#Ooh koda :)
ooh can I see your favourite dunsparce and/or skarmory cards?
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see normally i would automatically ignore any double-dipping asks but the follow up about Dunsparce sold me. Mostly because of the Neo set mention. I'm nothing if not easily manipulated by Johto nostalgia.
10. Dunsparce (illus. Midori Harada, Diamond & Pearl - Mysterious Treasures 47/123)
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9. Dunsparce (illus. Kazuma Koda, Sword & Shield - Darkness Ablaze 137/189)
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8. Dunsparce (illus. ryoma uratsuka, Sword & Shield - Fusion Strike 207/264)
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7. Dunsparce (illus. Yuka Morii, Skyridge 53/144)
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6. Dudunsparce (illus. Teeziro, Scarlet & Violet - Temporal Forces 129/162)
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5. Dunsparce (illus. Hajime Kusajima, EX Legend Maker 31/92)
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4. Dudunsparce (illus. Saya Tsuruta, Scarlet & Violet - Paldea Evolved 229/193)
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3. Dunsparce (illus. Yuka Morii, X & Y Roaring Skies 68/108)
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2. Dunsparce (illus. Yukiko Baba, Neo Discovery 54/75)
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1. Dunsparce (illus. Kurata So, Crown Zenith GG23/GG70)
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im-ovulating · 1 year
Now, hear me out....
I just can't get this idea out of my head:
It's a mini smut series. Each part is for a different underrated 1A boy, but interconnected. There will be two different endings, each with two different outcomes.
As I was getting ready to post this, I realized that the idea was akin to Aberration by @bakuhoes-dumbass , so to be on the safe side, I reached out and got permission. Aberration is so attention grabbing and (personally) keeps the you on the edge of your seat. It's 10x better than anything I'm gonna write for this, so check it out! Thanks again to @bakuhoes-dumbass for giving me the green light!
**Y/n is the new psychiatrist for the Yuei Institute for Dangerous Individuals (YIDI). But she's also the warden's niece -giving her more loopholes to wiggle through than your average psychotherapist. Cue the jailbird shenanigans when they get a whiff of their new toy.
Warnings: Contains slight passive hybristophillia, various talk of criminal behavior and non consensual/dubiously consented to actions and scenarios, do not read if you are sensitive to said topics!
Age Rating: 18+ Minors DNI
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Prologue: A deeper introduction to the jailbirds
Let's get to know the inmates, shall we?
Chapter 1: Shoji Mezo- Convicted on multiple counts of gang-related torture; currently serving 3 life sentences with no chance of parole. Time incarcerated: 6 years, 4 months.
In which your first session with the sadist derails an a way you never expected. As it turns out, the jailbirds are missing more than just their freedom.
Chapter 2: Ojiro Mashirao- Convicted on 1 count of 1st degree murder following a confession refusal; currently serving 20 years with no chance of parole. Time incarcerated: 2 years, 9 months.
You survived your first day. What more could go wrong? A lot, apparently. After the surprisingly saucey session (ooh alliteration) with Shoji, you can confidently say you're better prepared for the type of inmates you're dealing with. Or so you thought...
Chapter 3: Tokoyami Fumikage- Convicted for the attempted murder of his best friend, claiming "the shadows told him to do it"; currently serving 15 years with a chance of parole after 5 years. Time incarcerated: 4 years, 8 months.
Your new deal is firmly in place, and you're prepared to do what you agreed to. You just didn't expect your end of the deal to be enforced again so soon. It's all in the name of helping... Right?
Chapter 4: Koji Koda- Convicted of arson, assault, and non-peaceful protesting of multiple animal testing facilities; currently serving 40 years with a chance of parole for $15,000 bond. Time incarcerated: 3 years, 7 months.
Animal rights activists can't be too scary... can they? You're a little less than a month into your new job, and it's going relatively smooth. The deal is going as planned, and you seem to be making progress. Turns out this activist isn't scary after all... He's downright terrifying.
Chapter 5 : Rikidou Sato- Convicted for drug trafficking and the assault of 5 police officers; currently serving 90 years with a chance of parole after 40 years. Time incarcerated: 1 month, 3 weeks, 2 days.
Marking the last day of your first month is your final first session. After today, you can confidently say that you know what to expect with your assigned inmates. That doesn't mean what you're to expect will be easy. Withdrawal really brings out the worst in people, doesn't it?
Epilogue 1: Every action has consequences... Unfortunately, Y/n engaged in the same action with 5 different people. So, which one is the reason for this consequence?
Mentions pregnancy and abortion, if you are sensitive to either of those topics, I'd advise you to redirect to Epilogue 2 for the second ending. Open ended/up to interpretation of the reader. Can be read for any of the inmates
Epilogue 2: Every action has consequences...Unfortunately, Y/n's bleeding heart is her consequence. But for whom does it bleed?
Contains an individual ending for each inmate. 'Pick your own ending' style
"Jailbirds" Coming Soon
Full Masterlist:
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midnightsun-if · 1 year
Ooh let's do 🌏 Earth: Would the Ros give up the world for someone they love or MC? Is this decision easy for them?
Koda: No. Koda wouldn’t trade the world— not when it has so many innocent people living on it. It’s not something he’d ever be able to stomach doing. Though, he also wouldn’t be able to stomach the fact that he lost you because of it.
Scarlett: You would be Helen of Troy, the face that launched a thousand ships. She’d absolutely trade the world for the MC, and wouldn’t have any qualms about doing so. She’d watch it burn to the ground… Hell, she’s probably the one that brought the match.
Cyrus/Cyra: It would be a hard choice, but they’d ultimately choose the world. They’d be an inch from caving and choosing you, however, but they’d end up changing their mind when they realize they need to think with their head and not their heart; even if it’d tear them apart to do it.
Quinn: Can they offer themself in this scenario? They’d gladly sacrifice their own life to ensure that you could still live. If they couldn’t? Then they’d choose the world, but it would be with great hesitance (and if the MC pled for their life then Quinn would probably change their mind).
Caden: They’d choose the world. Even if not choosing you would make them feel like they’ve died for the second time.
Sloane: They’ve lost their pack and family. They’re not about to lose you too. It would be a difficult choice, but they’d ultimately choose you.
Blake: They’re a selfish bastard. They’d never trade you for anything in the world. It would be an easy decision to make for them, but it’d be one that’d weigh heavily on them regardless.
Reginald/Regina: The world. It wouldn’t be a choice taken lightly, they probably would have made spreadsheets, but they wouldn’t be able to stomach the guilt of allowing so much harm to befall so many people.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
What's really killing me is just how bad Shoji, a kid mind you, the youngest in his class, was treated here and in his past.
He had to wear a mask since he was younger. Not only that, he's tall and has six arms.
He looks intimidating compared to Spinner. While yeah, some people are scared of lizards, some people also find them cute. Spinner also has just two arms and isn't as tall as Shoji. And didn't wear a mask that covered his face.
The other mutants call Shoji a "traitor" and threaten him, and Shoji is used to the threats?!
These mutants, Spinner included, are examples of people who have been in bad situations and take turns for the worse. They don't make things better. Yes, mistreatment of someone because of their looks is never justifiable. However, does that mean you, the victim, carry that heavy weight of negativity? Do you continue to mope around?
Or do you actually do something about it to make things for yourself and others who go through the same thing better?
Shoji is someone, again a WHOLE CHILD NOW, who while looks like a "monster" or "villain" decided to actually do something about his situation. He decided to prove how wrong people are about him by attending a hero school, the top one at that.
It really does hurt that in real life, there people who have it just as bad or even worse than others who actually try to change their situation for the better for themselves and others like them while those who view them as "traitors" do nothing but complain and mope.
Really, if you have the means to make things better, do it.
When I saw those leaks, I just felt bad for Shoji and Koda because here are actual children who are attending hero school to make changes while these adults take out their anger on them.
Yes, they have every right to be angry, but it's not okay to take it out on people who are innocent. Especially those who are in the same situation.
That's a theme I noticed with this series. Some of the ADULT (hero or villain) characters tend to be mopey about their past or current situation which is understandable. However, they then turn around and do things that do not make their situation better. Which, yes, can be hard and frustrating. But it takes the effort to change it.
They brought up Nezu, calling him being a principal of a hero school something that is "faked", but... NEZU IS LITERALLY A HYBRID OF ANIMALS AND WAS EXPERIMENTED ON. Again, he had it bad. Now, how he got to be principal, I wanna know, too. But I do like to think that once he learned to think for himself, he decided "you know what, I'm about to pull such a move" and then BAM. Became principal. Could it be possible he was just placed there? Just a pawn? I don't know, but...
Keep in mind, he looks like a rat. An animal that is often depicted in negative ways such as "disease ridden". Can you imagine Nezu hearing that?! Ooh!
And you know what, he was used as an example as to how angry people will be take their anger out on innocent people. Remember back in season 2, also the Final Exam arc, when he was Kaminari and Ashido's opponent? He almost killed those kids. The scene was played for laughs, but it was an earlier example of the current more dark situation with Shoji and Spinner's followers.
There's just a whole mess of wires to untangle here.
Overall, I just want to hug all the mutants, especially the kids. Especially the kids.
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Once again, I think my asks are being eaten SO:
1) I am torn between two names for Koda’s pupper - Whisper and Moro. Whisper is a character from Sonic the Hedgehog. Moro is the name of the giant wolf that raised San in Princess Mononoke. Both work, but I’m not sure. 
(Also, I’m just imagining after the internships. Like, hey guys, how was it?
Kaminari: “I found out I have a sister cause my dad is a serial cheater.”
Momo: “I was used to shill hair products, and repeatedly insulted about my weight.”
Tsuyu: “I stopped a drug smuggling ring.”
Fumikage: “Eimi and I spent the entire week trying to keep up, and I don’t know if Hawks ever figured out that Eimi and I are separate people.”
Iida: “… I tried to kill someone via vigilante justice …”
Izuku: “I tried to STOP Iida from committing murder via vigilante justice!”
Shoto: “I helped Izuku and Iida not get killed by Stain.”
Himiko: “I was also there!”
Kouda: “… I found a doggie. She can change size. She saved my life, and we’re friends now. She can carry me, and is very fast … She said I’d be a good hero …”
Everyone else: “Fuck it, he wins.”)
2) Glad you like “Seance”! I think my idea was, Fumi can kind of … “connect” with someone via their Quirk, which … considering most Quirk users he meets are ALIVE, doesn’t do much beyond giving him some mild empathy powers. Though with Eimi, it lets them fight as almost one person. It’s not until he meets people with Quirks that have Vestiges, like Izuku and [Redacted] that he starts really getting anywhere with his Quirk, or starts realizing it EXISTS in the first place. I’m … actually not sure if Fumi would realize his Quirk? Like, with Vestiges, if he trains it enough, he could probably see and speak to them. Currently, he’s just … passively empowering them to be able to interact physical objects? That he’s focusing on? Like with the Ouija Board (I’m trying to think of limits so Fumi can’t just wholesale SUMMON GHOSTS).
Though, now I’m imagining he figures out his Quirk, gets it working, and then meets AfO.
AfO: *smooth, charismatic recruitment speech*
Fumi, looking at the literal ARMY of angry Vestiges around AfO: “Sir, I’m going to have to respectfully decline.”
Honestly the fact that Koda’s internship starts with ‘I need a new mentor because mine got hit with a bus’ and ‘the world is full of free dogs!’ he’s really just swinging between great time and bad time.
Also my only name thoughts is because I keep thinking of the size changing dog from Danny Phantom, which is Cujo, named after the Stephen King book. Which.... worked in DP but is too dark for Koda.
Re: Fumikage:
Honestly I’m liking it on just. Being able to click with someone’s Quirk mentally. But yeah he mostly hasn’t expanded on it because he doesn’t realize it’s there. He just clicks into Eimi’s energy because he’s used to it it takes no effort.
And now it’s getting a touch stronger already as he clicks with his classmates in battle, but it’s not as practiced on others so it’s more ‘general vibes’ rather than full on connection.
Plus! He’s now actually constantly around a bunch of Ghosts thanks to Izuku and [REDACTED]. His passive ability to sense them is constantly being activated, which has him looking closer, and eventually he’ll be able to see them properly.
Also YEAH The looking at AfO the most haunted motherfucker is just. OOH BOY.
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atomic-taco-muffin · 1 year
It was Kurumi's birthday yesterday(10th june). (It's 5am atm💀 forgot to sleep) so I was thinking, small fic for her x gn(or fem) reader celebrating her birthday? Maybe reader getting her a kitten? Cuddles and appreciation for our best girl?
Omg, that's so cool! She and my dog Koda share the same birthday (happy three years baby boy!)
Kurumi x GN!Reader: Happy Birthday
Warnings: Cloud made fluff, Kurumi being a little bit of a flirt
Rating: SFW
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It was a sunny morning in your apartment in Japan. The morning sun shone is bright rays into your bedroom window, prompting you to wake up. You looked at your alarm clock on the bedside table and saw that it was seven thirty. Curled up behind you was your beloved girlfriend, Kurumi, who was still asleep. You knew she was a heavy sleeper and wouldn't be up for another hour. You got out of bed, and headed to the kitchen to begin working on her birthday breakfast. And also her birthday gift. Over the past years of knowing her, you learned that she had love for cats and had decided to get her a kitten. It was difficult to find a place to keep the kitten hidden where she wouldn't find it and to keep it quiet.
As you were making breakfast, you felt two hands wrap around your waist and looked over your shoulder to see Kurumi wearing your shirt and kissing your shoulder, as if saying good morning
"Happy birthday," you smiled.
"Aw, you remembered! That's so sweet, darling," she replied in that flirtatious tone of hers. "So, what is my love making for my birthday breakfast?"
"Your favorite. And I have a gift for you afterwards," you replied.
"Ooh, what is it?!" she asked excitedly.
"Love, it is against the rules of a birthday to tell that. It'll ruin the surprise." Kurumi pouted but headed to the dining room, waiting for her breakfast. Soon, it was ready and the two of you enjoyed a delicious dish of pancakes with bacon and eggs while admiring each other and Kurumi flirting with you. Breakfast was soon over, a little too soon in your opinion. You took both yours and Kurumi's plate and placed them in the dishwasher to be clean. You soon returned and saw Kurumi looking excited for her present.
"Alright, my love. Close your eyes," you said and Kurumi closed them with a smile, knowing that your present was going to be amazing. You went into the other room and picked up the small kitten that you had adopted at the animal shelter and brought it to Kurumi. "Okay, and open."
She opened her eyes and melted at the sight of the little kitten in your arms.
"Oh my gosh, look at this little cutie!" she squealed as she took the tiny animal into her arms. It warmed your heart to see the love of your life so happy and it made you even happier knowing there was a new addition to the family.
"Thank you, my love. It's the best gift ever," Kurumi smiled.
"You're welcome, darling. I would do anything to see you smile," you replied. For the rest of the day, you and Kurumi bonded with the little kitten and soon fell asleep on the couch, all snuggled up together.
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themundanemudperson · 2 months
Xenoceratops AU! The Sunbathing Squad (Shelby, Koda, and Riley) consistently sunbathe on the museum roof in ranger form to appease the dinosaur inside. they have been on the news multiple times for it. they have been spotted in cuddle piles and separately facing multiple different directions. The Concerned Boyfriends(TM) have come out multiple times bringing in snacks.
Koda and James are quadrupedal in ranger form because Stego and Ankylo tail weapons are not designed to be used by bipeds cause it would definitely throw them off balance and into someone else.
Also should we share our Xenoceratops au on discord?
the sunbathing squad is iconic for that
and yes i love the concerned boyfriends. they're being very good bfs!!!!
ooh that's cool. yeah the tail would probably be hard to work with on 2 legs
and yeah it'd be cool to share on discord!!
i don't even remember how this started tho 😭 so it'll be a pain in the ass to explain and gather all the posts bc i've been ... inconsistent at best abt tagging :(
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simmerdowndee · 5 months
uni_dayz episode nine part two
Noah and Laura are headed over to hang out. It’s been nice hanging out with these two, feels like old times. You know, before we decided to start dating and adding that type of chaos in our lives. I hear them at the door. Its open, so they come right on in.
Laura: Koda bear!
Dakota: So happy you guys came over to visit.
Noah: Are you doing okay?
Dakota: Yeah, I’m okay. My workload this semester isn’t too bad. Taking those two courses during the summer benefited me.
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I took two courses during the summer to keep my mind off of… you know. It actually worked as they were very heavy instruction on top of my clerkship. Since I did those then, I was able to free up my schedule for other things I may want to do.
Laura: You guys are coming to my graduation, right?
Dakota: Yeah, I don’t know, I may be busy…
Noah: Yeah, I think I have a seminar….
Laura: Are you guys serious?
*Noah and I bust out laughing*
Dakota: Of course, we’ll be there.
Noah: I wish I took a picture of your face.
Laura: Assholes.
Dakota: I’m so excited for you!
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Laura: I am excited too. I am working on my first exhibit soon.
Noah: We get VIP, right?
Laura: The best of the best for my besties.
Dakota: I can’t wait to see it.
Dakota: What are we doing this weekend?
Laura: Uh… I have a date.
Dakota: Ooh with who?
Laura: Someone from my program…...
Dakota: You have a picture of her?
Noah: Yeah, stop being secretive.
Laura: Here, nosy.
Dakota: She’s very pretty Laura.
Noah: She looks familiar…….
Laura: Please don’t tell me you’ve dated her……….?
Noah: No, not one of mine.
Dakota: One of yours, what do you have a fucking roster or something?
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Noah: You sound jealous.
Laura: It sounds like you guys are flirting, stop.
*Dakota laughs*
Dakota: Well, I have nothing to do this weekend so… movies and junk food it is.
Noah: Do you want to go with me to this new arcade?
Dakota: There’s a new arcade?
Noah: Yeah, and it as DDR.
Noah: I knew you’d say yes. I’ll pick you up around 8:30
Laura: First it was flirting and now you’re going on a date….
Dakota: I take you on dates all the time?
Laura: Because its me.
Noah: Wow.
Noah: Don’t be mad she likes me more.
Laura: Please. I am the love of her life.
Dakota: Its true.
Noah: No DDR for you then.
Dakota: Awh c’mon baby.
*Noah gets incredibly red*
*Dakota and Laura bust out laughing*
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Noah: Jesus you are loud.
Dakota: Yeah, I’m getting a migraine girl.
Laura: No? C’mon!
We banter a bit before we all head out to go eat lunch. I’m excited to hang out with Noah this weekend. I haven’t really been out in a while. It will be refreshing to see walls not located in my townhome.
Meanwhile…. In Windenburg
(Theo’s POV)
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I’ve been in Windenburg for about 4 months now, and It’s been good. I’ve met a lot of new people in my program. School is also going well. Its interesting to study from across the world. I completed my first week of work and we had our first big win with a client. My team is going out to celebrate. I have to admit, when we secured our first client, the first person I was ready to tell was Dakota. I haven’t really gotten used to not being able to text or call her when I want. To be quite honest, I miss her. I miss her a lot.
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Ana: Theo, are you coming?
Theo: Huh, yeah. I’ll be right there.
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I’ve thought about just saying fuck it and calling her, but every time I get ready to push the call button, I back out. I wouldn’t even know what to say to her….
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I hope she’s doing well.
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blood-injections · 7 months
you should tell me about the band au i'm so fascinated by the band au
YES I SHOULDD I FINALLY HAVE WIFI BACK(hopefully it doesnt disconnect Again .its been a frustrating week) AND I CAN FINALLY BRAINROTPOST ABOUT IT OKAY SO
Where to start lets seee. This au is at the like. "Google docs loredump but ive been obsessed with it enough that ive been drawing and ive written a couple little silly but not quite significant bits" stage still lol. Theres funkobra and jetpoison but the funkobra is like SLOW slow burn theyre just weird gay besties that fuck around and make out sometimes but arent actually Together in any way so theres this horrible tension and theres bits of like. See kobras a little slut so hes being gay with sandman and show pony and even an oc that has his own band and so the funkobra is. They dont know why the tension is like that until like. The literal last chapter when they're . Ohhhh shit. We GAY gay. That makes sense. At least thats the plan. The jetpoison is a lot less slow lol they meet and are like ooh you pretty and yeah.
So the first like half of this au is set in the city and actually its less of a fab four band au and more just Kobra's rebellious punk phase au because its focused around him and the Band isnt all four of them together until like. Way on in the story. Poison is even a sort of antagonistic foil character until then too. Because hehe venom sibling angst and theres a few moments where its poison thats the catalyst of Kobra's like. Character growth via spite. Also this au is kobra kid 🤝 jet star being some badass motherfuckers like damn.
So they're in the city, Kobra's like seventeen, not Kobra yet, knows hes trans but not a word for it and isnt out to Poison but Poison Knows enough that hes like. 'Hey i know you dont like this' whe they have to dress to a code or something, and they cae up with a name he likes when he was like way younger bc he hated his deadname so hes already Koda. But hes never been like hey I'm a boy. Poisons a couple years older and works a lot because its just them so he has some office job he hates and the city is on his ass for crow training or something which. He really doesn't want. Because hes in no way loyal to bli hes risking a lot just by keeping himself and kobra off the pills and keeping bli from realizing that. He isnt thinking of being a rebel yet or getting kobra out like in most fics or headcanons no its kobra that ends up dragging poison out. Poisons super overprotective to the point of being a asshole about it because its just them and hes seen too much and knows that you cant get away with getting into trouble forever, and kobras always getting into trouble, and better living has a eye on him because hes autistic and also poisons like labelled as Kobra's caretaker by the city since its just them, and bli is also on poisons ass with that because they want kobra for some kind of test because hes aging out and wont be like a minor and they want to 'fix/cure' him. So poison worrys, poison babys him, because his only goal is to keep kobra safe however he can because hes fucking terrified that his little brother is going to be taken away and hes seen what people come back as when bli takes them to be 'fixed.'
And kobra gets this, he does, and he loves his brother, but he hates him, he hates it, he feels trapped and coddled and between poisons sternness and what the city wants with him and even the city regulations on how he as a female has to look, he feels he has no freedom or privacy and hes cooped up as all hell. So he gets into trouble. He sneaks out no matter how poison tries to keep him from it or ground him, he sneaks out and hides his hair and steals poisons clothes and goes and bes a boy where he can because to the city his days are numbered and hed rather risk it all to have a little fun every night and just be himself than live some boring lie like hes medicated and obedient like everyone else. He doesn't want to rot like that. Poison wants to keep him safe, wants to keep him alive, but Kobra wants to live. Because his mindset is a very reasonable one of 'whats the point of being alive if you're miserable,' but not in an 'i want to die because i am miserable' way but in an, 'out of pure fucking spite, i will change my circumstances, i will be what i want and i wont be miserable and maybe i will die trying but i will have died being happy' way. Because this kid is running on pure spite and rage and envy, of his brother, of friends, of killjoys, of martyrs. Hes angry about it all, Poison is just scared. UGH. me when the venom siblings. hghhdfjdjs.
So he sneaks out, stirs up trouble with street kids and droids and Show Pony, who legit sneaks into the city every so often just to cause chaos and stir up rebellion in the streets. This fic can pretty much be explained as: show pony is pete wentz and the battery city rebellion is the 2000s emo scene. They know everyone and they've got their claws in every little crevice. The suitehearts probably exist because of them, its their actions that domino to what ghouls doing when kobra meets him, and its how they meet that causes them to become friends and start a band, and it all traces back to Pony, its hilarious.
So he meets Ghoul and Sandman, because they're street gremlins together, and they jam a lot and basically play protest songs on the street with people watching out for crows in case they need to scatter and its just Sandmans bad singing and playing a diy guitar while Ghoul drums on some buckets, and sometimes Crab is there with an actual bass but he isn't that good lol. But its punk its to be expected. So he becomes friends with them and when they realize he can sing theyre like omg you should jam with us. And hes like ehhh but eventually does and realizes he loves it. And as time passes they all get more skilled and protest songs in the street turn into actual shows at underground clubs and like, these speakeasys that hide just under blis noses. And being a band is hand in hand with being a juvie halls because if bli was to catch them they'd be so fucked, so if you play music you might as well participate in all the other rebel stuff, and they do, kobra does, he becomes known and the makeshift band of fab four/suitehearts members before theyre the conventional weapons becomes known, he comes up with the name Kobra as a rebel name and hes surrounded by people that treat him like the boy he is.
Meanwhile his relationship with poison is getting more and more strained. Poison is getting desperate and starts trying to follow kobra when he sneaks out but kobras really good at losing him. When kobra is home hes hardly talking to poison anymore. Then some Shit comes. Poison finally manages to follow Kobra to his destination, and its on a night that the bands show is a big fucking dangerous distraction that they purposely gave bli a tip about. So bli storms the concert and the juvie rebellion uses the distraction to break recently caotured killjoy prisoners out of prison. Jet Star is among them.
So poison finds this concert, his quiet little sister up on stage, singing, with a buzzcut hes been hiding. And he storms throigh the pit to up to the front of the stage and kobra sees him and his singing falters and poisons pissed, he expects kobra to be pissed that hes here, but no, kobra looks fucking horribly terrifed at the sight of him and that makes poison falter in turn. And then better living fucking busts in, stun guns firing, and poisons in total shock and kobra grabs him and he ends up running from crows with the band until they get to the underground and its just. A mess. The killjoy prisoners arrive and this is like. Halfway or more through this story and the fab four are finally all in one place. And their band doesn't even exist yet.
Anyway poisons in on it all now and has whiplash and like, well kobras not stopping because his brother knows about the band or rellion or his being a boy, and actually poison sees the change kobra fucking made with that show and is sympathetic to the killjoys and oh that one is really pretty and so theyre terrified but actually pretty supportive of it all and so more time passes and kobra just starts. Dragging them along to practices and stuff. And they find themself learning bass and getting involved with the rebellion and then joining the band when they play and theyve just. Become party poison at some point. Jet star got back out to the desert before long but poison taked to them a bit and totally likes them. I havent planned what happens to make them finally leave the city, but poison, kobra and ghoul all leave to become killjoys, the band is just theirs now and they need a guitarist and like pony steps in sometimes and other friends but they don't have a permanent one. Poison reunites with Star and they vibe and shes hanging around a lot and just. Joins the band somehow. And they become the fab four and the conventional weapons and yeah. Thats the bones of it. Theres so much more and little things 💀 Oh and Ghoul and Jet are both spanish speakers and im rusty but its getting me learning and stuff again so im actually writing their spanish bits out and the venom sibs learning it and its honestly so fun. Star cursing out a exterminator in spanish is. Whew.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 9 months
Free rein to talk about whatever you want regarding PoP! I love that AU and I’m curious to see what you’re waiting for someone to ask about.
Ooh boy. Okay so with POP, I am having so much fun figuring out ways for various characters to get Faerun powers. I won't have EVERYONE get them, but I do plan on at least Tsu, Rody, Koda, Ochako, Tenya, Mina and a few others.
But we also are going to learn that a lot of people unknowingly have Faerun ancestry. We already heard Spinner mention it's possible and for him? It's true. Not a huge plot point, but there is at least three people in 1A who have a parent from Faerun unknowingly.
As well, as we saw with Jiro, I have taken quite the liberty with D&D systems a bit. Jiro cannot become a bard unless she has control over her storm sorcery powers... meanwhile Kaminari doesn't seem to control his at all. So she's angry at him for what she views as being immature and goofing off, when in reality poor guy has no fucking clue. He has no idea he's a sorcerer which is BAD cause of his Quirk.
A small sneak peek: "It's a miracle no one died yet because of him."
As well, some people just cannot channel magic for various reasons. It happens, but well... jealousy, jealousy, jealousy.
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midnightsun-if · 5 months
Does Scarlett's interest in the horror genre extend into true crime? 👀 ooh and if each ro decided to put on a netflix show/movie, what would it be?
Koda: Virgin River… don’t know why, but I could see him getting so into this show. (Like I did.)
Scarlett: Either The Haunting of Hill House or The Haunting of Bly Manor, she doesn’t care which. (She can get into a good True Crime Documentary or Cold Cases, but it just depends on the program quality and things like that, but she’ll always prefer horror.)
Cyrus/Cyra: The Crown, I could just see them finding that show fascinating.
Quinn: Either Sweet Magnolias or The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window.
Caden: School Spirits, I think for obvious reasons.
Sloane: Dead to Me would probably be something that interests them.
Blake: Lucifer — I feel like they’d find the show funny.
Reginald/Regina: Stranger Things would be a given for them.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
oooooo hi kiya !!! do u have any headcanons for hobbies the kids in class 1a might enjoy?? candy for u -> 🍬
You just reminded me that I have a draft for 1A Headcanons I have... I'll finish it eventually...
But I do! Yes, I do!
Now I don't have hobbies for every student, maybe, but I do have some.
Okay, other than canon hobbies...
Jiro - music
Ashido - dance
Sato - baking
Shinsou - cycling (yes, I'm adding him, who is stopping me?)
A few I headcanon are...
Ojiro and Shoji being into sewing and knitting. I figure because of their quirks, they picked up on sewing because they may have to make adjustments to their clothing and sometimes help others, like maybe an accidental rip in jeans.
Ooh, and Koda! I can see him knitting those cute sweaters and scarfs.
Midoriya and Kaminari, I see being artistic. Midoriya is more into sketching on paper, using markers and pencils. For Kaminari, I can see him being more into doing his art digitally, maybe even do those gifs that we see here on Tumblr.
Okay, before I didn't have on for Iida, but now I feel like he'll be into writing. He probably reads a lot, but it's not genres you expect. I think he'll like to read different genres, he doesn't stick to one. Same with writing. He'll try to write romance and then switch to horror.
For Tokoyami, I see him doing poetry and also writing songs. I can see him being into astrology just like Uraraka. They have in depth conversations about astrology.
Hagakure is a nail artist in my head. She likes to play with colors, charms, designs, crystals. And since moving into the dorms, she'll practice on anyone who will let her. Ojiro is often her candidate.
This will always be a funny one to me, but Todoroki and those fun shaped ice trays. Hear me out! I see him and Yaomomo making those aesthetic drink videos. Todoroki really favors the ice trays and he got really excited knowing he could have teddy bear and rose ice cubes and in different flavors. So almost every day, he'll use them and it developed into making the videos with Yaomomo because she couldn't resist making pretty tea and coffee drinks.
Sato also makes treats for the videos.
Sero is a gymnast in my head. He also does yoga (with Ojiro who I also see being into yoga) and aerial dancing. The way he uses his quirk and his body type just gives me those vibes.
For now, that's what I came up with for some of 1A!
Also thank you!! Here -> 🍪
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rainsmediaradio · 1 year
Seyi Vibez - God Sent Lyrics
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Seyi Vibez - God Sent Lyrics Intro Oh Lord Oluwa loseyi, oh oh Vibez Zee on the beating Ooh-yayy, yayy-yayy Verse 1 Pikin wey no get helper suppose to get sense oh T'oba te'e mole, tun so fun won pe "brother, no vex oh" 'Cause some people dey, dem be enemies of progress oh Mama call me yesterday 'ku ojo meta she say "hello" But as young as I am, I get guys wey dey blao Show me your friend, I'll tell you who you are If you give them the chance, dem go do you anyhow Mare padi e je, sh'omo pe koda o But as I be street boy, e no mean say mio ni'wa rara Sheb'owo toh shey kishi sha, lomo'pe nwa, ah-ayy Uh-ayy, yeah-yeah Chorus Eyin toh laye, e duro timi K'ala numi, ko wamiri Ofa aye, maje kobami So, I dey pray almighty Eyin toh laye, e duro timi K'ala numi, ko wamiri Ofa aye, maje kobami So, I dey pray almighty Awade, de-de, ayy-ayy, awade Motide si e lorun, baba motide, ayy-yeah Awade, de-de, ayy-ayy, awade Atide si e lorun, baba awade, ahh-yeah-yeah Verse 2 Oju lomo n toh yo'nu Talika mo oun toh ba tan Olowo mo'ye iwon toh won K'Olorun maba ire ayo mi je No rich papa and no rich mama Sometimes I wonder why I come this life May be na me God send to make things right For my family with my melody I can hear them screaming my name Oluwaloseyi, dem ah feeling the wave I can picture the face Dem draggin' my cloth and dem saying "ooh-yeah" I no wan sing in vain Make bad belle no go ask say "wetin I gain?" Baba gbemi lowo soke Yeah, ooh-yeah Chorus Eyin toh laye, e duro timi K'ala numi, ko wamiri Ofa aye, maje kobami So, I dey pray almighty Eyin toh laye, e duro timi K'ala numi, ko wamiri Ofa aye, maje kobami So, I dey pray almighty Awade, de-de, ayy-ayy, awade Motide si e lorun, baba motide, ayy-yeah Awade, de-de, ayy-ayy, awade Atide si e lorun, baba awade, ahh-yeah-yeah Outro Eyin toh laye, e duro timi K'ala numi, ko wamiri Ofa aye, maje kobami So, I dey pray almighty Eyin toh laye, e duro timi K'ala numi, ko wamiri Ofa aye, maje kobami So, I dey pray almighty Awade, de-de, ayy-ayy, awade (de, de) Motide si e lorun, baba motide, ayy-yeah (moti de oh) Awade, de-de, ayy-ayy, awade Atide si e lorun, baba awade, ahh-yeah-yeah 'T plenty Aide, ayy-ayy-ayy Motide Zee on the Mix Bad boy Read the full article
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xiphoboi · 6 years
Brother Bear deserves a live-action remake and someone should talk about that with me right now
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ryttu3k · 3 years
Time for Sins of the Sires! Going to liveblog my first run here. The writer's last game emotionally ruined me so this should be interesting.
My character will be Elias Katsaros, or, essentially, AU Pyre XD Fixed computers, went dancing in clubs. Let's go with Julian as an ex! Disciplines... not seeing Blood Sorcery there. Going with Obfuscate for the first one, then Celerity, which should hopefully lead to it. Third discipline... hmm, Animalism, Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude, or Potence... fuck it, Auspex. Then Animalism. Damn this is one tanky neonate. 9 dots in disciplines already!
Oh yeah this definitely has similar vibes to Rent-a-Vice so far, writing-wise.
"No. I believe in justice, not authority." Hashtag just little Banu Haqim things.
Vole didn't laugh at, "Your pizza's here!" :(
Interesting that he came back from the Beckoning.
I love the aesthetic choices tbh. Soft goth, death metal, quirky librarian, hipster dude, indie pop rock, boho, corporate sleek, "...just, normal?". Let's go with... hipster vibes for Elias!
"But right now, you're a Hipster sipping from a blood bag like it's a goddamn artisanal coffee drink."
Persa please be nice :(
This whole situation is sad. Poor Selim and Andre.
I do like Gor. He seems to be a romance option (along with Persa and Markos, so far), although I'll just keep it relatively platonic for now.
Fuck it no matter what version Pyre's a softie. That's a Masquerade breach, probably XD;;
omg bat. Bat bat bat bat bat friend. Your name shall be Batty Koda and I shall love you <3
lmao whoops wrong choice of name XD 'Martha motions you in. "This is Elias, a friend." The stumble of hesitation before the word "friend" is almost imperceptible. "Elias, this is Elias."' Other Elias seems sweet, at least.
Elias just deathstaring the murderous seneschel godspeed bby. Oh hey, Dio looks funky but the words, "It was me, Dio!" just slammed into the side of my head.
Re: Kapriel, the Banu Haqim primogen and Gor's sire:
'Why do you have the feeling he knows you? And even more than that, that he dislikes you?
And that, maybe, you know him, too?'
I mean I am gunning for Banu Haqim. Maybe he's our sire?
Neoptolemos sounds like the kind that may turn on the Prince. Hmmm!
Oh the casual misogyny and cover-ups. FUCK HIM UP GOR.
'"I don't need you to defend me to a bunch of monsters," he spits.
The only thing that saves your relationship is how bad you actually are at diplomacy, which he finds almost endearing.'
An attempt was made XD;;
Oh boy. If the BH Primogen is our sire, I already dislike him XD;;
'Savvas smiles, showing off his bloodless gums. "First of all, I'm vegan, so cows are safe with me," he says. "But, more importantly, a cow cannot consent," he continues. "I can, and I did."'
Savvas said animal rights. Probably not so much human rights, but animal rights, at least XD;;
Poor guy :(
Ooh man. I wonder if the greyed-out options after Markos marks a blood sigil means I ended up with Banu Haqim and Elias' bane is about to kick in? Oh never mind it was a vision.
Bat baby survived <3
Usurper? :( Not the result I wanted, oh boy XD;;
Well this is fucked up! Aristovoros' cult, maybe? This is a hell of a Masquerade breach if it is.
'Quickly, you unfold the piece of paper. "Amphitryon is dead," the message reads. "Gor is wanted for murder."
> Good for Gor, if he got that asshole.'
Fuck him up bby <3
Oof. Was that a frenzy? Kicked in very... gently, hm.
Oh, hmm! Maybe siding with hunters for this ending? Elias invoked his humanity and said there were worse than him around, and offered to help work with the woman to find them. That could be interesting, actually!
Persa where the fuck are we going :|
Oh goodie they want me to kill Gor. Preeeeetty much already decided I'm Not Doing That XD;;
I s2g every time Batty Koda shows up I get anxious he's gonna get hurt ;_;
Hell yeah made it out. Kinda wonder how this'd go on a romance route, too.
'Gor hesitates, but then you see something settle inside him. He's made up his mind, and he's going to see this through. "I know who your sire is," he says. "You're not going to like it."
"Because I know him well. Because he's mine, too, and I know first-hand the burden of heredity."'
OH. CALLED IT. I guess each clan has a different sire option? Along with Banu Haqim, there's also Tremere, Ventrue, Malkavian, or Thinblood; not sure about Thinblood, but the other options may be Markos actually being your sire for Tremere, the Prince for Malkavian, or Sophia for Ventrue? "Unmask your true sire. Is it the Prince Peisistratos? One of the city's Primogen? Is it Aristovoros himself?" Hm, do we know what clan Aristovoros is?
Sibling found <3 Kinda glad didn't romance him, haha. I'm liking the familial vibe, honestly. On our way out of Greece, with our sibling and bat friend!
Aaand it's our sire. Time to run away!
Interesting, seems like we're officially going to affiliate with the Anarchs?
Mm. Not great circumstances. I'm noting some interesting themes along the same lines of Rent-a-Vice, here - agency and having the ability to choose your own bad choices. There, it's the Feeders; here, the ghouls.
Hey this guy is a dick :( (Also, Gor? Definitely the MVP, and I totally want him to meet Raul.)
...augh :( Gor dies defending Elias. Elias escorted back to Athens to be sacrificed. Okay this isn't good.
Hm! Okay, so that sire option is definitely. Not an option lmao
Okay that plan didn't go so well. Got chills at the Beast speaking.
Persa's letter ;_;
That was a ride! Lots more achievements and endings and paths to do, but that's the first playthrough done!
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bakugousbussy · 3 years
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Plus Ultra
BakuDeku w/ Lee! Deku & Ler! Bakugou
Summary: Ever since being enrolled in U.A. Midoriya won’t quit saying “Plus Ultra!” Whether it would be meaningful like when he was giving a pep talk, or stupid like when he was trying to open a jar of pickles. And Bakugou was getting annoyed.
It started off as a beautiful day. The sun was slowly starting to peak out from behind the horizon, birds chirping a sweet tune, dew resting on the grass.
Bakugou opened his eyes, it was 630AM, he sat up and took a deep gulp of air. Enjoying the morning’s peace and quiet, sighing happily at the scene. Nothing could ruin his day.
Around 730AM, everyone else started to awake and emerge from their dorm rooms and into the common area. Small talk, morning greetings, and the smell of breakfast filled the air.
“Can you pass me the ketchup please?” Uraraka turned to ask Midoriya, while pointing at the red bottle that was next to him.
“Oh yeah of course!” Deku beamed her a smile as he passed her the bottle.
Uraraka fiddled with the cap for about a minute before sighing out loud, defeated.
“Deku can you open it?” She hands the bottle back to Deku, giving him a small smile and looking down at her food, slightly embarrassed. Imagine being a pro-hero in training and losing to a bottle of ketchup.
Deku notices her visual distress, “Hey, don’t worry! You know what you need to do? Go Plus Ultra! Focus all your strength and try again!” He shot her a wide smile.
Bakugou, who was sitting on the couch at the time, listening to their conversation, just rolls his eyes. “Go pLuS ULtRa!” He mocks, whispering to himself.
“You’re right Deku! Hand the bottle back!” Excitement and determination replaced her previous embarrassed face, as she grabbed the bottle from Deku before struggling a bit with the cap, but finally popping it off.
“Deku I did it!” Uravity exclaims, huge smile plastered on her face.
“Because you did it PLUS ULTRA!”
Deku and Uraraka laugh and continued to finish their breakfast before the school day started.
It was 830AM and the members of the Bakusquad were all seated in the common area impatiently waiting for Kirishima.
“Kirishima hurry up!” Mina sighed, looking at the red head.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I forgot about the math worksheet! I have like 5 problems left!” Kirishima responded with a panic, trying to quickly solve the math problems in front of him.
“We’re going to be late for school if you don’t hurry up, then Aizawa sensei is gonna chew us out!” Denki said with a hint of fear laced in his words.
“Tch. Shitty hair, we better not be late because of you.” Bakugou snarled from his position on the couch.
Midoriya sat on the opposite side of the table Kirishima was working on. Deku was engrossed in his hero notebook, writing thoughts, making up strategies, all while mumbling to himself. The green haired boy snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a frustrated sigh coming from Kirishima.
“Kirishima are you okay?” Izuku asked with genuine concern.
“This last problem is hurting my brain!” Kirishima whined, erasing his previous markings and letting out another frustrated sigh when he dropped his pencil from erasing too hard.
“Don’t worry! You know what you need to do? Just make your brain go Plus Ultra!” Midoriya nodded as he gave Kirishima his nonhelpful advice.
The phrase made Bakugou once again roll his eyes. Make your brain go Plus Ultra? How are you even going to do that? That was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Nobody with half a brain cell is going to believe they can make their stupid brain go ‘Plus Ultra’. Bakugou thought.
“You’re so right MidoBro!”
Of course Shitty hair is going to eat that crap up. Bakugou finished his thought. Scowl on his face as he scrolled through his phone, angrily listening to the conversation.
“And there, it’s done!” Kirishima sighed in relief as he shoved his now finished math homework into his backpack. “Thank you for encouraging me Midoriya! And thank you brain for going Plus Ultra!” Kirishima happy danced his way over to the Bakusquad. “Alright let’s head to class!”
Time was going by so slow. Bakugou felt like he’s been in the same class forever. When the bell finally rang he jumped with excitement.
Finally, my favorite class. Bakugou thought, a small grin creeping on his face. Gym.
Everyone got changed into their gym clothes and met Aizawa sensei at USJ.
“Okay students, I will be splitting you up into partners and you will have to work together to stay hidden. Me and some of the other teachers are going to try to catch you.” Aizawa stated, monotone.
“Like a game of hide and seek?” Mina asked, excited that training today was more of a game than actual training.
“Correct. The winning team gets a prize.”
Ooh’s and ahh’s filled the air as the students got psyched to play. All wondering what the special prize at the end was. Everyone was determined. It’s gonna be one hell of a game.
Aizawa quickly broke up the chatter. “Listen, partners are:
Aoyama & Ashido
Asui & Hagakure
Iida & Jiro
Kaminari & Koda
Kirishima & Mineta
Ojiro & Sato
Sero & Uraraka
Bakugou & Midoriya
Shoji & Yaoyorozu
Todoroki & Tokoyami”
“Trade partners.” Bakugou asked everyone. No way was he going to be stuck with his childhood friend, turned enemy, turned rival.
“There will be no trading partners.” Aizawa stated, pinching the bridge of his nose in a annoyance. “You have 10 minutes to think of a strategy, you can use the whole training center, there will be a bell that rings after your 10 minutes of planning, when the bell rings, you have approximately 6 minutes before the other teachers and I start hunting. Understood?”
“Yes!” Said all the students unanimously, quickly finding their designated partners and started planning their survival, working together flawlessly.
All except Bakugou and Deku.
“Come on Kacchan I think it would be better to hide in the forest so we can hide in all the trees!” Deku whined at the explosive blonde.
“Tch. No nerd, we’re going to the city.” Bakugou stubbornly argued.
Bickering went back and forth and before they knew it, their 10 minute planning time was up and the bell rang. Everyone started to scatter, running to their chosen areas. Bakugou and Midoriya were too caught up in fighting that they didn’t decide on a place, so they both just ran. No plan, just running.
They ended up in the city area and hid in what seemed to be like a little bomb shelter. It was a little room underground, they had to take some sketchy staircase hidden inside a bar to get there.
Breathing hard, they both looked at each other and nodded, agreeing this was a good place to hide.
As time went by, Deku tried to make conversation with the explosive blonde, but Bakugou just ignored the green haired boy the whole time.
They heard some commotion outside of their hiding spot. Sounds like another team was hiding near us and got caught. Bakugou thought.
15 minutes of hiding passed, and Deku had a huge smile plastered on his face.
“What are you smiling about Deku?” Bakugou asked with annoyance.
“This hiding place is so good! It’s like we’re hiding Plus Ultra!” Deku beamed, hands shaking from all the excitement.
Not that shit again.
“You know what. That’s it.” Bakugou said as he tackled Deku to the floor, both boys landing with a huge thump. “I’m sick of hearing ‘Plus Ultra’ come out of your mouth. Plus Ultra this, Plus Ultra that. I’ll show you Plus Ultra you nerd.” Bakugou pins Deku to the floor and pinning his arms above his head with one hand.
“Kacchan wait!” Midoriya begs, shaking his head while tugging at his hands to try to get Bakugou off, not sure what is going to happen to him.
Bakugou wastes no time as he shoots his free hand into Midoriya’s exposed armpit.
“Every time you speak all i hear is ‘Plus Ultra,’ so I’m going to take your advice nerd, and tickle you. Plus. Ultra.” Bakugou teases, with emphasis on the last two words, digging in a little harder into the green hairs’ armpit.
“WAHAHAHAHAIT IHIHIHIHIHI’M SOHOHOHOHORRY!” Midoriya squeezes his eyes shut, kicking his legs miserably.
A distant memory floods Bakugou’s mind. It was back in their elementary days. The two boys were in this same position, Deku a giggling mess under Kacchan. They had just finished school, and Deku was in a rather sad mood, and Bakugou cheered him up with tickles. Things were simpler back then, Bakugou thought to himself, a genuine smile forming on his face as he thought of his childhood. He was brought back to reality when he heard a small scream.
“NGA! KAHAHAHAHACCHAHAHAHAN NOHOHOHOHO MOHOHOHORE!” The broccoli headed boy cried out with laughter, trying to buck the blonde off of him.
Bakugou responded with an evil laugh, and released Midoriya’s wrists, and used both of his free hands to dig into Deku’s ribs. Resulting in waves of high pitched shrieks from Deku.
“STAHAHAHAHAP! NAHAHAHAHA! KAHAHAHAHCCHAN HAHAHAHAHAVE MEHEHEHEHEHERCY! SOHOHOHOHOME OHOHOHOHONE HEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHE!” Midoriya’s eyes started to collect puddles of mirthful tears, as he endured the ticklish torture.
“Tch. Deku, nobody can hear you down here. Guess you’re just gonna have to take it, and go…….?” Bakugou paused, words laced with that teasing tone that Midoriya couldn’t help but blush at. Continuing to assault Deku’s ribs, waiting for an answer.
“PLUHUHUHUHUS UHUHUHUHULTRA HAHAHAHA IHIHIHIHI GEHEHEHEHET IHIHIHIHIT!” Midoriya spat back, shaking his head, hoping the blonde had enough fun tickling the shit outta him.
Bakugou moved his fingers rhythmically, up and down Deku’s ribs, almost like playing a piano, not letting a single rib escape from his tickle attack.
“Oh-hoho, now you’re getting it.” Bakugou couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as he looked at the scene beneath him. “And now for the best part.” With those words, Bakugou stopped his fingers. And Midoriya’s eyes grew wide.
“No no no Kacchan, you know I can’t take it there.” Midoriya blurted out through gasps of air, tired from the previous attack, but still trying to push the explosive blonde off of him trying to protect himself.
“But what’s that thing you always say?” Bakugou pressed his fingers into his chin creating a thinking pose. “Hmmm, oh yeah! Don’t worry! You know what you need to do?” Bakugou’s hands lowered themselves to each side of Midoriya’s hip bones.
“Go.” Bakugou started to knead softly at Izuku’s hips. Resulting in loud giggles from the boy.
“Plus.” Bakugou added more pressure, circling his fingers on the sensitive bone. Louder laughter exploded from the boy.
“Ultra!” Bakugou dug his fingers into Deku’s hips and Deku lost his shit.
“KAHAHAHAHAA-” Deku couldn’t even finish his attackers name before he fell into silent laughter. His hipbones were the most ticklish and he couldn’t last very long once someone started tickling him there. Since they were younger, Bakugou would always use this little piece of information to his advantage.
The green haired boy’s tears finally fell from his eyes, leaving his cheeks tear stained. Midoriya’s arms flailed and tried to remove the explosive blonde’s hands away from his death spot. Failing of course.
About a minute later, the tickling slowed, until it finally came to a stop. Bakugou’s hands resting on the boy’s hips.
Residual giggles left Deku’s lips, and Bakugou hopped of his waist. Deku sat up, enjoying his freedom. Bakugou’s eyes were fixated on Midoriya. His hair a mess from the attack he just endured, cheeks still a little damp from mirthful tears, sweat building on his forehead. Bakugou mentally awed at the sight.
Midoriya could feel the stares coming from his childhood friend, and turned to face him, eyes meeting with each others. Deku gave Bakugou a smile and Bakugou looked away.
“Tch. Don’t think we’re friends or something, I just wanted you to shut it with that Plus Ultra shit.” Bakugou scoffed, permanent scowl plastered on his face. He knew that was a lie.
Midoriya was just about to reply when they heard loud bells, and an announcement that followed. “2 teams left! Who will be the last to survive?!” Both boys heard Present Mic practically scream out.
The game wasn’t over.
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