#Okay google download music
perplexingly · 9 months
Okay I made English subs for Mieszko I musical, I uploaded to google drive:
For now to use them you’ll have to download the original video
There are still a couple lines that I’m missing, I just can’t hear them for the life of me, but they’re few and of no importance so it shouldn’t be too disruptive
Also, English isn’t my native language so sorry if there’s anything that sounds awkward!
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 2 months
Link Click Musical update 180 🌟🌟🌟
(LC-mu postcard project🎉 + summary of BilibiliWorld videos: musical actors meeting VAs trio and Wang Minhui's vlog ✨)
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Hello! This will be quite unusual update, since I want to report about our fan project. But also, to make up for my inactivity, I bring lots of tasty treats for you >:3
Links in replies: meeting of LC donghua voice actors trio and LC musical trio at BilibiliWorld event, Wang Minhui's vlog from there, 1h+ livestream from the entire LC musical segment + google drive link where you can download the postcard illustrations and print it for yourself 😘
OKAY 🏃‍♂️✨
LC-mu postcard project summary
A fellow lc musical enjoyer friend, Vale (@/_Setsuna_iro_ on twt & @/setsuna_cos on ig, follow her for great cosplays!) reached out, said she'll be visiting China and considers going to see the play. So OF COURSE I got hyped up about it 😤
I wanted to arrange a postcard for her to give away after the performance (like we did with Elara for 100th performance). To let the actors and Chinese audience know we appreciate the musical ^^ There was no better person to ask for help than a legend, an icon, a master of musical-inspired LC fanarts @wrathyforest 🙇‍♂️💖
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So Forest drew this amazing✨ illustration 🙇‍♂️ (and yes, you can download it and print it too!). I only suggested some details like adding XiaoJuan pig squishie and Zhang Jiahao eating a chicken leg (from 100th special encore).
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As for my contribution I did the design on a back (based on the official lyrics book style) and the lil actor doodles. I collected the 42 names of countries from the international LC musical fans. And handled the communication and logistics between all of us ><
Props to Vale for translating the note to Chinese 🙏 the actors and audience got it in Chinese, but you can read it and print in in English ^^ And thanks to @elaraqwqfor all the practical advice about the theatre etiquette and navigation haha 🙏
When time agent Vale rests (and no longer struggles with Chinese firewall ><") I'll try to share more info from her about the musical itself. For now have photos our spy took >:3
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That's the Shanghai Great World, an amusement centre building where the Time Theatre is located. We rarely think outside the 'microvawe oven' of lc musical set, so I think it's interesting to see ;>
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A photo wall with the cast behind the scenes and guests (can you spot director Haolin? ehee). And a fascinating (to me at least) corner where the audience can leave all the fanmade freebies. Like merch celebrating actor's birthdays or performance milestones. The fans go out of their way and make all sorts of things to share, like badges, facemasks with prints, keychains, acrylic stands, prints, stickers, I even saw cookies with chibi actors printed on them ><
I personally find this part of fan culture around the Chinese musical theatre really heartwarming and inspiring ^^ Maybe bc culture around theatre in my country feels very posh and stuck up, snobbish even. So I have lots of love and respect to Chinese theatre fans for making their passion feel welcoming and simply fun 🌟
Again, huge thanks to all my lovely LC friends, Forest, Vale and Elara for making this project possible 😘💙💛
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Link Click Musical panel on BilibiliWorld 2024 convention
For context, this convention is huge (esp when you remember Bilibili is like Chinese ver of youtube, twitch, netflix, crunchyroll and webtoon at once). Li Haolin had his panel there, as well as donghua VAs (that's how they managed to meet, VAs had their panel on same day musical actors came for rehearsal).
So there is an entire 1h+ video from the panel with LC-mu 'representative lineup' Deng Xianling, Cai Qi and Wang Minhui. I'll link it, you can watch it. It's all in Chinese ofc but it's still fun, bc they do lots of games focused on singing songs that you should be able to recognise by now ;>
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A summary of the panel:
1st game: they each get the first lines their characters sing in the play and have to fill out the blank lyrics
then they do slightly extended ver of 'You can forget about it' ('sofa song')
2nd game: they get a line from a lc musical song to sing, each actor with different twist; dxl has to do a dialect version, cq does the singing to a different melody, and wmh does the 'translation accent' (not sure what it is, I'm guessing it's changing the accentuation on words?)
3rd game: is blindfold basketball with third person directing the one that's shooting, so a cooperation game ^^'
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4th game: they listen to the music and when it stops they have to sing the next lines (this part was GREAT bc we get crumbs from main plot songs AND we get to hear actors sing a capella AND there is a banger part where wmh and cq sing in unison 😔👌)
5th game: doing 'Dive back in time' tutting at varied speed (it's funny & impressive how they switch from 2x speed to 0.5x without an issue)
and I lost a count (this video is long and in chinese, forgive me) but by the end, there is also a part where each actor has to say something in character, they chose from categories: A) Exclusive video for waking up - cq, B) Exclusive video to put you to sleep -wmh, C) 'Mood Tips' Video - dxl :> (Lu Guang got very in character, short line, don't get excited)
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OKAY NEXT 🏃‍♂️✨✨
Voice Actors encounter (Li Shimeng, Su Shangqing, Yang Tianxiang) summary
All credit goes to my Chinese friend Yksim (@/treeshu3426 on twt) for translating and summarising the entire video to me 🙏🙇‍♂️💖
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Video has 2 main parts: voice actors giving tips about delivering lines and musical actors teaching them to sing songs. Yang Tianxiang first suggest that musical actors teach vocal actors how to sing. He asks how to sing "我只能预测十二个小时" ('I can only predict 12 hours...', a part from M01 'Time Travel', the first song). Wmh and cq sing it but ytx finds it too hard to follow, gives up and says sth like 'aigh maybe we should start from voice acting' ><. So they first give wmh and cq some tips about how to say lines.
Wang Minhui shares that the producer of LC musical (I'm guessing it was Chen Xiaoyi 🙏) sent him a video compilation of canon Lu Guang calling cxs idiot, childish etc. (as learning material). And he asked ytx to say some for him XDD which the other delivers 👌
Li Shimeng gives Qiao Ling performance. She first acted how to scold cxs and then how to comfort him 🥺 Everyone compliments her, she's great orz
After that ytx seems to be answering wmh's question how to say lines. He said: 'We have to relax our throats. It is also like singing. You have to make yourself comfortable. You don't have to pursue to make your voice very like my voice. I think we are two different Lu Guangs. ' (meaning the range, because wmh's voice is very high pitch comparing to ytx's voice)
Yang Tianxiang asks Su Shangqing for his input and ssq says: 'You can make it natural and like in daily life. Actually voice acting allows you to express a variety of precise emotions within a very limited range of ups and downs. It will be harder than no limits. 其实会比你可以完全释放手脚难 (this sentence translates weirdly so have a transcript) After you get hold of the character's main characteristics, you can relax and do what you want to express.'
Then is time for a singing part. Cai Qi sings a bit from 'Words can't convey the love' for ssq. Which ssq says is too hard >< ytx says 'But this song fits you.'
Wang Minhui sings a crumb of main plot song called 'Broken time' (fully translated by Micha here 💙) It's a very hard and high pitch big song full of emotions that happens after a quarrel with cxs. Yang Tianxiang is impressed ><
VA's strongest soldier enters the ring after ytx says: 'I think Li Shimeng is the best singer among three of us.' So Cai Qi teaches lsm some QL's lines from the beginning of 'You can forget about it' (QL starts it in main plot ver). She repeats after him and sounds wonderful ✨💅
And finally, Deng Xianling arrives from the other musical's rehearsal (on weibo she 'cries' she had to buy wmh a drink as an apology for being late ><'). Her voice is beautiful nevertheless. She sings the same part that cq started teaching ;>
Then they take photos together and say goodbyes 🥰
This one I deciphered myself by google translating subtitles. But please watch it yourself! It's adorable even if you don't speak Chinese
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Wang Minhui's vlog from BilibiliWorld
You may think he'd do sth short, similar to Cai Qi's vlog from the event, but no. Not the yapperton3000, Kamen Rider enjoyer, mister I-watch-more-anime-than-Niebo (I just adore this guy, ok? and you will too. Now.)
Nah, he will give us a tour 😎✨
It starts with him saying he's going on a rehearsal, then a short compilation from that day where they practiced and met VAs. As you can see he and ytx exchanged contact info :>
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After teasing dxl for being late it's fast forward to next day, the day of their performance. He beelines straight to the artist/merch area 🙇‍♂️ He points at almost every alley and says stuff like:
'Take a look at the Honkai Star Railway theme area! Sorry but I don't play hehe' 'Jian Wang 3 theme area, I used to play. I remember when I got into the trap, brought in at my university, my college friends were playing.' *points at a fancy dress at some sort of haute couture cosplay booth* 'Guo Hongxu would look good in this' (ghx commented the vid with a photo of himself swinging an axe with 'Where are you? I brought you a gift 🙂')
Then he comes home 😌 The Link Click themed alley 💙💛
He looks at Lu Guang merch which is-😭💗 *clenches my heart* and talks how he's excited to wear lg's wig already.
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⬆ Interesting thing about these shiguang cutouts, that cn friends Bō🐼 and Yksim pointed out, is that they are a signposts promoting a Chengguang/程光 ship specific event. Recently there was a separate exhibition/fan event focused on uh, you know, top!cxs x bottom!lg, (not necessarily explicit but very much about the romantic coupling) and they had a booth LC alley in BilibiliWorld too.
And no, it's impossible he's clueless about it. You'll see he knows his donghua&anime + they had huge signs with ship name and friends tell me he must've walked past all the doujins. And he goes there twice 🙇‍♂️ Like, do with this knowlegde whatever you want, I'm just describing what happened (personally I'd say: BASEDBASEDBASED-)
*performance time* he gets his makeup and hair done and goes on stage, it's a short compilation from backstage.
HE GOES BACK TO THE CUTOUTS orz... the stylist fixes his hair sprout when he's standing between lg and cxs ;w; while wmh praises his producer for agreeing to work overtime to help him film the vlog 🙏
it cuts to him riding to the different area, he says:
'Now I am going to this one from "Link Click", the booth of the original work. Although today in fact, strictly speaking, I'm not a cosplayer.' 'Because I think we should respect how everyone just generates electricity for love to this level of detail' (I think he means cosplayers, but not sure, it translates wack) 'I think I am still wearing a makeup look for a musical stage actor who (just) came here.' 'This experience is very unforgettable for me, so I hope to use the last bit of time, the moment before hitting the board, to go get one for myself. Including myself, Wang Minhui as a stage actor. I can take two sets of photos. I think it's also a good memory, so I set off!' (it may be confusing, but I think he's talking about using the opportunity of being on a convention in the stage makeup, to take some phots for himself, while humbly acknowledging it's not a cosplay)
(we're halfway in the video, save me, I love him but he talks so much ಥ_ಥ)
He enters the official LC venue (that earlier, was more fanmade stuff/merch alley) and talks about how exciting it is that he can blend in ;w; so he walks around, saying:
'I am so happy!' but then catches himself and says 'Ah, but I shouldn't laugh' (to stay in LG's character 😭) *points at Neo Aurora LG cutout (one with harness)* 'Can you make me a set of clothes like this next time at our theater?' (caption tags the Encore Musicals theatre) *points at a writing board and reads one of fan messages* 'Li Haolin, no more knives!' 💀 and 'No matter the past, don't question the future' motto *proudly high-fives himself* *points at Li twins cutouts* 'Last time I drew a blind box I got Li Tianchen, I have both (?or two idk) of them.' 'So happy. The kind of faint (faint feeling? or faintness? idk) It just came out of here *points at his chest* Happy but I don’t know why I’m so happy! (pls he's so sweet)
Then he points towards the Bilibili Comics venue and namedrops lots of shows he's watching/reading:
'There's a Bilibili comics app, the app that accompanies me on many nights, I recently finished reading Demon Slayer', he also mentions watching Blue Lock and Wind Breaker.
Moving on to individual anime series booths:
*points at Kaitou from Detective Conan* 'I especially liked that character as a kid, so cool/handsome' He sees Solo Leveling booth from a distance and is proud of himself for remembering the name of the show, so much so he takes a picture :'> ''Dungeon Meshi', I've been following for past 2 days (?). At first I thought it was a gourmet show, at that time I liked to order takeout. I feel like it still has quite a story to it.' *sees a mecha animatronic* 'Wow it's moving!' (everybody stfu, he's experiencing a childlike wonder) 'I usually open Bilibili when I have nothing to do', then he mentions watching Freiren, Kaiju no.8 and says that after reading all the Demon Slayer he wants to watch it now.
Post-credits scene: He looks on a stage, says 'Give me a mask and I'll sign up' and then the camera zooms out to show what I think is a group of men doing an otome-themed performance dance (like Tears of Themis/Love and Deepspace type of game idk which exactly ><) 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ that's all
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To accompany you on this overwhelming wall of text, I give you Cai Qi overwhelmed by the wonders of BilibiliWorld 😇 he was going through it, but had the audacity to later say 'I was a little nervous, Wang Minhui is nearly drowning the mic (from sweating nervously)' under the video with VAs. Brat.
Housekeeping notes: I hope this update makes up for the long inactivity and I hope it lasts you for a while 🙏 I still struggle with my workload and it sucks, so I won't be coming back here any time soon (for 1,5 months at least) sorry ><
But I am still active on twt and discord and I check tumblr inbox regularly if you ever need help with research 💪
There is an increase of LC fans interested in the play (after the zhb and tcp almost-kiss ><') So I am currently gathering questions from newbies to later create the LC Musical FAQs 🌟 If you have ANY questions regarding LC musical, specific actors, the general Chinese musical fandom culture, navigating Chinese social media, anything I could help with, PLEASE reach out to me via inbox, DMs, curiouscat (I linked it on my twt @/niebo_sgdlr), twt DMs or discord. It will help tremendously to create a beginner friendly guide, bc at this point I'm too deep in the rabbit hole and too busy to explain everything to everyone individually🙏💖
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Look at this historical event of Wang Minhui getting the postcard and telling Vale she looks better than Cai Qi 😇 Please give love to all the friends I mentioned in the post and have a lovely day, bye bye!
Niebo out 🏃‍♂️✨✨✨✨
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What would be the Toys' first Google searches? I could imagine Angel would have a field trip looking through their computer's search history.
And semi-related, which of them would be most likely to accidentally download a computer virus?
Angel lets the group use their computer after bringing everyone back from the hospital, but not before warning them to be careful, as Angel during that time still technically has a job and needs to keep certain files intact. They leave their dead-end job the next day after their boss calls them, finally freeing themself, so now the toys are all okay to use the computer. Bunzo discovers this thing called "The Sims 1" installed and falls in love, it's like virtual dolls! Poppy and Mommy Long Legs are also fascinated by it.
DogDay has a 70% chance of downloading a computer virus by accident during the first 15 minutes of computer time he has in his life. First search: "What is happening in the world?", and spends 3 hours reading everything, "Smiling Critters", "CatNap recall".
CatNap: "Playtime lawsuit", "playtime prototype experiment, "music".
Mommy Long Legs: "Mommy Long Legs", "long legs toys", "the sims house".
Poppy: "Elliot Ludwig", "Playtime lawsuit", "what happened in the last 30 years?"
Huggy: "iusfawjfjsiojfiojafsio" (he doesn't know how to read or write) "cool flash games" (Angel lets him have the time of his life)
Kissy: "Playtime orphanage", "stuffed animals"
Bunzo: "CALENDAH", "KOOL GAMEZ" (corrected to "cool games", he then plays flash games for 3 hours straight)
PJ: "OPIUMNHIUY" (Angel writes "Pingu" for him)
Delight: "What is happening in the world", "how to take care of a face prosthetic", "biology", "national geography"
Smiling Critters crew, after being rescued:
Craftycorn: "places for artists" (discovers Deviant Art), "person waving" (needs a reference to draw), "blue dress" (reference to draw), "mySpace"
Bubba: "Playtime Co. lawsuit", "Playtime Co. rescue", "Smiling Critters", "How does a computer work?"
Hoppy: "how to live without legs", "prosthetic legs", "cool people with prosthetic legs"
Kickin: "how to ignore leg itching", "smiling critters", "where am i"
Bobby: "are the orphans of playtime co okay", "bobby bearhug", "photo of the entire world", "list of countries", "france" (gets lost in history websites)
Picky: "how to stop feeling sad", "how to stop being hungry", "vegetarian recipes to cook for family", "what is a farmers market", "how does a grocery store look like", "how does a market look like", "world outside", "forest", "green", "planet earth" (stares at a picture of the entire Earth for some time)
Boxy: "sdewuiiouwer734884787rioispdfusjklawdkeifudjklsakçk" (Hoppy writes "games" and they get lost in flash game websites)
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ghostboyhood · 2 months
hello guys!!!! i converted the velvet goldmine soundtrack to mp3 files so you can get them on spotify!! ill explain how to under the cut <3
hiii okay so this has to be done on a pc/laptop you cant do this from you phone, sorry about that!!
first download all the files and add them to the 'music' file on your computer.
next go to spotify (on ur pc and phone) and turn on local files. on ur phone its the second up from the bottom under settings. on pc under settings when u click on ur pfp its near the top, just look for the bold 'your library' and turn local files on. another section will pop up where you can add a source, add your music file/library
THEN!! make a playlist on spotify, name it whatever you want, add all the songs to it, and download it. make sure your phone and pc are on the same network so they can download to your phone as well, and you should be good
if you have any questions done hesitate to ask!!! babys on fire is an mp4 file while the rest are mp3s, for some reason when i made it an mp3 it WOULDNT WORK! but if its messed up for you im willing to convert it to mp3 for u js ask :3 sorry im so bad at written instructions, again if u have any questions im here to help
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glassprism · 4 months
Hii!! I found out about trading an hour ago and am a bit confused. Like, how do you even find the bootlegs if not on youtube? Also, why trade instead of posting publicly?
I have a YouTube page where I post slime tutorials and the like of shows I have watched or proshots I have downloaded. Why gatekeep? I'm literally just curious, I don't mean to offend.
So, the thing that I really, really want to emphasize, because I feel like it'll make everything make more sense, is that bootlegging is illegal. It is against the law, people can and do get arrested for it, and there have been many recorders (mostly filmers) in the past who have been caught and simply disappeared, taking with them any unreleased boots and all potential boots they could have filmed in the future.
And I say that because I REALLY want to emphasize that when people, especially filmers, say, "Hey, can you not post these on YouTube or anywhere else publicly?" it's NOT because they are trying to "gatekeep". Many of them are making their bootlegs as accessible as possible by making it available for purchase and/or trade down the line. They are doing it for their own safety. They are risking legal repercussions getting these bootlegs to you and are asking you not to get them into trouble by blatantly posting their stuff on the most accessible video-sharing site out there. THEY ARE TRYING NOT TO GET FINED, ARRESTED, OR WORSE.
Okay, got all that? Great! Now I can answer your questions.
First - many traders, myself included, have trading sites where we post everything we have available to trade. That is a great place to find bootlegs, and even better, people who have those bootlegs and might be willing to trade or (if you're polite) gift them to you! Here's mine. How do you find these sites? Honestly, a lot of times I just stumble on them by Googling something like "[name of show] bootleg trade". What I also personally do is start bookmarking sites of traders that have large collections of shows I'm interested in (like Phantom) or the sites of people who record bootlegs, so that I can easily check up on them every week or so.
There are also many areas where traders congregate! Musical Exchange on LiveJournal is one of the easiest to find. There was a Yahoo board back in the day that has not turned into a Groups io thing. There's Encora Reprise (I don't use it and I feel like it keeps going down but some swear by it). There are also several Discord servers devoted to trading or set up by filmers. Those are also great places to find other traders and newly released boots.
Second, I partially answered your question about posting publicly with the safety issue, but the other answer is, simply, that trading is decentralized because it's illegal. I don't think there's any one person who has every bootleg ever recorded, it's all spread out amongst us, and it's going to be extremely difficult to get everyone to pool it all together because, well, this is also a hobby, not a job, and we just don't have time for that. And even if we did, there probably is no person with enough space and money and time to upload every bootleg in the world and maintain it, because they will not get enough benefit out of it because musicals are a relatively niche interest.
Here's another way of thinking about it. I'm at the point of trading almost exclusively Phantom. I don't have every bootleg in the world, but my collection of Phantom boots alone is 2.7 TB. That is Phantom alone, I haven't even considered every other musical in the world and all their bootlegs. If you want me to have all these available publicly, I would basically need to get my own server. If I want my own server, I'm probably going to pay money. Hundreds of dollars of money. And I will have to maintain this, which will also cost money, with possibly the only way I get money back being to use, I don't know, ads or making users pay money for accounts, and unless I finagle things legally I could also be responsible if the site gets found and taken down, and you want me to do this, constantly, for bootlegs that 99% of people won't download? (You really think some people are raring to get the blurry 1992 video of Jun Sawaki, for example?) Yeah, that looks like a lot of work and trouble for me to do something that probably won't save others a lot of trouble either.
Anyway, I know you don't mean to be rude and I hope the above didn't come off as aggressive, it's just that, well, I've seen these arguments time and again and it never really seems to cross people's minds that, at the end of the day, this is a hobby that is technically illegal, that just about all the rules and limitations around are done for the safety of the bootlegger and not because they enjoy waving the boot out of your reach, and that trading is done because it's the safest, most anonymous way of, well, getting theatre bootlegs, that people have come up with. At any rate, I hope that answers your questions!
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txtaetertots · 6 months
hi all.
i’m hoping to get back to updating soon. it’s something i dearly miss and cannot wait to get back to when i have time. ive been putting a lot of my focus lately into not only my last semester of grad school but also into action for palestine. it’s more important to me to invest the little free time i have into doing what i can to push the fight for a liberated palestine. i refuse to sit here and act like everything is okay when millions of people are suffering a genocide.
hybe is complicit in this ethnic cleansing as well whether you want to accept it or not. they’ve allowed scooter braun to have the power and influence to spread zionist propaganda. scooter braun has always shown himself to be a despicable excuse for a human being, and if him being a zionist on top of all of that isn’t enough for you to consider his termination a crucial goal to work toward.. you do not truly care about palestine.
palestine cannot be free if we allow zionism to become normalized. it’s our duty to call it out and shame zionists out of our spaces! they are not and should not be welcome ANYWHERE. which is why i’m one of many moas who have made the decision to BOYCOTT HYBE. i refuse to put money in the pockets of these greedy, capitalist pigs who don’t care about anything but squeezing every penny they can out of fans. it’s not about the music anymore for bighit. all they care about is how much they can get away with because they know we’re willing to spend anything if it means getting content and merch. i don’t want to hurt txt’s comeback, but in my opinion, a comeback isn’t more important than a fucking genocide. plain and simple. i refuse to give hybe any more of my money through streams, album sales, tickets, or merch until they get rid of fuckass scooter braun.
if you don’t want to boycott, that’s fine. that’s your choice and i don’t blame you for not wanting to. as long as you’re doing what you can to help palestine in other ways, i see no shame. but i still do encourage you to consider boycotting as well. if not, but you’re able to buy multiple albums and concert tickets? i think you can also donate to palestinian aid and families as well. i just ask you not say you care about palestine yet do nothing to help their resistance.
that being said: i hope you don’t shame fans who do choose to partake in this boycott, because you need to understand this isn’t an attack on txt or any other hybe group. i’ve seen so many people attack boycotters and accuse us of wanting our idols to fail. it makes my blood boil because that couldn’t be farther from the truth. you must be truly out of touch and thick headed to think this is a personal attack on them. there are more important things than a comeback. especially when one of the songs (the killa) on txt’s new album was produced BY AN “ISRAELI”!! this is what we’re talking about when we say scooter braun is playing a huge role in welcoming zionism to hybe. people are losing their homes, their land, their families, their LIVES.. this is about removing the facilitators of genocide from positions of power in every industry they leech on. and if you somehow can’t seem to understand that, you’re a zionist too. chart positions, views, album sales, whatever are not more important than the liberation of indigenous people. choosing to believe otherwise is cruel and evil, and choosing to argue with us over this makes you no ally to palestine. it makes you complicit to the normalization of zionism which is the primary force in the oppression and dehumanization of palestinian people.
i encourage you to download the songs elsewhere (so many google drive links and free streaming apps exist (for example: musi)). don’t stream the killa. refuse the normalization of zionism. make zionists UNCOMFORTABLE! they don’t deserve to experience peace when palestinians are living in constant fear because of the barbaric attacks by that illegitimate state trying to forcibly steal palestinian land.
below i’ve attached graphics from twitter made by palestinian fans and allies who are leading the boycott against hybe. if you would like more information i will link other important twitter accounts you can check out for more. you don’t have to follow the whole list but they ask we at least adhere up to priority 3!
i’m open to providing any other information you need. thank you for reading.
- yuri
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important accounts/threads:
hybe boycott priority list thread
Music Lovers for Liberation
Zionists in Music
HYBE Boycott Update
Care for Gaza
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innytoes · 5 months
Hehe, more jatp fai au thought?
Okay but The Boys Vs The Internet...
-Before Reggie got sucked into the fairy realm the internet was just starting to be big. You know homeboy went to the library and joined obscure Star Wars forums and webrings and such.
-Luke is not interested in the Internet and Computers. He is still getting used to the television. He has no use for MORE weird future things that involve screens. (Also google keeps passive-aggressively correcting his Ye Olde Spellinge with 'did you mean ...' and it annoys him.)
-That is until Carlos shows him how to find music on Youtube.
-He is VERY UPSET to learn that in Reggie's time there was a channel that played music videos all day but now it's mostly 'Reality TV'.
-Reality TV is not real reality. The future is weird and he's too scared to ask what a Snookie is.
-Alex likes watching dance things on The Internets, as well as soft-spoken ladies explaining how to make or bake or draw something. Just hearing soothing English helps him feel safe (he's not in the fae realm anymore) and nap.
-Willie, of course, is the first to discover what the Internet Is For. Aka funny cat videos and porn.
-He stalks up to Ray with the laptop he got the boys and plonks it down and accusingly says: YOU SAID PEOPLE DIDN'T DO REVELRIES HERE.
-On the screen there is an orgy playing. At top volume. Ray accidentally full-screens it while trying to turn it off.
-He has to have another very long talk with the boys about pornography, realistic expectations, exploitation, consent, privacy, internet safety, and how to avoid getting viruses. (Though his advice just kind of leans to 'just don't... please... for my sanity...')
-Willie is very concerned their computer can get sick and goes to the smartest people he knows (Flynn and Julie) to ask how he can look at The Pornography without getting the computer sick.
-Julie nopes right out of that conversation and Flynn cackles but does give him a quick rundown of 'don't click on that' and 'don't download random shit' and also 'the nice gentlemen wanting to chat with you just want your credit card details, you have enough pretty boys already'.
-Willie already knows giving out your name is a Bad Idea from living with the fae... not giving out his (non-existent) credit card details is not too hard.
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babylaptop · 10 months
setting up an ipod is harder than you fucking think
just spent the last life four+ hours setting up this ipod classic 4th gen. here's a summary of all the problems i ran into:
(1) ipod had files in it. they appeared as gray and un-editable on itunes, so i thought reseting the ipod to factory would be the fastest and easiest solution.
turns out the last step of the process is connecting ipod to a wall power source. i do this. nothing happens for at least an hour. ipod is stuck in "connect to the wall" icon screen no matter what i do. the internet says it needs to connect with an actual apple firewire wall connector, which i do not have. tried using my ipad's charger with a usb-to-usb-c adapter that i own. didn't work. eventually figured it out the problem had to do with the amps it needs to get defibrillated. i remember that i own a pretty hefty power bank with a 5v/2.1a output. it works. ipod is reset. i have a nice fun time adding the 6 or so songs i have downloaded on my computer (:
(2) i had downloaded soulseek a while ago and gotten frustrated with it but decided to give it another spin since piracy experts on reddit sing it many praises. it seems to have a heavy culture of egalitarianism: a pop up window informs you that a lot of people's download's are restricted only to other people sharing files.
__(2.1) it prompts me to enter my account and password but i don't have one. there isn't an immediatly visible 'create account' link. i google this. eventually i find this soulseek forum where a ton of normies are asking questions pretty regularly. excellent. i search my problems and someone else has already made a post and had the question answered. thank you normies. also: google groups is still a thing???????
the inability to create an account is a weird bug. someone's answer tells me how to circumvent it.
__(2.2) i still can't search for anything. there are no files in this wasteland. i turn on my vpn. put my humble six songs in a folder and share it. voila!!!!!!!
soulseek is actually VERY cool. you can browse other people's music folders, which opens an incredible secret world of possibilities re: finding new music similar to your tastes. EXTREMELY exciting. feels like i'm in a cool secret club of the internet. feels like the old internet.
i download one (1) lana del rey song that's stuck in my head. choose .flac (a lossless audio file) because i want to be fancy.
(3) ...........itunes doesn't read .flac files
__(3.1) searches: what files does itunes read? > which of these files is best for lossless audio? > how do i convert .flac files to itunes-compatible file types? > download foobar2000 > click around till i figure out how to convert .flac files to .wav files.
__(3.2) it works! (: the songs are now in itunes! (:
............but the metadata (album cover, genres, artist, album, etc) doesn't transfer. i don't want to manually input it again. searches: how to keep metadata when converting files? tutorial is slightly different from the version of foobar i have, but i eventually find the setting to keep the metadata.
(4) it works! (:
.............but it won't transfer to my ipod ): i get the message: your ipod can't read this file <- paraphrasing.
okay. searches: what kind of files can an ipod classic 4th gen read? (perhaps they are different from the files itunes can read. this is, after all, the last version of itunes ever released, many years and itunes versions after the ipod classic 4th gen.)
this information isn't in the wikipedia page. this isn't in the ipod wiki. can't even find this model in the official apple pages. it's mentioned in several reviews but it's the wrong model. christ almighty. ok. here it is. found it. allegedly it should be able to read it. ok. why isn't it.
read through forum threads. some people say older ipods get fussy with high bitrates. (search: what is a bitrate? oh ok. higher bitrate > higher audio quality. got it.)
bitrates reccomended by foobar: 180-300something. lossless file bitrate: 2000 and change. hm. surely that's a huge difference.
i convert the .flac file to .mp3 instead.
__(4.1) it works! (: the files are in my ipod! (:
.....but goddamnit, i'm stubborn, and this goddamn ipod is supposed to be able to read apple lossless files (basically a .flac file, but designed to be used with apple products. lol.) i don't want a lameass mp3, i want lossless goddamn quality! even if this brick of an ipod won't be able to play it! it's the principle of the thing!
______(4.1.1) okay. try to fuck around with bitrates in the settings of the apple lossless conversion on foobar. foobar is like "you don't have the right encoder pack, bitch" <- paraphrasing.
oooh. surely, this is the problem. i download encoder pack.
______(4.1.2) foobar is like: "you don't have the right encoder pack, bitch" <- paraphrasing.
me: [crying] but i did.
foobar: bitch.
______(4.1.3) search: why is foobar calling me a bitch? > reddit thread: look closely at the sphynx's riddles three: it doesn't say "you haven't downloaded the encoder pack." it says: you haven't installed the encoder pack. (<- NOT A JOKE.)
go to C: > program files > foobar > find the encoder pack i downloaded > click on all the .exe files. powershell windows appear and dissappear. basically: stuff happened. i'm certian.
_____________( i'm STILL getting the riddles three message, but the same reddit thread says: if you know you solved th riddles three, you can just ignore it (: so i do.
__(4.2) .flac files seem to have been successfully converted to apple lossless files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....but i am back to "your ipod can't read this shit!!!!!!!!!"
do some more searches > turns out it's a weird itunes glitch. the thing is just moody. try turning it on and off. try disconnecting and re-connecting. try resetting your ipod again.
try uninstalling and installing again.
(5) "iTunes Library.itl cannot be read because it was created by a newer version of iTunes"
.......................to be continued. if i don't kill mysuelf first.
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kagedbird · 5 months
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Hey folks, just got one of these in my inbox, and as always (because when I Googled it, someone else on tumblr said they opened the fucking thing) do not open random fucking links sent to you, much less by an anon. This is how you get malware or phishing scams. Please remember basic internet safety, okay?
Regardless if this says it's for a Google Play app called Infinity Cow, do your own research instead of clicking a link.
Which, by the way, there's no such thing called Infinity Cow on Google Apps. There is an app called Eplay, and it's for music, but even then, I'm not downloading that at random.
Stay safe out there. Please.
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wolfchans · 2 years
your gifs are so nice! would you be willing to share your sharpening? and if it's not too much trouble do a quick rundown of your coloring process?
hi anon! it's no trouble at all, if it helps i'm happy to share <3
first i'd like to say that the size and speed of your gifs is key for the sharpen to look good! an incorrectly sized gif will look wonky on desktop (mobile is not very noticeable but desktop is where your gifs can potentially look bad if you size incorrectly) and same for slow-ish gifs, the slower your gif is the more the imperfections show so a correct speed hides the ugly parts lol
these are the standard tumblr photoset sizes
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now with that out of the way i'm going to put everything under the cut bc it's probs going to be very long lol if you have any questions after reading all of this, do not hesitate to come back and i'll try to explain better!
okay! first i’d like to point out that i use an older photoshop, simply bc i like how they work lol i work on photoshop cs6 so to enable the same options i’m going to show you here you’ll have to have enabled the legacy option in the smart sharpen filters. 
my sharpen varies depending on my source material tbh here are some examples:
source material: music videos
i actually use mvs downloaded from vimeo but these take longer to be up bc the directors don't usually upload at the same time the video is coming out unlike youtube mv, so if i'm working with something from youtube i like to get the biggest format available, so 4k and if it's not available then 1080p will do
i like to do big gifs for mvs so thats 540px width, these are my crop settings (putting it like that i don’t have to manually resize to 540px after cropping bc it’s going to be already the correct size)
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and my sharpen for these is this
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and then i lower the opacity of it to 75/80%, double clicking here
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this is the result: 
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and my gif speed for mvs in particular is this 
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looks very crispy and ready to color away!
source material: stage videos in .ts format 
for stages i like to work with .ts files since they are very high quality recordings of the stages and generally the gifs come out nicer. for stages that are from youtube the next part of this will probs help but this part will be focused on .ts files. 
i get my files from kpop24hrs which is invite only right now and invites are a bitch to get a hold of but if you have access it’ll make your life so easy when giffing stages, there’s also twitter to look up files! for stray kids the fastest .ts uploader on twitter is @/STEii_e but if you look up the date + stray kids + .ts the tweets will show! anyway, back to the important thing
for .ts files i work with AviSynth! my computer hates vapoursynth so i use it’s older sibling lol it does the work just fine for what i use it imo bc i usually end up sharpening on photoshop. if you’d like an avisynth tutorial, this is what i used to learn about it and if you’d like to try vapoursynth there’s tons of tutorials from tumblr if you google, the most complete one is from user realstraykids
i modified my avisynth processor for it to have a denoiser (which is a feature from vapoursynth) to have my gifs look a little more smooth but that effect can also be achieved using topaz tbh
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these are the output settings i get on the resizer
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like i said i modified some things to have a denoiser so it won’t look like this on a regular avisynth
using debilinear usually makes my gif already look a bit sharp, so if i see it’s good i don’t use a sharpen, if i see it need a little push i’ll use a smart sharpen of 500% radius and 0.3px amount, and i’ll use a gaussian blur filter set to 0,3 and i lower it’s opacity to 75/80%
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and my gif speed for .ts stages
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now it’s all ready to color!
final source material: your regular youtube/twitter/vlive video
anyone that ever worked with a lq-ish video know how they just look ugly no matter how your try to sharpen, specially vlives and now channie’s rooms on youtube (*shaking fist in the air* damn you 720p videos!!) so i found a way to make them look decent, in this case i oversharpen using a 500% 0.4px smart shapen and then i slap a gaussian blur of 0,3 (lowered to 50% opacity) on top of it to smooth things out, more often than not it works very well but some videos are just plain bad (looking at you twitter) so this will work if you tweak the gaussian blur to your liking. i also recommend to work with small gifs if your video is not 1080p bc they’ll look better, but if you like pain like me and love big gifs this is what i do:
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my results:
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and my gif speed for these kind of videos
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that’s about it for my sharpen tricks! 
for coloring i like to do vibrant gifs, i adapted my latest method from this and this, and another tutorial that i can’t find rn, but  for my base what i do is two curves layers, a levels layer to bring up darks, then i do a hue/sat to fix up colors, then i do vibrance and finally i selective color to fix things up. i’m going to show you on this binnie and minho gifs
first we use a curves layer and we set it on automatic (no worries if it gets too bright, we’ll be fixing as we go)
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now we do a second curves layer, for this one we’ll use the black color picker from the curves layer and pick the darkest point on our gif
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now we fix the darks and we bring some brightness with a levels layer
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now we do a hue/saturation layer, here i fix up the reds and yellows, sometimes i skip it if the gif already looks good after the first 3 layers if that’s the case i go directly to the next step which is vibrance, in this case i only did minho in this step bc i felt like binnie’s was okay after the first 3 layers
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now it’s the vibrance layer, for making the colors pop out more
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and now the final layer: selective color! here we fix again red and yellows
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that was my base coloring! sometimes i put in a gradient map in between the curves layers and the levels but only sometimes. after this if i want to mess around with colors i mostly go with another hue/sat layer or just use selective color, hue/sat is great for color manipulation. anyway, this is the finished result and my saving settings!
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that was really long lmao, i hope it helps somehow? like i said if anything isn’t clear pls come back and we’ll go around it again <3
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alicethepiper · 5 months
okay so i was worried about viruses on my computer because I was trying to figure out how to download this thing to play this weird PS1 game (THAT I REALLY DEFINITELY SURELY OWN IN REAL LIFE) and then I messed with my google to make sure everything was fine and then I found out some of my info was unsafe because of a Wattpad breach from several years ago??
I'm late to the party, but this did remind me that I do in fact have a Wattpad.
So curiosity got the better of me. I logged into my old Wattpad. Reset the password, blah blah. And holy shit. I was LITERALLY A CHILD. And I fuckin rawdogged that shit with my actual, legal name. It's just been sitting there. For literally a decade. Jesus christ.
Anyways. I had one published story. I vaguely vaguely vaguely remember this story. I hardly remember writing it, but I do remember thinking of the plot while listening to music in the shower. I much less remember posting it. But holy shit? The comments??
I had someone complaining about the chapter length. I responded with: "chill. they get longer." holy fucking shit?? im absolutely hilarious. I don't remember typing that. I don't even remember writing this story. It was literally a decade ago. Jokes on them, I never finished it (sorry).
Idk what the point of this was but I'm rereading some of it and: fic authors/ authors in general, I respect you, y'all are great. I dunno how I literally posted my heart and soul at some point, but it might've had to do with the fact that I was a literal child (and had literally no fear). I was absolutely ruthless to readers that complained, I hope to give some of that energy to you guys <3
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inkedmoth · 2 months
So a few years back I found a song that I absolutely loved, it really resonated with me and a story I was writing for my own world. It was called "Hell or High Water" by the Rescuers. It fit the storyline perfectly, and I was quick to slap it into a playlist for that story, liked it on youtube, all those usual things you do with a new song you like!
But I didn't buy it.
I never buy music, I listen to spotify and youtube and that's all I need. But it was a mistake not to buy this song, because out of the blue a few months ago, that band deleted and removed ALL their songs from the internet.
Gone. Scrubbed overnight and without a word to their social media.
Needless to say that was a little upsetting but after So. Much. Digging. I found an acoustic version of the song from when they'd performed at a small venue. It wasn't the same, didn't have the same resonance or weight, but it was the same tune and lyrics so it would do. I accepted that the song was gone and that I probably wouldn't listen to it in full again.
Until last night.
Last night I decided to google Hell or High Water. It had been on my mind a lot recently, and maybe it was a last ditch attempt to see if there was any news or updates from the band. It had been a few months, maybe there was a development, an explanation as to the lost music, or maybe there was nothing. I wasn't really holding out hope for any changes, but I thought I'd check their socials at least.
I didn't get that far, because the first result was a reddit page.
A group of users were ALSO asking the same question, wondering the same things, discussing the removal in preparation of a musical coming out. The Lost Boys Musical.
BUT a user had found a copy of my missing song, tucked away in the middle of a pirate themed playlist on youtube. It existed! It was real! I'd not dreamt the whole thing up! There was a copy and while it had rigging creaking and water sloshing overlaid, it was THERE!
Now remember it's midnight I'm in bed, with my phone's speaker pressed to my ear grinning like a lunatic. While I'd love to leave a comment there and then, I decided to leave it till morning.
I needn't have bothered.
Because all tucked up in bed, I decided to scroll down to read the comments and to see if any of the reddit users had commented, I found they had! In fact, one had specifically asked the maker of the playlist if they had heard of this songs removal, if they knew anything about the band. Or if they had a copy.
Not only did the playlist maker have a copy, they immediately slapped it into a google drive and posted a PUBLIC LINK!
I've never hit a download link so quickly or so recklessly in. my. life.
But I have it back! I have a copy on my phone and my laptop and now this atmospheric-slightly-too-much-sound-effect playlist, but you know what that is great! Its fantastic! This song was utterly lost and gone but now I have a copy and I'm SO SO HAPPY. I've been listening to it on repeat all morning because I've missed it so much.
BUT WAIT there's more!
The reason this song has been plaguing me so much recently, is because it's a perfect fit to one of my fic plans. The fic, which I intend to call "Hell or High Water", is named for the song. The lyrics fit perfectly to various scenes, the vibe of desperation and determination is a perfect fit. The fic is made for the song and the song is made for the fic, to the point where I couldn't write this without the song, and I'm legitimately considering sneaking the lyrics in here and there to the story. The acoustic version was okay, but it wasn't right, but now I have the original and everything is perfect.
So I'm taking this as a sign, and I'm going to start plotting this fic. And since I'm in such a great mood, I'm also going to share a big chunk of a scene I've already written for it.
I'm so happy.
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I'm so looking forwards to writing this, and I can't wait to share it with you guys.
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noctuafought · 3 months
okay so i officially transferred over from chrome to opera gx. i do highly recommend it. opera comes with its own built in adblocker, you can import / export bookmarks, and you can sign into your google account, use your chrome webstore and grab your extensions you have downloaded (it'll be in the 'not installed' section). there's also a tab snoozing feature where it will put your tabs to sleep after a period of inactivity to reduce ram / memory usage. this is optional of course and you can turn it off.
you can also theme your browsers. you can install premade ones or even make your own 'mods', which is really neat. a lot of the mods have background music, tab effects, typing sounds. so if you like that sort of asmr, it's definitely worth it.
making profiles is easy, and you don't have to sign in unless you want to, unlike chrome where they force you to sign into an account. it does take a bit of getting used to, but i highly recommend using opera gx <3
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95 https://www.tumblr.com/quadruple-a-battery-under-ur-bed/754072180004929536/weird-asks-that-say-a-lot?source=share
95. favorite app on your phone?
OKAY i have a load of handy dandy non shitty apps on my phone which i really like having so ima make a list: (these r for android btw most prolly arent on ios yet so uh. switch if u can at some point it is so much better over here trust) 1) FDROID - basically google play store but all apps are foss (afaik) and also stuff that goes against gplay tos (like yt to mp3 apps) but also just. normal apps lol theres links to the github repo on every app + it lists "antifeatures" (like dependent on external service (ie: website like yt or wikipedia so its not just on ur phone) n shit like that!! u can get most of the apps im mentioning here via fdroid and its risk free! u do need to install the fdroid apk which looks a little dodgy if u dont know what ur doing but yk w/e 2) novalauncher - no clue if this is on fdroid but its on the playstore so like. its fine this is a much more customisable launcher (like standard icon pack support if ur device dont got that, half grid, shit tons customisation) and i use it on litterally every android device i have bc its just so good and consisitent lmfao 3) icon pack studio - another play store one but this lets u make custom icon packs! basically u controll things like icon position, colour, shadow, scale, tile colour, shape, effects, etc! it doesnt work great for every app + u gotta re-exoport it whenever u install new apps BUT IT COVERS EVERYTHING i use it loads 4) genius - another playstore one its just handy u can set it to have a little notif u can click on to get the lyrics for a song if they have em + u can make little lyric cards which r super duper funky i love em 5) kustom widget - NAOTHER playstore one IM SORRY ILL STOP SOON I SWEAR but it lets u make custom widgets AND ITS SO CUSTOMISABLE its also really complex but like. its still easier than app dev so like. i used it to make a widget of my cat that opens the gallery when i click on it ^^ 6) RI MUSIC - THIS IS AN FDROID ONE - its basically yt music premium but with a different UI and free and much more customisable its soo sfadjfghasjdhgg its a fork of vimusic but it works better its so good it also supports yt playlists so if u use yt music SWITCH TO THIS] 7) wikipedia - its on fdroid and play store yall know what it is the app is great also does dark mode without having to dive into fifteen settings etc 8) i forgor the app name but its free spotify premium its 10/10 no notes (when i say free premium i mean permenant but its just ad free and actual control over the songs so no downloads or anything sadly :( 9) spotiflyer!! - it was on fdroid but its been changed to an extention of smthn it was great when it was an app havent looked into the extention ver yet- if u have a pc use zotify instead its a cli but its much faster and more reliable (change the output folder + file name to just be the track number to avoid it skipping songs w funky chars in it u can use mp3tag to fix the names it gets the metadata also dont forget to download as mp3 or its big) basically spotiflyer and zotify r spotify to mp3 but spotiflyer also does other platofrms like yt music n shit spotiflyer broke now but i was its number one stan lmao
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skelkankaos · 8 months
what apps to get to make using your android phone feel less like death and misery and hell:
step zero: disclaimer: i'm not tech savvy I'm just a noob who likes it when my devices are good to use. this guide is not meant for tech savvy people it's meant for fellow noobs like me. and this is all personal opinion yadda yadda
step one: you've gotta install F-droid because all the good apps are on there, and it's the best way to make sure you're using the most up to date versions of them
step two: i have heard this complaint a million times that the default file managers which come with android phones are garbage. install Simple File Manager Pro off of F-droid
step three: phone missing anything important like gallery (looking at you, google: google photos is not a gallery replacement) or calendar, or the versions it does have suck? then get replacements from the Simple Mobile Tools Suite same as you did your file manager
step four: don't like the way your home screen looks/feels? (looking at you again google.) then download a launcher. there are plenty of great ones on f-droid, but there might be others you like elsewhere. try different ones out or ask around for suggestions. it's your phone, it should feel good for you
step five: firefox. okay, i know people hate mozilla because they think its too corporate but like, firefox is the most useable and modern FOSS browser so tough titties. and get yourself ublock origin and video background play fixer from the add-ons page. you can get it from the google play store, but if you're a high level google hater like me get it off apkpure
step six: have fun with it. newpipe is ad free youtube and lets you download videos. download a music player app if you wanna, download games if you wanna. it's your phone
step seven: aka the I'm a filthy hypocrite and should be crucified step. because I am going to mention that I really enjoy a microsoft product. swiftkey is good. sorry.
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fix-me-2006 · 1 year
Okay little rant
I'm just gonna pre apologize for this half drunken, weird emotion rant ahead of time.
Okay Ramsay Fiction is so good, but so sad, just the way Josh sings and you can tell he means every word he says, it somehow manages to be amazing despite the shitty quality songs I ripped off YouTube (go download stuff off of YouTube to your Google drive, it makes stuff easier to listen to)
Then you get fix me, another musical masterpiece, and like, the best emo album ever. I remember discovering it when I was like 12, and the songs get better and more relatable as you age. It's all like "Hey ny life might be going to shit but this album is So Fucking Good."
Masterpiece theater, the name speaks for itself. Another masterpiece, amazing pop punk album, but it still has the signature marianas trench little bit of edge and whole Lotta passion, also lover dearest is a bop
Ever after, my bridge into good music, which led to lots of of other stuffs. the storyline alone could be a whole other rant like this, so I'll spare most of that, all I'm gonna say is I used to dream about escaping to little fairytale worlds as a kid, and there's a whole album about it?! Musically is beautiful, everything is super well done
Astoria, grown up heartbreak. The angst, the passion, the soul, it's like aged fine wine, whereas fix me is like straight vodka form a 711 (or herion if you will). Also the 80s references are amazing, love 80s movies
Annnnd phantoms, another grown up emo album. Everything from the ghosts to Shakespeare to the musical geniusness, it's so perfect. The whole 'Josh is the ghost' thing is amazing, that's how you write a plot twist kids
Anyways I love marianas trench, i love the guys, I apologize once again
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