#Patient Engagement Tools
hk-1989 · 5 months
From Analog to Digital: Embracing Technology in Healthcare
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In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, embracing technology is no longer just an option—it's a necessity. The shift from analog practices to digital innovation is revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered, leading to improved patient outcomes and enhanced efficiency across the board.
One of the most significant aspects of this transformation is the integration of patient engagement tools. These tools empower patients to take a more active role in their healthcare journey, enabling them to access medical information, schedule appointments, and communicate with healthcare providers securely—all from the convenience of their smartphones or computers.
Furthermore, remote monitoring solutions have emerged as game-changers in healthcare delivery. By leveraging wearable devices and connected sensors, healthcare providers can remotely track patients' vital signs and health metrics in real-time, allowing for proactive interventions and personalized care plans.
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Artificial intelligence in healthcare is another key component of this digital revolution. AI-powered algorithms analyze vast amounts of patient data to identify patterns and trends, assisting healthcare providers in making more accurate diagnoses, predicting potential health issues, and optimizing treatment plans.
Imagine a scenario where a patient with a chronic condition receives personalized care recommendations based on their unique health profile, thanks to AI-driven insights. This level of precision and efficiency is transforming the way healthcare is delivered, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.
As we continue to embrace technology in healthcare, it's essential to prioritize data security and privacy. With the increasing adoption of electronic health records (EHR) and interconnected medical devices, safeguarding sensitive patient information is paramount. Robust cybersecurity measures must be in place to protect against potential threats and breaches.
In conclusion, the journey from analog to digital in healthcare represents a profound shift towards a more patient-centered, efficient, and effective model of care delivery. By embracing technology and harnessing the power of innovation, we can create a healthcare system that is not only responsive to the needs of patients but also sustainable in the long run. Let's seize this opportunity to usher in a new era of healthcare excellence.
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ennobletechnologies · 8 months
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Digital Marketing Solutions for Medical Professionals
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The healthcare industry has been experiencing a transformation, with digitalization becoming a pivotal aspect of healthcare delivery and patient engagement. In this era, where the internet has permeated every facet of our lives, it is imperative for medical professionals to leverage digital marketing solutions. This article delves into the dynamic world of healthcare digital marketing, offering insights into why it’s essential and how it can be harnessed effectively.
Understanding the Digital Age in Healthcare
The impact of digitalization in healthcare cannot be overstated. Patients are no longer solely reliant on their local physicians for medical information. They turn to the internet to research symptoms, seek treatment options, and even find healthcare providers. Understanding this shift is crucial for medical professionals.
The Changing Patient Journey in the Digital Age
The traditional patient journey, from symptom recognition to diagnosis and treatment, has evolved significantly. Patients now take an active role in their healthcare decisions, starting with online research. This shift necessitates a strong online presence for medical professionals.
Challenges in Healthcare Marketing
While the digital age offers numerous opportunities, it also presents challenges unique to the healthcare industry.
Regulatory Hurdles
The healthcare sector is subject to strict regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Navigating these regulations while conducting digital marketing can be a complex task.
Competition in the Healthcare Sector
Competition among healthcare providers is fierce. Standing out in a crowded market requires a well-thought-out digital marketing strategy.
The Power of Online Presence
An online presence is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy for medical professionals.
Establishing a Professional Website
A professional website serves as a digital storefront, providing essential information about your practice, services, and expertise. It’s often the first point of contact for potential patients.
The Role of Social Media in Healthcare Marketing
Social media platforms offer an opportunity to engage with patients, share valuable healthcare information, and build a community. Utilizing these platforms effectively is key to success.
Continue Reading: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-marketing-solutions/
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pepprs · 2 years
cosmo wanda i fucking wish students understood that universities have limited reach and that public silence does not automatically mean no action is being taken internally and that the decisions of collectives / institutions do not reflect the decisions of all of the people within them (e.g. all faculty staff and administrators within an institution) etc etc. god DAMN it to hell. you people (not anyone reading this im saying this as if im talking to the student body at my school) look so fucking stupid @ing the social media accounts of distinct departments like that’s actually going to do anything. you think they ARENT doing anyrhing????? that’s probably ALL they’re focusing on rn and they’re spending days carefully gathering information so they can share it. and shit is hitting the fan in MULTIPLE areas rn if you haven’t noticed and also it’s winter fucking break so no one is even supposed to be working anyway. so what is wrong with you. why are you fucking making demands. getting a college to finally post an update about something is not the same as cancelling someone on twitter and the fact that so many of you think it is is indicative of how SICK our society has become. PLEASE calm down.
#purrs#literally about to start screaming. people have been so fucking stupid this year. that is all i am going to say.#and ik this bears a weight being a staff member here now but i was a student 6 months ago and years ago i used to do the same stupid shit an#and then i went to the retreat and learned that universities are communities made of people and that i can change the world by talking to#stakeholders and being strategic and patient and having civic courage and building relationships. and now i spend my life trying to teach#other ppl how to do that. so seeing students WHO I KNOW ARE AWARE THAT THIS ISNT THE WAY doing this makes me want to start SCREAMING. like#it was all for nothing. the HOURS of workshops you went through learning how to actually make change and ‘demand’ change and now you’re#engaging in this edgy bullshit. i want to curl up in a ball and/or jump out the window rn. sorry#delete later#work tag 2#this is literally the 5th or 6th incident in 2022 and i know it’s more complicated than that and yes there are genuine wrongdoings the#school / depts and individuals within it have committed. but also the knee jerk reaction of students to instantly turn into a mob and start#saying u*** does nothing u*** doesn’t care about it’s students is like are you KIDDING MEEEEEEEEE. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. how about you talk to#x person who i know firsthand is trying to navigate this issue and suppprt students. how about you join x committee that just made progress#in this area. how about you get offline and go touch grass and realize your COMMUNITY isn’t out to get you!!!!#institutions are not inherently bad lol. institutions are communities. communities are POWER. if i could send one message to everyone on the#planet i think it would be that or at least include that bc i would also want to say stuff abt how we are real and human and alive together#etc etc. but that is like. something so many ppl do not see. being part of a university is POWER. being a student is POWER. so use it for#good!!!!! join committees! set up meetings with admin!!!!! join student gov!! this learned helplessness of @ing the school is NOT THE WAY#not when you have tools and relationships at your disposal to actually make a sustainable long term difference. what are you waiting for! th#the whole world is yours!! it’s at your fingertips! do you feel it? do you see it?
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ut-against-genocide · 5 months
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Undertale Artists for Palestine! CAMPAIGN FOR PCRF.
(1373/2500 USD)
The drawing request will only be available until November 4th.
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Undertale Artists for Palestine!
If you pay a dollar you donate, one of us will draw something for 5 minutes.
The drawing request will only be available until November 4th. Feel free to donate all the funds will go straight to Palestine's Child Relief Funds.
Awesome Artist who are helping:
a cat (Organiser)
Please be patient with your request, this is all volunteer work, be aware most of us don't have much free time or money ourselves!
If there are any questions, or if you want to help volunteer as well. Feel free to leave a message on this account or email [email protected]. Thank you!
If you cannot donate please REBLOG this post OR share it with your friends and family! Let them know what's going on in Rafah! EVERYTHING HELPS!
You are also free to repost these images to spread awareness FOR PALESTINE!
Personal shout out to @/karsyntries for inspiring this campaign with their SepticArtist for Palestine!!!
Thank you for all the artist who agreed to volunteer and help me with this.
Check them all out!
- Anon Cat :3
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vozoehr · 11 months
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copperbadge · 7 months
I'm getting depressingly good at identifying the formula for Pop Academic Books About ADHD.
Regardless of their philosophy it pretty much goes like this:
1. Emotionally sensitive essay about the struggle of ADHD and the author's personal experience with it as both a person with ADHD and a healthcare professional.
2. Either during or directly following this, a lightly explicated catalogue of symptoms, illustrated by anecdotes from patient case studies. Optional: frequent, heavy use of metaphor to explain ADHD-driven behavior.
3. Several chapters follow, each dedicated to a symptom; these have a mini-formula of their own. They open with a patient case study, discuss the highly relatable aspects of the specific symptom or behavior, then offer some lightweight examples of a treatment for the symptom, usually accompanied by follow up results from the earlier case studies.
4. Somewhere around halfway-to-two-thirds through the book, the author introduces the more in-depth explication of the treatment system (often their own homebrew) they are advocating. These are generally both personally-driven (as opposed to suggested cultural changes, which makes sense given these books' target audience, more on this later) and composed of an elaborate system of either behavior alteration or mental reframing. Whether this system is actually implementable by the average reader varies wildly.
5. A brief optional section on how to make use of ADHD as a tool (usually referring to ADHD or some of its symptoms as a superpower at least once). Sometimes this section restates the importance of using the systems from part 4 to harness that superpower. Frequently, if present, it feels like an afterthought.
6. Summation and list of further resources, often including other books which follow this formula.
I know I'm being a little sarcastic, but realistically there's nothing inherently wrong about the formula, like in itself it's not a red flag. It's just hilariously recognizable once you've noticed it.
It makes sense that these books advocate for the Reader With ADHD undertaking personal responsibility for their treatment, since these are in the tradition of self-help publishing. They're aimed at people who are already interested in doing their own research on their disability and possible ways to handle it. It's not really fair to ask them to be policy manuals, but I do find it interesting that even books which advocate stuff like volunteering (for whatever reason, usually to do with socialization issues and isolation, often DBT-adjacent) never suggest disability activism either generally or with an ADHD-specific bent.
None of these books suggest that perhaps life with ADHD could be made easier with increased accommodations or ease of medication access, and that it might be in a person's best interest to engage in political advocacy surrounding these and other disability-related issues. Or that activism related to ADHD might help to give someone with ADHD a stronger sense of ownership of their unique neurology. Or that if you have ADHD the idea of activism or even medical self-advocacy is crushingly stressful, and ways that stress might be dealt with.
It does make me want to write one of my own. "The Deviant Chaos Guide To Being A Miscreant With ADHD". Includes chapters on how to get an actual accurate assessment, tips for managing a prescription for a controlled substance, medical and psychiatric self-advocacy for people who are conditioned against confrontation, When To Lie About Being Neurodivergent, policy suggestions for ADHD-related legislation, tips for activism while executively dysfunked, and to close the book a biting satire of the pop media idea of self-care. ("Feeling sad? Make yourself a nice pot of chicken soup from scratch and you'll feel better in no time. Stay tuned after this rambling personal essay for the most mediocre chicken soup recipe you've ever seen!" "Have you considered planning and executing an overly elaborate criminal heist as a way to meet people and stay busy?")
Every case study or personal anecdote in the book will have a different name and demographics attached but will also make it obvious that they are all really just me, in the prose equivalent of a cheap wig, writing about my life. "Kelly, age seven, says she struggles to stay organized using the systems neurotypical children might find easy. I had to design my own accounting spreadsheet in order to make sure I always have enough in checking to cover the mortgage, she told me, fidgeting with the pop socket on her smartphone."
I feel a little bad making fun, because these books are often the best resource people can get (in itself concerning). It's like how despite my dislike of AA, I don't dunk on it in public because I don't want to offer people an excuse not to seek help. It feels like punching down to criticize these books, even though it's a swing at an industry that is mainly, it seems, here to profit from me. But one does get tired of skimming the hype for the real content only to find the real content isn't that useful either.
Les (not his real name) was diagnosed at the age of 236. Charming, well-read, and wealthy, he still spent much of his afterlife feeling deeply inadequate about his perceived shortcomings. "Vampire culture doesn't really acknowledge ADHD as a condition," he says. "My sire wouldn't understand, even though he probably has it as well. You should see the number of coffins containing the soil of his homeland that he's left lying forgotten all over Europe." A late diagnosis validated his feelings of difference, but on its own can't help when he hyperfocuses on seducing mortals who cross his path and forgets to get home before sunrise. "I have stock in sunburn gel companies," he jokes.
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
How to Stop Procrastinating by Managing Your Emotions
Procrastination happens when we delay doing things, and it's often connected to our emotions. Feelings like being afraid to fail, feeling worried or stressed, getting bored, or lacking motivation can all contribute to procrastination. To stop procrastinating and get more things done, it's important to learn how to handle our emotions better.
Break the task into smaller, more engaging sub-tasks.
Find ways to make the task more interesting or challenging.
Set a timer and work on the task for a specific amount of time, followed by a short break doing something enjoyable.
Feeling Overwhelmed:
Prioritize tasks and focus on one thing at a time.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable steps.
Delegate some parts of the task if possible or seek help from others.
Use tools like to-do lists or task management apps to stay organized.
Practice deep breathing or mindfulness techniques to calm yourself.
Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones.
Start with the easier or less intimidating aspects of the task to build momentum.
Set realistic expectations and remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes.
Focus on past accomplishments and successes to boost your confidence.
Seek support or feedback from others to gain reassurance.
Remind yourself of your skills and capabilities to tackle the task.
Use positive affirmations to counteract negative self-talk.
Embrace the concept of "good enough" rather than seeking perfection.
Set realistic and achievable goals for each task.
Recognize that mistakes and imperfections are part of the learning process and growth.
Break decisions into smaller steps and make one small decision at a time.
Set a time limit for making decisions to avoid overthinking.
Trust your instincts and make the best decision you can with the information available.
Apathy or Lack of Interest:
Find aspects of the task that align with your values or long-term goals.
Break the task into smaller, more manageable parts and focus on completing one at a time.
Reward yourself for completing the task to make it more appealing.
Stress or Burnout:
Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, exercise, or spending time in nature.
Break tasks into smaller steps to reduce the feeling of overwhelm.
Prioritize self-care and take breaks to avoid burnout.
Feeling Uninspired or Creatively Blocked:
Engage in activities that stimulate creativity, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or seeking inspiration from others' work.
Start with a simple and basic version of the task to get the creative juices flowing.
Collaborate with others or seek feedback to gain new perspectives.
Fear of Success:
Identify and challenge the negative beliefs or fears that may be holding you back.
Visualize the positive outcomes of completing the task successfully.
Focus on the benefits and personal growth that come with success.
Break long-term goals into smaller milestones to track progress.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and patient throughout the process.
Remind yourself that progress takes time and effort.
Lack of Confidence:
Celebrate your past accomplishments to boost your confidence.
Seek support and encouragement from friends, family, or mentors.
Focus on building specific skills related to the task to increase confidence.
Avoiding Discomfort:
Acknowledge that discomfort is a natural part of growth and improvement.
Break tasks into smaller steps and tackle the more challenging aspects gradually.
Remind yourself of the long-term benefits of facing discomfort.
Overestimating Future Motivation:
Practice discipline and commit to starting tasks even when motivation is low.
Set specific deadlines for tasks to create a sense of urgency.
Establish a routine that includes regular work on the task to build consistency.
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ecoamerica · 2 years
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The ClimateRx program empowers healthcare providers to protect their patients from threats to their health posed by climate change. ClimateRx connects healthcare providers with tools, training, and community to engage their patients on the issue of climate change. Learn more here: ClimateRx.org
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tozettastone · 2 months
First, an honourable mention goes to Orochimaru, who would win this ranking effortlessly but who is no longer part of the Akatsuki.
10. Zetsu is more or less disqualified because he reproduces by creating exact clones of himself. You are his clone, and you are the parent and the parented, the sibling, the self; sometimes all of the above all at once. Don't worry about it.
9. Hidan finds his kid fascinating and funny as fuck. Irrational tantrums about being handed an object they desperately wanted 3 minutes ago? He's laughing. Cute questions about the nature of society that Hidan has never once contemplated the answers to? So funny! Breaking their arm for the sixth time? Absolutely hilarious. The problem with Hidan is that being charmed and amused, and indeed feeling genuine affection, will in no way prevent him from exploring the outer limits of your capacity for suffering, and this only gets worse the more responsible for you he is. He loves you a lot and you will not survive to adulthood.
8. Sasori is adequate at servicing a child's basic needs for care and keeping. He is not a demonstrative parent but he is surprisingly receptive to a child's displays of affection and rarely turns them away. They remind him of his own relationship with his parents — his first foray into his craft, in which he preserved their bodies and made them embrace him as he imagined parents ought to. He understands the emotional component to development with his current, synthetic detachment. He is not very patient, and he's prone to just intervening in your brain chemistry when you frustrate him, which is not a great way to live. The other problem with Sasori as a parent, of course, is that at every moment he feels a sliver of affection for you, he contemplates whether it would be worth it to preserve that "you" forever. Eventually, the clockwork in his head will tick over, and you'll become the most beloved puppet in his collection.
7. Kakuzu swings between strict and angry at some times, and flatly indifferent at others; he's strict and angry when his emotions are engaged, which he hates, and combats with icy apathy. Sometimes he will be angry and indifferent about exactly the same topics on different days. This is a man who will hit a kid for not magically knowing something that he, their only parent, should have been the one to teach them about. He is at his best when he can be a mostly-benign acquaintance in his child's life. The single saving grace with Kakuzu is that you can just leave and he will take months to come after you, if he ever does. Don't expect a birthday card.
6. Itachi is utterly unprepared to be the carer for a child but approaches it with the same steady and dubiously-deserved self confidence with which he approaches everything. He is sometimes affectionate, but he is also relentlessly critical and he will use genjutsu torments as a "harmless" parenting tool, because they are obviously less damaging than corporeal punishment. (It has not occurred to him that a zero-violence approach to child rearing might be, theoretically, possible.) His expectations will only rise over time as he comes to like you better, and his treatment of you will become correspondingly harsher. Expect to jump at shadows until you're 39 and sobbing into your therapist's rug. On this list, you could do worse, but I can't help but feel that regularly obliterating a child's trust in the basic tenets of reality is courting a really severe mental illness.
5. Tobi will have a nervous breakdown about his fitness for interpersonal attachments, which he won't acknowledge as a nervous breakdown. He will then respond with complete mental and emotional detachment from his child, strap them to him in a sling and carry them through Akatsuki missions. Their crying will cause a stealth-based plan to fail, multiple times. Tobi will performatively panic every time they cry, and he will play with them any time they like — all the better if it annoys everyone around him. The problems start when you get older and can speak, which is about when it becomes steadily less convenient for him to treat you as a prop in his bizarre fantasy theatre. The more articulate you become, the less interested Tobi is. Where did his cute baby go? :( Expect a relatively physically safe but unstable childhood, oscillating between overwhelming, intense, nonsensical and occasionally cruel parental attention and complete absence. You will learn not to rely on other people for anything, and to tense up whenever someone says they love you.
4. Deidara has absolutely no desire to be responsible for ANY human being, including, often, himself. He resents every second of time your existence steals away from himself and his own projects, and although he intellectually understands that a child can't help needing stuff, he really does regard it as stealing from him. You're a gross, hooked little knife in his side, tugging him away from thoughts of himself and his art. He can't wait until you're old enough to leave on your own for long periods of time, and as he's a shinobi, he thinks "old enough," is, like, maybe five. Expect a short, disrupted childhood full of terse lessons in how not to get blown up today, followed by trying very, very hard to avoid daddy's attention. On the other hand, this is a parent who does not want to give you any attention, which, on this list, can only be an advantage. I can't believe this is number 4.
3. Nagato tries his best but childhood is where the trauma lives, and so every childhood milestone hits him with a rush of agonising memories like a lightning strike. You will become a proxy for him in his haphazard efforts to reparent himself, and he will be equally upset if you're exactly like him OR if you're totally different to him. You will never fully understand his relationship with himself and he will never understand that he's meant to be cultivating a relationship with you. Still, you could do worse.
2. Konan is a composed parent. She manages her own fears and anxieties with icy repression, and that's also her approach to the loving attachments of parenthood. Her child will be clean, educated, fed and sheltered appropriately at all times, but there has never once been an emotional need Konan has indulged. You will develop a deeply anxious attachment style and become a serial monogamist who is furious that nobody can live up to your expectations and terrified that the problem is you. (It is.)
1. Kisame does not wait until six months to give his baby water and he has a worryingly permissive approach to child safety in general. He puts up with pretty much any behavioural problem with steady I've-seen-it-all equanimity — except when his child is lying to his face, which is basically his single, glowing berserk button as an authority figure. He cares about his kid and will generally view them as a person and not as some kind of psychosocial manifestation of his own mental illness at least 50% of the time, which is why he wins the top spot on this cursed list. Kisame will tell you stories about how you must have eaten all your siblings in the womb to be born at all, and that means you're already the strongest possible kid he could have had. This is intended to be encouraging. Roll with it, dude. You could have got Hidan.
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urdreamydoodles · 5 days
X-Men x Reader x Reader's Dog
How they handle your relationship with your dog
The return of Mr. Pickles! Eight famous X-men—interact with both you, their partner, and your small, not-so-bright dog, Mr. Pickles.
Characters: Logan Howlett, Scott Summers, Remy LeBeau, Kurt Wagner, Ororo Munroe, Jean Grey, Bobby Drake & Hank McCoy
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Logan (Wolverine):
- At first, Logan tries to act like Mr. Pickles is just a nuisance, but deep down, he softens over time, despite his gruff exterior. He often complains about the dog taking up his side of the bed or chewing on his boots, but you’ve caught him scratching behind Mr. Pickles’ ears when he thinks you’re not looking.
- Logan is fiercely protective of you, and surprisingly, that extends to Mr. Pickles. The little dog may not be much of a fighter, but if anyone messes with him, Logan’s claws come out faster than they can blink. It’s as if he’s adopted Mr. Pickles as part of your pack.
- Despite pretending he doesn’t care, Logan has saved Mr. Pickles from various ridiculous situations—like getting stuck under the couch or chasing squirrels out into traffic. He’ll grumble, “Damn dog’s more trouble than he’s worth,” but the affection in his voice gives him away.
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Scott Summers (Cyclops):
- Scott takes Mr. Pickles very seriously—possibly too seriously. He’ll come home from missions and ask, “How’s the dog?” like Mr. Pickles is a critical member of the team. He’s even tried to train Mr. Pickles on basic commands like “stay” and “come,” though the results are… mixed.
- He appreciates how happy Mr. Pickles makes you, so he’ll go the extra mile to include the dog in your daily lives. He’s tried setting a strict feeding schedule, making sure Mr. Pickles gets enough exercise, and even reading up on dog nutrition. But when Mr. Pickles inevitably gets into trouble, Scott sighs and takes it all in stride.
- Scott’s a bit more traditional, so he sometimes doesn’t quite get why you treat Mr. Pickles like a child. However, he’ll indulge you, helping pick out little outfits for Mr. Pickles and occasionally taking him on walks when you’re busy. Though he won’t admit it, he’s grown attached to the tiny dog, even if it’s not something he’ll openly discuss with the other X-Men.
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Remy LeBeau (Gambit):
- Remy finds Mr. Pickles absolutely hilarious. He’s charmed by how ridiculously small and clueless the dog is, often playfully teasing Mr. Pickles but in a good-natured way. He loves calling the dog “Petit Cornichon” (Little Pickle) in his thick Cajun accent, laughing every time Mr. Pickles stumbles into something.
- Unlike Scott, Remy has no problem treating Mr. Pickles like your child. He’ll humor you completely, offering to babysit whenever you need, and he’s the type to sneak Mr. Pickles little treats when you’re not looking. The two of them have formed an odd friendship, with Mr. Pickles following Remy around despite his jokes.
- Remy uses Mr. Pickles as a tool for romance, often bringing the dog into moments where he tries to charm you. He’ll set up cute dates for you with Mr. Pickles in tow, and there’s no shortage of times where you’ve found him holding the dog while dramatically proclaiming, “Cher, I would protect this lil’ fluff as fiercely as I protect you.”
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Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler):
- Kurt adores Mr. Pickles, even if the dog doesn’t quite understand how to react to his teleportation skills. He’s very gentle and sweet with the dog, often calling him “Kleiner Hund” (little dog) and being patient whenever Mr. Pickles gets confused.
- Kurt is used to people treating him differently because of his appearance, so he’s extra compassionate toward Mr. Pickles, who sometimes gets lost in his own little world. He’ll often try to engage Mr. Pickles in games or tricks, even if the dog just ends up looking confused.
- As your partner, Kurt loves how much you dote on Mr. Pickles and supports your attachment wholeheartedly. He’s the type to pray for the dog’s health during quiet moments and genuinely treats Mr. Pickles like a small blessing in both of your lives. Sometimes, Kurt even takes Mr. Pickles on little teleportation adventures, ensuring the dog’s well-being in a way only he could.
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Ororo Munroe (Storm):
- Ororo finds Mr. Pickles absolutely endearing, though she initially worries about such a small dog in a world of superpowers and chaos. She uses her abilities to protect him from the weather, ensuring that he never gets caught in a storm or drenched by rain. Mr. Pickles might not understand why it never rains on him, but Ororo quietly smiles every time.
- She treats your relationship with Mr. Pickles with grace and understanding, recognizing how much joy he brings into your life. Ororo will often sit with Mr. Pickles on her lap while you’re relaxing together, gently stroking his fur as if he were a delicate creature of nature.
- Mr. Pickles, unsurprisingly, adores Ororo. Despite his limited intelligence, he follows her around like a little shadow. Ororo sometimes teases you, saying, “It seems I have another loyal follower,” while lifting the tiny dog into her arms with a soft laugh.
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Jean Grey:
- Jean thinks Mr. Pickles is cute but also amusingly oblivious. She’s used to minds being complex and full of emotions, but Mr. Pickles’ thoughts are simple—mostly consisting of food, naps, and chasing after random things. She can’t help but smile every time she picks up on his scattered little thoughts.
- She’s supportive of your attachment to Mr. Pickles and thinks it’s sweet that you treat him like your child. Sometimes, she’ll help you by telepathically calming the dog when he’s overly excited or confused. She finds it adorable how deeply you care for him and appreciates how he adds a lighthearted dynamic to your relationship.
- Occasionally, Jean will make Mr. Pickles do something funny, like fetch you a flower or bark on command, using her telekinesis. You’ll burst out laughing when you realize she’s behind it, and Jean will simply shrug with a knowing smile, saying, “I thought he needed a little guidance.”
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Bobby Drake (Iceman):
- Bobby thinks Mr. Pickles is absolutely hilarious. He’s constantly cracking jokes about how Mr. Pickles looks like a walking snowball, and the dog’s obliviousness only adds fuel to Bobby’s comedic fire. “How does a dog with no brain cells survive in this world?” he’ll laugh as Mr. Pickles runs into a wall.
- Despite the teasing, Bobby has a soft spot for Mr. Pickles. He’s made tiny ice toys for the dog to play with and has even built a little ice fort for him to run around in. Bobby’s playful nature means he’s always finding new ways to entertain both you and the dog, keeping the mood light and fun.
- Bobby likes to use Mr. Pickles as an icebreaker (pun intended) in your relationship. Whether it’s suggesting a “doggy playdate” or bringing Mr. Pickles to an impromptu snowball fight, Bobby manages to incorporate the dog into every moment, making your bond with him even more entertaining.
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Hank McCoy (Beast):
- Hank is incredibly curious about Mr. Pickles. He’s fascinated by the dog’s behaviors, even if Mr. Pickles doesn’t seem to have the sharpest instincts. Hank might overanalyze Mr. Pickles’ every move, muttering things like, “It’s truly remarkable how such a small brain can direct such complex behaviors.”
- While Hank is used to more intellectual pursuits, he indulges you when it comes to your love for Mr. Pickles. He’ll read up on dog care, create homemade nutritious treats, and even design little gadgets to keep the dog entertained when you’re away. He approaches it scientifically but with genuine affection, wanting the best for your “child.”
- Hank secretly enjoys Mr. Pickles’ company. He often finds himself absentmindedly petting the dog while reading a book or working on an experiment, the small creature bringing a sense of calm to Hank’s otherwise busy mind. You’ll occasionally catch Hank trying to teach Mr. Pickles new tricks, though the results are questionable at best.
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ennobletechnologies · 8 months
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Revolutionize healthcare marketing with digital solutions for medical professionals. Enhance your online presence and engage patients effectively. Explore now!
Do Read: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-marketing-solutions/
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vertigris-art · 7 months
How to stay patient and finish drawing A painting♥️
There are a few things to consider
1. Optimize your workflow
This one is more of a preventive measure. There are tons of ways to optimize your workflow to make it more time efficent. Starting with using shortcuts, to using lasso tool cleverly, practicing stroke economy (say more with less brush strokes), using outline layer property for lineart, drawing on 1-2 layers, 3D bases and many more.
2. Split it into multiple sessions
Not every artwork has to be done within one drawing session. In fact most of mine are split into 2-3 days. Reduces burnout and helps you see mistakes the next day
3. After long painting do something quick
Sometimes when I finish a 30h painting, the thought of jumping right into the next 30h painting is demotivating. Switch things up once in a while. Do a low stakes sketch or simple painting after a long one. Helps keeping up morale in general.
4. Hang in Discord calls or listen to podcasts
Something that keeps you engaged but doesn’t detract from your focus too much. Streaming your art in Discord calls also helps beating your ass.
5. Get better (duh)
A lot of frustration in art comes from lacking skills. Every artist experiences it, I do too. Sadly there’s not much help besides practicing the stuff I struggle with and getting tons of references for it. But once you stop struggling with fundamentals, art gets so much less frustrating and the process can be enjoyed from start to finish.
6. Don’t be too much of a perfectionist
Don’t zoom too much into your art. People can’t see the details anyways. Parts that are not the focal point can be less detailed and rougher. And sometimes you just have to let go of an art piece and move on to the next one.
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cybsoo2 · 8 months
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my obsessive fan
╰┈➤ synopsis — Each story is a glimpse into what your life would entail if these seven were your obsessive fans.
╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!bts x idol!reader
╰┈➤ word count — 3.6k
╰┈➤ content warning — murder, yandere behavior, stalker behavior, kidnapping, just the usual
ੈ♡₊˚。 over to ⇢ pt.2
ੈ✩‧₊˚ note ; GUYS HOBI DOESN’T ACTUALLY KILL HIMSELF!! i realize it kinda seems like he did but don’t worry he’s alright just a lil traumatized :)
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—Kim Seokjin
Jin considers himself unexplainably lucky
The universe has given him a chance that he’ll never be able to deserve
One day during his first semester of college he met someone special that little did he know would change the trajectory of his life forever
Seokjin made a friend and they grew fairly close as the years went on, until one day this friend came to him with a bittersweet conversation
She was switching to online school as her dreams of becoming an idol were finally answered
Jin supported her decision and waited patiently for her debut
An Autumn song caught his ear on the day of her debut and his eyes no longer followed her form
Instead, Jin became starstruck by the lively girl who made the stage her own
Since that day, Jin only sees his relationship with your member as insignificant
He only cares to engage with them when it involves you
Seokjin is a snake with his words and uses his charms to his advantage
He’ll manipulate and lie his way into getting new information about you
Although, sometimes it’s slightly suspicious when almost every time they hangout is when you’re tagging along
He really has just turned your co-worker into a tool at his disposal
At the most lowly point of his life, he even resorted to flirting with the foolish girl in order to sneak into your dorms
Granted, this repulsive act brought up serpents in his stomach and he had to restrain himself from the gags that tore up his throat
He wound up drowning himself in mouthwash to try and get rid of the rancid taste that never seemed to leave his lips (He was tempted to almost bury himself in bleach but resisted)
This traumatic event did have an upside though, as he was able to creep into the dark corners of your bedroom when his other companion was asleep
Unfortunately, you were not safely sleeping under his watch but just being able to stand in the place he frequently hallucinates about is enough for him
His consciousness moves into a dream-like state as he takes in everything that your fingers have touched
His heart flutters while silently sweeping his gigantic hands over your stuffies and sheets
He takes a seat on your bed and breathes in the reflection of your spirit
Shaking hands reach for the sweater tossed to the left of him
His lips quiver and he can’t hold back the sobs that force their way of him
His misty moon-eyes shine in the light that passes through your curtains
Blue bleeds from his curled up body and coats every surface of your previously vivid room
He despises the way his rotten emotions have blended into your walls
Nibble fingers then quickly gather any item that has sucked up his sorrow (At least that’s what he tells himself)
He’ll take these souvenirs of your sunshine and cherish them until that delightful day arrives when you eventually take their place
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—Min Yoongi
He’s your producer and songwriter
Articles and fan sites have become fascinated and praise the poetic nature of your songs
Each line is drowning in lovesick emotion that carries the weight of the human soul
Each song is unique with a variety of tales telling love and sorrow combined with hateful rage and tortuous terror
Every lyrics he writes is a vow to love you
It’s not a surprise how romantic and illusionary his songs end up being, his heart always sings for you after all
Every time your songs win an award he feels as if his love is validated
And every time a songs fails to reach an achievement, he sobs for days on end, promising to do better
He will not let his words fall flat and be mistaken for empty oaths
His apartment is an archive, full of stacked books overflowing with the words of adoration that never stop their cascade
A graveyard of blue pens (your favourite colour of course) lies in the corner of his living room, each scripted soldier aiding to the thousands of verses written in your honour
Above the TV playing visions of you, are the hundreds of awards placed delicately upon his shelves
You’ll have to excuse his selfish desires but he couldn’t stop himself from taking them
Each award is a golden reassurance that his love for you is reality and the world is aware of it too
It’s even better that these trophies were once held lovingly in your hands
He used to trace the ghost of your fingertips along the lines of the figurine 
Although, once he realized his tainted touch smudged away your memory, he cut his fingertips off in a panic and laid them up on his wall where they've stayed still ever since
Drifting away from painful memory and onto thoughtful perceptions, in a competition between your siren singing and your sweet spoken call, your regular voice comes as a close second
Each sonnet you speak is that much more meaningful due to the fact that what you say are the words he wrote
An angelic tone constantly fills the silence of his apartment from dusk to dawn
It’s even more euphonious watching you perform in the studio
He can’t help his glossy eyes from floating to stare at your open lips
Whilst your silver voice is the constant background noise that fills his head, Yoongi finds time to record you speaking light-hearted chit chat during your recording sessions
When the time comes and Yoongi must make his way home, he walks slow in the studio but sprints on the sidewalk
His rush can be contributed to the fact that Yoongi is always inspired to work on some arrangements when provided with new material
He’ll cut and paste the pieces of his collection and create new paragraphs that he pretends you said to him
Yoongi sees your life as a duet
Neither complete without the other
He used to sing in silence but his voice is so insincere compared to yours
And he takes pride in the way your career and prosperity relies on him so much
You two are so trusting in one another yet a step to far away
It’s a pity Yoongi’s too accepting of his life with you to risk taking it a step further
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—Jung Hoseok
In Hoseok’s realm of reality, you are both undoubtedly in love with one another
Yet your relationship is a secret, kept hidden away from prying eyes and stuffed into the back of his closet where cardboard cutouts and posters sleep
Hobi’s too shy and nervous for his undying love to be publicized, so he’ll just stick to supporting you from the sidelines
He has a YouTube channel where everything and anything is all about you
His favourite segment is unboxing the hundreds of albums he purchases for everyone of your comebacks
Before cutting open the wrapping he’ll wish and beg to see your face so much it’s almost satanic
When he pulls your photocard he almost faints in excitement but when his hands are dirtied by pulling the face of another one of your members he ends up trashing the card
Speaking of your photocards, his collection includes every single card that can be found
Binders upon binders are filled with your face and when he ends up doing a tour for his channel, the video ends up being over 30 hours long
Hoseok’s favourite hobby involves curling up in his bed and cradling your limited edition twin plushie in his crushing embrace
He nestles up to the faux sense of security, stroking the soft fabric and pretending it’s you
Soft yet erratic gasps tumble from his warm mouth
His head controls the ghosts of you that creates strawberry cheeks
A sensitive smile paints it’s way onto a caramel canvas
His body grows hot as his hopeless fantasies drive him into delusion
Swollen lips begging out to brush up against yours
His eyes hang heavy lidded with overblown pupils 
His previous crying mellows down as trembling whines grow needier
He daydreams about how you’d feel held up against him
A raw, rose-bud blooming between the both of your bodies
His heart trembles, overwhelmed by your hands tugging at his hair and dragging your peachy, plush mouth across his neck
Honey hot hands grip harder to the sheets beneath him
You make him so weak
Heat pools below his stomach, all strung up in pretty pleasure
Pressure building and body temp rising, Hoseok’s lost in a fool’s paradise
After every climax in utopia, Hobi is hit with the reality of his predicament
The rainy nights that follow look something like this…
Hoseok gets his head bashed in by a reality check
His brain is blown to bits, bleeding south along his bathroom tiles
Venom pulses through his veins as he wishes the world would lose it’s mania
Veracity is Hoseok’s enemy but it’s a good thing he’s hopeful
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—Kim Namjoon
You make Namjoon so curious
His thirst grows stronger in need of consuming any knowledge slightly related to your existence
Namjoon knows you better than the gods who created you
He’s your worshipper who knows your wants and needs of the past, present and future
Namjoon always keeps updated about your schedules, personal plans, and tiny details which other fans have shared
He keeps a binder stocked full of information
The binding is bursting and pages threaten to flutter out of their place
He’s set aside every Wednesday and Friday to study your life and it’s interesting habits
Saturdays are for quizzes which he forces his roommates to participate in
He’s even started to live his life exactly like yours in order to feel closer to you
This includes him eating the same meals you do and visiting places you’ve been photographed at just minutes after its been posted
He’ll never miss out on purchasing all products you endorse or are seen using
He’s even tailored his style to match your own (He’s always been a fan of couples clothing)
And Namjoon, ever the worrier, is anxious that all your lives, messages, and posts are in danger of being corrupted and lost forever, so he downloads all your content into an archive for safe keeping
Namjoon is a worshipper, dedicating his devotion to your entirety
In a walnut wardrobe with a false backing is where your shrine meets his eyes in the early morning and late night
Of course it’s adorned with the finest and most expensive amenities
Jewelry, love notes scribbled onto loose-leaf paper, totems of the gods luck, and a single golden lock of your hair (Don’t ask him how he got it)
The centrepiece held in this sacred sanctuary is a painted portrait of yours truly
Namjoon’s never been much of an artist but it would be such a travesty not to document your desirable beauty
Every fine features flows into the next, blurred together with emotion and sentiment
He spend almost all the hours of his wake languishing away in an attempt to perfect every detail
He persisted in his laborious ways until every curve, divot, and colour matched that of your own
When a year has faded away and his mastery is finished, pearl droplets of ecstasy and varnish are used to seal it
His half of the shared flat he lives in resembles more of an art gallery and archive then an actually home
No part of Namjoons personality, hobbies, or are emotions are his own
All this mania and madness is for you
The generous god who was gracious enough to let him love you
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—Park Jimin
Jimin is your #1 fan
He was there as you built your career from the bottom and has supported you in every way possible
Every album you produce winds up in his grasp and every song is played on repeat the minute of release
He’s watched every video you’ve ever featured in 100 times over
Posters of you are plastered over every inch of his room, some photos even spilling out into the hallway
Jimin’s favourite lullaby is the sound of your siren song that flows from his CD player every night
Your sugary, sweet voice slithers deep into his thoughts every moment of every day
You are the best things that has ever happened to him… but also the worse
Park Jimin is so fucking jealous
He’s always had trouble containing the fiery beast that lies unsettled in his stomach, yet lately it’s been getting bad
He sees the way you interact with your members and he doesn’t think they’re good for you
They hide your true potential under fake smiles that smear their scarlet lip gloss
He hates only being able to watch as ‘fans’ cover you in filth
His hatred has almost boiled over so many times that he had to stop going to fan-meets
Jimin would never lie to you but he can’t let you see him like this
Death would be a better fate than seeing the disgust that would splatter across your face at the sight of him in such a state
Crystal rain already begins to fall down his face at the mere inclination
The sour words you would spit at his feet and your hardened glare that would piece his chest
However, this doesn’t mean all that he’s done to show his love already is a lie 
He not interested in deceiving you, and the truth is that Jimin is so very sensitive
He’s caring and emotional, selfless when it comes to showing his worth
But sometimes Jimin feels that there’s two sides to him
A twisted twin that he’s so very tired of pushing down
Jimin is growing weak and he isn’t sure how much longer he’ll be able to contain the monster that’s ripping apart his rib cage
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—Kim Taehyung
Taehyung is your eternal shadow
He follows you in the light of day and stalks you in the dark of night
Having Taehyung as your obsessive fan would be like an undying disease
His entire life revolves around you
You are his universe
The first time he caught a glimpse of your face he rushed home to etch the memory onto paper
A fire ignited in his lungs where the smoke billowed out into short, wispy breathes
By the time the next day rolls around he still sits hunched over his desk drawing doodles of you in his notebook
This nights insomnia foreshadows many more sleepless nights spent studying pictures of you
After many weeks his drawings became too lifeless and he yearns for a stolen look at your features once again
The months that follow involve Taehyung spiralling into a new insanity
He quit his job and left his apartment, all in search for a closer spot to you
Taehyung and you share the same silhouette
This is proven in the way he pursues your every move
His new expensive camera captures every moment his eyes fail to catch
The walls of his room are covered in pictures of you taken by his artistic eye
He loses himself in the dreams these candids encourage and traces the outlines of your image as daylight falls
So lost in his own mania he catches himself mumbling your name in place of his friends and mistakes strangers scent in similarity to yours
As time grows old, Taehyung becomes bolder, more infatuated and impatient
This masochist like to tease himself with your touch, stealing the skin he meets when his stalking becomes more akin to silent assault
He takes the risks that put your whole relationship in stake
His crimes double in number as his obsession becomes insatiable
His delusions morph into a place of real-life euphoria as clarity escapes his mind
Last night, right when the clock aged 11 in the absence of light, he stepped foot into your domain
He hasn’t been thinking straight lately, too blinded by his fantasies to consider the consequences
He crawls over to your bed where heaven lies in a slumbering state
He’ll let his throat tear itself to sheds speaking his heart-felt confessions to you
“I’m crazy about you.” Two kisses laid to bed on the crest of your chest
“You’re the center of my world.” Bed sheets rustle as he pulls himself closer
“I’m completely, and utterly devoted to you.” He melts into your unconscious embrace
When the sun wakes, he takes his time dragging himself off of you and out the door
Let’s see how far Kim Taehyung is willing to test his temptations before he destroys it all
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—Jeon Jungkook
“You’re the one I’m dreaming of, in endless love, you’re my forever.”
Jungkook’s love for you is infinite, yet despite his honest intentions, the execution of his attachment can be quite clumsy
It seems that your love is so shocking that it electrocuted his mind
Your breathe so toxic that it ties him up in a tongue-twister, tripping over his words for the days to follow
Body so heavenly that his brain has melted into mush upon your first encounter
Jungkook first spotted you on a billboard in the city and he swore he could see the stars in your eyes
Since then he dove head-first into everything there was to know about you
He schedule practically matches yours too a tee
Although this was not without great struggle, after losing his job, blowing his rent money, and setting fire to his friendships, Jungkook has endured everything in order to be close to you
He makes sure to attend all your events, concerts, fan-meets, and all things in between
He’s the one who shouts your name the loudest, he gives you the biggest gifts, and he sends you the most love letters
Practically every one of your fans knows who he is at this point
Jeon Jungkook is a psycho fan who stalks you, is blacklisted from almost every venue (But that never stops him from finding a way in), and has had rumours of assaulting other fans who get in his way
His obvious obsession is also what leads him to check all articles, management posts, and your social media every night
This is was leads him to a harrowing discovery
“Unfortunately, popular k-pop idol L/N Y/N has fa-” He never finished the sentence before he threw up
Checking back on the article his concern became reality as news of you being injured broke his barely beating heart
The ice water drifting through his veins pours out of him in the form of desperate teardrops
Ear-shattering wailing disrupts his neighbours sleep and Jungkook's crying continues on for the rest of the night
The only solution to his misery comes to him in a disfigured dream
Jungkook makes his way to your apartment on an evening that borders on sunset
Fresh flowers are placed in front of your door accompanied with a hundred page note and a stinging smile
He hopes that this will cheer you up in your times of great distress
…His plans end up backfiring completely
The next night you go live and Jungkook waits athirst for the words you’re about to speak
“Please, please stop coming to my home. I can’t trust or appreciate anyone who so blatantly ignores my privacy and safety. If I have to beg you to stop stalking me then how can I even call you my fans?”
You think he doesn’t love you?
No, no, no, no, he loves you, oh god he loves you so much
Why can’t you see it?
Can you not tell just how much his heart screams out for its other half?
Do you not notice all the agony he has endured, and will continue to endure, in the name of your happiness?
This revelation brings on a fit of hysteria 
Fears squeezes the air out of his lungs as he hyperventilates on the living room floor
Wet words are yelled out between sobs and pleads for your love
His tears don’t stop flooding his eyes as he lies helplessly on the wooden floorboards that soak up the sadness
Hours border on days as he lays limpless
He doesn’t eat nor sleep yet only mumbles a hopeless mantra that he prays will reach your ears
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you-” 
Poor, pathetic Jungkook
All those days sitting in sorrow allow a dire idea to fester within his mind
Termites of idiocy tore apart his brain and spat out of the lovelorn remains
Perhaps this distance is what’s limiting your sight of his loving languish
He wants to be closer to you, craves it, no, needs it to survive in this confusing world that pins you two against each other
So all this thinking leads him to kidnap you from your dorm
He shushes your scream with the hand held over your mouth (one that also holds a wet rag submersed in chloroform)
When you wake you’re disoriented and full of confusion
You’re faced with an unfamiliar ceiling and dark shadows that spiral into your sight
The only strong force that keeps you connected to this world are the arms wound tight around your torso
The muffled man comforts your crying before you can notice his own
“Now I can finally show you how much I love you.”
© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved ‎
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thehighpriestexx420 · 10 months
Their True Self's Feelings VS. Their Ego's Feelings About You
General Collective Pick-A-Gif Tarot Reading
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Our True Self is the version of us WITHOUT the programming society has instilled in us and/or the programming our physical body came with. It's your soul, your spirit, your higher self. My experience with my true self can only be described as what feels right.
The Ego can be used as a tool for your true self to use or you can fall under the automatic habits it provides. It's our mind. The brain filter that allows us to perceive reality - more commonly the reality that's physical.
My intention was to pull cards into 2 columns. One to represent their true feelings and the other to represent their ego's. I've found that the message worked when I looked at all of the cards together. If you can discern the cards can be read the way I intended with your specific situation, feel free to let me know!
Take a moment to yourself. Step back from any distractions on the outside & within your mind. Take a clearing breath. Focus your attention within yourself & what you sense. Which gif calls out to you? If it's more than one, than there are multiple messages for you.
Take what resonates and leave the rest. Be aware that the future is malleable - you can choose to follow your true self or any toxic programming you've picked up. The results will follow.
💖 New followers & those who reblog the linked post below 👇 get a FREE one question tarot reading & reiki healing session. Paid services are same hour, first come first serve, & guaranteed between 8 am - 9pm 💖
✌️ Tips are also always appreciated! Help me continue helping you by providing me with funds to purchase new decks & stuff that keeps me alive 😊 Cashapp: $coltonicholas ✌️
Pile One :
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Their soul is calling them to approach you & express their romantic interest. However, there's something that happened between you that's caused them to stop & truly think about this decision.
They're trying to discern how they can balance their self-love & their love for others. They don't want to get hurt again but they also don't want to miss out on their desired connection with you.
The Universe is telling them the time to approach you is now & that they're extremely supported in this. In fact, this is a part of both of your life's purpose. It's destiny. Every aspect of existence is weaving the path to make this happen.
But they're currently being held back and stalling due to doubt & the fear of hoping just to be hurt & disappointed again. As in, they feel this desire of theirs is too good to be true. Their non-action is out of fear & self-preservation.
Pile Two :
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They're not seeing the results they're looking for in this connection. There's impatience. They're looking for answers outside themself rather than within.
You may be dating & haven't made things official yet. They're questioning if you're as invested in this connection as they are because of this. They could be feeling the strong desire to marry you, and yet, aren't seeing these results.
They may be overly focused on the material/physical & not enough on what their soul is saying. They want a successful home life with you while not feeling at home within themself. They cope with this feeling by indulging in distractions. Propping their ego up, shopping, bragging, etc.
They need to be more calm, nurturing, & patient. They feel the need to rush ahead while not considering others enough.
They're overly concerned with others' opinions. They want to be able to say that you're theirs & not fear people questioning the validity of your connection. It's the vibe where people have been in years long engagements. There's often doubt from others and within the connection. "Are they not sure if they want to get married, is it going to happen, etc."
Pile Three :
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They're being held back by confusion, the pressure to conform, & structure. It's like they're lost in a land of illusion. They're unable to move on due to this belief they must uphold these rigid rules.
"If it's not broke, don't fix it" is a saying that comes to mind when describing this person's mindset.
They don't want to adventure outside of these old habitual ways of thinking. The unknown is unstable & unpredictable.
Despite this, their soul is desiring a union with you & they feel it - the urge to reach out. Their ego is blocking them from seeing a way forward with you.
For some of you, they want to propose but something is leading them to believe it's not possible. There's a clashing - 2 opposing forces that "shouldn't" go together. So this can look like having a religion where you're "supposed" to be with a member of the same religion, a family disapproving of same sex marriage, or some other value/belief that doesn't approve of your marriage/union.
They've had unhealthy examples of relationships growing up so this also distorts how relationships are "supposed" to look like to them. There's some kind of codependency between you two. Like you're both chained to these toxic belief systems. Change your mentor/who you look up to & set yourself free.
Pile Four :
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There's this idea - this hidden gem in their heart. I'm seeing that they need some time away from the distractions of the world so that they can look inside themselves to see what this bright, burning, blossoming passion really is before they offer it to you.
They're scared of things not working out because they haven't seen any indicators it would. Their heart is closed off & as a consequence it blocks them from receiving what they desire. That includes the positive interactions from you that they're looking for.
But I'm seeing that this beginning between you is bright, beautiful, & promising. You both can try to hide what you're feeling, but it's too powerful to be ignored anyway.
I'm seeing that you both share a heart/the same feelings. This connection is within your core. It's designed to free you, reveal your true self, heal you, & to assist you with growth. For some of you, this is your divine counterpart/twin flame. For others, it's a strong soulmate connection.
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Can I ask for Kurt, Emma, and Scott with a reader that’s a little off-putting? They’re mostly harmless but them not making a sound still gives people a start.
Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler)
Kurt has a deep understanding of feeling like an outsider due to his own appearance and abilities. He appreciates the silent, almost ghostly way you move, seeing it as a unique expression of who you are rather than something unsettling. He finds your ability to be stealthy fascinating and sometimes even challenges you to see if you can sneak up on him—though with his teleportation skills, it becomes a fun game of cat and mouse.
Kurt notices that your silence often leads others to feel uneasy, but he never lets it bother him. Instead, he shows affection through small, thoughtful gestures—leaving you little notes in places only you could find, or teleporting into your space to surprise you with a snack or a joke, making sure you feel included and cared for.
Kurt finds peace in the quiet of the night and enjoys spending that time with you, knowing you’re more comfortable when things are still. Whether it’s sitting together in silence or engaging in deep conversations about your experiences, he appreciates the calm you bring to those moments and is always there to listen without judgment.
He encourages you to embrace your mutation, reminding you that just as he has learned to love his appearance and abilities, you can find pride in what makes you different. He’s patient and kind, never pushing you too far but always there to help you see the beauty in your uniqueness.
Emma Frost
Emma isn’t easily rattled by much, including your unsettling presence. She’s more intrigued than anything, appreciating the power and control you have over your ability to move undetected. She respects strength, and in her eyes, your ability to make people uncomfortable is just another form of power, one that she finds admirable.
Emma sees your potential and takes it upon herself to help you refine your abilities, offering to train you in using your mutation more strategically. She’ll guide you in turning what others see as “creepy” into a sophisticated skill set, perfect for espionage or other high-stakes situations.
While Emma appreciates your ability to unsettle others, she also understands the importance of social dynamics. She’ll offer tips on how to use your silence to your advantage without alienating people, teaching you how to blend your natural stealth with a more polished social presence.
Emma doesn’t coddle you or try to make you more approachable; instead, she respects you as you are. She values your authenticity and never asks you to change, only to hone your skills. In her eyes, you’re already powerful—she just wants to help you refine that power into something truly formidable.
Scott Summers (Cyclops)
Scott’s military-like discipline means he’s rarely caught off guard, even by someone as silent as you. While others might jump when you appear out of nowhere, Scott barely flinches. He’s more likely to acknowledge you with a calm nod, appreciating that you’re simply doing what comes naturally.
Scott immediately sees the tactical advantage in your ability to move without being noticed. He’s constantly thinking about how your mutation could be utilized on missions, often pairing you with teams where your skills would be most effective. He’s pragmatic, recognizing that what others find unsettling is actually a powerful tool.
Scott isn’t one for excessive words, so he appreciates that you don’t need to fill the silence with chatter. There’s a mutual understanding between you two, a quiet camaraderie where actions speak louder than words. He respects your space and doesn’t push you to be more outgoing than you’re comfortable with.
Scott can be very protective of his team, and that includes you. While he respects your independence and ability to take care of yourself, he’s always watching out for you in his own quiet way. If anyone on the team ever made you feel uncomfortable because of your mutation, he’d step in with a firm hand to ensure you’re treated with the respect you deserve.
Scott might encourage you to push your boundaries, not to change who you are, but to explore how your abilities can evolve. Whether it’s training exercises that challenge your stealth in new ways or missions that test your limits, Scott believes in your potential and wants to see you grow into the best version of yourself.
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the-fiction-witch · 9 months
Favourite Patient
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Sweet
Requested I don't exactly know how to leave a request but I'm assuming I'm just supposed to comment. I was wondering if you could do one about Y/n being a patient at the hospital. I don't know what would happen but I just think it would be cool. ❤️
I sat on the bed, pouting. 
I wanted to go home, I thought all of this was stupid. 
Merely an overreaction. 
"This is dumb."
"Y/n!" My mother snapped at me across the room, 
"It is!"
"Will you please just let the doctor look over you,"
"Can I go home when he tells you there's nothing wrong with me?"
"If he says so then yes." 
"Fine." I rolled my eyes, 
Soon enough the door opened to one of the doctors, the younger one, I hadn't met him yet, and frankly I didn't want to. 
"Good Afternoon, you must be Miss Y/l/n," He smiled at me, 
"Alright, well going on then?" He asked sitting on the bed, 
I glared a little and moved my leg to put some space between us "Nothing,"
"Y/n!" My mother snapped, "Tell the doctor." 
"There's nothing wrong with me, I'm not wasting his time."
"That's very sweet of you," He smiled, "But tell me anyway, I'd rather you waste five minutes of my time to tell me you have a tummy ache than not tell me it's something serious." 
"It's nothing." I sighed,
"Oh for-" My mother began before she simply told him what was wrong with me, 
"Ah... that is serious." He said sounding concerned, 
"Oh for no! it's not that serious really." I complained 
"If you wouldn't mind waiting outside Mrs Y/l/n,"
"Yes doctor" She nodded as she took her bag and left, leaving me alone with this doctor. 
For a moment neither of us spoke merely engaging in a staring contest, which I had to look away from first. Which only made him smirk. 
"Is that true?"
"No, I-"
"Is it. true?"
"Yes." I sighed,
"Alright, I'll need to keep you in for a week under observation we haven't had any change in that time then I'll give you a full exam-"
"No, you bloody well will not."
"Yes. I will. and if I find what I'm gonna be honest I'm already suspecting then you'll need surgery."
"Ohh for- It's not that bad really." 
"If you do. and you don't have surgery you'll die."
"and if I don't? If I don't and you being overly cautious put me through a surgery I do not need."
"Miss Y/l/n. Surgery is expensive, time-consuming, dangerous, I'm not going to put you through a surgery you don't need." He said, "But as a doctor, I can't let you walk out of here with the knowledge there could be a literal bomb inside you waiting to go off." He snapped, "Now. Miss Y/l/n, Let me investigate. Please." 
"Fine." I snapped,
"Good girl," he smiled, he took some tools and did a very basic check of things "Yes as I suspected. But we still need to keep you in to be sure." He said 
"And if I don't want to stay?"
He glared a little as he moved away, "Then legally speaking I can handcuff you to the bed, so are you staying willingly or am I getting the keys?"
"Good girl," he smiled, "I get this feeling you're very quickly going to become my favourite patient" He winked, "Name for the paperwork?"
"A very beautiful name, Dr Dawkins. I'll be checking in on you daily and I'll make sure the nurse gives you lots of fluids and a comfy pillow" He smiled, "I'll see you later y/n." 
He took his things and left the room to explain things to my mother, I just huffed and pouted angrily. 
I had been here for three days and already I was bored out of my mind, every day Dr. Dawkins would pop in and check up on me sometimes even more than that but still I was just pouting and complaining wanting to go home, 
"Aww, There's my favourite patient." He smiled as he arrived at my room, "Hi Y/n."
"Hello Dr Dawkins,"
"I brought you a present?" 
"What?" I rolled my eyes,
"Ah ah. No. you don't get your present until you smile."
I sighed and forced a smile, "Good girl," He smiled coming fully inside my room, "Extra jelly," he enticed setting an extra jelly cup on my table, 
"I thought it was one a day that's the rules?"
"It is, but... Between you and me." He winked, "I snagged it for you when I went past the kitchens" He smiled,
"Thank you,"
"You're welcome, anything to cheery that grumpy butt up" He laughed, "Now. any change?"
"Anything at all?"
"Alright, I might have to check you again."
"I need to check. if nothing improves I am going to have to book you in for surgery and you know both of us don't want that,"
"Fine." I sighed letting him check again, for what felt like the tenth time in three days.  
"Alright, rest up I'll come back and see you before bed."
"Alright." I sighed,
"Good girl," he smiled before he left again. 
I had been here now for six days and I was only getting angrier and angrier, I didn't want to be here, but  he knew I had been trying to just walk out so make sure to look my door, I didn't want surgery and I knew he'd make me get it so I was attempting to climb out the window of my room, but just as I got halfway out, He opened the door.
"Are you breaking out?" 
"so what are you doing then?"
"...Yes. I was."
"Go on then." He smirked leaning on my bed, 
"I may have misjudged this."
"You think? attempting to escape out a third-story window?"
"I was going to walk across the ledge and go down the drainpipe."
"And in your condition that would certainly be a marvel,"
"Ohh shut up Doctor."
"You want help getting back in?"
"No. I'm fine."
"climbing out the window is not getting you out of surgery y/n. I know where you live we will just pick you up and bring you back."
"Who said I was going home?"
He rolled his eyes and came over picking me up and putting me back in bed, "stay." He demanded before going and locking my window, "You really are my favourite patient. even if you annoy the hell out of me." He smiled, "Now, get some rest I've booked your surgery in for tomorrow morning." 
"Do I have to?"
"Do I really have to?"
"Yes." He laughed, "I'll be gentle I promise" he smiled before he headed out again. 
I hated doing this but I had little of a choice, I was taken to the theatre and laid on a table with Dr. Dawkins over me.
"You alright?" He asked,
"Not really..."
"I know it's scary, But I promise I won't hurt my favourite patient." he smiled "Just go to sleep and I promise when you wake up this will all be over." He reassured kissing my forehead before gently resting the mask on my face, I slowly breathed it in and the world darkened until I slipped into sleep. 
I woke in the little hospital bed, tucked up tightly in the covers, with Dr Dawkins sitting in the chair beside my bed watching over me. "Awww, Hello. How's my favourite patient?"
"everything hurts."
"It will for a while," he smiled, "but it's all over. all done. you're all better."
"yeah all done, you can stay here a couple more days to rest up and check for infection."
"Okay," I nodded, 
"Okay? no arguing?"
"Good girl," He smiled holding my hand 
"You waited for me to wake up?"
"Of course I did, I have to take care of my favourite patient." He smiled, "I'll be right here until you're all better" he smiled. 
"You mean it?"
"I promise," he smiled kissing my cheek "Get some rest y/n."
"Thank you, Dr. Dawkins."
"you can just call me Jack, y/n."
I blushed a little, "Thank you, Jack,"
"You're welcome, Sweetheart." He smiled, 
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