#Or should I say BHK
Hey. You.
Reblog this with a piece of Kingdom Hearts fanart from before 2005.
Let's see the culture from where it started.
(Also, please credit the original creator. No stealing.)
I'll start...
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[Created by drowdragon on Deviantart on April 4th, 2003]
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muserryy · 7 days
chapter 2 || LIFE OF REVA MASTERLIST || main masterlist
read chapter one here.
Reva D'Souza
It was another evening and we had just finished our takeout dinner. Now, we were lounging in the living area. I was sitting near the balcony, on a barstool at the counter table. I kept the sliding door open, letting in the wind and sounds of traffic commotion. Harry was sprawled on the couch, busy on his phone, wearing his grey sweats and a black tee.
It had been a week and a half since I started staying in this flat. and I had noticed that Harry usually spent his evenings out. However, today, he decided to stay in. I usually stayed in, went for a short walk around the block or nearby streets, or talked to my family. 
Our apartment was a 2 BHK on the second floor of a building that accommodated families and students. Upon entering, there was the living space. To the left of the entrance was a wall, with the kitchen on the other side seamlessly flowing into the living area. A large glass sliding door, in the front, led to the balcony, which provided the main source of natural light. Directly across from the balcony, at the end of the living area, were two rooms; Harry's on the left and mine on the right. The bathroom was located to the right of the entrance, just before my room. 
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I was pleased with my room; it was boxy yet not too sophisticated. There was a single bed in the corner by the door, a weary wardrobe, a study table, and a window where I had a small potted plant that I watered from time to time. I had yet to decorate my room and was searching for ideas. I brought some of my sketches to stick on the walls, but it was certain that I was not going to keep my room plain like vanilla.
The grey paint on the walls was peeling in some corners, but it was bearable. I was satisfied with the bathroom. It was big enough and had bright tiles; everything was at a strategic distance. 
It wasn't congested at all, maybe because of the fewer chattels. Overall, it was worth the half rent I was paying. 
We had been sitting here for 10 minutes. At first I thought about saying or asking something but my mind was blank. I kept trying to figure out what to say because the silence was starting to feel a bit awkward. However, when we both became engrossed in our screens, I didn't care. 
Eventually, Harry decided to break the silence. 
"So, when do your classes start?" Harry asked, looking up from his phone. His voice was soothingly deep, with a british accent.
I looked up from mine, meeting his gaze. "Next week," I cleared my throat as I had been silent for a while. 
He nodded, getting busy on his phone again. I leaned forward on my chair placing my arms against the marble counter and continued scrolling on my phone. 
"You nervous?" 
Our eyes met again. I nodded, mentally slapping myself to use the words. "A little, it's my first time in college, so. .. " 
"Understandable," He smiled sympathetically, "but don't worry, you'll be fine. I remember my first year of college was nerve-wracking too."
I gave him a small smile.
Oh god what should I say now? Should I ask him something about it? Why the hell am I like this?
"What's your major? I didn't ask you about it before." 
We had already had a conversation about the university when we realized that we were both attending the same one. It was a brief exchange, neither of us asked about each other's majors or courses. We had a small introduction— the where's and the why's. I learned that Harry was from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire and had come to pursue his undergraduate studies with his friends. I shared that I was from India and that my parents, especially my father, had encouraged me to pursue higher education abroad.
"I'm doing a joint major in literature and sociology." I answered.
"Actually, I'm also doing sociology. so we have one subject in common." He said, a grin spreading across his face.
My eyebrows shot up. Oh now that's a great coincidence. He might help me with the subject.
"Oh! and what else are you taking?"
"I'm doing a triple major in psychology, sociology and music." He responded as he locked his phone and put his arms behind his head, focusing on me.
"Wow. I considered studying psychology too, but not to that level… you know, studying for the sake of grades and all the practical stuff..." I admitted, fiddling with my phone. "I just have a deep curiosity about human behaviour."
"Well, I have been interested in it for a long time, pretty intense." 
"And what about music? You like to sing or–" He interrupted me before I could finish my question.
"I like singing," he nodded, a sly smile appearing on his lips.
I gave him an impressed look, curious to know more, but couldn't bring myself to ask further questions about it. Maybe it was simply a matter of mood. 
"That's great! It's your final year, isn't it? What are you gonna do after that?" I found myself asking.
I have always been interested in knowing what people will be doing once they graduate and all those future plans.
"I'm not sure yet," he shifted, sitting straight. "Masters in psychology or music, maybe. Or maybe working in music therapy." He shrugged.
And I like such answers. I like when people are unsure and still figuring things out. It makes me feel relieved and reassured, less alone. It reminds me that they are humans. We are just humans ౨ৎ. 
I hadn't really given much thought to my future beyond college, but whenever someone asked me I tried to appear as if I had some kind of plan.
"Literature, right? You must enjoy reading a lot, then?" He inquired, his fingers idly playing with his soft, messy curls. 
Oh hell no. I mean I do read but that's not why I chose literature. To be honest, I'm not sure why I chose it. I read mostly for myself when I feel like it. I'm not the type to be engrossed in books and texts all the time. I prefer writing. 
"Actually, I don't read that much." I said, pursing my lips, knowing it must be confusing to him. A lit major who doesn't read, well— that much. "I prefer writing. I either write poetry or just… whatever comes to my head."
He raised his eyebrows at my words. I had a feeling he might be judging me, but he didn't question it.
Instead, he asked, "You write?"
I gave him a simple nod of confirmation. I wanted to mention that I was currently working on a small project but I didn't want to disclose it to anyone until I was sure it was progressing.
"Could I maybe read some of your writing sometime?" He asked, almost eagerly. I blinked.
Nobody had ever asked to read something I'd written before, not even my close ones who were aware of my writing. Harry was a near-stranger, I wouldn't mind sharing it with him now that he had asked, but something held me back. I didn't want to be judged for what I wrote. People often make assumptions about our worth as writers, after reading a few pieces. They may not say it to our faces, but the facade of appreciation and praise still scars and bothers me just as much.
Oh gosh, it's always those people. 
My mind was racing with a desire to scream 'YES, YES, YES', but the word 'no' was on the tip of my tongue, to keep my writing personal and hidden away.
"I'm… I'm not sure," I muttered. "I'm not used to sharing my writing with anyone."
"Oh, no, I mean it's completely up to you. I was just curious." He smiled, favourably. I let out a breath. 
Girl, you should apologize to him, at least, for being dismissive especially when he showed interest. He was curious and you said you're not sure? Really?
I could smell his probable disappointment, but I didn't bring myself to say anything. Instead, I felt an urge to confess my secret work in progress. Was I feeling this way because I refused to show him my work or—
"You know," he spoke, "I used to write poetry too, back in high school." 
"Yeah, I tried to, at least." he chuckled, looking down at himself and picking at the fabric of his t-shirt. "Nothing too great, mostly just teenage angst and emotions."
I chewed my lips, staring at his relaxed figure. I often found myself pouring my own emotions and thoughts into whatever I wrote. It was a way of expressing myself, especially because I couldn't verbalize my feelings.
"Looking back, some of my poetry was absolutely ridiculous," he admitted, slightly shaking his head.
He chuckled, gazing up at me, "I was a classic teenage drama queen." 
"I know the feeling, I've written my fair share of corny stuff too." I couldn't suppress a titter as I said that. I leaned my chin on my hand.
"I think we all go through that phase, no?" The tiny smile never left his lips. 
"Yeah, I suppose so." I concurred with a nod.
And the conversation died. I took another glance at him before averting my gaze down to my phone, seeing my reflection on the black screen. My hair, pulled into a ponytail, had somehow managed to look untidy and loose with strands of hair almost sticking out from the sides. I grimaced at my state. My hands quickly reached up to readjust it and make it somewhat presentable. 
Great, I had been looking like this the entire time and it wasn't even a cute, loose ponytail. 
A ring echoed in the silence, grabbing my attention— Harry's phone. He glanced at the caller before standing up and securing his door key in his pocket.
"I'm heading out," he informed me, walking to the door with his phone in his hand, still ringing. "I'll be back in about half an hour." He flashed me a quick smile before opening the door and stepping out.
"Aye, count to 20!" I heard him giggle into the phone as the door shut.
I exhaled a huff and pulled the elastic band off my hair, letting my mid-back length hair fall loose.
Time to oil my hair. 
chapter 3 soon!!
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Gotta say that last night's episode of Big Sky was the most frustrating one yet. I have a lot of thoughts. I think it goes without saying at this point, if you don't like, don't read.
This was me the whole episode:
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Logistical mishaps in this episode alone:
Cassie goes to see Blaire's father which Beau and Jenny just realize that he's the guy who broke into the office & rush to get to her but don't call in any backup or have any units rush there who might be in the area? Especially when they can't get a hold of her though they're repeatedly calling her?
Donno heads out after Luke (and Nosy Emily) but somehow he doesn't come across Emily or hear her very loud screaming when she finds Mary's body (though Emily was heading in a similar direction to where Luke was in)?
Same goes for Buck - Donno had no idea? And Buck knowing the woods better than any of them, he didn't hear a thing as Donno loudly made his way through the trees, going Snap, Crackle, Pop every few seconds?
Sunny overhears Tonya and Donno discussing looking for Luke but she doesn't think for a second that this is abnormal because she's so focused on setting up Luke for Paige's and Mary's murders? She has two dangerous people in her camp and she now knows it but she just lets it roll off her shoulder?
Emily was scared of Luke not two episodes ago (and I'm assuming the time passage is about a day or so?), thinking he killed Paige, and now because she had one conversation with him (two if you're counting his ominous warning to her before leaving) and she follows him into the woods alone? Even after she had that conversation with the other camper about not trusting him? Like I get she's a teenager and a nosy one at that who is consistently making stupid decisions, but really?
So Sunny was so concerned about DNA evidence that she had Buck set their car on fire but when moving Mary's body, neither her or Buck stop to think about the DNA evidence for one second? Like I get they were reacting in the moment but come on
Emily goes missing and Carla, while worried, listens to Avery and doesn't call Beau or the police? Not to mention, she waited until it was after dark and a couple of hours had passed? Instead, she just took Sunny's and Avery's word for it that she would be fine? This isn't a town fair or an amusement park or even a baseball game - this is the woods out in Montana and the show has already mentioned bears and coyotes - why tf would Carla not call Beau/the authorities if no one at the camp ground is doing anything? Especially since she knows that something is up with Luke who oh so mysteriously can't be found either?
How is it that Paige and Walt knew where to find Luke? I know Walt has been watching the camp but in all of this commotion, Walt wasn't seen or heard once? He was that focused on Luke that he was able to slip past him, Emily, Donno, and Buck, get Paige, and take her to a spot ahead so she could surprise Luke? ...what?
Beau tells Cassie not to go alone out into the woods so Cassie takes Denise with her, the woman who has just been through an ordeal but okay, and they're trailing the killer that just broke into their office and left them a message insinuating they're the killer and now both women are roaming the killer's alleged hunting ground? (what is logic at this point?)
Beau says to Jenny that he should pull Emily out of the camp, now knowing that the BHK (Bleeding Heart Killer) is back after the break in at the D&H office, but then they rush to...wait for it...interrogate a retired detective about documents he took YEARS ago? Not once does he call Emily or Carla or Avery or even Sunny for that matter. Not once does he ask Cassie to reach out to them or go get them (due to the whole no service thing). He doesn't even send Poppernak or anyone from the Sheriff's Dept, any cops, not even a Park Ranger (or whatever the equivalent is there) to go get them either. Like...🤦
Blair's father breaks into the D&H office to not only take files but to leave a bloody message on the wall, something to scare/motivate them into finding her killer? Because Denise left a message on an online forum about the case that hadn't been updated since 2012? Sure, that will definitely draw focus to the cold case & make the cops (oh sorry, I mean the local PI) want to solve the decades old murder. Not to mention, if a family member is advocating for the case to be solved, they consistently call the law enforcement dept handling the case to see if there's any updates, they consistently lobby the DA's office, they don't break into private investigation offices and do some finger painting to scare people into action. Maybe I've seen one too many true crime/procedural shows, but jfc this was ridiculous.
Blair's father also threatens Cassie by holding a firearm & mentioning her trespassing, slamming the door shut behind him (enclosing her in that space with him with no exit), approaches her even though she warns him to stop when she has her gun drawn, and then a few minutes later is tearfully begging her to solve his daughter's murder?
Beau literally mentions to Cassie in 3x03 that if she gets any bad vibes about the missing backpacker case he wants to be the first to know since Emily is in those woods (this is after him worrying about Emily in 3x02 when Cassie mentions the BHK case) - Cassie literally calls him (and Jenny) when Buck's car is set on fire, talks about how she found Walt creepy when she came across him on the road, and their office is broken into with a bloody message from the alleged BHK, AND HE STILL DOESN'T GO GET EMILY???? and Jenny and Cassie suggest he do so now knowing what they know & knowing how worried he was??? like I said, what even is logic at this point? - why mention it at all then? why did we need to see Beau's worry in 3x02 or that he's an overprotective dad? why did we need to see Cassie's or Jenny's reactions to his worry? why did we need Beau reminding Cassie in 3x03 about Emily camping (which she already knew in 3x02 not only by seeing it for herself but talking with Beau about it, and then Beau and Jenny)? I seriously wish I could sit in that writers' room for a day
I seriously wish I could sit in that writers' room for a day. I get that they're trying to tell a story here and some rules will have to be bent in the name of storytelling but these are not little things. I also understand that they're most likely struggling not only with the new format this season but attempting to balance a would-be ensemble cast's story lines, trying to thread all of them into this massive rug to weave with intersecting lines that hopefully will all make sense in the end. But the thing with rugs like that though (at least for this example anyway) is that if you pull one main thread in the wrong way, you can expect the rest to unravel and quickly. And before you know it, you have a pretty screwed up rug on your hands.
Cassie is the protagonist of this series (in both book and show forms) but only in the last couple of episodes has her story started to come to the forefront, and that's only because her big case in the background is starting to collide with Beau and Jenny's story line (as it did this episode in a big way) so now she is being given more face time. For a protagonist, this doesn't work. It's possible for one episode, maybe two, three max for the protagonist to take the backseat. (like those story lines we've seen play out in television where either another character is given the spotlight for an episode (i.e. Dean and Sam being in the background of the home movie camera episode of the teenage werewolves) or something has happened to the protagonist that is preventing them from being onscreen (i.e. when Lucy Lawless had a serious hip fracture while shooting season 2 of Xena & Hudson Leick had to step in and be the body-swapped Xena & the writers had to extend that story line for an episode further than they planned). The whole point of a protagonist is for us to see the story through their eyes. Think about it: Harry Potter wouldn't work if Harry was given 20 mins max screentime in any of the 2 hour movies. Not saying that the story of Hogwarts/Voldemort couldn't be told but there would have to be another protagonist like Hermione or Ron or someone. It wouldn't be called the Harry Potter series then. So diminishing Cassie into the background until her story line can serve the other characters', it's exactly that: diminishing. And it's not only rude af, it doesn't make sense.
While I understand that they're pushing the Beau/Jenny story line (not just romantically speaking but also weekly case wise) and Jenny is the other lead in this series, it shouldn't overshadow the main plot or again, the protagonist's story. Beau is not a lead; he's a side character (no matter who is playing him or how the show is pimping him out, see the sucking up to #acklesnation tweet for reference). While I also enjoy getting to see Beau onscreen and getting to know more about his story, this should be done in a way that balances well within the main plot, like Emily being camping up at Sunny's campground. So for him and Jenny to constantly take the spotlight, no matter the weekly case, it doesn't make sense and feels severely imbalanced. Especially when you have moments of Cassie and Jenny together/ their story lines converging and you have Beau only interacting with one lead but not the protagonist??? Or they can't interact themselves without having Jenny there since 3x04? Though their story lines are converging? This isn't about ships or any fandom wank, this is about good story telling and things making sense, which is definitely not happening here.
All of it feels incredibly unbalanced. Sunny's story being the third major plot of the season so far makes sense since they've done that before (i.e. Ron's story in season 1), but it feels like these writers are having trouble making the new format work while either the network or someone (or certain actors' contracts, idk, i'm literally thinking anything is possible at this point) is enforcing upon them a certain amount of face time for certain characters each episode, and one particular forming relationship. I get it, Beau and Jenny are a big selling point for this season, the writers are building it up, and it's most likely going there (I would think after this episode), but it's not the focal point of the story (nor should it be). Not when you have two major plots (Sunny's & the BHK) already and a constantly evolving third (the weekly cases). Like do what you gotta do, but for the love of story telling, can you please figure out a way to make this more organic?
One of the main reasons why I didn't care for Beau/Jenny immediately upon seeing 2x18 is because story wise, at that point, it didn't make sense. Of course Jensen and Katheryn have chemistry and they're both fantastic actors, but for Jenny's story, it doesn't make sense for her to have a romantic relationship with Beau. And here's why: Jenny's last romantic relationship in the show was with Travis. Travis, the guy who was still in love with his allegedly dead ex-girlfriend. The same guy whose need for revenge for said girlfriend took precedence over his connection with Jenny, to the point where it consumed him and he almost forced Jenny into doing the unthinkable. And in the very same episode where Travis exits Jenny's story, Beau enters her story as the new love interest for her? In the very same episode where Beau basically confirms that he's still in love with his ex-wife after Jenny suggests it. He used the same line ("You're good") he used in his scene with Cassie & Cassie had been right in that scene, so you do the math. And in the scene after that, Beau literally helps Jenny to stop Travis. And sure enough, in a scene after that one, Jenny tearfully lets Travis go to find the woman he's in love with now that he knows she's alive. So, tell me, how is her getting involved with Beau or any of this good for Jenny as a character? How does this help her character development? Her last romantic relationship before Travis was with Cody, and we all saw what happened there. So again, how is it good for Jenny? And how has her reactions to Beau as a character and now her present cockiness (see last episode) good for him? Yes, he may be a side character, but don't forget they brought his ex and daughter into this season, and we see Carla for the first time onscreen with Jenny right there. Where Jenny again states Beau is still in love with his ex but this time he denies it (though we see that Jenny may still be on the right track with that one because of how affected Beau is by Carla). And right after that, she makes it obvious that she is intent on getting her man like she always does, even when he outright tells her "you wish" when she flirts with him. So again, tell me how is this any good for Jenny or Beau? How is this good for either of their stories or the story in general?
My whole point being that there needs to be more organic buildup if they're going that way and stop playing into the enemies to lovers trope. It doesn't work in this context, not the way it should. But more importantly than that, stop giving it a spotlight in the main story line and letting it literally push other characters and plot points to the background. The focal point for Beau's story being Emily (and now his ex as well) makes sense because they are embedded into one of the major plot lines. The focal point on his developing relationship with Jenny does not. Now, Beau prepping Jenny for her eventual takeover as Sheriff, that makes sense.
So yeah, the last two episodes left me feeling a little frustrated because if there's one thing I can't stand, I hate feeling like I'm wasting my time (and bad writing definitely is a time-waster). Especially when you compare this show to other shows currently airing. No one is forcing me to watch (obviously) but I am trying to give it an honest chance and I'm sincerely hoping things will get better in the next episodes, especially now that it seems things are starting to converge and coming to a head. But man, this is a tough watch so far.
I admit, I never knew Big Sky existed until Jensen was cast. But after seeing the episode, I decided to give the show a chance, despite hearing about all of the problems associated with it. I immediately liked Cassie, which I'm thinking was the point since she was the protagonist, and grew to love the other characters as well. I knew of Katheryn before then (Vikings; though I've never seen it, I had seen some well done fan video edits of her character in that show) and knew she was a powerhouse, but I definitely fell in love with Jenny as the show progressed, as well as falling in love with the friendship between the two women. While season 1 had its own issues, I csn arguably say that so far, holding the two side by side, there was better writing and pacing in season 1. I'm hoping whatever is going on with this season, they figure it out and figure it out fast. They have a stellar cast as well an amazing cast of side characters and revolving door of guest stars. I personally think Jamie shined this episode as did Reba. They have all of the makings of a great story in their hands, they just have to figure out the best way to make it congeal into one.
Here's hoping the next episode will be better and that we get more Cassie (and more moments between Cassie and Jenny, this was the first episode I felt like we had them back btw), Beau's upcoming "Liam Neeson moment", and for everything to collide in a way that gives us something great to watch.
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estatedekho04 · 15 hours
Villas for sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad
Looking for Luxury? Check Out 3 & 4 BHK Villas in Nanakramguda, Hyderabad!
If you’ve ever wanted to live in a place that sounds like it belongs in a fantasy novel, Nanakramguda is your spot! Picture this: You wake up in your spacious 4 BHK villa, brew your morning coffee, and gaze out the window at the serene and upscale neighborhood that is quickly becoming the go-to for Hyderabad's elite. Not to mention, you’re just a hop, skip, and a traffic jam away from the tech hubs. Ah, the sweet balance of luxury and convenience.
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Villas for sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad
Why Nanakramguda?
So, you’re probably wondering: “Why should I invest in a villa in Nanakramguda?” The better question is why not? This area is Hyderabad’s answer to Beverly Hills (well, sort of), combining urban chic with suburban peace. Nanakramguda is home to the Financial District, meaning you’re rubbing elbows with the city’s high rollers and IT moguls. Plus, you’ve got easy access to Gachibowli and HITEC City, making that office commute slightly less of a nightmare.
Location Highlights:
Financial District – The heart of the corporate world.
Proximity to HITEC City – Less time in traffic, more time for Netflix.
Connectivity – The Outer Ring Road is basically your personal highway to anywhere in the city.
Lifestyle Amenities – From shopping malls to fancy restaurants, it’s all here.
What Makes a 3 or 4 BHK Villa Here So Special?
Alright, let’s talk about the villas. You’re not just buying bricks and mortar here; you’re investing in a lifestyle. Whether you’re eyeing a 3 BHK or a 4 BHK villa, you’ll find the perfect blend of elegance, comfort, and cutting-edge architecture.
Space Galore
A 3 BHK villa in Nanakramguda usually comes with around 2,000 to 2,500 square feet of space. That’s more than enough room for a family, a home office, and let’s be honest, a secret snack cupboard (we all have one). If you’re going for the 4 BHK villa, well, let’s just say you might need Google Maps to find your way around. These palatial homes can range from 3,000 to 4,000 square feet, giving you room for a mini-gym, a home theater, and perhaps even a zen garden.
Luxury Features:
Modular Kitchens – Fancy enough to inspire your inner MasterChef.
Private Gardens – Because nothing says “I’ve made it” like a BBQ in your own yard.
State-of-the-Art Security – You’re safe here, whether it’s from intruders or telemarketers.
Parking Spaces – Not just for one car, but two or more. Say goodbye to street parking nightmares!
3 BHK vs 4 BHK Villas: Which One’s for You?
3 BHK Villa
4 BHK Villa
2,000 – 2,500 sq. ft.
3,000 – 4,000 sq. ft.
Best For
Small families or professionals
Larger families, those who love space
₹2.5 Cr – ₹4 Cr
₹4 Cr – ₹7 Cr
Cozy, comfortable, and elegant
Expansive, grand, and lavish
Balcony, garden, parking
Extra room, larger garden, maybe even a pool!
If you're leaning towards the 3 BHK option, it’s perfect for small families or professionals looking to upgrade. Want a little extra elbow room? The 4 BHK villa is for those who plan to host dinner parties, game nights, or need a dedicated room for their sneaker collection (I’m looking at you, sneakerheads).
Amenities and Lifestyle – It’s More Than Just Four Walls
When you buy a villa in Nanakramguda, you’re not just getting a house; you’re buying into a community. Think gated communities, where your neighbors are probably CEOs or software developers who speak fluent Python.
Community Perks:
Clubhouses – Equipped with gyms, indoor sports arenas, and probably a spa because why not?
Swimming Pools – For those days when Hyderabad's summer hits 40°C (which is, let’s be honest, most days).
Children’s Play Areas – Because your kids deserve some outdoor fun too, not just Fortnite marathons.
Location, Location, Location
Living in Nanakramguda means you’re within minutes of some of Hyderabad’s finest restaurants, cafes, and shopping malls. Not to mention, schools like Oakridge International and hospitals like AIG are nearby. So whether you need to grab a gourmet meal or rush your kid to a doctor, it’s all within arm’s reach.
The Investment Angle – Why Now is the Time to Buy a Villa in Nanakramguda
If you’ve been watching the real estate trends in Hyderabad, you’ll know that Nanakramguda is on a fast track to becoming one of the most sought-after localities. The area has seen a boom in both residential and commercial development, with more high-end projects popping up than you can count. And as we all know, where there’s growth, there’s money to be made.
Reasons to Invest in a Villa:
Appreciation Potential – Property values in Nanakramguda have been on a steady rise.
Rental Income – A villa here could fetch you a sweet rental income, especially with all the expats and IT professionals flooding the area.
Future-Proof Location – With its proximity to the Financial District and HITEC City, Nanakramguda is only going to grow in demand.
But What About the Price?
Alright, let’s talk numbers. Buying a 3, 4 BHK villa in Nanakramguda isn’t exactly cheap, but hey, neither is a trip to space, and you’ll probably spend more time in your villa. Prices typically range from ₹2.5 crores to ₹7 crores, depending on the size and amenities. Sure, it’s a splurge, but think of it as an investment in your family’s future and comfort.
Final Thoughts – Is a Villa in Nanakramguda Your Dream Home?
If you’re someone who loves the idea of waking up in a spacious, luxurious home, with modern amenities and a top-tier location, a 3 BHK, 4 BHK villa in Nanakramguda could be the perfect fit for you. Plus, you get the bonus of telling people, “Oh, I live in Nanakramguda,” which is bound to impress at least someone at your next dinner party.
At the end of the day, it’s not just about buying a home—it’s about buying into a lifestyle of luxury, convenience, and community. So, ready to pack your bags and make the move to Nanakramguda? Trust me, it’ll be worth every square foot!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 3,4 BHK Villas for Sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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estatedekho23 · 2 days
Villas for Sale in Nanakramguda Hyderbad, Telangana, India
3,4 BHK Villas for Sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad
Looking for Luxury? Check Out 3 & 4 BHK Villas in Nanakramguda, Hyderabad!
If you’ve ever wanted to live in a place that sounds like it belongs in a fantasy novel, Nanakramguda is your spot! Picture this: You wake up in your spacious 4 BHK villa, brew your morning coffee, and gaze out the window at the serene and upscale neighborhood that is quickly becoming the go-to for Hyderabad's elite. Not to mention, you’re just a hop, skip, and a traffic jam away from the tech hubs. Ah, the sweet balance of luxury and convenience.
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Why Nanakramguda?
So, you’re probably wondering: “Why should I invest in a villa in Nanakramguda?” The better question is why not? This area is Hyderabad’s answer to Beverly Hills (well, sort of), combining urban chic with suburban peace. Nanakramguda is home to the Financial District, meaning you’re rubbing elbows with the city’s high rollers and IT moguls. Plus, you’ve got easy access to Gachibowli and HITEC City, making that office commute slightly less of a nightmare.
Location Highlights:
Financial District – The heart of the corporate world.
Proximity to HITEC City – Less time in traffic, more time for Netflix.
Connectivity – The Outer Ring Road is basically your personal highway to anywhere in the city.
Lifestyle Amenities – From shopping malls to fancy restaurants, it’s all here.
What Makes a 3 or 4 BHK Villa Here So Special?
Alright, let’s talk about the villas. You’re not just buying bricks and mortar here; you’re investing in a lifestyle. Whether you’re eyeing a 3 BHK or a 4 BHK villa, you’ll find the perfect blend of elegance, comfort, and cutting-edge architecture.
Space Galore
A 3 BHK villa in Nanakramguda usually comes with around 2,000 to 2,500 square feet of space. That’s more than enough room for a family, a home office, and let’s be honest, a secret snack cupboard (we all have one). If you’re going for the 4 BHK villa, well, let’s just say you might need Google Maps to find your way around. These palatial homes can range from 3,000 to 4,000 square feet, giving you room for a mini-gym, a home theater, and perhaps even a zen garden.
Luxury Features:
Modular Kitchens – Fancy enough to inspire your inner MasterChef.
Private Gardens – Because nothing says “I’ve made it” like a BBQ in your own yard.
State-of-the-Art Security – You’re safe here, whether it’s from intruders or telemarketers.
Parking Spaces – Not just for one car, but two or more. Say goodbye to street parking nightmares!
3 BHK vs 4 BHK Villas: Which One’s for You?
3 BHK Villa
4 BHK Villa
2,000 – 2,500 sq. ft.
3,000 – 4,000 sq. ft.
Best For
Small families or professionals
Larger families, those who love space
₹2.5 Cr – ₹4 Cr
₹4 Cr – ₹7 Cr
Cozy, comfortable, and elegant
Expansive, grand, and lavish
Balcony, garden, parking
Extra room, larger garden, maybe even a pool!
If you're leaning towards the 3 BHK option, it’s perfect for small families or professionals looking to upgrade. Want a little extra elbow room? The 4 BHK villa is for those who plan to host dinner parties, game nights, or need a dedicated room for their sneaker collection (I’m looking at you, sneakerheads).
Amenities and Lifestyle – It’s More Than Just Four Walls
When you buy a villa in Nanakramguda, you’re not just getting a house; you’re buying into a community. Think gated communities, where your neighbors are probably CEOs or software developers who speak fluent Python.
Community Perks:
Clubhouses – Equipped with gyms, indoor sports arenas, and probably a spa because why not?
Swimming Pools – For those days when Hyderabad's summer hits 40°C (which is, let’s be honest, most days).
Children’s Play Areas – Because your kids deserve some outdoor fun too, not just Fortnite marathons.
Location, Location, Location
Living in Nanakramguda means you’re within minutes of some of Hyderabad’s finest restaurants, cafes, and shopping malls. Not to mention, schools like Oakridge International and hospitals like AIG are nearby. So whether you need to grab a gourmet meal or rush your kid to a doctor, it’s all within arm’s reach.
The Investment Angle – Why Now is the Time to Buy a Villa in Nanakramguda
If you’ve been watching the real estate trends in Hyderabad, you’ll know that Nanakramguda is on a fast track to becoming one of the most sought-after localities. The area has seen a boom in both residential and commercial development, with more high-end projects popping up than you can count. And as we all know, where there’s growth, there’s money to be made.
Reasons to Invest in a Villa:
Appreciation Potential – Property values in Nanakramguda have been on a steady rise.
Rental Income – A villa here could fetch you a sweet rental income, especially with all the expats and IT professionals flooding the area.
Future-Proof Location – With its proximity to the Financial District and HITEC City, Nanakramguda is only going to grow in demand.
But What About the Price?
Alright, let’s talk numbers. Buying a 3, 4 BHK villa in Nanakramguda isn’t exactly cheap, but hey, neither is a trip to space, and you’ll probably spend more time in your villa. Prices typically range from ₹2.5 crores to ₹7 crores, depending on the size and amenities. Sure, it’s a splurge, but think of it as an investment in your family’s future and comfort.
Final Thoughts – Is a Villa in Nanakramguda Your Dream Home?
If you’re someone who loves the idea of waking up in a spacious, luxurious home, with modern amenities and a top-tier location, a 3 BHK, 4 BHK villa in Nanakramguda could be the perfect fit for you. Plus, you get the bonus of telling people, “Oh, I live in Nanakramguda,” which is bound to impress at least someone at your next dinner party.
At the end of the day, it’s not just about buying a home—it’s about buying into a lifestyle of luxury, convenience, and community. So, ready to pack your bags and make the move to Nanakramguda? Trust me, it’ll be worth every square foot!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 3,4 BHK Villas for Sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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estatedekho25 · 24 days
apartments for sale in hafeezpet Hyderabad Telangana
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Selecting the right apartment is like picking the perfect pair of shoes. It needs to fit your lifestyle, be comfortable, and maybe even show off a little. Whether you’re leaning towards a 2 BHK, a spacious 3 BHK, or a luxurious 4 BHK, Hafeezpet has options that cater to all your needs.
Remember, the key to making the right choice is not just about the size of the apartment, but about how it complements your life. So, take your time, do a little window shopping (or should I say apartment hunting?), and find the one that feels just right.
Closing Humor: And hey, if you end up in a 4 BHK, don’t be surprised if you start getting phone calls from long-lost relatives looking for a “place to stay” when they’re in town. Just remember to hide the good snacks!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4 BHK Apartments for Sale in Hafeezpet Hyderabad Telangana. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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gurgaoncityfloors · 2 months
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Living in a serene place where acquiring distinguished amenities and services is a prominent mind-boggling opportunity for seekers of aristocracy. 
Today, with respect to giving you some very intriguing information on a great city, I will show you why investing here will bring amazing benefits to you and your family. 
Gurgaon is a grand city for individuals who wish to inherit highly opulent amenities as well as services, curating a privileged style of living. 
If you are someone who aspires to own a grand place in a lucrative region of Gurgaon, moving forward with this article is a great choice for you. 
There are many amazing areas in Gurgaon from which choosing one great destination can sometimes be an overwhelming task. This is due to the presence of several amazing areas in Gurgaon which can be categorised under advanced arenas. 
Wondering where you should reside in order to gain an aristocratic lifestyle?
I must say that in order to become a permanent spectator of grandeur, whether it is as an investor, home buyer, or a tourist, Dwarka Expressway is a great place. 
Statistically speaking, Dwarka Expressway has witnessed an amazing level boom in its realty segment. According to recent data, out of 53000 units that were inaugurated between 2013-2023, more than 79% have been already sold. 
Through this, you can have a brief understanding with regard to the claim that I have made in the above section, in terms of this area being a prosperous place. 
Now, it is very important for you to start becoming aware of a tremendous level of progress and how exactly this area is emerging as a lucrative choice. 
1. Along with being an auspicious destination, Dwarka Expressway is also a clean and green destination as each resident or investor will experience a highly sustainable living style here. 
People belonging to the residential projects that enclose Dwarka Expressway can feel explicitly blessed as they are entirely enclosed with lush green reserves. Therefore, each resident experiences a pure sense of contentment along with inculcating healthy living. 
2. Another very exquisite feature of becoming a permanent resident of Dwarka Expressway is this area’s potential to access significant landmarks within a short period of time. 
Golf Course Road 
Golf Course Extension Road 
DLF Cyber City 
National Highway-8
Delhi-Mumbai Expressway 
Sohna Road 
Central Peripheral Road
Southern Peripheral Road 
Indira Gandhi International Airport 
Dwarka Sector-21
Dwarka Sector-25 (Airport Express Line)
Pacific Mall 
Delhi-Gurgaon Border 
Dwarka Golf Course 
Brijwasan Road 
3. In terms of a well-equipped infrastructure, Dwarka Expressway has resulted in captivating diverse investors as well as end-users. This area is a great choice for all those who want to access great services in your neighbourhood. 
Therefore, you can easily access close vicinity to primitive essentials, such as:
Renowned Hospitals 
Employment Hubs 
Retail Showrooms 
Well-Evolved Sewage and Drainage System 
District Parks 
Petrol Pumps 
Educational Institutions
Now, if you want to flourish as a permanent member of a grand residence, you should definitely consider checking out the details of Puri Constructions’ brand-new project. 
Puri Constructions is launching Puri Diplomatic Residences, a garden fresh launch which will contribute towards transforming each resident’s life. 
Puri Diplomatic Residences is a super-luxury project where residents are offered endless opportunities to be filled with gratification. This project engulfs 6 acres of site area, building 6 sky-high towers. 
Each resident gets a great opportunity to become a part of either 3 or 4 BHK, depending on the preference of each resident. This is also a one-stop destination for those who want to be enclosed with high-quality and unique amenities.
Gurgaon is a great place which has blossomed as a top-notch destination for all those who want to relish in the universe of premium conveniences. 
You should give this article a thorough read to gain substantial information on a great area for investment as well as home-buying purposes. 
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hsaainteriorcompany · 4 months
Title:-The cost of home interior design in Delhi: 2 BHK, 3 BHK, and more!
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Are you going to design your home? It’s essential to know how much you should pay for interior design. When it comes to interior design costs, you need to pay attention to everything you want in your home, such as materials, lights, colors, textures, and decor. All these aspects play a significant role in defining the personality of your dreams. In this blog, you will read the determination cost of the interior of your home, which includes 2 BHK and 3 BHK flats interior design with different project sizes.
A sophisticated home is simply designed with smart technology and patterns, but what if I say interior design can change the complete look of a simple 2 BHK home with smart innovation and excellence? Budget plays a major role in designing and creating a 2 BHK interior design home, which is based on the client’s taste and the material they want to invest in.
Factors Influencing 2 BHK Interior Designs:
Before designing any space, a few factors should be analyzed, which helps the designer learn more about it. Here, HSAA- the best interior designers in Delhi guide you in describing some of the factors that are preferable for designing a 2 BHK interior design and their costs.
Size — The first important factor is size; the larger the space, the higher the price of interior design. The interior designer will give you an estimated cost for designing 2-bedroom apartments. Example- If the size of the room is 700 sq ft, it does not cost much for interior design but on the other side, if the room is about 1200 sq ft, the project price will be costlier.
Property Evaluation- The evaluation of property is crucial in interior design. The designer suspects every tiny space in a 2 BHK household with each detail.
Materials — Every property owner wants to have the best quality materials in their home. Of course, the premium can be costly, but they provide long-lasting value and make the home more meaningful.
Renovation- In some cases, you will need to renovate the home instead of designing a new house; for this, you will hire an interior designer. For example, if you need to upgrade the plumbing systems or mold the electrical projects in your 2 BHK household, then there will be an average cost of renovating. If you included the cost of both renovation and interior designing, you would have a higher budget.
Estimation Cost Of Interior Design
As an interior designer, every part of the space is first analyzed, and then the cost is estimated. However, it’s a long-lasting process involving each detail of design and creation in every possible aspect. The cost includes the labor cost, material cost, and much more which is highly mentioned in the interior design prospectus. Furthermore, there are different sizes of apartments; the minimum can be around 600 sqft, and the maximum can be up to 1000 sqft. But the interior design firm in Delhi says estimations can vary from a simple interior design to a high-class interior design, depending on which kind of materials they want to have in their household.
Let’s dive into the price value of interior design :
Cost of 2 BHK interior design:
The cost of a 2 BHK flat for interior design will be approximately in the range of 3.5 lakhs to 7 lakhs for simple yet basic quality, and a premium design household can cost between 7 lakhs to 10 lakh. It all depends on the size of the home, the type of decor, the kind of materials, and more. The price of the interior will rise based on the style and formation.
Cost of 3 BHK interior design:
The design cost of a 3 BHK flat interior design varies depending on the material, design, laminates, and finishes of the project. The price value can be between 7 lakh to 12 lakh for the primary quality, but if you are looking for premium and luxury quality, then it would cost up to 15 lakhs, including everything.
Furniture Cost: 2 BHK, 3 BHK flats interior design
No matter how great the interior design and decor are, they can’t replace the vibe of furniture. Furniture is the most important element for interior renovation and design, and it can be used in a wide range of spaces, such as the living room, drawing room, study room, lobby, and other working spaces.
Explore the premium-quality furniture at HSSA~ the interior design studio in Delhi, which will enhance your home’s beauty and elegance. Choosing the right furniture can provide the aesthetics and functionality that directly influence interior design. When choosing furniture with HSAA, you will not only get good designs but also a budget-friendly range that should be taken into consideration. Plus, our prices are so affordable that they can easily accommodate every household, whether it’s small, medium, or high.
Modular kitchen cost for 2 BHK and 3 BHK interior design
The kitchen is the heart of the home, the place where we create the most priceless memories by cooking meals with our family and friends. The functional kitchen has taken the place of the basic kitchen. By this time, the demand for modular kitchens is increasing day by day in Indian households. At HSAA~ the kitchen renovation service in Delhi, offers you a cost-effective and stylish modular kitchen based on the 2 BHK and 3 BHK flats and apartments, including several elements such as woodwork, countertops, hob, sink, etc.
Modular kitchens not only make your kitchens elegant and beautiful but also provide maximum storage and transform boring display spaces into aesthetic spaces; however, every great thing comes with a price tag, and this puts a stop to dreaming of our dream kitchen interiors. So, at HSAA, the home interior design company, we brought you the complete breakdown of the cost of the modular kitchen interior in a nominal expected budget to build a superior dream kitchen in your home.
The factors influencing the cost of kitchen interiors
Size of the kitchen: The cost of the kitchen depends on its size. The larger the space, the more modules will be required, and vice versa.
Kitchen Layout: The layout depends on how you want your kitchen to be molded; for example, a kitchen with simple shutter units will cost less than a kitchen with smart technology, and other features like stylish corners for deep storage will have a high value.
Materials and finishes: The kitchen designed with materials like laminates is reasonably less expensive than acrylic or lacquered glass cabinets.
Extra Elements: The extra features and elements, including gadgets, accessories, and lighting, will add up the cost.
Living Bedroom aesthetics cost: 2BHK and 3BHK home interior design.
The living bedroom is considered an elegant corner of the house that captures different styles, textures, and color schemes. A living room is defined as unique and different from others by comparing it to other rooms in a home. Besides this, the living room is decorated with paintings, ornaments, accessories, and other items that set the mood of the house and reflect the personality of the room.
In addition, vintage and stylish living bedrooms have taken their place. Here at HSAA, you can explore the unique collections of living bedrooms according to your customized taste. Whether you are looking for minimalist, bohemian, contemporary, luxurious, or many more styles, you can easily pick from the trending designs that come in a budget-friendly range. We have a one-stop solution for all the bedroom interior design for 2 BHK and 3 BHK households.
The factors influencing the cost of Bedroom interiors:
As we talked about 2 BHK and 3 BHK, you need to calculate according to the cost of 2 bedrooms and 3 bedrooms.
Bed frames: Bed frames play a crucial role in furnishing the bedroom. The price of the bed frame depends on whether you opt for a king-size or a queen-size bed frame. However, contemporary metal bed frames match almost any home interior, giving a classy and elegant look. But if you are looking for bed frames with high storage facilities, you can choose wooden ones, which come in an economical range. Other than that, the cost can be varied depending on the size and material.
Nightstand: Install a nightstand near your bed and outlet that offers both functionality and aesthetics. This furniture piece enhances the overall look and provides comfort and convenience in the bedroom. The price range depends upon the materials and finishes.
Wardrobe: A wardrobe not only adds functional value to the bedroom but also provides an aesthetic vibe to the corner. The cost of the wardrobe and cupboards depends on the types of styles you choose, such as sliding, hinged, loft, corner, glass, and more. Explore the exclusive and premium collection of wardrobes at HSSA~interior design firm in Delhi at a reasonable price.
Mattress: Last but not least, the quality of the mattress is very important; the size, the brand, and the material are very effective in enhancing the living bedroom interior.
Even if you have a low budget, hiring a great interior designer is a must, and HSAA is always ready to help you and guide you through the full design and creation of your home. Our team has 35+ years of experience and lots of industry contacts to complete your home interior design work, including top-notch materials, laminates, and furnishings within your specified budget. Get in touch with us today!
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tarcishvagurgaon · 8 months
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INTRODUCTION Golf Course Extension Road, is a prestigious area that offers a wide range of options that consist of lavish residential accommodations. What makes Golf Course Extension much more interesting is the fact that this entire region is a low-density area, resulting in massive housing projects for aspiring investors and home buyers.
Golf Course Extension Road is a blessing in disguise for all those who are exploring options with respect to owning a heavenly abode in an appropriate area. Today, you will get to know as to why you should consider this area for a fruitful investment.
UNVEILING FACTS ON GOLF COURSE EXTENSION Yes, I know you must have heard about Golf Course Extension Road and the level of credibility it has reflected on the potential investors.
Numerous high-end real estate developers have sought refuge in Gurgaon with respect to launching their projects. Golf Course Extension has emerged as a highly prestigious area where several top-notch developers have launched splendid residential developments.
DLF, Emaar, M3M, Godrej Properties, The Anant Raj Corporation, Sobha Limited, Smart World Developers, Conscient Group, Puri Constructions, Anant Raj Limited, Tulip, ATS, and many other lavish real estate developers have launched their incredible projects.
Goll Course Extension shares proximity with all iconic landmarks of Gurgaon as well as Delhi. For instance, Golf Course Road, Southern Peripheral Road, Dwarka Expressway, Sohna Road, New Gurgaon, Manesar, Aerocity, Indira Gandhi International Airport, Mahipalpur, Dwarka, Banjaara Road, Vasant Kunj, Vasant Vihar, Chattarpur, and many other popular areas.
By this, I mean to say that you can easily access all these popular destinations within a distance of 5-25 minutes. Moreover, a wide network of roads, in the form of underpasses, overpasses, and flyovers offers seamless connectivity to these areas.
This is a strategic location where commercial and residential sectors are built in a parallel manner. This aspect ensures that all the residents living here can access their office places within a 5-10-minute drive from their accommodations.
Now, let me tell you about the brand new residential development, widely popular by the name of TARC Ishva. This development will open great horizons for you in terms of a decent amount of ROI along with being a proud owner of a rich home.
The Anant Raj Corporation, a very popular name in the world of real estate is launching their residential project in sector-63-A, Gurgaon. Here, residents can choose between 3 and 4 BHK apartments according to their preference.
If you want to be a part of this property, you should definitely give this article a thorough read. It will help you in making a well-informed decision with respect to investing in the most appropriate residential development.
CONCLUSION I hope you all have become well aware of Golf Course Extension Road through the above-given information. If you read this article, it will give you a clear perspective as to why exactly investing here is going to be the best decision for you.
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realestateindianyy · 8 months
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In order to invest in a promising niche if we talk about investment, it is important that you conduct thorough research as to where you want to invest exactly.
MY SAY? The Real Estate Sector is the best kind of investment as there are incredible benefits that one yields out of their investment in terms of ROI all the while receiving the incredible opportunity to own a beautiful home. 
It is a well-established fact that every investor seeks to look for a sumptuous home where they can experience a 100% transformative lifestyle. 
Noida is that one incredible city, a significant part of Delhi NCR where you can think of buying an affluent household unit at the best prices. 
Today, you are going to learn some useful insights with respect to one such incredible development. This garden-fresh housing project will be a part of a highly prestigious area of Noida. 
Before getting you to know about the significant benefits with respect to this city. Noida has evolved at a very swift rate, resulting in being one of the most appropriate choices for every Indian Family. 
Whether it is the infrastructure sector or the realty sector, Noida has passed with flying colors in terms of advancement. Along with being the best area to own the best kind of residence, you will also adore the connectivity with several top employment hubs. 
Noida is a hub for top multi-national corporations, corporate spaces, business towers, IT firms, and start-ups that pay its employees with great salary packages. Some excellent companies that are a part of this city are:
Correnthum Tower
Dell Technologies
HCL Technologies
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Samsung Electronics
Noida Corporation
EXL Service
Wipro Limited
Numerous metro stations are located in proximity to residential as well as employment hubs, resulting in very easy accessibility as working professionals can easily travel, i.e. 10-12 minutes of walking distance from metro stations. 
Other than this, facility of different public transportation modes are also available to you. For instance, autos, rickshaws, and buses are available outside every metro station in case you do not want to walk to your office. 
If you want to reside in a sumptuous home, then you can definitely consider the brand new residential project that is coming soon in sector-128, Noida. L&T Green Reserve is a high-rise development, offering 3,4, and 5 BHK apartments. 
Investing in this property will not just offer flexibility in terms of configuration but also offer an extensive range of amenities and services for you to enjoy. 
Gym, Business Centres, Library, Swimming Pool, Clubhouse, Party Lawn, Alfresco Dining, Spa, Salon, Meditation Room, Yoga Zone, Jogging & Walking Pathway, Cycling Track, Open Barbeque, Theatre, Sports Court, Playground, Garden, and many other top-notch amenities. 
If you want to inculcate several high-end amenities, Noida is the perfect place for you as well as your loved ones. L&T Green Reserve Noida is the best kind of accommodation that is going to be an ideal choice for every investor. 
If you further want more details, then you should definitely read my upcoming articles. I will some more unique and detailed information. 
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sobharoyalcrest1 · 1 year
Sobha Royal Crest | 2,3 BHK Flats for Sale
Sobha Royal Crest is an upscale residential project in Bangalore, offering elegantly designed 2 and 3-BHK flats that combine luxury, comfort, and modern amenities to provide an extraordinary living experience. Nestled in the heart of Bangalore, this upcoming residential complex by Sobha Developers is set to redefine the concept of urban living with its state-of-the-art infrastructure and thoughtfully planned spaces.
Strategically located in the vibrant neighborhood of Jakkur, Sobha Royal Crest boasts excellent connectivity to major IT hubs, business centers, educational institutions, and healthcare facilities. This makes it an ideal choice for professionals, families, and investors seeking a premium lifestyle in one of India's fastest-growing cities.
Benefits of Sobha Royal Crest:
The project spans acres of lush green landscape, creating a serene environment away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The grand entrance and aesthetically landscaped gardens welcome residents into a world of luxury and sophistication.
In addition to the architectural design of the Sobha Royal Crest, it reflects a perfect blend of contemporary design and classic elegance. In order to maximize space utilization, the flats have been designed to provide ample natural light and ventilation as well as optimal space utilization. A meticulously designed layout ensures the comfort and luxury of each apartment, offering its residents a luxurious and comfortable living environment that is tailored to their needs.
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The 2 and 3 BHK flats in Sobha Royal Crest come in various configurations to cater to different family sizes and preferences. The interiors are crafted with top-notch materials, fixtures, and fittings, creating an ambiance of luxury and refinement. Every apartment is equipped with modern amenities like air-conditioning, modular kitchens, spacious balconies, and premium flooring.
The community amenities at Sobha Royal Crest are nothing short of extraordinary. Residents can indulge in a host of recreational facilities such as a well-equipped clubhouse, swimming pool, gymnasium, indoor and outdoor sports facilities, and children's play areas. The project also features beautifully landscaped gardens and walking/jogging tracks, providing a perfect escape for relaxation and rejuvenation.
Safety and security are given the utmost priority at Sobha Royal Crest. The complex is equipped with round-the-clock security personnel, CCTV surveillance, and access control systems, ensuring a safe and secure living environment for all residents.
Apart from the stunning amenities within the complex, Sobha Royal Crest also enjoys proximity to various social and civic infrastructures. Leading schools, colleges, hospitals, shopping centers, and entertainment hubs are just a stone's throw away, making everyday living incredibly convenient for the residents.
As a developer known for its commitment to quality and timely delivery, Sobha Developers ensures that every detail of the project is meticulously executed. From design to construction, the highest standards of quality are maintained, making Sobha Royal Crest a symbol of excellence in the real estate market.
Considering the project's location, luxurious amenities, and impeccable reputation of Sobha Developers, Sobha Royal Crest presents an excellent investment opportunity for homebuyers and investors alike. With its premium offerings and prime location, the property holds the potential for substantial appreciation in the coming years.
As a result, I can easily say that Sobha Royal Crest is destined to become one of the most exciting residential developments in Bangalore, offering an exceptional living experience to all its residents. Its thoughtfully designed 2 and 3-bedroom flats, luxurious amenities, and strategic location will redefine the concept of urban living in the future. So, if you are looking for a lavish and comfortable home in Bangalore, Sobha Royal Crest should be on your radar.
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primeestates · 1 year
DLF Sector 77 Gurugram | 3 & 4 BHK Ultra Luxury Apartments
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We all know that having a home in a good location is much more important than others. Everyone is working hard and collecting a huge amount to buy a small apartment. And after having a long conversation with buyers you will get nothing but dissatisfaction and disappointment because they will definitely say that you can’t buy a home for such a low amount.
What if i’ll make sure that you will get an ultra luxury apartment in your budget on a very prime location in Gurugram. DO YOU BELIEVE ME…
Well yes, it is true, you can definitely have a ultra luxury mid rise apartment in Gurugram in your budget. We have good news for all home seekers that DLF Group is launching its new residential project in Gurugram which is known as DLF Sector 77 in Gurugram. It is a Ultra Luxury Mid Rise Apartments in Gurugram.
Key factors of New Launch
Sizes- This new launch project offers 2, 3 and 4 BHK plus servant or pent house in a 3000–3500 sq. ft. area at a very low density.
Payment Plan- Congratulations for those who are interested in this new launch of residential apartments because 10:90 Easy Payment Plan is also available in it.
Investment- Investing in DLF Sector 77 Gurugram is the greatest opportunity for all of us because this is not only a reason to invest in it because it is at a prime location or it is an ultra luxury project of gurugram but, the investment starts at only 4 CR* and Onwards is the reason that you should.
Location — I am sure that you will get this point in the starting of the post when we disclose the location. Because everyone knew that sector 76 & 77 is one of the Porsche locations in Gurugram. It is right at the intersection of NH 8 & Dwarka at only 1 minute Drive. 20 minutes drive from Huda City Metro which is very relaxing for job persons. 20 minutes drive from IGI Airport and has a super close proximity to New DLF Cyber City or Cyber City-2.
Modern Amenities — DLF Sector 77 Offers modern amenities like super luxury Entertainment room, Club House, Children’s park, jogging track, Fully Loaded Kitchens, Modular Wardrobe, Marble Flooring, VRF Air- Conditioning etc.
For Sure it is the best residential property in Gurgaon for investment purposes or for making its own, because this ultra luxury mid rise residential apartments project is very similar to Arbour. Now you can understand how luxurious and prime this project is. Today I will make sure to tell you one other thing that if you want the best price in it then don’t wait any more and call or Visit now and get your rock bottom prices!
Prime Estates is one of the best property developers in Gurgaon and already worked a lot and served you for many years. There are many investors who visit us everyday and go back with a smile of satisfaction and with their Dream Home. Because we believe that everyone deserves their Dream Home and we help them in Finding Dream Home For Every Owner.
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knightwrighter · 1 year
CHAPTER-1: LET ME FIX HER HEART! {Hi, my name is Rishi, a 26 year old guy, lives in Bangalore alone in my 3 BHK flat. Being a cardiologist(some other means too),I earn a lot (owns a house and a scorpio) so you can say my life is going way better.I am independent as hell. I am unmarried and for now I have no relationship. My last relationship was 8 months ago with an mbbs girl. In short I am craving for sex for 8 months now. Two weeks ago I met a guy named Jatin,28,mechanical engineer working in an IT company.I don’t remember the company name,it was something like zotoc..He was suffering from mild palpitations and heart burn.So He came to our hospital (RMC Hospital) and I was the one treating him. But it seemed like he was more interested in me rather than in knowing the treatment.His touches and reactions seemed little awkward. Then he started asking about my income, assets etc and start flattering about me .He was a damn leech.He was continuously blabberling about his low income(he told me 35k per month).It was still a good income, isn’t it? After I gave him medicines list, not so long just digene syrup and other tablets.While leaving my ward, he asked my number. We exchanged each other numbers. Then he went way. Relaxed.}
It was 11 pm, while jerking off over a porn, I got a phone call. It was same Jatin guy. I declined. He called me again. It seemed urgent so I took the call.
A man with thrusting voice with a lot of coughing was yelling, “please help me sir, my palpitations have become severe and my chest is aching too much.”
His condition seemed too tense.
“where are you right now at this moment”I enquired him fiercely.
“At ramapuri chowk” he replied with pain.
“are you on any vehicle, could you drive it?” I asked.
“on car but can’t drive”, he replied with a slow voice with coughing.
Ramapuri chowk was near my residence .So without taking any time, I took my suitcase stuffed with important medicines and injections and drove my car as fast as possible to reach the chowk.i took the main road to avoid traffic but it was 10 km far.
After 20 minutes, When I reach there, I saw Jatin with a happy smile welcoming me,”Sir you have come.thanks!”
He was smiling and no one can say he just had palpitation attack few minutes before.
I was like, “what the fuck, man.”
“sorry sir, just a minute before you reach here, my coughing has stopped “he was apologizing like hell I care.
“since you have no problem now,I should go then, jatin ,” Man my dinner is waiting for me and I am dying from hunger because of this moron.
“wait sir, it will take time for you to return home.If you have not dinner yet why not come to my home for it, sir.By the way my home is just 2 km far.”he insisted me gently.
I was shocked for a moment. Did he read my mind or I just really speak my mind now. I was suspicious of him from a long before but my hunger made me to accept his offer. I can’t wait more.
I returned to my scorpio and followed his white coloured Hyundai for about 5 minutes . We entered in G block of Raghibar town.He stopped after crossing two streets and stopped at RIshikant Apartment. Yeah I was amazed at the apartment name.He opened his car door and show me hand.
“this is my apartment sir but my flat is at the top floor,sorry for that,”he said in a guilt smile.
“its okay”I told him. Just feed me man. Give me food!!
I was sitting on a single sofa chair in the dining room.He poured water in my glass first. Then placed two plates one for each on the sofa table. He served me aloo matar and fali sabzi along with four chappattis as well as in his plate.He sat down on the long sofa infont of me.
“life is hard for megacity citizen like here in bangalore.We didn’t even have time to have dinner before 11.00 pm. Isn’t it, sir” he started conversation. I nodded while chewing chapatti.
“you forgot the salad,Jatin,” a sweet female voice touched my ears.
I saw a woman, a beautiful fair women, a perfect figure, approaching us from the kitchen with a plate of salad in hand.She seemd to be Jatin’s Wife.
She was wearing an off shoulder short blue coloured silk nightie barely reaching her knee. It was very tight above her waist but much loose below it, a mere fan wind can easily blow her upskirt to expose her butt cheeks. Her neck and shoulder along with upper chest cleavage were well exposed for a perfect view to attract any man. Her puffed breasts were like they were fighting with the cloth to pop out. The sound of her pajib in foot while walking attracted me towards her gorgeous foot and fleshy calves. I literally haven’t seen a women sexier than her in real life.The best thing is that she was approaching towards me first not Jatin while directly looking at my eyes.
“please have my salad, doctor saheb,” she sensually said.
Man,the way she called me SAHEB just turned me on and what about MY SALAD. What the heaven! A moment before I wanna eat food but now I wanna eat something else too. She gave half salad to both of us. And sat on the single sofa chair beside me holding the empty plate on her lap.Yes buddy she sat beside me! I stared at her lap. Her nightie now slided up a little when she was placing one leg over another.She was sitting crossed leg there.I can see her fleshy shiny bare thighs. I just wanna squeeze my head between them.My dick is getting erected now.Then I looked at her hand. She was wearing many red bangles. They seemed a newly married couple.
Overall The hotty is sitting beside me!
“she is my wife Nayaki,sir” Jatin introduced her to me.
“you really look like doctor” she told me while placing her side hairs from cheek to behind her ears. I couldn’t make an eye contact with her for more than a sec yet.
“well I am a doctor, a cardiologist one. Surely I will look like one,” We both giggled and for a moment I looked at her eye. We made a deep eye contact. Now I saw her face more closely. Her seductive eyes caught me red on. Her face was pretty. A gold nosepin. A beautiful small blue bindi on forehead matching her nightie.
“that means you fixes heart,” she commented giving a pretty smile.
“by the way my colleagues call me love therapist too,” I told her while giving her a flirty smile.
“sure you are” we laughed and take a look at jatin’s face. He gave a fake smile.His eyes were filled with slight anger, we both could sensed that. It would seem weird but she seemed more interested in me rather in him otherwise she would have sat beside him not me. But who cares him. Fuck him off.
He gave a strange stare to Nayaki telling her to get up and go away but she ignored him and kept talking to me.
“my husband praises you a lot, Saheb. I hope you will fix his heart too,”
“sure I will do madam . I took care of my patient very well.,” I assured her.
She calling me SAHEB and Jatin calling me SIR makes me feel dominative even I am younger than them.i don’t know her age but she seems 1-2 years older than me. I don’t know why but it gives me pleasures in a way.Thatswhy I didn’t stop them to call me that way yet. She was surely a dominant woman, no doubt about her confidence either.
Jatin give a slight cough hinting her to get up. But she ignored him again, instead slide the glass towards him. Oh man. It was embarrassing. It surely have hurt his ego. God knows maybe she was attracted towards me! I am not that sexy person but I am more good looking and persuading than him.
“are you unmarried, doctor saheb?”,she asked me this question.
“No, I am neither married nor in a relationship right now”
“how can a man like you not married and not any girlfriend vven you are well qualified good earning doctor. My husband told me all about you”, she told me looking at me with her seductive eyes.I feel damn happy.She was praising me. What a babe!
“I have a relationship in the past but that didn’t work out. Relationships require commitments and I am not good at that.”
“ also your profession is quite busy too, sir” Jatin entered the conversation.
“yes you are right too” I replied
“I will thank to sir for my improved health too. If he had been busy with some girl, I couldn’t have treated by such brilliant doctor”, he started praising me again.
“Its too late, Nayaki, don’t you want to sleep tonight”, He said in tight voice while looking at the clock. It showed 12:30 am.
Now she cannot ignore him. She nodded in affirmation, get up and fixed her nightie and went away while giving goodnight wish, “Good night honey and doctor saheb.”There were two rooms in his flat. Both are built side by side infront of me. She went in the left room but didn’t close the door completely. I could tell she was sleeping in right side of the bed and I could see her feet too.Maybe that was on purpose.
“thankyou for dinner, Jatin, I think I should go now its pretty late.” I said while eating a last slice of cucumber.
“you are right, its pretty late , sir thatswhy please I request you to stay here tonight and you can go the next morning”, he requested me diligently.
“ No, no, don’t worry. I don’t want to disturb you further. Please let me leave.” Have to say for formalities but in reality I want to spend the night here too but with her. But he convinced me to stay here telling me ,”its not you will come here always, please let us be your’s good host,”.I could not say no then.
We both entered in the room where she was not sleeping.
“this room has AC in it. I only set one ac as there is no need for the other one, the other room has a fine cooler where she is sleeping.”he told while holding the ac remote.
“yeah, that’s good.” It was a bit hot there in the room, no fan, only the AC was there. He switched it on.i sat on the bed waiting for it cool the room. Fives minute have passed, the room was still warm. The ac might fucked up itself.
“I think maybe ac is not working well, sir.” Bastard it is not working at all.
“it has been two weeks since we used ac , maybe that’s the reason it is malfunctioned. I will do something, don’t worry.sir ”he said.
“you should, you are mechanic guy after all. But do it quickly, its hot here.”
“ yeah sure in the meantime, you can go to other room,”he told me while making a phone call.
“isn’t your wife sleeping there,”I asked him with questionable eyes. Is he a fool?
“oh,hmm, I will wake her up and you can rest on bed until I fix ac.”he told me. Again is he fool?
“no, you don’t need to wake her up, let her sleep, I can wait in the dining room.” I suggested while avoiding looking pervert.
“no sir, I can tell, you are feeling very sleepy. I will arrange a second bed there in a minute, just wait there in the room.”
“ok I go then.” I told him. While going outside the room, the doorbell has rung. Who will be there at such a time.
“it’s my neighbor, I called him to bring some equipments to fix ac.” Jatin said.I nodded at him while entering in the other room.
After I came inside, I closed the door. Yes I closed the door completely, but not locked it. Now its complete dark here but I could figure out that she was sleeping curled up like a baby humping her curvy butt up. I noticed her nightie was not covering her ass anymore it have been slipping and uplifting due to air blew by cooler exposing her bare ass to me. I cannot tell properly if she was not wearing anything beneath it but that was enough to get me a boner, that was a massive temptation, I wanna touch those huge cheeks very badly but I have to control myself. I was getting a boner already.There were no chair or anything to sit except a table on which a glass jar filled with water and some glasses were placed, I couldn’t sit on the table any way. I waited for him two minutes while standing. He surely would be busy in fixing that ac. I was so tired, I have no option so I sat on the left corner of the double bed far away from her. Ten minutes have passed he hadn’t come. I didn’t call him either. I don’t know why,I just wanna be there. Devil inside me!
Then I thought what would be the problem if I just lay down the left side, its not like my body will touch her in any case. I just lay down there. After a few minutes,I heard someone yawning.She had woken up but I was sure she didn’t notice me.She walked along the bed and stand beside me and grabbed the jar. She poured water into the glass. While drinking, she was bending to sit on the bed not knowing I was there!
She sat on my fucking lap. I could feel her plump butt over my erected dick. Within a second, she jumped and tried to cry, but I grabbed her butts to pull her but the glass had slipped out of her hand and spill all over both of our bodies. For god it hadn’t fall on the floor otherwise he could have listened.
Now her body was laid above my body. I could feel her boobs pressing against my chest. The water had already made our clothes wet and quite translucent. My hands were still on her ass. I felt that she was really not wearing anything under the nightie.There was only a single piece of cloth between her body and me. I was not feeling sleepy anymore, her face have become red which was telling me she was feeling my erected dick against her pussy. For few seconds, we were laid there like a statue and speak no words.
Her eyes were touching my eyes. There was less than a centimeter space between our lips. In the heat of moment, I kissed her, yes I kissed those voluptuous lips. I am a damn pervert. What can I do? But the feeling of heaven was for few seconds only. She pushed me down but could not escape as my hands were still grabbing her flappy butts tightly and lightly squeezing them by own. I raised my back. We were both sitting now but she was sitting on me, and now I could easily see her nipples getting hard behind the wet nightie, she quickly covered them with her hands. Trying to be modest,hn!
Out of shame I slowly pulled my hands back from her butts.I couldn’t make eye contact with her, she also put her face away from me. I could tell she was not angry but surely feeling anxiety, her deep breathes making her boobs lifting up and down.She was aroused a little. I was pulling my hands back but she holds them in the midway with her trembling hand and literally placed them on her breasts.What the heck! Yes you heard it right she placed them on those fluffy boobs. Then she looked at me with those eyes. Those craving eyes, wanting something which is not beyond my reach .That was a clear hint to go ahead.I didn’t wait a second and pushed her on bed and jumped over her body.At that time we didn’t especially me think about anything else, my brain was already numb, her also. I bite those red lips and kissed her badly, my lips over her lips, squeezing them with a brute erotic force. She didn’t resisted this time. She let her body free and just cast aside her modesty and pride for the moment. Her fingers were clasping the bedsheet very tightly while I was groping her boobs mercilessly and continuously kissing without giving a single breath.
This is not some dream, this is reality but I have to convert this moment into a dream worth watching every single night. I know she is not my women. Like hell I care.I not a person who cares about morals. She didn’t care too, didn’t she?
She was moaning but my lips were curbing the noise. I pulled down the nightie from the up and now her breasts were fully exposed.A pair of those piece of flesh were enough to lose my mind. The water spilled over the chest made them shiny.They were magnificent. Not much huge to look shaggy. I squeezed them harder and harder at each moment and kissed her harder to suppress her moans.
Now she was not really resisting at all.As I shifted my lips from her lips to her neck her mangalsutra clipped to my lips, I thought of removing it but she protested, I didn’t mind that. Then my lips clasps on the breasts and then groped them with my mouth and hands both. I placed my other hand fingers on her lips. She was sucking those fingers and I was sucking those nipples.
She was fully aroused. I lifted my torso up and remove my shirt quickly and completely pulled her nightie down and throw it away. Now I could see her full naked body. An embodiment of perfection. A body I desire. Her belly, belly button, waist, those fleshy thick thighs. I tasted every inch of her body with my tongue. But she has crossed her legs to hide her vagina.i didn’t mind that. I started licking her breasts, then belly , then pubic area, thighs and foot and return all along from foot to her lips back. She was feeling my crotch with her hands and all over her abdomen. She tried to open my pant but failed to pull down my underwear.
I took a hint, and I asked, “can I…” she nodded with a little embarrassment. I was feeling the same too but I pulled my dick out. My cock is longer and girthier than average male.She grabbed it quickly and give some sudden jerks. I moaned a little .She was more naughtier than me, man.A true bitch.I placed my hands over her thighs to push them apart to make a look at her vagina. She didn’t protested. Now she was giving me handjob and I was fingering her cunt while making a tongue to tongue kiss.
Now she seemed to me a complete different person than we were talking back. She had been silent and hasn’t speak a single word out of her mouth. All she was doing was talking with her eyes and body.She was shy, embarrassed,scared,timid,modest and at the same time promiscuous, naughty,erotic and non-resistant. She seemed a woman who wants to be dominated. I really couldn’t explain her personality. Maybe she have been acting up like this to make me feel dominative. But still the thought that I was going to screw a married women was provoking me. I stopped for a minute. She stopped licking my fingers.I shifted my eyes to right to avoid contact We didn’t speak any words.
But this time she break the silence.
“what happened?”
“is this right?” I asked her like a kid.i don’t why but I was going to cry.
“I don’t know either. Ignorence is a bliss.” Her eyes were shining like she has no regret.
She pulled my face towards her and give me deep kiss mouth to mouth while holding my head with both her hands and continuously playing with my hairs with her fingers. I was top of her still. We kissed for about two minutes. Then suddenly she pushed me aside with all of her force and jumped over me. Now she was on top of me. My hands were clasping her hands. Our fingers were gripping each other’s. They were interlocked like no force could separate them. Her torso was completely over my chest. She was sitting on my lap holding my hands looking at my eyes. Now there was no embarrassment and shyness in those eyes. My dick was still hard and pressing against her clitoris.I didn’t pushed it inside her yet. I couldn’t make the first move. She was the one who made it.
She lifted her ass and thumped over my dick.We both moaned simultaneously. Now it was all inside her. She started it. Now there is no going back. She couldn’t control herself too.She was lifting and thumping her butts against my dick while I was fucking her pussy. She was completely riding my dick. That was intense. Her bangles were making sounds too altogether. After few seconds we free our hands then I grabbed her boobs and rolled my fingers over her erected hardened nipples.She clasped my shoulder for support.Her head was in the air. We were not kissing just looking at each other weird faces while making love.
The thought of fucking Jatin’s wife while he is fixing the AC in the other room was increasing my libido and making the sex more exciting.
I have been fucking her married cunt in that position for about ten minutes. We changed the position. I grabbed her and thrashed her aside.Now she was laying down on her tummy on the bed and I hopped over top of her butts. I was facing her back and butts. Now I have perfect view of her ass. I moved my hard hands over her bubble butt while her hands were grabbing the pillows. I didn’t insert my dick in her pussy from behind, instead I played with her butts by massaging the space between the two butt cheeks with my cock. I was sliding my dick between her butts up and down.Then I was rubbing my penis against her pussy lips.I teased her few minutes.Then she begged me to insert it inside. I thrusted my dick inside her vagina with quite a force that she was yelling so she stuffed her face between the pillow to suppress her yell. I screwed her pawg ass quite well in that position. I holding her hand with force while fucking her which breaks some of her bangles, I stopped for a few seconds while she get rid of her bangles. Then we both continued.I was smashing her ass very hard.Then I grabbed her waist and raised her torso in such a way that her body and head was in hair staying straight on her elbows and knees, a perfect doggystyle position. I pounded her ass so hard that her my thighs were clapping against her butts making loud sounds. It was overwhelming for me.I thought os slapping her butts hard but considering the noise I avoided that. I fucked her in that position for quite a long time that when I stopped I busted out and fall on the bed while she remained in that position. Her butts and head were still in the mid air, trying hard to stand still on her knees and hands on bed while trying to regain her breath. After taking few breathes she busted out too. We were both lying on the back on the bed facing the room ceiling. But I didn’t cum yet.
She complimented that for me in a slow low voice,” it seems it will take a lot for me to make you cum”. I smiled at her.
“isn’t it good, I mean huge” I winked at her.
“don’t compliment yourself, but yeah sure this is huge one” her talkative behavior was returning.
She slid down her body so that her face can reach my cock. She came top over me again but this time her head was placed above my waist . She placed her hands on my thighs and gulped my dick completely inside her mouth and I placed my foot over her butts. She raised her legs from behind which still have pajib in them and continued sucking my dick without using her hands while continuously staring at my eyes.Shameless bitch was now giving me blowjob. She was giving me a complete deepthroat but slowly slowly. After a minute she pulled the dick out of her mouth and grabbed it with hands and now started licking my ball sacs while giving me handjob meanwhile I was massaging her butts with my foot. She was continouly moving her legs up and down too, I can hear those pajib sounds because of it. She moved her tongue licking my scrotum to the shaft of my dick to the tip of the penis. She licked my tip and shaft for a short time and again started blowing me up while playing with my balls with her hands. She wasn’t an amateur at all.i was looking at her pretty face stuffed with my dick sucking it whole through it.I placed my hand over head and gave it a push to thrust my dick very deep in her mouth and hold her head there while I was fucking her mouth rashly. She was choking and gagging, I overdid it, I stopped when she punched me in the thigh. She removed her dick from the mouth and while taking deep breathes, was furious over me.
“ you are a menace”
“I am really sorry for that” I apologized. I screwed it all up, man!
She laughed at me,”you are kid inside this huge body”. I didn’t understand that. But now she was becoming wildish slowly. Absolutely better than before. Such a sudden change in behavior.
“well I am a kid then let me show how childish I am.” I pulled her by arms and made her sit over me and started ramming her again.
After a few minutes, we changed position and I was lying again top of her. This is gonna be the ending point as I was about cum. I gushed my throbbing dick inside her again. This time I was fucking her faster than before. We were both making loud noises but not much loud to be escaped from the room.
“can I cum inside you” I asked her.
“no, you shouldn’t.” she told me with raised eyebrows.
I was about to cum, so I pulled my dick out and she quickly pushed her body down over the bed to make her head reached my dick.I pushed my cock inside her mouth and ejaculated it all inside her mouth. I was thinking of spreading all over the mouth but I missed the chance. Interestingly she swallowed it all and some of my semen were spilled over her cheeks that she consumed by licking it with fingers. That was all. We were both tired. Both of our bodies had become red. We both laughed for a minute but didn’t talk anything except I commented that I am blessed to fuck such a sexy woman like you, it’s a dream come true. She chuckled. We relaxed for sometime.
She switched on the lights and approached the mirror which I couldn’t see earlier. She was flaunting her naked body infront of the mirror. I came behind her and sticked my whole body behind her back in a way my dick was touching her buttocks. I was hugging her from behind while her whole body was tingling. We were standing naked there. I grabbed her boobs and she grabbed my dick behind her ass. I shifted my lips to her neck and was kissing her nape.
“You fixed my heart.” She told me while staring at the mirror. I didn’t answer anything and continued kissing her neck.
Considering Jatin’s return, we both changed our clothes quickly. Now she wore a green cotton maxi that was covering her most of the body unlike before. We sat on the bed and I was just going to say a word but jatin entered in the room.
Watching our glowing red faces he told me,” I think you two were having a great talk. By the way you can sleep in the room sir, problem have been solved.”
“so the AC has been fixed too!”I smirked at her while stepping out of bed.
“were you not sleeping, Nayaki.” Jatin enquired her.
“It would be inappropriate for a married woman like me to stay sleep in front of a strange man. Isn’t it Doctor Saheb........" She replied winking at me.
See you soon,
Wait for next chapter<2
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3x01 vs 3x09 movie night scenes
So the movie night scene is interesting to me when compared to the 3x01 one.
In 3x01 we have Cassie and Beau there first, coming out of the trailer. Beau has two cups in hand while Cassie has hers in her hand. They're bantering and she's teasing him about his lack of glassware; Beau is in a good mood. They sit (Beau on the left and Cassie on the right) in the two chairs on his deck, still bantering until Jenny arrives, both Beau and Cassie are happy to see her. Beau hands her a drink and she then removes the pillow from his chair and sits against Cassie's chair. Beau tries to call Emily and he then appears to be off which has Cassie asking him if he's okay. He tells them what's bothering him about Emily: he doesn't feel like he's really a part of her life anymore and he doesn't know what to do with that. Both Cassie and Jenny give him advice and then Jenny attempts to lighten the mood which Cassie goes along with, and then they decide to watch the movie, with Beau eventually bantering along.
The very next scene is Sunny at the campfire, making s'mores for someone and burning the missing backpacker flyer Cassie gave to her. She then takes a walk in the woods, singing "Do You Love An Apple?" as she searches for Walter and finds him.
Cassie: "Hey, are you okay?"
Beau: "No, it's uh... Emily's on a trip with her stepdad. They're camping."
Cassie: "Ooh."
Jenny: "Oh."
Cassie: "Where are they camping?"
Beau: "A couple miles outside of town. Uh, this group thing. Sunny Day Excursions..."
Cassie: "Sunny Barnes?"
Beau: "Yeah."
Cassie: "I was talking to her today about my missing backpacker case."
Beau: "Anything I should know?"
Cassie: "No, Sunny's great. And Emily's probably having a really good time."
Jenny: "Cassie!" (Jenny, they have a friendship, don't interrupt. If Beau's bothered by it, he'll say something. Keep it in your pants, girl. You're so obvious.)
Beau: "Oh, good. Rub it in."
Cassie: "No. No, I'm saying she's good, she's safe, she's well, she's--" (THIS is better for Beau)
Jenny: "Okay. Alright. Just... Talk to us. What's going on?" (of course she took the opportunity to jump on this)
Beau: "No, it's... I feel like I'm missing out on her life. And he gets to be right there, watching it all. And I just...I don't know what to do with that."
Cassie: "You just keep being there for her when she needs you. No matter what." (notice Beau's little smile here, this is what he needed to hear)
Jenny: "You should tell her. Let her how much she means to you. Dads don't always do that."
Beau: "Hmm."
Jenny: "You know, he has a punch list."
Cassie: "Oh, I'm very aware of the punch list."
Jenny: "I don't get it."
Beau: "Okay. And Ryan Gosling's about to join it so let's..."
Jenny: "Alright, I think it's time to watch a movie. What did we decide on?"
Cassie: "I say horror movie. Let's just--" (interesting choice, Cassie, lol)
Beau: "I am scared already."
In 3x09, Beau is in the trailer by himself while Jenny sits outside (and the whole shooting star moment), he brings out only two beer bottles and gives one to Jenny. It becomes very apparent that Beau is not in a light-hearted mood and something is bothering him. Jenny asks him if he's okay and he tells her he thinks he's not doing enough for Emily. Jenny reassures him that he's doing everything he can and tells him to go easy on himself, at least for one night. He reluctantly agrees and after they clink their bottles in a cheers, he asks where Cassie is. Jenny suggests Cassie might be distracted by Cormac which then pulls Beau into lighthearted bantering and Jenny teasing him. He wants to know if she has any details and Jenny then sees Cassie has pulled up. The scene ends with Cassie revealing to them both that she found out who Walter is.
The very next scene is Sunny singing "Wayfaring Stranger" at the campfire which starts off a montage: Emily looking at Cassie's BHK board in the D&H office, Avery getting into Paige's account and letting the guy he spoke to earlier know, Cormac sitting at bar thinking about what he's found out, then back to Sunny finishing the song when Paige shows up behind her unexpectedly.
Jenny: "You okay?"
Beau: "I was just thinking about today. You know, Frank would have done anything for his son. I mean, anything no matter what."
Jenny: "I would do anything for mine. And you would do anything for Emily." (her basically roping all four of them together)
Beau: "Yeah, that's just it. It just doesn't feel like I'm there for her. She found a dead body, Jenny. And that stepfather of hers is...questionable at best. And, I just don't know what to do about it. And I don't like that." (and we get the first "Jenny" that I can remember)
Jenny: "Emily's a good kid. She's strong. She's strong because you and Carla taught her to be. Just, give yourself a break. For movie night, at least."
Beau: "Yeah. Alright."
Jenny: "Cheers."
Beau: "Speaking of, where is Cassie? Did she get lost?"
Jenny: "Uh, I don't know, she could be distracted by a certain someone."
Beau: "Who, Cormac? Ooh. You got some juicy details you wanna share?"
Jenny: "I don't know. Are we jealous?"
Beau: "No but interested. What's happening?"
Jenny: "Oh, speak of the devil." (could you sound any less thrilled that your best friend showed up to ruin what you thought would be a romantic evening, Jenny? My God, I hate how they're writing her this season, she's so fucking desperate it's sad and beyond disappointing)
So, what kills me about these two scenes and all of the parallels is this:
The eye contact: In 3x01, during Beau's emotional moment, he makes consistent eye contact with Cassie and very little with Jenny. They purposely use these takes and we get closeups: closeups of Beau by himself, closeups of Cassie and Jenny solo, and then together. Beau is very much alone and not part of the group in framing (until the end and having been before the Emily calls). So he's solo when it comes to the Emily topic which obviously affects him emotionally. In 3x09, during Beau's emotional moment, he makes very little eye contact with Jenny. Which is surprising if they plan to go this route (they obviously do aka fanservice), because here Cassie is absent and they had an opportunity to play more into the emotional relationship forming between the other two but chose not to. Instead, we see from framing that while they're doing closeups of Beau and Jenny, they are always in each other's coverage. So this framing would indicate that they are not only on the same page and a team, but also that they are obviously getting closer/bonding and Beau is no longer alone (in contrast to 3x01). And when the camera is pulled back slightly, we see that Jensen is clearly looking at Katheryn as she speaks but the focus isn't on that. But when we go back to Jensen, he's not looking at her, meaning the show used the takes where he played it as barely making eye contact with her (because yo know they shot a few different takes and from the shot mentioned before, he obviously did one where he makes more eye contact with her).
So we have to ask, why did they choose to use the take where Beau barely makes eye contact with her during this important moment between the two? Why did they have Beau in the trailer alone? Why did they have him missing the shooting star? Why did they barely have him react when Jenny tells him this? Why did they have Cassie show up at all or have Beau mention her absence? Why did they only show Jenny's reaction to Cassie showing up and not Beau? Why did neither greet her enthusiastically like Jenny was greeted by Beau and Cassie back in 3x01? Why did Beau barely say anything when presented with the newspaper clippings of Walter? Why when Jenny touched his arm, we see her closeup when she does it, but then the camera pulls back and shows Beau is obviously not returning it and barely acknowledging it? Why did Jenny tease Beau yet again about Cassie? Why did we get a flat out "No" this time when she does compared to his reaction the last time she mentioned her? Why the line "No but interested" when the line could have been "No but intrigued"? Why has Jenny not had any actual scenes with Emily herself yet? Why do we see Beau reaching out to Carla physically this episode (and Carla reaching back with her second hand) but we see Jenny reaching out to Beau physically that isn't returned?
I'll tell you why. Because Beau has shut himself off emotionally from Jenny as a way to protect himself. That's what all of this is about.
I mean, Jenn-y, Rand-y...come on. (and in this latest episode, Emily oh-so-ironically finds the newspaper clippings about Beau losing Randy...please)
Now that we know it was his partner he lost and how much that loss affected him (by Carla's own words), it's no surprise that he's not returning anything for Jenny...yet. Yep, I think the writers still plan to go there (puke) but it's going to require them knocking down Beau's wall he's erected. And this is why they had Carla telling Jenny in the way she did. Because the writers are attempting to give Jenny that leg up, to help her gingerly approach him and work her way in. And of course she needs that leg up because if she went at him now, especially letting him know that she knows about what happened in Houston, he'd shut down on her even more.
This is why that 3x05 convo happened and that shooting-a-suspect-together moment occurred that the GA lost their heads and panties over "OMG so super romantic to kill a guy together, I mean the way he makes her shoot him, they must be soulmates!" (the rest of us knew it wasn't meant as a romantic moment but yeah) It's all about Beau being scared to let another partner in emotionally. Which is why he has no problem letting Cassie in (which is why we got their intro scene in 2x18 the way we did and she helps him fix "Pedro" vs the competitive streak we get from his and Jenny's intro scene in 2x18 & Beau immediately striking a professional tone with her despite their jobs); they're not partners, only friends. This is why the 3x05 hug does nothing for him that we can see, why "You wish", "all relationships need to be two way streets", and "Let's keep it professional, Hoyt." And as expected, in this movie scene, we see even more of it.
Beau is alone in his trailer and Jenny is sitting outside because he's slowly starting to come to her, hence why he brings out only two beers and hands her one. This is why Cassie is absent at first (and also why he mentions her). He trusts Cassie and if you rewatch the 3x01 movie night scene, Cassie is the one to lead Beau out of the trailer. Cassie has her own drink while Beau has his and Jenny's. Cassie is the first to greet Jenny enthusiastically and Beau only greets her afterwards. This is also why Jenny removes the pillow from his back (which the show makes sure to use the take where we see Beau's reaction) and uses it (she makes him uncomfortable, meaning pushing him out of his comfort zone by being another Carla but also by being his partner), sitting next to Cassie.
This is also why there's a table in between Cassie (and then Jenny) and Beau in 3x01, but no table between Jenny and Beau in 3x09. It's also why they've been eradicating any solo interactions between Cassie and Beau (Jenny always has to be present) and why Beau and Jenny are now having more increased emotional conversations. Why Cormac was thrown into the mix of Cassie's story line as a potential romance. Why Emily was entrusted to Cassie and Denise (not just because of all of their jobs and how it was more convenient) and Carla is being pushed more into the background as the "ex-wife" that he "still cares" about when at the beginning of the season, he was still in love with her. Why they show us the shot of Cassie unboxing her glassware for her housewarming. Why Beau focuses on her in that scene and when she visits the Sherrif's station later on to ask for help. Why Beau isn't as relaxed sitting on Cassie's couch as Jenny is. Why Beau comforted Denise and not Cassie when it would have been an opportunity for him to return what she's done for him in their friendship. This is also why Katheryn, Elwood, and everyone are very careful with their wording on whether Beau/Jenny will be a thing. Why, after quite a few episodes of Beau driving him and Jenny in Pedro, they're now back in Jenny's car with her driving them. It's setting it all up for this big romance (puke) that most likely won't end well, while also resolving this issue for Beau's character and Beau helps Jenny level up to Sheriff.
So what kills me again is in this scene where Beau finally calls her by her name and Jenny reaches out to him, why use the takes where Jensen makes barely any eye contact with her? Yes, this may be a slow-going process due to needing to knock Beau's emotional wall down, but the signs are all already there: the stargazing (instead of showing us the movie screen; would we have even known it was a movie night if Jenny hadn't mentioned it?), the barely there space between them, the mixed coverage/framing, the emotional moment where he lets her in -- all of it. So why do the missed-shooting-star thing and the barely there eye contact on Beau's end?
Because it's not going to end well. Whether that be him dying off, him leaving Montana (with Carla I would assume or following her and Emily elsewhere), him leaving law enforcement to get back to fishing, or what have you.
This is what Elwood meant (most likely) about Cassie and Beau forming a deeper connection this season (which to me is hilarious given that they've been moving away from that friendship altogether in favor of the whole big Beau/Jenny push). If anything, I think Emily and Cassie will build a deeper connection if she is still at D&H in the back half of the season. This is what Elwood meant about Beau developing feelings for someone other than Carla and why the "slow burn". This is why Katheryn was coy when asked if anything will develop between Jenny and Beau, by simply suggesting "Well, when they cast someone like Jensen..." (I'm paraphrasing but that was essentially what she said). This is why Kylie and Elwood were so insistent that Beau and Cassie's relationship is not romantic and is more "brother and sisterly". This is also why Elwood kept using the words "professional" and "team" when talking about Beau and Jenny but didn't push for the interviewer not to take what he says about their relationship as "romantic" like he did with the topic of Beau and Cassie.
And I personally can't wait until all of this crap is over. One more episode tomorrow and then I'm dipping out. I signed up to watch Big Sky, not the Beau and Jenny show (puke). Do I love Beau's character? Sure, I do. Do I love Reba, Kylie, Jensen, Dedee, Katheryn, Seth, Angelique, and Jamie? Absolutely. But even they are not worth sitting through this shit. So after tomorrow, I'm out until I can binge it after it's over and skip all of the gross scenes I know are incoming. Especially after watching the Jenny/Travis scenes (who she had way more chemistry with btw). I still shudder at those kiss scenes. So, it's a gonna be a big flat no from me, chief.
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estatedekho04 · 19 hours
Villas for sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad
Looking for Luxury? Check Out 3 & 4 BHK Villas in Nanakramguda, Hyderabad!
If you’ve ever wanted to live in a place that sounds like it belongs in a fantasy novel, Nanakramguda is your spot! Picture this: You wake up in your spacious 4 BHK villa, brew your morning coffee, and gaze out the window at the serene and upscale neighborhood that is quickly becoming the go-to for Hyderabad's elite. Not to mention, you’re just a hop, skip, and a traffic jam away from the tech hubs. Ah, the sweet balance of luxury and convenience.
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Villas for sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad
Why Nanakramguda?
So, you’re probably wondering: “Why should I invest in a villa in Nanakramguda?” The better question is why not? This area is Hyderabad’s answer to Beverly Hills (well, sort of), combining urban chic with suburban peace. Nanakramguda is home to the Financial District, meaning you’re rubbing elbows with the city’s high rollers and IT moguls. Plus, you’ve got easy access to Gachibowli and HITEC City, making that office commute slightly less of a nightmare.
Location Highlights:
Financial District – The heart of the corporate world.
Proximity to HITEC City – Less time in traffic, more time for Netflix.
Connectivity – The Outer Ring Road is basically your personal highway to anywhere in the city.
Lifestyle Amenities – From shopping malls to fancy restaurants, it’s all here.
What Makes a 3 or 4 BHK Villa Here So Special?
Alright, let’s talk about the villas. You’re not just buying bricks and mortar here; you’re investing in a lifestyle. Whether you’re eyeing a 3 BHK or a 4 BHK villa, you’ll find the perfect blend of elegance, comfort, and cutting-edge architecture.
Space Galore
A 3 BHK villa in Nanakramguda usually comes with around 2,000 to 2,500 square feet of space. That’s more than enough room for a family, a home office, and let’s be honest, a secret snack cupboard (we all have one). If you’re going for the 4 BHK villa, well, let’s just say you might need Google Maps to find your way around. These palatial homes can range from 3,000 to 4,000 square feet, giving you room for a mini-gym, a home theater, and perhaps even a zen garden.
Luxury Features:
Modular Kitchens – Fancy enough to inspire your inner MasterChef.
Private Gardens – Because nothing says “I’ve made it” like a BBQ in your own yard.
State-of-the-Art Security – You’re safe here, whether it’s from intruders or telemarketers.
Parking Spaces – Not just for one car, but two or more. Say goodbye to street parking nightmares!
3 BHK vs 4 BHK Villas: Which One’s for You?
3 BHK Villa
4 BHK Villa
2,000 – 2,500 sq. ft.
3,000 – 4,000 sq. ft.
Best For
Small families or professionals
Larger families, those who love space
₹2.5 Cr – ₹4 Cr
₹4 Cr – ₹7 Cr
Cozy, comfortable, and elegant
Expansive, grand, and lavish
Balcony, garden, parking
Extra room, larger garden, maybe even a pool!
If you're leaning towards the 3 BHK option, it’s perfect for small families or professionals looking to upgrade. Want a little extra elbow room? The 4 BHK villa is for those who plan to host dinner parties, game nights, or need a dedicated room for their sneaker collection (I’m looking at you, sneakerheads).
Amenities and Lifestyle – It’s More Than Just Four Walls
When you buy a villa in Nanakramguda, you’re not just getting a house; you’re buying into a community. Think gated communities, where your neighbors are probably CEOs or software developers who speak fluent Python.
Community Perks:
Clubhouses – Equipped with gyms, indoor sports arenas, and probably a spa because why not?
Swimming Pools – For those days when Hyderabad's summer hits 40°C (which is, let’s be honest, most days).
Children’s Play Areas – Because your kids deserve some outdoor fun too, not just Fortnite marathons.
Location, Location, Location
Living in Nanakramguda means you’re within minutes of some of Hyderabad’s finest restaurants, cafes, and shopping malls. Not to mention, schools like Oakridge International and hospitals like AIG are nearby. So whether you need to grab a gourmet meal or rush your kid to a doctor, it’s all within arm’s reach.
The Investment Angle – Why Now is the Time to Buy a Villa in Nanakramguda
If you’ve been watching the real estate trends in Hyderabad, you’ll know that Nanakramguda is on a fast track to becoming one of the most sought-after localities. The area has seen a boom in both residential and commercial development, with more high-end projects popping up than you can count. And as we all know, where there’s growth, there’s money to be made.
Reasons to Invest in a Villa:
Appreciation Potential – Property values in Nanakramguda have been on a steady rise.
Rental Income – A villa here could fetch you a sweet rental income, especially with all the expats and IT professionals flooding the area.
Future-Proof Location – With its proximity to the Financial District and HITEC City, Nanakramguda is only going to grow in demand.
But What About the Price?
Alright, let’s talk numbers. Buying a 3, 4 BHK villa in Nanakramguda isn’t exactly cheap, but hey, neither is a trip to space, and you’ll probably spend more time in your villa. Prices typically range from ₹2.5 crores to ₹7 crores, depending on the size and amenities. Sure, it’s a splurge, but think of it as an investment in your family’s future and comfort.
Final Thoughts – Is a Villa in Nanakramguda Your Dream Home?
If you’re someone who loves the idea of waking up in a spacious, luxurious home, with modern amenities and a top-tier location, a 3 BHK, 4 BHK villa in Nanakramguda could be the perfect fit for you. Plus, you get the bonus of telling people, “Oh, I live in Nanakramguda,” which is bound to impress at least someone at your next dinner party.
At the end of the day, it’s not just about buying a home—it’s about buying into a lifestyle of luxury, convenience, and community. So, ready to pack your bags and make the move to Nanakramguda? Trust me, it’ll be worth every square foot!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 3,4 BHK Villas for Sale in Nanakramguda Hyderabad. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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estatedekho23 · 7 days
3,4 BHK Villas for Sale in Chandanagar Hyderabad
Dreaming of Luxury? Explore 3 & 4 BHK Villas in Chandanagar, Hyderabad!
When someone says "Chandanagar," your first thought might be of a peaceful suburb nestled within the heart of Hyderabad. But today, I want to take you on a tour of something a little grander 3,4 BHK villas in Chandanagar! Whether you're a growing family, someone who enjoys ample space, or simply love the idea of luxury, villas here have you covered. And the best part? These aren't just any villas they offer everything from modern amenities to a serene lifestyle. So, let’s dive in and explore why Chandanagar should be your next stop on the villa hunt.
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Why Choose Chandanagar for Villas?
Imagine this: you wake up in your spacious villa, sip your morning coffee while soaking in the serene ambiance, and head out for a walk in a safe, well-connected neighborhood. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, Chandanagar is known for offering just that. This suburb has been steadily growing into a hub for residential living with a balance of modern conveniences and peaceful suburban life.
Location, Location, Location!
If Hyderabad were a cake, Chandanagar would be the cherry on top! It's strategically placed near IT hubs like Gachibowli and Hitec City. So, if you're working in the tech sector, commuting won’t eat up your precious Netflix time! Plus, the villa communities here are often near shopping malls, international schools, hospitals, and parks. Everything you need is a hop, skip, and jump away.
Personal anecdote alert! I remember visiting a friend’s villa in Chandanagar, and I was blown away by how everything felt close yet removed from the chaos. It’s like being in the middle of nowhere and everywhere at the same time. A paradox I could live with!
3 BHK Villas in Chandanagar: A Space Lover's Paradise
Let's talk numbers. 3 BHK villas in Chandanagar usually range between 1,800 to 2,500 square feet, offering enough space to do a cartwheel or two if that’s your jam. These villas are perfect for families who want a little extra room to breathe without feeling like they’re living in a labyrinth.
Key Features of 3 BHK Villas:
Spacious Living Areas: You won’t need to shout to get someone’s attention from across the room unless you want to.
Modern Kitchens: Fully equipped with modular designs that will make even a microwave dinner feel like a gourmet experience.
Multiple Balconies: Perfect for those sunset Instagram stories.
Private Gardens: Who says you can’t have your own little slice of nature?
A Table for Your Space Needs:
1,800 - 2,500 sq ft
3 spacious rooms
3, including one attached to the master room
2-3, depending on the layout
Space for 2 cars (because why not?)
Fun Fact: My friend's 3 BHK villa even had a dedicated "sulk room." Yup, a room just for sulking. Now that’s next-level luxury!
4 BHK Villas: The Ultimate Expression of Luxury
If you think a 3 BHK villa sounds impressive, wait until you hear about the 4 BHK villas in Chandanagar. With an average size of 2,500 to 3,500 square feet, these villas are the Beyoncé of real estate big, bold, and glamorous.
Why You’ll Love a 4 BHK Villa:
Master Suite Fit for Royalty: Think of it as your personal kingdom. There’s room for a king-sized bed, a walk-in closet, and enough space to twirl around while picking an outfit.
Entertainment Areas: Imagine having a dedicated room just for movie nights or gaming marathons. These villas have it all.
Private Swimming Pools: Some even come with their own pools. (Now, if only someone could teach me how to swim...)
Multiple Floors: Ideal for anyone who enjoys taking long walks from the kitchen to the living room.
A Quick Glance at 4 BHK Villas:
2,500 - 3,500 sq ft
4 ultra-spacious rooms
4-5, including luxurious master bathrooms
3+ (with the best views in the neighborhood)
Private Pools
Some villas come with private pools!
Space for 3 cars (your guests will thank you)
Amenities Galore: What Makes These Villas Special?
Now, space isn’t the only selling point. Chandanagar’s villas are packed with world-class amenities that cater to both the minimalist and the luxury lover. Here’s what you can expect:
Common Amenities in Villa Communities:
Gated Communities: Because safety first, always!
Clubhouses: For those who enjoy a good squash match or want to host parties that people talk about for weeks.
Parks and Green Spaces: These aren’t just your average patches of grass. We're talking landscaped gardens, jogging tracks, and gazebos.
Swimming Pools: Whether you're a professional swimmer or a casual "splash-and-dash" kind of person, there's something for everyone.
Fitness Centers: So, you can eat all the biryani guilt-free. (Or at least try.)
Why Invest in Chandanagar Villas?
Now, you might be thinking, “This all sounds fabulous, but why should I invest here?” Well, let me break it down for you:
1. Real Estate Boom:
Chandanagar is on the rise, my friend! With proximity to tech hubs and infrastructural development booming, property values are only going up. Buying a villa here now is like getting in on the ground floor of a very lucrative elevator ride.
2. Quality of Life:
Let’s face it—life in a villa beats the hustle of city apartments any day. It’s peaceful, spacious, and offers a lifestyle that’s hard to find elsewhere.
3. Long-Term Investment:
Villas in Chandanagar are not just homes; they’re assets. Whether you plan to live in them or rent them out, these properties offer excellent returns in the long run.
Conclusion: Time to Make Your Move!
So, what’s the takeaway here? 3,4 BHK villas in Chandanagar aren’t just homes, they're a lifestyle choice. Whether you're looking for space, luxury, or just a solid investment, Chandanagar checks all the boxes. And with real estate on the rise, this might be the perfect time to take the plunge and invest in your dream home.
And hey, if you’re ever unsure about which villa to choose, just remember: the bigger the villa, the more room for your sulk room!
Visit estatedekho.com for more information about 3,4 BHK Villas for Sale in Chandanagar Hyderabad. Estatedekho is an online platform that offers sellers, potential clients, buyers verified plots, and professional agents at service.
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