#Old Brookville
mysticlove95 · 3 months
Unlove me
Synopsis : The melancholic acceptance of rejection was swallowed down by her and as if it wasn't enough the growing emotions and attachment of her mate towards her brought her suffocation instead of relief. Steve is not ready to accept her lack of love this time.
Genre : Drama, angst, slow burn, eventual dark! Steve, rejection, soulmates.
Warning : Verbal abuse(eventually), dark stuff (eventually).
{Proceed with caution, your media consumption is your responsibility, 18+ readers only. }
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In the quaint little town of Brookville, two childhood friends, Steve and Y/N, shared a bond as unique as it was unbreakable. Despite the eight-year age gap, their friendship blossomed from the moment they met. Steve, the elder by those few crucial years, naturally assumed the role of protector. With a gentle authority, he watched over Y/N, guiding her through the ups and downs of childhood with a caring heart and a watchful eye.
Y/N, vibrant and full of curiosity, often found herself navigating the world with Steve by her side. His presence was her constant comfort, his wisdom a beacon in times of uncertainty. They delighted in their differences: Steve’s cautious nature balanced by Y/N’s adventurous spirit, her imaginative ideas tempered by his practical advice. Together, they explored the world around them, from the lush woods behind their homes to the bustling town square, each adventure a new chapter in their shared story.
Through the sweetness of shared joys and the bitterness of occasional misunderstandings, their friendship deepened. Steve's unwavering support during Y/N’s moments of doubt, and her infectious laughter during his serious moods, created a harmony that few could understand. They were each other’s safe haven, a living testament to the beauty of a friendship that transcends age and embraces the richness of differences.
So what went wrong???
Why the Steve she knew from years and more is looking at her like she is the dirt beneath his feet?? Like she snatched away his will to live ? She looked towards him reaching out for the familiar warmth of his touch. He jerked away like she burnt him. Disgust swirling in his gaze . She couldn't recognize him . Not at all...
"This can't be happening. This is bullshit. No way, I got to fix this." Steve murmured to himself in dreadful nature.
"What is wrong Steve?? Please Steve why are you being like this??What needs to be fixed ?" Y/N uttered begging almost reaching out for him once again. Steve scoffs in a mocking her pulling away.
"You can't be my mate. Not now not ever!" Steve spits it out like venom. "This is so f*cking ridiculous , you got to be kidding me!" Steve continues .
" What?" just that came from her mouth as she couldn't wrap her head around what Steve is indicating to. her world is shaking beneath her feet , throat choking up and tears just on the verge of spilling out.
"You heard me loud and clear. We can't be whatever this mate bullshit is, its needs to buried and forgotten . " Steve spits out and as if for a second the old Steve she remembered came out he held her by her shoulders shaking gently before continuing " Y/N I don't love you, not now not ever , I have someone I love and deeply want to spend my life with. You understand right? Us being mates got to be a mistake, a mistake we can fix, nobody's got to know, We can keep this secret buried between us. You and I better off friends... You agree too right??We both don't love each other like that. " Steve looked into her eyes for sign of approval while all she can do is look at him in desperation to search for the friend she lost , the friend she deeply cared for, the only friend she looked up to and respected so much, and the friend she fell in love with.
"y/n please don't look at me like that and don't make this more difficult for me" Steve let her go not being able to look into her eyes anymore " I don't care what you feel anymore , please leave and keep your mouth shut about us" he ridiculed as Y/N slowly picked up the remaining of her dignity and stormed off .
Watching someone you care for drift away, you realize how fragile connections can be. One moment, they're the center of your world, and the next, they become a distant memory. The laughter and shared secrets fade, replaced by a haunting silence. You see them move on, and you're left with the remnants of what could have been, wondering how people who once knew your soul can become strangers so easily. The pain lingers, a reminder of a love that was never truly reciprocated.
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A Second Chance Is A Better Chance - Christmas As A Roamer - The Third Christmas
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Witch Reader, eventual ? x Omega Witch Reader and Alpha Steve Rogers X Omega Witch Reader
Summary: Rejected by your true mate at 21, you’ve given up on the Fates and the Moon Goddesses giving you a second chance. Being a Roamer for the last 9 years, you’re an Omega hardened by the world. You’re safe on your own because of your witchcraft, but it doesn’t stop Alphas and plenty of others sniffing around, especially when you’re an unmated Omega witch, who’s wolf also happens to be white, the rarest kind. You don’t need anyone, but why do you keep coming back to Brookville and why do you keep walking into trouble and helping people that you don’t know but for some strange reason feel like family. And where is that smell of apple pie coming from?
Series Warnings: A/B/O, eventual smut, violence in parts, witchcraft, shapeshifters
Chapter Warnings: Mention of violence, rejection and witchcraft
Note: You won’t see much of Steve in these festive drabbles but they are important to the backstory as we see snippets of what led Y/N to leave her pack.
You aren’t going home for Christmas. Not after last year. The blessing, seeing your former true mate and his new one draped all over each other, her making a joke about your scars was enough. Then throw in the very drunk conversation you had with Tyler, Jacob’s Beta, and it had almost sent you over the edge. He’d made a pass at you, one you nearly reciprocated on. This wasn’t something new. The was a lingering of the past in the slightly indecent proposal, even with Jacob’s glare from across the room you’d been tempted. You had needs after all and batteries were getting expensive. Then he’d made a comment, a hushed whisper as you pressed yourself against him, his hands on your ass. “It should have been you.” “What?” “It should be have been you. Not that ditz.” “Tyler!” you snapped at him, “this is their blessing! She’s your Luna!” “But she’s not is she!” Oh there it was. He was still bitter about the Beta Mark. It was rare but on occasion, when the Alpha and Luna mated the Luna would sometimes present with a Beta Mark. Similar to a birthmark, it would appear on the Luna’s left breast. Old wives and witches tales would say it appeared to say ‘the Luna has space in her heart for you Beta’. Some Alpha’s would let their Betas be with their Luna regardless. It kept the Luna safer, meant they were always cared for, and it was an extra pair of hands if they were a handful. Many believed it made the pack bonds stronger. Some Alpha’s would only let the Beta be with the Luna if the mark was there, following what The Fates had intended. Lila didn’t have the mark. “If she didn’t have the mark Tyler” but he was quick to cut you off. “But she did!” he replied tearfully. “What? You said, you told me she didn’t.” “Jacob didn’t want anyone knowing.” “He won’t share her?” You knew Jacob and you were sure that wasn’t an issue. Tyler snorted. “I think you know he doesn’t have an issue with that.” he snarked at you. You responded with a raise of your eyebrows and a snap of electricity through your hand. “Sorry. It’s her. She refused me.” “What!!” you growled. “She doesn’t want me. She doesn’t want two mates. Says it makes her look bad.” “Fucking prude. Did it hurt? When she refused you?” “No, it’s not like a rejection. A Beta Refusal, well, it’s just like someone is sitting on my chest the whole time. Why Y/N? Why can’t we try? The others didn’t want us! Why can’t we try? A second chance, just us?” You felt like you’d been punched. A second chance. It was more like a second choice. Tyler had seen you at your most vulnerable. The rejection fever, your near breakdown, how Jacob and him had helped you piece yourself together, and now as he pressed you into the wall and repeated his proposal, you felt it all over again. Second chance. Second choice was more likely. You’d never be good enough. Never be wanted. With that you cupped his face, softly kissed him on the cheek and walked away. And now, well now it’s cold. No scratch that, it’s fucking freezing. There’s no motel rooms and where there are they are ridiculously overpriced. At this rate it’ll be Christmas in your car. It’ll be fine. Absolutely fine. You just needed to find some fuel. That was easier said than actually done thanks to Hydra. Hydra were a extremist radical group that the governments of the world and various media outlets had branded terrorists. On the rise during the 1940s because of their Nazi connections, they had been responsible for a number of attacks around the world. Every time things would go quiet and discussions would start regarding lowering the boarders or loosening the checks, they’d be another attack, a constant reminder of their control. Then they’d decided on another approach. Old views and repressive rules, and they had started to grow in popularity. Suppressants should be banned. Omegas should be controlled, submissive and on a register. You’d accidentally caused a power outage at the motel you were staying at after you’d seen that on the news. Rumours started of omegas disappearing. Omega only shelters were set on fire and the staff harassed. Omegas were stopped from buying weapons and mace, being told ‘get an alpha instead sweetheart’. The boarders got worse and travel got harder, which isn’t ideal for a roamer. Then the attacks started on gas stations and charging points, tankers too. The world was about to come to a standstill. You were about to try your fourth gas station when the fuel light game on. “Shit, shit, shit.” As you neared you wondered if you should just drive passed, the lines of trucks and truckers an unwelcome sight. You could guarantee that you’d be whistled at the minute you stepped out your car. The sign announcing they had fuel though, forced your decision. You pulled in and immediately felt eyes on you. The situation was made worse by the gas rations put in place. The usual attendants were there to pump gas but you’d have to go into the gas station to pay for it first because of a spate of thefts. Sure enough as you made your way to the gas station the catcalling started. You bit your lip to stop yourself snarking a reply but the rocky control of your powers and your temper caused your hands to crackle and the lights on the lot flickered. The catcalling died down and you were soon inside. You glanced around and picked up a few supplies when a familiar scent washed over you. “I thought that was you Samantha.” Molly. Born in the south and from a military family, she could load and shoot a gun as quick as you could turn someone into a frog. She was also a roamer and an omega that you’d met during the winter months earlier in the year. You kept in touch here and there and she insisted on calling you Samantha after the witch from an old TV show. You’re reply was your best Olaf impression. It was awful. “Samantha, I don’t even know a Samantha.” She laughed and pulled you in for a tight hug. You sagged into each other. It had clearly been a while since you’d both been hugged. “How are you?” she asked. You shrugged. “You?” She followed suit and responded with a shrug. “Have you got anywhere to stay?” You shook your head. “Me neither. Dad’s still sending his guilt money but everywhere is so expensive.” “I know. Did you see that motel fifty miles back? The windows are broken and it’s over a hundred a night.” you replied. “Oh I know and they won’t let single omegas in.” You shook your head. Your attention was momentarily pulled away from each other as four alpha truckers entered. They spotted you both immediately and spoke in hushed tones. Your wolf picked up on their plans and your eyes went wide. Molly knew your hearing was stronger than hers and mouthed ‘how bad?’. You mouthed back. Bad. You nodded towards the door where half a dozen more alphas hung around. She slipped her hand in yours. “Pay for your fuel and make a run for it?” You nodded. “Once you’re in your car, follow me. I spotted a place a few days ago but it’s a safety in numbers situation. Call me if you use your broom instead so I know to look up and not behind.” You nodded again as you reached into your bag, slipping her a couple of scent bombs. “Be careful.” You hugged again and readied yourself for a fight. Fuck. You should have gone home for Christmas.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Middle East........
“Have you seen this shit Stevie?” Bucky growled as he threw down an out of date newspaper, “and it could be worse now. This is week out of date!” 
“I know punk.”
“We should be home Steve, not here dealing with whatever this is!!”
“I know, but we have a job to do Buck.”
“Well, after this tour I’m done. I need to be at home. If something happens to my sisters I’ll never forgive myself. The fight is at home now, not here.”
“Hydra are everywhere.”
“Then we take them down.”
If only it was that easy. 
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greenvalesschool · 2 years
Start your career off right with a private school Nassau County. Our students graduate prepared for success in the real world because they're challenged on both their academic and social/personality development. Join us today at Greenvales School.
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The Faculty. ::  Brookville, Pa.
I'm not sure if the woman in the middle with the dark sweater is my Grandmother Janet or his sister Elizabeth. Both of them were schoolteachers in Brookville.
“As I sit here in my little boat tied to the shore of the passing river in a time of ruin, I think of you, old ancestor, and wish you well.”
— Wendell Berry
"The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see." [Photo from my family photo archive with great reverence for all the teachers in my family. My two grandmothers, my mother, and also for my own wonderful teachers who have changed my life with their wise counsel and guidance]
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divorcemediationusa · 2 years
Business Name: Win-Win Divorce Mediation Long Island
Street Address: 150 Motor Pkwy Center Suite 401-5001
City: Hauppauge
State: New York (NY)
Zip Code: 11788
Country: USA
Business Phone: (855) 268-4946
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://winwindivorcesolutions.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WinWinDivorceSolutions/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WinWinDivorceSo
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzYGpnbfXEo8Ub7ccZK9KFw
Google Website: https://long-island-divorce-mediation.business.site/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/win-win-divorce-solutions-of-lake-success
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/divorcesolutions/
Tumblr: https://winwindivorcesolutions.tumblr.com/
Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/win-win-divorce-solutions-lake-success-2
Business Description: Win-Win Divorce Solutions is one of the only Long Island divorce mediation firms that offers an impartial co-mediation experience with mediators who have training in both law and social work.
Google My Business URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=7393949696878637155
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8am-7pm Tuesday 8am-7pm Wednesday 8am-7pm Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 8am-5pm Saturday Closed
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex
Services: Divorce Mediation
Service Areas: Atlantic Beach, Bay Shore, Bayport, Bethpage, Bohemia, Bridgehampton, Brookville, Carle Place, Cold Spring Harbor, Commack, Cutchogue, East Hampton, East Islip, East Meadow, East Northport, East Quogue, East Rockaway, Elmont, Farmingdale, Garden City, Glen Cove, Great Neck, Greenport, Hampton Bays, Hauppauge, Hempstead, Huntington, Islandia, Islip, Islip Terrace, Kings Park, Kings Point, Long Beach, Manhasset, Manorville, Massapequa, Mattituck, Melville, Mineola, Montauk, Nesconset, Northport, Old Bethpage, Orient Point, Oyster Bay, Patchogue, Peconic, Point Lookout, Riverhead, Rockville Centre, Ronkonkoma, Sag Harbor, Saint James, Sayville, Seaford, Smithtown, Southampton, Syosset, Valley Stream, Wading River, Wantagh, Westbury, Westhampton, Westhampton Beach, Woodbury
Keywords: Divorce Mediation
Business/Company Establishment Year: 2012
Number of Employees: 2
Owner Name: Jeffrey Savitt
Service Areas:
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Business Name: Win-Win Divorce Mediation Long Island
Street Address: 1979 Marcus Ave Suite 210
City: Lake Success
State: New York (NY)
Zip Code: 11042
Country: USA
Business Phone: 516-960-7667
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://winwindivorcesolutions.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WinWinDivorceSolutions/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WinWinDivorceSo
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzYGpnbfXEo8Ub7ccZK9KFw
Google Website: https://long-island-divorce-mediation.business.site/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/win-win-divorce-solutions-of-lake-success
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/divorcesolutions/
Tumblr: https://winwindivorcesolutions.tumblr.com/
Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/win-win-divorce-solutions-lake-success-2
Business Description: Win-Win Divorce Solutions is one of the only Long Island divorce mediation firms that offers an impartial co-mediation experience with mediators who have training in both law and social work.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=15510051244535979876
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 8am-7pm Tuesday 8am-7pm Wednesday 8am-7pm Thursday 8am-7pm Friday 8am-5pm Saturday closed
Payment Methods: Cash Visa Master Discover Amex
Services: Divorce Mediation
Service Areas: Atlantic Beach, Bay Shore, Bayport, Bethpage, Bohemia, Bridgehampton, Brookville, Carle Place, Cold Spring Harbor, Commack, Cutchogue, East Hampton, East Islip, East Meadow, East Northport, East Quogue, East Rockaway, Elmont, Farmingdale, Garden City, Glen Cove, Great Neck, Greenport, Hampton Bays, Hauppauge, Hempstead, Huntington, Islandia, Islip, Islip Terrace, Kings Park, Kings Point, Long Beach, Manhasset, Manorville, Massapequa, Mattituck, Melville, Mineola, Montauk, Nesconset, Northport, Old Bethpage, Orient Point, Oyster Bay, Patchogue, Peconic, Point Lookout, Riverhead, Rockville Centre, Ronkonkoma, Sag Harbor, Saint James, Sayville, Seaford, Smithtown, Southampton, Syosset, Valley Stream, Wading River, Wantagh, Westbury, Westhampton, Westhampton Beach, Woodbury
Keywords: Divorce Mediation
Business/Company Establishment Year: 2012
Number of Employees: 2
Owner Name: Jeffrey Savitt
Service Areas:
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monika-gupta26 · 4 months
What are the richest neighbourhoods in the Long Island?
Long Island is known for its beautiful beaches, vineyards and rich history. This place has been a muse to many artists. Apart from this many high-class people reside in the richest neighbourhoods. They have high-priced mansions, apartments and condominiums. Let's have a look at the richest neighbourhoods in Long Island:
Old Westbury
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
Man charged following fatal single-vehicle crash in MacLellans Brook, N.S.: RCMP
Police have charged a 23-year-old man following a fatal single-vehicle crash in MacLellans Brook, N.S.
Pictou County District RCMP, fire, and EHS responded to a report of a crash on Brookville Road Saturday at about 4:10 a.m.
“Officers learned that a brown Honda CRV was travelling on Brookville Rd. when it left the road and rolled before coming to rest,” said Cpl. Chris Marshall in a news release Sunday.
Police say there were two passengers in the CRV at the time of the crash, a 23-year-old Trenton woman and a 23-year-old Stellarton man. Both passengers were pronounced dead at the scene.
According to police, the driver, a 23-year-old Hillside man, was uninjured.
“RCMP officers noted that the driver was displaying signs of impairment. The driver provided a sample of breath into an Approved Screening Device, which registered a "Fail,’ reads the news release.
Police say the driver was subsequently arrested for impaired operation causing death and was taken to the Pictou Detachment where he was given an opportunity to provide samples of breath into an approved instrument. According to police, the driver refused.
Refusal carries the same penalties as impaired operation charges.
Terry Robert McGrath has been charged with:
two counts of impaired operation of a conveyance causing death
two counts of refusal to comply with a demand after an accident resulting in death
McGrath was released on conditions and is scheduled to appear in Pictou provincial court on Sept. 5, at 9:30 a.m.
An RCMP collision reconstructionist was called to the scene to assist with the investigation.
For more Nova Scotia news visit our dedicated provincial page.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/u04opS5
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goalhofer · 2 years
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Brookville Hotel at old Abilene Town in Abilene, Kansas.
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ultraheydudemestuff · 2 years
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Shaw Farm
3357 Cincinnati-Brookville Rd. west
Shaw Farm is a registered historic building near Ross, Ross Township, Butler County, Ohio, listed in the National Register. It includes the first stone house built in Butler County. The farm was part of a purchase made in April 1801, when public lands west of the Great Miami River were offered for sale at Cincinnati. Jeremiah Butterfield from Massachusetts, who had assisted Israel Ludlow in running the boundary line between. U. S. and Indian Territory, as per the Greenville Treaty [1795], formed a company with Knowles Shaw, Albin Shaw, and their father, John Shaw, and Asa Harvey and Noah Willey. They bought at the first sale two full sections and as many large fractional sections extending from near the mouth of Indian Creek in what is now Butler County about three miles down the Great Miami River. The tract comprised about 2,000 acres, nearly all bottomland, level, fertile. In order to secure it the company bid 10 cents per acre above minimum, $2.10 an acre. The land was then divided under survey by Emanuel Vantrees and according to the amounts each had paid. Each had a front on the river and a piece going back to the west side of the tract.
John Shaw and his sons were born in Connecticut and lived in Massachusetts before coming to the Northwest Territory. John Shaw was 64 years old when he came to the Northwest Territory in 1801. Knowles was 44 and Albin was 36. Knowles Shaw, the son of Albin Shaw Jr. and Huldah Griffith Shaw was born Oct. 13, 1834, Ross Township, and he married Martha A. M. Finley Jan. 11, 1855. This Knowles Shaw was the noted evangelist and song writer who wrote “Bringing in the Sheaves” and many other hymns. He was killed in a train wreck between Dallas and McKinney, Texas, June 7, 1878, and is buried in East Hill Cemetery., Rushville, IN. Shaw Farm was added to the National Register of Historic Places on July 24, 1974.
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garystraw · 2 years
Straw Law Firm, PLLC
Gary has solid neighborhood ties and he takes a sound judgment, down to earth way to deal with assisting his clients with settling their remarkable issues and questions. His training centers around family/separate from regulation, criminal regulation, individual injury and general prosecution.
Beyond the act of regulation, Gary is a stalwart Washington Redskins fan, and appreciates running, hitting the fairway, and fishing and is his very own enthusiastic ally secondary school institute of matriculation games division at Brookville Secondary School. He additionally appreciates investing energy with his 6-year-old fighter, Reyna. Gary regularly gives to and volunteers at, numerous neighborhood associations all through Bedford, Amherst, and Campbell Areas.
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greenvalesschool · 2 years
At The Green Vale School, we believe in inspiring and challenging our Pre-Nursery through 8th Grade students to reach their full potential. With a focus on intellect, character, and confidence, our school is the perfect place to nurture young minds and foster a love of learning. Join us at Private School Nassau County and take the first steps towards your child's bright future!
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A Second Chance Is A Better Chance Part 6
Marvel AU
Pairing: Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Witch Reader, eventual ? x Omega Witch Reader and Alpha Steve Rogers X Omega Witch Reader
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Summary: Rejected by your true mate at 21, you’ve given up on the Fates and the Moon Goddesses giving you a second chance. Being a Roamer for the last 9 years, you’re an Omega hardened by the world. You’re safe on your own because of your witchcraft, but it doesn’t stop Alphas and plenty of others sniffing around, especially when you’re an unmated Omega witch, who’s wolf also happens to be white, the rarest kind. You don’t need anyone, but why do you keep coming back to Brookville and why do you keep walking into trouble and helping people that you don’t know but for some strange reason feel like family. And where is that smell of apple pie coming from?
Series Warnings: A/B/O, eventual smut, violence in parts, witchcraft, shapeshifters
Chapter Summary: Frank thinks back to his first meeting with Y/N.
Chapter Warnings: Weirdo in the library with wrong intentions towards kids. He gets what's coming to him.
Frank continued to place soft kisses on the top of your head as you drifted off to sleep. He couldn’t help but smile softly as he noticed Billy had also drifted off into light slumber, with his nose nuzzled in the back of your hair and his hand up your shirt.
When the time reached a more reasonable hour he’d link to the other pack members and tell them that you were here, what you’d said and that you were to be kept safe. He had no doubt that they’d support him in the decision after everything you’d done for them. Jessica and Luke’s youngest child was alive because of you. Elektra’s nightmares had stopped because of you, and you made him and Billy feel like they could breathe after everything that had happened.
His mind wandered to the day you’d first met. It wasn’t often people could give him the slip but you had. Three times. When he finally spotted you in the library, a local history book in hand he’d expecting you to drop it and run. But you didn’t. You simply carried on flicking through the pages. You raised an eyebrow when he reached the side of you and without looking at him said....
“Hello Alpha Frank”
He wasn’t sure how you knew his name but he couldn’t help but appreciate the balls you had. You didn’t tilt your head in submission or even glance in his direction.
“Omega witch.  You wanna tell me what you’re doing in my town?”
You smirked.
“Your town? I didn’t realise you were the Sheriff too. Thought you ran the dockyards?”
Frank raised his eyebrows. You’d clearly asked around or you’d been watching him, he wasn’t sure which.
“My packs the biggest here, so yes, my town”
You hummed in response.
“So, I’ll ask you again omega witch, what are you doing here?” He stepped closer to you, invading your personal space. You continued to flick through the book in your hands, clearly not intimidated.
“I’m hoping you’re a roamer and not a rogue because if it’s the latter you and I are gonna have a serious problem.”
You snapped the book shut, turned sharply and titled your head up to look him in the eyes, your chests almost touching.
“Do I smell like a rogue to you?” You snapped. Frank cocked an eyebrow at you as he realised you were offended.
“Not at all. You smell quite good actually but” he paused as he inched closer to you your noses almost touching “I still need to know what you’re doing in my town”
You sighed as you raised your hand and clicked your fingers, your official roamer card appearing in your hand. It was a joke really. A form, a background check and a phone call to the lead alpha of your old pack meant you could have a card that confirmed you were who you said you were. Still the tall and broad alpha took it from you, snapping a picture and before handing it back.
“And you’re here because?” He asked
“Because I roam obviously” you’d snarked back as Frank folded his arms and leaned against the library bookcase as his eyes wandered your frame as you turned back away from him “and because right now I’m watching this weirdo.”
“What?” Frank stood up straight and positioned himself tightly behind you, following your line of sight as you pointed in the direction of a man stood two rows in front of you. Frank scowled. Whoever this was he didn’t know him. His hair was greasy, his clothes dirty and he was peering through the books into the children’s section.
“There’s something off about him. He followed the kids and the teacher from the crossing and he’s been watching them for a while. You know him?”
“No.” Frank replied scowling. He leaned away from you slightly as he sniffed the air trying to get the scent of the man you were both observing.
“He’s wearing a scent blocker but I’m pretty sure he’s a Beta” you told Frank.
“Yeah, but what’s that smell on him if it’s not his scent? Is it herbs?” Frank asked as he glanced at you briefly. His hand slipping onto your lower back.
“Valerian Root and Lemon Balm, he’s mixed it together and there’s enough in his pocket to knock someone out” you’d replied. Frank snapped his head in your direction. He was concerned by what you’d said but also impressed by how accurate and confident you were in your answer.
“You sure?” He tested you to see if you faulted.
Frank couldn’t explain why but he trusted you and your judgment. You were clearly a strong witch and the fact you were a white wolf gave you an edge. All you had done was roam around town. If you’d wanted to cause trouble you’d have done it by now. You glanced up at him and your eyes met. He licked his lips as he looked at you. Talk, dark and broody, with his face littered with scars, there was something about him. Attractive, powerful, probably a bit possessive, the carry you on his hip type of alpha.
You smelt the slight change in his scent as his interest in you grew. There was clearly an attraction. He wasn’t your second chance but you were definitely attracted to him. You wouldn’t say no if he threw you over his shoulder. It had been a long time since an alpha or anyone had touched you. His hand moved to the curve of your hip as you turned towards him and you ran your hand up his chest. You’d never done random hookups. Sure there’d been offers, some quite disgusting ones, but you’d never accepted. There was something about this alpha though. Something told you that it’d feel good to be held in his arms. Your attention was snapped away from each other as you heard the excitement of the children as they were told they had free run of the library.
“Just stay within the children’s section, up to the row with the flyer on it about those silly vampire books.”
Your mind sharpened. Vampire books. Young adults section. You looked through the gap to see the man fiddle with his pocket again. He was standing next to a copy of Twilight and he was edging towards the end of the row as the children started to wander. He pulled out a handkerchief and the smell hit you and Frank at the same time. It was laced with the Valerian Root and Lemon Balm, and he opened it up so it was flat against his hand. So that’s where the smell was coming from.
You and the burly alpha spotted the wandering child at the same time, seconds later so had the beta and the slimy look on his face said it all. You and Frank moved quickly, heading towards the beta, as you threw up a cover spell.
The child turned and went the other way, not knowing why he had. The beta huffed and sharply turned towards you, but he barely had chance to decipher what had happened when Frank’s hand was around his throat, lifting him off the floor and slamming him into the bookcase.
“Who the fuck are you” Frank growled.
“Aww, you want the little ones to hear you talk like that alpha?” the beta replied.
“They can’t hear me asshole. That’s a cover spell she put up. I could rip you to pieces and they wouldn’t know.”
“And I can make your body disappear.” You added.
Frank cocked his eyebrow at you.
“You hear that. Me and the little witch make quite the team. Don’t even need to make it look like an accident. Now talk.”
The beta had the nerve to laugh. Well, as much as he could with a hand around his neck.
“Can that spell follow us little witch?” Frank asked.
“Yep” you’d replied and he nodded his head to a side exit. You summoned your bag and broom that had been left in the local history section and lead the way as Frank dragged the beta alongside him. Frank watched your hands as you moved to the door. You weren’t using them to keep the spell up. It was like you weren’t even trying and that showed how strong you were. You pushed the door open with your powers and you both stepped out into the side alley, Frank still dragging the beta along like a rag doll.
You spotted another beta in the alley way.
“Brother that you? I saw the door open but no you.”
Frank nodded his head in the direction of the tall, dark haired beta and told you to let him through. You opened up a gap in the cover spell to let him in. He stepped through, barely glancing at the alpha and the beta struggling in his right hand, as he eyed you like a piece of prey.
“Oh hello”
Goddess he was beautiful. Where as the alpha was a little rough and ready, what you guessed was his beta, had slightly softer features, he was still muscular like the alpha but leaner. 
“Billy not now”
The beta pulled his eyes away from you and stalked towards the beta in Frank’s grasp. You watched as he patted him down, pulling out his wallet, keys and phone. He turned the phone towards the beta and you realised he was unlocking it. He scrolled through and only took a few seconds before a growl ripped from his chest. He turned the phone towards Frank and a growl from the alpha followed.
They both turned to look at you.
“Can you go the other side of the spell and keep it up? “ Frank asked.
“Yes, why?”
“I don’t want you to see what’s about to happen.”
“I’ve probably seen worse.”
“Still, I’d prefer it if you didn’t.”
You were ready to sass him back but his eyes softened.
“Please omega. I appreciate the help but you don’t need to see this, see how I deal with things like this.” Frank told you.
“They don’t call him The Punisher for nothing princess,” the beta told you. You glanced down at the other beta who was still hanging by the alphas side.
“Is he what I think he is?”
They knew what you were implying. He was from out of town, following kids around, it didn’t take a genius. They both nodded at you silently. You turned and stepped out of the spell but not before you threw a lightening bolt at the struggling beta.
It didn’t go unnoticed by Frank and Billy that you controlled it so it didn’t hit either of them as it ripped through the betas body. It didn’t even shock Frank’s hand that was still around the betas throat, and you weren’t even looking. It was again like you weren’t even trying.
A few days later he found out how strong you really were. An accident at the docks, partly brought on by the shock of finding a group of smuggled migrants in a shipping container had seen a container knocked at force into a bunch of others. The crane operator had got distracted as he saw the refugees rush from the container he had 20 minutes earlier placed on the ground. His hand had slipped and the container knocked into another, which knocked into the next one. Soon a domino effect was caused and a line of containers were now leaning on each other. The worst part was people had been hurt and were lying unconscious in the gaps between the containers. Frank watched as his employees and own pack crawled into the space and pull them out. He assisted of course, as Billy took control of giving first aid and triaging people.
Word has spread through town and you’d spotted the flurry of people heading to docks. Some to help. Some to check on loved ones. You’d grabbed your broom and were soon at the dock gates and were immediately refused entry.
“If you let me in I can help!” you’d argued.
“Not a chance witch! We don’t know you.” the guard had replied.
“Please I know Frank. I can help.”
“Course you do.” the guard replied as he slid shut the window to his guard box, closing out you and the crowd that had formed.
You felt and smelt a presence beside you and turned to find a dark haired female alpha at your side. She side eyed you as she knocked at the window. You eyed her back and quickly picked up on the fact she was pregnant. Interesting. Female alphas often had fertility problems and couldn’t carry children. She wasn’t far along but you could smell other little ones on her too.
The door window slid open and the guard nodded.
“Mrs Cage. Your mate is fine but he’s assisting the injured.”
“It’s Mrs Jones-Cage” the brunette replied, “now open the gate.”
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea miss in your condition.”
The alpha growled.
“Do I need to remind you that our pack own these docks? Open the fucking gate!”
The guard quickly opened the gate, titling his head in submission as he did so. She stepped through and it was quick to close behind as she confidently strode through.
“Wait!” you called after her. She paused and glanced over her shoulder at you.
“What do you want witch?”
“I can help?”
“Really?” she replied cocking an eyebrow. “You really think you can help in this situation? We have first aiders. I’m not sure what difference you’d make.”
You weren’t sure if she was annoyed by your presence, that you were a witch or both.
“I can move the shipping containers.”
She turned fully to look you up and down through the wire fence.
“You’re her. The witch Frank met in the library.”
“I am.”
“Come on.” she replied as she knocked on the security booth, telling the guard to let you through. As the guard argued if that was a good idea and the alpha rolled her eyes, you used your broom to lift you over.
“Why didn’t you do that instead of arguing with him” she asked nodding towards the guard.
“I was trying to be polite.”
The female alpha smiled and laughed lightly. She introduced herself as Jess and explained that the pack owned most of the dockyard. In fact the only bit they didn’t own was the part owned by the town council that was used for tourist boats in the summer.
As you approached Frank he didn’t seem surprised to see you.
“I wondered if you’d show up. Can’t stop helping huh?”
You replied with a shrug.
“What’ll the cost be witch?” he asked.
“Excuse me?” you’d replied.
“Usually a witch charges for helping right? That’s how they earn their living. This is a bigger job than the library weirdo.”
You huffed in reply shaking your head.
“Wow. Your opinion on witches is a real shitty one Frank. I’m here to help that’s it.”
It didn’t slip past Frank that you’d only called him by his first name. You’d dropped the pleasantries as soon as he’d questioned your motives.
“I can move those containers with one hand. You want to do things the hard way? Have your pack, your town, roll in the dirt, risk their lives to help each other? Fine.”
You turned and strode away. It suddenly dawned on Frank that you were offended. Again.
“That was a dick move Frank.” Jess told him.
“Shit.” he huffed as chased after you.
“Y/N! Y/N wait!” your reply was to give him the finger. You were abruptly stopped as Frank grabbed your arm and spun you around. You growled at him and pushed him hard in the chest.
He barely moved. Powers it is then, you thought. Frank anticipated your move and let go, stepping back with his hands up.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It was a dick move. I’m sorry. If you still want to I’d be happy for you to help.”
You stepped towards him and poked him hard in the chest, summoning a little electricity as you did for the added kick.
“Question my motives again, put your hands on me again and I’ll turn you into a damn frog. Understood?”
Frank nodded.
“And you might be happy for me to help but I’m not doing this for you, I’ve heard those people out there crying for their mates, wanting to know if they are safe. I’m here for them not you. Are we clear?”
You marched passed him, calling him an alpha asshole as you went.
Frank couldn’t help but be impressed by you that day. Now, as he held you in his arms he thought about that day and all those that came after it. How he’d found you asleep in the diner after you’d exhausted yourself helping at the dockyards. How he’d taken you home and put you in his bed, taking a spot on the floor beside you so he could keep an eye on you. How he refused to ever let you sleep anywhere but in his home when you were in Queensborough. How you’d tolerate Billy and his sometimes over-familiar hands or when you’d sense either of them needed a break, a little TLC, and pull them away from the pack and wrap your arms firmly around them as your hands ran through their hair. Sometimes there’d be sexual tension but sometimes it was just the need to be wanted.
He was snapped away from his thoughts of the past as a familiar scent neared his house. It was Luke.
“Boss?” he mind linked to Frank.
“Yeah, you need me for something?”
“Just checking in. I was out for a run, saw the little witches car outside, there’s a whiff of distress and sick in the driveway.”
“Yeah, do me a favour? Get the pack seniors together on the deck in an hour?”
“Sure. Should I be worried?”
“I’m not sure yet but we need to talk.”
Meanwhile in Brookville....................................
Logan paced his office.
“They’re 100% it was her?” Jean asked.
“From what Melinda said, yes, description fits. Mouthy, omega, witch, white wolf. Who else could it be?”
“Well the only other person we know who fits that description is heavily pregnant upstairs”
“Exactly, and the other one is god knows where, running away. She promised. She promised our omega she’d be here.”
“She’s probably scared Logan.”
He huffed in reply.
“As strong as she is, as fierce as she is, she could be scared. She just got into a fight with ten rogues. Ten of them. We all know that means there’s something bigger at play here.”
Logan’s reply was stopped by the gate sensor going off. Jean turned to look out the window.
“It’s Rogers and Rhodes.”
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withoneheadlight · 3 years
| a house (is a home) | (i). the keys | (ii). memories&herons | (iii). old dogs&inheritances | (iv). memorabilia | tinyplaylist |
The kitchen’s Steve’s favorite part of the house.
It has this odd shape. Trapezoid. “Fuck, Stevie, so goddamn weird”. Doesn’t make sense in a, on the other hand, perfectly rectangular house (or, well, it does but, they’ll only find out about that later). The cabinets are ceiling-high. The tiles of the wall white and cracked under the repeating pattern of light mint-green-stemmed, yellow-petaled lilies. The whole backdoor is painted on that same shade Billy calls Ripe banana dreams, both so terribly old-fashioned and fiercely cute none of them says a word about repainting it. There’s a wooden piece, built into the farthest end of the counter. It looks disgustingly juicy and mercilessly stabbed when they move in, but Billy insists on keeping it, and sanding, and treating, and varnishing it. Manages to get it back up on shape because “Better than anyone, darling you should know what a little touch of class can make”. And for more than two weeks straight the only goal of his life is to learn to cut vegetables at high speed because “I have to live up to this level of professionalism. Impress our most un-impressionable guests”
(And, to Steve’s surprise –and probably hers– when she finally deigns to pay them a visit, his mom is, in fact, pretty much impressed.)
He learns how to make good casserole. Tries his luck with Mexican and Italian. Fails miserably with Japanese. Will never-ever admit it but, he loves it when flour ends up staining every single surface, making the biggest mess around himself when he bakes. Steve knows why it is. It’s a shared feeling. Floats up till it reaches the ceiling and bounces back down to them, heavy with the warm smell of cooking pie and cinnamon. Tastes docile and tamed like “Maybe not so much vanilla next time. Whaddaya think, babe?.” Tastes savage and daring, like the overwhelming tang of freshly squeezed lemon lingering on Billy’s tongue, when he crowds Steve against the fridge and kisses him, nibbles a shuddering laugh out of him “How the fuck are you able to even think about putting your mouth near that thing, Hargrove?. That was––ugh. That was disgusting”, “Well you know me, whatever it takes to make you squirm” leaving Steve with absolutely no option but lick the sugary dough stain over his cheek to “Cover up that foul flavor” and maybe because he wants to make Billy squirm a little too. 
It’s a heart-warming, welcoming feeling. Like the vivid smells of green tomatoes and parsley and mustard sauce. Like the taste of love on Billy’s lips. The way he loses his breath when Steve kisses the sugary flavor into Billy’s mouth with his:
This place smells like home, tastes like home. Like finally, finally. Home.
It’s Billy’s favorite place, too. But Steve doesn’t think it’s just because of that. But also because maybe,
He has also noticed that–
There’s this particular, particular moment. It happens around seven on autumns, right when the day starts to fade. It happens between six and six past twenty-eight on winters, and holds the sleepy cheeks of the newborn tulips on Steve’s garden till they fall asleep on springs, sun already sinking behind the horizon by the time both hands of the clock meet over the spiral of the eight, pointing towards infinity. And then grows bigger and bigger and bigger from there, flooding into summer: the golden sunlight seeping through the wide, double-paned window facing the backyard in an oblique angle, making the yellow flowers of the tiles look like they’re re-blooming in gold. 
It’s the moment the day turns into a fire. 
It’s their favorite moment in time. And in this particular, particular day of July, it happens at ten past nine.
Billy is making Spaghetti Carbonara. The kitchen is damp with the rich smells coming out of the boiling water. Mushrooms and oregano, black pepper and lime. A song is cooing at them from the radio, the beat of the drums a boneless memory of that one echoing around the quarry on faraway almost-night on a faraway July. Water rippling under the quiet sigh of the breeze. Trees cutting the liquid rays in asymmetric halves. 
Billy takes off the apron. Turns the stove down.
Reaches out to Steve, fingers wavering come, come, come.
To me. Come to me. “C’mon, Harrington. Do I scare you or what?“
He has this way of looking at Steve that makes the space between them narrow, narrow: the whole unknown world. And aseptic, non-lived-in flat in downtown Florida. This tiny, tiny town. A mysteriously-shaped kitchen––
“¿Can I have this dance?” 
Steve walks to him, takes his hand. 
––Their bodies, pressed flush. 
Inside his chest, Steve’s heart is running. 
(“Can I at least have this dance, before we say goodbye?”
Mazzy Star was playing. The corner of Billy’s eye felt wet where his skin brushed against the corner of Steve’s mouth. They danced till the daylight faded, till there were teardrops falling from the night sky.
“Billy, I don’t have to––” 
“Don’t, pretty boy. Don’t say it. I’ll make you stay if you do. And I can’t do that”)
They made lovelovelove on the back of Billy’s car.)
In this light, they fell in love, they fell apart. Ran away. Ran back. 
Steve nudges at Billy’s chest, makes him move backward till he’s far enough to tug, draw him in between their tangled arms, hands intertwined. Steve curls himself around Billy’s back, noses at the warmth trapped between his curls. He smells like BillyandSteve, like this home, like past, like future. Like us.
Steve whispers in his ear. Three words. Billy’s neck curves towards him. An instinct. Tickled by their warmth. Steve kisses the curve of his ear. Tugs the collar of his shirt aside, bites where shoulder meets neck and up, up.
“Easy, Prom King” Billy teases, grins at him tender and wild. Knows when to use the one that gets Steve every time “Or you’re gonna make me think we’ll become picture-perfect from this magical moment onwards. A bunch of kids. White fences. You know, the whole shebang” 
(Billy crashed the Camaro into a tree in the winter of two thousand and fourteen. Had left the house in a frenzy. Something happened Max wouldn’t talk about. But she was scared, so she had called,
“Find him. Please.. Make sure he’s alright”
When Steve found him, Billy was in the middle of the Brookville road, feet stumbling on the twin yellow lines, following them nowhere. So weary, so impossibly small like this: head hanging, arms wrapped around himself. A crooked shape, carrying the weight of the shadows the tall pine trees cast on his back.  
So unlike him. 
Steve stopped the car at his side, engine oozing steam, shaking in the icy mid-May air “Billy” he said. Low. Careful. Careful. Billy’s eyes looked wet in the moon-silver night, pupils blown, deceivingly calm, “What are you doing? This is dangerous” And Billy’s spine had bent even lower, forearms finding rest on the window frame. Leveling with Steve. Looking wasted, looking tired, but still, he flashed a grin at him, teeth-shark white, never going down if he wasn’t going down swinging. And Steve–– hadn’t known at the moment, but the blood staining his cheek, the screaming-purple mark around his eye.
Those weren’t from the crash.
 “I was sleepwalking, Harrington” he said, voice dry, laugh harsh. Shrugged “Waiting for a lucky strike”)
“What does it make you think that’s not what I’m aiming for?”
(When he took Billy to his house Max was already there. Had sneaked out. “Neil will kill you if he finds out,” Billy said and she nodded, white knuckles peaking red with how hard she was gripping the handler of her bike, and Steve hadn’t seen her cry before, not ever, but her eyes were swollen and wet and,
“Are you––”
“I’m alright, kiddo. You know me. I’m always alright”
And the lie sat heavy, between them. Two lies, covering the truth. Poorly stitched. But Max had called Steve for help, so that’s what he did. Help. Sent her back home. Took care of Billy’s face. Billy’s hands. Nodded at those same lies, let them do their work while taking care of wounds he didn’t know, back then, couldn't have been for a crash. Made him spend the night. 
Billy still hadn't woken up when Steve left the next day, leaving food and a note on the nightstand ‘I’ll be back soon. Stay’. 
Retraced Billy’s steps down the yellow lines splitting the forest in half. To find it.
The Camaro wasn’t done yet. Howled like a wounded beast under Steve’s touch, but stayed together all the way to Donny’s garage. And Steve paid for the repairs. Covered it all up. Max has said “His dad can’t know, Steve. Can’t know. If he finds out he will--” and steve was starting to put two and two together. To realize some billy was, maybe, running away from something. Someone. When he crashed his car.
Woke Billy up when the hands of the clock met over the spiraling infinity of the eight. Seventeen hours straight of sleep and still looking like he could use a lifetime. Told him “The car will be ready in two or three days. ‘Til then, you stay'' covered his mouth with his hand. Didn't let him complain “And If whatever happened last night happens again, you take it and you run. Back here. And you stay again, ok?”
Two weeks later, Billy showed up at his door. Lit him a cigarette. Offered to teach him how to fight.
“I cannot give you back your money, but I know you don’t need that”
Made him laugh.
They spent almost the whole summer together, after that. Some days. Most nights.
Wasting time. Fighting. Joking. Driving.
No ‘what ifs’. No promises. Just,
“Leave the light on if you can’t sleep, pretty boy. If I manage to sneak out of the Old fuck, I’ll pick you up. Promise I won’t stop kissing you until dawn. Gotta make up for what you paid for that ca, uh?”
Because Steve was gonna leave. Wasn’t gonna throw a single glance behind his back.
That was the plan.
And he did. He did. But––)
He spins Billy out. Tugs him back. When their chests bump, his laugh bursts, bubbles up. Weightless. Happy. Because all that matters to him, to them, it’s between these four irregular walls now.
And God this, this, is Steve’s favorite part. 
(–ended up coming back running, hoping the love would re-stitch itself as he followed the road’s yellow lines. 
Hoping Billy was the one letting his light on this time.)
Because the sun’s gonna keep on shining. They can keep on dancing in here, in their weird trapezoidal kitchen (in their house, in their home), for as long as they want. Hearts touching. Lips brushing. Bodies swaying, spinning, cutting through the golden light. 
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thebigjoon · 4 years
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Song: Don't You Want Me
Artist: Michell Rivae
Year: 2010
Lyrics: Michell Rivae, Akil "Fresh" King & Cory Rooney
Composers: Cory Rooney, Tyrell "Prince" Carter & Cito Crandle
Producers: Cory Rooney, Tyrell "Prince" Carter & Cito Crandle
Recording Engineer: BiG JooN!
Rough Mixed: BiG JooN! & Jose Sanchez
Studio: The Poolhouse, Old Brookville, NY
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estate-euphoria · 4 years
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208 |  Old Brookville, NY
$2,395,000   •   6 bd   •   5.5 ba   •   5,577 sq. ft  
Built in 1936
*All photos belong to their rightful owners*
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