#Organic Semiconductor Market
fuzzkaizer · 1 month
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Roland - AP-7 Jet Phaser
"... Most people know Roland Corporation for one of two reasons: One; for its amazing synthesizers and drum machines spanning several decades. Two; as the parent company of Boss, the biggest effects brand on the planet. Some pedal enthusiasts are unaware that Roland itself made pedals—good ones! 
For a time in the ‘70s, Boss and Roland intermingled with one another, with Roland choosing to slap the Boss name on certain effects (CE-1, DM-1, DB-5) and its own name on the rest, even though some of this gear shared similar enclosures, and even though some pedals were branded as one company, but as the evolution of the other company’s innovations (such as the Boss CE-1 being a standalone Roland Jazz Chorus effect). I’m here to talk about perhaps the most unsung vintage Roland piece; the AP-7 Jet Phaser.
For reasons unbeknownst, Roland excelled at ensconcing a stellar (oftentimes dirt) circuit within the confines of another, larger pedal and releasing the non-dirt part as a standalone model. One such example is the AD-50 Double Beat fuzz wah, containing an absolutely disgusting fuzz circuit yet releasing the AW-10 Wah Beat. 
The Jet Phaser is just such a circuit, combining phaser with, well . . . “Jet.” Much like the fuzz section from the Double Beat is—by virtue of naming conventions—a form of “beat,” “Jet” refers to an absolutely screaming distortion effect that sits in front of a juicy phaser circuit—the same one found within the AP-2 Phaser. 
This highly-adapable Jet circuit transforms the mild mannered phaser into a pulverizing throb, jumping out of the mix with some serious propulsion. Larry Graham of Sly and the Family Stone famously used one, as did Ernie Isley of the famous brothers, on “Who’s That Lady?.” In fact, that thick, viscous fuzz you hear on that cut’s leads is the characteristic Jet sound, and has been one of the most quietly sought-after lead tones in history. 
The Jet side of the circuit has no analog in today’s pedal market, it’s a curious piece of circuit, featuring equal parts discrete semiconductors and monolithic op-amps. A rotary switch on the face of the unit selects between four forms of Jet and two of Phase. Switching between the Jet settings yields different tonal compounds, cycling between gain stages, a notch filter and more. All of this is controlled by one master Jet knob, which offers varying intensity rather than a simple volume. On all Jet settings, the phaser is integrated; no configuration offers an isolated Jet section.
On the phaser side, we have an eight-stage FET-based phaser with a Resonance control. As far as vintage offerings are concerned, eight stages—the MXR phaser line of the 45, 90 and 100 offers two, four and six stages respectively—is quite a feat. With the added Resonance control, the phaser section can actually give your amp a little bit of a nudge at the peaks.
Much like the Maestro PS-1A (and B), the Jet Phaser offers a Fast/Slow footswitch that comes in the form of . . . an actual footswitch instead of clunky organ rockers. Maestro’s model offers ramping between speeds if you switch it on the fly; difficult if you’re not wearing pointy heels or cowboy boots, so the ramping feature wasn’t a tactfully expressive performance tool. The Jet Phaser solves all this by offering a Fast/Slow switch and letting you set your slow speed with a knob (the “Fast” setting is just this same knob turned all the way up). When switching between the two speeds, the rate gradually descends to the desired level.
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn’t include my all-time favorite effects-adjacent video—Larry Graham absolutely shredding on a Jet Phaser. ..."
cred: catalinbread.com/kulas-cabinet/roland-ap-7-jet-phaser
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mariacallous · 4 months
If you want to understand how China abuses its power on the world stage, consider the lobsters. After the Australian prime minister called in April 2020 for an international investigation into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Chinese ambassador to Australia, Chen Jingye, ominously hinted at the economic backlash. “Maybe the ordinary [Chinese] people will say, ‘Why should we drink Australian wine? Eat Australian beef?’” he told the Australian Financial Review. It and other outraged statements from the Chinese government had all the subtlety of a mafia capo wandering into the neighborhood deli and saying, “Nice little business you got here—shame if anything happened to it.”
In the weeks and months that followed, China instituted onerous import inspections on Australian rock lobsters and instituted new bans on timber and barley shipments from Australia. Given that in 2018 and 2019, China had accounted for about 94 percent of the Australian rock lobster market, the new trade restrictions were clearly meant to devastate the country’s lobster industry.
China also invoked punishing tariffs on Australian wine—tariffs that in some cases reached 212 percent—and exports stopped almost overnight. One winemaker, Jaressa Estates in the South Australian wine growing region of McLaren Vale, had been selling about 7 million bottles a year to China, some 96 percent of its total business, and saw that number drop to zero. “The country’s biggest overseas market vanished almost immediately. Sales to China plummeted 97 percent that first year. Storage tanks overflowed with unsold vintages of shiraz and cabernet sauvignon, pressuring red grape prices,” the New York Times reported. “Now that its economy is entrenched as the world’s second largest, the threat of losing access to China’s 1.4 billion consumers is a stick that few countries or industries can afford to provoke.”
It was a brutal lesson for Australia. As one winemaker told CNN, perhaps Australia shouldn’t be so quick to cross China in the future—and it should have approached questions about COVID-19’s origins with more delicacy. “Australia’s only a little nation. We should have absolutely supported it, but we didn’t need to lead the charge,” the vintner said. All told, Australia saw some $13 billion worth of exports targeted.
Outside the egregious Australian case, China has begun to wield the economic stick more regularly. For example, it halted salmon imports from Norway after the Nobel Peace Prize went to Chinese dissident Lio Xiaobo, punished Taiwan in 2022 with new restrictions on exporting pineapples, apples, and fish, and went after Lithuania when the Baltic country tried to strengthen ties with Taiwan. The wide-ranging Chinese move against Lithuania was unprecedented—extending not to just to obvious products like milk or peat but also against products manufactured with semiconductor chips made in Lithuania. As the New York Times wrote at the time, “China’s drive to punish Lithuania is a new level of vindictiveness.” The consequences for Lithuania were so dire that the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce reported that the country’s high-tech industry faced an “existential” threat.
The most powerful voices in the global trade discussion largely stayed silent during these attacks. The European Union filed a perfunctory World Trade Organization complaint on Lithuania’s behalf but, as the New York Times reported, “otherwise largely left one of its smallest and weakest members to fend for itself,” and behind the scenes its officials urged Vilnius officials to appease China. “To use a Chinese phrase, they are killing the chicken to scare the monkey, particularly the big German monkey,” one European think tank leader said publicly. “Many European leaders look at Lithuania and say, ‘My God, we are not going to do anything to upset China.’”
And while some U.S. officials held performative tastings of Australian wine, the United States failed to step in to stabilize or support Australia, Norway, Taiwan, or Lithuania. There were no high-profile “Berlin Airlifts” of pineapples to U.S. grocery stores, tanker convoys of Australian Shiraz rolling up the Capital Beltway, or “Buy Baltic” public service announcements to encourage consumers and corporate leaders to look to Lithuanian suppliers. There was no coordinated effort to build a coalition to implement an emergency adjustment of tariffs on Australian wine or lobster, let alone to help the affected industries find new commercial buyers.
Perhaps it’s easy to write off such American reluctance as our own strain of protectionism—maybe the government didn’t want to be accused of undercutting Hawaiian pineapples or promoting foreign competitors to California Zinfadels—but the truth is that even at home the United States has failed to stand up for our industries when China targeted them. We didn’t support American airlines and hospitality companies when China pressured them to remove Taiwan’s name from their maps; nor did the United States government stand up meaningfully for the free speech of NBA players who criticized China.
China is learning, again and again, that bullying works, mastering the 21st-century toolkit of economic statecraft and warfare. As Bethany Allen, a journalist who has covered China for a decade, writes in her book, Beijing Rules: How China Weaponized Its Economy to Confront the World, “If we speak the language of markets … then China hasn’t just learned that language. It has learned to speak it louder than anyone else.” The Chinese Communist Party’s “authoritarian style of state capitalism,” Allen argues, means it “is willing to draw on its full arsenal of leverage, influence, charm, deception, and coercion.” And China has begun to deploy those tools all too frequently—leading to very real questions about whether anyone, companies or nation-states, can afford to be economically reliant on China.
The United States needs to do better—for ourselves and our allies. Strong allies are not going to help only out of self-interest, they’re going to do it because they want to follow their values and principles—and we have to make it easier for countries who want to help us counter China. We need to create an umbrella that shields countries, companies, and individuals when they take on China’s attempts at hegemonic thought and action.
Critical to any global strategy to counter China is building and securing the series of bilateral relationships and multilateral institutions and alliances that helped the West win Cold War I. We have to make it easy for our allies—and desired potential allies—to say yes to such alliances. China is surrounded by many relatively small and weak countries that need real reassurances, both security and economic, that if they side with the United States in a regional coalition they won’t be out in the cold.
Even countries like South Korea, Japan, and Australia that are G-20 countries with advanced economies and trillion-dollar-plus GDPs are small compared to the behemoths like China and the United States, especially if they’re left geopolitically isolated.
Beyond ad hoc responses to pressure on our friends when they stand up to China—especially but not only when they’re acting at our request—the United States needs to figure out a new alliance framework to deter such actions from China in the future. China needs to know that bullying won’t work.
On the security front, there’s little value in the Indo-Pacific in a replacement for SEATO, the 20-year attempt to build a Southeast Asia alliance like NATO that ended in 1977 after never achieving a working military structure. (One British diplomat called the alliance a “zoo of paper tigers.”) Today, too many of the countries across the Indo-Pacific are already protected by bilateral security pacts with the United States to bother joining a larger formal security alliance. For example, given that both Japan and the Philippines have their own security pacts with the United States, it’s not entirely clear what domestic political appetite there would be for, say, the Philippines to be treaty-bound to defend Japan if it’s attacked.
Instead of a military security alliance in the Indo-Pacific, we should be looking to build a new—and global—economic security alliance. America should lead the way in creating a new organization—call it something like the Treaty of Allied Market Economies (TAME), an “economic NATO” alliance of European and Indo-Pacific nations with open-market economies. Together, the partners in this alliance would respond as a unified block to political and economic pressure from China—or any other economic aggressor, for that matter—through a combination of trade barriers, sanctions, and export controls.
In some ways, this alliance would look similar to the coordinated but independent action that the West took in levying unprecedented sanctions against Russia after its Ukraine invasion. As an additional carrot to joining such an alliance, like-minded members could all share increased trade benefits in the form of tariff cuts, regulatory cooperation, and enhanced investment terms.
Beyond formal joint economic punishment of an aggressor, such an alliance could also plan for and commit to repairing and replacing real economic harms that member countries face when hit with retaliatory tariffs or trade wars. Such “trade diversion” often occurs in the market anyway. As one market closes, another opens—and we know that, in part, because of China’s actions against Australia. Markets are adaptable and most goods can flow elsewhere, especially if protectionist tariffs don’t stand in the way. It’s why Australia, for instance, weathered some of China’s aggressive moves better than anticipated. In particular, the Australian coal industry—which was also hit with punishing bans—turned out just fine because coal is such a fungible and high-demand product. “Once China banned imports of Australian coal in mid-2020, Chinese utilities had to turn to Russian and Indonesian suppliers instead. This, in turn, took Russian and Indonesian coal off the market, creating demand gaps in India, Japan, and South Korea—which Australia’s stranded coal was able to fill,” Foreign Policy noted. “The result of decoupling for one of Australia’s core industries was therefore just a game of musical chairs—a rearrangement of who traded with whom, not a material injury.”
One of the reasons that NATO has never had to invoke Article 5 against another nation-state attack—the only time it’s ever been used was after Sept. 11 against al Qaeda—is precisely because of how strong all other countries know the response from the combined NATO force would be.
The same should be true on the economic front. As Daleep Singh, a National Security Council official who helped coordinate the U.S. response to Ukraine, said, “The best sanctions are the ones that never have to get used.” China might very well think twice before weaponizing its trading strength if it understood the combined—and severe—penalties it might face in taking such action and that even if it did launch a trade war, it wouldn’t necessarily inflict much economic harm to begin with.
There’s enough evidence of China’s willingness to inflict economic pain for political gain across Asia and Europe that a well-crafted TAME organization would likely attract a long line of participants—many countries across the globe are becoming increasingly concerned about Chinese belligerent behavior, and there is safety in numbers. While it is unlikely that some large countries with significant economic dependence on China, such as France and Germany, would rush to join this new alliance, states that have already found themselves on the receiving end of Chinese coercion in the past—such as Australia, Norway, Sweden, Japan, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, the Philippines, and Taiwan itself, among others—are prime candidates for initial membership. Over time, as TAME membership grows in numbers, combined economic power, and market size, it will become a magnet too attractive for other market economies to avoid, especially if China continues to engage in brutish bullying tactics around the world.
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libbylayla1984 · 7 months
The Fragmented Future of AI Regulation: A World Divided
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The Battle for Global AI Governance
In November 2023, China, the United States, and the European Union surprised the world by signing a joint communiqué, pledging strong international cooperation in addressing the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (AI). The document highlighted the risks of "frontier" AI, exemplified by advanced generative models like ChatGPT, including the potential for disinformation and serious cybersecurity and biotechnology risks. This signaled a growing consensus among major powers on the need for regulation.
However, despite the rhetoric, the reality on the ground suggests a future of fragmentation and competition rather than cooperation.
As multinational communiqués and bilateral talks take place, an international framework for regulating AI seems to be taking shape. But a closer look at recent executive orders, legislation, and regulations in the United States, China, and the EU reveals divergent approaches and conflicting interests. This divergence in legal regimes will hinder cooperation on critical aspects such as access to semiconductors, technical standards, and the regulation of data and algorithms.
The result is a fragmented landscape of warring regulatory blocs, undermining the lofty goal of harnessing AI for the common good.
Cold Reality vs. Ambitious Plans
While optimists propose closer international management of AI through the creation of an international panel similar to the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the reality is far from ideal. The great powers may publicly express their desire for cooperation, but their actions tell a different story. The emergence of divergent legal regimes and conflicting interests points to a future of fragmentation and competition rather than unified global governance.
The Chip War: A High-Stakes Battle
The ongoing duel between China and the United States over global semiconductor markets is a prime example of conflict in the AI landscape. Export controls on advanced chips and chip-making technology have become a battleground, with both countries imposing restrictions. This competition erodes free trade, sets destabilizing precedents in international trade law, and fuels geopolitical tensions.
The chip war is just one aspect of the broader contest over AI's necessary components, which extends to technical standards and data regulation.
Technical Standards: A Divided Landscape
Technical standards play a crucial role in enabling the use and interoperability of major technologies. The proliferation of AI has heightened the importance of standards to ensure compatibility and market access. Currently, bodies such as the International Telecommunication Union and the International Organization for Standardization negotiate these standards.
However, China's growing influence in these bodies, coupled with its efforts to promote its own standards through initiatives like the Belt and Road Initiative, is challenging the dominance of the United States and Europe. This divergence in standards will impede the diffusion of new AI tools and hinder global solutions to shared challenges.
Data: The Currency of AI
Data is the lifeblood of AI, and access to different types of data has become a competitive battleground. Conflict over data flows and data localization is shaping how data moves across national borders. The United States, once a proponent of free data flows, is now moving in the opposite direction, while China and India have enacted domestic legislation mandating data localization.
This divergence in data regulation will impede the development of global solutions and exacerbate geopolitical tensions.
Algorithmic Transparency: A Contested Terrain
The disclosure of algorithms that underlie AI systems is another area of contention. Different countries have varying approaches to regulating algorithmic transparency, with the EU's proposed AI Act requiring firms to provide government agencies access to certain models, while the United States has a more complex and inconsistent approach. As countries seek to regulate algorithms, they are likely to prohibit firms from sharing this information with other governments, further fragmenting the regulatory landscape.
The vision of a unified global governance regime for AI is being undermined by geopolitical realities. The emerging legal order is characterized by fragmentation, competition, and suspicion among major powers. This fragmentation poses risks, allowing dangerous AI models to be developed and disseminated as instruments of geopolitical conflict.
It also hampers the ability to gather information, assess risks, and develop global solutions. Without a collective effort to regulate AI, the world risks losing the potential benefits of this transformative technology and succumbing to the pitfalls of a divided landscape.
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isomumbai · 10 months
What are the key requirements for obtaining ISO 14001 certification in Mumbai?
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ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai?
ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai is determined to be highly recognized and utilized by the firms to acquire possible market stability. Over 7500 islands make up the Mumbai. The majority of the country’s GDP is contributed by travel and tourism. Cities in Mumbai are just now beginning to industrialize.
The most manufactured and exported goods include copper products, clothing, semiconductors, and other limited electrical items. In the upcoming days, it is anticipated to become a financial titan. At a rapid growth phase, industries began to revolutionize. Mumbai saw a fast rise in the demand for ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai among rival businesses to stand out in the market and better serve their clients by adhering to all calibration and laboratory criteria.
Importance of ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai
It encourages and guides organizations in India to meet their environmental obligations. The ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai is ideal for organizations that wish to demonstrate their commitment to reducing their environmental impact and achieving financial and stakeholder benefits.
As the only international standard devoted to environmental performance, ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai provides a framework for improving environmental performance in organizations of all sizes. You will gain a competitive advantage when your organization complies with ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai. Factocert provides ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai by utilizing ISO standards and guidelines for implementing ISO 14001:2015 environmental management systems.
The Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai Businesses
By embracing ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai, businesses in Mumbai can expect a multitude of benefits:
Reduced Environmental Impact: ISO 14001 certification in Mumbai helps organizations significantly reduce their environmental impact, including waste production and energy consumption.
Cost Savings: Adopting sustainable practices often leads to cost savings through reduced resource consumption and improved efficiency.
Enhanced Reputation: ISO 14001 certification in Mumbai enhances a company’s reputation, attracting environmentally conscious clients and partners.
Legal Compliance: Businesses that achieve ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai fully comply with environmental regulations, avoiding legal issues and associated costs.
Why Factocert for ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai
We provide the best ISO 14001 Consultants in Mumbai, Who are knowledgeable and provide the best solutions. And how to get ISO certification in the Philippines. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. ISO Certification consultants work according to ISO standards and help organizations implement ISO certification with proper documentation.
For more information, visit ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai.
Related links:
· ISO Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 9001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 14001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 45001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 27001 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 22000 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 13485 Certification in Mumbai
· ISO 17025 Certification in Mumbai
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A collaborative study of a key property of light may help double screen luminescence
Digital displays comprising organic materials have brought about a new era in consumer electronics, helping to mass produce brighter screens that hold numerous advantages over those made of regular crystalline materials. These organic light-emitting diodes, or OLEDs, can, for example, enable the manufacture of foldable phones that double their screen size when opened.
Yet even the most advanced OLED displays in production today waste about half of the light they emit—a shortfall that had seemed unavoidable because it stems from the physics of light. A new study, led by a Weizmann Institute of Science researcher, Prof. Binghai Yan of the Condensed Matter Physics Department, may lead to a change in the way future devices light up their OLED screens.
In this collaborative study, Yan and colleagues discovered a new method for controlling a key property of light. This technique, which involves new material and device designs, paves the way to making screens that are twice as bright—or twice as energy efficient—as the ones currently on the market. It may also lead to far faster data transmission capabilities than those existing today, applications that showcase the huge potential of next-generation organic semiconductors.
Read more.
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bhavesh2022 · 2 years
Fertilizer Additive Market to Reach US$ 4,050.19 million with a CAGR of 2.4% from 2022 to 2028
The Fertilizer Additive Market is expected to reach at US$ 4,050.19 million by 2028; registering at a CAGR of 2.4% from 2022 to 2028, according to a new research study conducted by The Insight Partners.
Because of the growing population, there is a greater need for food grains, which has increased demand for fertilisers in many nations. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) predict that the increase in consumer affluence in places like Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America would cause a 70% increase in the world's food demand by the year 2050. The Joint Research Centre's assertions that fertilisers have become more widely used to increase food production as a result of the shrinking area of arable land and the rising demand for food in various countries were also supported by a report released by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.
Further, the increased production of synthetic fertilizers witnessing the enhancement in crop yield. Hence, the manufacturers are focusing on to increase the synthetic fertilizers production on commercial basis along with the blend of fertilizer additives. Therefore, the rising commercial synthetic fertilizer production demand for additives which propels the fertilizer additive market growth.
The rising population of various countries and their governments focus on the development of sustainable agriculture will enable to increase the food production. The growing population and rising need for food security tends to adopt fertilizer additives in fertilizers industry, which is fueling the fertilizer additive market growth. Due to growing urbanization, the available arable land is expected to decrease. As a result, fertilizers are likely to play an essential role in increasing the average crop yields per hectare. However, the quality and performance of fertilizers deteriorates over time, and chemical fertilizers are leading to deteriorate the soil fertility. Fertilizer additives aid in the production, handling, storage, and transportation of fertilizers. The additives help fertilizers maintain their shape, limit caking, decrease dust formation during manufacturing of fertilizers, and avoid wetting of fertilizers. Hence, the manufacturers in fertilizers industry has been adopting fertilizer additives rigorously. Thus, the growing use of fertilizers in agricultural practices is estimated to fuel the fertilizer additives market growth.
The key players operating in the global fertilizer additive market include Arkema Group; Solvay; KAO CORPORATION; Chemipol S.A.; Chemsol LLC; Clariant; Dorf Ketal; Michelman, Inc.; Omex Agriculture, Inc.; and Novochem Group. Players operating in the global fertilizer additive market are focusing on providing high-quality products to fulfill customer demand. They are also focusing on strategies such as investments in research and development activities and new product launches.
Form and kind are the two main divisions in the market for fertiliser additives. The market is divided into granular, prilled, and powder segments based on form. The market is divided into categories based on type, including corrosion inhibitors, granulation aids, colouring agents, anti-caking agents, and others. The Middle East & Africa (MEA), South & Central America, Asia Pacific (APAC), and North America are the main geographic divisions of the fertiliser additive market.
Browse More Information@ https://www.theinsightpartners.com/reports/fertilizer-additive-market
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The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Device, Technology, Media and Telecommunications, Chemicals and Materials.
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If you have any queries about this report or if you would like further information, please contact us:
Contact Person: Sameer Joshi
Phone: +1-646-491-9876
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paullui2002 · 2 years
Last Mile Delivery Market to Boom in Near Future by 2027: Key Findings, Regional Analysis, Key Players Profiles and Future Prospects
The last mile delivery plays a crucial role in myriad industries. The international trade scenario has witnessed a rise in the international trade due to drastic change in recent years. Commonly, logistics refers to the moving of goods from one place to another. However, the market demands wide-ranging services and precise logistics practices, which makes last mile delivery an ideal solution for businesses. It helps in monitoring as well as managing their operations. It also helps in delivering the parcel within time.
Companies operating in the global marketplace are considering supply chain engineered logistics as a significant means to improve their cash flows, boost their cost savings, and enhance servicing levels for offering their products to market. The factor such as the unprecedented growth rate of the e-commerce sector, enhanced focus on risk management in the supply chains and increasing collaborations are some of the drivers influencing the growth of the last mile delivery market.
The last mile delivery market accounted to US$ 1.99 Bn in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 16.7% during the forecast period 2019 – 2027, to account to US$ 7.69 Bn by 2027.
Get Sample PDF Here @ https://www.theinsightpartners.com/sample/TIPRE00004153/
The drones are majorly used by e-commerce companies and several governments and private organizations to deliver time-sensitive goods, medicines, and emergency response goods. Disaster recovery, medical supplies, and other applications witness significant growth potential. Drone delivery is the ultimate solution for last-mile connectivity in rural areas. The drones in the current scenario are progressing substantially, as the governments of several countries are simplifying the laws and regulations, which is raising the number of drone operating companies. Such approvals and initiatives would help the companies to widen the scope of the last mile delivery market.
Key findings of the study:                                                                           
The logistics industry is booming in the North America region. The global and regional trade network such as NAFTA (North America free trade agreement) between USE, Mexico and Canada have highly increased the trade between these countries, and as a result of this, the player in the logistics and supply chain industries have increased. Apart from this, these countries are also a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) whose primary objective is to increase trade between the member countries across the world. Furthermore,  the US currently holds the largest last mile delivery market share; however, Canada is expected to emerge as the fastest growing region in the near future. Increase in an inclination of manufacturers to develop paperless work along with a rise in adoption of just-in-time trucking for e-commerce companies is boosting the market for last mile delivery in the US.
Product Innovation and partnerships are expected to be the key growth strategy to be adopted by players for the next two to three years. However, this strategy could impact competition; it is also expected to generate new market as well as product opportunities as recently combined companies will thrive to maintain position and profitability.
Some of the key players operating in the last mile delivery market are CEVA Logistics AG, DB Schenker (Deutsche Bahn AG), DHL (Deutsche Post AG), DSV A/S, FedEx Corporation, GEODIS, Kuehne + Nagel International AG, Nippon Express Co., Ltd., XPO Logistics, Inc., and United Parcel Service, Inc.
Browse Complete Report Here @ https://www.theinsightpartners.com/reports/last-mile-delivery-market
About Us: 
The Insight Partners is a one stop industry research provider of actionable intelligence. We help our clients in getting solutions to their research requirements through our syndicated and consulting research services. We specialize in industries such as Semiconductor and Electronics, Aerospace and Defense, Automotive and Transportation, Biotechnology, Healthcare IT, Manufacturing and Construction, Medical Device, Technology, Media and Telecommunication, Chemicals and Materials.
Contact Us:
If you have any queries about this report or if you would like further information, please contact us:
Contact Person: Sameer Joshi
Phone: +1-646-491-9876
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artemis10724 · 7 hours
Take Your Industry to the Next Level with impeccable Inspection Solutions by Artemis Technical solutions
Artemis Technical Solutions is top notch business that provides top quality and most amazing inspection solutions. In particular, we have a product line of advanced SEMICONDUCTOR INSPECTION EQUIPMENT &  ELECTRONICS INSPECTION EQUIPMENT concentrating in the semiconductor electronics, aerospace & defence and other markets. Our goal is to bridge market demands with the most creative and efficient services and allow our clients to reign as being best in business. No matter if you require infinitely successful SEMICONDUCTOR INSPECTION EQUIPMENT or advanced ELECTRONICS INSPECTION EQUIPMENT, Artemis Technical Solutions has what you need to make it happen.
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Artemis is a leader in semiconductor inspection equipment. Semiconductor inspection equipment, the flagship in precision and reliability of all the semiconductor manufacturing tools. Our products offer cost-effective solutions for the rigorous quality standards that are becoming ever more important for the industries and they provide you with long-term reliability and performance required for device manufacture.
And of course, with our SEMICONDUCTOR INSPECTION EQUIPMENT you won’t have any stress as we deliver top notch and very smooth quality assurance process and proactively prevent potential trouble that may disrupt your product while enabling it to help reach the ultimate high-quality. In addition, we have engineered our ELECTRONICS INSPECTION EQUIPMENT specifically to the electronics industry. ELECTRONICS INSPECTION EQUIPMENT Checking the electronic components  meets required performance for accuracy and effectiveness. Our gear available for operational integration, will not only increase the reliability of your products but also your competitive edge by make you stand out in the marketplace.
We at Artemis Technical Solutions pride ourselves on leading the sales process with excellence from start to finish. We partner with manufacturers and customers to provide seamless installation of our inspection solutions, in addition to offering excellent support for ongoing system performance. We are an organization focused on the challenges of the industries we work for, which is why we deliver services that can help companies address these complexities with ease. 
Providing world-class support and leading with new and improved products demonstrates our commitment to excellence. We focus on helping you improve your operations and reach exceptional results within your industry. Select Artemis Technical Solutions for all of your inspection requirements and see the change that we can bring with our state of the art equipment and exceptional service. Join hands with us and help your industry to achieve unprecedented success and growth!
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Our agenda is far from a normal supply of SEMICONDUCTOR INSPECTION EQUIPMENT and ELECTRONICS INSPECTION EQUIPMENT for us at Artemis Technical. We are committed to building strong relationships and innovation in all the verticals we serve. With an in-depth understanding of the market needs and a strong deliverable model, We perform strategic planning which provides consistent solutions that take our clients to operational excellence thus creating sustained competitive momentum.
Source url: https://semiconductorinspectionequipment.blogspot.com/2024/09/blog-post.html
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podtech · 1 day
The Rise of Modular Clean Rooms: Revolutionizing Controlled Environments
In industries where contamination can compromise product integrity—such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, electronics, and aerospace—the need for controlled environments is paramount. Clean rooms have traditionally been constructed as permanent fixtures, often requiring significant time and investment. However, the emergence of modular clean rooms is transforming how organizations approach their cleanroom needs, offering flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency.
Understanding Modular Clean Rooms
Modular clean rooms are pre-fabricated structures designed to meet specific cleanroom standards and requirements. Unlike traditional clean rooms, which are built on-site, modular clean rooms are constructed using standardized components, allowing for rapid assembly and customization. This innovation caters to businesses that require clean environments but may not have the resources or time for extensive construction projects.
Key Features of Modular Clean Rooms
Flexibility and Scalability
One of the most significant advantages of modular clean rooms is their flexibility. They can be easily expanded or reconfigured to meet changing needs. This is particularly beneficial for industries with fluctuating production levels or those that are developing new products. Organizations can quickly adapt their cleanroom space without the long lead times associated with traditional construction.
Building a traditional clean room can involve significant capital expenditure, including construction costs, HVAC systems, and compliance with strict regulations. Modular clean rooms, on the other hand, can be more cost-effective due to their shorter construction times and reduced labour costs. Additionally, they can be relocated or repurposed as business needs change, further enhancing their value.
Reduced Downtime
The speed of installation for modular clean rooms can significantly reduce downtime for businesses. Because these structures are prefabricated, they can be installed quickly, allowing operations to resume or expand with minimal disruption.
Enhanced Cleanliness
Modular clean rooms are designed with advanced materials and technologies that support strict cleanliness standards. The smooth surfaces, airtight seals, and integrated air filtration systems help minimize contamination risks, ensuring a controlled environment that meets industry regulations.
Modular clean rooms can be tailored to specific requirements, including size, layout, and cleanliness class. This level of customization ensures that organizations can create an environment that perfectly suits their processes, whether they require a Class 100 clean room for semiconductor manufacturing or a Class 10,000 space for pharmaceutical packaging.
Industries Benefiting from Modular Clean Rooms
Several industries are increasingly adopting modular clean rooms due to their inherent advantages:
In the pharmaceutical industry, where product quality and regulatory compliance are critical, modular clean rooms provide a controlled environment for drug formulation, packaging, and testing. Their adaptability allows companies to respond quickly to changing regulations or production demands.
Biotech companies often face the challenge of rapidly evolving technologies and market needs. Modular clean rooms enable these companies to create specialized environments for research and development, ensuring that experiments are conducted under optimal conditions.
The electronics industry requires ultra-clean environments for manufacturing sensitive components. Modular clean rooms can be designed to accommodate various stages of production, from assembly to testing, ensuring that contamination risks are minimized.
In aerospace manufacturing, precision is crucial. Modular clean rooms help maintain stringent cleanliness standards for the production of aircraft components and systems, reducing the likelihood of defects caused by contamination.
Challenges and Considerations
While modular clean rooms offer numerous benefits, there are some challenges to consider:
Initial Design and Planning
A thorough understanding of specific needs and regulatory requirements is essential during the design phase. Inadequate planning can lead to complications later on.
Regulatory Compliance
Organizations must ensure that modular clean rooms comply with industry regulations. This includes validating the clean room design and operation, as well as ensuring that all materials used meet cleanliness standards.
Integration with Existing Facilities
For organizations looking to integrate modular clean rooms into existing facilities, careful consideration of logistics and space optimization is necessary. Proper integration ensures seamless operations and minimizes disruptions.
The Future of Modular Clean Rooms
As industries continue to evolve and the demand for clean environments grows, modular clean rooms are likely to become the standard rather than the exception. Advancements in technology, such as improved air filtration systems and real-time monitoring capabilities, will further enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of these structures.
Additionally, the rise of remote work and decentralized production facilities will likely drive the demand for flexible cleanroom solutions. Companies may increasingly seek modular clean rooms that can be easily transported and installed in various locations, enabling them to meet specific production needs without significant investment in permanent infrastructure.
Modular clean rooms represent a significant advancement in creating controlled environments that meet the rigorous demands of modern industries. Their flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and reduced downtime make them an attractive solution for businesses seeking to maintain high cleanliness standards while adapting to an ever-changing market landscape. As technology continues to progress, modular clean rooms will likely play a pivotal role in shaping the future of industries that depend on sterile and controlled environments. Embracing this innovation can lead to improved operational efficiency, product quality, and ultimately, a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced business world.
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umadeochake · 1 day
Analysis of Bluetooth in Automotive Market Size: Regional Outlook and Analysis 2024-2036
Research Nester’s recent market research analysis on “Bluetooth in Automotive Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2036” delivers a detailed competitor analysis and a detailed overview of the global Bluetooth in automotive market in terms of market segmentation by type, vehicle type, application, distribution channel, and by region.
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Growing Penetration of Bluetooth in Cars to Drive Growth of Global Bluetooth in Automotive Market
The global Bluetooth in automotive market is estimated to grow majorly on account of the increased penetration of Bluetooth technology in automobiles. For instance, it is projected that more than 75% of all cars will use Bluetooth technology by 2024.
Request Free Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-4551
The market research report on global Bluetooth in automotive encompasses an in-depth analysis of the industry growth indicators, restraints, supply and demand risk, along with a detailed discussion of current and future market trends. These analyses help organizations identify a continuous flow of growth opportunities to succeed in an unpredictable future. Additionally, the growth opportunities exposed by the market are poised to gain significant momentum in the next few years.
By vehicle type, the global Bluetooth in automotive market is segmented into passenger cars, light commercial vehicles, and heavy commercial vehicles. The heavy commercial vehicles segment is to garner a highest revenue by the end of 2033 by growing at a CAGR of ~ 5% over the forecast period. A rise in sales of cars.
By region, the Asia Pacific Bluetooth in automotive market is to generate the highest revenue by the end of 2033. This growth is anticipated by the increasing number of smart vehicles in the region.
The research is global in nature and covers a detailed analysis of the Bluetooth in automotive market in North America (U.S., Canada), Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC [Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark], Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe), Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC [Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman], North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa). In addition, an analysis comprising of global Bluetooth in automotive market size, Y-O-Y growth & opportunity analysis, market players’ competitive study, investment opportunities, demand for future outlook, etc. has also been covered and displayed in the research report.
Request for customization @ https://www.researchnester.com/customized-reports-4551
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global Bluetooth in automotive market which includes company profiling of Sensata Technologies, Inc., Knowit AB, NXP Semiconductors N.V., Apple Inc., Bose Corporation, LG Electronics, Panasonic Corporation, Toshiba Corporation, Texas Instruments Incorporated, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., and others. The profiling enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials, and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts a detailed overview of the global Bluetooth in automotive market that will help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching for possibilities, and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.     
Access our detailed report @ https://www.researchnester.com/reports/bluetooth-in-automotive-market/4551
About Research Nester-
Research Nester is a leading service provider for strategic market research and consulting. We aim to provide unbiased, unparalleled market insights and industry analysis to help industries, conglomerates, and executives to take wise decisions for their future marketing strategy, expansion and investment, etc. We believe every business can expand to its new horizon, provided the right guidance at a right time is available through strategic minds. Our out of box thinking helps our clients to take wise decisions in order to avoid future uncertainties.
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Opto Semiconductors Market Size, Latest Trends, Share, Growth Analysis, and Forecast 2032
Opto semiconductors represent a critical segment of the semiconductor industry, enabling the conversion of electrical signals into optical signals and vice versa. These devices are integral to a wide array of applications, including lighting, displays, telecommunications, and sensing technologies. Opto semiconductors encompass components such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs), laser diodes, photodetectors, and optocouplers, each playing a vital role in modern electronics.
The growth of opto semiconductors is largely driven by advancements in lighting technologies, particularly the shift from traditional incandescent bulbs to LED lighting solutions. The demand for energy-efficient lighting options has accelerated the adoption of opto semiconductors in both residential and commercial applications. Furthermore, the proliferation of smart devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) has increased the need for optical communication solutions, further fueling growth in this sector.
The Opto Semiconductors Market is growing due to the increasing adoption of optoelectronic devices in applications such as telecommunications, consumer electronics, and lighting, driven by advancements in LED and laser technologies.
Future Scope
The future of opto semiconductors is bright, with significant growth opportunities anticipated across various applications. As industries continue to embrace energy-efficient technologies, the demand for opto semiconductor solutions in lighting and display applications is expected to soar. Innovations in LED technology, including advancements in color rendering, dimming capabilities, and integration with smart lighting systems, will drive this growth.
Additionally, the rise of optical communication technologies, particularly in telecommunications and data centers, will further enhance the demand for opto semiconductors. As the need for high-speed data transmission increases, opto semiconductor devices will be essential for enabling efficient and reliable communication networks. The ongoing development of new materials and technologies will continue to propel the evolution of opto semiconductors, ensuring their relevance in an ever-changing landscape.
Key trends influencing the opto semiconductor market include the increasing adoption of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and the integration of opto semiconductor technologies into smart devices. OLEDs are gaining popularity due to their ability to produce high-quality displays with low power consumption, making them ideal for use in smartphones, TVs, and wearables. The shift toward OLED technology is driving innovations in opto semiconductor design and manufacturing.
Another significant trend is the growth of Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) technology, which uses visible light for wireless communication. As industries explore new avenues for high-speed data transmission, Li-Fi presents a promising alternative to traditional Wi-Fi solutions. Opto semiconductor devices will play a pivotal role in the development and deployment of Li-Fi technologies, contributing to the evolution of wireless communication.
Opto semiconductors are utilized in a wide range of applications across various sectors. In lighting, they are integral to LED systems that provide energy-efficient illumination for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. The versatility of opto semiconductors allows for the development of smart lighting solutions that can be controlled remotely and integrated with IoT systems.
In telecommunications, opto semiconductors enable high-speed optical communication, facilitating the rapid transmission of data across networks. Photodetectors and laser diodes are essential components in fiber optic systems, ensuring reliable communication and connectivity.
Additionally, opto semiconductors play a crucial role in sensing applications, such as environmental monitoring and industrial automation. Their ability to detect and convert light signals into electrical signals allows for precise measurements and enhanced performance in various sensing technologies.
Key Points
Critical components that enable the conversion of electrical signals to optical signals.
Driven by the demand for energy-efficient lighting and optical communication solutions.
Promising future with growth opportunities in OLED technology and Li-Fi.
Trends include the integration of opto semiconductors into smart devices and lighting.
Applied across lighting, telecommunications, and sensing applications.
Read More Details: https://www.snsinsider.com/reports/opto-semiconductors-market-4534 
Contact Us:
Akash Anand — Head of Business Development & Strategy
Phone: +1–415–230–0044 (US) | +91–7798602273 (IND) 
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mariacallous · 2 years
Editor's Note: The author would like to thank Brooke Tanner for her excellent work compiling data and research materials for this report. John Villasenor provided helpful comments and suggestions on this paper.
Executive summary
Investments in research and development are the most important keys to future prosperity. What countries spend on generating new knowledge, products, services, and processes is important for economic growth and technology innovation, and vital for national security and international competitiveness. In many different respects, such financing determines which nations will lead and what ones will lag behind.
Yet there currently are a number of barriers to R&D support in the United States and we need to do more to safeguard our future. There are limitations in terms of vision, strategy, and policies that could keep us from achieving vital national goals. America will not be able to maintain its contemporary leadership role unless it thinks more strategically about how to integrate important objectives into its R&D approach.
In this report, I outline a number of steps necessary to strengthen R&D in the United States. In particular, I suggest devoting more R&D money for the public good as opposed to the generation of consumer products, using federal money to reduce geographic inequities, financing R&D to help mitigate the consequences of climate change, tying R&D spending to national inclusion and equity goals, supporting critical infrastructure and products, providing greater flexibility for state and local government to prioritize R&D goals, and training the next generation of R&D talent.
he primacy of private investment
In looking at current investments, it is clear that most of our current R&D money comes from the private sector. In 2020, for example, of the $708 billion invested in R&D, $517.4 billion came from businesses, compared to $142.8 from the public sector, $22.6 billion from higher education, and $25.1 billion from nonprofit organizations.
Figure 1 shows the investment trends from 1982 to 2020, and the shift is quite striking. In 1982, the private ($40.7 billion) and public ($37.8 billion) sectors invested roughly the same amount of money. But 40 years later, businesses are investing 3.6 times as much money as the government. In 2020, the private sector provided $517.4 billion in R&D funding, compared to just $142.8 billion by the public sector.
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At one level, there is nothing wrong with businesses having primacy over government in R&D spending. America has a vibrant private sector that enables business leaders to scan the landscape, decide where there are investment opportunities, and position their firms for future value. It is a virtue of market capitalism that such decisions are privately-made and decentralized across a range of chief executives.
But at another level, there are problems with the bulk of R&D coming from the business community. First, vital national interests may get overlooked to the detriment of the overall country. Second, profitable consumer products likely will get advantaged over unprofitable societal innovations, even if the latter are important for public health and national security. Third, innovations that need to get financed in order to promote longterm public goods may receive short shrift over items that promise a quick payoff. Corporate leaders are under enormous pressure to meet quarterly revenue projections and that can skew their R&D allocation decisions.
In an era of globalization, for instance, we have seen a number of cases where business leaders made decisions to outsource key products and components to other nations, such as China, India, and South Korea. As an example, semiconductor manufacturing largely was outsourced to Taiwan and South Korea despite the vitality of chips to the digital economy. When COVID upended global supply chains, our chip dependency on other countries limited growth in key sectors such as automotives and electronics.
The same thing happened in regard to medical supplies and drugs. Many of these items were made in India and China due to their cheaper production costs, and during the pandemic, it was hard to get personal protective equipment and pharmaceuticals. This harmed our public health responses and made it difficult for health professionals and patients to get the materials needed to safeguard their health.
These are just a few of the reasons why having relatively high business and low government R&D investments can be problematic. It may skew priorities in ways that make complete sense from a business perspective but harm national objectives. Business decisions generally emphasize profitable innovations and major consumer items that will generate corporate value as opposed to R&D investments for the public good designed to fight hunger, deal with income inequality, further national security, or improve public health.
The dominance of national government investment over that of states and localities
It also is instructive to see which level of government is providing the bulk of R&D investment. Figure 2 breaks down the public investment numbers by national versus state/local monies and the numbers show how things have changed since 1982. At that point, the federal government ($4.8 billion) invested more than states and localities ($616 million), but the gap in actual dollars was not that large.
Now, however, that difference has grown much larger in actual dollars. In 2020, the national government provided $46.2 billion in R&D, while states and localities generated $4.6 billion. This gap of $41.6 billion dollars shows that around 90 percent of government R&D comes from the federal government with relatively little activity from states and localities.
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The dominance by the federal government is not necessarily problematic. If national leaders are making productive decisions and supporting a range of innovations, that approach could be perfectly fine. National leaders may be enabling a wide range of new advances in knowledge, products, and services, and that could be beneficial for the entire nation.
But federal dominance is problematic if the scope of innovation is limited and states and localities have little ability to prioritize based on their community needs and that innovations designed to address important community problems are neglected. In that situation, short-changing the vitality and diversity of local government can skew R&D decision-making and lead to important social priorities being ignored.
Comparisons with other nations
In its overall R&D investments as a percentage of GDP, the US compares favorably to the European Union and China, but not South Korea. Of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development nations, South Korea invests 4.8 percent of its GDP in R&D, while the US invests 3.5 percent, Japan does 3.3 percent, China invests 2.4 percent, the European Union does 2.2 percent, and Canada invests 1.7 percent.
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It is good news that America compares favorably to most other leading countries in R&D spending. These investments are one of the reasons the United States has relatively high prosperity and plays a leading world role. Yet if it aspires to be the best, it needs to be the top investor in the world. Its R&D needs to focus on major priorities and make sure its investments are propelling the public good, is inclusive and diverse in its objectives, and addresses longterm challenges such as geographical inequities, clean energy, and climate change.
Investing in our future
Moving forward, the United States needs to be more strategic in how it invests in R&D, the kinds of priorities being pursued, and the manner in which we make the decisions associated with these investments. There are a number of steps America should consider in order to further important objectives and fulfill key national goals.
Pursue R&D for the public good
The US should not rely just on the private sector for its R&D investments because such a focus likely would place greater priority on consumer products as opposed to items needed for national security, public health, and amelioration of key social problems. The country faces many challenges ranging from income inequality and racial inequity to geographic variations in prosperity and climate change.
If we let business leaders make most of the R&D decisions, as is happening now, there is a risk they will prioritize profitable, consumer goods and services as opposed to innovations that address crucial difficulties. Where the public sector can play an important role is in identifying key problems and making sure that unprofitable but socially-needed innovations are supported and that America has the tools to address vital societal priorities.
Use federal money to redress geographic inequities
One key problem in the United States right now is the high level of geographical inequity. Brookings research shows that most of our nation’s GDP focuses on the East Coast, West Coast, and some metropolitan areas in between.
This parallels work that demonstrates most venture capital investments today focus on three states:  California, New York, and Massachusetts. There is little money invested in the heartland, and this promotes geographical inequality and exacerbates societal and political tensions.
In its R&D decisions, the federal government should allocate money in a way that reduces geographical inequities and promotes the heartland. In a political system based on geographic representation, these types of inequalities fuel populism, ultra-nationalism, and political extremism. R&D allocations are not neutral but play a role either in reducing or exacerbating important challenges facing our current society. If we continue to put most of our R&D money onto the two coasts and a few metro areas in between, it will increase societal tensions and make it difficult to address important political and economic problems.
Deploy R&D to help with climate change
An important challenge facing every country around the world is climate change, extreme weather, and the transition to carbon-free energy. This challenge is going to affect every nation and require each place to increase its R&D investments to generate new products, processes, and services that mitigate negative effects and enable the transition to a fundamentally different kind of economy.
Both governments and businesses should prioritize R&D that address climate change and help cope with extreme weather, clean energy generation, water management, and the economic effects associated with each of these transformations. Leaders should elevate climate change as a major factor in R&D decisions due to its relevance in transportation, energy, and agriculture.
Tie R&D spending to inclusion and equity goals
Achieving a fair, just, and inclusive society is important for the United States and other places around the world, and in coming years our society and politics will look very different than they do right now. We need tax and social policies that ease this transition, but we also need R&D spending that sees equity as an important societal goal and prioritizes new knowledge, products, and processes that are fair and equitable. This includes AI that is not biased, facial recognition software that is accurate regardless of skin tone, steps to close the digital divide, and digital financial products that are available to all individuals. As one sign of current racial inequities, predominantly Black universities operate at a major financial disadvantage to other schools. Research by Christian Weller and colleagues at the Center for American Progress has found that Harvard University won more federal grants in recent years than all the historically-black colleges and universities combined in America. This is just one way in which R&D spending needs to become more fair and equitable.
Support critical infrastructure and products
Having strong infrastructure and products will be important for future prosperity and national security. This means not just physical infrastructure such as highways, trains, bridges, and dams, but digital infrastructure that provides high-speed broadband to all, builds an inclusive economy, and ensures that key digital components such as semiconductors and electronics are safe, secure, and plentiful in the United States. Right now, most of our electronics are made overseas and global supply chains are long and complicated. American businesses cannot always count on ready supplies for their “just-in-time” manufacturing processes. For important goods and services, we need either to on-shore or near-shore production in friendly nations so there are few supply disruptions in case of global pandemics or international conflicts. Recent efforts by the national government to finance and encourage US chip manufacturing is a step in the right direction.
Provide greater flexibility for state and local governments
Localities understand their community needs better than the federal government, and it would be beneficial for there to be greater flexibility in how they use R&D expenditures. With most current funds being controlled either by private businesses who can play cities and towns off against one another or national government leaders who may not understand local needs, states and localities are not well-positioned for future innovation. They don’t control the money that will propel future changes and they aren’t in a position to make sure their priorities are central to allocation decisions. We need to change that so that a greater diversity of R&D needs are met and that community priorities play a greater role in allocation decisions.
Train the next generation of talent
Training the next generation of R&D talent has to be a major priority for governments and businesses. The private sector will need the best talent in order to maintain its competitiveness and government agencies need people with the skills required in a digital economy. This requires money to make sure K-12 schools and higher education have the resources needed to train young talent and governments and businesses to provide adult education for older people who will need to upskill to remain competitive in the future economy. People will have to upgrade their job skills at ages 30, 40, 50, and 60 and there have to be substantial increases in support for adult education and workforce development.
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govindhtech · 3 days
Intel And AWS Deepen Chip Manufacturing Partnership In U.S.
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US-Based Chip Manufacturing Advances as Intel and AWS Deepen Their Strategic Partnership
Intel produces custom chips on Intel 18A for AI Fabric and custom Xeon 6 processors on Intel 3 for AWS in a multi-billion dollar deal to accelerate Ohio-based chip manufacturing.
AWS and Intel
Intel and Amazon Web Services(AWS), announced a custom chip design investment . The multi-year, multi-billion dollar deal covers Intel’s wafers and products. This move extends the two companies’ long-standing strategic cooperation, helping clients power practically any workload and improve AI applications.
AWS will receive an AI fabric chip from Intel made on the company’s most advanced process node, Intel 18A, as part of the expanded partnership. Expanding on their current collaboration whereby they manufacture Xeon Scalable processors for AWS, Intel will also create a customized Xeon 6 chip on Intel 3.
“As the CEO of AWS, Matt Garman stated that the company is dedicated to providing its customers with the most advanced and potent cloud infrastructure available.” Our relationship dates back to 2006 when we launched the first Amazon EC2 instance with their chips. Now, we are working together to co-develop next-generation AI fabric processors on Intel 18A. We can enable our joint customers to handle any workload and unlock new AI capabilities thanks to our ongoing partnership.
Through its increased cooperation, Intel and AWS reaffirm their dedication to growing Ohio’s AI ecosystem and driving semiconductor manufacturing in the United States. With its aspirations to establish state-of-the-art semiconductor production, Intel is committed to the New Albany region. AWS has invested $10.3 billion in Ohio since 2015; now, it plans to invest an additional $7.8 billion to expand its data center operations in Central Ohio.
In addition to supporting businesses of all sizes in reducing costs and complexity, enhancing security, speeding up business outcomes, and scaling to meet their present and future computing needs, Intel and AWS have been collaborating for more than 18 years to help organizations develop, build, and deploy their mission-critical workloads in the cloud. Moreover, Intel and AWS plan to investigate the possibility of producing additional designs based on Intel 18A and upcoming process nodes, such as Intel 18AP and Intel 14A, which are anticipated to be produced in Intel’s Ohio facilities, as well as the migration of current Intel designs to these platforms.
Forward-Looking Statements
This correspondence includes various predictions about what Intel anticipates from the parties’ co-investment framework, including claims about the framework’s timeliness, advantages, and effects on the parties’ business and strategy. These forward-looking statements are identified by terms like “expect,” “plan,” “intend,” and “will,” as well as by words that are similar to them and their variations.
These statements may result in a significant difference between its actual results and those stated or indicated in its forward-looking statements.
They are based on management’s estimates as of the date they were originally made and contain risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside of its control.
Among these risks and uncertainties are the possibility that the transactions covered by the framework won’t be executed at all or in a timely manner;
Failure to successfully develop, produce, or market goods under the framework;
Failure to reap anticipated benefits of the framework, notably financial ones;
Delays, hiccups, difficulties, or higher building expenses at Intel or manufacturing expansion of fabs, whether due to events within or outside of Intel’s control;
The complexities and uncertainties in developing and implementing new semiconductor products and manufacturing process technologies;
Implementing new business strategies and investing in new businesses and technologies;
Litigation or disputes related to the framework or otherwise;
Unanticipated costs may be incurred;
Potential adverse reactions or changes to commercial relationships including those with suppliers and customers resulting from the transaction’s announcement;
Macroeconomic factors, such as the overall state of the semiconductor industry’s economy;
Regulatory limitations, and the effect of competition products and pricing;
International conflict and other risks and uncertainties described in Intel’s Form 10-K and other filings with the SEC.
It warn readers not to rely unduly on these forward-looking statements because of these risks and uncertainties. The different disclosures made in the documents Intel occasionally files with the SEC that reveal risks and uncertainties that could affect its company are brought to the attention of readers, who are advised to analyze and weigh them carefully.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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tamanna31 · 3 days
Smart Home Market: key Vendors, Trends, Analysis, Segmentation, Forecast to 2023-2030
Smart Home Industry Overview 
The global smart home market size was valued at USD 79.16 billion in 2022 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.07% from 2023 to 2030. Smart home products are available in the form of cameras, smart lights, streaming devices, dishwashers, and more. Growing trend of integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in smart home products for smart features is expected to increase product demand. Moreover, high penetration rate of smartphones and the internet globally is driving the demand for connected smart home products. Digital assistance integrated with AI is offering users a hands-free and more user-friendly deployment of smart devices, significantly impacting the buyers’ preferences.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Smart Home Market 
Growing use of virtual assistants, such as Siri, Google Assistant, and Alexa, enables users to use voice commands for task automation. The emerging features of these digital assistants, such as Bluetooth speakers and hands-free channel surfing, among others are driving the demand for smart home devices. For instance, in October 2022, Google updated its assistant to support voice-input message typing along with emoji support for convenience in messaging for users. Rapid adoption of modern technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, smart voice recognition, and AI, is significantly impacting the market growth. 
For instance, smart voice recognition technology enables smart home products with a mic to recognize users’ voices and give them personalized responses. Similarly, an increased adoption rate of IoT in developing and developed regions has also contributed to the growth of this market. The capability of technologies to allow connectivity between devices has helped in generating demand for smart home market. The COVID-19 pandemic shut down industries and affected the manufacturing of smart home devices. However, due to stringent lockdowns around the world, people were forced to stay at home. 
As a result, people turned towards entertainment in the form of TV shows and movies, which caused a surge in demand for smart TVs and entertainment centres. In addition, there was a rise in the trend for smart homes as they offered automation in tasks following social distancing regulations. Although supply chain disruptions were present, the pandemic and its impacts also revealed significant shortcomings in the digital device and internet infrastructure sectors. As supplies decreased and production lagged, there were not enough semiconductors available to support smart products. This impacted the companies that manufacture smart home products. 
Key Companies profiled: 
• LG Electronics, Inc. • Siemens AG • Amazon.com, Inc. • Google Nest (Google LLC) • Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. • Schneider Electric SE • Legrand S.A. • Robert Bosch GmbH • Assa Abloy AB • Sony Group Corporation • ABB, Ltd. • Philips Lighting B.V. • Honeywell International, Inc. 
Browse through Grand View Research's Category Next Generation Technologies Industry Research Reports. 
• The global target drone market size was estimated at USD 5.18 billion in 2023 and is expected to expand at a CAGR of 9.3% from 2024 to 2030. The increasing military and defense expenditures worldwide is boosting the demand for target drones. Governments and defense organizations are investing heavily in advanced technologies to enhance their military capabilities.
• The global enterprise information archiving market size was estimated at USD 7.58 billion in 2023 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 14.1% from 2024 to 2030. The enterprise information archiving (EIA) market is primarily driven by the increasing volume of digital data, stringent regulatory compliance requirements, and the need for improved data management and security.
Smart Home Market Segmentation 
Grand View Research has segmented the global smart home market on the basis of products, protocols, application, and region: 
Smart Home Products Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Security & Access Controls o Security Cameras o Video Door Phones o Smart Locks o Remote Monitoring Software & Services o Others • Lighting Control o Smart Lights o Relays & Switches o Occupancy Sensors o Dimmers o Other Products • Entertainment Devices o Smart Displays/TV o Streaming Devices o Sound Bars & Speakers • HVAC o Smart Thermostats o Sensors o Smart Vents o Others • Smart Kitchen Appliances o Refrigerators o Dish Washers o Cooktops o Microwave/Ovens • Home Appliances o Smart Washing Machines o Smart Water Heaters o Smart Vacuum Cleaners • Smart Furniture • Home Healthcare • Other Devices 
Smart Home Protocols Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• Wireless Protocols o ZigBee o Wi-Fi o Bluetooth o Z Wave o Others • Wired Protocols • Hybrid 
Smart Home Application Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030) 
• New Construction • Retrofit 
Smart Home Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2018 - 2030)
• North America o US o Canada • Europe o UK o Germany o France o Italy o Spain o Benelux o Nordic Countries o Russia • Asia Pacific o China o India o Japan o South Korea o Australia o Indonesia o Thailand • Latin America o Brazil o Mexico o Argentina • Middle East & Africa o Saudi Arabia o UAE o Egypt o South Africa o Nigeria
Order a free sample PDF of the Smart Home Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research. 
Recent Developments 
• In January 2023, Schneider Electric acquired AVEVA plc to use AVEVA plc’s advanced software capabilities to introduce modern automation solutions for residential, commercial, and building complexes. The acquisition is expected to grow Schneider Electric’s home automation offering.
• In April 2022, ABB Ltd. launched a collaboration with Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. to expand its home automation portfolio. The collaboration will make it easier for new customers to reduce costs and create a positive impact on the environment.
• In September 2022, Lutron Electronics Co., Inc. launched its Diva Smart Dimmer and Claro Smart Switch for smart lighting automation in homes which also has a wireless option.
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kathansky · 3 days
Drug Screening Market: Competitive Insights and Precise Outlook | 2024-2031
Drug Screening Market Overview: A lot of factors, such as geographic growth, segmentation, and market size by value and volume, are taken into account in the SkyQuest Technology Group research to provide a full and accurate analysis of the global Drug Screening market. This outstanding research study was created specifically to provide the most latest data on significant aspects of the global Drug Screening Industry. Numerous market estimates are provided in the analysis, including those for market size, output, revenue, consumption, CAGR, gross margin, price, and other critical factors. The best primary and secondary research methods and tools on the Drug Screening market were used to build it. Numerous research studies are included in it, including ones on pricing analysis, production and consumption analysis, company profile, and manufacturing cost analysis.
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Global Drug Screening Market size was valued at USD 8.9 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 10.37 billion in 2023 to USD 35.18 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of 16.5% during the forecast period (2024-2031). The competitive environment is a crucial element that every key factor needs to be aware of. The study explains the market's competitive landscape so that readers may gauge the degree of both domestic and global rivalry. Additionally, market researchers have provided summaries of each significant firm in the global Drug Screening industry, taking into consideration crucial elements including operational areas, production, and product portfolio. When analyzing the organizations in the study, significant factors including business size, market share, market growth, revenue, production volume, and profitability are also taken into account. The study report uses both qualitative and quantitative data to offer a thorough view of the market. It examines and forecasts the global market in a number of critical industries. The research provides a thorough overview of the industry by segmenting the Drug Screening market into groups based on application, end-user, and location. A thorough research of each market segment was conducted, taking into consideration current and upcoming market trends.
Chance to get a free sample @ https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/drug-screening-market  Detailed Segmentation and Classification of the report (Market Size and Forecast - 2031, Y-o-Y growth rate, and CAGR): The Drug Screening Market can be segmented based on several factors, including product type, application, end-user, and distribution channel. Understanding these segments is crucial for companies looking to target specific markets and tailor their offerings to meet consumer needs.
Product & Service
Drug Screening Services [Laboratory Testing Services, On-site Testing Services], Drug Screening Products [Analytical Instruments (By Type {Breathalyzers “Fuel-cell Breathalyzers, Semiconductor Breathalyzers, Other Breathalyzers”, Immunoassay analyzers, Chromatography instruments}, By Modality {Hand-held drug screening products, Benchtop drug screening products}, Rapid Testing Devices (Urine testing devices {Drug testing cups, Dip cards, Drug testing cassettes}, Oral fluid testing devices), Consumables {Assay kit, Sample collection devices, Calibrators and controls, Other consumables}]
Sample Type
Urine Samples, Breath Samples, Oral Fluid Samples, Hair Samples, Other Samples
Drug Type
Cannabis, Alcohol, Cocaine, Opioids, Amphetamine and Methamphetamine, Other Drugs
End User
Drug Testing Laboratories, Workplaces, Criminal Justice Systems and Law Enforcement Agencies, Hospitals, Drug Treatment Centers, Individual Users, Pain Management Centers, Schools and Colleges, Other End Users
Get your Customized report @ https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/drug-screening-market 
Following are the players analyzed in the report:
Quest Diagnostics (US) 
Abbott (US) 
OraSure Technologies Inc. (US) 
Alfa Scientific Designs Inc. (US) 
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc. (US) 
Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA (Germany) 
Lifeloc Technologies, Inc. (US) 
MPD Inc. (US) 
Omega Laboratories, Inc. (US) 
Premier Biotech, Inc. (US) 
Psychemedics Corporation (US) 
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Switzerland) 
Shimadzu Corporation (Japan) 
Siemens Healthineers AG (Germany) 
American Bio Medica Corporation (US) 
ACM Global Laboratories (US) 
CareHealth America Corp. (US) 
Clinical Reference Laboratory, Inc. (US) 
Intoximeters (US) 
Sciteck, Inc. (US) 
AccuSourceHR, Inc. (US) 
Cordant Health Solutions (US) 
Intoxalock (US) 
Millennium Health (US) 
AdvaCare Pharma (US)
Motives for purchasing this report- - A full understanding of customer experiences, upcoming trends, and growth drivers may be obtained by market category analysis. -Drug Screening Market participants will be able to quickly decide on their course of action in order to achieve a competitive advantage thanks to the essential information provided in this area. The factors affecting the sales prospect are carefully examined by SkyQuest Technology Group across several important categories. - Analysing market categories can provide detailed insights into consumer experiences, upcoming trends, and growth-promoting factors. A thorough analysis of market manufacturing trends is a crucial component of the study. -These observations offer crucial information on the ways in which market participants are reacting to the most recent developments that are oversaturating the market. -An in-depth analysis of the numerous organic
Buy your full Market Report now: https://www.skyquestt.com/buy-now/drug-screening-market  FAQs:
1. What are the main vendors' points of strength and weakness?
2. What are the primary business plans of the leading important players for the near future?
3. What will the market size and growth rate be for Drug Screening in the upcoming year?
4. Which prevailing global trends are affecting the Drug Screening market shares of the leading regions? What effect does Covid19 have on the Industry right now?
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amrutatbrc1 · 8 days
Clinical Oncology Next Generation Sequencing Market 2024 : Size, Growth Rate, Business Module, Product Scope, Regional Analysis And Expansions 2033
The clinical oncology next generation sequencing global market report 2024 from The Business Research Company provides comprehensive market statistics, including global market size, regional shares, competitor market share, detailed segments, trends, and opportunities. This report offers an in-depth analysis of current and future industry scenarios, delivering a complete perspective for thriving in the industrial automation software market.
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Clinical Oncology Next Generation Sequencing Market, 2024 report by The Business Research Company offers comprehensive insights into the current state of the market and highlights future growth opportunities.
Market Size - The clinical oncology next generation sequencing market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $0.45 billion in 2023 to $0.52 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.5%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to genomic research advances, cancer biomarker discovery, technological advancements, regulatory approvals.
The clinical oncology next generation sequencing market size is expected to see rapid growth in the next few years. It will grow to $0.86 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.2%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to growing cancer incidence, precision medicine, immuno-oncology, liquid biopsies. Major trends in the forecast period include comprehensive genomic profiling (cgp), immuno-oncology, tumor evolution and heterogeneity, ai and machine learning.
Order your report now for swift delivery @ https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/clinical-oncology-next-generation-sequencing-global-market-report
The Business Research Company's reports encompass a wide range of information, including:
1. Market Size (Historic and Forecast): Analysis of the market's historical performance and projections for future growth.
2. Drivers: Examination of the key factors propelling market growth.
3. Trends: Identification of emerging trends and patterns shaping the market landscape.
4. Key Segments: Breakdown of the market into its primary segments and their respective performance.
5. Focus Regions and Geographies: Insight into the most critical regions and geographical areas influencing the market.
6. Macro Economic Factors: Assessment of broader economic elements impacting the market.
Market Drivers - The rise in the number of cancer cases across the globe is likely to contribute to the growth of the clinical oncology next-generation sequencing market during the forecast period. According to the American Cancer Society, there were 1.9 million new cases and 0.6 million cancer deaths in 2021 in the USA. The four most common types of cancer worldwide are lung, prostate, bowel, and female breast cancer, accounting for 43% of all the new cancer cases. Therefore, the rise in cancer incidence rate globally is anticipated to boost the demand for the growth of the clinical oncology next-generation sequencing market.
The clinical oncology next generation sequencing market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Technology: Ion Semiconductor Sequencing, Pyro-Sequencing, Synthesis Sequencing, Real Time Sequencing, Ligation Sequencing, Reversible Dye Termination Sequencing, Nano-Pore Sequencing 2) By Application: Screening, Companion Diagnostics, Other Diagnostics 3) By End User: Hospital Laboratories, Clinical Research Organizations, Diagnostic laboratories
Get an inside scoop of the clinical oncology next generation sequencing market, Request now for Sample Report @ https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=3344&type=smp
Regional Insights - North America was the largest region in the clinical oncology next-generation sequencing market in 2023. Asia-Pacific was the second largest region in the clinical oncology next-generation sequencing market. The regions covered in the clinical oncology next generation sequencing market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Key Companies - Major companies operating in the clinical oncology next generation sequencing market include Thermo Fisher Scientific, Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd., QIAGEN N.V., Myriad Genetics Inc., Illumina Inc., F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., PerkinElmer Inc., Agilent Technologies Inc., Pacific Biosciences of California Inc., Caris Life Sciences, Paradigm Diagnostics, GATC Biotech AG, Macrogen Inc., DNASTAR Inc., Exosome Diagnostics Inc., Biomatters Ltd., Partek Inc., Foundation Medicine Inc., Becton Dickinson and Company (BD), Takara Bio Inc., Creative Biolabs, Mogene LC, Knome Inc., Genomatix Software GmbH, CLC bio, GnuBIO Inc., Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., BGI Genomics Co. Ltd., Guardant Health Inc., Invitae Corporation, Natera Inc., NeoGenomics Laboratories Inc., Sysmex Corporation, Veracyte Inc., Zymo Research Corporation, ArcherDX Inc., Cepheid, Karius Inc., OncoDNA S.A., Personal Genome Diagnostics Inc., PierianDx Inc.
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Clinical Oncology Next Generation Sequencing Market Report Structure 3. Clinical Oncology Next Generation Sequencing Market Trends And Strategies 4. Clinical Oncology Next Generation Sequencing Market – Macro Economic Scenario 5. Clinical Oncology Next Generation Sequencing Market Size And Growth ….. 27. Clinical Oncology Next Generation Sequencing Market Competitor Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 30. Appendix
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