#Online Marketing for Doctors
ennobletechnologies · 5 months
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Digital Marketing Solutions for Medical Professionals
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The healthcare industry has been experiencing a transformation, with digitalization becoming a pivotal aspect of healthcare delivery and patient engagement. In this era, where the internet has permeated every facet of our lives, it is imperative for medical professionals to leverage digital marketing solutions. This article delves into the dynamic world of healthcare digital marketing, offering insights into why it’s essential and how it can be harnessed effectively.
Understanding the Digital Age in Healthcare
The impact of digitalization in healthcare cannot be overstated. Patients are no longer solely reliant on their local physicians for medical information. They turn to the internet to research symptoms, seek treatment options, and even find healthcare providers. Understanding this shift is crucial for medical professionals.
The Changing Patient Journey in the Digital Age
The traditional patient journey, from symptom recognition to diagnosis and treatment, has evolved significantly. Patients now take an active role in their healthcare decisions, starting with online research. This shift necessitates a strong online presence for medical professionals.
Challenges in Healthcare Marketing
While the digital age offers numerous opportunities, it also presents challenges unique to the healthcare industry.
Regulatory Hurdles
The healthcare sector is subject to strict regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Navigating these regulations while conducting digital marketing can be a complex task.
Competition in the Healthcare Sector
Competition among healthcare providers is fierce. Standing out in a crowded market requires a well-thought-out digital marketing strategy.
The Power of Online Presence
An online presence is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy for medical professionals.
Establishing a Professional Website
A professional website serves as a digital storefront, providing essential information about your practice, services, and expertise. It’s often the first point of contact for potential patients.
The Role of Social Media in Healthcare Marketing
Social media platforms offer an opportunity to engage with patients, share valuable healthcare information, and build a community. Utilizing these platforms effectively is key to success.
Continue Reading: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-marketing-solutions/
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Top Digital Marketing for Healthcare Industry in India
Digital Marketing for Healthcare Industry in India patient engagement and healthcare services. in this digital era, it's crucial for healthcare providers to harness the power of online strategies. through targeted content, SEO, and Social Media Campaigns, organizations can connect with their audience effectively. For More Info Visit Our Website:https://digitalmarketingdoctors.in/
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getmoretraffic · 11 months
Online Marketing for Doctors
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transboykirito · 2 years
just had the revelation that sinon is literally the same character as babydoll from the movie sucker punch
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chatgptdevelopers · 3 days
Voice Interface Chat GPT App Developer  Bridging the Gap Between AI and Human Interaction
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The Role of a Chat GPT App Developer
A Chat GPT app developer is an expert at implementing OpenAI’s GPT-3 or GPT-4 models’ capabilities into apps to give users smooth, interactive experiences. It is the responsibility of these developers to understand the specifics of natural language processing (NLP) and know how to leverage these ideas to create programs that can understand user input and react to it in a logical and natural way.
Key responsibilities of a Chat GPT app developer include:
Designing Conversational Flows: Crafting dialogues that the AI can use to interact with users in a meaningful way.
Implementing Voice Interfaces: Utilizing speech-to-text and text-to-speech technologies to enable voice interactions.
Optimizing AI Responses: Ensuring that the AI provides accurate, relevant, and contextually appropriate responses.
User Experience (UX) Design: Focusing on creating a user-friendly interface that enhances the interaction between the AI and the user.
Benefits of Using Chat GPT for Developers
Integrating chat gpt app developer into applications offers several advantages for developers, making it a popular choice for creating conversational agents and voice interfaces.
Natural Language Understanding: 
Chat GPT models are trained on vast amounts of text data, enabling them to understand and generate human-like text. This allows developers to create applications that can engage in natural, flowing conversations with users.
Flexibility and Customization: 
Developers can fine-tune Chat GPT models to suit specific needs, tailoring the AI’s responses to fit the application’s context and user expectations.
Chat GPT can handle multiple user interactions simultaneously, making it suitable for applications with high user engagement.
Improved User Engagement: 
Voice interfaces powered by Chat GPT can make interactions more intuitive and engaging, leading to better user retention and satisfaction.
Chat GPT for Developers: Enhancing User Interfaces
By utilizing chat gpt for developers may improve user interfaces in a variety of ways. In example, voice interfaces are growing in popularity because they provide a more organic and hands-free method of interacting with technology.
Key Applications of Chat GPT in Voice Interfaces:
Virtual Assistants: Creating AI-powered assistants that can perform tasks, answer questions, and provide information through voice commands.
Customer Support: Developing chatbots that can handle customer inquiries, troubleshoot issues, and provide support through natural language interactions.
Interactive Learning: Designing educational tools that use voice interfaces to teach languages, subjects, or skills in an interactive manner.
Smart Home Devices: Integrating voice-enabled developer chatgpt chat gpt app developer into smart home devices, allowing users to control their environment through spoken commands.
How Chat GPT Programmers Are Transforming User Interaction
chatgpt programmers are at the forefront of changing the way people engage with technology. They are developing apps that provide more customized and user-friendly experiences by merging their powerful Chat GPT models with their programming expertise.
Innovations in Voice Interface Development:
Context-Aware Responses: Programmers are developing AI systems that can understand the context of a conversation, providing more relevant and coherent responses.
Emotional Intelligence: Incorporating elements of emotional recognition into AI, allowing it to respond appropriately to the user’s emotional state.
Multilingual Capabilities: Enabling voice interfaces to understand and respond in multiple languages, catering to a global audience.
Accessibility Features: Designing voice interfaces that are accessible to users with disabilities, ensuring inclusivity and ease of use.
Bridging the Gap Between AI and Human Interaction
Bridging the gap between artificial intelligence and human interaction is the ultimate goal of Chat GPT programmers and app developers. They are making technology by developing applications that can understand and react to human language in a natural way. In particular, voice interfaces are changing how humans interact with technology by allowing more natural and simple dialogues with AI.
Leading voice interface chat gpt app developer software developer Dr. John Roberts states, “Chat GPT has huge possibilities for fostering organic, interesting dialogues. We are only now starting to explore the possibilities of AI-powered voice interfaces.”
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developer chatgpt  apps are vital to the creation of cutting-edge applications that improve human-computer interaction in the quickly changing field of artificial intelligence. These developers are bridging the gap between artificial intelligence (AI) and human contact by utilizing chat gpt app developer For potential, particularly through voice interfaces, which makes technology accessible and natural. The work of chatgpt programmers is changing how we interact with the digital world, whether it be through virtual assistants, chatbots for customer service, or smart home devices. The potential for voice interface Chat GPT applications is virtually limitless, suggesting a time when smooth, organic dialogues with AI will be the standard.
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fifthstreetcompany · 6 days
Os meninos de mochila! 🎒 🛒 Faça já o seu pedido
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researchinsights · 1 month
The globalonline doctor consultancy market is projected to reach USD 4.72 billion in 2023, registering a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.1% during the forecast period 2024-2030. The growth of the marketis majorly driven by rapid digitalization and internet coverage across globe.
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conceptinfowayllc · 5 months
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Healthcare SEO involves the strategic optimization of a healthcare provider’s online presence to improve its visibility in search engine results. It’s not just about keywords and rankings; it’s about connecting patients with the right care and information when they need it most. The benefits of healthcare SEO are immense. Improved visibility means more patients finding your services online. It builds trust and credibility, enhances the patient’s experience, and can significantly boost your practice’s bottom line.
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ennobletechnologies · 5 months
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Revolutionize healthcare marketing with digital solutions for medical professionals. Enhance your online presence and engage patients effectively. Explore now!
Do Read: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-marketing-solutions/
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Best Healthcare Social Media Agency
Our Healthcare Social Media Agency is dedicated to enhancing your online presence and patient engagement. with expertise in both Healthcare and Social Media, we craft data-driven strategies that resonate with your audience. for more info visit our website:https://digitalmarketingdoctors.in/
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getmoretraffic · 11 months
Online Marketing Services for Doctors
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Duration of MBBS Program in Russia
Pursuing an MBBS in Russia has become increasingly popular among aspiring medical students. The country boasts world-class institutions and affordable education, making it an attractive option for those looking to study medicine. One of the key considerations for prospective students is the duration of the program. In this article, we will delve into the specifics of studying medicine in Russia and provide insights into the average duration of an MBBS program.
Structure of the MBBS Program in Russia
The MBBS program in Russia typically spans a duration of 5 to 6 years. The program is divided into two distinct stages - the pre-clinical stage and the clinical stage. During the pre-clinical stage, students focus on building a strong foundation in subjects such as anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry. This stage usually lasts for 2 to 3 years.
In the pre-clinical stage, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical aspects of medicine. They acquire knowledge in various scientific disciplines that form the basis for clinical practice. This foundational period is crucial as it lays the groundwork for the subsequent clinical training students will undergo.
Once students complete the pre-clinical stage, they transition into the clinical stage of the MBBS program. This stage involves hands-on training in hospitals and medical facilities. Students have the opportunity to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-life scenarios, honing their clinical skills under the guidance of experienced medical professionals. The clinical stage typically takes around 3 to 4 years to complete.
Importance of the Duration of the MBBS Program
Understanding the duration of an MBBS program is of utmost importance for prospective medical students. It allows students to plan their academic journey and make informed decisions about their future careers. Knowing the duration helps students manage their time effectively and set realistic expectations for the years ahead.
The duration of the MBBS program also reflects the depth and breadth of knowledge students acquire during their studies. A longer program duration often indicates a more comprehensive curriculum, covering a wider range of medical subjects. This ensures that students are thoroughly prepared to tackle the challenges of the medical profession upon graduation.
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Comparison of MBBS Duration in Russia with Other Countries
When considering pursuing an MBBS degree abroad, it is essential to compare the duration of programs in different countries. In this regard, the MBBS duration in Russia is comparable to other countries offering medical education. For instance, in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, the typical duration of an MBBS program is 5 to 6 years.
However, some countries may have shorter MBBS programs, such as those in the Caribbean, where the duration can be as short as 4 years. It is important to note that the duration of an MBBS program is not the sole determinant of its quality. The curriculum, clinical exposure, and accreditation of the institution should also be taken into consideration.
Factors That May Affect the Duration of the MBBS Program in Russia
Several factors may influence the duration of an MBBS program in Russia. These factors can vary from one institution to another, and it is crucial for students to be aware of them when deciding where to pursue their medical education.
Curriculum Structure: The structure of the curriculum can affect the duration of the program. Some institutions may have a more condensed curriculum, allowing students to complete their studies in a shorter timeframe.
Academic Performance: Students who excel academically and meet the required benchmarks may have the opportunity to progress through the program at an accelerated pace.
Language Proficiency: International students are often required to demonstrate proficiency in the Russian language before admission. The duration of language training can impact the overall duration of the program.
Clinical Rotations: The availability and scheduling of clinical rotations can also influence the program's duration. Limited slots or scheduling conflicts may lead to delays in completing the required clinical training.
Extracurricular Activities: Engaging in extracurricular activities, research projects, or internships can enrich a student's medical education but may extend the duration of the program.
Accreditation and Recognition of Russian Medical Degrees
Before choosing to pursue an MBBS in Russia, it is essential to consider the accreditation and recognition of the degree. Russian medical degrees are recognized by several international bodies, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Medical Council of India (MCI). This recognition ensures that graduates of Russian medical institutions are eligible to practice medicine in their home countries or pursue further specialization abroad.
However, it is advisable for students to conduct thorough research and verify the recognition of the specific institution they plan to attend. Checking the accreditation status and reputation of the university will help ensure the quality and acceptance of the degree upon graduation.
Advantages of Studying MBBS in Russia for the Specified Duration
Studying MBBS in Russia for the specified duration offers several advantages for aspiring medical students. Here are some key benefits:
Quality Education: Russian medical institutions are known for their high academic standards, providing students with a quality education that prepares them for a successful medical career.
Affordability: Compared to many other countries, the cost of studying medicine in Russia is relatively affordable. This makes it an attractive option for students seeking a cost-effective education.
International Exposure: Studying medicine in Russia allows students to gain exposure to a diverse patient population and experience different healthcare systems. This international exposure can broaden their perspective and enhance their medical skills.
Research Opportunities: Russian medical universities offer ample research opportunities for students to engage in scientific inquiry and contribute to medical advancements.
Cultural Experience: Living and studying in Russia provides students with a unique cultural experience, allowing them to immerse themselves in a rich and vibrant society.
Challenges and Considerations for Students Regarding the Duration of the MBBS Program in Russia
While pursuing an MBBS in Russia offers numerous advantages, it is important for students to be aware of the challenges and considerations associated with the program's duration.
Adapting to a New Environment: Moving to a new country and adjusting to a different culture, language, and educational system can be challenging for some students.
Language Barrier: International students may face difficulties initially due to the language barrier. However, most Russian medical universities offer language support and preparatory courses to help students overcome this challenge.
Long Duration: The duration of the MBBS program in Russia can be relatively long compared to some other countries. Students need to be prepared for the commitment required to complete the program successfully.
Separation from Home: Being away from family and friends for an extended period can be emotionally challenging for some students. Establishing a support system and maintaining regular communication with loved ones can help alleviate homesickness.
Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Pursuing an MBBS in Russia offers a multitude of opportunities for aspiring medical students. The average duration of the MBBS program in Russia ranges from 5 to 6 years, including both pre-clinical and clinical stages. It is crucial for students to consider the factors that may affect the duration of the program and understand the advantages and challenges associated with studying in Russia.
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thedaveandkimmershow · 7 months
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It was a week, of course. It was definitely a week. And how could it not be with Linzy's birthday and Thanksgiving going back to back?
So, on Tuesday of the week, the day before Linzy's birthday, Kimmer's painting, crafting, collaging, and arranging with stickers and photographs, assembling Linzy's birthday card, a pretty big construction, maybe four times the size of a normal birthday card. When she's done, she hands the card over to me and we talk about where text should go on each page. After that, I take it to my office and settle into the couch with my notebook in hand and the card in front of me on the storage ottoman. I start drafting a message that'll fit into the spaces across the pages.
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Eventually I show my final draft to Kimmer and we're good to go.
The next morning we get up early and I begin writing into the actual card, modifying what I'm writing to fit the twists and turns of the spaces, modifying my writing as I gain one or two better ideas.
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In the meantime, Kimmer's making one gigantic envelope from a book cover that used to belong to one of Linzy's text books in highschool.
Works and fits perfectly. 😊
Then Kimmer's off to the kitchen to make frosted lemon cupcakes we'll take to Linzy's place a little later.
And yes. I get to lick the beaters. 😁
By 10am we've picked Linzy up at her place, parked along the waterfront, and are walking into the Edgewater Inn to their restaurant, 67.
We're here for a birthday breakfast!
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We have a great time, by the way. Better than we expected because we expected the place to be packed. Not sure why. Of course this was just a normal workday, albeit the day before Thanksgiving, so there weren't that many people on hand for breakfast and we got a table right next to the window overlooking Elliot Bay and, for some reason, an entire platoon of ducks along with a coupla monster seagulls loitering on a nearby ledge.
We brought Linzy's mega birthday card along so she could experience it at the table as we waited for our breakfasts to arrive. Since the text I wrote into the card in some places curves and turns around some of the shapes Kimmer crafted into the card, it was funny to watch Linzy read it as she rotated the card this way 'n that.
It's an annoyingly exhausting experience that's much more fun to drop on someone else than it is to be the drop-ee.
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Okay so Kimmer's in a (believe it or not) online class she's gotta attend from noon to one for her doctorate studies. So we head back to Linzy's place where Kimmer sets up in the kitchen while Linzy 'n I hang at Linzy's workstation in the living room, sharing music videos and movie trailers with each other.
When Kimmer's done, it's time for Linzy to open our birthday gift to her that she's been wanting for quite some time. A particular microphone that seems to looooooove Linzy's voice. She used one at Chateau St. Michelle maybe a year ago at a Little Lies gig.
Makes a huge difference.
Then we're off to the Late Night Vintage Market on Capital Hill but, since it's barely two in the afternoon, it's not open yet.
Of course. 🤨
So we stop a few doors down to browse a sort of novelty shop and then head off to Fremont to indulge the Fremont Vintage Mall.
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Fremont Vintage Mall, by the way, is a dangerous place to visit. I can't think of a reason to go there... but once there I can think of plenty of reasons to buy a lot of what's there.
Nothing practical, of course. Nothing in the Need category. Totally everything in the Want category.
At one point, Linzy's walking around with a bunch of stuff including a mini poster featuring the lyrics from one of Taylor Swift's songs. Really great design. Between the text and the illustration it was definitely quite something to behold.
With, of course, a price tag to match.
Eventually, all that walking around with seriously cool product did the trick. Which is to help avoid making impulse buys. So everything went back from whence they came.
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Now we've got Starbucks on the brain so we drive over to that one along South Lake Union where we hang for half an hour.
Four thirty, we're back at Linzy's place for those frosted lemon cupcakes Kimmer made.
Super tasty!
Then we settle into the couch for the final two episodes of Daisy Jones & the Six, a series we've been watching as a family across most of the year.
By six-thirty it's hugs and kisses all around as we leave and Linzy gets ready for friends coming over for her birthday Late Night. 🥳
On our way home, now, our focus turns to Thanksgiving so we stop in at Trader Joe's and Grocery Outlet for our next-to-final round of Thanksgiving dinner shopping.
Wait. Next to final?
Yup. Because grocery stores are open for a bit on Thanksgiving Day.
So first thing Thanksgiving morning we're cleaning the house. Vacuuming. Wiping surfaces clean. Cleaning mirrors. Putting stuff away. Dishes. Empty and load the dishwasher. And so on.
The day's list also includes setting up our artificial Christmas tree in the living room.
We have two artificial Christmas trees. One that's been at the house for years. The other that we bought for our apartment when we lived on Capital Hill. Now, the one we bought for our apartment is the narrower of the two and Kimmer wanted me to set up that narrow one in the living room.
Thing is that both trees were disassembled, fit into large cardboard boxes, and stored in the garage. Under that condition, they seemed identical to me in their boxes so I made my best guess, pulled one into the living room, set it up and...
This was not the narrow one.
So I took it down, put it away, set the other one up.
BAM. Perfect.
Then, because all the lights strung into it were dead, I pulled them off in preparation for new lights I'll pick up by 'n by.
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Okay so "by'n'by" ends up being 2 in the afternoon, scooting through the front doors of the local WinCo in search of the remaining needs for the day's Thanksgiving dinner cooking. Combined with an unsuccessful hunt for Christmas tree lights. 😕
Quarter passed four (after dropping Thanksgiving groceries home and doing a quick turnaround) I'm picking up Linzy at Northgate, dropping us both back at the house by quarter to five, and welcoming our dear friends and their two little ones a touch after five.
In the meantime, Kimmer's got the Challah rolls, the fruit salad, and the crock pot potato slices done and ready to go. Our friends brought the Thanksgiving ham, the mini-marshmallow-topped whipped yams, and a couple ciders. Of course we've also got a gaggle of various wines, one or two of which are immediately mixed into an improvised evening's drink special.
Kimmer heads off to get herself ready after a full day of Thanksgiving prep, I do a thing with clean and dirty dishes, and Linzy takes to setting the dinner table, whilst our friends drape our Christmas tree in Dollar Tree fall leaves 'cause I never could find the lights.
Later, Linzy rifles through the sheet music in our piano bench and settles down with some Twinkle Twinkle Little Star variations by Mozart that start out simple as can be while quickly working themselves into a wicked complexity of piano composition.
After a little of that, Linzy asks for my Charlie Brown book that has the sheet music to Christmas Time Is Here printed inside. She gets right to work feeling out that Christmastime vibe on the keys.
Over in our family room, a pair of little ones have taken to our exercise equipment, one just barely big enough to work the pedals of his machine, the other content to balance atop hers simply to watch and enjoy the experience.
In the oven, the ham and yam dishes are warmed up. Now we're taking a second pass at the yam dish, using the oven's broil setting for a few minutes to give those mini marshmallows atop the dish a golden brown sheen plus an extra lovely taste.
The kids also open our toy box in the family room. The "toy box" is actually a leather storage ottoman. Inside they find squirt guns they'll play with later. They also find plastic toy plates and utensils along with various plastic foods. So they work together "cooking" different things in our microwave (unplugged) and our toaster oven (also unplugged).
Later that evening I find a tray of four pieces of plastic toast in that toaster oven. All that was missing was some melted plastic butter. 😉
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Okay so now we're saying a Thanksgiving prayer then dining buffet style, simply enjoying the meal, the company, the friendship, the fellowship, and the laughs.
After dinner it's a belated birthday present for the older brother. Kimmer found (at GoodWill, I think) an FAO Schwarz Premium 24-Piece Kids Spiral Art Set. It comes in a wooden case with a handle. It pretty much looks like a briefcase when carried that way.
The spiral art set's an immediate, unequivocal hit. It thoroughly engaged the young sir who couldn't seem to get enough. He started cranking out spiral art that very moment. 😊
Later, the kids remember the water guns they discovered earlier and quickly determine they'd like to play with them outside. So they're quickly bundled for the cold, night air, I fill up their water guns and lead them outside while everyone else settles down for relaxing adult conversation.
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Now, I don't have a squirt gun. My job is to supervise and make sure everyone stays safe. Is safe.
Immediately they point their water guns to the sky and trigger streams and streams of water, referring to those streams as "fireworks". Next, they direct those streams of water at our red metal wagon from close up, referring to that activity as "cleaning". Eventually, they think to squirt each other... with time-outs called whenever it was time for me to refill their plastic weaponry.
It didn't take much longer for them to figure out they could both shoot me without any possibility of getting a face full'a water in return.
So they did that a bunch.
An activity they referred to as "FUN!!!!!"
After a while, the kids returned their water guns to our sink and got some help taking their coats and scarves and hats off.
Linzy played with them once they settled back into being indoors. Showed them funny videos and used one of her photo and video apps to accessorize their faces with hats and mustaches and anything else they could think of, along with filtering their voices in seriously funny ways.
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For a break, Linzy showed Noah a coupla chords on his new ukulele. It was seriously sweet to watch them because Linzy's a music teacher on the side at a private music school. And while she does have adult, young adult, and teen students, she also has children down to five years of age. ☺️
And she.
Is wonderful with them.
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Now, Kimmer's in a doctoral program where, it turns out, there is no rest for doctoral students. So yeah. Kimmer's got more studying to do even on Thanksgiving. She's enjoying the evening so much, though, that it's not 'til after 830 that we all say our goodbyes, at which point a little voice was heard calling out from our front yard
"Byee!!! I hope we come back and do this again for Christmas!!"
Christmas Day plans are already under way.
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9pm Linzy 'n I are heading down the freeway to drop Linzy at her place and grab her gear for the next night's gig 'cause I'm gonna pick her up near the Northgate Light Rail station earlier that day.
So the next night we're at Tsillan Cellars in Woodinville for a two-hour set that's very much appreciated over lovely wines and wonderfully delicious appetizers.
There's even a huge Christmas tree set up a few feet away next to her.
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Great crowd, by the way. They applauded after every song and filled her tip jar when the performance was over.
Later that night, once Linzy's home and now I'm home, Kimmer 'n I settle in for our first Christmas movie of the season: The Man Who Invented Christmas.
It's a classic for us and it gets that whole Dickens Christmas vibe a'rollin.
So yeah.
That's the latest on our holidays so far.
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dakshadigitasindia · 10 months
In this comprehensive video on "Digital Marketing for Doctors," we delve into the strategies and techniques that can revolutionize your medical business. We understand that as a doctor, your focus is on providing top-notch medical care to your patients, and that's why we've designed this guide to simplify the complexities of digital marketing. If you want to take your dental clinic to new heights then you can connect with us on our other social media platforms.
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