, Matt points to the cliff on their right hand side and says they’ll be landing there for a bit as part of the tour. A 200 foot waterfall feeds into a small pool and he lands them on a ledge across the way. The three of them exit the helicopter, but Matt says that he needs to check in with the base and lets them explore the site alone for a few minutes. 
“This is incredible,” Alani marvels, looking over the edge. 
“Knew you’d like it,”
She turns to him and snakes her arms around his shoulders, leaving a small peck to his lips. “Thank you,”
While she had been almost one-hundred percent sure that she would never enjoy a helicopter ride, Alani is glad that she was wrong. She is even more grateful that Harry had encouraged, but hadn’t pushed, her to try it. If Alani had been absolutely against the idea, she knows that he wouldn’t have pressed it any further and would have taken her to do something more her speed, hence the dolphin back up plan. It sometimes felt like they were from entirely different worlds, Harry being more sure of himself and adventurous while Alani was careful and preferred to have things planned. But he made her feel brave and spontaneous without pressuring  her to change anything about herself. Harry had seen something special in her and wanted the whole world to see it, too. So he encouraged her to break out of her comfort zone and let her true self shine, but only at her own discretion. Over the course of the past few weeks, Alani had noticed herself opening up to new experiences and loving every minute of it, but this transformative feeling was far from one sided; because of their relationship, Harry learned the value of trusting his own instincts. For so much of his life, he felt like a member of an overcrowded democracy allowing himself to go with the majority rule even if it didn’t particularly please him. From their earliest moments spent together, Harry was inspired by Alani’s determination and self-confidence. He had always cared deeply about other people’s opinion of him and felt that it was his greatest weakness, but she seemed so unapologetically herself at all times. And though Harry sometimes worried that he was simply playing a part for the rest of the world, he never had to question who he was with Alani. She understood him, she grounded him, and amidst all of the unfamiliarity in his new life, she felt familiar and safe. 
“You deserve it,” Harry says gently. “To see beautiful things.”
Alani presses their foreheads together and studies his emerald eyes like they’re the rarest gems she’s ever seen. “Well I’m looking at the best damn view right now,”
“Although, I wish you would’ve told me we were going to Jurassic Park, I would’ve prepared my Laura Dern outfit.”
Harry laughs softly and slots his lips between hers, those three, pesky little words nagging at him again. Not yet, he thinks, but almost there. 
Alani takes an extended lunch and heads over to the recording studio with food for Harry and his friends. He had warned her beforehand that there would be filming, so they agreed to pretend, just for the afternoon, that she was his assistant. However, their true relationship was as much of  a mystery to the both of them as it was to everyone else. Alani had considered, on many occasions, asking him to officially be her boyfriend. She didn’t know how else to refer to him when her mom had started inquiring about the Range Rover mysteriously parked across the street every morning. Each time Alani had gotten up the nerve to ask, however, she secretly worried that it was too soon, or worse, that he would say no. Much to her oblivion Harry had also wrestled with this question, and many others, but also feared her response. What they shared was undeniably strong and completely foreign, so they had independently decided not to put too much weight on the situation in fear of bursting the bubble too soon. Neither of them were prepared to deal with the fallout if it all came crumbling down. 
“Lunch is here!” Jeff calls from the doorway as he escorts Alani inside. 
He motions her over to the table in one corner of the room and helps her lay out the food, thanking her warmly when she declines payment. 
“It’s on the house,” she reassures him. 
The crew all take turns grabbing their lunch, Mitch ruffling Alani’s hair in a display of gratitude while he swipes his burger, and settle into various chairs and comfortable spots around the studio. Harry is the last one to claim his food and he lingers around the table as he does so. 
“Thank you, Ms. Hale,” he offers politely, itching to give her an appreciative kiss. 
She nods and returns the professionalism. “You’re very welcome, Mr. Styles,”
“How’s the weather?”
By now, Alani has come to recognize this as his go-to inquiry when he’s really asking for her attention or affection. 
“Full of sunshine,”
“Glad to hear it.” he smiles softly. The casual slip of his nickname isn’t lost on him. 
“Hey Harry,” the director calls. “Show Jason that Bob Dylan thing you were doing—watch, you’ll love this.”
Harry musters up a pleasant smile and quickly glances at Alani, wanting nothing more than to escape with her for the precious few moments she has left to spare. 
“Occupational hazard.” she shrugs as her cue of permission. His fond look turns apologetic before he saunters over to the rest of the group. 
Alani watches, amused, as he lifts a guitar and starts strumming a tune that she hadn’t heard before with a Dylan-esque lilt in his voice. The crew all laugh and encourage his impression, but she still wonders what the song is and reminds herself to ask later. After a few moments with the rest of the group, Harry’s eyes wander to Alani munching on a french fry and scrolling on her phone. Jeff notices this too and decides to help his friend out.
“Hey Alani,” he calls. “Come sit with us,”
She looks over to Harry and he grins eagerly, making room on the couch between him and Mitch. 
“Alani makes the best smoothies in the world.”  Jeff comments to the film crew. 
“It’s true,” Mitch adds. “Harry loves ‘em.”
A subtle glare radiates from the singer, but Mitch simply winks in response. 
“Well, you guys are my favorite customers,” Alani offers. “But don’t tell the others,”
The whole team makes Alani feel welcome and she’s endlessly thankful for it, making an effort to engage every crew member in some sort of small talk as evidence of her gratitude. Harry enjoys her presence among his friends and how easily she fits in. It serves as further proof of what his gut already knew: she was a missing puzzle piece in the image of his ideal life slowly coming together before his eyes. Alani checks the time an hour later and starts bidding farewell to the group, much to their disappointment. As she slips out the door and over to the Bronco, a familiar accented voice calls from behind. Before she has time to respond, a pair of warm lips meet hers and she hums. 
“They’re all goin’ out  for dinner at 5,” Harry explains gently. “Come back to the studio then, I have somethin’ I wanna show you.”
It’s 5:10 when Alani makes her way back to Napua. Harry had texted her beforehand to say that the door would be open, so she lets herself in and scans the quiet room. She hears the soft keys of a piano, but the room is dim and she has to get closer to see that it’s Harry seated there. Candles are perched around the room and Alani watches her step, reaching a hand to Harry’s shoulder when she reaches him. He stops playing and flashes a soft smile, inviting her to join him on the bench. 
“Digging the ambience,” Alani remarks lightly, not entirely reading his mood. 
He shrugs. “Just felt right,” 
Harry’s fingers return to the keys and he starts with a somber chord that makes Alani’s breath hitch. His vocals are raw and gritty, but stronger than she had ever heard him sing and it nearly moves her to tears. She hangs on every word and burns them into her mind for safe keeping, though she doubts that she could ever forget this moment even if she tried. Harry picks up into the chorus and leaves nothing behind, diving straight into the wave without fear of wiping out. Alani tries, but she can’t contain the tears that spill over her cheek. It’s as if every ounce of apprehension and anxiety, every doubt and moment of insecurity is cleansed from her soul right in this very moment. When the song comes to an end, she immediately wishes to relive it and tries to find the right words in response. 
“That was incredible,” Alani clears her throat. “What’s it called?”
“Sign of the Times,” he responds. “Not really sure about it,”
She furrows her brows in confusion, but quickly realizes that he’s being honest and not fishing for compliments. 
“It’s… different,”
He thinks for a moment and chooses his next words carefully. “Anything I‘ve ever done before,”
“And why’s that bad?” Alani questions with a comforting hand weaving its way into his hair. 
“Dunno,” Harry sighs, leaning into her touch. “I just don’t wanna get it wrong,”
At this moment, “it” isn’t just the song. Everything about his new solo career, and his life in general, is a toss up, and one that he isn’t sure will land in his favor. Alani has no doubts, though, not when it comes to her faith in Harry’s abilities. 
“Are you happy?” she asks. 
He looks over to her and thinks that he couldn’t possibly be more content. “Yeah,”
“Then you’re already succeeding. If you’re happy with what you’re doing, then no one can tell you that you’re not successful,”
Harry feels his own wave of emotions pooling at the bottom of his lash line and he’s grateful that the low lighting conceals it. He closes the gap between their lips, palm secure against the side of Alani’s face as he keeps her close. 
“There’s somethin’ else I wanted to talk to you about,” Harry says gently and Alani feels her heartbeat pick up. 
He isn’t sure how to approach the subject, despite the fact that it’s been the only thing on his mind for days, so he decides to trust his gut and speak from the heart.
“These past few weeks with you,” he starts slowly. “Have been the best of my entire life. When I’m with you, it’s like nothing else in the entire world matters, and nothing bad could ever happen to me because there’s you,”
Another tear rolls down Alani’s face and Harry wipes it away with the pad of his thumb. 
“All I asked for was a chance,” he continues. “And it feels like you’ve given me the entire world. Do you remember the day when we saw that rainbow?”
“Yes,” Alani nods, voice small. 
“You told me to wish for something, and I did. I wished for a home. I didn’t know why, but that word wouldn’t leave me alone after you said it. But I think I understand it now, because I’m in a place I’ve never been before, physically and in my life generally, but you make it feel like home. You bring me home,”
Alani feels as if all of the air inside her lungs has been sucked out, and her grip on Harry’s wrist tightens because she worries that if he lets go, she’ll float away like a helium balloon. 
“I know I’m not perfect,” Harry continues, voice wavering. “But this thing we have feels like it could set the world on fire, and I’d gladly walk in the flames for you. So would you please say you’ll be mine and let me prove it?”
“Yes,” Alani breathes, tears of relief and joy still streaming down her face. “But I need a moment to compose an appropriate girlfriend acceptance speech,”
Harry grins and presses their lips together as if she’s the only source of air. 
“Seriously,” Alani chuckles when they pull apart. “Cause how the fuck could I top that?”
“Y’don’t need to. Saying yes was all I needed,”
She unclasps her fingers from his, draping her arms around his shoulders instead, and takes a deep breath. “You’re everything, you know that? You’re the sun and the whole universe revolves around you.”
“And you’re the most heavenly moon,” Harry responds thinking back to the meaning of her name. “Mahealani.”
When Alani’s father had asked for her help setting up a wedding that was taking place at the resort this weekend, she jumped at the chance. It wasn’t often that she got to be involved in the events at Honu, but she adored the luxurious five star hotel and all of its amenities. She had helped her dad cater numerous events over the years and weddings were her absolute favorite, especially because of the beautiful gowns and all of the blissfully happy couples. It felt like a privilege to glimpse into the most special moments in the lives of strangers she would probably never see again. Alani had been tasked with meeting the bride and collecting any last minute meal cards or notes of dietary restrictions from guests. The wedding was to take place the following night, but all the food prep would begin that afternoon in order to adequately prepare. 
“I think that’s all. There were just a few last minute adjustments,” the bride, Mila, says pulling out an envelope from her bag. 
“No offense,” Alani starts. “But shouldn’t you be resting? I mean isn’t the maid of honor supposed to do all this? Or a wedding planner?”
Mila sighs, an embarrassed smile spreading across her rosy lips. “I know, I’m just a bit of a control freak. I like things done a certain way,”
“Totally understandable,”
“Like the music thing,” Mila rolls her eyes. “It was my fiancé’s idea. He said that DJs were boring and wanted to let the guests choose their own songs, instead. So that was my compromise. I’m trying,”
Alani offers a chuckle and shuffles the last of the cards into her stack. “Sounds like you’re already mastering this whole marriage thing,”
“Are you married?” the bride asks, curiously. 
“Oh, no I’m not,” 
“Got a boyfriend?”
Alani’s cheeks warm and her lips curl. “Yes,”
“Knew it,” Mila comments with a knowing smirk. “You’re too pretty to be single. And you’ve got the look,”
“What look?” Alani questions. 
Mila flutters her lashes and sighs. “The ‘I’m in love and I don’t care who knows it’ look. Like a Disney princess,”
Alani laughs shyly and focuses her attention back to the envelopes in front of her. 
“What’s his name?” the bride pries. 
“That’s a good one,” Mila considers tapping her lower lip. “Like the Prince of England. Maybe you will be a princess, after all,”
Alani is amused by the irony of her statement, but she chooses not to disclose the fact that her boyfriend actually is British, albeit, not a Royal. Instead, she chooses to deflect the attention back onto the bride. 
“And what’s your lucky guy’s name?”
“Like the country,”
“Yeah,” Mila giggles. “Like the country,”
“And what’s he like?”
Mila rests her chin in her hand and a dreamy look settles into her hazel eyes. “Funny. He wanted to be a comedian, but he became a lawyer, instead. That’s how we met— law school,”
“What kind of law do you practice?”
“Ironic enough,” Mila chuckles. “Family and divorce law. I never thought I’d get married, I mean I literally hear about people falling out of love every day. But the thing about love is that it’s effort, and a lot of people aren’t willing to put in the work. It doesn’t feel like work when it’s the right person, though. Just feels like ‘how can I be the best possible partner to this human that I love so much?’”
Alani considers this, her mind immediately wandering to Harry and all of his thoughtful gestures. “Makes sense,”
“Chad is a patent lawyer,” Mila continues. “He’s the more creative, outgoing one, I guess. He makes things light when it gets too heavy, you know? It’s good to have someone like that,”
“Yeah, definitely,”
“What’s your guy like? What does he do?” Mila asks with a flirty grin. 
“He’s, uh,” Alani thinks for a second trying to be as vague as possible. “A musician,”
Mila gives an approving nod. “Dreamy. Bet he writes lots of songs about you,”
“Don’t be shy,” Mila urges. “Come on, it’s just us girls. Spill,”
Alani thinks for a moment and imagines that the same dream cloud must be present over her own features.
“Well he’s kind, thoughtful, romantic, and wise. Really funny, too. I don’t know he just—he makes me wanna be a better person, really,”
“Wow,” the bride marvels. “Sounds like a hell of a guy,”
“He is,”
Mila leans in conspiratorially and Alani does the same. “Speaking as an expert, I think it’s gonna last forever,”
“You think?” Alani asks. 
“Oh yeah,” Mila assures her. “When you’re so used to studying fake love, you get really good at recognizing the real deal,”
Alani offers her an appreciative smile and nods. “Thank you,”
Mila’s eyes light up suddenly and she grabs Alani by both hands. “Hey you should bring him! Yeah, you two should come, I insist,”
“Oh, I—”
“Please, say you will! Maybe he can throw in some good music recommendations to offset the terrible ones,”
Alani chuckles and she knows immediately that Harry would leap at the chance to do so. “Okay, sure.”
“Yay!” Mila cheers, reaching into her planner and jotting a note down. “Harry and Alani at the lovebird’s table.”
“Hey, sweets,” Harry beams, pulling up to the front of the hotel in the Cadillac. “Waiting on your boyfriend or are you just in the habit of standing on sidewalks lookin’ cute?”
“The former,” Alani responds coyly. “He’ll be here any minute,” 
“And he’s got a pretty girl like you waiting outside like this? You should dump him,”
She shrugs and turns on her heel for a stroll while Harry gently eases off the breaks to follow. “I don’t know, I’m kinda fond of him,”
“S’that so?” he continues with a smirk. 
“Yup,” she sighs. “He’s kind of a dork, but I like that about him,” 
“And he’s a good kisser. The best at cuddling, too,” 
“Sounds like a catch,” 
“He is. You two should meet sometime,”
The car comes to a halt and Alani slips inside, scooting all the way down the bench seat next to Harry. 
“Funny, you should be a comedian,” he quips.
Alani’s brow furrows and she shoots him a doe-eyed look. “What’s the joke?”
Harry laughs dryly, ignoring the pang of irrational jealousy that strikes him in the chest. “You’re a little too good at this bit, it’s starting to feel like we're not talkin’ about me anymore,”
“Oh, were we supposed to be talking about you?” 
His head whips over to Alani who clutches her stomach with laughter. “I’m kidding, baby, of course I’m talking about you,” 
“No, who is he?” Harry demands playfully with a deep furrow between his brows. “Tell me, I’ll hurt him,” 
Alani slots their lips together and his pout eases into a grin. 
“Hey what are you doing tomorrow night?” she asks, feeling the ocean breeze through her hair. 
Harry flashes a dimple in her direction. “Anything you want, s’long as we’re together,”
“Will you be my plus one?”
“A wedding,” Alani explains. “The one my dad’s catering at Honu,”
His eyebrows raise and he smiles wide. “Are we crashing it?”
“No,” she laughs. “We were invited. I was hanging out with the bride today and she added us to the list,”
“‘Kay, but I’m still gonna pretend we crashed it,”
Alani drapes her arms around his shoulders and leans her head against his. “Where are we going?”
“Damn, I thought I had you distracted,”
“Boyfriend rule #1: You have to tell me where we’re going always,”
Harry narrows his eyes. “That’s not a real rule because surprises are romantic,”
“Too bad,” Alani shrugs.
“But don’t you enjoy my surprises?”
“Then I’m adding a new rule,” Harry bargains. “The girlfriend can not ask the boyfriend to disclose the location of a date if they’re already in the car,”
“That’s not fair, I was already in the car when the rule was made!”
“Too bad.”
Alani pinches his cheek and slinks back into her own seat. She tells him about the bride and the groom, what she knows, at least, and about the decision to have their guests RSVP with a song of their choice to play at the reception. 
“D’you know what you’re gonna pick?” Harry asks. 
“Yeah,” Alani nods. “I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston, obviously,”
“Obviously,” he agrees. 
“Dunno, yet. Have to narrow it down,”
Alani admires the heart-shaped glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. “Well you better make it good, cause Mila knows that you’re a musician and she’s expecting you to balance out her friends’ shitty music taste,”
“You were talkin’ about me?” he teases. 
“Well, yeah, how else do you think you got invited?”
“You have such a crush on me, s’cute,”
Alani playfully pokes his cheek. “We’re literally dating, dummy,”
“Don’t get defensive,” Harry jokes. “Cause I’ve got a crush on you too.”
“God, we’re so annoying.”
Harry grins and presses a kiss to her temple. They pull into the Port of Hilo and he magically produces a picnic basket from the backseat, a bottle of Moët et Chandon rosé peeking out. Alani slips her fingers between his and follows as he leads them to a sizable speed boat anchored and waiting for them. 
“The Carolina,” Alani reads, admiring the golden cursive on the side. 
“Like someone else I know,” Harry winks. 
He escorts her onto the vessel and she waits to see when the captain will join them, but confusion washes over her when she sees Harry poking around with the equipment. 
“What are you doing?”
“As much fun as it would be to eat at the dock,” he begins. “I think it would be more fun to take ole Carolina for a spin,”
“You mean you’re gonna drive this thing?” Alani questions, though she doesn’t know why she’s surprised by him anymore. 
“Pilot,” Harry corrects. “But yes,”
Alani blinks and tries to wrap her head around the idea of Harry piloting a boat. “And you’re allowed to do that?”
“Wow,” she marvels to herself with an incredulous laugh. “I’m dating a sailor.”
Harry flashes Alani a wink over his shoulder and before she knows it, they’re heading away from the dock. She carefully stands from the lounging area at the back and sneaks over to Harry, arms wrapping around his torso with her chin propped on his shoulder. He steers with one hand and extends the other, recreating the iconic Titanic boat scene. 
“I’m flying, Jack!” he calls over his shoulder and Alani giggles, responding with her best improvised rendition of My Heart Will Go On. 
They sail out for a bit longer before Harry stops the boat and turns to her. “Ta da!”
“By jove, he’s done it!” Alani praises. 
Harry takes a bow and reaches over for the picnic basket, pulling out the rosé and two champagne flutes. He hands them to Alani and spreads their meal on the lounging area at the back: vegetable stir fry and noodles with chocolate covered strawberries for desert. 
“You did all this?” Alani muses. 
He takes each flute from her hand and fills them halfway. “It’s a special occasion,” 
“I feel like an asshole for not knowing what it is,”
“Don’t,” Harry chuckles, handing her the wine. “I mean it’s not really like—I just realized it,”
“What is it?”
Harry raises his glass and clears his throat. “Exactly three months ago, I got off a plane and I stumbled into a little café where the most beautiful and funny and smart waitress served me about twenty glasses of water until I nearly pissed my pants in front of her,”
Alani giggles at the memory, disbelief settling in when she considers how fast the time had flown. 
“And despite all of the embarrassing and idiotic things I’ve done since,” he continues. “She agreed to be my girlfriend, for reasons I have yet to understand. So today I celebrate her, and us, and all of lucky stars that brought our paths together,”
They clink their glasses together and Alani presses a cool kiss to his lips. “Cheers, baby,”
“There’s one more thing,” Harry says, holding a finger up. 
Alani scoffs. “It’s like fucking Pandora’s box in there!”
He pulls out a velvet box and her heart stops. 
“Wait, what are you—”
“It’s not what you think,” he explains quickly. “Sorry, maybe should’ve thought this through better,”
Harry opens the lid and lifts a gold chain with a crescent moon pendant and a smaller sun in the center. 
“Saw it in a shop this morning,” he says softly. “Seemed like fate, so I got it,”
“Harry,” Alani breathes, eyes already glossy. 
“D’you like it?”
“I love it! It’s beautiful,” she says, pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. “Thank you so much.”
He fastens the necklace for her and she admires it with gentle fingers. The sun and the moon, a piece of them cast in gold and resting against her beating heart forever. 
“Wow,” Harry gawks, his eyes raking in Alani’s appearance. A baby pink tulle dress falls just above her knee with puffy sleeves and a sweetheart neckline, all cinched at the waist with a small bow. Tiny velvet hearts are speckled all over the dress, in true Alani fashion, and a pair of sparkling, pink heels accentuate her toned calves. 
“Wow yourself,” she counters, drinking in the peek of exposed skin behind his cream colored blazer. The blue dress shirt underneath is unbuttoned just above the butterfly on his stomach and a cross is nestled in the valley between his pecs. He holds out a bouquet of sunflowers between his ringed fingers and Alani accepts them gratefully, moving to the side so he can step into the house. 
“These are gorgeous, thank you,” she says, lifting them to her nose. 
“Welcome,” he smiles softly, swiping the pad of his thumb against her chin. “You are gorgeous,”
Alani presses her rose tinted lips to his carefully and pulls back to admire him again. “And you are so good looking it actually makes me mad.”
Harry laughs and pulls her closer for another sweet kiss before he hears the clearing of another person’s throat. 
“Have her back by midnight,” Pua teases with her arms crossed. “Or I’ll hunt you down.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Harry salutes before bending down to address Freddie. 
Alani passes the sunflowers to her sister with a kiss to her cheek before hooking an arm under Harry’s and heading out. They hop into the convertible and the sun catches the golden pendant around her neck, bringing a soft smile to his face. 
“Hope those are your dancin’ shoes,” Harry remarks. “Cause we’re goin’ full Dirty Dancing tonight,”
“Lift and all?” 
“Lift and all,”
She runs her fingers over the silver rose on his ring finger.  “You know, I think we’re finally gonna nail it this time.”
“Oh yeah,” Harry agrees. “They won’t know what hit ‘em.”
When they arrive at Honu, the other guests are shuffling from the parking lot and onto the private beach where the reception will take place. Alani plucks a card from her bag to drop into the box at the entrance while Harry pulls a medium sized box from behind his seat. 
“You got a real gift?” Alani questions, a light laugh erupting. “We don’t even know these people,”
Harry tucks the gift under his arm and shrugs. “I put your name on it too, don’t worry,”
“Well now they’ll have a giftcard to Ikea and whatever’s in your mystery box.”
“It’s also a giftcard to Ikea, but wrapped in a big box.”
Alani nudges his shoulder playfully and scans the groups mingling and flocking to the mini bar. She waves to a member of her dad’s kitchen staff attending to the hors d’oeuvres before they are greeted by the manager of the guest list. 
“Alani and Harry,” she says to the tall woman behind the podium. 
“Ah yes,” the woman responds. “The Lovebirds table, number 9.”
“Guess Mila wasn’t joking about that.” Alani chuckles lightly, taking both of their name cards. 
Harry locates their table and to his surprise, no one else is present yet, but he pulls Alani’s chair out for her and pushes it back in once she’s seated. 
“Champagne?” he asks, nodding to the bar. 
“Oui, s'il vous plaît." 
He plants a kiss to the top of her head and makes his way to collect their drinks. Alani’s eyes follow the stringed lights overhead and she quickly realizes that they lead to a disco ball hanging above the center of the dance floor. Well done, Mila. She thinks to herself with an approving nod. The colors, she gathers, are lilac and periwinkle, incorporated into all of the floral arrangements and cloth details. They match the color of the sky above and Alani knows that the bride must be ecstatic over this detail. Harry returns with their drinks and sets them down gently onto the white tablecloth. 
“None of our fellow lovebirds have arrived yet, huh?” he muses, taking a sip of his champagne. 
Alani shakes her head and brings the glass to her lips. “Must be too busy making out in the parking lot,”
“You told me we didn’t have time for that.”
“I’m not gonna ruin my lipstick before we’ve even arrived.”
Harry shakes his fist to the sky and Alani giggles. They both admire the view and the children in the wedding party who are testing how close they can get to the water before an adult drags them away. The sky turns to a shade of cotton candy above them and someone announces that the bride and groom are arriving. Harry and Alani stand and welcome the newly weds with applause and whistles. Mila and Chad share a sweet kiss and the crowd goes wild. One man, most likely a friend of the groom, shouts “I love you Chad!” and laughter erupts. They take their seats and the rest of the wedding party follows suit, which means that the rest of the guests are free to return to their chatting and socializing. 
“I’m beginning to think we were put in the time out table.” Harry jokes when they are still not joined by any other guests. 
A light laugh escapes Alani’s lips and she looks around. “Yeah I guess so.”
The servers arrive with their meal and the pair eat happily, exchanging witty banter and observations of the scene around them. Harry sucks a piece of linguine between his lips and turns to Alani with a mischievous smirk. 
“No,” Alani says, already knowing what he’s up to. 
“Don’t leave me hangin’,”
 “Eat your food.”
She shakes her head gently and rolls her eyes, but decides to indulge him anyway. Their lips meet in the middle of the shared noodle and Harry smiles. 
“Always wanted to try that.” 
A few moments later, he notices a card in the middle of the table and lifts it. 
“‘Trivia,’” he reads. “‘Test your knowledge of the bride and groom and win a prize.’ Let’s play, shall we?”
“What’s the first question?” Alani asks, peering over to read the small font. 
“‘What year did Mila and Chad meet?” 
Alani hums, thinking back to her previous conversation with the bride. “They met in law school, that’s all I know,”
“2009,” Harry guesses. “Who said ‘I love you’ first?”
“Definitely Chad,” she replies firmly. “Mila didn’t think she’d ever get married,”
“I thought you said you didn’t know these people,”
“I guess I was wrong,”
Harry squints at the next one. “What are their zodiac signs?”
“I wanna say Virgo for Mila,” Alani suggests. “Maybe… Aquarius for Chad?”
“That’s my sign,” Harry comments, writing down her guesses. 
Alani’s brows raise. “No kidding. Makes a lot of sense,”
“What’s yours?”
“I don’t know anythin’ about astrology. Are we compatible?”
“Probably not,” Alani teases. 
Harry shoots her a disapproving look and reads the next question. “Where did they go on their first date?”
“The movies,” she predicts. “Safe bet,”
“‘Akaka Falls,” Harry writes. “That was ours,”
Alani’s head tilts. “We weren’t even dating then,”
“Yeah but I was tryin’ to win you over, so it counts,”
“Who is the bride’s celebrity crush?” Harry continues. “Hopefully not James Marsden or this guy’s fucked.”
Alani laughs and she pulls him in for a playful kiss to his cheek. The pink sunset dims into a deep navy and the stringed lights twinkle above, setting the whole scene in a romantic, golden glow. Guests walk past their table holding strips of photo booth pictures and Harry’s neck cranes to search for the source. His eyes land on a small line at the other end of the beach and he stands quickly. 
“Let’s go,”
“Photo booth!”
To Alani’s surprise it’s an actual booth, curtains and all, and not just some poor sucker tasked with operating a polaroid camera the whole night. They stand in line eagerly behind two groomsmen and brainstorm poses. Once they’re inside, Alani settles onto Harry’s knee and watches as he operates the machine. The screen counts down from ten and they decide to flash a proper smile for the first one. After it’s snapped, Harry sticks his tongue out and Alani widens her eyes in mock surprise. The third one is a candid, slightly blurry one of them laughing after she accidentally poked him in the eye. A lipstick kiss is stamped to Harry’s cheek in the fourth one, but the pair innocently look away in opposite directions. The fifth and final image captures their affection mid kiss. They swipe the two sets of photos and Alani awes, admiring the black and white film strip. Before they make it back to their table, Alani feels a hand on her arm. 
“Alani!” Mila beams. 
“Hi!” Alani greets, pulling the bride into a hug. “You look gorgeous,”
“I’m so glad you came! I love your dress,”
Mila turns her attention towards Harry and gives him a warm embrace, too. “You must be Harry! So nice to meet you,”
“Thank you for having us!” he says over the music. 
“I see you guys put the photo booth to good use,” Mila comments. “Now go dance! There’s an ipad next to the stage, just queue up your songs.”
Alani and Harry bid the bride farewell, but before they leave, Mila leans into Alani’s ear and whispers “he’s a hottie!” with a wink. They set their photos down inside Alani’s purse and Harry leads her towards the dance floor. She punches in her request and he secretly types the song that’s been stuck in his head all week. Fantasy by Mariah Carey is already playing when they reach the floor, so they join in excitedly. Alani’s hips sway and Harry’s head bobs, both of them mouthing the lyrics. The song fades and Alani’s pick begins, which makes the crowd roar. 
“The people have spoken and they love Whitney!” she cheers. 
Harry twirls her and shuffles his feet. Alani shimmies and sings along, the lyrics falling from her lips like a prayer. 
I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody 
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody 
With somebody who loves me 
The dance floor is flooded with bodies jumping and swaying, and the disco ball shimmers above the euphoric scene. Alani and Harry spin, making their way through the crowd and letting the music sweep over them like a magical spell. Beads of sweat form at the back of her neck and she lifts her wavy locks to let the ocean breeze cool her down, but her feet don’t stop moving. Eventually, her song peters out and a familiar guitar fills its place. 
“I love this song!” Alani cries, immediately recognizing The Cure. 
Harry pulls her closer, despite the warmth radiating from both of their bodies, and presses a passionate kiss to her lips. They are surrounded on every side, but in this very moment under the full moon and shimmering disco ball, Harry and Alani feel like the only two people alive. Their foreheads meet and they sway gently, his hands secure at her waist while her fingers toy with the hair at the base of his neck. 
It’s Friday, I’m in love. 
31 notes · View notes
youreacowgirllikeme · 4 years
Blind Date
Note: just an idea I had, hope you like it. some soft fluffiness, but also smut bc I’m still h word for Jake, especially after how he looked tonight on tv.
Pairing: Jake Tapper x reader
 Warnings: smut, NSFW
(sorry for eventual typos, I wrote this in a bit of a frenzy)
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“You look horrible. “Abby stated matter-of-factly as she sat down in the restaurant chair across from you.
 “I missed you too, great to see you, thanks. “you responded, not even bothering to argue with her.
Abby was your best friend since college, if she said you looked horrible it was either a joke or a fact. Considering the way she was looking at you, probably the latter.
“Hard week at work?”
 You let out a tired huff.
“You have no idea. We got this new client who booked us for a nation-wide tv ad, and they’re so incredibly demanding. I’ve been working overtime for three weeks straight, it’s a miracle they didn’t call me in today.”
Your monthly Saturday brunch with Abby was sacred, work be damned.
Your friend was giving you a worried look across the table. “Well, I’m glad they didn’t, you deserve a day off.”
 “Enough of my sad life, how is it going over at Fake News?” you joked.
 “Amazing actually. You won’t believe it, but I’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re thinking about offering me John’s Sunday spot on Inside Politics. Can you imagine, my own hour, as an actual anchor. It’s nothing official yet, but I’m so excited.”
 “Oh my god, Abby, that’s awesome. I’m so proud of you. We should celebrate.” you exclaimed, beckoning a waiter to order two glasses of champagne.
 Abby gave you a warm smile.
“Thank you, babe. But let me be honest, I’m worried about you. You look exhausted, even your voice sounds tired. When was the last time you did something actually relaxing?”
 “I’ve watched a movie, like, a week ago. And I do yoga, at least sometimes.” You tried to argue, not entirely sure if you wanted to convince Abby or yourself.
 A smirk settled over your friend’s face, and she looked at you like she just had the most brilliant idea ever. You did not like that look at all, it usually meant trouble.
 “Well todays your lucky day, because I know just what you need to de-stress a bit.”
 You just raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Care to elaborate, genius?”
 “You, my friend, need to get laid.”

You snorted. “Fun times, Abbs, you almost got me,”

“I’m serious, Y/N, when was the last time you had sex?”
“Okay, it’s been a while, but I’m fine. I don’t need a man to interfere with the little free time I have. And it’s not like the streets are full of men chasing me. I don’t have time to date, and, like I said, I’m totally fine with the way things are at the moment.” You tried your very best not to sound defensive. 
The expression on Abby’s face told you everything you needed to know. She didn’t buy a single word coming out of your mouth.
“Y/N, trust me when I tell you, blowing off a little steam would do wonders for your stress level. And maybe you’d even meet someone nice. And, lucky for you, I know just the guy. He’s someone I work with, and I think you’d get along perfectly.”
 “You’re not actually suggesting setting me up on a blind date.” You couldn’t believe your friend. The last thing you needed was an evening full of awkward small talk with some boring, sleek CNN guy.
 “Come on, Y/N, take a leap of faith. What’s the worst thing that could happen?”
 (One week later)
 “I can’t believe I actually agreed.” You murmured to yourself as you rummaged through your closet, looking for an outfit to wear on that damned date Abby bullied you into.
You thought about the peaceful evening you could have had, curled up on the sofa with a glass of wine, maybe getting some work done.
But it was too late to back down now.
 “Let’s just get this over with” you told yourself, applying some lipstick as if it was war paint. “Let’s hope that the guy is at least good-looking.”
 The restaurant Abby sent you to was nice enough, a small and intimate place, perfect for a date. You couldn’t wait to have your first glass of wine, because you could feel your nervousness increasing with each passing minute.
You entered the restaurant, looking for the third table on the window side that Abby had described to you…and directly turned around, practically fleeing through the door again as soon as you set eyes on the man sitting there.
 Back outside, you took your phone out of your bag and furiously dialed Abby’s number. She picked up right away, but you were shouting at her before she could even say a word.
“You better tell me that you did not set me up with Jake fucking Tapper.”
Was she out of her mind? This was the Jake Tapper, the face of CNN, hell, the face of the media in this country. What the fuck were you supposed to talk to him about.
But your friend just chuckled at you through the phone.
“When you saw him on TV some months ago, you said he was your type. Plus, he’s intelligent, funny, and single. Perfect for you. And now stop making a fool out of yourself and go in there. You got this, girl. Love you, bye.”
And with that, she hung up.
 You took a deep breath and tried to calm your nerves. You could not just leave now, and stand up Mr. Breaking News himself. So you pocketed your phone again, squared your shoulders and went back into the restaurant.
You made your way over to the table, coming to a stop in front of it. The man sitting there looked up to you and smiled. And wow, what a beautiful smile it was, sincere, warm and inviting, taking over his entire face.
“Hi.” You said, trying to sound confident.
“I’m Y/N, Abby’s friend.”
“It’s so nice to meet you, I’m Jake. I’m working with Abby, but she probably already told you that much.”

“She did, but I’ll be honest, I know you, of course. Big fan of your show.”
God, why did you just say that. He was probably going to think you were some kind of crazy fangirl now.
 But he just continued to smile his open, friendly smile at you.
“Always happy to hear that.” He chuckled, pointing to the opposite chair. “Do you want to sit down?”
 “Yes, of course, sorry.” You said, feeling silly because you totally forgot that you were still standing. You quickly sat down and tried your best to appear calm and collected, even if your insides were in turmoil.
 “Would you care for some wine? They have a pretty impressive list, I could pick one for us if you don’t mind.” Jake asked.
 “Wine sounds fantastic. I love it, but I’m not really an expert, so go ahead.”
 Jake took some reading glasses out of the pocket of his suit jacket and put them on his nose. 
While he was studying the wine list, you took your time to study him instead. He appeared to be in his late forties, so there was an age difference of probably 15 to 20 years. You didn’t mind that at all, older men had always been more your type.
He had a really handsome face, kind eyes that looked even better when he had those glasses on, and you loved his salt-and-pepper hair. He was wearing a light blue dress shirt with a dark grey suit jacket. You caught your mind wandering to how he might look underneath his clothes and gave yourself a mental slap on the wrist. This was your first date, no need to get ahead of yourself.
“Everything alright over there?”
 Shit, he had caught you staring.
 “Yes, sorry, I zoned off for a moment. I had a stressful week at work.”

“Oh, yes, Abby told me you’re working in advertising. Any interesting projects at the moment?”
You went on and chatted about work a bit. You were fascinated by what he was doing, and taken aback by the confident, yet humble way he was talking about it. This was absolutely not the behavior you were expecting from the leading anchorman of the nations most renowned network. He wasn’t arrogant or self-centered at all and you were definitely charmed.
The wine Jake ordered arrived with your starters, and soon after you had your first few sips you felt some of the initial nervousness fading away.
Soon, the conversation was flowing freely, and you discovered that Abby was right, you really did get along perfectly. Jake was incredibly funny in a dry and witty way and his sarcastic remarks made you laugh more than once. You also discovered your shared interest in graphic novels and argued a while about weather DC or Marvel was the superior comic universe.
Jake showed you one of his own cartoons on his phone, and with each moment you found yourself more drawn to the man in front of you.
At some point his hand started to lightly brush against yours on the table, and each touch sent a warm feeling through your chest.
You talked some more over dessert, had some more wine and overall, a really good time.
The alcohol gave you a pleasant, fuzzy feeling, and the desire to just get up and crawl on Jakes lap grew with each look he gave you.
 “Excuse me, Ma’am, Sir, were closing up now.” A passing waiter told you and put the check on the table.
 “Let me take care of that, please.” Jake said, taking out his wallet. You just thanked him and enjoyed the view of him putting on his glasses again to read the check.
 He really was a perfect gentleman, you thought to yourself, as he got up to hold your coat and then the door for you on your way out.

“I really had a wonderful evening.” you said softly, as the both of you were standing on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. Jake shot you another one of his brilliant smiles, and you could feel your heart beating faster.
“Me too.” He replied. “I really enjoyed spending time with you, and I’d like to see you again.”
Now your heart was almost jumping out of your chest, and you could feel your own smile taking over your face.
“I’d love that.”
 Jake took one step closer, now standing so close you could almost feel the warmth radiating off his body. One of his hands came up to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear, his thumb slowly stroking over your jaw. His touch sent goosebumps all over your skin, and you slightly parted your lips, looking him directly in the eyes. They were warm, and dark, and you felt like you could get lost in them. And then he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your mouth.
It felt incredible, a kind of warmth that was totally unrelated to the wine spreading through your body, your skin prickling where his hand was still on your face.
You put your hands on his arms and kissed him back, enjoying the feeling of his soft lips against yours. He still tasted slightly like red wine, and you wanted nothing more than to explore the rest of his body with your mouth just as thoroughly.
 First date, you reminded yourself, and broke free from the kiss before your lust-clouded brain could make you do something you might regret later. You glanced up at Jake, who looked at you with an unreadable expression. Then, after what felt like forever, he finally spoke.
“Could I maybe have your number?”
“Of course.” You said, with maybe a bit much enthusiasm, but Jake didn’t seem to mind. You quickly typed your number into his phone, and just as you were finished, the cab you had called earlier was arriving.
Jake held the door open for you, and shot you one last, beautiful smile. “Good night, Y/N, get home safe.”
“Thank you for the wonderful evening, Jake. Good night.”
 You closed the door and the taxi drove off. You already missed his face as soon as he was out of sight, and you turned around to watch his receding figure through the rear window of the taxi.
Great, you were already down bad after one date. The man really got to you, and you desperately hoped that you would hear from him soon.
 As soon as you were home, you really felt the effects of the wine, so you quickly went to bed to get some sleep. Just before you were nodding off, you sent Abby a quick message.
You were right, he is perfect. THANKS xxxx
When Abby answered five minutes later, you were already asleep.
 Told you so ;) xxxx
 When you woke up the next morning, there was a new message from an unknown number on your phone. Your heart made a flip in your chest, and you opened it as fast as you could.
Hi, this is Jake. It’s probably way too soon to text you, but I just wanted to let you know, again, what a great time I had yesterday. If you’d be up to it, I’d really like to see you again soon. Let me know if that would be alright with you. And have a nice Saturday :)
He had already texted you. That meant he didn’t think that you were crazy, or awkward, and that he wasn’t just acting nice, he genuinely wanted to see you again. You were filled with a giddy sort of happiness, and decided to answer him right away, there was no need to play any games here. Leap of faith, just like Abby said.
Good Morning Jake, I really enjoyed yesterday as well. I’d love to spend some more time together; would tomorrow evening be too spontaneous? I could make dinner, to return the favor since you paid yesterday ;) my place at eight?
As soon as you hit the send button you started getting anxious again. What if tomorrow was too soon? What if he thought you were being too eager?
“Stop it, Y/N!” you said out loud to interrupt your mental spiral. You wouldn’t make a fool out of yourself for this man, even if he was handsome, and intelligent, and funny. No way.
 But as you were standing in the kitchen five minutes later and heard your phone chiming from the other room, you were there in the matter of seconds to read the new message.
Tomorrow sounds perfect, just text me the address. I’ll bring the wine. xx Jake
You clutched your phone to your chest, the biggest, goofy smile on your face.
 You spent the remaining day extensively cleaning your flat, stressing out, going grocery shopping and stressing out some more. You face-timed Abby and bullied her into helping you pick out an outfit, since she technically was the one who got you into this mess in the first place.
Jake was occupying your mind whatever you did, and when you finally got into your bed that night, all you could think about was how his lips had felt against yours. Those thoughts sent a hot, burning feeling down between your legs and when you finally touched your pussy, you were already so wet and aroused that it only took you minutes until you reached your peak, Jakes name falling from your lips.
To say you were a nervous wreck the next day would be an understatement. When you woke up, you decided to watch some TV to get yourself a bit of distraction. An ad was currently playing, and so you decided to check your mails first.
“Good Morning from Washington, where the State of our Union is in turmoil over the latest…”
Your head snapped up at the sound of the familiar voice coming from your TV, the voice that occupied your mind ever since your blind date on Friday. You had totally forgotten that Sunday morning meant Jake Tapper time on CNN, because usually you were either asleep or at work at 9 am. But now you took your time to really appreciate the man on your TV.
He looked way more serious than the Jake you got to know, no smile, just a stern expression and a dark suit and tie. Which didn’t mean that he wasn’t looking totally hot, and his intelligent and sharp remarks did nothing to calm your fluttering heart or the heat in your lower abdomen. You definitely wanted him, bad.

This is getting ridiculous, you thought to yourself, and turned the TV off to take a very long shower.
Afterwards, you spent the whole day pacing around your flat and annoying Abby with numerous text messages and another two face time calls. She assured you multiple times that everything would be just fine and by the time it was 7:45 p.m. the food was in the oven and you sat on your couch, waiting for the doorbell to ring.
When it finally did, you all but ran to the door only to stop and force yourself to take a couple of calming breaths before opening it. Jake stood outside, a bottle of red wine in his hand. He looked amazing with his white dress shirt and dark grey slacks, but again it was his smile that got your attention, he looked just as happy to see you as you were feeling.
Out of a sudden impulse, you surged forward and threw your arms around the man, hugging him and burying your head in his chest. He seemed surprised, but still put his free arm around you, embracing you.
“Hi.” You whispered, suddenly shy, but as you looked up to meet Jakes eyes you could see nothing but warmth in them. “Hi.” He replied, pressing a kiss to your hair. “It’s good to see you.”
 You slowly let go of him so he could actually enter your apartment. He followed you inside and you fetched some glasses for the wine. You talked about everything and anything over dinner, family, football, the book Jake was working on. You listened closely, and so did he as you told him about your passion for art and music. He even asked you to put some of your favorite records on as you moved over to the couch after dinner.
You were still talking animatedly but having Jake in closer physical proximity made it increasingly hard to focus on what he was saying.
Instead, your eyes and mind wandered to his hands. Without thinking, you reached out and put one of your hands into his, He stopped speaking, and looked at you. You could see the kind look in his eyes being replaced by something darker, more passionate.
 He spoke again, voice lower this time. “I’ve been thinking about you and our kiss without a break since yesterday. And just as long I’ve wanted to kiss you again, touch you again.”
He reached out, cupped your jaw with one of his hands and slowly ran his thumb over your bottom lip. It took every willpower you had not to suck his thumb into your mouth. This man had you hot and aching for him with just a single touch and a couple of words.
“Is that something you want me to do, Y/L?” his voice was only a low rumble now.
“Oh my god yes. Yes please.” You whispered, not really trusting your own voice to come out steady enough. 
The hand on your face slid to the back of your head and you uttered a surprised gasp as Jake just grabbed a fist of your hair and pulled you close, until your faces were only inches apart.
“You are beautiful.” He said, looking you deep in the eyes.
And then he kissed you again. And as soon as his mouth connected with yours, you realized just how much you had missed the feeling of his lips, the warmth of his body. But that was where the resemblance to the kiss you shared last night ended. Because this one was more.
More passion, more lust. Jake softly bit your bottom lip and used your surprised gasp as an opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. The kiss deepened and you could feel small sparks of arousal all over your body with every touch of tongue and every time he lightly tugged on the hair in the nape of your neck.
Your hands found their way around Jakes shoulders, roaming up and down his back. You were really glad he was not wearing his full State Of The Union Outfit, even if it had looked extremely hot, because as soon as you could feel the solid muscle through his thin dress shirt, you knew that those clothes had to come off at some point.
You lightly tugged on the hem of his shirt to pull it out of his pants and spread your hands over the warm skin underneath. Jake broke the kiss as soon as he could feel what you did, just to tilt back your head and kiss your exposed neck.
You couldn’t stifle a moan as he lightly sucked on your pulse point.
The feeling of his mouth on your skin made heat coil between your legs, and you tried to shift even closer to him, until you were almost sitting on his lap.
Jake continued to kiss your neck, while his other hand crept under your shirt to palm your breast through your bra. He lightly squeezed it and you moaned again, you nails raking softly over his back, making him groan against your skin.
“You like that?” he asked, and pinched one of your nipples through the thin fabric of your bra, and you could feel your panties getting soaked with arousal.
You decided that it was time to get rid of some clothing and started to quickly unbutton Jakes dress shirt, revealing more and more skin with each button undone. As soon as you were finished, he pulled the shirt of his shoulders and the view of his body made your mouth water. You ran your hands over his muscled chest, and you could see the way his eyes darkened again.
“I can’t wait to touch you everywhere.” He said in a husky voice and pulled your shirt over your head in a swift motion, and instantly his lips were on yours again, his hands roaming over your back, unclasping your bra. When your nipples came in contact with the skin of his chest, you couldn’t contain yourself anymore.
“Jake, please. Touch me, kiss me, anything. I need to feel you.” You pleaded, your voice slightly breathless.
“Take the rest of your clothes off, now.” Jake said, his commanding tone sending another surge of wetness between your legs.
 You got up from the sofa and stood in front of Jake. Slowly, you opened the zipper of your jeans and pulled them down, leaving you only in your black lace panties.
Jake was watching you, his intense stare burning on your skin.
“Everything. Off.” He said, never breaking eye contact.
Having the undivided attention of this man was so hot, you almost got lightheaded.
You slowly dragged your underwear down your legs, and as you were looking up again, you saw that Jake was palming the bulge that had begun to form in his pants. You wanted to touch him so bad.
“You are gorgeous. Amazing. Beautiful. Stunning.” Jake said, taking in the sight of your naked body. His voice was strained, this was clearly affecting him.
A light flush was beginning to form on your skin, you weren’t sure if it was because of arousal or embarrassment, but you definitely knew that you needed Jake to get his hands on your body, now.
You made your way over to him again and leaned down to open the fly of his trousers. His briefs were already tented by his erection, and you palmed him through his underwear, making him groan.
“Those need to come off.” You whispered, smiling at Jake, who just nodded and lifted his pelvis so you could pull down his trousers along with his underwear.
Finally, he was naked in front of you. He grabbed you by your waist and pulled you down on the sofa, lying on top of you. The feeling of his warm skin against yours was thrilling, you tried to get your hands on every part of his body you could reach, stroking his back, pulling his hair. Finally, you wrapped your hand around the base of his hard cock, giving it some light strokes.
“You feel so good, Y/N, I’ve been thinking about doing this since I first laid my eyes on you. I’ve been in a state since we kissed, and now” he whispered against your neck „I can’t wait to finally have that sweet pussy of yours.”
You couldn’t believe the words coming out of Jakes mouth, hearing him say filthy things like that was turning you on more than you could’ve ever imagined. Obviously, your thoughts were written all over your face.
“You like it when I talk like that, don’t you, sweetheart.” He said, pinching one of your nipples as he did.
“I…Oh shit, yes, yes I do. Please.” You whimpered, almost going you crazy with the need to finally feel him. 
He had mercy on you, reaching out between your legs. When he touched your pussy for the first time, you felt like the pent-up tension could make you faint any moment.
“God, you’re so wet, Y/N.” He thrust two of his long fingers into you without warning, and you almost screamed.
“And so tight.”
“I need you, please Jake, fuck me.” You were begging now, way beyond caring about any sort of decorum as his digits touched that sweet spot inside of you again and again.
 He withdrew his fingers and shifted on top of you before he put his hands on your tights, spreading your legs. You couldn’t even begin to complain about the loss of his fingers, he was already lining up his cock with your entrance, and pushed in, slowly, filling you inch by inch until he bottomed out with a deep groan. His length stretched you in the most delicious way, and you cried out as he was starting to thrust in and out of you, leaving you almost no time to adjust to his size.
You couldn’t talk coherently anymore, you were just chanting his name over and over as he was fucking you into the sofa. Your nails clawed into his back as he was leaning over you, his hair falling into his face. Just as you thought you couldn’t feel any more pleasure, he grabbed one of your legs and probed it onto his shoulder, the new angle making you see stars with every move of his hips.
“You feel incredible, so tight and warm around me, you are amazing.” He looked down on you, taking in your face, squinted with pleasure, his name falling from your lips over and over again.
He reached between your legs and started rubbing your clit, never slowing down his relentless, hard thrusts. The combined stimulation was almost too much for you and your orgasm was approaching fast.
“Don’t stop, please, just don’t stop.” You cried out, the pleasure running through your body like a wildfire.
“Look at me when you come, I want to see you. Look at me!” Jake growled, breathing hard as he sped up even more.
You hit your peak with a cry, sparks dancing over your skin as your walls clenched around Jakes cock. Your eyes were fixed on his, and he looked at you like you were the only person on the entire planet.
Seeing you come undone beneath him, Jake only lasted for another few deep thrusts before he came, shouting your name and spilling his hot release inside of you.
 He laid on top of you afterwards, his face on your shoulder, breathing deeply. You pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, and he turned his head to look at you.
“Hi” you said.
“Hi” he replied, your favorite smile spreading across his face again.
 “I liked that very much.” You said, pressing another kiss to his lips. He chuckled and propped himself up onto his arms with a small sight, rolling off you. Luckily, your sofa was large enough so you could comfortably lie next to each other.
“Me too, that was fantastic.” He replied and pulled you closer, putting his arm around you. You buried your face into his chest, soaking up the heat of his body and his wonderful smell.
 “Maybe you should come over more often.” You suggested, sounding a bit nervous again. You didn’t want to appear clingy. But this man had just rocked your world, and you couldn’t just act like nothing happened.
“I’ll come over whenever you want me to, sweetheart. Consider me at your beck and call.”
 “Stay the night?” you asked in a hopeful voice. You had work in the morning, but you just couldn’t imagine letting him go anywhere now.
He just nodded, smiled, and kissed you again. That soft, tingly feeling in your chest increased even more, and you just happily snuggled up to him.
 Later, as Jake was already asleep next to you, you took up your phone and sent a quick text message to Abby.
Next brunch is my treat! I owe you xxxx
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cross-d-a · 4 years
fic tag game
aaahhh @vishcount thank you for tagging me!!! These are so fun and I adored reading about your fic journey~!  ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ ❤
OH as a note!! For the ppl I tag at the end I don’t expect you to read all of this bc it’s A Lot!!! but I figured you might want to do this game yourself? haha :)
Name: cross-d-a shortened version of my first ever username. unfortunately stuck with it now haha but i’m fond of it :p wish it was cuter tho!!
Posting the rest of this under the cut so it doesn’t eat up people’s dashes!! 
oKAY YIKES there are....honestly too many too name. I’ve got a short and obsessive attention span so it’s either all or nothing with me usually. When I can stay in a fandom for a long period of time it’s a miracle. I’ll name the bigger ones that I’ve all written fic for! Even if I’ve never posted them haha
Right now I’m very firmly into Daomu Biji (dmbj). It feels like it’s both got a crap ton of content and yet barely anything at all haha. Maybe because the English fandom is so small. But at least there are a bunch of dramas and books!!! I really, really, really adore dmbj so much!! And a large part of that is the fandom!!! It's been a really cool and unique experience! Everyone in it is truly so kind and wonderful, and I’ve made some really incredible friends because of it (looking at you vish!! ❤). I’ve got a bunch of wips, but I’ve only posted two fics for dmbj!
Before this I was very into Guardian and mdzs. MDZS was my first foray into cdramas and Guardian’s Zhu Yilong really suckered me into watching more haha I also have fics for both these fandoms!
My very first fandoms were Fullmetal Alchemist, D. Gray-Man and Naruto. My very old ffnet account has fics for these and I’ve got a bunch of newer wips on my tablet. Then Star Trek, Twilight, BBC Merlin, Sherlock, Death Note, Harry Potter, How to Train Your Dragon, Battlestar Galactica, Avatar the Last Airbender and Marvel were a few of my main ones in high school. Plus a bunch of anime (like Fruits Basket! and Kuroshitsuji and Natsume Yuujinchou). 
Then college hit and I renewed my childhood love of Tolkien (mainly lotr and the Hobbit), and Star Wars. I also found Teen Wolf! Then after college it was Stranger Things. 
I find myself in a cycle of mild fondness and complete obsession with these fandoms haha I go back to Star Wars at least once a year!! Then I’m in the gffa hole for a few months. Marvel also reoccurs, depending on how interested I am in new content! Star Trek I always always always go back to. TOS is my comfort show and it will never fade from my heart ❤
But for now I’m stuck in cdrama hell and I love it
Time travel, found family, whump+hurt/comfort, fairytale-like elements, resurrective immortality (thanks to a “Nine Lives” Hobbit fic), CROSSOVERS
I’m a slut for all these things so they often worm their way into my plots haha
I also just- love weird premises. I think that’s the anime influencing me haha
Fic I spent most time on: 
My series he leaves sand and stardust in my wake (main fic is hurricane on the edge of oblivion), I have...spent five years on now. I have done so much research for this fic it’s insane. 
The premise is force ghost!Obi-Wan getting shunted back into his tiny 10 year old self. I incorporate a shit ton of legends and I try to stay as canon as possible. I basically want this au to feel like it’s 1000% plausible while still getting all my gay shit. It’s chock full of whump, redemption, found family, minor characters turning into major characters, and I’ve got slavery uprising on the mind, too. It’s just- everything I could ever want to explore in the Star Wars universe basically. 
It’s my first big project. I started doodling and scribbling ideas in the margins of my notebook in my Scottish History class. I adore it so so so much. But, because of my hyperfixation and fleeting intense obsession with things it makes it- really difficult to consistently update. I leave it for months at a time and I am constantly guilt-ridden about it. Because it’s my baby and I have a lot of wonderful readers. I fear I’ll never be able to finish it. Especially since I’ve written so much and I’m still only in the beginning of it. ( ; A ; )
Also, I’ve spent so much time with Xanatos, Feemor and Bruck that they just feel like mine now. I can’t read any fics that involve them, it’s too strange. Which is a damn shame because I love them so much haha OH ALSO!! I think it’s the first really big fic to include those three?? So I’m very proud about that haha (I’ve had so many ppl comment about how they actually Give A Shit about these three and are Invested bc of me haha)
Favorite fic(s) you’ve written: 
hurricane on the edge of oblivion (with nowhere to go) (Star Wars)
My long-term passion project. My love-letter to Star Wars, I suppose. Reading it now I feel like a lot of it is clunky or long-winded, but I think it really shows the foundation of my writing today :) Main characters are Obi-Wan, Xanatos Du Crion, Qui-Gon Jinn, Bruck Chun and Feemor. Eventually we’ll get to Maul, Savage, Feral, Shmi Skywalker, (more!) Ahsoka, Anakin and a shit ton of clones ❤
things we hunger for (Guardian)
My Ye Zun self-indulgent fic. It’s a time travel amnesia Weilanzun! Honestly has some of my fav writing I’ve ever done. It’s so soft and really indulges in the hurt/comfort. It gives Ye Zun the friends and family I think he deserves. Also, he gets to grow into a (mostly!) functional person and I adore him.
the beast that slumbers within your soul (mdzs)
Jiang Cheng centric fic!! I feel like all my favourite fics I’ve written are love letters haha. This is one def my love letter to Jiang Cheng. This fic possessed me for two whole days. I wrote 16k in almost one sitting. I went to sleep at 6 in the morning bc I couldn’t stop writing. And when I drifted off I kept thinking of new ideas so I’d whip out my phone and write down lines and notes. I- have never ever ever felt that way about anything. It was- insane. It felt insane. It was so amazing. I’m still riding the memory of that high.
 Basically Jiang Cheng actually finds Baoshan Sanren and it turns out she’s a fox demon and Jiang Cheng is descended from wolves. It’s- okay I said the fic above this had my favourite writing?? That was a lie. This has my favourite writing I’ve ever done. It’s unfinished bc I am in dmbj hell but I am still excited about the next chapter which features Wei Wuxian’s pov!!
the whispers of spirits (dmbj)
My current passion project. In a way it kinda feels similar to hurricane? Bc multiple povs, incorporating different aspects of canon (we’ll get there!! I promise!), shit ton of research, etc. etc. I really really really love it for so many reasons. I’m basically taking all the things I was unsatisfied with in Reboot and Sha Hai and running with it. Found family and whump galore! It’s also a love letter to the women of dmbj who really deserve so so so much better.
Honourable mention to:
One Day (you’ll have given more of yourself than is meant to be taken) (Marvel)
This fic also kinda possessed me. I just- couldn’t get rid of the idea of a trans!Thor. And I mean a mtf Thor! It’s just? So many people look at Thor and go “that’s a Real Man.” Full stop. They never think there could be anything more, and it really really really bothered me. So I wrote out my feelings. I’m not trans. I don’t have that experience at all. I’ve had issues and confusion about my gender but nothing like this. I just wanted to do justice to this idea of Thor in my head. And I still feel a bit nervous having posted it. But I've gotten so many comments from people who really connected with what I’ve written? So I’m very very thankful I wrote it and it has a very special place in my heart. It’s a very cathartic fic.
Fic I spent least time on: 
Probably we rise (Star Wars) and I think it shows haha. I wrote it in response to Dave Filoni posting a drawing of Ahsoka and Gandalf telling her “People thought I was dead, too, and look how that turned out...” So I incorporated Ahsoka (and Din and Grogu and Ezra!!!) into the ending of Rise of Skywalker, kinda explaining how I think they could all still be alive. :)
Longest fic: 
hurricane is my longest fic (159k) but I’m kinda worried whispers will eclipse that.....
Shortest fic: 
Of my posted ones it’s The Five Moments it Took Tony and Scott to Admit They Were Best Friends (and the first time they ever did), currently clocks at 1.6k. It’s unfinished tho so maybe that doesn’t count.... otherwise it’s we rise which is completed and 2k.
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks: 
hurricane overall has the most of all these. Though I don’t think hits counts as much bc it’s multi-chapter. If you discount multi-chapter stuff, most hits goes to my obikin smutfic Homecoming, bc people are horny af haha
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: 
If I had energy I’d like to rewrite the beginning of hurricane bc it feels so so wordy. I’d want to expand on One Day bc I really would like to write a whole series with trans!Thor. And like- I’d really like the focus to finish any of my WIPs.
Share a bit of a WIP: I really wanna share my Guardian/dmbj crossover that I started back in August. Bc I adore the idea of wu xie&shen wei&ye zun triplets! Plus time travel!!! I dunno if I’ll ever finish it tho ( ; A ; ) It just feels like a lot to deal with right now.
This scene takes place during the Mountain Awl arc. Guardian crew and desperado fam run across each other at the village! Wu Xie has recently found out that he’s adopted and he’s searching for answers in the area Sanshu originally found amnesiac!toddler!Wu Xie in :) Gonna pull two snippets bc I’m v excited and this might be the only time anyone else sees this fic haha:
“Oh?” Pangzi focuses on Yunlan now, lips twisting. “You think I’ve ‘got the wrong guy,’ huh?” He laughs, but it’s not a nice sound. “That’s rich! Are you that cocky or are you just stupid?”
Bristling, Yunlan drops his hands and scowls. “Excuse me?”
“Sir,” Shen Wei tries. “I think—”
Pangzi’s eyes snap back to Shen Wei, sharp and blazing. “How dare you fucking steal his face!”
Automatically, Zhao Yunlan turns to Shen Wei, but the professor looks just as shell-shocked as Zhao Yunlan feels which- is seriously something. Since everything about Shen Wei is so carefully controlled, kept to the minimum. Except for those delightful little smiles that bloom across his lovely face, or the startled little bursts of laughter that fall from his lips. Or even when anger and frustration spark across his features, cracking his calm veneer open enough that he can see a glimmer of what lies beneath, the fire in those eyes. Zhao Yunlan delights in those moments, makes a game of making Shen Wei’s control slip.
He tells himself it’s nothing more than a game. Nothing more than trying to find out what makes Shen Wei tick.
Zhao Yunlan’s always been very bad at lying to himself. Or very good. Depending on who you’re asking.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Yunlan splutters.
But before anyone can say anything else, a very familiar voice calls:
“Pangzi? What’s wrong?”
Yunlan can feel Shen Wei stiffen, and Yunlan himself is pulled to that voice like a planet in orbit, like the inevitable plummet to the ground.
Another shadow wavers in the doorway before it steps out onto the dirt. Light illuminates shaggy hair, limning it gold, sharply casting everything else in shadow. But as the figure nears, the contrast softens until Yunlan can see the newcomer’s face properly and- and—
“Wu Xie!” Pangzi growls. “We’ve got ourselves an impostor!”
The man wearing Shen Wei’s face steps up to them, brows furrowed and mouth pulled down into a sharp frown. He glances between them, eyes landing on Shen Wei. His scowl deepens. He opens his mouth, but then—
“Wu Xie?” Shen Wei breathes, all trembly and lost and hopeless.
Heart in his throat, Yunlan turns to Shen Wei again. Turns and flinches at that stricken look upon Shen Wei’s pale pinched face.
“A-Xie?” Shen Wei chokes. “Didi?”
Pangzi snorts. “Professor?”
“I-it’s true!”
Startled Yunlan swings his attention over to Jiajia who clenches her backpack to her chest, face screwed up in admirable determination. “P-professor Shen took me and Xiao Quan on a field trip to investigate an archeological site around here!”
“Oh?” Wu Xie drawls all slow and amused. “Well, what a coincidence. We’re archeologists, too.”
“With guns?” Yunlan bites out.
Wu Xie raises a brow, grin full of teeth. “Well, you can never be too prepared.”
“Right,” Yunlan drawls right back. “Are you a professor, too, then? You come here with your students?”
Wu Xie outright grins. “You could say that, I suppose.”
Out of the corner of his eye, one of the men rolls his eyes. He’s the one with sharp features, glasses and looped earbuds. Does he think it’s appropriate to listen to music at a time like this? Yunlan admires the man’s gall.
aahhhh vish thanks so much again for tagging me!! This was so fun to relive my fic memories!! I’m gonna tag @alwaysaslutforshakespeare @jockvillagersonly @tehfanglyfish @lichelleme @undyingsunshine @humanlighthouse  @thewindsofsong I’m curious about your guys’ writing and fandom journey!! As always, no pressure to actually complete this!! I just thought it was fun ❤
Wow if you read all of this I am very humbled and impressed, thank you!!
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
I would like to know when you started drawing and where your passion for fanart started 😊
Oh FUCK dude i did not see this i’m so fucking sorry this is so late 😭 damn you, tumblr, for not fucking notifying me!! Anyway buckle up this is gonna be much longer than you asked for <3
Honestly ive kinda been drawing all my life! I hope that doesnt sound dumb cuz obviously almost everyone drew pictures when they were kids, but i know that it’s been a consistent hobby for me since i was little. By the time i was in 3rd grade I was hoarding notebooks to draw in. Cuz that’s something fun about me: i had a real huge habit of drawing in things that werent sketchbooks. Through middle school and beyond I did buy/receive sketchbooks, but I started out with various kinds of notebooks. One I had from like 2nd grade was like a hardcover, stationary-type notebook that I drew cats in lol, and I have 2 velvet lisa frank notebooks from 3rd grade. In high school and college I had a really bad habit of drawing in the margins on my notes and on handouts the teacher/professor would give. Those classes where the prof just prints out all the notes beforehand and gives them to you to follow along? Oh man, I spent so many classes barely listening while I drew on them! I also used to draw on my physics homework and tests and sometimes I even got extra credit for them (thank you jeff :D). I actually have a folder of various drawings I’ve kept from that 8yr time period and a lot of them are on classwork 😂
Obviously, I’ve been doing a lot of digital art lately, which I’m sure is what u were more curious about rather than the shit about drawing on my homework. I got a surface pro as a graduation gift in 2016 bc prior to that i had a wacom tablet and a janky ass laptop, so the gift was kinda a 2-in-1: i can do schoolwork AND art easily! i like digital art a lot and honestly im still learning new things abt it every time i draw. I use Leonardo currently (i’ll skip that story) but I started out doing digital art on sketchfu WITHOUT the wacom tablet in maaaaybe 2012??? 2011??? does anyone on this site remember sketchfu? Honestly couldnt even tell u how i found that site hahah the internet was just full of wonders back in the day. RIP sketchfu. Once i got the tablet tho some time later i used sketchfu still (i think) but also gimp and krita i believe.
Oh i suppose I should mention that i took art all four years of highschool and also minored in it in college! So it’s something i did academically as well as for fun. I keep thinking about going to art school for realsies but idk. I’m already $$$ in debt from my first degree i dont feel like adding to that 😅😓
Ok now for the second part of your question: I’ve also pretty much always done fan art! Ive never really been one for OC’s, EXCEPT for the self-insert superhero double life “comics” i wrote about a poodle named Sassy when i was in third grade. And then the knock off “comics” i wrote at a later time which honestly it was weird that i did a knock off of my own thing rather than just adding them to the original or making it a spin off with at least one of the og characters. Cuz it wasnt a spin off!! But anyway there wasnt really much to any of these characters; i just needed vessels to get my weird ideas out.
So anyway yeah most of what ive ever drawn has been fan art or self portraits, because its just easier for me to take characters that already exist and bend them to my will (artistically). Well excluding art assignments in school i guess because i would usually have to draw something specific and therefore not something self indulgent. But yeah ive drawn for lots of fandoms like the earliest i remember is warrior cats. Then theres things like pokemon and warriors and random other books i read thru middle school (i used to read a LOT but now im practically illiterate); spn, sherlock, and marvel through high school; and then marvel and bttf thru the end of hs and beyond. Idk i also have always loved looking at other peoples fan art and so im like “shit i wanna do that too!”. Tho i will say marvel was my biggest fandom and the one i had the longest interest in, so that was probably where the passion REALLY came from cuz I was drawing marvel stuff for such a long time (tho not posting shdjsk u have to trust me), but ive been doing fan art forever :)
(Of course, a lot of the fan art i was making prior to recently was drawn in lined notebooks or on homework sheets or what have you, and I wasn’t posting really any of it, but i was still making it and a good chunk of it still exists. Oh i should also mention most of it was with pencils or ballpoint pens like i wasnt doing anything too fancy. There was some digital art in the highschool-college time frame but it also really wasnt…much. Honestly i barely posted any of it here but I know some of it’s on deviantart)
I cant pinpoint the exact time I started getting more “serious” about my art in general, but i know the first pandemic lockdown gave me more free time and i was less stressed about schoolwork so i just kinda had a good outlet. (Tho i will say that prior, I had been in a life drawing club for a short while, and i had also been working on a personal sketchbook project that had me pretty ~inspired~ to do art. Also i watched twin peaks around this time and it inspired a lot of Feelings and i was making funky collages and other art pieced that were sometimes related to that. Some of those are on deviantart)
Honestly I think the Big thing with my digital art was coincidentally getting back into BTTF the summer of the 35th anniversary bc the fandom here was THRIVING and i was like “oh shit wait i want to contribute!” But as i kept drawing i kept wanting to improve and that leads us to right now where im constantly trying new things (whether subtle or obvious) and challenging myself to do full body drawings with different poses, and doing screencap redraws and what have you for various reasons (backgrounds, proportions, pose, etc)
So yeah :) Basically I’ve been doing fan art forever (I didnt even get into all the mediums ive tried but that’s another conversation bc this is already so long and convoluted) and it’s kinda coincidental that ive suddenly really gotten back into it and have improved dramatically in such a short time. Thank you so much @rovermcfly for the ask and again im really sorry you had to wait so long for a response! Stupid tumblr
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bangtansfavwriter · 4 years
💘bangtan as boyfriends: jungkook💘
Tumblr media
-oh my god this soft boy
-still can't quite believe you guys are dating and sometimes still blushes very heavily when you kiss him
- it took ages for him to ask you out and he probably wouldn't have done it without a pep talk from seokjin who hyped him up before you and jungkook went on a date together
- he was so timid and tripped over his words a lot, so when you asked "are you saying we should start dating?" he went "oh my god yES PLS"
-he know tells everyone that you asked him out first bc "the golden maknae of bts, bangtan sonyeondan, behind the scene, world's best band tbh has to be asked out"
seokjin: makes sense, bc said golden maknae looked like he was gonna pass tf out before you two met
jk: .. hyung why you.... I asked y/n out!
seokjin: lies
you: he did... kinda
seokjin: LIES
jk: I find your lack of faith disturbing, hyung..
seokjin: nerd 😚
jk: 😔✊🏼
- a nerd indeed, but cuteee
- very loyal, it already took him long enough to call you his, so he sure af won't give you up
- also very selfless, he loves helping you out with whatever you need help with... even when you don't ask for it
- like when you had a project due and you were stressing out about it bc you had no time for anything else and stuff... he was really worried you'd skip meals to do your work, so he made sure that you'd eat by either coming to your place or calling/texting you, whenever he couldn't come over personally
-he was afraid he'd bother you while you do your work so he was always very cautious but you reassured him it's fine
-but you felt bad bc you couldn't talk much while doing your work... he looked at you and smiled: "it's ok, I'll write some lyrics maybe.. and you do you. we'll give each other strength with our presence, alright?" he started laughing when you got up and cozied up to him. you spent the next 10 mins cuddling, as this was the only reasonable thing to do after he was being so sweet. "so much for no distractions, hm?"
- you still got your work done btw, so no worries
- movie nights are a huge thing for you two, your range is broad af but mostly consists of marvel, disney and studio ghibli. he has a thing for 80s movies tho, felt ferris bueller on a personal level
- cried when he watched the princess diaries for the first time and will end u if anyone hears about it
-rather savage irl but he cries during some movies, especially when he's tired, he gets emotional and even whiny
- for example: he was very sleepy when you first watched the mandalorian together and you swear he started weeping when he first saw baby yoda and he's been obsessed ever since btw
- very thoughtful and caring
- remembers the smallest things about you, will bring you your fav ben&jerry's when you feel down and enjoys the fact that you look at him like the saint he is
- also memorizes your habits and reads your body language so well that it still surprises you even after all the time you've been dating
-you poke his cheeks on any given occasion and kiss his nose, he's not quite sure why but he enjoys it too
- his hugs are just warm ... they make you feel like everything will be ok
- many pancake mornings together
- will never ever forget any birthday or anniversary, he once did tho and he still beats himself up about it but he was busy as hell during that time so you were ok with it in hindsight (which was greatly appreciated bc he truly felt awful)
- very down-to-earth, it doesn't have to be all fancy with him, he's doing just fine with netflix and ramen
- your personal laundry fairy
- looots of laughter and giggles with this one, always cracking jokes
- you guys have like 48394 insides jokes
you: hey.. hey
jk: ?
you: second goose right left
jk and you: -dying-
rm: this sounds like some terror code
hobi: or a stroke
- sends u memes at 3am, his go-to are kermit memes as reaction memes, he sometimes forgets to use actual words tbh
you: kook, i can't come over today, working late :( but tomorrow is fine tho, you free ?
jk: -kermit crying under the shower meme-
you: jungkook, words pls
jk: oh sorry babe, yeah im free 🤗
- either uses the cutest nicknames or the weirdest which are pretty cute when he explains it (like left shark "bc you stand out")
- displays of 'strong manly man' when he picks you up, and spins you around only to kiss you --- displays of 'babie boy's when pouts until you give him attention or your last pockys ("we can share, you know 👀" - "oh worm? 👀")
- a true romantic deep down, he once surprised you when he decorated your entire house with candles and flowers bc he knew you had a tough time and you legit just started crying. he was overwhelmed for a sec but knew this was just bottled up emotions and relief coming through so he just smiled and hugged you until you calmed down."it's alright, love... let me take care of you." you nodded and smiled at him, while wiping your tears away. "you're the sweetest, you know that?" - "well, obviously. but fire safety was never my forte, so let's be careful, ok?" he said and you both started laughing.
-sings to you very very often, get used to it, even when you're not right next to him you can still hear him humming from afar and it makes always makes u smile
-you two are fiercely competitive, there is no "it's just a game"... you guys play mario, sonic, rayman etc and there's always a whole lot of screaming
-there was a time namjoon jin got so fed up with this that he took the playstation away (+ mario kart) and jungkook and you had to find other gaming options
-some examples of truth or dare sessions between you (in the safety of your own home):
you: i dare you to dance to begin
jk, in his pyjamas: wha- ... no!
you: truth it is, then. what was the dumpling incident about?
jk: nevermind, I'll do the dance.
you: squeeze the ketchup bottle empty with your thighs.
jk: ?????? jesus, you take your kinks to a whole knew level. choose something else, the stains will be nasty as hell.
you: wear booty shorts👀
jk: you wants thighs and booty, huh? 👀
you: you bet 👀👀
(a blessed day for u tbh)
jk: babe, i dare you to dance to fire.
you: ?????? well, I can try, but you should get me an inhaler, my lung capacity may not suffice for this
(jungkook laughed so hard when did it that he was the one that needed an inhaler)
-takes lots and loots of pics of you when you're together and of the location you went together , posts the view on twitter sometimes and jokes about you two being official (to fans) without really being official
- you two go on walks together, have coffee shop dates, go to concerts (and go fckn feral when u go see iu), visit art galleries where you mostly imitate everything and touch things you shouldn't touch, go to karaoke places ... and you also do art together! that was actually his idea were he bought a shitload of acrylic paint and huge linen sheets and you had your first painting date, which has become a tradition ever since.
- something that jungkook absolutely loves and appreciates is that you guys never run out of topics to talk about
-the intellectual stimulation he gets from you is pretty much unmatched and that's also something that made him realise he's into you before you started dating
- 2 sides of the same coin: smart, charming and kind // absolute crackhead (remember the vid with his goggles? vids like that are now your exclusive content from yours truly)
- once chased down chickens when you visited a village together and ran away screaming when a huge ass rooster chased after him ( u filmed it ofc)
- lives for dramatics, gains new life power on Halloween when you two do shenanigans on bighit's annual party
- he loves the fact that you're still a child at heart and that you're not too stuck up to scare hobi and jin with michael myers masks on (but you did feel pretty bad about it when hobi almost fainted)
- you're super savage when you want to be and he loves it when you are... ngl... you being assertive and all kinda turns him on lmaoo
-your green card to get him to laugh whenever was saying "you sexy beast" and he'd forget whatever issue you were having before, as long as it wasn't something too important obviously
-loves you show you off, especially when you guys are all dolled up and ready for a night out "look at us being all sexy and shit, like, how dare we look this hot, jimin-hyung hates it when someone looks hotter than him" - "hmmm kook, imagine if I'd have jimin as my date today, the place would burn up" - "...." - "kook, i was joking..." - "right shark" - "I WAS JOKING BABY" - "........say it. you know the deal." - "i would rather die" - "go hang with hyung then, i'm gonna stay home" - "you...." -
👀👂 - "YOU SEXY BEAST" - jungkook laughed until he couldn't breathe when yoongi, who just passed by you two, and you stared at each other, completely mortified. you: how to unsay things... / yoongs: how to unhear things/ jk: -on the floor and in dire need of an inhaler"
- you couldn't face yoongi the whole night, whereas jungkook occasionally stared down jimin who had no clue what the heck was going on and munched on some appetizers
- jealousy is not a big thing for him but he still doesn't quite like it when someone is too touchy with you
- he trusts you, absolutely no doubt about that or he wouldn't have even entered a relationship with you, as he has high standards about who to let into his life, especially with potential lovers
-that's why everyone knew you guys were serious about each other and it was hardly surprising that you got to meet his family shortly after you guys started dating (his mother loved you btw)
-has like 200 pics of the day you met gureum
- an absolute sucker for you, you could say you want the n seoul tower to flicker in purple and pink lights and he would get it done somehow
- very sensitive to touches so ......👀
- loves your room bc he says it always smells like your lotions and laundry
- you sometimes surprise by setting the mood with some smooth music and nice fragrances and the world comes to a halt for him, it's just him and you
-shower him in affection and he's putty in your hands, legit, when he first performed euphoria and did the high note at the end you spammed tf outta your messenger and hyped him up and he actually got so hype he jumped around backstage after the concert and sprinted to you when he saw you, twirled you around and, for the first time, kissed you while the guys were there
-he still gets teased about it tho, but he doesn't really care bc your support means the world to him and he values it too much to care about the guys
-you guys went home that night and he serenaded you while you were cuddling. you guys started talking about songs, especially your favourites. you got sleepy when he started talking about 'home' and softly sang it to you, until he realised you dozed off. he smiled to himself and caressed you hair, as you had layed your head onto his chest. admiring your sleeping figure, closely entangled with his broad frame, he said to himself: "this is home..."
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juliettelime · 4 years
tagged by @ameliabedeliagoesonline​ to list 10 favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms so here’s some late night ramblings ~
rue/princess kraehe - princess tutu (DELIA I’M GONNA TRY TO BE VAGUE ABOUT THIS TO NOT SPOIL PRINCESS TUTU FOR U LMAO) god i love rue? so much? i love how she’s written as cool on the outside and beautiful but manipulative and jealous but vulnerable and scared but redeemable and loving, and that the story doesn’t just throw her away. she keeps fucking up bc she’s just trying to stop things from changing, like any girl would do if the one you love started slowly slipping away from you because of someone else. she thinks she’s got it under control but she’s only so many steps away from crumbling...... god i love rue
xion - kingdom hearts aaaaaaaa xion made such a big impact on me as a kid. kh days was my first kh game so i was very attached to the roxas/axel/xion narrative and the pain that is xion being erased by the end of the game. i especially love how she’s characterized in the kh days manga, the way she feels like a teenaged girl really stood out to me for some reason. there’s this scene where she’s with roxas and axel and they’re talking about something and i think at this point she knows something’s sus about her existing in the first place, so when roxas asks her what’s wrong she just kinda passive-aggressively replies? she’s like, oh, yeah, because you two are such good friends. but there’s layers to the fact that she feels like she doesn’t belong and i love how that plays into the plot later in the game
panty anarchy - panty & stocking uh i’ve had a big ol crush on panty since i first watched psg in 2012 but i’m only now able to admit it lmfao. i...... love.... her........ i love how she owns being a bitch, but also how even though she’s not a perfect person at all she’s still not like completely heartless either. i don’t think i have anything more profound to say about her because it’s psg lmao..... so yeah idk she’s hot? i love her design? i love that she’s dubbed by jamie marchi? i love d. city rock? dfjhgsd
chibiusa - sailor moon i am rini!!!! i swear to god!!!! like ok of course i loved rini as a kid bc she’s the one with the pink hair (my favorite color) and she reminded me of me (my sister is a witness she can verify i literally am rini dfjkhgskdhf) but also now having read sailor moon i just resonate with her whole ass character arc? wanting to grow up into a well-composed and respected Lady but being aware of your shortcomings and being frustrated and insecure about it? not being taken seriously because you’re the kid? yeah.
spinel - steven universe uuughhhhhh other friends & drift away broke me. the past four years of my life was just me being angry and sad about being replaced and left behind by someone i’d trusted, so when the su movie dropped like literally it couldn’t have been better timing. aren’t you tired of being Nice? don’t you just wanna go apeshit, especially since the way you were apparently wasn’t good enough so might as well not be good at all? yeah.
marinette/ladybug - miraculous ladybug oh mari means so much to me!!! truly!!!! (i say that knowing full well i haven’t watched ml in like almost a year lmfao oops i’ll catch up soon i swear) but i just love the marinette/ladybug dynamic, like she’s a goofball and absolutely cannot function around her crush but she’s still a genuine person and then ALSO she can pull her shit together when she needs to do some superhero saving. i just want the best for her. I’m Care Her
wanda maximoff/scarlet witch - marvel my love for wanda has a lot to do with the timing of me getting into marvel comics/mcu/x-men: evolution being around a messy time in high school for me so i kinda just projected onto wanda hard (so hard that i even made a sona whose character is literally she wants to be the scarlet witch lmao!) it’s also just kinda hard to talk about what i love about wanda when there are those three versions of her i mostly think of... i love mcu wanda’s tragedy in losing those closest to her, i love x-men:evolution wanda’s weirdly super goth design and her conflicting dynamic with pietro, and i really loved the 2015-2016 scarlet witch series of comics. i loved that it focused on her dissonance with who she thought she was up to this point and how much learning that she’s not a mutant affected her (i mean i don’t love that she’s not a mutant but whatever that’s a whole other rant entirely), so she puts herself to work on this whole witch thing like hey this is the New Me while simultaneously still running away from the shame and disappointments of her past.
piyoko - di gi charat my daughter! my sweet eight-year-old panda daughter who must absolutely be protected by her three Big Boy Bodyguards as they try to take over the world. that’s it that’s the whole dynamic of Leave It To Piyoko and i loved it as a kid and i love it now oh my GOD have you seen this opening that’s the mid 2000s i-found-this-from-a-local-dvd-rental-place shit i MISS
korra - legend of korra wacky writing issues concerning the whole show itself aside, i love korra as a character a lot. i’m definitely biased because the show aired from 8th grade to junior year hs for me and something about that timing just made watching korra grow and struggle and change really stick with me. oh and the fact that she and asami helped me realize i’m bi lmao.
rapunzel - tangled my favorite disney princess from my favorite disney movie! especially when i was younger, i too resonated as an artist held up inside dreaming of seeing the world beyond my confinement but not able to because mother knows best
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blazeturbo102 · 5 years
Tagged by: @screamingintothevoid Thank you so so much!!! 😄 (And sorry I took some time to do it '-_-)
RULES: Answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
1. HEIGHT: 1,67
2. ZODIAC: Capricorn!
3. LAST MOVIE I SAW: Captain Marvel I think?? Oh, or Unicorn Store!!! I know I watched Unicorn Store after Captain Marvel bc Brie Larson; but I also know I watched Captain Marvel again with my friend; I just can't remember if after or before🤔🤔
4. FAVORITE MUSICIAN: Oof... P!atd and Fob I guess??
5. FAVORITE AUTHOR: Umm... Idk?? Honestly, it's been so long since I've read stuff that it's not fics... Oh, do fics authors count??? Well, I wouldn't know who to say anyways, tbh 😅 But well, to say someone, I've always been big fan of Laura Gallego, tho idk if it's bc she's the first 'big book' I read when I was a kid?? I enjoyed her books so much, I haven't re-read them bc I'm scared now that I'm older I don't see them as amazing as I remember...
6. FAVORITE FANFICTION: Oh, sorry, no way I can choose only one!!
7. FAVORITE MOVIE: Spiderman Into the Spiderverse
8. FAVORITE ANIME: Rn I'd probably say... K Project, Boku no hero academia and Full metal alchemist brotherhood!
9. PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS?: Oh boy, I wish! Unfortunately, no, I don't; tho I took guitar lessons for 2 years, but I can't remember anything '-_-
10. RANDOM FACT: I've been(and still am) sleeping in the top bunk basically all my life and, ngl, I'd like to sleep in a normal bed bc making the top bed sucks :/
11. LUCKY NUMBER: I don't really have any, tbh; I change it constantly; rn I'm thinking 4, 6 and 19
12. DO YOU GET ASKS?: Not really! I have gotten one or two, but it's not actually a continue thing! I love to get them, tho!
13. FAVORITE FANDOM(S): Rn I enjoy the Shadowhunters, Umbrella Academy and K Project Fandoms!!
14. FAVORITE SONG: There's no way I can have just one fav!! I am currently obsessed with the Into the Spiderverse soundtrack, The Kids Aren't Alright by Fall Out Boy and Malec songs: War of hearts by Ruelle; Where's my love by SYML; The Chain by Mattis and Wide Eyed by Billy Lockett
15. WHAT ARE YOU WEARING: My pajamas. Yeap, it's 14:30 and I'm still on my pajamas 🙃
16. HAIR COLOR: Black/Dark brown
17. EYE COLOR: Brown
18. FAVORITE FOOD: I don't really have a fav, honestly, I love food!!
19. HOBBIES: Uuh... Watching shows?? And listening to music?? I used to say drawing and reading too, but honestly I haven't done any in a very long while...
20. FAVORITE WEATHER: Sun, but that only lights the day, so it's not hot. But it's also not cold, you can be in a t-shirt/sleeveless shirt
21. FAVORITE SUPERHERO(S): Oh god, idk... Bc also it depends, are we talking about movies?? Shows?? Comics?? Do we consider superhero anyone with powers?? Anyone with powers who save people?? Do vigilantes and antiheroes count?? I'm sorry, there's so many and I love so many!!! (also, I'm terrible choosing, sorry TT)
I tag: @jjartz @rui-the-galax-angel @ladynowi @shinsov @221-home @clash-of-wolves @alicialeila @omfgshefuckinded @take-hara @furiousmoonstudent @ankitsukai and anyone who wants to do it!! 😄
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timdrakee · 8 years
So I hear you're tired of confrontational messages. Maybe you could talk about some other stuff to feel better? Also because I don't know you that well. 1. How did you get into comics/DC? 2. What's your favorite DC movie? 3. Who would win in an archery competition, Legolas or Roy Harper? 4. What's your favorite head canon? 5. What TV shows are you currently watching?
this is so sweet omg? you’re amazing anon ily 💖 
1.) i got into comics bc i read hawkeye after watching the 2012 avengers movie. hawkeye was amazing, and then i started young avengers, then black widow, and just sort of kept choosing random marvel things that seemed interesting to read from there. i actually, naively, wanted to get into dc for a while before i actually got into it. mainly bc a lot of the comic blogs i followed posted about both marvel and dc. so i initially read a lot of nu52 harley comics, but since they didn’t branch out much i left it at that. then one day i was looking for a movie to watch on netflix with my sister and saw son of batman. sometimes we watch bad movies or shows for fun, and honestly i thought it looked amusing, so i convinced her to sit through it with me. i actually loved damian, so after that i started reading every comic with damian i could find, which introduced me to the rest of the batfam, and here i am. that got long, my bad.
2.) hmmmm does wonder woman count? if not, either bvs or lego batman. i’ve watched a few different animated ones too but i can’t think of any rn
3.) okay this is actually really hard for me bc like i’m so biased towards roy but legolas has his “elf eyes” or whatever. roy was trained by the greatest archer on his earth, but legolas is from a culture where they all are spectacular archers and probably learn from when they’re young. also legolas has been alive for way longer than roy. my heart says roy, but my mind says probably legolas. i haven’t actually read the books tho i’m going off of the movies
4.) i love mental illness headcanons bc i love to project. tim with depression and anxiety is my favorite thing, also i’ve accepted jay being bpd as canon. OH also everyone is gay
5.) i’m going to forget some bc technically i’m in the middle of a lot i just haven’t watched them in a while. okay umm agents of shield, how to get away with murder, degrassi (it’s a comfort show shhh), once upon a time (although i may just drop it i haven’t watched in months), i stupidly started gotham bc i’m weak for batcat rip, daredevil, and i watch a ton of other shows casually. i’m definitely forgetting some but it’s 10 pm and i should be doing homework so i’ll leave it at that
but seriously this was really nice and fun to do and helped me to stop thinking anxious thoughts so thank you 💖💖💖
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