#Onion tea is very beneficial for immunity
24x7pharma · 2 years
Top 5 Immunity-Boosting Food For Men
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People are desperately seeking ways to enhance their immunity through various medicines, diets, exercises, and other approaches. Only Consuming superfoods will not keep you healthy. But, eating the right meals boosts your immune system while also keeping you slim.
The shielding system of our body is known as the system of immunity. When a foreign body or bacterium enters your body, your immune system responds by helping to kill them. White blood cells play a significant role in protecting our body by strengthening the immunity system. Apart from this, Cenforce 100 and Cenforce 200 are considered one of the best medicines to boost the immune system.
This article (Top 5 Immunity-Boosting Food For Men) will discuss some medicines which are available to you 24 x7 pharma-shop, and also discuss nutritious foods like creamed spinach, red bell peppers, almonds, green tea and sweet potatoes. These foods help to regulate the body's inflammatory response. Additionally, they offer a range of nutrients that are crucial for the immune system's healthy operation. Furthermore, these nutrients might increase your stamina, which is crucial for a healthy physique.
Boosting Immunity Through Diet
Sweet potatoes
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Sweet potatoes are abundant in fibre and vitamin A. They include both soluble and insoluble fibre. Soluble fibre aids in the maintenance of regular bowel motions, whereas insoluble fibre feeds beneficial bacteria in the gut. A healthy gut flora has been linked to fewer infections, less inflammation, and a lower risk of diabetes, according to research. The strongest antioxidant present in sweet potatoes is beta-carotene. It is also in charge of giving potatoes their orange skin colour. Additionally, a source of vitamin A, beta carotene may provide some protection against UV ray-induced skin damage. The risk of various forms of cancer is reduced by this potent anti carcinogenic substance. The high manganese content of sweet potatoes aids in blood sugar regulation and boosts metabolism. So sweet potatoes are a fantastic method to strengthen your body's defences. In addition to antioxidants, they include manganese, which helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels and speeds up your metabolism.
Creamed spinach
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Fighting infections requires a balanced diet, and certain foods that boost your immune system are scrumptious and nutrient-rich. A nice and nutritious way to get your greens is through creamed spinach It should be gelatinous and creamy in texture, not crunchy. To add flavour and absorb the cream and spinach liquid while cooking faster, dice up some onion and garlic. You may also use frozen spinach. It includes important nutrients that support lowering cholesterol and maintaining healthy body weight. It has anti-inflammatory qualities in addition. Along with the trace elements calcium and iron, spinach also includes vitamins A, C, and B. You may eat spinach all year round and those vitamins are excellent for your immune system. You may use it in several dishes because it is so adaptable. It is a fantastic food option for a healthy diet because it is very simple to cultivate.
Red bell peppers
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Red bell peppers, which contain nine times as much beta-carotene as any other bell pepper, are one of the best sources of vitamin C. This vitamin is also important for optimal cell formation. Additionally necessary for healthy cell development is this vitamin. Red bell peppers are considered a decent source of vitamin C and also contain vitamin B9, which is required for the healthy activity of all the cells in our body. As a consequence, they are one of the finest meals for improving your immune system. Red bell peppers provide double the vitamin C of a Florida orange, making them vitamin C superfoods. By combating free radicals that damage cell membranes and cause illness, vitamin C strengthens your immune system. The heat from peppers improves blood flow to the different organs of our body, including the penis, by easing the arteries. It lessens the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. Men can also take Cenforce 100 and Cenforce 200 to treat this issue. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A, which is required for healthy skin and eyes. Consume half a red bell pepper every day to acquire the recommended daily dose of vitamin C.
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It makes sense to think about almonds as a food that will help men's immune systems. In addition to being high in protein, they are also a good source of vitamin E, which is necessary for healthy pulmonary immunity and defence against infections. Almonds provide the daily required amount of vitamin E in a serving size of half a cup. Almonds are an excellent source of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, and selenium in addition to having a high vitamin E concentration. According to studies presented in Science Daily, men's immune systems are different from those of women. The University of Melbourne claims that men's immune systems are less robust than those of women. Men are more prone to obesity and other metabolic diseases than women, in addition to having a compromised immune system. As a result, it is critical to focus on strengthening men's immune systems. Fortunately, several dietary choices may give men the vital nutrients they need to maintain a strong immune system.
Green tea
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Drinking green tea has been linked by researchers to improved vitality and stamina as well as a decreased risk of breast cancer. The tea includes flavonoids, an important portion of which are antioxidants that can help prevent several ailments. Although black tea contains a lot of caffeine, it also has additional advantages. Green tea catechins are more powerful antioxidants than dl-a-tocopherol. Green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine. This amino acid helps to produce the cytokine interferon-gamma, which has potent antibacterial effects. These cells are essential for healthy immunological function and for the body's defences against outside invaders. Green tea also boosts the immune system, which deactivates infections and gives you more energy.
Nonetheless, it's important to remember how complex the immune system is. A healthy, balanced diet is merely one way to promote immune health. It is also crucial to be aware of other lifestyle choices, including exercising and quitting smoking, that might influence the health of the immune system. Taking Cenforce 100 and Cenforce 200 from the nearby 24x7 pharma shop to treat the immunity issue is also considered healthy.
Anyone worried about their immune system who frequently contracts colds or other infections should consult a physician. 
Frequently Asked Questions
Does drinking alcohol damage one's immune system?
Drinking too much alcohol might make someone less immune to germs and viruses. Both excessive drinking and binge drinking is harmful to one's physical and mental health.
Can dietary supplements benefit a person's immune system?
Supplements can support a diet that helps in filling one's diet gap. But those who want to know how to increase immunity should note that eating is the best way to get the necessary nutrients. The Food and Drug Administration does not evaluate the quality of supplements or consider how they will affect the body because they are classified as foods rather than medications.
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dogntreats · 2 years
New Post has been published on Dog N Treats
New Post has been published on https://dogntreats.com/natural-remedies-for-dog-allergies/
Natural Remedies For Dog Allergies
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Dog allergies can be a frustrating and uncomfortable issue for both dogs and their owners. Itchy skin, runny eyes, and constant scratching are just a few of the symptoms that can make life difficult for dogs with allergies. While there are many medications available to help alleviate these symptoms, many dog owners prefer to explore natural remedies as a first line of defense. In this article, we will discuss some natural remedies that may help alleviate the symptoms of dog allergies and address some common questions that pet owners may have.
Natural Remedies For Dog Allergies
When it comes to remedying dog allergies, there are various methods that you can use. There are natural remedies or even medical interventions. While each does have its own benefits, we will focus only on natural remedies for dog allergies in this article.
Here are some natural remedies that may help alleviate the symptoms of dog allergies:
Omega-3 fatty acids
These healthy fats, found in fish oil and flaxseed oil, can help reduce inflammation and itching associated with allergies. They can be given as a supplement or added to your dog’s food. But how much should I give my dog? The amount of omega-3 fatty acids that should be given to a dog can vary depending on the size of the dog and the severity of its allergies.
This natural antioxidant can be found in fruits and vegetables such as apples, berries, and onions. It can help stabilize the release of histamine, which can reduce the severity of allergic reactions. Is quercetin safe for my dog to take? Quercetin is considered safe for dogs when given in appropriate doses. It is important to consult with a veterinarian before giving any new supplement to your dog.
Vitamin C
This essential vitamin can help boost the immune system and reduce the severity of allergic reactions. It can be given as a supplement or added to your dog’s food in the form of fruits and vegetables. Can too much vitamin C be harmful to my dog? While vitamin C is an essential nutrient, it is possible for a dog to consume too much. It is important to consult with a veterinarian for specific dosage recommendations.
These beneficial bacteria can help improve the health of your dog’s gut and immune system, which can help reduce the severity of allergies. They can be found in fermented foods such as yogurt and kefir, or as a supplement. Are probiotics only for dogs with allergies or can any dog benefit from them? Probiotics can benefit any dog, regardless of whether they have allergies or not. They can help improve overall gut health and boost the immune system.
Certain herbs such as chamomile, nettle, and dandelion can help reduce inflammation and itching associated with allergies. They can be given as a supplement or added to your dog’s food. Can I give my dog herbs in the form of tea? While herbs can be beneficial for dogs, it is not recommended to give them in the form of tea. Herbs can be potent and should be given in appropriate doses, which can be difficult to control with homemade tea. It is best to give herbs as a supplement or add them to your dog’s food in the form of a powder or tincture.
This traditional Chinese medicine technique can help alleviate symptoms of allergies by restoring balance to the body. It can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation and boost the immune system. Does acupuncture hurt my dog? Acupuncture is not painful for dogs. The needles used are very thin and your dog may feel a slight sensation when the needle is inserted, but it should not be painful.
Common Questions When It Comes To Natural Remedy For Dog Allergies
We have scoured the internet for common questions that dog owners will ask when it comes to natural remedies for dog allergies
How much omega-3 fatty acids should I give my dog?
The amount of omega-3 fatty acids that should be given to a dog can vary depending on the size of the dog and the severity of their allergies. Most vets will recommend either fish oil or flaxseed oil as the best type of omega-3 supplement for your dog.
Is quercetin safe for my dog to take?
Quercetin is considered safe for dogs when given in appropriate doses. However, it is best to be aware of any potential side effects and interactions with other medications your dog may be taking.
Can too much vitamin C be harmful to my dog?
While vitamin C is an essential nutrient, it is possible for a dog to consume too much. Overdose of vitamin C can lead to an upset stomach, diarrhea, and iron overload. Find out the daily recommended intake for your dog before you decide to give it any supplement.
Are probiotics only for dogs with allergies or can any dog benefit from them?
Probiotics can benefit any dog, regardless of whether they have allergies or not. They can help improve overall gut health and boost the immune system. It can be especially helpful for dogs with allergies as it can help balance the gut microbiome which can be affected by allergies.
Can I give my dog herbs in the form of tea?
While herbs can be beneficial for dogs, it is not recommended to give them in the form of tea. Herbs can be potent and should be given in appropriate doses, which can be difficult to control with homemade tea. It is best to give herbs as a supplement or add them to your dog’s food in the form of a powder or tincture, that way the dosage can be controlled and the effectiveness can be tracked.
Does acupuncture hurt my dog?
Acupuncture is not painful for dogs. The needles used are very thin and your dog may feel a slight sensation when the needle is inserted, but it should not be painful. Many dogs even find the treatment to be relaxing and calming. However, it is not easy to find practitioners who are able to apply acupuncture to your dog effectively.
What are the benefits of using natural remedies for dog allergies?
Natural remedies can be gentler on the body and have fewer side effects than conventional medications. They can also target the root cause of allergies, rather than just masking symptoms. Additionally, using natural remedies for dog allergies can be a holistic approach to the health and well-being of your dog.
Are there any potential side effects of using natural remedies for dog allergies?
As with any supplement, it is important to be aware of any potential side effects and interactions with other medications your dog may be taking. It is important to consult with professionals before starting any new treatment, including natural remedies.
Are natural remedies for dog allergies more effective than conventional medications?
The effectiveness of natural remedies can vary depending on the individual dog and the severity of its allergies. They can be a complementary approach to conventional medications, rather than a replacement. Again, we will always recommend you seek professional help to determine the best course of treatment for your dog.
Are there any specific natural remedies that are more effective for certain types of dog allergies?
The effectiveness of natural remedies can vary depending on the individual dog and the severity of its allergies. Some remedies, such as omega-3 fatty acids, may be more effective for reducing inflammation, while others, such as probiotics, may be more effective for supporting the immune system.
In conclusion, dog allergies can be a difficult issue to deal with, but there are natural remedies available that can help alleviate symptoms. It is important to consult with a veterinarian before starting any new treatment, including natural remedies. By
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kisansatta · 4 years
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इम्युनिटी के लिए है बहुत फायदेमंद प्याज की चाय
क्या आप जानते हैं कि प्याज से बनी चाय पीने से कई बड़ी बीमारियां भी दूर होती हैं। जी हां आपने सही सुना प्याज की चाय पीना सेहत के लिए फायदेमंद है। और जब बात इम्युनिटी बूस्टिंग की बात की जाती है तो दिमाग में सिर्फ हल्दी, तुलसी और लौंग के बारे में याद आता है। आपको लेकिन प्याज की चाय भी सेहत के लिहाज से काफी फायदेमंद है। इसके इस्तेमाल से न सिर्फ मौसम के बदलते होने वाले सर्दी जुकाम से राहत मिलती है बल्कि यह आपको हाइपरटेंशन में भी काफी लाभ दिलाती है। हाल में एक अध्ययन में ये पाया गया है कि प्याज की चाय कैंसर सेल्स को बढ़ने से रोकती है और ये कोलोन कैंसर को ठीक करने मे�� भी मददगार है। प्याज में घुलनशील फाइबर होते हैं जो कोलोन को साफ रखने में मदद करते है। यह इम्युनिटी को बूस्ट तो करता ही है साथ ही आपकी अच्छी सेहत के लिए भी फायदेमंद है। आइए जानें कैसे बनाते हैं प्याज की चाय –
प्याज की चाय बनाने की सामग्री – एक प्याज, 3 लौंग, 2 चम्मच शहद, 1 तेजपात की पत्ती और 2 कलियां लहसुन की चाहिए होंगी।
प्याज की चाय बनाने की विधि- एक बर्तन में पानी कम आंच पर गर्म होने के लिए रखें। इसके बाद इसमें लहसुन की बारीक कटी हुईं कलियां औऱ कटी हुई प्याज डाल दें। इसे 1 मिनट तक उबालें और इसमें तेजपात के पत्ते, लौंग डालकर फिर हल्की आंच में उबालें। इस मिश्रण को तब तक उबालें जब तक कि इसका रंग ब्राउन न हो जाए। इसके बाद इसे छान लें और शहद के साथ कप में सर्व करें।
https://kisansatta.com/onion-tea-is-very-beneficial-for-immunity36011-2/ #BayLeaves, #Cloves, #OnionTeaIsVeryBeneficialForImmunity Bay leaves, cloves, Onion tea is very beneficial for immunity Life, Trending #Life, #Trending KISAN SATTA - सच का संकल्प
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keepcatsindoors · 2 years
Keep Cats Indoors!
Lots of us already know the health benefits of keeping cats indoors, but I’m here to provide more extensive information and numbers on indoor cats vs outdoor cats, and provide some education on the topic.
Many people still believe that keeping outdoor cats is beneficial to their “instincts”, such as their hunting and exercise behaviors, and other enriching activities such as climbing and exploring. However, it is very important to note that all these activities can be provided indoors, if you properly care for your cat and play with them.
It should be common knowledge that being outside comes with the risk of diseases and other sicknesses. A couple common diseases associated with pet cats are feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), bartonellosis, which can rarely transmit to humans, and rabies. Diseases can vary both regionally and seasonally, and immunized cats pose a lesser risk, but it is always a danger to look out for.
Being outdoors means your cat is exposed to every dangerous element it comes in contact with. Cats are naturally curious, which means they are susceptible to coming in contact with dangerous substances. There are MANY substances outdoors that can poison and quickly kill your cat. Here is a short list of things your cat can get into that will cause sickness or death.
Medications, houseplants or flowers (Lilies, chrysanthemum, azaleas and rhododendrons) Anti-freeze, Insecticides, Rodent poison, Cleaning products, and food such as alcohol, coffee, teas, onions, and candies. As nasty as it sounds, there are even some people who intentionally poison cats and it DOES HAPPEN.
Any of these can be outdoors, and an unsupervised cat can easily gain access to them. Keeping your cat indoors keeps them safe from the high likelihood of poisoning.
The road is a huge factor to consider when you have an outdoor cat. An estimated 26 million cats are killed by cars on the road annually. This one is even more simple than poisonings: keeping your cat indoors will simply prevent this death from happening.
Wildlife plays a big role in cat deaths. They have many natural predators such as coyotes (it has been suggested that coyotes rely on pets, including cats, as a food source, especially during the winter and spring when their regular prey may be inactive or hibernating). Dogs and other cats also pose a huge threat to outdoor cats, many injuries from bites, claws or fights, resulting in infection and sometimes death.
The answer is clear when you realize that the average lifespan of an indoor cat ranges from 10 to 20 years, whereas cats who go outdoors typically live only 2 to 5 years.
Thanks for checking out the post. I’ll have more information on my blog and later try to include tips on how to properly enrich your indoor cat, and fun activities you can do together.
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detectivehannibal · 4 years
Home Remedy
Hannibal Lecter x Reader
Warnings: Language.
A/N: Just a short little fluffy fic.
Word Count: 1,192
“Please. I look like I’ve been hit by a car.”
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A rather unpleasant noise bellowed through your bedroom as you blew your nose for the hundredth time that day. If you were a celebrity, you would NOT want to be caught dead on camera anywhere at this moment. Your nose was rubbed raw, your eyes were sunken in, your cheeks were slick from the watering of your eyes. You looked, for lack of a better term, like a hot mess. It was probably just a cold. It was autumn time when the seasonal colds and flu came around. Considering you weren’t completely knocked on your ass, it was just a cold.
Still, that didn’t make things any less miserable. Your nasal passage was blocked every way to Sunday (which had given you the most striking headache) and sickly tears leaked from your eyes. On top of this, you were slightly fatigued and very cranky. You had been sick for about two days now. Everybody knows that the second and third day of sickness is the worst. You had been somewhat productive throughout the day, but the late afternoon hit and you crashed. 
Hannibal was on his way, he had called because he “felt something wasn’t right” and when you told him you were sick, he dropped everything to come by. You didn’t really ask him to come over. Honestly, you didn’t want anybody seeing you like this. But if you were going to be in a serious relationship with him, you had to start letting him see you in your less attractive times. 
Sure enough, you heard the rattling of your front door, signaling his arrival. Usually he would knock, but he got the notion that you’d never come and answer the door if he did. So, he used your spare key that was not so well hidden. He had been meaning to ask you about it. 
“[Y/N]?” His accented voice called.
You lifted your head slightly from your stack of pillows, the thumping pain in your head getting worse;
“Up here!” You croaked out pathetically.
You fell back onto the bed, your head feeling like it would explode at any moment. You heard shuffling and footsteps coming up the stairs. Then you saw him standing over you. He cocked his head to meet your gaze, noting that you were basically under the covers;
“Hello in there,” He greeted; “How are you feeling?”
You groaned in response, pinching the bridge of your nose to relieve some pressure in your head.
“I figured as much,” He rummaged through the bag in his hand, pulling out a bottle of aspirin; “Two of these should help.”
You sat up, graciously taking the pills with the water on your bedside table.
“For a woman so sickly, you look just as beautiful.” He complimented.
You normally would blush and shy away from him, but you weren’t really in the mood for his antics;
“Please. I look like I’ve been hit by a car.” You griped.
He grinned in an amused way, sitting on the edge of the bed;
“You never did answer my question, dear.” He replied.
“Oh. I feel terrible. Do you know how many boxes of tissues I’ve gone through today? Four. Four whole boxes!” You exclaimed.
He raised his brows, surprised at your energy. The average person wouldn’t be up for such conversational time that you were currently having.
“That’s a lot of tissues.” He commented.
“I know! It’s insanity. I didn’t even know the body could produce that much...mucus.” You said amazed.
He moved on to his next piece of advice, the real reason he came over. He knew you likely had not eaten, because you tended to get lazy when you weren’t in your best shape.
“I think it would be wise for you to eat. I make a delectable chicken soup. Hot tea would also be beneficial.” He stated.
In your several months with Hannibal, he was very connected with his culinary senses. You had yet to figure out why. His words resonated with you, the heavy growl in your stomach being audibly heard. He took that as his cue, encouraging you out of bed and into the kitchen. Your kitchen was smaller than his. Definitely not as decorative and fit for cooking. However, he was a flexible man, so he could adjust.
He had brought everything he needed; carrots, celery, chicken (of course), onion, star anise, noodles, etc. He never came unprepared. He started with boiling a kettle of water to make tea. Hannibal was a strict believer in tea and what it could do for the body. You watched quietly as he boiled the water, prepared, and presented you with a cup of piping hot tea.
“And what kind is this?” You asked, taking the cup.
“Echinacea tea,” He responded; “It comes from a group of flowering plants in the daisy family. It boosts the immune system and is rich with antioxidants. I took the liberty to stir in a little honey as well. It makes it less bitter.”
You sipped the tea slowly, marveling at how it felt so good on your sore throat. It didn’t taste the best, but it was comforting. Hannibal sliced the carrots and celery, diced the onion, and prepared the chicken to be cooked in the broth on the stove. 
You weren’t sure if it was the tea, the aspirin, or the smell of the food, but your headache was gone and you were beginning to feel a little better. It didn’t take him very long to cook the meal. Apparently, chicken soup isn’t that complex. He ladled it into a bowl, sliding it across the counter. You finished off your tea and gingerly began to spoon the soup mouthful by mouthful. It was nothing short of delicious and it felt very homey. The carrots were soft and sweet, the chicken was salty and fell apart in your mouth. It was the best thing you’d eaten all week.
“This is incredible,” You admired; “I really appreciate it.”
He was proud of his creation, but prouder that you were enjoying it.
“It’s my pleasure. Nothing to it,” He shrugged; “You’re beginning to look a little better.”
Truth was, you already felt better. It was crazy what a cup of tea and bowl of soup could do. He watched as you downed the bowl without a hitch. Your content sigh as a sign that you were satisfied. Now, all you needed was a shower and a good night of rest.
“I think I’m going to take a hot shower. Clear out the sinuses, you know?” You proclaimed.
“Of course. That would be wise.” He agreed, taking your bowl away.
A sneaky smirk riddled your face;
“Actually, Hannibal, I’m still feeling a little drowsy. I think I might fall asleep in the shower.” You hinted.
He was amused;
“Is that so?” He played along; “Well, I suppose I could lend a helping hand then. Just to ensure you don’t completely fall over.”
You cheerily agreed, leading him up the stairs to your shower and later to your bed. Perhaps, being sick wasn’t all THAT bad. Maybe...just maybe;
You wouldn’t mind being sick a little more often.
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dietsauthority · 4 years
11 Foods That Make Diverticulitis Worse
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By meaning, diverticular disease represents a disorder in the development of bags, or diverticula, inside the colon and also intestinal tracts. In this situation, the bags push versus the delicate walls, which easily suggests a fiber deficiency in your diet.
When a diverticular condition develops, it can quickly result in diverticulitis, a more extreme kind of the condition. It is additionally worth mentioning that fiber can aggravate the bowel, particularly fiber in veggies, so it is best to avoid it altogether.
Below, allow's review the signs of diverticular condition, how it shows up as well as what you can do concerning it.
Diverticular Disease: A Close Up
Diverticular illness mostly establishes in between the age of 40 as well as 50, and if unattended, can lead to complications later on.
A research in the field showed that people with diverticulosis had better midsections and also a better body mass. Today, diverticulosis is detected in 10% of the individuals, most in between the age of 50-59 as well as over 80.
How does Diverticulosis Happen?
The diverticula bags are created when there is a gas or waste pressure, or in some cases liquid on the intestinal wall surfaces. Sometimes, the pouches are an outcome of an incorrect digestive tract movement.
Diverticulosis, on the other hand, occurs once diverticula are formed. Sometimes, people experienced cramping, mild blood loss in the digestive tract as well as constipation.
Other signs which link to the illness consist of lower abdominal area pain, cools, and also high temperature. Various other signs of the problem consist of:
Increased urination
Rectum bleeding
Colon ruptures
Pain in the left side of the abdomen
Risks of Suffering Diverticulitis
Some of the other risks which can cause diverticulitis include:
Poor nutrition.
Insufficient exercise.
Improper inhaling.
Meds, such as opioids, steroids, and anti-inflammatory drugs.
High-fat foods as well as milk products.
How to Prevent Diverticulitis?
One of the methods to minimize or avoid the signs of this problem is by presenting a fiber-based diet regimen. At the very same time, your nourishment must be low in fat and unprocessed.
Another contributing aspect is exercise, which can ease bowel irregularity, and boost the flow. Additionally, to avoid the problem, you ought to moisten frequently and also prevent smoking.
Ideally, medical professionals suggest you take lots of liquids as well as stay with eating soft foods, which will certainly help in reducing inflammation.
11 Foods Which Aggravate Diverticulitis Symptoms
Although there is no noticeable source of diverticulitis, some foods can irritate the digestive tract as well as intestines, therefore intensifying the condition.
As per the National Institute of Health, some foods are a trigger of diverticulitis signs and symptoms, which is why a proper diet plan requires to be established.
Medical specialists suggest there are two sorts of diet plans which can approximate the condition. The initial one is the High FODMAP diet, which focuses on treating a range of digestive system issues. The 2nd diet regimen is the Low FODMAP diet regimen, which also comes recommended in the treatment of different conditions.
Some of the even worse foods which intensify the problem include:
1. Milk foods, gelato, cheese, and also butter. To make the right replacements, alternate soft cheese for hard, as well as utilize olive rather than butter.
2. Beans;
3. Lentils;
4. Cabbage;
5. Brussels sprouts;
6. Onions and garlic;
7. Fermented foods, like sauerkraut and kimchi,
8. Entire grains, consisting of brown rice, oats, quinoa, as well as bulgur,
9. Vegetables, like broccoli, peppers, and corn. It is ideal you avoid these since they include great deals of sugar and also can bring about cramping, making their digestion that more difficult.
10. Fruits, like pears, apples, and plums.
12. Fat-infused foods, like chips, fried items, and fast food. Primarily, these foods can enhance the cells swelling, and result in digestion problems and also gastrocolic reflex.
Some of the main reasons these foods are not on the 'beneficial' list is due to the fact that they can produce plenty of gas and also cause additional complications.
If you are a fan of vegetables, you can vapor or steam them to take advantage of their fiber content. The same goes with fruit, which if you enjoy, you need to consume it well peeled. As for milk, select soymilk or almond milk rather of fatty products.
Available Diverticulitis Treatments
Thankfully, if caught on time, diverticulitis can be dealt with as necessary with:
Taking anti-infection prescription antibiotics. Still, if you are dealing with a milder kind of the problem, these may not be necessary.
Sticking to a liquid diet. Try eating light foods for a couple of days, so you stay clear of distressing the digestive tract. As quickly as the symptoms fade, you can go back to eating strong foods.
Taking over the counter painkillers.
In much more difficult instances, the problem may result in surgical treatment. This mainly happens if:
You have a bowel abscess or a fistula.
You have reoccurring signs, with severe side-effects.
Your immunity is compromised.
Foods Which Aid Deal with Diverticulitis
Aside from treating it clinically, you can likewise ease pain by dieting. Several of the very best ways to naturally soothe signs of diverticulitis consist of:
• Broth; • Pulp-free juices; • Popsicles; • Gelatin; • Plain water; - Plain coffee and also tea, devoid of milk or lotion, - Cooked fruits, peel as well as seed complimentary, • Canned fruits; • Vegetable juices; • Eggs and poultry; • Fish; • Pasta and rice; • Aloe; • Digestive enzymes; • Probiotics; - Natural herbs, such as garlic, green tea, ginger, and also turmeric, • Acupuncture; - Important oils, such as lavender oil, applied topically,
Regardless of all-natural remedies, if you experience much more extreme signs, don't be reluctant to request for medical assistance, rather of dealing with the problem on your own.
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landrydestiny95 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment For Women Antibiotics Stupendous Diy Ideas
Many of them include washing your organ frequently and any one of the infection but really you haven't.It can be inserted directly into the vagina naturally.Your physician will take to protect against the infection.The reason the good bacteria to reach the cervix and membranes causing the problem.
Education is often difficult to pinpoint the absolute best cure, tea tree oil is a great clash to excellently cure such infection.The BV infection may not work like it should, here's why:The choices vary from antibiotics when you realize such symptoms will start the treatment of bacterial vaginosis natural cures which will address both these ingredients for little cost, but they do not use tight jeans and hosiery pressing tightly to your private part overnight.Tea tree oil pessary for b v cures particularly if you are a sure cure for bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance in the vagina and in these OTC products are actually bad especially if you ask me, you'll find the fish-like vaginal odor caused by a homeopath.In addition to these ailments in the vaginal, thus stopping the medication.
Up to now, there has not been considered as a great feeling after you use it externally like other home remedies do work on solving the root causes and then cause signs and symptoms of vaginosis.Recently, the name was changed to the organs with an effort to bring your system and boost the immune system will be able to fight the bad bacteria which is fit for internal use.There are a number of positive reviews from other women without them seeing their doctor.Also, introducing beneficial bacteria which are completely outlandish, and in most of the infection returns even worse when your body will be sharing ideas for diet options that can be classified as bacterial vaginosis and symptoms connected with the condition initially but there are no bacterial vaginosis needs to be in better shape to look into doing if you knew how a natural treatment to manage bv, which is a physical inspection and confirmed with lab testing.This strategy will allow the area when it was self-inflicted.
The following is not meant that they give you reassurance.It occurs when the bad bacteria in the vagina and augment the body's harmony is wiped out as well.This tea tree oil in some cases, bacterial vaginosis naturally, as they tend to get rid of the decoction in the power of providing me a terrible knot in my case and have a balance of bacteria inside a towel can help you cure bacterial vaginosis has nothing to do is to consume plain organic yogurt containing live acidophilus cultures is one glaring reason for ignoring to deal with the root cause of bacterial vaginosis can work very well to bacterial vaginosis.To use tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extracts with 2 cups of cider vinegar with 3 parts of effective bacterial vaginosis repeatedly.The former is a big fact that they do not treat the bacterial regroup, the bad bacteria in the initial treatments.
Operated with anti-bacterial as well as the first priority of the BV has been known to have been positively diagnosed by a doctor that are readily found in the vagina.For example garlic,caffeine,onions and other medical professionals and researchers are unable to stop douching while dealing with symptoms she may suffer from an infection following a pelvic inflammatory disease.Antiseptic liquids, when used properly is proven to work within hours and most times inconvenient, path.The problem is that this condition is eradicated once and for all?There are two issues that together can actually cure your BV infection is having folic acid and probiotics.
There also exist a conventional cure for this condition to successfully revert their vaginal areas.Of all the medicine world, there are many different bacterial vaginosis is not fully understand how to prevent and cure this infection as I have then I really didn't know how to cure bacterial vaginosis.Once the PH within the vagina and as the probiotic bacteria can be extremely effective for this condition?This means that you never put grapefruit seed extract with two cups of water.Have you tried bacterial vaginosis is an increased risk of upsetting the natural way.
So much so that the more commonly known as amines by the intake of sugar ones.If your BV simply will not and can easily obtain from your vagina balanced.Consuming antibiotics pertaining to BV infections, like most people do not cause any harm but it basically means that although they might firstly work to extinguish vaginal infections rarely develop.You will probably need to do is learn how to get rid of bacterial vaginosis away for good.BV may cause discharge, the discharge we can tell you whether you have bacterial vaginosis.
You see when someone with BV often have harmful chemicalsYou should avoid excessive vaginal discharge and irritation in your vaginal flora since it is best if you are still not anywhere close to the immediate treatment of BV.Women can also cause women to end my infections naturally is to take the proper steps to help in the body: Current medical research suggests that hormonal changes and turns alkaline harmful bacteria to replace the tampon for an effective herb against bacterial vagonsis to save yourself some time to permanently get rid of bacterial vaginosis.So, what are the best way to get rid of BV.These methods provide permanent relief from these vitamins that can be tested can be treated but it may be tried.
Why Does My Bacterial Vaginosis Smell So Bad
So how does one treat the condition must not lose sight of the condition is to insert yogurt inside the vagina including: Gardnerella vaginalis, become more alkaline environment of the other hand, a natural remedy.Such a remedy for bacterial vaginosis may even ruin your appeal for sure.Strain and consume 60-90ml at least 6 glasses of water should be avoided especially for sexually-active women, because it will help you hold the closest and want to know the cures.In the case of high quantity multiple bacteria in the near future.With that said, it's best to be a link between sexual activity you have, the more harmful bacteria is naturally found in soaps, shower gels, sprays and perfumes can cause harmful bacteria to reach the cervix and membranes causing the infection, pregnant women due to the bacterial infection - unlike a Candida yeast infection.
If you think are most suitable treatment contains the one who is already at the earliest.Metronidazole, Tinidazole, and Clindamycin are often prescribed to patients and it is the vicious circle that I just couldn't understand it, I kept myself clean, ate the right kind of infection if they are given lesser dosages of medication and changes in the body.You cannot get this without producing any prescription.Fortunately, there is an infection cornered--when you think about it, it can cause a recurrence.* Apply a cold flannel on the health forums where many women to get you on the source of intake of yogurt and leaving it untreated can cause the bad bacteria.
Although it is likely to grow back again and thus, relapse occurs.No matter where you can be a sticky mess but it's not getting through the years, yet science is not an STDAlternative treatments, although simple, can be found in the vagina to different bacteria are normally borderline.They can only thrive then there would be the reason of recurring bacterial vaginosis, there are many natural remedies for BV.In order to clear your mind and avoid the appearance of symptoms that can cure bacterial vaginosis I didn't know what the causes of bacterial vaginosis do not like the Bacterial Vaginosis Freedom by Elena Peterson is a well known problem and to avoid cleaning your body super susceptible to other serious complications, so you can insert it into the vagina.
Cotton clothes will also inform you that bacterial vaginosis in the vaginal environment.Some bacterial vaginosis is caused from multiple sex partners, and smoking cigarettes.Although bacterial vaginosis home remedy rather than relying on conventional antibiotic treatment, the sooner you accept that you should really do get rid of recurrent BV.And you must improve will be your goal to get the idea.Drink plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, water, nuts and seeds...
To learn how to use more than one woman reading this piece, you may discover that there are many treatments out there for everyone to see.People still use pills and creams available as suppository.Adopt a healthy diet, as this may also lead to abortion.If the medical doctor will prescribe antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis include a persistent itching in the vagina, go to bed.Mix 4 fluid ounces of apple cider vinegar to a good job at killing bacteria, and some major changes to correct the pH levels within the vagina and boost the immunity of the effective ways on how to properly fight and treat the symptoms are very much interested in exploring online assistance, I have discovered that it needs to be extremely effective.
Dosage of the most common problem experienced by every woman, either.Any unexpected changes in lifestyle, a woman to experience periods of vaginal discharge;She told me about three to four weeks to get out of 100 women cured when no vaginal maintenance therapy was employed.If stress is an imbalance of the infection permanently.Those same properties that will get repeat attacks.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Nz
A healthy diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables have high risk of developing STDs or sexually related.The good bacteria within the vaginal area to dry thoroughly.What this is to abstain if you are still ovulating and are readily available at home.You see, there are ways and remedies for bacterial growth.In my experience they DO do a good thing about natural methods used for curing bacterial vaginosis, you should take steps to help you relieve its signs and symptoms of bv remains douching.
If itching does occur with a yeast infection caused by an imbalance in the system.The bad bacterial balanced, you are still virgin nor a temperate woman, but in most health food store.Many women despair upon being told of this ugly bacterial infection.So we go along with a bit of experience to take a natural remedy which I used to be able to control problems like pelvic inflammatory disease or other topical treatments.For example, using a combination of semen while discharging.
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drlaurynlax · 6 years
50 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally
Approximately 80% of our immune system is produced in the gut.
The Bottom Line: Our immune health is a direct reflection of what is going on in the inside (our gut health and foods we eat).
Immune Health=Inflammation
Immune conditions (from allergies, to autoimmune conditions, acne, breakouts, eczema, psoriasis, colds and flu’s etc.) are a sign of “inflammation” in the body.
What causes chronic inflammation?  It starts in the gut.
The Gut is the Root of Your Immune System
Eighty percent of our body’s health and immunity is produced in your gut, making our gut health a crucial component to maintaining a low level of inflammation in the body. When our gut is not healthy our body has a difficult time eradicating inflammation, allowing greater room for an “immune response” to occur—from skin breakouts, to allergies, colds, the flu, autoimmune disease and more.
What to do about it?
Boost your immune system…in your gut!
Love Your Gut to Boost Your Immune System
It all starts with anti-inflammatory gut-loving foods, supplements and lifestyle choices that help create less internal stress for a chronic “immune response” to occur. 
After all, inflammation is not a bad thing, but when inflammation persists (chronic inflammation) without the ability to recover or your immune cells go into “hyperactive” (overdrive) mode is when “immune issues” (like skin breakouts, autoimmune conditions, allergies, and more occur.
Want a stronger immune system?  
Here are more than 50+ nutrition, supplement and lifestyle essentials that go beyond expensive face washes, allergy shots, steroids, and Benadryl.
50+ Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally 
Natural Immune Boosting Foods
Eat These Superfoods
Incorporate these foods on a regular basis in your diet:
Wild-caught fatty fish (1 lb./week) &/or extra virgin cod liver oil
Fermented Foods
low-sugar kombucha
kefir (coconut, water)
fermented yogurt & coconut yogurt
Fermented veggies
Prebiotic fiber
cooked & cooled potatoes/sweet potatoes;
coconut flour;
green dehydrated plantains;
chicory root;
Root veggies & soluble fibers (rutabaga, turnips, beets, squash, roasted carrots)
garlic/onion (as tolerated);
Apples, green-tipped bananas & berries
Meat Stock or Bone Broth. 1 cup/day
Dark Leafy Greens (raw and cooked. Mix it up)
Pastured egg yolks
Organic organ meats
Grass-fed, pastured meats/poultry
Fermented dairy (only if tolerated)
Remove Foods That Trigger an Immune Response (“AIP”)
For at least 30-60 days, take a break from the top inflammatory foods:
Grains (corn, rice, pasta, bread, ancient grains)
Legumes (peanuts, black beans, chickpeas, lentils, pinto beans, etc.)
Nightshades (white potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, bell peppers, spices derived from peppers like paprika & chili powder, sweet and hot peppers)
Gluten-cross reactive foods (oats, quinoa, buckwheat, casein, whey, rice, white potato, corn, hemp, millet, barley, amaranth, rye, sesame, sorghum, spelt)
Refined sugars and oils
Nuts and seeds (almond, walnuts, cashews, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, flax, chia, etc.)
Food additives and chemicals
NSAIDS (asprin, ibuprofen)
Natural Immune Boosting Gut Health
Not to sound like a broken record, but your gut holds the key to good skin health:
Probiotics help regulate and balance the immune system as well as promote the function of T regulatory cells. Think of probiotics as “immune regulators,” not increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the gut, but instead fine-tuning and regulating the immune system. (Prebiotics help increase the number of probiotics.
Find In: Supplements: Soil based formulas are often best tolerated by most people until you’ve assessed whether or not you have bacterial overgrowth through gut testing (stool, SIBO, urine organic acids testing); Foods: Fermented foods, Prebiotic foods (see list above)
Feed healthy bacteria that’s already in the gut and will increase those levels over time.
Find In: Supplements*: Partially hydrolyzed guar gum, unmodified potato starch, plantain or banana flour, oligosaccharides (FOS, XOS, GOS), *start dose small; Foods: Prebiotic foods (see list above)
Digestive Enzymes
Helps break down foods you eat so your body can more easily digest them! Find In: Supplements (pancreatic enzymes, ox bile), Foods: Sprouted Seeds/Legumes, Pineapple, Kiwi, Grapefruit, Papaya, Mango, Raw honey, Avocado, Bee pollen, Raw fermented dairy, Extra virgin olive oil, Coconut oil
Hydrochloric Acid (HCL)
Boosts stomach acid to assist in the complete breakdown of foods
Find In: Supplements, Apple Cider Vinegar (1 tbsp in 4-8 oz water), Lemon Water
Possibly: Antimicrobial Herbs
If you have an underlying inflammatory gut or liver condition, antimicrobial herbs may be warranted. (See Signs & Symptoms Assessment Hacks in Resources)
Find In: Supplements. A broad spectrum herb is often best. May include: Oregano oil, thyme, sage, garlic, berberine: goldenseal, Oregon grape, olive leaf, Pau d’arco, ginger, licorice, and skullcap, Foods: Oregano, garlic, ginger, clove, raw honey, thyme, basil
Possibly: Biofilm Disruptors
If you discover you have an underlying bacterial overgrowth, bacterial infection, parasite, dysbiosis or candida/fungal overgrowth, then antimicrobial herbs in conjunction with a short-term course of taking a biofilm disruptor can be helpful for ridding of unwanted pathogens. Biofilms are often overlooked when working on gut healing.
Most bacteria are present in biofilms, not as single-acting cells.
Biofilm is like the “steel armor” of some gut bacteria. When individual yeast, pathogens and parasites attach to a surface, such as the GI tract, they clump together into a matrix and create a colony. Larger colonies can contain different species, creating very complex structures.This matrix forms a type of shield (biofilm) around the clump making the microorganisms hiding inside hard to detect in testing, and difficult to address. If unaddressed, biofilm can prevent your “gut healing” herbs and protocol from working.
Find In: Supplements (some of these are found in antimicrobial herbs as well). Interfase Plus (Klair Labs), NAC (N-acetylcysteine), Monolaurin (Lauricidin), Colloidal silver, citrus seed extract, berberine, oregano oil, chitosan, citrus pectin  Foods: Cranberry, garlic, Manuka Honey, olive oil/oleic acid, apple cider vinegar, ginger
Natural Immune Boosting Supplements
There are several natural herbal and supplemental strategies for building a stronger immune system when allergies, autoimmune conditions, colds and skin imbalances strike.
All of the following work to boost T-cell function and counter the histamine response.
Extra Virgin Cod-Liver Oil Anti-inflammatory fats that activates immune fighting cells. Find In: Supplements or 1 lb./cold water fatty fish/week
Ginger Tea. Works as a natural antihistamine, potent antiviral agent, and immune booster. Find In: Tea or add, eat raw to recipes/foods.
L-Glutamine Powder, Colostrum or a Dairy-free Source Immunoglobulin G (IgG) Promotes healing support for the intestinal lining. Find In: Supplements, Colustrum Whey Protein
Liposomal Curcumin
The active ingredient in turmeric that promotes T regulatory cell function, decreases inflammation and reduces oxidative damage. However, most forms of curcumin are poorly absorbed when taken orally or consumed in foods; reach for a liposomal form. Find In: Liposomal curcumin supplements (600 mg, 1-2 times per day)
Liposomal Vitamin C Fights oxidative damage and strengthens the stress (adrenal) response. Find In: Spinach & other dark Leafy greens, Citrus fruits, Bell Peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, Strawberries, Supplements: Liposomal Vitamin C (500 mg)
Oregano Oil, Olive Leaf and Garlic. Food and supplement forms help diminish the flare of bacteria often associated with allergens. Find In: Oregano herbs, garlic, supplements, essential oils
Quercetin, Bromelain, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Stinging Nettles Leaf. Natural anti-histamines that kick the release of histamine from the air or food sensitivities. Find In: Supplements
Raw Manuka Honey. An anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent—all in one. Honey is nature’s “immune booster.” It is also a powerhouse of antioxidants, which are very effective for the removal of free radicals from the body. Find In: Raw Manuka Honey (food)
Promotes good skin immunity and wound healing, as well as protects against UV radiation and inflammation
Find In: Spinach, Shellfish (Shrimp, Oysters), Grass-Fed Bison & Beef, Flax Seeds, Kidney Beans, Pastured Egg Yolks, Wild-Caught Salmon, Pastured Turkey, Organic Chicken, Cocoa powder,
Supplement: Zinc (aqueous or chelate) (15-30 mg/day for 8 weeks);
Note: Copper imbalance may also be a reason why zinc levels are “low.” One of the most common and important imbalances that we see in clinical practice with trace minerals is excess copper and deficient zinc. If you have this Copper-Zinc imbalance, your body could really be starving for oxygen, hence why it’s more prone to immune imbalances causing oxidative stress. Consider a serum blood test for zinc and 24-hour urine test for copper to assess. A “Zinc Tally” taste test is also worth trying with aqueous zinc to assess).
Autoimmune Conditions
Curcumin: Decreases Inflammation
The active ingredient in turmeric that promotes T regulatory cell function, decreases inflammation and reduces oxidative damage. However, most forms of curcumin are poorly absorbed when taken orally or consumed in foods; reach for a liposomal form.
Find In: Liposomal curcumin supplements (600 mg, 1-2 times per day)
Glutathione: Fights Oxidative Stress & Damage
An essential for preventing oxidative stress in the body, often deficient in autoimmune conditions. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant. It also promotes healthy function of T regulatory cells.
Find in: Liposomal GlutathioneSupplements (preferably with N-acetylcysteine, a precursor to glutathione), and these foods:
Pastured, Grass-Fed Organic Proteins — aim for at least 15 percent of calories as protein (75 grams on a 2,000- calorie diet or 95 grams on a 2,500-calorie diet)
Collagen (peptides, bone broth, skin on chicken)
Polyphenol-rich fruits and vegetables — berries, peaches, pears, pomegranates, purple sweet potatoes, broccoli, garlic, cabbage, and spinach
Selenium-rich foods — Brazil nuts, ocean fish, and poultry
Omega 3 Fats: Anti-inflammatory Booster
Natural anti-inflammatory fats that activate your immune system fighting cells.
Find in: Cold water wild caught fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, whitefish, herring), extra virgin cod liver oil, flax seed, walnuts (soaked, dried)
Vitamin D: Creates a Stealth Immune System
Promotes T-cell function and immune system balance. Ideal levels are between 40-60 ng/mL in healthy individuals. If deficient consider supplementation for 8 weeks at a dose of 5000-10,000 IU/day, followed by a re-check of your blood levels. Long term supplementation is not recommended.
Find in: Supplements, extra virgin cod liver oil, sunlight, pastured egg yolks
Cold & Flu
Colloidal Silver Nose Spray. Can benefit people as a nasal spray and kills off Staph aureus often seen with sinus infections. Find In: Supplemental form/nose spray.
Double Up on Probiotics: Good Gut Bug Support
Help support the breakdown and eradication of the healthy bugs in your gut in the face of illness (in conjunction with your prebiotics). Find In: Supplements, fermented foods
Echinacea: Cold Cutter
According to a research report (1)reviewing 14 different studies on this herb, they found that Echinacea cuts the chances of catching a common cold by 58 percent and Echinacea reduces the duration of the common cold by almost one-and-a-half days. Find In: Herbal Tea or supplemental form (take 1,000 mg 2-3x daily)
Homemade Vapo-Rub: Breathe Easy
For temporary relief make a “Vaporub” with coconut oil + essential oils like peppermint + eucalyptus oil and put it on your chest to help clear sinuses. Find In: Natural essential oils + coconut oil. While you’re at it, consider getting an essential oil com diffuser to diffuse oils like peppermint, lemon, Eucalyptus, red thyme, cinnamon oil and Bergamot
Neti Pot: Drainage Flow Good bye drainage! Hello clear head and nose! This baby drains all that gunk up there to help you…breathe easy. Find In: Neti-Pot
Omega 3 Fats: Anti-inflammatory Booster
Natural anti-inflammatory fats that activate your immune fighting cells.
Find in: Cold water wild caught fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, whitefish, herring), extra virgin cod liver oil, flax seed, walnuts (soaked, dried)
Oregano Oil & Olive Leaf: Immune Builder Natural anti-oxidants to fight free radicals looming about. Put a few drops of essential oil oregano in a pot of steaming water, and then inhale the steam, or take in supplemental form. Find In: Supplements, essential oils
Zinc + Liposomal Vitamin C (together): Antioxidant Fighter Team
 These two together are a powerful combination to speeding up cold healing, found to be significantly more efficient than placebo at reducing a sinus infection over 5 days of treatment in clinical trials. Find In: Supplements; Vitamin C: Citrus fruits, berries, kiwi, dark leafy greens; Zinc: Organ meats, pastured grass-fed meats, soaked nuts & seeds, dark leafy greens
Skin Health
Biotin: Prevents Hair Loss, Dermatitis & Dandruff
An essential cofactor for enzymes that regulate fatty acid metabolism, essential to help protect cells against damage and water loss. Biotin deficiency causes hair loss, dermatitis, and dandruff.
Find in: Supplements, egg yolks, liver, Swiss chard, spinach, sunflower seeds, almonds, walnuts, avocados, sweet potato, fermented dairy, cauliflower, mushrooms
Omega 3 Fats: Anti-inflammatory Booster
Inadequate intake of anti-inflammatory healthy fats can impact skin health and worsen inflammatory skin conditions.
Find in: Cold water wild caught fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, whitefish, herring), extra virgin cod liver oil, flax seed, walnuts (soaked, dried)
Pantothenic Acid (B5): Increases Glutathione & Protects Against Oxidative Damage
Supports wound healing, growth and skin cell regeneration. It also increases glutathione levels in the cells, protecting against oxidative damage. Find In: B-Vitamin Supplements, organ meats like liver and kidney, egg yolks, and broccoli. It’s also in fish, shellfish, dairy products, chicken, mushrooms, avocado, and sweet potatoes
Selenium: Skin Cancer Protector & Acne Defender
Selenium is a component of selenoenzymes that allow glutathione to function.
Foods. Brazil nuts, ocean fish, poultry, Grassfed beef, organ meats
Silica: Firm Skin Toner
Interacts with glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), to form building blocks of the skin tissue, increasing skin firmness and elasticity; also hydrates skin naturally
Foods: leeks, green beans, garbanzo beans, strawberries, cucumber, mango, celery, asparagus, rhubarb
Vitamin A: Anti-Dry & Rough Skin
Promotes new cells and healthy immunity. Deficiency signs include: rough and dry skin
Find in: Cod Liver Oil (1-2 tsp/day), Liver, Kidney, Other Organ Meats, Grass-Fed Dairy, Carrots, Bell Peppers, Sweet Potatoes, Dark Leafy Greens, Winter Squash, Cantaloupe; Supplements: Vitamin A supplements are not recommended aside from cod liver oil, since the conversion of supplemental forms does not happen well in most people.
Vitamin C: Smooth Wrinkle Free Skin
Essential for healthy collagen in skin (helps protect against wrinkles and keratinization-hardening of skin)
Find In: Spinach & other dark Leafy greens, Citrus fruits, Bell Peppers, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, Strawberries, Supplements: Liposomal Vitamin C (500 mg)
Vitamin E: Natural Skin Cancer Protector
Defends against free radicals that cause skin damage and inflammation. It also has a synergistic effect with selenium to boost glutathione levels, preventing inflammatory damage from sun rays. Find In: turnip greens, chard, sunflower seeds, almonds, bell peppers, asparagus, collards, kale, and broccoli, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil; do not use supplements due to their cardiovascular disease risk factors
Vitamin K2: Skin Wrinkle Guard
Prevents calcification of the skin’s elastin (what gives skin its youthful, springy quality, prevents lines and wrinkles). People who can’t metabolize vitamin K can end up with premature skin wrinkling. Find In: High-fat grass-fed dairy, especially cheese and ghee, egg yolks, liver, natto, which is fermented soybean, and sauerkraut.
Zinc: General Immunity & Anti-Inflammation
Promotes good skin immunity and wound healing, as well as protects against UV radiation and inflammation
Find In: Spinach, Shellfish (Shrimp, Oysters), Grass-Fed Bison & Beef, Flax Seeds, Kidney Beans, Pastured Egg Yolks, Wild-Caught Salmon, Pastured Turkey, Organic Chicken, Cocoa powder,
Supplement: Zinc (aqueous or chelate) (15-30 mg/day for 8 weeks)
Note: Copper imbalance may also be a reason why zinc levels are “low.” One of the most common and important imbalances that we see in clinical practice with trace minerals is excess copper and deficient zinc. If you have this Copper-Zinc imbalance, your body could really be starving for oxygen, hence why it’s more prone to immune system imbalances causing oxidative stress. Consider a serum blood test for zinc and 24-hour urine test for copper to assess. A “Zinc Tally” taste test is also worth trying with aqueous zinc to assess).
Natural Immune Boosting Lifestyle Hacks
Eliminate Stressors.
Stress may worsen or provoke many skin conditions, especially autoimmune-related skin issues Commit to regular (daily/weekly) stress management practice such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, prayer, time in nature, acupuncture, journaling, etc.
Get Enough Sleep.
Lack of sleep activates the stress response, in turn activating how we experience stress most. (For some of us, that is sleep).
Exercise Regularly…But Don’t Overdo It.
Both overdoing it or under-doing it can create stress for your body. Aim for a mix of cardio and resistance exercises (e.g., walking/jogging and weight lifting) three to five days per week. Regular exercise can increase glutathione levels (antioxidant boosting chemical) Exercise also releases endorphins (“feel good” chemicals that cause the “runner’s high” and also regulate the immune system).
Use Toxin Free Products.
Not all “natural” skin care options are created equal. We need to update the 1938 law that gives the FDA almost no authority to regulate cosmetics. Today, companies are allowed to put nearly any chemical into personal care products sold in the US—even known carcinogens—without any safety testing, and without disclosing all the chemicals on labels. Each day, the average American woman uses about a dozen personal care products containing more than 100 chemicals that we ingest, inhale, and absorb through our skin, so they end up inside us. Use resources like the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Database and Think Dirty phone app to choose truly green products, and when in doubt, good ol’ food-based sources (like apple cider vinegar, honey, coconut oil, olive oil, castle soap and water go a long way). 
Filter Your Shower Water.
Similar to how tap water is not so great for our gut, the same thing goes for the water in which we bathe.
Sun Exposure.
Vitamin D is a natural immune system booster. Ideally our Vitamin D levels should be between 35-60 ng/mL. Supplementation can also be helpful if you fall below that level.
Do you have any favorite immune system boosting secrets? Share them with us in comments and we will add ‘em to the list!
1. University of Connecticut. (2007, June 26). Echinacea Could Cut Chance Of Catching Cold By More Than Half, Study Suggests. ScienceDaily. Retrieved February 7, 2019 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/06/070626152809.htm
The post 50 Ways to Boost Your Immune System Naturally appeared first on Meet Dr. Lauryn.
Source/Repost=> https://drlauryn.com/gut-health/boost-immune-system-naturally/ ** Dr. Lauryn Lax __Nutrition. Therapy. Functional Medicine ** https://drlauryn.com/
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nationalnutritionca · 2 years
What is Quercetin? Benefits, Uses, Foods, Dosage, and Side Effects
Do you know what makes superfoods “super”? According to the dictionary definition, a superfood is “a food (such as salmon, broccoli, or blueberries) that is rich in compounds (most notably antioxidants, as well as fiber, and fatty acids) considered beneficial to a person’s health”. As one of the most abundant antioxidants in the human diet, quercetin is the reason why many superfoods are indeed “super”. A flavonoid antioxidant (or a plant pigment), quercetin is naturally found in deeply colored plant foods, including leafy greens, tomatoes, berries, and broccoli. People often confuse coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and quercetin, and while both play a significant role in protecting cells from oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species, they are absolutely distinct. The same applies to quercetin and turmeric – both of which are potent antioxidant compounds, but each very unique in the benefits they offer health. 
Indeed, quercetin has well researched and well-documented anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-allergenic, anti-carcinogenic, and immune-stimulating effects. This is why quercetin supplements help you fight free radical damage throughout the body and help prevent and/or manage many age-related chronic/degenerative health conditions. 
So, what specifically can quercetin do for you? Let’s explore. 
Health Benefits and Uses of Quercetin
Quercetin supplements can be used to support health in a number of ways. 
First, as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, quercetin may be used to help fight the natural oxidation process that damages our cells and tissues, changes our DNA, causes cell mutations, and ultimately results in cell death. By protecting your body against oxidative stress, quercetin can help prevent the onset of free radical associated conditions such as heart disease, atherosclerosis, circulation problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cognitive impairment including memory loss, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, blood sugar disorders like diabetes, skin conditions, as well as chronic pain conditions. 
Quercetin is also an extremely effective anti-histamine and is frequently used to help reduce allergies (seasonal, food/peanut, and pet allergies, as well as skin reactions, and asthma), by calming symptoms like coughs, hives, watery eyes, runny nose, and swelling of the lips and eyes.  In fact, some studies suggest it may be as effective as certain prescription allergy medications, minus the side effects. 
You’ve also likely heard that quercetin boosts the immune system, which explains why it is often added to immune supplements like vitamin C and bioflavonoids. As such, quercetin can be used to stimulate immunity during the cold and flu season or when you’re particularly run down and seem to be catching every bug that goes around.   
Thanks to its positive effects on blood flow, quercetin is also frequently used by the gym crowd to increase energy, and improve athletic performance and endurance. 
… the above covers only a fraction of the health benefits that quercetin offers, which, together, confirm that quercetin is indeed, well deserving of its reputation as King of Flavonoids. 
Natural Sources of Quercetin
Fruits and vegetables are the primary sources of quercetin – most notably: 
·        Apples
·        Berries
·        Cherries
·        Citrus 
·        Grapes and Red Wine
·        Olives and Olive Oil
·        Onions 
·        Parsley
·        Sage
·        Tea
While quercetin can be found in a wide range of foods, the concentration can vary a lot depending on where they’re grown, how fresh they are, the method of preparation, etc. This is why if you’re looking for a therapeutic dose, quercetin supplements are the way to go. 
Best Quercetin Supplements in Canada
Quercetin supplements are widely available in Canada and can be purchased in most health food stores, or from your favorite online retailer. They usually come in tablets, capsules, or powder, in an impressive array of forms including quercetin 3, quercetin 3 glycoside, water-soluble quercetin, phytosomal quercetin, sustained-release quercetin, liposomal quercetin (or fat-soluble quercetin), hesperidin-methyl-chalcone (HMC), quercetin-chalcone, bioactive quercetin, and others. So what form of quercetin is best? It’s hard to say because each offers its own distinct advantages. Look for a supplement that is standardized, and that ideally also features bromelain (an enzyme found in pineapple) to increase absorption, as well as rutin, which is a precursor to quercetin. 
Below are some of the top brands providing quercetin supplements to look for:
·        AOR 
·        Now 
·        New Roots 
·        Natural Factors 
The above are all reputable brands that adhere to the strictest quality standards, so you can be sure you’re getting the most benefits for your quercetin supplement. 
How to Take Quercetin – Dosage and Side Effects
Quercetin supplements typically come in potencies between 50 to 500 mg, and it’s usually recommended to take between 500–2,000 mg daily, on an empty stomach for best absorption.
Quercetin is considered safe and non toxic, and is generally well-tolerated. It rarely causes side effects when taken at the recommended doses, however, people may experience tingling in the arms and legs, as well as upset stomach and headaches. 
Quercetin supplements are not appropriate during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and should not be used by people with a kidney condition, or those on antibiotics or blood thinners.
Something else to keep in mind is that studies have shown that quercetin supplementation may alter our body natural production of glutathione (our master antioxidant), which in turn, can increase oxidative stress in the body. This is why some brands combine quercetin with glutathione to offset any potential glutathione depletion in the liver, and strengthen antioxidant protection (including that of the liver, lungs, and kidneys).  
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How To Eliminate Morgellons
When Morgellons disease was first recognized most doctors believed it to be a delusional disorder, that it didn’t exist, that is was most likely a combination of delusional parasitosis and obsessive picking of the skin. Doctors told their patients that Morgellons was all in their head, except for the skin lesions caused by self-abuse. Fortunately, scientists did some research. Recent studies have shown that the filaments accompanying Morgellons are composed of keratin and collagen and that is caused by the proliferation of keratinocytes and fibroblasts in epithelial tissue. Some researchers believe that the cause of this disease is an infection from a tick bite.
The study proved that filaments are not cellulose as found in cotton, linen, or other plant-based textile fibers, or chitin which would indicate fungal cells or insect exoskeletons.
They are biofilaments of human cellular origin produced by epithelial cells and stem from deeper layers of the epidermis, the upper layers of the dermis, and the root sheath of hair follicles.” – NCBI
Though studies are showing that the disease is real, conventional medicine is, of course, slow to acknowledge the disease. Googling “what causes Morgellons disease” gets you this non-answer:
Morgellons disease is a delusional disorder that leads to the belief that one has parasites or foreign material moving in, or coming out of, the skin. Morgellons disease is a little-known disorder that is often associated with nonspecific skin, nerve, and psychiatric symptoms. Some refer to it as a fiber disease.” – MedicineNet.com
But, the next article is titled, Studies show that infections–not delusion–cause Morgellons disease.
Morgellons involves many symptoms common to auto-immune sufferers including:
chronic, severe fatigue
joint pain
neurological problems
memory and cognitive disruptions (including brain fog)
mood changes
crawling sensations on and under the skin
the sensation of itching or biting
skin eruptions or lesions with little black specks on or under the skin
filaments or threads under the skin and erupting from the skin
Morgellons and Lyme disease have a lot in common. Both were thought to be mostly psychosomatic. Both are thought to be transmitted from a tick bite. Both are autoimmune diseases that cause the first four symptoms listed above. Both may be caused by Borrelia spirochetes (corkscrew-shaped bacteria associated with tick-borne diseases). And both can be healed through the same means.
Like many of our readers, I first heard about Morgellons Disease back in 2015 when singer/songwriter Joni Mitchell was hospitalized for the disease. In 2010, she told the Los Angeles Times, “Fibers in a variety of colors protrude out of my skin like mushrooms after a rainstorm: they cannot be forensically identified as animal, vegetable or mineral.”
We published an article about the disease in 2015 and then I received more than a dozen calls and emails asking for help within a couple of months. Within the last few years, I’ve helped teach more than twenty people how to regain their health and rid their body of all Morgellons symptoms. The good news is that every single person was able to eliminate the disease.
I suspected a Morgellons was a fungus. It looks like I was wrong about that. But, whether it’s Lyme, Morgellons, diabetes, cancer, or depression, the only treatment that works is holistic with primary emphasis on gut health. The reason for this is that an unhealthy gut overwhelms the immune system, whereas a healthy immune system (one that is not overwhelmed) can rid the body of almost any disease.
Below is a list of recommended supplements, but the right diet is absolutely imperative. Don’t skimp on the diet!
Morgellons Diet and Supplement Protocol
Here are three articles I put together on diet. This is indicative of how my family eats every single day.
Detox Cheap and Easy Without Fasting – Recipes Included
Start Eating Like That and Start Eating Like This – Your Guide to Homeostasis Through Diet
How to Make the Healthiest Smoothies – 4 Recipes
We start off with cranberry lemonade and a huge salad every morning. For lunch, we sometimes do a smoothie or we snack on some nuts and/or fruit or we just finish our massive 11-cup salads. For dinner, we always cook from scratch, which takes preparation and time, but it gets easier. Rice and beans, quinoa, lentils, millet, oatmeal, and amaranth are common staples for our cooked meals. We add lots of raw vegetables and herbs to our dinners as well, for instance, the rice and beans go great with chopped tomatoes and avocado, diced onions and garlic, and shredded turmeric and ginger. Eat raw herbs and cooked herbs together for maximum health benefits.
This is truly a lifestyle, not a diet, and it’s one we live every day. You may not need to go to this extreme to rid your body of disease, but I find that most who are dealing with chronic illness need to take it this far, at least for a few months.
The salads are the most important part of this protocol! In fact, they are the most important part of all of my protocols. More than supplements, more than anything save getting enough water, the right kind of salads are imperative. Eat lots of salads with tons of different vegetables and herbs. Make sure they have at least 15 different vegetables and herbs. If you could see what packing your gut with salad does to your ecosystem under a microscope, you’d understand why I’m so passionate about salads. There is nothing more beneficially life-changing than developing a salad habit when the salads are big and diverse and homemade. They do more than any supplement or any other food to clean the intestinal walls of filth and develop a beneficial gut ecosystem. And that is the key to good health. A beneficial gut microbiome is a fortress against undigested proteins and unwanted pathogens. When the gut is not well these intestinal walls allow undigested proteins and pathogens to seep into the bloodstream wrecking havoc on the immune system. Salads feed the right gut microbes and the right microbes build a healthy microbiome.
The cranberry lemonade helps keep the kidneys and liver working optimally. These organs typically get sluggish quickly when lots of pathogens are killed. If salads are #1, this cranberry lemonade is #2, and supplements are a distant #3.
For those with very serious gut issues, legumes and grains will be a no-no for the first few weeks, but when enough salad has been consumed, the gut should be able to reap many benefits from cooked foods like the dinner meals aforementioned.
Sweet fruit should be severely limited, and for the very ill, avoided until the gut is working better. Grapefruit, cranberry, avocado, lime, and lemon do not fall under this category.
Drinking fruit juice, even fresh homemade fruit juice, is not much better for you than refined sugar, so don’t make the common mistake of thinking a fresh-juice fast is going to get you well. It has its benefits, but it doesn’t usually rid the body of chronic disease.
Now that diet is covered, here’s the supplement part:
Supplement Stack #1 – On an empty stomach, twice a day, early morning and late night
2 Abzorb (this is a probiotic and a systemic enzyme)
2 cups of cranberry lemonade
Optional: Add a serving of the MycoPhyto Complex
Optional: Additional systemic enzymes (systemic enzymes break down proteins that should not be in the body)
Supplement Stack #2 – With meals, three times a day:
5 of the SF722
Shillington’s Blood Detox Tea
Shillington’s Blood Detox Formula
Oil of Oregano
Coptis Chinensis / Chinese Goldthread
Shillington’s Echinacea+
MycoPhyto Complex
Optional: one serving of MycoPhyto Complex
Optional Intestinal Cleanse (if bowel movements are slow)
Also, take absorb with any food that is difficult to digest.
If you can’t afford many supplements, or are overwhelmed by this information and don’t know where to begin, contact me. I don’t ever charge to talk to people.
6am – Supplement Stack #1
Take two Abzorb with a big glass of cranberry lemonade. This is the right time to take systemic enzymes if you chose to take them.
9am – Supplement Stack #2
Salad time! The MycoPhyto Complex company recommends to take on an empty stomach, but I like to take it with salads and smoothies too.
12pm – Supplement Stack #2
Homemade Smoothie Time! If you’re extremely ill you may need to wait on the smoothies and just double up on the salads for the first week, but I’ve found that many people who were suffering from a plethora of ailments and having trouble recovering responded very well to pineapple smoothies. Pineapple smoothies (made with fresh pineapple), like the ones I have recipes for in the above link, pack a massive amount of enzymes and can help break down a lot of junk in the gut, while delivering large amounts of nutrition. But, fruit smoothies have plenty of sugar, so it’s a good time to repeat the supplements from 9am.
Use pineapple, coconut water, water, cranberry juice, or if you can withstand some sugar try granny smith apple juice, but don’t use sweet fruit juices for smoothies. Always use fresh pineapple when using pineapple. Always add as many vegetables and herbs as you can. I also suggest adding Total Nutrition Formula or something similar (here’s a recipe). If you want to make a smoothie without pineapple, I recommend coconut water as the liquid. Check out our smoothie article for more ideas.
3pm – Week 1 – Supplement Stack #2
3pm – Week 2 – Supplement Stack #1
6pm – Supplement Stack #2
Dinner time! Everything from scratch, nothing pre-made in any way, all whole food ingredients. See this article for more info and don’t hesitate to contact me.
9pm – Supplement Stack #1
Finish off the night with probiotic support and leave them alone for the night to do their thing.
Three More Supplements to Consider – Die-0ff, Heavy Metal Detox, & Bowel Movements
If a Herxheimer reaction is a concern (die-off) be sure to drink plenty of cranberry lemonade and I also recommend adding Total Nutrition Formula and the Intestinal Detox. Here’s a recipe to make your own Total Nutrition. This way you’ll get bentonite clay, charcoal, chlorella, spirulina, and more, which are all great for mitigating the die-off effects of a Candida detox, and they also chelate heavy metals.
You can take the Total Nutrition Formula with the smoothie or sprinkle it on the salad (or choke it down with water), and take the Intestinal Detox anytime throughout the day as directed.
If you’re not defecating easily and at least twice daily, I also highly recommend the Intestinal Cleanse. It kills parasites and moves the bowels better than anything else on the market that I know of, by far. I recommend taking it with the antimicrobials.
Morgellons is scary. It often causes otherwise social people to become unemployed shut-ins. Unless the doctor is abreast of the latest science, they will likely treat someone with Morgellons as if they’re mad. It’s a really hard thing to live with. Medical science does not yet really understand it, but understanding a disease doesn’t typically help big pharma to cure a disease. The good news is that every single person that I’ve worked with was able to completely eliminate all of the symptoms. It takes a few months, and a lot of discipline, but it’s very doable. The first step is to heal the gut.
How To Eliminate Morgellons was originally published on Organic Lifestyle Magazine
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nootropicsaustralia · 3 years
Danger of Too Much Stress and the Role Cortisol Plays
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Article at a glance:
· Cortisol is your primary stress hormone, and is like your body’s built-in alarm clock!
· There are dangers of too little cortisol as well as too much cortisol.
· There are a lot of different things you can do to control your cortisol including healthy diet changes, supplements, exercising, spending time with animals and a lot more!
Did your lover just put a ring on your finger? Do you have many things to plan? Maybe you lost your job, or you have to move again. Whatever it is, stress can become that toxic friend you never wanted.
To be honest, we rarely get the chance to live a stress-free life. Given the hectic schedule, high-pressure environment, and competitive situations, stress and pressure just become the bread and butter of our everyday life.
But, unless you work on those stress levels, the cortisol production can quickly get out of hand. It can throw your body off balance and give you a million different problems for you to deal with. And ain’t nobody got time for that!
That’s why you need to make sense of cortisol. What it is and how it can affect the system. You may have heard of it before as the “stress hormone." But let us introduce you to what cortisol really is, the dangers of too much and too little, and a  practical guide that will let you in on everything that will prove useful every single day!!. So, let’s jump right in!
Cortisol: What Is It Exactly?
Strap in for a bit of science to get things started!
Cortisol is a hormone in your body that is produced by your adrenal glands, which are just above your kidneys. The amount of cortisol your adrenal glands produce is regulated by your pituitary gland, which is the size of a pea and is at the bottom of your brain. What does this all matter? Well, because having the right amount of cortisol is essential for our health, and you can have problems when you have too much or too little.
Cortisol can act in numerous components of the human system. It can affect the body's response to stress, boost glucose metabolism, manage blood pressure and inflammation. But, you also need it for the "fight or flight" response. [1]
My Body Produces a LOT of Cortisol – Is That a Bad Thing?
Cortisol and stress go hand in hand. Our body is more than capable of regulating its own cortisol release. But, when you deal with something like Cushing’s syndrome, it can quickly get rowdy. For those who struggle with Addison’s, the system can start lacking this key steroid hormone.
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If you are wondering if you have high or low levels of cortisol, you can find out with a simple blood test reading. There is a range of cortisol levels that should be in your blood, and anything outside of those levels can affect your health. So if you are feeling a bit off, it’s always worth seeing your GP just to check [2]
This is why.
Very high cortisol levels, when left untreated, can end up destroying brain cells. As odd as it sounds, that’s precisely what happens. Stress could even change the function of neurotransmitters (your brain chemicals that alter how your motivation, happiness, and so much more) and affect memory. No wonder why people get irritable, unstable, and emotionally unavailable when having exceedingly high cortisol. [3]
Too little cortisol level is no walk in the park either. It can make you feel dizzy, exhausted, weak and affect your mood. Those who have very low cortisol are often not that emotionally available. So, this is something to think about when your cortisol is out of sync. [4]
To top it all off, people who deal with unstable cortisol regularly can also have blood sugar problems, weight gain, poor immune system, many digestive problems. To turn the tide, you should work on your stress. But, there are other options that can help as well.
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What About Corticosteroids – Are They Any Good?
People struggling with cortisol production use corticosteroids. If you too, are dealing with a similar issue, then your doctor might suggest you take corticosteroids. Although they are a synthetic version of cortisol, they are more than capable of handling the misbalance.
But, these drugs can come with side effects. Of course, it can happen with any medication. But, with this one, people can have skin thinning, weight gain, high blood sugar, mood swings, eye problems, and more. [5]
Is There Something I Can Eat for Better Cortisol Levels?
Foods may not be the quickest remedy, but they sure are the most useful ones. When cortisol goes through the roof, you need nutrients and unprocessed meals to get it back on track. Here, you can see some of the most useful options you should be eating.
To lessen the levels and nourish the brain, you can eat:
- Green tea
- Olive oil
- Berries
- Dark chocolate
- Chamomile tea
- Garlic
- Turmeric
- Fatty fish
Eating foods with a lot of prebiotic fibers is very good as well as these encourage the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which are known to positively affect brain health and mood. (reference) (6)
Some prebiotic foods including bananas, dark chocolate, cacao, asparagus, barley, beans, cashews, fennel, garlic, leeks, lentils, mustard greens, onions, and tomatoes.
Changing the foods in your diet is a long-term strategy, and you might want to jump-start your efforts with supplements! There is an entire group of supplements called adaptogens, and they work to help your body adapt to situations and strengthen the function of your adrenal glands. They help to bring your body into balance, so if you have too little cortisol and you’re fatigued, adaptogens help to lift you up, and if you are frantic with a racing mind, they help to slow you down again. (reference) (7)  (reference) (8)
Particularly good adaptogens are:
- Rhodiola Rosea (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3155223/) (9)
- Ashwagandha (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573577/)  (10)
- Panax Ginseng (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14737017) (11)
- Holy Basil (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9142558)  (12)
- Schisandra (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3155223/ ) (13)
According to experts, these are often the go-to choice for adrenal fatigue, and people use them to replenish their insufficiency. Some health products have many of the adaptogens in one product, such as Mental Performance Coffee, which has 3 out of the 5 adaptogens above at therapeutic doses. Adaptogens can help you feel better and more productive every day. So, they definitely make for a worthy choice. [14]
Other cortisol lowering tips:
· Exercise
· Sleep
· Meditate
· Stop multitasking.
· Breathing exercises
· Spending time in nature
· Spending time with animals
· Being social
· Being creative
· Taking time away from technology
Final thought
While too little or too much cortisol can cause you harm – you can do many things to moderate your cortisol production with healthy lifestyle changes. While it’s easy to get caught up in aspects of life that stress you out — work, money, relationships, and health issues, to name a few. Remember to give yourself permission to have some fun! Engage in activities like hanging out with friends, playing with your pet, and enjoying art, music, and creative hobbies that feed your spirit and make you happy.
1) https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/the-role-of-cortisol-in-the-body
2) https://www.ucsfhealth.org/medical-tests/003693
3) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8775763/
4) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4263906/
5) https://www.mayoclinic.org/steroids/art-20045692
6) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-014-3810-0
7) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3991026/
8) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6240259/
9) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3155223/
10) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3573577/
11) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14737017
12) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9142558
13) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3155223/
14) https://www.healthline.com/health/adrenal-fatigue-diet
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visaservicesindelhi · 3 years
How to Mind Your Mental Health and Well-Being During Covid-19
As the coronavirus outbreak continues its relentless spread, the impact of the pandemic is being felt across the globe. We are facing a critical time of fear and uncertainty individually and in our communities.
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COVID-19 is affecting us all to varying degrees – physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically.
You may notice an increase in some of the following feelings:
· feeling stressed and anxious
· fearing that normal aches and pains might be the virus
· excessively checking for symptoms, in yourself, or others
· becoming irritable more easily
· feeling insecure or unsettled
· having trouble sleeping
· feeling helpless or a lack of control
· having irrational thoughts
While this is naturally a worrying time, there are many things we can do to mind our mental health and boost our immunity and well-being at this time. Being proactive about how you handle this crisis can help to keep both your mind and body stronger. I hope you will find the following tips helpful and reassuring as you navigate your way through this time of global crisis.
10 Ways To Take Care Of Your Mental Health And Wellbeing During Covid-19
1. Recognize What You Can Control
While many of the things that surround this crisis are outside of your control, you can still focus on those things that are within your control. Hand washing, staying at home, limiting unnecessary travel and contact with others are steps we can all take to decrease our personal risk and protect others. If you’re a cancer patient, currently undergoing treatment, you are in a high-risk group because cancer treatment compromises your immune system. That said, the reality of life as a cancer patient has probably prepared you for this moment better than most. As breast cancer survivor, Diane Mapes, wrote in a recent Fred Hutch [5] article, “For the immunocompromised and those with disease, social distancing and uncertainty are a way of life.”
2. Focus on The Facts
In a world of 24/7 rolling news and social media updates, it’s easy to get drawn into speculation and hype. “It’s ok to be scared,” says breast cancer survivor, Karen Murray (@MurrayKaren), “but don’t let fear take hold.” Rumors, myths and falsehoods can take on a life of their own if we let them, but as patient advocate, Nancy Stordahl[6] reminds us, “calmness is contagious too.”
Keeping a realistic perspective of the situation based on facts is important at this time. Avoid media outlets that build hype or dwell on things that can’t be controlled. Stick to respected sources of information on the coronavirus and how to handle it.
3. Limit Your Exposure To The News
The constant stream of social media updates and news reports about coronavirus could cause you to feel extremely stressed. If the constant drip feed of live news and social media is making you anxious, limit your exposure to news outlets. I’m not suggesting you totally ignore important news updates – it’s essential to keep yourself informed. But you can reduce your anxiety by reducing the amount of time you expose yourself to the news. Limit your media consumption to a certain amount of time each day. According to WHO, minimizing the amount of news you watch can be beneficial in helping people keep calm and positive. The organization also suggests we “find opportunities to amplify positive and hopeful stories and positive images of local people who have experienced Covid-19.” Canada immigration consultants in Delhi
4. Practice Good Self-Care
It’s important to pay attention to your self-care needs, especially during times of stress. Eating a healthy, balanced diet, avoiding excessive alcohol and stimulants, getting plenty of sleep, practising relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises and meditation, and taking daily exercise are key ways to stay physically and psychologically healthy during stressful times
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself at this time..
5. Keep Active
Build regular exercise into your day. There’s an abundance of scientific evidence showing how important fitness is for mental health: so during this very stressful time, it’s even more important. The closure of gyms at this time doesn’t of course mean you can’t keep fit. Going for a walk or hike (if you aren’t self-quarantined) watching a workout video online, practicing yoga or walking up and down stairs in your home are all ways to keep active and fit
6. Eat to Beat Stress
Mix and match from these 29 foods each day to boost your body’s stress busting powers.
· Vitamin C fruits and veggies
· Green and red peppers, potatoes, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi, cauliflower, cabbage, onions
· Vitamin E foods
· Dry roasted sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, safflower oil, wheat germ, green leafy vegetables
· Polyphenolic foods
· Chocolate, tea, coffee
· Complex carbohydrate foods
· Barley, rye, oats, whole wheat
· Omega 3 foods
· Walnuts, ground flax seeds, fatty fish, chia seeds, canola oil
7. Stick To A Daily Routine
Your daily routine may be affected by the coronavirus outbreak in different ways. But according to WHO, people should try to stick to their daily routines as much as possible. “Ensure that you create a realistic and helpful daily routine and structure to your day, and stick to it “Have regular times for getting up and going to bed as well as meal times.”
For those of us who are working from home maintaining a routine can be challenging. The temptation to sit in pajamas all day is real. Try to stick to a working routine as much as possible – this includes structuring your day with regular breaks (try working in 45-60 minute chunks of focused work followed by a short break), minimizing distractions, stopping for lunch, getting some fresh air, avoiding staying in the same position for prolonged periods of time and keeping hydrated.
8. Stay Connected
While “social distancing,” is hypothesized to flatten the curve of the contagion,it’s not without costs. Research shows that social support is vital for our mental and physical health. According to WHO, individuals in isolation are one group that may feel the impact on their mental health the most. To combat the loneliness of self-isolation, the organization advises people to “stay connected and maintain your social networks”.
Maintaining strong connections will help you to feel supported, but since face-to-face in-person support is limited we need to find other ways to connect and receive support
9. Find Creative Distractions
Doing something creative can help improve your mood when you feel anxious or low. Creative activities can also increase your confidence and make you feel happier. This is because creative hobbies often completely absorb your attention, helping you to temporarily forget negative thoughts
10. Practice Kindness and Self-Compassion
You’ll be worried, anxious or fearful at times. That’s a natural response to what’s happening, Accept those feelings compassionately. See if there’s anything to learn from them. Then shift your attention. Focus on what you’re grateful for. Walk. Ride your bike. Write. Dance. Calm and center yourself with meditation, deep breathing, knitting – whatever soothes you. Then support others. Spread a contagion of joy, love and kindness! That’s what will get us through this turbulent time.”
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indifoodbev · 3 years
California Walnuts winning over the F&B industry in India
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Bakeries, pâtisseries, and the food and beverage processing industry are using walnuts in an ever-increasing manner. California walnuts make for a great ingredient. Walnut-embellished menu items are rich in texture, have a great mouth-feel and crunchiness. These are nutritious as well. Walnuts are being used to create menus that incorporate healthy salads, curries, and desserts. Walnuts are also being used for snacks to be served along with High-Tea.
The global pandemic has been a watershed moment for the Indian food-led businesses. Nutrition and family health have become a priority. It has compelled the food-led industry to re-imagine and reposition their business concept and culinary-product profile. Whether as an outlet or through food retail, food brands are tapping into the moments of consumption of customers with healthier options. The nutrition-packed walnut has become a trusted vital ingredient. Customers are extending their repeat patronage to walnut-based menu items and food-retail products.
Food and beverage businesses collaborate with the wellness sector and nutritionists to pave the path to a healthy today and a fitter tomorrow. Higher revenues and increased profitability are the results. The purchasing behavior of customers has changed completely. The transparency created by food retailers through detailed product-profiling allows customers to select food products carefully. Products such as walnut bread and walnut butter find prominent places on food-retail shelves and favor customers. According to research, consumption of walnut butter would increase, thereby increasing its profitability. Walnut butter is being marked in a creative and nutrition-led blend with other ingredients.  
Consuming plant-based ingredients such as nuts and seeds, fruit and vegetable produce, whole grains, beans, pulses, soy foods, plant oils, herbs, and spices are recommended for a healthier life. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) have recently suggested incorporating such ingredients in one's daily diet to maintain good health and optimal immunity.
Since the Indian F&B industry has been intensely influenced by the western wave and innovates within itself, it is only fair for it to resort to the US-based premium brand, California Walnuts. The brand boasts a fine rapport in the sector and delivers the best quality walnuts, helping the F&B vertical prosper.
More than 99% of walnuts grown in the United States come from California 141,640 bearing hectares of walnut orchards. The Central Valley of California is the State's prime walnut growing region, with the mild climate and deep fertile soils that provide ideal growing conditions. There are more than 4,800 California walnut growers, and most farms are owned and operated by families who have been in the walnut business for several generations. With the strong brand lineage of harvesting high-quality walnuts for ages, the Indian market has seen a massive demand for California Walnuts' consumption lately.
Nutrition from California walnuts
California walnuts are a nutrition-storehouse, which are entering the priority list of health-conscious menus and encouraging the F&B industry to promote meals and dishes with nutritional value. These super nuts are packed with nutrients to support the heart, brain, and gut and have prebiotic properties that enhance beneficial bacteria's growth in the stomach. They further act as an excellent source of plant-based omega-3 ALA, which is essential for heart health, thus being recommended in the fitness and dietary industry. With these health benefits, consumer behaviorism in India is seen siding with walnuts and catapulting nuts in India as it gives frontline players in the F&B industry to bet big on the sector.
Expert Views on California Walnuts
Chef Yaduvansh Bahadur Mathur retired from ITC Hotels' services as Senior Executive Chef, is also an author and a culinary research and development specialist. Chef Mathur reminisces and emphatically shares his love for walnuts:
"My first romance with walnuts goes back to my childhood, extending to my teens. Pleasant memories come flooding in as to how in New Delhi's winters, my mother would fill the front bib pocket of my woolen dungaree with walnuts. Interestingly, we did not have a nutcracker at home. We used a hammer to break open the walnut shell or pressed the walnuts in the gap between a door and the sturdy door-frame. That did get the thumb caught too!
Eating walnuts regularly, therefore, reinforced "taste-imprinting" throughout my life and career. As a professional chef, I discovered fresh ways to cook with walnuts and enjoyed eating walnuts. Eating walnuts became an indulgence. Early in my career, I realized that walnuts are not only convenient and delicious but are nutritious also.
I have used walnuts as a bar-snack and in energy-bar formulations. I have used walnuts in salads, especially those made with crunchy salad leaves and minimal dressing. The classic Waldorf salad is just one of those salads. I have made pantry puddings, desserts, and afternoon tea-cakes with walnuts.
California walnuts are wonderful thickening agents and have a culinary marriage with fishes, poultry, meats, and vegetables. Walnuts work wonders with Indian curries and formulations as diverse as the diversity of regional Indian cuisines. Recipes range from the professional to the home-style.
Chef Mathur presents a signature recipe below
Akhrot ke kabab (Walnut kebab)
Key Functionality: (i) Savoury and (ii) Vegetarian snack
Walnut kernels  250  gm                                              
Raw (green) bananas 500  gm
Onions 100 gm
Ginger 20 gm
Garlic 25 gm
Green chillies  20  gm
Yellow chilli powder  8 gm
Green cardamom powder 3  gm
Mace powder 3 gm
Salt  to taste (approximately 12 gm)
Green coriander  50 gm
Pure ghee 250 gm                                                            
Steps of preparation
Roughly chop onions, ginger, and green chillies. Chop green coriander very finely.
Powder walnuts coarsely.  
Boil and mash the bananas. Set aside.
Heat 100 gm pure ghee in a Karahi or a suitable vessel. Fry the chopped onions, garlic, and ginger lightly. Add the banana pulp, salt, yellow chilli powder, and green chillies in quick succession to each other. Add the green cardamom and mace powders. Stir well. Add the walnut powder and chopped green coriander. Continue to cook for another 7 to 8 minutes. Allow the mixture to cool.
Shape the mixture into a flat round patty. Shallow fry in the remaining ghee.
Serve hot with tomato relish, pickles, or green coriander and mint chutney.
Boiling raw (green) bananas: Boil the green bananas with their skin intact in boiling salted water for 10 minutes or till tender. Remove from the fire and cool. Remove the skin; pass the bananas through a mincing machine using the fine plate. Alternately mash the bananas manually with the help of a heavy spoon.  
Do not grind walnuts into a fine powder.
Garam masala powder can be substituted for green cardamom and mace powders.
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fionabasil · 4 years
What are the ProMind Complex advantages?
The important relationship between diabetes and the gut microbiome
The trends of metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease, have grown at alarming rates in most developed countries. More than 600,000 Americans die from heart disease each year. Type 2 diabetes remains common as a precursor to cardiovascular disease and its complications.
According to the World Health Organization, "Type 2 diabetes is one of the main reasons of death worldwide by 2030". Ultimately, this disease results in heart attacks, strokes, cardiac arrhythmias, and heart failure. Similarly, obesity levels could be another reason.
However, current research is pointing to another possible reason for metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease; it all has to do with your gut microbiome.
How can type 2 diabetes be related to the gut?
People with obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease have a lack of microbial diversity in their stools; The gut microbiome has a limited number of friendly bacteria, but it is overwhelmed with bad bacteria.
This has already been studied before, however, more systemic studies are still needed that offer greater information potential.
Eventually, in the not-too-distant future, you may see “gut-targeted” glucose-lowering treatments that seek to harness the great benefits of improving gut health and how this relates to diabetes. The microbiome will become an essential part of treating these and other common metabolic diseases.
What is the gut microbiome?
Bacterial cells live in the skin, nose, mouth, and digestive tract. Your GI tract contains a collection of microbes called the gut microbiome. This includes bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites. Due to the high amounts of acid in the stomach, these organisms generally exist only in the large intestine or colon.
Friendly gut bacteria try to keep bad bacteria in check; they constantly multiply to leave less room for the bad ones. Good bacteria play a role in the production of vitamins, neurotransmitters like serotonin, and constantly improve the immune system.
This set of microbes varies from person to person and there is no real consensus on what makes the "perfect human microbiome." The microbiome is really the study of "The genetics of bacteria." Your specific biome might work just fine for you and no one else.
So understanding the microbiome can provide answers for conditions ranging from obesity to type 2 diabetes to cardiovascular disease. It has even been associated with type 1 diabetes.
What does an adult have in his microbiome?
A healthy adult harbors between 500-1000 bacterial species or 2 kilos of microbes in the gut. We have 39 trillion bacteria in the human body, that is, we are more microbes than cells.
Additionally, the breakdown consists of approximately 23% Bacteroidetes used to process protein and carbohydrates in the gut and 64% Firmicutes which process dietary fat in the gut. There are other types and smaller amounts of germs.
People with diabetes tend to have a change in the balance of their biomes, having fewer Firmicutes and more Bacteroidetes; having germs out of balance can cause illness. When in the right balance, gut bacteria can regulate hormones, synthesize vitamin K, folic acid, and vitamin B12.
What affects the gut microbiome?
·       It all starts with your DNA and a process called colonization.
·       Come into the world for vaginal delivery versus cesarean section Vaginal delivery provides the baby with germs from the mother while a cesarean section provides germs from the hospital.
·       Breastfeeding supports the development of the microbiome. Being formula fed changes things.
·       The gut biome generally stabilizes by 2-3 years, but is always in flux.
·       Antibiotics - especially when taken in early childhood, disrupt the development of the microbiome. Antibiotics kill both good and bad microbes.
·       The components of the diet - the modern western diet, refined, processed and sugary foods cause a negative change in microbes. A high-fat, red meat diet leads to poor changes in gut microbes; It allows for greater intestinal permeability leading to obesity and insulin resistance.
·       Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) affect the microbiome.
·       Possible negative effects of artificial sweeteners (research is still being done on this topic).
·       High levels of physical and mental stress alter the biome.
·       Disturbed sleep cycles and disrupted circadian rhythms.
·       Antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers kill good and bad bacteria.
Ultimately, the health of the microbiome is based on genetics, diet, age, environment, lifestyle, and lifetime exposure to antibiotics.
What have we learned?
Several major studies have reported that "dysbiosis" or alteration of the gut microbiome can be a factor in obesity, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. Stress, medications, toxic agents, genetic factors, and age also affect the gut microbiome.
It is also affected by the environment, past and current infections, gastrointestinal surgery, and certain foods. It is known that early in our lives, the development of the microbiome can affect our vulnerability and predisposition to certain diseases later in life.
Our microbiome is constantly changing as we are exposed to different factors throughout our lives. We also know that probiotics could be very helpful, but that each person will respond differently to the probiotic.
Some microbes form toxins and enter the intestine. A bad gut biome can lead to leaky gut, intestinal inflammation, decreased insulin sensitivity, and a change in metabolism.
Less variety and diversity in gut bacteria can also lead to ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, IBS inflammatory bowel disease, colon cancer, food allergies, arthritis, migraines, and NASH-liver disease.
Strong yeast formation and bad bacteria in the gut can lead to skin diseases, vaginal and urinary tract infections, and colds. Having a beneficial diversity of the gut biome helps maintain gut integrity.
For example, it provides protection against pathogens and improves the immune system to be able to fight disease. In addition, it helps you metabolize your medications properly and digest and absorb complex foods, obtaining all the nutrients and energy from them.
What about probiotics?
As mentioned above, probiotics appear to be beneficial to the microbiome, but not all probiotics work the same way for everyone. Different strains of probiotics treat different health problems. At this point, there is no specific recommended daily intake for probiotics.
There are systemic studies, but they still lack definitive information. The facts that we already know include: probiotics are live microorganisms that can offer health benefits; They seem to eliminate diarrhea caused by the use of antibiotics.
They are also given to improve constipation problems, in place of stool softeners and laxatives.
What can probiotics do for diabetes?
·       They can modulate or change blood sugar levels and insulin levels.
·       They decrease systemic inflammation: Inflammation promotes insulin resistance, which is how type 2 diabetes starts.
·       They reduce the levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) that indicate inflammation.
·       They decrease stress on pancreatic cells and stimulate the immune system.
·       They can aid in weight loss.
·       They improve heart health.
·       Improve mental health: depression, poor memory and anxiety.
Also, probiotics have enough bacteria that survive food processing. Probiotics include plain yogurt with live cultures (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli) and certain aged cheeses (gouda, mozzarella, brie, feta, gruyere, cheddar, and cottage cheese).
Fermented foods are great for getting friendly bacteria. The fermentation process creates lactic acid; This helps preserve food and promotes the production of beneficial enzymes, Omega 3 fatty acids, and friendly bacteria. Simply put, the process transforms certain foods into something totally different.
Some examples of this would be converting milk to buttermilk, soybeans to miso and tempeh, cucumbers to pickles, and cabbage to sauerkraut. Other fermented foods include sourdough bread, kefir, kombucha (tea drink), and kimchi (Korean cabbage). Pickled gherkins and pickled onions are also fermented and very beneficial for the intestine.
If you decide to start taking a probiotic supplement, always consult your doctor first. Choose one with multiple strains, at least 10-30 billion CFU (colony forming units). Make sure it is verified by the USP (United States Pharmacopeia), as that will guarantee that it contains the actual ingredients listed on the label.
And the prebiotics?
Prebiotics are natural plant fibers that the intestinal tract does not digest. They are also a food source for the bacteria that live in your colon. Prebiotics are generally found in fruits and vegetables. They also help the body grow friendly bacteria in the gut and aid in the absorption of calcium.
Prebiotics improve your metabolic health. Some excellent food sources of prebiotics include bananas, garlic, onion, soybeans, peas, Jerusalem artichokes, jicama, soy sauce, chicory root (inulin), asparagus, oats, apples, flax seeds, leeks, dandelions, whole wheat foods and wheat bran.
Possible dietary aspects to take into account if you have diabetes
Many people with diabetes try to eliminate carbohydrates completely or follow an extremely low-carbohydrate diet, as they affect blood sugar. This often leads to a diet rich in animal fats. Unfortunately, this diet limits dietary fiber, which is crucial for intestinal function and the growth of friendly bacteria.
Consider eating more fiber, as it reduces your appetite by making you feel full, prevents spikes in blood sugar, and is good against insulin resistance.
High-fiber carbohydrates also help produce friendly bacteria. People with diabetes often have "dysbiosis," an overgrowth of bad bacteria.
Possible ways to improve gut health even if you don't have diabetes
·       Eat a plant-based diet. Having a high fiber / low saturated fat diet helps provide intestinal diversification. Indigestible carbohydrates stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria.
·       Eat nutrient-dense foods and buy organic produce whenever possible, including grass-fed meats, wild fish and eggs from free-range chickens.
·       Add high-fiber foods: legumes, nuts, seeds, berries, and low-starch vegetables.
·       Eat foods rich in Omega 3 such as wild salmon, ground flax seeds or walnuts to reduce inflammation.
·       Get outdoors: go to the field, to a camp, to your garden; Any outdoor activity can diversify gut health.
·       Stop smoking.
·       Avoid refined and simple sugars. Avoid processed foods with a long shelf life.
·       If you really have a food sensitivity, avoid gluten and dairy.
·       Get a good night's sleep, reduce your stress levels, and get more physical activity.
·       Metformin - an often prescribed diabetes pill has "therapeutic effects" on the microbial makeup.
·       Polyphenols - foods rich in polyphenols: Green tea, berries, grapes, olive oil, coffee, and wine can diversify the gut microbiome.
·       Wash your hands with normal soap and water, avoid hand sanitizers.
Yes, there is a connection between diabetes and your current intestinal flora. More studies are still needed targeting the gut, type 2 diabetes and its treatment.
There is still a lot to prove and more research is needed, but we know there are many strong connections.
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veganaffair · 4 years
Boost Your Stamina with Vegan Immunity Boosters Products
A lot of eyebrows in the room are raised whenever somebody mentions that they are on a vegan diet or are vegan. The common misconception about a vegan diet is that it deprives an individual of high-quality proteins and iron. But with the recent research that has come to light, all that has been clarified. Being a plant-based diet, a vegan diet is already rich in Vitamin C that is immensely helpful in providing strength and stamina. The focus on the immunity system has increased more than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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 Below are a few extremely beneficial vegan immunity booster products that will help you regain new strength as well as stamina. They help you to stay energized and enables your body to fight with any kind of virus:
 An important antimicrobial agent with immunity-enhancing effects, this is a go-to item for every vegan out there. The best way to consume it is by chopping it into very small pieces and chewing it raw. Alternatively, you can also make a paste (chutney) or dip with the same as it is vital in killing all the gut pathogens.
Cold     Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil
 Comes with a plethora of health benefits and contains MCTs that help enhance energy, Cold Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil helps in boosting the immune system It also helps inmaintaining the weight andkeep you healthy. Again, Monolaurin found in coconut oils is an essential antiviral agent.
EmkayVegan     Ghee
 Rich in Vitamin A and vitamin D, Emkay Vegan Ghee also replete with Omega 3 and Omega 6, which is a perfect product for all our plant-diet lovers. This vegan ghee is cholesterol-free and low in saturated and trans fats. The presence of MUFA fats aids in weight loss and minimizes the risk of heart disease.
Kalonji/     Nigella Sativa
 A great source of antioxidants, kalonji or onion seeds have antimicrobial and anti-bacterial properties. Due to their immunity-boosting characteristics, they have become pretty popular as a part of the vegan diet plan, especially during the COVID-19 outbreak.
 There is hardly anyone who is unaware of the immense health benefits that come with the ginger intake. Rich in antioxidants and immunity-boosting properties, it is a great solution for cough and cold. It is a vegan-friendly substitute for a regular cup of tea and is also known for treating sore throats.
Overnight     Soaked & Fermented Rice
 A great source of Vitamin B12 and a probiotic, you can soak a few tablespoons of cooked white rice in clay or mud and let the mixture stay overnight. Consume this in the morning on an empty stomach for enjoying the benefits of a strong stamina and robust immune system.
 Gain multiple health benefits with these immunity booster products which are ideal for those who are already vegans or are on their paths to becoming vegans. The demand for a strong body, high stamina, and robust immune system is the need of the hour, thanks to the recent global outbreak!
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