#Healthcare Ad Campaigns
healthads01 · 6 months
Advertising Healthcare Services | Healthcare Ads
Reaching success in the ever-changing healthcare market of today requires addressing the proper audience. Whether you're marketing pharmaceuticals, medical supplies, or healthcare services, our 7Search PPC advertising  platform can assist you in reaching healthcare professionals and generating engagement that counts. 
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ennobletechnologies · 8 months
Revolutionizing Healthcare: Digital Marketing Solutions for Medical Professionals
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The healthcare industry has been experiencing a transformation, with digitalization becoming a pivotal aspect of healthcare delivery and patient engagement. In this era, where the internet has permeated every facet of our lives, it is imperative for medical professionals to leverage digital marketing solutions. This article delves into the dynamic world of healthcare digital marketing, offering insights into why it’s essential and how it can be harnessed effectively.
Understanding the Digital Age in Healthcare
The impact of digitalization in healthcare cannot be overstated. Patients are no longer solely reliant on their local physicians for medical information. They turn to the internet to research symptoms, seek treatment options, and even find healthcare providers. Understanding this shift is crucial for medical professionals.
The Changing Patient Journey in the Digital Age
The traditional patient journey, from symptom recognition to diagnosis and treatment, has evolved significantly. Patients now take an active role in their healthcare decisions, starting with online research. This shift necessitates a strong online presence for medical professionals.
Challenges in Healthcare Marketing
While the digital age offers numerous opportunities, it also presents challenges unique to the healthcare industry.
Regulatory Hurdles
The healthcare sector is subject to strict regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Navigating these regulations while conducting digital marketing can be a complex task.
Competition in the Healthcare Sector
Competition among healthcare providers is fierce. Standing out in a crowded market requires a well-thought-out digital marketing strategy.
The Power of Online Presence
An online presence is the cornerstone of any digital marketing strategy for medical professionals.
Establishing a Professional Website
A professional website serves as a digital storefront, providing essential information about your practice, services, and expertise. It’s often the first point of contact for potential patients.
The Role of Social Media in Healthcare Marketing
Social media platforms offer an opportunity to engage with patients, share valuable healthcare information, and build a community. Utilizing these platforms effectively is key to success.
Continue Reading: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-marketing-solutions/
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webideasolutionca · 10 months
Explore cutting-edge digital marketing strategies tailored for healthcare professionals at webideasole.com. Elevate your medical practice with insights on effective online presence, patient engagement, and clinic growth. Stay ahead in the dynamic world of healthcare marketing with expert advice and innovative solutions for doctors and clinics.
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dontforgetukraine · 1 month
Ukraine Donation Guide Master Post
(Ver. 2 updated Aug 13th, 2024) I will be reformatting this and adding more in the future when I have time.
Also a quick note, all of the groups I have found through twitter have been around long enough for them to be vetted by each other and the brigades they work with. In fact, a lot of these groups collaborate with each other too. Those that are in the fight for Ukraine have been diligent in calling out those that are grifters. Word spreads around quickly if an organization doesn't show up with what they promised. They also use their social media (often Twitter) as a means of transparency for their work.
Remember: When considering on whether to donate, always use your best judgement and donate to those you trust if you do not see what is listed is up to your standards.
United 24 has various fundraisers dedicated to defense and drones, medical aid, rebuilding Ukraine, humanitarian demining, and science and education. You can pick which one you want to contribute to under their various projects.
Liberty Ukraine uses funds for humanitarian aid, medical supplies, protective gear and equipment, and rehabilitation therapy. You can choose which campaign of theirs to donate to.
Come Back Alive is a charitable foundation that supports Ukraine's military with competent assistance while also focusing on security and defense. They also have projects that use sports to help veterans rehabilitate. You can choose which campaign to donate to.
Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation works to help both civilians and Ukraine's army. You can choose to donate to an active project or any of their general campaigns. Civilian aid campaigns cover temporary housing, supporting crisis and emergency responses, schools, demining, and healthcare. Military aid campaigns cover drones, optics units, communications equipment, and support of air defense teams.
Food Aid
World Central Kitchen works with local partners wherever they are providing food aid. They make sure meals and meal kits are what the local population eats. Even though there is no separate fundraising campaign for Ukraine (that I can see), they still do great work.
Animal Rescue
Hachiko Foundation works to help displaced pets and strays in frontline areas. They help with veterinary care, outdoor shelters, setting up feeding stations, and rehoming animals.
Medical Aid
Hospitallers (Website) is a volunteer organization of paramedics that was founded in 2014. They evacuate the wounded, provide medical aid on the frontlines, assist in rehabilitation, and transfer of the deceased to burial sites. They are also supported by Ukraine Charity. Visit Hospitallers' website to see how many they have evacuated, different methods you can donate, and more information about them.
Saint Javelin (Twitter; Website) is a great place to get apparel, gear, and other cool loot to show your support for Ukraine. They don't take donations, but instead raise funds through their shop with a portion of their sales going towards humanitarian aid and critical items needed by the defenders (generators, pick-up trucks, medical supplies etc). Part of their shop has items made in Ukraine to support Ukrainian businesses. Overall, their products are high-quality. I include them due to their impactful presence in the Twitter community I follow and how they make Ukraine visible in an alternative way. Consider buying someone a gift from their shop.
The Kyiv Independent (Twitter; Website) is a great English language resource for news about Ukraine. I include them because I think supporting good journalism is incredibly important, especially now when the information space is fraught with Russian propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation. My followers have probably noticed I've pulled a lot of quotes from their stories in an effort to amplify Ukrainian voices and experiences. Look on their website for more information on different way to support them, such as their Patreon.
If you're on twitter, there are a number of groups and people that fundraise for Ukraine and for specific units fighting on the frontlines. If there is no official website, a PayPal for donations is listed in their profiles. When considering on whether to donate, always use your best judgement and donate to those you trust if you do not see what is listed is up to your standards.
@/Teoyaomiquu almost always has a fundraiser for Liberty Ukraine with a specified purpose. At the time of writing this, he is currently raising funds for engineering equipment such as excavators. One such excavator is already in Kursk. Follow him to stay up to date with what he's fundraising for.
Dyga's Paw (Twitter: @/dzygaspaw) is a smaller group that has recently raised funds for starlinks, drones, batteries, and Ecoflow generators. You can look at the fundraising campaigns they currently have on their website.
@/DefactoHumanity represents and founded Planet of the People with their website U(a)nited for Freedom. She frequently posts updates about their fundraisers and what their partners need. They are known for providing Frontline medical aid supplies, protective equipment and other military aid, technical equipment (starlinks, drones, scopes, etc), and infrastructure equipment (generators, vehicles, power stations, etc). They even have a merch store of the battalions they partner with if that's your jam. Here is their link tree if you wish to explore more. And in case you're curious, there is an article bout the founder here.
@/wilendhornets (Website) specialize in making high quality drones that have gotten a lot of praise from Ukraine's army. They have attracted a lot of media attention too. Check out their website for the list of articles that have been written about them. Their Twitter is very active with strike footage.
Ants Kitchen Hub (@/ants_kyiv) is a volunteer kitchen that makes dry rations for the Ukrainian army. They are more active on their other social media. To learn more about them, check out their link tree.
@/frontlinekit (Front Line Kitchen) is represented by Richard Woodruff. Originally they made shelf stable food for the Ukrainian army, but now their fundraising has branched out to other campaigns such as raising funds for medical supplies and drones. They are a well known group that many battalions have come to for help.
@/bekamaciorowski (Rebekah Maciorowski) is as combat medic and nurse who helps provide medical care to soldiers and civillians at the frontlines. She raises funds for medical supplies and other equipment, but also helps train soldiers in first aid. More of her social media that features her work can be found in her link tree.
@/UkraineAidOps (Website) is another organization battalions frequently go to for help. They fundraise for all sorts of equipment from medical supplies to drones. If you're interested, they also have a shop with patches from different brigades and flags signed by soldiers. Their shop also includes a separate section called the Victory Gallery where artifacts from the war are turned into art. This includes shells that are painted on, scrap metal from downed enemy planes are turned into keychains, and pieces of a rocket are turned into lamps.
Chris Garrett is the co-founder of Prevail. His organization deals with humanitarian demining as well as training for trauma care, training of bomb disposal, and education to the public. Prevail works with local agencies in Ukraine as well as the army.
Project Konstantin (Twitter; Website; Linktree) is still going strong after the death of their founder, British paramedic Peter Fouché. His digital ghost can be found here. They collaborate with the military, thus giving them an insight into what is dearly needed. They often raise funds for starlinks, personalized first aid kits (IFAKs), generators, portable power stations, and other nonlethal military equipment. I regret forgetting them the first time this post went around. Visit their website to see everything they have done and more. It has more information on what and how they do it than this post can cover.
One Team One Fight (Twitter; Website; Linktree) has some of the original members that worked for Ukraine Aid Ops. They formed their own group after differences with the previous one, and are still helping Ukraine. They are very visible on various social media showing what they have accomplished in their deliveries to various brigades. They're another group that seeks to bring starlinks, drones, medical supplies and protective gear to the battalions that come to them for help. Check out their website for more information on their current fundraisers, their achievements, and received recognition.
NAFO 69th Sniffing Brigade (Twitter; Website) Another small group that focuses their funds on delivering drones, generators, vehicles, and saving the occasional furry companion. They are very diligent in their updates for their fundraising campaigns. Check out their website for more information and the articles written about them.
Postmaster General Boomer (Twitter; Website) focuses on humanitarian aid, animal aid, and logistics. Boomer is the beloved pet of one of the founders and the secret boss/mascot. They have many transparency reports and are diligent in reporting the various "tours" they do in getting supplies where they are needed to go. They are based in Germany but have built up many connections during their existence. They have also worked closely with Ukraine Aid Ops.
I am sure I have forgotten some, so please reply or comment with any more I should add to this master post. I will edit and update as I see and evaluate more.
Last updated: Aug. 13th, 2024
Version updates listed below
August 13th, 2024 Added:
Saint Javelin
The Kyiv Independent
Project Konstantin
1 Team 1 Fight
NAFO 69th Sniffing Brigade
Post Master General Boomer
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auroras-void · 2 months
Ok I am not normally one to be excited about the democratic party, but something historic just happened and I think us commie leftists should be talking about it.
Kamala Harris has just raised upwards of $50 MILLION, in ONE DAY, in just grassroots donations. (source: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/21/us/politics/bidens-exit-democratic-donations.html).
This is an insane amount of money for a political campaign especially given the context of the current election. I'm not an expert and I can't verify this but I believe this is more grassroots money than any candidate has raised this quickly in any country in all of history.
Added with Biden's existing warchest and this more than closes the fundraising deficit the Biden campaign had against trump and then some, even accounting for the post assassination attempt surge. On day ONE.
Money buys elections. This is a big fucking deal. This is the best news we've had in weeks.
Additionally, despite her questionable run as AG and some of her shitty "tough on crime" crap, Kamala still has one of the most progressive voting records in congress. (Source: https://voteview.com/person/41701/kamala-devi-harris) This matters a lot in a race that's going to be about voter turnout, and for those of y'all who have been reluctant to vote Biden due to his mishandling of the war in Gaza, iirc, she was the first person in the Biden Administration to start talking about a Cease Fire.
After being so anxious about Project 2025 so fucking much I actually started getting my passport ready just in case because of the shit about criminalizing trans healthcare, this is easily the most optimistic I have felt about politics in years. To the point I even went ahead and chipped in a few bucks to her campaign despite having like no fuckin money.
I'm even gonna drop the link here for y'all:
We have a shot to claw this back here. It's going to take work, and it's not a guarantee, and it's still not going to be ideal, but there is a reason to be hopeful again.
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kyaravdigital · 2 years
Kyarav Digital
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Kyarav is a Digital Marketing Agency. As these digital marketing services evolved, Kyarav started specializing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Franchise SEO, Local SEO, Technical SEO, Link Building, Web Design & Development and Custom Software Design. Kyarav offers specialized solutions to build your brand traffic and sales through organic search listings. More info- https://www.kyaravdigital.com/
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healthcaresol · 2 years
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unrelaxing · 4 months
From a country where voting is not a choice, but a duty, it's interesting seeing American discourse every four years on whether or not voting matters. This year there's an added layer, because Joe Biden has been supporting Israel's genocide against Palestine. Now there's a pervading sentiment - both in and out of the US - that voting for Joe Biden supports Palestinian genocide, and it's an American's moral duty to withhold their vote in support of Palestine.
I guess the question I ask is: how is withholding your vote effective activism?
If you don't vote, and Trump wins, he says he will deport pro-Palestine demonstrators. He says he supports Israel's right to defend itself. If you vote independent, and Trump wins the same thing happens.
If Biden wins, he will continue his support of Israel.
So: Is voting really the battleground for the Palestinian genocide, when either outcome leads down the same road?
And what other battles are being fought in this presidential race?
Gun laws - Biden passed "the most significant gun safety legislation in more than two decades", the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. It includes enhanced background checks for gun purchasers, and prohibits individuals convicted of domestic violence towards a romantic partner from purchasing a gun (wherein the past a 'boyfriend loophole' had existed, wherein the law only applied if an individual was convicted of domestic violence against a spouse or cohabitant). Trump has promised to overturn Biden's new laws.
Healthcare - Uninsured Americans are at an all-time low under Biden's administration, with only 7.6% of Americans being uninsured in the second quarter of 2023. The number of people who signed up to Obamacare in 2024 is at 21.3 million - and Trump plans to repeal it.
Climate change - Biden's Inflation Reduction Act invests 300 billion dollars towards clean energy. Electricity generation from renewable energy sources — including wind, solar and hydropower — surpassed coal-fired generation in the electric power sector for the first time in 2022, making it the second-biggest source behind natural gas generation. At a recent dinner with oil executives and lobbyists, the Republican promised to eliminate Mr Biden's new climate rules and environmental regulations if they donated $1bn to his campaign.
Much has been said about Trump's second term beyond the above three points. @batboyblog posted a very clear and concise graphic on Trump's plans for his second term.
The BBC has also posted about Trump's plans for his second term, which I'll screenshot:
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Trump is now a felon, but I was really shocked to learn about how little impact this has on his ability to run as president. His supporters are likely to stay by his side, because they believe in these policies.
Biden does not have the same luxury. I don't think he should have the same luxury. Still, I feel like it's important to point out that Trump and Biden's opinions on Israel and Palestine align, but there are a plethora of other issues they do not align on. As a voter, as an activist, when given two political parties, why would you choose based on the similarities as opposed to the differences?
Ways to help Gaza.
Vetted gofundmes.
Other links to help Palestine.
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workersolidarity · 4 months
[ 📹 Injured children are pulled from the rubble and wreckage that remains of the Quran studies school inside the Fatima Al-Zahraa Mosque, in the Al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City, following an Israeli occupation airstrike that killed 10 civilians, mostly children, and wounded many others. ]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On 230th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 9 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 91 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 21 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.
For the 17th consecutive day, the Israeli occupation forces closed the Rafah and Karm Abu Salem border crossings, south of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, blocking thousands of humanitarian aid trucks from entering Gaza, and preventing hundreds of critically wounded and severely sick Palestinians from leaving the enclave for treatment abroad.
Commenting on the closure, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warned on Wednesday that "thousands of families still in Rafah need aid."
"WFP distributed food until it ran out. With little aid coming in from southern crossings and our warehouses still inaccessible, remaining food stocks have only supported 50'000 hot meals a day," the WFP said in a post to the social media platform X.
"We need safe and sustained access," the WFP added.
Due to the continued closure of Gaza's largest border crossings, not only are food, medicine and medical supplies in short supply, but also fuel for generators.
As a result of the fuel shortage, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, said it would cease providing healthcare services "within two hours" due to running out of fuel.
Appeals were made by the hospital calling for more fuel to continue its operations, but to no avail.
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital is one of the last remaining hospitals still functioning in the Gaza Strip, serving an inordinately large percentage of the Palestinian population in central Gaza, as the Israeli occupation's ongoing bombing and shelling, along with the raid of several hospitals and the closure of Gaza's border crossings, have put the vast majority of the enclave's hospitals and healthcare centers out of service.
Previously, the Israeli occupation army destroyed a multitude of healthcare facilities in Gaza, demolishing and bombing several medical centers, including the Al-Shifa medical complex in Gaza City, one of the largest hospitals in Gaza at the start of the genocide.
The occupation army also destroyed several other hospitals, leaving piles of rubble in place of the medical institutions that once operated in Gaza.
Local medical sources say Al-Awda and Kamal Adwan Hospitals remain the last two hospitals in operation in the northern Gaza Strip, which are barely functioning at the time of publishing, following 8 months of raids, blockade, siege and bombardment.
However, in an example of the Israeli occupation's ongoing assault on what remains of Gaza's healthcare system, on Wednesday, the occupation army stormed Al-Awda Hospital in Jabalia.
According to reporting in the local media, occupation forces stormed Al-Awda Hospital, forcing medical personnel and patients to leave the hospital towards the west of Gaza City following the arrest of at least one member of the hospital's staff.
“There remain 14 employees in the hospital, accompanied by 11 injured people and companions. They refused to evacuate unless ambulances were present to evacuate the wounded," a local medical source told the Palestinian media.
Beginning on Sunday, May 19th, the Israeli occupation forces began a massive assault on the city of Jabalia and the Refugee Camp of the same name, demanding local residents evacuate their homes and shelters and forcing them towards Gaza City.
Al-Awda Hospital is considered to be the only hospital to provide orthopedic, gynecological, and obstetrics services in the northern Gaza Strip, while also providing services for general surgery, emergency and trauma care, specialized clinics, radiology and also had a functioning lab.
At least 148 people were trapped in Al-Awda Hospital during the time of the siege, while their fates remain unknown since the time of the raid, though some medical staff were seen evacuating on foot.
Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) continued massacreing entire families in the Gaza Strip, killing and wounding dozens of civilians, mostly children, over the last day, with massive bombing and shelling targeting residential areas of the Palestinian enclave.
In Gaza's north, in the latest occupation atrocity, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft bombed a gathering of civilians near a gas station in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, killing at least 10 civilians, including several children, and wounding more than 20 others.
Similarly, Zionist air forces bombed Palestinians as they evacuated a shelter for displaced civilians in the Jabalia Refugee Camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, martyring four citizens and wounding several others.
In yet another genocidal mass murder event, Israeli occupation forces bombed a residential home in the Al-Daraj neighborhood in central Gaza City, leading to the deaths of 16 civilians, including at least 10 children, while a number of others were wounded in the attack.
Another 10 civilians were killed, and many others wounded, mostly children, after IOF fighter jets bombed a Quran studies school inside the Fatima Al-Zahraa Mosque, in the Al-Daraj neighborhood of central Gaza City.
In yet another airstrike, occupation forces bombed the Shabat family home on Al-Ma'amel Street, also in the Al-Daraj neighborhood of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of 5 Palestinian civilians, while a further bombing targeted a residential apartment in the Tal al-Hawa neighborhood, south of Gaza City, killing one civilian and wounding several others.
The Israeli occupation army also pummeled the city of Jabalia, targeting several neighborhoods, including air assaults on Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, along with Riad Al-Saliheen Square, also the Al-Qasaib neighborhood up to the Aisha Mosque, Ezbet Mallin, Al-Ajarma Street, Tal al-Zaatar, and the northern neighborhoods up to the Sheikh Zayed Towers, the Ezbet Abd Rabbo and Hay Al-Salem neighborhoods.
Bombings further targeted a gathering of civilians in front of the Abu Hussein School, leading to the deaths of four Palestinians, while five more civilians were killed when the IOF bombed a house belonging to the Alloun family in the Al-Jarn area of the Jabalia Camp.
The occupation army also burned down entire residential squares in the area of the Jabalia Camp's police station, along with neighborhoods in the eastern and northern areas of the Camp.
The mass bombing in Jabalia didn't end there, occupation forces also destroyed a five-story residential building belonging to the Al-Ajrami family, in the Al-Faluga neighborhood of the Jabalia Camp, while in nearby Beit Hanoun, occupation forces advanced towards the entrance of the town while laying siege to local schools operating as shelters for displaced Palestinian families.
The slaughter continued in central Gaza when IOF warplanes bombed a residential home behind the Al-Orouba School, north of the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, murdering 7 civilians and wounding a number of others.
Following that, the Israeli occupation army bombed a residential house belonging to the Shihab family in the Nuseirat Camp, resulting in the deaths of 8 Palestinians, the majority of which being children and women, while several others were wounded in the assault. The number of deaths is expected to rise due to the critical nature of the injuries sustained by the wounded.
Yet another bombing by the Zionist occupation army targeted a house belonging to the Al-Shami family, in neighborhoods west of the Nuseirat Camp, resulting in the martyredom of 8 civilians and injuring many others.
Yet another occupation airstrike targeted a house belonging to the Al-Shaer family near Lafat Badr, northwest of the city of Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, resulting in the death of a civilian.
Occupation Merkava tanks also entered Block 0 south of Rafah along the Egyptian border, west of the Salah al-Din Gate, razing the entire area and advancing further west, while Zionist artillery shelling targeted the Al-Awda roundabout.
As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the current death toll now exceeds 35'800 Palestinians killed, including over 15'000 children and 10'000 women, while another 80'011 others were wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
May 23rd, 2024.
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
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first, a massive thank you to @videodrome-fag (marcus) for graciously volunteering his efforts to organizing this gfm on maysaa's behalf. for those who haven't gotten a chance to meet them yet, allow me to introduce you all to the baalousha family.
some of you may already be familiar with mahmoud (aka @/5735765 on tumblr). his campaign to evacuate the gaza strip has been verified by el-shab-hussein/nabulsi (no. 124 on this list). mahmoud has successfully been able to cross the border into egypt, but several of his family members are still stuck in gaza- one of them being his sister, maysaa
(according to her gfm) maysaa suffers from a condition called pulmonary fibrosis, which has only been exacerbated (worsened) due to the utter lack of aid/decimated healthcare system. she is unable to access vital medications she needs to stabilize her condition + doctors on the ground can only provide so much care with the little supplies they have access to. displaced families like maysaa's are reliant on burning firewood/scraps to cook their meals. i can only imagine the added difficulty to breathe whilst facing constant exposure to all that smoke.
please offer your support by sharing this campaign far and wide + donate if you have the means to. also i strongly advise yall to visit maysaa's gfm page from time to time as marcus will most likely be updating the campaign from time to time as more information comes his way
tagging @apollos-olives (in case you wanted to share this version as well for mahmoud/maysaa)
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Alyssa Tirrell at MMFA:
Dr. Eithan Haim, a former medical resident at Texas Children's Hospital, was indicted in May for allegedly illegally accessing trans patients’ records, which he subsequently shared with Manhattan Institute senior fellow Chris Rufo.  Right-wing media figures have since defended Haim and brought him in for interviews, often equating the care allegedly provided at Texas Children's Hospital — such as the prescription of "puberty blockers" — with harm or mutilation and alleging that Haim is the target of political persecution.  The campaign has successfully raised both Haim's profile and at least $888,865, which he claims will be used for both his legal defense and “offensive legal action against those who have abused their professional responsibility in service of radical transgender ideology.” 
Haim allegedly illegally accessed trans patients’ records
On February 18, 2022, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued an opinion that qualified youth gender-affirming care as "child abuse", prompting Texas Children's Hospital to announce that it would stop proving such care. Although the opinion was not legally binding, the hospital released a statement announcing that it would stop prescribing gender-affirming hormone therapies. The statement, which also alluded to recent measures that Gov. Greg Abbott had taken against families of children receiving gender-affirming care, added that “this step was taken to safeguard our healthcare professionals and impacted families from potential legal ramifications.” [Office of the Attorney General of Texas, 2/18/22; American Civil Liberties Union, 2/23/22; The Washington Post, 3/8/22]
In late spring 2023, Dr. Eithan Haim allegedly accessed the records of trans patients at Texas Children's Hospital and shared them with Manhattan Institute senior fellow Chris Rufo. Haim, a resident at Baylor College of Medicine who had previously conducted rotations at Texas Children's Hospital, shared redacted files with Rufo that allegedly demonstrated that the hospital was continuing to provide gender-affirming services to minors. [Houston Public Media, 6/10/24; U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of Texas, 6/17/24; United States District Court of the Southern District of Texas, 5/29/24]
On June 2, 2023, a Texas bill restricting gender-affirming care for children was signed into law. S.B. 14 prohibited “the provision to certain children of procedures and treatments for gender transitioning, gender reassignment, or gender dysphoria” as well as “the use of public money or public assistance to provide those procedures and treatments.” The law went into effect on September 1 of that year. [Texas legislature, 6/2/23]
Right-wing media figures platformed Haim in solo interviews, where he defended himself 
Since January 2024, with the revelation of his identity, Eithan Haim has appeared as a guest alongside many prominent right-wing media figures. In these interviews Haim neither claimed to have worked directly with trans patients nor disputed sharing the documents with Chris Rufo. Instead, Haim often alleged that he was being unfairly targeted and defended his case on the grounds that the care allegedly provided at Texas Children's Hospital was harmful to pediatric patients. 
Right-wing media defend Dr. Eithan Haim’s HIPAA-violating ways of illegally accessing trans patients’ records while at Texas Children’s Hospital in which he shared those records with far-right anti-LGBTQ+ agitator Christopher Rufo.
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ennobletechnologies · 8 months
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Revolutionize healthcare marketing with digital solutions for medical professionals. Enhance your online presence and engage patients effectively. Explore now!
Do Read: https://ennobletechnologies.com/healthcare/healthcare-marketing-solutions/
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also preserved on our archive
By Jamie Coulson
A doctor from Leeds who developed long Covid and the debilitating effects of ME has said NHS patients like her have been “left to rot”.
Becky Williams, 34, first caught Covid in March 2020 and has been left house-bound ever since, with her symptoms including extreme fatigue, brain fog and pain.
Dr Williams, who said she had "lost my job, lost friends, lost my independence", has joined about 200 other healthcare workers who have signed a letter calling on the government to provide better support for patients with these conditions.
The Department of Health and Social Care said the government would “ensure patients receive the care they deserve”.
Dr Williams initially developed long Covid, but for the past two years has also met the criteria for ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis), also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
Often developing after an acute viral or bacterial infection from which people are unable to fully recover, ME has many overlapping features with long Covid.
It is estimated at least 250,000 people in the UK have ME, which affects multiple systems within the body and which can lead to symptoms like fatigue and a flu-like malaise, though the ME Association believe that figure is likely to be "significantly" higher.
Dr Williams said: “I’ve lost my job, I’ve lost friends, I’ve lost my independence, my ability to drive and to look after myself. I can’t even wash my own hair."
'Safety concerns' Dr Williams said she had signed a letter organised by campaign group #ThereforME calling on Health Secretary Wes Streeting to improve care.
The letter asked Mr Streeting and the government to acknowledge that gaps in NHS care for ME patients were leading to "serious patient safety concerns".
According to the letter, "patients at the severe end of the disease spectrum are bedridden, sometimes tube-fed and confined to quiet, darkened rooms due to extreme light and sound sensitivity".
"In the most extreme cases, patients languish behind closed doors with little or no support," it added.
Dr Williams said: “I feel we’ve all been left to rot - which I know sounds dramatic - neglected and not being listened to."
She said the campaign would "give us all a voice", including those who are who are so severely affected they are "generally left unheard".
A Department of Health and Social Care spokesperson said: “This government will ensure patients receive the care they deserve.
“We are committed to improving the care and support for people with long Covid, myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome.
“We recognise how devastating the symptoms can be, and the significant impact they can have on patients and their families."
The spokesperson said the government "welcomes applications for high-quality research to understand the causes, consequences and treatment of ME/CFS and long Covid".
"We are actively exploring next steps for research in this area," they said.
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heyitsthexone · 21 days
Some bad news afoot. The creator of the 2007 adaptation of flatland, Ladd Ehlinger (Often known as FilmLadd on twitter and Tumblr), is a transphobe and has made several adverts for conservative campaigns, one of which compared the shared access to healthcare to slavery.
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[ID: A screenshot of a tweet by Erin Reed / Erininthemorn that reads, "A new bill in Missouri would put teachers on the sex offense registry if they 'contribute to social transition' of a trans youth. Including pronouns, haircuts, information, and more. It would make a teacher 'contributing to social transition' a class E felony." FilmLadd replies on March 2nd, "Sounds like a great idea". End ID.]
Another user made a post that goes into more detail about the sorts of ads he's made, as well as his behaviour. I'm not the best person when it comes to explaining things so please to read it's post and share it around.
Best course of action? Inform others, Block FilmLadd and downvote the original youtube upload. Besides, i've heard that the books tackles a lot of societal issues that were completely forgotten about in the film; classism, sexism and ablesism, etc. The film is fun, but perhaps we could make out own spin on it (unique character designs and all) It is public domain after all.
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Mass tech worker layoffs and the soft landing
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As tech giants reach terminal enshittification, hollowed out to the point where they are barely able to keep their end-users or business customers locked in, the capital classes are ready for the final rug-pull, where all the value is transfered from people who make things for a living to people who own things for a living.
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
“Activist investors” have triggered massive waves of tech layoffs, firing so many tech workers so quickly that it’s hard to even come up with an accurate count. The total is somewhere around 280,000 workers:
These layoffs have nothing to do with “trimming the fat” or correcting the hiring excesses of the lockdown. They’re a project to transfer value from workers, customers and users to shareholders. Google’s layoff of 12,000 workers followed fast on the heels of gargantuan stock buyback where the company pissed away enough money to pay those 12,000 salaries…for the next 27 years.
The equation is simple: the more companies invest in maintenance, research, development, moderation, anti-fraud, customer service and all the other essential functions of the business, the less money there is to remit to people who do nothing and own everything.
The tech sector has grown and grown since the first days of the PC — which were also the first days of neoliberalism (literally: the Apple ][+ went on sale the same year Ronald Reagan hit the campaign trail). But despite a long-run tight labor market for tech workers, there have been two other periods of mass layoffs — the 2001 dotcom collapse and the Great Financial Crisis of 2008.
Both of those were mass extinction events for startups and the workers who depended on them. The mass dislocations of those times were traumatic, and each one had its own aftermath. The dotcom collapse freed up tons of workers, servers, offices and furniture, and a massive surge in useful, user-centric technologies. The Great Financial Crisis created the gig economy and a series of exploitative, scammy “bro” startups, from cryptocurrency grifts to services like Airbnb, bent on converting the world’s housing stock into unlicensed hotel rooms filled with hidden cameras.
Likewise, the post-lockdown layoffs have their own character: as Eira May writes on StackOverflow, many in the vast cohort of laid-off tech workers is finding it relatively easy to find new tech jobs, outside of the tech sector:
May cites a Ziprecruiter analysis that claims that 80% of laid-off tech workers found tech jobs within 3 months, and that there are 375,000 open tech roles in American firms today (and that figure is growing):
There are plenty of tech jobs — just not in tech companies. They’re in “energy and climate technology, healthcare, retail, finance, agriculture, and more” — firms with intensely technical needs and no technical staff. Historically, many of these firms would have outsourced their technological back-ends to the Big Tech firms that just destroyed so many jobs to further enrich the richest people on Earth. Now, those companies are hiring ex-Big Tech employees to run their own services.
The Big Tech firms are locked in a race to see who can eat their seed corn the fastest. Spreading tech expertise out of the tech firms is a good thing, on balance. Big Tech’s vast profits come from smaller businesses in the real economy who couldn’t outbid the tech giants for tech talent — until now.
These mass layoff speak volumes about the ethos of Silicon Valley. The same investors who rent their garments demanding a bailout for Silicon Valley Bank to “help the everyday workers” are also the loudest voices for mass layoffs and transfers to shareholders. The self-styled “angel investor” who spent the weekend of SVB’s collapse all-caps tweeting dire warnings about the impact on “the middle class” and “Main Street” also gleefully DM’ed Elon Musk in the runup to his takeover of Twitter:
Day zero
Sharpen your blades boys 🔪
2 day a week Office requirement = 20% voluntary departures.
For many technologists, the allure of digital tools is the possibility of emancipation, a world where we can collaborate to make things without bosses or masters. But for the bosses and masters, automation’s allure is the possibility of getting rid of workers, shattering their power, and replacing them with meeker, cheaper, more easily replaced labor.
That means that workers who go from tech firms to firms in the real economy might be getting lucky — escaping the grasp of bosses who dream of a world where technology lets them pit workers against each other in a race to the bottom on wages, benefits and working conditions, to employers who are glad to have them as partners in their drive to escape Big Tech’s grasp.
Tomorrow (Mar 22), I’m doing a remote talk for the Institute for the Future’s “Changing the Register” series.
Image: University of North Texas Libraries (modified) https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth586821/
[Image ID: A group of firefighters holding a safety net under a building from which a man is falling; he is supine and has his hands behind his head. The sky has a faint, greyscale version of the 'Matrix Waterfall' effect. The building bears a Google logo.]
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By: Ella Pickover
Published: Apr 30, 2024
The term “woman” should not be “eradicated from our language in order to be inclusive and welcoming”, the Health Secretary has said as she announced plans to overhaul the NHS constitution to “ensure that biological sex is respected”.
Victoria Atkins said changes to the NHS Constitution will ensure language used in the health service is “clear” so that pregnant women are not referred to as “service users” to bolster inclusivity.
The Department of Health and Social Care said it is “defining sex as biological sex” with the new document, which underpins NHS care.
Proposed changes will also ensure hospital patients in England have the right to request to be treated on single-sex wards, with transgender people placed in rooms on their own.
But the British Medical Association warned the proposed changes could mean transgender and non-binary patients “potentially find their access to vital NHS services limited” while the Royal College of Nursing said changes to health policy should be done with patients “not unto them”.
Officials said that the update “is about putting patients first” and includes plans to accommodate requests for same-sex intimate care.
Ms Atkins told Sky News: “We have said in the consultation that we would like language to be clear.
“We know that in some parts of the NHS some language is used which is meant with the best of intentions to include, be inclusive, but it can, I think, also actually exclude people.”
She added: “For example, I visited a wonderful maternity unit recently full of warmth and joy and happiness with wonderful members of staff, but they were talking about ‘service users’ and I realised after a while they meant women or mums-to-be or mothers – the language that we would use in conversation when talking about someone having a baby.
“So that sort of language … we shouldn’t have to eradicate women from our language in order to be inclusive and welcoming.
“If somebody walks in and they want to have a specific phrase or term used, of course we respect that, but it’s also about ensuring that biological sex is respected.”
She told Times Radio: “There will be listeners who are worried about the fact that they see articles in the paper about ‘chestfeeding’ and language such as that.
“We want language to be clear and make sense to people.”
Under the planned revisions, transgender people could be placed in a room on their own if another patient requests to be in a single-sex ward.
This would be permitted under the Equality Act 2010 when appropriate, “such as respecting a patient’s wish to be in a single-sex ward”, Government officials said.
In October, former health secretary Steve Barclay said he would look into changing the constitution to address concerns about trans women using wards intended for biologically female patients.
Ms Atkins told Sky News: “We want to ensure that biological sex is respected and that if someone wants, for example, to have an intimate examination by a person of the same biological sex, then they can make that request and it is dealt with appropriately, and with respect and recognising that person’s right to privacy and dignity and safety.”
She said in a statement: “We have always been clear that sex matters and our services should respect that.
“By putting this in the NHS Constitution we’re highlighting the importance of balancing the rights and needs of all patients to make a healthcare system that is faster, simpler and fairer for all.”
Maya Forstater, chief executive of Sex Matters, a human rights charity that campaigns for clarity on sex in law, policy and language, said: “Victoria Atkins explicitly referring to biological sex is very significant.
“It will benefit anyone who needs same-sex intimate care in the NHS in England, or who may do so in the future.
“We can expect an outraged response from trans rights activists, but this is simply a return to common sense, and an overdue recognition that women’s wellbeing and safety matter.”
Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting said “rights on paper are worthless unless they are delivered in practice”.
He added: “The NHS Constitution already pledges that no patient will have to share an overnight ward with patients of the opposite sex, but that is not the case for too many patients.
“Labour supports single-sex wards and will provide the staff, investment and reform the NHS needs to make sure every patient can be cared for safely.”
Professor Nicola Ranger, chief nursing officer and deputy chief executive of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), said: “Trans and non-binary patients are deserving of high-quality care like any other patient and changes to health policy should be done with them, not unto them.”
Dr Emma Runswick, deputy chairwoman of the British Medical Association (BMA) council, warned some changes “run the risk of causing more harm than good – with the potential to incite further discrimination, harassment and ostracisation of an already marginalised group”.
“If these proposed changes come into effect, transgender and non-binary patients will potentially find their access to vital NHS services limited,” she added.
The NHS Constitution outlines the rights of patients and staff and is updated every 10 years.
Other proposed changes, which are subject to an eight-week consultation, include committing to providing families with a second opinion when a patient’s condition is deteriorating.
The rollout of the escalation process, also known as Martha’s Rule, started earlier this month and follows the death of 13-year-old Martha Mills in 2021.
She developed sepsis after suffering a pancreatic injury following a fall from her bike.
Martha’s parents, Merope Mills and Paul Laity, raised concerns about their daughter’s health a number of times but these were brushed aside.
A coroner ruled she would most likely have survived if doctors had identified the warning signs of her rapidly deteriorating condition and transferred her to intensive care earlier.
The new constitution will also reinforce the health service’s commitment to unpaid carers and will aim to reduce inequalities in access among different groups.
A headline like this would have been unthinkable, or an element of some absurdist comedy, ten years ago. Now that's the world we live in.
That sex is actually real, and "sex" means "biological sex" (as if there's any other kind) is "HUGE news" shows how far society has fallen.
Trans and "nonbinary" people are still male or female. Their access is exactly the same as for any other male or female person. How you "identify" doesn't change the reality of your biology. Pretending otherwise is idiotic. (And don't we keep hearing that "gender" and sex are separate?)
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