#Ominis has my heart I would die for him I would kill for him but he wouldn't have like that so I would stop right before killing
tigermarimo · 2 years
Fandom feels like this rn
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machiavellli · 6 months
hey hey I wanna know what taylor swift song to you associate with each of the slytherin boys? I've been thinking about it all day because I already have one in mind for all the marauders and I'm interested in what you think
Ciao tesooo!!😽🩷
Mhhhh personally I think I would associate each boy like this:
Mattheo Riddle - my tears ricochet
"And I can go anywhere I want/ Anywhere I want, just not/ home"
pls this is his trauma and I live for it
Lorenzo Berkshire - gold rush
"I don't like that anyone would/ die to feel your touch/ Everybody wants you/ Everybody wonders what it/ would be like to love you"
he is my golden boy and everybody would die for this cinnamon roll, change my mind, you can't.
Theodore Nott - mirrorball
“And I'm still a believer, but I/ don't know why/ I've never been a natural, all I do/ is try, try, try"
Also trauma for his deatheater family and also because I headcanon him to be an introvert, sometimes he has to force himself in situations, and a tad insecure. He is smart, as we established in our headcanons, but he might feel like that he always had to prove himself, he is a natural, but he doesn't feel like it.
Blaise Zabini - Sweet Nothing
"’Causе they said the end is comin'/ Everyone's up to somethin’/ I find myself runnin’ home to your sweet nothings/ Outside, they're push and shovin’/ You're in the kitchen hummin'/ All that you ever wanted from me was nothin'"
I feel like this is about his relationship with his mom/dead father, I know he has mommy issues and he just wants to be loved🥺
Draco Malfoy - Would've, Could've, Should’ve
"And if I was a child, did it/ matter/ If you got to wash your hands?/ Oh, all I used to do was pray/ Would've, could've, should've/ If you'd never my way/ I would've stayed/ On my knees/ And I damn sure never/ would've danced with the devil/ At nineteen"
I know this song is about grooming and also probably one of my favourites, so I know what I am talking about here, but I imagine this song to be applied to the relationship that he had with the deadeaters, voldemort and also his parents. Everybody used him, and he was so young, so naive.
can I add Ominis and Sebastian?🧍‍♀️they are also slytherin boys...OKay I will, just ignore them in case:
Sebastian Sallow - this is me trying
"They told me all of my cages/ were mental/ So I got wasted like all my/ potential/ And my words shoot to kill/ when I'm mad/ I have a lot of regrets about that/ I was so ahead of the curve, the/ curve became a sphere/ Fell behind all my classmates/ and I ended up here/ Pouring out my heart to a/ stranger/ But I didn't pour the whiskey"
Seb is the goddest boy, a brilliant one, that was blinded by the love for his sister. He went too far and lost himself in the darkness during the process. Now, he is just a kid, full of regrets, still tasting the tears for his action and for his failure. Love is indeed a weapon.
Ominis Gaunt - epiphany
"Keep your helmet, keep your/ life, son/ Just a flesh wound, here's your/ rifle/ Crawling up the beaches now/ "Sir, I think he's bleeding out"/ And some things you just can't/ speak about/ With you I serve/ with you I fall down, down/ Watch you breathe in/ watch you breathing out, out"
My poor boy, the purest cinnamon roll ever, what adversity he had to suffer because of his family. The pain they indulged shoot straight back at him.
Sum up: everybody is traumatized except Lorenzo!
Thank you for asking, this was fun!!🩷🩷🥺
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crow-quilll · 2 years
Sebastian x Ominis hurt/comfort fic
Here's an excerpt of a chapter from a fic I'm working on A03 (user: clinically_sadistic_crow), called "Do Not Resuscitate" (click link to read, 2 chapters up so far!)
Short bio: Ominis was cursed instead of Anne, and Sebastian puts himself through hell to retrieve a cure.
CW for depictions of pain, past torture/abuse
".. There's a door at the end of the room. The word 'Crucio' is written on the floor," Sebastian describes for him, "To get through the door, she had to cast the Cructiatus curse on someone. But she had no one to cast it on.. and she was locked inside."
Ominis exhales through his nose and squeezes his eyes shut, making the sour, screwed-up face of someone trying to swallow a difficult emotion. He folds her note and places it in the pocket of his robe.
"So, this is where she died," Ominis says, eyes snapping open to fix on Sebastian, "This is where we'll die. I should have never listened to you."
"I'm.. I'm sorry," Sebastian says softly, voice strained with guilt, "I truly am sorry about your Aunt. But.. we won't die here. There's two of us."
Ominis stiffens and steps back from Sebastian, milky eyes narrowing. 
".. Ominis, I know this is the last thing you want to do--"
"Yes! It is!" Ominis abruptly shouts with frantic rage ringing in his voice, "I thought you knew me better!"
"- But it's different this time!" Sebastian quickly defends, reaching a hand for Ominis' shoulder but stopping when Ominis immediately jerks away, "I am consenting to have the curse used on me, alright? It's not an innocent victim this time, it's not the same."
"The spell won't work unless you mean it, Sebastian!" Ominis rages as he whirls around and paces in the other direction, "That is true of all Unforgivables!"
"Well, try to mean it! I mean, there has to be some part of you that wants to hurt me--" He tries to joke, an attempt to lighten the dreary mood.
"Not like that," Ominis insists coldly, a shudder running through him as he stops pacing to stare dejectedly at the floor, "No one deserves that."
"We don't have another choice," Sebastian says, "I don't know about you, but I'm not too intent on dying down here."
"We do have another choice," Ominis lets out a shaking breath and turns to face Sebastian again, "You have to cast it on me."
"But I don't know how," Sebastian lies without pause or regret, willing to say anything to get Ominis to just cast it on him.
"I'll teach it to you."
And Sebastian simply doesn't have the heart to tell Ominis that he already knew all 3 Unforgivable Curses.
"Have you lost your mind?" Sebastian hisses, stepping into Ominis' space. It takes Ominis far longer than it should to react, giving a delayed eyebrow raise as he feels Sebastian move closer, "For Merlin's sake, you are sick. What if it bloody kills you?"
"I can take it, I have before." He says, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. 
"When you were healthy. And why would I make you relive that trauma for a mistake that I made?" Sebastian's voice raises, his usual tone of confidence and cool arrogance slipping away, "It's my fault that we are stuck down here, so let me take the fall for it!" 
"How do you expect me to cast that cursed spell on someone I care so much about?" Ominis demands, running his thin fingers through his blonde hair, "How can you even ask that of me?"
"How can you ask me to cast it on you?!" Sebastian retorts, gesturing widely with both arms to the boy across from him, "It will kill you--"
"I can't cast the spell, alright?" Ominis' voice raises, enough authority ringing in his tone to make Sebastian go dead silent, "I physically can't cast the spell."
"... What do you mean?"
".. I've only been able to cast it once, only on the.. the muggle," Ominis admits, arms moving to wrap around himself, "My family tried to get me to cast it again or cast the other Unforgivable Curses.. but no matter what they threatened me with.. no matter how much I wanted to just to make them stop, I couldn't cast the spell again."
Sebastian clenches his teeth so tightly that it begins to hurt, his eyes averted to the ground as he comes to realize that he was going to have to cast it on Ominis.
"This is our only option," Ominis repeats, stepping forward and drawing his wand, "So, just.. just let me teach you the spell and--"
"I already know it." Sebastian interrupts grimly, drawing his own wand as well. He sees Ominis visibly stiffen at his words, hazy eyes widening to take up most of his face.
"You what?"
"I already know all of the Unforgivable Curses," He repeats with a sharp exhale, finally making eye contact with the other boy, "I taught them all to myself last year. Found some book in the Restricted Section that certainly shouldn't have been there."
"Why-? Why.. why on earth would you..?" Ominis stammers, so angry that he can't remain calm enough to form full sentences, "Have you ever used--"
"Merlin, of course not!" Sebastian hisses defensively, offended by the implication, "Who the hell do you think I am?"
"I don't know anymore!" Ominis shouts, jabbing a finger into his chest, "First, you want to come down to this-- this hellhole! And now you're telling me that you've already engaged in The Dark Arts even after I told you about what happened to me?"
"I learned them to protect you!" Sebastian says before he can think to stop himself, watching Ominis' expression of rage twitch into one of confusion, "I wanted to be able to fight fire with fire if one of Ranrok's loyalists came to finish what they started, alright?"
Ominis falls silent, his eyes flicking to the floor. Sebastian watches his paled face flutter as his shoulders lower and sag.
"Merlin, Sebastian," Ominis says lowly, shaking his head as his eyebrows furrow, "You're going to turn into the very thing you hate if you keep trying to save me."
'You are worth the risk.' Sebastian responds in his own mind, gazing at his best friend in chosen silence.
Ominis exhales slowly out of his nose and takes a few paces away from Sebastian to give him space for the spell, "Well, whenever you're ready."
"Ominis, I-"
"It's not your fault, okay?" Ominis responds before the apology even leaves his lips, "I agreed to come down here, I wanted to know what happened to my Aunt and.. well this is the price for knowledge, I guess."
Sebastian shifts his weight, his heart sinking in his chest as he has to accept that he was going to hurt Ominis-- the one person he's been trying to protect.
"And, hey, if this finally teaches you a lesson about The Dark Arts, the pain is well worth it." Ominis jests with a sly grin, pulling a scoff from Sebastian.
"I make no promises, Gaunt." Sebastian teases in response, his smile dying as soon as it reaches his lips as the weight of his wand sitting in his hand reminds him of what he has to do, ".. Are you ready?"
".. As I'll ever be." Ominis replies, his voice forced to remain still, but Sebastian can see his fear in the way his shoulders raise and his arms lock at his sides.
Sebastian inhales shakily and squares his posture, raising his wand to point it at Ominis. He squeezes his eyes shut, shutting them so tightly that colours pop against the back of his eyelids.
'Think of someone else.' He thinks to himself, immediately going to the person that comes into his mind first.
His Uncle Solomon. Sebastian hated him, something that Anne and him seem to bicker about constantly. His uncle had never liked him, always saying that he was "too much like his father"-- as if that were an insult. He was a cruel, bitter ex-auror who could no longer fight Dark Wizards, so he turned his anger to the nearest enemy: his nephew. They disagreed on many topics, nearly every conversation somehow melding into an argument. And Sebastian was never one to back down from a fight.
But he doesn't hate his Uncle enough to cast the Cruciatus Curse on him.
'Come on, there has to be someone.' He thinks to himself, eyebrows narrowing as he burrows deeper into his own mind, 'I don't know if there's anyone that deserves-'
Completely unbidden, the image of Ranrok appears in his mind's eye. The goblin stares at him, crimson eyes twinkling with amusement. A sharp-toothed grin pulls onto his face.
His breathing immediately grows heavier, grip instinctively tightening around the ebony wood of his wand.
'You. You're the reason I'm losing my best friend.' He hisses to the figure in his mind, his lips pulling back against his teeth, 'You and your damned goblin loyalists did this to him.'
'And what exactly are you going to do about it, boy?' He imagines the goblin responds, smiling at the pain he's caused them.
His heart hammers against his ribcage, nails nipping into his palm hungrily as his fist clenches at his side, 'I'll make you pay.'
'You don't have what it--'
"Crucio!" The incantation spits from his mouth without thought as he whips his wand forward. Red bolts of lightning erupt from the tip of his wand, the way it crackles almost sounding like maniacal laughter.
 And for a moment, Sebastian is watching Ranrok spasm in agony, the pride wiped from his face. For a moment, he's happy that the spell worked, happy at the torture he inflicts.
The moment ends as a shriek of torment comes from Ominis, causing Sebastian's eyes to snap open. His heart drops as he sees Ominis double over, arms wrapped around himself as the scream of a being in total agony rends through his throat. Crimson electricity crawls across his entire body, whispering a promise of pain as it courses through the young boy's body. Behind Sebastian, the ebony door crackles with the same red light. A satisfying hiss comes from behind the door and it slowly pushes open. He turns back to Ominis and sees his knees instantly buckle, allowing gravity to take over. 
Sebastian's breath catches in his throat as he lunges for Ominis, catching him by the sides of his arms before he collapses. He can feel the other boy spasming in his arms, causing his throat to tighten with guilt, "It's okay-- it's okay, I'm here-" He whispers to Ominis despite the knowledge that the boy can't hear him over his own cries. Sebastian feels Ominis' legs completely give out, his full weight falling into him. Sebastian pulls Ominis to his chest and slowly lowers them both onto the ground, positioning himself so that Ominis' twitching body lays between his legs, his head propped against Sebastian's shoulder.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry-!" Ominis cries desperately into Sebastian, shoving his face into the crook of his best friend's neck, "Father- please-!"
And Sebastian's heart shatters at his words, realizing very quickly that Ominis is no longer in the room with him, but stuck in a memory. He feels the burn of approaching tears and pulls Ominis close, biting back the urge to cry, "You're safe, Ominis. You're safe, he's not here."
Ominis continues to stammer incomprehensively between sharp cries of torment, and all Sebastian can do is repeat "You're safe" over and over again. His screams finally start to melt into groans of pain, his fingers clawing helplessly at the front of Sebastian's Slytherin cloak. Tears run down his face, giving Sebastian a chilling understanding of how painful the curse must be. Sebastian holds him close to his chest and leans his head against the other boy's, feeling his bottom lip quiver like a leaf clinging to its branch as winter approaches.
"I'm here, I'm here, Ominis," Sebastian whispers, guilt ravaging him like a starved animal. Ominis' spasms lessen into shivering as if he had been kept out all night. He slowly stops making noises, save for shaking breaths and quiet whines. And Sebastian doesn't move to release him or soften his grip around him.
He won't let go as long as Ominis needs him.
Minutes go by. Ominis keeps his face buried in his best friend. He breathes hotly against the skin on his neck, taking ragged gulps of air in and out as he slowly stops shaking. Ominis gently lifts his head, watery eyes blinking open to gaze at Sebastian's freckled face that is inches from his own.
".. Sebastian..?" He asks hoarsely, reaching up hesitantly to place a cold hand against Sebastian's face.
"Yes- yes I'm here. It's just us," Sebastian assures him, feeling Ominis' fingers trace his freckled features softly as if trying to identify him, "You're safe." Sebastian stares down at him, studying his hollow features for any indication of pain.
He can feel Ominis' breath dancing across his face, shallow and hindered. His pupils, hidden by a sheet of fog as thick as London's, are trained on Sebastian. A winter-rose pink sweeps across his pale visage, kissing life and emotion onto his stilled face. Sebastian can only think to attribute the blush to the exertion of the pain he went through. Ominis' fingers, still clutching his robe, readjust their grip around the fabric to hold onto him tighter. 
"Are you okay?" Sebastian asks gently, watching Ominis' fair eyebrows raise as if being pulled from a trance. His hands drop from Sebastian's clothing and face, and sits up so that he no longer leans against him.
".. Yes I'm-" Ominis clears his throat, finding his voice strained from how much he had been screaming, "Yes, I feel fine. I'm okay." 
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made-nondescript · 5 years
Komahina Choose Your Own Adventure!
(the following is copy paste of a wip komahina choose your own adventure fic from a discord chat! please feel free to chime in with what you would have done. the option chosen by the discord members is bolded.)
Komaeda. He is horny for death. Like all the time. Right? Right. Ok. So. Hajime saves him from death. This is a fantasy au. He's a little upset!! And his praise of Hajime is satiracle. "Look at this saint, whom I owe my life!!" Komaeda's basically just begging for death. Hajime has two (2) options: a) kill him and b) don't
Hajime ties him to a tree or something with the full intention of leaving him there for a very indirect, guilt free kind of death but he manages to get like 2 miles away and has to turn back bc he feels guilty.
So Hajime doesn't kill him. And Komaeda STILL follows him around. Now that he's aware Hajime is willing to at least consider it he is ceaseless. Surely Komaeda must be a god-sent test on Hajime's patience. 
They get to a town, half way to Hajime's destination. They share a room at a local inn. Hajime has three options: a) kill Komaeda in his sleep, b) leave without him in the night or c) sleep the whole night through bc honestly Komaeda isn't worth losing sleep over
Hajime resolves to sleep the night through. This task seems even less appealing once they get to the room and.....there is one bed. One bed! He asked for a double! He should have made Komaeda, that bastard, get his own room. But seeing as Komaeda (who had been planning on being dead by now) is broke, that's not going to happen.
The room has one bed and one (1) wooden chair as its sleep-able furniture. There is a very small circular rug in the middle. He knows Komaeda would be willing to let him take the bed. Hajime is now faced with a choice: does he a) share a bed with Komaeda, b) make Komaeda sleep on the floor, or c) sleep on the floor himself?
Hajime, like the saint he is, musters up all the kindness in his heart and insists (Komaeda makes him fucking insist!) that they share the bed. Can't sleep on a hard wooden floor, the splinters and your back, and all. So they share the bed.
There are a few things Hajime notices about Komaeda once they set about getting ready for bed, namely how skinny the guy is. Like, he's super skinny. It's...a bit concerning, even to Hajime who at this point is A Little Frustrated and A Little Uncomfortable. Next, he notices that Komaeda does not smell half as bad as someone who has spent the last week or so trying to die has any right to. He actually might smell...kinda good? Now that's a thought Hajime is going to put away for later!
The bed is uncomfortable and definitely not meant to be shared by two young adults but. It is what it is, at this point. They lie down, each as far away from each other as is humanly possible but it's still not as much distance as any sensible person would want when sharing a bed with someone they've known a week. However, sleep comes easily when you've spent a while with someone like Komaeda.
Hajime wakes up in the early hours of the morning with a body against his back and an arm thrown half way over his own. Hajime has a choice: a) get out of bed suddenly, probably waking up Komaeda and making him aware of the situation, b) get up gingerly, or c) pretend to sleep until Komaeda himself wakes up and fixes the situation.
With more precision than anyone who has just woken up should ever have to exhibit, Hajime removes Komaeda's arm from his side. His skin is strangely cool to the touch, and god there is no part of this guy that isn't stick thin. Hajime slides out from under the sheets, taking a moment to look back at Komaeda to check his work. Still asleep. And, you know, he looks kinda nice when he's asleep. A little less sick-looking. Less noisy, too.
Within two hours they are out of the inn and back on the road towards the capital. It's a beautiful day out and Komaeda's hair looks ethereal in the light flittering through the leaves. There is a quiet moment during the walk. Hajime should probably, like, talk. He hasn't actually had to make much conversation with Komaeda largely because he scarcely shuts up but it seems like the pressure is on Hajime tonight!
What will Hajime talk about? a) bring up the fact that Komaeda cuddled him in his sleep b) ask where Komaeda is from or c) dumb Hajime's own backstory on Komaeda
"So, uh, where are you from?" The words fell out of his mouth as smoothly a bunch of pebbles. Like, the sharp kind of pebbles. Are they still pebbles if they're sharp?? Anyway his delivery wasn't smooth, not that Komaeda seemed to notice.
"Ah, well. No where now, I suppose." Ominious, Hajime thought, waiting for him to elaborate. He didn't, instead finish the thought with: "Not that you'd want to hear my sob story! Hardly any point to it; I'll be dead soon." Fantastic. Just. He's just so fucking joyful.
"I insist," Hajime replied. He wanted to add a, And you're not going to be dead soon, but he's had that conversation several times before and you know what? Not great. 0/10.
"It's not very fun, you know."
"I'll live."
Finally, Komaeda got on with it. Apparently there was a reason Komaeda was, like this. He had parents just long enough for him to miss them at their departure from this realm, and had enough traumatic experiences that they seemed to cease being traumatic for him.
"Oh, that uh. " Hajime did not have enough social experience to know how to respond to that much,,,, backstory. "That sucks."
"You could say that."
What should Hajime ask next? a) Why are you so certain you're going to die? b) let the silence ride or c) offer comfort of some sort ;)
Hajime and Komaeda walked in silence for a moment before Hajime found his voice again. "...why are you so certain you're going to die?" In all his arguing, he had never actually thought to ask.
Komaeda hummed, looking up at the trees above him. For a second Hajime wasn't sure he was going to answer. "Someone told me, once."
"Someone?" Hajime asked.
"You know, like a fortune teller. A seer." Komaeda's eyes are still trained on the flittering leaves above. That made Hajime pause.
"A fortune teller?" He attempted to get the earth to reclaim him because of a cheap prophecy?
"It sounds stupid, doesn't it?" He's smiling but its not quite reaching his eyes. "Hopeful things often sound stupid, I think."
This does not make much sense to Hajime, but in general Komaeda makes about as much sense as integrals or cosine or other things that this fantasy world has been saved from. He can't help but latch on to the word hope; it's an odd word choice for the situation. Hajime has this weird knot in his chest at the thought of Komaeda thinking his death might be hopeful.
Hajime has a few options: a) tell him his death is, in fact, not hopeful, b) let the conversation die, c) vague reassurance with awkward physical touch, or d) open up about his own past (option as not been selected yet at time of posting)
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katecarteir · 6 years
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summary: “I think we’re all going to have do some pretty terrible things,” Eddie said quietly. His hand came to wrap in Richie’s shirt, trying to burn out the violent grip of his father’s from earlier. “None of us have a choice in anything anymore. Whatever happened at Greta’s tonight-“ Eddie’s voice broke and he felt Richie press a kiss into his hair. “There isn’t a good and a bad anymore. There’s just die or don’t.”
[or: after the gruesome murder of his younger brother, Bill Denbrough is determined to bring about the end of the string of crimes in Derry no matter the cost. As stories unwind and fall apart, there’s only more questions as everybody’s lives hang in the balance.]
chapter count: 20/20
chapter warnings: graphic depictions of violence, mentions of past character death, mentions of past sexual abuse, major character death!!
Taglist: @honkhonkrichard, @hufflepuffkaspbrak @emmieliabedelia @reddie-for-anything, @reddiesetrichie, @beepbeepbitchard, @lemonadeandrice @mirandosky, @lunacuore, @fivxharmony
[Prologue] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17][18][19] [Read Full Story on AO3] [Playlist]
Stanley Uris walked towards the edge of the old Bunyan forest. It had a been an old childhood hang out for children of Devil members. Often during serious gang meetings, the kids would all gather together and run wild in the woods. Play at being gang members, pretending they knew a thing. As Stan took sight of Henry Bowers’ old beat up car, loving named Christine, and shook his head in disgust. Of course Patrick Hockstetter would take it upon himself to destroy what was left of their youth.
“So…” Ben said slowly, looking at the Henry’s car and started shaking his head. “Patrick’s the one doing all this? That- That doesn’t make any sense?”
“There’s got to be more than that,” Aurora said, rubbing uncomfortably at her bare arms in the cold night air. Stan ignored them, moving forward and yanking the unlocked door to the car open. He crawls inside and starts opening the compartments. “Stan… what are you doing?” Aurora asked lightly.
He pulls his phone out and presses a number on his speed dial. “Hey, yeah. Out at Bunyans. Yeah, yeah it’s Christine. Can you do your thing? Perfect.”
Ben and Aurora both blinked at him, then glanced at each other. Stanley seemed to give them little regard as he moved to walk deeper into the forest, turning the flashlight on his phone. Ben reached out, took her hand and they moved to follow Stan. They don’t move for long before they can see the distinct ominious colour of a fire burning. Squaring up his shoulder, Stan Uris lead the others into the clearing where they had spent countless hours growing up.
“Stanny boy!” Patrick Hockstetter cried, tossing his arms up in greeting. Beverly had blood dripping from her lip, and the fire light alone was enough for Stan to see the fear in her eyes. Stan found it hard to look at her, but his eyes quickly trailed away and towards the leather-jacket wearing lump on the ground on her right. Stomach churning horribly, Stan clenched his jaw and turned back to Patrick.
“Tozier.” Aurora said softly, immediately diving towards the body on the ground. She turned him over and leaned down beside him. Her hands found the bleeding wound on his stomach and pressed down on it. Richie didn’t move, didn’t make a sound.
“Is he dead?” Ben asked nervously.
“I….” Aurora choked up slightly. “I don’t know.”
“What the fuck do you mean you don’t know?” Stan snapped, pinching the brim of his nose but keeping his eyes glued to Hockstetter. Hockstetter was grinning from ear to ear, and Stan was dimly aware of Beverly crying in the background.
“I’m not a doctor, Uris!” Aurora shouted, as Ben came over to her. Ben took off his suit jacket, handing it to Aurora to press against the gun wound in Richie. Still no noises arise and Stan forced himself to tune out everything behind him.
“You won’t get away with this, Hockstetter.” Stan said fiercely, hands clenched angrily at his sides.
Hockstetter raised his brow cockily. “I never thought that I would. It’s all been done for the greater good. A new world order.”
“Ooookay,” Stan said, cracking into a disbelieving smile despite himself. “I always knew you were a little unhinged, but fuck man. You’re actually insane.”
Hockstetter flashed him a grin. “It’s all going to be okay, Uris. Things are going to change around here, she promised. We’re making the Devils something to be feared in Derry again. No more petty little criminals, that parents warn you not to date. No, no. People are going to cross the street to avoid us when this is all over. Isn’t that right, Bevvy?”
Stan and Hockstetter turned to her in unison. Beverly let out a small whimper, as even Ben and Aurora looked up from their efforts of holding Richie together, in order to watch the scene unfold. “I… I didn’t know anything, not really,” Beverly said through hiccups. “I just… this new world order shit, whatever the fuck it is. I wasn’t part of that, Stan, I swear, I just-“
“Soul her integrity for a couple thousand dollars, right?” Hockstetter waggled his eyebrows. “Betrayed your family, your best friend, took away the life of a thirteen year old girl? For a couple… thousand… dollars. Wouldn’t it have been better if you’d been doing it for a great cause?”
Stan swallowed at the bile that rose up in his throat, hands now clenched together so tightly that his nails dug into the palms of his hands. He didn’t doubt that he’d have marks in the morning, and he watched Hockstetter pull the gun out of his jacket. He walked towards Stanley and dropped tried to force it into his hands.
“I see the look in your eyes, Stanley,” Hockstetter said. “We’re not that different. you know. You wanted revenge. For Janie. For Richie. How hard is it for you to be standing here, with Richie right there, and having to listen to Marsh talk about how she’d only betrayed you all for money?” He curled Stan’s fingers over the gun. “Why don’t you get that revenge, Uris? Take her out. You know she deserves it.”
“Stanley, we don’t make those choices,” Ben spoke up suddenly from behind them. Stan didn’t turn around, eyes still glued to Patrick’s face, but he could hear Ben taking the steps towards them both. “That makes us no better than Patrick and everybody who was behind this. Betty, Greta, Audra, Richie… Nobody else needs to die.”
Hockstetter waggled his eyebrows as Stanley’s gaze didn’t falter. “You don’t have to kill her. You’ve got the gun, Uris. You could just as easily kill me. Marsh is still a little iffy, but you want me die. I can see it in your eyes.”
Stan raised one eyebrow. “If I kill you, I won’t get the answers I want.” He twirled the gun once then tucked it into his pocket. “So, why don’t you give me a little bit more information, and we’ll see if I’ll get rid of your extra baggage over there.”
Beverly squirmed against her restraints. “Stanley, Stan, please.”
“Shut up.” Stan said coldly, not even turning to looking at her. He raised his brow at Hockstetter. “You don’t have to talk. Frankly, I don’t really care what you do with her. Kill, or don’t. It’s worthless to me. But we’re taking Richie, and we’re leaving.”
“No can do, Stanny boy.” Hockstetter said with a shake of his head, looking almost regretful. “I wish I could, you know? But we’ve got strict orders from the boss. Tozier has to die.”
Ben blinked. “So, this has been about Richie this whole time? Isn’t that a little impractical?”
Hockstetter shook his head, grinning toothily. “Tozier was never on the hit list. No Devils were supposed to die, that was the agreement. Bevvy fucked it up with Janie and Tozier made his own bed.”
Stan shifted onto his heels, grabbing for the gun once again, and finally glancing over his shoulder to Ben and Aurora. Aurora still had the suit jacket pressed harshly against Richie, but Stan didn’t know if it was still bleeding. Didn’t know if Richie was even alive. How could he be, after bleeding for so long? His heart raced in his chest. Any plan he might have had been thrown out the window.
“What did he do?” Stan asked. Stalling, maybe. But also curious. Beverly had burned him- burned them all- and maybe Stan needed to know if Richie had too before he risked everything to save somebody who might already be dead.
Hockstetter smirked. “He’s been fucking her son.”
Bill Denbrough packed up slightly, watching as Sonia Kaspbrak walked into the cobwebbed filled room with him. His best friend’s mother had been never particularly intimidating to Bill, not even while growing up. A large woman, yes and extremely overbearing. But he’d never cowarded to her that way the Eddie had until very recently.
“I think the real question is,” Sonia smiled sweetly at him. “What are you doing here, William? Don’t you know what happens to good Derry boys who cross the city lines? Bad things. You know.”
Bill bristled, thinking of Georgie. Of Eddie Corcoran. He shook his head, narrowing his eyes at her. “I have a police bracelet on. They’ll be looking for me soon.”
“No they won’t,” Sonia said, voice still sweet and oh-so casual. “They have enough to worry about tonight, I’m sure. Henry Bowers is dead, that Tozier boy and Marsh girl are missing. You taking a little joyride outside of house arrest will be very low down on their list of priorities, I’m afraid. Most unfortunate for you, William.”
“How…” Bill crinkled his brow. “How do you know Richie and Beverly are missing? I don’t think… have the police even figured that out yet? How could you possibly know already?”
Sonia smiled at him, and Bill felt his hair stands up on edge. “Oh, sweetie, you haven’t figured it out, yet? I’m sure you will be the last. All your little friends will know by the end of the night. Even my Eddie. He’ll hate me for it, yes, but I did what I had to do.”
Bill tried to continue packing away from Sonia as she moved towards him, and ending up toppling backwards into a large red armchair. Dust flew out of it as it landed and he tried not to think about the spiders he was likely sitting in. Trying not to gag, he forced himself to look at Sonia. “Yuh-yuh-“
Sonia frowned unhappily. “I thought you’d out-grown that stutter, William. It is very unattractive.”
Bill blinked at her.
“I loved a man once,” Sonia started speaking suddenly. Bill fought the urge to roll his eyes. Of course she’s monologuing. Why am I not surprised? “He was a good man, I don’t care what anybody had to say about him. He had a vision for this town, he was going to clean up all that trash in the south side. They took him away before he could do it, but I knew… I knew I had to finish what he’d started. It would’ve been what he wanted.”
Bill leaned back in the chair as Sonia moved towards him, his heart feeling seconds away from exploding in his chest.
“He knew I would continue his legacy, and he put money away for me,” Sonia leered down at Bill. “Eddie Bear and I have been living off it since Frank left us, and then Eddie left me too. But that’s okay, because I will change this town. Eddie can hate me if he wishes, but I know I’ve done the right thing. I had to lie a bit, as I needed help that my Bobby didn’t. Had to have some those terrible hooligans on my side, do some of the more grunge work that I didn’t have time for.”
Bill’s heart was pulsing as he took in the confession, he felt himself trembling. How many afternoons had he spent in Sonia Kaspbrak’s house, even just since Georgie died-
“The Marsh girl was surprisingly the easiest. Didn’t ask any questions, simply wanted the cash. The others they were simple enough as well, just tell them that I would make the Devils feared again. And I will, certainly I will. Until I made sure they were all wiped out.” Sonia seemed to pull a gun from her purse, moving towards Bill before he snapped out of his frozen state.
“You…” Bill said, fuming and shaking. “You did this? You KILLED MY BROTHER.”
Bill dove out of the chair, slamming into Sonia Kaspbrak’s solid form. She stumbled and they both nearly fell, the gun clattering to the ground, Sonia managing to find their footing and tossing Bill away from her. Bill slammed against the unused fireplace, head smacking against the cement rock and sending more dust floating over him. Groaning, Bill slid down the rock and leaned against the dirty wood flooring. Lights flashed behind his eyes.
“You’re going to attack me?” Sonia screeched. “I could kill you! Kill you just like I killed your brother.”
Bill barely even had the chance to process what she had said, he was being shoved onto his back and his windpipe was being crushed.
Stan took another step towards Patrick, pressing them nearly chest to chest. “Hockstetter, there are three of us, one of you. And you gave me your gun. I’d really fucking like to see you stop us from leaving.”
Hockstetter’s moved up and down Stanley’s face, suddenly grinning once again. “I shot Tozier twenty minutes ago.. maybe an half an hour. He hasn’t moved once since he hit the ground. Take him. It’s not going to do you again good. I know where I shot him, and I know how long he’s been bleeding. Boy’s dead.”
“We’ll see,” Stan said sharply, nodding towards Ben. Ben moved towards Richie and Aurora, scooping Richie up into his arms. He was rather limp, Stan had to admit but he refused to let himself dwell on it. Aurora scrambled forward, pushing back down on Richie’s wound with the jacket.
“He’s not dead,” she said to Ben. “I promised Eddie we’d find him, I’m not fucking letting him die.”
Stan tossed the gun down at Patrick’s feet, knowing it was a bad choice, that he could turn around right now and Hockstetter would fire at his back. Nothing he could do about it, but the last thing Stan wanted was that gun. “Do what you want with Beverly. She became your problem the second she betrayed the Toziers. Kill her for all I care.”
Aurora and Ben stared gaped mouth, as Beverly burst into loud, messy, hysterical tears. Hockstetter looked overjoyed as his eyes danced. He moved toward Beverly, grabbing her and tossing her shoulder. He saluted to them as he broke through the clearing, Stan leading his own friends slowly through after him. He watched as Patrick shoved a screaming Beverly into the front seat, slamming her in. The car drove off.
Ben and Aurora put Richie into the back seat of Stan’s father’s car and Aurora crawled in after him, still trying to hold his wound shut. Ben closed the back door and looked at Stanley. “You coming? We need to get Richie to a hospital.”
“Hold on.” Stanley said, pulling his phone from his pocket and dialling. He pressed it to his ear, and smirked as the other person answered. “Hey, Patrick. How’s the get-away going for you? Driving fast… Yeah, that’s what I figured.”
Ben stepped away from the car, his hands clammy and his heart tense in his chest.
“You know, this is where it gets interesting, though.” Stan said, his voice full of humour though his face was expressionless. “While you were giving your big speech and explaining to me the things you and Beverly did? I’d have called Patty, she drove out here. She did a little magic work, you know how she does. She cut the brakes in little Christine. Knowing you as a person, and you’re desperation to get away, you must be going about 100 miles per hour down that road, right? So you’d be coming up on the Quarry right… about…”
There was sound of loud explosion far down the road, barely audible, but Ben couldn’t help himself from knowing it the sound of a car going through those small tree and vines before likely tumbling over the end of the Quarry.
“…Now.” Stan said as he hung up the phone and slipped it back into his pocket. Face still completely blank, he turned away from the street and towards the driving seat of his car. Ben stared in disbelief down the road to the accident he couldn’t see.
Eddie Kaspbrak kicked open the door to the Neibolt House, not even slightly out of breath and stumbled inside. He could hear the crashing and gasping from the other room and ran to the living room, even as the floor creaked and screamed under his frantic feet. He skidded into the room and let out a harsh gasp, as though the air was being ripped directly out of chest.
His mother was leaning over Bill Denbrough’s thrashing body, his legs kicking out frantically and hands clawing her arms. “MA!” Eddie screamed, tears starting to stream down his face. Sonia didn’t respond to her son’s voice- caught up in the kill, completely zoned out to anything around her except the victim under her hands. Eddie’s eyes fell to the gun on the ground and swallowed hard.
It was the sickening snap that echoed through the room, the way Bill’s legs stopped kicking and his hands fell limp beside his body, that broke through to Eddie Kaspbrak. Eddie drove forward and grabbed hold of the weapon. Closing his eyes and turning away, he fired.
When Eddie forced his eyes open, Sonia had turned around and was looking at him. A look of betrayal, and look of pain. Eddie pressed himself up against the wall of the room, watching his mother fall limply to the side, blood pooling out underneath her.
Eddie’s knees buckled and he sunk to the floor, still staring at the bodies in front of him. He heard the sound of feet rushing into the house and soon Mike Hanlon and Patty Blum both rushed into the room, freezing in the door way.
Eddie laughed, then.
“It’s over.”
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