#Oops. Uh Oh. Yikes. Oh Fuck
whimsicalcotton · 6 months
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
iFall for Harry pt. 5
Summary: Harry's got a proposition.
And you're not sure you're ready for it.
(Previous parts to this series are down below at the end!)
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So…what’s the appropriate, normal, non-creepy amount of time to wait after fucking your fist to the sound of somebody’s voice over the phone before texting them?
You grin to yourself when you see the text message slide down on your screen, your lip between your teeth as you click on his name.
Well, considering you could have a heart attack and keel over at any moment, I’d say the sooner the better.
How did I know you’d say that?
Cause I’m just so gosh darn charming.
Oh, is that what you are?
You seemed to think so when you were begging me to let you come.
…I wasn’t begging, I was just asking…really…nicely.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I sleep a lot better after that phone call.
Yeah. Except for the fact that I wake up hard as a fucking rock and leaking into my boxers, but…whatever.
Yum. I mean…yikes. Sounds painful. 
 Careful, Cheese Girl. Or I might just call you again.
And what would be so bad about that?
Well, for one, I quite literally don’t think there’s any fucking come left in my body.
…I don’t know if I needed to hear that.
Why? Have you fallen in love?
Oh, is that what this strange feeling in my chest is? Love? Huh, I thought it was heartburn.
Aww, are you saying your heart burns for me?
I’m saying you’re lucky your number isn’t blocked.
You’d never block me. You think about me too much.
Who says I think about you?
Do you?
You suck in a sharp breath, eyes glued to the screen as you contemplate a response.
You could lie to him. After all, he wouldn’t know the difference.
But…it would be a lie.
You do think about him. Far more than you care to admit.
The only problem…is that you don’t want to think about him.
After all, what would telling him even do? It’s not like anything could ever happen outside of the occasional phone sex.
You don’t even know the man.
But…what if you want to?
Yeah, I do. When it’s late at night and I can’t sleep.
A solid minute passes before he finally sends his response.
What did I just say? Are you trying to fucking kill me?
If you can survive a heart attack, you can survive this.
I would never survive you.
You’re not sure if this is meant to be a compliment or an insult…but your heart flutters, nonetheless.
Oops, sorry. Bad time? Are you in another meeting?
Nah. Out by the pool. 
That sounds nice. It’s fucking freezing here.
And where is here...exactly? If you don’t mind my asking.
Again, you hesitate. He could be a catfish…or a stalker…or just a fucking creep.
Or maybe he’s just curious. Maybe he wants to get to know you. And it’s not like you’d be telling him your exact address. Just…maybe a vague description of where you are in the country.
I’m guessing Los Angeles from your area code. 
And I only know that because I also have a Los Angeles area code. 
Which you can probably tell, so I don’t know why I said it.
And now I’m rambling, and you aren’t responding, and I think I freaked you out.
As the texts continue to roll in, you have to smirk, slightly relieved by how adorably flustered he is.
You can almost hear each response in his voice.
That sexy fucking voice.
Easy, Gramps. I lived in Los Angeles for a few years, but I’m in New York now.
Ah, the Big Apple. Nice. I like New York, but you’re right, it’s fucking freezing.
Do you come a lot? To New York I mean.
Uh huh. Sure, you did. And yes. To both.
Very nice. Any particular reason?
Well, sometimes it’s because I'm remembering that phone call. But other times it’s because I’m dreaming about that phone call. Either way, I’m just always thinking about you.
Your stomach flips.
I meant any particular reason you come to New York so often, you twat.
Oh, right. Yeah, I do a lot of business there. Or business-related things.
I see.
Suddenly, the chat goes quiet. Far too quiet, and as the minutes begin to tick by…you feel a strange tingle begin to crawl its way up the back of your throat.
And then—
“Hi.” Harry. His voice. Breathless and seemingly rattled. “Sorry. I just…I figured if I didn’t call, I’d never say it? And I wanted to hear your reaction instead of just staring at those goddamn bubbles until I shit myself.”
A little surprised, you stand up from your desk and begin to pace toward the kitchen. “No, it’s fine. Are you…okay?”
“I’m…no. Yes, no. I’m fine.”
“…yes, no?”
“Yes, I’m fine,” he repeats. “Sorry. I’m…shit. This isn’t going how I wanted it to.”
Your eyebrows raise. 
“I…so, here’s the thing,” he tries again. “There’s a thing. And I know we…don’t know each other, so we don’t really do things…but there’s a thing. That maybe…could be a thing. Like, an us thing.”
“You’re rambling again.”
You hear him exhale a laugh before there’s a bit of noise and he clears his throat. “Sorry. Yeah, I’m…I do that. When I’m nervous.”
“I see. And why are you nervous?”
“’Cause of…the thing.”
“Ah.” You nod, despite the fact that he can’t see you. “Well…why don’t you tell me what this thing is.”
“Right.” More noise. “So…the thing. I’m…gonna be in New York this week.”
He goes quiet then, as if giving you time to process what he’s saying.
What he’s implying.
“Oh,” you breathe, the realization weighing heavy on your chest. 
“Yeah.” Another beat. “Look, I don’t…I’m not expecting us to meet. I don’t…that’s weird, I know. But…fuck, honestly? All I keep thinking about…is asking you. And I know it’s fucking weird. I know that but I had to ask you. ’Cause it would drive me nuts if I didn’t.”
A long stretch of silence passes between you as your mind begins to work overtime to create any sort of response.
“You don’t have to give me an answer right now,” he adds after a moment, almost sounding embarrassed. “Or at all. I don’t…I really don’t expect anything, but…I’ll be in the city on Friday. And…if you do want to meet…I’ll be at Ellen’s Stardust Diner. At twelve. You could…I don’t know, peek in? See if I look…worth your time? I don’t know. I’m…shit, sorry. I thought this would go better.”
“No, I—” Your eyes squeeze shut. “I’ll…I’ll think about it.”
“Really?” He clears his throat again. “Fuck, sorry. I’m cool. Uh…really. Interesting. Okay, got it. Good to know.”
You smile to yourself as you lean against your kitchen island. “Oh yeah, you are so cool.”
“The coolest—hey, look, I’ve…I’ve gotta go,” he sighs, and for some reason, you feel your heart sink. “I know I keep doing that, and I swear I didn’t mean to drop this on you and then disappear, I’ve just…I’ve…”
“More meetings?” you guess, and you hear him take another breath.
“Yeah. S’always more fucking meetings, and more fucking shit I’m apparently doing wrong.” 
Your expression softens. “I see. Well…good luck.”
“Thanks.” A beat. “So…you’ll think about it?”
“I’ll think about it.”
“’Cause you can tell me if I’m just too attractive for you to actually meet. I’ll believe you.”
“Oh, I’m sure you would.”
“Good,” he chuckles. “Okay, I really do have to go now.”
“Hey, I’m just waiting for you to hang up.”
“Honestly, it might be easier if you hang up first. I don’t really think I have the strength to hang up on you.”
There he fucking goes again. 
You tug your lip between your teeth. “Bye, Harry.”
“Yeah…bye, Cheese Girl. Maybe see you Friday.”
You grin.
“Yeah. Maybe see you Friday.”
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Next part! ~ iFall for Harry pt. 6
Previous parts:
~ iFall for Harry pt. 4*
~ Full iFall for Harry Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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nicestgirlonline · 2 years
Steal My Sunshine
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Pairing: FEDRA!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Warnings: noncon elements, abuse of authority, forced relationship DNI if you find these upsetting!
Summary: In the dark, dismal post apocalyptic world, you made the mistake of being a bright spot in Sergeant Barnes's day...
@the-slumberparty Genre's Old and New Warm-Up: Here’s my genre generator warm up and my first entry for the Slumber Party! I got Horror and Authority Figure! I’ve been obsessed with The Last of Us so I decided to go with TLOU themed AU! Very loosely related, no fast fungus zombies in this one. Very excited for the slumber party, can’t wait to hear what you think!
Word count: did my best to try and keep it under 1k since it's just a warm-up, coming in at a cool 1610 words oops
This the first fic I’ve posted to tumblr since high school (yikes) so I’d really love some feedback! 
“Good morning Sergeant Barnes, ” she said to him with a big smile. It felt so foreign, so antiquated. No one had a good morning in QZ. Sergeant Barnes was awestruck. The line for work assignments was a shit rotation for FEDRA soldiers, he was placed there temporarily after a violent encounter with some civilians. Riding the fucking desk for three weeks before he could go back to enforcement duties. 
But when She showed up in line, it was like he was seeing the sun for the first time. She glowed, with beauty and goodness. He wanted to sit and bask in her warmth forever. He was lost in his mind, She stood awkwardly in line, shifting from side to side hoping to hurry him along. 
“Uh, good morning. Sorry, what were you looking for?” Realizing he was staring at her, he glanced down at his ledger of jobs they needed bodies for. 
“Are there any street cleaning jobs left?” She asked so sweetly Bucky thought he’d cry. The only jobs that were open were all disgusting, body disposal, sewer work, scrap collection.  A woman like her shouldn’t be doing such filthy work. 
“We have an opening at City Hall. Clerk work. Pays well.”
“Oh, I’ve never done clerk work before um, will I need any training?” She placed her hand over her mouth to cover her surprise but Bucky could see right through that. She was so pleased, that he had gotten her the job. He quickly erased a few things, sorry Citizen Abernathy, he was no longer getting into city hall. She handed him her citizenship papers, he gripped them like they were precious jewels. He memorized her name, her address, her previous jobs. Most importantly, where his eyes went first, Marital status: single
With a bit of a spring in her step she left the line, all her official work assignments clutched to her chest.  Bucky couldn’t help but watch her as she left. Her little skip made her ass jiggle, he grinned to himself. The next citizen in line cleared their throat. The older woman glared at him for his lewd behavior. His mouth returned to its usual scowl. This was the world he was used to. No sunshine in here. 
Street patrols with Steve were usually just a lot of bullshitting. Steve and Bucky would stroll together, recounting old war stories with clickers or encounters with the Fireflies. There were hardly any domestic disturbances here, the Fireflies little resistance movement had all been stomped out thanks largely in part to the two of them. Their unit had been deep in the shit at the Manhattan QZ before being moved to Pittsburgh QZ to set it straight. Now that things had been smoothed out it was the most depressing place they could’ve been reassigned to. 
“Better than Boston,” Steve would always say that made Bucky roll his eyes. He wasn’t wrong though. The two were walking along the repaved main street, walking past the long lines for rations at the local store. Bucky looked at all the glum, resigned faces. This was the world they all lived in now. What was the point of keeping this world safe if this was all they would have?
But then, like the sun peaking out from behind gray clouds, he saw Her. His Sunshine! 
She was leaving the store with a large paper bag, almost skipping again. She had a smile on her face again. He could see himself, walking arm and arm with his sunshine, bringing food home for dinner. He would hold her close and whisper all the things he’d do to her once they got back. She would shyly bat her eyelashes, so embarrassed by his lusty proposals in public. His heart began to swell. Part of him knew it was strange, he had barely spoken to this girl, yet a fiery passion consumed him. It had been years of nothing but violence and fighting for him. Sometimes he barely felt human himself, but she made him feel alive again.
“...could hardly believe the size of this one, barely even human just a face, and the rest was fungus covering the floor. Buck? You listening to me Buck?” Steve elbowed his friend who was lost in his thoughts. 
“Yeah, yeah. Sounds real gnarly.” He brushed his friend off, he headed straight towards his Sunshine. “That citizen looks suspicious to you? I think we need a random search.” Steve just raised an eyebrow and followed his partner, happy to have a little action on the usual boring patrol. 
Your week-long stint at City Hall had given you extra spending money for the first time since you could remember. You couldn’t help but walk with a little bounce in your step, what crazy luck you’d had.
Two Fedra soldiers, both in full tactical gear, machine guns strapped to their sides were approaching you. You froze in place as their steel-toed boots stopped directly in front of you. 
“Excuse me, citizens.” The soldier’s timbre was low and serious. You were not a troublemaker, you only ever had contraband at parties never actually on your person. 
“I-Is there a problem?” You asked as sweetly as you could. You met the icy blue eyes of the officer who smirked. You looked down at the name on his chest, Sergeant Barnes? From work assignment?  One hand on his gun still, he reached out the other hand towards you. 
“Identification please.” He requested. You placed down your bag of food only for the other soldier to snatch it up. You reached for your purse and pulled out your citizenship card. Barnes grabbed it with a flourish.
“Hey!” You cried out as the blond one started to go through your food for the week, a can of beans falling to cobblestones and denting. 
“Random checkpoint. You’re not resisting us are you?” He asked, his tone dripping with smug victory. You bunched your hands into fists trying to stay calm. 
“Officers, please what’s wrong?” Sergeant Barnes chuckled. He went to hand you back your ID but pulled it away in the second from your grasp. 
“There have been a couple of red flags on your paperwork. We are just doing our due diligence to keep the QZ safe. Now, I’m sorry ma’am but I’m going to need you to come with me.” He grabbed you by the arm, his partner still holding onto your groceries. He pulled you off into an alleyway where he slammed you roughly against the brick building. You winced and went to grab the back of your head as sharp pain began to bloom. 
“There must be a mistake I-I haven’t done anything.” Tears began to blot your eyes. You raked your brain trying to think of what could have caused a red flag. You had smoked weed once at a party, which wasn’t even a Firefly party as far as you knew, you kept out of trouble. 
Barnes began to nuzzle the side of your face, his nose tracing along your cheek to your hair. He deeply inhaled, the sudden air tickling your ears. 
“I know Sunshine, I know, you're a good girl aren’t you.” He breathed. Your blood froze in your veins. He grabbed your wrists and pinned them to the wall above your head. “There are a few red flags though. Like, your marital status is single. No boyfriend then? Why would a beautiful young woman be all alone, at the end of the world? Unless you’re too focused on revolutionary activities to find a man.” He wasn’t making any sense. You weren’t a rebel, you were just a poor street cleaner, you didn’t have a black mark on your record, you didn’t even have messages to send out to the other QZs.  You feared you knew his true intentions. 
“Sergeant Barnes --”
“Call me Bucky.” He gave you a wink that sent a shiver down your spine. 
“Bucky, I don’t have a boyfriend but not because I’m a Firefly. I-If you let me go I swear you’ll never see me again, I’ll be so straight and narrow I’ll be invisible, you don’t have to worry about me.”
He clicked his tongue. “I don’t think you understand Sunshine. The last thing I want is to never see you again.” That was what you had feared. “You see, it's not me that’s suspicious of you angel, it's my partner back there. So how about I give you hand here.”
His hand slipped down and groped at your breasts, your breath hitched in your throat as you suppressed a whine. Bucky looked deliriously happy. He looked into your eyes and you were frightened at how intense they were. 
“How about you and I start going together, much less suspicious for a woman to be dating an officer of the law. You wouldn’t have a moral objection to that right?”
You nodded your head. What else could you do? His eyes sparked with excitement as you agreed to his bargain. 
“Why not have our first date right now, since you’re free.” He began to fiddle with his belt and you squeezed your eyes shut so he wouldn’t be able to see your tears. 
You thought there was no way life could get worse since the outbreak. You were wrong. Your fate has been sealed the moment you smiled at this deranged, lonely man.
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
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liked by urbanwyatt, zendaya, loriharvey, haileybieber, neelamthadhani and 82,165 others
yourinsta: you don’t mean anything to me
view all 1,006 comments
lilnasx: 👀 jack done fucked UP!
user: ok but that shirt goes crazy
user: new music finna hit so hard 🤭
normani: arg I’m so in love with you
druski: oh shit, there ain’t nothing we can do for my brother now
user: Jack’s friends still liking her stuff is weird, it’s been months 😒
yourbff: they ain’t ready!!
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Liked by urbanwyatt, champagnepapi, selenosunni, claybornharlow, shloob, neelamthadhani, druski and 677,035 others
jackharlow: We been down this road, past this street a hundred times, claimed you haven't eaten in days, drinking your weight in champagne
user: Oop
user: shade to y/n last ig post
user: 🙄
user: you know what you did!!
user: what he do
user: it doesn’t matter, he knows!!
champagnepapi: 😮‍💨
user: yikes !
user: 🤨
yourbff: you got something to say?
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liked by haileybieber, ryandestiny, SZA, normani, djdrama, JustinTimberlake, urbanwyatt, druski and 678,036 others
yourinsta: y’all keep telling me to put it in the music….WHAT A LIE out NOW! 🙃
View all 5,046 comments
user: “No one will ever know how much I put you on” Oop 🫢 cause no one gave af about him until you had him as your date to the BET awards!!
user: omg!!! It’s so good
user: she on this track calling Jack a loser 🫣
user: whew felt 😮‍💨
user: so Jack really cheated damn
neelamthadhani: funny how you’re claiming he used you for marketing but how do you explain what you’re doing now? 🤔 yeah exactly
user: uh ….
user: no one can save her now, she’s burned too many bridges
yourinsta: bitch shut up before I rip them braids out your head @neelamthadhani
user: 🤣🫵
user: GET HER!!
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liked by neelamthadhani, djdrama, cozane, privategardenco, yungskylark and 736,027 others
jackharlow: I tried to be kind…now I’m speaking my mind.
view all 8,275 comments
user: facts
user: Jacky boy coming with that heat
druski: don’t speak too much, y/n kinda scares me
user: 🔊🔊
user: once people lose touch with you, they start to hate ya!
doncannon: let ‘em know!
user: hey idk if you know this but your ex said she was gonna rip your manager braids out
user: streets saying you cheated? And by streets I mean y/n
liked by 12,788 users
Jackharlowsource: Preview of Jack’s new song dropping next week 🫣
view all 45,689 comments
user: holy fucking shit
user: he was not lying when he said he was going to start speaking his mind
user: do you really think I need you, do you really think I give a fuck bout you?! 😳😳😳
user: poor y/n
user: damn that cracker is spitting 🔥
user: there’s no coming back from this
user: CITY BOYS UP 🔥🔥🔥
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glasswingowl · 1 year
wow those drones sure can murder huh
ep 6 spoilers under the cut
yeah so it's a medusa/sight paralysis thing like we thought
the atmosphere is so cool
she's happy to see N!
I was hoping that copper 9 would affect humans in some way that planet is probably radioactive as fuck
uzi finally got to bite someone good for her
"real tired of killing this one"
so cloning is a thing that can happen. got it
"her last known act was siccing you lot on the human exoplanets". wait. waitwaitwait. SO IT WASN'T JCJENSON TRYING TO COVER THEIR TRACKS?? IT WAS CYN?? HOW?? WHY??
Doll is as cool as ever, i see. Side effect of having the solver is just being able to pull off sick as hell stunts, i guess
J has to go watch the ship. L (i mean on the bright side, she doesn't have to deal with whatever fuckery is down there)
tessa is so incredibly ominous even though she's not saying anything we don't already know
the soundtrack for this episode is so good AJ DiSpirito outdid himself on this one
uzi still has her wings! and the sentient tail!
so that's where the rest of the disassembly drones went. huh.
tessa's blind confidence is so fucking funny
oop there she goes
there's the baby
"shoot the baby" no hesitation lmao-
oh i like these two already. inexplicably southern
the patch of dead pixels on her forehead is a nice touch
oh she's organ harvesting. makes sense
"more valuable" V NOW IS NOT THE TIME-
solver hearts can be contained? good to know
"dealt with witches before, too." does that mean she's not a solver? then why is she here?
"ain't seen 02 since she left us to DIE" OOOOHHHH WHAT DID NORI DO (maybe antler girl was part of a control group or just moved in after everthing went to shit?)
this entire sequence is great, the physical comedy from Beau (baby drone), N HELPING him-
did they tape a magnet to tessa's helmet?? like that'd accomplish anything
"except her yellow eyes" HER. WHAT.
uh oh.
Tessa this isn't jurassic park that isnt going to work-
told you
ouch flashing. tessa's immune to the flashes though
oh this is BAD
there goes the baby
turns out biomechanical horror is sick as hell. who knew?
V's trying to protect uzi now? you go girl
oh the hug
poor girl has no idea
cool music strikes again
they can read??
n and uzi ;-;
oh shit they got doll
put the roach down!! don't spin him!!
holding hands!!
"don't take my robot" tessa kind of sucks actually. she's sweet and she means well, but she definitely has some problems she needs to think about
doll's ok!
oh shit
oh fuck
tessa maybe don't do that-
uh- ok i guess that's one way of fixing that
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Xena reactions S1Ep3 (I unfortunately don't have English reactions for the first two eps. They're at least half in German)
Xena Episode 3
Awww, Gabrielle training. (sword stuckkkk)
"You're lucky the tree was unarmed" 😂
Wisdom before weapons
Xena three seconds later: *pulls sword*
Uh oh. Orpheus? Or Morpheus? *rewinds* yeah, no idea. Probably Morpheus. Cos title: Dreamworker
"I'm waiting for you to say it for me" Pfft, the lesbianism
Gabrielle... No swordies for u
Oh yeah. Morpheus.
"You must be experienced then." "I've had experiences" SO valid as an answer
"Bigger" Xena staring at her breasts.
*shoves guy against barrel* Oop. She is BIG MAD her gf is gone. (Vastra 🤝 Xena)
"I'm not the wifey type" LESBIAN
Uh oh. Gabrielle senses opportunity
Ooooop, Gabrielle shouldn't kill
Travel dreams to save her love. (Something something "time travel was always possible in dreams")
"Use your own mind against you" uh oh
Is she wearing purple? Pwettyyy (not giving Katie McGrath at all, yes I'm gay)
OHHHH. Names of her victims. It's so much harder to kill when you see people as people...
"Kill us" oh yikes I'm getting hooj FMAB vibes from the philosopher's stone scenes. Especially in uhhhhh when they're stuck in the wrong portal
Oiii, Morpheus is not an ally to lesbians. Rude. Boo
Gabrielle my pretty princess I will fall to my knees are worship at your feet (I'm gay)
Remember Xena's words, Gabrielle
She made them fight each other, whoop
I want them to speak through either dreams-
Ohhh. The lesbianismssss xD So gae
Look at the gays
"It was a hypothetical question"
PFFFT Gabrielle bargaining for beauty sleep xDD
Why was the sword quality of the first sword so shitty?
Wow Gabrielle has SO much luck
"Soon she'll be just like you" ahhhh
Xena doesn't want Gabrielle to suffer that way
Ohhh, she controls her own passage!
Woman 👀 Smexy
"It means I finally get to kill you" HUH
Did I mention women are super sexy
Awww, poor Gabrielle
"If you were that strong I would never have left you"
HAH. She disappearedddd
Gabrielle. Give that sword to Xena
Boob knife boob wife
"10 percent off everything" shdhdhs
Yay, blind man got his job back (don't like his miracle healed sight but whatever)
"Mythical priests in your area"
Gabrielle my beloved
"We're all capable of it" The waterrr
"But if we sit here long enough, it'll go back to calm" HHHHH
They're so gay
The water is calm as they leave... Xena at Gabrielle's side
Um yes I will absolutely use a concept similar to this in a Jenny/Vastra fanfic at some point btw. I have the dreamspace and a psychic connection to exploit, hellooo.
I absolutely adore Xena and I think I'll spend the next few weeks watching only that.
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hongtiddiez · 12 days
4 minutes ep 2 raw reactions
oh ok starting out intense again, i see.
still so fucking in love with the opening. what a haunting gorgeous image. no notes.
oop room 4 we know who that is. ooh 10:04pm
oh now i feel bad for saying tyme gave me bad vibes, he just has rbf. i get that lmao same
ohhh yikes great's friend sucks but i also don't trust dome.
i really feel like this shit with title is a red herring bc this would be way obvious with how aggro and shitty he's being.
ooh shit it's dat time - 11pm.
is his cheek bruised? oop yes it is.
i dont like how lackadaisical great is about things and how complicit he is. like. i get this whole show is giving him a chance to NOT be complicit and give him 2nd chances to do the right thing but like. my guy. why are you like this? why don't you give a fuck about all the terrible shit happening around you?
rewinding real quick to see if i missed any numbers aside from the 00:04 and 00:00 - okay i did not.
but like... someone really needs to get view away from this guy pls. he still has a whole ass other person in his nasty clutches.
BOI LMAO. i thought he was gonna be shitty to great bc of his "mom" but no dr. rbf has a lil crush. but like, who can blame him?
DAYUMN OKAY. you're both fucking ridiculous. the palpable gay panic. but like, again, fair.
IT'S PRETTY DEEP LMAAAO. i shan't say it.
i'm wearing headphones and this song is way too bass-y in my ears, it's rattling my skull.
my guy half of that bandage is on his hair, you're a terrible doctor.
man i really love sammon shows, they really build this perfect level of tension.
that blood was left at midnight, it would NOT still be that red at, what? 6am? but okay. the magical humidity of thailand i guess.
great really doesn't seem like a bad guy, just more like he's not taking any sort of active role in the world around him.
whoa whoa whoa wait. what??? if title is there who the fuck is dead?
bruh this rich boy garage? there's no way there isn't-- yeah. that. a camera. dipshit. love the clock ticking effect on the perspective tho.
dr boyfriend!!! what are you doing here?
wait now that we know title is fucking crazy is he the one who shot tyme in the ep 1 preview thingy?
god DAMN tyme's legs are long.
it's 11!! but at least there's a pretty kitty.
ohhh no. oh wow. korn buddy. i know you're working but like, at least a single word to him, c'mon. OH DO NOT YELL AT HIM.
still REALLY confused who is dead and why tho, not gonna lie.
oh whaddup gun theerapanyakul 2.0
straight sex in my bl??? also like. man. i was hoping to like korn but he can go to hell now for all i care. hope her pussy tastes like soot and ash.
how did i know detective man was gonna be a rebound. he was looking at him a little too intently.
WHOA. WHOAAA. DR RBF???? WHAT'RE YOU DOING? AND WHO IS DEAD? like am i stupid??? dome, title, and great were all at the field. great took dome to the hospital. title confronted great in the garage. so whomst is dead??
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lilacofficial · 11 months
Episode 2
-Lol. Great episode name.
-Are the episodes from now on slightly shorter? 🙁
-Also the wet floor sign thing from the first episode is so funny. It’s what finally got me to watch this show after seeing people make edits of it on TikTok
-I swear they DID kill some of those bikers
-Oh. One of them did die.
-Oh no.
-Chapter 2. Fancy.
-Josh. You need to set some ground rules.
-Good job man.
-Did he not think about it before now?
-He’s going to get herpes some other way isn’t he?
-Wolf mate.
-Hippie with a gun!!
-Isn’t he past man?
-It’s a baby.
-I ask myself why babies look like that too.
-OUCH! Poor guy!
-Fucking yikes guys.
-Good assumption dude.
-And I oop.
-Wolf. No.
-It’s paused. I don’t think I have the strength to unpause.
-I’m going to take out my earbuds and then I’ll press play.
-You make a great point Tiger
-OPERATION BLACKFACE! No you guys. Stop.
-Do we have a solution? They’re so going to figure him out.
-Oh no.
-Josh. Bruh. 🫣
-Aw Man. These poor guys.
-Does he know this time though??
-Don’t make me feel bad for this cop.
-This is so fucked up in so many ways.
-This is so hard to watch.
-Nuh uh
- I thought he was going to say, oh fuck they’re high. 😂
-Oh yeah. Back as the janitor. Dang man.
-Why was he actually plumbing??
-He should dab.
-What about the pickles?
-YEAH! The pickles!!
-Oh shit I forgot.
-That’s good. Let them fight amongst themselves.
-Oh yeah they have like shitty olden gunshots
-Yeah! DAB on them!
-Did they like it?
-Oh he’s angry now.
-It kind of sounds like they’re chanting cockblocked lol.
-Uh oh. I have paused again.
-I’m doing the old take out earbuds and press play now again.
-“Colonel Sanders”
-LMFAO! And the crowd goes wild!!!!
-Holy shit! Lamar that is not yours!!
-Where’s Elias?
-This is so good!!
-Me when I need to piss.
-They won’t catch him. Oh I guess they kind of did.
-What’s going to be wrong now? I’m scared.
-Aw Josh
-Wait. RATHOLE?!
-Oh no. They’re going to have to kill this man.
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xstarvibezx · 2 years
Idk what Rainbow Friends is but I’m super interested in your OC’s storylines!!! What happened to them? What changed? What are they like? Who is your fav? Who do you hate but still love? I’m so interested!!! I kinda wanna draw fanart oops— /gen
Also I highly recommend that you play Rainbow Friends, it's *SUPER* fun and entertaining. It's on Roblox if you're wondering<3
As for my favorite ocs? I have a few, such as: Candycane, Bittersweet, Pink, Black and Slate^^
As for who do I hate but still love? You know, I don't know actually. I had never thought about it.
And you can draw fanart of them! Just hit me up if you need their reference sheets that I need to remake some of them haha-
Anyways, as for my Rainbow friend ocs? Or my furry/creature ocs?? We'll just do rf ocs haha -- but first. Some notes: this is my first au of them<3
Pink = Pink is Blue's sister, not biologically related but they see each other as siblings, since they both were created on the same day. When Pink was younger, she was a recolor of Blue and absolutely hated it but she couldn't exactly complain about it since the scientists' weren't so. . .uh. . .good to her and the other odd world colors. Though when she got to her teenage years, she got a new design by Jessica(Her creator), but what's sad is that her second design was mostly dead odd world colors that died through the experiments stitched to her. She may have never haven't gotten a chance to know them, but she still was horrified. Later on life, she dated Red. The two were-- or had a okay relationship, but soon broke up when the truth was revealed. And just so you know, it was NOT a pretty breakup. At all. After years passed, Red returned and Pink was still wishing she had a new design, she couldn't ask Jessica to redesign her again, since the science woman despised and hated the odd world colors. (Except Magenta) and when she reunited with Red again, it took a few weeks for them to become normal goos friends, and once they did, she wanted him to redesign her. So he did, even if it meant going through five panic attacks just to help her. Also she receives kill mode later on in her life. Yikes-
I swear I will make a better fleshed out explanation on all of them, just- give me time haha-
Slate = This chubby short lil grumpy guy doesn't have a much of a backstory but he does have some history with Pink, the two are good friends. Slate has a crush on Honeydew, but he's a tsundere. Oh and by the way, he's uh- he's having some mental issues and is dealing with depressing thoughts. He also has kill mode, though nobody knows how he got it.
Honeydew belongs to this person
Candycane = This crazy holiday rainbow creature was created at the start of November and was finished on December 12th. She was a bit crazy at the time but as she grew older, she got more crazier and tends to get herself into trouble. A lot. Though she tries her best to do some things, and sometimes try and be a good partner to Nightlight despite never really experiencing love in their life.
Nightlight belongs to this person
Chocolate = This poor gal lost her fucking legs during a experiment, brutally ripped off. So ptsd for her! Even more so when her creator, Jessica (who's also Pink's creator), had ripped her eye out as a punishment for disobeying his orders. She is *SUPER* emotional and is much more sensitive than Strawberry is. However she developed a disliking towards Slate, who constantly makes fun of her for having no legs. Poor gal can't catch a break, but hey, at least she has Aura.
Aura belongs to this person
Strawberry = The poor giant chubby gal was too late to save a human friend of hers, the woman was named Laura and was killed by Jessica. Nobody knows why she killed her, or how she did it but Strawberry developed a fear of being too late of saving her friends. However, she is super sweet and loving to everyone, and is practically the caretaker of children of any types. She is also in a relationship with Lulu and is quite happy. Though she still terribly misses Laura :(
Lulu belongs to this person
Black = This guy was created by the rainbow friends themselves, it was mostly Blue's idea because Red wasn't there, he had been presumably dead as hell out in the wild after the truth revealed. So originally, Black was a replacement for Red until things went horribly wrong. Nobody knows how or why but Black was created with kill mode and went on a rampage, he had no absolute control over himself and his kill mode at the time, but now he's just chilling and is now mates with Orange, taking care of any rainbow creature kids.
Black & Pink are my first ones haha-
White = I'm remaking him so nothing on him yet, sorry<3
Violet = This gal had miraculously survived throughout dangerous experiments at such a young age, however, they received scars and practically is missing a arm due to those experiments. She is also half blind too. However, she may not talk much and is always being assumed of being muted, they always are chill and acts more like a background character and prefers it that way. She doesn't like attention or drama involving themselves.
Rusty = Ah yes, our magic nerd rainbow creature who always and still believes magic is real. Rusty grew up being told/lied to about fantasy stuff being real, so like, he believes any fantasy creatures were real and such. Also when he was young, he was a female but now he's a male, meaning he's Transgender. However, throughout his life, he is kinda childish. Always believing liars and is somewhat good friends with Lime, but he soon developed a crush but unfortunately Lime has no interest in him and just sees him as a friend.
Neon = It usually goes "Neon" or "Rainbow" due to him having all sorts of different colors, of course, they were created and supposed to be a weapon for odd world though things went south and Neon ended up killing his creator, Aaron. However, they somehow ended up crushing on Grey, and it confuses him. Also they can change her form and is NOT a ghost despite looking like one. Neon goes by many names and is just a insane boi. They absolutely love scaring ppl though<3
This Grey belongs to this person
The Candy Collector/Bittersweet = He goes by many, many, many different names. Most of these names are based off types of certain candy, and such. Though they mostly use "Bittersweet" and "Sugarcoat". He was created at the beginning of August, his creation took much longer due to his extra arms and the abilities the scientists' were giving him. And the rainbow machine was having issues, as well as Bittersweet. His creation was finished at the end of September, and they placed him in the wooden cabin since that's the easiest place for them to give children candy. When October rolled around, Bittersweet started to become a bit more unstable than he usually is. On October 31th, the day of Halloween, that's when he snapped. Bittersweet had killed about 4 or 5 kids, causing the place to shut down and him being thrown out. Though they decided to sneak out and run off, leaving the play place. Oh and by the way, Blue and Purple knows him. Bittersweet had never returned, until later on. Though even now, nobody knows where they live now.
Yellowstone = Our poor derpy gal who can only smile and absolutely despises the odd circus, she was a failed experiment at odd world but was transferred to the odd circus, a place of failed experiments would go. Yellowstone absolutely hates the circus and the people in it, they all treat her and the others like shit. Though she is always how positive she is in front of others but really, she's just dying inside, hating life, and doesn't have a good view of a actual good life. She also despises Sunset.
Blueberry = Another failed experiment, she is short and chubby and is playful. She tries her best to make Yellowstone feel better despite hating the circus herself, she is such a troublemaker and is often viewed as a screw-up, though she doesn't care for the insults. Though she knows Yellowstone is sensitive about pretty much anything. Also Blueberry was created in the circus, so she has no idea there are other places.
Blackberry = He can't really change his mouth expression, and is often pranking others. Trying to ignore the pain he usually gets from the people that treats them all like shit, he is now questioning his sexuality when he started crushing on Blood Orange. Also he's a failed experiment. He can also teleport, so it makes it more easier to prank others and get away. He usually accidentally scares Yellowstone.
Blood Orange belongs to this person
Sunset = She is the favorite, she is loved by the people, the audience and the children. She absolutely loves the circus, not realizing the people were injuring the others, or maybe she does and doesn't care. Either way, she absolutely enjoys making fun of them, especially Yellowstone since she knows that Yellowstone wasn't created in the circus.
Snowflake = The one and only so far that had been transferred to odd world, nobody knows why or how they did it. He was just suddenly transferred to odd world, he is quiet most of the time and nervous too. He is socially awkward and was super awkward when he had explained his situation to Pink. Before anything, yes he's a failed experiment, and yes, Pink welcomed him in despite being awkward herself. So far, Snowflake lived in odd world without worrying the life of the circus weighing down on his shoulders.
Misty Rose = The adopted daughter of Orange and Black, she is a bit hostile and distrustful and is usually seen crossing her arms or wearing a sweater. She was adopted off from Odd World, though Odd World has it all so there's a adoption center for rainbow creatures and human children. Misty Rose was created and then was sent to the center, also yes, Odd World has their own rainbow machine. She is also in love with Mint (A Green X Blue child), and is terrified of Purple, she prefers to keep her distance.
Opal = A decent good friend of Slate, she doesn't really do much in her life. She usually comforts Chocolate whenever Slate is done making her life even more miserable, Opal developed a parental instinct over Chocolate and this caused her and Slate had a falling out. Since then, the two meet with hostility and aggression. She was created at Odd World.
Dark Gray = Our weaponized rainbow creature, he was created at the circus and is now being used as a weapon, they are well aware of it but it learned that if they disobey, he gets locked into a cage like a animal. Dark Gray was already acting more like a animal than a actual rainbow creature. He is easily confused by pretty much anything.
Gray = He used to be Oswald and had done so much damage on the rainbow creatures, especially Red and Purple. Later on, he returned as a Gray cat rainbow creature but soon ended up fucking dying by Bittersweet.
Glowstick = Ah yes, the actual first odd world "color" that was created in odd world. They have the ability to glow in the dark or anytime, and practically can shapeshift. He used to date Violet and had a clean break up, they both just kinda fell out of love. Glowstick at the beginning had a completely different appearance except for her sabortooth like teeth, so when it was ordered to have a new appearance, things went horribly wrong, making her into a failed experiment. There are rumors she might have died but that isn't the case. They aren't dead. She does have crushes on White and Black, and doesn't really know how to act on it so they just kinda. . ."okay".
This Black and White belongs to this person
Carrot Cake = This chubby gal looks like a literal carrot cake, she has the colors of one anyway. She absolutely loves meat and practically will eat meat, chocolate and sweet rolls. She refuses to eat any cake since she says it's cannibalism. Carrot Cake can shapeshift and can practically turn into a puddle whenever she wants and act like she's "melting"
Rosewood = She is a failed experiment, based off of the Pink fanmade design that's more popular than the others. However, her arms were brutally ripped off by her creator, who is unfortunately is unknown right now. She gets along with Yellow the most, since she listens a lot. She absolutely hates scientists and can be aggressive when she wants to be. Nobody knows how she was never transferred to the odd circus despite being a failed experiment.
Yellow = Yellow was created in Odd World, having traits of a cheetah but he isn't fast as Orange, however he's the same height as Orange. Yellow used to be in a relationship with Pink, they got together while Red was gone (more like presumably dead). He has a strong hatred towards Orange and anyone with kill mode. So he despises all the rainbow friends, Pink, Slate and such. Though as much he hates Violet, he is creeped out by her silence.
Lime = This poor guy has no kill mode but when he was first created, he used to be narcissistic and sus, basically a copycat of Jayson (a scientist). Though now, Red had fixed him and now he is pretty chill and crushing on Yellow.
Turquoise = They are a demonic spirit, it's not specific of type of demonic spirit he is but he had died through the experiments. It definitely has kill mode and is forever in it. He has demon and ghost powers such as: possessing bodies and such. It's unknown of what experiment he had been killed by, they just know they died through experiments.
SkyBlue = SkyBlue is based off of some kind of sea monster, though due to this, she can't leave water since she doesn't have legs. However, it doesn't stop her from seeing her girlfriend, Peach (Pink X Yellow child)<3
Magenta 1 = This Magenta is sus as fuvk and acts a lot like Angel Dust and is sus like him, she is enemies with Purple and is practically the favorite of Jessica. She isn't presented when kids are at odd world due to the fact that she's not child friendly, however, later on she does get brutally murdered by 600 KM Red. IT will always be unknown of why Jessica adored her so much though.
Maroon = He absolutely loves the play place and is glad that Red had adopted him and Navy. He was created in Odd World and was taken to the center as well. Though he decided to leave the play place since it was his home, wanting the odd colors to adopt him. Lime, specifically, adopted him.
Navy = She was created and placed in the adoption center, she doesn't talk much but she can be protective over Maroon. She and Maroon were adopted by Red, so now their the adopted children of Red.
Coral = This poor odd color died during one of the experiments, she used to have kill mode before she died. Everyone knows her death, she went crazy and tried to bite Jessica but Vivian had "put her down" so now Coral is just a wandering ghost that never shows up a lot and when they do, it's usually to check on the odd colors to see how their doing.
Cerulean = He used to be a human, so his human life is unknown. Though despite being very emotional, he is infected by KM. Nobody knows how. He is a very forgetful creature, forgetting many things except for his emotional support hoodies. He absolutely loves wearing them. He is surprisingly aggressive whenever he's KM.
Salmon = Salmon was created in the circus, a failed experiment, but he managed to escaped through the sewers, he can easily swim through rivers, oceans, sewage, and such. He's based off of a shark but he has traits of a sea monster. So like a hybrid I guess.
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aro-aizawa · 5 years
now im not saying people are wrong but there is something highly concerning and very uncomfortable when people ship characters who are predominantly thought of as brothers in fandom
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givemegifs · 2 years
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0 notes
kiridarling · 3 years
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eijirou kirishima | f!reader, DARK CONTENT, drugging, noncon, but also the reader isn't not into it bc like...i have my limits okay, talk of vomit for a sec (no actual vomit), degradation, bondage, size kink, hair pulling, ripping clothes, slut-calling once or twice. minors dni!
— 3k words
"'S this what you need, Sweetheart? Y'need me to use you to get off while you just lie there and take it?"
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"See somethin' you like, Sweetheart?"
"U-Um," you flush a deeper red than the stranger's hair and pray he can't see it under neon red lights. Either way, you've been caught red-handed, and recoil. "Sorry."
The stranger's crimson eyes soften before relaxing into a kind smile, and he lifts a dismissive hand. "I was just messing with you! That's on me."
He lifts a hand to scratch the back of his head and the smile grows wider, displaying the rows of predatory sharp teeth that shouldn't look as gentle as they do. You relax in the seat to his right, immediately turning to the bartender to order a funny named a drink. The redhead raises an eyebrow, leaning his arm on the counter.
"A Stranger Danger?" He nearly deadpans.
"Club Special," you shrug. You've never been particularly great at holding your alcohol, but this drink provides just enough punch for a buzz, aka what you need to get through the night. The bartender slides over a tall, rose-dyed wine glass without another word.
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"Eijirou Kirishima," the stranger says with his sharp teeth, offering a large hand to shake. He looks comical next to you, all hunched over the neon bar while you sit up straight for your head to reach his shoulder, and as you take the handshake, can't help but notice how his palm eats yours like it's nothing.
"Y/N," you smile. His hand lingers before it pulls away, and he tells the bartender he'll have what you're having.
"So," Eijirou starts once his order has been placed. "You come here often?" You snort at the cheesy line, and the way Eijirou smirks implies he knows just how cliché it is.
"Sometimes," you shrug vaguely. The club's fairly new, so it's not as if you can say you've been going here for years. You lift the drink to your lips, the sugar-crusted rim tickling the corners of your mouth. "You?"
He shrugs, "When I want to get out."
You nod at that and offer him your glass with a raised eyebrow. Eijirou shakes his head, lifting a glass of his own. Your nose scrunches.
He takes a sip before answering, lips white from the foam before his tongue licks them over, "Stella Artois. Want some?"
Your eyes shift between your dainty glass and his not-so-dainty one before you snort, "I'll pass."
Eijirou shrugs, reclining back in his seat and beer in hand, "Suit yourself."
You pat your back pocket for your phone, but when you realize there's a loss of weight on one side, you pat your right buttcheek to realize you left your wallet in the car. Fuck.
"Uh, hey," you say, knocking the redhead on the shoulder. You figure he's trustworthy enough, and the bartender always keeps an eye out for you anyway. "I'll be right back—left my wallet in the car."
Eijirou nods at that as you push away from the counter practically shaking your head at how distracted you can be sometimes. Seriously, your wallet?
At least the bartender didn't ask for your ID. Yikes.
You slam the car door shut with a huff, wallet finally in hand as you trudge back to the bar. When you return, Eijirou's got the beer lifted to his lips and greets you with a small wave as you sit down.
"Long time no see."
You giggle while grabbing your glass by the neck. As the club starts to fill out, you begin to shrink into your shell—throwing the entire drink down the hatch fixes you right up, though.
"Oh wow okay, looks like we're just going for the whole thing, then," Eijirou chuckles as he takes a much more civilized sip of his. You smack your lips with a satisfied aah.
"Gotta get the buzz going somehow," you wink, before getting comfortable in your seat. Alcohol warms your veins already, prompting your body to start pulse in time with the bass of the music. Eijirou smiles, watching you.
"You like this song?" he asks softly, before adjusting so you're both sat the same way—elbows and backs against the counter, facing the club and all its chaos. You shrug.
"I guess. I've never heard it 'till now."
He tosses his head back onto his muscled shoulders in a chuckle, and you watch the entire act in slow motion. The glint of his teeth in the neon lights, how his chest balloons and quivers under the weight of a bellow. You find yourself staring much harder than you intend to, but he doesn't seem to notice, eyes locked on the dance floor.
"Touché, touché," he says upon recovery. The alcohol in your veins turns to syrup and time starts to blur more than you're used to it being, body so light and weightless you have to pat the chair to make sure you aren't floating. That usually doesn't happen.
"You okay?" Eijirou frowns when you falter. You pull a smile and nod.
"Mhm," you say, though silently panicking when you feel like you're falling out of your seat. You grip the countertop just in case. "Mhm, yeah."
He raises an eyebrow, "You sure?"
"Yeah," you nod, before clearing your throat. Your body flashes hot then cold, and you wonder if you shouldn't have taken that drink down like you did. "I'm um—I'm going to go to the bathroom, one sec."
You're unsure if Eijirou says something as you leave because you pour all your energy into stumbling across the obnoxiously loud club, filled with too much bass and pandemonium for your liking. You're suddenly overwhelmed by everything and your esophagus goes numb at the thought of vomiting, but you make it to the singles bathroom just in time to shut the door and control your goddamn stomach.
With a sigh, you rest your head against the cool sink. The incessant buzz of the overhead lights is much, much better.
You take a deep breath and flick on the sink. Ensuring it's as freezing as it can possibly go, you launch some into your face. You don't even consider ruining the amount of work that went into your outfit today, because ultimately you aren't sober enough to give a shit, blinking back at your reflection to find it fairly blurry. You nearly stumble and fall, but your vice grip on the counter keeps you alive.
"You okay?"
The second you step back into the noisy club, Eijirou's there—with his sweet sharp-toothed smile, he's posted next to the bathroom door and you find yourself grappling his jacket for stability.
"Whoa—Careful now," He chuckles at your sloppiness with a lifted eyebrow. You blink once, twice—the spots floating in your line of vision don't disappear. His hands snake around your waist to keep you from falling and eating shit, and you dig your forehead into his muscled chest.
"Gotta—I gotta go home."
"Okay," Eijirou soothes softly upon realizing how utterly shit-faced you are. "How'd you get here?"
"Walked," you groan and nearly cry, looking up at him with a pout. Eijirou coos.
"Well, no offense but I don't think you're good to walk on your own, Sweetheart."
His voice is heady with something you can't quite recognize, but it's comfortable, and you melt into his chest with a weak nod.
"Can I help you home?" He offers with a kind smile. You nod, fists gripping his shirt in tufts.
"Yes please."
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"I am al—hic—always so fu—fucking careful," you slur. Your body has gone so numb that Eijirou gave up and resorted to carrying you bridal style the rest of the way instead. But he has to set you down so you can stuff your keys in the door, but you can't even do that right.
"Need me to do it?"
"No!" You puff your cheeks, trying twice more before you successfully get it in the keyhole. "'Mma strong independent woman who don' nee' no mahn."
Eijirou chuckles, and using his big shoulder, opens the door to chauffeur you inside. Neither of you get very far, maybe halfway to your room, before your legs give out and the only thing that saves you is the hand on your waist.
"Down this hall?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. You nod so profusely it gives you a temporary headache.
You blink and you're in your bedroom, your front hitting the sheets with a soft thump. Huh. Maybe he carried you the rest of the way. With a face full of pillows, you groan at the new and improved position as you feel the bed dip behind you, and Eijirou grab both of your wrists.
"You're so cute, you know that?"
Something soft and silk ties your fists behind your back. You recognize the material as the belt from your robe, tossed carelessly on your bed during the chaos that ensues every time you get ready for the club. It's not until you try to pull your hands apart that you realize they're tied tight.
"Pulling is only going to make it tighter," Eijirou says with an absentminded sigh, like he's done this before, and trepidation spikes in your chest once he raises your hipbone and slides a pillow underneath to angle them, the only way you could break free—especially with the new grip on your hips.
"Ei—" you try to squirm, legs kicking blindly into the space behind you, but once he seizes your thighs he's sitting on your calves to keep you in place. There's the undeniable sound of cloth ripping and your behind is suddenly met with cool air, prompting a shiver or two.
"Eijirou, what are yo—"
You're interrupted by a stinging slap to your ass and a growl. "Don't tell me I gotta gag your pretty mouth too, Sweetheart."
His voice is low and sharp with a threat, his grip tightening around your thighs.
"You're soaked already? Fuck...and I bet you taste so sweet too..." he bites back a groan in thought, sliding a finger down your slit.
He clicks his tongue but it's damn near mocking. You gasp as he fills you with two large fingers instead of one, body tensing as the alcohol-induced numbness fades in favor of amplified arousal. Eijirou chuckles at your reaction.
"Taking it so well already," he purrs, hand caressing the crest of your ass. In your defense, there isn't much you can do but take it. Ah-ah, Sweetheart—Speak up for me."
"O-Ow," you hiss when your head is wrenched. upwards via your hair to expose your broken moan. Eijirou's grip only tightens after you complain, and you can feel his hot breath ghost the base of your neck. His thumb finds your clit and doesn't move, it just sits there as heavy weight—and it's just as frustrating as it is teasing.
"Ei," you rasp into the pillow, voice hoarse and thick. "I nee—fuck, more—"
"More?" He chuckles derisively, shaking his head with a tut. "Two fingers and you want more? Fuckin' slut."
Each word is loaded with something pitifully mocking and if you were in any other position you would've curled a lip and spat back. But that's a little hard with your face in the pillow and Eijirou's weight above you, isn't it? You shake your head against his fist until he lets go in favor of crackling a solid hand against your ass.
"Oh, you like that, don't you Sweetheart?" He grunts and his fingers increase in speed, the lewd squelch bounces off the walls of the bedroom and echoes in your head in the most insulting way. "My fingers fill you up that good?"
"Y-Yeah, I—" you choke around drool that gathers in the corners of your mouth and shake under his palm. "Fuck me Ei, I nee—"
The quick spank cracked against your ass shakes you from your thought process. "Dirty fucking girl—you really so desperate to let a guy you just met fuck you like this? So goddamn easy."
But he's removing his fingers regardless, stuffing them between your swollen lips as he assumes the space behind you. You hear the quiet fumble of his belt and the run of his zipper, before you feel his hot cock pressing against your soaked entrance.
Eijirou pushes in with a groan, his free hand finding your hips to keep them in place. Your legs thrash as he fills you up with a pleasurable burn, and by the time he bottoms out, you're positive he's filling you up all the way to your lungs.
"Fucking hell," he heaves above you, and the fingers in your mouth disappear to grasp the sheets. You shake along with him, back straightening in a poor attempt to alleviate the burn—and he barely gives you a second to breathe before he's pulling out and slamming back in.
You jump each time the head of his cock rams against your cervix, feet scrambling in a poor attempt to escape. Eijirou growls and puts all of his weight in his hips to ensure you'll stay still, a big hand smushing your face into the sheets.
"Sing for me, Sweetheart—I wanna hear ya."
Your voice cracks as Eijirou speeds up, simply using you for his own pleasure—but maybe that's what excites you the most.
"'S this what you need, Sweetheart?" He spits, and you can feel the sweat dripping from his shoulders onto your exposed back. "Y'need me to use you to get off while you just lie there and take it?"
You whimper uselessly and nod, but Eijirou growls, yanking your head up for a proper answer.
"I said, don't you?"
"Fuck I—" he hikes your hips even higher for a better angle and gets one, the head of his cock forcing a scream out of your lungs as you yelp, "I do!"
"'Course you do," he chuckles, and drops your head back onto the pillow, "'Course you fuckin' do—"
"Ei-Eiji—" you gasp like you've been underwater forever. "I can't, I nee—"
"Dumb little baby can't even speak," he coos, before his hand finds the sides of your neck and squeezes. "What? Whadd'ya need, Sweetheart?"
And honestly, you're not completely sure what you need, you just know you're chasing after *something—*and Eijirou's got you sprinting after it while you melt into the sheets into a hot, gooey mess. You think the split ends of EIjirou's hair ticking the back of your arms, but you aren't sure. The only thing you are sure of is the burn between your legs and the feeling of being very, very close.
"'Mma cum!" You squeal, the vein in the side of your neck bulging. Eijirou grunts and slides a calloused hand under your stomach to play with your clit, hissing as you squeeze around him.
"Awe, the little slut's gonna cream all over my cock?" He coos, and you're positive his hips speed up just a bit. The grip on your neck slides to the hands tied behind your back for leverage. "Yeah she fuckin' is—I can see your eyes rolling back already."
And he's right, because the weight of your orgasm knocks the wind out of your lungs and your lips round to form and 'o'. You couldn't say if you screamed or not, as the ringing in your ears peaks with your orgasm. The only reason you know Eijirou finishes is because his hips stutter to a stop while you lay face down in the pillow, heart thrumming against your ribcage.
"Hey, you okay?" Eijirou nearly scrambles to get your back on your chest. You know this type of thing gets him nervous, but he does it oh so well, and there isn't much you can do but smile at the ceiling lazily.
"You just railed me into the sheets and you're asking if I'm fine?" You snort at your boyfriend's frazzled appearance—and the afterglow doesn't help, his chili red hair sticking in every other direction except the one it's supposed to.
"Yeah," Eijirou doesn't even hesitate and then gives you a quick peck on the lips. His voice edges on a petulant whine as he says, "I was rough, Sweetheart."
"Because I asked you to be," you quirk an eyebrow and finally, the redhead stumbles to your joint bathroom butt naked. "And don't forget to wet the towel this time!
A little shuffling in the bathroom, and then:
"That was one time!"
"And my vag will never recover!" You holler back. Eijirou just snorts before the white noise of a running sink takes possession of the conversation, and you scoot to the section of your shared bed that isn't soiled with a sigh.
You roll onto your side and come face to face with a framed selfie of you and Eijirou on your first date. Next to that one is first anniversary, second anniversary, third...
Now you're edging on the fifth, comfortable enough where he's walking around with his soft dick out and you've given up in swatting at his hands every time they grab for your tits. You two are comfortable—this is comfortable.
Eyeing the bathroom door, you still hear running water. Sneakily, you reach for the drawer where Eijirou keeps the the ring he doesn't know you know he hides. But frankly, you're the only one who cleans this goddamn house, so it wasn't like you weren't going to find it. You open the red velvet box to blink down at a diamond ring, thumb caressing gem. It glimmers even when the lights are low, and you can't help but be jealous of it—which is silly. You know it'll be yours anyway. The ring is always smoother than you expect it to be, but that thought doesn't last long, because you quickly toss it back into Eijirou's drawer and assume a less suspicious position upon hearing the sink turn off.
"What?" he asks with a small grin as he walks in with a wet towel in hand. "You're giving me that weird look again."
You snort, rolling your eyes before adjusting so you face the ceiling again. Spreading your legs, you demand, "'S nothing. Now clean me up, big boy."
Eijirou huffs at that but he assumes the space between your legs with a light blush. You smile.
He'll do it. When he grows the balls.
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limelocked · 3 years
things i want to write about that will get me killed:
1) c!tommys toxic traits and how they make him wrong but interesting more so than the golden boy jesus figure that fanon makes him out to be
2) just because you didnt notice c!wilburs propaganda and manipulation doesnt mean you have to yell at people who analyze and recontextualize his character with the information we have now, just block and move on or like block critical tags, its what c!dream analysts do
3) theres no such thing as good or evil on this server and using terms like that perpetuate the idea that theres one way thats morally superior and that every character should strive for it when in fact its a dense narrative about multiple perspectives where everyone believes theyre somewhat in the right
4) your fave is not the main character, they might have been in a lot of the plot but thats the fault of the CCs to not include more people or you’re bias about whats “major” plot, all of which doesnt matter because there is no main character, only major characters like currently bad, ranboo, tubbo, jack, quackity and sam
5) short and sweet post about how why the fuck would dream want power? he already HAS power! he wants control! and then you have to get into the question of why aka his motives and his trauma and oops did i say that the evil monster has trauma uh oh
6) i want to find a really bad take either attacking c!dream or defending another morally gray character and just make a copy pasta out of it cuz ive seen way too many takes i could just change the names a little and suddenly op is defending dream or torture
7) a look on the cycle of abuse and how saying that dream deserves the abuse quackity is putting him through and the whole idea of “kill your abusers” is pretty fucking yikes
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et-lesailes · 4 years
iron crush
pairing: tony stark x reader
word count: 1952
summary: you’re a college student as well as roommates/best friends with peter parker, but you’ve developed a bit of a crush on his world famous, superhero mentor tony stark.
themes: age gap, smut
taglist: @evanstush​​​, @tanyam93​​​, @bval-1​​​, @wonderwinchester​​​, @patzammit​​​, @rohaintahquil​​​, @deidrashouseofpain​​​, @sammyslonglostshoe​​​, @jadedhillon​​​, @bohemian-barbie​​, @whysparker​​​, @sebastian-i-stan​​​, @sebabestianstan101​​​, @lille-kattunge​​​, @teller258316​​​, @peach-acid​​​, @allsortsofinterests​​​, @xoxabs88xox​​​, @heyiamthatbitch​​​, @cptn-sgrogers​​​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​​​, @bangtan-serendipity​​​, @troublermalik​​​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​​​, @bookish-shristi​​​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​​​,  @gingerninjaprincess16​​​, @straightforwardly​​,  @denisemarieangelina​​​,  @frencchfries​​​, @xlanawriter​​​, @littlemoistcarrot​​��, @pottxrwolff​​​, @arianatheangelworld​​​​, @southerngracela​​​, @nsfwsebbie​​​, @rororo06​​​, @savemesteeb​​​​, @raveviolet​​​​, @hurricanerinwrites​​​​, @captainamerica-is-bae​​​​, @shaddixlife​​​​, @tessa-bl​​​​, @marvelouspottering​​​​, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc​​​​, @thegetawaywriter​​​​, @dwights-new-plague​​​​, @rynabarnesrogers​​​​, @fckdeusername​​​​,  @doloreschanal​​​​, @ssworldofsw​​​​, @la-cey​​​, @buckybarnesplumwhore​​​, @hevans-angel​​, @chuckbass-love​​, @stardust-galaxies​​, @smyfmj​​
notes: in this story, peter and reader are 18! I know the opening scene is literally from civil war where peter is a minor in high school but shhh just pretend :))) also sorry if you’re tagged and don’t care for tony, i haven’t really been separating my permanent taglist and my cevans only taglist because it’s a lot of work gjfjdjg so just ignore if you don’t want to read, no worries! also as always, graphic creds go to @thewritingdoll​ !
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You first met him that fateful day he was waiting for Peter in his apartment itself, casually chatting with Aunt May while pretending to enjoy her walnut date loaves. Being Peter’s childhood friend, you’ve known of his Spider-Man secret ever since he became the masked hero, and it hadn’t been difficult for you to figure out that Tony was there for Avengers related reasons. You remember the piercing eye contact you made, the way his brown eyes lingered over you in surprise and approval; you had felt flattered beyond belief that you were even noticed in such a way when you were in the same room as Peter’s abnormally attractive aunt. 
Fast forward a few months later, and you, Peter, and your other friend Ned now have an apartment of your own. The three of you have always been inseparable; you see them as brothers and you can trust them to have your back, just like you and Ned have Peter’s whenever he’s called to save the neighborhood (and, lately, many areas outside of it).
You’re on your belly on your bed in a tank and shorts, taking notes while skimming through your psychology textbook when you hear a knock on the door. You roll your eyes- Ned always forgets his keys, which is why you tend to leave the door unlocked whenever it’s just you at home. It’s difficult to worry much about crime when you literally live with a world famous superhero. “It’s open!” you call, eyes still scanning the words on the pages before you. The door opens and you hear footsteps, louder and louder until they’ve come to your doorway. “Have you just, permanently lost your keys or something?” you ask in amusement, not even bothering to look up at your roommate.
“Didn’t get any to begin with, actually. Got a copy for me? Would be pretty helpful considering the kid never answers his goddamn phone.”
Your head immediately snaps up, your eyes widening slightly as you stare at the grown man at the entrance of your bedroom who is very clearly not Ned. “Tony!” you exclaim in surprise, moving to sit up on your knees as you gaze up at him somewhat embarrassed- and suddenly feeling much more naked. You’re comfortable with limited clothing around Peter and Ned, you’ve known them practically your whole life- but Tony is someone you’ve seen all over television, only met once… and have the slightest crush on. You’ve always loved a man with confidence, and while Tony has too much of it, you can’t help but find it appealing. You clear your throat, trying not to blush from his amused expression. “Uh, yeah, Peter’s not home right now… do you want me to text him? Maybe he’ll reply to me?”
“What? Reply to his cute best friend he drools over on a daily basis- over replying to me? No way.” Tony smirks slightly, his voice dripping with sarcasm, and you find yourself blushing deeper- though you arch an eyebrow, more than happy to confront what he’s just said. “Cute?” you repeat, and he shrugs nonchalantly, leaning against the doorframe as he takes your appearance in. “Yeah. Cute. What, haven’t heard it before? Because I highly doubt that.” 
“Not from a man twice my age, no,” you tease, suddenly feeling a little more confidence as you sit up a little straighter, remaining on your knees, “and Peter does not drool over me. Trust me, our relationship is not like that. We’ve known each other for too long.” Tony keeps his eyes on you for a few moments before suddenly nodding towards your textbook. “Whatchya working on?” You blink, glancing towards your notes. “Psychology. It’s my major.”
“So how do you read me?” he asks, and you assume he’s being some type of smart ass- after all, whenever you tell someone your major is psychology they immediately bring out the “so you can read my mind” joke- but when you look up at his expression, he actually seems genuinely curious. “Lonely.” You reply candidly, eyebrow lifting slightly. “Bored, always running out of things to do so you focus way too much on work.”
“Uh, yeah, that’s because I save the world for a living. Kind of has to be on my mind 24/7, doesn’t it?”
“Yikes, getting a little defensive, hm, Tony?” you tease with a smirk, knowing he can handle it. “That’s never a good sign in counseling…”
“Oh, are you my counselor now?” he scoffs, but the corner of his lip is tugged slightly upward, clearly able to banter just as much as you. “Alright. I’ll bite.” He comes into your room and sits down at the edge of your bed right next to you, looking at you expectantly. “Tell me, O Mighty Therapist, what should I do to alleviate my pain?” he questions dramatically, and you laugh, reaching out to nudge him. “Maybe stop being a pain in the ass to other people? Let them in for once?”
He listens thoughtfully and you're expecting a snarky comment, but instead, he replies bluntly in a low murmur with a raised brow, “What if I want a certain someone to let me in?” It takes you a few moments to realize the innuendo, your blush immediately returning once you do. “Tony…”
He leans in, his eyes focused on yours. “I won’t tell anyone…” You stare up at his features, your breath slightly heavier. You feel a bit of guilt but the desperate want is overpowering it- come on, he’s Tony Stark, and he’s here in your bedroom asking you to fuck. Maybe it’s not for the best reasons, but you decide you don’t care. You grab his face and pull him down, kissing him fiercely in response.
Everything happens so fast. His lips move against yours in intense synchrony, his hands grabbing your waist to tackle you down onto your back on the bed before he reaches out to shove your textbook and notebook off the mattress entirely. You gasp but continue to kiss him, your legs naturally moving to wrap around his waist to keep his body pressed close against yours, already feeling turned on from the friction between you. Judging by the bulge currently pressing against your inner thigh, it’s safe to say he feels the same. 
Neither of you even realize how absorbed in this kiss you are- you’re moving, practically rolling all over the place, until you roll off the bed itself. A squeal escapes your lips as both of you go tumbling onto the ground- thankfully carpeted- and you laugh breathlessly as you stare up at him, still underneath him. “Oops,” you whisper, but he just smirks and leans down to kiss you again, muttering huskily against your lips, “That’s alright, sweet cheeks, I can fuck you just as good on the floor too.” Your smile fades slightly, but only because of how aroused you’ve become just from hearing him. You’ve only ever slept with one guy before, and he was nowhere near as experienced or bold as Tony. You definitely needed this. 
He notices your expression and smirks, staring down at you as he moves one hand down to rub his fingers against your shorts. “What’s up, Y/N? You like that idea? Me fucking you into the floor of your bedroom, with your door wide open?” Your lips open into a needy moan, though you completely forgot about the door situation. Fuck. You glance to it nervously, but he only applies more pressure to your clothed entrance, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “You’re adorable, sweetheart. Think of it as a little adrenaline rush, hm? You have to take some risks sometimes, right?” He slips his fingers into your shorts and panties, rubbing your clit directly as he breathes out, “That’s my therapeutic advice to you…”
“A-ah…! Tony!” you moan lewdly, arching your back and staring up at him with wide eyes. “Please… I need more…”
He gladly obliges, his smirk growing wider as he eyes you hungrily. His fingers pump you skillfully, sliding in and out of your entrance and stretching you out, his thumb simultaneously teasing your clit. You’re a breathless mess of whimpers and whines, your head rolling back and your eyes shutting from the pleasure. The boy you were with before definitely didn’t know how to use his fingers. Tony, on the other hand, moves at the perfect, steady pace, actually listening to you to understand what you like and what’s working. The way he slightly crooks his fingers and expertly maneuvers them in subtle but hard hitting gestures inside your tight entrance is slowly making you uncoil- when he feels you tighten around his digits, he grins triumphantly. “Go ahead,” he commands breathlessly, “cum all over my fingers so I can taste you already…” 
You obey with a gasp, coating his fingers with your release- he withdraws them and places them in his mouth, looking at you with a hungry little smirk. “Delicious,” he growls, his devious eyes filled with lust. 
“Take off your clothes,” you breathe out suddenly, and he blinks before chuckling, pulling back slightly and obediently starting to unbutton his shirt. “For the record, I’m the one in charge here, but I also wanted to strip anyways,” he tells you playfully and you laugh, taking your own tank off feeling thankful you didn’t wear a bra that day. That would have been way too much work- you need him now. He stares down at you amazed, biting on his lip. “Damn. Your body is something else.” You widen your eyes upon seeing his cock when he removes his pants, clucking your tongue as you mumble, “I could say the same about you…”
He smirks and presses his throbbing erection against your sensitive entrance, his breaths heavy from anticipation. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, doll. Think I’m already addicted to you.” 
He thrusts into you roughly at that moment, letting out a groan of pleasure as he pins you down against the floor. You cry out in happiness as you arch your back towards him, rocking your hips upwards against his and holding onto his back tightly. You don’t even care that you’re on a rug right now- comfort is the least of your concerns when he’s stretching you out so nicely, his brown eyes filled with hunger as he stares down at you in arousal. “You look so pretty underneath me, Y/N,” he murmurs huskily, grunting with eyebrows furrowed in concentration, his dick entering deeper and deeper inside you with each thrust. “And you feel… mm… better than words can even describe…”
“Tony…! Oh, God, Tony- mm…!” You’re at a loss for words; the sensation is overwhelming, pushing you over the edge, filling every crevice of your mind with euphoria and delight. Your body’s beginning to quiver, your walls tightening around his cock- he smirks weakly in satisfaction, knowing you’re close. “Fuck. I’m gonna cum deep inside you, beautiful, I want you to cum for me… God… damn…” 
Just as promised, he releases inside you, the feeling adding to your pleasure- you gasp in delight as you cum, your head rolling back and your eyes wide as you stare up at the ceiling. He lays on top of you for a bit before slowly lifting himself off, looking down at you with his signature smirk. 
Before he can say anything, though, a voice belonging to a certain web-slinging eighteen-year-old boy standing at the doorway with a wide open mouth screams:
“What the fuck?!”
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cinnamon-harry · 4 years
Fake if when the reader is bi or pan thnx a lot
another long one hehe i hope u like it tho! :))
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Liked by arianagrande, harrystyles and 2,172,940 others
yourinstagram girl, it’s been too long
View all 31,619 comments
arianagrande dis one a banger. they’re not ready
yourinstagram @arianagrande at alllll😩
ynfan2 THESE R LYRICS ???^^
harrystyles that was magic going on in that booth
yourinstagram @harrystyles hehe :)))
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Liked by gemmastyles, pillowpersonpp and 2,852,968 others
harrystyles uh oh
View all 30,163 comments
yourinstagram oops. u weren’t supposed to see that ..
harrystyles @yourinstagram are you trying to make me jealous?
yourinstagram @harrystyles maybe ..
ynfan1 ur just the side piece now harry.. accept it.
ynfan3 uhh is she into girls or ?? idk how i feel about that :/
harryfan1 @ynfan3 nobody cares ..
harryfan2 i’m calling it now.. they were never together, y/n is gay and harold was the cover up.
yourinstagram @harryfan2 LMAOOOO BYE
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Liked by gigihadid, annetwist and 1,827,930 others
yourinstagram when you rock them short nails that’s lowwwwkey sentimental
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ynfan1 GIRL WHAT ?????
harryfan1 the true lesbians know what’s up with that caption
yourinstagram @harryfan2 maybe..
ynfan2 r u and harry still together ??
yourinstagram @ynfan2 yes .. idk where everyone got the idea that we weren’t 😭😭
ynfan3 yikes.. i don’t like this new era it’s too much
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Liked by kidharpoon, mabel and 1,973,139 others
harrystyles watching you in the studio for these past weeks has been more than an honor. i’m so glad you chose to share this with everyone. i love you. the worlds gonna love this one bubs❤️ link in bio.
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harryfan1 this was RUDE
yourinstgram thank you for helping me become the truest version of me. i love you bubs
harrystyles @yourinstgram ❤️❤️❤️
harryfan2 PLS THE BUBS. I CANT.
ynfan2 no no no no nO. I WAS NOT rEaDy
harryfan3 i kind of wish she was just only into girls so her and harry wouldn’t be together ..
yourinstgram @harryfan3 what does this even meAn
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Liked by arianagrande, victoriamonet and 3,019,163 others
yourinstagram a HUGGEEEE thanks to the 80 million people that convinced me to put this one out into the world. it’s finally out and i’m.. nervous?? really happy though. i’ve never been very open about my sexuality so this was pretty nerve racking for me buuuttt i had so much fun expressing myself and just...sex. i love you guys so much and i love my boyfriend that’s helped me get through the last 5 panic attacks i’ve had. also i’m bisexual !! although a lot of you already figured that out. anyways. thank u. i love u.
touch me. out now.
View all 34,184 comments
arianagrande i love u bestie. loved watching u take this big journey, forever in awe of youuu
yourinstagram @arianagrande 🥺my bestie. i fucking love u
harryfan1 TINA ! SHES BISEXUAL !
harryfan3 how are u bisexual if ur dating a man.. ?
ynfan2 @harryfan3 OMG STFU
harrystyles so proud of u baby
yourinstagram @harrystyles ❤️❤️❤️
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jennyandvastraflint · 9 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep20.
A river?
"Don't talk to your breakfast"
Abfhdhdd Xena is such a lil shit
HUAH A MAN. EW. Damn if I pulled that to land...
The horde?
Oh SHIT dead men
Mmmmmm... Sensing more really racist villains...
Oh she damaged the boat
Oh Xena's fought them before
She is going thru it with her bad memories...
Gabrielle has a really cute hairstyle rn, the lil braids 🥰
"Things are going to get worse, especially with what I'll have to do to get us out of here" 👀
"They're calling for Athena"
"No we got you now. We're keeping you."
A RAINBOW 🌈 Oh you mean the waterfall. Obviously there's a waterfall
Yeah this is just one lot with weapons murdering the other lot with weapons... Really shitty overall and it would be better if everyone sat down and talked. But isn't that the case with so much
*dramatically dies* K bye then
Oh he's a fucking bullyyy
"You can't reason with dead men" Hmmm
Bet it's not a god? Bet it's just something small?
Sjdjdbs her just scaring the guy
Maybe stop calling them "things" and "it"
Uh oh. Is this Xena falling back into old patterns....
Oh yeah Gabrielle is SHOCKED
Gabrielle doing the healing and taking care of the wounded
Oop. Yeah Xena fell into these patterns VEEEERY easily...
"If they can do that, they can carry a weapon" AAAAH 😭
Gabrielle hates this side of Xena... There'll be some tension after this, yeeesh
Oh they have archers
Xena is drunk on the nostalgia rushing in. But it'll cost her so much with Gabrielle. Gabrielle can't do this. And neither can I.
"I don't care! So long as this man still breathes, he's in my-... care" 😭😭😭
"What is going on with you?" AAAH
"You're scaring me" SHFHDHD T_T
Gabrielle will try, won't she
Smoke bombs?
Yuck the redfacing...
"the animal" FUCK OFF!?
"Gabrielle go outside" "No."
"Don't do this. It's murder."
"SO I CAN BE A MURDERER TOO?" Oh she's bringing out the big guns
"What part of this don't you understand?" "You."
"It's not a god. The dying men just want water"
"That's the price isn't it, losing your humanity"
Gabrielle is the best babygirl I love her
Gabrielle just declared a truce by providing an act of kindness in this horrible bloodshed
"Looks like you've got your battle to the death"
Please don't fuck this up...
You could've just tried to communicate earlier :)
Xena going soft watching Gabrielle take care of the wounded
"You understand hatred but you've never given into it. You don't know how much I love- that."
"But we'll walk down that road together" 🏳️‍🌈
Xena don't you dare kill him.
Oop. Yeah I'm still uncomfortable with that racism. Very yikes.
"It won't be warriors, it'll be someone like you"
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