#Like what??
chipinsolace · 2 months
So called “mental health advocates”: Mental health matters! You are loved!
People who have a psychotic disorder: oh thanks-
Same “mental health advocates”: LOL! Delulu is the solulu! I wanna dye my hair so bad THE VOICES are LITERALLY TALKING TO ME! Ugh I hate you I’m in your walls/j! It’s giving schizoposting! No girl this is spiritual psychosis, Hope this helps! I hate this guy he’s so psychotic.
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liiiiianne · 3 months
no one:
adults in pj masks:
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rxsewqter · 8 months
me when someone calls me their friend: 🤭❤😘🥹
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meidui · 1 year
what an actual canon scene that made it into theaters across the world told us in no uncertain terms:
tony was checking out steve's ass the day they met
tony looked at steve's ass long enough to decide that the suit did nothing for it
tony went on to build steve's suits such that they *would* do something for it
tony is shameless about staring at steve's ass now
steve is absolutely not fazed by any of this
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
Hello, I started following your blog pretty recently and I agree with most of what you think. I felt so confused when I finished the books and came on tumblr to see everyone hailing malina as the perfect relationship and I was glad to know that I wasn't the only one who disliked him.
I wanted to ask you something, im not sure if I saw this on this blog, but someone said that zoya is an example of toxic feminism in YA fantasy. Which checked out to me, but it also felt that bardugo added misogyny, feminism and toxic feminism in the SaB series.
Misogyny since alina had to face sloot-shaming in every book (almost entirely by Malyen ugh 😒). I felt that she really tried and suceeded to be feminist with genya, since she actually stood up for herself and had many facets to her personality. She also wasn't an important character just because of her beauty or anything super superficial. Genya IS a strong female character, and she wasn't 'broken' by the king, despite the foul things he did.
But zoya.. my god, I really wanted to like her, but I just couldn't. She is mean and hot headed to the point where I really don't see any redeeming factors to her. I always liked 'mean girl character who isnt as shallow as she seems' in fantasy novels, but she didnt exactly have a redemption arc either. If the darkling had warned her about expanding the fold in the first book, she would have fought for him. I think she isnt a strong female character, but just a girl who is a bully and decided to help mc since the antagonist hurt her specifically. She doesnt even think of the other casualties of novokribirsk. I think the 'break nikolais heart, I'll comfort him and make a magnificent queen' part was a joke, but still....
Please excuse my yapping. I haven't read crooked kingdom and nikolais duology, so I don't know if the characters had any developement since then, so please ignore any innacuracies of this text pertaining to that. Do you have any thoughts on this?
(Do you allow emoji annons? If so, can I be 🎀 annon?)
(Of course I do! You can use any emoji you want and ribbons remind me of coquettish things 😍)
Genya in S&B was my favorite version of her. She was traumatised by the King's abuse, that's true. But she wasn't solely that.
(Here's a meta about that version of her that I once did)
She was very brave, vengeful, intelligent, politically aware, had a sense of humor and was kind. There were different aspects to her personality and wasn't solely "the victim" as many fans of the Grishaverse like to portray her. But in Nikolai's duology Bardugo either forgot how to write complex situations within a court or just doesn't know how to (or it doesn't suit her 🙃).
She threw all the blame to the Darkling (as if he was entirely at fault for her sexually abuse), forgot that Grisha were serfs meant to please and serve the royal family (hence why the Darkling gave her to the Queen) and also forgot how it was the Queen who withdrew her protection and allowed her husband to abuse her. Also, a slight amnesia to how Genya herself decided to stay and take revenge. Essentially, the character became Leigh's mouthpiece to remind the reader that the Darkling is a heartless motherfucker that is undeserving of redemption. How banal.
Now about Zoya. Zoya is the typical female character that we encounter in media nowadays. A girlboss that kicks ass, is rude, has no sensitivity and threatens everyone. Again, cliché. But Leigh broke her own in-universe laws when she gave Zoya the protagonist's role.
The narrative with Alina as a protagonist: "You can't have feelings for your enemy!! You can't be independent! You need to depend on your toxic, childhood friend and...what is this? Power?? You took three amplifiers?? WELL SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR POWERS THAT KEEP YOU HEALTHY AND STRONG!!"
The narrative with Zoya as a protagonist: "Take the amplifiers, take the power to turn into a dragon, let's also have a Saint in your head giving you advice and guess?!? You just got promoted into a Queen and soon enough you will marry the love of your life!! Kudos!!"
That's basically what happened.
It would be an amazing end if only:
- Otkazat'sya didn't hate the Grisha's guts.
- Zoya had the qualities of a leader and a Queen instead of being handed the throne on a silver plate from an illegitimate son who failed in his job.
- The author didn't break her own rules just to prove and show how "awesome" her protagonists are.
- The same author didn't copy paste the storyline of Daenerys Targaryen into Zoya's (somehow she needed to appear cool and sympathetic)
- Half of the fandom didn't hate the primary protagonists now than they ever did before.
So basically Leigh infuriated the fandom even more about Alina's fate when she gave Zoya everything.
And about your question if the characters had any development in the later books after the trilogy. I've got some bad news, my friend. 🥲
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plush-rabbit · 1 year
Johnathan Ohnn Headcanons
Request: I have a small request myself, no pressure or obligation to complete. But could you do a similar feeling to that of the biting prompt but with someone that has a fixation on touch?
TW: picking at skin, little bit of blood mention A/N: i hope you like it!! i tried to do research on it so im sorry if it feels too like wordy!!
Johnathan will watch as you tease at your clothing or any type of fabric near you- blankets, jeans, the end of your shirts, and jackets. You scratch and pick, pulling at a thread, and twisting it tight around your finger until it snaps. He’ll watch as you scratch, digging your nail into the fabric and finding an imperfection and stretching it until your skin shows underneath. If it isn’t you finding an imperfection, it’s you creating a hole, pulling apart the threads woven together, until it spreads. Nails and hands have found themselves picking at your skin, scratching and twisting until your skin is inflamed while you stare off into space.
If you tend to pick more at objects, he isn’t entirely too worried about your habits. You’ll tear at your clothes, but it’s stuff that can be easily replaced- it’s fine. While he would rather that you don’t ruin any of your items- or his on the occasion- it's not as if you’re doing it on purpose, so he has no real complaints about it. However, then you start to pinch at your skin, and he grows worried at seeing how red and inflamed it becomes. It’s when he notices just how often you pick at your skin does he start to carry bandages with him. 
When he starts to see just how often this habit of yours appears, does he actually start to question it. He never did so before in fear that you would get embarrassed by the attention, but if it has gotten to a point where he’s concerned, then he’ll start to ask. For a few days, he’ll watch your headspace, seeing where you go when you start to pick and he’s found that it comes from a lot of different occurrences. When you’re stressed, he’ll see that you’ll pick at objects- scratching and pinching. When he gave you a stress ball, he saw how your fingers pinched over the seam and just began to pull until the paint that covered the foam was torn to shreds. Sometimes, you’ll sit with him on the couch, and he’ll watch as your hands run over the shared blanket until you begin to pull at a certain patch, pulling away at the thread until whatever you found is gone. On the occasion, he’ll see how your nails scratch at a healed scar, or where you cut yourself days ago, or how you’ll teeth at your bottom lip, pulling away at the skin until your lips are raw.
If you are embarrassed about the marks, he wants you to know that it’s fine by him. The last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable in your own skin, so he understands if you want to cover up when the two of you go out or even in the comfort of your home. If you do go out without a jacket, he tries to keep one on him despite the weather. He’ll hold it or buy something at a store just to shove it in the bag- just in case you need it. 
If it happens to be stress related, he’ll grab your hands and massage them, trying to distract you. Or he’ll ask you for help with a puzzle or playing a game- something to keep your mind and hands preoccupied. He never wants you to feel about what it is that you are going through, so if there’s anything that he can do to quell your anxiety, he’ll do his best to do so. 
He’s a scientist, of course, he’s done his research about how to help you or what can cause your picking to heighten. With a cart full of items and a week later, he’s gotten you fidget toys that could help with your picking habits. They never last for long. You’ve tried to get into them, but either the toys are discarded after a day of you trying to get into them, or they fall apart with your constant picking. The toys can never hold your attention for very long, and sometimes, he’s witnessed how they can frustrate you which leads you to picking at your skin.
Due to some of your picking habits being due to finding imperfections, he does his best to cover your own wounds with a bandage to avoid having you look or feel them. It doesn’t always get the job done, with you often scratching and pulling at the bandage until you rip it, but he tries. The most important part to him is at least keeping you clean and making sure that you take care of yourself. He’s really hammered in the fear of wounds getting infected into you. You’ll squirm under his touch as he applies antibiotics to you, soothing over your arms or legs when you kick your legs out at the amount of time he takes to make sure things are pressed and applied properly. 
A part of him wonders if you only scratch at yourself, until one day when you’re holding his hand, he feels a sharp sting at his knuckles. He looks over, and you’re still staring at the television, your fingers curling over, scratching and picking at his skin. With how much he’s learned of your habits, he’s positive that this is just second nature to you, easy as breathing. Curiosity killed the cat, and made his knuckles bloody with how long he’ll let it go on until he finally pulls away. You’ll apologize, and he feels bad for letting it go on for so long when he sees you start to shake, but he waves off your worries. You do this so often to yourself- and your stuff- that at the very least, he can take a few superficial cuts. He certainly won’t complain when you kiss his hand, and even whines when you stop kissing his wounds. When he goes back into work, he likes to joke to his coworkers that he got into a fight when they ask about his knuckles.  
During intimate moments, he can feel your hands run over his body, and he waits with bated breath, head hidden between your neck and shoulder when feels your hands curl and nails pinch at his skin. You pull your hands down, marks left on his skin that you can’t stop touching. Each time that you pinch your fingers over his skin, he presses a kiss against you, growing feverish the more that you touch him, the more that you find yourself wanting to leave yourself scarred into his skin. When he lays on his side, you trace over where you’ve scratched into his skin, where freckles were torn and skin has broken, and when you press your lips against him, he wonders if the blood rushing to his chest will cause him to bleed. And when he holds your hands and kisses at your palms, he kisses at your nails tinged with pink. 
When you begin to pick, he watches you, almost as if he’s studying you. You don’t even realize it, and you’ll turn to him just watching you with half-lidded eyes as his gaze is focused on your hands. It’s only then that he’ll take you into his arms and just let you run your hands up and down his arms, searching for something until you get distracted. After the Super-Collider, he thinks it’s the best thing for you. He’s so excited for you to pick at him, to see your fingers pull and stretch over one of his holes. You hum and feel his skin, mumbling under your breath and even going as far as to bite him. Jonathan grows enamored with just watching you pick his skin. A part of him is saddened that any of the marks that you’ve left before have now disappeared. There are times where he still finds himself rubbing over his knuckles or arms, trying to find where you’ve left touched him, where your hands have decorated his skin with ornate and unique prints, but he can only find spots and white. 
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televisionlassie · 2 months
The ship name for zatanna and Artemis in the animated young justice being lesbians backwards is actually hilarious
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cold--carnage · 10 months
my secret talent is that I can feel guilty about anything
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earth2audiee · 5 months
“i know that character is canonically aroace but can’t i just have fun shipping them??”
what if i took your leg
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sees-writes · 5 months
Friendly reminder that Ruby Daly went nonverbal for a year at Thurmond after she accidentally erased Sam’s memory of her 🙃
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ro-bottt · 9 months
what the fuck.......
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
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#zero respect to the single community 🙄
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flamingfalcon3 · 10 months
This fucking show…
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lim3ee3 · 4 months
sometimes i remember wei ying is a mass murderer and i just kinda
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happy74827 · 4 months
Uhm… 💀💀
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Yeah… uh, can we normalize reblogging, please? 😭😭🙏
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wolvesofinnistrad · 21 days
Quinn: i wanna work with tkor because shes always honest with me
Also quinn: i dont wanna work with kimo because he didnt tell me about the cedric blindside
Me: you realize tkor didnt tell you about that either right? Right???
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