#Online presence makeover
ennobletechnologies · 10 months
10 Principles for Website Renovation | Ennoble Technologies
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Having a website has now become a necessity. It is one of the easy-to-access and powerful leverages that could be used to achieve higher market goals and cut yourself from the competition. Your website shows your online presence, and it’s often where customers first connect with a business or individuals. Whether you own a small business or make a living as a blogger, you must ensure your website is up-to-date and user-friendly. In this article, we’ll discuss 10 principles for website renovation that are key considerations for revitalizing your online presence.
10 Principles to Consider for Website Renovation
A website is certainly a powerful and essential tool that showcases your products, services, or content. However, if it is slow, old, and not friendly, you could lose many potential customers or audiences.
Set Goals
Being specific about your goals helps you define what you want to achieve. It can be related to your website’s design, functionality, user experience, or business objectives. Some examples of rebuilding your website include increasing website traffic, sales, or leads. In addition, they include improving the engagement of users, making it more accessible, or updating website content.
Know Your Audience
You need to know who your majority audience is to understand their needs or expectations. Your website should be designed keeping your target audience in mind to ensure it is engaging, user-friendly, and provides what they need. For example, use vibrant colors and modern design elements if you are targeting young adults.
Create a Responsive Website
Responsive websites adjust to different screen sizes, such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Having a responsive website is essential because most people use the internet on mobile devices. And if yours doesn’t fit properly on the users’ screen, it can create problems accessing and reading the content.
Focus on User Experience
User experience (UX) determines whether visitors stay or leave. A website with good UX is easy to use, appears attractive, and doesn’t irritate users. There are various methods, including improving website navigation, using clear and concise language, creating a good menu bar, focusing on relevant images, etc. It would make the platform easy to use and understand. 
Conduct a Content Audit
By auditing your content, you can check if it is outdated or irrelevant, and update or remove it. In addition, it helps identify gaps so you can create relevant content accordingly. You can seek help from tools such as Google Analytics to do a content audit. You can check how engaging they are and decide whether they need updating or removing.
Add social media
Social media integration allows visitors to connect with you and share your content on social platforms. However, increasing social signals also improve your website’s SEO. Adding social media icons or embedding social media feeds are some of the best ways to do so. You may include your social profiles in the header or footer to let visitors follow the brand on those platforms.
Read More: https://ennobletechnologies.com/digital-marketing/10-principles-for-website-renovation-key-considerations-for-revitalizing-your-online-presence/
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sw4nfire · 1 month
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so I made the mistake of listening to the character songs sung by the voice actors and it sparked a buggy centric mad max style musician/music au and I cant get it out of my head here is a google doc with all the details and my reasonings
I tried not to change much about one piece's wacky world since I love it so much
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st3llazzz · 6 months
(I’ll use “MC” in these scenarios since us playing technically is MC in the game!)
the demon brothers comforting gn!reader when they're feeling upset:
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Finding MC alone, tears streaming down their face, Lucifer’s stern demeanor softens. He approaches calmly, sitting beside them. Placing a hand on their shoulder, he offers a reassuring presence. "You don't have to face this alone. Sometimes, letting it out helps. I'm here if you need to talk or just have some quiet company."
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Spotting MC in distress, Mammon rushes over, worry etched on his face. Awkwardly patting their back, he tries to lighten the mood. "Oi, don't cry! Ya know, us demons ain't too good at this touchy-feely stuff. But, uh, if ya need anything, just say the word, got it?"
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Seeing MC upset, Levi rushes in, trying to offer comfort in his own way. "Hey, don't cry, okay? Let's distract ourselves! How about watching the latest episode of 'Magic☆Stardust' together? Or, uh, we could play 'DevilCraft Online'? Anything to make you feel better!"
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Approaching MC quietly, Satan notices their teary eyes. Sitting down gently, he hands them a tissue and speaks softly, "It's okay to feel overwhelmed. You're not alone in this. If you want, I can lend you a book to escape into for a while. Or just stay here quietly with you."
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Asmo notices MC's distress and rushes over, wrapping them in a comforting hug. "Sweetie, please don't cry. Let's do a little self-care! How about I give you a makeover or we indulge in a spa day? Remember, crying is okay, but so is pampering yourself!"
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Finding MC upset, Beel approaches with a concerned expression. "Hey, don't cry. How about I make you something to eat? Food always helps me feel better. Or if you'd rather talk, I'm here to listen. You don't have to go through this alone."
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Noticing MC's distress, Belphie sits beside them, offering a comforting presence. "It's alright to let it out. Sometimes it feels like the weight of everything is too much. If you want, we can just sit here quietly together. I'll stay until you're feeling better."
Please feel free to request head-cannons, scenarios, one shots whatsoever!
Because I honestly have no idea what to write😭!
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naomibolze · 2 months
Insights from L’Oreal Luxe on Adapting Luxury Brands for the Modern Consumer
This summer, I got a glimpse into the world of luxury at L'Oreal Luxe. I got to see how several luxury beauty brands operate behind the scenes and learned a ton about evolving to cater to modern markets, especially in a digital Tik-Tok era world. It reminded me a lot of what Burberry faced in their big brand makeover. Here are a few takeaways:
Digital is a Must: At L’Oreal, digital marketing isn’t just a trend; it’s a necessity and complete game-changer. I saw a bunch of different innovative ways to engage customers through socials/online (i.e., live chat forums with dermatologists about Kiehl’s products on Reddit), similar to how Burberry revamped their digital presence. It’s all about creating a personal touch, even through a screen.
Global Reach: What works in Paris might not work in Shanghai. Both L’Oreal and Burberry tweak their strategies to cater to different cultures/clientele. It’s about respecting each market’s unique tastes and needs without losing the brand’s core value/message.
Going Green: Sustainability isn’t just good ethics, it’s good business. L'Oreal stresses the importance of sustainability and so does Burberry. More eco-friendly practices are becoming a must-have for luxury brands looking to stay relevant in a world that cares more and more about the planet. Stella McCartney’s sustainability practices and animal cruelty-free luxury goods come to mind here as well.
Fighting Fakes: Counterfeits are a headache in any luxury field, and I saw how seriously L'Oreal takes this issue (i.e., shutting down illegal sales of Luxe products on Amazon). Burberry’s been fighting the same battle, especially with their iconic check pattern being copied everywhere.
Whether it’s beauty products or chic trench coats, the core challenges are the same- ones I saw firsthand during my summer internship.
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lawnhive · 10 months
The Power of SEO Content writing behind the success of Digital Marketing
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Hey there, let's dive into the world of digital marketing, where we use all those online platforms to shout out about cool products and services to the folks who are actually interested. I mean, who isn't consuming digital stuff every single day, right? Traditional marketing is slowly waving goodbye, and the digital world is taking the stage. The best part? Digital marketing doesn't cost an arm and a leg like the old-school methods.
Now, imagine you're a business – big or small, doesn't matter. Having your online presence is like wearing that trendy jacket to a party. Everyone's doing it. And guess what? This huge demand for SEO content writers is on the rise. What's all the buzz about, you ask? Well, stick around, 'cause I'm about to spill the beans on what SEO content writing is all about and why it's a big deal in the digital marketing universe.
What exactly is  SEO Writing?
SEO content writing is like giving your website a makeover to make it more popular with search engines. You know those results that pop up when you type something on Google? Yeah, we're talking about those. Good SEO content writing means your website struts its stuff right at the top of those search results. And to do that, you gotta be a champ at a few things:
Playing by the Rules: Use those fancy header tags the right way.
Connecting the Dots: Throw in some links inside your site to connect the dots.
No Keyword Overload: Spice up your content with keywords, but don't go overboard.
Everybody's Welcome: Write so well that both humans and search engines love it.
Difference Between SEO and Content  Writing?
Aha, great question! So, SEO content writing is like writing with a mission – to make your website shine on search engines. It's like giving your content a secret weapon that makes it stand out. On the other hand, regular content writing is a bit more chill. It's about talking to your audience, whether it's through blogs, articles, or even social media posts. The goal here? Engage 'em, establish your brand, and maybe get 'em to hit that "buy now" button.
Why's SEO Writing a Big Deal for Websites and Stuff?
Imagine you're throwing a party and you want everyone to show up. SEO content writing is your invitation to the online party. You see, when you use the right words and polish up your content, search engines are like, "Hey, this site's pretty cool!" They push your site higher up in search results. And guess what? More people drop by your virtual party. But it's not just about getting clicks. Quality SEO writing also keeps folks engaged and convinced, which is like winning the party game.
Meet the SEO Content Writer Extraordinaire
The SEO content writer create super interesting content that not only reads like a breeze but also shoots your website up in search results. They're like the wizards of words who dive into keywords, know your audience like a BFF, whip up captivating articles, and sprinkle them with the right keywords so search engines just can't ignore 'em.
Your Guide to Nailing SEO Content
Okay, let's get practical. Whether you're an aspiring SEO writer or a business aiming for online fame, here's your cheat sheet for creating awesome content that both humans and search engines adore:
Unearth Keywords and Topics: Dig up those keywords using cool tools.
Catchy Headlines and Meta Magic: Write headlines that sparkle and meta descriptions that make people curious.
Rock Solid Content: Whip up top-notch stuff that answers questions and solves problems.
Search Engine Love: Sprinkle those keywords like confetti, but keep it natural.
Links Rule: Add links inside and out to keep things interesting and build trust.
And there you have it – the lowdown on mastering the art of SEO content writing in a friendly chat. Ready to give your digital marketing game a boost? You've got this! Remember, it's not just about writing for search engines; it's about creating content that speaks to real people. With engaging headlines, top-notch content, and relevant , researched  keywords, you can make your mark in the online world.
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anxiousprocrastinator · 5 months
The effect that Social Media and Reality TV has on each other
I'm back this week with another topic: reality television. Although I am aware that not everyone finds this type of TV programming to be "high quality" or "worth watching," I have always found it to be fascinating. Additionally, I think the fundamental tenet of this performance is the idea that viewers come to relax rather than with high standards for artistic ability. From there, television producers have had such a profound impact on contemporary culture that, in my judgement, no other area of the entertainment business could match.
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              The wide genre of reality TV includes game documentaries, dating shows, makeover/lifestyle shows, and more.
reality sitcoms, talent competitions, court shows, docusoaps, and celebrity-based shows (Murray & Ouellette 2009). The shows are usually unscripted and depend on the participants' spontaneous conversations and interactions. Because people now find reality TV to be more entertaining and authentic, its appeal has increased dramatically in recent years.
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·       Reality TV to social media immorality
There's always a certain allure to watching anarchy unfold on TV. There is a general consensus that, despite the fact that "Reality TV" is meant to be unscripted, it's actually a free-for-all where producers can dramatise events to generate interest in the program—and that requires well-known people to intervene. Additionally, people would want to talk about television drama clashes on social media. The gifs and videos captured from these scenes would not vanish with the show's conclusion; instead, they would continue to exist as common cultural allusions and audiovisual reactions that people use to convey their thoughts and emotions. Thus, even though television transmission is failing, there is an amazing method that when we talk about cultural effect, their “cheapest” genre is still thriving in values on the Internet, embedded into the way people express themselves online.
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·       Public Discourse for reality TV
Big Brother is among the most recognisable reality TV programmes ever. One of the most well-known reality TV programmes, Big Brother, has a distinct charm that has kept viewers captivated for years. In essence, Big Brother is a societal experiment. It puts a diverse collection of people in a small area where they have to work out alliances, disputes, and relationships. The observation of human behaviour under duress draws viewers in. The show's catch is that it will be edited and aired on TV after being livestreamed nonstop. As a result, the show has a sizable fan base that is committed to discussing it on social media because there aren't any other venues where they can get feedback quite like this. The producers' approach has chosen for the show did incredibly well for them because as long as the contestants compete, the buzz about them would never falter, making their public presence and social media presence incredibly apparent.
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              Reality TV has found its perfect method to stay alive. As long as it is chaotic enough for the Internet to create buzz, its content and discussions would be able leak into real life. This seamless integration between reality TV and social media has allowed for a constant cycle of engagement, as viewers eagerly share their opinions, theories, and reactions online. This symbiotic relationship ensures that the show remains relevant and captivating, ultimately solidifying its place in popular culture.
Denby, A 2021, ‘Toxicity and Femininity in Love Island: How Reality Dating Shows Perpetuate Sexist Attitudes Towards Women’, Frontiers in Sociology, vol. 6, viewed <https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fsoc.2021.641216/full>.
Murray, S & Ouellette, L 2009, Reality TV : remaking television culture, New York ; London New York University Press Cop.
Rice, L 2022, ‘Broadcast Networks 2022: The Year Everyone Started To Wave The White Flag’, Deadline, viewed <https://deadline.com/2022/12/broadcast-networks-death-declining-ratings-streamers-1235203489/>.
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olliethescribe · 1 year
Technically Propaganda - Major ‘Only Brooches’ Spoilers Ahead!
Here’s the beginning of our next major chapter: ‘Hamlet’! - @tmntausummit
Warning: it contains massive spoilers! Highly recommend reading this after ‘Blitz’ if you can. Tw// self-harm mention, public embarrassment, ableism, public breakdown
“It’s career suicide.” 
Things weren’t exactly specular after taking to the airwaves in an all black suit, blond hair with purple streaks, nails painted dark, and amethyst eyeshadow on. His co-host questioned his new look and Warren explained it away with tales of makeovers and self-discovery. It should’ve ended there. But even four weeks later it continued, worse since he helped take on the Foot Clan with Ron. His patience was beginning to wear thin.
Still, he had help. Donatello had made Warren a pronoun pin that zapped people if they misgendered him, pinned proudly on his lapel. Ron told him he looked amazing and he knew for a fact that the magician wouldn’t lie. Still, no matter how good he was fabled to have looked it didn’t deter negative attention. 
His co-workers, nice enough up close, were a nasty bunch in ‘private’ spaces. The sheer volume of indirects online were beginning to pile up, a cruel and bitter mocking edge from accounts that had only been set-up for the sole purpose of knocking him down. In person was somehow worse, unable to block people in real-life as they shit-talked his appearance by the water cooler or coffee maker, snickering as he passed them by on the way to his scheduled recordings. 
It hadn’t occurred to Warren that taking control of his life would lead to so much animosity from those that once considered him a friend. Then again, given that ‘his massive ego won’t fit through the fire door’ comment a few months back, he should’ve seen this coming. It didn’t hurt, not in the ways he thought it would, more so forcing him to consider his options. He could stay and take it, or he could take the wheel on his life yet again. 
Being a theater kid growing up wasn’t all for show. The newscaster had always enjoyed acting, forced himself to take those skills into social masking for work as he realized early on that being himself weren’t enough. To play a character and be rid of it rather than continue to keep up the charade? Promising. A siren song. He had the credentials, all he had to do was take the first step and audition. Ron had also offered Warren a spot as an additional magical assistant when Leo couldn’t make it to the weekend show. The options were there, he could do it. He could move on. 
Especially after what had occurred that morning… 
“Hey, Ron?” Warren walked unassuredly into their apartment, pamphlet in hand only slightly crushed in his death grip. His heart was pounding, having dodged plenty of sympathetic and terrible people alike on the way home. The theater he ducked into for escape was a saving grace, his mind attempting to keep its focus on that.
“Yes, darling?” Ron called out from the living room, flipping through a copy of Vogue and taking notes on all the outfits he’d try to recreate (as well as what would work well with both of his forms), and extra notes on what worked well with shorter hair. Fast fashion was never his thing, however, getting ready to peruse an online queer fashion blog instead.
He set the magazine down by the paper shredder, smiling as he heard his fiancé’s footsteps approach, a touch surprised to see Warren home so early for once. “Slow day at work?” 
Warren shuffled into the room, expression crestfallen as he thought of ways to broach the subject. His legs shook. Oh god, his legs... He could bring up the play afterwards. 
“Something like that.” He took his seat next to Ron, putting the pamphlet aside, a stabbing twist of metaphorical knives in his gut making their presence known. There wasn’t any getting around this, not as long as his finacé had internet access. “So I’ll be on an immediate month long vacation!”
Warren knew his face betrayed the false joy intoned in his voice, eyes distressed with the thought of letting Ron in. So it didn’t surprise him when Ron asked: “Why?”
“Well, it’s because of what happened earlier.” 
The magician gave Warren his full attention, aware that there’d been some back lash at the station but not the full extent. “What happened earlier?”
“Well…” Warren trailed off until remembering that Ron had each episode of the show recorded so the magician would be able to watch it back later. He picked the remote up, turning the TV on. “Let me show you.”
The teasing had raised to a fever pitch at that point, an irritating whine and buzz of less than charitable words. Warren felt himself begin to grind his teeth, holding back any comments on his co-workers’ conduct until…
The newscaster had sat down on set and straightened his tie as he waited for the cameras to start rolling, his other co-host, a relatively new guy named Rodney, taking his place on the right next to him. Their first segment of the day was one that focused on the Paralympics, a feel-good piece about those overcoming adversity to kick ass and win gold. 
Warren had been placed on this segment every year, typically running it with Carly. He knew the motions, what to say and when to say it. Shouldn’t have been too different with Rodney, just a few subtle changes here and there to match the guy’s energy. But something felt off, a feeling of unease settling in as the segment started and Warren’s new co-host began to speak. 
“You know, Stone, I see you host this segment every year, and I gotta ask. Why?” 
Most would assume the question were asked in earnest. Warren had been questioned on why he’d been on certain segments before, such as the bi-annual fire safety PSA (his photos were often the ones used as warnings, especially after his meet-cute with Ron). But that was easy enough to explain away. This- this was gonna be different. This was something Rodney already knew of, knew not to bring up, especially not while they were rolling.
“Well,” Warren started, smiling at the camera with his typical plasticine expression, calm as he formulated an answer, “I’ve always been a huge fan of the Paralympics! But if you think someone else should take over this segment then I’m open to stepping down.” 
“Yeah, maybe an actual disabled person, Stone.” 
Warren narrowed his eyes, turning back to face his co-host. “Excuse me?” 
“Like, come on, man. Have you seen your legs? Those are wayyyy too real looking to be prosthetics. Everyone’s been talking about them but now it’s getting kinda sad. Just admit that you’ve been lying for clout.” 
“Are you out of your mind?” Warren hissed as hands gripped his pants hard under the table, a flurry of insults and expletives barely contained beneath the surface. He took a breath and steadied himself, turning back to the camera as he tried to hide his shaking self. “Get a load’a this guy! Well, moving on, this morning we’ll be focusing on-”
Rodney cut him off, interjecting with opinions that should be shoved far far away from where the sun shone. 
“Hey, how about we focus on you? What’s going on with you? Faking a disability for years, thinking this whole ‘emo’ thing is gonna make you hip with the kids, and you really took it upon yourself to go the extra mile with those cuts on your hands. And don’t even get me started on the new pronoun thi-”
Warren got out of his seat, seething. “Don’t get you started? DON’T GET YOU STARTED?!” He steadied himself on the desk’s edge as he tried his absolute best to calm down. But nothing helped. No, no, this was happening whether he wanted it to or not. 
“You-” he pointed at Rodney, “-don’t know a thing about me! You have no idea what I’m dealing with.” Warren shot his ring a brief glance. “And if you’re lucky, you’ll never understand!”
“You don’t know how much it takes to keep going, to get of bed in the morning and drag myself to this televised shitshow! I was miserable for years, and there are days where I still am! But breaking news, you son of a bitch, for once in my fucking life I’m making changes for myself, to better myself. That there are people worth changing for! That I’m worth changing for!” Warren felt tears stream down his face as he sneered at his co-worker, the once smug man looking more uncomfortable than anything else.
“But no, I gotta be ‘hip’ with the kids, it’s always gotta be for someone else with you people.” He unwrapped the bandages from one of his hands, palm with the scar on full display. “Also, if you got your head outta your ass for more than five seconds and actually thought about anything you’d realize that no one cuts their fucking hands on purpose!”
The newscaster took a moment to breathe as the camera crew and Rodney simply stared at him, the silence hanging with the fragility of a glass rod waiting to be clipped. 
“....I was joking, Warren….”
Warren proceeded to lift one leg up and place it on the desk, rolling up his pant leg to his mid thigh, before feeling for the release button on his prosthesis and pressing it, slowly and carefully pulling the limb off. 
“No, you weren’t.”
He saw Rodney reach out to him as if to say something that wouldn’t be an offensive mess. Warren had no desire to hear it. 
“Assflash newshole, I’ve been like this the entire time! And I’m reporting your sorry ass to HR, not like they’d do a damn thing.” He chuckled bitterly, feeling the rage and pain begin to subside into numbness. “I know what ya think of me. You all make it obvious, especially now.”
“This isn’t some ‘mid-life’ crisis, but while I’m still here and the topic’s hanging around... Rodney,” he said, looking down at his co-host with a glare, “the only way your ‘bug-mobile’ would be of any value is if you crashed it into the Verrazano. Now do me a favor and fuck off.”
Warren then looked at the camera with a grin, even though they’d stopped rolling minutes prior, hands raised as he flipped off dead lenses. “And fuck you too, New York.” 
Warren finished showing Ron the entirety of his breakdown by switching to his phone, an intern having streamed the rest after the cameras stopped rolling. 
“Oh… oh my god…” Ron looked back at him dumbfounded, a plethora of thoughts screaming behind those eyes.
“So,” Warren started, putting his phone down before sheepishly tapping two fingers together, “when we said no major secrets I might’ve been, eh, holding back on one? Maybe two?”
“Uh huh.” Ron’s eyes flicked from Warren’s face to his legs and back again. Between that and his boyfriend’s breakdown, he was still processing what he’d just witnessed. 
“I- I’ll just be outright and say it.” Warren took a deep breath before letting it go. “Ronny, I have a confession to make. I- oh god damn it, I’ve been shorter than you this entire time!” 
“That’s certainly one way to put that.” Ron felt as if his head were spinning, his entire day turned upside down in thirty minutes. 
“Yeah… you probably have questions, eugh.” Warren looked away, hands on his legs as he stared at them. Oh boy. 
Every thought Ron could have ran through his mind at top speed, but when it came to actually asking more questions, he blanked. 
“Sorry, spaced out for a minute there.” He rubbed at his temples with one hand while the other gripped the couch. “Suppose my first question is how. How on Earth did you manage this?” 
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shubhamjain83 · 10 months
Redesigning Your Website: When and How to Give Your Site a Fresh Look
In today's fast-paced digital landscape, a website's design can quickly become outdated, leading to poor user experiences and missed opportunities. Redesigning your website not only revitalizes its appearance but also enhances its functionality and user engagement. In this article, we'll explore the crucial aspects of when and how to give your site a fresh look, ensuring that your online presence stays relevant and captivating.
Your website serves as your digital storefront, and just like a physical store, it needs a makeover from time to time. Redesigning your website isn't just a cosmetic choice. There are a number of companies that offer brand marketing services which is a strategic move that can significantly impact your online success. A fresh website look can improve user engagement, boost conversions, and align your brand with current design trends.
Signs It's Time for a Redesign
Outdated Design Elements: If your website's design looks like a relic from a bygone era, it's a clear sign that it's time for a redesign. Old-fashioned visuals can discourage users from exploring further.
Poor User Experience and Navigation: Difficult navigation and confusing layouts frustrate visitors. A redesign can streamline the user experience, making it easier for users to find what they need.
Mobile Responsiveness Issues: With mobile devices dominating web traffic, a mobile-responsive design is essential. If your site isn't mobile-friendly, you're likely losing potential customers.
High Bounce Rates and Low Engagement: Analytics revealing high bounce rates and low engagement suggest that users aren't finding your content appealing. A redesign can reinvigorate interest.
Changing Brand Identity or Goals: If your brand's identity or goals have evolved, your website should reflect these changes. A mismatch between your site's appearance and your brand message can be confusing to visitors.
Planning Your Redesign
A successful redesign starts with careful planning:
Setting Clear Goals and Objectives: Determine what you want to achieve with the redesign. Is it to increase conversions, improve user experience, or refresh your brand?
Researching Current Design Trends: Stay updated on the latest design trends that resonate with your target audience.
Analyzing Competitor Websites: Learn from your competitors' successes and shortcomings to gain a competitive edge.
Creating a Realistic Budget and Timeline: Redesigns can be complex projects. Set a budget and timeline that aligns with your goals and resources.
Steps in the Redesign Process
A well-structured redesign process ensures a smooth transition:
Content Audit and Inventory: Assess your existing content. What needs to be updated, revised, or removed?
Information Architecture and Site Mapping: Plan the new site structure and organize content logically.
Wireframing and Prototyping: Create wireframes and prototypes to visualize the new layout and user flow.
Designing Visual Elements: Choose colors, typography, and imagery that reflect your brand and resonate with your audience.
Development and Coding: Bring the design to life with coding and development work.
Testing and Quality Assurance: Thoroughly test the website for functionality, responsiveness, and compatibility.
Content Migration: Move your revised or new content onto the redesigned site.
SEO and Redesign
Don't let a redesign negatively impact your SEO efforts:
Importance of Preserving SEO: Maintain your website's SEO value during the transition.
Implementing 301 Redirects: Redirect old URLs to new ones to preserve search rankings.
Updating Metadata and Optimizing Content: Refresh meta titles, descriptions, and headers while optimizing content for SEO.
Checking for Broken Links and Crawl Errors: Ensure that the redesign doesn't introduce broken links or crawl errors.
User Experience (UX) Enhancement
A key goal of redesigning your website is to create a seamless and delightful user experience:
Improving Site Navigation and Structure: A well-organized navigation menu and clear site structure make it easy for users to find what they're looking for.
Focusing on Mobile Responsiveness: More users access the web from mobile devices than ever before. Prioritize responsive design to ensure a consistent experience across all screen sizes.
Increasing Page Loading Speed: Slow-loading pages can lead to high bounce rates. Optimize images, use efficient coding practices, and leverage caching to improve speed.
Incorporating Accessible Design Elements: An inclusive website accommodates all users, including those with disabilities. Consider factors like color contrast, text size, and alt text for images.
Maintaining Consistency with Branding
A website redesign should align with your brand's identity and messaging:
Aligning Website Design with Brand Identity: The visual elements of your website, such as color schemes, fonts, and imagery, should be consistent with your brand's overall identity.
Updating Logos, Color Schemes, and Imagery: Refresh these elements to match your evolving brand image.
Consistent Messaging and Tone: Ensure that the language and tone used in your content remain consistent with your brand's voice.
Content Strategy for the Redesigned Site
Content is at the heart of your website. Here's how to approach it during a redesign:
Assessing Existing Content: Determine what content is still relevant and what needs updating or removal.
Identifying Gaps and Opportunities: Analyze your content to identify areas where new, engaging content could be added.
Creating New, Engaging Content: Craft compelling copy, create informative blog posts, and incorporate multimedia elements like videos and infographics.
Incorporating Multimedia Elements: Visual content can enhance user engagement and convey information more effectively.
Launching and Promoting the Redesigned Site
As the redesign nears completion, it's time to plan the launch:
Pre-launch Testing and Final Checks: Thoroughly test the redesigned site to ensure all elements are functioning correctly.
Announcing the Redesign to Your Audience: Build excitement among your audience by announcing the upcoming redesign through your various communication channels.
Leveraging Social Media and Email Marketing: Utilize social media posts and email newsletters to promote the launch and drive traffic to the new site.
Monitoring User Feedback and Analytics Post-Launch: Pay close attention to user feedback and track website analytics to identify any issues that might arise after the launch.
Post-Launch Analysis and Continuous Improvement
A successful website redesign is an ongoing process:
Tracking User Behavior and Engagement: Use analytics tools to monitor user behavior, such as which pages they visit most and how long they stay on your site.
A/B Testing Different Design Elements: Experiment with different design elements to see what resonates best with your audience.
Collecting User Feedback for Future Iterations: Encourage users to provide feedback on the new design and consider their suggestions for future improvements.
Regularly Updating Content and Design: The digital landscape evolves quickly. Regularly update your content and design to stay current and relevant.
Redesigning your website is a significant undertaking that can yield substantial benefits. By recognizing the signs that it's time for a redesign and following a well-structured process, you can create a website that captures attention, engages users, and achieves your goals. Embrace the opportunity to refresh your online presence and ensure that your website remains a powerful tool for your brand's success with Infiniqe Marketing Services.
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gachacatt · 8 months
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Hello everyone! I've updated my online presence with full name/handle makeover! Truth be told I was starting to really not enjoy working with my accounts the way I had been, so over the summer I took time away and reworked into something much better and ultimately something I feel more 'motivated' to work on. I'll have quite a lot to share in due time, see you then!
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theresonlyzuul · 9 months
Designing Graphics with IQ Ag
Introducing IQ Agencija: Your Go-To for Graphic Design in Zagreb, Croatia
IQ Agencija, based in the lively cities located in Zagreb, Croatia, is an industry-leading graphic design company that is specialized in creating visually impressive and memorable designs for companies of any size. With a talented team of designers and a love of creative thinking, IQ Agencija is dedicated to helping businesses build their brand by providing innovative designs and solutions.
Let your brand shine by utilizing professional graphic design
In the current highly competitive business environment it is essential for companies to stand out and create an impression on their intended audience. This is the reason IQ Agencija comes in. Our team of highly skilled graphic designers is aware of the power to communicate visually and can assist companies effectively communicate their message and engage their target audience.
Engage your audience with eye-catching Designs
We at IQ Agencija, we believe that design excellence isn't solely about aesthetics. It is about creating an image that connects with the people you want to reach. Our designers are skilled at designing eye-catching designs that catch the attention of viewers and leave an lasting impression. In everything from branding material to web-based visuals and social media images We have the knowledge to bring your ideas to reality.
Individualized Solutions to Your Brand's Unique Identity
We recognize that each brand is distinct which is why we adopt a customized strategy for graphic design. Our team of designers takes the time to fully understand your brand's image values, goals, and values making sure that each design we create is aligned with your ideals. No matter if you're a startup or a well-established company We have the expertise and experience to produce outstanding results.
Keep ahead of the competition with cutting-edge design trends
In IQ Agencija, we are always up to date with most recent trends in design and techniques to ensure our clients remain ahead of the pack. Our designers are experts in the latest design trends and practices. They continually pushing the boundaries of imagination to create new and exciting designs that stand out.
Explore the power of visual storytelling
Visual storytelling is an effective tool to help companies effectively communicate its message, and reach their target audience at an emotional level. In IQ Agencija, we excel in developing designs that tell a captivating story and stir emotions. It doesn't matter if it's through images, infographics, or animations, we are able to draw the attention of your viewers and leave an impression.
Improve Your Online Presence by Adding Interactive Web Graphics
In the age of digitalization having a solid online presence is crucial for every business. IQ Agencija specializes in creating captivating web graphics that will not only improve the user experience but also reflects the brand's identity. From icons and banners for websites to custom animations and illustrations We have the experience to create websites that are attractive and user-friendly.
Enhance Brand Recognition by Creating a A Memorable Logo Design
Your logo is your brand's face and plays an important role in the recognition of your brand. Here at IQ Agencija, we understand the importance of having a properly designed logo and the impact it has on your brand's image. Our designers collaborate with you to develop the perfect logo that not just conveys your brand's values as well as character, but also stands out from your other brands.
Makeover your Social Media Presence with Stunning Visuals
In the age of social media, creating visually appealing as well as shareable material is essential to attracting your target audience. IQ Agencija specializes in creating amazing visuals on social platforms to draw the attention of users and increase engagement. From custom illustrations and graphics in animated films and GIFs We can help you create an impact on social media.
Enhance Your Brand with IQ Agencija's Graphic Design Services
In the end, IQ Agencija is your choice for all of your graphic design requirements within Zagreb, Croatia. With our skilled design team, personalised approach, and dedication to stay ahead of fashion, we will assist you in elevating your business and make an impact on your intended audience. Contact us now to discuss your needs for graphic design and let us help bring your ideas to reality.
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mavenjseo · 9 months
You can make your website better and more competitive by giving it a professional makeover.
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, your website is often the first impression potential customers have of your business. It's not just a digital storefront; it's a reflection of your brand, your values, and your commitment to quality. To stay ahead of the game, you need a website that not only looks good but also performs exceptionally well. That's where a professional makeover comes into play, and Mavenj SEO is here to guide you through this essential process.
Why Does Your Website Need a Makeover?
Improved User Experience: User experience (UX) is at the heart of a successful website. If visitors find it challenging to navigate your site, they'll quickly move on to a competitor. A professional makeover can streamline your site's layout and make it more user-friendly.
Responsive Design: With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, having a mobile-responsive website is crucial. A makeover can ensure your site adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes, enhancing accessibility for a broader audience.
Faster Loading Times: In today's fast-paced world, users expect websites to load quickly. Slow-loading pages can lead to high bounce rates. A makeover can optimize your site's speed, keeping visitors engaged.
Enhanced Visual Appeal: A fresh, modern design can captivate your audience and create a lasting impression. An outdated or cluttered website can drive potential customers away. A makeover can give your site the visual appeal it needs to stand out.\
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How Mavenj SEO Can Help
At Mavenj SEO, we understand that a website makeover is not just about aesthetics; it's about boosting performance and, ultimately, your business's competitiveness. Here's how we can assist you:
Customized Designs: Our team of experienced designers will work closely with you to create a unique design that aligns with your brand identity and goals.
SEO Optimization: A beautiful website is of little use if it can't be found by your target audience. We'll optimize your site for search engines to improve its visibility.
Mobile Responsiveness: We'll ensure that your website is fully responsive, so it looks and functions flawlessly on all devices.
Content Enhancement: Compelling content is key to engaging your audience. We can help revamp your content to convey your message effectively.
Performance Boost: Slow websites can be frustrating. We'll fine-tune your site's performance so it loads quickly and efficiently.
Get Ahead in the Digital Race
Your website is your digital storefront, and its competitiveness can make or break your online presence. A professional makeover from Mavenj SEO can give your website the edge it needs to thrive in the competitive digital landscape.
Don't let an outdated or underperforming website hold you back. Contact us today, and let's take your online presence to the next level!
Remember, in the digital world, a fresh look and enhanced functionality can go a long way toward attracting and retaining customers. Don't hesitate; invest in a professional makeover today and watch your website soar to new heights!
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
for the acrostic ask game, how about sour belt! - @dragonfruitcore
thanks so much!!!!
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S - Story - if you and them were in a fairytale, which story would you be and who would play which character?
i’m unsure whether or not this question is asking me to cast us as characters in a pre-existing fairytale (ex: romeo and juliet) or to make one of my own, but i’m gonna go with the latter because it’s easier for me.
i have been very attached to the idea of dragon!sour belt for a LONG time, so the first thing this prompt makes me think of is a spin on the “damsel in distress locked in a tower guarded by a dragon and a knight in shining armor comes to save her” trope, except sour belt is cast as both the dragon AND the knight! i’m kinda blanking on the story, but i’ve always imagined that in stories like these, the dragon isn’t guarding the princess but instead the land surrounding the tower; it’s home. the princess is just snuck past the dragon and placed into the tower at one point or another. so, i suppose, upon noticing that i have been imprisoned in her front yard essentially, sour belt sets me free and takes me under her wing (literally), making her my super cool dragon girlfriend!!!
O - Online - what is your f/o’s social media presence like, or what would it be like if they had internet in their world/era?
sour belt uses social media to promote her brand. he posts pictures of clothes, popular models wearing her clothes, pictures of runway events, etc etc. she doesn’t really have any “personal” accounts, maybe just a burner or two to keep up with me lol. but typically, she follows/interacts with her friends using the official acid account, which… causes a lot of confusion.
U - Uplift - how do they help you when you’re stressed or sad and vice versa?
she is the KING of helping me when i get emo about my physical appearance. i mention feeling unattractive once and she’s like “makeover? you want a makeover? you’re super beautiful babe don’t ever forget that but do you want a makeover???” and usually the answer is yes lol. trying on outfits she tailored specifically for me is a HUGE pick me up. she behaves similarly when the stress is more internal, believing wholeheartedly that how you feel on the outside affects how you feel on the inside (which… true!). either that, or she just sits beside me until i feel better, providing comfort and assistance when i need it.
as for vice versa, i usually have to pull her away from her work to keep her from popping a blood vessel. i sometimes take over for her while she rests, which is such an honor tbh—she barely let me do anything when i first became her intern, and now she straight up lets me do commissions for her lmao. she rarely ever gets upset over things that aren’t related to work, but when she does, my go-to is a movie night with lots of snacks and lots of cuddles. works literally every time!
R - Rainbow - what colors do you associate with them and why?
green, blue and red! it’s her main color scheme (minus black) and whenever i see them combo’d anywhere i’m like “:0!! WIFE!!!! WIFFEEEEE”
B - Before - before you decided to make them your F/O, what did you first think of them/their source?
well, i’ve always adored cookie run. it has such a simple but adorable gimmick, with surprisingly good character design and storytelling. what’s not to love? i used to play ovenbreak a LOT back in 2018, and i was just getting into kingdom when super fashion week dropped. i remember seeing her trailer all over tiktok, tumblr and youtube and being like wow……wow. her shear beauty convinced me to play ovenbreak again. powerful as fuck.
E - Emotion - is your f/o open with their feelings or do they keep them close to their chest?
pretty open, i’d say. she’s a huge flirt with lots of charisma—she just too caught up in her own little world to make the first move. but she made the first move with me. cause i’m special /j
L - Language - what’s their love language? what’s yours?
hhgg…hers is probably asks of service?? and i have no idea what mine could be. probably words of affirmation, maybe physical touch???
T - Teach - what skills of theirs would they teach you? what would you teach them?
well, she taught me how to sew. she also taught me outfit/costume design and bits of color theory. i taught her how to draw a little bit better.
also, this wasn’t really the question, but we learned to dance together! well,,”learned” is a bit of a strong word. we both still suck total ass. but it’s fun!!
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zany1122 · 1 day
cosmetic dentistry in mumbai
Restorative Dentistry assists with further developing the teeth appearance through the changed dental methodology. These systems incorporate holding, fading, facade, reshaping, utilizing inserts, and a few different techniques. It just does a “Grin makeover” for you. In Mumbai, you can get an extremely phenomenal restorative dentistry at Sabka dental specialist that can work on your dental appearance alongside getting a superior grin.
cosmetic dentistry in mumbai remembers a progression of dental methodology that assistance for helping up the presence of the teeth. Probably the most well-known corrective dental treatment strategy incorporates fading, holding, facade, reshaping or in any event, utilizing inserts.
Corrective dentistry is likewise prevalently known as a “grin makeover” that assists with causing your grin lovely and cause you to feel sure. In any case, corrective dentistry systems are for the most part discretionary and not something fundamental, but rather some surface level dentistry additionally includes specific helpful advantages.
Probably the best superficial dental specialists in Mumbai and different spots in India likewise notice that the most widely recognized corrective techniques are straightforward while different methods may not need specific dental consideration.
How to track down the right Surface level Dental specialist? Finding the best dental restorative specialist in Mumbai and different urban communities in India is vital with regards to accomplishing the best-wanted results. In any case, finding the right superficial dental specialist is undeniably challenging on the grounds that restorative dentistry isn’t formally enlisted and corrective dental specialists don’t have a unique confirmation.
Any irregular dental specialist can allude to themselves as a corrective dental specialist, however picking an accomplished dentist is vital. Following are probably the smartest plans to track down the right superficial dental specialist-
Go for proposals – In the event that you are attempting to find the best superficial dental specialist in Mumbai, you may presumably go for suggestions that are being given by individuals you trust like companions or family. You can generally look at the specialist’s site or even choose a starter meeting that can provide you with some reasonable thought of the restorative dental specialist you are choosing.
Research about their work – The majority of the checked dental specialist really has a glad outlook on the outcomes that they achieve. In a large portion of the cases, the corrective dental specialist lean towards displaying the outcomes in their site that they have achieved alongside their when photographs. The vast majority of these pictures are accessible online as well as in the dental specialist’s office. Notwithstanding, ensure that the photographs being transferred in the site are certified and imply the genuine photographs of patients.
Go for approved restorative specialists – Regardless of whether you get the suggestion of the best surface level dental specialist in Mumbai by your companions or relative, then you must confirm in the event that you are in contact with a certified dental specialist. You should look at the instructive capability of the dental specialist, the courses finished and the expert associations where they treat individuals.
Reaching a genuine resolution – When you have a rundown of restorative dental specialists, you should investigate every single part of the dental specialist prior to setting up an arrangement. You may likewise do a schoolwork to get an unmistakable idea of the dental specialist’s abilities in giving some remaking techniques.
Looking at the experience and innovation utilized by the specialist – Prior to choosing a restorative dental specialist individuals should look at the long stretches of involvement that they hold in this field. Moreover, it is similarly critical to ensure that the dental specialists utilize every one of the furthest down the line refreshed advances to make the dental strategy torment free.
Advantages of Restorative Dentistry
In the wake of finding a fitting corrective dental center in Mumbai, it is vital to know the specific advantages of going through surface level dentistry.
Restorative dentistry isn’t just about keeping up with the best dental cleanliness however it additionally incorporates making the vital strides that can assist with forestalling a few serious dental issues. Referenced underneath are a portion of the advantages of going through a Restorative Dentistry-
Further develop the indentation – The greater part of individuals have a terrible indentation and it is vital to work on this condition. On going through a tooth extraction technique or an orthodontic treatment the indentation can be improved without making any harm its adjoining Having a respectable indentation works on the gum and teeth appearance as well as helps in keeping a decent teeth arrangement.
Make your grin significantly more lovely – Any wrecked, cracked, harmed or yellowish teeth can be in every way fixed or reproduced with restorative dentistry. So you no more need to conceal your teeth while grinning and taking pictures.
Set aside a ton of cash – There are a ton of costly dental treatment methods accessible however you can really set aside a ton of cash by keeping up with sound oral cleanliness. This is vital to keep your teeth liberated from every one of the muddled illnesses over the long haul. In any case, for a few extreme dental circumstances, individuals should reach out to some expert assistance without overlooking the condition.
Partake in each food you love – Whenever individuals have gone through a corrective dental technique and have totally mended, they can savor any sort of food. Yet, a large portion of the dental specialists suggest avoiding desserts and circulated air through beverages to keep up with solid teeth and gum.
Feel certain – A great many people in the wake of going through a dental method have positive expectations about their appearance. Also, they can actually dispose of convoluted terrible toothaches and other dental issues. Difficult dental circumstances may likewise bring about extra ailments like enlarging, headaches, a sleeping disorder, and so on.
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thebranddrive · 3 days
Mogappair's Digital Makeover: How The Brand Drive Transforms Businesses with Web Development
Mogappair is buzzing with potential. From heritage shops to budding startups, this Chennai neighborhood is brimming with businesses ready to make their mark online. But in today's digital age, a captivating online presence isn't a luxury - it's a necessity. That's where The Brand Drive, your trusted web development company in Mogappair, comes in.
We're more than just coders and designers; we're your digital architects, crafting websites that are not only visually stunning but also strategically built to drive results for your Mogappair business. Here's why The Brand Drive is the perfect partner to elevate your online presence:
A Deep Dive into Mogappair: Understanding Your Local Market
Mogappair isn't a generic location; it has a unique character and a vibrant online community. At The Brand Drive, we take the time to understand the specific needs of Mogappair residents and their online behavior. This means your website will speak directly to your target audience, using the language they understand and addressing their pain points.
Beyond Templates: Crafting Websites as Unique as Mogappair
Your business is one-of-a-kind, and your website should be too. We believe in ditching cookie-cutter templates and creating bespoke websites tailored to your brand identity and target audience. Whether you're a trendy boutique showcasing the latest styles, a reliable local service provider offering expertise, or a burgeoning e-commerce store selling handcrafted goods, our team of expert web developers in Mogappair will design and develop a website that reflects your essence and resonates with your customers.
Mobile-First Development: Because Mogappair is On-The-Go
Let's face it, most web browsing in Mogappair happens on smartphones. That's why The Brand Drive prioritizes mobile-first development. Your website will be designed to look flawless and function seamlessly on any device, ensuring a smooth user experience for your tech-savvy Mogappair audience.
A Website that Grows with You: Your Long-Term Digital Partner
A website launch is just the beginning of your digital journey. At The Brand Drive, we offer comprehensive web development services in Mogappair to ensure your online presence continues to thrive. From ongoing maintenance and security updates to integrating powerful features and functionalities, we'll be your trusted partner every step of the way.
Measurable Results: See Your Mogappair Business Flourish Online
We're data-driven at The Brand Drive. We use advanced analytics to track your website's performance and measure the impact of our strategies. This allows us to continuously optimize your website for better results, ensuring you see a tangible return on your investment as your Mogappair business flourishes online.
Ready to Craft a Website that Converts?
Don't get lost in the sea of generic websites. Let The Brand Drive, your web development company in Mogappair, be your guide to digital success. Contact us today for a free consultation and see how we can craft a website that propels your Mogappair business to new heights!
For more details, contact +91 99404 71632 or visit thebranddrive.com
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digitalmother1 · 4 days
📈 We're your Digital Mom! Let Digital Mother nurture your online presence and grow your business.
✨ Need a Digital Makeover? We specialize in creating strategic marketing campaigns that get results.
✨ Social Media Struggles? We'll craft engaging content and grow your online following.
✨ Website Not Working for You? We design user-friendly websites that convert visitors into customers.
✨ Confused by SEO & PPC? We speak digital marketing fluently and will translate it for you
⭐ Our Service ⭐
💫 Email Marketing
💫 Content Marketing
💫 Google Reviews Gain
💫 Social Media Optimization
💫 Website Development
💫 Website Create
💫 Video Editing
💫 Graphic Design
More Information: Contact us +91 9548131399 or [email protected], visit www.digitalmother.in
#digitalmother #digitalmarketing #seo #smm #smo #emailmarketing #socialmediamarketing
#contentmarketing #growyourbusiness #graphicdesign #videoediting #ppc
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oaktree909 · 4 days
Discover the Power of Guest Posting in Your Furniture Marketing Strategy
Discover the critical role that guest posting plays in furniture marketing campaigns. Provide engaging content, distribute it wisely, and incorporate guest pieces into your content mix. To increase brand visibility, engagement, and conversions, experiment with different content forms, such as customer testimonials, sustainable furniture practices, space makeovers, and decorating advice. Utilize guest articles to build authority and credibility in the dynamic furniture industry and to have a strong online presence. For more information visit us at
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