#Oils & Lubricant
An oil-free super-lubricant created from potato proteins could pave the way for sustainable engineering and biomedical applications, thanks to research led by the University of Leeds. The team says the groundbreaking aqueous material can achieve super lubricity or near zero friction by mimicking actions found in biology, such as the synovial fluids which articulate cartilage in human joints. Engineering an eco-friendly, efficient, and functional aqueous lubricant has eluded researchers until now. Many, if not most, aqueous lubricants use materials that are nearly exclusively derived from synthetic chemistry.
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New lil smutlet written for the @goodomensafterdark Writers Guild 30 min writing sprint! Based on the following prompt from @fishey-me: Champagne - olives - pillows. Now expanded and edited, new and improved, likely with at least 50% more cold-pressed smut!
Rated Explicit, follow the AO3 link for tags.
Many many thanks to @fuzzygoblin and @kotias for excellent beta work!
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Slimegirl machinists who lubricate their machines by getting ground up in the gears and shit.
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
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NO! are you trying to reinvent the kotlc food wars in the year of our lord and savior sophie elizabeth foster 2023. wait hang on what does elizabeth mean. okay there's a few different iterations as always with translation, but its got to do with god and oaths. fascinating. please don't drink motor oil, just eat peanut butter if you want the flavor
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minimac-mspl · 1 month
Understanding of the BETA factor
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What is the Beta Ratio?
The beta ratio refers to the efficiency in which a given filter element removes the particle of a given size. The Beta Ratio is calculated using the ISO multi-pass test standard 16889:1999.
How is it measured?
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Get your filter check today, Call +91 7030901266
So, to purchase a filter with a beta ratio of 2-10 is considered poor, it is advised to use filters with at least a Beta factor of 75 and 98.7% effectiveness. High quality, efficient filter assemblies can achieve 200 to 2000 Beta Ratio for given particle size and should be ideal to achieve a low level of contamination.
Also read: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-buying-right-oil-filter-anshuman-agrawal-mlt-1-/
We at Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd. provide services of Total Lubrication Management and Lubrication Consulting that helps you optimize your Lubrication needs. Minimac stands for MINImum MAChinery Maintenance.
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venusararara · 1 year
Is Gatherine one to treat anything as lube or is she sensible or does she just rawdog it
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"Lube won't save you, but you can have some. I guess."
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undyinglantern · 9 months
evil: water running cold when you’re not even half way done with your shower
good balancing out: plugs are out for delivery today instead of estimated delivery of tomorrow
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boanerges20 · 1 year
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Azienda Generale Italiana Petroli - Agip.
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scanzen · 2 years
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Aeroshell lubricating oil. The aristocrat of lubricants. Shell advertising poster, 1932. Artist: Edward McKnight Kauffer.
via Twentieth Century Posters
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1943 Shell Industrial Lubricants
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stone-cold-groove · 8 months
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Black “Magic” to protect costly gears! Socony-Vacuum Oil Company - 1942.
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superbwitchwombat · 9 months
The company mainly produces API-13A drilling mud suitable for oil drilling platforms, lubricating oil thickening agent and paint thickening agent suitable for lubricating oil, active clay clay oil decolorizing agent, can also be used for absorbing lubricating oil, paraffin, petroleum jelly refining, animal and plant oil decolorizing, honey, wax, glycerol purification, etc. You can contact me if you need me. whatsapp+8618351447633
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Chemically functionalized polymer nanoparticles reduce friction on steel surfaces
Mineral oil lubricants protect engine parts from wear, and this effect is enhanced by adding polymer nanoparticles to the lubricating oil. A UK team has now discovered that epoxy functionalization of these nanoparticles further promotes friction reduction on metal surfaces.
As the team reports in the journal Angewandte Chemie, nanoparticles containing epoxy groups adhere strongly to stainless steel surfaces, which leads to a significant reduction in friction.
Automotive engines comprising well lubricated parts consume less fuel, produce lower emissions, and suffer less long-term wear. Mineral oil is widely used as a lubricant, and nanoparticles can be directly prepared within this solvent using a technique known as polymerization-induced self-assembly. Coating the surface of the metal components with nanoparticles of a few dozen millionths of a millimeter in size protects them from direct contact.
Read more.
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girldraki · 2 years
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outeremissary · 2 years
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Balthazar and Tristian!
I hope all is well in the once-Stolen Lands! The hardest part of moving back to Cheliax away from Mendev is the distance between my old diplomatic allies turned friends. On this day of love and friendship, I extend my most cheerful of celebrations to you two! Please take it easy today, the kingdom can afford one day of a break, Balthazar. I promise it’s not going to all fall apart. You’re lucky Tristian has the patience of a saint. 
Hopefully these gifts will give you an excuse to step off the throne for a little bit! The wine and cheese is local to Cheliax. Of course, I don’t know how it compares to what you guys produce over there, but I hope it at least is palatable enough for a date night! I’ve also sent along some books on ancient arcane rituals that might interest you - Regill would’ve insisted they be thoroughly examined for anything dangerous… which technically you can do. We won’t tell him. It’s wrapped in the fashion magazines last I picked up from Absalom - I hope I didn’t bend their pages doing so! I remember you also being really into that sort of stuff.  
I also sent along some balm I found when I was there for feathers. I can’t believe how soft it’s made mine, I really just had to pass it along to you too! I know what a huge pain it is to care for them, especially with your wings. Hopefully you find it useful! I’d love to come visit sometime - if you have any other world ending cataclysms, I’m just a Sending away!
-Warm regards, Minovae!"
My dear Minovae,
Though this letter falls into your lap a touch late for me to properly wish you well for the holiday, I can certainly send my hopes that you spent it pleasantly with that husband of yours. Though duty never takes a holiday, I must say you more than earned the rest. I can only hope you enjoyed a long and indulgent vacation for the holiday. Perhaps at the spas you have told me so much about, or maybe enjoying that evergreen Chelaxian theater scene (though I confess I can’t imagine Regill sitting through an opera without making his displeasure quite known). Tristian sends regards as well, and is with me insisting on knowing what I put down. He has doubts about some of the books, Minovae- you will have to reassure him when next you write.
As for us, you needn’t have worried. The toil of the realm is ceaseless, it’s true, but I do still know how to enjoy myself. Spending a day like that bent over petitions and tax documents… if that ever happens, I’ll be the first calling for revolution. No, we didn’t do even a little work on the date, I’m happy to say. Tristian even came back to bed after dawn prayer- the closest to sleeping in I think we manage. It was a fairly quiet affair this year (no travel or shows this time around), but the time in was well spent. I’m sorry to have missed your gifts on the day! I do miss the cuisine of the Inner Sea- the wine and cheese would have been an excellent addition to the evening. You speak far too modestly of your gifts. It will be a long while before anything as fine emerges here.
At any rate, between the fine southern vintage and the news of Absalom, you’ve awoken something of a nostalgia in me. You’re in danger of playing host rather than visitor if this continues. I only half jest- I’ve been playing with the idea of some “diplomatic tour” as excuse for a while now. But I suspect you can tear yourself away from your post somewhat easier than I, and we would be happy to have you again even sans cataclysm. Here- I’ve sent some things along that might tantalize you. That pendant should be a lovely complement to your eyes- though it’s been some time, I should think I remember their color well enough. It was crafted by one of the artisans near Lake Silverstep, who sought to capture the silver-blue of the mountains not only in the frame for the gem but that thread-thin chain as well. What a lovely coincidence that hue is also counted among your scales! The music box is Pitaxian and is from both of us- there have always been renowned instrument crafters in the city, but what a delight to see the songs themselves captured, yes? And speaking of the region… a lovely Sarain white. I’ve no local cheese to send to pair it with, sadly. At times like this I wish that Jubilost were still here. Much as he could be an insufferable ass, if you could sit through his scoffing at your ignorance there really was no one better at finding the right local complement for any vintage (Tristian wishes you to know he strongly objects to my word choice, though he cedes Jubilost could be “somewhat overbearing”). At any rate, the vintage is citrusy, a touch dry, and pairs well with something salty but mild. If you’re near enough to Westcrown, I’ve also heard it works splendidly with oysters.
Yours truly,
Balthazar and Tristian
P.S. The balm really is a marvel. You’ll have to tell me where you got it, as I’m already sure I’ll mourn its absence when it’s gone.
(author's note: I wrote the tags before the letter and now I'm too scared of them to change them whatever's happening down there is happening)
#what a coincidence to mention balms I've been reading a lot about wings lately#*pepe silvia voice* have I told you about the wings we need to talk about the wings let's talk about the wings#did you know that most birds have under their tail a preen gland that produces the oil used for preening?#the oil isn't necessary to waterproof the feathers (their interlock takes care of that) but it helps protect and lubricate them#they're largely dead structures so they can become brittle and if damaged can't be repaired quickly#oil from the preen gland helps to increase their longevity and carry them through between molts#“but emi!” I hear you say. “most winged humanoids don't have tails! surely this is an issue. where is their preen gland”#great question from the audience! I too was thinking about that#minovae spends significant time with protective salves and such for her scales I thought. perhaps such a thing is necessary.#it certainly amused me to imagine how difficult this must make their care and how painfully dependent on assistance one must be#for so much of the wingspan is out of reach!#or of course one could give a winged person a preen gland. relocate it. I couldn't settle on a place that felt right.#but then emerged a third solution#for while most birds have a preen gland “most” is not “all”#and the vast majority of the others (including some birds with large wingspans and slow molts like a number of parrots)#instead produce powder down!#powder down being a type of down feather that breaks down into a powder naturally#and when preened through the feathers adheres to them in a slightly waxy sometimes metallic looking coat#powder down can either grow in big patches on the chest and thighs or be scattered throughout the feathers#and as of the time of writing I /believe/ that can include the wings (although I have to imagine not the most A+ source)#isn't that neat? doesn't remove the need for preening of course but it certainly makes life a little easier to produce your own stuff#at any rate I imagine one might find bird dander inconvenient despite its advantageous properties#and between that and the limitations of production prefer to supplement with artificial products anyway!#really my rule of thumb with the wings is “if realism is funny or interesting they work in realistic ways”#“if not they don't or they meet in the middle wherever it gets interesting”#ask me emithing#balthazar lucienne#balthazar and tristian#minovae arangeir#silversiren1101
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Do y’all crave the strength and certainty of steel like, platonically, or y’know. Carnally
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