ask-a-bot · 1 month
Vait, bridging back to Cybertron vas an option? Frag, I vish Downpour und Ich ver told about zat, it could have made things much easier! And much less disgusting. The Nemesis Vashrackz almost alvays had mysterious goo in zem, zo DP und I only went in there a couple times a month. Honestly ve felt cleaner after flying through storms. Rainwater vas so much nicer than zat cesspool.
It almost made me vant to thank Shockwave for ze mutations, ve would have gotten sick othervize…
Yeah, it was an option before Optimus destroyed it. Stupid fragger...
He's such a moron!
Heh heh. Megatron's recharging, Optimus is working on a sick room... Hot Rod and Dot are helping him, Kup's watching Megatron recharge and I think Bumblebee is still asleep. All that to say, I can say what I want.
The washracks were horrible!
Wait... you don't get sick? At all?
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natsmagi · 10 months
RIGHTT!!!!!!!! IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT EITHER BUT ITS JUST SO HER TO ME. i also just think pear shapes look very pretty ❤️ also if happyele themselves arent gonna actually give hiyori the squish he APPARENTLY CANONICALLY HAS then we might aswell take matters into our own hands. If only by a little bit
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ohtobeleah · 10 months
Does Jake continue the all out war of him and dot pranking each otherV ?
Probably but Odette is smart. She isn’t opening cards addressed from Jake….So the first thing he does when he gets back to the states and break into her barracks and blasts the little cunt with one of those confetti cannons.
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popcornpeppermint · 2 years
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Baji siblings!!! I love baji so much I decided to draw an older sister for him!
Akari Baji
Akari is two years older than Keisuke (Keisuke refuses to acknowledge it since she is shorter than he is). People often mistake Keisuke as the older brother because he has the advantage of being taller. 
Akari is a lot like her mother. She's sassy, yet kind. Takes no bullshit, but doesn't pick fights unlike her younger brother. Since their mom works a lot, Akari learned to cook very well and is quite responsible. Book and street smart; Akari gave up  on tutoring Keisuke mostly because he'll get frustrated and sessions always end in them wrestling each other out of frustration.
Favorite thing: anything that is cute! 
Favorite color: pastel pinks , blues and purple
Skill: kicking people in the knees. That'll show them for making fun of her height
Crush: at some point she had a crush on Kazutora
Her hero: her little brother. Whether they admit it or not, Keisuke and Akari have a very tight bond and love each other very much even though they choke slam each otherv
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mysteriousmayden · 4 years
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnd fan art
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TBH I never really liked (Jokublog) Nightmare's crown because Dream doesn't have a sun on his so why dose nightmare have a moon on his? So with my nightmare I changed his crown to a bead like thing because why not and when you look at it from any angle it looks like a moon. Also isn't Dream and Nightmare technically not a sans because you know.... There magic mochi piloting skeleton suits.
Original Nightmare and Dream belongs to @Jokublog
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happybestkiara · 4 years
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"Friends Forever"
- Devil Soul saga -
Questo disegno l’ho fatto per la copertina di un capitolo della fan fiction “Devil Soul” una storia che sto scrivendo con mio fratello. Non vi dirò cosa rappresenta, anche se per molti aspetti è evidente. Vi lascio ovviamente il link di Wattpad per andare a leggere la storia.
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I’ve always dreamed of a fairytale love story. The one where you meet a guy and will change you forever. That perfect love story with no pain, no doubts, or no fights. I believed that that kind of love is what we deserve. And so I thought.
I was 11 when I first had my heart beating for a guy. Too young for me to tell if it was love or just a mere infatuation. I grew up in a generation where love was such a big deal. People my age would rush to fall in love even though we literally have no idea what love really is. I remember feeling kilig when the guy I used to like would notice me. So petty, I know. But he actually made me feel special. He makes me smile. And everytime I feel that he likes me, I begin to picture our future wedding together. I thought it would only last for a couple of months. But, no. I liked him for the next 3 years. But for reasons I do not know, we ended our communication. Lol. And ever since, I thought love was not for me.
High school came and my insecurities started to build up. I’ve always been a boy-ish type of girl back then— jk, up until now I guess lol. I hated wearing girly clothes. Shirt, jeans, rubber shoes. That’s me. It was in high school when I felt so left out. Almost all my friends were already in a relationship. And me? Same old me. Never expecting anyone to like me. Because I am me. But despite being so insecure, I felt the pressure of actually having someone to care for me. Someone to love me. Because that’s what I saw from my friends. I did try liking some of my guy friends. But I was never expecting them to like me in return. Because who would like someone like me when there are tons of other girls in our school who looks so much better than me? I actually thought that looks would play a huge part in love. Again, I failed in love during my high school years. Not shocked at all. Lol.
College came and I never tried to look for love anymore. I’ve had this thought stuck in my head that no one will ever like me back. Ever. But I was wrong. I was 18 when I first fell in love. Yes, I was sure it was love. I never went looking for love, but he came. Just when I thought we’re going just fine. But he ended it after 3 months. How I wish I just let him end it forever. But eventually, we found our way back into each other’s arms. And since then, we made it to 4 years together. Everything felt great at the beginning. But a year after we found ourselves fighting over the most petty reason we could ever think of. Small fights led to bigger fights. But despite everything, we always find a way to fix it. We were so in love. Or so I thought. Maybe we were just in love with the feeling. Or I don’t know. Days turned into weeks. Weeks to months. And months to years. We’ve been together through every obstacle. Hand in hand in facing all our problems head on. Everything felt perfect. Just like how I dreamed it to be. After getting our degree and passing our board exams, that’s when reality struck me. All my what ifs started distracting me. What if we only lasted because we’re always together? What if we couldn’t handle the pressure of the real world after college? What if we only stayed because it’s convenient for us? What if we’re already used to the feeling if having each otherv All these thoughts kept running through my mind for weeks to the point that I’d end up crying myself to sleep because I never wanted to break up with him. I tried so hard to make it work but everything leads to that decision. And so I did. I broke up with him. It was the bravest decision I have ever made. Our friends thought I was happy with the breakup. They thought I was not hurt. What they don’t know is it took me all the courage I have to actually do it. Post-breakup helped me so much. I cut all my connections with him just so I can focus on myself. Meanwhile, he was begging me to come back to him. It wasn’t easy seeing him beg. I knew I hurt him but if it’s the only way for me to break free from all my what ifs and to finally choose myself, for what it’s worth, I believe I made the right decison. Couple of months passed, I thought I was okay. But the moment I learned that he was seeing someone new. That’s when it broke me. I couldn’t imagine the idea that it’s not me anymore. That he doesn’t love me anymore. The confidence and courage I built for myself was gone in just a snap of a finger. I was so down for days. Crying didn’t help anymore. I didnt know that that kind of pain actually exists. I was in control of everything, I could’ve done something. But, it was too late. Everything fell apart. What’s worse is all the things we’ve been planning to do, he’s doing it with the new girl. It hurts. It feels like I’ve wasted my great love story.
Today is the day I’m starting to accept the reality that it’s over. We’re over. It may cause me so much before I could actually move one, I believe that everything really happens for a reason. And for what reason this may be, I don’t know. For now, I find myself fearing love. I guess love is really not for me. Not yet.
Always and forever,
A 💛
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taifrog · 2 years
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Meet Othervers
Second LifeとVRChatそれぞれに同じような部屋(白壁の空間)を作成、一つの壁に映像配信出来るものを設置(SLの場合はプリムメディア設定、VRChatの場合はiwasync利用。
TwitchでSecond Lifeを配信し、それをVRChat内から見るという形。
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Here's an art dump from this post couple weeks at work. One is a witch au, the otherv was before i decide not to do the blood gala thing, then two just i wanted to play around with poses. I like drawing this loser xD
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globalmediacampaign · 4 years
Graph your AWS resources with Amazon Neptune
When building graph applications, you want to get started with graph databases and need a way to do it quickly. If you’re new to using graph databases, you may find it easy to relate to examples or demos using your own data. Specifically, you want examples that highlight the best practices in Amazon Neptune and applications that showcase the features available. These sample applications can help you right-size your cluster, model your data as a graph, provide best practices in coding, or architect your graph application for scale. In this post, we walk through an example we released for Neptune with integration with Altimeter. Altimeter is an open-source project (MIT License) from Tableau Software, LLC that scans AWS resources and links these resources into a graph. You can store, query, and visualize the data in Neptune. You can query the graph to examine the AWS resources and their relationships in an account. For example, you can query for resources or pathways that expose a cluster with a public IP address to check for security and compliance. Neptune is a fast, reliable, fully managed graph database service that makes it easy to build and run business critical graph applications. Neptune is a purpose-built, high-performance graph database engine optimized for storing billions of relationships and querying your graph with milliseconds latency. Solution overview The AWS CloudFormation template associated with this post automates deploying and configuring Altimeter within a Neptune notebook. The template creates a new Neptune notebook that is associated with the specified Neptune cluster. It also installs Python 3.7, which is required for Altimeter, and installs and configures a version of Altimeter that is optimized for use inside a Neptune notebook environment. The template interacts with or creates the following AWS resources: Neptune notebook – The template creates a notebook with Python 3.7 installed and a modified version of Altimeter that automatically configures the account to scan based on the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions given to the notebook. Neptune cluster – The template doesn’t create this resource; you can either use an existing cluster or create a new Neptune cluster. For this post, a small Neptune cluster (t3.medium or r5.xlarge) should be sufficient for most accounts. The following diagram illustrates this architecture. Setting up security Before we begin the process of creating our infrastructure, we need to configure an IAM role with sufficient permissions to allow Neptune Notebooks to install, configure, and run Altimeter. For this post, we create a role with two new policies. Create a role that allows Neptune Notebooks to run and connect to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). For instructions, see Creating a role to delegate permissions to an AWS service, and choose Amazon SageMaker as the service. Create an IAM policy to give us permission to run Neptune notebooks. Apply the permissions in the following JSON code to the policy. For instructions, see Creating policies on the JSON tab. { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject", "s3:ListBucket" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::aws-neptune-notebook", "arn:aws:s3:::aws-neptune-notebook/" ] }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "neptune-db:connect", "Resource": [ "" ] } ] } Associate our policy with the new role. For instructions, see Modifying a role permissions policy (console). Repeat the process to create a second policy that allows us to access Amazon S3. The only difference between the earlier policy and this one is the following JSON permissions: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "VisualEditor0", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:Get*", "s3:List*" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::*", "arn:aws:s3:::*/*" ] } ] } At this point, your newly created role should have two policies associated with it: one to allow it to run Neptune Notebooks, and one to allow it to access Amazon S3. With these policies and permissions applied to our role, we now have access to create and load our Altimeter-configured Neptune notebook. However, our role also needs sufficient permissions to run the scan of our account resources. Add the following two policies: ReadOnlyAccess AWSSupportAccess These two policies allow Altimeter to scan and describe all the resources in the AWS account. You can limit these permissions to certain resource types, but this results in an incomplete graph of your resources. If your Neptune cluster is configured with IAM security enabled, you also need to give this role the appropriate permissions. For more information, see Identity and Access Management in Amazon Neptune. Running the CloudFormation template Now that we have configured the appropriate security to run Altimeter within a Neptune notebook, we’re ready to create our infrastructure. For this post, you use an existing Neptune cluster and deploy a Neptune notebook using the CloudFormation template provided. Open the AWS Console, go to the CloudFormation service, Click the “Create Stack” button and paste the URL below into the Amazon S3 textbox: https://aws-neptune-customer-samples.s3.amazonaws.com/getting-started-with-altimeter/neptune-sagemaker-getting-started-with-altimeter.json This brings you to the AWS CloudFormation console with the template already selected. Choose Next. Fill in the parameters in the CloudFormation template. For SagemakerExecutionRoleArn, use the ARN of the role we configured earlier. All the parameters in the template are required except for the NeptuneLoadFromS3RoleArn parameter. This parameter is only required if you want to bulk load data into the cluster. Be aware that the NeptuneClusterResourceId is not the same as the cluster or instance name. It’s located on the Configuration tab for the cluster. Choose Next. Add any desired stack options. Choose Next. Review the options selected for the notebook and choose Create stack. After you start the stack creation, the events that occur are logged on the AWS CloudFormation console. Upon completion, the stack shows the status CREATE_COMPLETE. Now we’re ready to begin working with Altimeter with Neptune. On the Neptune console, choose Notebooks. Select your newly created notebook. Choose Open notebook. This launches the Neptune notebook instance. In the instance, navigate to the Neptune folder and then the 03-Applications folder. The folder has two notebooks: one for Gremlin (Getting-Started-With-Altimeter-Gremlin.ipynb) and one for SPARQL (Getting-Started-With-Altimeter-SPARQL.ipynb). Running Altimeter Now that we have Altimeter configured to run in our Neptune notebook, let’s run it and see how our AWS usage looks. The first decision to make is which data model to use: RDF or property graph. Altimeter has traditionally been used an RDF data model to represent AWS resources. This version of Altimeter has been modified to support both the RDF and property graph models. The installed version of Altimeter has also been preconfigured to perform a scan for resources available to the current account in the current Region. To run Altimeter, create a new cell in our Jupyter notebook and enter the following command for an RDF data model: !aws2neptune.py rdf If you prefer a property graph model, use the following command: !aws2neptune.py lpg No matter the model chosen, Altimeter scans the account resources, generates a graph representation of those resources, and saves that graph into the associated Neptune instance. During this process, you see a log of the activities being performed (see the following screenshot). If any errors have occurred, such as your user having insufficient permissions to scan a resource, the details of the issue are displayed in the log. Querying your AWS resources We have loaded our AWS resource data into our account, so let’s begin querying it. Depending on the data model you chose, you’re either using SPARQL (for RDF) or Gremlin (for property graph) to query your resources. Querying with Gremlin Let’s start by using Gremlin to look at all the resources in our account. Enter the following code: g.V(). not(hasLabel('metadata')). outE(). not(hasLabel('identified_resource')). inV(). not(hasLabel(within('account', 'region'))). simplePath(). path().by(valueMap().with(WithOptions.tokens)) The following screenshot shows the visualized output. We can run queries and return data using the notebook, but we can also combine the data from Altimeter with the graph visualization functionality within Neptune Notebooks. This ability to visualize our results enables us to better understand how all the resources in our account are connected. One common use of this type of resource data is look for potential security or compliance issues within an account. The connected nature of our AWS resources and the power of graph query languages allows us to easily identify potential compliance issues, such as Neptune instances that can be accessed from publicly addressable Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances. See the following code: g.V(). has('rds:db', 'engine', 'neptune'). has('db_instance_status', 'available'). bothE().otherV(). hasLabel('ec2:vpc'). bothE().otherV(). hasLabel('ec2:instance'). has('public_ip_address'). path().by(valueMap(true)) The following screenshot shows the visualized output. To look for publicly accessible EC2 instances, enter the following code: g.V(). has('ec2:instance', 'state', 'running').out(). has('ec2:security-group', 'ip_range.cidr_ip', '').dedup(). path().by(valueMap().with(WithOptions.tokens)) The following screenshot shows the visualized output. Querying with SPARQL We used the property graph model and Gremlin for these example queries. We can also perform similar queries using SPARQL if we choose RDF as our data model, such as displaying all our resources. See the following code: SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } The following screenshot shows the visualized output. To find all EC2 instances that allow public traffic on port 22, enter the following code: select ?launch_time ?ec2_instance_id ?sg_id ?public_ip_address ?from_port ?to_port where { ?ec2_instance a ; ?ec2_instance_id ; ?account ; ?public_ip_address ; 'running' ; ?launch_time ; ?sg . ?sg ?sg_id ; ?ingress_rule . ?ingress_rule 'tcp' ; ?from_port ; ?to_port FILTER (?from_port = 22) } order by desc(?launch_time) The following screenshot shows the output. Monitoring infrastructure over time Although being able to run these sorts of security and compliance checks is a great tool, the real power of this functionality is being able to monitor infrastructure over time to see how your infrastructure evolves. To support this, Altimeter is capable of being rerun multiple times. Each run generates a time-versioned subgraph, identified by a scan_id property, which allows you to monitor the evolution of your infrastructure across days, months, or years. If you’re using an RDF data model, each run is created as a separate named graph within Neptune. If you’re using a property graph, each run creates a metadata vertex containing the scan_id as well as incident edges (identified_resource) to each vertex created by the run. You can retrieve the subgraph for a specific run in two different ways: Filter on all vertices with the desired scan_id (for example, g.V().has(‘scan_id’, )) Traverse from the appropriate metadata vertex (for example, g.V().has(‘metadata’, ‘scan_id’, ).out(‘identified_resource’)) Conclusion This post demonstrated how to use the provided artifacts to create a Neptune notebook that is preconfigured with Altimeter. We also demonstrated how you can use Altimeter to generate and store a graph of your AWS resource utilization within Neptune. Finally, we showed you how to query this resource graph to identify security and compliance holes in your infrastructure and monitor your infrastructure for changes over time. It’s our hope that this post provides you with the confidence to begin your journey with Neptune. If you have any questions, comments, or other feedback, we’re always available through your Amazon account manager or via the Amazon Neptune Discussion Forums.   About the Authors Dave Bechberger is a Sr. Graph Architect with the Amazon Neptune team. He used his years of experience working with customers to build graph database-backed applications as inspiration to co-author “Graph Databases in Action” by Manning. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/graph-your-aws-resources-with-amazon-neptune/
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freshgovtjobs · 4 years
Medical and Health Dept Jobs Prakasam 2020 | Apply 115 Radiographer , Theatre Asst, FNO, DEO Other Post
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Andhra Pradesh   State MEDICAL & HEALTH DEPT , has Announced a Job -Notification for the Fresh job recruitment for (Radiographer , Theatre Asst, FNO, DEO  Otherv )  ) Jobs vacancies on contract basis or regular basis . Still Those Job Seeker or Candidates who are waiting or interested in the jobs vacancy than they can read full details & apply this job online with all certifie all documents .   No. of Vacancies :  115 Job Location :    Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh Age Limit :   42  Years Educational Qualification :   10th, C.R.A.,PG ,Degree How to Apply :   Online Selection Process   :    Written Exam & Interview Pay Scale :   13000 to 17000/- Application Fee :   General, OBC & EWS: Rs.300/ Other including Departmental: Rs.100/- Starting Date:    21-07-2020 Last Date:      25-07-2020 Official Website :                 Click Here   MEDICAL & HEALTH DEPT Jobs in Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh 2020 information is provided in this post. Interested aspirants across the Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, who are searching for the Central Government MEDICAL & HEALTH DEPT Board Jobs, Now Can apply For MEDICAL & HEALTH DEPT Jobs for this. There are tota 115  + MEDICAL & HEALTH DEPT job opening in Radiographer , Theatre Asst, FNO, DEO  Other  Vacancies available in the organization. All the details that are given in the official MEDICAL & HEALTH DEPT Recruitment Board Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh Jobs 2020 Notification are clearly discussed in this post. Read the full article
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Our fun day an amazjng training with 3MonksTea an unique opportunity in network marketing like no otherv. Our host President of 3 Monks Tea David Vigos and Dr Carla Russo Health and Nuturitionist To Celebrities, Pro Atheletes #share3MTea #3MTea #3MTMindfulness #Nutrition #motivational #interlectual #networkmarketer #Drink3Mte #teambuilding #teamauspicious #financialfreedon #entrepreneuer (at Drury Plaza Hotel Indianapolis Carmel)
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adreamoverlife · 7 years
What did you do to schneep!?!?!
Schneeplestein sways and laughs, his head rolling to the side. When you look at his face, something looks off. And when you see his eyes, the feeling of wrongness increases So much your stomach drops to the depths of hell. His eyes are no longer the brilliant blue, but a dark green. "Vel! Vat are you talking about? Zees sings happen all the time! I'm fine! I'm fine! I'm..."His smile falters and he staggers towards you. He tries to grab at your shoulders as he stumbles. You lean forward to help him close the gap as the mask pulses with what almost seemed like a heartbeat. A heartbreak more like it." I zought, I didn't mean to-."He shakes his head, his drunken words slurring, no longer disguised coated in mania. God. What happened here?"Know zis, I vant you to know not matter vat zey zay it vasn't you fault. It vas mine. All mine. Don't let anyone tell you othervize. Not effen me.He's still stumbling to stand up, and you refuse to take your hands off the mask. What if you dropped it? What if you dropped it and it shattered? Staring into Schneeps dark eyes, you realize how much sadness they contain, but something they barely containing, deep down, was rage. His clouded eyes drop to the mask held snuggly to your chest."Hah! How funny..."The Doctors takes one hand off your shoulder, suddenly able to balance himself for a moment."You vere neffer good at tricks, guess zis one really Blew up n your face.Huh? Hehe, hahahahaHA!" His eyes go mad as he tosses his head back to laugh. You see his entire form shake and then you understand. The alcohol, laughs. All cover his true emotions. A twisted coping mechanism. He's barely standing up up. Tears are suddenly streaming down his face.You are scared.
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aryburn-trains · 7 years
CNW Wyeville 1962 by Mark LLanuza Via Flickr: The Twin cities 400 has stopped at Wyeville to pick up transfer's from the otherv 400 train back in 1962 .One year later all passenger service would come to a end at Wyeville Wis .collection from Russ Porter
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mysteriousmayden · 4 years
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Happy Birthday Dust!
Original belongs to Evan streblow
Sans belongs to Toby Fox
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heavensarcher · 8 years
College fics are always so bemusing to me because I can't tell if every other uni is just different to mine or we're all just lying in fics about what goes down? Like this summary just used the words "college hijinks" and my first thoughts were Locking yourself in the library's 24hr zone and at 5am feeling as though you are in a place transcending reality while attempting to finish a report due at like noon that day Having friends you never see outside of class but message constantly bitching about lecturers and assessments and crying Lying in bed staring at the ceiling wondering why the fuck you thought tertiary education was a good idea Sitting in the shower thinking about how much extra work on top of your degree you need to do to have a single chance at finding work and the realisation you probably won't get work anyway Matching your finals/final assessment schedule with friends and keeping an eye out for each othervs physical and mental health by making sure everyone eats and sleeps like human brings need to But like I think this fic meant like.... Parties and meetcutes or something...
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