#Oud en nieuw
polldermodel · 8 months
Hii OliePoll idee:
Welke jaarwisselingssnack vind jij het lekkerste?
Oliebol met krenten
Oliebol zonder krenten
Appelbeignet / Appelflap
Kniepertjes/ Vegterrolletjes (met slagroom)
Iets anders (laat het ons weten!)
Nog veel plezier met deze blog, ik vind het een keileuk idee!!!
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mindfullofyoga · 9 months
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The value of community: Remove the illusory gap 
As you sit down on your yoga mat.. there is the tendency to immediately close the eyes and turn in. But for once.. please look around, with your eyes wide open. Notice the value of community. Notice the people around you.
‘’The eye can see what we have in common or focus on what keeps us apart. And the heart can feel what joins us with everything or replay its many cuts. And the tongue can praise the wind or warn against the storm. It can praise the sea of dread the floods. It’s not that there are no differences – the world is made of infinite variety – rather it is the fearing of differences – that keeps us from feeling grace. Paradoxically everything in life touches the same centre through its uniqueness – the way no two souls are the same, though every soul breathes the same air’’.
Mark Nepo wrote this in his book ‘’The book of awaking’’ that he wrote during his battle with cancer.
So, as you sit on your mat, relax your heart, breathe deeply.  You know, I’ve cried so deeply these last weeks. During Christmas I couldn’t stop crying anymore. I was frustrated and angry. I wanted the bullshit to stop, the fire to cease. I guess I ruined Christmas for my family members around me, with my torment.. I texted the wise friend about my despair. He said; ‘Rejoice the fact that you cry – if we wouldn’t in the face of current wounds of our fellow humans – who are we? What is left of us?’
Everything that removes the illusory gap between you and all those around you – is spiritual. When we fall into the illusion that one creation is better than the other – we enter the minds worst disease  - the endless deciding between want and don’t want – the endless war between for and against. In the Yoga Sutra’s of Patanjali this disease is referred to as Raga and Dvesha as the effects of Avidya or ignorance.
My friend made me realize that all I have is the gift to be fully open. To let life touch me – to empathize. Not to numb, not to walk away, not to wash my hands in innocence ánd not to wallow in pity. Just to let life touch me and trust that the heart is big enough to hold it all. To empathize as my motor for knowing and living truth. 
The Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield shares: ‘’Even the most exalted states and the most exceptional spiritual accomplishments are unimportant if we cannot touch one another and the life we have been given with our hearts. In undertaking a spiritual life, what matters is simple: We must make certain that our path is connected with our heart. In the end, spiritual life is not a process of seeking or gaining some extraordinary condition or special powers. In fact, such seeking can take us away from ourselves. If we are not careful, we can easily find the great failures of our modern society—its ambition, materialism, and individual isolation—repeated in our spiritual life. In beginning a genuine spiritual journey, we have to stay much closer to home, to focus directly on what is right here in front of us, to make sure that our path is connected with our deepest love.
When people come to the end of their lives and look back, the questions that they most often ask are not usually, “How much is in my bank account?” or “How many books did I write?” or “What did I build?” or the like. If you have the privilege of being with a person who is conscious at the time of their death, you find the questions such a person asks are very simple, “Did I love well?” “Did I live fully?” “Did I learn to let go?”
These simple questions go to the very core of spiritual life. When we consider loving well and living fully, we can see the ways our attachments and fears have limited us, and we can see the many opportunities for our hearts to open. Have we let ourselves love the people around us, our family, our community, the earth upon which we live? And, did we also learn to let go? Did we learn to live through the changes of life with grace, wisdom, and compassion? Have we learned to shift from the clinging mind to the joy of freedom?
We must look at the values we have chosen to live by. Where do we put our time, our strength, our creativity, our love? We must look at our life without sentimentality, exaggeration, or idealism. Does what we are choosing reflect what we most deeply value? If we are still and listen deeply, even for a moment, we will know if we are following a path with heart. All other spiritual teachings are in vain if we cannot love. Even the most exalted states and the most exceptional spiritual accomplishments are unimportant if, we cannot touch one another and the life we have been given.
So, what matters is what we see and how we live. Ask yourself concerning the year that has past “Did I love well?” “Did I live fully?” “Did I learn to let go?” And let it be your guide for the year to come. For our passionate engagement in life. Keep opening up. Letting things in. Move. Protest. Care. Everything that removes the illusory gap between you and all those around you – is spiritual.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
Much warmth, 
Ida and All SvahaYoga staff
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dutchjan · 1 month
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August 25, 2024
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graphicdelight · 9 months
En ook het nieuwe jaar is al begonnen, maar voor De Vermoorde Onschuld heb ik deze korte animatie gemaakt om onze luisteraars een fijne jaarwisseling toe te wensen. Muziek: Happy New Year (Instrumental) van ABBA.
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erikvelema · 9 months
Oud en nieuw
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atevegter · 9 months
178 het oude jaar
het oude jaarzo tegen het einde van het jaarkomen wij als vrienden bij elkaarwe doen dat al zo’n vijftien jaarmet onze hele kinderschaarwe doen een thema en dit jaarom indruk te maken op elkaarzo zijn we trots als vriendenpaarwe doen dit toch maar elk jaarje kunt het mooi vinden of raarwij doen het graag en met elkaarook in dit nu zo oude jaarvoor het nieuwe jaar geldt als elk jaarblijf vooral…
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peridotglimmer · 9 months
Ah, Dec 31st, the date this country turns into a freaking warzone every fucking year.
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nataschablogt · 2 years
Hallo 2023! Goede voornemens
Hallo 2023! Goede voornemens
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twafordizzy · 2 years
2022: oud en nieuw
2022: oud en nieuw
Alleen de titel al geeft goed aan wat voor een jaar 2022 was: crises en een oorlog om de hoek. We zijn in een nieuwe fase belandt. Als we oud achter ons laten en aan nieuw beginnen… Hoop en liefde zijn de sleutelwoorden voor dat nieuwe begin.
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djdejong · 2 years
Tweede kerstdag buikje vullen, dag 1091
Tweede kerstdag buikje vullen, dag 1091
Lekker gegeten met opa en oma op naar oud en nieuw. Goed gekookt Marja en mammie.
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laurasimonsdaughter · 9 months
Urban fantasy pets on New Year's Eve:
Griffin - Stubbornly pretending that it does not care and just...doesn't feel like going for a walk or a flight right now. For no reason at all. Just because it happens to feel like staying inside right now
Salamanders - Keep trying to climb up through the chimney of their fireplace because the airs smells so unusually delicious tonight. Must be bribed with hard coal to keep them inside
Kirkegrim - Circling its home in protection, thereby roaming through the dark like a ghostly canine shape in the smoke and dust filling the air, its red eyes lit up under every flicker of light from above. Probably absolutely terrifying the neighbours
Hippocamp - Still just chilling in the water. Really not that bothered, as long as it can dive down deep enough when there's too many flashing lights
Dragon - Thinks roman candles are a delicious snack. Chews on sparklers. Will end up spitting out spinning balls of coloured fire. Must be locked inside the house and is so so sulky about it
Jackalope - Having a very bad no good horrible time due to all the sudden noises. Prefers to burrow away or hide against its human. At risk of bolting at accidentally driving its antlers through random objects
Phoenix - Escaped its aviary. Soaring among the fireworks. Having the time of its (current) life
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nedermemes · 3 months
ik vind het wel heerlijk hoe het idyllische imago van Nederland steeds meer omlaag keldert, like eerst werd de wereld bewust van zwarte piet crap, ondertussen is Geert Wilders internationaal de meest beruchte NLse politicus, toen las men over Mark Rutte en hoe sterk hij samenwerkte met Israël, op tiktok trende(?) het hoe eng de noordzee is?, men is nu bang voor Nederlandse trappen omdat ze stijl zijn?, mensen ontdekken snert en maken het belachelijk, zelfde geldt voor de taal, iemand maakt tiktoks over hoe grappig NLse "directheid" is en het werkt averechts want mensen worden bang van hoe onbeschoft het is, de reputatie van Europa / EU ligt sws aan diggelen nu meer kids leren wat voor gewelddadige dingen het voor staat, en nu bij Olympiër Steven van der Velde vraagt men zich af waarom er bijna geen gevolgen zijn voor p*do's en waarom hij niet gewoon 'op de lijst staat' en waarom in hemelsnaam Nederlanders hem verdedigen en het over hebben bij '"hij is al gerevalideerd". de reputatie van t land mag helemaal kapot
petitie tegen die vent btw
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sofyarostova · 11 months
TRICK OR TREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD
treat!! here's a cheesecake with fruit sauce
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unfortunately I can't put this in your basket or it'll get smushed, so you may sit here and also behold the Safe Cat
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nieuwespelrecensie · 10 months
Nieuwe spelrecensie-Super Mario RPG recensie - Toady-nostalgie
Beoordeeld op: Switch Platform: Switch Uitgever: Nintendo Ontwikkelaar: Nintendo Beoordeling: Iedereen
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rudyboxman57 · 1 year
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 Bouwtekeningen van oude Amsterdamse Panden online gezet op Beeldbank Amsterdam. Zie de gebouwen en tekeningen van het pand Vroom en Dreesmann aan de Clercqstraat in Adam. Ik Rudy Boxman wandelde vaak door dat pand
#Amsterdam #RudyBoxman #RJBTEAM #nieuws
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atevegter · 9 months
3148 Het begin van een mooi jaar
De werkkamer is een choas. Hier hebben gisteravond vijf meiden zich twee uur lang zitten opmaken. Het was erg komisch om ze te zien poederen en kwebbelen. De werkbank die normaal altijd keurig opgeruimd aan de kant staat, staat nu middenin, overdekt met een papieren kerstkleedje met daarop talloze flesjes en potje en spiegeltjes en halflege glazen nepbubbels. Mijn laptop moet ik uitgraven op mijn…
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