#Ominis x Anne
choccy-milky · 2 months
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the twins and their jelly genes 💕💢 ((from the newest chap of my fic! ao3/wattpad))
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meizze-art · 11 months
▶️ My🐦X @Meizze_Art 🎨
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Unscripted moments with Sebastian, Ominis and/or Anne in The Undercroft!
⬇️SHARE YOUR IDEAS in the comments for future parts! 🙏🏻
🎬 Video with AI audio:
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findingtruenorth23 · 5 months
Trying something different today
This is my first fan art to share with you all. It’s been nearly a year of practice to get to the point where I am confident enough to let others see my drawings.
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The story behind the artwork:
Even after Eleanor stopped Anne’s curse, the damage was already done. She would bear the streaks of white hair, weakened immune system, and limited magical abilities for the rest of her life. She was alive, though, and to Ominis, that was all that mattered. The sound of her smile, her laughter, the way she’d hum to herself when she was deep in thought or busy with chores… all of it made his world fuller. She was the love of his life, and he couldn't imagine an existence without her.
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elsfinix · 6 months
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I've read an amazing, thrilling, beautiful story on AO3 with gripping characters and strong in-lore plot, and been hugely inspired to draw a cover art for it. I encourage all and everyone to go read this fanfiction series as it definitely deserves more attention!
The Grandmaster, his Rook and Bishop, their Queen, their King by Andoku
Summary: Right before Winter holidays during their sixth year, Ominis gets notified by his parents he's going to be engaged to someone he doesn't even know. Sebastian and his Ravenclaw friend decide they are going to do everything they can to prevent this, including a "counter bid" for Ominis' hand that unilateraly drags a still cursed Anne in it and forces an unproved, wild gamble with Ancient Magic...
+ bonus art version:
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legacygirlingreen · 11 months
Part 3 : Stardust // Sebastian Sallow x Reader
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Authors note:
I hope part 3 is worth the wait because… well it’s definitely… heating up a tad 😉 Thanks again to the awesome @hyunrikim , love you so much seriously for the ideas with writing the more spicy scenes… and @localravenclaw for the permission to throw her lovely AI Sebastian image in the cover art this time (seriously it’s beautiful and I love it 😭). Anyways… hope you all enjoy…
Word count: 8,500 +
Warnings: NSFW content, slight mentions of breeding/pregnancy (only if you squint on the second - no one actually gets knocked up!) , Minors Do Not Engage, 18+
Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/legacygirlingreen/713709759369560064/part-1-becoming-a-proper-gentlemen?source=share
Part 3: Stardust
Sebastian wiped the sweat that had accumulated near his hairline with the back of his left hand while he continued to dry the wood table with his right. Since he’d started working at the 3 Broomsticks he found carrying around a rag at all times to be helpful, given there were often spills in this line of work.
He hadn’t even been back with everyone at the castle for five minutes before he was using the Floo network to travel to the tavern, practically begging on his hands and knees to Ms. Ryan for employment in his spare time. The conversation had gone over quite honestly, and as he continued to clean the mess left by one of their regular patrons he remembered the words the witch had told him.
“Whatever do you need a job for Sebastian? You are in school. You need to be focused on your studies. I am sure your parents would not be thrilled with the idea of you splitting your time this way…” she told him apprehensive to grant his request.
“I am only talking about the occasional evening and weekends Sirona please… It is very important to me that I am able to make the money on my own. Being here is much safer than the alternatives I have considered. Besides, I am old enough to be making decisions.” He told her, begging his case.
“What is it that you so desperately need the galleons for? If… if your family needs help covering for Anne you know you can always ask me for the assistance… I knew your parents quite well, and I refuse to watch you work yourself to death on Solomon’s behalf.” She explained, misreading the situations, but still offering from the kindness of her heart.
“It’s not… it’s not entirely to do with Anne. In fact, for the most part it isn’t.” He said, looking down sheepishly. Sebastian was anxious explaining himself to anyone besides Anne and Solomon, as they may not understand his witch came from different customs. While he was confident in his affections for the new student, he worried about the judgment he may face from others over their chosen course of actions.
“Sebastian, you know I am going to need more information than that…” she explained, trying to be gentle to the young man.
“I know, I know” he frustratingly ran his hand through his disheveled hair, looking around awkwardly suddenly aware the nosy sets of eyes upon him as he struggled, trying to find the words to say when he was interrupted.
“I need a hand grabbing one of the kegs from storage. Join me?” She asked. Sebastian realized she could just lift them with a simple charm, taking the moment of privacy the tavern owner so graciously was offering. He nodded, stepping through the doors to the back store, following her down into the cellar as the enchanted braziers on the wall lit up as they walked down the stairs.
“Alright, out with it. What trouble have you gotten yourself into Sallow? Whatever it is we ca-“ she started, immediately assuming the worst but when Sebastian shook his head she stopped speaking.
“I am not in trouble. Far from it actually…” he blushed, thinking of how to word his request and explain his current situation without looking like a love stricken fool.
“Is it to do with that girl? The new student? The one with you over the holiday?” She asked. Ever the astute Ravenclaw.
Sebastian nodded, clearing his throat while looking back at Sirona who eyed him curiously.
“I will say, you looked quite smitten, even after the troll attack. Then each time you’ve visited with her since… I’ve noticed a shift in you. I am correct in assuming it’s been because of her?” Sirona continued to dance around the subject.
“Yes… I have grown, quite attached to her.” He said, confirming the witch’s suspicions.
“You are saving up to gift her something I assume? That’s why you need the money? I am sure if you plan to get something from a shop here I could work out a few days work in exchange -“ Sirona started but Sebastian interrupted.
“What I plan to get is not something sold here in Hogsmeade…” he explained.
“Curious… Not in Hogsmeade? Most things needed by witches and wizards are available in town. What’s the occasion? A birthday?” she inquired
“I want to ask her to Marry me. And I don’t intend on doing so without a ring. Solomon gave me some of my inheritance to get land for a home, but I… I want to work for the money for a ring.” He finally caved, giving her a full explanation.
Sirona remained silent, not entirely shocked at his confession as to why he needed the money. Seeing them together before Christmas had reminded her of watching her older friend and classmate with one Sampson Sallow…
“Well… I usually don’t employ students outside of the summer months… however lately it’s been quite rowdy on the weekends. I suppose having an extra hand could be nice. However, you have to promise me this won’t interfere with your schoolwork. Your mother would kill me if she knew I was taking you away from studying to serve butter beer.” She offered with an outstretched hand.
Sebastian promptly smiled, raising his hand to meet hers in a firm shake.
That had been over a month ago, and since then he’d spent almost every single Friday night, Saturday and Sunday on his feet from the moment the pub opened until they sent their last customer home. On more than one occasion he’d needed assistance getting back to his common room simply from the exhaustion.
He hadn’t fully lied to the girl either when she inquired about his sudden employment at the three broomsticks. Sirona had said she wanted assistance on weekends, and Ms. Ryan had been kind enough to play along with the excuse when questioned. The way the two had skirted inquires from the new Slytherin was admirable, to the point the girl hadn’t even questioned it anymore.
He was always grateful when Sirona would bid him goodnight and she would be waiting there under the streetlamp next to the floo flame, ready to head back with him. Sometimes she would be joined by Poppy or Natty, already out of the castle on an adventure, but she made it a priority to see him leaving his grueling shifts.
Even thinking now about how excited he was just to see her warm eyes under the lantern’s light once he got to step out of the stuffy pub into the cool air made him smile.
“Sallow, mind helping the table in the front?” Sirona called, breaking him out of his trance as he nodded, working his way to the small enclosed table near the front door. Watching his step carefully, attempting to avoid slipping on the wet floor coated in spilled drink and melted snow he didn’t look up until his feet were directly in front of the booth.
Upon doing so he was greeted with the welcome sight of his favorite companions, noses red from the cold, thick layers of winter clothes still wound tightly around their chilled bodies from the track from the school. Ominis was still attempting to warm his hands by rubbing them together, unfortunate enough to have to hold his wand out while he walked, while everyone else would’ve been able to keep theirs warm in their coat pockets.
Next to him sat one very excited looking Lucan, thankful to be included in a late night activity with the older students. Natty joined him, scolding him for running ahead, as she no doubly felt responsible for her younger housemate. As he looked around the table, he noticed Poppy Sweating giggling as… Imelda whispered in her ear… The sight both confounding him while also making total sense the more he thought about it. Lastly he looked to the other side of Ominis seeing his witch standing to greet him.
“Sorry if the group grew a bit too much, I only intended it to be Ominis and I, but word spread and-“ she was cut off as he quickly latched his hands onto her waist, joyfully lifting her into his arms and connecting their mouths. Breaking apart with a giggle he set her down at the brief exchange, expecting Imelda to make a nasty comment at their affection. Instead he found the Irish girl with her head propped up on her hand taking in the words of the young hufflepuff as if they were the only thing in the world to listen to.
Shaking his head he brought his attention back to the witch in his arms, eyes crossing with hers as he explained “Honestly you could’ve come here with Leander and I’d still be happy just getting to see you.” She knew he was exaggerating, as he found the Gryffindor boy to be the most repulsive of their classmates.
“Been a long day?” She asked, sensing the tiredness in his eyes and he nodded.
“Positively exhausting…” he leaned in closer, her cheeks growing warmer with anticipation of what he could be telling her in secret.
“Imelda and Poppy?” He phrased as a question as he leaned back with a smirk.
Smacking his shoulder she narrowed her eyes almost threateningly “Don’t you dare.”
Knowing she was right in the assumption he would taunt their housemate for her seemingly new crush on the cheery girl from their class he shook his head.
“How is it fair? She gets to taunt us, then gets off Scot free when it’s her turn” he pretended to pout but at this point only played along to get a rise out of the girl currently in his arms.
“I will hurt you myself Sebastian. Leave them be. They will come to realize it in their own time… besides… I don’t want to make it harder for them since people may look down on them for both being girls…” the way she expressed her concerns for her two friends not being accepted by his classmate made his heart melt. Looking over her shoulder to see the Slytherin girl working her green scarf around Poppy’s chilled skin made him realize that she may be correct to leave them be for now.
“You’re right. I shall leave it be… for now…” he jokingly teased
She leaned up to peck his cheek before coming off the tips of her toes, “thank you”. Sitting back next to Ominis, she quickly cast a warming charm on his gloves and he thanked her.
“6 butter beers?” He asked the group, everyone but Poppy and Imelda looking up with a nod.
“It is so cool that you work here now Sebastian! Dueling extraordinaire, top Slytherin Student, former quidditch star and now bar tender at the best pub in Scotland!” Lucan praised him as he smiled at the younger boy. He had always carried a soft spot for the younger boy, whose mischief and creative mind rivaled his own.
“You’re much to kind to him Brattleby. As I recall, he lost crossed wands to y/n.” Ominis said with a smirk. Hearing their housemate attempt to lower him was all it took for Imelda to snap out of Poppy’s trance as she looked up at him with a smirk.
“He also can’t hold a candle to her flying record” Imelda said looking directly at his eyes tauntingly. Natty and the young Gryffindor watched the exchange with widened eyes.
Sebastian looked from Imelda to Poppy with a smirk, before returning his gaze to her. When she realized what he’d done, the fire in her eyes shrunk, fearful he would comment on what he’d seen. Instead he surprised her by looking down to the girl who’d stolen his heart, opting to heed her warning and refrain from saying anything even jokingly.
“Oh I am fully aware that even inexperienced this one is far better than me. I consider myself lucky to be in her company most days. After all, that’s all one can hope for… to steal the heart of someone so wonderful… how have you been Poppy? You’ve hardly said a word. Come across any dragons again recently.” He said, attempting to get the eye off himself as Imelda quickly turned to the girl for an explanation and he slipped away to grab them a drink.
Once behind the bar Sirona came back up from the storeroom, watching the group as Poppy told them how her and his witch had rescued a dragon from illegal fighting rings. He had been privileged enough to hear about it shortly after it happened, as there were few secrets between them. One would think he would be possessive or even demanding she did not throw herself into danger, especially after the incident over their holiday, but Sebastian trusted her abilities. He knew asking her to refrain from such adventure would be like caging a bird. Despite his worry, he would never ask her to do such a thing.
“I figured you could use a break” Sirona said nodding towards the table.
“Thank you, sorry if I’ve seemed… distracted today.” He explained. He wasn’t fully sure why he’d been in his head for most of the day, but he found himself zoning out. Perhaps the exhaustion of 2 and a half straight days of working was getting to him.
“You’ve been working hard this last month. Your mother would be proud.” Sirona said, filling the last mug, setting it on the tray for him to grab. As he went to lift it from the counter he saw 7 instead of 6.
“They only needed -“ he started but she wasn’t having it.
“Take the rest of the night off, I’ve got it from here.” She explained, shooing him from behind the counter.
“But, I -“ again he started but she interjected, grabbing the rag on her shoulder and slapping him with it.
“I am paying you for the rest of the evening whether you work the shift or not. You are young, you’ve got your friends and your love right there. Consider it a thank you for the hard work the last few weeks.” She said shoving a small leather bag of galleons in his hand.
Sebastian promptly opened it, expecting to see knuts, perhaps a few sickles, but instead was shocked to find it filled to the brim with galleons. His eyes widened and nearly filled with tears at realizing how much money she’d given him.
“This is entirely too gracious Sirona, I can’t-“ he started in but she placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Take it. I haven’t been privileged enough to find someone of my own, but that doesn’t mean I don’t recognize true love when I see it.You’re a hard worker Sebastian. Definitely as kind hearted as Alice. Please take an advance. Work when you can, but focus on visiting Anne and making her happy right now.” She explained, recognizing how much he’d done even in such a short amount of time.
Sebastian pocketed the money, removing the apron from his body as he quickly cast a charm to clean his dirty clothes. “Thank you Sirona… at the very least let me help clean up once everyone leaves” he offered, feeling the need to continue to earn his wage.
“I think I could find that acceptable. Now go. Enjoy. It’s on the house” she said, shooing the young man away, smiling as he sat down next to the Slytherin girl at the end of the table, wrapping his arm around her as they all began enjoying their evening.
***** *****
“Hey watch those hands Lucan!” Sebastian taunted, watching the young boy’s face go even more red as he attempted to aid his witch in standing. The group had enjoyed a tad too much, and were making their way back to the school grounds without him. He’d entrusted the two Gryffindors, deeming them more responsible than the very distracted Poppy and Imelda, and not wanting Ominis to be on edge leading her around without sight.
“Of course, sorry Sebastian!” The boy’s voice squeaked out as he leaned down to hold her face in his palm.
“Don’t take too long” she pouted and he chuckled, kissing her forehead. Taking the ends of his scarf that she’d worn, he wrapped it around her gently.
“I won’t, but Sirona shouldn’t have to clean up on her own. Wait up for me when you get back?” He asked, hinting at her to wait in the Room of Requirement instead of their common room. She nodded vigorously as the two Gryffindor students carefully escorted her down the path and out of his view.
Returning inside he saw Sirona had done almost all the labor to clean that normally took them hours. The chairs were resting on the tables and she had an enchanted mop scrubbing the floor. She sat at the bar, rifling through a box filled with parchment, looking up when he re entered.
“I want you to come look at something, it should only take a moment. You’ll be back in time before curfew.” She explained and he nodded taking a seat next to her.
“Ah, here it is. Sliding a worn envelop into his hands, he saw the words “Ryan” on the outside in familiar handwriting without a first name.
“To my Dearest house Companion,
I was so glad to see you again since you graduated. It has been entirely too long, and I apologize for the briefness of our last encounter at Hogsmeade. The twins are still quite young and require much attention as you can imagine.
I was writing to see if you were doing alright. I must be honest, upon seeing you at the three broomsticks, I have been worried for you. I hope you received Sampson and I’s owl with some help to purchase the tavern, knowing it to be your dream now that it’s available. We had looked forward to seeing you running the place.
You looked very worn my dear, and I worry that you are harboring much anxiety. I have never pressed the conversation you have shared in confidence with me, atop the Ravenclaw rooftop that night. I have guarded your secrets, knowing that only myself and your friend Maribel to be the only ones who know the “real” you.
I hope you find this letter as encouragement. I have known you since you were sorted into our house. I have watched you grow. I have always known you to be such a strong and kind hearted witch. I can assure you, that letting others see you as such may provide a freedom you had not considered. I only offer such advice as I wish to see you happy, however please do not feel pressured if you are unready to be open with others.
Sampson and I shall be returning to Hogwarts in the fall, both of us accepting positions as professors. I am excited to be able to visit you more, and ask if there any way possible you could watch the twins during the day. We shall provide you money in exchange. Sebastian is getting to that age he just wants to be involved in everything, so while he may be young, I imagine he may actually provide great help.
Either way, please always remember how deeply cared for you are. You are one of the kindest souls I know. I look forward to seeing you again soon.
All my love,
Alice Sallow
P.S. I recently stumbled upon a beautiful spring in my travels, and it made me think of you. I believe the goddess Sirona, to have sent me a feeling to write to you, so attached you shall find a vial of her earthly blessings…
Sebastian held the letter in shock, knowing that he didn’t have memory of Sirona before she began watching them some days while their parents taught. The heavy bag of galleons in his pocket acting like an anchor.
“Your mother was one of the few people in this world who could actually see the real me for so long. She was a dear friend. I have always wondered how I may thank her for her kinship, and her encouragement for me to be myself… helping to look after you has been such a joy Sebastian. You are truly a man she would be proud of.” Sirona spoke, holding out a photo of himself and Anne at the tavern while young in which Sirona was allowing them both to dangle off her strong arms the air as they cheerfully giggled.
“I don’t know what to say Sirona, this is much too kind” he explained.
“Don’t be. Your parents helped loan me the money to buy this place. You can consider it repayment if it eases your mind… however I want you to do what makes you happy.” She explained, standing to escort him to the door.
He brought the old family friend into his arms as he hugged her close. “Thank you Sirona, for everything” he said reverently.
“Of course. Just know… I expect visits every now and again. I’d also like to see the ring, once you’ve asked.” She said with a wink and he straighten, giving her a nod.
“Of course, this shall be the first place we stop to celebrate. I promise.” He told her and she smiled.
“Go on Romeo… I recall you told her to wait up for you.” She said and he couldn’t stop his legs from bolting towards the flame back to hogwarts.
***** ***** ******
He ran through the room of requirement like a man on a mission. Thankful that Deek was no where in sight, he all but bolted at top speed down the stairs that lead to the second half of her magical room. He wasn’t sure why exactly he was in such an urgent need to be near her, to hold her, feel her press into him. Perhaps it was the excitement he felt knowing he could move forward with their joint plans to build a future together. Maybe he truly had missed her company over the past few weeks. Or a combination of everything, but he didn’t stop until he found her cuddled up next to the window in a lounge chair with a blanket over top her. In her hands she twiddled her wand, curling and twisting it around her fingers.
“Hey you” she giggled out, looking up at him.
Sebastian held his hand out, begging her to rise to meet him, all while his body felt like it was shaking with electricity. Swinging her legs to the side she allowed him to pull her from laying down to standing in his arms.
He couldn’t help the sigh of relief that tumbled past his lips as he wrapped his strong arms wrapped around her much smaller frame. His one hand cradling her head onto his chest while the other pulled her impossibly close by the waist. She breathed in his normal sent that had wrapped itself in a mix of butter-beer and sweat from a day of hard labor. She felt him tip his nose and mouth into her hair, breathing in his own sigh of relief.
“I know I need a shower, but I wanted to see you first” he said, voice muffled by being so close to her.
“There’s no rush… we have all the time in the world” she said, pulling him closer as she spoke. He smiled, knowing that she had know clue the weight to which she alluded, as that time was about to rapidly expand in their near future. There was something sitting in the air. Almost heavy, and filled with longing and anticipation. As he gently held her, almost swaying the same way they had Christmas Eve in Feldcroft, the depth of the feeling grew.
Suddenly the room began to shift, a loud sound echoing throughout. Jumping away from her, grabbing his wand he shoved her behind him ready to protect her if need be. Immediately the air was filled with her boisterous laughter.
“It’s just the room shifting… let’s see what it thinks we Require” she spoke, eyebrows dancing as she giggled, pulling him by the hand to the corner were a small door appeared.
“Does it do that often?” He asked her, still shocked at the magical properties of her room, despite having spent a great deal of his time with her inside its walls.
“Sometimes” she said with a shrug, dramatically flinging the door open. Seeing its contents immediately sent her into another fit of giggles as she leaned into his body to prevent herself from falling over.
He stepped inside, seeing the way the green tiles reflected the candle light in such a soft and calming way. It was almost a recreation of the bathroom in the Slytherin dorms. The golden shower head, incased in glass instead of behind the normal curtain. But the same green tiles and snakelike artwork depicted about.
“I don’t know if I should be offended the room thinks I smell that awful, or if I should thank it for not making me track all the way down to the dungeons” he spoke, pulling her through the doorway with him. She looked up at him, longing in her eyes and he didn’t even question for a moment before slamming her backwards into the door.
The charged feeling from before coming back to the forefront of his mind as he pressed himself between her legs, pinning her into the back of the door which had only appeared moments ago. She moaned into his mouth at the shock of the contact, her hips coming up to meet his with the same fury.
Pulling his mouth from hers, he reconnected it on the pulse of her neck as she jokingly called out “I suppose that means you don’t care if I join you?”
“It’s been far too long since I have seen this beautiful body of yours” he said, sincerity peaking through the dominance in his tone. Usually he found himself in conflict with that side of himself, repressing it entirely in favor of savoring his time with her. However a pocket full of gold to effectively secure their future together, his ability to restrain the more animalistic tendencies was effectively lost.
Sebastian meant what he said, it had been since their moments in Feldcroft that they’d gone beyond kissing each other breathless or pawing over clothes. Occasionally he’d slip a cheeky hand around her bottom, giving her a squeeze to startle her, or she’d return the favor by sliding a hand under the untucked bottom of his button down. Once they had found themselves grinding their hips together while still clothed a few weeks back. That alone made him feel his manhood shake within the confines of his school trouser more than he cared to admit.
Acting now on almost two months worth of buildup, he carefully started to slide the sweater she wore up her torso. It had been one of his older sweaters, from his third year as a student, that he’d let her borrow one weekend they went home to visit Anne before he had work. She had found herself reaching for it most days, as it reminded her of him on the nights they couldn’t sleep together.
That had been another thing he had missed dearly. Occasionally they would slip away to the Room of Requirement, making a bundle of pillows on the floor and taking naps in each others arms. However a few hours here and there didn’t make up for the cold and lonely feeling he had most nights as he couldn’t get up the stairs to her dorm room and Ominis usually sounded the alarm when she tried to sneak up to his side. He had been utterly spoiled those few weeks in his home with her nestled in his arms, finding sleep more easily than he had in years. Without her, he was once again back to restless nights.
Sebastian couldn’t help but think that soon enough it wouldn’t be such a taboo to fall asleep with her on his chest, and wake up holding her in his arms. That wholesome thought was replaced with something much less innocent seeing his sweater fall to the ground and a small lace corset being the only thing she wore under it.
Letting out a groan he hooked his fingers around her waistband, turning her around slightly to get a better view in the dim lighting. Seeing the way the low lighting created such harsh contrast along the curves of her waist and chest made him groan.
“Why didn’t you tell me this was all that was under there” he chuckled against the skin of her right breast, releasing it before sucking one of her nipples into his mouth.
Breathlessly she giggled, “I thought it would be more fun to let you discover that yourself”
Releasing her, Sebastian stood back to his full height, looking down at her blushing face, smirk still lingering and dazed expression from both the alcohol and the feelings that so often accompanied their more intimate moments.
“So you planned this..” he teased, going to undo the buttons of his shirt as she leaned back against the wall for support, sliding her pants down her legs to reveal a thin pair of panties that matched. She nodded, almost responding to his metaphorical question by displaying the intimate clothing to him.
Upon seeing the matching set she’d donned his mouth fell open, and with that yet another laugh fell from her kiss swollen lips. He truly did love how utterly giggly she got when consuming alcohol. Some people were aggressive or depressive. However, every experience where he’d seen her drink she often became more affectionate towards him and more joyful, more carefree. He loved that side of her.
“Oh darling” he said, quickly stripping himself of the rest of his filthy uniform, throwing it to the floor, dragging her closer, once again reconnecting their mouths as he pushed her against the wall of the shower.
“I take it that you like it?” She smirked against his mouth as she pulled back just enough to mutter the words, then resume their ministrations.
Pulling away long enough to shove his underwear down to his feet, he quickly made his way to pulling hers down to join his. “I truly love it. However right now I think I’d like it better on the floor. Don’t you agree?” He didn’t give her a chance to answer before his skilled fingers removed the corset without much struggle, hand desperately reaching for the taps to turn on the water.
The first few seconds were cold, and she let out a shriek at the temperature.
“Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up” he growled into the skin of her neck, arms reaching around her from behind. His manhood stood at attention from the intensity they’d experienced, not quelled by the coldness of the water. Angling his hips, Sebastian allowed himself the pleasure of feeling the curve of her ass against his hard cock, as he pulled her closer.
Reaching up to slide her now wet hair over her shoulder, he kissed the nape of her neck, gently swaying in the water with her in his arms. She could feel the way he flexed his biceps around her, knowing she would be lying to say she hadn’t noticed the way his job had brought out even more broadness in his shoulders and arms. She loved seeing what labor continued to do to his body. Feeling it pressed so tightly against her now as his lips grazed her neck she couldn’t help by loudly moan out, sounds echoing off the tiles.
“What’s got you all worked up babygirl?” He smugly let out along her skin as he continued nibbling her nape. Reaching around, he let one of his hands slip down to her slick folds, lazily dragging his pointer and middle fingers through to collect her arousal.
Carefully turning her around with his other hand so that she faced him, he brought his hand up to his mouth, making direct eye contact while he brought her slick to taste on his tongue. He groaned out, eyes rolling back slightly as the hand still on her waist tightened.
“Fuck - I’ve missed having you on my tongue. So fucking sweet.”
She let out a gasp at his words, enjoying the way he looked down at her once he re-opened his eyes. The intensity of his arousal was apparent, but as was his adoration. Not that she differed, as she could feel herself mirroring him perfectly while she fell deeper into his beautiful mahogany eyes.
Sensing her swell of emotions , he stopped for a moment, fingers tracing lazy patterns in the skin of her waist.
“What’s on your mind, love?” He asked her, genuinely curious what had caused the soft expression to appear in her eyes.
“You are just so beautiful Sebastian” she said and he couldn’t help but be taken aback by the sincerity of her tone. Bringing his hand to push back his wet hair from his forehead as he bashfully looked down at their feet. He’d been many things in his life: loud, brash, unyielding, mischievous, and he figured just attractive enough to have secured himself alongside the most beautiful witch he’d known. While he was aware she found him to be handsome, he didn’t realize she felt quite so deeply for his outward qualities.
He had a long list of things he wasn’t thrilled about when it came to his appearance: the way his nose gave way to his round and flared nostrils, his smile which he felt often seemed awkward when he showed his teeth. He had always felt his freckles made him appear more boyish instead of the man he’d hoped to be. His long and thick eyelashes gave more of a feminine nature than he’d like. Whenever he dared to look in a mirror he often saw his flaws, sometimes glaringly obvious and other times as a distraction from how his face was slowly growing more and more into the features of Solomon and his father.
“I can’t imagine I am that much to look at Darling” he said with a sigh, head still hanging low. His eyes watched water droplets fall from the tile walls, trailing down to the drain under their feet. He felt himself in a trace watching until he felt fingertips lightly grazing his chin, encouraging him to look back up.
The look on her face as he did so made him feel as if she had ripped his heart open completely, forging her way inside and burning strongly within him such a bold and passionate love that would’ve made the poets jealous. She bore a light smile, just barely lifting the sides of her beautiful lips while her eyes looked right through him.
Using her other hand she started to trace her fingertips ever so lightly across his shoulders, as her eyes moved down to look at the lines she created on his body.
“You have really filled out working with Sirona” she barely whispered out, hands coming up to cup the now much more pronounced dip between his shoulder and bicep. Holding herself steady she resumed her gaze over him. Eyes studying him with wonder and what he could only describe as amazement. The childlike wonder in her eyes and soft hint of a smile at the corner of her lips
“How could one not love these beautiful freckles? The way they cover every inch of you… like the night sky… constellations to be studied all on their own. It’s like you are made of stardust Sebastian.” She said, fingers tracing from freckle to freckle along his shoulder and chest, mapping out shapes she saw along his skin. Carefully she brought herself onto the tips of her toes, hand holding his bicep tightening to maintain balance along the wet tiles, before lowering her lips onto a spot near his collarbone.
Orion. She spoke before laying another kiss to a spot closer to the center of his chest.
Capricornus. She continued laying slow, sensual kisses along his skin as she traced the well known constellations into his skin.
Draco. Leo. Pegasus. Gemini. Cetus.
You are more beautiful than the heavens...
He looked down in shock, not realizing he’d closed his eyes until he heard the last words she spoke. Sebastian felt his mouth go dry, seeing the way her beautiful eyes were lost in the sea of blemishes across his skin. Never in all his life had he known such care, such admiration, such love.
Unable to form proper words he allowed her to stroke his nose with her finger. Once again she rose, pressing a small kiss to the ball of his nose. Sebastian breathed in a shallow breath before quickly gripping her shoulders, as if the kiss broke him out of the trace he’d been in. Turning her around so that her back was pressed into his chest once more, he brought his fingers down to stroke her folds.
“Let me make you feel good. Please.” He barely managed to get out the words as he felt her nod against him.
He started tracing his fingers around her womanhood, teasingly avoiding the one spot he knew was sure to get a reaction. When she let out an almost annoyed whine at his chosen path of ministrations he chuckled.
“Sebastian please…” she barely managed to get out through gritted teeth.
He lowered his lips to her ear, dragging in the lobe gently before asking her “Please what? I am already touching you… is that not what you wanted? Wearing that skimpy set of undergarments under my sweater… I need to hear you ask. I need to hear you say how good only I can make you feel”
She wasn’t really sure what had come over him, to get him to speak to her this way, but she suddenly felt lightheaded and knew she couldn’t blame it on the butter beer.
“Only you make me feel this good Sebastian, only you” she whined out breathlessly.
He felt himself beginning to smirk into the skin of her neck, nipping it well enough to leave a small bruise. Before remembering she never properly answered his question.
“Where do you want me to touch you angel?” He hummed, eyelids growing heavy as his cock twitched against the curve of her ass. Feeling him against her, she ground it back onto him and he stifled out a groan, not wanting to give her control of the situation.
“That… spot… from last time” she heaved out through strangled breaths as he continued teasing her.
Bringing his pointer finger up slightly, he grazed her Pearl and she let out a whine, thrusting her hips forward chasing the contact.
“Right here?” He asked, applying more pressure and she nodded aggressively.
Still rubbing her, he decided to give up teasing her physically, opting instead to use his words.
“Is this where you touch yourself when you’re all alone my love?” Sebastian asked.
“Yes..” she choked out as she moaned.
“You know what it’s called don’t you..? This special spot of yours?” He teased but when he saw the expression of embarrassment on her face he kissed her cheek breaking his command for just a moment at her innocence.
“This,” he started with a stronger press against her “is your clitorus love… that spot that makes you come undone in the most beautiful of ways” he said instructing her. He found it cute that she wasn’t even fully aware of her own anatomy, and he’d only known having picked up a book on anatomy a few years back.
Once again he resumed softly circling it with his index finger, occasionally applying more pressure as she squirmed. The moment of innocence gone as she continued incoherent babbling at his moments.
“And what do you think of when you touch yourself here…?” He growled, rubbing his finger against her in fast tight circles.
“You… you Sebastian… I think of -“ she said struggling with words. He removed his fingers from her and once again she let out a whine. He felt bad for getting her wound up but he was dying to hear what she thought about when she touched herself to the thought of him.
“Tell me… what about me do you think of? What does your beautiful mind dream of me doing?”
Once again he laid his index finger ever so gently to her clit, holding it there but not moving it when he asked “do you think of me touching you here? Like I have been? Thinking of my hands instead of yours? Do you think of me rubbing fast little circles on this sensitive clit?”
She vigorously nodded trying to slightly press her hips into his hand for more friction and he smirked knowing she got off imagining his hands on her. However he wanted to know truly how deep the rabbit hole went…
Bringing his fingers down further he teased her opening with his fingertips as he asked “Do you think of me entering you here? Have you ever brought your fingers down to your hole, imagining it’s me that is working you open?” He said against the shell of her ear, finger tracing a circle around her rim.
Sebastian could feel the way it shifted in anticipation of him doing so, her opening almost shaking under his finger tip. In fact her whole body was shaking under his grasp as he tried to find restraint from just pushing his finger inside her to find out just how the inside of her walls would feel.
“Please let me touch you here. I want nothing more than to feel you around me, pulling me in… please let me make you feel good” he could almost feel himself growing needy from his request, slightly embarrassed at how much he needed to touch her in her most intimate part. He was worried for a moment about losing the control he seemingly had over her but when she called out, bucking her hips violently into him he regained that sense to claim her once more.
“Yes pleaseeee Sebastian '' she gave her permission, widening her legs as she looked over her shoulder at him in anticipation through lowered lashes.
“I’ll be gentle, I promise. Please let me know if you need me to slow down or if it hurts… I want to worship you.”
She nodded at him as he brought his other hand up to cup her cheek, pressing his lips to hers with a passionate kiss before pulling back. Something primal in him wanted to watch her expression as he set out to breach her wall for the first time, even if it was only with his index finger.
So he did just that. Bringing his finger up just enough to coat it in the slick that had made itself known in her folds he brought it back to her hole. Eyes fixed on hers, he ever so carefully slid it inside her. Her eyes grew wide at the intrusion but she made no attempts to stop him. As he entered her he became overwhelmed at how warm it felt wrapped around his finger. He could feel the way her cunt greedily seemed to pull him further inside as he pushed in until his palm rested flat against her mound of curls.
She sighed against him, leaning her head back on his shoulder as he stilled his finger inside her body, allowing her to adjust.
“How do you feel?” He asked her, nipping the bruise he’d already formed on her neck.
“Full” she whispered out, eyes trained to the ceiling. Hearing her admit that while he currently was pressed against her, finger deep inside her beautiful body brought back a ferioscity.
Sliding in and out partially, he would push it back in slowly as he began to fuck her with his finger. She began rutting against his hand as he brought his other hand up sliding it around to play with her breasts. In doing so he pulled her even closer into his frame, his dick painfully hard and throbbing against her.
“Imagine how full you would be with my cock in you.” He hissed in her ear and he picked up the pace.
“So full Sebastian” she all but wailed.
“You’d look so full babygirl, and so very pretty stuffed to the brim with me. Can’t you feel it? Feel how much it wants to be inside this warm, wet cunt of yours?” He purred in her ear, intentionally pressing his dick into her backside more.
She didn’t respond with words but he felt the way her inner walls contracted around his finger before he slowed enough to add a second one. She shuddered at the feeling of being stretched wider but didn’t speak as he continued.
“Do you ever think of what it would be like for me to actually enter you in that way? Tell me sweet girl. Please. I need to hear you tell me how good I’m making you feel. How good you would feel if I claimed you as mine…”
“It feels so good… yes I think about you being inside here when I’m alone… you make me feel like I’m coming apart at the seams” she barely managed to indulge his lust hazed demands as he once again picked up the pace.
“Good. I also think about how wonderful it will feel when I finally enter this tight little hole… how beautiful you’ll look wrapped around me. How loud I could make you sing when I’m making you feel good. How gorgeous you’d look full of my cum…” at this point he was just incoherently letting all the thoughts he kept locked inside his brain spill out, but she didn’t care. In fact, upon hearing such lude comments she was shocked to feel herself throbbing under the intensity of it all.
“You’re going to look absolutely divine when I pump my children into you… ethereal when you safely carry them within you, right here…” he said, moving his left hand over her womb, softly stroking it.
Her eyes snapped open at how openly he was acknowledging his animalistic desire to give her children. Bringing her hand up she kept his hand pressed tightly to her stomach, a loud moan escaping her as she allowed his words to give her the glorious mental picture he was painting.
“You like that? Want me to give you a little Sallow?” He bucked his hips into her once more, his tip sliding between her cheeks and he kept going.
“YES” she screamed as she approached that feeling she had the first time he’d made her release.
“Who’s making you feel this good? Tell me!” He demanded it of her.
“You are! Sebastian I -“ she started to speak but he rocked into her with his hips pressing her tighter against him with the arm still around her waist. Deciding to curl his fingers to stroke the sides of her wall he was pleasantly surprised at her reaction. She let out a scream, body tightening around him as she slumped in his arms for a moment. Her labored breath only stirred him on more.
Slowly sliding off his fingers, she turned around to face him. The look in her eyes of longing made him ponder the honest words he’d spoken. She should’ve slapped him for being so crass, but instead she surprised him by sliding to her knees.
Lifting his cock in her hands. He was prepared for her to touch him, similar to how she’d done in the bath on his birthday. However when she tentatively brought her lips around the head of his prick he couldn’t help but fall back into the wall, as he slipped from her mouth.
“Shit!” He hissed, watching as she looked up at him with such a doe like expression, following him by crawling on her knees to once again place him inside her warm mouth.
The feeling of her mouth around his manhood was very similar in feeling to what her pussy felt like around his fingers. Given what he’d just done he knew he wouldn’t last long.
She wasn’t exactly sure what she was doing but tried to replicate the way she stroked him with her hand using her mouth. Pressing him further inside she gagged a little and he let out a groan as she did. The feeling of him hitting her gag reflex, caused her to accidentally shift her teeth, causing him some discomfort feeling them graze his shaft.
She pulled back apologetically, ready to ask what she should do when he encouraged her to keep going.
“So good… doing so good for me. My goddess.” He spoke and she took that as a sign to continue, trying to tease his shaft with her tongue this time.
Sebastian seemed to really have enjoyed it because his mouth kept spewing the filth he’d been mumbling for the duration of their activity.
“Fuck… going to make you my wife…Then I’m going to keep pumping you full of my brown eyed babies… would you like that?” he asked.
When she nodded her head to answer his question he twitched inside her mouth as he grabbed her hair, pushing her down in the same manor.
“Again, do that again please” his voice went thick with need and she replicated the movement again, discovering a slight taste of salt in her mouth as he leaked precum from his tip.
“I’m going to, agh I need to finish-“ he spoke as a warning for her to pull back but when she hollowed her cheeks attempting to suck in a breath he spilled in her mouth.
At first she tried to swallow his load but became overwhelmed about halfway through, pulling off his cock as he finished spilling his load in her face, lips and into her hair.
“Shit! I am so sorry darling, come here” he said once he came down enough to see her looking up at him, his release in her wet hair and all over her face.
He lifted her gently off the floor of the shower, hands lifting to wipe himself away from her pretty face. As he did so she raised a hand to stroke his cheek similarly to how he was cleaning her.
“I didn’t mean to -“ he tried to explain, grimacing as he saw the way his cum clung to her hair, but she stopped him by bringing a finger to his lips.
“It’s okay Love”, she paused before giggling and continuing “I thought it was sexy that you filled me in some way…” she said her eyes trailing off with a newfound shyness
Contemplating his words he finished cleaning her face, turning her around some so he could wash her hair as well. She hummed as he did so, soaking up the affection and still feeling the bliss that came after moments like this.
When he finished, Sebastian wrapped his arms around her, his chin resting on her shoulder.
“Did you mean it?” He asked quietly
“Which part?” She hummed
“Well… all of it, but specifically the part about the stars?” He questioned.
“Of course.” She said sternly, hoping he could believe her.
Kissing her shoulder he replied “then you’re my goddess… and you belong in the heavens… next to me.”
Turning around in his arms she kissed him deeply, hands raising to brush his hair off his face like she’d done so many times before.
“And you can be my home. My light. My stardust.”
To be continued…
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dragonmasterkaylz · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy: Three Broomsticks Scene
MC, Sebastian & Garreth: *Sit Down*
Anne & Ominis: *Elsewhere, Holding Hands*
Sebastian: Oh bloody hell! Slick git…!
MC: *Looks Over* Oh come on, they’re only holding hands.
Ominis: *Kisses Anne*
MC: And snogging.
Sebastian: I’d like to leave.
MC: What?! You can’t be serious!
Sebastian: That happens to be my sister!
MC: So? If she looked over here and saw you snogging me, would you expect her to get up and leave?! *Blushing*
Sebastian: *Speechless*
MC: *Drunks Butterbeer*
Garreth: *Chuckles* Definitely not into each other.
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nari-chanxd · 1 year
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Howl’s Moving Castle + Hogwarts Legacy
Ominis Gaunt x Anne Sallow
Bonus: Sebastian
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shoes99999 · 1 year
ominis × anne 💚💚
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I think Ominis likes to be swayed by Anne. (because it's fun to be together😆)
… I want to know more about Anne🥹
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ashland-frost · 5 months
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Slytherin & his Ravenclaw
Just a simple fan fiction, read if you like and give me some feedback, I'm been working on my writing.
My OC is Ashland Frost from a necromancer family and is good friends with Sebastian Sallow.
Had a dream about this so I just wrote it out.
Frost strolls through the courtyard and notices Anne, Sebastian, and Ominis huddled together. However, Sebastian appears visibly sad and exhausted. As Frost approaches, she realizes that Anne and Ominis are glaring at her and Sebastian, clearly displeased. Despite knowing that they don't particularly like her, Frost and Sebastian share a strong bond. With a mischievous grin, she greets the two before shifting her attention to the weary Sebastian, who sits in the middle looking utterly defeated.
Anne and Ominis hastily rise from their seats and shoot Frost a disdainful glance. Unfazed by their animosity, Frost, who hails from a family of necromancers, takes a seat beside Sebastian. He turns to her and apologizes, explaining that Anne and Ominis believe she is the reason he has been delving into the dark arts and have been lecturing him for hours. Exhausted, he sighs and rests his head on her shoulder.
" I'm used to being misunderstood, but you seem really down. Is something else bothering you?" she asks, gently stroking his head and running her fingers through his messy brown hair. He lets out a sigh and buries himself further into her neck for comfort. "My uncle keeps getting on my case, and I feel like nobody understands me," he explains. "Ominis is my best friend, but he's closer to my sister, and they always seem to be on the same page. Meanwhile, I'm always the one at fault... Am I really that difficult to understand? Even my own family and closest friend don't seem to get me." He looks on the verge of tears, which surprises her, as he usually hides his emotions well.
"Sebastian, you have me. I understand you. It's okay if just one person in this world does. That's the best we can hope for," she says, leaning her head closer to his. "Please don't cry. I hate seeing you so sad, especially when I've never seen you look so defeated.”
Frost always maintains a composed demeanor, but with Sebastian, it has become a challenge. Witnessing him in such pain tugs at her heartstrings. As a tear escapes his eyes, she swiftly brushes it away. The sun begins to set, casting a gentle glow upon them. Few students linger around as they find solace in each other's embrace on the bench. Although they are merely friends, outsiders often mistake them for a couple. In reality, they have never labeled their relationship, content with the closeness they share. As the sun dips below the horizon, enveloping them in shadows, the lights gradually illuminate, creating a serene atmosphere as they sit in comfortable silence.
“It breaks my heart to see myself in such a pitiful state, especially in front of you " he murmurs softly, his voice filled with a few sniffles.
She finds it endearing, unable to resist his vulnerability. "You don't have to apologize for feeling this way. I'll always be here to provide comfort," she reassures him, gently playing with his hair. Although her words bring him some solace, the fear of her leaving and not being by his side forever still haunts him.
His voice drops even lower, almost a whisper, as he asks himself more than her, "Will you truly be here?" A smile graces her lips as she hears the desperation in his voice. "I promise," she whispers, planting a tender kiss on the top of his head, feeling the tickle of his soft, fluffy hair against her nose. "You seem exhausted. Why don't you have dinner and go to bed early?”
"Would you like to join me?" He asks gently. Aware of her preference to avoid crowded places while eating, Frost responds with a hum, "Sure, hopefully your sister and Ominis won't make a fuss about it."
Excited by her agreement, he says, "Come on, let's go before the entire school fills the Great Hall." They make their way to the Ravenclaw table and start eating, attracting the attention of a few students who rarely see Frost during dinner. She usually keeps to herself, and her unique appearance as an albino makes her stand out. There is an undeniable beauty about her that captivates Sebastian's gaze, as well as the curiosity of other students.
"I'm sorry... I know you don't like being stared at," he apologizes. She smiles and reassures him, "It's alright, love. It's just dinner. I'm used to having eyes on me wherever I go. Looking like a ghost isn't exactly ordinary."
Sebastian grins and playfully remarks, "A Snow Fairy attending school is definitely intriguing." Her pale cheeks blush a rosy pink as she responds, "Please don't call me that in public. It feels embarrassing."
With a wide grin on his face, he savors every bite of his food. Just then, Anne and Ominis enter the room and take a seat at the Slytherin table, their eyes fixed on Sebastian and Frost. Frost slowly turns her head, sensing their intense gaze. Despite Ominis being blind, his presence is unmistakable when he desires it. She playfully winks at them, flashing a smile. Meanwhile, Sebastian remains oblivious, focused on finishing his meal.
She doesn't want him to become sad again, Frost decides to divert his attention by gently poking his cheek. "You look like a chipmunk stuffing his face, so cute," she teases, causing his face to turn red as he chews his food, avoiding eye contact by staring down at his plate. They continue to banter and enjoy their meal together. Once they finish, Frost suggests taking a leisurely walk, and Sebastian eagerly agrees. Leaving the hall behind, they wander aimlessly, enjoying each other's company.
"Huh, can't believe it's already this late. Should I walk you back to your dorm?" Frost suggests.
a mischievous smirk playing on Sebastian's lips. "Although, I must admit, it feels like the roles should be reversed here. But just for tonight, I'll allow it."
They make their way towards the Slytherin dorms, Frost reminding him, "Make sure to get some sleep, you look like the dead."
"I've been having trouble sleeping lately," he confesses, scratching his head.
Frost rummages through her pockets and pulls out a small bottle. "Here, take this. It'll help you sleep. Those bags under your eyes look dangerous."
He accepts the bottle, but his hands linger on hers. "You care about me so much. I know you were trying to distract me from looking at Anne and Ominis at dinner... thank you," he says, his hand slipping away.
Blushing slightly, she playfully pokes his chest. "How could I not care about you, you silly boy?" A warm smile spreads across her face as she gazes up at him. "Bend down a little, I don't like how tall you're getting!" she pouts, and he obediently lowers himself to her level. She grabs his collar, catching him off guard, and surprises him with a kiss. His eyes close, overwhelmed by the unexpected affection. Afraid to hold her too tightly, he keeps his hands to himself as they share a sweet and tender moment. When they finally part, both are left flustered beyond words. She turns away slightly, her voice soft and affectionate. "Goodnight, my sunflower." He's completely taken aback, As he stuttered out the words "goodnight, my... snow fairy," he vanished through the Slytherin door.
Frost couldn't help but giggle, her wide grin quickly fading when she noticed Anne's intense gaze. "Are you two dating?" Anne asked, her eyes filled with surprise. Despite their closeness, Frost and Sebastian had never seemed intimate with each other.
"We're not dating... yet. But I would love to be with him. I truly care for your brother," Frost replied. Anne's shock was evident as she stammered, "You... do you love him?"
Frost nods half-expecting Anne to be angry, but instead, she let out a sigh. "I don't know why I'm surprised. You two have always had this unique connection. I guess I'm just worried that you're leading him astray, teaching him things he shouldn't learn."
"I do teach Sebastian whatever he wants to know, but he's intelligent and responsible, Anne. He won't get into trouble. However, if you keep treating him like a troublemaker and making him feel guilty all the time, it might create problems in the future," Frost explained, looking down before meeting Anne's eyes again. "Do you despise me so much because of who I am? And what my family does?" she asked, her voice filled with vulnerability.
Anne's frustration was evident in her expression as she replied, "No, I don't hate you. I'm just overly concerned about my brother's well-being, and I guess I let that cloud my judgment. I'm sorry. I can see that you genuinely care for him.”
Frost nodded, her eyes softening with understanding. "I understand your worry, Anne. Sebastian means the world to me, and I would never do anything to harm him or get him im trouble, If anything, I want to support him and help him in everything."
Anne sighed again, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I know you mean well, Frost. It's just hard for me to accept all this, especially with his interest in the dark arts, but he can make his own choices. I've always been the one looking out for him. Our uncle is, well, you know, but I need to trust him more."
"I have absolute faith in him, Anne," Frost said gently. "I want to explore, to learn, and to be with him, I hope you understand"
Anne's eyes filled with a mixture of emotions – love, worry, and a hint of resignation. "I suppose I need to step back and let him be, Ominis and I have been nagging him too much, I didn't even realize he was so exhausted. Just promise me, Frost, that you'll always be there for him. Promise me that you'll protect him when he needs it."
Frost reached out to hold Anne's hands. "I promise, Anne. I will never leave his side. He means everything to me"
A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Anne's lips, her worry beginning to fade. "Thank you, Frost. I appreciate your honesty and your love for my brother. I just want the best for him."
Frost squeezed Anne's hands gently, the bond between them strengthening. "I know you do, Anne. And I promise, I will always strive for Sebastian's happiness, because its my own too"
Anne couldn't help but burst into laughter. She never expected Frost to be so cheesy, especially when it came to expressing her feelings for her brother. It made her wonder if her own brother was just as corny when it came to her.
Frost joined in the laughter, admitting, "Yeah, yeah, I know. he definitely makes me question the things I say sometimes." She couldn't help but feel a tad embarrassed by her words and relieved to have gained Anne's acceptance, knowing it would mean a lot to Sebastian.
As Frost bid her farewell and made her way back to the Ravenclaw dormitory, her ethereal white hair disappeared up the winding stairs.
"She looks like a magical creature," Anne remarked, her eyes filled with admiration. "My brother certainly has a knack for choosing extraordinary girls."
Emerging from the corner, Ominis joined the conversation. "So it would seem, and I see your conversation went smoothly."
"After knowing you for five years, it still gives me chills when you appear out of nowhere. Couldn't you at least make some noise?" she teased, rolling her eyes playfully.
"Where's the fun in that?" he replied with a mischievous smile. "But I suppose we should let Sebastian pursue his hobbies undisturbed."
Anne putting Ominis into the Slytherin common room.
"I believe that's the wisest course of action," she agreed, taking Ominis' hand, causing a faint blush to colour his cheeks.
"What are you doing?" he stammered, caught off guard.
"Simply escorting my dearest friend to his room," she replied with a warm smile.
"Don't you dare start!" he exclaimed, his flustered expression turning into a playful one.
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deathlysallows · 1 year
Yall are free to grill me for this cause I know we love Ominis but I just wanted to let this idea out... I think Ominis and Anne are actually dating. We don't REALLY get too personal with either of them, but any time Anne is questioning something she asks for Ominis. She is only okay with certain things if he is there to make her feel safe because she is in love with him, and we never heard from him anything ok his relationship with anyone other than Sebastian. I honestly don't think it's too much of a stretch to assume that AT LEAST Anne has feelings for Ominis. And when she left she wrote him, reached out to him, and he seems to have seen her since the big event.
I bet he stays with her over the summer after this and not Sebastian.
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choccy-milky · 1 year
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the twins realize they have more in common than they thought LOL
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meizze-art · 11 months
▶️ Follow my Twitter [HERE]
A series of unscripted moments with Sebastian, Ominis and/or Anne.
This time Anne seizes a chance while Sebastian is distracted. Her surprising move leaves Ominis with mixed emotions...
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findingtruenorth23 · 4 months
Post-Hogwarts Fluff
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Ominis might have been a little terrified when his wife told him he was going to be a father. Even months later, he worried he wouldn’t be up to the challenge. Anne very much disagreed, knowing he would always protect them, first and foremost.
Link to TT with audio can be found here.
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jackies-ear69 · 1 year
I ship Ominis and Anne, and I just thought of an ADDITIONAL way to use this to angst my boy, sorry Ominis mate 😔😔
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legacygirlingreen · 1 year
Christmas with the Sallow Family: Chapter 4 || Sugarplum Fairy
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Authors Note:
I am back! I apologize for taking so long, school really heated up, but I graduate in about 10 days so I am finally getting free time back! Thank everyone who’s continued to support this story. I really hope this has been worth the wait, and soon should have more availability to work on future chapters! I haven’t had much time to edit, but I figured it better to post and edit later. Again, thank you all! Special thanks to @anto-pops for the advice on writing NSFW content, as this is my first attempt at it… So strap in folks because things are finally getting a tad serious.
Also, I usually go for historical accuracy, but couldn’t resist throwing in the Nutcracker during a fic set at Christmas. Historically it wouldn’t become a ballet till about a year later, but for the purposes here we can bend the rules a tad… Anyways, sending positive vibes to you all!
Warnings: NSFW content! (Finally). Minors do not interact! 18+.
Reminder: This work is part of a larger collection of work, see Masterlist (Pinned on Profile) for the rest of this fic!
Word count: 9,000 words
previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/legacygirlingreen/713708165693308928/christmas-with-the-sallow-family-chapter-3?source=share
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After an uneventful dinner in the Sallow home, the four young adults migrated out into the center of the hamlet with the rest of residents to partake in Christmas Eve festivities. Some of the older men played enchanted instruments to the tunes of upbeat folk songs, as children ran around playfully dancing to their song. Solomon who had opted to stand guard with some of the town’s men in case of another goblin attack, left them without the looming sense of awkwardness that had existed while they ate a few hours prior.
Sebastian had opted to change back out of his father’s jumper, as it was slowly getting colder, and he didn’t want to damper the mood with its presence. She still wore the same dress as before as they watched as Anne was playfully spinning with one of the young boys in their village. Ominis had laughed as the small boy, who had grown quite smitten with Anne as she remained behind in Feldcroft, politely asked her to dance with him. Shortly there after, Ominis himself was roped into showing the younger sister of the boy dancing with Anne how he was able to use his wand to move about despite his blindness, as the girl was also heavily vision impaired. Sebastian watched as his twin had to duck quite low to move her head under the small child’s arm as the boy attempted to spin her as he saw the adults of their hamlet do for the women. At the same time, Ominis was cautiously moving the small girl about in front of him with his wand pointed out in front of the both of them. It made him smile seeing his friend and his sister engaged so sweetly with smaller children who lived next door.
Without thought, he turned himself towards the girl next to him. She sat perched on one of the low stone walls surrounding the main circle of their village’s center. Sebastian found himself standing behind her, arms coming to rest on the sides of her, as she leaned back slightly onto his chest in her seated position. She turned her head to the left, noting how Ominis was entertaining the little girl by sharing how he navigated the world with a child who shared his condition.
“I never knew Ominis was so good with children” she said as she noted the way he helped lift the girl, who was nearing the end of her toddler years, and moved them both towards Anne and the young boy with the help of his wand. The little girl shrieked in laughter at how she, like Ominis, had a vague sense of the world around them with the help of the sentient wand.
“I do believe it may just be that child in particular” Sebastian sad with a chuckle before continuing “He usually finds kids off putting and overtly loud”.
“I guess I can understand where he is coming from… it is still sweet nonetheless.” She said, words trailing off in deep thought at the sight before them both. Anne and Ominis had rejoined with the young siblings, forming a small circle where they all were slowly spinning together.
Sebastian watched for a moment longer, before allowing his eyes to wander back to the girl. He couldn’t help but notice the way the moonlight cast lovely shadows on her face, or the way the firelight danced in her eyes. Hearing the melodic laughter of the children, yet his own eyes lost as they danced over her distracted form, he couldn’t stop his mind from wandering to a place they could both inhabit in the future. How he could home from work, crossing the threshold to greet her, before reaching down to observe whatever mischief some smaller version of them had created during his time away for the day.
“What are your thoughts on children?” She asked, breaking his train of thought before it could fully develop.
“In general or…?” He asked, aiming to figure out exactly what kind of answer she was desiring from him. He didn’t doubt for a second if she asked him, despite their age, he would give an honest answer. He simply wanted her to ask him without any reservations and on her own terms.
“Well I mean obviously in general, but also… having kids? Is that something you want some day?” She asked him, wavering for a moment before finding confidence to turn her body around to face him as she firmly planted her stare in his own.
“I like children. I enjoy the way their minds work, and how they are honest to a fault. I admit, I haven’t had much experience with them up close I am afraid. My parents only had Anne and I, as it was a traumatic delivery for my mother, so they decided one pair of rambunctious twins to be enough. Solomon has never even attempted to find a woman. We have no other family, so the extent of my experience has been back here during the summers with the few children in the hamlet.” He said, fingers playing with the strings of her corset unconsciously as his eyes wandered around the bustling hamlet to observe the youth spread about.
Sebastian remembered small moments where he had been asked to watch over the siblings dancing with his Twin over the past summer, and how while nerve wracking at times, he enjoyed getting the chance to entertain them. They never failed to make him laugh at their antics.
He looked back up into her pleading eyes, and he knew what she wanted to hear. “I definitely want children someday” he said confidently. Even before he had met her, he knew that at the very least he wanted to pass on his family’s namesake, as there was little chance Solomon would, and he was the only remaining Sallow who could. Although, with as much as he knew Ominis hated being a Gaunt, it wouldn’t surprise him if one day their friend took Anne’s name…
“You do?” She asked, seemingly shocked at how open he was on the topic, especially at his age. While the Twins were due for their 17th birthday shortly after Christmas, she was surprised he already had come to a conclusion on his future while still, in the eyes of the law, technically being considered a child himself. While in her muggle village he may be considered old enough to already have started that path in life, she had come to learn that in the Wizarding World, they were not quite as quick to marry off their sons and daughters…
“Of course” he said, smile beaming at her pleasant surprised expression. She briefly looked down at her lap before reaching forward to tug his jacket only slightly so he would come closer to her. He chuckled at her desire to pull him closer as he admitted he wanted children.
“Hey now, just because I desire children someday does not mean I want them now” he playfully retorted while wiggling is eyebrows at her action and he loved watching as she turned bright red at his teasing. She scoffed but didn’t push him away. She smoothed a hand over the trim of his lapel before straightening the simple “S” pin he adorned on the same side as his heart.
“What about you Missy? Do you see yourself having children?” He asked her, realizing she hadn’t commented on the matter. While her smile had told him that she most likely held the same ideas as him in the matter, he didn’t truly know.
She lifted her hand to cup Sebastian’s cheek as she carefully brushed a hand over the planes of his face. Her other hand migrated to his shoulder, fingers slowly tracing the soft hair at the back of his neck as his eyes slowly drifted shut at her soft contact. A small smile worked its way onto his face, as no matter how much she did it, he truly never got over how much he adored her gentle fingertips brushing along his skin and hair. However this was short lived, as she began speaking, his eyes snapped back open to watch her reply.
“I could see myself coming home to a little girl maybe… with a thousand freckles spilling across her cheeks and over the bridge of her nose” she said, softly tracing a path across the center of his face with her pointer finger before coming to frame his eyes as she continued “perhaps she would even have big doe eyes, full of the same mischief I see right here”. She softly traced the skin under his eyes as she gazed up at him. He felt a shudder run through him as she kept going.
“Or a young boy… with a big toothy grin” she said, fingers lightly brushing over his lips as he suddenly felt a weight drop in his stomach, but she didn’t stop there. The fingers in his hair continued as their movement went from unconscious to deliberate. “Maybe he’d have thick, unruly, brown hair that would need to be tied back while he played like his father…”
Sebastian couldn’t help but notice the way she seemed to remember what he had told her about himself as a child in the Undercroft that so long ago. The day he decided he would do anything to be able to show her his love. He loved how comfortable she felt confirming that he would in fact be the father of these idealistic children. Even more, he loved the thought of her desiring a possible daughter to have his dark eyes or a son having his thick Scottish hair.
He always had wondered what parts of his parents he inherited, as well as what one day he would pass on. While he wasn’t particularly fond of his skin’s blemishes from spending so much time in the sun, a small part of him was relieved to hear how much she seemed to adore the marks that covered his body.
If he focused hard enough, Sebastian could almost see the same image in his head. A little girl with similarly colored locks to her own, framing chubby cheeks filled with freckles. The shallow slope of his nose, but her soft smile paired with his dark eyes and her long eyelashes. He could almost cry thinking of how sweet such a child could look being perfectly comprised of both their features. He had always loved the name Estelle.
She paused for a moment, worried her words had frightened him, as he continued blinking rapidly with a far off look in his eye. He was shocked back to reality when her hand started slowly trailing off his face to return to her lap. Sebastian pushed it back up before she got very far, his fingers caressing her own as he took in a deep breath to steady himself.
“While I like your train of thought…” he started, slightly startled by how the lump in his throat made itself known as he began to speak, but he powered through as he stared in her eyes.
“I think that’s entirely too much of myself in children I one day hope, will take after their mother’s beauty”
“Yo-you want your children to…” she couldn’t find the words as she had a thousand thoughts running through her brain at his admission that one day, he wanted to share a home and children with her.
“To look as lovely as you, yes.” He said, noting the way she had a small tear leak out without realizing. Sebastian simply brushed it off her cheek without commenting on it. He understood how such words might draw such a reaction. He had felt such an odd stirring in himself at the conversation. All the sorrow he’d known for losing his parents mixed with the joy he felt knowing he was building something with this lovely girl.
“I disagree… I think their father to be quite handsome” she said, loving the way his dimples appeared at her comment.
“Then its settled. One day we will make beautiful children and people can argue which one of us contributed more to their good looks.” He responded making her laugh so hard she clutched his shoulder as he joined in her laughter.
“We should probably join in the festivities” she said, looking around to see if anyone was lingering too close to hear their conversation. He leaned in, as if he was going to tell her a secret.
“I would much rather stay here and talk about making babies with you…” he purred in her ear and she pushed him away slightly.
“Sebastian!” She exclaimed, noting the way her reaction only spurred him on further as he dipped his head back in laughter.
“I didn’t know you were such a prude” he said, drawing her to stand from her seated position on the wall. Sebastian carefully escorted her to where the hamlet were still dancing in the late hours of the evening in the grass. As he pulled her close, one hand resting on her waist, and the other holding her hand, he noticed the slight pout she had on her face.
“I am not a prude…” she mumbled as she allowed him to slowly start moving about in small circles while holding her.
“Could have fooled me” he responded, noticing the way her eyes quickly darted around to see if anyone around them was watching before she leaned closer, resting her head on his shoulder. She sighed before she tipped her chin towards his ear: “talking about your desire for future children, and discussing the act of making them are two very different conversations” she purred.
Sebastian’s hand on her waist tightened, holding her closer to his body. In fact, he was slowly beginning to feel the beat of her heart through the fabric of his undershirt, his own sweater, and jacket. Not to mention the layers she was wearing… He felt the need to pull her close despite the fact he was warming up along every inch of his body. He barely recognized that a very light snow was beginning to fall because how hot he suddenly found himself. The only reason he noticed was seeing the way small flakes began to get caught in her hair, and he imagined he looked similar.
“Could you see yourself entertaining…” he trailed off as he noticed Anne and Ominis standing a few feet away. Ominis was holding her hand as Anne was beaming at himself and the girl. He looked back down at the girl in his arms, “can we pick this conversation back up later?” he asked her. She nodded as they continued their simple dancing to the slow song of the band. Every so often Sebastian would lift her arm, twisting her gracefully, before returning her to their pose. He was by no means a wonderful dancer, but he seemed to understand a simple box step, and that’s all she needed. It however, warm her heart to be dancing again after so long. It wasn’t long however before the song came to an end.
Throughout the evening the pair had heard the almost continuous sound of instrumental music playing, so the sudden silence that permeated the air was mildly jarring. As she lifted her head to see if the band was retiring for the evening, she was surprised to meet Anne’s mischievous expression.
Ominis stood near the band, conversing with some of the men as Anne attempted to drag the girl from Sebastian’s arms. He let out a sigh as he tightened his arm around her a little confused why his twin was attempting to get the girls attention so intently.
“Anne is something wrong?” She asked, slightly concerned as to why the girl was attempting to remove her with the degree of effort she was aiming to use. Anne shook her head, finally successful in unraveling the couple.
Before Sebastian could question what was happening, Anne whisked her away and Ominis quickly came to drag Sebastian off in the opposite direction without a word. “Ominis, what the hell?” He asked annoyed as his friend simply shook his head no, a small smile stretched across his lips. Whatever Anne was planning must not be too terrible if Ominis was going along with it.
Sebastian found himself suddenly off to the side of the area everyone had been dancing, with the two young siblings from next door, as Ominis left them to join some of the adults of Feldcroft. Sebastian was extremely confused what they were doing, as many of them started talking amongst themselves and using their wands to start conjuring a small wooden platform on the ground. A proper dance space replaced the uneven ground. But why now?
It wasn’t long before he found an answer to all his questions in the form of Bernard Ndiaye coming forward. The members of the hamlet all stood to the side of the platform, allowing the shopkeeper to cross the small stage, to make an announcement.
“It appears that we had a dancer in our midst and didn’t even know it. After speaking with young Anne Sallow, this year’s newest addition has agreed to showcase a muggle tradition I hear is very popular this time of year.” Ndiaye spoke briefly before quickly standing to the side.
Sebastian recognized the sounds of Tchaikovsky, as his mother had adored the composers work. Every year around this time they would all make their way into the muggle portions of London just to watch the ballet for his mothers sake. Sebastian had almost forgotten about it, but Anne seemed to have remembered. It had been years since they had be able to watch a performance.
Looking around he was surprised to find Anne back at his side as she carefully wrapped her slender arm around his own, lightly squeezing his bicep. Sebastian looked to see if she had returned with his twin but was disappointed seeing she returned alone. Before he could question Anne as to where his love had wandered off to he immediately felt his knees almost give out.
In the corner of the small wooden platform there she stood. She must have used some sort of transfiguration charm to change her long green dress, as she now was a vision in soft lavender. Her delicate arms, exposed to the cool air, as only thin straps held up the bodice around her breasts and abdomen. At her waist soft lace and tule flared, just barely covering her most intimate areas. Sebastian couldn’t stop his wandering eyes from noticing how the thin tights she wore clung to her soft but muscular legs, especially given how much of them were displayed before him. Atop her head rested a small diadem, shining in the moonlight.
She had pulled her hair back into a small bun, leaving her nape exposed. Sebastian was struck so suddenly by how his mind l seemingly split into both thoughts of how downright ethereal she looked and how incredibly sexy she was. He was both smitten and feeling himself with growing arousals at how delicate yet strong she looked.
As the band softly played transitional music, she lifted her gaze to Anne, giving her a shy smile, before taking a deep breath. She refused to let her gaze wander to Sebastian, for fear she may loose her nerves if she saw his eyes on her. She nodded to the few men with instruments that they could begin and she closed her eyes, attempting to remember the steps she had all but memorized from her years partaking in the muggle study of ballet.
The opening notes of dance of the sugar plum fairy started and she was off. The playful melody of the Russian composer, although missing some of the instruments a full orchestra would have, filled the air. Almost as if riding a horse, the steps immediately came flooding back to her memory as she gracefully moved about the small stage on her toes, arms extended.
She tried her best to not think of how much the movements were causing her abdomen to ache with pain or her lugs burn. After mentioning to Anne in Hogsmeade that she had studied ballet for years, the girl had all but pleaded on her knees to see at least some part of The Nutcracker, as it was their mothers favorite. She conceded knowing it would lift the girls spirits, however she had not known the full extent to which she had been roped into until the girl had escorted her away from Sebastian.
Sebastian watched her earnestly as she moved about the space with the same grace she used when she dueled. He had been right in his assumption she did in fact know how to dance, as here she stood, body moving with such a lovely flow it replicated that of a stream. Her movements both soft and delicate, yet poised and full of strength. The way the stars and the falling snow framed her feminine form. The way the moonlight and firelight made the diadem and crystals on her bodice sparkle replicated that of a princess. Her soft smile at the confidence in her movements. It was the most beautiful sight he had ever laid eyes on.
He hadn’t even realized he was crying until he felt a small handkerchief being thrust into his hands. He didn’t even look down to see that Ominis’s outstretched hand had been holding his own pocket square, as he refused to tear his eyes away from her for even a second. The world could come crashing down around them and he still would not be able to look away from the delicate creature in front of him. He half wondered if she was part nymph or siren, as the way she moved her body enticed him in ways he ought not know to be possible.
It wasn’t long before the band began to quicken their pace, with her rapidly increasing her tempo as well. She began moving about in such fast twirls, constantly upon her toes, matching the musicality. She was like a flurry of snow, twisting her body with such speed and skill. As fast as the dance had started, they quickly drew their instruments to the close, as she stopped, drawing her arms into an outstretched pose to conclude the dance.
As the people of Feldcroft began to cheer for her, clapping loudly, she began searching the crowds for Sebastian. With all the townspeople and snow picking up its pace, it was difficult to see where he had gotten off to. As she drew herself into a soft bow she saw a single white rose land in front of her. She quickly drew it into her hand before slowly making her way off the wood floor.
She barely heard Bernard speaking to the hamlet as she made her way to the left side of the stage. The people around her parted, allowing a direct path towards Sebastian. As she got closer she saw the soft glistening of tears in his eyes and on his face.
Sebastian felt like he was watching an angel make its way from heaven, down to him as she took soft steps towards him. He was thankful his neighbors had respected them enough to separate, making her journey easier. He hadn’t even attempted to brush the tears from his eyes, proudly wearing them as she deserved to know what a lovely reaction her talent had brought out in him.
When she had finished, he had found himself transforming the handkerchief in his hands into a single rose, tossing it at her feet the same way that he’d seen muggles do in London. When he found her situated directly in front of him, beaming up into his eyes, he didn’t care who was around them. The young siblings next door, his own sister, the townspeople, hell even Solomon: they were all irrelevant to this beautiful angel. His beautiful angel.
She softly brushed the tears off his face as he smiled, a few more continuing to slip out. The girl laughed softly, not in jest, but in elation at how much love was pouring from his eyes.
Sebastian brought his hand up, to firmly hold hers against his face as he ground himself in the moment. A selfish part of him never wanted this wonderful day to end.
It wasn’t long before the chilling Scottish air made itself known again, as she shivered against him, given how much of her body was exposed. He quickly unwrapped her arms, sliding off his jacket, before gently laying it around her shoulders.
“You must be freezing, sorry I didn’t think of that” he whispered out. The town around them had resumed dancing, wandering off to let the young adults converse as they pleased.
She brushed off his comment, but pulled the jacket tighter around her body. She looked back up at him, eyes still shining with amazement. He took the rose that had been held in her hand, placing it behind her ear. His fingers trailed down her cheek and jaw before his hand plant itself against the side of her neck. Sebastian softly pulled her into his tall frame, as his other hand came to rest on her bent elbow. They continued to softly sway as he held her head close to his chest, and she let her arms stay wrapped around his waist.
“I don’t think I have ever been happier in my entire life” he softly hummed out. She tightened her grip on his lower back, softly inhaling his woody scent.
“Me either” she replied, unable to fill her senses with enough of Sebastian Sallow as they softly turned in the moonlight. She wanted more. She didn’t care that her legs were freezing or ballet slippers were terrible shoes to walk in. She simply wanted to bottle up this feeling and keep it close to her heart forever.
As another song started up they heard a throat being cleared not far from them. She lifted her head from its place over his heart as Sebastian noticed Solomon standing near by, his expression unreadable.
“It is getting late. I think it is time you all retire.” He spoke firmly, but didn’t comment on how they were dancing nor her costume.
Sebastian only nodded, before spinning her around to head back towards their tent. Anne and Ominis were already back inside when they arrived. Immediately upon entering Anne jumped the girl.
“Oh Merlin! That was so amazing! Thank you so much, it truly meant so much to be able to experience one of our old traditions. You are so talented.” Anne blabbered on as she continued a string of “you’re welcome” and “thank you” in response to all she kept saying.
Sebastian leaned against the support beam for the main room watching as the girl demonstrated some of the poses for Anne. She shrugged his jacket off inside the tents warmth, thanks to Ominis having started the fire. Once again he found himself staring at the lovely lines her legs were creating as she lifted her weight onto one foot, and moved her other leg to the height of her waist with ease. When she lifted her arms, the skirt also raised, giving him a very open view of her tight and bloomer clad rear. What he would give to always have her in such attire.
She turned around after demonstrating to Anne some of the basics she had come to know, and when she did she noted the down-right sinful look in Sebastian’s eyes. She moved to grab his coat off the cushions from when she had set it down, while Anne sat next to Ominis by the fire. When she approached him, she noticed a small plant extending down from the support beam, to rest just over his head. Mistletoe.
Sebastian looked up at the small plant he was conjuring with the wand at his side. He knew the tradition would make her laugh, and when she caught sight of it she grew slightly pink knowing what he wanted from her.
The boy drew her close, pulling her under the small white bulbs with him. The devilish grin upon his face making her grow even warmer. He pulled the jacket from her hands, letting it fall to the floor with no regard for how it crumpled, before wrapping his other arm around her waist.
“Your opinions on mistletoe m’lady?” He asked, staring intently into her eyes.
“I suppose it is a fun tradition, although if you wanted a kiss, you need not ask”
Sebastian needed no further encouragement, pulling her waist directly into contact with his. Her eyes grew wide at realizing his manhood was pressing into her clothed center, but as his lips made contact with hers, they fluttered shut. His other hand planted on the small of her back, and both of hers finding place on his shoulders. He playfully lowered her weight, as he dipped her forward while continued kissing her. She sighed into his mouth as when he lowered them both, his weight pressed into her most sensitive area even more than it had when he pulled her against his body.
Sebastian returned her to her feet reluctantly, pulling his mouth from hers to give a small kiss to her cheek before nuzzling his nose to the side of her face.
“Have I succeeded in sweeping you off your feet darling?” He teased and she shivered as his long eyelashes tickled her cheek. She nodded, holding him close, breathing in his scent.
“You two are appalling.” Anne said while standing, breaking up their moment as she reaching a hand out for Ominis. The pair migrated towards the boys side of the tent together.
“Where do you two think you’re going?” Sebastian asked, playfully taunting his sister.
“To sleep” she said, continuing to pull the blushing blond with her.
“Mhm… and I am the appalling one” he responded sarcastically as she rolled her eyes, sliding into the privacy of the other room. Ominis gave a shy wave before following her.
“You know if it were anyone other than Ominis I’d ring their neck” he playfully chuckled watching his best friends shy allowance of his twins rule breaking.
She scoffed “Please, as if you are much better in that arena Mr. Sallow” as she poked a finger into his chest playfully.
Sebastian stiffened at her words, grabbing her hand as he pulled her backwards into the privacy of the other room. As soon as the curtain gave way he cast a simple silencing charm, throwing his wand to the side.
He lowered his mouth to her ear, lightly nipping it. “Say that again” he all but growled against her skin.
“Say what again?” She asked playfully as his hands found their way under the many layers of tule, fingers splayed across her lower cheeks.
“You know what” he said, feeling his self control starting to waiver as the events of the last few days were building. Their stolen kisses, almost watching her die, sharing a sensual bath, waking up next to her, her body on display during the dance and their conversations on a future. It all felt too much, as if he’d wake up and it all had been a dream. Sebastian needed the chance to prove he was worthy of their lofty expectations for the future, that he was worthy of her love and adoration. That he could be the man she deserved. Someone who could take care of her, provide for her, protect her and give her the life she deserved.
“Only if you answer me this” she said, trailing off as he caressed her skin through the tights. He mumbled out what she assumed was “sure” against her neck as he continued to kiss and suck lightly on the delicate skin exposed but her bun.
They were playing with fire and she knew it. She just hoped that when it was all said and done neither of them wound up burned.
“Would you like to resume our conversation from earlier now that we are alone?” She tried to keep her voice as sultry as possible but finding it difficult with the wonderful way he mapped out the skin of her neck and shoulders with his lips while his fingers traced her lower regions.
“While I would love to have that conversation, I don’t particularly feel like talking right now, do you…” he huskily whispered into her neck making her shudder.
She shook her head at his words as he carefully walked the both of them backwards towards the bed. When her legs made contact with the edge of the mattress, he gently helped her sit at the edge before lowering himself to the floor in front of her.
She raised a tentative eyebrow at him as he sat on his knees in front of her. In his mind, she looked downright ethereal, still in the beaded costume, head covered in jewels.
Sebastian carefully brought his chin to rest just above her knee, looking up at her through his eyelashes as she curled a hand into his hair.
Lowering his hands, he slowly began to unravel her ballet slippers off each foot, carefully tracing his finger up her leg as he did so. She felt a deep warmth spread about her at his soft traces, as the tights were not thick.
He placed soft kisses on the skin of her thigh as he whispered against her skin. “My Angel… goddess divine…” she heard against her legs as she continued to pour his love into her.
Sebastian looked up into her eyes again as he tried to find an ounce of his slipping self control. Her fingers still wound in his tresses and her soft gaze upon him as he laid more gentle kisses upon her skin. “Aphrodite herself” he said with a groan.
Let me worship you.
She was caught off guard at his words but he continued to plead with her. Sebastian shook her hand from his hair, rising as much as he could while still on his knees for her. He held her hand close to his heart, eyes imploring hers as his body softly shook in anticipation. Sebastian hoped she could feel the way his heart beat against her fingers. The way it beat for her.
Let me show you all the praise you deserve, my goddess. Please I beg you.
She couldn’t help but feel herself giving in, as seeing him beg on his knees for her was something she never thought possible. What happened to the proud Slytherin boy she met her first day Hogwarts who taunted her in class? He had wound his way into her very soul, loosing the arrogance that plagued him, now ready to be whatever she needed, as she graciously returned the same sentiments. She softly nodded, bringing his face up as she tipped his chin forward to meet his lips in a soft kiss.
Every moment they spent alone plagued with teasing and playful comments built into a strong sense of longing, only being held back by external rules of propriety. As he moved his mouth against hers that first time, cracks began to form. Now in the privacy on Christmas Eve, That’s when the damn finally broke.
Sebastian carefully pulled himself from the floor, helping her rise gently to her feet as he softly turned her around. His fingers lightly brushed against her corsets strings while his lips continued to softly press kisses and sweet words of praise along her shoulders.
My beautiful angel…
Most beautiful part of this world…
His movements were careful as he slowly unraveled the soft lace from her skin. As it became loose he slowly allowed the material to fall to the floor. She remained unclothed from the waist up, only bloomers and tights covering her lower half.
She turned to face him in the dim light, seeing the adoration in his chocolate eyes as she slowly slid her hands under his sweater, pulling it up his torso. Sebastian allowed her to carefully slip it off his body before she did the same for his undershirt. When his chest finally was exposed again she couldn’t help but lightly whimper at seeing his soft flesh, and he quickly pulled her back into his towering frame.
His left hand held the juncture between her jaw and neck, fingers softly tracing the skin he found there. Sebastian carefully lifted her face up to his own as her trembling fingers wound there way into his hair once again. With her pressed into him, he could feel her hardened nipples against the planes of chest, loving the way their skin to skin contact created a fire in his stomach.
His other hand slipped lower, find purchase along her waistband, toying with it as he kissed her gently. As he did so, her fingers continued weaving in and out of his hair, and it wasn’t long before he ran a testing swipe along her bottom lip with his tongue. Sebastian couldn’t help but groan when she opened for him, letting their kisses to deepen as their tongues carefully danced together. It wasn’t long before she was pulling away, feeling breathless at their actions.
Taking the opportunity of their pause in kisses, he gripped the band of her remaining clothing, and slowly lowered himself to the floor as he slid the material from her body, undergarments coming with it. He did so carefully, afraid she would snap to her senses and stop him. Sebastian was surprised when her bloomers touched the floor, and he found himself once again on his knees, this time directly in front of her naked form. His found himself carefully helping her step out of the clothes, tossing them into the unknown as he caressed her calf as he once again lifted his gaze.
When the cool air exposed her womanhood she quickly sought to cover herself not just from the cold but his gaze, as his eyes were only a few inches away from her most sensitive area.
She should have ran, should have stopped his advances, but truly there was no reservation within her that he did not already own every fiber of her being. He had her from the moment she met his mischievous gaze, beside the fireplace that day seemingly so long ago. They were destined to remain with one another, a very conviction they both seemed to understand. These physical acts were merely a way at demonstrating their devotion to one another. Damn the rules, they both broke every rules around them always. What’s one more in the name of such a love?
He carefully laid his cheek along her stomach, her hands preventing him from closing the gap between his face and her womanhood. As he gazed up at her, eyes darker than she thought imaginable, she couldn’t pinpoint exactly what he planned to do. He seemed to be allowing her to guide him to whatever boundary she desired. And while she was enticed seeing him still at her feet in such a manor, she was taking her time to become comfortable giving herself to him.
Being so close to her heat, Sebastian could smell her arousal, and it was slowly feeding his own. From the moment he’d spoken with her that evening along the wall, about a future together, he had maintained a slight strain in his briefs. When she had danced before him, that feeling grew more intense. Now having her looking down upon her, unclothed, still wearing that semi-ridiculous crown he felt the intensity of his own erection threatening to burst out. He wanted to see her, feel her, and even though it was vulgar he wanted to taste her.
Sebastian allowed her to take her time. He simply laid his head against her, continuing to breathe her in as she grew comfortable with the image of him half nude on his knees in front of her. His fingers wound around to her backside, slowly tracing patterns on her soft curves. If she was paying attention she would have realized those patterns weren’t aimless, as he traced the word “mine” into the skin of her ass.
Eventually she unwound one hand from guarding her sacredness. She carefully brought her fingers into his hair, hoping to calm the storm raging inside. He groaned against her, as her nails scraped along his scalp. Sebastian continued looking into her eyes, and without even having to say the words he felt their soft exchange through their expressions.
“Please allow me to make you feel good” his eyes plead
“I trust you” hers responded as she let go, allowing him to finally see her up close.
He nearly lost his composure seeing such forbidden fruit right before his eyes. Ever so carefully he moved a hand to lightly trace the skin of her inner thigh. Her breath caught in her throat as he continued the slow torture of quiet gasps and soft touches.
Dragging his gaze back up to her, he carefully whispered out, “so beautiful” with a choked sob before he placed his lips on her.
Her hips bucked involuntarily at the feeling of his warm mouth against her lower curls. Slowly sliding her legs apart, he shifted between them to lick a testing stripe along her slit. As he did so, her slick arousal coated his tongue and he found himself moaning into her womanhood at the taste.
While he initially was gentle, after one small sip, he dived into her, lapping as if he was a man wandering the desert. She felt herself slowly trembling at the ministrations of his tongue on her sex, legs going weak. If his strong arms weren’t holding her upright she surely would’ve fallen over.
He continued to use his mouth on her in any way possible. He licked along her entrance and tasted every drop she provided for him. When his tongue finally found her pearl he brought his lips around it, lightly sucking on her clitorus as she cried out, hands tightening into his hair, pulling his face closer to her heat.
At her involuntary reaction he groaned around her, the vibrations becoming too much for her to bear. She looked down at him one last time before falling over an edge she didn’t even know she was standing upon. As she did so, her legs buckled and he did his best to keep her upright as his tongue continued to prod her entrance through her orgasm. Her unintentional aggression towards him , paired with the sounds she made, was enough to send him barreling after her. His cock twitched inside his trousers as he coated his underwear with his own seed. When she finally came down he softly lowered her onto the bed, dropping his head to her lap as he pulled back.
When she stopped seeing the stars she looked down at him. With red cheeks and her arousal coating his mouth and chin he looked absolutely divine. He smiled at her, carefully dragging a finger around to collect her own wetness from her now swollen opening before placing it in his mouth. Licking the remains from his lips, he sighed.
“You taste heavenly” he told her as she carefully brushed a weary hand through his curls.
She blushed at his words, feeling the need to cover herself, but she restrained realizing if he was willing to do such an act there’s no reason to cover now.
“I may require guidance to return the favor” she said shyly, gesturing in the darkness towards him. Sebastian laughed against her skin enjoying the way her fingers lovingly toyed with his hair. Of all the ways he had felt her deft fingers in his locks, this moment was now his favorite.
“That won’t be necessary love” he said with a chuckle, turning his face to kiss her other wrist.
“Of course it is… I understand that there’s a give and a take to these matters…” she tried to explain but he shook his head, before slowly standing.
Ever so carefully he lifted her wrist to place a delicate hand over the wet spot on his trousers. Her face went from confusion to recognition as she felt his cum through the material. Oh.
“But… how..?” She asked, realizing she hadn’t even touched him directly. Sebastian shrugged before he leaned in closer to her.
“I really enjoyed making you feel good I suppose” he spoke as he looked into her eyes. For a brief second he swore he could see hearts in them as she sighed.
Carefully she lifted a hand to cup his cheek before she responded “you beautiful, selfless, man”
He let out a soft chuckle at her kind words, his nose carefully caressing her own lovingly as he nuzzled her soft skin. Sebastian gave her a gentle peck before pulling the both of them down to lay down on the bed. She found herself smiling at the unique lingering taste of her on his lips as he kissed her slowly.
After a few moments basking in the afterglow together, he rose to his elbow to gaze down at her. He carefully brushed a hand over the few strands of hair escaping her slowly slipping bun before sliding off the bed. He knew if he was to sleep in the same bed as her, he should have the decency to change his briefs since sleeping in the nude may be too much of a line to cross now.
Carefully he slipped out of their half of the tent, making his way over to where his belongings were on the other side. As he approached the room he knew contained his sister and his oldest friend he worried about barging in unannounced, but also felt awkward about raising his voice in case they were asleep.
When he found himself directly in front of the flap he was met with the relieving sound of their hushed whispers. Unable to prevent himself from ease dropping he listened to their quiet voices for a moment.
“I can’t believe he transformed my good pocket square into a flower” Ominis chuckled softly and Sebastian remembered that he had in fact ruined his friends possession.
“I will make sure he replaces it, I promise” he heard his sister respond with a sigh.
There was a beat of silence and Sebastian found himself almost taking that as a good opportunity to announce himself but he stopped at Ominis’s voice.
“Was Sebastian really weeping during the ballet?” He asked, no malice in his tone, merely curiousity.
“I wouldn’t call it weeping… more like tears of joy perhaps… like being moved to such extremes in the face of something beautiful. Like how a man may cry at the birth of his child.” Anne explained, and Sebastian found himself thankful his sister attempted to explain what she observed in a way that would exonerate him of being weak.
“That is surprising. I never imagined Sebastian of all people to feel such adoration for another… not that I see him as incapable of those feelings, its just…” Ominis trailed off unsure how to explain his thoughts on the matter, worried he would say something to upset Anne on the status of her Twin’s love affair.
“I think I understand what you mean… the intensity to which it is apparent they feel for each other is shocking I suppose. It reminds me of our parents in a way” Anne replied taking his hand into her own, fingers carefully tracing the callouses on his palm from constantly holding his wand to guide him.
Sebastian felt himself surprised knowing his twin saw the same love his parents held for each other in his own feelings towards the new 5th year. It made him feel as if they’d be proud of him.
“Do you think they will… move forward with things in the near future?” Ominis asked cautiously.
“Perhaps” Anne replied, pondering what Ominis was asking. They had both heard his confession the day outside with Solomon, and had witness their share of moments where even the blind boy could practically see the love rolling off the pair.
“I selfish part of me hopes they do” Anne spoke softly into her lap as Ominis raised a questioning brow at her, confused why she wanted her brother to move forward with such adult acts like engagements and marriage.
Sebastian also found himself leaning closer, curious. Anne felt her eyes blur a bit as she carefully swallowed a small lump in her throat before continuing.
“I don’t know how much time I have left… I want to…” she stopped for a moment to collect herself before she kept going. “I need to know Sebs is going to be happy. That he will have someone there for him when I am gone.”
“Don’t say that Annabel-“ Ominis found himself using her full name, not liking her train of thought. He didn’t like acknowledging her curse, same as the rest of their party, but knowing he may only have limited time with her was a painful reminder.
“I believe in their ability. I know if anyone can find a cure it is the two of them. But if they cannot… I just want the chance to see them both devote their lives to one another.” Anne said in a hushed tone. Sebastian felt a weight in his heart, having not realized that his sisters condition could lead to a place in which a vacancy existed during his important life moments.
Sebastian couldn’t stop himself from pushing back the flap of the tent, eyes glassed with tears as he startled the pair. Anne sat up, wand ready as she recognized her twin’s face in the darkness.
Sebastian rushed forward, forgetting the reason he was in there to begin with, forgetting the love of his life was waiting for him. Ignoring Ominis sitting to the right of them. As he brought Anne into his chest he heard her soft cries as she wound her arms around them. They had tried their best to ignore the direness of her illness for so long, to acknowledge it now felt frightening.
When she quickly recovered he found himself softly whispering into her hair “I promise you will be there to see that.” At his words she looked up at him, slightly grimly. For a moment she thought he was referring to his never ending search to find a cure.
“Sebs… I am not sure there is a cur-“ she began but he cut her off.
“I am not talking about finding a cure Anne.” He spoke defiantly.
Anne realized that he was confirming he would make sure to wed if she became worse off.
“You don’t have to… I don’t expect you to rush into a commitment like that on my behalf.” She worried that she may push the pair together faster at her declining health.
“Anne… I would marry her tomorrow if I could figure out the logistics. But I would do so in a heartbeat to make sure you can be there.” He said and she found herself nodding. Sebastian let his sister go, navigating towards his bag he brought back from school.
He was worried that she would begin to worry at his absence, and didn’t want his sister realizing there was still a mess in his trousers…
“It’s Christmas. Let’s just try to focus on being together, and we can figure out the rest tomorrow, a’right?” He asked, collecting some clothes, before lingering by the entrance.
Anne nodded, returning to Ominis’s side. Sebastian watched as his friend cautiously lifted a hand to place it on his sisters. He smiled, realizing they too were operating on possible limited time.
“Take care of her Ominis.” He said, giving his friend the permission the Gaunt boy had been struggling to ask for since he grew attached to the girl.
Sebastian didn’t need to hear the boys reply, so he merely stepped back and snuffed out the fire in the main room.
When he returned, he found his love laying on her side, curled up along the foot of the bed. Shrugging his pants and briefs off he carefully used a wet cloth to wash himself before sliding on fresh underclothes. Bringing the same cloth, he carefully turned her over enough to help wash away the mess on her womanhood.
As he did so, she carefully cracked an eye open. She slid her legs open more as he continued to clean her to the best of his ability before dropping the cloth to the floor. She sleepily leaned up as he undid the pins holding the diadem to her head, carefully placing it on the floor, before helping her to let down her hair.
As it tumbled free, covering her shoulders and breasts he sighed. He was always surprised how she continued to look more and more beautiful in his eyes.
Sebastian helped lift her sleepy arms up enough to work the sleep shirt he brought onto her form. He figured that she’d be comfortable in his clothes, as his size would turn a simple shirt into a dress on her small body. As he slid it over her, she smiled, feeling enveloped in his earthy smell.
Ever so carefully he helped her slide under the covers, so she would easily be able to slip back into her slumber. Joining her, he brought an arm up to pull her against his body. When she snuggled backwards into him he smiled, thinking about his conversation with Anne. That night he found sleep difficult as he pondered the logistics of addressing the topic.
As he finally drifted off to sleep, he decided his best course of action to be a lengthy conversation with Solomon, and for once he wasn’t concerned about the outcome…
To be continued…
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sincerelya-stories · 1 year
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Rating: T (Subject to Change)
As Ainsley Macmillian watched the waves crash on the shore, all she wanted was a normal 6th year.
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