#One of the best Doctor Who lines ever uttered imo
gayness-and-mayhem · 2 years
"You've stolen the whole of UNIT HQ!"
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kiss-my-freckle · 4 years
The Apothecary
8x5 episode description: “The task force investigates an organization of bank robbers with a special expertise in stealing from other criminals. An old blacklist case resurfaces.”
My suspect: The Apothecary 
Reasons why:
1. Red’s collapses. 
The timing is perfect because it’s like a reverse of The Apothecary’s episode. Instead of suspecting Dembe of poisoning him, Red’s first collapse came at a time when Dembe’s imam was abducted. Red has no reason to suspect him, which removes their need to do an exact repeat. 
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Snakes -
The woman’s snakeskin boots as she entered the room. 
"The lab did find one distinct element in the molecular structure of the drops taken from Robert Dahle’s apartment. A peptide unique to the venom of Bungarus flaviceps, also known as the red-headed krait."
Jennifer's reference in S6 that reminds me of Liz's reference in S4 and ties in Red's reference in S2.
"I'm the snake in the grass."
"I’ll do my job, but I am done cozying up to that snake."
"Our fake father's a criminal, and our real one's a snake."
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Orion Relocation Services + Fate - 
There are other seeds, like Dembe standing by the Orion stained glass window. 
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The Hunter and his arrows. This made me think of The Deer Hunter and Liz's marionette comment, which she first mentioned to Ressler in The Longevity Initiative (2x17).
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This also pulls in Keenler’s Capricorn Killer soundtrack.
♪ What arrow? At what angle? And what angel? ♪
And I already know Agnes is that angel because she was referenced twice, by the woman from Paris and Skip Sutherland.
“She’s an angel.”
“For a surcharge, I’ll even watch the cherub.”
Red’s Stairway To Heaven comment. "Who the hell's Elizabeth Keen?" because Liz was wrong. "I'm expecting a little devil of my own." As Red already warned us she would be. "What makes you so sure you're not wrong this time?"
My question is, what the hell happened? You did. You and Agent Ressler.
All that glitters is gold + Like I said, silver linings
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Red’s symptoms, which mirror that of his original poisoning, only it’s more like an ongoing attack rather than a one-shot. I think they’re getting the formula wrong because The Apothecary didn’t have Red’s medical file. Kate only needed so much from him anyway because of her skill set. 
“Well, just that whoever poisoned him knew his medical history - intimately. The toxins were uniquely designed to target his body chemistry.”
She attended medical school and she knew of Red’s medical history.
"Your tremors are gone. But not the underlying condition."
His tremors were gone because he wasn't drinking the wine.
"Fun fact - Li Qing Yuen ate wolfberries every day of his life and was said to have lived to the ripe old age of 256."
The tests -
“We thought, at first, you may have had a series of mini strokes. But the MRIs, the EEGs, they ruled that out.”
“Vitals are - okay. Pulse. You need an MRI as well as a CT-scan.”
The medical file -
“There were no medical records, nothing about Reddington on file.”
“About my chart.”
The wine (with both his collapses) - 
“An old blacklist case” for an “old friend”
“Elizabeth, I found the wine that was used to administer the poison.”
“What? Everyone knows wine is dehydrating.”
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The difference in doctors -
Dr. Clemons: "Not for her."
Dr. Stark: "Someone she cared about."
For the same reason the woman from Paris didn't turn to Norman Devane for herself, Red didn't turn to Spalding Stark for himself. He's trying to donate to someone he's related to, someone he actually cares about. That's why Red isn't collapsing, having tremors, or showing signs of vision and/or hearing impairment when he visits Dr. Stark, only when he visits Dr. Clemons. He's seeing two doctors for two different reasons. That’s why Dr. Stark purposefully stated that he doesn’t test on children. He’d experiment on Red because technically, he’s considered terminally ill. He has a running hit on his head. Dr. Stark would provide Red with hope of saving his future - Agnes, his granddaughter. Agnes runs opposite Ames in The Pharmacist. That’s why Red is financing Stark.
“My - My daughter’s pregnant. I want to see my grandchild. I can get you the money.”
Just as he financed Dr. Shaw to save Liz. 
2. Elodie killing her husband. 
Taking note how Aram's dialogue to Elodie's dead husband mirrors Red's comment to Tom in 5x8.
"I, uh - I know this is super awkward. But I think this might be in your best interest."
"I’ll say this for you - you’ve always believed that you were acting in her best interest."
As well as Red’s comment to Kate.
"And yet, I know you believe what you did was best for Elizabeth, which is why I brought you here."
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Aram's comment... lol
"Quick stick. Oh, God. Oh."
This ties in Liz's second memory wipe. “You were drugged. Propofol, Tramadol.”  imo, the reason they've been mentioning Tom so much lately. 
Add in Elodie's comment -
"Who comes up with all the nicknames? General Shiro. The Pharmacist. The Apothecary.”
And Aram’s -
“You used me. You got me to open up to you. That’s why you kept asking about Blacklisters. To seduce me into giving you a murder weapon.”
3. “stealing from other criminals” like Red’s statement to Marvin.  
"I shouldn’t be surprised. We’re criminals, after all. It’s in our nature to betray."
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Judas hits back to The Pharmacist (Dr. Stark). 
“I’ve always found stories of betrayal to be so compelling, so tragic for all those involved. Judas, Iago, men who were beloved by those they’d betrayed.” 
♪ There is a judas among us Nobody here we can trust There is a judas among us ♪ 
4. Marvin and Becky.
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This is a man who already lost a son to suicide.
"They tracked him down, of course. Returned the child to his mother. Marvin was disbarred, convicted, and incarcerated. A year later, Timothy hung himself. He was 15."
Went to prison for three years because of his work with Red.
"He forced the FBI to release you from prison a week before your parole so that you could become his accomplice and help him escape during a police standoff. You had a new fiancé at the time, a whole life waiting. What do you have now, Marvin? Alone, on the run til you die?"
While incarcerated, lost his chance to have children with Becky.
"Becky hit menopause while I was in that bird cage. We wanted kids, but if you must know, I had performance anxiety during our conjugal visits."
The bird references are everywhere. Atticus at the mental hospital. Red wanting to hear the birds sing in Isabella Stone's episode. Agnes and her cuckoo clock. Mato and his cuckoo clock. Red wanting to hear the bird sing in Miss Rebecca Thrall's episode. 
"Because I am working in a toy store!"
Then Marvin went to work in the toy section, which likely upset him more, but it's as close to kids as he'll get. It’s also likely he did time with The Apothecary (Asa Hightower) because they took the death penalty off the table in exchange for curing Reddington. 
"I’m here because I need information about the prison where you served. Wallens Ridge, something’s happening inside those walls, and I need to..."
"You take the death penalty off the table, and I’ll tell you how to cure Raymond Reddington."
The father Asa became, the father Marvin wishes he could be. Asa raping his wife pushes to Hannah Hayes' episode.
5. My predictions for Ressler.
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I already did a full-length post on my predictions for Ressler. Not sure where it is and I don't feel like looking for it, so I’ll keep it basic. Ressler went with Red to Dr. Stark’s lab FOR A REASON. Red’s two-for-one sale will become his two-for-one investment. “This is gonna be a gas.” Damn right, it is. Ressler’s gonna look at Red’s medical file in the hopes of helping Liz, only to find out Red is Katarina Rostova aka N-13. Then Red is gonna threaten Ressler with fire just as he did Minister D because it’s all about those blackmail dialogues - found in Minister D and The Informant, as well as the one Garvey handed to us with the bones. Add in Dom’s warning to Liz in 8x2 because knowing is enough. 
“I don’t bite. Unless you ever utter my name. In which case, I’ll gut you like a fish and feed you to the lobsters.”
While Red is threatening him, Ressler’s gonna talk his way onto Dr. Stark’s table like Norman Devane was, only it’ll be for a DNA test to see if he's the father of Agnes. “Because I honestly don’t want her to worry. Whether she does or not is ENTIRELY up to you.” This will be what saves his pretty face from fire, and follow through with Tom’s 4x8 iou. Because Agnes is a Ressler, not a Keen. imo, Ressler’s gonna save two people - Red and Agnes. Red’s two-for-one investment simply by bringing Ressler to Stark’s lab. Because Red knows Agnes is in need of a donation, but he has no idea he’s being poisoned. Ressler’s gonna realize Red is being poisoned, while Red is gonna realize Ressler is the father of Agnes. The not-so- cliché future in-laws. 
The Apothecary hits in so many directions.
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regalpotato · 5 years
So I bought The Legacy of Time last week. First BF boxset I’ve ever bought. ... basically what I need to ask is: are Eight and River always so adorable together??? Because if so bye-bye bank account I’ve gotta go get TDORS1 and Doom Coalition and Ravenous ASAP because some of those interactions almost made my heart stop.
First off, congratulations on your first Big Finish boxset! Welcome to the club!
Secondly, my condolences to the future state of your bank account. Big Finish is an addiction. 
Now, to answer your question:
In TDORS 1 and Doom Coalition (they don’t interact in Ravenous, even though River is in an episode of Ravenous 3) Eight doesn’t know it’s River - well…I can’t say more because of spoilers but… - (but River obviously knows he’s the Doctor)
HOWEVER, they are so damn adorable regardless. Eight is always so intrigued by River, and some of the best River Song lines to ever be uttered are in DC about Eight.
I would definitely recommend getting Doom Coalition (if you buy the whole set in one go (as a bundle), it’s as cheap as the preorder prices anyway), as imo it’s the best piece of Doctor Who writing to exist - yes, I’m very biased here, not sorry. The story is amazing and the characters - I would die for Eight’s companions - and their interactions are fantastic.
TDORS1 is good (not my favourite tdors, but it’s still good) and River and Eight’s interaction is only over the radio (but he desperately wants to meet her and it’s so precious). They’re only in one episode together though, where as you get actual proper interaction between them in multiple episodes of DC. 
Oh and the last episode they’re in together in DC will make you CRY (but I can’t explain without major spoilers)
So in conclusion: yes, get Doom Coalition and TDORS1 because Eight/River is honestly GOD TIER content.
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