#Okay I'm also afraid my post broke since when I was fixing stuff
sakura-nyah · 1 year
Hi Nyah! Hope ur doing well <3 Here's a request since I haven't asked in a while! Can you write HCs for Kaz reassuring his S/O who is afraid of him leaving/feels kinda unlovable? Sorry if it's angsty, my mental health has been iffy lately and I could use a bit of comfort, hehe..Hope you had a good trip btw! ^_^ -🌱
I don't mind the angst at all, 🌱Kaz Anon! I'm happy to write this for you! My mind was going crazy with things to think about during this!
Do take care of yourself tho, 🌱Kaz Anon if possible. I understand the feeling of mental health being iffy and what I do to fix it is mainly listen to music. Its my best way of helping me feel better with anything. Of course, don't listen to sad music if you're sad! That can be bad on yourself! But if needed, I'm here for you. You can message me any time! Yet if you're uncomfortable with that, you can send me Anon asks just venting about your problems. Of course, I would not post them. I'd delete the asks after reading them since its all personal things!
The Headcanons are under the Read More <3!! This got a tad bit long but hopefully they're to your liking! If not, just tell me and I'll redo the Headcanons! I don't mind at all!
Kazuichi Soda reassuring his S/O who is afraid of him leaving and feels is unlovable.
✿ When your feelings appeared to you about your fear, it didn't take Kazuichi long at all to notice something was troubling you. Even if you had your feelings hidden so well to the point even you eventually forgot about them, Kazuichi would still have sensed something because he's so in tune with everything about you.
✿ He'll talk to you right away. He's worried about what is wrong and what is causing it. He wants you feeling your best and this boy will do anything in his power to make you feel your best.
✿ Now, even though he will talk to you right away, he'll actually lead a conversation into the direction of talking about what's troubling you. Instantly talking to you about your troubles could catch you off guard and make you panic. He doesn't want that at all.
✿ Kazuichi will sit down with you, lay down with you, whatever you're most comfortable with, and stay silent for a few moments. He's making sure you're comfortable before he begins the conversation. His voice is so gentle as he speaks.
✿ "I wanted to ask, how have you been feeling?"
✿ I said he was in tune with everything about you but at this moment, somehow his senses have never been so alert. He's worried about triggering you.
✿ He'll wait for your response. Nothing in the world matters right now except for you. However long you take, he'll wait. He will, however, throw in some more words as a hopeful comfort while he waits for your response.
✿ "If you ever felt sad or anything, you could tell me, ya know? I care about you and knowing there's a chance you're hurting, it makes me feel bad. I want to help. When we fell in love, I promised myself to always help you. That includes everything.. Why?"
✿ He originally was waiting for you to answer but hes on a roll now that he wants to finish. Something in him knew this is what you needed to hear.
✿ He hopes his voice carries the passion he has for you.
✿ "Because I love you."
✿ Kazuichi never sounded so serious about any statement he has ever made to you or to anyone. He looked at you. If you looked back and into his eyes, you could see the love in them.
✿ "A couple is called a couple because it means two, right? We're a couple. You can't have one without the other. We're in this together."
✿ He's holding your hand now. His grasp is gentle but strong. If you don't like to be touched, this one time he will step over that boundary. Not because he is trying to make you uncomfortable or hurt you, but because his touch will hopefully show his love to you.
✿ "I'm with you with any pain you could have. Happy pain, sad pain, angry pain. I'm with you because I love you. Like what people say! I love you to the moon and back!"
✿ He's smiling now, trying to hold back a laugh.
✿ "But my moon is so far away that you can't even see it!"
✿ His face softens and his voice becomes a whisper, only for you to hear. Theres no one else around at this moment but still, his words right now are for you only.
✿ "I love you, Y/N."
✿ He didn't know how you felt, yet he still said these words. He said them because he knew being as truthful as possible (even tho he wouldn't lie to you, unless he was doing something such as holding a surprise birthday party for you) is what is best. You're not in the best of states and so he's giving you his rawest emotions and words.
✿ If you end up shaking, crying, doing both, or something else because your emotions are coming forward, if you let him, his arms are around you in an instant. His hold will be strong but not hurtful. He will be your wall. Right now, nothing will get to you as you're in his arms. Nothing can overpower Kazuichi when he's holding you. This time, if you prefer to not be touched he'll let your hand go and speak instead, saying small words such as "You're alright. You're alright. I'm not leaving. Let it out."
✿ Hopefully you'll talk to him about how you were feeling and what was troubling you. He's happy that you're opening up to him. He's proud of you. So proud. He'll actually remind you randomly how proud he is for you opening up to him. He'll also remind you how much he loves you. He'll do this for days and days and days.
✿ What he said were words of true love and emotion. You didn't even have to say anything and his first thoughts were to remind you how loved you were. He can't leave you. You're the other 1 to his 1+1 =2. You're the other half to his couple. You put color and light into his life. You put an emotion in him that's stronger than happiness. Nothing can ever top it. Nothing will ever be better. Nothing will ever change his love for you. Nothing.
✿ Because of the feelings you had, Kazuichi has decided with himself to have a daily and nightly check up with you and how you're feeling, physically and emotionally (He once said "That's rad!" when you told him you were feeling good and now it stuck. He's saying rad at everything.). He'll be there for you for however long as you need, whenever you need, about whatever is troubling you. The love he has for you is just...its incredible. Its so beautiful. People say perfect doesn't exist but try telling him that and he will argue forever on why that's false and that there's someone in his life to prove that perfect does exist.
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bash-it-all-blog · 6 years
Just read through your Neighbors AU and it's absolutely beautiful. Steve tripping over himself trying to talk to Tony is the best. I'm just gonna ask a bunch of questions and you can pick and choose which ones to answer. When does everyone else realize that Tony is a smol bean that needs to be protected at all cost? Do Tony and Bruce science together? Does Dum-E exist? Do they meet Rhodey? Does Ty show up and be the abusive dick that he is; what does they do about it?? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!
Awe. Thank you! Your praise honestly means so much to me! I’m super insecure about my writing, and I am so so happy to answer all your questions, I’ll try my best!
Also, I’m answering on my phone so excuse any grammatical or formatting errors. Also it gets like angsty.
It takes the friends a couple of weeks to get Tony to really talk to them.
Tony is jumpy and hesitant about everything and it breaks Steve’s heart, mostly because he knows it takes trauma to make someone that way. He knows Tony has been hurt so bad that it’s clear in his everyday life. It’s also clear that Tony, Tony is still hurting. And that’s something Steve can’t stand for.
The first thing Steve does is talk to Thor. Thor is easily the most intimidating if you don’t know him. Steve himself is a pretty big guy but Tony so far has responded well to Steve and Steve makes sure that it stays that way. Steve tells Thor that he needs to tone it down a little bit around Tony and to Steve’s surprise Thor was already aware.
“Steven, my friend.” Thor started, then his eyes got a bit glazed. “When I was a young boy, my mother was full of life. I remember the tales she used to spin as if it were just yesterday, she would tell my brother and I tales that were meant to inspire us, to live lives we loved and were proud of. But as the years past the tales became less dreamy and more dreary. Rather then finding love, they became tales of finding shelter and keeping safe. Of making sure not to fall into the witches hands rather then the fantastical adventure of fighting dragons and escaping a giant’s castle. It was a subtle change but as we grew we understood that our mother-,” Thor’s breath hitched. “Our mother, rather then fighting the dragon or escaping the giant’s castle. She had stayed because she was afraid that if she attempted to leave it would only get worse.”
Steve felt nauseous, but Thor continued. “And so my mother never left and neither did we until it was time for us to go to university. It was after our final year that Loki and I had received jobs here in the states. My father wanted me to take over the company but Loki had foresaw the fall of it. So I trusted him and we left. We begged our mother to come but she said she was happy where she was and that she couldn’t possibly leave.” The larger man closed his eyes. “It was later I realized that she said she couldn’t leave not that she didn’t want to but by then it was too late.” The prince stopped breathing but continued and Steve was afraid for what would come next. “What hurt the most was even though it was not by the dragons hand, it was by the dragons blame that my mother was slain. It is painful that a dagger through the gut was my mother’s only salvation. ”
And Steve could only watch the usually jovial man broke out into silent tears.
“Steven, we are so so very lucky that Tony was able to escape his dragon. And we are so lucky to be given the chance to help heal him of his burns.” Thor looked at Steve. And Steve pulled his friend- no his brother into a hug.
“I’m so sorry Thor.”
“It is in the past now. Fresh enough but I am healing. My brother though is whom I worry for.”
“We’ll keep an eye on him. And Tony. We’ll take care of ‘em. All of ‘em.”
“Thank you, I am glad to have talked about it and do not worry about how I am around Tony, I have proclaimed it my duty to making sure that Tony does not fall back into his dragon’s clutches. We will protect him and we will help heal him.”
“Yea Thor. We will.”
—- okay that got intense. I didn’t even plan on it. I made that up on the spot and shit there are more questions. I got you. Something to lighten you up after that. —-
It is after Tony begins to relax around them that they find out Tony is actually a genius.
Not actually certified though ‘cause Mensa didn’t have anything that could gauge Tony’s level of intelligence.
But anyways. They find out Tony’s a genius because of the stupidest thing. And ofc its Bilgesnipe.
They’re all chilling around bilgesnipe when Clint opened his mouth. “Okay guys but how the hell do we get rid of this thing without burning it.” Clint sighs. “But seriously just what would we have to do to get it into Thor’s room without ruining it, since we’re not allowed to throw it out and that’s the only way we’re getting rid of it.”
Tony looks up from his seat on the floor beside Natasha who was running her fingers through his hair. He tilts his head for a second and looks at Thor’s door. “You know. If we just tilt her right to a 172 degree angle and up about 63, it should fit. Theoretically at least, however that is if we shaved about 3.82 mm off of her top.” Tony replied flippantly. The rest of them only looked at their small cinnamon roll in confusion and shock.
“Tony, do you- uh.” Clint hesitated. “Are you like- a genius or something? Or are you just fucking with us?”
Tony’s eyes widened, “What do you mean?” Tony looked anxious but continued, “If you just look at the angles, Clint I swear I’m not lying or anything I just though you wanted to know ‘cause you asked and I’ll shut up.” Tony ducked down a bit and looked away from Clint.
Realizing his mistake Clint quickly tried to make it right. “No Tony, it’s just you surprised us. We knew you were smart but that’s incredible.” Clint watched Tony carefully, and saw the way Tony unfurled a bit at the praise.
“Hey Tony. Do you happen to be into science?” Bruce interrupted.
“Uh yea. I do enjoy it. I’m more of a hard science kinda guy but the soft stuff pulls me in sometimes.” Tony looked at Bruce a bit confused.
Bruce looked hesitant but asked anyways. “Do you have any interest in gamma rays?”
“Wait. Gamma rays.” Tony eyes flashed with recognition. “Wait your THE Bruce Banner!, holy shit!”
Bruce looked nervous at the praise. “I can’t believe it.” Tony stood up and walked over to Bruce. “Your work on anti-collision particles is amazing!” Then Tony clasped Bruce’s hands. “We are now science bros! There is a lot of science in our future Banner!”
And that’s when everyone realized the easiest way to get Tony out of his shell was science.
And bit by bit, Tony was healing.
My phones at 2% but I will answer the rest of your questions later! In my next post. Anyone who comments immediately gets added to my tag list! 1%!!! Shit.
Also because I feel like this is a huge part of the au I’m going to tag you guys who asked to be.
@justsomefunshit @colorfulblades@tired-but-here-i-am @blackhearted @im-here-for-marvel@rainbowdoom32@definitely-nope @iheartavengers
last thing if my tags don’t work, something is not right because whenever I try to like do the verify-y thingy it says your blogs don’t exist. So if anyone knows how to fix that please help me.
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whumppile · 7 years
I'm ecstatic that you are writing spider-man fics now! I am obsessed with tiny, adorable Peter and of course dad!Tony. Could you do one where Tony has to take sick Peter to a doctor (or bring a doctor to the tower for Peter) but Peter is terrified of doctors because of bad experiences and in his confused state of mind thinks he's being punished/hurt? Thank you!
I’m so sorry this took so long, but it’s finally done and I’ll hopefully be posting some more prompt fills soon. please tell me what you think? I know this one isnt very good but I hope you like it anyway, I kind of based it on the same timeline as my other spider-man fic “I’m sorry, Tony.” So that I could have an excuse as to why he was so afraid of doctors. Anyway thank you so much for the prompt!! It’s called “Fevers, fears, and falls.” 
Peter’s head pounded with each heartbeat, as he swung acrossrooftops. He’d been feeling sick all day, and everyone had told him he shouldgo home, but he was Spider-Man, he couldn’t just take days off.
Ned had been particularly worried, urging him not to go tohis usual after school, extra-curricular activities.
“You’re sick! You shouldn’t even be in class, you can’t gofight crime like this! You could get hurt.” His concerned eyes and quiet wordshad almost convinced Peter to go home, but the thought of someone needing help,while he was slacking off, was intolerable.
He remembered his words to Tony, that first time they met,about why he had become Spider-Man.
“When you can do the things that I can, but you don’t, andthen the bad things happen…they happen because of you.”
He couldn’t let anyone get hurt just because he was feelinga little under the weather. So, there he was, swinging around and pretending hedidn’t want to go to bed.
He crawled up the side of a building and perched on awindowsill as he rubbed at his temples through his mask. Why couldn’t his damnheadache just go away? He had stuff to do, he didn’t have time to be sick.
Karen’s calm voice came to Peter’s ears, quieter than usual,so as not to worsen his already sore head. She was great like that.
“Your temperature just rose by another degree. If itcontinues, it will be classed as a fever and I will have to inform Mr Stark.”
The teenager groaned and fired another web to the nextbuilding. “Don’t call him, I’m fine. I’m just going to do a quick round of thecity to make sure everything’s okay and then I’ll go home.”
He stumbled a little as he got to his feet, and steadiedhimself on the webs he’d placed, before taking a breath and swinging off.
It was harder to focus with a pounding head, and the clammyhot-cold feeling he had over his whole body, but he continued none the less.
It was a quiet afternoon, with only a few minor incidents tohelp with. Peter stopped a mugger before a punch was landed, and returned thestolen bag, as well as helped a class of kids cross the street. The teacher hadbeen very grateful and a few of the kids had clung to his legs and demandedthey were in love with him. That had cheered him up a bit and he didn’t feel souseless.  
But the longer he was out, the worse he felt, and prettysoon he didn’t even have the energy for web slinging.
His head was swirling and it was getting harder to thinkstraight. He wasn’t even sure where he was in the city now, standing on theedge of a building with his fingers pressing to his temples in a furtherattempt to soothe his splitting headache.
Karen’s voice seemed a little further away and swirly thanit had a minute ago.
“Peter, your fever is continuing to rise. I think I shouldcall Mr Stark now.”
The teenager tried to reply but all that came out was amoan, and his head spun further. Having dizzy spells really wasn’t a good ideawhen you were so high up, as Peter was. His vision blurred and his feetstumbled, and he fell.
Karen’s voice called his name, quick and panicked, and Petertried to save himself before he splattered on the concrete. He fired a web andheld on, but it was too late, the web slowed his decent but he still hit theground hard, landing heavily on his left arm.
He thought he heard, and felt, a snap but everything fadedaway to black when his head smacked the ground.
Karen’s voice pulled Peter back to the world of the livingas she called his name.
“Peter, you’re injured. I’m going to call for help.”
The teenager groaned and opened his eyes, blinking to try,and clear his blurry vision, letting out a cry as his broken arm moved.
“No, ugh….don’t call him. I’m fine.”
Calling options flittered across Peter’s vision as Karenselected an emergency call to Mr Stark. Peter was more awake now, and held hisarm carefully to his chest as he tried to talk the AI out of being a tattletale.
“No, no, no, Karen. Don’t call him! I’m fine, I’ll- heyyyyMr Stark.” He sighed and clenched his eyes shut, where he was laying on thecold hard ground.
Tony’s voice was quick and worried.
“Peter? What’s going on, are you okay? F.R.I.D.A.Y said thiswas an emergency call.”
The kid in question tried to keep his voice steady as heslowly sat up, holding his arm to his chest and attempting to get to his feet.He could walk home, and he’d be fine. He stumbled, almost falling over beforehe’d even managed a few steps.
“No, I’m okay. It was a false…hmm…false alarm?” His voicewas shaky and high pitched, and he hadn’t been able to hold back his whimper.
Tony’s voice was harder now, sounding angry. “Don’t lie tome, Peter. If you’re hurt or in trouble, you need to tell me so I can help.”
Karen’s voice came through, bright and efficient, as Petertried his best to stop her.
“Shall I list his symptoms? He’s been experiencing-“
The teenager quickly tried to interrupt, but her voicecontinued and Tony sounded angrier by the second.
“No, don’t tell him! Karen, shut up!”
Karen carried on as Peter groaned in annoyance. “He’s had asteadily rising fever since this morning, which now stands at 105 degrees. He’salso been experiencing nausea and dizzy spells, which I believe were the causefor his fall.”
Peter winced as Tony’s voice grew to a yell. “You fell?!”
He tried to explain himself, or at least deescalate thesituation, but it seemed like Karen was intent on ratting him out.
“It wasn’t that bad-“
“His left radius is broken. He also sustained a blow to thehead and was unconscious for three point five seconds.”
Peter groaned, over the sound of engines starting on Tony’send of the phone.
“Ugh Karen, stop.”
Tony sounded so angry, his voice quick and hot as he spoketo Peter.
“I’m coming to get you, don’t move. And we will talk aboutyou lying to me.”
He hung up, and Peter sighed, finding a step to sit on inthe alleyway he was hiding out in. He had never felt more like a child beingtold off by a parent, than he did at that moment, and Karen remained guiltilysilent.
“Why’d you have to tell him? He’s so mad at me now.”
Karen’s voice was calm. “It is in my programming to keep yousafe, and report your activates to Mr Stark. He wants to take care of you, andyou should let him.”
God, what a mess. Tony was going to be so mad at him, andhe’d probably get grounded or something. How was he supposed to explain this tohis Aunt?
‘Hey, I fell off a building but it’s okay I just broke abone or two.’ She was going to lose her mind and he’d never be able to leavethe house again.
It didn’t take long for Tony to find his young ward, andPeter looked up at him as he came storming down the alleyway.
Tony couldn’t breathe properly, his chest constricting withworry as he took in the slumped, dirty form of Peter, sitting on a step withhis arm pressed firmly to his chest.
His mask was off and he looked pale, save for the flush offever across his cheeks and the blooming bruise across his forehead.
Tony ran over to the kid and took hold of his shoulders,looking him over for damage. Peter winced slightly at the touch on his arm, andTony quickly moved his hands to Peter’s face, cupping his jaw and brushing backhis hair to look in his eyes.
“Are you okay? Are you, all right? Look at me, Peter!” Hisface was creased in concern, making Peter feel guilty.
The teenager sighed, voice quiet. “I’m okay, Tony.”
Mr Stark sighed in relief and let go of the kid, clenchinghis hands into fists as he stood. He sounded angry again, and Peter kept his eyeson the ground.
“Why would you try and keep this from me? Why would you goout when you’re sick and not want to tell me when you needed help? You couldhave been seriously hurt! You’re lucky it’s just a broken arm and not a crackedopen skull!”
Peter was finding it hard to keep himself together. He wasso tired, and he felt awful. He just wanted the pain to stop, and he wanted togo to bed.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to think I couldn’t handleit.”
Tony yelled again, and while Peter knew it was just becausehe was worried, it still made him want to cry.
“You don’t have to handle anything Peter, you’re a kid andyou’re sick and you need to see a doctor. Come on, I’m taking you to thehospital.”
That got the teenagers attention. His head snapped up tolook at Tony, his eyes wide and scared.
“No, I’m fine. I don’t need to go, I’ll go home and-“
“Your arm is broken and you have a fever, you can’t go homelike this. We’re going, Peter, so do what you’re told and let’s go.”
The teenager shook his head, getting unsteadily to his feetas he tried to back away from the other man. Tony frowned in confusion at theresponse from the kid; he looked terrified.
“No, Mr Stark. Please don’t make me go. I’m sorry I didn’ttell you right away, just please don’t make me go. I can’t- there’s too muchthere and-”
Tony raised his hands, trying to calm the kid down before hefull on panicked. He slowly came and took his good shoulder. “Hey, calm down,it’s okay. Just breathe and tell me what’s wrong. Why don’t you want to go?Your arm must really hurt, don’t you want it fixed?”
Peter’s breaths came shaky, and his eyes were a littleunfocused, worrying Tony further. Maybe he shouldn’t have yelled.
“My senses just make everything so intense, and hospitalsalways smell so bad. It’s sharp and awful and the lights are so bright it hurtsmy head. My spider senses just go crazy, everyone there is hurt or dying and Ican feel it coming its…It’s scary. I can’t go, please don’t make me.”
Peter groaned again, letting out a whimper as he held hisbroken arm close. The poor kid felt horrible and it was getting harder to keepcalm.
Tony felt guilty for yelling at him, watching as Peter kepthis face low, and tried to wipe his eyes without the other man noticing.
Tony gently wrapped an arm around him, guiding him back tothe step and sitting down, keeping his voice low and soft as he tried toreassure him.
“Okay, you don’t have to go to a hospital. I’m sorry foryelling before, I just can’t have you lying to me. I have to know I can trustyou; I have to know you’re okay. Do you understand?”
Peter sniffed again and nodded, leaning a little into Tony’sshoulder, probably without realising. He was so tired.
Tony sighed in relief. What was he going to do with thiskid?
“Okay…I know you don’t want to see any doctors, but youstill need to get checked out, so I’ll take you to the Avenger’s tower. I havea team of people there that can help, and you don’t even have to go to themedical wing to see them, I’ll have them come up to your room.”
Peter didn’t want to go at all, but…
“Wait, I have a room? At the Avengers tower.”
Tony looked down at him, frowning. “Well, yeah I set it upfor you in case you wanted to join the Avengers or… I don’t know wanted to moveout of your aunts. There’s some pretty cool stuff in there, I think you’ll likeit. Of course, Vision is still figuring out the walls and doors rules, but youget used to him.”
Peter rubbed his eyes again with his good hand, as Tonygently helped him to his feet and led him to the waiting car. Happy didn’tcomment as Tony slid Peter into the back and did his seat belt for him.
“Happy, take us home. Hey, don’t fall asleep yet, okay Pete?You hit your head, so we gotta get that checked before you go taking any naps.”
Peter didn’t say much on the drive there, just stared outthe window and tried to keep his arm still.
He was so worn out when they got there, that Tony kept ahand on his back as he led him inside, taking him straight up to his room,which was pretty freaking cool.
Peter’s energy came back in a second as he took in his room.It was amazing, there was a huge bed, and shelves full of books and movies andgames, but best of all was a lab! Connected to his room! Tony smiled proudly asPeter took a look around, smiling at the computers and hardware set up for himto tinker with.
“Woah, this is awesome.”
“I thought you could make your webs here, since you usuallydo it in class. This way you won’t get caught. There’s some other stuff too, soyou can keep building your computers and what not.”
Peter almost forgot about how crap he was feeling, lookingaround at everything that Tony had done for him.
Tony, always being a little overprotective, gently placedhis hands at Peter’s back, leading him to a chair.
“Here, sit down. I don’t think you should be spending toomuch time on your feet. You can play with this stuff later, I’ll tell your auntyou’re spending the night helping with a project. I’m going to call one of themedical staff down here, to check you over okay?”
Peter nodded, and seemed to be okay with the plan, until theDoctor walked in. She was kind, and politely greeted Mr Stark before addressingher patient.
“Hello, you must be Peter.”
Tony didn’t know what he was expecting but he was surprised,nonetheless, when Peter shot up from his chair, backing away from the doctor asif he was about to make a run for it.
The older man came towards him, hands raised. There had tobe more than just a sensory issue for Peter to be so scared of her, but hedecided not to press for now; they had more urgent concerns.
Peter’s skin felt clammy and far too warm, under Tony’shands, where he tried to take his good wrist, and the kid shrunk away from histouch, eyes never leaving the doctor.
“Peter, come on, you’re safe. Let her help you.” His eyeswere wide and scared, and his chest rose and fell with rapid pants. He wasterrified, his voice small and weak.
“Please don’t make me.”
Tony tried again, meeting the kid’s eyes with his own, andoffering a reassuring smile.
“I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to,and I won’t leave you, okay? I’m going to stay right here the whole time. She’snot going to hurt you, Peter. You’re in pain and you’re sick, just let her help.Come on.”
The teenager was clearly not happy about it, but he wastired and his arm hurt so bad, so he relented and followed Tony to sit down onhis bed.
The doctor came over, kind smile on her face, and kept herarms behind her back as she spoke.
“Mr Stark said you weren’t feeling too great, and it lookslike you’ve hurt your arm pretty bad. Do you mind if I take a look?”
Peter hesitated, No, he didn’t want some strange ladytouching his already sore arm. He frowned at her, like a petulant child.
“Don’t touch it.”
Tony’s voice came, reprimanding the teenagers hostile tone.“Peter, she’s trying to help you.”
The young doctor smiled and carefully brought her handscloser to the injured boy.
“I’ll be as gentle as I can, but I do need to touch it a bitin order to find the breaks. It’ll be over soon.”
She brought her hands closer to him, reaching for his arm,but her fingers barely brushed his skin before he was pulling back and tryingto move away from her. Tony’s arm came around his back, holding him in placewhile the Doctor gently took the broken arm.
True to her word, she was gentle as possible and she quicklytook her hands back once she was finished.
“I will need an x-ray but it looks to be a clean break.We’ll get a cast on it as soon as I’m sure it’s set in the right place.”
Peter looked less nervous now that he knew the worst wasover, but he still kept his glassy gaze on the doctor in case she triedanything he didn’t like.
He flinched when she placed her hand at his forehead, andsquirmed when she flashed lights on his eyes. Tony couldn’t help but noticethat Peter was pressing against him more and more, either to find comfort orget away from the woman.
Once she had finished her examination, and gone to set upthe xray, Tony turned to the kid.
“What’s really going on with you? And don’t tell me it’sjust because of your senses because that’s not it. You’re really scared ofher.”
Peter, didn’t say anything at first, keeping his head lowand avoiding Tony’s eyes. But finally, he sighed, voice almost a whisper.
“I just…After what happened with Thanos and me gettingstabbed. I only remember pieces of when you brought me to the hospital, but Iwas alone and in pain and I was so scared. And the doctors just kept stickingthings in me and yelling, and I couldn’t block any of it out. My sensescouldn’t handle it all and now…I just don’t like Doctors okay? It brings toomuch of it back.”
Tony felt awful all over again. Just more guilt to add tothe pile.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I didn’t want to leave you there,but the fight-“
Peter shrugged as much as he could without hurting his armfurther. “It’s okay, it’s not your fault. You saved my life, and I know thosedoctors were there to help me, but it doesn’t make it easier.”
Tony didn’t reply, because he knew that Peter would deny it,but it was his fault. Tony was the one that had brought Peter into the wholemess, and he was the one that Peter had been protecting when he got hurt. Hecouldn’t take the pain away and he couldn’t do much to ease Peters new foundphobia, but at least he could be there for him.
Tony stayed by Peter’s side during the x-ray, and when hegot his cast on, and he was there when the Doctor gave her diagnosis as to whyPeter was feeling so unwell.
“You haven’t been eating enough. With your abilities andheightened metabolism, your body uses up a lot more energy than normal, and ifyou don’t give your body what it needs it starts to deteriorate. Just make sureyou get some extra protein and carbs in and maybe add another meal or two,especially when you’re out doing your super hero thing.”
She gave Peter some meds to take and readjusted the sling onhis arm.
“For now, just get some rest and try and stay off your feet.You don’t have a concussion but you may have some extra sensitivity to lightfor a little while so just be aware of that. Other than that, you’ll be fine.It was nice to meet you Peter.”  
Tony shook her hand and thanked her as she left, turningback to the teenager when she was gone.
“Okay, you heard her. Time for bed, for the Spider-kid.”
Peter yawned, smiling just a little at the name, andaccepted Tony’s help to pull the rest of the suit off. He was too tired to feelany real embarrassment as the older man pulled the blankets over him, and hesighed tiredly as Tony carefully placed his casted arm on an extra pillow.
He looked down at the teenager, those bright eyes blinking upat him, and smiled.
“Goodnight, Pete.”
“Goodnight Mr Stark, and thanks for taking care of me. Itmeans a lot.”
Tony turned out the lights as he left, sending him one lastsmile. “Yeah well, you mean a lot so… get some rest. I’ll wake you in a fewhours for dinner.”
After all that happened, even the worst, most horribleparts, were sort of worth it to be seen as important by his hero. And although Peterdidn’t remember all that much about his parents, but he thought that havingTony must be what having a dad felt like.
(PLeaSE tell me what you think seriously this took days and my brain died multiple times while writing it so please be gentle with me. I seriously love you guys so much for your continued support, it means so so much to me.)
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the-space-case · 7 years
Hello, yes, hi, I recently found your art and account and I love what you do. I'm turning 14 in April and I've asked for a drawing pad, but I have no idea how to use one as of yet. Have you got any tips or anything? Because I've wanted to try digital art for a while and your art makes me want to even more lmao. Thanks! - B.A.
(I’m not sure what kind of comp you’re going to be using, so I’ll list for both.)
FIRST: Drawing Programs; the free and the great.
-Firealpaca: Lightweight drawing program. I draw Recovery using this! It’s easy on the RAM if you have a weak comp/are paranoid about yours like I am, it is mainly for basic comic making, and has all the basic brushes you need (pen/pencil/airbrush/symmetry/etc). You can add your own brushes as well but they’re p basic settings. Has basic Animation/Gif making as well using Onion Mode! Layout is a piece of cake. Please note that If you leave it open for a week it’ll crash on you, even if you haven’t anything on it at the moment, and sometimes the brush sensitivity just stops working so you just have to close and then open it again. (Also I have no idea how to update it aside from deleting it completely and just downloading the new version from scratch, so thats a thing.) Mac/Windows
-MedibangPaint: This is basically FireAlpaca But Better. Has tons of screen tones, brush patterns, and tools. I don’t use it much because I’m used to FA’s layout and get confused with the the placement of tools in here, so if you can I highly suggest just going with this first. Also has basic animation/gif making! Has storage for the website as well, and you can upload more preset brushes. It’s v anime. This program has waaay more in terms of basically everything, so it just takes more RAM. NBD, you don’t have to have every brush downloaded from the storage ^u^. Mac/Windows
-Clip Studio Paint: Okay this one isn’t free, it’s a pricey one, HOWEVER once a year they take the price way fuckin down by at least 75%. Sign up for the email list and it’ll let you know when that precious day comes. It’s how I got it @u@, around christmastime? This program is basically MedibangPaint On Steroids. I do all of my digital-yet-tradition-style-painting on here! The brushes all have some neat af settings to play with, you can make your own brushes, has tons of screen tones, pre-made panels, and settings. You can save projects as basically anything you need, is a hardy program that almost never crashes, and It’ll take a nice chunk of space on your comp depending on how much memory you have but hey, its worth it. It’s much more complex layout-wise than the other two here, but you get used to it after playing around and watching tutorials haha.
-Mischief: It’s a 25$ app, has like four brushes and five layers only but is vector-based with an endless canvas. Not really worth having unless you like the vector thing. UP TO YOU. I spent forever with this one doing all that homestuck stuff, so it’s not really bad so much as it is a basic bitch. Mac
-MyPaint: I used this a bunch when I still did digital art on my windows laptop before I upgraded to a Mac. It’s easy on the comp and has plenty of brushes and settings. You can also get brush packages if you don’t feel like you have enough that comes with the program! Also has endless canvas; pretty sure you can just select an area and then export as is. I barely remember the rest but It’s pretty great. Windows/MacPorts(which I hate)
-GIMP: I hate this thing. I cannot figure it out for the life of me. It’s got loads of shit though, can handle layers, has plenty of brushes, and can do basic animation/gifs if you ever figure it out. Windows/mac
I’ve heard good things from paint tool SAI and Krita as well, but have never used them myself.
***You can always pay through the nose/use a student discount for the photoshop series and pay that shit monthly, those fuckers have literally everything, but I am a cheap college kid making minimum wage with a car payment; I’d rather just pay once/not at all.
TABLETS: treat that shit like a newborn babe 24/7
-I have literally only ever owned a Wacom Intuos4. It has lasted me six years, and at least five moves across many miles. I broke one of the cord ports the day I opened it by holding it wrong, have one left, and now treat it like it’s going to die if the cord moves badly. Please be aware that if you break both ports, you better either sodder it back together yourself or upgrade to smth else because it costs about as much as the tablet itself was bought at to be fixed. Good news, though, it comes with at least six extra pen nibs, has programable buttons on the side (that I have never bothered to use) and a scroll bar in case you’re too lazy to use the keyboard (…I don’t really use that either unless I’m just scrolling through tumblr LMFAO).
-I would die for a Cintiq.
HOT TIPS: its useful.
-most of the programs listed use the same keyboard shortcuts. MEMORIZE THEM. It’s pretty easy, since you’ll use em a lot. [cntrl/cmmd+T] lets you resize what you just drew on that layer, and [cntrl/cmmd+z] is undo. I use those the most, for obvious reasons.
-vector-based programs are pretty great because when you resize an image it looks prefect. You can’t do that with a program that isn’t, so I just resize the base roughdraft and draw the lineart again on the layer above so I don’t get weird JPEG quality lines.
-You can use a ruler with your tablet, just slap it on and go, but honestly most programs have settings for that. just use those.
-You can also trace stuff on your tablet, so long as the paper isn’t too thick. I just scan/take a photo and then open it up in the program, though. much easier.
-SAVE CONSTANTLY. Art programs like to crash on you, even when they’re hardy and you have a good comp. make it a habit to quick save your work.
-Use a desk and have good posture. You’ll be able to draw a hell of a lot longer if you do. I personally keep fucking up my knees by sitting on my legs as I work out of habit, and don’t actually have a desk chair. Keep your screen at eye level and at a fair distance to prevent eyestrain and also neck-strain haha
-Chances are you won’t be used to the tablet right away. Most places you buy from say it’ll take a couple of months to get used to how weird it is to draw while not looking at your own hand, so don’t be frustrated If your drawings look a bit off at first.
-if you draw at least one thing every day, by the end of the year you’ll have improved exponentially. I literally made this blog to make myself draw once a day.
-don’t be afraid to check out speedpaints and tutorials. It’s always good to get more familiar with the program you’re using and new techniques previously unconsidered.
-get familiar with clipping layers. They are insanely useful; you clip one layer to the one below and then when you draw it only shows up on the drawing of that layer below. Shit is a godsend if you’re bad at coloring in the lines/lazy. The bucket tool is also really useful, and you can adjust the expansion by pixel so you don’t miss anything between the lines.
-experiment with your brushes, shit be fun af
-warmup your wrists before and after drawing. prevent swollen veins and such. dont want hand pain/numbness, its reaaaaally bad.
—basically if your hands hurt stop for the day.
-PNGS are for internet, JPEGS are for printing/fucking with quality (cough hack homestuck)
-resolution doesn’t have to be much more than 350 dpi if its just going to be on a webpage. Maximize that shit if you’re going to be printing, though. Especially if you put stuff on redbubble.
-DeviantArt has this thing called Sta.sh where you can dump art, keep it in perfect quality and just share it with certain people with a link instead of all of the website. Great for storing commission pieces, its the only reason I have DA in the first place.
-you get a different audience depending on what site you use for posting art, so keep that in mind for the kind of feedback you want.
-after awhile of drawing using a tablet, you may lose patience/forget that in traditional art there isn’t an undo button lmfao It’s cool; you don’t have to choose one over the other or anything.
-Honestly you can work around almost anything. You just invent new ways and techniques for yourself and you’ll do just fine.
Aaaaand that’s all I got for today! Thanks for sticking around
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