#Olivia Seresin
missathlete31 · 11 months
Random Jake Hangman Seresin thought of the day…..
Jake surprised the team when he brings his teenage daughter Olivia to Pennys beach BBQ.
He had her when he was in high school. He and her mother didn’t work out but he’s always stepped up as a father.
Javy is, of course, the only one who knows, although if the team looked closer they would realize her photo is Jake’s Lock Screen and Background, and that he always leaves team activities at 6 to call her each day.
The team is shocked, none more than Phoenix Maverick and Rooster, but by the end of the BBQ, Nat and Liv are thick as thieves and Bradley and Pete have even more respect for the man that saved their lives
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A little more detail
Rooster x Single Mom!OC
After divorcing her gay, marriage of convenience husband, Olivia and her teenage daughter move to North Island. Her daughter's one wish for Christmas? A hot step dad. And damn, if Rooster's Hawaiian shirts don't look like the perfect wrapping paper.
[Chaotic teenager daughter plays wingman | Rooster has total dad vibes | Olivia's exe just wants her to be happy | Olivia really needs to get laid | Her exe and daughter agree | Lots of domesticity | Olivia is the best mom to her gremlin daughter | Fresh start at life]
Rooster x Wingman!OC
Addison "Finch" Winchester was already on a mission when the uranium mission came down the pipeline but as trouble stirs, she is called back to Top Gun to join the Daggers. While she's excited for the mission, she's less excited to be reunited with the golden retriever wingman who wouldn't leave her alone the first time they were at Top Gun. Rooster on the other hand, can't believe his luck.
[Grumpy/Sunshine | Dangerous flying | He falls first | Bradley Bradshaw has no respect for personal space | Finch really likes her personal space | So does Bradley unfortunately]
Hangman x Marine Corpsman-Devil Doc!OC
Every time Fiona "Kitten" Reid is deployed, something bad happens. Win-a-medal type bad. And when Warlock is looking for a survivalist instructor for the Daggers during the uranium mission, he's shocked that the top recommendation from his colleagues is a young medical corpsman the Marines she served with dubbed "Kitten." After making a grand entrance at the expense of Jake's older brother and Bob's sanity, Fiona finds herself squarely in Hangman's sights. But he better pay attention in class because her lessons come from more than a textbook...
[Its classified sweetheart | Tequila makes her want to dance on elevated surfaces | Fiona has a Meredith Grey level disrespect for her own well being | Jake really wants to know how Fiona knows his brother | Fiona prepares the Daggers for being shot down in enemy territory | Warlock is a chaos enabler | Lots of Marine slang | Big Gibbs vibes | She once ran towards gunfire with a stethoscope around her neck | Bob is a great dancer | Penny will kick Jake's ass personally if he hurts her | She'll also kick Fiona's ass if she hurts him | Penny needs a raise]
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Side blogs because I can. Most in characters and moodboard and playlist and maybe reblogs from here
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mynameismckenziemae · 2 months
I Love You Two
Part 1
(next part here)
Bradley Bradshaw x OFC x Jake Seresin.
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You (Olivia ‘Liv’ Kazansky) have been chasing Bradley Bradshaw as soon as you learned to walk. He follows his dad’s footsteps and joins the Navy after high school, and you move across the country for college a few years later at 18.
10 years pass but you never forget that brown-eyed boy…maybe that’s why yet another relationship fails. The friendship with Bradley is easily rekindled when you move back home, along with the feelings you’ve tried to suppress. It seems he feels the same about you after an incredible, life-changing night together. But he’s gone the next morning, without a word or even a note, leaving you heartbroken and humiliated.
A few months later, a green-eyed aviator defends your honor from a drunk patron while you’re bartending. To show your thanks, you buy him a drink that leads to a month-long fling, and a plan to pursue more when he gets back from his deployment.
After returning from a rough deployment of his own, Bradley’s determined to find you as soon as his feet touch dry land. Undeterred when you ignore his phone calls and leave his texts on read, he heads to the Hard Deck, hoping you’re there or that Penny will take pity on him. He’s spent countless nights beating himself up for leaving you the way he did and nothing will stop him from telling you how he really feels before he begs for your forgiveness and another chance.
But he finds you in the arms of the man who’s made the last 3 months of his life a living hell.
This is going to be a love triangle, why choose, enemies to lovers, repressed bisexuality, polyamorous angsty story. Please let me know if you have any questions and if you’d like to be added to the taglist.
Like everything else I write/post/reblog, this is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. It will contain adult language, themes, and situations. MDNI!
Warnings: Angst, adult language, smut.
A feeling of nostalgia has your hand pausing as you reach for the picture sitting on your dresser.
The 3-year-old version of yourself is grinning up at 6-year-old Bradley who’s sticking his tongue out to make you laugh. Even back then it was obvious you thought he hung the moon.
Bradley had always been so good to you; letting you tag along with his friends to play baseball, wiping your tears in middle school when you’d gotten teased for your braces, punching your wasted boyfriend for getting too handsy after prom. He wrote to you when he joined the Navy after he graduated, and let you crash at his shitty apartment when you were in college when he was stationed in Pensacola for spring break.
You were good to him too; you helped him pick out flowers for his crush for Valentine’s Day (even though it broke your heart), gave him your shoulder to cry on at his mom’s funeral, and bought him a pink, purple and blue pride flag when he came out to you as bisexual.
The two of you drifted apart when he got into a serious relationship, and not long after you did too.
Both relationships ended, he stayed single and you tried again, but it didn’t last either. You found yourself missing home. Missing Bradley.
The two of you picked up where you had left off when you moved home, like you’d never been apart. Your dormant feelings for him came back too, more intensely than ever. You started to suspect he felt the same; his once innocent touches now held intent, and you caught the heat in his gaze when his brown eyes lingered.
The simmering tension reached the boiling point the night before he deployed. One too many drinks at the Hard Deck gave you the courage to tell him how you felt; that you were in love with him.
Cold nauseating dread crept in at his silence from your admission. But then he kissed you. And didn’t stop.
A shiver dances down your spine at the memory of that night together; the way he pulled orgasm after orgasm from you with his mouth, hands, and cock, knowing your body like a longtime lover. You’d fallen asleep with a smile on your face, wrapped in his arms as the sunlight began to creep in through your bedroom windows.
A few hours later, you woke up cold and alone.
You hurried out of bed to see if he was in the kitchen or at least left a note. But the Bronco was gone and no note in sight. No new texts or missed calls when you’d found your phone. You’d fallen to the floor with a sob, heart-shattering when you’d dialed his number and went straight to voicemail.
When he didn’t reach out and avoided the Hard Deck when he came home for leave, you’d lost all hope.
You blink back the tears threatening to spill over now as you return to the present.
Taking a deep breath, you toss the framed photo into the box containing the rest of the things he gave you or reminded you of him before shoving it under your bed.
Next, you put on a set of clean sheets, you can’t help but picture how you’re going to dirty them with Jake.
He’s due back from his own deployment any day now and you couldn’t wait to have him over for the first time. During your month-long fling, you’d preferred his apartment as the heartbreak from Bradley had been too fresh and you hadn’t been ready to welcome another man into your home yet.
Jake unintentionally snuck through the walls you constructed around your heart a few months after you’d given up on Bradley.
While bartending, a drunk patron had started to get handsy. You’d noticed Jake watching, but you had it handled; brushing it off at first and then getting stern. When the drunk cornered you in the hallway, you got scared. But Jake had stepped in with his southern drawl and escorted him (none too gently) outside. You’re not sure what Jake said, but the color drained from the drunk’s face, and hasn’t been back since.
You had a cold beer waiting on the bar for him when he came back inside, shaking your head when he pulled out his wallet. So he claimed a stool at the end of the bar instead and proceeded to chat you up all night.
Like a moth to a flame, you were drawn to him; he was so easy on the eyes, a cocky- sarcastic-yet-somehow-still-charming-asshole. And he made you laugh, really laugh for the first time since Bradley broke your heart.
After the last call, he laid you down on the pool table and knelt on the beer-sticky floor to eat you out. The wrecked groan he let out when you pulled his hair had your toes curling and sent you spiraling. He too, because when you pulled him up with an order to fuck you, he mumbled an embarrassed, “Give me 5 minutes and I will,” before kissing you and doing just that.
The following weeks were the same; frenzied, hot, unable to keep your hands off the other. But during the times the two of you had to come up for air, you started falling for him.
You’d expected the worst when he asked to see you the night before he was scheduled to deploy for 3 months. But instead of another heartache, he asked not only to continue things when he returns but to make it official.
He’s called you every chance he got; which wasn’t many but you cherished each one. He didn’t talk much about life on the carrier besides complaining about a jerk in his new squadron but never elaborated, preferring to listen to you in the limited time he was granted.
The ping of an incoming text pulls you from your thoughts.
Penny: Have I told you lately that I love you?
Liv: 😑 Who called in?
Penny: Jimmy
Liv: I’ll be there at 4
Penny: You really are the best kiddo. Thank you.
Liv: You owe me 😘
With a sigh, you finish making your bed and get in the shower.
There are a few more texts when you get out of the shower and your heart speeds up when you see it’s from Jake.
Jake: Hey sweetheart
Jake: Just found out I’ll be stateside soon
Jake: I can’t wait to see you
Liv: I can’t wait to see you either, but I’m helping Penny out tonight until 10, Jimmy called out.
Jake: Goddamn it, Jimmy.
Liv: Right? You can always visit me too.
Jake: I’ll be there. Did you hear anything about that job?
Liv: I can’t believe you remembered. I got it! Orientation starts in a few weeks.
Jake: Congratulations! I’m thinking we should celebrate?
Liv: Thank you 😘 what are you thinking?
Jake: My head between your thighs to start.
Liv: I like the way you think.
Jake: I’ve gotta go, but I’ll see you soon.
Liv: Can’t wait.
Jake: Me either
You feel like you’re on cloud nine as you get ready, spending a little extra time on your hair and makeup in anticipation of seeing him.
Your phone rings on your way to the bar and the onslaught of emotions makes your stomach turn at the name on the screen.
You ignore the longing, hurt, anger, humiliation, and unfortunately excitement as you do the same to the call, letting it go to voicemail.
The feelings intensify when he calls again a moment later, but you refuse to do this with him.
Not now. Not ever.
Too little, too late.
He starts texting as you park around the back of the building.
Bradley: Call me when you get a chance.
Bradley: Please?
Bradley: We need to talk.
Bradley: I’m so sorry, I’ll explain everything. Bradley: Just call me back. Please, Liv. Or tell me where you are.
A smile pulls at your lips as you silence your phone before sliding it into your back pocket, leaving him on read.
To say it’s busy would be an understatement.
You hardly have time to breathe much less overthink things with Bradley for the first few hours. Eventually, he stops; that or your butt cheek has gone numb from the constant vibration through your jean shorts.
“What can I get you?” You ask, not looking up from your open till as khaki approaches the bar from the corner of your eye.
“A blow job?”
Your eyes fly to Jake’s at the sound of his voice.
“The shot of course,” he smirks.
“Of course,” you grin back, pushing the till closed before leaning across the bar to kiss him. You pull back to murmur. “Promise to keep your hands behind your back and swallow it all?”
You’re just teasing, but you don’t miss the way his pupils dilate and the slight flush your words cause. But he recovers, “Spitters are quitters.”
“Mhmm,” you hum, “and I’m no quitter.”
His eyes drop to your lips, remembering how right you are.
A throat clearing has you stepping back.
“Sorry for interrupting whatever the fuck that was,” Natasha says with a disgusted look, “You’re with Bagman, Liv?!”
“Hangman,” Jake corrects, resting his elbow on the bar.
“Whatever,” she’s still looking at you, a bit horrified, a little disgusted.
“Uh…yeah,” you reply, looking at Jake confused as you pull a couple of beers from the fridge before popping the caps off and handing them to her. “Why?”
“Your funeral,” is all she says before walking away.
“What was that all about?” You ask. “Wait-how do you guys know each other?”
“She’s-“ his response is drowned out by Penny ringing the bell, and the cheering that follows, “when’s your break?”
You look at the clock and then the decreasing crowd, “Should be okay to go now if you want to meet me round back? I’ll check with Penny.”
He nods before making his way there.
“I’ll be out back,” you tell Penny.
She nods just as Bradley struts through the door. He looks so fucking good in those tight jeans and one of Goose’s Hawaiian shirts, unbuttoned. The white undershirt is tight against the abs you traced with your tongue the last time you saw him.
He scans the place but you duck out of sight before he spots you.
Any questions you had and Bradley’s presence are forgotten when you swing open the door. Jake’s leaning against the building, twirling a toothpick with his tongue as he waits.
Your fingers pull it from his mouth and fling it away before meeting him halfway in a heated, biting kiss.
He turns, guiding your back against the wall and you both sigh when your hips meet. You can feel the heat from his erection through the layers of your clothes and when he thrusts, the seam of your shorts rubs your clit just right; you’re suddenly convinced you can’t wait until your shift is over.
You sigh as he kisses a trail down your neck, not hearing your name being called.
Recognition tugs as your lust-addled mind but then Jake nips your collarbone while he grinds his hips harder. If he keeps going just like that…
“Olivia!” The door slamming open against the wall beside you makes you both flinch.
“Liv?” The desperation in Bradley’s voice tugs at your heartstrings.
“What do you want Bradley?” You ask as Jake takes a step back, still close but no longer touching.
Bradley’s head whips toward you two, brow furrowing before he pulls Jake off you.
“What the hell!?” Jake pushes him once he gets his footing.
“I-what-Liv?” Bradley stutters before looking to you for an answer.
“What?” You cross your arms.
“I need to talk to you,” Bradley replies, “please.”
“Now you wanna talk?” You laugh without mirth. “Now?! After 6 months of nothing? No calls or texts or emails or letters?”
“Liv,” he winces, “I know. I fucked up, okay? I-“ he looks at Jake, “can we please talk about this privately? Or just not in front of Hangman?”
“Hangman?” You’re confused. Both he and Natasha know Jake’s callsign. “How…?” You trail off as you look between them.
“We were deployed together,” Bradley answers, “he was assigned to the Daggers.”
The thought of them being deployed together had occurred to you, but there were typically several squadrons on the carrier at a time, so it wasn’t likely that they knew each other more than in passing; much less being in the same squadron.
You look at Jake and he nods at your unasked question.
Bradley was the one he’s been complaining about.
“Anything you need to say, you can say in front of Hangman,” you sigh.
“I’d rather not,” Bradley says, his jaw clenching.
“Then fuck off,” you push off the building to head back inside but Bradley reaches for your arm.
“Bradshaw,” Jake warns, taking a step forward.
“I was scared,” Bradley says hoarsely as he releases your arm, “and I panicked. I can’t lose you, Liv. I can’t another person I care about; my parents, Mav…I’ve been beating myself since I left, trying to figure out a way to make things right, and just making things worse by not reaching out. I know. I fucked up and I’m so sorry. Let me make things right.”
“Same old Rooster,” Jake chuckles cruelly as he comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, “sitting too snug on that perch again, huh? Missed your chance. Again.”
Bradley watches him kiss your cheek and doesn’t look away as his lips start to make their way down your neck. You’re not a fan of being this affectionate in front of others but this feels…different. It almost seems like Bradley likes it too. Until he opens his mouth.
“You’re doing this to hurt me, aren’t you?” Bradley says lowly.
“Doing what to-what are you talking about?” You ask.
“This,” Bradley nods at Jake, “You found out through Uncle Ice that he’s been making my life a living hell and decided to fuck him. Just to stick it to me?”
Jake stops kissing your neck to look up at him too.
Hot tears fill your eyes and spill over before you have a chance to blink them back. Bradley’s bravado deflates as he realizes he’s so wrong; that he fucked up. Again.
“Fuck you,” you whisper before heading back inside, Jake shaking his head as he follows.
A/N: I…dunno what to say. I’m really excited for this and I really hope you’ll like it. What’d ya think? Is Bradley getting what he deserved or too harsh since he’s been through so much?
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I LOVE hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs! Seriously, feedback helps me more than anything.
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist…and if I forgot to add you-it wasn’t intentional, just remind me and I’ll get you added.
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goodgirlfaith1 · 7 months
Sneaking Around
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Fem!reader
Summary: Sneaking around with your brother’s best friend is fun, until your brother finds out.
Warnings: Intoxication, violence, kissing, sexual innuendos, fluff.
Word count: 3.7k
I’d love to write a Jake Seresin imagine, so let me know if this is something you’d want to read!
Girls, Girls, Girls by Motley Crue had just began playing through the Hard Deck as you walked in the door. The bar was filled with people, but you immediately spotted your best friend, Natasha. She was talking to Penny, who was standing behind the bar.
You met Natasha through your big brother, Jake Seresin, since she was one of his best friends. It was Natasha who insisted you come out tonight, so here you were, walking into the Hard Rock, where you knew your big brother, and your boyfriend would both be...in the same room.
Bradley was an amazing boyfriend and he made you the happiest you'd ever been, but the only issue was that neither of you had told Jake yet. Bradley was Jake's best friend, but Jake was insanely over protective of you, and you knew how pissed off he would be if one of his friends even looked at you the wrong way. And Bradley had done much more than just look at you.
You made it about halfway through the bar before Natasha turned her gaze over her shoulder and spotted you. A grin took over her face. "Olivia!" She shouted, clearly drunk, and happy to see you.
You noticed a few heads turn when Natasha screamed your name, including Bradley's. He was standing next to Jake by the pool table, looking handsome as ever. You noticed his face light up when his gaze landed on you, but when Jake said something in his ear, he was pulled back to reality, and quickly tried to hide the look on his face, his gaze returning to the pool table.
Seeing how happy Natasha was, you assumed the mission she and the rest of the group, including Bradley and Jake, were doing today. You felt a sense of relief wash over you. You and Camila - Jake's wife - had both been worried sick about all of your friends all day. Of course, Camila was better at hiding how much she worried about Jake, for his own benefit. She was an incredible support system for him.
You wanted to be that for Bradley.
In the weeks leading up to the mission, you'd noticed a shift in both Bradley's and Jake's behaviour. Anytime you asked what they were doing, Jake told you it was classified and that for your own safety, he couldn't tell you, and Bradley said the same whenever you asked him.
"Look at you!" Natasha said as you neared her. "You look amazing!" She pulled you in for a hug when you reached her, which was something she only ever did when she was drunk. You were just happy she was having fun.
"Thanks, Tash," you smiled. "Tell me how it went, I can't wait any longer," you begged her to put you out of your misery.
"It went well," Natasha smiled. "We did it!"
You smiled, letting out a breath in relief. "Thank god," you said. "And everyone's okay? No one's hurt?"
Natasha shook her head, "nope, everyone's fine," she smiled.
You smiled at your best friend. "I'm so proud of you, Tash."
"I'm proud of me too!" She said before she turned to Penny. "Penny, can I please have two tequila shots?"
You smiled at Natasha, rolling your eyes, "fine, just one!"
~One hour later~
It was in fact, not just one.
After one too many tequila shots, you were feeling tipsy, and you'd just caught Bradley stealing another glance at you for what felt like the millionth time tonight...though you weren't complaining. Although you were all hanging out as a group, you hadn't spoken to Bradley one on one yet, with Jake being around.
Smiling to yourself, you set your drink down on the pool table and looked at Bradley over your shoulder, finding his eyes already on you. You smiled and turned around, beginning to walk away and make your way across the bar, heading towards the restroom.
He'd been driving you crazy the whole night, and you seemed to be having the same effect on him. He looked so damn good in his aviator suit, you couldn't help but steal a glance at him whenever Jake wasn't looking.
When you walked into the restroom, the door hardly had a chance to close behind you before it swung open again, and in walked Bradley, looking handsome as ever. You let your gaze run down his body, smiling as you took him in.
"Hi, lieutenant," you said with a smile.
A smirk pulled on Bradley's lips, and he took a few quick steps towards you, wrapping his strong arms around your lower back before he crashed his lips into yours. You completely melted into him, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck as you craned your neck to meet his kiss. You could taste whiskey on his tongue as it moved with yours, and you hummed into the kiss. You knew Bradley was always horny when he drank whiskey.
You pulled back, breaking the kiss, and a look of disappointment flashed across Bradley's face."Tash said the mission went well," you said with a smile.
Bradley nodded, "mhm." A boyish grin grew on his face as his large hands snaked up your back to rest on either side of your ribcage. "Are you proud of me, baby?" There was a look of vulnerability in his brown eyes as they flicked between yours.
Bradley always wanted to be strong for you, and that was something you admired about him, but seeing him being so vulnerable with you like this meant more to you than he'd ever know.
You nodded with a smile, gently toying with the hair at the nape of his neck. "I'm so proud of you, Bradley." You smiled, "You always make me proud."
Bradley smiled and licked his lips. There was stars in his eyes as he gazed down at you. He hadn't been able to take his eyes off you all night, and he was past trying to hide it. He knew now that he was in too deep to care about Jake finding out.
"Can we talk about these shorts for a second?" Bradley said with a smile, flicking his gaze back up to meet yours. "And this little top?"
You smiled, running your hands down his muscular arms. "What about it?" You played dumb as you pulled Bradley's Ray Ban's out of the pocket on the chest of his aviator suit and slid them onto your face, letting them rest on the bridge of your nose.
Bradley's gaze darkened ever so slightly. "D'you know how hard it's been for me to have to stand there and watch all these stupid fuckin' little boys drool over you all night? Maybe I should just let everyone know your mine."
Your gaze fell down to his lips, lingering there for a few short seconds. "And how would you do that?" You flicked your gaze back up to meet his.
"Why don't I show you?"
A smile grew on your lips at Bradley's words. He was quick to connect his lips with yours, and you felt his hands run down your lower back as you wrapped yours a little tighter around the back of his neck. You melted into him when he slipped his tongue into your mouth, and you smiled into the kiss, moving his sunglasses so they were resting on top of your head. You could feel yourself aching for him. You threaded your fingers into his hair and tugged gently, making Bradley groan into the kiss. The noise sent butterflies erupting in your stomach, and you could feel yourself soaked for him.
You felt Bradley's large hands make their way further down your lower back until they reached your ass, which he gave a squeeze before he picked you up. You smiled into the kiss as you wrapped your legs around his waist, and he walked you over to the sink and sat you down on the counter next to it.
Standing in between your legs, Bradley broke the kiss, breathing heavily as his eyes flicked between youre. "Tell me you're mine," he said, his eyes filled with lust, but also a little neediness. It turned you on.
"I'm yours," you whispered, leaving a kiss on his lips. "All yours." You kissed him again and a boyish grin took over his face. You smiled too, breathing out a laugh. "Why are you smiling like that?"
Bradley's smile never faded. "You're mine," he said, as if he was in disbelief. 
You placed your hands on either side of his face, pulling him a little closer. "Yours," you repeated, and you meant it. "I don't want anyone else."
Bradley looked at you like he was about to say something. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he smiled as he crashed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, too, threading your fingers into his hair.
It was a heated and urgent kiss, and it was clear how needy both of you were for one another. You melted under Bradley's touch as his hands roamed your body, kissing him back with as much urgency as he gave you.
Until you heard the door swing open.
You nearly jumped out of your skin at the sound, and you and Bradley were both quick to take your hands off each other. Your lips parted at the sight of Camila standing by the door, a hand covering her mouth.
"I'm so sorry," she said, trying to hide a smile.
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Camila didn't seem at all shocked, and you wondered why.
Why was she being so cool about this?
"Why do you not seem surprised right now?" Bradley asked her. He was clearly confused, too.
"Because it's obvious you two like each other," she smiled. "I don't know how Jake hasn't figured it out yet."
"So Jake doesn't know?" You asked.
Camila shook her head, "no." You felt so relieved. You'd hate for Jake to put the pieces together himself or hear it from someone else. You owed it to him to tell him yourself.
"But, I do think you should come with me, 'cause I think Jake might be coming in here in a minute," Camila said, taking a glance over her shoulder at the door as she walked towards you.
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion as you got down off the counter, "why?"
Camila's eyebrows raised and her lips parted, "no reason," she said.
Your face scrunched up when the realisation hit that Camila and Jake were headed in here to do the same thing as you and Bradley were about to do. "Ew," you shook your head.
"Sorry," Camila said awkwardly. She took Bradley's sunglasses off your head and handed them back to Bradley, who took them from her with an appreciative smile, though he was dying inside. He wanted nothing more than to tell Jake about you and him. He wasn't sure how much longer he could wait. He was sick of sneaking around, he wanted everyone to know you were with him.
"Come on," Camila said, putting her arm around you. "Lets get you out of here."
"Thanks, Cam," you said softly, giving Bradley a glance over your shoulder before you walked out of the restroom and back into the bar with Camila. There was an expression on Bradley's face you couldn't quite read.
You spent the next few hours painfully needy for Bradley, but getting caught by Camila was a close enough call - it could've been Jake that walked in on you. And god knows how badly that would've ended.
You and the rest of the group - including Bradley and Jake - had been playing pool for the past half hour, and you and Bradley had been stealing glances at each other whenever you can. You just hoped it wasn’t obvious, though no one seems to suspect anything.
Just as you were about to take your turn, you heard a voice from behind you. "Excuse me, miss." You turned around, meeting the gaze of a man who you didn't recognise. He looked to be around the same age as you. His blue eyes wandered down your body shamelessly, and you thanked god Jake was at the bar, getting another round of drinks. "Can I buy you a drink?"
You smiled awkwardly and shook your head, aware of the fact that Bradley was standing behind you. "No, thanks. I'm good."
You turned your back to him, ready to take your turn until you felt a pair of hands take hold of either side of your waist. You stole a quick glance at Bradley, and he was glaring at the man. You swore his eyes could burn holes right into him.
"Come on," the man said with a smile as you turned around to face him, his hands still on your waist. You'd be lying it you said you didn't feel extremely uncomfortable. "You won't regret it." He raised his eyebrows, smiling.
"She said no," Bradley said from behind you.
Uh oh.
The cocky smile was wiped straight off the man's face when his gaze landed on Bradley. He clearly hadn't noticed him until now. "Bradshaw," he said.
"Williams, I suggest you take your hands off my girlfriend before I break them." You could tell by Bradley's tone alone that he was absolutely seething. "'Cause I will."
The man quickly took his hands off you and took a step back, but Bradley was quick to take a step forward, now standing in front of you. You glanced at the bar, and your heart dropped when you couldn't see Jake. You knew he must've been making his way back over to the group.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realise she was with you!" The man pleaded as Bradley towered over him, his jaw clenched.
"Is something wrong?"
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest when you heard Jake's voice. Your gaze snapped to your right, and there he was.
"I-I didn't know she was his girlfriend!" The man said to Jake.
And you swear you could feel your heart drop to your stomach.
Jake's eyebrows knitted together in confusion as he flicked his gaze between the three of you. "Whose girlfriend?"
And just like that, Jake's expression went from confused, straight to angry. His green eyes narrowed as his gaze flicked between you and Bradley, and you could feel your palms sweating.
"Fuck off, Williams," Jake said, keeping his darkened gaze trained on Bradley's.
If looks could kill.
"Outside," he ordered Bradley. "Now."
You feared what Jake was going to do. You knew he could be unpredictable when it came to protecting you. "Jake, lets just talk-"
"Stay out of it, Olivia," Jake interrupted you.
It felt like a knife had been lodged into your chest when your name left his lips, so bitterly. Jake only ever called you by your full name when he was angry, which was hardly ever. You were so used to him calling you Liv, you felt scholded when he called you by your full name.
Jake turned around and began walking away, and when you took a step forward to follow him outside, Bradley stepped in front of you. "Stay here, baby. It's okay."
Bradley could tell how worried you were by the look on your face, but he wanted to let you deal with it and take ownership for his actions. He owed it to his best friend.
When Jake stepped outside, Bradley followed closely behind, but the second Bradley stepped onto the sand, Jake was ready, and he threw a hard punch straight across Bradley's face.
It killed you to watch Jake hit Bradley, but what killed you even more was the way tht Bradley didn't fight back. He took it, wiping away the blood that had begun to trickle down from his nostril. You suddenly felt a wave of guilt hit you, it wasn't fair that Bradley was taking the fall for both of your actions.
Your vision soon became blurred, and you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. It was Camila. You kept your gaze fixed on Bradley and Jake as you cried into her shoulder. She gently rubbed her hand up and down your back as you cried. "I love him, Camila."
"I know you do, honey," she said softly, holding you tight.
You watched as Jake took hold of Bradley's collar to throw another punch, but Bradley said something to him that made him stop in his tracks. You weren't sure what Bradley said, but you thanked god for whatever it was. You couldn't watch Jake hit him again.
Jake said to Bradley with a serious expression on his face. When Bradley nodded, Jake let go of his collar and took a step back.
"What did he say?" You heard Natasha's voice from behind you.
Camila looked to you, smiling softly. "I think we both know what he said," she said to you, raising her eyebrows expectantly. You knew what she was getting at, and you shook your head, feeling a blush spread across your cheeks.
"No," you said, smiling as you shook your head. "I don't think he feels that way."
"I think he does," Camila smiled softly. "He loves you," she whispered teasingly, just loud enough for you to hear.
"Shut up," you smiled, feeling a little embarrassed, though you hoped she was right.
Camila wiped the tears from your face and you took a breath in, smiling softly. "It's okay. See?" She nodded her head towards Bradley and Jake, and when you turned your gaze to them, you noticed they were now talking in a more calm manner. Jake still looked a little irritated as he stood in front of Bradley, who was now sat on the hood of his car, looking a little frustrated as he spoke. He was clearly trying to explain himself.
After five or ten minutes - though it felt like forever for you - Bradley stood up from the hood of his car, standing in front of Jake. Jake said something to him with a serious look on his face and Bradley nodded. It looked like Bradley said I promise, but you couldn’t be 100% sure.
You couldn't stop the smile from growing on your face when Jake pulled Bradley in for a hug, patting his back.
The two of them walked back into the bar together a couple minutes later, and you quickly left the rest of the group at the pool table and began weaving through the crowds of people until you reached Jake and Bradley.
"Are you okay?" You asked Bradley, who nodded and smiled softly down at you as you took a gentle hold of his face to inspect it. There was still a faint blood stain beneath his nose. "You didn't have to hit him," you turned to Jake.
"I know, I overreacted Liv. I'm sorry, but I just saw red. You're my baby sister, I'm supposed to protect you from assholes that only want one thing from you," Jake explained, flicking his gaze to Bradley. "But clearly, this asshole's in it for the long run."
You smiled, breathing out a laugh through your nose. "So, you're not mad?"
Jake shook his head, "I'm not mad."
A wide grin took over your face. "Thanks Jakey boy," you said as you threw your arms around your big brother. Jake smiled and wrapped his arms around you, and you gave him a squeeze, feeling a huge weight lifted off your chest now that he knew.
"I love you, kid," he said.
"I love you too," you smiled, pulling back. You felt Bradley's arm wrap around your side, and you leaned into him, wrapping your arm around him.
"Remember what I said," Jake said to Bradley. "That wasn't a threat, it was a promise." And with that, Jake walked away, making his way towards the group.
You craned your neck to meet Bradley's gaze, he was so much taller than you. "What did he say to you?"
Bradley wrapped his arms around your waist, smiling softly down at you. "He told me he'd kill me if I ever break your heart."
You rolled your eyes and placed your hands on either side of his face, still a little concerned. "Are you sure you're alright?" Bradley pulled closer until your body was pressed flush against his as you gently wiped away the last of the blood stain from under his nose with your thumb.
He smiled down at you, "I'm okay, sweetheart."
"I'm so sorry he hit you." You shook your head, feeling so guilty.
Bradley shrugged, "it was worth it." Your smile grew wider into a grin, you felt so lucky. "You know what this means?"
"I can finally let everyone know you're mine," Bradley said with a smile before closing the gap in between the two of you, pressing his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, wrapping your arms a little tighter around the back of his neck.
It felt so good to kiss him in public. Sneaking around could be exciting at times, but you knew that you loved Bradley, and you wanted everyone to know you were together.
Bradley's arms remained wrapped around your waist when you broke the kiss, and you placed your hands on his muscular chest. "What did you say to him?"
"I told him the truth," Bradley answered.
You smiled softly, tilting your head to the side slightly. "Which is?"
"That I want so much more with you than just sex," he began. You smiled up at him, and he gently brushed a few stray hairs off your face. "That I want a future with you more than anything," he continued. "And that I'm in love with you."
So many butterflies erupted in your stomach, you swore you could've opened a sanctuary. You couldn't believe he felt the same way as you did. A smile slowly grew on your face as Bradley's words sank in.
"You are?"
Bradley nodded, smiling softly as he gazed down at you. "I am."
You grinned widely and jumped into his arms. Bradley was more than ready, and picked you up with his hands on the back of your thighs. With your legs wrapped around his waist, you smiled as you took hold of his face and kissed him.
"I love you, too."
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
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Requests are opened!
This Masterlist does have 18+ fics in it so please heed the warnings.
All fics are separated but I do:
9-1-1 Lone Star
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Criminal Minds
One Chicago (Chicago Med, PD, and Fire)
The Rookie
Top Gun
Top Gun Maverick
I will do:
x Reader
A/N: All fics not underlined means that they are planned and a wip this just helps me to keep track of what fics I need to do.
A/N 2: All fics are fem!reader unless stated otherwise or requested otherwise.
My Daughter, My Heart (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, OC!Elizabeth Taylor x Daughter!Reader)
Here Comes The Storm (Tyler Owens x Harding!Reader, Tyler Owens x OC!Son! Chase Storm Owens, Reader x OC!Son! Chase Storm Owens, Bill Harding x Daughter!Reader, Jo Harding x Daughter!Reader)
(Discontinued) I'm Already There (Bradshaw!Sister)
Whisper in the Wind (Natasha Trace x OC!Benjamin Bradshaw, Natasha Trace x Daughter!Reader, OC!Benjamin Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x OC!Wife!Leah Winters)
Storm Warning (Javi Rivera x OC!Wife!Olivia Owens, Javi Rivera x Daughter!Reader, OC! Olivia Owens x Daughter!Reader, Tyler Owens x OC!Sister!Olivia Owens, Tyler Owens x Niece!Reader)
A Forever Home (Grace Ryder x Daughter!Reader and Judd Ryder x Daughter!Reader, Grace Ryder x Judd Ryder)
Baby Bradford: A Little Fighter (Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader, Lucy Chen x Tim Bradford)
Blizzard (IceMav x Daughter!Reader, Maverick x Iceman)
Firecracker (Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader)
Little Birdie (Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader)
Littlest Halstead (Jay Halstead x Daughter!Reader)
Little Nash (Bobby Nash x Daughter!Reader)
Lil' Severide (Kelly Severide x Daughter!Reader)
Mini TK (TK Strand x Daughter!Reader, Carlos Reyes x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Carlos Reyes)
Our Little Girl (Jake Seresin x Daughter!Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Daughter!Reader, Jake Seresin x Bradley Bradshaw)
The Firehouse Miracle (Eddie Diaz x Daughter!Reader, Evan Buckley x Daughter!Reader, Eddie Diaz x Evan Buckley)
x Daughter!Reader
Top Gun
One Chicago
9-1-1 Lone Star
The Rookie
x Sister!Reader
Top Gun
One Chicago
Top Gun
One Chicago
The Rookie
9-1-1 Lone Star
Fight to Survive (9-1-1 x Criminal Minds) (Evan Buckley x Nash!FBI!Reader)
Burning Jealousy (One Chicago x The Rookie) (Kelly Severide x Paramedic!Reader)
Love in the Danger Zone (One Chicago x Top Gun Maverick) (Bradley Bradshaw x Halstead!Pilot!Reader and Kelly Severide x Halstead!Pilot!Reader)
Operation: Mischief (9-1-1 x 9-1-1 Lonestar) (Owen Strand x Wife!Reader)
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
The Grudge | Jake Hangman Seresin |
Based off of The Grudge by Olivia Rodrigo. Mentions of divorce and cheating.
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Jake wasn’t always Hangman to you, there was once a time when he was something sweeter. Someone better. You loved that someone better. That’s the man you married, the man you wanted to have a family with. But then he changed, so slowly at first you didn’t even notice, then suddenly it seemed like overnight he was someone new. He wasn’t the sweet man you married in your early twenties. 
At first it was just missed dates, and voicemails left for him, begging him to call you back. At first it was simple, things you could overlook. He was busy at work, he got hung up, someone asked him to fly a little longer. Surely. 
“Jake? It’s me again…Where are you? I’ve been waiting for over an hour, everyone is just looking at me with pity because they know I’ve been stood up. I’m the only one alone at a table for two…just…call me back? Please? Let me know you’re okay.” 
That was the third voicemail you left for him. You’d had a bottle of wine all by yourself while you waited. And when the sweet waiter came back even he had to put in his two cents. 
“I don’t think he’s coming ma’am,” He said softly. 
You had to choke back the tears as you nodded, it was your anniversary, you’d been planning this date for weeks. You had been so fucking excited to spend one night with him, all dressed up. 
“I’ll just take the check, thank you.” Your voice wavered. 
“It’s on the house,” The waiter waved you off, “I hope your night gets better.”
You left him a very generous tip before making your way outside. Your heels were digging into your feet and the shapewear you had on was making it difficult to breathe. Or maybe it was the knowledge that Jake left you waiting, and didn’t even call or text you to tell you he wasn’t coming. 
You tried to be tough. But all you wanted to do was scream and cry. 
Part of you wanted to pack a bag and go stay with your mom for a little while. But the other part, the much bigger part, just wanted to be held by your husband. So you went home and changed out of your nice dress and took off all of your makeup and waited. 
He didn’t come home that night. 
You found out the following day that he’d gotten drunk at the Hard Deck and crashed with Coyote. No call from him, no text. Nothing from Coyote to let you know your husband was okay. 
You were met with flowers and an apology when you got home from work. 
“Baby I’m sorry.”
“You let me wait there like an idiot for more than an hour, Jake.”
“It was only meant to be one drink, I don’t know what happened!” He swore. 
“One drink?” You questioned, eyebrows raised, “You couldn’t even call me! I didn’t know if you were okay or not!”
“Baby, I’m so sorry,” He sounded like he was begging as he reached for you, “It won’t happen again, I promise.”
He held you tightly against him, so tight it almost hurt. Eventually you hugged him back, just as tightly, because you couldn’t imagine a world where you didn’t have Jake Seresin in your life. You needed him like you needed air. He was your everything. Until the day he decided he wasn’t. 
Again, the changes were so small you almost didn’t notice them. He was coming home later and later. Spending more and more time outside of the house. You just assumed he was busy with work. You weren’t having sex like you used to, but he was just so tired all of the time. He didn’t buy you flowers, he was just busy. 
You always had some sort of excuse. There was always some sort of reason. He always came home with a smile and an apology so you let it go. You always let it go. 
Until one day, in late May, when he didn’t come home for several nights. But then the phone call came. 
“Phoenix! Have you heard from Jake? I’m starting to get a little worried.”
“He’s with another woman,” The female pilot stated bluntly, “I’m not going to lie for him anymore. He’s with another woman and he’s been with her for months now.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised, but you felt her words like a shot to the gut. So much so to the point where you stumbled backwards. 
“He what?” You questioned, clutching your phone so hard your knuckles were white.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I really am.” 
Then she was gone, leaving you in a heap on your floor. The tears didn’t stop. For days the tears kept coming. When Jake finally returned home, you tried to act like nothing was wrong. Either you were so good at the act, or he didn’t care because he never questioned a thing. 
Until one day in May when he called you from Lemore, where he’d been sent for a couple of weeks on a detachment. 
“Jake, hi,” You breathed out, relieved to be hearing from him. 
“Y/N, we need to talk, do you have time?”
“Yeah, I’m sitting down for dinner,” You reply, setting down your glass of wine, “What’s wrong?”
He sighed deeply, you wondered where he was. How the detachment was going? But now didn’t seem to be the time to ask, not when he sounded so serious. 
“This isn’t working,” He stated. 
“Well you’ll be home soon,” You answered as if it was the only thing that mattered. 
Because despite it all, you loved Jake more than your own life. You would do anything for him, you’d walk through fire for him if he asked. He might not, but you still clung to the vows you made when you got married. You clung to every promise you ever made to him, because you loved him. 
“No, not the distance,” He sighed again, “This marriage. I want out.”
You made some sort of noise, sounding much like a wounded animal. You hadn’t expected that he would want to end it. Even after all of the fights, and angry words both of you said. There were cuts, deep ones, caused by both of you. 
“No, you don’t mean that,” You stammered, “You’re just tired.”
“Damnit, get your fucking head out of the clouds, Y/N. I’m done. I have been for a while and I kept thinking you might wake the fuck up. But you haven’t.”
“Don’t say that, Jake.”
“What do you want me to say? Huh? I still love you? Because I don’t think I have for a long time now. I’m not going to stay in a marriage with someone I’ve fallen out of love with. I won’t fuckin do it.”
You were crying now, “Don’t do this. Just come home? We can work it out. Just please,” You begged. 
“I’ll stay with a friend while you pack up.”
He didn’t give you an option. He decided everything for you. Your marriage was over, just like that. There was no more fighting, no more trying. You could feel it in your bones, such a deep ache you weren’t sure if it would ever go away. He kept speaking but you didn’t hear him. All you could hear was a dull roar in your ears. 
You went to your mom’s two days later. When it came time to finalize the divorce months later, you were still holding out hope that he might change his mind. You held out hope that he would come back to you and everything would be just the way it was before. 
Even as you signed your name and watched as Jake signed his, you kept hoping you would wake up and it would all be some sort of bad dream. 
“This is for the best,” He told you so softly it made the ache come back, “You’ll forgive me for this one day. Once you realize just how bad we were together.”
“It takes strength to forgive,” You stated hollowly, “I don’t feel strong anymore.”
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ultralightpoe · 1 year
Lavender Haze - Jake Seresin
Authors Note: I have been trying to find any sort of energy to post and get out of bed. Got so close to giving up on life itself and I'm barely back, please bare with me as I try to find my way out of my depression hole I have dug for myself everyone. I know it's been a minute but life has been kicking my ass. Be patient with me - Ultralight
Word Count: 5024 (and i hate every bit of them)
Warnings: poorly written smut.
Apart of my MIDNIGHTS EVENT. (Next Event is Sour by Olivia Rodrigo. Requests closed. Event following yet to be decided)
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Meet me at midnight
Starin' at the ceilin' with you
Oh, you don't ever say too much
And you don't really read into
My melancholia
The bar was long forgotten behind them, both bodies merged into one as they clung to each other, leaning against the car behind them as their lips refused to separate. Moans slipped from both parties and buttons were being toyed with as both parties did their best to separate. 
It was a struggle, one that neither could really fight, but finally they pulled back to breathe. Eyes gazing into each other as they panted to catch their breath, bodies pressed to each other.
“This is a really bad idea.” He mutters. “We should stop.”
“We should.” You mutter back, nodding slightly as you both stare back at each other. Then in a split your lips are back on eachother, trying to eat eachothers faces off. 
“I am so happy you came to see me.” Your brother smiles, hugging you tightly in the baggage check of the airport, spinning you around. “I have so much I want to show you.”
“Is there a bathroom and maybe a taco truck on the itinerary?” You joke, pulling back to stare at Bob with a small smile. 
“Oh! Yeah! Let’s go!” Your brother laughs, snatching your bag quickly and leading you through the airport as he talks your ear off about his new station. “And tomorrow I can show you around the flight pad.”
“Will I get to meet all the handsome pilots?”
“Can I marry some of them?”
“I like to keep my options open.” You laugh, watching your brother's face fall into one of disgust. You were so incredibly thankful that your brother was letting you live with him while you started your new job out here, it was one less thing to worry about. “But all jokes aside I am excited to meet all your friends.”
I've been under scrutiny (yeah, oh, yeah)
You handle it beautifully (yeah, oh, yeah)
All this shit is new to me (yeah, oh, yeah)
Somehow you had both made it into his car, him driving as you stared at him silently, your hands fidgeting in your lap from the nerves until he reaches over to hold one of your hands in his own. 
“You want me to drop you home?” He asks, keeping his eyes on the road until you don’t answer and finally moving to look at you. “If you are uncomfortable I can drop you off-”
“I’m fine.” You whisper, leaning forward to kiss him again as your heart races. He smiles, kissing you back before the light turns green and he turns back to the road. You were beginning to silently beg him to run the red lights. 
“Okay so this is my desk, but I’m not here often-” Bob explains, fixing his glasses as you follow him around with a small smile. “And that is Natasha’s desk. Our desks are always by each other.”
“That’s fun.” You smile, leaning forward to pick up one of his pens. “Can I have this-”
“No.” Your brother mumbles, slapping it out of your hand and moving you in another direction. “This is Rooster, and you remember Phoenix-”
“Good to see you, Natasha!” You smile, leaning to hug her. 
“We use our callsigns here, Y/n.” Bob corrects, making you roll your eyes. “Got it bob.”
“It’s great seeing you Y/n.” Natasha smiles, following Rooster out. Your brother takes you around to meet more of his team, introducing you nervously until you got to him. 
“Who is this here?” The voice drawls out as the man smiles at you, dropping the bag he was carrying easily to reach his hand out. “I don’t believe I have ever met such a beauty before-”
“Come on, Y/n.” Your brother mumbles, slapping the other guys hand away as he turns you to walk away. “That was Jake, stay away from him.”
“Oh?” You laugh, following your brother while risking a glance back to Jake, seeing the man already staring back at you. 
I feel the lavender haze creepin' up on me
Surreal, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say
No deal, the 1950s shit they want from me
I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
By the time you both make it into his apartment you are conjoined again, chest to chest as you melt into each other, the heat of your skin taking control as he shoves you against the door to shut it, his hands traveling down your sides past your ass until they get to your thighs. 
“This is a terrible idea.” He whispers against your lips, biting down on your bottom lip making you moan out. 
“Shut it, Jake.”
“Your brother is going to kill me, Sugar.” Oh that nickname, that terrible terrible nickname that did terrible things to you. 
“Let’s not talk about my brother right now, yeah?” You giggle out, reaching a hand to struggle against the buttons of his shirt before you grow frustrated and just tear at it making the buttons fly across his floor. 
“Fuck.” He gasps, lunging for your lips again. 
“So I don’t get it.” You start, staring at your older brother across the table after you get home from your first day of work that evening, watching him scoop you up the food he made. “You love your team, but not him?”
“No, he is included.”
“Then why do you talk about him like you hate him?” 
“Because he is kind of an asshole. And he goes home with a different girl every night, so going out to drink with him basically means you are going out by yourself and watching him flirt with some tramp all night.”
“Right because females living their best sexual life makes them tramps.” You scoff making your brother blush. 
“Good point.”
“I just don’t get why you hate him so much.”
“On the team? Lucky to have him. In everything else? Biggest tool I know. Just stay away.” He warns, using a spoon to threaten you. 
“Will do four eyes.” You scoff. “I don’t even think he is that attractive.”
All they keep askin' me (all they keep askin' me)
Is if I'm gonna be your bride
The only kind of girl they see (only kind of girl they see)
Is a one-night or a wife
“I think you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever fucking met.” Jake mutters, dragging you away from the door and picking you up by your thighs, your nails dragging across his skin in a way that makes him groan.  “Do that again.”
You giggle, leaning down to kiss him as he carries you across the room, a tight hold on you when he trips over his own shoes in an attempt to tear them off. “Shit- sorry.”
“Anyone ever tell you how hot you are?” You were sure many people had, but you still admired the way his cheeks flamed up at your praise, his lips moving down your neck as he kissed and sucked in an effort to please you. 
Before you know it he had you set upon his kitchen table, reaching an arm out to knock everything off before he reached to lift your dress above your head. “I’ve been waitin’ for this since I met ya, Sugar.”
“Then hurry up.” You bite out, reaching to nip at his collar bone. 
“This is such a terrible idea.” Bob mutters, fixing his shirt for the hundredth time that day as you look around the room. 
“I think it looks great.”
“They are going to think it’s stupid.” He blushes, scratching the back of his neck before bringing a hand up to fix his glasses. “Make fun of me.”
“If they think it’s stupid then they are assholes, yeah? I think it looks great.” You snap, reaching to answer the door when the bell rings out. 
Your brother had thrown a western party for the premiere of a show they all watched, and had even roped you (pun intended) into dressing up and joining them even though you never watched the show and always thought it to be stupid and cheesy. 
But this was your brother so you wore a stupid country getup and put on a smile, answering the door like you were so excited to see all his friends. “Come on in! Welcome!”
They had all dressed up as well, a fact that made your heart swell when your brother saw the effort they had put in, showing them where he had laid out all the snacks. 
“Any of your friends comin’?” Jake Seresin, the one your brother warned you about, asks when you turn back to him in the doorway. 
“Oh! No, I haven’t really made many friends yet. New and all.” You shrug, trying to fight the embarrassed heat that travels your neck at the thought. It had been months since you moved out here, and the only people you saw were your brother and your coworkers……and your coworkers hate you. 
Well, it’s not that they hated you but more so the fact that they were all a lot older and had been going out for their friday drinking nights long before anyone else got there, and they weren’t too keen on inviting the new kids. Not that you’d ever want to go out drinking with a bunch of bitchy 60 year olds who brought up how they thought abortion was murder even though you had been discussing crayons.  (AN: This actually happened to me. I still to this day cannot figure out how she managed to change the conversation so quickly)
“You should come out drinking with us some time then.” He smiles, nodding his head to Bradley as the man passes. “It’s loads of fun.”
“Loads of fun watching you tackle the conquest of the night?”
“Ah, so you’ve been warned about my ways.”
“Sadly for you.” You tease, smiling when your brother walks up. You can see the hesitation on his face, and already know your brother thinks he is about to be made fun of. 
“Thanks for coming Hangman.”
“Hey, you’re house your nicknames. Bagman will do just fine under your roof.” Jake smiles, and everyone whips their heads to watch. “I brought some twizzlers and black licorice. Figured the licorice would match the wild west theme and the twizzlers would actually taste good.”
“Thanks Bagman.” You brother smiles, grabbing the bag from him and moving to set it with the snacks. When Jake passes by he risks a look at you, and you can’t stop the smile that spreads across your face when he blushes at your wink. 
“Let’s get this show started!” Fanboy laughs, clapping his head as they all rush to the couches. You take your chance to head upstairs, knowing your brother would be fine. 
I find it dizzying (yeah, oh, yeah)
They're bringin' up my history (yeah, oh, yeah)
But you aren't even listening (yeah, oh, yeah)
Both of you were left panting as he struggled with the zipper of his pants, stuck in an intoxicating glow, your hands rubbing along the exposed skin as he finally shoved his pants off, kicking them and his boxers to the side. 
“You sure?” He mutters, his nose pressing against your cheek in a soft manner and he pulls you closer to the end up the table by your hips. 
“Like no other.” You whimper, legs wrapping around him as you move to kiss him. He nods, making sure you are ready before entering you in one swift motion, grunting into the kiss as you moan out. 
“And here I was worried about no foreplay.” He gasps out, watching your eyes flutter beneath him.
“Shut it.” You snipe, biting down on his lip as you move your hips in an effort to make him move. Your stomach clenches and you gasp out, enjoying the way his hands tighten on your hips to keep you close for a moment. 
“Not being a dick, Sugar, just admiring.” He mutters, taking a second to kiss down your chest before he begins his movements. 
“What an asshole.” Natasha mutters, stabbing at her froyo with the cheap plastic spoon they gave her at the froyo shop. 
“Because he charged you for the m&ms you ate while we were in line?” You laugh, watching her glare.
“No. I’m talking about Jake.”
“Ah, slutty bagman.” You giggle, already picturing him in your mind. Not that you would ever admit this to your brother or his flight partner but ever since you saw him in Uniform he had been running through your mind all day and night, then in the country getup and it was like a romance novel brought to life. 
You, sadly, had been reading nothing but country romances since. You seriously missed having friends. 
“That what Bob calls him?”
“No, it’s what I’ve named him after everything I have heard. What did he do?” 
“Stole my spot.”
“How so?” 
“If you are about to tell me that he got that spot because he is a man I will shred his fucking throat out.” 
“No, and that’s the annoying part. I know I can beat just about anyone, especially with your brother at my 6. But Jake is an amazing pilot and he deserved the spot but I had been working for it since I started, you know?”
“Does he know?”
“No, talking to him is like talking to a mean parrot. He mocks and repeats, but never really understands.”
“Parrots understand actually, they can have whole conver-”
“That was your takeaway from that?”
“Why don’t you just ask him for lessons?”
“Because he would brag. And then it would start a fight and we would all be stuck doing 500 pushups on the flight pad again.” The image of Jake all sweaty from pushups and sun flashes through your mind and you nearly drop the cup you were holding, choosing to set it down with shaky hands. 
“I think you guys all just don’t really give him a chance.” 
“Yeah, well……he is an asshole.”
“So I have heard.”
I feel the lavender haze creepin' up on me
Surreal, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say
No deal, the 1950s shit they want from me
I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
That lavender haze
The kitchen table slid against the floors as Jake grunted out, one hand flying to the table for better traction while the other slipped up your side until he was cupping your cheek in his hand. “You good, Sugar?”
Good? That barely began to describe the feeling you were in right now. This man knew exactly what to say, where to touch, your stomach was clenching and you could barely catch your breath under his gaze. “pleasedon’tstop .”
He smiles as you gasp out, leaning to catch your lips on his own as the hand that had been placed on your cheek reaches down to pinch and roll at your breasts.  “Never.”
It came out as more of a growl than an actual word but you were just fine with that, moaning loudly as your hands tried to grip on for dear life, listening to the sound of the table scratching on the hardwood. 
He seems to recognize how loud it was, stopping his movements to pick you up and take you over to the couch, smiling widely when you whine out at the lack of contact. “You said you wouldn’t stop.”
“Yeah, but I’d have to stop if we got a noise complaint.” He smiles, bringing you in for a kiss as he leads you to lay on the couch, his lips dragging down your jaw until he reaches your collarbone and adjusts himself. “Ready?”
“Obviousl-” You don’t get to finish the sentence, gasping out when his hand finds purchase on your clit as he pushes his hips into yours, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
“Are you seriously playing card games at church?” He laughs, making you jump out in surprise when he scares you, some of the cards flying from your hold as you whip around to face him. 
“What are you doing here?!”
“You mean, going to church with the rest of the flight crew?” Damn, that one was kind of obvious.  “You?”
“I had the day off and Bob said if he had to come then so did I.” You scoff, still obviously irritated that your brother dragged you out of bed like you were teenagers arguing over who had to leave with mom again. 
“So you hid in the dark hallways and played cards with yourself.” Jake mumbles, moving to sit criss crossed from you, pulling the deck from our hand and shuffling it. “I like it.”
“I got bored.” You shrug, watching his expertly shuffle. “And all the older women keep asking me when I plan on getting married.”
“Ah, when do you plan on getting married?”
“When I meet the right person.” You snap, snatching the cards from him. “We’re playing goldfish.”
“With two people?”
“Fine, we are playing garbage.”
“You only know kid games, Sugar?” 
“Feel free to go back in if you don’t like it.”
“Easy easy, just a question.” He laughs, holding his hands up in surrender as you deal out the cards. “Loser has to buy drinks tonight at the hangar.”
“That doesn’t work because I don’t plan on going out.” 
“Now you do.”
“I have really important plans.” You lie. 
“Yeah? Some smutty novel got your heart?” He teases and you feel yourself flush under his gaze, making him smile more. “Loser buys a round at the hangar tonight, then you can go home.”
“Fine.” You smile, getting ready to play. 
Talk your talk and go viral
I just need this love spiral
Get it off your chest
Get it off my desk (get it off my desk)
“Fuck fuck fuck.” He gasps out, feeling you fall apart under him before he stops for a second, forehead resting on your collarbone to breathe. “I hate you- right now I hate you.”
“That’s fair.” You smile, scratching his back some more to draw out a groan. His hips begin moving again, his forehead dragging along your skin until it rests against your own, his hands on either side of your head trapping you in. 
“You are very intoxicating.” 
“So are you.” You admit, legs tightening around his hips once more as he eases you into another high with barely any movement, sweat clinging to both your bodies. 
The only problem with the bet you made this morning? You hadn’t known Jake was an expert at cheating at cards. 
Which led you to the Hangar later that night, wearing your favorite party dress as your brother disappeared in the club lights to find his friends, leaving you at the bar to order drinks. You already missed the nice warmth of your bed and the ability to go to sleep early as you watched everyone move around you while you waited for the bartender. 
“What can I get ya?” The tender asks the tall gentleman that had been beside you, raising a brow that obviously said he wanted to get going already. 
“Just a coors and whatever this young peach would like!”  At that request the tender turns to you with a bored expression while you shake your head. 
“Oh, no thank you. I’m getting drinks for me and my friends. Thank you though.” You smile, shaking your head quickly to the guy while he shrugs. 
“I don’t mind buying a round for pretty ladies. What do you want?”
“Really, I am fine.” You smile, moving to look around the club and try to find your brother under the lights, suddenly you feel a hand rubbing at your shoulder in a gross manner. 
“Sweetie, how bout you let a gentleman treat you well for once?”
“How bout you get your hands off her, yeah pal?” Jake’s voice sounds out from behind you, pushing the hand off your shoulder and turning to the bartender. “Two shots of her choice on this pervs tab?”
“You got it.” The bartender smiles, watching you point to your favorite liquor as grabby douche shakes his head. 
“I’m not buying drinks for you and your boyfriend!”
  “But I thought you wanted to treat me well?” You ask, blinking at him with a fake dumb look that has him sneering at you until the bartender comes back and hands you both shots. “Have a great night, thanks for the round Sweetie.”
Jake lets you walk in front of him, keeping an eye on the asshole just in case, easing up when you both make it to the table with the shots. You slide one to him, smiling from ear to ear. 
“To assholes not knowing no.”
“To people who don’t know how to play card games.” He clinks the shot to your own in cheers before throwing it back, laughing when your face pinches up. 
“You cheated!”
“Did not!”
“Did to!”
“By the way this does not count as the round you owe me!”
“Does so!”
“Does not!”
“I hate you!”
“That’s fair, sugar.”
Talk your talk and go viral
I just need this love spiral
Get it off your chest
Get it off my desk
Three highs later you both are laying on his rug in the living room, side by side as you try to catch your breath, blinking slowly. 
“For such a bad idea that felt great.” You blurt, voice scratchy and worn out, watching as he tiredly sits up, moving to drag you back onto the couch from where you had fallen, wrapping his arms around you as the cushions engulf you both. 
“Bad ideas always turn out the best in my opinion.” He mutters, pulling the blanket down to cover both your figures. 
“You are so dead if Bob finds out.”
“Shhh, I’ll worry about my funeral after we get some sleep.”
One round turned into four rounds which turned into you and Jake staying long after everyone else left, laughing your asses off as the night descended into chaos. Suddenly you both were playing a drunken game of two truths and a lie, cackling at every little thing possible. 
“Okay okay. 1.) I cheated at the card game. 2.) My name is Jake and 3.) I drive a jeep.”
“I saw your truck on the way in here dumbass.” You snort before the words process fully. “YOU ADMIT TO CHEATING!”
“Nuh huh, it’s your turn.” He snorts, poking your cheek. 
“Okay. 1.) I am bobs sister 2.) I hate my new job and 3.) I know how to fly a plane.”
“You hate your job?” He asks seriously, face falling a bit as he watches you. “But Bob said you seem to love it.”
“That’s because I want him to think I love it so he doesn’t feel bad.” You admit, watching him closely. “He already has enough stress.”
“What do you hate about your job?”
“The old people I work with, the basic tasks they give me when I am supposed to be learning an entirely new field not to mention I just really miss my friends at my old job. I can never seem to catch a break with this crew, not that I would want to since they are all kind offf…..” You trail off when you realize how close to him you had gotten, a haze coming over you and for a moment the only thing you can think of is closing the gap and kissing him. 
Jake takes the chance, leaning forward to capture your lips on his own, both of you trapped in a heated liplock for a moment before he tears away breathless. “Bob can never know I just did that.”
“Agreed.” You whisper, blinking up at him for a moment before lunging for another kiss the same time he does, your hands flying to his shirt to pull him close. 
Before either of you know it you are both stumbling to his truck, tripping and stumbling on the way. 
The bar was long forgotten behind them, both bodies merged into one as they clung to each other, leaning against the car behind them as their lips refused to separate. Moans slipped from both parties and buttons were being toyed with as both parties did their best to separate. 
It was a struggle, one that neither could really fight, but finally they pulled back to breathe. Eyes gazing into each other as they panted to catch their breath, bodies pressed to each other.
“This is a really bad idea.” He mutters. “We should stop.”
“We should.” You mutter back, nodding slightly as you both stare back at each other. Then in a split your lips are back on eachother, trying to eat eachothers faces off. 
I feel (I feel) the lavender haze creepin' up on me
Surreal, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say (oh, yeah)
No deal (no deal), the 1950s shit they want from me
I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
The shrill sound of his alarm clock at 5am wakes you both up quickly, snapping awake in a panic as he lunges to turn if off. “Sorry,”
You can barely hear him over the pounding in your head, throwing your face into the throw pillow on his couch to block out the sun while he struggles to find his boxers, slipping them on and shuffling over to you. “Alright, come on.”
“Are you kicking me out?” You whine, looking up at him with a heartbroken face as he pushes one hand under your thighs and the other behind your back. 
“God no, I’m taking you to bed.” He smiles sleepily, tripping over one of your shoes as he pads to the room, keeping his hold on you tight. “That couch sucks.”
The second he sees the bed is within limits he throws you on, shuffling to grab one of his shirts and throws it at your face before moving to climb under the blankets. Watching you slowly dress into the shirt before holding the comforter up like a tent while you crawl into the embrace, and before you both know it you are snoring again. Missing the dozens of messages left by your brother. 
It’s the pounding that wakes you up next….okay well not the pounding but Jake getting up to go investigate the sound and you missing the warmth the wakes you up, but the second you hear the sound you sit up to watch him disappear from sight. 
You hear the door creak open before you hear the voice. “Do you know where my sister went last night? Because she is not answering her phone and she didn’t come home-”
“About that. Listen Bob she-”
“And I am really worried since she always at least messages me-”
“She’s in my room..”  Jake says it so naturally, and by the time you reach the doorway wrapped in his comforter you can hear the thud of your brother's fist bashing into Jake's face, gasping out when he falls harshly. 
“WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!” You scream, rushing up to help Jake off the floor as Bob glares. 
“I told him to stay away from you- I told you to stay away from HIM!” Bob yells, rubbing his forehead. “Y/n he is a-”
“Not to me.” You scoff, wrapping the blanket tighter. “You talk crap about him all the time but he’s nice to me!”
“Nice? He was just trying to get you into bed-”
“I was…. Jesus, I was going to take her out after we woke up today.”  Jake sighs, rubbing his cheek. “I had this whole plan that just didn’t work out so now I am-”
“No no no. I don’t want to hear it.” Bob sighs. “You go get dressed. I’ll wait outside.”
He storms out after that, leaving you and Jake side by side in silence. “Told you it was a bad idea.”
Get it off your chest
Get it off my desk
That lavender haze, I just wanna stay
I just wanna stay in that lavender haze
Four months later and you are sitting in Jake’s truck, decked out in purple as you try your best to get off the phone with your brother, watching Jake glare at the car in front of him. 
“Oh, Bobby it looks like I am losing service-”
“You are such a liar. Just promise me you will send me pictures of Jake from that concert, everyone wants to see them.” He laughs and Jake sends a glare in your direction, obviously having heard your brother. “I need to see him in the getup.”
“No.” Jake snaps, shaking his head. In your opinion he looked amazing, decked out in a purple outfit for the Taylor Swift concert that he had brought you to. It had all gone amazing until the traffic afterwards hit and you were getting glitter all over his car. 
“I think he looks great.” You mumble into the phone. “Okay I reallygottagobye.”
Your brother tries to argue but you are quick to hang up, reaching to turn the radio up only to be stopped by Jake. “Nuh uh.”
“What? Why?” You scoff slapping his hand before he slaps yours back. 
“We were just at her concert. I love you…..and I love her but I think I just need a Taylor Swift break.” He mumbles, eyes widening when yours narrow. “Nevermind, I didn’t mean it.”
“What. Did. You. Say?” “I didn’t say anything. I love you so much, and I would never say anything against Taylor- ye OW!” He yelps when you pinch his arm. 
“Take it back, say you are sorry!”
“-LAVENDER HAZE CREEPIN OVER ME-” He ignores you, reaching to turn the song up as you scoff. 
“I hate you.”
“That’s fair.” He smiles, leaning over to kiss your lips. “I love you too.”
(Authors Note: I have been trying to find any sort of energy to post and get out of bed. Got so close to giving up on life itself and I'm barely back, please bare with me as I try to find my way out of my depression hole I have dug for myself everyone. I know it's been a minute but life has been kicking my ass. Be patient with me - Ultralight)
211 notes · View notes
thewulf · 1 year
Thick and Thin Part 2 || Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Request: Reader is a former police officer, but now is working at the hard deck. Her last undercover work went terribly wrong and she was hurt really bad (got captured and held in a damp and cold cellar.... See rest here
A/N: We’re pretending the aviators are at Top Gun for a few months not a few weeks! Didn’t follow the prompt completely… but it’s cute! Def more cute than angsty. Enjoy!
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Y/N
Word Count: 3,900+'
Part 1
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“Are you alright?” Penny asked. Flicking your eyes up towards the sandy haired woman you gave her a faint nod.
You shot her the best smile you could muster, “I’m fine.”
“I think those glasses are clean enough Y/N. You’ve been at them for the last thirty minutes, yeah?” She took the rag from you sensing something was off. Something didn’t seem quite right with you this afternoon. Far quieter than your normally chipper and happy self.
“Sure. They were just really dirty is all. You should really have that washer checked out.” Nervously, you laughed knowing she sensed you were off. Because of course she did. Penny could read you like a damn book. Any damn book she wanted you to be.
“What’s wrong?” She asked as she watched you walk around the bar. She gently pushed you down into the barstool outside the bar.
Sighing, you knew there wasn’t a way you could get out of talking about this one, “It’s dumb Penny. Really dumb.”
She shook her head, “Can’t be dumb if it’s got you thinking so hard.”
Looking ahead you saw the group of aviators with their newest addition, Olivia, the blonde that you thought was leagues above you, “Jake’s got himself a new girlfriend.” You nodded in her direction trying not to look like you were shooting daggers right at her. You wanted to. This jealousy thing sucked.
Penny’s eyes followed your line of sight over to her regular group of aviators. Her eyes raised as she scanned over the new girl, taking her in, “How do you know she’s with Jake?” She asked hoping you wouldn’t really have an answer.
You shrugged, “Might’ve been his hand on her ass or them making out last night in the booth, something like that.” Looking away you turned your attention back to Penny.
She sighed seeing your deflated face. “Well, that’s a sign I suppose.” She nodded in agreement, “She’s just a fling honey.” Penny continued seeing the utter sadness seep through your expression.
“She’s gorgeous Penny, I don’t think…” You paused not really wanting to think about what this really meant. Did this mean he’d no longer come up and talk with you? Flirt with you? Even you had to admit that was some of the most fun you’d had working at the bar. The nights when Jake were there flew by, he made sure of it.
She shook her head not letting you respond either, “Look, I’ve known Hangman longer than you. She’s definitely just a fling. Doubt she’ll be around tomorrow.”
Penny was wrong though. She was around the next night and the night after that. When she showed up the following Friday night you were sure you were about to lose it. Your only saving grace being Bradley. He was out on a training mission for the week so when that tall brunette walked through the front door you about sang his praises right then and there. A smile crept up your cheeks as you made eye contact with the cocky son of a bitch you’d grown close to over the previous few months. God were you thrilled he’d taken a job at Top Gun.
“Bradley.” You smiled handing him a tall glass of his favorite draft, “Glad you’re home. First one’s on the house.”
“Better be.” He grinned taking it from you. He only threw his hands up in defense when he saw your bitter scowl, “I kid! Thank you, Y/N. It’s good to be back.”
You nodded, “That’s more like it.” It felt almost foreign to smile after the shitty week of hidden frown’s you’d been giving seeing your less than favorite couple walk through those doors. You hadn’t even tried to make eye contact with him. The second you saw him with her you’d turn the other direction.
Things got a little rocky the third time you saw her. She’d come up and ordered drinks for her and Jake in a not so nice manner. You replied back in a not so nice manner. She tried to get you in trouble with Penny bitching about her bartender having an attitude, but Penny shrugged it off before telling you all about it. That was the night you could feel Jake’s eyes on you, but you couldn’t look at him. Not after that. You hated making yourself look like a fool and you were sure she was painting you as a full on clown now. Why’d you have to let Bradley talk you into your feelings for this stupid boy?
“How’ve you been?” Bradley asked taking a seat in front of you. It was still early enough in the night that you weren’t too busy yet and could spare the time to chat.
You nodded wiping up the counter in front of him, “Okay. Weather’s been shitty. You picked a good week to leave.”
He leaned back taking you all the way in. He too could see right through you like Penny could. A quick glance around the bar confirmed his senses. Hangman was sitting over in the corner with a blonde girl on his lap without a care in the world. He was only gone a week and Hangman had managed this already. Bradley knew how sensitive you were about your injuries. How insure they had made you. How they made you feel like you were less than and didn’t deserve the love you really did deserve. To see Hangman sit there and almost confirm all those fears in the time he was gone pissed him off. Bradley was proud of how much progress he had made with the two idiots who didn’t seem to know what they wanted. He had managed to get you both to confess to him the true nature of either of your feelings. It perplexed him how he was now in a worse off situation than he had left the previous week.
“Who’s that?” Bradley asked leaning closer to the bar again knowing how much you probably didn’t want to be talking about it. But he knew you were trapped. Sure, you could run and serve other customers but eventually you’d have to come back and talk to him.
Rolling your eyes you snuck a quick glance at the overly touchy couple in the booth on the far side of the bar, “Olivia. A teacher or something like that.”
Bradley raised his eyebrows letting his glasses slide down his nose, “You know that’s just a distraction right?”
“Shut up Brad.” You wanted to slap him silly right then and there. You couldn’t let him talk you into getting your hopes up again. The first crash hurt enough already.
“It is! You’re not a man, so how would you know what he’s thinking?” He rattled off.
“And how would you?” You fired back, irritated with him already, “Playing the man card? Really Bradley?”
“Okay, ouch… fair.” He smirked, missing the less than friendly banter back and forth in just the week he’d been gone. He’d gotten so used to you being there that he didn’t realize how much he loved your presence until he took himself out of it.
You shrugged not knowing what to say. You’d love to believe Bradley, but you just couldn’t seem to. They’d stopped in the bar four times in seven days, it felt like he was trying to make a point to you. One that you fully understood and didn’t really want to be a part of. He was choosing her. Not you.
“Come on, he likes you!”
“He’s got a very interesting way of showing it doesn’t he?” You spat out with a little too much disgust in your voice. Even if he did like you, you were annoyed with the whole thing. What were you in? Middle school?
“It’s his way of deflecting! You should know, you’ve done it long enough.” Bradley smirked more to himself than to you. Surely you couldn’t give up on the non-existent relationship before it even started? Bradley was better than that at meddling with relationships and he knew it. Just last week he got Natasha and the girl at the bar to finally strike up a conversation. Big bad Phoenix became a chicken in front of a pretty girl.
“I’m not doing this with you right now. I’ve got people to serve anyway.” You grumbled turning away from him before he could argue. You loved the man with your whole heart, but boy was he difficult. He never backed down from an argument, certainly not when he knew he was right, which he was. Bradley decided he better knock some sense into Hangman. What he didn’t realize is that it would send the Olivia girl right up to the bar where you were.
You hadn’t realized Bradley got up. That was your own fault for not keeping tabs on the loose cannon. You only realized when you heard that familiar cough behind you. A nasally cough to grab your attention. Not even having the energy to fake a smile you mumbled out a somewhat coherent, “What can I get for you?”
“You know, he doesn’t like you. He likes me.” That irrationally squeaky voice that made you want to do questionable things spoke far too confidently for you not to consider what she was saying.
You really hadn’t the energy to deal with this right now, “What are you talking about?”
“Jake. He complains about you all the time. Your attachment issues. Getting sick all the time. You seem pathetic really.”
You wanted to frown. Betrayal coursed through you. How dare he mention that to her? It felt like you were just an object to talk about not a person underneath, “Okay. Are you ordering anything or?” Was all you could think of. You tried to remain as unbothered as you could. Although, you weren’t sure if your face was playing along or not.
“Bye.” You rolled your eyes subtly before turning to the next guest. She took the hint retuning to Jake. You were sure she interrupted whatever conversation Bradley and Jake were having as Bradley looked flabbergasted when she climbed right back into his lap. You wanted to turn away but the sheer look of horror on Bradley’s face seemed to make it all worth it.
After serving a few patrons Bradley made his way back to where he was originally sitting, waiting patiently on you. Sliding him another draft you raised your eyebrows, waiting on whatever he had to say, “Exactly what I thought. A simple deflection. An easy one.”
“Just, drop it. Tell me about your training mission?” You really didn’t want to talk about it anymore. It’s all the two of you seemed to chat about anymore. It was exhausting you; you couldn’t imagine how Bradley felt.
The two of you chatted until it got too busy to ignore your bartending duties. You felt a pit in the bottom of your stomach when you saw the two blondes leaving together later on in the night. You felt his eyes on you continuously throughout the night. What had she said to him? If she was that brash coming up to you earlier on in the night then you could only imagine what nasty things she’s said about you to him.
It hurt more than you were mad at him for telling her about you. He had to have known you felt something for him and to do this felt like he was all but rejecting you. Once Bradley left you let yourself spiral in your head but maintain that fake ass smile as you served guests.
It didn’t get better once you got home. You continued to think about what that stupid little mousy faced girl said to you, ‘he doesn’t even like you.’ Could that really be true? Were you really that fucking annoying? Sure, the sickness was a burden, but you never tried to place it on him. Fuck. You couldn’t believe you’d let Bradley right back into your head and let him convince you that.
Sleep didn’t come easily. The stress of the simple conversation placing too much anxiety on your brain. Not sleeping well with the added stress was never a good mixture for you. When you woke the next morning you felt warm, too warm. You knew what it meant but you decided to try and nap it off. That was a mistake as you woke feeling exponentially worse.
Placing the thermometer under your tongue you frowned when you read 102.6 Degrees read across. Texting Penny that you were sick you took a quick shower before finding your way back into bed. It was amazing what the human brain could do. You let yourself get so wrapped up in those little comments that your body was straight up having a physical reaction as well. Rejecting your thoughts completely.
Frustrated you tried to sleep again. Turning your phone to silent just deciding to ignore it for the afternoon. Not like anybody would be reaching out other than Penny. She’d assume you were just sleeping anyway.
When your eyes opened again the night had taken over. Sighing you popped into the shower rinsing off all the salty sweat that was coating your body. This was the worst of it when your temperature was the highest and you felt freezing. The highest the shower could go only calmed your shivers down some more. Contemplating taking some Tylenol you decided against it, letting your body fight this one off.
Laying on the couch you found a show you liked. Letting yourself drift in and out of sleep to the quiet volume from the television. You would have likely slept there the rest of the night had there not been a knock on the front door. Deciding to ignore it you closed your eyes hoping whomever it was would go away.
But they had other plans. The persistent knocks only seemed to get louder. With a huff you shuffled your feet to the door making sure to keep the blanket wrapped around you. It was far too cold out in the open air to be walking around without one.
Taking a look through the peep hole in the door you frowned seeing Jake on the other side. What in the hell did he want?
“Y/N, open up. I can literally hear you. Right there.”
Damn, were you really breathing that loud? Not really having the option you unlocked the dead bolt opening the door seeing the handsome man before you. He was dressed down, not in any Navy Uniform. You had to admit he looked damn good no matter what he was in. Hot as a pilot and maybe even hotter as a civilian.
He studied you for a second as you simply tried to keep your eyes open. Not having a clue of the time, you shuffled away from the door letting him in. Making your way back to the couch you snuggled right back into the spot you were in earlier, “To what do I owe the pleasure?” You mumbled out.
He took a seat on the opposite side of the couch, “You didn’t text me back… all day.”
“Sorry,” You sighed realizing you really hadn’t looked at your phone since about lunch time and it looked late out now, “Just been sleeping.”
He looked down, almost ashamed, “Why didn’t you call?”
You shrugged, “Didn’t think too. I don’t know. I’ve got everything I need.”
“I told you to call me when you were sick Y/N. I could’ve helped.”
This time your frowned. What was he getting at? Didn’t he have Olivia to fuck or some planes to go fly?
“Thought you were busy. Didn’t want to bother you.” It was a lie. You were too scared to bother him. To place your burden on him especially after what the blondie said the day prior. It was easier to lie than to comfort your feelings so suddenly.
“How many times do I have to tell you, you aren’t a burden Y/N. You aren’t a bother at all. I want to help you! Rooster wants to help you! Do you know how worried sick we’ve been? Penny all but begged me not to come but I couldn’t sit around that bar any longer knowing you weren’t answering your phone. You could’ve been dead for all we knew!” You winced hearing him raise his voice slightly at you.
He noticed, “I’m sorry. So sorry.” He apologized quickly.
A wave of emotions hit you all at once as you finally listened to him. You’d have probably argued back if you didn’t feel like such shit. You hummed closing your eyes while resting your head on the pillow behind you. You felt slightly guilty straight up ignoring him, but your head was pounding, and the fever was apparently raging.
You almost jumped ten feet in the air when Jake’s icy hand contacted your forehead, “Christ, Y/N you’re on fire.”
“And you’re freezing!” You pulled the covers closer hoping it would stop the shivers that erupted from your body.
“Here,” He handed you the thermometer that was on the kitchen table, “Can you check please?”
Placing the thermometer under your tongue you watched him as he watched you. The air in the room felt a little awkward for the first time. It had all usually flown so naturally between the two of you. But you were holding back on him, not letting him know why you were really truly upset… Olivia.
He didn’t look away as your eyes connected with his. He’d missed you, of course. Olivia was exactly that, a distraction from you. Because Jake was just like you. He didn’t think you’d ever give him the time of day.  With your background and skillset, you’d be an asset to any relationship. Bradley even tried to talk him into admitting his feelings for you.
He was almost successful. Right before Jake was going to coming to admit his feelings and ask you on a proper date he chickened out and sat on the beach instead. That’s where he met Olivia. And the rest was history.
Until last night. Olivia got in his ear about you. Tried to say bad things before he shut them down right then and there. He reluctantly left with her when she asked him to. It was early and she could sense the irritation coming off of him. Jake broke the weeklong fling off as they walked the beach. He couldn’t stand the thought of even being friends with someone who could be so cruel to you.
He was going to tell you the next night, but you never showed up. You always worked the Saturday evening shift. Almost every bartender did. He barely got an answer out of Penny before he bolted for the door heading straight for your apartment.
You were lost in thought when the thermometer beeped. 103.2 degrees. Whew, that was warm for an adult. You hadn’t recalled the last time your temperature had actually gotten that high. Oh well, you’d just have to deal with it.
“Have you taken any Tylenol?”
You shook your head mumbling out a soft, “No.”
He sighed, “What the hell Y/N? If you aren’t going to call you have to take care of yourself.”
This time your returned the sigh. Tired of the act. He couldn’t really care for you like that. Not even as a friend. Especially if that Olivia said was true, “Why do you care?” You let out a little more coherently. It wasn’t like you to pick fights, but you were confused, truly.
His eyes crinkled downward as he took in your question. Gently, he sat down beside you, “Why would you say that?”
A slight flush coated your cheeks, he seemed so damn genuine, “Olivia… she came up to me yesterday when Bradley came to you. She went on and on about how annoying you thought I was. How attached I was. How being sick was… the worst or something.” You looked down, not having the slightest bit of courage to look up at him.
“And you believed her?” His frown deepened as he considered your words.
You sighed feeling slightly embarrassed about the whole thing, “Yeah, I mean she’s convincing… I guess.”
“Hey,” He took your chin in your hand, “You know that’s not true right.”
You nodded, loving the feeling of your head in his hand, “Yeah.”
“That doesn’t sound very convincing, Y/N.”
“I’m sorry… she’s just better than me. Prettier than me. Smarter…”
“Stop,” He shook his hand giving your chin a gentle squeeze. Not willing to hear such negativity come from your mouth, “First off, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for making you feel that way. You don’t get to see yourself from my view. How pretty you look when you smile at customers. How smart you sound when your just casually chatting with people. How easily you seem to connect with people. You’re so much more than what you see yourself as. Your not perfect, nobody is, but you’re damn near close to it.”
If you didn’t feel like you were going evaporate from the fever you were sure your cheeks would be inflamed. But your exhaustion and the heavy conversation seemed to dull your senses a bit, “You really think that?” It took a moment for you to process but once you did you were floored. Jake thought so highly of you?
“Of course, you’re incredible Y/N. You might not believe it, but I do. I see it every day. Olivia was nothing. A distraction from you. I was scared.”
“Of what?” Your eyes fluttered between opened and closed. Not seeming to be able to keep them in one state. You so desperately wanted to keep the conversation going. You were finally broaching the feelings subject. Of course, your fucking body would throw you out of whack when he tried to do so.
“You rejecting me.” He answered all too honestly.
You laughed a little, “I’d never reject you Jake. I’d never feel good enough for you if we’re being honest.”
He took your hand in his gently giving it a squeeze, “You’re more than enough Y/N. Everything I’d ever need.”
Blinking away the tears that Jake inevitably brought on you realized you must not have been successful as you felt his thumb brush away one that escaped, “Don’t cry sweetheart.”
You looked up seeing his overly concerned face. Oh, how soft Jake Seresin could be when he wanted to, “Happy tired tears.” You laughed softly feeling the day and conversation fully catch up with you.
“Come on,” He pinched your side forcing your eyes open, “Let’s get you to bed.”
You shook your head, “I’m good here. Comfy and too tired to move.”
“That’s what I’m here for darling.” Jake didn’t waste anytime laying it on thick. He was a romantic after all.
Without listening to your reservations, he scooped you up with ease. Gently, he laid you down in bed tucking you in under the covers.
“Yeah?” He smiled looking down at you.
“Can you stay?”
“I thought you’d never ask.” He chucked diving into bed next to you. He pulled you close into him. He’d normally be warmed but you were rocking with your fever at a higher temperature.
“Night Jake.” You sighed enjoying jakes slightly cooler temperature.
“Goodnight. See you in the morning beautiful.”
Tag List: @senjoritanana @blackcatdhisgf @ohgodnotagainn @havlindzk @alana4610 @greasemonkeydarling
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tgmsunmontue · 7 days
Season to Taste - 16/? WIP
Explicit Hangster - Celebrity Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin who have a relationship spanning the globe before they realize how tightly bound they are to one another. Heading into this little world.
                He walks out the front to find Vi sitting at one of the tables groaning, her head rested on a pile of books and her laptop set to the side.
                “What are you doing?”
                “Studying. Go to University they said. It’ll be fun they said. It was all bullshit and lies.”
                “You could always run away to another country.”
                “Oh, I am not fool enough to think my life is as blessed as yours is. If I ran away to America I’d probably end up dead.”
                “You don’t want to travel?”
                “I didn’t say that.”
                “Can you imagine my parents agreeing to let me go?”
                “What if I went with you?”
                “Are you serious?”
                “You’re like my sister –”
                “I might actually have cousins somewhere. Anyway, we could always go together. If you wanted.”
…            …            …
                Sandy, Olivia, Maria, Nicola and Mandy are all sitting at the large twelve-seater dining table when he finally steps into the kitchen. He doesn’t say anything, silently pours himself coffee from the pot and takes a sip while he just looks at them. They all look back. They’ve clearly been talking about him, or Leo, or more likely his relationship with Leo. Not that he’s told Maria anything, and for her to be the sister that knows the most is unusual. He doesn’t know whether she would have talked or not.
                Sandra is the oldest, nine years Jake’s senior and got to get the whole college experience before their lives came crashing down around their ears. She’d married her boyfriend from college, a man named Daniel who had uprooted his life in Montana to live in Texas. If that didn’t show love and devotion Jake doesn’t know what does. They have three kids, two girls and a boy, ten, eight and six years old. They call him Uncle Jake and think he’s cool. He doesn’t need the ego boost, but he’ll take it regardless.
                Olivia is six years older than Jake, and of all his sisters he’d have to say she’s the one he has the least in common with. He doesn’t know what happened while she was at college, but he just knows she’d come back angry and upset, raging at the world with no time to consider comforting anyone, or being comforted herself. Now though, she seems happy, her own little house built on the farm a ten-minute walk away from Maria in the main house. She cooks and creates things, rescues animals like it’s her job.
                For a reason he’s not one-hundred percent sure of, Maria lives in their family home where they all grew up and where he’s standing right now; looking at the large table where they all congregate around for every special occasion whether he’s there or not. He has always assumed that Sandra didn’t want to live here and raise her own family. Maria is only three-and-a-half years older than Jake, was still in high school and living at home and he’s always considered her the bridge between them all, a middle child acting as glue. Maybe that’s why she stays in the house, reels them all back in every chance she gets.
                Nicola and Amanda are twins, the ones he’s closest to in age, only two years older than him, but he’s definitely closest to Nicola. Nicola came out as a lesbian before Jake even realized that he was maybe not straight and their parents’ easy loving acceptance and support had made it so much easier for him when he figured himself out. The fact that he’s away much of the time means he makes the perfect roommate, only around for a few weeks, always with an end date in sight so she never seems to get sick of him. Amanda, he thinks, is maybe the bravest out of them all, her decision to go after parenthood and take it on single-handed, refusing to wait for some person to come along to make it happen for her. She currently breastfeeding her son and only half of her attention is really on Jake.
                “You going to say anything?” Olivia asks.
                “What’s there to say?” Jake asks, shrugs and takes another sip of coffee. There are collective eye rolls and scoffs around the table and he pulls a face. “What?” he asks again.
                “Maria told us you have a boyfriend.”
                “Did she now…” Jake says dryly, shooting Maria a look and she gives it right back.
                “Did you take the idiot route?” Maris asks, one eyebrow shooting up like she’s daring him to prove her right or wrong either way.
                “No. I didn’t. However if you think me bringing him here for dinner tomorrow isn’t an idiot move on my part then you all need you head’s examined.”
                “If he can’t put up with a little ribbing from us he’s not worth your time,” Nicola states, and she leans back from the table and folds her arms, looks like she’s ready to throw hands.
                “After seven days? You think introducing a guy to all of you, what,” he looks to Maria. “Forty-eight hours after we actually decide to try having a long-distance relationship when he leaves, that meeting my entire family isn’t a complete overkill?”
                “But Maria got to meet him!”
                “That’s because I knew she’d be able to help him better than I could. And I wasn’t… we were just hooking up.”
                The looks his sisters all now exchange have him throwing his hands up in the air in annoyance, no idea what they’re communicating silently. He skulls back the last of the coffee in his mug, regrets it almost instantly given how hot it still is, but it looks like Amanda is finished breastfeeding Lincoln and he grabs the burping cloth and makes grabby hands for his three-month old nephew. While he’s around he gets first dibs on everything and he’s totally going to use Lincoln to hopefully redirect the conversation.
                “You sleep well for your mom last night?” Jake asks, and Amanda snorts.
                “Stop trying to deflect Jake.”
                Damn. He’s out or practice. Not even one question before he’s getting called out; although trying with someone unable to answer back was probably a mistake. Ah well, it was worth a shot.
                “This is the first guy you’ve ever brought home. It’s a big deal.”
                “Okay. First off. There was no conscious decision to bring a guy home. He just… I literally bumped into him at the market on Saturday.  Until yesterday afternoon we were just fucking –”
                “Jake!” “Language!” “Can you not?” Their voices all overlap and he’s reminded that while he spends most of his time with guys who are trying to get their photo in the dictionary beside curse like a sailor, his sisters have never liked curse words, although when he’s with them one on one they usually let it slide.
                “Making sweet sweet love,” Jake says, giving them all an annoyed look while jiggling Lincoln and patting his back. “Look, I wouldn’t be bringing any guy home after a couple of dates.”
                “Except it’s not just a couple of dates. This is your guy from Italy…” Nicola states.
                “Nicky…” Jake starts, because only she knows quite the extent of his maybe little thing for Leo which he’d built up in his mind. The fact that he’s pretty much had all of that in more the last few days cementing some of his wildest fantasies isn’t something he wants to examine too closely yet.
                “What guy from Italy?”
                “I thought you said it was Bradley Bradshaw?”
                “Yeah. It is. And apparently they met years ago in Italy and Jake calls him Leo,” Maria provides, like she’s repeating something and Jake frowns.
                “It’s what his Italian family call him…” he says defensively, not adding that it’s also what he’s called him in his head for around eight years.
                “It’s how he introduced himself to you,” Nicola provides and Jake shoots her a glare over the top of Lincoln’s head.
                “Italy… didn’t you stop there as part of your first deployment?”
                “Yeah, it was, he sent us a postcard.”
                “Wait. Was he your first?”
                Jake feels hunted, as he often does when they’re all pursuing the same thing or all trying to get him to do something, or find something out.
                “You’re all a bunch of gossips!”
                “Like this is news…”
                “Also that wasn’t an answer. You know…” Amanda says, turning toward Nicola instead of Jake and he groans. Nicola cannot keep anything from Amanda once she knows there is something to know.
                “He wasn’t my first…” Jake mutters, hoping to maybe head them off, but Amanda is studying Nicola with narrowed eyes, Nicola is looking between her twin and back to Jake helplessly and he shakes his head and Amanda’s eyes go gleeful.
                “Ooohhh… there is definitely something. He was –”
                “He’s the first guy Jake ever kissed.”
                “What? You told me when you came home very briefly in between rounds of sweet sweet love. Remember? I didn’t realize it was a state secret. We all know who each other’s first kiss are…”
                “Well, we do now.”
                “My first kiss was actually Suzanne McKenzie,” Jake says smugly.
                “You were four. That doesn’t count.”
                “Oh… he was the first man you kissed. And DADT was still in effect.”
                “Yeah,” Jake says on a sharp exhale, and he swallows, looks down at Lincoln to avoid looking at any of them. It was one thing to have their support when he decided to apply to USNA, but they had each taken him aside and told him that DADT was going to make it difficult. They hadn’t been wrong, but other than Nicola he’d felt at the time it was all I support you but…. Nicola had said, fuck them, you go in there and show them what you’re made of.
                So he had.
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the top gun maverick masterlist
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my masterlist of rooster and hangman fics
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw:
rooster's girl: Rooster saves you from a drunk asshole.
happier part one: based on the song Happier by Olivia Rodrigo.
happier part two: based on the song Happier by Olivia Rodrigo.
hold my hand: involves riding a bull and Rooster with a cowboy hat.
you are in love vol 1: "pauses then says, 'you're my best friend'"
all of the girls you've loved before: based on the song by T.Swift.
you are in love vol 2: "one look, dark room; meant just for you."
flash me: based on the episode of new girl where jess walks in on nick.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin:
illicit affairs: based on the song by T. Swift.
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*denotes smut
Tyler Owens (Twisters 2024)
What's In A Name? Masterlist | Series (Ongoing)
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Tyler Owens x Harding! FemOC
Meg Harding and Kate Carter were inseparable until their friends died five ago, then she ran to New Orleans to save lives as a paramedic. But when Javi calls on his two oldest friends to help him collect data, counting on their matching natural instincts for tornadoes, Meg goes home for the first time in years. That's where she meets Tyler and the rest of the Wranglers, the YouTube storm chasers her dad likes to watch, and finds herself fitting in more with them than with Storm PAR. Meg only plans to stay for the week but will it be easy to leave when the dust settles?
If a certain cowboy has a say in it, nothing about leaving is going to be easy.
Jake "Hangman" Seresin (Top Gun Maverick 2022)
Wildflowers For A Hangman Masterlist*
| Series (Ongoing)
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Writer! FemOC
Daisy, a career novelist, moves in with her college best friend Phoenix who has been permanently assigned to Top Gun with Dagger Squad. She finds herself instantly connected with a cocky pilot who's soft only for her and Jake can't help but want to know everything about her. When the past comes knocking at both of their doors, will they stand together or fall apart?
Or: The Dagger Squad can't cook and Jake falls in love with a woman who makes a mean lasagna while they work their personal trauma.
Natasha "Phoenix" Trace (Top gun Maverick 2022)
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God Complex | One Shot
Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x f! surgeon! reader (no use of y/n)
You're a trauma surgeon resident, studying at a bar when you're approached by a woman who steals your focus.
warnings! Slight dom!Phoenix (if you squint), suggestive, drinking, not proof read
Rhett Abbott (Outer Range)
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Welcome Home, Sweetheart | Drabble
Rhett Abbott x f! reader (no use of y/n)
You and Rhett were childhood best friends and now you're back in town after living out of state for a few years. Your first night in town is one you'll never forget.
warnings! Rhett punches a guy, reader finds it hot, not proof read, written in under ten minutes
Run Away With Me | One Shot
Rhett Abbott x Fem! Reader (no use of y/n)
3 years ago your parents stole you away from Wabang to keep you out of trouble, now you're back, but only for a night.
Warnings: none!
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw (Top Gun Maverick 2022)
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A Stepdad For Christmas | Series (WIP)
Sneak peek
Rooster x Single Mom!OC
After divorcing her gay, marriage of convenience husband, Olivia and her teenage daughter move to North Island. Her daughter's one wish for Christmas? A hot step dad. And damn, if Rooster's Hawaiian shirts don't look like the perfect wrapping paper.
Kinktober 2024*
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Masterlist - Minors DNI | 18+ Only (WIP)
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topguncortez · 2 years
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The Professor | Chapter 12
previous part | masterlist | next part
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synopsis: The time has come for you to graduate and say goodbye to the last four years of your life. Jake finally comes to his senses.
word count: 4.2k
warnings: age gap, power imbalance, mentions of parental death, mentions of blackmail, physical fighting, blood, tears, mentions of smut.
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The lights of the tree were beautiful, Lucy really did a good job with decorating the tree while you were gone. When you came home after the disaster that was Thanksgiving, the house was decorated brightly with Christmas cheer. Lucy was still away with Zeke’s family, so it gave you time to wallow in silence. The first thing you did was open a bottle of wine and lay underneath the colorful lights of the christmas tree. It brought you some comfort, but you still ended up crying yourself to sleep that night. 
            You kept asking yourself where everything went wrong. The beginning of the week had been perfect. You felt like you had finally cracked Jake’s cold outer shell. He had told you about his childhood, about the things that kept him up at night. He told you about what he saw for his future and the mistakes that he had learned from his past. He held you tightly at night as you slept next to him, and every kiss that was shared was as if it was the last one. You touched your lips lightly at the memories of the night in the cabin. You hadn’t brought it up, but you had heard the soft confession of “I love you” that fell from Jake’s pink lips. Now you were starting to think that it was a confused omittance. That he mistook lust for love. 
            The rest of the break was spent looking at apartments in LA. The price tag on most of them made your heart ache, but you knew that it wasn’t going to be easy to live in Los Angeles. You had money in a college fund that you hadn’t touched yet that would help cover rent for at least a year. After signing a lease, you began the dreaded clean out of your closet. You had acquired a lot of clothes over the past four years, and it was time to get rid of some. Part of you was waiting for a text or a call from Jake, but it never came. As the days faded into one another and the weekend was slowly coming to an end, you were dreading going back to his class. 
            Jake had to explain the next morning to his parents that you had gone home early. He was hoping to come up with some quick lie that your roommate had fallen ill or something, but Amelia had spilled the tea on the argument that he had with you. Jake wanted to tackle his little sister, as it was none of her business what went down between the two of you, but he was thankful that she had reached out and made sure you were home safe. Olivia had given her son an earful on his behavior, and how disappointed she was. But it went in one ear and out the other. He had heard this speech before. But what he hadn’t expected was his dad to chime in. 
            “She’s a special girl, Jacob.” 
            That was all George Seresin had said, but it meant a lot to Jake to hear that. Like you, Jake had found an early flight back home to Boston. He had stopped by a bookstore which he had called in a favor with. His plan was to surprise you, to apologize and set the record straight. He loved you. He loved you with every fiber in his being that waking up without you was something he never wanted to go through again. He promised himself after walking away that night, that he never wanted to see you cry again. 
            Jake had arrived at your house, Orange Roses and a gift in his passenger seat. He had worked on his speech the whole drive from the airport to your house, but every single thought went out his head as he saw Derek McAndrew walk out your front door. His blood ran red hot as he watched you, in nothing but an oversize t-shirt kiss Derek on the lips and pull him back into the house. Jake wanted to walk up there and punch him, but instead, he put his car in drive and drove home in silence. 
            “So, am I going to get to see you before you leave?” Derek asked, for what was probably the hundredth time since you told him that you had gotten a place in LA. 
            “Yes, I am not leaving until after the first of the year,” You rolled your eyes as you sat down in your spot next to Lucy. 
            Lucy shuffled her stuff away from you. The two of you weren’t currently talking. Lucy had yelled at you when she came home after catching Derek between your thighs in the living room. You didn’t tell her about the fight between you and Jake, just saying that you could sleep with who you want, that you and Jake weren’t exclusive. Lucy had reminded you, very loudly, that Derek had invaded your privacy and taken videos of you and Jake. You just shrugged and Lucy stormed away from you. Things had been awkward for the past couple days. 
            “Well, I just wanna make sure I get every second with my girl,” Derek said. 
            “She’s not your fucking girl,” Lucy spoke up. You looked at her for a brief second before she looked away. 
            “You don’t have to talk to her like that,” Derek said. 
            “It’s fine,” You answered as the door to the lecture hall opened. You looked down at your notebook as the sound of his footsteps grew closer. The room was even more tense than normal as Jake set up his laptop for the lecture. You could feel his eyes on you as he stood in front of the class. He waited just a moment, hoping that you’d look up at him. But you were stubborn and he knew it. Jake sighed and clicked on the slide. 
            “I hope you all had a good break,” Jake said to the class, “We are still talking about R & J, but today specifically, we are talking about why love is stupid and can lead fools to their death.” 
            You looked up at him, and could see the hurt in his eyes. You clenched your jaw and looked at his lecture slides. Derek could see the shift in your mood as you listened to Jake’s lecture.  He moved closer to you and put his arm around the back of your chair. Jake clenched his jaw as he watched Derek whisper things in your ear. He tried to keep it together, but when he saw Derek place a kiss on your neck and you giggle, he almost lost his cool. 
            “Miss L/N,” Jake called out. You looked at him, “What’s your opinion of Romeo? Do you think he made the right choice to come back?” 
            “My opinion.” 
            “That’s what I asked,” Jake crossed his arms over his chest. You narrowed your eyes at him and sat up a bit in your seat. 
            “Well I think Romeo is a bad person because he’s a spoiled, selfish dickwad who can’t express his feelings for the life of him,” You said, and watched as Jake’s jaw ticked, “He got pissed that the first girl wouldn’t give it up for him and went to find a naive girl who didn’t know better. Treated her nicely, and then killed her cousin and lied about it. And then when he was confronted confesses his so-called love.” 
            Jake scoffed, “Well I think Juliet is a spoiled whiny brat who can’t take no for a god damn answer.” 
            “Atleast Romeo wasn’t afraid to confess his love for her!” 
            You both knew the conversation had shifted off the book and about yourselves. Lucy’s eyes shifted between the two of you. Derek’s fists were clenched in rage. 
            “Yeah, and look where that got him. . . in the grave,” Jake snapped. 
            “At least he wasn’t scared to admit his feelings!” You yelled back.
            “And it got him fucking killed. So if you think that’s love. . .you’re a bigger idiot than I thought.” Jake chuckled and shook his head. 
You backed down, sitting back in your seat. Lucy looked at you with a sympathetic look in your eye as Jake went back to teaching. You could feel all eyes on you, as you tried to fight back tears. You couldn’t stand to be there any longer, as you grabbed your backpack and headed for the door. Jake stopped teaching, as you walked out the door. Every fiber in his body was screaming at him to go after you, but he fought against it. 
Jake cleared his throat as he clicked the next slide, “Let’s discuss the reasoning behind Tybalt’s last speech. . .” 
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The parking lot was dark as Jake walked out towards his range rover. It was starting to snow, a light sheet of white covered the ground. Jake knew that you were probably watching out the window at the snow. You had told him that the first snow was your favorite “holiday”. That your mother used to treat it like an actual holiday, celebrating with sparkling apple juice in fancy champagne glasses. Jake smiled at the thought of you sipping sparkling apple juice and dancing around to Christmas music. 
“Nice car,” A voice said, startling Jake. He rolled his eyes as Derek leaned against his black range rover, “Kind of expected it from you. Daddy’s money, right?” 
“My own money. Not that you would know what it’s like to work for something of your own,” Jake sneered, “Now, can you tell me why the hell you are waiting by my car.” 
“I want to tell you to stop fucking with Y/N,” Derek said, standing up and walking up to Jake, “You’ve done enough.” 
Jake clenched his jaw as he looked at the boy in front of him. Jake looked around the parking lot, making sure it was empty, before grabbing the collar of Derek’s shirt and shoving him up against the car. Derek grunted and tried to push Jake away, but he only tightened his hold. 
“You listen to me, and you listen well,” Jake said, “You stay the fuck away from her. I know what you did. I know that you took pictures and videos of her, you sick fuck. She’s too scared to go and turn you in, but I’m not. I dont’t give a fuck if I lose my job, at least your fucking ass will be expelled and black listed from every reedembale institution from here to the fucking pacific ocean.” 
“You’d risk your career for her? Fucking pathetic.” 
Jake shook his head, “I’d lose every last penny if it meant that I could call her mine.” Jake let Derek go, “Now, get the fuck out of my face. And if you were smart, which. . .  buddy, I grade your papers so I know you aren’t, you’d fucking leave her, Lucy, Zeke and myself alone.” 
Derek nodded and walked off but not before turning back around and trying to swing on Jake. Jake saw his movement and reacted, dropping him to the ground with one right hook. Derek grounded as he felt blinding pain from his nose and liquid gushing down his hands. 
“You broke my nose!” Derek yelled from the ground. 
“I told you to leave,” Jake shrugged and walked to the driver’s side of his car. He started it up without looking twice at Derek, bleeding on the ground. 
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Lucy sat on your bed as you looked yourself over in the mirror. You had told her what went down between you and Jake after you left class in tears. She wanted to punch Jake in the dick, but refrained from it. Instead, she helped you drown your sorrows in wine and a dance marathon in the living room. The two of you were like sisters, and couldn’t spend more than a couple days mad at each other. 
Now, Lucy was helping you get ready to go walk the stage for your graduation. Her and Zeke had bought you a new dress to wear, a baby pink dress that made your eyes pop. She helped you curl your hair and let you borrow a pair of her shoes. Lucy was now biting back tears as you zipped up your robe and fixed your graduation cap. 
“I know you aren’t crying,” You said, looking at her in the mirror. 
“I can’t help it,” Lucy said and got off your bed, “You’re graduating and leaving me here. What am I supposed to do for another semester?” 
“Try not to burn the house down,” You smiled and Lucy shook her head, “I can’t thank you enough for-” 
“Do not even start with this,” Lucy held her hand up, “We aren’t starting on the “thank yous” and the “goodbyes”.” 
“Girls! We gotta go!” Zeke yelled from downstairs. 
“My two babies, graduating,” Lucy shook her head, “Come on, before he gets his panties in a bunch.” 
You weren’t all too crazy about going to commencement. You didn’t actually even get your real diploma when you walked across the stage. They send it to you later when they can actually verify final grades. You knew that you were going to graduate, even though the last two weeks of the semester had been painfully awkward trying to avoid Jake. The two of you hadn’t texted each other since the night you left Texas. All communication had been strictly emails, and it was only on the grounds of making sure all first year assignments were graded. 
You and Zeke found your seats, which thankfully weren’t too far from one another. The school’s basketball arena had been transformed into the  graduation venue with chairs, a stage and balloons to congratulate the graduates. It was supposed to be a joyous occasion, but you couldn’t feel any less joyous. 
Jake couldn’t remember the last time he had gone to a graduation. Probably when Amelia got her bachelors. The gym was packed as his green eyes searched for a place to sit. He knew where you would be sitting. Towards the middle, on the left side of the gym. Jake opted to stand off to the side of the entrance with the overflow crowd, but could still see when you got called up on stage. You looked gorgeous and had a bright smile plastered on your face as you walked across the stage. He was sure that he could hear Lucy’s loud cheers as you shook the president of the college’s hand and smiled for a picture with the dean of students. Jake couldn’t help but smile himself as you clearly posed for a picture for Lucy, tilting your grad cap down for her to read. 
Commencement was about two hours too long for you. You thought you were going to fall asleep during the president’s speech, but the girl next to you nudged you to keep you awake, which you were thankful for. Zeke found you right away in the mess of silly string and confetti poppers, his smile bright as he threw his arm around you. 
“Your parents would be so fucking proud,” He said and kissed your temple. You fought back tears as you walked out of the gym. You tried hard to not think of your parents, but it was useless. You wanted nothing more for them to be here, smiling and waiting for you with outstretched arms. 
“Ezekiel!” You heard a woman yell, and knew that voice could only belong to one Mrs. Heather Arthur, Zeke’s mom. 
“Ezekiel,” You teased and Zeke pushed you away, going to hug his mom. You smiled at the interaction between mother and son. Mrs. Arthur pinched her son’s cheek and made a comment on how tired he looked. She then looked at you and waved you over. 
“Don’t you hide from me, Y/N!” Mrs. Arthur smiled. You walked over to her and she hugged you tightly. She had been friends with your parents before their deaths, “Your parents would be so proud of you,” Mrs. Arthur pulled away and put a hand on your cheek, “You grew up to be so beautiful and so smart. You are going to change lives one day, you know that.” 
“That’s what my mom used to tell me,” You nodded sadly. 
“Well, she was a smart woman too,” Mrs. Arthur sighed, “Now, who is the young man staring at you over there.” You looked over your shoulder to where she was pointing and saw Jake not so subtly look away from you and sip his water.
“No one,” You said looking back at her. 
“Doesn’t look like-” 
“Ma, drop it,” Zeke said. Lucy was on his arm and gave you a sad look. Mrs. Arthur was a smart lady, and could tell if there was something wrong with her kids. She reminded you a lot of your mother and Mrs. Seresin. Mrs. Arthur looked between you, Zeke and Jake before shaking her head. 
“He broke your heart?” 
You chuckled and shook your head, “I love him. . .a lot. And I’m not sure he feels the same.” 
“Well sweetheart, lemme tell you one thing. . . boys don’t look at girls like that unless they love you,” Mrs. Arthur said. You looked over your shoulder at Jake, who was looking at his glass while listening to a colleague talk to him. 
“Ma. . .” Zeke said again in a warning tone. 
“Okay! Okay!” She held her hands up in defense, “Who’s hungry?!” 
“Oh me!” Lucy raised her hand earning a chuckle from the group. 
Mrs. Arthur spent probably a good two hours making dinner for Zeke, Lucy and yourself. The house had never smelled better as she cooked away, shooing you guys away when you’d try and help her. Laughs and conversation flowed over dinner, so did the drinks. If there was one thing you loved about Mrs. Arthur, it was how animated she got after a gin and tonic. When you turned twenty-one, you begged Zeke to let her come out with you. 
“Alright, alright enough making fun of men and my frat boy ways,” Zeke said. 
“Oh Ezekiel,” You said, “I know Lucy is going to want to hit me, but, I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me.” 
“No, don’t,” You said knowing he was going to interject, “I’m serious. You didn’t have to take me under your wing like you did. And I know Ethan said something to you about ‘watching after his baby sister’ but a text every two weeks would have sufficed.” 
You knew that when you headed to Boston College that your brother Ethan had asked Zeke to look after you. Zeke and Ethan were a year older than you, but you all grew up thick as thieves. You expected to see Zeke at frat parties here and there, but he sought you out to make sure you were okay. Zeke was your comfort, he had been there to dry the tears, to pick up the pieces and celebrate the good things. You weren’t sure you could’ve gotten through college without him. 
“You’re more than just my friend from high school’s little sister,” Zeke smiled, “You’re one of my best friends and you introduced me to my other best friend. Which is why. . . I gotta ask you something. I’m gonna need a best man. . .” 
“Wait- you proposed!?” 
“You proposed?” Lucy looked at her boyfriend like he had grown three heads. 
“I am now,” Zeke said, and grabbed a ring box from his suit pocket. You gasped and covered your mouth with your hand. Lucy already had tears running down her face as Zeke pushed himself out of his chair, “I know I did this a bit backwards, so please forgive me, but Lucy, you make me the happiest man alive. I can’t live a life without you, so please, Lucielle Donoughue, make me the happiest man ever.” 
“Yes. Yes! Yes!” Lucy screamed and Zeke hugged her. 
You and Mrs. Arthur stood up from your side of the table and ran over to Zeke and Lucy. You hugged Lucy tightly while Mrs. Arthur hugged her son. Lucy started talking a mile a minute about wedding plans and how she had a feeling that Zeke was going to propose soon. Mrs. Arthur gushed over how beautiful the ring was that Zeke got her. Your cheeks were hurting from smiling, but you were so full of love that you couldn’t even care. You too had been waiting for the day that Zeke popped the question. 
“Am I interrupting?” You turned your head to see Derek standing in the doorway of the house. 
“Yeah, private party,” Lucy quipped and Derek rolled his eyes. 
“You don’t own the house,” Derek said, “I need to talk to Y/N.” 
“About what?” Zeke questioned. 
“It’s okay,” You said, “There’s a bottle of bubbles in the cabinet above the fridge. It was supposed to be saved for when we paid the house off but this is more celebratory.” You smiled and squeezed Zeke’s arm before going out to the porch with Derek. 
“What do you want?”  You demanded as soon as the door was shut. 
“I come in peace,” Derek said, “I need to apologize to you. I was horrible to you and-” 
“Wait. . . What happened to your face?” You gently held his face in your hands. 
“Oh, your boyfriend attacked me.” 
“WHAT!?” You yelled and Derek winced, “I’m sorry. What happened?” 
“I told him that he needed to apologize to you for embarrassing you in class and he grew angry with rage and attacked me. It wasn’t even fair, he blindsided me.” 
Your jaw clenched as you saw the familiar sight of Jake’s headlights pull into your driveway, “Wait here.” You told Derek and walked down the steps as Jake stepped out over his car. He was still wearing the all denim looking suit and bolo tie as earlier. 
“Hey-” You cut him off by slapping him, “What the fuck?!” 
“You attacked a student? Seriously?” You asked him, putting your hands on your hips. Jake looked at you with wide eyes and then over towards the porch at Derek, who had a smirk on his face. 
“Didn’t I tell you to stay the fuck away from her!” Jake yelled, charging towards him. Derek scrambled backwards as you put yourself in between the two of them. 
“You are fucking with her head!” Derek yelled. 
“I’m not the sick fuck who took videos of her without her consent!” 
“Nope, you’re just the sick fuck who used his power to get her to sleep with-” Jake shoved past you, grabbing Derek’s collar. You grunted as you fell into the brick wall of the house, you could feel the skin from your hands scrapped up. 
“Hey! Enough!” Zeke yelled, running out of the house and pushing the two men back, “You,” Zeke looked at Derek, “Need to fucking leave.” 
“You’re going to side with that sicko!” Derek yelled. 
“The only sick one here is you,” Lucy spoke up from the doorway. 
“Shut your bitch-” Derek’s speech was cut off as Zeke tackled him to the snow covered ground. He grabbed Derek’s collar and punched him repeatedly. 
“Stop them!” You said, grabbing Jake’s arm. Jake nodded and moved quickly, grabbing Zeke’s body off of Derek. 
“You show up here again, and I’ll fucking kill you!” Zeke seethed and Lucy took him inside, shutting the door. 
You groaned and ran your hands through your hair as Jake helped Derek off the ground. The younger boy pushed Jake’s hand off of him, and spat the blood from his mouth. 
“I’m done with you crazy fuckers,” Derek said throwing his hands up in defeat and walking towards his car. You were pacing the ground, your body shaking not only from the cold but also from anger. Jake watched as Derek got in his car and drove away, scoffing as the boy flipped him off. 
“What a-” 
“I can’t do this,” You shook your head, stopping your pacing. 
“Y/N, please, let me-” 
“No, Jake,” You cried, “I can’t keep doing this. I can’t keep letting you come back in my life and tear down all the walls that I have built,” You let out a shaky breath, “I love you, Jake. I love you so much that it fucking hurts. A-and don’t you say something like ‘you’re too stupid to know what love is’ because I am not. I am smart. I have seen true love, I have felt it, I have lived it. I know what it feels like, what it looks like. And god dammit! I love you.” 
Jake watched as your chest heaved as you cried. Against his better judgment, he strided forward and pulled you into his arms. You fought against his chest, your fists hitting him, but he held you in his strong arms. He felt you take in a breath and relax against him. The two of you stood in silence for a couple moments until you heard him say, barely above a whisper. Almost as if he was afraid. 
“I love you.” 
You pulled back and looked up at him, eyes full of hope but also waiting for the other shoe to drop. But it never came as he looked at you, his green eyes full of warmth and love. He gently caressed your face, wiping away tears and placing a soft kiss on your lips. 
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taglist: @zetasaturno99 @tallrock35 @bioodforbiood @mak-32 @cherrycola27 @drunkangels @fuckyeahhangman @the-winter-marvel33 @oldnatgwenaccount @cm27078 @xoxabs88xox @paige-alexandra-may @ereardon @marantha @callsign-phoenix @bradleybeachbabe @manunitedgotbruno @mulletmcghee @moonvr @nagygreta @cherryobx @callsign-joyride @blue-aconite @books-for-summer @violyn20. @lilylilyyyyyy @p1nkbarbi3 @princessofglitterland @hallway5 @thedroneranger @chaoticweirdogeek @abaker74 @auroraboreallisfine @materialgirl01 @fandom-princess-forevermore @averyhotchner @thedaredevilsgirl @shelbycillian @currentlybradshaw @mavesiceroo @emptyloverofmine @lovingjakeseresin @thegoddessc @techni-coloured @shawnsblue @captainmarvels-blog
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mynameismckenziemae · 2 months
I Love You Two
Bradley Bradshaw x Female Reader x Jake Seresin.
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You (Olivia ‘Liv’ Kazansky) have been chasing Bradley Bradshaw as soon as you learned to walk. He follows his dad’s footsteps and joins the Navy after high school, and you move across the country for college a few years later at 18.
10 years pass but you never forget that brown-eyed boy…maybe that’s why yet another relationship fails. The friendship with Bradley is easily rekindled when you move back home, along with the feelings you’ve tried to suppress. It seems he feels the same about you after an incredible, life-changing night together. But he’s gone the next morning, without a word or even a note, leaving you heartbroken and humiliated.
A few months later, a green-eyed aviator defends your honor from a drunk patron while you’re bartending. To show your thanks, you buy him a drink that leads to a month-long fling, and a plan to pursue more when he gets back from his deployment.
After returning from a rough deployment of his own, Bradley’s determined to find you as soon as his feet touch dry land. Undeterred when you ignore his phone calls and leave his texts on read, he heads to the Hard Deck, hoping you’re there or that Penny will take pity on him. He’s spent countless nights beating himself up for leaving you the way he did and nothing will stop him from telling you how he really feels before he begs for your forgiveness and another chance.
But he finds you in the arms of the man who’s made the last 3 months of his life a living hell.
Coming soon!
This is going to be a love triangle, why choose, enemies to lovers, repressed bisexuality, polyamorous angsty story. Please let me know if you have any questions and if you’d like to be added to the taglist.
Like everything else I write/post/reblog, this is not intended for anyone under the age of 18. It will contain adult language, themes, and situations. MDNI!
Tagging who I think may be interested (lmk if not!)
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justabigassnerd · 1 year
Violence Is Never The Answer
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader, Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Word count - 1,723
Warnings - violence (fighting), injuries, homophobia, bullies, swearing, angst
Summary - you find out about people at school talking about your dad and Bradley behind your back and you don't take kindly to the unwelcome words
A/N - hey y'all I strike again with another instalment of the Hangman junior universe! this was another one of the ideas sent in by @weloveds and I hope I did the idea justice! I do want to formally apologise as well for how long it's taking me to churn out fics rn but I'm doing my best. anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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You were someone who loved wholly and truly, and you were never afraid to let it be known that you cared for someone. You were proud of your dad for figuring himself out and opening himself up to love after years of raising a child alone. You had watched proudly as he married the man he loved and how the three of you became a family
You just wished that other people could be as supportive as you and the Daggers.
At first, you had been unaware of the gossip surrounding your family. Lots of the kids who went to your high school had parents in the Navy and so they had found out about Jake and Bradley’s relationship and once the kids caught wind, it became the hot gossip of your school. The gossip was mostly whispers in the corridors, pointing you out when you weren’t looking and sniggering in their cliques.
One day, however, you caught on to the gossip. One of your friends had come up to you during lunch and told you that he overheard a group of the popular guys in the changing room talking about how it was wrong that you had two dads and that both Jake and Bradley should be kicked out of the Navy on account of them not being straight. The comments he relayed to you made you clench your jaw angrily, but you didn’t stoop to their level and fight back. You knew they weren’t worth your time, and there was no point confronting them about it when you hadn’t actually heard them say those words so they could easily deny it and you’d have no proof of their words. You figured you’d leave them be for now. But if they dared to say anything in front of you, you would not be afraid to teach them not to mess with your family.
You caught them in the act that weekend. You had gone to the local shops to browse and have a walk around town. You had just left a small thrift shop when you saw them. The group of boys with their girlfriends on their arms were sniggering amongst each other and the way they glanced over at you it was clear you were the butt of the joke. Gritting your teeth, you walked over to the group and stood before them angrily.
“Do you guys find something about me amusing? I don’t recall making any jokes.” You question, taking the group aback briefly before they find their feet and recover.
“Oh, sorry Seresin. Or is it Bradshaw? Having two dads makes this shit confusing. I don’t know what your last name is.” Harry says with a shit-eating grin on his face as he speaks.
“Why the fuck does it bother you that much?” You ask, folding your arms over your chest as you glare at him.
“Because people are supposed to have one last name. Why do you need two? It’s already weird enough you have two dads.” Harry’s girlfriend Olivia jumps in, making you bite back your anger, trying not to stoop to their level.
“What has my family done to you? Unless I have amnesia or something I’m pretty sure we haven’t done a single thing to hurt you guys so take your homophobic comments and shove them up your ass.” You say strongly, clenching your teeth so you don’t do anything you would regret.
“All I’m saying is they don’t deserve to be in the Navy. The Navy is for heroes, not gay people like them.” Connor sneers, making the group laugh and the boys jostle each other while you close your hand into a tight fist, his words being the final straw.
“When did y/n say she’d be home?” Jake calls through the house to where Bradley was sitting in the living room.
“I don’t think she said a time. She just said she’d be home before dinner.” Bradley replies as Jake enters the living room, glancing around as if you’d appear in front of him if he looked hard enough.
“She’ll be fine Jake. She’s only gone to town. I’m sure she’ll be back soon.” Bradley says, gesturing for Jake to join him on the sofa. The two men sit together, watching the tv together while quietly exchanging jokes and enjoying each other’s company. When they heard the front door open and close, they perked up, glancing in the direction of the doorway so they could greet you. Their smiles dropped from their faces when they saw the state you were in.
You had the beginning of a black eye, dried blood around your nose and a split lip. Not to mention that your knuckles were bruising as well.
“y/n, what happened?” Jake asked as he leapt up from the sofa, instantly rushing over to you while Bradley rushed to get a washcloth from the bathroom before heading into the kitchen to find the ice packs he knows are tucked away in the freezer somewhere. Jake escorts you to the sofa and sits you down as Bradley returns with two ice packs, two tea towels to wrap the ice packs in and a damp washcloth. He passes the ice packs to Jake who wraps them both up and places one over both your hands to soothe the swelling on your knuckles while he holds the other against your bruising eye. Bradley then gently uses the washcloth to clean the dried blood off your face, both men exchanging worried glances when you don’t answer the repeated question of what had happened to you.
“Sweetheart. Please tell us what happened. We’re not angry.” Jake asks softly, worry swimming in his eyes as you remain silent.
“Who did this to you? Was it someone you know?” Bradley asks as he finishes wiping away the blood. Both men glanced worriedly at each other when you offered them a small nod in response to Bradley’s second question.
“We need names. Now.” Jake says. If he wasn’t already in overprotective father mode, your slight nod would’ve tipped him over the edge. You shook your head at his words. You hated the group who spoke shit about your dad and Bradley, but you already gave them a dose of their own medicine. Yes, they had fought back, and there were more of them, but you were positive you got off lightly considering how you were outnumbered.
“y/n, you don’t need to protect them. You can tell us who they were, and we’ll make sure they’re dealt with accordingly. They hurt you.” Bradley says, dabbing the cloth on your lip gently. You shake your head lightly once more, leaning your head back from both your dad and Bradley.
“I’m the one who attacked them first. They can argue it was self-defence.” You say finally, making both Bradley and Jake glance at each other, shocked at your words.
“y/n, why would you start a fight?” Jake asks worriedly, not understanding why you’d do such a thing. He knew you could stand up for yourself, he made sure of it, but he never raised you to think it was okay to start fistfights over something.
“They were saying horrible stuff about you guys. My friends told me it had been happening for a while but today was the day I actually heard them saying stuff. I couldn’t stand there and not do anything.” You argue, wincing at the stinging of your split lip as you speak.
“What did they say, y/n/n?” Bradley says softly. He could see that their words had rattled you and he wanted you to talk about it, so you’d get the weight off your shoulders. The hesitation was clear on your face as you debated whether you told the two men or not. Despite how much you wanted to keep it from them to protect them from the horrible words, you knew it was better for them to know what was being said.
“They were making fun of me for having two dads. They said having two last names was wrong. Then they said you guys don’t deserve to be in the Navy. That the Navy was only for heroes not people like you. But you are heroes. You're my heroes.” You say, tears rolling down your cheeks as you recount what happened. Jake and Bradley exchanged yet another look, their eyes shining with tears. Not for their sake. But for yours. Both men were used to hearing comments like that, even before they figured out their sexualities, they had heard copious amounts of homophobic comments by people and while they couldn’t deny that the words didn’t hurt. It bothered them a lot to see how upset the comments had made you. They thought people your age were accepting of different sexualities and to hear that people at your school had been teasing you because of their relationship broke their hearts.
“Hey, sweetheart, listen to me. Those guys? They’re not worth thinking about. They’re pathetic cowards who decided that picking on someone else will help them feel better about their own sad lives.” Jake says with a gentle smile before he lifts the ice pack on your hands up, relieved to see the swelling isn’t too bad.
“But they were saying horrible things about you and Bradley.” You sniffle, lifting your hand to wipe at your eyes, ignoring the throbbing pain at the movement.
“Unfortunately there’s always going to be people like that. They’re ignorant and aren’t worth paying any mind to. We’re happy and that’s all that matters. We love you both so much y/n.” Bradley says, you nod slightly after wiping your tears away before Jake gently brings your hand back down to rest on your lap again so he could place the ice pack back atop your knuckles.
“I have to say that although I appreciate you standing up for us. Violence is never the answer. Just let us know next time.” Bradley then says, watching as you nod along with Jake before he speaks up.
“Bradley is right. But did you use my self-defence lessons? Did you kick their asses?” Jake asks, making you giggle lightly as Bradley’s jaw drops in mock shock at Jake’s words before a grin breaks out on his face too, curious to know what happened.
“Hell yes, I did.”
taglist (comment or ask to be added):
@zbeez-outlet @kaceywithak @tsnelf7 @starkleila @cassadilasworld @shanimallina87 @madstxo
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