#sad seb
animasola86 · 9 months
So I figured out how to pause in cutscenes...
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Herbology Class #idontevenknowwhich
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ashland-frost · 5 months
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Slytherin & his Ravenclaw
Just a simple fan fiction, read if you like and give me some feedback, I'm been working on my writing.
My OC is Ashland Frost from a necromancer family and is good friends with Sebastian Sallow.
Had a dream about this so I just wrote it out.
Frost strolls through the courtyard and notices Anne, Sebastian, and Ominis huddled together. However, Sebastian appears visibly sad and exhausted. As Frost approaches, she realizes that Anne and Ominis are glaring at her and Sebastian, clearly displeased. Despite knowing that they don't particularly like her, Frost and Sebastian share a strong bond. With a mischievous grin, she greets the two before shifting her attention to the weary Sebastian, who sits in the middle looking utterly defeated.
Anne and Ominis hastily rise from their seats and shoot Frost a disdainful glance. Unfazed by their animosity, Frost, who hails from a family of necromancers, takes a seat beside Sebastian. He turns to her and apologizes, explaining that Anne and Ominis believe she is the reason he has been delving into the dark arts and have been lecturing him for hours. Exhausted, he sighs and rests his head on her shoulder.
" I'm used to being misunderstood, but you seem really down. Is something else bothering you?" she asks, gently stroking his head and running her fingers through his messy brown hair. He lets out a sigh and buries himself further into her neck for comfort. "My uncle keeps getting on my case, and I feel like nobody understands me," he explains. "Ominis is my best friend, but he's closer to my sister, and they always seem to be on the same page. Meanwhile, I'm always the one at fault... Am I really that difficult to understand? Even my own family and closest friend don't seem to get me." He looks on the verge of tears, which surprises her, as he usually hides his emotions well.
"Sebastian, you have me. I understand you. It's okay if just one person in this world does. That's the best we can hope for," she says, leaning her head closer to his. "Please don't cry. I hate seeing you so sad, especially when I've never seen you look so defeated.”
Frost always maintains a composed demeanor, but with Sebastian, it has become a challenge. Witnessing him in such pain tugs at her heartstrings. As a tear escapes his eyes, she swiftly brushes it away. The sun begins to set, casting a gentle glow upon them. Few students linger around as they find solace in each other's embrace on the bench. Although they are merely friends, outsiders often mistake them for a couple. In reality, they have never labeled their relationship, content with the closeness they share. As the sun dips below the horizon, enveloping them in shadows, the lights gradually illuminate, creating a serene atmosphere as they sit in comfortable silence.
“It breaks my heart to see myself in such a pitiful state, especially in front of you " he murmurs softly, his voice filled with a few sniffles.
She finds it endearing, unable to resist his vulnerability. "You don't have to apologize for feeling this way. I'll always be here to provide comfort," she reassures him, gently playing with his hair. Although her words bring him some solace, the fear of her leaving and not being by his side forever still haunts him.
His voice drops even lower, almost a whisper, as he asks himself more than her, "Will you truly be here?" A smile graces her lips as she hears the desperation in his voice. "I promise," she whispers, planting a tender kiss on the top of his head, feeling the tickle of his soft, fluffy hair against her nose. "You seem exhausted. Why don't you have dinner and go to bed early?”
"Would you like to join me?" He asks gently. Aware of her preference to avoid crowded places while eating, Frost responds with a hum, "Sure, hopefully your sister and Ominis won't make a fuss about it."
Excited by her agreement, he says, "Come on, let's go before the entire school fills the Great Hall." They make their way to the Ravenclaw table and start eating, attracting the attention of a few students who rarely see Frost during dinner. She usually keeps to herself, and her unique appearance as an albino makes her stand out. There is an undeniable beauty about her that captivates Sebastian's gaze, as well as the curiosity of other students.
"I'm sorry... I know you don't like being stared at," he apologizes. She smiles and reassures him, "It's alright, love. It's just dinner. I'm used to having eyes on me wherever I go. Looking like a ghost isn't exactly ordinary."
Sebastian grins and playfully remarks, "A Snow Fairy attending school is definitely intriguing." Her pale cheeks blush a rosy pink as she responds, "Please don't call me that in public. It feels embarrassing."
With a wide grin on his face, he savors every bite of his food. Just then, Anne and Ominis enter the room and take a seat at the Slytherin table, their eyes fixed on Sebastian and Frost. Frost slowly turns her head, sensing their intense gaze. Despite Ominis being blind, his presence is unmistakable when he desires it. She playfully winks at them, flashing a smile. Meanwhile, Sebastian remains oblivious, focused on finishing his meal.
She doesn't want him to become sad again, Frost decides to divert his attention by gently poking his cheek. "You look like a chipmunk stuffing his face, so cute," she teases, causing his face to turn red as he chews his food, avoiding eye contact by staring down at his plate. They continue to banter and enjoy their meal together. Once they finish, Frost suggests taking a leisurely walk, and Sebastian eagerly agrees. Leaving the hall behind, they wander aimlessly, enjoying each other's company.
"Huh, can't believe it's already this late. Should I walk you back to your dorm?" Frost suggests.
a mischievous smirk playing on Sebastian's lips. "Although, I must admit, it feels like the roles should be reversed here. But just for tonight, I'll allow it."
They make their way towards the Slytherin dorms, Frost reminding him, "Make sure to get some sleep, you look like the dead."
"I've been having trouble sleeping lately," he confesses, scratching his head.
Frost rummages through her pockets and pulls out a small bottle. "Here, take this. It'll help you sleep. Those bags under your eyes look dangerous."
He accepts the bottle, but his hands linger on hers. "You care about me so much. I know you were trying to distract me from looking at Anne and Ominis at dinner... thank you," he says, his hand slipping away.
Blushing slightly, she playfully pokes his chest. "How could I not care about you, you silly boy?" A warm smile spreads across her face as she gazes up at him. "Bend down a little, I don't like how tall you're getting!" she pouts, and he obediently lowers himself to her level. She grabs his collar, catching him off guard, and surprises him with a kiss. His eyes close, overwhelmed by the unexpected affection. Afraid to hold her too tightly, he keeps his hands to himself as they share a sweet and tender moment. When they finally part, both are left flustered beyond words. She turns away slightly, her voice soft and affectionate. "Goodnight, my sunflower." He's completely taken aback, As he stuttered out the words "goodnight, my... snow fairy," he vanished through the Slytherin door.
Frost couldn't help but giggle, her wide grin quickly fading when she noticed Anne's intense gaze. "Are you two dating?" Anne asked, her eyes filled with surprise. Despite their closeness, Frost and Sebastian had never seemed intimate with each other.
"We're not dating... yet. But I would love to be with him. I truly care for your brother," Frost replied. Anne's shock was evident as she stammered, "You... do you love him?"
Frost nods half-expecting Anne to be angry, but instead, she let out a sigh. "I don't know why I'm surprised. You two have always had this unique connection. I guess I'm just worried that you're leading him astray, teaching him things he shouldn't learn."
"I do teach Sebastian whatever he wants to know, but he's intelligent and responsible, Anne. He won't get into trouble. However, if you keep treating him like a troublemaker and making him feel guilty all the time, it might create problems in the future," Frost explained, looking down before meeting Anne's eyes again. "Do you despise me so much because of who I am? And what my family does?" she asked, her voice filled with vulnerability.
Anne's frustration was evident in her expression as she replied, "No, I don't hate you. I'm just overly concerned about my brother's well-being, and I guess I let that cloud my judgment. I'm sorry. I can see that you genuinely care for him.”
Frost nodded, her eyes softening with understanding. "I understand your worry, Anne. Sebastian means the world to me, and I would never do anything to harm him or get him im trouble, If anything, I want to support him and help him in everything."
Anne sighed again, her shoulders slumping slightly. "I know you mean well, Frost. It's just hard for me to accept all this, especially with his interest in the dark arts, but he can make his own choices. I've always been the one looking out for him. Our uncle is, well, you know, but I need to trust him more."
"I have absolute faith in him, Anne," Frost said gently. "I want to explore, to learn, and to be with him, I hope you understand"
Anne's eyes filled with a mixture of emotions – love, worry, and a hint of resignation. "I suppose I need to step back and let him be, Ominis and I have been nagging him too much, I didn't even realize he was so exhausted. Just promise me, Frost, that you'll always be there for him. Promise me that you'll protect him when he needs it."
Frost reached out to hold Anne's hands. "I promise, Anne. I will never leave his side. He means everything to me"
A hint of a smile tugged at the corners of Anne's lips, her worry beginning to fade. "Thank you, Frost. I appreciate your honesty and your love for my brother. I just want the best for him."
Frost squeezed Anne's hands gently, the bond between them strengthening. "I know you do, Anne. And I promise, I will always strive for Sebastian's happiness, because its my own too"
Anne couldn't help but burst into laughter. She never expected Frost to be so cheesy, especially when it came to expressing her feelings for her brother. It made her wonder if her own brother was just as corny when it came to her.
Frost joined in the laughter, admitting, "Yeah, yeah, I know. he definitely makes me question the things I say sometimes." She couldn't help but feel a tad embarrassed by her words and relieved to have gained Anne's acceptance, knowing it would mean a lot to Sebastian.
As Frost bid her farewell and made her way back to the Ravenclaw dormitory, her ethereal white hair disappeared up the winding stairs.
"She looks like a magical creature," Anne remarked, her eyes filled with admiration. "My brother certainly has a knack for choosing extraordinary girls."
Emerging from the corner, Ominis joined the conversation. "So it would seem, and I see your conversation went smoothly."
"After knowing you for five years, it still gives me chills when you appear out of nowhere. Couldn't you at least make some noise?" she teased, rolling her eyes playfully.
"Where's the fun in that?" he replied with a mischievous smile. "But I suppose we should let Sebastian pursue his hobbies undisturbed."
Anne putting Ominis into the Slytherin common room.
"I believe that's the wisest course of action," she agreed, taking Ominis' hand, causing a faint blush to colour his cheeks.
"What are you doing?" he stammered, caught off guard.
"Simply escorting my dearest friend to his room," she replied with a warm smile.
"Don't you dare start!" he exclaimed, his flustered expression turning into a playful one.
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bittwitchy · 3 months
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abigail and sams reactions when you start dating seb!!! no his family do not give a shit lol
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hogwartslegacypics · 11 months
yet another instance where i’m thankful for freecam because seb’s face isn’t shown in this part of the cutscene
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featheryalarmclock · 4 days
Man what I would give up to see Seb and Maru acting like actual healthy and supportive siblings 😔
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SEB, Hungary 2015 | Clive Mason
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sebnameyourcar · 2 months
my friends my family my MOTHER everyone is sending me articles on seb saying he wants to return to f1 and i read it and the quotes are exactly the same as what he’s been saying for a year and a half now, which is, i’m paraphrasing here, “for sure i’m still keeping up with f1 and you can never say never and if a good option came around you never know”. why are reputable sports media organisations taking Mr You Are A Tease Sebastian Vettel at his word. this is the king of evading media questions. can everyone calm down. and seb if you’re listening get your ass to le mans NOW
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specialbluehens · 1 year
i think it would be very silly, a little hee hee funny, if shane ended up put in an older sibling role (without trying) to the younger bachelors/bachelorettes
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ham1lton · 1 month
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sebbyisland · 11 months
If I read the Nico book at 15yrs old I probably would have destroyed the pages with my tears. It’s literally that “remember when you thought you were the worst person in the world but really you were just 15yrs are old” but trying to give sad gay kids the foresight before they get stuck in a dark place. Love that.
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monstat · 3 months
“i don't really need friends. you're the only person i need in my life. is that weird? i guess i'm not like most people.”
𖥻 sdv
cw: squinted smoking, (it’s sebastian) angst on sam’s par’, someone’s mom “mona,” referring to reader as “farmer,” and “overalls,” sam ‘n farmer were together, (divorce fees and mayor) kinda asshole seb???
:: sebastian x reader - (not fully) sam x reader - (???)
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@cafekitsune dividers
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the maple tree taps on sebastian’s back. juniper bark creating a ticklish sensation through the baggy, black hoodie he can’t seem to get rid of.
sam’s there, too. there’s not enough space on the old wood for the blond to press the full of his back onto, but that’s alright. he’s fine with standing beside his ‘best friend.’ he’s fine with the silent conversation occurring.
he’s been fine with the distance. that’s what ‘best friends’ do.
sam can’t blame sebastian for his mia status as of late. though, they don’t talk like they used to, even sam knows his ‘best friend’ is too busy ‘makin’ babies’ to play chronicle games. there’s an occasional love tap during pool on late friday’s at the saloon, but it always ends with sam losing a ten-dollar bet and a part of his pride.
his best friend, too. ‘losing’ him to the night, watching as the lanky back disappears down the path only a family member is allowed to pass through that late.
then it starts over again. most friday’s, there’s an excuse. “sorry, dude,” sebastian would wince. there’s always a certain glint in his expression, mocking the halfhearted apology for what it’s worth. which is little.
sam can’t blame sebastian’s glance towards the overalled form — who is usually chasing time and energy around town. sebastian’s eyes tender in a way sam can only describe as love.
and sam would know love.
sebastian has a family - sam knows. he’s reminded of it every time he sees the plum-haired baby in the frog onesie strapped to the married man’s chest. it’s the only occasion in which sebastian ditches the hideout-sweater. something about the barely-toddler pulling on the dull strings, ‘trying to choke daddy.’ sam can see the same look in sebastian’s eyes now, on the maple tree. the one given every time the secondborn spills chocolate milk all over his tee.
sebastian can’t even keep his eyes on the river ahead before his gaze is instinctively drawn to the sound of metal on overall straps clinking together, subtly over the town track. the farmer always seems to be on the move. it’s what leads sebastian to moments like this, which only last an hour - which feels like ten seconds on the steps outside of sam’s house, next to the bushed graves where abigail’s old mona lies.
time seems to go by faster than normal, here. sebastian would know. and sam can’t blame him for getting hit by cupid. that would be hypocritical. sam remembers the adoring gaze because he would usually be the one wearing it. it’s hard to ignore the sound of overalls ringing when the heart still lies in the crop field.
he should blame sebastian, but he doesn’t. they’re ’best friends.’ even when sebastian’s time is too occupied with wrangling real frogs and babies. he’s a loner, sam knows. no doubt enjoying the rain that’s been passing through stardew valley these past days. the farmer’s porch has a great view of the town during sunset.
sam would know.
he doesn’t shame sebastian for leaning against the maple tree on this monday. one hour which feels like ten seconds before the hooded boy moves. it’s not accompanied by a harsh stomp in the mud where sebastian ashes his cigarette, though. it’s one of the many things the farmer has done for this town.
just sincerity and an almost longing gaze. “later, sam.” ‘later’ is until the next festival. and even then sebastian is too busy holding the mini raven-haired baby while his spouse goes out onto the misty ice to win both of them the trophy for surpassing five slimy fish. beating willy.
then they go home where sebastian kisses his family goodnight, and in the morning he comments on his partner’s rest. flustering out that the late-night dream mumbling was cute. the farmer leaves and sebastian stays. ‘maybe that’s what he sees in overalls,’ sam has to wonder. sebastian has never liked being forced into small talk. the farmer doesn’t seem to mind.
they fit. unlike the tripod. unlike sam and overalls.
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inspired by this frame on “mal’s sebastian expansion.” (i think. i have too many mods…) ↓
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also inspired by dating two pretty best friends. ‘cept sam was the first victim…
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brittie-frog · 10 months
I'm so down bad for Maddox and Ashlyn that my three favourite scenes are:
3. The Redlyn breakup - the chillest break up, Red supporting Ashlyn going after Maddox and the most insane storyline of Red realising he's bi because he kisses Seb
2. Just the entirety of Maddox during opening night - having an existential breakdown over your love life that you break the sound controls and then just give up on your stage manager duties and disappear (probably to help quinn)
1. The confession - a scene I want on repeat: the explanations of how afraid they are of how much they like the other then the "should we just stay friends?" Before having such a love induced make out their just completely ignore Carlos being there. (Also Maddison giving up and telling Maddox to stop coming back to her when she clearly likes Ashlyn... my baby just needed that push)
I love all my queer children but these two are the wlw so I love them just slightly more.
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kaidynsarell · 7 months
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Post Azkaban Head-canons: Sebastian Sallow
TW:mentions of self harm, big sads.
He's always freezing, even in the heat of summer. The cold of Azkaban sank in so deeply it never faded after his release. The long term effects are permanent and not entirely treatable. He'll never truly be warm again.
He wasn't allowed visitors or letters from the outside. None of the prisoners were.
He's afraid of the dark. Absolutely terrified. Azkaban was dark and horrible things lurked in the shadows.
He suffered vivid hallucinations while in Azkaban. He wont ever talk about them. Now, he has horrible night terrors and when he wakes up he often can't remember where or when he is.
He'll never admit it, but sometimes he's scared that he's actually still in Azkaban. That this life, post release, is all happening in his head, and any moment he's going to be snapped back to reality. Back to Azkaban.
He can still hear the screams. They play in his head on a loop. They never go completely quiet. No matter what he tries.
Sometimes he'll just go quiet for hours and get this far away look.
He has scars. A lot of them. Some from the guards and some from other prisoners. Mostly, they're from himself. Physical pain became a distraction from the mental/emotional torment. So he'd hurt himself to try and escape the waking nightmares.
I'm sorry....*hides*
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inafieldofdaisies · 6 months
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Character Cards: In Hope of Tomorrow & A Trial of Errors |  Template by @marissources
WIP Whenever Tag | Tagged by @nightbloodbix @corvosattano @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton
Tagging, @strangefable @strafethesesinners @unholymilf @florbelles @euryalex @g0dspeeed @aceghosts @voidika @theelderhazelnut @purplehairsecretlair @clicheantagonist @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @trench-rot @onehornedbeast @harmonyowl @shellibisshe @madparadoxum @macs-babies @carlosoliveiraa @wrathfulrook @dumbassdep and anyone with something to share <3
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ef-1 · 2 years
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Casabianca - Felcia Hemans, 1826
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bapydemonprincess · 26 days
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"Come along, Sebastian!"
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"But Young Master, won't walking about campus earn you two Ys?"
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"Heh, and is it not the Instructors who met out such punishments, Master Michaelis?"
"...Oh yes! You clever boy. 🖤"
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