#Online Digital Smart Door Locks Booking
secureace · 1 year
FingerPrint and Biometric Door Locks Dealer in Noida Ghaziabad
Best Biometric and RFID Door Locks Supplier SecureAce is a reputable dealer that provides top-quality digital smart door locks in Noida and Ghaziabad. Our biometric smart door locks and fingerprint smart door locks offer unparalleled security and convenience for both homes and businesses. We understand the importance of keeping your property safe, and that’s why we only offer high-end products…
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thefearedashantis · 8 months
Part Time Cupid (pt.1)
Part Time Cupid (Pt .1)
Pairing: Roommate! Sirius Black x Fem! Reader
Summary: When Reader's attempts at finding love fall short, she turns to her roommate, Sirius Black, for assistance. As Sirius offers his unique perspective and charm to help her navigate the complexities of romance, unexpected feelings begin to emerge between them, blurring the lines between friendship and something more.
Word count: 2.2K
Warnings: possibly body shaming
It’s freezing outside.  Meandering somewhere below twenty, but not enough bite to be single digits. Despite the frosty breeze that slithers through your coat, you’re sweating. Feet cemented to the worn welcome mat in front of your apartment door. Forehead smushed against said doors wooden surface, hand still raised and poised to slot your key into the lock.
That was before your remaining dregs of energy sputtered out, forcing you to stop and take a quick moment to collect yourself. Allow the sweaty sheen glistening over every inch of your skin to dry before going inside where you could make out the muddled noises of your roommate and his friends in the kitchen. Well, they were your friends as well you suppose. But they’ll always be more so his.
If you went in the way you were now they’d be quick to realize you’d walked home. A good twenty minutes scurrying along streets in the part of town you were least familiar with. Looking over your shoulder at every little noise.
When you went inside, you’d have to relinquish your sadness. Split it up and dole it out in sizeable portions for each to carry for you. Which seemed sweet in theory, that the boys would be so willing to shoulder your burdens with you, but not this time. You wanted to hoard this particular melancholy to yourself. Just stew in it for a few minutes longer as if your walk hadn’t allowed for enough self-pity.
You’d never regarded yourself as a particularly interesting person. Not exceptionally pretty nor smart nor charming. You enjoyed staying home on weekends with a good book. Brewing pots of tea around the clock. Binge watching shows with entirely too many seasons and napping when the weather was poorly. You collected special additions of Oscar Wilde' works. Liked baking cookies at three in the morning when the city was asleep. Disliked doctors’ appointments. Unremarkable people get used to fading into the background. It’s how you went nearly your entire school career without much complaint on your lack of new relationships. Platonic and romantic alike.
The only reason you knew the people you did were through childhood connections. Being neighbours’ way back when. Having your parents arrange playdates for you despite knowing you’d scare the other children off. Brandishing bugs from your garden, showing off your double joints or ignoring them entirely. Only one had stood the test of your disposition and had rung you into his circle ever since. You never felt inclined to leave it. Why sit alone every day when you could plop quietly between people who shone brighter than you could ever hope for. Though you didn’t earn them yourself you cherished them as if you had. Prayed even a smidge of their polish would rub off on you in some way. To prove yourself deserving. And here you were six years after graduation living with that steadfast friend. Two next door and another only a block away. Still utterly dull.
This had been your first date in ages. Not for lack of trying. You just simply had no natural gravitation when it came to people. It took five times the average effort on your part to catch someone’s attention let alone keep it. You’d even taken a word of advice and downloaded a few dating apps. Conversations were so much easier to start and carry online, people in the comments vowed. You made your first match. A guy named Frank. Talked with him for a few weeks. Allowed your stomach to flip when he finally asked you on a date. A date you took great care in preparing for. Buying a new dress, religiously watching makeup tutorials, shaving, plucking, buffing. Practicing questions in case conversation slowed. Even eating less the days leading up to save your appetite.
All for it to turn out like this.
You should’ve known better when he was an hour late. The shame you’d felt sitting there waiting while the server cast you pitiful looks still had you clinching your jaw 'til you tasted copper. When he came bustling in wearing attire far too casual for the lavish restaurant he had been adamant on going to. No apology or excuse given.
Still, you smiled it off. At least he’d shown up at all. You’ve been stood up on numerous occasions. Everything was fine for a while after that. Nice even. When he made you laugh with a clever quip or had your heart skipping a beat when his leg brushed yours under the table.
Until it was time to order and he was placing one in your stead before you could even pick up the menu. A salad, dressing on the side, with lemon water. A well-done steak for him, rum and coke. If he wasn’t texting, he was talking about himself. A completely one-sided rant you had no space to interject. When he did rope you in it was to comment on your appearance. You didn’t look how he was expecting, profile photo a tad misleading.
Sure, the picture was a year old. Your hair was dyed but that was the only change as far as you could tell. It was your favourite picture of yourself. One of very few. 
You’d picked at your salad. Ordered no dessert despite desperately wanting to. Fished out your card when asked to split the bill. He’d tried to kiss you on the way out, lead you to his car, but you’d breezed by him and started your trek home.
Could that have possibly been the same person you’ve been texting? The one who would send you photos of his cat and reply attentively while you talked about your day even if you’d done absolutely nothing.
Now here you were, frozen to the door. Enjoying your sorrow to the staticky crackle of the overhead lighting. Fighting back the burn in your throat when your heeled feet begin to ache. The style of your hair yanking on your nerves. Dress constricting, makeup like cake smeared on your face.
You’re so hungry.
“Oh, you’re back earlier than expected!”
Without missing a beat you’re straightening up, shoving down your blues and twirling around with a smile.
It’s James, ambling up the stairs with pizza boxes under his arm. Apparently, he’d run out to grab them not too long ago because it’s faster than delivery.
He’s crowding you immediately. Squeezing you in a quick side hug as was his customary greeting, no matter how little time you’d been apart. All height and curls and warmth. He doesn’t seem to notice anything amiss and makes use of your key abandoned in the lock. Shoving the door open and ushering you inside. “Look who I found!”
You were half right at least. Remus and Sirius are in the kitchen, seated at the table with bits of a puzzle strewn out before them.
Remus looks up with a grin “Little early for you, no?”
The clock above the fridge reads half past nine. How long were they expecting you to be out?
“What did you guys get up to?” you ask, evading the question. You step out of your heels and almost whine at the feeling of cool tile.
Your roommate, Sirius, drags his attention from the pastime then. His wavy pitch hair is pulled up into a tuff on top of his head.  His chin nestled into the palm of his hand while long pale fingers tap away aimlessly at a lightly freckled cheek. Nails neatly trimmed and painted a shimmery black polish.
He crinkles his nose at you “Well, I wanted to do a puzzle, but Moonie and Prongs were against it.”
James steps around you to put the pizzas on the kitchen counter and fish out some plates. “We’re doing your stupid puzzle are we not?”
“Yet you’ve spent more time complaining than actually finding pieces.”
Remus shakes his head with a heavy sigh “You always get annoyed if we don’t start with the edges.”
 Sirius ignores this, “How was your date? What was his name again?”
“Francis?” Remus supplies.
 “No, no, I think it was Farley.”
You’ve hung up your coat, moving to the table. There are no more seats and you don’t want to steal James’ so you hop up onto the cabinet behind Sirius instead. Still close enough for you to press your squashed toes into the base of his spine. Also strategically chosen so he couldn’t see your face throughout their interrogation. “Frank, his name was Frank. And it was good. He was really nice.”
“When’s the next?”
There would be no next.
You force a breezy laugh, “I don’t wanna get too ahead of myself.”
“Ahead of yourself. Did you look in the mirror before walking out that door?” Sirius chides, rummaging through some flipped pieces.
“You did look beautiful.” Remus has gotten up to inspect the pizzas. One Hawaiian, one Meat lovers from the looks of it. He opts for meat lovers, taking a plate from James’ extended hand and unabashedly piling on slices. “I wouldn’t have been able to wait till the end of the date before asking when I could see you again.” 
“You okay?”
You hadn’t noticed when Sirius turned around. But here he is. Face mere inches from your bare thighs as he gazes up at you with a notch between his brows. Did you not look okay?
You smooth the wrinkle out with your thumb “Yeah just a little tired.”
He relaxes a tad, but the concern is still evident at the edges of the dazzling smile he bestows you with “You can tell us about it tomorrow if you want. We’ll be quiet so you can sleep”
James glances over with a look that screams ‘no promises’, red sauce rimming his lips.
“No, its fine. I want to sit with you all for a while.”
“You sure?” And it’s only when he takes your hand and lowers his voice to barely a whisper that you realize you are shaking a little. A minute tremble that racks your entire form “Your hands are cold.”
“Sorry” You don’t know what you’re apologizing for.
Sirius is frowning now. Alarm bells probably ringing off in his head despite your best effort to act normal. You were never a very good liar. “Do you want a slice love?” he asks. The question echoes where he speaks it into your cupped hands. Blowing warm breath onto them and rubbing furiously 'til they tingle.
You do, but the mere idea of having to bite, chew and swallow is exhausting. You just want to curl up in your bed and sleep. The faster you shut your eyes the sooner Franks voice would stop swirling around in your head. 
“No thank you.”
Sirius opens his mouth to speak again when your bubble of quiet is suddenly broken by James’ excited cheer “Corner piece!” He all but slams the bit into its slot.
Remus reminds the other boy to use his inside voice with a fond chuckle. Then his attention is back on you “Where’d he take you?”
You pull your hands away from Sirius, pointedly avoiding his gaze until he turned back to the table “That fancy place in the square where all the waiters have the same haircut.” 
“No way, they’re so expensive! Lily and I have been wanting to go for ages.” James again, speaking as if you weren’t mere inches away from him.
“You guys would enjoy it. They have a four-page dessert menu”
It takes two hours to finish the puzzle. James and Remus more so joking around while you and Sirius pour over it. They grill you for more details on your outing to which you reply with the vaguest yet most upbeat answers you could manage.  The boys stick around for a little while longer discussing some horror movie they wanted to see in theatres before returning to their own apartment unit slightly after midnight. A feeling of relief floods your chest when you shut and lock the door behind them. Finally free to retire from this day after you help Sirius clean up. The two of you make quick work. Wiping the counters. Packing away the puzzle. Washing the dishes and dumping the empty pizza boxes.
You turn to go to your room with a mumbled goodnight but your roommate has other ideas. Tears prickle your eyes when a firm grasp wraps around your wrist, stopping you in your tracks.  Sirius guides you back gently into his body, trapping your head under his chin when you shudder. His skin is scolding against yours, rubbing clumsily up and down your spine.
“I’ve known you before you could pronounce your r’s properly,” he mutters into your hair “I’m sorry it didn’t go how you wanted.”
You try to pull away but he won’t allow it. Exasperated by his persistence you grab hold of his sides, gripping them tighter than necessary “It was fine Siri.”
He holds you hostage there in the dark kitchen until your heartrate begins to slow and your eyes begin to droop, slouching more of your weight onto him with every passing second. He guides you to your bedroom and leaves you to your own devices with another quick squeeze.
You slump into bed without changing or removing your makeup. Something you’ll probably regret later. Sleep evades you however. Instead, you lay there staring at your profile photo. Analysing it. Looking for the differences. When the sun begins to peek through your blinds come morning you finally reach the conclusion that maybe you’ve put on a little weight.
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sabraeal · 7 months
in a world of locked doors, she's an open window; Part 1
[Read on AO3]
There are few things Gojo could say he is unequivocally— naturally— good at. There's school— that’s what Kitagawa-san would tell him, pointing at his middling scores, ones that always make the board but never quite the top. But that isn’t natural talent; no, that is the result of weeks of study, of all the small bites he takes each night to help digest the whole.
And sewing too— that’s what Ji-chan would say. Or rather, you make a fine mebina, Wakana, accompanied by an affectionate pat on the shoulder— if he could still reach— but what he means is the clothes they wear. And he might be right, but…
But Gojo remembers the pile of small kimono he had to remake those first few months while he struggled to understand ‘cutting on the bias.’ Or how the first pattern he drafted refused to fit together at the shoulder, mismeasured so badly that Ji-chan had sat at his elbow for his next attempt, gently reminding him to mind both size and proportion. Not to mention those first costumes he made Kitagawa-san— forgetting that unlike dolls, humans needed to move in their clothes, needed to breathe, and…
And sometimes he simply wonders if, unlike everyone else, he doesn’t have talents so much as struggles he simply got better at handling. Or didn’t, considering how half a year away from graduation he still can’t get the eyebrows to sit right on this kashira.
“It’s good, Wakana,” Ji-chan grunts, shuffling behind him. “I’d be proud to put a doll like that on display.”
Gojo squints, tracing the curve of his brush. “It’s not like yours.”
Laughs do not so much bubble up from Ji-chan as they do burble, like a stream squeezing itself through the gravel in his throat. “And why would it be? Don’t you know how long have I been at this?”
“Fifty!” Ji-chan barks, setting a stack of loose-bound books on the table before he settles under it. “It’s fifty this year. And even if I didn’t have all those years on you…”
No kashira painter holds the brush the same way. A fair point, if Gojo didn’t objectively hold his worse. “What are those?”
Ji-chan blinks, staring down at those books as if he hadn’t seen them before. “What? These? They’re the accounts. Sales, purchases, that sort of things. You’ve seen them around, haven’t you?”
Once, when he was still able to wriggle into Ji-chan’s lap. He’d let him flip through it, marveling at the endless pages of cramped characters— and closed it when Gojo had squinted at a few strokes and tried to stumble through the words. They’re notes for me, he’d sniffed, dust whuffing up from the pages, not everyone has to be able to work them out.
“I though you would have switched to, er…” Gojo clamps his teeth around the word, digital. The shop might have a website— one designed by his uncle nearly fifteen years ago now, when he insisted that any legitimate business needed an online presence— but Ji-chan still wouldn’t get an email address. “I didn’t realize you still had, um, physical copies.”
“There’s nothing wrong with doing it by hand,” he huffs, hunching over his arms. “And now when that accountant comes, I can just hand him the whole thing. No fuss at all! Not like with those file things.”
Gojo can’t bring himself to mention that using 'one of those file things' would mean the accountant didn’t have to come to them. Then again, knowing Ji-chan, that would be yet another tally in the ‘con’ category— much as he might like to say that he preferred to stay at the studio, surrounded by familiar faces, Ji-chan could spend hours on quick trips to the corner store, coming back not only with the ingredient for dinner, but whose grandson just went to medical school, or which neighbor's daughter is having yet another bundle of joy.
Instead, he manages, “We have an accountant?”
“Of course! You don’t think I do all this math myself, do you?” Ji-chan laughs, shaking his head. “You’re a smart kid, Wakana, but you got that from your grandmother. I might have done all the work, but she was the one who kept the lights on.”
His hand sweeps over a hard cover, a fond smile chasing on its heels. Gojo’s tongue twists, useless in his mouth, and— and it’s not often that they talk about it, about what it was like before. Before it was just them, trying to make the empty space feel like home. He wants to say something, should say something, but he’s never known how to put this sort of thing into words— how to say, I miss them too and I’m glad it was you all at once.
“And now I have to pay someone else to make sure I don’t muck it up.” Ji-chan pats the cover with a rueful chuckle. “Costs a pretty penny too!”
Gojo frowns, setting the kashira aside in its canisters. “Can I see one of those?”
Ji-chan blinks. “If you’d like.”
“I would.” He slides the ledger across the table, hefting the cover open. Ji-chan’s spiky scrawl stretches across every page, too much at first, too messy, but then--
Then they setting in into neat columns, numbers running up one side of the page and labels down the other.
There may not be much that comes naturally to him, but holding this ledger in his hands, seeing how the rows tally and the columns coalesce into concrete answers— this decision finally does. “I think I could do this.”
Ji-chan glances up from across the table. “Wakana?”
“For—for the shop,” he clarifies, tongue tripping over itself to keep up with his thoughts. “I think I could learn to do this.”
It’s silent for a moment, both of them sitting utterly still, Ji-chan’s wide eyes not even blinking.
“Well,” he creaks, after a moment. “Do you think that’s something that needs a degree?”
It all falls together quite quickly, after that. There’s relief on his homeroom teacher’s face when he stops by the office, the fabric of his uniform pants scratching his palms as he tells her he’s changed his mind about university. There’s the exams of course— and a round of cram school in the fall, expensive enough that Gojo feels balanced on a knife’s edge, wondering if the money they might save will ever equal what he’s spent trying to learn.
Kitagawa-san only laughs when he worries.
“I guess I’ll just have to cosplay twice as much.” It’s hard to take her seriously when she’s taking bites from a burger the size of her own head; a promotional item she’d dragged him into the heart of Saitama to try. “Then you’ll break even like nothing!”
“I only charge you for materials, Kitagawa-san,” he reminds her. Expensive ones, sometimes, but it’s worth it to see the way she lights up, looking at herself and seeing someone she loves.
“Well, you should let me pay you for your labor or whatever, my dude!” Her hand whips across the table, smacking his shoulder hard enough to make him jump. “Maybe then Juju-chan won’t say I’m a total mooch.”
Freeloader, that’s the word Inui-san uses. And once, more memorably, deadbeat. “I couldn’t…”
“Whaaat?” Kitagawa-san nearly launches herself over the table to stare at him, a smear of some condiment at the corner of her mouth. He tries— uselessly— not to stare. “Why not?”
“Ah…” His mouth works, trying to wrap itself around a reason. Because you were my first customer— too sterile, not a lie but dodging the truth enough to make his shoulders itch. Because you’re my friend— but he has others now, ones that do pay him in full, and she knows it. Because you were my first friend— still not quite true.
Because there’s no better payment than to see you happy. Ah, that’s— that’s not something he can say either. Maybe Amano-san could; he was charming, able to say the most heartfelt words like a performance. But Gojo— Gojo could only sound earnest, and she would be able to hear it, all the other words he can never say, and—
“Oh,” he murmurs, holding up the menu between them. “Did you see they have desserts?”
For so long— maybe even earlier than primary school, earlier than the day his only friend ran out the door with tears in her eyes— it felt as if every door had been locked against him. As if even asking to open a window in this room he’d made for himself was an imposition, a burden that could only be begrudgingly carried, and never for long. And then Kitagawa-san had come, dragging him out into the light of day, showing him how to do more than ask for some elbow room, but take up space, and—
And so it’s strange now to watch how the very stars align to make all this happen. A few extra commissions roll in just in time to make cram school not only break even but put him in the black again. He only sits in three exams— all of them to colleges either in or near enough to Saitama to allow him to still stay with Ji-chan— sweating through each one only to find himself posted on every acceptance list. He chooses the closest, and—
And now he’s here, seated toward the back of the lecture hall, squinting at the screen, trying to discern whether that's some new mathematical symbol on the teacher's notes or a flaw in the screen.
“Gojo-kun. Gojo-kun.” He glances sternly from the corner of his eyes, sighing at big dark ones staring back, half-black, half-red ponytails bobbing. “Do you have an eraser?”
Darting a glance toward the front of the hall— the professor is still elbow deep in his explanation— he fishes one out from his bag.
“Thanks,” Sugaya-san chirps. “Hey, this lecture hall is pretty full, huh? Weird.”
It’s the beginning of the semester, he wants to tell her—would, if they weren’t supposed to be in class. Most of these diligent academics will peel away over the next few weeks, until only he and a handful of other students scattered across the seats in the hall. Something Sugaya-san might know, if she hadn’t spent last year doing the same thing. Or at least she had in the classes they shared, taking shifts at her family’s restaurant and begging notes off him instead.
“You know what?” Her head tilts, thoughtful. “I think I gotta pee. Watch my stuff?”
“Sugaya-san!” he hisses, whipping toward her. “Class is almost—!”
It’s no good, her chair is already empty— aside from the bag slung over its back— the door to the classroom snicking shut at her heels. Gojo sighs, shaking his head. No wonder she and Kitagawa-san are friends; neither of them can sit still for a minute.
“If you have any questions” —Gojo’s head snaps to the front of the class, watching as the professor turns off the display, a handful of students already on their feet— “Please comes to the front. These problems will be on your exam.”
There’s only a trickle of his classmates that wind their way to the professor’s desk, most of them preferring to hurry out the door. Gojo’s tempted to join them; there’s only an hour until his next class, his only opportunity to eat before he gets home this evening. Enough time for a leisurely lunch, if he brought a bento or ran out to get one from the konbini around the corner, but—
But it’s the longest break in his whole schedule, and the only one that coincides with one in Kitagawa-san’s. Kitagawa-san, whose break is one and a half hours and likes to try something new each day. He just has to hope his meal comes quick enough that he can sit and eat.
Gojo glances down at Sugaya-san’s bag, slung over the seat. He can’t just leave her things here. But maybe he could take it with him-- she' eats with them after all, and he'd be saving her the trouble of carrying it to the restaurant--
His muscles seize so quickly he nearly chokes. He’s…he’s hearing things. He must be.
His knuckle blanch where he grips his bag, bone white against navy blue. Maybe, it’s for someone else. Yes, someone else. No one’s called him that since—
“Wacchan?” There’s a laugh— not familiar, not as a woman’s voice, but he recognizes it anyway. Would have recognized it anywhere, even in a crowd, since it had been his favorite sound when— “Sorry, no one probably calls you that anymore. Maybe…Wakana-kun?”
Gojo’s head jerks up, and he— he must be mistaken. There’s no way that he— that she— that those eyes could be so familiar, not even if it’s her. Not when…when it’s been so long…?
“E-excuse me. Do I…?” Know you feels…abrupt. Terse. Curt, even. But he’s not sure what else he can say, not when his eyes keep trying to add a small side tail to the side of her bob, when what keeps echoing in his head is—
Why do you like girls’ dolls, Wacchan? You’re a boy. His breath comes barbed now, sticking spines into his chest each time takes one in. I hate you, Wacchan!
“Ah…” He clears his throat, a half dozen of those little spikes clattering down his windpipe. “Have we…met?”
Her head cocks, the once too-short bangs now perfectly cut to slip across her forehead. “Have I really changed that much?” Her mouth curves, mischievous. “You wouldn’t forget your best friend, would you?”
“N-n”— it’s terrible how easy the shape comes to his mouth, like it’s been waiting— “Non-chan?”
Her mouth rounds, matching the wide shape of her eyes, and he claps a hand over his own. “Sorry. I mean…Mizuno-san. It’s…nice to see you again.”
He says it politely-- friendly even. The way Ji-chan does when he can’t quite place a customer. But her forehead scrunches up, and— what if she cries? Right here, where anyone might hear, calling him a freak or a— a degenerate, or even—
“Mizuno-san?” she sighs instead, disappointed. “Are you really going to call me that?”
“I c-can’t just call you, N-n” —his voice drops to a whisper— “Non-chan. You’re not…we’re not little kids. It wouldn’t be…appropriate.”
Her lip juts out, just the way it used to. “Well…you don’t have to be so formal, do you?”
He makes an uncertain noise, more cornered animal than grown man, but she only stares up at him, eyes so wide, so expectant, he blurts out, “A-are you in this class? I haven’t…um…seen you…”
“I hadn’t either until today. I usually sit a little further back.” She gestures vaguely toward the other end of the room. “But I saw you sit down— you’re really tall, you know? Way bigger than most guys— and I was sure I recognized you. I worried that it might be too weird to say something— it’s been a long time right? And guys’ faces change so much— but then I saw, well…”
Her chin jerks to the open flap on his back, right where black hair and an enigmatic smile peer out from the pocket— his latest kashira, not the least bit hidden. “Ah! Oh…I…haah…”
“Your grandfather still runs that place, doesn’t he?”
“Um…” Gojo clears his throat, fists clenching tight around the back’s strap. “Yes. He does.”
Mizuno-san lets out the lightest laugh, eyes crinkling up at the corner, and all at once, it’s real. It’s her. Non-chan. Only older now, grown up in a way he’s not sure he’s achieved. “I guess that means you really are going to get saddled with that place, huh?”
“I…” It’s true; the shop will be his when Ji-chan retires— if he ever does— but there’s something about how she says that— saddled— that doesn’t sit right. That feels less like an honor but an obligation. “I don’t—”
“Ah, hey, Gojo-kun!” A small hand smack him in the vicinity of his shoulder, falling a few inches short of the goal. “Thanks for watch my stuff, bro. Want to…”
Sugaya-san trails off, eyes darting to where Mizuno-san stands, smile wide but eyes tight. “You…uh…good, my man?”
“Yes,” he lies. “Ah, I just…Mizuno-san, er…we…uh…”
“Didn’t I just say you didn’t need to call me that?” she laughs, not as bright as before. “I’m Mizuno Nobara. Wacchan and I went to elementary school together.”
Sugaya-san’s perfectly plucked eyebrows disappear behind the sharp horizon of her bangs. “You did.”
“Yes,” Mizuno-san says tightly. “You must be…one of his friends?”
“Sugaya.” She glances at him, too quick, before adding, “Sugaya Nowa. We met in high school. Through Marin-chan! Who, uh, just texted.”
Gojo blinks, fumbling with his pockets. He hadn’t even thought to look, not even when class got out. “She did?”
“Yeah, while I was peeing.” She flicks on her phone, squinting down at the screen. “She says there’s some place she’s been dying to try out around the corner. We can meet her there.”
“Oh.” He glances up at the classroom clock, wincing at the time. “We should hurry if we don’t want to be last for ethics.”
“Ethics,” she groans, throwing back her head. “Last thing I want to talk about after lunch is like, hostile takeover stuff. We shoulda taken the morning one.”
With infinite patience, he reminds her, “It was at eight o’clock.”
“Ugh, gross.”
“Oh, you have plans?” Mizuno-san asks, mouth settling into a grimace. “I thought if you were free we might go catch up, but…?”
“Yep yep.” Sugaya seizes his arm like pet birds take to a perch, fingernails digging in hard enough to turn his half-started sentence into a squeak. “Super set. Like, written in stone kinda can’t-move-it. Ritual disembowelment type thing.”
“Oh.” Mizuno-san’s wide eyes linger on him, wistful. “Some other time, I guess.”
“Y-yes! Definitely.” He tries a smile, but by Sugaya-san’s grimace, he’s wide of the mark. “That would be…nice?”
“Okie dokie time to go,” she sing-songs, dragging him out by the arm. “Nice to meetcha, childhood friend-chan. Seeya next time!”
There's a strange taste in his mouth as they leave the lecture hall, a nagging feeling that he has somehow missed something important. He means to ask Sugaya-san once they've gotten outside, but--
But Gojo’s barely put a whole foot into the hallway when there’s a squeal of sneakers against polished floor; his only warning before arms wrap right around his middle, fake nails catching on the fabric at his stomach. “Gojo-senpai!”
“K-kitagawa-san!” His hands hover useless over her cross arms, uncertain of how to untangle himself from her. “I-I told you that you don’t have to c-call me that.”
“Awww, but it’s true, my dude!” Her whole weight slumps against his back, warm and wiggling, like an overexcited puppy. Which he wouldn’t mind, not at all, except— except her underwire digs into his spine, a firm reminder of just what is pressed against him, and well…
Well, he’d like to be able to think for the duration of this conversation, that’s all. Not lose track of every word she says two syllables in as his brain forced him to imagine what it might look like if he had the neck flexibility to appreciate it. “I appreciate that, Kitagawa-san, but—”
“But I’m your kouhai,” she pouts, chin hooking around his elbow. “And you’re my senpai. Omigod, does that mean you should be taking care of me? Wait, that sounds so funny right? ‘Gojo-senpai, please take care of—’”
“We’re the same age!” Heat licks up his neck, stained pink as a shrimp’s shell. “I don’t think the same rules apply just because you, er…”
Started late. That’s what he meant to say. But it feels…rude, the way late bloomer had felt when his teachers had whispered it between their desks. Like somehow she’s behind because she’d spent a whole year flying around, doing exactly what she loved and getting paid for it.
“Huh? Why not?” Her head cocks, the grip she has on him loosening. Physically, at least. “You’re still my senior, aren’t you? I mean like, if we didn’t know each other, I’d totally call you senpai, and everyone would think that was like, super normal and stuff, so—”
“Marin-chan,” Sugaya-san sighs, pigtails tilting over her shoulders. “You’re torturing him again.”
“Whaaat?” He shivers when she steps back, hands hooked around her hips, a chill seeping up his spine. “I’m not! Totes not. Right, Gojo-senpai? Not torture at all, nu-uh.”
“Ah…” She turns huge eyes on him, so hopeful, and all he can manage is a half-hearted, “K-kitagawa-san…”
“Mah-ri-ne.” Sugaya-san pulls out each syllable, impatient. “Are we going to eat or what?”
“Uh, yes? I’m starving, my dude!” Kitagawa-san prances around him, sneaker squeaking as she twirls to his front. “You’re starving too, right, Gojo-kun?”
Gojo clear his throat. That’s better at least. “I…could eat.”
“Then let’s bounce!” She claps, smile blinding over her steepled fingers. “Where should we go? I just saw a guy like two days ago selling those meat-wrapped onigiri across from the student center or whatever, so maybe—”
“Ah!” Panic grips him at the thought of her cholesterol. “I thought…didn’t Sugaya-san say you had a place in mind?”
Kitagawa-san blinks. “I did?”
“Didn’t you?” His gaze darts to where Sugaya-san stands, too innocent.
“Sorry, bro.” Neither her words nor her shrug are the least bit contrite. “Thought it looked like you needed a rescue, so I did what I had to do, you know.”
He, in fact, does not know, but before he can inform her of the fact, Kitagawa-san’s eyes go huge in her face. “Rescue?” She’s practically starry-eyed, glancing between the two of them. “You needed to be rescued?”
“N-not as—”
“Sure looked like it,” Sugaya-san tosses over her shoulder, ambling down the hall. Her stride is two steps to Kitagawa-san’s one, and with hers one to his two, well— it doesn’t take long to catch up. Not when Kitagawa-san is so interested, at least. “Some girl came up to him after class. Said she was his childhood friend and then tried to get him to a secondary location and everything.”
“I-I don’t think you need to say it l-like that—”
“Secondary location?” Kitagawa-san breathes. “Childhood friend?”
“You looked uncomfortable,” she drawls, unconvinced. “So I did what anyone would do: lie a whole bunch and hope it works. Which it did! You can thank me any time.”
He nearly does, mouth already halfway wrapped around the word before he stops himself. “Mizuno-san wasn’t—”
“She was.”
“I don’t—”
It’s too much for Kitagawa-san; a squeal is his only warning before she bursts out with a shrill, “Oh-em-gee!”
Her hands clap over her mouth. “A friend? From when you were kids? That’s unreal, Gojo-kun!”
He can’t quite guess how; it always seemed as if everyone had one but him, as if he were the odd one out for not having a group of friends from middle school he struggled to keep up with, but—
“Omigod, you should invite her! To lunch I mean!” Kitagawa-san bounces on her toes, not so much walking as skipping beside him. “We’d get to hear all about what you were like in school? Ahhh, how fun would that be, right?”
Her cheeks are flushed, eyes shining, and yet his stomach twists, even though he can’t account for why. “I-I don’t know…”
“Come on, please?” Her nails snag on the placard of his button down, pulling him toward the orbit of her eyes. “I promise I’ll be totes normal about it. Even if she tells us about your cute baby cheeks. Omigod, or has pictures? Do you think she has pictures?”
He grimaces. There's a horrifying thought. “I don’t….think so.”
Her shoulders hunch, defeated. “Aww, well, still. You should invite her! I bet we’d have a great time.”
Sugaya-san shakes her head. “I dunno, seems like a bad idea.”
“Really?” Kitagawa-san blinks over at her. “How?”
One small hand juts out, giving a uncertain shake. “Vibes.”
“Well, that seems like a silly reason not to try.” She swings back to Gojo, all smiles. “You’ll ask her won’t you? I promise I won’t ask for anything else all week.”
“Er…” He doubts that promise will last the walk. “If you really want to.”
She nods. “I do.”
Sugaya-san snorts. “Your funeral.”
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Repair Hello™ USA Pembroke Pines
Repair Hello™ USA Pembroke Pines
10130 NW 3rd St, Pembroke Pines, FL 33026, United States
(754) 289-6883
Mobile phones have become indispensable parts of human lives. We need them for storing our important information, calculation, apps for booking and ordering essentials, contacting people, making payments and what not. These things have made the upkeep of the mobile phone very important. A mobile phone stores so much information that if it breaks down even for a day, it can disrupt the normal life operations.
It is for this reason that a number of companies have come up that focus upon repairing these devices and providing products and services that allow your life to go on smoothly by repairing the phone within seconds!
Some of the examples that can be given for this are:
Adhesive tape stickers for all categories of phones.
Touch screen digitizers
OEM LCD screens
Fingerprint button flex cables
OEM Microphones
These items have several advantages:
Battery issues start arising after a year or so. The battery can be exchanged instead of changing the whole phone.
The adhesive that keeps the mobile phone together can start going away. For example, the keypads of some mobile phones start behaving badly. The issues can be sorted by changing just the keypads.
The touchscreen phone issues are very much related to its display. The display can be changed instead of spending on buying a whole new phone.
The speakers can be changed in case of malfunction.
The memory can be extended by inserting memory cards, if not; the mobile phones can have external memory cards that save the data and function well when connected to the external source.
The repair items can sound a little old school, but these are the products that are most economical in nature, smart use oriented, well-functioning and a wise approach compared to spending thousands on a new phone.
These repairable parts are available for all companies like Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Mi, Xiaomi, Huawei, etc.
These companies also have trained workforce that handles the data and the mobile phones with care and return the mobile phone within the guaranteed period.
Such products can be ordered online, purchased in bulk or wholesale by small repairers. Many new trending products like Adhesives for all categories of phones, OEM digitizer Touch screen with frame replacement is available for almost all types of mobile phones. 2 piece OEM slide buttons, Door cover, Middle plate frame, camera repair part, lock and unlock buttons, power on/off and volume buttons, etc. are also available.
Repairs is usually not taken in a very positive way. But the most sustainable as well as wise and economical thing to be done on the part of humans is to use the device as long as it can be operational and in use.
There are a number of people who run their whole business through their phones. For them it is impeccable to make sure that their mobile phones are in working condition 24*7 and hence they should go for such options. Repairable products are not only available at reasonable cost, but for all categories of phones and companies.
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raffy0421 · 3 years
TECHNOLOGY : A Blessing or a Curse?
Technology has become an inevitable part of our lives. We cannot imagine to survive without technology in today’s fast-moving world. When employment, socialization and cultural propagation happens with globalization, we cannot survive without technological involvements. The Corona virus pandemic has moreover proven, how important technology is for us, to stay connected, work, communicate and basically survive. In fact, this can be an opportune moment for researchers to attend to journal call for paper with the topic of technology becoming an inseparable part of our lives, such that soon we will move, eat, sleep technology.
As time goes by technology becomes more advance and innovative which leads to more many discoveries. However, as technology improves, people as well gives their definition through their own understanding. But what does really technology means? It might seem a straightforward question, but technology is about more than gadgets and gizmos.
Technology ("science of craft", from Greek τέχνη, techne, "art, skill, cunning of hand"; and -λογία, -logia") is the sum of any techniques, skills, methods, and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, and the like, or it can be embedded in machines to allow for operation without detailed knowledge of their workings. Systems (e.g. machines) applying technology by taking an input, changing it according to the system's use, and then producing an outcome are referred to as technology systems or technological systems.
Technology is not a neutral word. Different people will give it different meaning depending on their viewpoint and context.
Andy Lane explains what it means to different people. The role and impact of technology in both our personal and working lives is ever growing. Understanding how people shape technology and how technology shapes people's interactions with each other and the natural world is important not only for those who research, develop and implement new technologies but also for all those people and organizations that have to use those technologies in their working and personal lives.
Research has found evidences on the contribution of technology to our daily lives. In fact, technology can save lives. Major operations, scans and medical diagnoses happen through scientific and technological discoveries. Communication, work and education are almost impossible without technology today. For researchers and academicians, journal call for paper are more readily available because of digital publication platforms, all of which involve technology. Technology has filled our time with meaningful content and entertainment so that we feel satisfied and happy.
However, let us reflect on 7 most important reasons for which we require technology:
Communication– The first and foremost purpose that technology serves is communication. Social media and other technological applications have brought families together. Today we can find long lost school mates over Facebook, twitter, Instagram and we can reinstate our communication. In fact, we can even communicate with world leaders, prominent figures over these platforms. Communication is required in professional fields as well, and technology ensures that we can communicate with the world from wherever we are. We cannot imagine our lives without a smart phone, but there was a time when there were no mobile phones at all. Families are much less worried about their children these days, because phones give them the information about the whereabouts of children, so they are much more relieved about their safety than they were before. Technology Helps in Legal Work– With our safety comes the safety of the community and the prime responsibility falls upon legal systems. Technology has helped a lot in improving law and order. Today we have phone cameras, CCTV cameras etc. which testify for crime scenes. We have the computer and internet to find any criminal from anywhere with a global database. Improved technological gadgets have helped in improving forensics, cyber crime treatment to a great extent. Security– Technology provides us security. Several home security devices like spy scam, door cam, anti-theft applications are linked with our smart phones. Most of them are electronically built for better safety and security purposes. Today we use a camera to see who stands outside our door, in place of an eye-hole. We can in fact, talk to the person before opening the door. Again, mobile phones make us very confident on streets. When we have a gadget of communication, we know we can make a call whenever in trouble. Internet– Globalization wouldn’t have been possible without internet. The fact that we can connect and work from any part of the world is because we have internet. We can have client meets and requirements from all over the globe and we can assimilate information and process delivery because we have internet. In fact, Covid has proven that internet can keep our lives going even when we are locked down in houses, barely anything is affected for our work, if it is internet based.
Knowledge– Gone are those days, when we had to run from one library to another within our city to find books and materials for our school-college projects. Even then we would not get the appropriate information required in research work. But today, with the help of Google, we are able to browse, any type of and any amount of information required for attending journal call for paper. Even for enlightenment and knowledge, we can browse the web. We can learn if we want at any age, anywhere, because we have internet and computer.
Education– Technology has shown us how we can overcome the barriers of time and place with computer and internet. This has made education more accessible and affordable to people across the world. Today, one person in India can learn from Harvard or MIT, even from their home, because of online educational platforms which enriches learning. Online school and college is not just an idea or luxury; it is a necessity especially when there is a pandemic situation. Online learning is much for cost effective for students and universities, so every other university has shifted their programs online. This is in fact, gen-next education system where schools will move online for affordable and uninterrupted learning. Besides technological gadgets like kindle and tablet are making reading and writing easier and lighter.
Entertainment– Technology has contributed heavily to the world of entertainment. From video and computer games to smart televisions, a wide range of technological inventions have helped us engage our free time. Even today, movie watching is no longer limited to a theatre space. The way we read on a computer, we watch movies on digital platforms. Online streaming platforms and applications are moving the entertainment world to a complete digitization mode. We live in the age of technology. We commute by automobiles and airplanes and communicate by emails and mobiles. The media and the Internet provide us the latest information from all over the world. Movies filled with hi-tech special effects entertain us. Air conditioners and room heaters keep our life comfortable despite climatic inconveniences. The list goes on. Technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives. Of course, a few of us may have concerns about the pollution and environmental problems that technology has led to. But overall most people feel that technology has benefited us immensely.
In the mid-20th century, people have gained control technology sufficient to leave the Earth's atmosphere and space for the first time. The technology used to know the techniques or methods of organization to solve the problem by the method of right and serve the purpose. Technology affects the person and the possibility of other kinds of animals to adapt to the natural environment. Human species has begun using the technology that makes it simple natural tools. Discovery of prehistory, the ability to control fire increased food sources and the invention of the wheel helped humans to travel and explore your surroundings. However, not all technology has been used for peaceful purposes to develop weapons and destructive power has evolved over the centuries, from clubs to nuclear weapons. Technology also has an impact on society and the environment in many ways. In many societies, technology has helped bring a more developed economy and allow the entertainment show class. Many technological processes produce unwanted by-products, known as pollution, and deplete natural resources, harm the earth and its surroundings. Different use of technology influences the values of society and new technology often increases the new ethical questions.
By the mid 20th century, humans had achieved supremacy of technology sufficient to leave the atmosphere of the Earth for the first time and space. Technology used for know the techniques or method of organization to solve the problem by the right method and serve some purpose. Technologies are affecting human as well as other animal kinds ability to adapt to their natural environments. The human species began to use technology by conversion the natural things into simple tools like How produce afire by a simple way, Wheel help the human in travel, Make a coat by simple way.
The aim of the technology when it began is good. The people want by simple tools make something help them in daily life. So, we invite a lot of something to help us and us it daily. Now, these things we can't life without it. Like Electricity, Air-Condition etc.
And a lot of things we use it and can't imagine our life without it. So, the technology helps us in our life to be more easily. When a technology has been used by communities to compete to develop themselves. Therefore, the technology has two faces are the face of good and the other face is evil. And with that despite the good start that was designed to facilitate people's lives. For example, when he invented dynamite was to open the mines know, and iron and other minerals, but after then used in World War this is how the beginning but the end is bad. So he makes Nobel PRIZE to encourage people to make a good invite which help the world and people.
Technology improves our goodness of life. By use the technology we have important discoveries. In our life we depend in technology in everything in our life. When you think about the technology you found yourself use it every minute. So, it is important in our life and the life will be different without it. The technology enters in all fields like pharmacy, medicine and engineering. It's difficult to see field without technology. In medicine it is make a big different. Now we can treat the patient without make meeting. It saves our time and effort and more and more in this field. The technology makes our life easier. And the big invite which convert the impossible to possible. It is the internet which can connect and communicate with people who are miles away from us. It's only one of the many examples we could give it to verify the fact that the technology is a blessing.
All media depend on the technology. Now we know what's happen in any region in world by the media. It's easy now but in the past it's like difficult to imagine it. But the technologies make a big Event in our life when something invite like computer, internet, cell phone.
These inventions changed a human life in twentieth century. But the important inventions in the past are we see it everywhere, in cars, trucks, airplanes, ships, car interiors, toys and more. Life will never be the same without wheels. They range from wooden carts and carriages, a simple device, but it provides over time developed. With so many uses and applications, is still part of the human race, and one of the first steps of civilization. Can you imagine that he does not take a taxi to the hotel? Instead of this situation, a few miles with tons of pockets? Or did he get an hour's walk to the mall?
People are left thumb, which led to the development of tools. Simple instruments such as the use of sharp rocks into knives and spears cut. Large rock as a used hammer has become a stream. We have our houses, animals, trapped in our rooms built and improve our way of life with tools. Interestingly, some mammals and birds use a variety of tools.
System in which waste collected and disposed of at the same time is more than somewhere useful. Old people saw it and were among the first to invent system. Today we rarely think of the network pipes beneath our feet and make sure that our waste stays out of our eyes and nose! I'm glad to know that we are not stool on the floor. Well, most of the time.
Dirt paths taken by hunters were from vehicles, but it was invented after the invention of the wheel, there is a real need for better roads. Dirt trodden path now, wood and stone and brick streets. For convenience of use, to transport routes, the world is a success. Today is the backbone of the economy and society. Consider buying a life without the road. We lived in the houses at random. Transported goods slowed. There will be more accidents.
The concept of efficiency in terms of human productivity, a term originally used only for machines, and challenge the traditional norms. Philosophical a discussion about current and future use of technology in our society, with disagreements about the technology improves the human condition or worsens the situation. So technology is not a blessing or a curse, is both. We cannot determine whether one of them. We live between technologies. Travel by car and aircraft and to communicate via telephone and email and telephone. The media and the Internet make us the latest information from around the world.
Movies packed with hi-tech special effects to entertain us. Air conditioners and heaters to keep our lives well, but climatic disadvantages.
Technology has changed virtually all face in our lives. Some of us may have problems with pollution and environmental problems as the technology lead. But in general most people feel that technology has benefited us more. The technology is now so fundamental to human life. No one can deny the benefits of technology.
But most people cannot see another hand. Technology has two faces. Despite the encounter, there are many problems caused by technology. For example, in the past, you rarely see people with glasses, now almost all teen glasses. The reason is that many teenagers are using computers for a long time, to the extent that destroys their own eyes. Moreover, people today rely on technology too.
Most people complain when they could not use computer for the special day with teenagers. People complain when the computer accident and not save the file you worked on. Humans rely on so much technology that no one would survive if there is no technology in the world.
Moreover, science and technology acted as helping hands in medical field and everyday life of each and every individual. However, the invention of the artificial intelligence has become the challenging aim of worldwide engineers. Scientists and engineers have joined much effort to promote communication by the invention of multiple devices showing more and more sophistication at all times. The creation of mobile phones, computers and the monstrous network commonly known as the internet allow people to keep in touch around the globe which is a blessing for many individuals separated from their family due to working purposes or studies. Thanks to the well-known device called webcam, one may visualize and converse with his partner live and direct through his personal computer although being distance apart. However, due to the unprecedented freedom in communication via network many people misuse it. We should ask ourselves, how many teenagers use the internet to chat and lose time together with money after unknown people?
During the last decades, the medical field has been witnessing many modifications brought about by the latest technologies to cure people with more efficiency and accuracy.In the past destroying tumerous cells without damaging the surroundings and producing side effects was a challenging aim for many doctors. Nevertheless, after the invention of infra-red apparatus and the ‘nanoshells’, this has become a child’s play. The nanoshells are microscopic silica particles coated with gold that sticks to the cancerous cells. Passing the nanoshells under infra-red rays increases the temperature of the cell and destroys it. Still although this experiment has been successful on mice, we have to wait up to year 2010 before this new therapy is applied on human beings. Moreover, scanning an unborn baby from the mother’s womb is today a reality. Isn’t it a thing that brings happiness to the future parents? However, it should be brought to mind that such curative way of diseases may act as a booster for the level of aging population resulting into overpopulation. If life expectancy may be prolonged, it will definitely be a problem for the coming generation.
As made obvious by latest observations, we should admit that information technology has invaded the life of each and everyone. All the daily routine depends on sophisticated electronic kits. The invention of the microwaves for instance has facilitated the life of numerous people around the world, be it in the kitchen or a restaurant. According to scientists, food coming from microwaves does not have side effects on the health of people. However the creation of such facilities may sometime be blame as people are becoming more and more lazy day after day. Hence, shouldn’t we blame information technology for the mercurial rise in the rate of obesity?
During the recent decades, engineers and scientists have joined hands together to put to existence the artificial intelligence commonly known as robots. The aim of this project is to conceive machines that may think on their own, work and develop emotions as well. As picturised in the science fiction movie ‘I. Robots’, it was made crystal clear that it’ll happen a day where Man’s inventions would like to conquer humanity, would revolt and revenge. If such day happens it would be terrible to every single individual. Then, who should we blame science and technology or the scientists themselves?
In the same line of thought, it should not be forgotten that the invention of so many machines will make unemployment reach its higher level. Moreover, massive destruction caused by biological weapons will definitely blame the new technology. Furthermore, the introduction of the newly invented system of RFID commonly known as Radio Frequency Identification in supermarket would greatly help in time saving.
As discussed in the above argumentation, science and technology have immensely helped in improving the way of communication across the world. Moreover, it greatly eased the way of curing diseases and has conquered the life of everyone. However, the invention of robots may facilitate as well as become a burden for humanity. Hence, information technology has brought much benefit to the world, but unconsciously it has caused much damage to Man. Therefore, deciding whether science and technology is a curse or a blessing remains quite complex.
In conclusion, technology is a blessing or a curse, is both. What does change in attitude is how they use it. We cannot coward on nuclear weapons for the damage it produces, which teaches that the epidemic. Everything is better as the technology used to create everything. What will stay in our consciousness, it's what we do with it either bless or curse our environment, and as a result of our own lives.
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rhiphonescreen33015 · 4 years
Repair Hello iPhone Screen Hialeah
Address: 6972 NW 179th St, Hialeah, FL 33015
Phone No: (786) 432-5242
Mobile phones have become indispensable parts of human lives. We need them for storing our important information, calculation, apps for booking and ordering essentials, contacting people, making payments and what not. These things have made the upkeep of the mobile phone very important. A mobile phone stores so much information that if it breaks down even for a day, it can disrupt the normal life operations.
It is for this reason that a number of companies have come up that focus upon repairing these devices and providing products and services that allow your life to go on smoothly by repairing the phone within seconds!
Some of the examples that can be given for this are:
Adhesive tape stickers for all categories of phones.
Touch screen digitizers
OEM LCD screens
Fingerprint button flex cables
OEM Microphones
These items have several advantages:
Battery issues start arising after a year or so. The battery can be exchanged instead of changing the whole phone.
The adhesive that keeps the mobile phone together can start going away. For example, the keypads of some mobile phones start behaving badly. The issues can be sorted by changing just the keypads.
The touchscreen phone issues are very much related to its display. The display can be changed instead of spending on buying a whole new phone.
The speakers can be changed in case of malfunction.
The memory can be extended by inserting memory cards, if not; the mobile phones can have external memory cards that save the data and function well when connected to the external source.
The repair items can sound a little old school, but these are the products that are most economical in nature, smart use oriented, well-functioning and a wise approach compared to spending thousands on a new phone.
These repairable parts are available for all companies like Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Mi, Xiaomi, Huawei, etc.
These companies also have trained workforce that handles the data and the mobile phones with care and return the mobile phone within the guaranteed period.
Such products can be ordered online, purchased in bulk or wholesale by small repairers. Many new trending products like Adhesives for all categories of phones, OEM digitizer Touch screen with frame replacement is available for almost all types of mobile phones. 2 piece OEM slide buttons, Door cover, Middle plate frame, camera repair part, lock and unlock buttons, power on/off and volume buttons, etc. are also available.
Repairs is usually not taken in a very positive way. But the most sustainable as well as wise and economical thing to be done on the part of humans is to use the device as long as it can be operational and in use.
There are a number of people who run their whole business through their phones. For them it is impeccable to make sure that their mobile phones are in working condition 24*7 and hence they should go for such options. Repairable products are not only available at reasonable cost, but for all categories of phones and companies.
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quinnybee-writes · 5 years
Title: Fire Meet Gasoline
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia
Rating: T+
Part: 3/?
Story Summary: A chance encounter between a villain and vigilante leads to an unwise deal made between unlikely allies; an unwise deal made between unlikely allies ends in a final stand neither would have ever dared to take on alone. Together, though, they just might have a fighting chance.
Part 3 Summary: Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and thrice is just a big headache for everyone involved.
Part 1 on  Tumblr / AO3
Part 2 on Tumblr / AO3
Part 3 on AO3
Hizashi gave the IT intern a tight but friendly smile as she waved to him before going to check on the status of the server migration. He hated having to do delicate research like this at work; every time one of his coworkers needed something in the room he shared with the server banks he couldn’t help jumping to attention, his hand poised on the lid of his laptop to snap it shut if they wandered too close. The cover it provided him was mostly worth the anxiety, however. A single IP using a VPN in the middle of an apartment block full of unsecured cable company wifi signals was suspicious; another VPN added to the tangle of secure signals emanating from a tech-heavy operation like a radio station was just another Tuesday. Hizashi waited for the intern to finish her checks before going back to what he’d been looking at before he was interrupted.
As far as he was able to find in the HR filings for Solo-Falcon Deliveries they only had one employee named Aizawa, first name Shouta. The photo that accompanied the digitized CV was younger-looking but the man was recognizable nonetheless; same perpetual look of knowing what a hairbrush was in concept but no evidence of him owning one, same dour, “are we done yet?” expression in his dark eyes. Said CV was as barebones as Hizashi had ever seen: eight years at Solo-Falcon Deliveries preceded by a plethora of short term post-middle school jobs; school transcripts from a dozen different private tutors that came to a sudden stop at the end of middle school. His permanent residence had been the same for as long as Aizawa had been working, cosigned by an adult family member with the stipulation that the lease would pass to Aizawa when he turned eighteen. As far as Hizashi could tell Shouta Aizawa had popped out of nothingness as a poe-faced fifteen-year-old looking for a job.
Trying to get any answers out of social media was equally fruitless. Retracing Aizawa’s online steps revealed a ghost town of abandoned accounts in his wake, all following the same pattern of non-use. He would sign up for a new platform, friend or follow one or two other accounts, make half a dozen posts over the course of about a year, then drop it completely without bothering to deactivate or delete. The posts were all the kind of non-entities one could expect out of someone who wasn’t expecting to stick around for very long. Even on the accounts he’d used the most they mostly consisted of inoffensive comments about the weather or work and slightly blurry cell phone pictures of cats.
Even the government seemed to have no luck in catching ahold of Aizawa longer than the time it took to confirm his address, collect his taxes, and send him back on his way. According to his Quirk registration, Aizawa had been something of an early bloomer, developing his nullification power before he even hit kindergarten and being switched from public schooling to private education soon afterwards for reasons of “health concerns”. Elementary and middle school records matched the near-yearly swapping of home tutors from his CV, but Hizashi noticed with interest that there was one massive omission between the two. Several records back in the Quirk registry’s access history was a request from the registrar of UA High School to confirm Aizawa’s personal and Quirk information. Raising an eyebrow Hizashi flipped back to Aizawa’s schooling history and found a perfunctory footnote at the bottom of the file: UA High School registration Apr 2004-Nov 2004; file sealed per subject request. Nothing else was said, just that short “by the way” on a digital post-it note before going on to document the work history and financial filings Hizashi already knew about.
Either Aizawa was some kind of subterfuge wunderkind or he really was just this disconnected. Hizashi sighed and leaned back in his chair, turning that over in his mind. A sealed UA record was as tantalizing a morsel of intrigue as you could ask for, but he wasn’t arrogant enough to think he could go up against a security system as ironclad as theirs with nothing but a masked IP and an undeniable curiosity. There were favors he could call in, Hizashi supposed, people he could ask. Said people would want something equally backbreaking in return as insurance on their investments but that could be relegated to a date far in the future where he had the information in hand and could gauge its actual worth for himself.
Before he had time to start flipping through his mental address book, however, he was interrupted by a buzzing from his cell phone. The display showed an unlisted number being forwarded through his “business line”, a landline he’d had installed in a condemned fast food restaurant on the far edge of the city. Hizashi glanced at his door to make sure it was fully shut before swiping to accept the call.
“Mmn,” he muttered by way of greeting. There was a click, and an automated voice on the other end began to speak in choppy, text-to-speech sentences.
“Bird. Seguchi. Your backdoor into the Hero Registry failed.” Hizashi rolled his eyes. Of course he was the problem, it couldn’t possibly be that Seguchi's client was incompetant. “You owe me a workable solution, do it right this time. Meet tonight at nine sharp, no later. Directions to follow.” The message barked out the address and Hizashi scribbled it disinterestedly onto the back of an envelope. It looked like his pet project would have to take a backseat for something more pressing but way less interesting, he thought with a disappointed sigh.
Biting back a curse, Shouta stared daggers at the bland error box telling him he didn’t have the proper access clearance for the files he needed. He’d spent most of the morning trying to fake the new set of credentials the police database was requiring to view the updated version of the Mockingbird dossier. The security had never been what you could call lax, but the newest version required both the highest clearance level Shouta had ever seen as well as a password that from what he’d been able to glean was just a long randomly-generated string of characters that maxed out the number of available spaces. He gritted his teeth and decided the building headache at the back of his skull was telling him he needed to switch to something a little less frustrating, though such things felt thin on the ground at the moment.
Trying to reconcile the comings and goings of Hizashi Yamada with the known Mockingbird incidents was proving to be an exercise in futility. Yamada didn’t necessarily have an alibi for every time Mockingbird had been sighted in the act, but there was also no real reason for anyone to suspect him of needing one. Mockingbird was a serial offender with a list of potential charges that took up several single-spaced pages in his police file; Hizashi Yamada was the well-known and well-loved operations manager and late night host for a radio station that while not the biggest or wealthiest was far from needing any kind of criminal boost. The only link between the two was Yamada’s oft-abused Quirk, but even that information was a double-edged sword at best. The police had been smart enough to keep the press away from the more sensitive details of the Mockingbird case to avoid copycats and false reports but no one knowing the connection was possible left Shouta shouting into the void. If he went as a civilian witness to the police, he would have to think of a very good lie for how he knew Mockingbird’s M.O. but hadn’t gone to them before now; if he went to them as an admitted vigilante, they might take his report more seriously but he’d end up in handcuffs right next to Yamada. As with most things he’d have to go into this on his own, something that would be a much simpler undertaking if he wasn’t being actively locked out of the information he needed to do so.
“Computer trouble?” a voice above him asked. Shouta jumped, causing the large ginger cat in his lap to grumble and dig its claws into his thighs in retaliation. He gave the cat an apologetic pat on the head and looked up to see one of the cat cafe’s servers standing next to his table.
“Uh, no. It’s just old. Doesn’t like to load,” Shouta lied, swapping screens as casually as he could. The server nodded with a sympathetic smile.
“I getcha,” she said. “It’s such a pain when they still work but they’re too old to really do the work. Our whole register system is older than I am but we can’t get the old workhorse to give up the ghost and let us replace her.” She chuckled, shrugging. “Did you want a refill on that coffee?” she added, pointing to Shouta’s half-full cup that had gone cold long ago.
“Sure, thanks. One sugar, no milk,” Shouta said. He scratched the cat in his lap behind the ears until the server was safely back behind the counter putting his order in before switching back to his other window.
The page had blacked out, the error message now telling him that his session had expired and would not be renewed. He tried closing his browser and restarting it, but the window instantly dimmed and let him know that his session was well and truly dead for today. Shouta wondered if this was a new protocol being rolled out across the board or if he wasn’t the only one they were having to lock out. If the same gap in the digital fence was being used by someone with less scrupulous intents, Shouta supposed he couldn’t entirely begrudge the police for fixing the fault and adding a less easily manipulated system. Trying to channel his frustration into a more helpful direction, Shouta opened the spreadsheet he’d been using to build a Mockingbird timeline and added what scraps of new information he’d been able to screenshot. He highlighted the long periods of silence and typed each time period and Yamada’s name into individual browser tabs.
Hizashi Yamada was as easy to track as Mockingbird was impossible to pin down. Yamada put a lot of effort into propagating his breezy, unbothered persona, but seemed to put just as much into being a diligent employee; the gaps Shouta had found in Mockingbird’s movements didn’t generate so much as a sick day for Yamada. Shouta supposed if you weren’t actively looking for irregularities the lack of them wouldn’t have sparked interest, but to him it was both unnatural and damning. There had to be a weak spot somewhere, Shouta thought. Absurdly careful was one thing, but perfect was something else entirely. He had a suspicion that there was information in the locked sections of Mockingbird’s dossier that would mean nothing to the police without knowing Yamada’s civilian movements but would be the key to getting the upper hand on him for Shouta. But getting in there for a better look around would take time, and with his afternoon delivery shift fast approaching time was not something he had in excess. Another day with better luck, Shouta thought, saving what little progress he’d made and shutting his laptop.
Hebiko, Seguchi’s second in command and high-ranking candidate for Hizashi’s least favorite person on the planet, was waiting for him under the awning of the burned-out corner shop they were supposed to meet at. Hizashi groaned internally at the sight of her, fighting the urge to turn on his heel and cut his losses. Instead he raised a hand in greeting.
“Nice weather for it,” he said.
Hebiko fixed him with an unblinking stare and an emotionless smile. “It’s been a while, Bird,” she said, extending a hand to him like she expected him to shake it. Vivid memories of falling for the ploy and being subjected to the tetanus-like paralysis of her Snakebite Quirk the first time they’d met made Hizashi’s hands reflexively clench into fists. He meaningfully tucked his hands into his jeans pockets and looked around.
“Is your boss planning on joining us, or did he decide the B-team could handle this one on their own?” he asked.
“He had a more important appointment to keep,” Hebiko replied. Her smile widened without gaining so much as a scrap of good will. Hizashi was tempted to point out that Seguchi had thought this was important enough to call him out in the middle of a weekday evening, but his desire to get this over with before all of the good takeout places closed won out.
“His prerogative,” Hizashi said instead, shrugging. “Shall we, then?”
“After you,” Hebiko said, gesturing down the narrow alley between this building and the next. “We’re parked a street up from here,” Hebiko added when Hizashi didn’t move. “It’ll be easier to just cut through here.”
Hizashi scraped together the waning scraps of his patience, reminding himself that there was a takeaway curry and a quiet night at home with his cat on the other end of this nonsense, and headed up the alley where she was pointing.
“Good work today!” Shouta’s manager called over his shoulder as he left the employee changing room. Shouta’s two remaining coworkers called it back to him over the clang of closing lockers. Shouta muttered a vague reply a little too late, his mind already turning to what he had planned for after work.
With a last-minute change in the schedule he had somehow escaped an early shift tomorrow morning after tonight’s late shift, which meant he had until tomorrow afternoon to sleep and eat and all of the other things he usually had to cram into the few hours between clocking out and clocking back in. His heart ached to get out and stretch his legs on a long patrol, missing the routine in the wake of his recent garbage schedule. His head knew better, though. The late hour would mean fewer personnel working at police central intelligence, which would mean fewer eyes on what files were being accessed and by whom, and his newly-opened timetable would mean plenty of time to figure out what he was supposed to do about the lock on the Mockingbird dossier.
Shouta threw his bag over his shoulders, bidding his coworkers a hasty good night and walking quickly out the door before anything had time to interrupt his plans for the evening.
Hebiko followed at a distance that felt both too close and uncomfortably distant, her footsteps almost purposefully off-beat from his own. Hizashi opened his mouth to invite her to stop being such a stalker and just walk next to him, but instead found himself being slammed sideways into the alley wall by something that exploded out of a garbage bag next to a nearby dumpster. Hizashi staggered, breath catching short and sharp in his throat from the hit. Hebiko’s foot shot out from behind him, dead-legging him into an awkward half-crouch on the pavement. Hizashi looked up to see Takeshiro, one of Hebiko’s favorite minions, hopping out of the dumpster. The garbage bag that had assaulted him rustled and squirmed as a thick tangle of dessicated vegetable cuttings slithered out and stood ready by Takeshiro’s side. Hizashi choked back a gag at the smell of it, working to keep his face unconcerned.
“I feel like you might have taken that B-team comment from earlier a little too personally,” he said, the words coming out in a pained wheeze. For the first time Hebiko’s smile held actual mirth and Hizashi deeply regretted the development.
“You’ve been pissing a lot of people off lately, Bird,” Hebiko said.
“Including your boss, apparently,” Hizashi agreed. He pivoted on his toes and tried to keep his eyes on both of them as he straightened up. “He must be pretty irritated to send his pets to do his wet work without coming along to gloat.”
Takeshiro’s plant weapon struck out at him again, sending Hizashi skittering sideways to avoid it. Hizashi gritted his teeth. Hebiko and Takeshiro were each blocking an open end of the alley, closing ranks around him along with Takeshiro’s plant. The only other potential exit he had was a fire escape above the dumpster Takeshiro had crawled out of. If he could keep them distracted long enough to dart through and scramble up the escape there was a chance he could make it out of this in one fresh-scented fully mobile piece. He thought of the extendable police baton hidden in the holster sewn into the back of his jacket but decided it was better to keep it as a last resort. There was no point in escalating a situation already at the snapping point if he could find another way out of it.
“The boss doesn’t know you’re here,” Hebiko said coolly. “The cops caught him trying to get through the Hero Registry’s security net last week using the instructions he got from you. He’s been in custody ever since.”
“Sounds like user error to me,” Hizashi replied, “since the information wasn’t for him in the first place. Does he go through other people’s mail too?”
“That’s really cute coming from someone who makes a living out of digging in digital garbage looking for things to sell,” Hebiko snapped.
“Ooh, really hitting me where it hurts,” Hizashi said. He put on the biggest, fakest grin he could muster, putting a hand to his chest in mock offense. Hebiko’s eyes narrowed, her hands flexing at her sides like she was trying to resist the urge to throttle him. Takeshiro’s plant weapon was starting to twitch and writhe at Takeshiro’s side, belying the man’s outward straightfaced patience. His strategy was panning out for the moment, and hopefully a moment was all he would need.
“We’re about to find a few more places for it to hurt,” Hebiko said, lips curling back from her teeth in a cold smirk.
“Thanks but no thanks.”
Seizing his chance, Hizashi caught Hebiko hard in the jaw with a surprise right hook. She stumbled back a step before coming towards him with an open-palmed strike of her own, ready to freeze him where he stood. Hizashi managed to avoid it just in time, hooking his foot around the back of her knee and sweeping it out from under her. He felt a hand grab him by the back of the jacket and yank him back several steps, nearly taking him off his feet as well. Hizashi twisted sharply towards Takeshiro, forcing the man to loosen his grip just long enough for Hizashi to duck away. He made it all the way up onto the lip of the dumpster and felt his fingers brush the ladder to the fire escape before something grabbed him around the waist and pulled him hard down onto hands and knees on the pavement. Hizashi yelped as pain crackled through his shins and forearms. Before he had time to recover he felt a hand snatch his sweatshirt’s hood off of his head, followed by Hebiko’s sharp fingers digging into the back of his neck. Instantly his body went rigid, joints locking painfully together against his will.
“This is why I hate birds,” Hebiko said, her voice mockingly conversational in Hizashi’s ear. “Whenever things get a little intense, they try to flit away before you get to have any fun with them.”
Without any warning Hebiko grabbed him by the hair and jerked his head forward, slamming it with all her strength into the steel side of the dumpster. Hizashi went limp, the fading paralysis replaced by a dazed ringing in his ears and an unstrung feeling throughout his limbs. He struggled to keep himself awake as black static overtook his vision. Distantly Hizashi could feel hands turning him over and working to pick him up. He heard a second metallic clang, followed by Hebiko snapping something to Takeshiro at the far end of the sludge his brain was sinking into. Before he could make any sense out of any of it, he’d drifted too deep and everything was dark buzzing silence in his head.
Shouta had been trying his best to keep his head down and his eyes on the goal of getting home, but the instant he’d seen the two of them he knew there was going to be trouble. The street was mostly empty and the few people who were out were in motion, leaving jobs or late-night restaurants and heading to wherever they were going after that. The two under the awning, however, were just standing there, carefully keeping to the little bit of shadow the scraps of ripped canvas still cast over the sidewalk. Shouta slowed, pulling his hood up to make it slightly less obvious that he was watching them. One of the figures was tall and skinny with a sharp silhouette, the other at least a foot shorter with unnaturally stiff posture. They talked for a moment before the shorter one waved the taller into the nearby alleyway. Shouta’s eyes narrowed. Never a good sign. He unsnapped the pocket he’d sewn into the shoulder strap of his bag, pulling out one of the bolases he’d stowed there for emergencies. Tucking it tightly into his palm he approached the mouth of the alley. A quick check of the sidewalk confirmed no one else seemed to have noticed him or the two he was following, so Shouta edged up on the corner of the building and peered down the alley.
A third, stockier figured had joined the group from somewhere in the time it took him to approach; they and the short one had closed ranks around the tall one to prevent any potential escape. Shouta dropped into a crouch as he rounded the corner, scuffing his feet over the ground to keep his steps quiet. The group was too far away for Shouta to tell what they were saying, but the conversation seemed to turn sour very quickly. Shouta only managed a few steps towards them before whatever was said triggered a short, dirty fight and the attempt at a quick exit by the tall one via a nearby fire escape. Something fast and tentacle-like caught them around the waist before they made it and dragged them back down. A moment later the short one had them by the back of them neck and slammed them head-first into the side of the dumpster with a sickening clang of skull on metal that echoed out in the otherwise muted night. The tall figure lolled sidewise, dropping senseless onto the ground and for a moment Shouta thought the other two were just going to leave them there. Worse plans were being made, it seemed, as instead the two still standing worked together to roll the unconscious third over and the stocky one made to throw them over their shoulder.
As quickly as he could, Shouta spun the bolas in his hand and threw it at the stocky figure as they bent over. Just shy of wrapping around them, however, the tentacle thing reared up again and slapped the bolas aside. It wrapped uselessly around the bottom of the fire escape ladder with a metallic snap and both of the standing figures turned to see Shouta where he had broken his cover. He pulled another spare bolas out and started it spinning as he rushed them.
“Forget it, get to the car!” the shorter figure commanded the stocky one as they made a move to grab the unconscious figure again. Sprinting away, they made a cursory attempt at tripping Shouta with the tentacle thing, but the swipe swung wide and the tentacle melted into a glob of rotting vegetables as he darted past. The second bolas flew straight, but the two of them had a big enough head start on their side that it dropped and skidded along the ground at their heels without making contact. They had already ducked into a nondescript black sedan and were pulling into traffic by the time Shouta reached the other end of the alley. Shouta pulled his phone out of his pocket and just managed to get a photo of the back of their car. He realized too late that the car didn’t have any plates. Muttering a sharp curse under his breath, Shouta turned and walked back to where they had abandoned the body.
A cold, dawning recognition began to spread in the pit of his stomach as he approached. The figure lay face-down on the concrete where it had been dropped, a spill of long blond hair falling over the collar of a familiar feathered leather jacket. Gently turning the body over confirmed his worst suspicion. Mockingbird’s mask now sported a jagged crack along the top and was streaked with blood from where it had cut into his forehead when his head slammed into the dumpster. Under the blood he looked unpleasantly pale in the dim alley light. His eyelids flickered and he let out a small moaning breath as Shouta put two fingers to his neck to confirm there was a pulse. Not dead, Shouta confirmed with a tight grimace, just knocked out.
Shouta sat back on his heels, brain speeding off in opposite directions at the same time. He knew he was duty-bound to find the nearest patrolling officer or hero and turn Mockingbird in; it was the only good ending for the situation, even if his accomplices had managed to get away. Then again, those “accomplices” had knocked Mockingbird out and for all intents and purposes left him for dead. Whatever had gone south between them, Mockingbird had ended up a victim of it in the end. It seemed unfair somehow for him to get turned over to law enforcement when what he needed was help, like adding insult to injury. A police siren rang out on the street Shouta had followed Mockingbird and the others off of, making Shouta jump. He didn’t have time to debate it. Before better instincts could kick in, he shuffled off his bag and opened the farthest-back compression pocket.
“Sorry about this,” Shouta muttered. Working quickly, he stripped off Mockingbird’s mask and jacket, stuffing them into his bag. Mockingbird was wearing a piece of homemade gear around his neck, partially hidden by the neckline of his hoodie. It looked like a series of spare audio parts wired into a tight collar; long wires stretched down under his sleeves to controls strapped to the palms of his hands under his gloves. The sirens were getting uncomfortably close as Shouta tried to find a way to get it off of him. Finally he just took each side of a join in one hand and yanked, pulling all of the wires free and and shoving the whole contraption in his bag as well. He managed to get everything strapped flat and his bag back over his shoulders as blue and red lights announced the approach of the police. Taking a deep breath and turning his gut-level panic into an expression of concern, Shouta half-jogged out of the alley to meet them.
“Hey! Hey over here, I think he needs help!” Shouta shouted, waving his arms to flag the car down.
The next hour was a hazy blur of trying to keep his story straight for every cop he had to repeat it to, from the scene to the ambulance to a private conference room at the hospital. He had been on his way home from work, he said in increasing tones of weariness, and he heard what he thought was a fight in the alley as he passed by. He tried to step in after the muggers threw Yamada against the dumpster, but they ran off before he could get a good look at them. No, he didn’t really know Yamada, he just recognized him from a delivery he’d made. No, he wasn’t the one who made the initial call to the police, he had been trying to check if Yamada was dead or just unconscious. No, he didn’t have any additional information, he had honestly just been in the right place at the right time. Each time the police seemed to get a little less interested in him, turning their attention to questioning Yamada when the doctors were done running tests. Finally they thanked him for his time and Shouta was allowed to sit by himself in the waiting room and catch his breath.
Every single part of him felt like it was trying to fistfight every other part, but his head was winning the pain battle by a longshot. Hizashi opened his eyes and immediately shut them again with a sharp grunt of pain as white fluorescent lights burned into his skull. He tried again more slowly, squinting his eyes open in slow shifts to let them adjust. A hospital room came into focus bit by bit.. His jacket and gear were gone and his feet were bare. He could see a doctor and nurse standing a few feet away, talking to a uniformed officer. All of them seemed relatively relaxed, considering where they were. There was an uneasy feeling of Wrongness about the situation, but before he had time to dwell on it, the three of them noticed he was awake and came to stand around his bed.
“‘M I under arrest?” Hizashi mumbled. It wasn’t the best opener, but putting thoughts into words and having them stay in the right order was proving to be a challenge right now.
“Nothing so drastic, Mr. Yamada,” the doctor said, smiling at the perceived joke. “Officer Fujiwara is just here to take a statement about what happened to you tonight after we run a few tests to make sure everything’s shipshape up here,” she added, tapping her own temple with an index finger.
“Okay,” Hizashi said slowly. The time delay between ears and brain was slowly shortening, but somehow that wasn’t helping things make sense. He wasn’t being detained (yet), and they’d called him Yamada, which seemed to imply better things than he had expected. How that better outcome had happened was still up for debate but he was more than willing to let it ride for the moment.
The doctor introduced herself as Dr. Watanabe before going through the usual battery of post-concussion memory and comprehension tests that a childhood spent roughhousing with four siblings had turned into second nature for Hizashi. Slowly but surely as they spoke Hizashi’s brain clicked up through the gears until he was mostly running on all cylinders. He kept the conversation going as they wheeled him out of the room for a quick brain scan and then back in once it was done. Too soon, however, came the moment when he had to explain himself to the police.
“I understand things may be a little bit confused at the moment,” Officer Fujiwara began, cutting off Hizashi’s excuse before he could even make it. “We can fill in the more minor details at a later date as they come back to you. For right now, just tell me what you remember.”
Hizashi hesitated, trying to come up with a story that was both plausible and matched enough of the details that it wouldn’t come back to bite him later. “Uh. I was out walking,” he started, trying to get his feet under himself as he spoke. “There’s a takeout place I like, but it’s on the other side of town from my apartment so I don’t go there much unless I’m working late.”
“Understandable. Where is it that you work, Mr. Yamada?” Officer Fujiwara asked.
“Asahi Radio. I manage operations and fill in when our hosts are out. I had some paperwork to finish up, so I stayed late tonight.” Nice, neat, normal little life, Hizashi thought, willing her to buy the excuse. Officer Fujiwara made no indication that she did or didn’t believe it. Instead she just nodded and scribbled down shorthand on her notepad, motioning for him to go on. “I was trying to get home before it got too late, so I took a shortcut to the restaurant, but…” Hizashi trailed off, stiffly shaking his head. “I don’t know. It gets kind of jumbled after that.”
“I see. Do you remember seeing or hearing anything out of the ordinary while you were walking? Anyone suspicious, anyone seeming like they were following you?” Officer Fujiwara asked. Hizashi shook his head.
“No, but I wasn’t really looking I guess. Too distracted by my stomach,” Hizashi replied, cracking a smile at his own joke. Officer Fujiwara gave him a thin smile.
“Anything else you can remember?” she asked. Hizashi pretended to think. Trying to remember things in the order that they had happened after Hebiko had hit him with her Snakebite was genuinely difficult and added a touch of realism to his stymied expression.
“Sorry, no,” he said.
“Not a problem, Mr. Yamada. Here’s my card, and one for my immediate superior,” Officer Fujiwara said, handing him a pair of business cards. “If anything comes to mind later, please feel free to give us a call and let us know.”
Hizashi thanked her and accepted the cards, giving her his number at the station in return in case they needed to call him back instead. Officer Fujiwara bid him a good evening and left. Hizashi allowed himself to breathe a long sigh of relief as Dr. Watanabe returned.
“Well, the good news is your scans came back looking clear as can be hoped for,” she said brightly. “We can go ahead and keep you overnight for observation if you would like, but you should be all right to go ahead home if you’d rather do that. I believe your friend’s still out in the waiting room if the two of you need to talk it over.”
A cold jolt sank into the pit of Hizashi’s stomach, but he tried to keep it off his face. “Uh, yeah,” he agreed. “That might be best.”
Dr. Watanabe nodded and left to go get said “friend”. Hizashi sat up, sliding his legs over to sit on the side of the bed. He wasn’t really feeling up to running for his life after the rest of what happened tonight, but if Hebiko had followed him all the way to the hospital it seemed like he wasn’t going to have much choice. Maybe the cops would still be down in the lobby when he got there and he could have a miraculous return of memory that the stringy, suspicious-looking woman who had said she was here to get him was actually here to get him.
The frantic train of thought had a massive derail, however, as Dr. Watanabe returned to the room with a tall, shuffling figure in tow. Hizashi blinked, sure he had to be seeing things as Aizawa awkwardly nodded in greeting.
“Hey,” Aizawa muttered. “Erm. How’re you feeling?”
“A little confused,” Hizashi said. He tried to raise his eyebrow, but relented when the motion pulled too hard at the stitches in his forehead. “But, uh. Okay, I guess. Are you my escort home?”
Aizawa gave him a slightly sour look at the question but nodded. “I guess so,” he said.
In a renewed haze of bewilderment Hizashi reclaimed what of his belongings hadn’t been thrown out as a biohazard and signed himself out of the hospital while Aizawa called them a taxi. A very stiff, silent cab ride followed, neither of them knowing how to break the silence without making this worse than it already was.
“How’d you know where I was?” Hizashi asked finally, eyes locked forward out the front windshield of the taxi. “Decide to follow me?”
“No,” Aizawa replied flatly. “Just bad luck I guess.”
“Yours or mine?”
Hizashi snorted. “For once we agree on something,” he said.
The cab pulled to a stop in front of Hizashi’s building and his door creaked open to let him out. Aizawa cleared his throat as Hizashi shambled up off the seat.
“Do you...want me to come with you?” Aizawa asked, with a note in his voice that sounded like genuine concern. Hizashi paused, amused in spite of himself.
“Not even a little bit,” Hizashi replied with a cheerful, insincere smile. He shut the door and waited until the cab had pulled back into traffic and rounded the corner before going inside.
16 notes · View notes
rt8815 · 5 years
Bradbury...and Boogie-Woogie
Two years I’ve agonized over this piece. Two. Years. It’s kinda the reason I started writing this story out of order. Anyway, it’s one of those ‘filler’ chapters, I think they’re called. Not a CM Bingo piece, though I’m working on more of those atm.
Triggers: None, I think.
WC: 2,840
Before diving in, first read Let It Bleed, as it immediately precedes this one.
Bradbury…October 27, 2017
“Hey, New Girl! Welcome-welcome!” Garcia squealed happily, rolling a cart onto the sidewalk.
“Hi, Penelope. It’s great to meet you in person,” replied McKinley, lifting plastic containers off the concrete and placing them on the cart.
“You too, Kinley. Oh my gosh, you’re even cuter in the flesh. Love. Your. Hair.”
“Uh, th-thanks,” she stuttered, unsure how to take the compliment or politely ask the bubbly techie not to play with her amethyst locks. Then Garcia moved in for a hug. McKinley stepped back. “No, sorry. I’m kind of weird about hugs.”
“No need to apologize,” she insisted, pushing the dessert-laden cart through the door. Remembering their lively video chat from the other night, McKinley deduced that verbally and physically affectionate was Penelope’s natural state.
McKinley handed her ID to a grumpy man behind the front desk. “If we get to be friends, I’ll warm up to you,” she told Penelope, throwing her visitor’s badge around her neck.
Penelope’s eyes glinted mischievously. “We’ll definitely become friends. I’ve already decided. You’re a smol bean and you’re my baby now, no arguments,” she concluded as entered the elevator.
McKinley giggled. They chatted while the elevator climbed.
“So, you’ve got the hots for our Boy Genius,” Penelope mused aloud.
“What? No! No, it’s not like that.”
“Oh really, now? Doughnuts, cupcakes, a cake, and Season 10 of Doctor Who on Blu-ray, all to apologize because you accidentally grabbed a handful?”
McKinley’s face burned. “Did Agent Alvez tell you that? Son of a bitch!” she fumed, helping Penelope maneuver the cart into the hall.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” she reassured her. “These things happen.” Her lips pulled into an inquisitive smirk. “Okay, tell me - what’s he packing? We talkin’ Small Flat Rate Box, or Freight?”
McKinley’s eyes bugged behind her sunglasses. “Sweet Lord, why would you wanna know that?”
Penelope shrugged. “Reid’s always so buttoned up; however, I suspect he’s smuggling something impressive under those corduroys.”
“Yeah well, I’m not comfortable discussing that, so keep suspecting.” They rolled through the glass doors of the bullpen. “And to answer your original question: I don’t have the hots for him,” she stated simply as they came to a stop at Spencer’s desk, “and I’m not looking to date.”
“You guys are perfect for each other, though!” Penelope insisted. “You’re a lot alike. You’re both kind, nerd-funny, super smart, reserved…”
“Ha! Remember that last one when you’ve seen me drunk,” McKinley cautioned, opening the containers to check the decorations.
“Hey, it’s Twist ‘n’ Shout!”
She spun, hands on her hips, electricity crackling in her hair. Luke’s grin slipped at the death glare on her face, his coffee mug hovering midway to its destination. After a pregnant pause, McKinley responded.
“Fine, I’ll give you that one…Mocha Latte. Just know that I bite when I have to.” He raised his coffee-free hand in surrender, inching forward to inspect the desserts.
“Get away, you!” Penelope warned. “These are Spencer’s.”
Luke broke into a lopsided smile. “Oh, because of the ‘short and curlies incident’?”
McKinley thumped his arm with a stack of paper plates.
“Ouch,” he chuckled, no hint of pain in his voice.
“That was for telling people about the…awkwardness. Also, yes, it’s part apology, part ‘let’s be friends.’”
Luke raised a brow. “Friends? You got a free preview of the goods and you’re looking to be just friends?”
Her cheeks flushed. “Yes! He’s a lovely person and…I dunno. When we talked, my heart went all squishy and I knew my life would be greatly lacking without him as my friend.”
­“Okay, just remember that opportunity gropes but once, Doc.”
“Alvez, why are you casually discussing sexual misconduct in the middle of the office?” McKinley turned to see a tall brunette woman approaching. She appeared formidable but caring.
“Ah, it’s Dr. Durand! That clears things up,” she laughed, extending a hand to McKinley. “I’m Emily Prentiss, welcome to the BAU.”
McKinley offered a small, awkward wave in return. Emily smiled knowingly.
“How beautiful!” she exclaimed, eyeing the sweet treats. “The attention to detail is remarkable!”
McKinley smiled bashfully. “Thank you so mu- wait, how did you know who I am?”
Emily tore her eyes from the cake. “Well, Penny mentioned your video chat, and Luke jumped in and told us about your encounter with Spencer,” she winked, making a fondling motion with her hand. McKinley’s face flushed yet again.
“Penny spilled about your plan to surprise Spencer, and we got curious. I had her run a background check on you.”
McKinley inhaled sharply, feeling exposed.
“Em!” Penelope squeaked in disapproval. “It’s not like that, love, it’s just- ”
“Spence is like a younger brother to us,” interjected another blonde. “We’re very protective of him. He’s been through a lot, so whenever somebody new enters his life, we’re concerned about their intentions. Jennifer Jareau, by the way. Call me JJ,” she said, not forcing a handshake.
“I understand,” McKinley sighed. “Spencer has that effect on people, doesn’t he?”
She hugged the plates to her chest. “One conversation with him and you realize, ‘He’s a precious cinnamon roll and must be protected at all costs!’ I assure you, that’s my only intention, JJ: to be his friend.”
“Well, that’s certainly a good start,” an older gentleman joined the conversation, pointing at one of the containers. “Chocolate frosted doughnuts with sprinkles are his favorite. It’s a bit clichéd, but there’s truth in the adage ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’ It follows; you’ve already had him by the b-”
“Rossi, stop! We’ve made enough jokes at her expense,” scolded a woman who introduced herself as Dr. Tara Lewis. “This looks exquisite. Do I smell coffee in the cake? Reid loves coffee.”
“Yes, and there’s plenty to share as soon as he’s had some. Where is he, anyway?”
Luke pointed outside the Bullpen. “He’s down the hall printing handouts for his seminar next month,” he said, sipping his coffee.
“He doesn’t email them?”
“Reid’s a bit of a technophobe,” explained yet another agent, Matt Simmons.
“He still insists on hard copies of case files,” added Penelope. “It broke his heart when we went totally digital.” She glanced over McKinley’s shoulder and grinned. “Speak of the Luddite devil.”
Everyone watched as Spencer staggered towards them, clutching a thick stack of papers. He stopped short when he saw the crowd milling around his desk.
Spencer smiled, confused. “McKinley? What are you doing here?”
“She comes bearing gifts, Big Brain,” Penelope winked. “Apology gifts.” The others avoided his gaze but couldn’t hide their sniggers. Then Spencer caught Luke’s eye.
“You told!” he grumbled, flinging the papers onto his desk.
“If I give y’all food, will you shut your traps about us touching each other’s fun places?”
“Probably not.”
“Nope. Sorry, not sorry.”
“Heh, you’re new here, bean. You’ll learn.”
While they lined up to choose their treats, McKinley leaned closer to Spencer. “When does the hazing end?”
“They’ll get bored soon, but that’s when the pranking starts.” He bent forward to focus on the cake properly. “Ray Bradbury?”
“Yeah, Garcia said Halloween’s your favorite holiday, and I know you’re a voracious reader. I put two and two together and ta-da.”
“Let’s see…the lions are from “The Veldt,” and the flowers are from Dandelion Wine, but what’s this one?” he asked, pointing to a swing set and a sandbox.
“The Playground,” she replied, and they smiled at each other self-consciously.
“McKinley, did you make all of this by hand?” asked JJ, marveling at the miniature sculptures.
“Most of it, except my friend Taylor painted the lions, and the chocolate TARDISes on the cupcakes came from a mold.” She popped open another container, revealing police boxes, each wrapped with a Fourth Doctor’s scarf and set in galaxy frosting. “Oh, and I bought the Jelly Babies online.”
“Would you consider making birthday cakes? My boys would love these.”
“Sure thing,” McKinley agreed, sitting in the chair Spencer brought her.
“Sooo, Reid, what are you gonna do for Kinley?” Garcia interjected.
“She’s right, Spence,” JJ concurred, sneaking an extra cupcake. “You’re not innocent in all this.”
Behind her, Luke held two doughnuts, squeezing them suggestively and mouthing ‘honka-honka.’
McKinley scowled at him. “What’re you, twelve?” Turning to Spencer, she continued. “I’d choose a book or record shop, but you don’t owe me a thing.”
“Oh-oh-oh,” Garcia enthused. “Then after, you could watch Who together at your place. He doesn’t have a TV,” she whisper-yelled.
Shaking her head, McKinley checked her phone. “Sorry, time for me to go.”
“Nooo,” Garcia pouted. “Hang with us!”
“Tempting, but I have to meet friends at some bar named…O’Keeffe’s?”
McKinley swore Garcia’s squeal of delight broke the sound barrier.
“That’s where we’re going! We’re all gonna get smashed on pumpkin-y, fall-themed grownup drinks together! Yes!”
…And Boogie-Woogie
The team kept an eye out for McKinley at O’Keeffe’s and were surprised to hear her shout out to them from the stage. She introduced the team to her bandmates following their final set, which consisted mostly of Tom Petty songs as a memorial of sorts, though McKinley couldn’t resist adding The Rolling Stones’ “Fingerprint File” at the end.
They talked late into the night getting to know each other. McKinley sat transfixed as the team regaled her with stories about their cases, one of which revolved around what they called a Vengeful Cinderella.
“Really? With her stilettos? Yikes!” she grimaced, sipping her drink.
“Yeah, but Spence was able to bring her in quietly by playing into her fantasy, acting as Prince Charming to her Cinderella. Got down on one knee, slipped her shoe back on and everything.”
McKinley threw Spencer an appraising look.
“I can see that working. He fits the bill.”
“He also gave me a new appreciation for the original, unsanitized versions of fairy tales. See, I felt that children ought to be protected from harsh realities, but Spence explained that the tales’ intended purpose was to allow kids to safely confront their fears.”
McKinley cocked her head in thought.
“Actually, the intent of those particular versions was to punish women - through some combination of marriage, rape, bodily mutilation and or death - simply for being women, because the Brothers Grimm were a pair of angry, bitter, he-man woman-hatin’, misogynist prick bastards.”
She took a drink and drew a breath before continuing, waving her hand for emphasis.
“Meanwhile, historian Franz Xaver von Schönwerth traveled around Bavaria, transcribing the stories directly from the very people who’d kept them alive in the oral tradition: servants, peasants, laborers - many of them women - rather than reframing them within his own worldview.”
She breathed in again, oblivious to the team’s stares.
“These fairy tales had strong, independent female protagonists in leadership positions. They were the ones having adventures, slaying dragons and rescuing men! Yes, the stories’ purpose was to help children navigate life’s challenges and prepare them for the adult world,” McKinley clarified, “but not at the expense of women’s agency and autonomy.”
Her gaze shifted to Spencer, whose mouth had dropped slightly.
“Unfortunately, Grimms’ Fairy Tales garnered all the attention. Fast-forward and now we have watered down, artificially flavored, saccharine animated films teaching kids that girls are helpless and need saving, and that the boys who rescue the girls are entitled to them. It’s just one more way the film industry has contributed to toxic masculinity and rape culture. Thanks, Disney, I hate it,” she concluded.
McKinley returned to her drink for a few moments before realizing the booth had fallen silent.
“Oh boy, there are two of them now,” Emily snorted.
McKinley scrunched her face in confusion. “Two what?”
“Spence rambles too,” said JJ, in a tone that conveyed mild annoyance and embarrassment at the behavior, almost as though she were apologizing for him.
McKinley frowned at her. She had seemed nice enough in the Bullpen earlier.
“He’s gotten better about it over the years, though,” she added, patting his shoulder.
The misplaced pride grated on McKinley’s nerves.
“Asphinctersayswhat?” She deliberately slurred her words, downing the last of her drink.
“What?” asked JJ.
“Exactly,” McKinley murmured, eyes fixed on her glass.
Before JJ could ask again, Spencer spoke.
“How had I not heard of Schönwerth before?” he wondered aloud, sounding disappointed in himself.
McKinley perked up. “I can lend you my copy of The Turnip Princess if you’d like. It’s a collection of his work.”
“Yeah, definitely!” he said eagerly. “I’m always excited to learn something new.”
Luke leaned around Matt to join the exchange. “I’ll have to buy a copy myself. I read Grimm’s as a kid but I hate to think I only knew biased versions. Schönwerth’s sound much better.”
“I appreciate the ride home, Luke,” McKinley called from the backseat.
“Me too. Just don’t get used to hearing those words pass my gorgeous lips, Newbie.”
“No problem, happy to do it,” he answered, laughing at Garcia’s drunken antics.
Under the cranked-up radio, McKinley addressed Spencer.
“Thanks for your text that morning after the park. I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“Thank you for insisting on the wellness check.” He paused, fiddling with his messenger bag and smiling thoughtfully. “You know what? I’m glad we met.” 
“Hey, is this the right place?” asked Luke.
McKinley peered through the window.
“6565, yeah that’s the one,” she confirmed as Luke parked.
Penelope waddled across the driveway.
“I have to see your tiny house - the outside I mean, since I already got a video tour of the inside. Guys, it. is. Adorable,” Penelope gushed.
“I thought you lived with Taylor and Jaimie,” said Spencer, pointing to the porch.
“I’m parked out back,” McKinley explained, unlocking the gate.
Penelope gasped. “I almost forgot! Can we see your baby too?”
“Absolutely! He loves meeting new people.”
Luke closed the gate behind them, carrying McKinley’s guitar. “Wait, what? You have a son?”
“Weeell, sort of…” McKinley twirled around, landing on her knees, arms spread out.
“Boogie, baby! Come to Mamma!” she bellowed.
A multicolored mass of fur burst through the door and made a blurry beeline for her, knocking her fully onto the ground.
“I missed you too, buddy!” she cried as the dog assaulted her face with kisses. Sitting up, McKinley faced him towards the group.
“Look! I brought new friends. Boogie, this is Luke, Penny, and Spencer. Guys, this is Boogie.”
“Yes, Mocha Latte, Boogie. Short for Boogie-Woogie, which comes from the Bantu phrase ‘mbuki-mvuki.’ It means ‘to dance wildly, to the point of ecstasy.’ I didn’t have a name picked out when I brought him home, but when I put my music on shuffle, the first song was John Lee Hooker’s “Boogie Chillen’.” He started shaking his butt and tapping his feet. No other name would’ve sufficed.”
He approached Luke, slowly at first, then promptly shoved his snout into the man’s crotch.
“Boogie! Manners! I raised you better than that.”
“That’s okay, I know it’s the dog version of shaking hands.” Luke knelt to give him more attention. “You’re just introducing yourself, aren’t you? Yeah. You probably smell Roxie, huh buddy.”
“You have a furbaby too?”
“Yeah, a Belgian Malinois. What’s Boogie?”
“A Border Aussie. Mom was a working Border Collie and Dad was a show Australian Shepherd. He got Mommy’s smarts and Daddy’s derpiness.”
Penelope bent over to scratch Boogie’s ears, surrendering herself to sniffs and kisses. “If you two don’t have playdates at the park, I’ll dognap them and take them there myself.”
Boogie seemed to wag his assent, shuffling over to Spencer and nosing his hand.
“N-nice doggie,” he stammered, gingerly patting Boogie’s head.
McKinley stood, swaying slightly on her way to the door. “I better grab that book while I’m thinking about it. Keep our guests entertained, buddy.”
They heard her rummaging inside, talking to herself. “You were here just the other - aha!”
She reappeared, waving a tattered paperback. “It’s dog-eared and coffee-stained,” she sighed apologetically, “but it’ll read.”
“Well-worn is high praise for a book. It shows how much it’s been loved,” Spencer reasoned, climbing the stairs to the small porch. 
“Take your time with it. Some things aren’t meant for speed-Reiding,” she joked, handing him the book.
A comfortable silence settled between them for a minute.
“The swing set on the cake is an inedible figurine, by the way. That night, sitting on the real swing…I dunno, it seemed to comfort you. Now you have one to keep on your desk.”
McKinley couldn’t decide if ‘impressed’ or ‘perturbed’ better described Spencer’s expression in that moment.
“It’s late, guys. We should head out,” Luke yawned, handing McKinley her guitar.
“Night-night, Lovely! We’re having that knitting bee at my place next weekend, just us.”
“Sounds great, Penny, but I’m nervous about knitting in the round. It’s intimidating.”
They waved their goodbyes as they returned to the gate. “Don’t worry, Auntie Penelope will teach you all she knows.”
McKinley retreated into the warmth of her home. She climbed into bed, beaming to herself.
“A whole new group of friends. Imagine that, Boogie! I’d only dared hope for one…”
“There are no faster or firmer friendships than those between people who love the same books.”Irving Stone
@illegalcerebral @dreatine @cynbx
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mutantsrisingrpg · 5 years
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Congratulations ABBY! You’ve been accepted as IAPETUS.
Choosing between two amazing apps is always a hard thing to do. With Jack, it’s very easy to forget that he still has emotion left within him and to see it crack through in your app made me so happy, Abby! “Alma showed him kindness; he’s still trying to understand how to pay it back with interest.” This line, and more specifically the mention of kindness, pulled me into your app and sold me on him right away. That sliver of kindness can either make or break Jack in this world and I can’t wait to find out. We’re so excited to see both you and him back on the dash! 
Welcome to Mutants Rising! Please read the checklist and submit your account within 24 hours.
Out of Character Information: 
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 22
TIMEZONE & ACTIVITY LEVEL: PST, 6-7/10 – I’m a full time grad student with a pretty heavy course and research load, so generally I’m busy during the day but my schedule is kind of flexible? Generally speaking I’ll be online every day but either in the early mornings or evenings.
In Character Information:
DESIRED ROLE: Jack Mizuno / Iapetus
GENDER/PRONOUNS: cis male & he/him
Jack Mizuno does not exist. He is a ghost, a dead end paper trail strung together by fraying ties that knot themselves so easily in circles. Jack Mizuno exists in sharp fragments littered against the pavement, indistinguishable from shattered glass; small, sharp, glittering like teeth. He wasn’t always like this – a dark, brooding thing shaking in his skin with a death-rattle that sounds so close to fingers on keys. He wasn’t ever quite human, but none of them were, fundamental flaws cut and cured in the womb and left to fester thereafter. 
He lived in years, once. Whole handfuls of them, one right after another, like a fucking feast you never got full of. And then shit got bad – not just for him, but mostly for him within the confines of his adolescent tunnel vision. Years shrunk and shriveled, and sunk and shriveled some more. Sometimes he gets days, most of the time he lives in hours. If he’s lucky he gets a whole week of feeling like a person and not a tool, something to scratch out the cockroaches with when they get stuck in the cables.
He is empty and full. Stretched thin until he’s cracked and bloated, like a goose waiting to lose its liver for a main course. What did he expect? Jack has secrets, knows secrets, has seen and buried the terrible things mutants will do to and for each other in the name of survival. Most of them don’t belong to him. There has to be somewhere for it all to go. 
Before Alma held him up by his hair and gave him a choice that wasn’t a choice at all, Jack had to make his own purpose. That was difficult, mostly because he didn’t feel he had one. He had a mutation that felt less like a mutation and more like a target blinking in binary. He had a computer. It doesn’t take a lot of brain power to piece together the next logical step. Jack never made a charity about what he could do for other mutants. It doesn’t make him a tin man in the corner banging on his keyboard for oil.
People like to call Jack a robot, it’s fine. They can say whatever they want, it has no bearing on whether Jack has a heart. He has quite a lot of it – heart. Even if half the time he’s shaking so violently he can’t feel it beating in his chest. The heart he holds on to so tightly, you see, is a balm on the coals raked over his skin every time he digs into another putrid crevice of the internet. It doesn’t surprise him, anymore, the human capacity for cruelty. Kindness, though, that’s what gets him every time. Alma showed him kindness; he’s still trying to understand how to pay it back with interest. 
Self-preservation is paramount. Jack has been a bottom feeder for as long as he can remember – taking the ugly, awful work law enforcement doesn’t care for and private eyes find distasteful. It bred in him a fine-tuned intuition, sharp as a knife’s edge. He knows when to take the money, when to ask no questions, and when to disappear. Disappearing is an art like any other, and Jack is exceptionally good at it. A fool’s errand is inviting Jack into your life and thinking you can keep a secret from him after. He’s not curious, he’s careful. Thorough. He leaves nothing and then less to chance.
The knife’s edge is double sided – Jack has a flighty, nervous nature to him that he stamps down with caffeine and cigarettes. It doesn’t go away, and dampens at the expense of his better judgment, but doing so sweeps down the hair at the back of his neck and stills his fingers when there’s work to be done. Jack is a shark; stop swimming for too long and he’ll sink straight to the ground.
Everyone expects it to still be snowing in March. Chicago, they say, with an endeared little smile and the flat ah to tell you without telling you they’re a native, winter from October to April. In 1989, March rained. Buckets of it for more days that most folks bothered counting. March was a gust at the end of winter just warm enough to make it miserable. Jack was born smack in the middle, when the city was drowning. 
Jack’s mother was a nervous woman and his father was a ghost. He wondered, later, if that anxious constitution was something inherited from the womb; if his mother’s uneasy heart set in his a parallel double-step from conception. Perhaps it was imparted later, swallowed up by Jack’s open pores exposed early to the lined up bills on the kitchen counter, angry locks that stuck in the cold, and trembling hands over thread-bare collars. 
His father was the kind of ghost that lingered heavy, an almost-hand that threatened above his shoulder and the doorway. More than once Jack wondered what he inherited from his father, what strange neuroticisms – or, indeed, mutations – he left in place of a hand print. It’s the only secret Jack has refused to recover.
School passes unremarkably. Jack is neither the bully nor the victim; insignificant enough to slip under the radar and glaze by. Not a top student. Not struggling. Lost in the waves that ebb through the blown-out halls, into the rusted chairs, out onto the buses that only run on hope and cold air. It’s all very – fine. It’s fine. His mother comes home with a hand in his hair and a question about his day she doesn’t wait to hear the answer to. His school work is swept aside to make room on the table to count what they’ve lost and earned for the day. When he’s old enough, Jack will drop his books to do the same. 
They don’t quite get that far.
See, Jack doesn’t have a flash-bang mutation. There’s no schoolyard scuffle that goes from rowdy to lethal like the flip of a coin and gets the whole neighborhood straight on the news. His is a slow crescendo, and goes like this: His mother is spending laters nights at work, which means a locked door at home and the silent command to find something to do with his time. He’s about fourteen – not old enough to work somewhere safe but too old to be knocking on neighbors doors alone and hungry.
He settles for the library next to school. It’s warm, well-lit, and they have a computer. Jack only gets to go on those an hour a day at school. He noodles around when he’s bored of his homework, stumbles on things he shouldn’t but doesn’t know any better to avoid – or, rather, doesn’t know aren’t normal. He’s smart and stupid enough to keep this to himself, age up into high school with this secret tucked under his tongue; wait until the conversation has already turned to mutants before he dares to bring it up on his own. He doesn’t tell his mother, just yet, wants to know for sure that what he can do is something he can also control. Jack isn’t afforded that chance, either.
Eviction notices were a big red staple of Jack’s childhood – taped to the door or slipped quietly underneath it. It’s only when he’s fourteen with a head on fire that their landlord finally follows through. Jack comes home to the door wrenched open and their meager belongings scattered or gone. He finds his mother in a house down the street – an aunt’s maybe, or a distant cousin’s – with her face in her hands and shoulders shaking. It goes like that for some time, drifting just the two of them, until Jack comes back to their newest makeshift home and finds her gone.
What comes next is – dark. Jack comes to a week after his twenty-second birthday in an apartment reminiscent of his childhood, wearing clothes he doesn’t really recognize but smell like him. There might be someone in his bed. He might be squatting. He shut off for a while, he isn’t sure. The laptop left open on the floor is definitely his – it has his fingerprints all over it. Digital, mostly, but there’s the odd smudge that gives way to physical ownership. This is what he has now, neck deep in the chasm of loneliness: a keyboard and a client list a mile long.  
It goes like this for some while. Jack stays in his probably-not-legally-rented apartment, waiting for the people who know how to find him, well – find him. Most of them pay well. He takes what feels safe and keeps himself warm, but freelancing for strangers with an envelope of cash is a near-vertical learning curve. Jack has an edge, but he’s also stupid in the early days. He still searches for his mother, when he can. He moves apartments twice and nearly gets taken into two more times beyond that. 
The years of smooth sailing and steady income that flow in afterwards makes him arrogant, and reckless. It’s something between a favor and a job that gets him caught – a favor, because, damn him, he cares about the client more than he should, but still technically a job when there’s a paycheck at the end of it. Sentiment makes him desperate, experience makes him careless, and the resource he’d heard Blackburn might have had access to was never even there in the first place. 
The first time he met Alma, the only thing Jack smelled was blood – his, probably. His mouth certainly felt full of it. He never had much use for religion in his short, cold life, even if his mother was devout for all of hers. Staring at Alma, one hand in his hair and offering him a choice that wasn’t really a choice at all, he might have almost understood. With a strong hand and an outstretched arm, he remembers the verses and psalms, as he stares at her. They might even feel true.
Jack is not a watchdog, but he’s something close, maybe. Alma offered him a purpose he already had in front of him but didn’t know how to take. There is no doubt Jack’s loyalty to the Blackburn Syndicate runs deep and unwavering. He believes in the cause, acts for the cause, maybe even lives for it. But he is still a solitary creature, and the rising tensions pull tight at his skin.
EXPANDED CONNECTIONS: Please expand on at least one of the connections set out in the bio. There can be as little or as much as you want to be written here. We would love to see how you interpreted the connections we set out!
LENOX. Jack has spent time adrift – living through a haze that blurred the lines in his mind. He has no desire to return to that state, ever. He grounds himself in reality, more so than ever. His life depends on truth and the relentless pursuit of it. Lenox is a direct threat to his own stability, and worse, they seem to find pleasure from seeing him squirm under their little games. He hates it, he hates them, and he hates more how he doesn’t really hate it at all. Jack has built his life into a routine, and the illusions annoy him. They set his teeth on edge and give him the shakes for days after, but there’s a reason he hasn’t asked Alma for one of her fists into Lenox’s pretty little face.  
ILIE. Jack doesn’t make a habit of sitting on any of his secrets. He tried it, once. He almost bled out on the pavement. The second time he was nearly locked up in a testing facility. So, no, he doesn’t hold on to the transgressions of others any more than he needs to. Chances are there’s some way to spin it in his favor – or, the Syndicate’s, now. It’s – different with Ilie. Jack is meant to be playing nice with the King’s Collective, so says the hand on his leash, but he just can’t help this small amusement. It’s a vice that will get him killed, or worse, he knows. The second he slips Ilie will go running, but it’s so nice to be the one in control for a time. Even if it’s not really enough, only the illusion of it. 
RAHIM. Jack isn’t sure quite what to make of Rahim, and that’s a dangerous thing. Jack likes to have the answers – is rather used to it – and doesn’t know what to do with himself when he is left wanting for them. Enter, Rahim. A man Jack is meant to be getting along with, tries to get along with, but can’t quite seem to figure out. They dance around each other, careful, and Jack is unwilling to take the first step forward or back. He’s a watcher, so he watches. He knows it unsettles Rahim, and maybe that makes it all the more worth it. It’s more fun to earn the answers, anyway.
Jack Mizuno is an alias, easy enough to assume. He told Alma his real name privately after he agreed to his terms, but no one else knows it as far as he’s aware.
He’s left handed; insignificant, but it’s a pet-peeve of his when people point it out like it’s something secret or exciting. There are lots of secret or exciting things about him, this isn’t one of them.
Jack doesn’t define his sexuality in strict terms or labels. He’s more of a convenience person who recognizes he has needs, but doesn’t much care who satisfies them. If he had to choose he might prefer men, but it’s only by a slim margin.
Nope ! ilu
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zeroglitchtic-blog · 5 years
Here To Change It All...
Hey Guys -
So hmmm… What can I say? Ok, well I have been working on this Business Plan for the past 13 years. I took the past 13 years and developed a final plan to solve Homelessness, Poverty, and Sexual Exploitation. It took me around 3 years just to get an idea about and to learn how Crypto Currency can fund the entire business. Unfortunately due to Crypto Currency Mining the video cards I need for it are about $4,500.00ea. And I need 20 of them to complete one Build. On another note I invented a game app and the other night I invented another App idea too. It will be cool to get them made for real. Right now I’m kind of in an obsession with this Pastel Goth look and I want to create my own look by taking some Bell Bottoms from this company called Gypsy Rose and a cool Hoodie and then order Bulk Boxes of the same color Boas and a Hemp Back Pack and some clothing LED Lights and to sew them on to the clothing really carefully to get an amazing look and to buy some books on Cosplay Makeup, Glam Makeup, and Tutorials on Makeup for Black People and create my own Glam Goth look. I want to produce the images into products for my new store when I open it. I have worked for over a decade on my plan to rescue the homeless, people in need, exploited kids and adults and it took me three years of researching Ethereum Mining to0 figure out how I would fund my company. One NVIDIA.com Video card will cost me around $4,500.00 to get the best one they have and the most profitable of them and my build that I designed takes 20 Video Cards and brings in around $10K/mo. So I’ll make Hundreds of Thousands of them and fill every business location I gets basement with as many Builds as will fit and warehouses full of them too. Once I get going a lot of people will want for little anymore. I told my fiancé that I would set him up with another personal place of his own, like a loft or something and have several Ethereum Miners there just for him and I’ll show him how to use them and make money with them so that we’ll be on more equal footing and I’ll have legal documents setup that will supply him with his own place and no matter what our relationship turns out to be that I can’t cut him off or affect him in any way to upset his stability and financials. I hope to have it setup before we get married. I plan on having several locations to live over time but one of the very first locations that I get and setup is going to be a three bedroom apartment that I’ll setup to be displayed on my company’s home page in the same way that a 365 degree display of Real Estate Property is displayed except that I hope to use the help of Ad Agents to have special products setup, like displays from Coca Cola, and other Brands and to get the Companies displayed to provide donations for the advertisements.
I hope to land contracts that are with like laundry soap and cleaning supplies and brands of Pre-Paid Credit and Gift Cards, and Electronics, etc. To use only their brands at my locations for special discounts or with some kind of residual donations from them, so things like Bed Bath and beyond and Companies that sell bedding and so on. I hope to get special accounts or even to open Hundreds of Reseller Accounts and purchase from my own accounts. I’ll have fractureme.com High Def Glass Photos hanging on the walls that display images of homelessness and people living in poverty, etc. As the artwork and otherward the location will be setup with Height of Technology in i9t and Luxury and excellent decorations and renovations with new smart appliances and if possible in home laundry too. The entire apartment will be setup to look as if a family lives there that has two kids, a boy and girl and the rooms will be fully setup and stocked with clothing and desks and school supplies, software, text books, reading books, game stations and games, CDs, DVDs, Anime, and Desktop and Laptop on the bed with MP3 Player and cell phone on its charger and even a few pieces of trash in the trash cans and so on, even the adults rooms will be setup the same with a Home Office and files in the living room, etc. Every room will come with their own safes and have finger print and key pad locking doors and in the safes will c0ome an envelope full of cash and several types of pre-paid cards. The computers will be top of the line and Extreme types, totally maxed out, with extensive external Hard Drives and full of useful software that is fully paid for and more. Once the 365 degree walkthrough Video is made than everything will be packed into specially positioned glass cases for display, so like the laptop, cell phones, digital cameras, camcorders, Gift Cards, and some other things will go into displays so that when there are walk trough's to help gain donors less can be stolen easily. I will spend a lot of time setting up the location with a simply safe security system and register everything in the apartment with renters insurance and register them with their own individual companies. I’ll have the entire place setup with services and each room with smaller Ethereum Miners that work and are actively earning money and have monitors on the walls that display the earnings and exchanges pricing in each room. But the apartment will be maintained by my financial Company that I get. Every Account would be active, the lease, the cable, the Home Phone, mobile phones, Internet, and all the individual emails, and all the software will be registered to those emails and even Turn-Key online businesses and so on setup as examples and displays for the apartment and newsletters, and more with ads for the Turn-Key Businesses. The files in the Offices and kids rooms will hold the Hard Copy files of all the Accounts and Registration Info and Gamer Info. Emails and Advertisement info and more, including the online versions, Browser favorite links, and profile saves, address books filled out and more. It seems like a lot but every tiny detail will be through of from every item being photographed and filed with their own insurance, registrations, and receipts, to even unique personally searched out and handpicked USB Drives that are installed with PortableApps.com software and paid versions of the software on those apps and all of it filed and registered both digitally and in Hard Copy.
And there will be a personalized welcome Manual for each person and all their accounts and how the apartment works, the Wi-Fi locks, the smart TV Accounts, their personal safe’s codes, and every computer log-in, how and where to find all their Hard Copy and Digital Account info and if something comes up missing or breaks how to file for renters insurance to replace it and police reports and how to contact their financial Agent for financial Aid and for when they want to go to college or to file a new bill or account for them to manage and also how their personal Ethereum Miner earns them their own money so that they are not tied to their financial allowance’s leash. There will be so much attention to detail because it will be the display house/apartment used for fund raising. It will be decorated and setup with extra details like Artist’s Piggy Banks around the rooms to collect donations and drop safes for people to donate Pre-Paid Cards and Checks and Cash, cell phones and I’ll have a Turn-Key Business in the home that people can buy and donate gift cards and cell phones, clothing cards, and tablets, laptops and to donate money by credit cards too. I’ll even setup cat climbing towers in all the corners and High End cat walks and rests on the walls and toy holders, etc. even Automatic cat boxes that clean and wash their own litter and cat supplies and dog products if the apartment allows dogs and more considerations that are suited for hosting gatherings and even just ease of today’s technological society like a moveable arm under a cabinet in the kitchen that holds a water proof tablet that is dedicated solely to cooking sites, and Home Food Delivery services. There will be cool little personal touches too from unique USB Drives to interesting lamps like this collectors Yoda Lamp and displays of air plants and even like on the desks will be pencils and pens with my company’s custom website on them and possibly even Antique Typewriter on a typing desk with several boxes of extra ribbon and Company Letterhead Quality Paper stacked next to it, possibly with a sheet in the type writer with the beginning page of one of my novels on it or a letter addressed to my First Business Location. And a typed and stamped addressed envelope next to it. I’ll do things like add magazines to the coffee table and things like expensive items will get locked inside display cubes or fastened to where they are. But most of the place will be meant to be fully interactive and the greeters and Hosts of the Donor Parties will be able to show the guests the fully interactive features of the apartment and all of its services, etc. From Posters on the kid’s walls and little Anime and Action Figurines to online Gamer Merchandise of in-game-content from the most popular games like Fortnight and stuff and most of the Books and movies will be excellent Sci-fi Hard Copy Novels of the Greats and books I’ve Loved. The Anime will be Deluxe Full Seasons with all the extra content and really cool 0ones and really good DVD Collections that are kid appropriate and in the parents room they will have more Adult titles like the complete Silence of the Lambs and Hannibal TV Series and Dexter Series, and John Wick Series and other Good Ones and in the kids room will be Ultimate Gamer Setups in a relaxation area away from sight of the desk so the kids won’t game and watch TV while they do homework and out of the bed area so they can have a shut down time and not game and stuff while they are supposed to shut down and sleep and they’ll have an Xbox, Play Station and Gamer Computer with all the VR and Bells and Whistles and even google Home Video Slate Devices on their Desk and By their Beds. The home will have several of them by each sitting area and then the Dot versions mounted on walls around the halls and a water proofed one in the bathroom so that there is whole home connectivity along with all the Tablets and Laptops and PCs connected to the Norton Secured Network as well as smart lights and even security cameras and a Door Peep Hole Device that Projects a large Video of who is at the door and takes photos of who comes to the door and sends it to the owners phone and that also allows for smart lock activation. The apartment will be the epitome of Beauty, Luxury, and Comfort and people that come to the home will be able to view installed manikins that are wearing company uniforms for all around seasons and types, the most expensive being the Winter ne that comes with heated gloves and socks and shoe insoles and Extreme Cold Military Boots and heat shell Jackets and full snow outfits. The outfits will come with their own pedestals that will have fliers on them that explain what the services that they go to are and the equipment needed for each one, like the House Keeping one, the Personal Assistant, the Odd Job, and snow removal, the Food Delivery one and like how much it will cost for the work vans and trucks and snow blowers and shovels and painting/cleaning supplies and the storage unit rentals for the equipment and cost of the uniforms that will each have my company Logo Embroidered on them and on each will be an employee Tag just like all employees will have. Another presentation will be video presentations played on loops on the screens in the living room that explain how my company will hire students fresh out of colleges that are entering the fields of nursing, psychology, and social work, legal aid, and about the services that will come with my company that will help any homeless person with absolutely nothing and addiction issues fully recover their lives with personally adapted services and complete financial support so that even if they are dealing with drug issues that they won’t need to sell their new property or prostitute for funding and that they will receive full support while they attend to their rehab needs as well as fully paid trade and college schooling and financial investments that are everything from timed trust payouts at major age milestones, to retirement and regular funds for travel around the world. There will be full employment programs inside my company and in the mainstream markets and my company will pay companies to keep employees hired and to hire people in need as well as options for customers that do things like use our yard service as incentives to keep my employees hired like getting major yard work done, in ground lawn sprinklers installed and landscaping, home repairs, and other improvements and upgrades to their utilities and home like the best water heaters, Hot Tubs, new Fences and so on to keep my company on contract for lawn care and snow removal and housekeeping and food delivery and so on. It will all be done by professionals in the fields when done and then my clients will up keep it with a flawless and no questions asked insurance and replacement process in case something is ever broken or stolen and there will be tons of other services since everyone in the world suffers from some state of poverty and need, that my company will collect even my customers into my fold and provide them with financial aids, paid schooling, debt payment, and doing things like picking up car and home payments and medical needs. Some families that have Autistic Children or Severally Handicapped family members or people with major medical needs or who are getting too old to take care of those family members, my company will search out and supply them with things like 24/7 live in Aids and money for uncovered medicines or experimental Treatments that their HMOs won’t cover and cosmetic Treatments and more. My company will do more than just that. I’ll use schools of Architecture to create fortified locations of Housing for over 100 Ethereum Miners that will bring in over $1 Million per month and have them built into schools so that teachers will be able to receive Top Pay and the schools will have more than enough for the best in school supplies and equipment and teaching Aids and like an example would be that the limited language learning classes would have a full computer network setup with every language that Rosetta Stone’s Language software offers and every student will have the ability to choose what language to learn. There will be funds for every extracurricular activity and my plans are to adopt the Chinese and Japanese attendance unit where kids swipe in and out of classes except I’ll make it so that kids will actually get paid cash to attend classes and to do homework and extra credit and science fairs and if they aren’t doing well to get tutors and to help others and that it will do things like give economics classes real money and be able to do real things with the money and learn firsthand and school papers and news how to do very real publications and run ads and more. My company will invest in local Mom & Pop shops and the community and get them to keep selling at rock bottom prices but selling High End Products so that the struggling community that uses them will suddenly be able to afford things like really good toilet paper, and snacks for their kids and eat well every day and even though I won’t be able to reach everyone and help the whole city, by proxy the community will become happier and their mood change will make the community better as a whole. I’ll do the same for places that serve food and coffee shops too so that they can drop their prices and use better quality foods and cleaning supplies and decorations and pay better because than the community will be able to come out and eat more and have more family experiences to build a healthier family around and memories and the community will become stronger for it. I’ll do things like take a Digital Camera and GoPro and go to every run-a-way shelter, and battered woman’s shelter and Underground Railro0ad project and Drop-In Center and Teen Challenge Center and photograph the entire area and interview everyone and find out what they need and what needs fixing and what they wish they could provide and install the best beds and most comfortable sheets and fluffiest comforters and turn them into wonder locations and expand their services and get all the kids and people new clothing and school supplies and make it rain and put them on above comfortable expense accounts. I’ll do the same for Orphanages and Un-Adopted kids that are too old, all the while setting up Luxury Apartments and Auction Houses and emptying out every shelter and soup kitchen and giving these Betrayed Souls what society should have done for them from day one. There are a million tiny things that I’ll be doing and I’ll write you all about them in upcoming letters. It took me 9 years to figure out how to do all this and it will take major Donors and Corporate Donors for me to afford to build enough Ethereum Miners to afford to do it quickly. But I’m going to dedicate the rest of my life to thi9s. Mommy Anne is giving me a $10,000.00 Trust and I’ll put it into my first beginner Ethereum Miner and it will only earn me about $2K/mo. And I’ll have to save and buy more of the best NVIDIA Video Cards and add to it. My build will hold 20 Cards and cost me around $88.505.70 to complete and make me around $10K/mo. when done. My goal is to reach 100 builds as fast as possible using Kickstarters.com and every crowd funding site on the internet and every social media network from around the globe. My work won’t just start and stop in Minnesota or even the USA. Once I am at a point where I have enough Ethereum Miners I’ll be able to expand them at a rate of 50-100 or more at a time creating $1 Million/mo. Jumps in income and higher with more donors and my work will jump boarders and I’ll hire kids and young adults from ar0und the world to locate and rescue their needy and sexually exploited and Brothel Children and people living in Poverty. I just hope I can do it fast enough to see it all happen before I die. I would start gofundme.com and kickstarter.com and dozens of other crowd funding sites and spread them across every social media and network possible but I need a cell phone. I’d also write to several Ad Agencies and give them a rundown of my plans and what I want them to do and have them create the Crowd Funding Ads for me because each site is different, has different formats, options for photos and Banners, and voice and the amount of words for each site and burn them onto disc for me and label them so that when I get out all I have to do is cut and paste and upload image 1,2,3 into spot 1,2,3 and know that there’s no grammar errors and I don’t come off sounding like a scam artist but I have no money for that. I’d also like to get Uncle Steve to help me setup my Business Financials so it’s fully tax exempt and so I can do angel giving like write random checks or give out cash or life time paid phones and more and write it off but he refuses to acknowledge me. Anyways… I haven’t written or spoken too many of you in over a couple decades and I wanted to tell you about my new life. Oh I’m an ordained Minister now too. There are several fun things that I want to do that are just to do because they are fun and good for the kid at heart and things that all kids wish they could do. I want to invest a lot into kid’s lives and their fun factor so I want to do things like get big into street fashion from around the world and to create an opportunity for kids to dress in amazing outfits from Japan and that are High Fashion and Cosplay styles and totally awesome so that going to school and dressing up crazy and amazing just becomes a daily part of life. In schools I want to start Drone Racing Programs with Regulation Drones and awesome courses. I want to get schools into robotics and nautical robotics and aerial Drones and to inspire kids to create water cleaners and air cleaners and alternate fuel and to program the most popular Virtual Reality World Communities as classes and to setup classes that have real life work training to them like how to use complicated office copiers and corporate email systems and multi-line phone setups and digital faxes and to change toners and create orders and write and produce proposals for meetings and run projectors and make digital presentations transfer from your personal office to the proper conference room on time and run flawlessly and to be able to do it using multiple types of software and types of the leading tools found in companies today.
I want to create several Safe Zone Houses in Drug Zones that were “Trap Houses” where people use drugs or sell drugs out of and clean them out and fix them up really well and set them up to be locations that street kids can come and Game and to get Hot meals and Great sandwiches at any time Day or Night and that people can come and get Hot Showers and wash their clothing and get Hygiene Products and fresh underwear and new clothing and shoes and Back Packs and school supplies and can get medical care from the nursing staff and have emergency beds Sometimes prostitutes and Drug Addicts need a hot shower, some good food to eat and a place that is safe to sleep at night behind a door that locks where they can feel safe for a moment in the Hell they are experiencing and a locker and safe to lock their property in so that they know that they can actually fall completely asleep without fear that someone will go through their pockets or demand sex. I want to setup each room with as much luxury and comfort as I dare with addicts coming and going and kids without safe homes. I want the beds to be super comfy and to even have weighted blankets and body pillows because weighted blankets give people a sensory feeling of safety and comfort and body pillows allow people to cuddle with someone who takes nothing in return. That is important. The bed must be super comfy and cozy, with too many pillows with a sitting chair that has a throw on it and book case filled with great novels and Manga Books and Built in Computers with a wide variety of Downloaded music and complimentary MP3 Player and paper for writing and an Antique Typewriter with Letterhead typing paper and Envelopes with a sign that says “free mail service down stairs.” I’ll have a laser printer attached to the computer and scanner and hookups for phones available. There will be a decent sound system and gaming counsel with downloaded and installed games on it and Xbox Live Account Active and setup, all secured so it can’t be stolen. There will be an intercom system and by the bed sweets and pamphlets for my Life Recovery Services. The rooms will not be meant for long term stays, usually just one-three days unless there are special and extreme cases. In the common areas will be ultimate gaming setups and multiple mounted TVs that have the ability to connect to wireless headphones so people won’t have to compete for sound if they are watching multiple TVs at once. In the back area will be a full computer lab and education center setup for kids and I’ll have staff that can help anyone with school work they need to get done. Like I said there are a million little things that I plan on doing with my Business. I found a vending company that allows for digital pricing and for an extra $900.00 I can add a credit card processer to it so I’m going to set several types up in different locations. I’m going to use retro ones that take coins and place them in apartment complexes that dispense single serve laundry detergent boxes and fabric softener packs and snack machine pop machine mixes. Than in some locations I’m going to use sources of pre-painted and sculpted fingernails that you can buy off line like on Etsy.com, Tumblr.com, and other sites and put them in machines that are at like malls and possibly schools and arcades and places kids go and have them wired to process credit cards and then put in random packs Pre-Paid Credit Cards with High Balances and advertise the chance to win one. I plan to run donation funding campaigns so that I can afford to supply them free and laptops with paid wireless PCI Cards for free to the kids at St. Jude’s Cancer Research Hospital and other Hospitals and Mental Health Programs that can’t afford to provide them for their patients but who’s patients need a distraction from their extreme illnesses and to do something with their families when they come to visit and for patients to be entertained by with their families. Something that happens to every person with a mental health issue that goes into the mental health system is that they end up losing every possession that they own and their entire apartments full of their lives get tossed in the trash. It’s happened to me 13 times and when I was young and pretty I ended up prostituting to replace over $26,000.00 of property some times. And so do many others. So one thing I’ll do is setup an apartment and property cleaning and packing service that washes all the dirty clothing and sheets and dishes and surfaces and professionally packs everything properly in bubble wraps and garment bo0xes and move and packs the entire apartment, moving it to self-storage units that the patients social security will pay for and for the paranoid patients photos and videos of the process will be taken and delivered on DVDs and the entire apartment will be cleaned and painted back to white with fire resistant paint so that their deposit will get returned to them. Because the mental health system never slows down from sending people back to mental hospitals the business will be a stable service from the start. I want to do some really cool things for kids in schools and all around on buying they super amazing clothing from Japan and China and other fashionable street looks that they normally couldn’t get or are too expensive for them and their families. There was this young boy that actually did it for his school but he got suits and proper fashion and I think it’s really important for kids not to lose that childhood part too soon so instead of suits I want to buy them awesome clothing that fits their aesthetic and that is beyond their reach financially and make it really fund and cool to be able to dress in their own uniqueness and not the regular jeans and T-Shirts. I am also going to download countless tutorials on how to do Beauty Tips like nails crafting, Hair and Makeup techniques from the simple to the extremely complex and to create DVD Collections of all of them and put them in special DVD Cases that hold 10 and 20 DVDs and maybe over 100 Tutorials and then sell them in Genre collections in magazines like Teen Beat and 17 and Girl Magazines. I’ll also do the same for people that are into crafting from the easy to really technical and some from landscaping to building computers and smart mirrors and more and collections of clothing patters and fashion techniques and cosplay techniques and more and sell those in collections in their genre of magazines too. I’ll do the same with cooking tutorials and recipe collections that are all both video and photos and print .pdf formats. I’ll do genres of Home Design and Projects from hanging pictures to making gardens to extreme projects like building underground Prepper Bunkers. Most of these collections I’ll build up over time I spend surfing the internet. I do a lot of Data Mining and read and learn a lot because I'm curious but now I’ll have focused products to create. Something else that I’ll do is assemble teaching tools for classrooms by using paid accounts on sites like curiosity stream and locating lectures and explanations on sciences and other subjects from simple math to high level theoretical math, sciences, biology, space science, robotics and AI, Virtual Worlds. I’ll even put together sex education presentations of different types and present them to multiple schools for review. Some schools don’t allow real sex education, some teach abstinence, others only teach STDs and so on. It will be a balancing act. Some might want diagrams and some might actually allow real images of sex organs and then there are practices of different cultures to consider and explanations of circumcisions and the Muslim culture that clip or burn off female baby’s clitoris and the explanations of their shawls. There are the full stories behind puberty and when females go through maturity and what they need to do when that happens. The changes in Boys and Girls the ages they change at, Birth Control, options of rape pregnancy pill options and the ways that people can give up a child if it’s too much for them instead of killing it. How adoptions work, the options of sperm donations, egg donations, and surrogacy, the birth process, C sections, and vaginal bi9rths, the drugs (epidermal) the effect of drugs and alcohol that will go through breast milk into the baby and HIV and how HIV is inside Breast milk. Types of parenting same sex parenting and relationships and even same sex rapes and domestic violence and more. The healthy beauty behind same sex relationships not just straight ones. Also things like medical issues, Handicaps, Autism, and more and pre born and medical dangers that can happen and what to do, ways to prepare for if your baby has a disability and more. It may take a ton of work to do but once a school accepts the educational program the work will be worth it. I want to create Job skill development programs and more. I want to actually change the entire education system. And the Prison Reform system. I’ll write more about those things in another letter. I (have a ton of personal experiences that give an insight into the world that most people don’t have and motivations that people don’t understand why someone would spend a fortune only to give it all away again. The thing is that money and wealth mean nothing to me. It’s just an annoyance and an obstacle and a social retardant. My Business will solely be about making people and their lives and futures and not about making profits and products. My entire life has consisted of setting up stages and being an advertisement so that I could make money and void of friendships, love, or connections, not even to my own family which has been my greatest sadness. Mommy Anne has been my only connection to hearing about my family’s lives and what’s going on with them my whole life and Aunt Barbie writes me about her farm life but that is about it. Rarely do I get a letter from Julia or Aunt Beverly. Once I went 5 whole years without coming into physical contact with another person or speaking to anyone and I think it really freaked mommy Anne out that I’m not talkative or Haggier but I’ve been conditioned as a child and again since the age of 11yo. When I entered the mental Hospital Systems and group homes never to touch or hug anyone because it’s not supposed to happen in hospitals and group homes which is where I was raised for 89% of my life. I’ve maybe spent 10 hours with my own Brother during my entire life and maybe spoken with him about half that without having actually any meaningful exchanges other than casual polite conversations not counting just being in the same location at the same time. And dramatically less with the rest of my family. I mainly just dressed nice and sat around waiting to be talked to or asked questions. I faced Addiction, Mental illness, multiple sexual assaults, rape that left me with HIV, Contracting HIV, Homelessness twice, forced prostitution, Two Attempted murders on me, a Home invasion and six suicide attempts and child abuse and a laundry list a mile long including starvation and eating out of dumpsters because I refused to prostitute alone without even a card from my family like “Hey sorry you got HIV” or “Too bad you ended up with a mental illness for 30 years” or “Hey heard you are struggling with addiction, that’s rough.” or “hey your homeless, it’s not much but here’s $20 get some dollar burgers at McDonalds.” or “hmmm… raped! Rough.” or “Hay when you are going to bring a boyfriend to X-Mass?” or “Suicide, wish you wouldn’t do that we like having you around.” Once I went into the Hospital after a suicide attempt that involved 3 cop cars pulling me off a ledge on the side of a parking ramp and I weighed 118lbs. I usually weigh 175-180lbs and that is skinny for myself. I know things like friendships and Love from a boyfriend and happi9ness because of the absolute void of it in my life. I know it perfectly and intimately on a deep level because I have never experienced it. It’s an odd kind of knowledge to have. I use to watch YouTube videos and Troll peoples feeds, not so much as to observe their lives as much as to see what they had on their bedroom walls and what they wear and what was around them and try to figure out what it was that gave them all the feelings and excitements and joys in life that I never knew. All my life I never had a single poster on my wall or anything that wasn’t a tool for survival, no plants, no color paint on my walls, nothing that would display warmth or comfort or personality or a Home. And it was all trappings of a stage set that I occupied but never truly lived in. The only thing that had decoration or meaning of any kind was inside my Computers and Hard Drives and my Data Mining Collections of Music, .pdf files, photos, and social media and blogs and modeling photos. Outside of the digital world I had nothing but pain and suffering, rage, and sadness, and isolation, and complete loneness and mental and emotional damage that eventually became so vast and so deep that I had to use as much drugs as possible not just to fight it back and numb myself to it but to even remove myself from the equation, for many years I just stayed alive out of spite of it all. It was one thing that broke me out of my inner bondage and that was a homeless man that I’d passed over a dozen times and he always sat in his spot and I saw him that morning while going to a client’s house and then that night after dancing into exhaustion at a club. It was late and the snow had started to fall but in a ring around his body was a bare circle from his body heat and he hadn’t moved all day. Across the street was a Target and the man had nothing, no food containers around him, nothing. People had walked by him all day and shopping at Target and no one thought once to go across the street and give him a pop or can of soup and I had been a prostitute for years helping dozens of homeless kids and minors with a safe free place to stay, even pulling tricks to pay other people’s rent and maxed out two credit cards buying a fellow meth addict food and toiletries and that one man sat there all day, every day and no one helped him and Target Managers never gave him a job. Shortly after that I came to this Center and for the last 13 years here in this long term treatment program, every single day for hours a day and deep into the night I have written thousands of pages in Journals, collected every magazine and catalog I could find, filled over 45 journals with notes and resources and links and scrap booked and spent my Dad’s entire $4,800,00 inheritance money from when he died on Business Manuals and researched Crypto Currency for 3 years, read 5 books on it and spent years going to every site in the books and checking them out, watching YouTube videos, going onto bulletin boards and blogs until I learned what I needed to learn to design the most powerful Ethereum Miner possible all the while with a goal to end Homelessness, Unemployment, sexual exploitation and to improve the world and fought for years just to have the right to use my free time to write and study. And I solved it. I figured out a social service Business that will fully recover almost anyone's life and it has finally given me an ounce of peace. Now I just need the people here to give me the chance I need to get out and do it and to live a better life than the one that was quickly killing me. I’ve spent 13 years working on my plans and there are a lot of them and I hear repeatedly to focus on one thing but what people don’t understand is that it is all one thing. I’m not helping one or two people. I’m helping over 30,000 homeless people and exploited kids and people living in poverty. One thing can’t solve that. An entire population of people not only need money but a place to live, jobs to support themselves, and other help and those helpers need to get paid and other communities need fortifications to help the rest of the population that is in need and it’s not for one summer or one year or even 30 years. Every year hundreds of kids become exploited, thousands become homeless and more live in poverty and the cycle will continue long after I’m dead. I have to start building the strongest foundation possible that will last and support generations of people now and long after I’m dead and that won’t happen with me getting a pizza delivery job or a lawn mowing business going. I have to start something so revolutionary that those that pick up where I leave will one day be able to change the lives of Millions of people in need and people in need around the world and it will take Huge Donors and Crowd Funding and rewriting of policies and dismantling of antiquated industries and building new ones.
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teq41-blog · 5 years
How to Build a Social Media Campaign for a Niche Audience
So you've chosen that your image needs to associate with your crowd such that is credible and dependable. Also, you've picked online life as the manner in which you will accomplish this objective. Interestingly, you haven't generally set aside the effort to work out an exhaustive online life battle.
Despite the fact that you post normal organization updates and offer your blog content crosswise over channels, you aren't exactly certain how to approach building up a crusade.
Building a successful online networking effort is no simple assignment – particularly if your business is in a specialty industry. In addition to the fact that you have to truly become acquainted with your objective clients well. Be that as it may, you must discover where they hang out on the web and how you can contact them.
Be that as it may, there's no compelling reason to stress! We're here to help.
Like some other advanced advertising strategy, assembling an internet based life battle requires significant investment, skill, and assets. Yet, with a little direction, you can be en route to building up a crusade that provokes your specialty crowd's advantage and urges them to connect with your image.
Beneath, we'll make you through each stride of building up a triumphant internet based life crusade for your specialty group of spectators – regardless of what their identity is.
10 Steps on How to Build a Successful Social Media Campaign
1. Distinguish your intended interest group.
The initial phase in building a triumphant internet based life crusade for your specialty group of spectators is knowing precisely who your crowd is and what they find significant. Numerous organizations wrongly slap together a web based life crusade that spotlights exclusively on the advantages of their items and administrations.
Be that as it may, they neglect to consider the crowd's difficulties and requirements. Furthermore, this can bring about sat around, assets, and spending plan.
Rather, set aside effort to become acquainted with who your intended interest group is and what they care about. On the off chance that you haven't as of now, you'll need to create client personas. These are fictionalized profiles of your optimal clients with essential data like socioeconomic just as progressively explicit data like what challenges they face, where they go to get data, and what they search for when obtaining items/administrations.
Here's a speedy diagram of how you can function to make these client personas and become more acquainted with your group of spectators:
Start by making some broad suspicions about your intended interest group dependent on your past involvement in clients.
Do some further statistical surveying to affirm or address these presumptions and potentially find new open doors in the market.
Meeting your best clients to discover what truly drives them and what they care about most when settling on an obtaining choice.
When you've accumulated your intended interest group examine, begin to substance out these personas. Create profiles that you can use to drive your substance advertising.
target group of spectators
When you know who your group of spectators is and what they care about, you'll have the option to contact them all the more adequately through an internet based life battle. Not exclusively will this objective statistical surveying educate the sorts regarding content that you use in your battle yet in addition your ways to deal with coming to and connecting with these shoppers.
2. Select the correct online life channels.
Since you discover somewhat increasingly about what your optimal clients care about most, it's a great opportunity to realize where they hang out on the web. There are such a significant number of internet based life channels accessible to brands who need to interface with their crowd.
Be that as it may, your image doesn't have the opportunity or assets to viably be available and connecting on these channels. That is the reason it's basic to deliberately pick the channels that bode well for your intended interest group.
While picking which web-based social networking channels are best for your specialty internet based life battle, consider the accompanying for every online life channel:
Group of spectators – Which social channels have an enormous enough crowd that will enable you to grow your scope?
Socioeconomic – Which channels have the biggest populaces of individuals who fit inside your intended interest group socioeconomic?
Highlights – Which internet based life channels offer the highlights that enable you to best feature your image?
Action – Which internet based life channels have the most dynamic client base? What does this movement and commitment resemble?
Need to get familiar with which internet based life channels might be justified, despite all the trouble for your image? Make certain to peruse our article on which web based life should I use to get familiar with the socioeconomics for each channel and find how each channel can profit your business.
3. Create explicit battle objectives and targets.
Before you can begin propelling your specialty online networking effort, you have to choose what your objectives and destinations are for the battle. Consider not just what you would like to escape this particular battle yet in addition how these objectives line up with your showcasing objectives and in general business goals.
Here are some shared objectives that numerous brands use as a beginning stage for their web based life crusades:
Drive more traffic to their site.
Create new leads.
Convert leads into deals.
Sell a particular item or administration.
Increment brand mindfulness.
Speak with clients.
Set up or fabricate brand authority.
It's critical to ensure that your objectives are obviously delineated. We prescribe utilizing the SMART objective setting framework to help guarantee that your online networking effort objectives are clear and achievable. Shrewd represents: explicit, quantifiable, reachable, significant, and time bound. Utilizing SMART objectives is perhaps the most ideal approaches to set yourself up for progress.
With the SMART objective setting framework, "increment income" is anything but an adequate objective for your online networking efforts. Rather, you'll have to think about the amount you need to expand income by, how you will gauge achievement, and in what course of events you will accomplish this objective. You'll additionally need to ensure that the objective is significant to your business and reasonable given your course of events and assets.
web based life battle brilliant methodology
It's additionally critical to take note of that your particular battle objectives will assume an imperative job in your social system. The manners in which that you draw in buyers and the kinds of substance that you use in your crusade will change dependent on your particular goals.
For instance, while you may utilize top of channel content in a brand mindfulness battle, a transformation crusade will require increasingly explicit, base pipe content. So also, on the off chance that you expect to direct people to your site, your CTA will be not quite the same as in the event that you are simply attempting to start discussion among your crowd. Remember your objectives while picking the kind of advancement strategies just as the sort of substance you will make for each crusade.
4. Choose advancement strategies for each channel.
Every web-based social networking channel has distinctive accepted procedures that you'll have to think about when utilizing them as a component of your internet based life battle. It's ideal to adhere to the online networking rules for Facebook and Instagram just as some other channels you need to use in your battle. That way, you can boost your outcomes by utilizing each channel to further your potential benefit.
After you've settled on which channels to utilize, you'll have a superior comprehension of how you can advance your battle content on each channel. Some web based life channels have novel highlights that will enable you to distribute various sorts of substance that work to draw in your group of spectators.
For instance, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube all have live video spilling alternatives that enable you to associate with your crowd at the time.
Remember that you can likewise make the most of paid promoting open doors as a feature of your specialty web based life crusade.
Despite the fact that natural substance and commitment can go far in helping you assemble associations with shoppers, paid promoting on stages like Facebook and Instagram can assist you with extending your reach significantly further to interface with customers who are directly for your image yet may not yet be following or connecting with your substance.
5. Make a substance schedule.
When you know the objective of the crusade and how you will advance substance crosswise over channels, it's a great opportunity to make a substance schedule. Content has a significant impact in your internet based life battles. It's the primary line of correspondence and it's what your fans, adherents, and other group of spectators individuals will see before choosing whether or not to lock in.
The kinds of substance that you make for your battle will vary dependent on your objectives and destinations. Here are a few kinds of substance that you might need to remember for your publication schedule:
Sites – Blogs are incredible for top-of-channel content concentrated on your group of spectators' difficulties, however they can likewise be viable for center and base pipe content that gets progressively explicit in regards to your items or administrations.
digital books – E-books are extraordinary to use as gated content since they give enough extra incentive to persuade your group of spectators to hand over their contact data.
Content Posts – notwithstanding sharing substance, you may likewise utilize general content web based life posts that incorporate a CTA or work to begin a discussion.
Pictures – You may utilize a wide range of pictures in your online life battle from informative infographics to increasingly basic photographs of your item.
Recordings – Videos not just get the consideration of your bustling group of spectators, yet they are an extraordinary mechanism for separating complex points or telling purchasers the best way to utilize an item.
Presentation pages – If you are driving shoppers back to your site to make a particular move, you may need to make greeting pages that intend to get the customer to make the ideal move.
When you have a thought of the sorts of substance you might want to make, you can begin choosing the correct themes. We profoundly propose making the subject conceptualizing process a collective endeavor.
Pick individuals in your association that know your objective clients well and approach them for help in thinking of points for content.
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cybercrew · 5 years
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The Hotel Hackers Are Hiding in the Remote Control Curtains
Three men dressed for business travel in jeans and dress shirts loaded backpacks into the trunk of a black coupe and wound their way through the center of a major European city. When they arrived at their hotel, they unloaded their luggage and waited giddily to pass through the revolving doors. They were checking into the hotel to hack it.
Hackers target financial institutions because that’s where the money is, and they target retail chains because that’s where people spend the money. Hotels might be a less obvious target, but they’re hacked almost as often because of the valuable data that passes through them, like credit cards and trade secrets. Thieves have targeted electronic door locks to burgle rooms and used malware attacks to log credit card swipes in real time. They’ve even used Wi-Fi to hijack hotels’ internal networks in search of corporate data. Just about all of the industry’s major players have reported breaches, including Hilton Worldwide Holdings, InterContinental Hotels Group, and Hyatt Hotels.
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The group’s leader checked in at the front desk. One of his associates strolled along the length of the reception area, noting that the property used an outdated point-of-sale system, and another used a mobile app called Fing to scan for hidden networks. While they waited for the staff to finish preparing their room, the hackers took coffee on a terrace. They opened up the published code for the hotel website and exploited an outdated plug-in to compile a list of admin names.
Ultimately they were looking for a door. Sure, they could slip a thumb drive into the neglected register at the far end of the restaurant bar and log credit card numbers until somebody noticed the device. But they would rather find a way into the property management system, or PMS, which hotels use to take reservations, issue room keys, and store credit card data.
Better still would be to do what they did at a hotel in New York City. After plugging the internet cable from the room’s smart TV into a laptop, they got into the hotel’s PMS, which led to the chain’s corporate system. Emails Bloomberg Businessweek viewed show they gained access to credit card information for years’ worth of transactions across dozens of hotels.
If they had been crooks, the team would have sold the information on the black market, where a Visa with a high limit can go for about $20. These hackers, however, were good guys: IT consultants who were frustrated with their hospitality clients’ lax approach to security. To demonstrate the industry’s weaknesses, their leader arranged for a reporter to tag along on an audit of one of his clients’ hotels. The conditions: The hackers wouldn’t break into the personal devices of hotel guests, and neither the hotel, the city, nor the hackers could be named.
Once they got to their room, the hackers concentrated on finding the hotel’s internal network—the one used by staff, not the one guests use to stream pornography and FaceTime their families. In one famous example, hackers breached the internet-connected fish tank in the lobby of a Las Vegas casino and used that exploit to find a database of high rollers on the property’s internal network.
But this room was an older make, with a dumb TV, old phones, and a standard minibar, equipped with Heineken and Toblerone but no internet. Then one of the hackers started rooting around in the window frame. Nestled in a top corner was an internet port, designed to let guests open and close the curtains by remote control.
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“This will be the way in,” the leader said.
How much of the responsibility for guarding electronic transmissions lies with hotels and how much with guests is “a nasty philosophical question,” says Mike Wilkinson, global director at Trustwave SpiderLabs. Mark Orlando, chief technology officer for cybersecurity at Raytheon IIS, advises corporate clients to avoid using personal devices altogether while on the road. That could mean requesting a loaner laptop or buying a burner phone. Even ordinary travelers should use virtual private networks to connect to the internet when outside the U.S., he says.
But no amount of personal digital security could have saved travelers from the massive attack Marriott International Inc. discovered last year. In early September 2018, an automated security tool flagged a suspicious query in the reservation database for Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc., a company Marriott had acquired two years earlier. In the weeks that followed, security investigators discovered a remote access trojan (RAT), software that lets hackers take control of a target computer, as well as another piece of malware that scours computer memory for usernames and passwords.
Clues left behind by the digital trespassers suggest they made off with as many as 383 million guest records, as well as more than 5 million unencrypted passport numbers and more than 9 million encrypted payment cards. Marriott hasn’t found any evidence of customer data showing up on dark-web marketplaces, CEO Arne Sorenson told a Senate committee hearing in March. That sounds like good news but may actually be bad. The lack of commercial intent indicated to security experts that the hack was carried out by a government, which might use the data to extrapolate information about politicians, intelligence assets, and business leaders.
“From an intelligence standpoint, there are some real advantages to understanding where high-profile people are going to be ahead of time,” says Gates Marshall, director of cyber services at CompliancePoint Inc., whose consulting clients include airports. “There’s a market for travel itineraries. It’s not a commercial market, it’s more of a geopolitical one.”
Sorenson has said he doesn’t know who’s responsible for the attack—and likely never will. Others have been more willing to point the finger, including U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who attributed the hack to China in an interview with Fox & Friends in December.
Hospitality companies long saw technology as antithetical to the human touch that represented good service. The industry’s admirable habit of promoting from the bottom up means it’s not uncommon to find IT executives who started their careers toting luggage. Former bellboys might understand how a hotel works better than a software engineer, but that doesn’t mean they understand network architecture.
There’s also a structural issue. Companies such as Marriott and Hilton are responsible for securing brand-wide databases that store reservations and loyalty program information. But the task of protecting the electronic locks or guest Wi-Fi at an individual property falls on the investors who own the hotels. Many of them operate on thin margins and would rather spend money on things their customers actually see, such as new carpeting or state-of-the-art televisions.
The result is a messy technological ecosystem that runs on old software. Many hotels use Opera, sold by Oracle Corp., as their PMS. A common version was designed for a legacy Windows operating system, and directs users to disable security features to make the software work. An instruction manual for the software starts with a step-by-step guide on how to lower your defenses: First, turn off data execution prevention, a feature that protects system memory from malicious code. Next, deactivate user account control, making it easier for hackers to gain administrator privileges. Finally, disable Windows Firewall. Now you’re ready to book reservations and take credit card payments. (Oracle’s security guide advises users to “harden” their operating systems after installation.)
Even worse, many hotels put their PMS online, letting hackers break in from thousands of miles away. Joshua Motta, CEO of cyber insurer Coalition Inc., ran a search of the admin page used to support Opera online and found 1,300 instances of the application running on the public internet, from Newfoundland to the Maldives. “All of a sudden your system is only as secure as a username and password,” Motta says, “which hackers have repeatedly shown isn’t terribly effective.” “Customers are encouraged to upgrade their systems and software to the most recent version to provide the highest level of security measures available,” says Oracle spokeswoman Deborah Hellinger.
While hotels are struggling with basic cybersecurity, they’re building massive databases of personal behavior. One of the ironies of the Marriott breach is that the company acquired Starwood because Sorenson thought adding its popular loyalty program and fancy hotels would give him a moat against digital middlemen, who seek to collect fees for helping travelers find hotel rooms. Marriott’s new heft would give customers more incentive to book directly with the company, cutting out Expedia, Booking.com, and other online travel agencies, as well as advertising giants Google and Facebook.
At some properties, hotel brands are already collecting data on what temperature you like your room and how you like your eggs, betting that knowing that stuff can translate into better service. Other kinds of customer data—the annual conferences you attend or the date of your wedding anniversary—are largely untapped marketing opportunities. Some companies are also experimenting with putting voice assistants in their rooms or using facial recognition to streamline check-in. Privacy issues abound, but even more mundane advances are fraught with trade-offs between convenience and security. It’s increasingly common for travelers to check in to a hotel from a mobile app, bypass the front desk, and get into their room by using their phone as an electronic key.
In an interview in June, Sorenson said that the hack had forced his company to take a harder look at how it manages cybersecurity, adopting forensic tools that it used in the wake of discovering the breach as part of its daily security hygiene. He also argued that privacy issues are manageable.
“The information that we want and you may want us to have, that allows us to better serve you, is often not that sensitive,” he said. “The fact that you like feather pillows, or a low floor, or a high floor. Now it is personal. But we’re not collecting information about which man or woman you show up in our hotel with and whether one’s a spouse and one’s not.”
The internet-connected drapery hadn’t led the hackers into the hotel PMS, but it did set the team on a frenzied search for other connections. One hacker dragged a chair into the vestibule and balanced on the arms, the better to lift a mahogany ceiling panel. Another found an internet port in the ceiling of the walk-in closet. Only one problem: No one had brought a 10-foot cord.
“We should call housekeeping and ask for a ladder,” one of them said. “We’re trying to hack into your network,” he joked. “Can I have a ladder? Of course, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you? ” Instead, they balanced an ironing board on an ottoman, rested a laptop on top of it all, and plugged in, using a network scanner tool to search for IP addresses that looked as if they could be hosting the PMS.
While they waited to find a signal, they took stock of the failures and successes of the hotel’s defenses. All things told, the security was better than the team expected, but it was still disconcertingly porous given the presumption of safety most guests think they have inside a hotel. If they were actually trying to breach the network, they would have tried to crack the hotel staff’s accounts to try to take control of the hotel website. At a minimum, it would have let them collect credit card info from every new booking. Before they’d checked in to their room, the leader had used his phone’s hotspot to create a new Wi-Fi network, naming it after the hotel. Within minutes, six devices had joined his spoofed network, exposing their internet activity to the hackers. (If he really wanted to go after guests, he would have used a device called a Wi-Fi pineapple to automate the process.)
It wasn’t all bad. When one of the hackers asked a waitress to charge his phone, she went out of her way to plug the device into a wall charger instead of her computer. More important, the hotel’s internal network was well protected.
Impatient to speed up the process, the team leader called his office and had a colleague look up the correct IP range for the hotel network. The PMS, however, didn’t respond. The door was locked.
But then another door opened. One of the hackers used a kind of attack called a distributed denial of service to kick a guest device, “Jamie’s iPad,” off the hotel Wi-Fi. That could have been the prelude to tricking her iPad into joining the spoofed network, and snooping on her communications. On the bright side, the hackers might never find out what Jamie likes for breakfast.
Source code: BY PATRICK CLARK 
Back doors to your personal data can be found in everything from smart fish tanks to Wi-Fi pineapples.
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thefoodygram · 2 years
Pennsylvania-Based Pizzeria Uses The Foody Gram’s Online Restaurant Ordering System And Saves $15k in 6 Months
Gone are the days when restaurantowners have to pay 30% of their profits to Grub hub, Uber Eats, or Door dash. Las Vegas based startup, The Foody Gram, offers commission-free online ordering software that is saving restaurant owners thousands of dollars.
Prior to utilizing The Foody Gram’s online restaurant ordering system, Mannino’s Pizzeria located in Pottstown Pennsylvania, was paying thousands of dollars a year to third-partyproviders who charged a commission for every order. These third parties charged Mannino’s anywhere from 15-30% in commission fees. With The Foody Gram’s food ordering system, Mannino’s Pizzeria grossed over $50k in revenue and saved a whopping $15,000 in fees in the first 6 months!
Upgrading was simple and easy with our seamless onboarding process. Simply send us your restaurant’s menu, logo, and images to our team and we’ll quickly build out a landing page and custom-branded online ordering page.
Here are a few benefits that led this pizzeria to switch providers and save over $15,000 within 6 months.
No Contracts EVER
Convenient monthly plans designed to fit any business’s needs. Pay the exact same amount every month and receive a customer online restaurant ordering system. Starting at less than $100 a month, our software solution is designed for restaurants of all sizes!
Equipped with 24/7 customer support, you will never have to make an update on your own. In this plan, you get remarkable features to create an online ordering system without the burden ofhigh commission fees. Our affordable plans can help you scale your business without locking you into a hefty contract.
Don’t Skip A Beat
The smart algorithm on our platform will allow local customers searching for you to easily connect with your restaurant and find you online. Our easy-to-use online ordering system was designed not only to increase revenue but to make your restaurant more accessible online. It will also help your customers to find and order your delicious foodwithout the pesky 30% markup to counteract high commission fees.
Simplest process ever
Simply connect with our team, provideus with your menu, and review and approve the draft pages. The rest is easy and smooth. It will take us a few days to create your restaurant’s online ordering system and go live.
Don’t let your digital presence be a problem any longer. Now is the time to join this new revolution of digital food ordering solutions and start saving your restaurants thousands of dollars each month. By taking commission-free orders, you too can save more money and increase your online presence instantly. Our plan starts from $95 a month only and saves more than 30% on every order. Yes, it is that simple!
Call us at 1 877-762-1512 to book a free consultation or sign up at www.TheFoodyGram.com.  
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Bad Apples | iPhone Repair Palmetto Bay 14707 S Dixie Hwy, Palmetto Bay, FL 33176 (786) 688-8010
Bad Apples | iPhone Repair Palmetto Bay 14707 S Dixie Hwy, Palmetto Bay, FL 33176 (786) 688-8010 https://badapples.co/florida/miami-iphone-screen-repair/
Mobile phones have become indispensable parts of human lives. We need them for storing our important information, calculation, apps for booking and ordering essentials, contacting people, making payments and what not. These things have made the upkeep of the mobile phone very important. A mobile phone stores so much information that if it breaks down even for a day, it can disrupt the normal life operations.
It is for this reason that a number of companies have come up that focus upon repairing these devices and providing products and services that allow your life to go on smoothly by repairing the phone within seconds!
Some of the examples that can be given for this are:
Adhesive tape stickers for all categories of phones. Touch screen digitizers OEM LCD screens Fingerprint button flex cables OEM Microphones These items have several advantages: Battery issues start arising after a year or so. The battery can be exchanged instead of changing the whole phone. The adhesive that keeps the mobile phone together can start going away. For example, the keypads of some mobile phones start behaving badly. The issues can be sorted by changing just the keypads. The touchscreen phone issues are very much related to its display. The display can be changed instead of spending on buying a whole new phone. The speakers can be changed in case of malfunction. The memory can be extended by inserting memory cards, if not; the mobile phones can have external memory cards that save the data and function well when connected to the external source. The repair items can sound a little old school, but these are the products that are most economical in nature, smart use oriented, well-functioning and a wise approach compared to spending thousands on a new phone. These repairable parts are available for all companies like Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Mi, Xiaomi, Huawei, etc. These companies also have trained workforce that handles the data and the mobile phones with care and return the mobile phone within the guaranteed period. Such products can be ordered online, purchased in bulk or wholesale by small repairers. Many new trending products like Adhesives for all categories of phones, OEM digitizer Touch screen with frame replacement is available for almost all types of mobile phones. 2 piece OEM slide buttons, Door cover, Middle plate frame, camera repair part, lock and unlock buttons, power on/off and volume buttons, etc. are also available. Conclusion:
Repairs is usually not taken in a very positive way. But the most sustainable as well as wise and economical thing to be done on the part of humans is to use the device as long as it can be operational and in use.
There are a number of people who run their whole business through their phones. For them it is impeccable to make sure that their mobile phones are in working condition 24*7 and hence they should go for such options. Repairable products are not only available at reasonable cost, but for all categories of phones and companies.
Only an iPhone owner can tell you how great the device is. Indeed it is a great device, but like other phones or devices it may also become non-functional due to various reasons. One of the common issues is cracked iPhone which occurs due to most common man-made mistake. Yes, it is due to accidental fall of iPhone. It is quite possible that the accidental dropping of iPhone lead to screen crack of the device.
However, like any other device your cracked iPhone can also be repairable. Although it is a matter of harassment as your have to find out genuine repair man who will not ran you out of money or broke your bank. Also, getting it repair on timely manner which is a big job itself. If the service you opt for fixing your cracked iPhone, not returning your iPhone on time then it is definitely a disappointment. The reason is you will not be able to use your iPhone which certainly a big distress.
Now if you decided to repair your cracked iPhone, two alternatives are there- you can fix it by yourself or by your friend. Another alternative is to hire iPhone repairing service. If you want to fix it by yourself or with help of your friend, there is a fair chance of ending it up with mess unless you are well aware of iPhone parts and how to fix it. Because, to fix an iPhone all you need is special tools and knowledge. In lack of knowledge and tools things may get worse.It is really a matter of confusion, whom to hire for fixing cracked iPhone, especially if you are doing it for first time. So it is extremely important to hire someone who is knowledgeable and trustworthy. Most viable alternative is to choose with a service who are indulge with repairing cell phone as well as iPhone for quiet long time. While hiring a iPhone repair service you may keep your cracked iPhone with them and once it got repair pick up it. Another option is to mail your cracked-iPhone to their shop once it got fixed they will mail back it to you. Only you need to call them time to time to know whether it is ready with them or not.
If you are confident enough to solve the issue of cracked iPhone by yourself then the first thing you need to do is to read how-to tutorials. You can find it online as well. Sometime the instructions are easy to follow but if you found yourself comfortable with the instructions then only you should proceed otherwise it will end up in clutter. If you still confused, it is better to contact professional person.
Sometime you may notice that cracked iPhone is working but not as usual. But it is not at all right way to use iPhone in this manner. The reasons are very simple- it may cause harm to your eyes, you might feel discomforts in your eyes. Another possibility is it will not work as it works previously. So your work might get hampered. Luckily you have options of fixing your cracked iPhone, either you can fix it individually or by taking help of a professional.
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rhiphonescreen33064 · 3 years
Repair Hello | iPhone Screen 3501 NW 14th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33064, United States (954) 676-7505
Repair Hello | iPhone Screen 3501 NW 14th Ave, Pompano Beach, FL 33064, United States (954) 676-7505 https://repairhello.com/florida-2/iphone-repair-pompano-beach/
Mobile phones have become indispensable parts of human lives. We need them for storing our important information, calculation, apps for booking and ordering essentials, contacting people, making payments and what not. These things have made the upkeep of the mobile phone very important. A mobile phone stores so much information that if it breaks down even for a day, it can disrupt the normal life operations.
 It is for this reason that a number of companies have come up that focus upon repairing these devices and providing products and services that allow your life to go on smoothly by repairing the phone within seconds!
 Some of the examples that can be given for this are:
 Adhesive tape stickers for all categories of phones.
Touch screen digitizers
OEM LCD screens
Fingerprint button flex cables
OEM Microphones
These items have several advantages:
Battery issues start arising after a year or so. The battery can be exchanged instead of changing the whole phone.
The adhesive that keeps the mobile phone together can start going away. For example, the keypads of some mobile phones start behaving badly. The issues can be sorted by changing just the keypads.
The touchscreen phone issues are very much related to its display. The display can be changed instead of spending on buying a whole new phone.
The speakers can be changed in case of malfunction.
The memory can be extended by inserting memory cards, if not; the mobile phones can have external memory cards that save the data and function well when connected to the external source.
The repair items can sound a little old school, but these are the products that are most economical in nature, smart use oriented, well-functioning and a wise approach compared to spending thousands on a new phone.
These repairable parts are available for all companies like Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Mi, Xiaomi, Huawei, etc.
These companies also have trained workforce that handles the data and the mobile phones with care and return the mobile phone within the guaranteed period.
Such products can be ordered online, purchased in bulk or wholesale by small repairers. Many new trending products like Adhesives for all categories of phones, OEM digitizer Touch screen with frame replacement is available for almost all types of mobile phones. 2 piece OEM slide buttons, Door cover, Middle plate frame, camera repair part, lock and unlock buttons, power on/off and volume buttons, etc. are also available.
 Repairs is usually not taken in a very positive way. But the most sustainable as well as wise and economical thing to be done on the part of humans is to use the device as long as it can be operational and in use.
 There are a number of people who run their whole business through their phones. For them it is impeccable to make sure that their mobile phones are in working condition 24*7 and hence they should go for such options. Repairable products are not only available at reasonable cost, but for all categories of phones and companies.
Only an iPhone owner can tell you how great the device is. Indeed it is a great device, but like other phones or devices it may also become non-functional due to various reasons. One of the common issues is cracked iPhone which occurs due to most common man-made mistake. Yes, it is due to accidental fall of iPhone. It is quite possible that the accidental dropping of iPhone lead to screen crack of the device.
 However, like any other device your cracked iPhone can also be repairable. Although it is a matter of harassment as your have to find out genuine repair man who will not ran you out of money or broke your bank. Also, getting it repair on timely manner which is a big job itself. If the service you opt for fixing your cracked iPhone, not returning your iPhone on time then it is definitely a disappointment. The reason is you will not be able to use your iPhone which certainly a big distress.
 Now if you decided to repair your cracked iPhone, two alternatives are there- you can fix it by yourself or by your friend. Another alternative is to hire iPhone repairing service. If you want to fix it by yourself or with help of your friend, there is a fair chance of ending it up with mess unless you are well aware of iPhone parts and how to fix it. Because, to fix an iPhone all you need is special tools and knowledge. In lack of knowledge and tools things may get worse.It is really a matter of confusion, whom to hire for fixing cracked iPhone, especially if you are doing it for first time. So it is extremely important to hire someone who is knowledgeable and trustworthy. Most viable alternative is to choose with a service who are indulge with repairing cell phone as well as iPhone for quiet long time. While hiring a iPhone repair service you may keep your cracked iPhone with them and once it got repair pick up it. Another option is to mail your cracked-iPhone to their shop once it got fixed they will mail back it to you. Only you need to call them time to time to know whether it is ready with them or not.
 If you are confident enough to solve the issue of cracked iPhone by yourself then the first thing you need to do is to read how-to tutorials. You can find it online as well. Sometime the instructions are easy to follow but if you found yourself comfortable with the instructions then only you should proceed otherwise it will end up in clutter. If you still confused, it is better to contact professional person.
 Sometime you may notice that cracked iPhone is working but not as usual. But it is not at all right way to use iPhone in this manner. The reasons are very simple- it may cause harm to your eyes, you might feel discomforts in your eyes. Another possibility is it will not work as it works previously. So your work might get hampered. Luckily you have options of fixing your cracked iPhone, either you can fix it individually or by taking help of a professional.
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