bgrpublications · 22 days
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Respected Human, Greetings for your research. Say yes to a green environment with the selection of online publishing house Dr. BGR Publications.
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minuluver · 1 year
Work as normal. Went outside to view the cherry blossoms that were blooming to appreciate them before they're gone🌸 still trying to stick on my caloric restrictive diet~ picked up some lowishhhh calorie vinaigrette dressing.
Made appointments to go try on wedding dresses in Knoxville👰🏻‍♀️ I'm super excited! Looked at asking bridesmaids to be gifts~
Went to the gym and did a bunch of cardio~ a person near me ripped a smelly one while I was on the treadmill. The most terrible experience while running 🙀 I think it was the girl doing weighted sit ups lol~
My cat Meatball is super cute.
Did the new deep dungeon with Jaja, Split, and Suzu 🎉 stayed up too late trying to unlock the loporrit tribe quests and island sanctuary up keep🥹 also Devon got a haircut and is as always super handsome💕
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profresh16 · 26 days
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onlinejournal · 2 months
After a dream
Today I woke up slowly. My head hanged in an awkward way. I was aware I was asleep yet I knew that the very real feeling of the sheets and the sight of the ceiling were close. In the meantime I dreamed.
It was a very self-soothing, pitiful dream. Plenty of suggestions of traumatic experiences, a soft sci-fi setting, people in awe and me being the moral victor on seemingly grand yet pretentious issues. But beyond the feeling of grandness, I was captivated by its literary ideas too. So I dragged myself out of hypnagogia to record these findings through audio. It must have been a good thirty minutes of laying there, head beside phone. Lots of uhs and ohs. Finally it was done. I thought about it, but I was too lazy and proud to record what I felt were non-important and even-more-shameful details within the overall narrative. I lingered some more in bed.
When I rose, my mind was clearer than usual. Act, don't think - was the crux of it.
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doyoueverfeelme · 6 months
030124 - 0124
Good night.
It was an ok day. Today is my first day with the journal. This was originally an advise from an asshole. But the thoughts I have is unbearable at this point and I need to let them out. Also therapists are retarded and I don't have a community to talk to so it's the best solution I could find. An online journal in Tumblr. It's here because I also need a little bit of attention. But will be anonim for sure.
I decided to help myself mentally today. I made an old notebook into agenda and planned my days and weeks. It helped me. I will not force myself to conquer the world in 1 day anymore as I now understand it takes way longer and nothing is more important then my piece and mental health.
I always believed that to let go is for weak. and I never knew how to let go, I can't let go. I'm not weak. I hold. I keep. I'm like this. I hate people who let go. Why
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𝟏. 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐲: Cardiovascular surgeons perform a variety of heart surgeries to treat conditions such as coronary artery disease, #valvularheartdisease, #congenitalheartdefects, and #heartfailure. 𝟐. 𝐕𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐲: #vascularsurgeon specialize in the surgical treatment of blood vessel disorders, including aortic #aneurysms, #PeripheralArteryDisease (PAD), #CarotidArteryDisease, and #VenousDisorders.
Visit: https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/thoracic-and-cardiovascular-surgery/
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hydroxchange · 10 months
Hydro Harmony: Elevating Your Garden with Coco Coir and Cutting-Edge Hydro Products
Introduction: Embracing Hydro Harmony in Your Garden
In the realm of gardening, the pursuit of lush, thriving plants has led enthusiasts to explore innovative solutions that nurture both growth and sustainability. Amidst this quest, the emergence of hydroponics and the remarkable properties of coco coir have sparked a revolution in modern gardening. This blog delves into the synergy of these elements, uncovering how the marriage of hydroponics and organic coco coir can elevate your gardening experience to new heights.
Coco Coir: The Natural Marvel for Modern Gardeners
At the heart of this horticultural revolution lies the remarkable coco coir – a natural fiber extracted from coconut husks. Renowned for its exceptional water retention, optimal drainage, and aeration capabilities, coco coir has quickly risen to prominence as a game-changing medium for planting. Its eco-friendly and sustainable nature, coupled with its ability to enhance root health and promote robust growth, has endeared it to both novice and seasoned gardeners alike.
Cultivating Success: Unleashing the Power of Coco Coir Bricks
Imagine the convenience of coco coir bricks – compact blocks that transform into a nutrient-rich growing medium when hydrated. These bricks provide a versatile solution for starting seeds, propagating cuttings, and nurturing seedlings. The process is simple: soak the bricks, watch them expand, and witness the transformation into a fluffy, moisture-retentive coco coir soil ready for planting.
The Ultimate Support System: Harnessing Garden Plant Supports
As your garden flourishes, providing the right support becomes crucial. Enter garden plant supports – an arsenal of solutions designed to bolster your plants as they reach new heights. Whether it's a climbing vine, a delicate flower, or a potted plant, the strategic use of plant supports ensures not only vertical growth but also prevents damage from unpredictable weather conditions.
Brightening Your Garden: Illuminating with Indoor Grow Lights
Indoor gardening enthusiasts understand the importance of proper lighting. Indoor grow lights, such as LEDs and grow lamps, have revolutionized the way we nurture plants indoors. By replicating the spectrum of natural sunlight, these lighting solutions empower gardeners to cultivate healthy, vibrant plants year-round, even in spaces where sunlight is limited.
Hydro Harmony: Crafting Your Garden Oasis
In the realm of modern gardening, hydroponics and coco coir have harmoniously converged to create a paradigm shift in how we nurture and cultivate our green havens. From the eco-friendly properties of organic coco coir to the ingenious convenience of coco coir bricks, these innovations are empowering gardeners to embrace sustainability, achieve remarkable growth, and craft thriving garden oases that stand as a testament to the wonders of hydro harmony. Whether you're a gardening novice or an experienced green thumb, the world of hydroponics and coco coir invites you to embark on an exciting journey of discovery, growth, and sustainable cultivation.
Conclusion: Nurturing Growth, Sustaining Beauty
As we navigate the dynamic landscape of modern gardening, one thing remains certain: the symbiotic relationship between hydroponics, coco coir, and cutting-edge hydro products is transforming the way we interact with our gardens. By harnessing the power of coco coir's organic essence and embracing the ingenuity of hydro solutions, we're cultivating not just plants, but a sustainable future where harmony between nature and innovation thrives. Join us in this horticultural revolution and witness firsthand the hydro harmony that awaits in your own garden oasis.
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watching people play sports and be really active and out and about with their parents makes me so jealous cuz i really just had to wash my mothers hair because she can't do it herself
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what is this for?
as it says, for me and my therapist. I just wanted a place where I could come and dump my thoughts. typing is faster and let’s my brain think as fast as I can type. so it’s like a journal. but, i want it to be public. there’s something about putting my thoughts, feelings, and emotions out there for others to see - even if no one sees them. and to keep it truly like an online journal - i’m anonymous. if i discuss people, they’ll have fake names. you’ll be able to gather some information about me, purely based on context clues, but hopefully, nothing that will lead you to me.
who is the you? the you is you. sure. but also me? anytime I ever tried to write in a journal growing up, i always would start to write it like i was talking to someone else or writing a book about my daily life. so. the you is you. the you is me. the you is the fictitious reader in my head (which is also kind of you).
CLEARLY, i am not trying to be proper with spelling, punctuation, grammar, or writing rules. these posts are purely streams of consciousness. 
is this actually for my therapist? well, probably not honestly. if i share this link with my therapist, i’ll likely write for my therapist and not for me. masking even in anonymous writing and that’s not the point. however, my therapist does give me writing props now and again or questions to think about and mull over. it may be easier for me to write those thoughts out here and then transfer to my therapist. that’s why its for me... and my therapist. 
i am still working on figuring out what i’ll be writing. will there be a sign off? will there be posts about people in my life? (fake names as previously mentioned). what about the places i live, travel, or deem important? my daily habits, my choice in food, my favorite tv shows and books. i am completely unsure. honestly i just don’t want people i know to find me out (especially if i’m talking about them). currently, i don’t see that happening, but what if i become this huge viral sensation where the WORLD demands to know who i am? then my secrets are out. for good. soooooo, you see the dilemma. 
anyway,  i got on here today to finally create this tumblr because i had something that i wanted to write about, but then i figured i should create some kind of introductory post. oofta. 
so signing off i suppose? by a letter? by a phrase? by a call to action? unsure. but just because i don’t do it in post one, doesn’t mean i can’t introduce it later. (she tells herself) (also I'm nonbinary) (so i’ll probably use different pronouns throughout) 
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Oh, it’s been a while.  I transitioned to a pen/paper journal for a little bit, but even that I did not stick to.
Divorce is done.  He is gone.  We don’t talk or text or email or interact.  Every now and then I have to send him some mail.  For all I know he’s dead in a ditch somewhere.  Or, he’s living his fucking best life ever and that’s super great for him.
My dad had a quadruple bypass last week.  He’s recovering well.  Me and my mom visited him in the hospital.  Hi 2nd wife, her mom, and daughter were there and it was ok/nice.  It was not the time to tell him I got divorced, lol, but I did tell my step-sister.  I guess she’s my step sister?  Honestly I dunno lol.
Let’s see, I went to visit my sister in February I think.  Did lots of hiking and it was so awesome to see the fam and just be AWAY.
Then, me and my mom got into huge super fights lol.  She went to stay with my sister for about a month and since she’s been back it’s been much better.  When she was away it was the first time i was completely alone in the house.  Well as alone as it could be with all the fur babies and critters.
I’m fostering a puppy right now, I don’t know what possessed me to foster a PUPPY.  like i had wiped out in my mind how tiring Stella was and how much I wanted to kill her for a little while.  But he’s super sweet and I decided that if nobody applies to adopt him after 3 months, I would just keep him.
For a little bit I thought fostering could become my “great purpose”.  
I just feel like i’m floating along, day after day of sameness.  Not really living.  Not really too sad, but really happy either.  What does one do to get over that?
Oh, I chopped my hair.  I guess that’s relative, but when you go from having top of your waist length hair to just shoulder length, it’s a “chop”.  Somehow it has made me look younger lol.
I’m almost to a sub 30 minute 5K.  i missed it by 22 seconds on one attempt and by .05 miles on my second attempt.  This weekend is a Pelofondo weekend so I’ll be biking 62 miles, cause why not.  A month or so ago it was a Stride event and i attempted a half marathon with no training lol, cause why not.  I mean i did one last year, but that was after like 20 weeks of training LOL.  I figured with my general fitness level i’d just be able to hang lol.
my feet - the bottoms of my feet were not used to the punishment, I guess you need the build up for that.  Anyways I cut my timer off after like 10 miles cause i was just going so slow I didn’t want to ruin my per mile overall average pace lol and switched to walking.
i need to find my purpose. i feel like my life is just trickling away like sand through an hourglass.  
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digital-magazine · 2 years
Great Deals and Discounts at Magnik India!!!! Just go Grab the Offers....
MAGNIK INDIA is India’s leading Magazine and Journal subscription on-line store. We offer one of the most comprehensive collections of magazines and journals. Our customer base spreads the length and breadth of the country including Indian Army units, Libraries, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Hotels, Resorts, Hospitals, Labs, Doctors, Govt. Institutions and many more. We partner directly with publishers to get you the best deals and special offers. We also provide customized solutions for corporates and institutions, like bulk ordering, branded covers, cover-on-cover, bulk gifting, and special discount offers. Our unique and secure subscription sales and management platform, not only provides a single-window subscription ordering facility but also caters to the need of managing these subscriptions year on year. The built-in renewal management ensures timely renewals without any breaks. It is one stop solution for all your questions. There are different USPs of Magnik India that make them different from the other platforms. Such as one Subscription to Magnik India allows you to access on 5 devices at a time, also you can download any magazine offline and then read it as per your convenience, it also allows the bloggers to get their articles published in the Magazine. So if you are an Avid Reader why to waste your time in searching for different magazines at different place . You just need to subscribe to Magnik India and get access to more than 700+ Digital content at one place.
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emmaleaurawrites · 2 years
Journaoing online is something I can definitely get jiggy with... Though I miss my pen and paper. But that's not the issue. We will figure that out later. I have to focus on THIS, what I'm doing right now
This weekend was one where my mental health took a dive. A deep one. But I'm happy to say that I am okay today and it's honestly okay to not be ok. I understand my situation is hard, but I'm not required to #staypositive. It's okay for me to be hurt. It's ok for me to be angry. It's ok for me to be sad. It's ok for me to doubt. But what's important is I don't remain there.
Today I was able to give myself the love and grace I've been needing.
. Milly and I had a rough weekend and I got to be honest with him about my feelings. It felt good to get it off my chest.
It was good for us to talk about it and gain an understanding.
I'm happy, healthy, and Divine.
This one was #shortandsweet but it was what I needed to end an amazing day of #selfcare..
This is your reminder to focus on the moment you have now and be patient with yourself.
#opendiary #onlinejournaling #secrets #whoami #ghostwriter #spirituality
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bgrpublications · 4 years
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#november13 #happydiwali2020 https://drbgrpublications.in, #onlinejournalism #drbgrpublications (at Dr.BGR Publications) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHildmBl0TA/?igshid=yekpvpz5ox42
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Mushroom Pa More
             Kilala ang CvSU sa napakaraming pagkain. Ilan sa mga ito ay napipitas lang tulad ng rambutan, nabibili tulad ng tonkatsu at Panini sandwich. Hindi ka magugutom sa CvSU kapag may pera ka kasi maraming choice na pagpipilian. Daig mo pa ang polygamous mong ex sa maraming pinagsasaba-sabay. Parang love lang, hindi mo alam kung anong susundin mo, bulsa mo bang naghihingalo o ang himutok ng iyong sikmura?
           Pero maiba tayo, since nagkalat ang maraming pagkain nga sa CvSU ay karamihan dito ay gawa sa karneng baboy o manok. Nakakasad lang kasi ubos na nga bulsa mo, tataba ka pa. Ang saklap lang bes noh? But the long agony is over mga bes, may nadiskubre akong kapalit ng mga mamantikang baboy, manok at baka na yan. Hindi lang healthy, murang-mura pa. Oh, saan ka pa?
           I present to you the oyster mushroom. Ito ay mabibili sa Gate 2 o mas kilalang Marketing ng mga CvSUeños. Sa halagang 25 pesos (kasama na ang kanin) ay siguradong mabubusog ka sa sarap nito. Ito ay magandang alternatibo sa karne kasi marami itong health benefits. Ayon sa aking nakalap na impormasyon, ito ay sagana sa Vitamin B Complex nagpapanatili sa katawan natin na masigla at Vitamin D na nagpapatibay ng kasulugan ng buto. Buti pa ang mushroom ay healthy para sa iyo. Hindi tulad ng relasyon mong toxic na. Maliban sa mga bitamina ay wala itong fat, cholesterol at gluten na pangunahing sanhi ng pagtaba. Nabusog ka na, hindi ka pa magkakataba at magkakahighblood.  Sagana rin ito sa mga mineral tulad ng Selenium, Potassium, Riboflavin at Niacin na kailangan ng ating katawan. Napakagaling diba? At hindi pa dito nagtatapos ang benepisyo ng kabuteng ito. Take note mga bes, 100% organic ito proving na biyaya ito ni mother nature para sa atin.
           Ayon sa aking napag-alaman ay dinudumog ito ng mga CvSUeños dahil maliban sa mura ito ay sulit pa para sa isang state university student na naghahanap ng mura pero sulit na makakain. Hindi ka magsisisi sa pagkaing ito. Hindi tulad ng ex mong pinagsisihan mon g mahalin.
           Nakachikahan ko nang saglit ang isa sa mga tinderang nasa likod ng oyster mushroom. Ayon sa kanya, perfect daw ito sa ketchup o kaya sab ago nilang sweet sauce na pwede ring ilagay sa kanin. Kung gusto ng kaunting kilig katulad ng mga taong kulang sa pag-ibig, lagyan lamang ng kaunting suka. Kung gusto naman ng kaunting sipa, lagyan lamang ng sili. Oh diba, everybody happy?
           So what are you waiting guys? Pumunta na ng Gate 2 sa CvSU at chibugin ang crispy fried oyster mushrooms. Siguradong mag-eenjoy ka at maging ang iyong tropa sa sarap na dala nito.
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radiateblogs-blog · 5 years
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Christmas Party on the way 
By:Nathalie Genoso
One of the most awaiting celebration of Filipino Christmas is the “Christmas Party” and It has been a traditional way of sharing foods, giving gifts, helping each other, bonds of every family or friend specifically celebrating the birth of Jesus. 
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𝟏. 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬: Clinical trials in dermatology are research studies that involve human participants. They are designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of new treatments, drugs, or medical devices for skin conditions.
𝟐. 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬: These studies involve the collection and analysis of data from patients with specific skin conditions over time. Observational studies can help identify trends, risk factors, and potential treatment outcomes.
Visit: https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/dermatology/
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